Sic COLUKBIAriKMOCrUT, STAR OF THIS NORTH, ftnd CO LUMBIAN, foniolldalcd. Inel Veeklr every Prlitny Morning) nl ni.oo.Msnuita, Columbia co., r. at two dollars per year. To BUb&rlbers odt of tins county the term are strictly In ndvanco rNo p.iper discontinued oicept nt ttio option ot tho publishers, until nil arrearages arc paid, but oni continued credits will not lj iflvcn. All papers cnl out ot tho mnU or to distant post offlccs mint bo paid for m advance, unless a respon sible person In Columbia county assumes to nay tho subscription duo on demand. l-osTAOBIsnotonaerexactea from subscribers ntus county. . JOB PRINTING. ThO.IobblneUepartmentdfttioCoLCiiBtAHlsTcry complete and our Job t'rlnllne will comparo faror. bly with thatof tho larifo cities. All work dono on short notice, noatly and nt moderato prices. 111 2M n f,( lr One inch. . .. tson tlW) tsno tfio tnoo Two inches 4() boo son noo Three Inches.... 40i) Bin 700 11 in ihoo Four inches boo too o ijuw shoo ouarler column., noo sou looo l(0 won llalfcolumn .... toot lloo mi moo Bono onccoluinn 2MJ saoj soon mux) loom Yearlvnilvertlsements nainblonnnrtrrlr. Tran sient ocfmt iK-menw must bo paid for before I nsert cd except where parlies havo accounts, ',3 : Legal advertisements two dollars per men for tlirwi Insertlnns. nnd at that rate for additional Insertions without referenco to length. Kxccutor's.Admlnlstrntor's.andAudltorsnollci'S thrco dollars. Must bo paid for when nscrted. Transient or I wilt notices, ten cents a line. reau. J.K BITTEN3ENDEB, fProrr,te"' BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1884. lar adrertlscments halt rates. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XVIH.NOD COLUMBIA DKMOCRAT, VOL. ILVI1I, NO 1 cards In tho 'Business Directory" column, on dollar a year for each lino. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. K. WALLKH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Bloomsbun,', Pa. O3130 orcr 1st. National Il.uik. IO- U. FUNIC, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. IILOOMSBURO, Fa, omoJ In But's llulldlng. q H. HUOKALKW, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Dl.OOUBDUKU, PA. omco over 1st National Bank, JOHN M. OLA.1UC, ;attorney-at-law, AMD JUSTICE OP THE PEACE. llLOOMSBCRU, TA. Offlce over Moycr Bros. Drug Store p W.MILLER, ATTOltNEV-AT-LAW Ofllco In Browcr's bulldlng.sccond No. 1 Bloomsburg, Fa. B. FRANK ZARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, Pa. Offlco corner Ot Centre and Mala Streets. Clark a Building. Can be consulted In German, QEO. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-IiAV,. New COLUHB1AH BCILDINO, Bloomsourg, Fa. sinmbcr of tho United States Law Association, Collections mado In any part ot America or Eu- rops. r pAUL E. WIRT, Attorney-at-Law. Offlco in Colombian BuiLtiiNG, Room No. t, second noor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. B. KKORft. L. 8. W1KTTR8TKIM, Notary Fubllo KNORR & WINTERSTEEN, A ttorneys-at-Law. omce In 1st National Bank building, second floor, first door to the left. Corner of Main and Market streets uioomsoure, ru. I6T"fVnioHS mid Bounlici Collected. J II. MAIZE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Offlco In Maize's building, over Billmeycr's grocery. Maya,'l. Q B. BROOKWAY, Attorney-at-Law, ALSO NOTARY PUBLIC. Ofllco In Ills building opposuc'Court House, 2nd iloor, Dloomsburg, Pa. apr 13 '83 JOHN C. YOCUM, Attorney-at-Lawt CATAW1S3A, FA. Offlco In Nswa Inn building, Main street. Member ot tho American Attorneys' .Associa tion. Collections made In any part of America. Jan. s, 1S31. A K. OSWALD, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Jnckson Buildiug, Rooms 4 and S. May , -81. BERWICK, FA RIIAWN & ROBINS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Office, corner ot Third and Main streets. "y E. SMITH, Attorncy-atLaw, Berwick. Fa. Can be Consulted in German. ALSO FMST-OLABS FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE OOMl'ANIES UBPUBSUNTKD. WOfllco first door below tho post offlce. MISCELLANEOUS. c O. BARKLEY, Attorney-at-Law office lu Brower'a building, 2nd story.Rooms O BUCKINGHAM, Attorney-at-Law XV .Office, Brockway's Bulldlng.Jlst Iloor, Bloomsburg, Penn'a. may 7, '80-t f JB. MoKELVY, M. D.,8urreon and Phy 'lclan, north sldo Main stroot.bolow Market L. FRITZ, Attornoy-at-Ltw. Offlce , InUJLOuaiAN aulldlng. c M. DRINKER, GUN & LOCKSMITH wimi MiiChlqosand Machinery of all kinds re trod; orxHA uoosa uulldlng, Bloomsburg, Fa. D R. J. 0. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN taUKUKON, Office, North Market street, Bloomsburg, Fa WM. M. REBER, Surccon and hyslclan. onice corner ot Itock and Market street. T R. EVANS, M. D., Surgeon and !J .Phy8lo:an,(omco and Residence on Third street II. HOUSE, DENTIST, BLoQMsnuua, Columbia Countv, Pa. all styles of work done In a superior manner, work warranted as represented, Tutu Uitract d wimooT Fain by the use of Uas, and Iron of charge when artlficlalteeth are Inserted, omoo over Bloomsburg Banking Company. lobe open at all hour) during the aa, NoT.HS-ly piRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN V, KNAPF, BL00M8BURU, FA, home; OP N. Y. MNfr ",WJ""'J- 1UJAUINO, FA.' ?Jf2 0LD coroBTiOMa are wen seasoned by Sfli?fitleiibf court 01 law- Their assets tn ,i'?,TeMepPOLiD8iooBiTiisanO are liable to Ut hatard of rim only. f Losses noumi and uohistlt adjusted aad ca M soon as determined by Oubistun F. loao Ja Agint axd Adiustsk BLOOHS- irJfV? J1510 Oolamblft oounty should patron ain nS.VS?0' where l0Mes " any are