The Pouitrj Yard. MORE AMIMAl, food FOR YOUJiO OIIIOK KX9. Wo do not think that we can bo mis taken In tho belief that we ehoulil bo far more successful In tho raising of yonnn chickens by giving them a great ueai more nnunai ioon man we aro In tho nabit of doing. Tho feeding of corn meal musb, boiled potatoes, and eiiiiiiar Buosiances generally compose, as wo all know, the principal food ol young chickens ; but we can ieo no leason why thtso vountr birds should bo exceptions to the ordinary rule of young Dims in general, wliicli feed .. r.L. ... iuiftvi;i iiiui'l'U Ulllv'U, Ull illll inal food s even those which, when they arc mature, live mostly on fruits nnu seeus, are led wlien in their nest on worms, grubs and insects. Wo notice tho old birduall day lone busily enirair- cd in supplying their young with food, uut, iiin.iys wiin animal ioou. in inci. it w very rare that wo have seen any' thing else. Why, then, should chicks do an exception T I he rccommenda non, aunosi without exception, in our pouury puniicauons, is to give more animal food to our grown fowls if we expect tnem to givo us more eggs, es pecially in winter, when they can help themselves to none. That is a great inducement to mako them hy more geuerously, we have too many proofs to admit of any doubt. Besides, it is claimed that animal food has other ad vantages in the way of good health, etc. Why, then, let us ask again, should tho young chickens not be ben efitted with at least a moderate supply of animal food ! All chicken raisers know the great losses suffered in the growth ot them, and may it not be ow ing toalarge extent to withholding entirely of this strong hening food, which is of so much benefit to the ma ture bird T We, therefore, suggest to our fanners to change their method of feeding their young chickens by giving loera a aue proportion ot animal lood, chopped np in very small pieces, and thus find out, each one for himself, Whcmer it is not a very decided bene fit in raising to maturity an additional number of the chicks into strong, healthy fowls. Germantoicn Tth graph. Poplar Wood Going Up, A.correspondent of tbo Springfield Jtepubiican writes from ureenbcld, jJiass. : Farmers who hare few cords of pop- r alls, where they nnd a ready market, Notwithstanding the wise papers the farmers read at their institutes on the danger of strinpiug the hills of trees. they aro ready to search their lands for a load ot the white poplar. It grows rapidly and brings a better price than tho best of hard wood. I he mills at Turners Falls pay $7 per cord for the nnpeeled and S8.50 for the neeled. This sale of poplar is getting to be an important item to the farmer, and it is high time for some of the thinking ag riculturists to give auvico as to the best way of propagating the tree. The manufacture of wood pulp for paper is destined to increase, and soon but little white poplar will be left in this loeah ty unless the work of replenishing is considered. Already the demand is greater man the supply, 'lhe wood must not be less than four inches in di ameter, sound, and sawed at both ends. It takes a score of men at this sea son merely to pile up the wood, 33 it is brought by car-loads from out of the county and sold by farmers from with in the county. Some of these piles are over 50 feet high, the piles being work ed up to this height by throwing from one pile to auother. One farmer alone has been paid over 8800 for one mouth's work this winter, and he is only one of tho hundred who are getting" a fair price for their wood and liberal pay for their men and teams. The Montague fiaper company nse about 20 cords dai y for pulp. Over $GO,000 is paid far mers for wood annually by tho mills in that village. When it is remembered that a pulp mill has just started at Orange, another at Erving, and that one soon