The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 15, 1884, Image 1

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lumman, (JomolUlatod,) '
lasnc.l U'pnlilr, every Vtinr .Hnrnln, nt
DLooMsnvita, comjmma co.. im.
atiwoio!.i.ahs per yonr. To snlrtcrlijers out of
tlio county lliou-rms nro strictly In mlvnnco
IfTMo paper tllieontltmcil except nt tho onllon
ot tlio imillslir-rs, until nil nrroamVes nronauf. but
ann mnt mini 1-ri.itlta n-ltl nn ..7i.. ""l''"uluu'
All papers sent put ot tho strtloortocllstftntnost
onioos mint bo na M for in advance, unlcs" a rmnon.
siblo person In Columbia county assumes to i nnV
tlio subicrlptlon iluo on tlomand. '",unle3 10 Vf
nt'ue county.'10 l0nsr0xttcted from serIbcrB
jo b pjunting-.
comploto, anil our Job l'rlntlnif will coi nnirn fV.-nr
ably Willi lliatortholanrocltlM MvorkdouiM
snort notice, noatly nnd nt moderate ! prices.
r J3. WAUiKIt, .
O.HM over 1st. NUIoml ntnk. 1UoomuW ra-
omsa in sut's nuiidiii?.
p it. nuoic.vrjBw,
onlco over 1st National li.tnK.
JOHN m. orj.vmc,
lli.oOMscunn, pa.
omce over Jloyer Dros, Drug Storo.
omco In llrower's bulldlne.sccond No. 1
Uloomsburg, l'ft.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
omco corner ot Ccntro and Main Streets. Clark i
Can bo consulted In German.
EO. E. elwell,
New Commbian Doii.dino, liloomaturg, Pa,
Member of tlio United states Law Association,
Collections made In any part of America or Eu
ropa. pAUL E. WIRT,
Olllco In Coi.uiibuh ddildiko, Koom No. s, second
Notary Public
onice In 1st National Hank bulldtnsr, Bccond lloor,
first door to tlio left. Corner of Main and Market
streets Uloomsburg, l'a.
t&"P(nstoni and Bounties Collecttd,
omco InMnlzo'Hbulldlns, over lllllmeycr's grocery.
May 20, 'si.
Olllcu in lits building opposiie.Court House,
2ml lloor, Uloomsburg, Pa. npr 13 '83
omco In News Itkm building, Main street.
Member ot tlio American Attorneys' Associa
tion. Collections mado In any part of America,
Jan. s, 1693.
Jackson Uulltliug, Rooms 4 nnd C.
May 0, 81, UEUWIOK, PA
Catawlssa, Pa,
omco, cornor of l'Mrd and Main streets.
Attorncy-ntLaw, Berwick. Po.
Can bo Consulted In German.
"Offlco first door below tho post ofilcc.
li. BARKLEY, Attorney-al-Law
. omco lu ltrower's building, snd story.Hooms
XVi.onico, Ilroekway's Uulldlng.Slst floor,
fiibomsburg, Penn'a. may 7, '80-t f
JB, McKELVY, M. D.,8urgeon and Pliy
. slclan, north sldo Main Btreet.bolow Market
li. FRITZ, Attorney-at-Liw. 0111 oe
. , In Columbian Ilullding,
owing Machines and Machinery of all kinds ro
Mrud. opkka House Uulldlng, Uloomsburg, l'a,
R. J. 0. BUTTER,
omco, North Markot streot,
Uloomsburg-, l'a
SR. WJI. M. REHER, Surgeon ami
Physician, onlco corner ot Itock and Market
JR. EVANS, M. D.. Surgeon and
. Physician, (.onico and Hesldenou on Third
B(.ooM9iiuua,Coi,u.MiiiA County, Pa.
All Btylcs of work done In a superior manner, work
warranted as represented, Tkktii Kitiuct
ip without I'jin by tho uso of oas, and
free of charge v,Uen artlUctal teeth
ure Inserted,
omco over Uloomsburg Hanking Company.
lobe open at all hours during the (MJ
Nov. vs-iy
CnillSTIAN P. KNAl'i', BLOOMHDUJta, 1'A,
HOMi:, 01' N. Y.
Those old coaroHATiONs are wen seasoned by
age and riuc tsstkd and have never yet had a
loss settled by any court of law. Their assets
jre all invested In solid SKCoitirisiaud are liable
to the hazard ot yim only.
Losses rxoui-rLr and uonkstlt adjusted and
Pid as soon as determined by cusisriAN V,
iTr,rciih Aqxnt and AojoarKU Ulooms-
Tho people ot Columbia oounty should patron
''J'hoageuoy where losses It any are settled
r.f" w,la otineirowncitiiens,
J.K BITTEMBEMDEn,;"0!1"61"'
E. B. 8R0WER,
All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof
ing ami Spouting iiroinptly
nltontled to.
crstrlct attention given to heating by steam.
Corner of Main & East Sts.,
ISloomsburg, Pa.
Cliint! (Mil! Cliini!
Gents1 Furnishing Goods
Having very recently opened a new
Jiereiiant Tailoring and Uents' lur
nishitiK Goods Store, in KNORR &
WINTERSTEEN'S building on
Jlain street, wliero I am prepared to
make to order, at short notice, first
class suits of clothing always in tho
latest styles and prices reasonable.
Fits guaranteed. Having learned how
to cut garments to suit customers, and
also what kind oi material will k'ivo
satisfaction, I would ask you to please
call and examine tlio
Ever shown in Columbia county,
Boforo Purchasing Elsewhere.
Corner Main & Market Sts.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
April 13-1
ContUutXrom tcttt wtek.)
How Watch Cases are Made.