setUed aiP,?J?...r, 000 of "elr own ciUions. "r rntas, JttiUITV, yAIIt UEALINQ. ALI, KINDS OF JOB PRINTING AT THIS OFFICE. E. B. 8R0WER, OAS FITTING & STEAM MATING. DEALER STOVES &TJNWARE. AH k'nuls of work in Sheet, Iron, Roof ing anil Spouting iiroinjitly nttendcil to. .. iwstrlct attention given to heating by steam. Corner of Main & East Sts,, 'Bloomsburg, Pa. Clolbiw! Cliioi! Clotbion! G. W. BERTSCH, THE MEBOIIANT TAILOR, AND llBAt.Ell IS Gents' Furnishing Goods OF EVKUY DnSCIUITION. CLOTHING ! ! Having very recently opened a new Merchant Tailoring and Gents' Fur nishing UoOdsatorc, in KNORR & WINTERSTBEN'S building. on Main street, whero I am prciiared to make to order, at short notice, first clasa suits of clothing always in tho latest styles and prices reasonable. Fits guaranteed. Having learned how to cut garments to suit custonierp, and also what-kind ot material will give satisfaction, I would ask you to please can and examine too OF GOODS Ever shown in Columbia county, Baforo Purchasing Elsawhoro. Corner Maiu & Market Sts. April 13-1 Continualran lait uttt.) How Watch Cases are Made. The many great improvements intro tlnccil in tho manufacturo of tho Jas. Boss' Gohl Watch Case, have led to similar im provements in tho making of silver cases. Under tho old methods, each part of a tilver case was mado of several pieces of metal soldered together, requiring a great amount of cutting and soldering, which solicited the metal and gave It tho pliability of lead rather than tho elasticity of silver. Under the improved methods, each part of the Keybtono Silver Watch Caso is mado of one folid picco of metal hammered into shape. The advantages are readily appar ent, for every ono knows that hammering hardens tho metal while soldering softens it. To tost tho superiority of tho Keystone Silver Watch Case, tako one of 3 or. weight, press it squarely in tho center when closed, and it will not give, while a caso of same weight of any other make will givo enough to break tho crystal. Tho Kcystono Silver Watih Caso is mado only with silver cap and gold joints. K-rA t rt.l Unp t. X.riUit Witak Can FMtoriM, nR Cclpfclfc, r... for k.idi.B. Il!utrtt4 r,Uil lk.t. k. im.. llw m4 X.71I.M Cum an atada. (7b U cmttnuid.) 1 266tli edition price only $1 BY MAIL POST-PAID. KxlMustcd Vitality, Nervous and riirslcal Debit lty. Premature Deolino In Jlan. Errors of YoutU, and the untold miseries resulting from Indiscre tion ot excesses. A book for every man. youns. mlddlo-aged and old. It contains K'S prescriptions for all acuto and chronic rictuses, each ono o( wblcli ls'lnvaluaLle. So found by the Author, hoso expcrlcuco for 23 years la sucli as probably never oeioruieu iq mo lot 01 any nuysiciaiu ixuuuva. bound In beautiful French muslin, emuoaicd covers, full irllt. iruarantced to bo a liner work In every hense mccliaulcal, lllcrary and professional than any otlierworkboldln this contry forf.'.60, ur iuu monuy m uy ruiuuui'u m uvcry luivuuuu. I'rlco onlv 1.(K1 bv mall nost-nalrl. Illustrative suuinlo o cents. Send now uoIU medal awarded the author by tho National Medical Association, to iuu uuiccrs vi wmcn ue ruiure. Thl book should bo read by the ynun for In structlon, and by tho mulcted for relief. It will beneut all London Lancet. Thoro Is no member of society tn wham this book wUl not bo useful, whether youth, parent, guar- uiuu, luauutiui ur uiciyuiuu. jii yviuiui. Address tho I'eabody Jledlcal Institute, or l)r W. II. l'arker, No. 4 lluinnch Ktrcet, noston, Mass., who may bo consulted on all diseases renutrlnsr dkui mm cAiJcnviici!. inroniu uuu auiinaio uucas es and that have banied tho i i in i skill of another phyblclanj a bimj rlllliVlj clalty. Buch treated successful f 11 r I oii l.My without an lnstaucoot J. XX X Dili IjX1 fall uro. Feb 8-lw M. C, SLOAN & BHU, BLOOMSBURG, PA. M inufacturors of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS. SLEIOHS, PLATFORM WAQONS, &C FlrstrClass work always on hand, REPAIRING NEA TL YDONE. Prices reduced to luit the timet. P. IIAIITMAN KtrKXSINTS TUB KOLLOWINQ A3IE1U0AN INSUHANOE COJIPANIES North American of ruilodelpnla. Franklin; " " Pennsylvania, " " York, of Pennsylvania, iianovcr, of N. Y. QuecnsfOf London. North llrltlah, of Undon, Otilco on Mtrket street, No, f, Dloomsburg. oct. si,1-ly T?IUJAB BHOWN'B IWdUHANOE 1 AUHNOY. Mover's new bulldlnir. Main Bireet, uioomsDurif, l'a. Assets. .Utna insurance Co., ot Hartford, conn, l.078,sso uoyfti vi ijiveruuui i9,ow,utiu l.ancashlro 10,000,004 Fire Association, VhlladelpUla,. 4.155,710 l'hmulx. Of London D.iM.tlt London & Lanca)iire, ot England...... l,TO,io Hartford offiurlford ,u,eto SprlngBeid Fiie ana Marine s,os,5M) As the aioncles are direct, policies aro written for the Insured without any delay In ths onice at uiooaisDurB. tjt. , ei.t( Bloomsburg, Pa, KNOw' THYSEI.F..L I Ureal Medical Work on Manhood 1 I t Our stock orSprlng Clothing In now ready far your Inspec tion. It comprises unci, n vnrlcty or styles that we will surely bo nblc to suit you. Prices very low. A. C. YATES & CO. LeterBiilBLCtelmilSi 6th St PHILADELPHIA. Feb 89 'W Swept into the Stream. oni: thousand achf.s of land and "uigiit SMAUT OFUEAI1S." on the deck of a big Mississippi steamboat stood an aged Southern planter. Indicating by n sweep of his arm tho waters tho boat was passing over, no Bald to a passenger from tho North: "When was twcivo years old I Killed ray first boar on a new plantation my father was then cutting out ot a forest that grow directly over tho watcr3 ot this bend. That was a