starta near the tunnel, it is evident that the farmer is to have a permanent market for his wood, so that if ho is wise he will not cut down tho. saplings nor neglect tho planting of a new crop. The Jeanuette's Dead. PREPARATIONS FOR RECEIVING TIIE HOMES OF UK IjONO AND Ilia COMRADES. Tho remains of Do Long and his comrades, of the Arctio steamer Jean nette, will bo escorted from the wharf iu Now York to the receiving vault at tho naval hospital, on Flushing avenue, Brooklyn, by tho Twenty-third regi ment of that city on their arrival here, which will bo February 22. The use of the Brooklyn tabernacle has been ten dered by the Itov. T. Do Witt Tal raadgo for religious ceremonies, should it bo determined to hold any, over the remains. Dr. Talmadgo has also of fered to secure a clergyman of any do nomination to ofliciato on tho occasion. Tho naval department has, howevor, mado no arrangements for any such ceremony, and it is thought that nono will take placo until tho bodies are deposited in their last resting place. Dr. Talmage has been thanked by Comraodoro Upshur for his kindly of fer. The bodies will remain in tho re ceiving vault nntil their removal by tho relatives of the unfortunate men. Proper Division of Farms. Thero is very littlo economy prac ticed with regard to fencing, as a gen eral rule, and this should be looked at more than it is by our farmers. If you look at tho majority of farms yon will find tho simo division of land into fieids that was a quarter of a century ago, md even further back. As far as can bo made convenient, lho different fields should be composed of au uni form quality of soil. A field that is partly heavy and partly light soil, or somu of which is on high and some on low ground is rarely tho best for any crop, and tho different parte, if not fonced ofT, should at least bo cultivated and cropped by themselves. There is a great amount of inonoy lost every year, in tho shape of valuablo laud ami productions, by not having proper and conveniently fenced fields. It is not unusual to see corn in shock, turnips, fall wheat and aftermath in tho sainu field at tho same timu of year, and tho pasture iu this field is completely lost. Farmer's Advocate. Twelve graduates of Phillips Exeter Academy, Now Hampshire, have been Governors of States, tho list including Caes, Everett, Butler, nnd Dix. Equal parts of gum myrrh, gum ara bio nnd blood root is u good remedy for catarrh. A b'poonfiil of kerobeuo oil put into cold starch will prevent tho iron from sticking. Useful Hints. To clean shells boil them In milk. Papier macho artioles should bo wash To mako modeling clay, knead dry with glyceiino. Washing tho hair twice a day with salt water will prevent it falling out. Turpeutino will remove printing ink Irom nny article. To take grease spots out of a carpet rub mem with while tiaunel dipped l raw spirits of turpentine. Flannels or woolens should never go into too not water for the hands, or in to cold water. ed with a sponge and cold water, dredged with Hour ulnlo dump and polished Willi a tlanncl. A glue for mounting ferns is made of equal parts of starch, gum arabio and white sugar ; boil anil strain Color taken out of dark colored goods t... ..!.! ....... I . I I... .1... 1! cation ot ammonia. to clean brass bird cages uso a ta blespoonful of salt and a teacup of vin cgar ; heat and apply with a puce of iiaunei; rub till dry. A good dreeing for leather is mado of one quart of vinegar, two ounces of spermaceti oil and six ounces each of molasscss and ivory black. To remove ink stains from wood scour with sand wet with water and the oil of vitriol mixed. Then rinse with strong saleratus water. White satin shoes may bo cleaned by rubbing them with stone blue and tlanncl and afterwards cleaning them with stale bread. Skim mild and water, with a littl bit