Imitation always follows a successful
article, and imitation is one of tho best
proofs of real honest merit ; and thus it is
that tlio Tamo j'oss' Gold Watch Case has
its imitators. Buyers can always tell tho
genuine by tho trade-mark of a erotr n, from
which is suspended a pair of vjf
teaks. Be sure both crotm and
scales aro stamped in the cap of tho watch
case. Jewelers are very cautious about en
dorsing an article unless they not only know
that it is good, but that the character of
tho manufacturers is such that tho quality
of the goods will bo kept fully vp lo standard.
Willi AMBPonT, Pa., Feb. 13. 1883.
Tho J&mps Bosh' Onld Watch Casea ko ltko hot
cakes, rjach ouo I sell Rdld auother. Don't need
to recommend theini tliey hcII themftelvog. Ouo of
my cuKtomcn. had had a Juiu-h Hom' Oold Watch Cass
lnusuforlM )earM,auditlsasKOOdaaever, Wlthtlil4
caae I do not liceltato to idvo iu ovu guarantee, es
locialy Midi tho new and lnnirou'd caMCH, which
cceiutoboeterlasUnK. Jr.Rsi: T, Little, Jtmltr.
Niw Bucnswick, N. J., Jan. 8, 1883.
ThU prold cafe, Na GWiJ, known as the Jamea Boas1
Gold Watch Case, catno Into my iwshCHslou about 1SU.
has b&n In uso tlnco that Urao, and is still In rood
condition. Tho mo euieut is tho one v. hlch was In tho
case wheal boutrht it, and its condition shows that
tho caxo has rudly out-worn the mot ement, which Is
playtdout. Martim A. Howkll,
Of Hoard ttf Virictora If, J. li. Jl. ,C Tram. Co.
Sad S rtut iltmp tK,7ttoue WaUa Ca. )Aft0rlMtrblla
dctptila, l'a., fur bandtowt llluvtritle4 ranphUl iliowl( bov
ibii llu..' aad kcjitvna Watrh Cwn arc oiadt.
ITolc torlinucd.)
Tlie present season evinces in
the styles shown, a very decided
return in the taste for the plain
antique designs, known as Harly
English, Chippendale and Old
French, although the rich or
nate decoration known as Re
pousse, still retains many ad
mirers. Japanese, Indian, and Oriental
ait lias also been successfully
itudied by our designers, and
d'-corations of wonderful beauty
p.nd elegance enrich the hun
dreds of useful and ornamental
articles to be found among our
table requisites.
The assortment of Dinner, Tea
and Dessert Services, howls and
F.incy Pieces, is very complete,
the prices are exceedingly mod
erate. Correspondence and mail or
ders will receive prompt atten
tion, and careful selections of
articles will be sent on approba
tion when desired.
J. 15. & Co.,
902 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
Manufacturers of
First-class work always on hand.
Prices reduced to suit the timet.
North American ot Philadelphia.
Pennsylvania, " "
York, ot ivuusylvanla.
liauuvcr, of N. Y.
Queens, ot London.
North British, of London,
omco on Munet street, No, 6, Bloomsburg.
oct. u, 7v-ly
Swept into the Stream.
On t'ho deck of a big Mlsstalppt Btcamboat stood
an aged Southern planter. Indicating by a sweep
of hi, arm tho waters tho boat was passing over,
ho said to n passenger from tho North i "When I
was twclvo yoara old I killed my first boar on ft
new plantation my father was then cutting out ot
a forest that grow directly over tho waters of this
bend. That was n mighty good plantation, and
therowas right smart ot bears there, too. Hut
that one thousand ncrcs of land went Into tho Mis
slsslppl years ago."
It Is putting no strain upon tho flguro! to say
that great forests ot youthful hope, womanly
beauty and manly strength nro swept In the same
warevcrv vear Into the trmnt. tnrhtrt fnrismt nf
dUcuso and death. Yet It should not bo so. That
ltissuisnuiwrnco as wen a, a lojj. I'eopiO aro
largely too careless or too stupid to defend their
own Interests-tho most precious ot which Is
hoalth. That gone, all Lsgono. Dlseaso U simple,
but to recklessness or Ignoranco tho simplest things
might as well bo complex a, a proposition In Conio
HccUons. As tho huge Western rivets which so
often flood tho cities along their shores, nrl30 In a
uiuuuLiuu Barings, hu iui uur ailments can do
traced to Imnure blood and a small irrniin or ill.
Ordered organs.
mo most cnecuvo nnd lnclusivo remedy for dls
easo Is I'AHKKK'S TONIC. It goes to the sources
of pain and weakness. In response to It, action
the liver, kidneys, stomach and heart begin their
work afresh, nnd dlseaso 1, driven out, Tho Tonlo
Is not, however, nn intoxicant, but cures ndeslro
for strong drink, Have you dyspepsia, rheuma
tism, or troubles which havo refused to yield to
other agents Here is your help.
The only known iptcljtc for Epileptic Fiti.-tr 11
BTT AUo for Spasms and Falling Sickncaj.-tO.
Nervous Weakness quickly relieved and cured.
Equalled by nono In delirium of fevcr.-ffs
AT'Ncutrallzes germs of disease and sickness.
Cures ugly blotches nnd stnbborn blood Bores,
Cleanses blood, qnlckcns sluggish circulation.
Eliminates Boils, Carbuncles and Scnlils.-CJ
jnrl'ennancntly and promptly cures paralysis.
Yes, It Is n charming end healthful Aperient.
Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, twin brothers.
Changes bad breath to good, removing CQUtc.
tyitouts biliousness and clears complexion.
Charming resolvent and matchless Imatlve.-SB
It drives Sick Headache like the wlnd.-VEl
t3T"Contalns no drastic cathartic or opiates.