mighty good plantation, and thcrowas right smart ot boars there, too. Hut that one thousand acres ot land went Into tho Mis sissippi years ago." It Is putting no strain upon thoflguro', to sir that great forests of youthful hope, womanly beauty and manly strength are swept In the same way every year into tho great, turbid torrent of disease nnd death. Yet It should not bo so. That It Is so Is n disgrace oh well as n loss, reonlo aro largely too careless or too stupid to defend Ihclr own lnterests-tho most precious ot which Is ucaiui. jiiai gone, an isgone. inseaso H simple, dui 10 recKiessuess or ignorance the simplest things inigm as wen oo complex as a proposition in coulo Sections. As tho hu-'n Westf-rn rlvpfa wiiloh on often Hood tho cltlos along their shores, arise In a few mountain springs, so all our ailments can bo iraccu 10 impuru oioou anu a small group of dls ordered organs. The most cffectlvo nnd Inclusive remedy for dls- casoia i-AKuiiu n jomiu. u goes 10 mo sources of oaln nnd weakness. In rcsnanso tn nr.ttnn tho Uver, kidneys, stomach and heart begin their work afrcsli, and dUeaso Is driven out. Tho Tonic ls noi, nowevcr, an mioxicani, out cures a desire for strong drink. Have you dyspepsia, rheuina tlsm, or troubles which havo refused to yield to other ngento? Hero Is your help. 'Ton claim too , ranch for Samaiu Tilt NEnviNE," i eaysasUeptlc'IIow can one medicine ha I a specific for Epi lepsy, Dysprpata, Alcoliollum , Onlnm l!ntlnff. nhcnmatlam. f-inrrmiitnr Tlitr, nr 8cmlnal WcaLneBB, nnd Ul'ty other comiilnlntdf" Wo claim It n tpecljit, aim ply, becaneo thoTirusof nil diseases nrlea from the blood. Its Nm Ine, Resolrctit, Alteratlvo nnd l.axatle properties meet all the condition herein rcierrcu in. n a Known worm uuie ua illlBMeolwtoiiilRBE -J I I I n-1 I Li I I I I I It quiets nnd composes tho patient not by tho Introduction of opiates nnd ilrallc cathartics, but by the restoration of acllvltyto Iho ttomichnnd nerions ayetcm, whereby tiiclm.ln ls rilloed of morbid fanclc, whliu uro created by the enures nbovc referred to. . To L'lergjincn, Lawyers, Literary men, Mer chants, Hankers, Ladlca and nil Iho.o xsho.o Fed entary cinployincnt causes iierou pr'lr.itlou, Irrcgularltlej of tho blooj,, bowels or kidneys or who require a ncrro tunic, nppctlrror stlraulnnt, Bamaiutan Neuvinr la luvaliiahle. Thouganilt proclaim It tho mo-twomUTfi.llinlg-orant that ever anstatntd the .inking .,vtc!n, 81.W. SoIdbyallDriigslbtn. The lilt H A.JIK'II 110ND MKll. CO., Proprietors. M.Ju-epM.Mn. Clil. It. CrltUstci, ictLt. K17 "tti. (0 THINK OP IT NOW 1 Althongli much ls said about tho Impor tance of a blood-purlfylng medicine, It my he posslblo that tho subject has never seriously claimed jour attention. Thin!: of it now! Almost every person has some form of scrof ulous lvolson latent In his veins. When tills develops In Scrofulous Sores, Ulrvrs, or Eruptlnn',or In tho form of Ilhpiiinntisra, or Orgnulo Diseases, tho sutferlng thnt en sues Is terrible. Hence, tho gratltudo of those who discover, as thousands yearly do, that Ayer's Sarsaparilla will thoroughly cradlcato this evil from the sj stem. As well expect llfo without air as health without puro blood, Cleanso tho blood with AYEU'S SAUSAi'AllILLA. rnisrAnKD nr Dr. J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by nil Druggists j ?1, tlx bottles for 55. AINYVIUailT & CO., WHOLESALE QROCERS, Philadelphia fEAS.SYltUPS, COFFEE, SUQAU, M0LVSSKS, HICK, SPICKS, BIOiBB 80D1, SO., C N. E. Corner Second and Arch stroma, norderswiu rocelTo prompt attcntln mm msm vegetable pills And all Bilious Complaints. Bafolo take, being purely vegetable j nocrhilni. I'rlco S3 twits. Ah WruinUto. Feb SO-lw i BLOOMSBUHG PLANING MILL Tho undersigned liavlup put bla Plantne Mil uu nuuruHu oiruui, in uruv-ciaaa cunuiuou Ifl pre FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen ESTIMATES FOE BUILDINGS furnished on application I'laua and epeciaca CHARLES krvo, UlouiuHburVu. SELECT STORY. ENTOMBED ALIVE, A locksmith's advk.ntuui:. In tho summer of 1878 Scnor Hon- raiidcz opened n llttlo loekstnitli's shop iii tho city oi Mexico, and soon worked himself into n prosperous business. Lute ono evening a lady, closely veiled, entered his shop, nnd pulling from be neath a cloak a small Japancso box, re quested llonrandcz to open it. Tho look was curiously constructed, and an honr had elapsed beforo a key could bo mauo 10 nt it. mo lady seemed ner vous nt tho delay, and at lenctli re quested tho locksmith to closo tho door. This suggestion occasioned somo sur prise on tho part of Ilonrandcz, but ho willingly complied. Shutting tho door and returning to his work, tho ladv withdrew her veil, disclosing a sweet and intelligent face. There wns a restlessness in tho eyo and a pallor in tho cheek, however, which plainly told of a heart ill at case, mid in a moment every emotion for her could givo plaeo to that of pity. "I'erhnps you aro not well, madam, and tho night air is too chilly V said tho locksmith inquisitively. "in requesting you to close the door nan no other obiect than to escape, the attention of passers by," said tho lady. Jlotirandcz did not renlv. but Sho thoughtfully continued his work, resumed : "That littlo box contains valuablo papers pnvato papers and I have lost tho key, or it has been stolen, should not wish to havo you remember that 1 over canio hero on such an er rand," sho continuedj with some hesi tation, at tho samo time giving Hon- randez a look which was no difficult matter to understand. Certainly, madam, if vou desire it If I cannot forget your faco I will at least attempt to loso tho recollection of ever seeing it here, said llonrandez. 