of glue in it, made scalping hot, will restore rusty black crape, llclai ped and pulled dry it will look as good as new. To make hair fluff v, wash it with solution of borax, two ounces, one tea spoonfull of ammoaia and one pint of water. To clean silver mix two tcasnoonfnls of ammouia in a quart of hot soap suds; put in tho silver and wash it, Dry with a piece of white flannel. To cure rheumatic pains bathe the parts affected with water in which no tatoes have been boiled, as hot as can be borne, just before going to bed. An excellent washing fluid and one that will not injure the finest fabric is mado of one bar of Russian soap cut up fine, one table spooonfnl of kerosene oil, a half cupful of wahing soda and i gallon ot water, lhe night before washday, put youi clothes to soak in warm water. In the tnorniut: boil the fluid twenty minutes, add whatever cold water is required foi washing the clothes, put in the clothes and boil one half hour j they are then ready to rinse ami starch. Pretty devices for desicruatinc the place certain guests shall take at the table aro employed by those happy housewives who can devote lime to the poetry ot home One very pretty way is to have an alphabet made of tin, nave each letter about three inches high, and have lhe little tin forms deep enough to hold a little sand or wet moss, 'luen nil the forms with tiny flowers and leaves. Another way, though not so easy to make, is to have the form in the shape of a card, and on the background of green put the guest's initial with small flowers. Yield of Fifteen Hens A correspondent writes from Pitts- ton, Luzerne county, Pa. : "I give you the results of my light Brahmas. I commenced 1883 with fifteen, mostly hens (had they been pullets the result would have been better): January, 114; February, 113; March, 30"; April. 270 ; May, 310 ; June, 238 ; July, 253; August, 193 ; September 80 ; October, 37 ; November, 30 ; December, 50 ; making just 2,000. I killed through tho season, so that I havo but eight that I commenced the year with. Three pullets commenced laying in Novem ber. "According toareport given last fall, tho eggs from my hens would bring ten cents more per day than tbo white shelled kind in Boston market. Besides, when I kill a hen dressing eight pounds I have something equal to a tur key to eat. 'This is miserable weather," a man growled, leaning against a lamp-post. "I think it's beautiful," replied an acquaintance. ''The sun has shown every day for a week, and the nir is dry and pleasant. ' That's all very well, said Ihcarowl- er, "but you know I'm a coal-dealer." "Why, no longer ago than a couple of months I heard you growling be causo it was so cool." "Yes, but you know, I was in tho iee business then. Arhamaxo Travel ler. A young girl was caught kissinc her sweetheart, a few nights ago. Her mother took her to task for such ac tions but tho girl silenced her by this quotation : "Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do you oven so unto them.'' The old lady wilted. Memories of old were brought forcibly to mind. DOES Jffir WONDERFUL CURES OF KIDNEY DISEASES AND !' It nets on the I.1VKII, IIOWKI.H and KIKXEVS at the Mint time. IHmom It clcmatt ths intern ct thepoUon. on humors that developo la Kidney and Url. nry Uloai, Ulllouanew, Jausdict, Conttlpa. lion, Fllea, or la Itaeumatljiu, tfeuralcia, if r. TOua Siaordan and all Femalo Complaint. urBOUDMooror rwj, it raii BtronV croa COH8TIPATI0M, PILES, nnd RHEUMATISM, By cauilss SHEE ACTION of all tha organa and funoUons, thereby CLEANSING tho BLOOD rea tortus the normal power ta throw oil diaeaae. THOUSANDS OF OASES of tha wont forms of these terrible diseases have been quloaly relieved, and In a abort tuna PERFECTLY CURED, raicr, 11. ijijud ok our, eoui uv unrccms, Dry can be sent by mall. WEIifl, WCUAIIDSON Si Co., Uurltarttra, Yt. O &csa lUnp for liivj AliQtuM f HfrL fiend tlx cenu for potdaKe, and re ceive frre, a costly box of (foods which l will help joa to more money right W hUil UUI .Mill,, 111 UIO I VII IU. All, of either sex, succeed from llret hour. The broad road to fortune opens Ueforo tho workers, aUMlincly ture. M onto odijreaa, Tui'K & Co., Au fc'iujta, Maine. Dec Vl-ly a week at home. tS.O) outfit frve. 