Promptly cures Uhcnmatlsm by routing lt.-Cti
Restores Ufc-ghlng properties to the blood.-&ia
Is guaranteed to curu all nervous dlsordcrs.-ffia
f'Ilcllablo when all opiates fall.-u.o
Itefrcshes the mind nnd lnvlgontes the body.
Cures dyspepsia or money refandcd.-iTa
t2T"Endorsed In writing by over fifty thousand
Loading physicians In U. S. and Europcnn
Leading clergymen In U. S. and Enropc.-a
Diseases of tho blood own It a conqncror.-3
For sale by nil leading druggists. Ol.W.ifs
Tho Dr. S. A. Richmond Medical Co., Props.,
St. Joseph, JIo. (2)
Chaa. N. Ctlttunton, Agent, Now York Ctt;
That Brown's Iron Bitters
will cure the worst case
of dyspepsia.
Will insurea hearty appetite
and increased digestion.
Cures general debility, and
gives a new lease of life.
Dispels nervous depression
and low spirits.
Restores an exhausted nurs
ing mother to full strength
and gives abundant sus
tenance for her child.
Strengthens the muscles and
ncrvcs,ennches the blood.
Overcomes weakness, wake
fulness, and lack ofencrgy
Keeps off all chills, fevers,
and other malarial poison.
Will infuse with new life
the weakest invalid.
37 Walker ?t , P.aliimorr, Dec. 1&81.
For six yiar I have been a great
sufferer from Blood IJise.-tbe, Djs
pepsla.andConstipation.andbecame to debilitated that I cculd not retain
unythini! on my stomach, in fact,
life had almost become a burden.
Fip?lly, when hope had almost left
me, my husband cering Bkown's
li'O-r IliTTKits Advertised in the
paptr, Induced me tur.ive it a trl il.
1 am now taking the third !ottle
and have not felt iu ut.ll lit xlx
years as I dn at the present time.
Mn.L T. UMltlK.
Brown's Iron Bitters
will have a better tonic
effect upon any one who
needs "bracing up," than
any medicine made.
Words Fail sSS
StxnY OAltTER, of Nashville, Tcun., "for
tho benefits derived from
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Having been nflllctcd all my life with Scrof
ula, my system seemed saturated with It. It
came out In Itlotclies, Ulcers, nud Mattery
Korea, all over my body." Mr. Carter states
that ho was entirely cured by tho uso of
AVer's Saiisai'AIiili.a, and since discon
tinuing Its use, eight months ago, ho has had
no return of tho scrofulous symptoms.
All baneful Infections of the blood aro
promptly removed by this unequalled altera
tive rnn-ARED iir
Dr. J. C.Ayor&Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists; f I, tlx bottles for ?3.
AiNwmaiiT & uo.,
N, E. Corner Second and Arch stroma,
ivordors will rocolvo prompt attentlu
roa tub
And all Bilious Complaints.
Safe to tako, being purely vegetable 1 ho crfciliig.
1'rlcelilt.WiU. AUhruggUts.
Feb Mw
11V JUAN MIlMl.r.ltANS.
Thoy lived in a crcopor-covcred cot
tnge, tieatlhig among vcrduru in tlio
highly cultivated valloy of ono
of tho Homo counties. There was n
small dairy farm attached to it, upon
which Lady Beat bestowed nil her leia
uro hours and thereby managed to add
no inconsiderable- aum to her income,
which since her husband's death had
been rather limited.
With tho monoy dciivcd from this
Boiirco she had been nblo to send her
only son, Arthur, to Oxford Arthur,
who was tho applo of her eye, tho
only ono being for whom sho oared.
She had given him a first class educa
tion, and it had not been received on
stony ground, for Arthur waa clever,
and a hook worm, too much so for
worldly purposes, since ho had indulged
in study and contemplation until ho had
become a dreamer. By tho time ho reach
ed tho ago of 25, it had been declared
by all the neighbors, and Lady Best's
ctrclo generally, thnt Arthur would nev
er do any good for himself in life; a hard
verdict considering that he had not a
single vlco and was handsome and
manly looking. Not that his habits
aud pursuits wero exaetly manly; fish
ing was tho only sport in which lio had
over been known to indulge, and ho
spent his timo for tho most pait in
wandering listlessly about tho valley,
wearing clothes of a somewhat re3tliet
io cut, which was particularly distaste
ful to his rural neighbors, a slouching
felt hat on his head, and a book gen
erally poetry in his hand.
Idolizing Arthur though sho did, it
depressed Lady Best not a little to see
him tako to an effemiuato do-nothinc
tylo of life ; and since bIio had now
wasted moro than a vear in this sort of
dream, she began to despair ot peeing
him embark in any of the professions
for which sho honed his education
would havo fitted him. What was sho
to do how was sho to chance tho cur-
ont of events sho did not know.
'Was ho in lovo T Had ho had a
disappointment V her acquaintances
asked her till sho was tired of answer
ing. Tho question, however, at last
suggested a remedy. Why should not
a touch 01 tlio very disease trom which
tho people thought ho was Buffering,
bring about his cure 1
Girls ! Sho would surround him
with girls; of course, whilo bIio had a
duo regard for good looks, never for
getting, that in her estimato nothing
mado tho eyes glisten with so much
pleasure as the sight of gold.
So Lady Best gave a tennis party,
and invited all tho beauty of the coun
try, including two or threo heiresses,
but beforo tho afternoon was half over
Arthur had disappeared. IIo had wan
dered down the valley away from "tho
noise," as ho called tho musical laugh
ter of the maidens, promising himself
to return as soon as thoy should all bo
Lady JJest was disannointed, but not
crushed; sho would try again, this timo
in a quieter, but sho hoped a moro ef-
lcciuai way.