1 lio lady bowed rather coldly to this remark-, ana iionranuez proceeded with his work. Ilavinir succeeded after much filing and fitting, in turn ing tho lock, he was seized with a curi osity to get a glimpse at tho precious contents of tho box, and suddenly raised tho lid, discovered a buudlu of letters, and a daguerreotype, as bo slowly passed tho box to its owner. Sho seized it hurriedly, and placing the letters and picltiro in her pocket, lock ed tho box, and drawing tho veil over iier lace, sue passed into tho street, whispering as sho passed Honrandez "Remember." About two o'clock in tho morning, in tho latter part of .May following, Honrandez was awakened" by a gentle tap upon tho window of tho littlo room back of his shop, in which ho slept. In a moment ho was at tho window. "Who s there?" ho inquired, peering out into tho darkness. Hist 1" exclaimed a figure, stepping in front of tho window ; "open tho door. I havo business for vou." "Rather past business hours, I should say j but who arc you I ' "No ono that would harm vou," re turned tho voice, which Honrandez imagined wai rather feminine for a burglar's. rushing back tho bolt, and slowly opening the door, Honrandez discover ed tho stranger already on tho steps. "What do you want!" abruptly asKcu iionranuez. "I will tell vou.'' ntiflu-nrflfl t.lm s.imn soft voice, "if you dare open tho door wiuo enough lor me to enter.' "Como in, said Honrandez. reso lutely, throwing tho door open, and proceeding to light a candle. Having succeeded, ho turned to examine his visitor. Ho was a small and neatly dressed gentleman, with a heavy clou: around his shoulders, and a blue navy cap drawn suspiciously over tho oyes. As Honrandez advanced toward him, ho seemed to hesitate a moment, then raised tho cap from his forehead, and looked llonrandez curiously m tho faco. Tho latter did not drop tho can dle, but acknowledged to a littlo ner vousness by hurriedly placing tho can dle upon tho table, and investing him self with two or three necessary articles of clothing. bmiling at llonrandez s apparent discomfort, tho visitor said: "Disguiso is useless I presume vou recogtnzo mot'' "Ibelievo I told you, madam, when I opened tho littlo box for you somo timo ngo, I should not soon forcct your faco. In what way can I servo you r "By doing half an horn's work be foro daylight to-morrow, and receivinc S500 for your labor," was tho reply. -it, is noi ordinary worK, said llon raiidez. inquiringly "that commands so tnunifluiont a compensation." "It is a labor common to your call ing," returned tho lady. "Tho prico not so much for tho labor, us tho con dltion under whioh it must bo perform ed." ' "And what is tho condition ?" in quired Honrandez. "That you will submit to being con veyed and returned to your own door blindfolded." Idoas of murder, burglary and al most every other crimo presented themselves in succession as Honrandez politely bowed and said : "I must understand something moro of tho character of tho employment, as wen as the conditions, to accept your ouer. "Will not 500 answer in lieu of an explanation !" she inquired. "No, nor fivo thousand." "Well, then, if it is absolutely neo essary for mo to explain," sho replied, "I must tell you that you aro required to pick tho lock of tho vault, and" " ou havo gono quito far enough, senorii, with tho explanation," inter rupted llonrandez. "I am not at your service. "As 1 said, sho continued, "you aro required to pick tho lock of n vault auu rescue lrom death a man who has been confined thcro for threo davs." "To whom does tho vault belong!" inquireu iionramiez. "My husband,' was tho somewhat reluctant teply., "i nen wny so much seorcsy 7 or, rauicr, nowcamoa man conhned m such a placol "1 secreted him thero to escapo tho observation of my husband. He bus- pectcd as much and closed tho door upon mm, Presuming ho had loft tho vault and quitted tho houso by tho back door, I did not dream uutil to day that ho was confined there. Cer tain Busjuciuus iicuj oi my iiuhuuiiu hub afternoon convinced mo that tho man is there, beyond human hearing, nnd will be starved to death by my barbar ous husband, unless immediately res ent d. l'or thrco days ho has not left the house. I drugged him less than an hour ago, and now lio Is bo completely stupefied that tho lock may bo picked without his interference. I havo searched his pockets, but could not find tho key j hence my application to you. Now you know all j will you ac company mo t" "To tho end of tho world, madam, on such an rrrand." 'Then preparo yourself ; thero is a cab at tho door." Honrandez was a littlo surprised, for ho had not hoard tho sound of wheels. Hastily drawing on a coat and provid ing himself with tho required imple ments, ho was soon at tho door. There, sure enough, was tho carriage, with the driver in tho scat ready for tho mys terious journoy. Honrandez entered tho vehicle, followed by tho lady. As soon as nho was seated, sho produced a heavy handkerchief, whioh, by tho faint light of an adjacent street lamp, sho carefully bound round her com panion's oyes. Sho then seated herself besido him, and tho cab started. In half an hour the vehicle stopped in what part of the city llonrandez was entirely ignorant, as It was evidently driven in anything but a direct course from tho point of starting. Examining tho bandago to bcc that his vision was completely obscured, tho lady handed