'ay al. vjliiU'ly bura. No rink. Capital not required. Header. If vou want business at which tier. I BUIU Ul riuri EKlSi JVVWl Vl U1VI, VUII lutiav great pay ull the time they work, with ubsolulo tenoliity, writn for partlculara to 1L JUi-ustt ; 1 t'a, 1'urtiand, ilalne. Peosi-ly THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUB0, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. r.nnn nrttt c;nln. cm (-run 1. "1 km taken sick a year ago Willi bilious ferer.', ".My doctor pronounced me cured, but I got sick again, with terrible pains In my uii v. iv iiuu ami's, nuu 1 gut nu Uiiu 1 "ould not move I 1 shrunk I From 223 lbs. to 120 1 I had been doc fnrlnrr fnr inv ltin lull tl .11.1 .. .... .v..Um m..j, wu lliu iiiu 11 vi guuu. I (lid not expect to lire more than three momus. 1 ocgan to use nop lilltcrs. Di rectly my nnpctltc returned, my pains left me, my entire system seemed renewed as It by magic, and after using several bottles 1 nin nov oiuy as sounu as a sovereign nut weigh more than I did before. To Hop fltl. T tl . uuiers 1 owe my lite. Dublin, June 0, '81. It. FirzPAimcK cm nut 11. "MMdcn. Mass., rcb., l, im. Gentlemen 1 suacred with attack 1 of sick headache" Jicuralcla. female trouble, for venr. In tucjnos t terrible nnu excruciating manner No mctlicine or doctor could viva ma n nci or cure until 1 used nop Hitters. 1 ne nrst uottie iscarly cured me .'" The second made mo 03 well and atronir ns iv nun n ciiuu, "And I have been so to this dav." My husband was an Invalid for twontv jcitrs wiin a serious "Kidney, liver and urinary complaint, "Pronounced bv l!ntnn' heat nhvat Liuns "Incurable I" Seven bottled of vour bitters cured him and 1 Know or the "MVcj of eitrlit neraons" In my liclchboriiood that have licrn nv. cu uy your Ultlcra. And manv morn nrn uatnn- ilmm tvli 1 great benefit. Miiey almost Do miracles ?" .Vn. R D. Slack. How to Qet Sick. Exnose :vnurelf dav and nlffht : cat too much without pxnrrlun 1 work too hard without rest t doctor all tho time 1 take all the vile nostrums advertised, and then you will wont to know hmc la nti rdl, which U answered In three words- Take Hop Hitters. The Philadelphia Times. 1884. Tile IMilIndelpliln TIiiich, 1884. The Ttmtt wlU enter udou the new njpumimr and more prosperous than ever betore In itsbls torr more widely read and minted, mnre heart nv commended, and more nercely criticised, with a more complete organization, and an abler stall or contributors and with the same Independence and fearlessness that has made It successful and powerful In the past. The lime has no party to follow, no candidates to advance, but will meeteverr Issue, as It has c.L-r uuui, wuu vuusiiveQt uevouon 10 me nzm, to honest government, and the public welfare. And, while maintaining Its position as the leading journal of Philadelphia, It will aim to be continu ally In the advance In all that can add value to a newspaper. The value of a newspaper is not In Us size or display, but In the Intelligence and care, the con. clscness and freshness with which it Is edited. The 77m spends lavishly for news from allpirtsot tho world, but all us dispatches are caretuUy ed ited and condensed. In order to give the complete news of the dar In the moat rnnrlwAnrl ntti-fur. lve shape, and with It a large variety of entertain, lng and Instructive reading. The best writers at homo and abroad are employed to tnrlch Us col utnns, and to make It