"Arthur was out so much she was at
times very dull," sho told him; more
over, sho wanted some assistance in ef
fecting ono or two dairv reforms. Her
eldest brother's daughter Hannah Mil
ton aged 19, was she understood, a
decidedly practical, energetic girl. Sho
had not seen her since she was a ba
by, but she would like to invito her on
a long visit and mako her acquain
tance. Had Arthur anv obiection V
"No; nono whatever. Of courao his
mother was perfectly free to do as sho
But would ho bo civil and kind to
this unknown cousin when she came 1
"If she pleased him, ceitainlv: but.
doubtless, sho would in no way inter
fere with his pursuits."
Not very encouraging if Lady Best
had any serious intentions in referenco
to Miss Hannah Milton, who wo will
observe in parenthesis sho believed
would sooner or later come into the.
possession of at least a hundred thoiis-
auu pounds.
.Not a word of this did sho. however.
utter to Arthur, but, without further
discussion, wroto an affectionate letter
to her niece, asking her to eomo and
stay at tho cottage as loug as sho could
enuure tuo irugality and smallness ot
their impecunious life.
Miss Hannah Milton answered bv
return of post that sho should bo do-
lighted to avail herself or her aunt b in-
,'itatioii, moro especially as her father
was going abroad on business, and sho
should bo her own mistress for tho
noxt two months. Sho might bo ex
pected to arrive, bag and baggage, at
tho cottage on tho 5th of July. It was
then the end of Juno.
To thia announcement followed a
post-script that alio hoped her dear
aunt did not object to living animals,
as of course sho could not leave hers
all alono at Milton Hall during her own
and her father's absence.
Lady Best was delighted at tho suc
cess of her letter, and wroto again to
say that both bIio and Arthur wero par-
iietiiany lonu oi pets.
Arthur had reatl Miss Milton's letter,
and merely said that ho hoped tho dogs,
u tuoy wero uoirs, wero inorouc iuredi
ho hated everything that was not per-
So, till tho 5th of Julv, the cottacro.
whenever Arthur went out for it
could not bo expected that ho should
oniluro luss and clatter was convulsed
with preparations for tho arrival of tho
heiress niece and her retinue. A bed
room waa turned into a boudoir for her
pnvato use, and two bed rooms adjoin
ing wero set asido for herself and maid.
I ho coltago was one of thoso establish
ments with countless email rooms, ca
pable of taking in a far larger number
of people than its exterior would lead
you to imagine
Hannah Milton's homo was in the
North. It would be quito evening be
foro alio would arrivo and Lady Best
passed all tho day in a stato of feverish
excitement, wandering about from room
to room. She seemed to f ul that thero
was a destiny at stake; whilo Arthur,
tho individual who in all probability
tho most concerned, was perfectly cool
and collected and passed tlio hours in
hia habitual placid enjoyment of a
Tlio niystio shado of twilight was
already creeping up tho valley when
wheels wero heard npproaoliing tho
cottage, aud Lady Best wont out into
tho porch to receive her gutst. Fain
would sho havo perauaded Arthur to
accompany her, but ho preferred an
arm chair by tho window.
At last tho carriage is at tho door,
and Hannah Milton, having sprung
out, is clamorously kissing her aunt.
Thero ia nothing lusthutlo or dreamy
nbotit her. Sho had a broad, plain,
honest open face, with iluo eyes and n
largo mouth full of strong-looking
wluto teeth not tho slightest prctcn
b'ioii to beauty ,but you can ace at a glanco
that Hannah Milton is a thoroughly
good, kind, sincere woman. Her voico
is very loud, but it haa tho ring of a
true heart. It frightens Lady Best,
however, aa sho thinks, "What will
Arthur aay t Will ho run away from
Hannah, or allow himself to bo sub
dued by her ?" In tho earriago besido
Hannah, half concealed by bird cig?9,
a Persian cat nud three email dogs of
different breeds, there is a girl the
maid, of course. Tho doga and the
cat spring out after Hannah aud tho
footmnn takca tho bird oagea. Just.1
as tho unnoticed occupant of tho car-l
riago is Btcpping out Hannah turns
"Oh I 1 forgot; let mo introduce my
dearest friend, Agatha Burghlcy. Of
oourso you expected her ; bIio novcr
leaves me, you know."
Lady Best held out her hand in a
welcomo to which her heart did not re
spond; nor did speak, except to say:
"And your maid, Ilannali V
MissMilton burst out laughing. "That
is a luxury in which wo don't indulge
do we, Aggy ? Wo arrange our toil
ets ourselves, and very effective they
aro sometimes, ch ?"
Lady Best looked again at tho com
panion of whom sho had nover heard
before. No, decidedly ; if sho had
known of her existence sho would not
havo asked Hannah to tho cottage. For
Agatha was beautiful, of that refined
spiritualized beauty about which poets
For an indefinite period sho had in
vited Hannah, and this companion, this
Agatha, was sho also to be their daily
associate for weeks 1
Tho meeting with Arthur, however,
could not bo deferred, and Lady Best
led tho way into tho drawing room.
Ho was as cordial as it was in his
nature- to be in his reception of his
cousin, but when tho same formula of
introduction with which Lady Best had
been greeted was gone through, and
Agatha, dragged forward by her ener
getic friend, Btood beforo him, with
tho palo gleam of tho rising moonlight
on her face, ho started back as though
he had seen a spectre, more in fear
than admiration, as it seemed to his
anxious watching mother.
Thero was no time, however, for
speculation as to what feeliugs had
awakened in Arthur's breast, the ne
cessities wero asserting themselves and
Hannah in her blunt way declared
herself to bo famishing.