Honrandez tho bundle of tools with which ho was provided ; then takitifr him bv tho arm led him through a gate into a house, and, after taking him along a passageway which was about fiftv feet in length, and down a flight of staire into what was evidently an underground basement, stopped beside a vault, and removed the handkerchief from his eves, "Hero is tho vault open it," said she, springing the door of a dark lan tern and throwing n beam of light upon tho lock. Honrandez seized the bunch of skel eton keys, and, after a few trials, whioh the lady seemed to watch with tho most painful anxiety, sprang the bolt. Tho door swung upon its hiuges and tho lady telling Honrandez not to closo it. as it was self-locking, sprang into tho vault. Honrandez did not follow. Ho heard tho murmur of low voices within, and tho next moment the lady reappeared, and leaning upon her arm a man, with faco so paie and haeruard that Honrandez started at the 'sight. What intense suitering the un- fortunato man must havo endured du ring the thrco long days ot his con finement 1 "Remain here,'' she said, "I will be back in a moment." Tho two slowlv ascended the stairs and entered a room immediately over whero llonrandez was standing. in less than a minute tho lady returned. "Shall I closo it, madam?" said Honrandez, placing his hand upon the door of tho vault. No ! no !" sho exclaimed, hastily seizing his arms j "it awaits another occupant 1" Madam, you certainly do not in tend to" "Aro you ready ?'' sho interrupted, impatiently, holding the handkerchief to Honraudez's eyes. The thought flashed across his mind that she intend ed to push him into tho vault and bury him and his secret together. She seemed to read his suspicion, and con tinued : "Do not bo alarmed, you are not tho man." Honrandez could not inislako tho truth or tho fearful meaning of tho re. mark, and lio shuddered as ho uont his head to the handkerchief. His eyes wero carefully bandaged, and ho was led to tho carriage, and thence home by a moro circuitous route, if possible, than tho ono by which ho came. Arriving in front of tho house, tho handkerchief was re moved and Honrandez stepped from tho vehicle. A purso of $501) was placed in his hands, and in a moment tho cab and its mysterious occupant had turned tho corner, and was out of sight. llonrandez entered Ins shop, aud tho purso of gold was tho only evidence ho could summon in his bewilderment. that all ho had just dono and witness cd was not a dream. Tho money seemed to bo cursed From that night Honrandez neglected his nourishing business, and with the $500 and that which ho had managed to save, ho plunged headlong into a life of dissipation which, in a short time, ended fatally. In tho meanwhile tho sudden disnp pcaianco of Senor Cavasso, tho wealthy banker, becamo tho universal topio o conversation, and though his wife gave every sign of poignant grief over tho absenco of scnor, tho knowing ones winked significantly at each other, 'and whispered that honor Uavasso s whero nbottts was clouded in tho deepest mystery. Tho polico could obtain no clue, and senora pretended tho utmost sorrow for her lost husband. It was known that tho two did not live bar pily together, but nothing further could bo elicited whereby a tangiblo elite could bo obtained. llonrandez had drifted from bad to worse, until, thrown upon a bed of do liinim ho was given up by physiotans as a hopeless case. While tossing in his delirium ho graphically described the incidents on tho night of his open mg tho vault, which facts comitig to tho cars ot tho polico, an investigation was made, and when tho vault was opened Senor Cavasso's remains wero found. Whilo sleeping under tho drug administered by his wife, he was carried to tho vault and awoko to find himself entombed alive. Rcforo tho officers succeeded in tak nig aetiora to tan sua had cut an ar tery in her arm, and bled to death Honrandez died in all tho agonies o delirium tremens, and tho Senora's par amour met a horrible death nt tho hands of an infuriated husband 1 hero are only sixty-four distilleries in neniucKy, but thoy yield powerful Whon you eeo a counterfeit coin on tho Bidewnlk always pick it up. You aro liablo to arrest if you try to pass it, "I'm down on you," says tho feather to tho gooso and that Is why folks keop picking at mo, was the reply. The Oonsolentious Workman, Tho conscientious workman is a being we all hear of, but Bcldotn meet. Tho writer has no hesitation in saying that thero arc, comparatively speaking, fow workmen actuated in their calling by any consideration boyond tho mcro point of dollars and cents. And tho writer furthermore begs to observo that lils opinion they aro not in tho least be blamed for this ; because if thcro aro few workmen enduod with consci entious feeling regarding their labors, there aro still ioVcr employers inspired with a conscientious Iccling regarding their men. What tho writer wishes to arguo out is tho position, whether It ays a workman to bo conscientious, it ns employer bo so or no. The writer thinks it docs, and for theso reasons : man who docs his work in tho same atisfautory and expeditious manner, under nil circumstances, is an aquisition and thoso who are in authority, very soon discover his good qualities ; his ght may Ho hidden under a bushel for long time, but it is suro to shine out at last. Such a man ns this, sober, ac tive, discreet, intelligent, who docs his work, not because tho foreman happens to be looking at him,but from a senso of right and duty, such a man as this