a Journal adapted both to the busy man and to the leisure ot the home cir cle, a welcome visitor to intelligent and honest Ituensof every noutlcal. reiizious. and Hoelil taste. The Wte My Time lsaltogetlJcr different from the weekly newspapers of t enty years ago. Tho day of those papers 13 gone by. Tbo telegraph and better local newspapers everywhere, especially In the thru In? centres ;of rural population, have made the old weekly metropolitan newspaper un satisfying. Those that cling to their ancient usages have lost their hold on our fnrw.inl.innv. Ing people; they are but shadows ot their former greatness, ana incy nave but a snadow or their former power. Thosa papers have had their use fulness, but it Is gone: and. with It. they are going 1 It was not the fault of themnors! It was the Improvement of, tho country that brought about the change. Jim and women, wherever they live, now require fresher news : and they re qulro more than news. The WetUij Timet gathers off the types of every passing week whatever has lasting interest to people at large, and sets It before them in such generosity ofpapr and print as would haveas- lonisnea U3 au twenty years ago. Daily. Twelve c-nts a week, nfty cenu a month, 18 a year, two cents a copy. HeeWl. One CODV. f-Javear; nvermlei year ; ten copies. Hi a year 1 twenty copies, les a j ear, mm one copy iree to me getter up of every club. THE TIMES, PHILADELPHIA. An Old Soldier's EXPERIENCE. ' Calrert, Texas, Jlay 3, 1?S2. ' I with to ei.rts ajr apptcciatiou of the raluable qualities of Ayer's OherryPectoral as a cocjti remedr. "While with Churchill's army, just keforo tho battlo ot V ickslurg, 1 contracted a 80 rcre cold, which tcriuluutcd In a dangcroiu couRli, I found iiu relief till on our mtrch wo came to a country atore, where, on asking for onie rcmoly, I was urged to try A Yen's CiiEiinv ri.crua.ti.. "I did jo, aiiJ was rapidly cured. Slnco then I hare kept the I'EtTOBAL comUntly hy me, for family use, nnd I hare found It to bo an invaluable remedy for throat nnd lung disease. J, W. WmiLEV." Thousands of testimonials certify to tha prompt euro of a!l and lung; aircctlotia, by tho uso of AVER'S CiiEiinv I'rt T :r.. u Being very palatable, the young est children take it rc.;dlly. dy Dr.J.C.Ayep5cCo.,Lowell,Mass. Sold by all Druggists. for tho working class. Send 10 cents for postage, and we win mall joufrte, a royal valuable box ot samnle troods that will .nut you In the wav nf maklntr mnn mnniv In n few days than vou ever thouchL nnihioAt mi business. Capital not reiulred. Wo will start you. You can work all the time or In sparo time only. The worth universally adapted to both sexes, young and old. You can easily earn from SO cents to $5 every evening. That all who want may test tho buslnesi, wo make this unparallcd offer i wall that are not well Batlsnwl we will snd tl to pay for the trouble of writing U3. Full parti culars, directions, etc., sent free. Fortunes w 111 be made by those who give their whole time to the work. Ureat success absolutely sure Don't delay, btartnow. Address (iTixros 4: Co., I'ortland, llalne. nccii-i LOOMSBURG PLANING MILL The under3lzned havlu? Dut his Planlnp Mil on Hallroad street, In flrot-cioss condition, la pre pared to do all kinds ot work In bis line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. Flans and specltlCA lions prepared by an experienced draughtsman. CIIAnLES KRDG, lllooniHburg, Pn. IViAKE HENS LAY An English Veterinary Burgeon and Chemltt, now traveling In this country, says that rnou of ths Horse and Cattle I'owdern sold here are worth less trash. He says that Hherldsn's Condition 1'owdera are absolutely pure and Immensely valu able. Notu ng on earth win make b ns lay like bherldan's Condition Powders. Dose, l teaspoon, ful to l plut toia. Bold everywhere, or sent bv mail