"A rapid toilet and dinner. Como
on, Agatha, wo shall not keep Lady
Best waiting long," and tho two girls
went quickly up into tho rooms that
had been prepared lor them.
In less than a quarter of an hour
they camo back, looking as spic-and-span
as if thoy had made no long jour
ney. It was very obvious that the ser
vices of a maid wore unnecessary.
Tho evening, however, was scarcely a
merry one. Arthur was moro than
usually silent and meditative, Agatha
was very tired; she was not so robust
as Hannah, who was tho only lively
ono of the party, and chatted ceaselessly
to Lady .Best, who, for onco in her life
was not a good listener. Alt her at
tention waa riveted on "that young
person,'' as sho already, in her mind,
designated the somowhat lackadaisical
Hannah was very full of the project
ed dairy reforms. Sho loved every
thing that gave her practical tenden
cies lull vent; but Lady IJest was by
no means as keen as she was.
"Whilo they were reforminr; what
would Arthur aud this beautiful Atralha
bo doing ?" sho asked herself. "Oh, if
Hannah would only turn her full atten
tion on tho far moro important work of
reforming Arthur I"
Lady liest was, however, too much
of a diplomatist to let her thoughts ap
pear in worus; no, Bne must, act, ma
noeuvre, watch.
Of courso tho first thing next morn
ing Hannah expressed a wish to go
over tho farm, and accompanied by
Agattia, sho and lady liest started on
a tour ot inspection. Arthur had seen
tho farm ad nauseam, ho said, and it
did not ninuso him; ho preferred re
maining in the houso till luncheon
With tho explanations and discus
sions which this farming pilgrimago
entailed, Lady Best's spirits rose, and
sho became thoroughly absorbed in
her subject, rojoiciug that bIio had
found so genial a companion and able
co-worker aa Hannah, On a sudden,
however, nor spirits leu to zero
Agatha had disappeared. "Of courso
sho had gono to join Arthur; it was
preconcerted plan between them,'1 nnd
tho mother, as sho thought of it, be
camo perfectly miserable.
No moro talk about gallons of milk,
London market, homo consumption
etc. Sho was tired, sho said, and if
Hannah did not mind they would re
turn to tho house. Thoy reached tho
uoiiom oi mo garden, whioh lay in
front of tho drawing room windows,
just as Agatha, accompanied by Ar
thur , strolled up tho terrace towai ds
tho wood.
1 ho sight was past bearing; this,
tlien, was to bo tlio end ot all her Iov
nig caro ior Aruiur; no was to marry
Hannahs penniless companion. Nor
dm uannau s remain, as sho too, per
celved them, tend to calm tho oxoited
mother & fears.
"Oh I they aro going to havo a little
chat. I told Aggy tho sooner it was
over tho better.''
"A chat with my son T lias this
this Miss Burghlcy met Aithur bo
Ilaunnh laughed. "Did
know T Oh 1 then I must not tell
secrets of tho prison houso. But pray
don't look so ruo fully, aunty mine. Tho
secret is not ot a very dreadful na
Lady Best was, however, by n
means comforted by this intelligence.
"Arthur had been carrying on witl
this girl unknown to her, henco tho
reason of Ida dejection ami hstlessnesa
Of courso tho neighbors wero right;
lovo was tho root of tho evil. And
to think of tho'Bauuy littlo minx fore-
iug heiself in hero under Ilaunnh
f "V I .
auspices, uu i it was too bad very
15, 1884,
much too bad. She had been treated
shamefully 1"
And tier heart too lull to sneak
without committing herself, which
prido prevented when sho remembered
that this nicco had boon conniving to
eceivo her, sho wont indoors and up
into her own room, of which sho lock-
1 tho door, and indulged in a tempes
tuous burst of tears.
For moro than au hour sho remain.
cd sobbing and composing herself by
turns, till at last sho heard voices under
IUU W1I1UUW. VillUllliy UUIlCUUllUg
herself sho peeped from behind tho cur
Thero thoy were, all threo talking
and laughing, a "woko up" look on Ar-
mrs lino laco winch sho had not seen
for many months.
it was strange, very strange: and as
sho stood and watched them sho cculd
not mako up her mind whether bIio had
or had not made a mistako in asking
icso pconlo to come. After all ii: his
lovo for Agatha saved Arthur from do-
pondcucy and mado a man of him,
she ought to consider her object gam
ed. iVnyway, sho mado up her mind' to
e silent for tho present aud tako notes.
and so deciding, sho washed her face,
smoothed her silvering hair, set her
cap daintily on her head nnd
down stairs, where tho luncheon was
decidedly moro cheery than tho dinner
had been on tho previous evoning.
1 . 1 - I 1 . . 1 1.1
uvi tuu uoyo imaauu uu mu lib mu
cuuugo sccmeu very urigni to an uui
its mistress, who could not reconcile
ustress, wno coiiiu noi reconcile
;f to tho fact that sho had been
,xd; not even though it gladdened
sart to hear Arthur laughing raer-
ler hear
my, aa no sometimes did at las cous-
n s sallies, or to seo lam take an inter
est ho never took before in the farm
and its workings.
Agatha's pale beautiful face would
como between tho mother and the
ehango her prcsenco seemed to havo
affected, and Lady Best felt that sho
could never love Agatha, oven though
irtnur s whole happiness was centred
n her,
But if she had lost a son sho had
.... - , I
gnmed a daughter, for, appreciating
Hannahs merits as sho did to the full-
est, Bho felt that bIio was each day
learning to love her moro and nioro.
Many time was it on her lips to tell
tier how grieved she was at the direc
tion her fancy Boomed to have taken,
hut prido held her back.