will riso in life like going up a ladder. Ho is in the samo position as the man who keeps his arms down in water ; ho can not sink if ho tries. That is the con scientious workman, and people who, after reading this, resolve to lay in a stock of the commodity, they will find it pay them well to use it, and it is like manna to tho Israelites, there is always lenty to be had. Iho writer is perfectly aware that j vi tow lias generally He will find, tho average workman has grounds for complaint. however, if he has not discovered it already, that brooding over grievances makes them swell into mountains, and that grumbling does no good either. If the workman has cause for dissatis faction, let him look his position calm ly in the face, see whether it will be to his interest to take activo measures in egard to it: if the result seems doubt ful let him make up his mind to sub mit cheerfully to his burden till the timo comes when ho can kick it away from him. Tho writer believes this is good wholesome counsel, and will well bear a trial. Lot tho workman per form his daily duties, domestic and op erative, with tho same cheerful spirit, doing his duty because it is his duty ; striving earnestly to master tho craft he is engaged in to its utmost limits, to improve that which he finds in ex istence, and bis lot in lite win oe no unhappy ono ; on the contrary, he will find a hope of improvement in his social position which will be an unfailing fund of support to him in his calling, and that if he exercises his stock of con scientiousness, the more ho disperses of it, tho moro ho will havo on hand for future disposal. Ji. ib G. Fnnter and Stationer. Walter Halley and Blanche Douglass Rec ognized in a Hartford Hotel. Hautiokp, Feb. 14. A young man wrote these names in the register of tho City Hotel hero at noon on Saturday last : "W. S. llubbell, lioston ; Miss A. llubbell, Boston." The young man wns of medium height and slim build. My sister and myself," ho said as he laid aside the pen, "would like adjoin ing rooms if convenient." Ho got Nos. 7 and 7 connecting rooms adjoining tho parlor. Tho young man went out frequently, but his companion kept closely to her apartment. They wero lato at their meals, and encountered few ot tho other guests of the hotel until Monday, when they entered tho dining room punctually at tho dinner hour. Then Mr. Dickcrman of tho firm of Dickcr- n it Plumb of this city, who lias lived in New Haven, recognized the young man as Walter Malley, ono of tho principals in tho Jennie Cramer murder trial. The other guests also recognized him. The young woman with him was of medium build, plump, and wore a well fitting dark-green dress. Her light brown hair was arranged in two awk ward flat coils on the back of her head. Sho spoko little, nnd was evidently held in check by her companion, who was reticent and noticeably nervous. Mr. IJickcrman, after his dinner, strolled into the hotel office and said to tbo venerable proprietor, Curtis Jud son, formerly proprietor of tho Gram- ercy 1'ark Hotel, Now lork, "1 see you had Walter Malley at dinner.'' "No such person m the house,' re sponded Mr. Judson, exhibiting that winning smile which ho has been in tho habit of showing to his guests for sixty years. Other guests drifted down from tho dining room, nnd as sured Mr. Judson that Malley was at dinner up stairs, and turthermoro that his companion was lilancho Douglass, who was tried with tho Malleys in tho Cramer case. Mr. Judson went up to see. Tho couple wero still at dinner. Tho knowledgo of their identity had spread, and curious glances were bent upon them by othor diners. l'retty soon evidently tuoy beoarao aware that they wero recognized, nnd thoy hurried to their rooms. Shortly Walter Malloy entered tho office and called for his bill. Ho said that ho choso to pay then, although ho and his sister would stop until alter tea. iwcry guest in tho houso went punctually to tea, but tho couplo did not appear, They had gono away in tho after noon. Most of our readers havo probably ake bitten hoard that when a dog is snn a lungus snake ot the same species inai mt, mm iormcd ou his liver, and appeared to bo endowed with all tho vitality of tho real or original reptile. jiany years ago tu this county, ono who was a great hunter had a valuablo dog bitten by a snake, nnd after great irouuiu saved ins dogs lite. Homo months afterward ho noticed a peculiar ...:.. :., i.: .i. .... iiuiiuu in iiianuijD nmi, i rum which time the dog seemed in bad health, and finally died. Actuated by curiosity, tho gentleman opened tho dog, and, to his utter astonishment found two snakes oi vno Bpecies winch bit his dog, somo six or eight inches long, hanging to his liver. Iho dog s livor was hung up in a tree, where it remained for a long limn, ami was seen by hundreds ot poo plo, many of whom aro still alivo nnd will testify to tho above facU." 1lrif" ton (Cr.) Aw. Children aro daggers to wound our , sew a with. England Makes a Present to the United States. A message wns received on Thurs day of last week from tho President transmittinr becrctary I relinguysen s report ol tho presentation of tho steam- .1.1.. A . . ,L. 1T.I..I ... . . I ship Alert to tho United States bv Great Britain to bo used In the Grecly relief expedition. Tho reading of tho report was called for by Mr. Randall. It was as follows : In tho search for vessels suitablo for tho expedition now Preparing to relievo Lieut. Greely nnd his party, attention was early directed to tho Alert, which is the property of tho