for s letter-stamps. I. a. Johnson & Co.. 1103TON, Mist all Janse' iff For COLOR ana SWEETNESS Uie BEAN'S CONCENTRATED Extract of Annatto. Hature'a awn Color. Brlrhtait f sinl, or Had t9 tU, Is tujmf Ut a wsf.U, aulrtsf MOlbl. to -r italic a iu., ae.Nia nukil St., rillLAD'A, Junel-ly ats PEBODY HOTEL. I'lllLADELVIIIA. fith St. south of Chestnut, nnn uinnm nnntii the New Fost Onice. one half hnuaru (mm U'nlnui bt. Theatre and in t ho ery buslneaa centre of tho city. On tho Ainertoan and Kuropean plans, (lood rooms from wo to m.ui per day. Kemodellod and novilyfurnlihevL W. Payne, M. nor o-l r owner & Proprietor. 111 Pubic Sale OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! There will be exposed to public site at 10 o'clock 0. ra., on Mondny, February 11, 1884, onthnpremlve.tho following described real es tate to-wltt All that certain HOUSE and LOT 'JluMe on Third street, Mocrrmburg', below the .'i.iiivuiaivuuivik The lot Is 61 feet front and about all feet deen. containing- a largo and convenient house about kx feet, with e rooms. Atsa a uree out kitchen one and a half stories nign, a commodious and convenient coat house. stable, wagon shed, lg pen, chicken pen, and otner out-wiuaings, liesldcs tereral lartre full. wearing AITI.B TIIEE.1, OllAPE VISF-S PLUM TI1F.ES, l'EAIt TltEE. tc. The property Is In good repair inside tho build. mgj and Is a desirable and choice location. The key Is at Andrew liuperfs, across the street. i crms, sc., made known on day of sale. J. II. nOBISON. Jan. 11. ta. JPiiblie Ssile! , OF VALUAULK Real Estate. In pursuance otan ordorofthe Court of Com. mon Fleas of tho county of Columbia. Fa., tho in. dcrslgncd "Directors ot the Foor and ot tho House of Employment for the township of Madison," will sell at public sale, on the premises, below dcscrlb. ea, on Saturday Feb. 9, '84, at two o'clock, p. m., the following described val uaoie real estate, to-wlt: The undivided one. tmm of which .Milton tVelllver, died, seized, anu the undivided one-third ot which Fhlneas WelllrcrU seized in a certain lot or Dlecoofland situate In tho township ot Madison, In said county u v-oiumoia, at or in the Tlllago of Jerscytown, bounded north by tho public road leading fmm Jerscytown to Washingtonvllle, west by lot of iana belonging to tho heirs of Danlellloss, de- rawra, soutn oy iana ot J. c. Fruit, and cast by ivv ui uuu 01 aiary stout, containing One-Fourth of an Acre of Land more or less, on which are erected a two-story FIUMK DWELLING HOUSE, and out-bulldlngs. nr-TEHMS OF SALE.-One-thlnl of the bur- chase money to be paid at the striking down of the property, and the remaining two-thlrds at con- nrmaiion of sale. Purchaser to nay for deed. Jan. 13, isL CONHAD KREAMEIt, JACOI1 M. OIUTO.W THOMAS nivril Vvl 1-lMt Directors of" tho Poor. e. EXECUTORY SALE, OF VALUABLE Ulesill JvEsfsfitc. The undersigned executor of Ellas i-ireiwiir late of Locust township. Columbia eountv. rlMvaa. cd, will expose to public sale on the premties In sum townsnip, on Saturday, Feb. 33, '84. at 1 o'clock p. m. tho following described real estate, situate on tho pubUe road leading from Slabtown to Numidla, bounded as follows, on the rtortu uy land of D. A. Humble, west by land of ijcorge nary.south by land of Frederick pfahlor, uuu liosv uy puuuc roao. containing SO Acres more or less. A stream of water flows through the prem. Ires. Terms made known on day of sale. &OLOMOX STKAUSSER, Executor. Feb Mw JgXECUTOIt'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF JAMES EOAT, DECEASED. Letters tcotamcntary on the estate of James Roat deceased, late of Hemlock township, Colum bia county, Pennsylvania, have been granted by the Iteglster of said county to the undersigned ex ecutor. All persons having claims against the es tate of sa'd decedent are requested to present them for settlement nnd those Indebted to the estate to ucui 10 me uauersigneu without delay. . 