At last almost beforo thoy could
C0U1U UCIieVO in US approach, at
11 1 . n.
nunugo airiveu, and wan a a letter
jrom xur. jjni on, saying ne snouia do
..... v...., .
iuko tuo coiiage on tas way, seo
his sister and escort his daughter homo,
What tcara and heartburnings did
this letter produce 1 Hannah was evi
dently in despair at leaving tho cottago
Arthur became as despondent as ho
was two months ago; only Agatha
seemed to have no regret.
Ut course not, since she expects to
iv here always, not with me, though,
She will not livo here with ine, raged
Liady liest to hcrsclt.
And in this mood Arthur found her
one morning, when ho sought her in
the littlo morning room sho called her
Ho broke tho ice without any pre
liminary skating over it.
"lUothcr, will it not bo a pleasure to
you it 1 bring you a daughter to wel
como 7
"Oh, Arthur if you only know how
have dreaded this question !
"Dreaded it, mother ? I thought
on would bo delighted."
How could you 7 A penniless.
lackadaisical, intriguing'' tho rest of
her sentence was a sob, interrupted,
however, by an exclamation from Ar
thur. .
"Penniless Hannah t Why, her oase which so nearly killed me, and all staple manufacture ; and I am particu
nly fault m my oyes is that sho has tiirnnMi tho umnrWfni i,,otri,mnni!f,r larlv indebted to vou for the favorable
money, and my uncle may think "
"Hannah 1 You don't mean to say
it is Hannah you lovo 7 Oh, you dear
Arthur my own boy r
"You did not think it was Agatha?
TTT I ... -. " I
,v ny, ene uas ncen engaged to my wj,0 ,a(j been breathlessly listening to that is interesting to the rights ot man
old college chum, Laurence Wilmot. tho recital. kind ; and you, sir, that you may be a
ior mo last year. Atioy una a muo
breeze luet beforo sho camo here,
which 1 had tlio pleasure ot making
up. I could not tell you, because the
wholo thing was a secret on account of
his uncle. Tho old gentleman, how
over, has given in, and thoy aro to bo
married very soon.
lady JJest soon lorgot all her anxio
LY illlU II1U Ullllil MJlllwBS Ul 111U l.lSt, 1W
sho promised to negotiate matters with
, wwu iii iicauu juv, aim ua wumrw
iur. iuilton when ho should nruve, and
sho did so most effectually, for he
seemed as pleased as bIio was; and,
lrora tuo day that tho marriage was
finally settled, sho begau to unbend
and find a placo for Agatha in her ca
pacious heart, showering upon tho girl
in very gratitudo foi finding that her
lovo for Arthur was all a mistake as
many kindnesses and presents as she
bestowed on her well-beloved Hannah,
And when, at last, tho two mar
riagea took placo at Milton Hall on tho
samo day, tho uninitiated would almost
havo thought that Lady Boat was tho
mother of both the brides
Raisino Ciucickns. In breeding for
early market, it is important to havo a
breed that grows rapidly and lleshes up
young , tho skin should bo yollow, and
if tho feathers aro all white, both tho
clucks and old fowl will look much
better when dressed than thoso with
colored feathers. Tho color of tho
skin is important, yet half of tho fowls
that aro sent to market have anythin
but a yellow skin. Small bone, short
legs and well-rounded form nro also
desirable, aud a sizo, when full grown,
not less man live pound, nnd not over
six bofore dressed, givo tho best early
chicks for market. Mono of these
qualities nro an injury to a laying lien;
nun u io mom are aiitiett good layers,
hardy and quiet, wo havo combined
the points necessary for both meat and
uonscicnco win nt somo time or
othor condemn every man j but ac
cording to tho spirit in which that con
demnation Is received it makes somo
better, others worse. Conscience con
demned tho woman taken in adultery
mid sho went out from tho Saviour
cleansed. It condemned her accusers
nnd thoy went out from tho Savioui's
presence with malicious hatred intensi
Mrs. Murphv "Och. it's awful, tlier
payful what's burled nloinu 1 If I bo
living whin I'm dead, Pat, don't bo
attlior burying monloivo r 1'udi,
A Modern Resurreotion,
(Detroit Free l'ress.)
Ono of the most remarkable occur
rences over given to tho jmblio, which
took place hero in our midst, has hist
como to our knowlodgo nnd will un
doubtedly awaken as much surprise
nnd attract as great attention as it has
il rPflllV ill nna'ininni. nirnlfu T in
facts arc, briefly, aa follows : Mr.
William A. Cromble, a young man for
merly residing at Birmingham, a sub
uib of Detroit, and now living at 287
Michigan Avenue in this city, can
truthfully say that ho has looked into
tho future world and yet returned to
thia A reprcaentativo of this paper
has interviewed him upon this impor
tant subject and his experiences aro
fiven to tho public for tho first timo.
To said:
"I had been having most peculiar
sensations for a long whilo. My head
felt dull and heavy ; my eyesight did
not seem bo clear as formerly ; my ap
petlto was uncertain and I waa unac
countably tired. It was au effort to
arise in the morning aud yet I could
not sleep at night. 3ly mouth tasted
badly, I had a faint all-gono sonsation
in tho pit of my stomach that food did
not satisfy, whilo my hands and feet
in L C aimnv. n(.rvmta ntirl n ,
.'. 'J. - " ' III!
table, and lost all enthusiasm. At
Umes my head would seem to whirl
t,mes my head would seem to whirl
and my heart palpitated terribly. I
had iio energy, no ambition, aud l
BCenied indifferent of the present and
thoughtless for tho future. I. tried to
shako tho feeling off aud persuade my
self it was Bimply a cold or a littlo ma
laria. But it would not go. I was
determined not to give up, and so timo
passed along and all tho whilo I was
getting worse. It was about this time
that I noticed I had begun to bloat
fearfully. Mv limbs wero swollen so
that by pressing my fingers upon them
deep "depressions would bo mado. My
fni'n nlun l-iorrnn In nnlnrrvn ami ,n,l-
-ww UWI.-U Ww- llll.l lvi vuii,iu-
uea to until 1 could scarcely seo out of
mv nVe. Onn nf mv frin,i0 lr.-;),.
hnK my appearance a't that time, said:
kft js an animated somethina. but I
should like to know what.' In this con
dition I passed several weeks of tho
greatest agony.