British Govern- ment, and was tho advanco ship of tho expedition under Sir Gcorgo Narcs. It was desired to aecuro this vessel, as sho is peculiarly fitted for tho intended service, and, as tho inspecting officers recommended her, Mr. Lowell was tlioroforo instructed to ask whether alio could bo spared for tho service. Information of tho wish of this uovernmcnt having previously and in- iormauy reached tho untish Admiral- ty, a pnvato intimation was conveyed to the United States Ministor to tho effect that tho British Government had not forgotten tho very considerate con duct of this Government on the occa sion ot tho recovery of tho Resolute, and that, should any suggestion bo mado that tho vessel would bo of uso to the expedition, sho wonld bo present ed. Tho Resolute, a vessel, as the Prcsi dent remembers, formerly belonging to I... r-i-...' 1.-..! C her Majesty's navy, having been aban aoncd in the Arctic region, was dis covered and brought to tho United States by American seamen, and there upon was purchased by this Govern ment of her salvers, repaired, and returned to Great Britain. On her arrival in England the vessel was re ceived by tho Queen in person, and tho officers of tho United States navy who took tho ship thither were treated with every official and personal court esy. lhe Government other Majesty has now given the Alert to tho United States unconditionally, with hcranchors, chains and such ol her equimcnt as can bo utilized. Recognizing this graceful aud op portune act of courtesy on tho part of tier Maiesty's Government, tho under signed to-day instructed Mr. Lowell as follows by telegraph : "Her Majesty s Government having presented to the Government of the United States tho ship Alert to aid in the relief ot Lieut, lireely and his par ty, you will inform tho Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs that tho evi denco of sympathy with tho obiect in view receives the highest appreciation of tho President, as it will that of the peoplo of the United States. The President sends his cordial thanks for the opportune gift of this vessel, which he accepts in the name of tho United States, and which will bo used in tho humane cntcrpriso for which it is pecu liarly adapted. A motion was mado by Mr. Kan dall that the communication bo spread upon tho Journal of tho House, aud that it be referred to tho Committeo on 1' oreigu Affairs with the object of having a more formal and appropriate recognition of tho act of tho British Government. Messrs. Finerty and Robinson of New York alono voting in the nega live. The Patal Name of Walter. Forty-four years ago the writer was called in a professional capacity to a rudely constructed log cabin in the woodB, 1G miles east of this city. A raalo child was born tho first born of man and wife whoso intelligence and general cultivation wero much in ad vanco of the society in which they Uv ea They wero determined to make themselves a homo of plenty in tho new country by their own industry, having nothing but a quarter section of good land and their household goods, TllOl. ..nmrt lrft PlnA-mfinf rni,.. . V'J 1IUIU VII.UI IIIU.JW VUUIll'J', Ohio. Threo neighbor women wero there, aud after tho littlo stranger was dressed tho mother, with black hair aud beautiful eyes, was asked to namo the boy. "I want to call him Walter, but it is an unlucky name. My great grandfather was named Walter, and ho never came homo from tho war lor in dependence. Then mv husband's rrrand' lather was named Walter, and ho went to tho war of 1812 and ho never re turned, ins oldest brother was nam ed Walter. Ho went to sea and we heard that ho becamo a soldier in Eu rope, but ho never returned. Wo do not know whero any of them aro bur ied, jno grave stones mark their rest ing places. Thero is no war now, and trust never will be in our hfo timo in this country, and I am in favor of call ing him Walter, that the old family namo mav bo retained among us, lwenty-two years from that timo Walter bade his widowed mothei fare well to join the army for tho dofenso of tho union aud tho homo of his child hood. IIo was a good and bravo boy, but was missing after tho battle of Stone River. All efforts to gain somo trace ot his deatli and final resting place proved futilo. No one can tell where, whon, or how ho died, or who disposed of his remains. His mother mourned tho loss of her first born, and often regretted that sho had named him W alter. A few years ago sho died at tho old home. On her death bed she said : 'Bury mo besido my bus- i..,.,.i n .i. i.:ii..:.i i it Tr:.i. . grave is over found spend nil the estate i leavo, it it lakes that much, to bring urn homo and put him bv his father aud mo."' Indianapolis Times. Tho pulso beats of a criminal during execution by hanging havo been re corded. Aftor the ropo was adjusted tno puiao rate was lai i immediately aftor tho drop it fell to 51, 52, 5)9, 20, and to 0 iu the fifth minute : but tho sixth minute- it roio to 70, then to 7S i eighth minute, U: ninth. 31: after this no pulso was perceptible in tho ar unifs, uuv me ueurt ueai two or three times between the ninth aud nine teenth minutes, and once in tho nine teenth minute. The death was from strangulation, tho neck not being dis located. Watches were first mado in Germany in in i. lio is happy whoso circumstances suit his temper ; but ho is moro excel, lent who cau suit his temper to any uirumusiuuccB. A Bounty on Euin. Tho floods which aro devastating tho Ohio valley again this year as thfly did last call forth observations mado a year ago. Ut theso noiio is moro patent than that tho tariff on lumber is simply a , . r .., I- ..!