"i( inally, ono Saturday night, tho
misery culminated. Nature could
UnHnm. tnnrn Hm
J '
nnd nnnnmnilsr Inaanaihin n.r,A ..
gathored on my forehead j my eyes be
camo glazed and my throat rattled. 1
n(,r,mn, n ha in mim. wi,-o nnA
with other surroundings. I kuew noth-
ing of what occurred around me,
although I havo since learned it was
considered as death by thoso who stood
by. It was to mo a quiet state, and
yet ono of great agony. I was helpless,
Isnnnlnaa nml holn wna nwr
panion. I remember trying to seo what
was beyond me, but tho mist before
my eyes was too great. I tried to rea
son, but I had lost all power. I felt
that it was death, and realized how ter-
noio it was. At last tho strain gave
way and all was a blank. How long
inis continued L do not know, but at
last I realized tho presence of friends
and recognized my mother. I then
thought it was earth, but was not cer
tain. I gradually regained conscious
ness, however, and tho pain lessened. I
founa- that my friends had, during my
unconsciousness, been giving mo a pre
paration I had never taken before, and
tho next day, under tho inlluonco of
this treatment, tho bloating begau to
disappear and Irom that timo on 1
steadily improved, until to-day I am as
wen as ever uctoro in my lite, havo no
frnnpft nf tlin tnrritiln nnntn Hvlrrl.f'a Aa.
nf Wnmnr'a Snf,, n,, ihnvmnnrihnt
brought mo to lifo after 1 was virtually
m another world."
Vn.i lm im,i nn ,,t,o,,oi
innrr. M,-. flmmhin " A th
' .w...w. v, .fcw.
"Yes, I think I have," was the reply,
n-nd it. Ims hnnn n vohmhin Mnccnn tn
,nn T nm rortnin
thouirh. thorn aro
thousands of men and
womeu at this
D ' . .
very moment who havo tho samo ail
ment which camo so near killing me,
and thoy do not know it. I believe
kidnoy disease is tho most deceptive
troublo in the world. It cornea like a
tl, ,,f , ,lin ,!,. T, !. ,.
symptoms, but seems to attaok eaoh ouo
differently. It ia quiet, treacherous,
and all tho moro dangerous. It is kill
ing more people, to-day, than any
other ono complaint. If I had tho
power I would warn tho entire world
against it and urgo them to removo it
trom tho system before it is too late,
Ono of tho members of the firm of
Whitehead it Mitchell, proprietors of
tuo liirmingham Eccentric, paid a Ira
tcrnal visit to this office yesterday, and
:.. l. r T .!.... -r
in tho courso of conversation.
Grumble's natno was mentioned.
"I know about his sickness,"
mo eiiaor, "and his remarkable reco
very. 1 had las obituary all m type
nnd announced in thu JZccentric that
ho could not live until its next is
sue. It was certainly a most wonder
fnl case."
Rev. A. R. Bartlett, formerly pastor
of tho M. E. Church, at Birmingham,
ami now ot aouooicratt, Alien., lu re-
Bponso to a telegraph, replied s
'iir. W. A. Ui ombie, w-as u membe
of my congregation at tho timo of his
Biekncss. Tho prayers of the church
wero requested for him on two different
occasions. 1 was with him the dav he
was reported by lus physicians ns dying,
aud consider his recovery almost a mir
xsoi ono poison in a million over
comes bo near death as did Mr. Crom-
bio and then recover, but thu men and
women who nro drifting toward the
samo end, are legion. To noto tho
slightest symptoms, to realize their bik
nnicanco nud to meet them m timo by
tlio romedv Which Inn lipiin kiinu-n tn
bemoBtelHeicnt, is a duty from which
there can bo no escape. They aro for
tutmtu who do this j they are on the
sure roan io death who neguct it.
In Chum physicians are paid onlv
for days on which the beneficiary is
not Bick j that is, not for what iho doc
tor docs, but for what ho does not do.
In this way tho Chinese ivo to a good
oid age.
iNow that it has got waun enough
to melt biiow tho man who wus sun
struck last winter has aheady begun
wearing a wei soonge iu tits hat.
tyTES op DGXI3IMq.
, am
, 4 00
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18 m
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is ro
quarter column.
S)(M 830)
Vftflrlw AvortlanmnntH Mrt t ntilft HllflrtPtlT. TrAn
slent ndvcrtlvments must Ira paid for bcforelnscrt
cd except wliero parties havo accounta,
Legal advertlscmcnW two dollars per Inch for
thrco Insertions, nnd nt that rato for additional
insertions without referenco to length.
Executor's. Administrator's, and Audltornnollcea
thrco dollars. Must bo paid for when nscrtcd.
Tran,lent or Local notices, ten cents a line, regu
lar advertisements halt rates.
cards in tho "liuslness Ulrccloff" column, one
dollar a year for each line.
A Mormon Woman who did not Like Her
Husband's Children.
i Even tho paralyzing hand of reli
gious fanaticism cannot stillc human
nature. It may degrade tho intellect
nnd siibjiigato tho soul, but in mom
ents of supremo trial instinct is sure to
assert itsolf against any artificial en
vironment that has been set up to in
sure its captivity. Tho pages of his
tory are dotted all over with illustra
tions of this truth, and its evidences
nro renewed whenever the passing of
events nfford occasion. Ono of these,
witnessed by a party of tourists in
Utah, is not without imporlcuco in its
beatings upon a weighty and obscure
problem which beforo long will con
front tho peoplo's representative states
men. Tho tourists had been calling
upon a Mormon cldor living in a small
town between Salt Lako City and Og
den. Ono of tho four wives of tho
elder was to take tlio train for Ogdcn,
and tho party wero requested to noto
tho affectionately effusive manner in
which tho woman would part from her
sister wives and from tho brood of
childien sotno twenty or more who
formed no insignificant portion of tho
common household. Tho woman a
hatd-iaccd, thoroughly drilled Mor
moness of 40 shook hands with her
associates in conjugality, and dutifully
turned to kiss tho children good-bye.
Catching hold of tho nearest frowsy
headed youngster, bIio had almost be
stowed a salute upon its mouth when
sho saw that it was not one of her own.
It was hastily thrust aside,aud tho next
one, proving to bo of the proper stripe,
it was given a sounding and almost re
vengeful kiss. Tho next two wero cur
sorily inspected, and after somo hesi
tation the woman, avoiding the glar
ing oyes of her lord, passed them by
with a disdainful push. Another of
tho right breed was found, but tho
threo following ones wero astonished
by tho irato mother, balked unexpect
edly in tho search for her own. Thus
alternately culling and caressing sho
made ner way through tho astonished
brood until ono of the other wives,
enraged at seeing her children sub
jected to indignity, rushed forward to
inflict chastisement on the offender. An
impromptu freo fight followed, tho
elder being compelled to seek aid from
tho spectators beforo pcaco was restor
ed War broke out again, however,
and when tho woman finally broke for
tho train sho was without traveling bag
or umbrella, ono glovo was ripped
nearly off, and her bonnet and hair
indicated an advanced stage of demo
ralization. As the train moved away
sho poured out volublo denunciations
of her antagonists, who replied with
equal vigor aud trebly condensed cucr-
gy- Tho tourists who witnessed this
episode iti tho history of a quadruplex
household felt that thoy had seen, tho
machine running when it was out of
nrrlnr Tlin i-,rnnlirt.i"intnntn,1 nm'vnv.
ors of celestial peaco ground out of tho
Endowment House had slipped a cog,
so to speak, and discordant jarring
usurped for the time tho placo where
should bo heard only tho droning hum
of pleasant content.
A Letter From Washington.
Tho following letter is taken from
an old lidinburg Evening (Jurant,
dated September 9th, 178G. It was
addressed "to a gentleman in Dublin,"
wllose "amo 13 not Klven !
For tho houor you havo dono
rao in
calling your only child by my
name, and, that, too, you added, when
tho issue of tho American struggle
stood suspended, I pray you to accept
my best acknowledgements ray
thanks are also due for your politeness
in sending mo a pieco ot liuen ot your
wishes aud flattering expressions of
your letter to mo of tho 4th of August
"Your eountrv has mv best wishes
for tho fullest fruition of evervthinc
I . " . " . ... O
principal sharer ot thero.
"Beine, vour most obedient and verv
humble servant. I. v ashinoton.
I ,.-r. i TT T 1. in.t , WOf I,
"Jiount. vernon, iuarcu xutu, nou,
In the samo old newspaper wo find
tho following remarks upon American
altairs. Tho writer would bo boiuc-
what astonished if ho could now behold
that empire boyoud tho Atlantic con
cerning whoso prospects his anticipa
tions have proved as unfounded as his
languago was ungrammatical :
"Hie nltaus ot America nro still in
volved in obscurity. Littlo permanen
cy cau be expected to their presont
divided form of Government, and un
less they again become colonial posses
sions to somo Power tho establishment
of an empire must be tho work of ages.
Tho lato edict passed in Virgiuia rela
tive to religion shows that they havo
already trespassed in their Constitu-
I . ' ! .. ii i. .nr..!
tiou, as originally publication of Uni
tarian forms of worship in Massachu
setts intimates tho prevalence of a
party in matters of religion. The re
mittance, however, to this country ot
money havo been considerable.''
lvKiu'iNo a Butti:u Cow. Hon. D.
II. Thing, of Maine, whoso guesses aro
wot tli moru than mobt men's iihseitious,
I thus writes to tho Home Farm : "I
wish llieio was not so much guess
woik in farming operations, but guess
ing from my own experience, I cannot
nltord to keep a butter cow without
feomo kind of provender. I nlsocuiss
that I cannot afford to grow roots or
buy wheat bran tor her. Uorn ground
in iho eais two pints, and cottonseed
meal one pat t, Unto quarts of tho mix
ture night and morning, fed dry, has
given us tho best results in cowj milk
and butter, and our custumers never
hud fault, I havo nover had a cow cat
the Bhingles fiom the barn or chew
bones wluto upon this Iced. II you
havo no cobs tlnow in a small baud fill
of ashes onco or twice u week. Also
givo all tho salt they will cut. Fur
beef oxen I have docidi'd that two dol
lais in corn meal and onu iu cottonseed
will do ns much as four in corn meal
alono. Tho more experience 1 havo in
cottonseed thu bettir I am phnted-wilh i , ...
n, wiiue tuo moro i nave wan uieat
bran tlio lus 1 think of it 1 know
that smaller men than 1 foul bum nud
stick to it, nnd I often think I niu.t
havo been luistnken, and try it ngain,
but always with the hamo uusatisfao
toiy runlt. Barley muni giveB good
results lor beef, poik nnd butler,
A boy's definition
of snoring Lu-
ling off sleep.