-- bounty for tho production of such ruin ns is now read of daily. Tho tariff excludes Canadian timber nnd raises tho prico of lumber in tho homo market. Tho high prices and big profits tempt peoplo to tho rapid destruction ot tho forests to tho very mountain tops, and woods nro ruthlessly swept away and into the market, which under tho low prices of frco trado would bo left stnnding. In this heedless way the forests at tho head waters of our streams -nrc lov clled and tho snow-covered mountain sides aro laid baro to sun nnd rain and tho action of tho open air. Tho follago which held tho moisturo as in a great spongo and protected tho snow lrom sudden melting, giving forth tho water Blowly during spring and summer, to sustain the streams and enrich tho valleys, is gono ( and tho first thaw and rain hurl down tho whole precipitation of a season into tho narrow channels of tho rivers, which being unable to do tho work of a sea son properly in a few days, overflow their banks and causo widespread rum and unspeakablo woo. Nor is this all. Tho whole rain aud snow fall of a winter being thus hur- ried to tho sea beforo spring has fairly - .1 ... !- if. f- !?. .i. .. opened, no moisture is lelt in tho up lands to supply (he water needed in tho spring and summer. Great droughts follow, tho smaller streams show dry beds, the rivers dwindle into insignifi cance, fertilo plains and valleys suffer from thirst, and vegetation dries up. This is no lancy picture. Tho Uluo River ,vhich promises to pass if it baa not already done so tho highest water mark ever belore recorded on it, last summer fell to an unprccedently low stage. Tho actual experience of men in every long-settled country is that wholcsalo destruction of tho forest en tails the destruction of the life-giving streams, with all tho consequences that follow. Much of southern Europo has been made a desert wastes by tho de struction of forests through ignorance. With the experience of ages to profit . by, we cannot plead ignorance, yet wo aro recklessly pursuing a course that has dono irreparable damage to other lands. Tho head waters of the Ohio tributaries in tho Pennsylvania and West Virginia mountains aro stripped. Tho peoplo of Now York aro alarmed tor the noblo Hudson, and with reason. Rivers aro mado destructive powers in the winter and early spring, and aro robbed of their power of beneficence in tho late spring and summer. All the rivers in tho Northwest aro beginning to undergo tho same sad experience. 1 hero can bo no useful streams if the forests aro cut away. The reckless cutting of tho forests will continue whilo tho Government oilers a pension for their destruction. Without going into the general question of the tariff at all, it does seem clear that tho pro hibitory tariff on lumber ought not to bo continued. Yet it will be continued for some time, and probably until most of our forests aro destroyed. liujfald JHocniiiff Telegraph. Alphabet of Proverbs A grain of produco is worth a pound of craft. Boasters aro cousins to liars. Custom is second nature. Denyiug a fault doubles it. Envy shooteth at others and wound- eth herself. Foolish fear doubles anger. God roaches us good things by our hands. ' IIo has hard work who has nothing to do. It costs moro to reveugo wrongs than to bear them. Just aro tho ways of God. Knowledgo is power. Learning makes a man fit company for himself. Modesty is a guaul to virtue. ' Not to hear conscience is the way to7 silence it. Ono nail drives out another. ' Proud looks liiako foul work in fair faces. Quotation, liko better things, has its abuses. Richest is ho who wauts least. Small faults indulged aro liko littlo thieves which let in greater. ' lhe boughs that bear most hang lowest. Upright walking is sure walking. ' Virtue and happiness are mother and daughtei. What is woith doing at all is worth doing well. Xtiemes aro vicious. You nuver loso by doing a good turn. Zeal is blind when it encroaches on the rights of others. How to Dream Intelligent Dreams It is known that tho action of the brain causes a rise of cranial tem perature. M. Delauuay finds, from uxpeiienco on himself during sleep, that, reciprocally, an elevation of cra nial temperature stimulates tho action of tho brain. Dreams aro usually il logical and absurd, M. Delaunny, by covering his forehead with a layer of wadding, gets sane, intelligent drenm. lie has also experimented on modoi of lying, which favor tho flow of blood lo particular parts, increasing t'ueir uu- tntirn and luiictioiial activity Ho has observed that tho dreams one has while lying on ono's back nru sensorial, variegated, luxurious. Those experi enced when on the right Mile aro'mo bile, full of exaggeration, absurd, nnd refer to old matters ; but thoso produc ed when ou the left side uro intelligent ami reasonable, and i elate to recent matters ; in these dreams one often speaks. Tho observation?, according to tho author, agrees with what wo know as to the scat of sensibilitv. of mobility, of intelligence, etc.. and tho comparative psychology of the right and loft brains. Ennhsh Mechanic. A French meteorologist has planted in tho ground near his house two bam of iron, from which wires run to r tolcphpiiQ receiver. Tho eaith cur rents which aro indicated bv sounds in tho telephono never fail to givo notice lo tho observer, who consults tlie mu rpavatus so'einl times a day, of tho np. proach ot a storm from twelve- to fifteen hours iii ndvnuco.