11. . LITTLE. Jan li-o w Executor. "jXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP ABRAUAK A. KUSE, DECEA8ED. Letters testamentnrr nn the pfntA nf im.m A. Kline, late of Sugarloaf township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, have been granted by the Iteglster of said county to the undersigned execu ,r!!'.'M!PerwnsnavlnSclaltns against theestato of said decedent are requested to present them for settlement nnd thoso indebted to tho estate to lujuicuv lu mu unuersignea wunout delay. I. K. KHICHHAUM, Executors, Jan 55 6w Benton, Pa. B HIDGE NOTICE. An election for oniceraot tho Cattawbssa Bridge Company for the ensuing year will be held at the housa or Mrs. Hester Klstler In Cr.tawlssa on Mon- uujr jiuruu oru ueiwcen meuoursot one and six o'clock F. JI. of that day. J. B. ROBINS, Secretary, QHAItTER NOTICE. IS THE COCBT OF COMMON PLEAS F0H THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA OF FEBBCARV TERM 168-t. Notice Is hereby given that an application will be made In said Court on Saturday February. 18. A. 1). 1881. at 2 O'clock P. SI., under the Act. ot Ai?m! ily of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entitled "Anact to provide tor the Incorporation and lteg- SfffipSssai ter of an intended corporation to be called "rim ter oi an intenara corporation to be called "The Northern Columbia and Southern Luzerne County Agricultural Association," the character and ob ject of which Is tho maintenance of facilities for lhe holding of fair or exhibitions of Agricultural. Horticultural and .Mechanical products with tho light to rent, purchase and hold real estate neces sary for these purposes, and to have and possess and enjoy all tho rights, laments and privileges conferred by the said Act of Assembly and Its sup plements, c. B. JACKSO.V, p Doom, mi bollcltor. fsATAD a 14 Causes no Pain uivcs Kclief at Once, Tlioiougli treatment will cure. Not a liquid or snuff. Apply willi finger. HAY-EELVER Price SO cents, by mall or at druggists. Han II II ValMll 11 t. iilin. Jtv. ' - ... ... . Ulllll, ... u,t VJU1LVII Ul V1IVI jirui, Anil ho fmPii Mflh. oaisi, s tested says cditorlauy, November' 18H3 i "We have I Ely's cream Halm, and believes that, by a thnrnttph mtlrun rt Innlmnnt Ir will ilmnot every caso of catarrh. Ministers, as a class, are ftffltftfvl with hAnil nnil thniit twvnhlMi AnlM't. I tarrh seems more prevalent than ever. We can- Feb ww d HAV.l'IiVIIlt. I can roenmmend Ely's Cream llalm to au nay Fever suffer. era. It being, In my opinion, louuura upon experience and a sure cure. I was anilcted with Hay Fever for S3 years, und never be fore found permanent reuei. iykbsteh n, Haskins, . Marshtlcld, vt. Apnlr byllltlo fin. ger Into tho nostrils. By absorption a ef- leciuauy cieauses lliu l nasal passages of ca- UAV.r?eilirriias.H iu 11" -VK.ftarrhal virus, causing heaithy secretions. It allays Inflammation, pro tects tho membranal linings of tho head from ad. dltlonat colds, completely heals the sores and ro- Diviicainobuiivj ui msie unu smeu. iienenciai re. bulls are rejllzed by a few applications. A trior. uugn treatment win cure, un nt will cure, unequalled for colds Arable to use fand 'lor circular ELV i!rtOTiiEltbwega N. r in iuu ueju. Agree Hold by druggists, stamps. EL aug 10-ly d T7REAB DROWN'B IWbURANCE J AQUNOV. Uover'a new building, Main stieet, Bloomsburg. Pa. ... . Assets. .Ktna Insurance Co., ot Hartford, Conn, Itoyal of Liverpool, , U.soo.Wi ijtncasnire , Fire Association. Phlladelnliia i im in Fboenlx, of London u,! in , lxndon 5 Lancashire, of England.... . l.TOJ.aia Harttorlof Hartford. ,st3 oil Uprlngfleld Flro and Marino ,, ,osi,co At tho ajcscles are direct, policies are written' forth? insured without any delay in ths oaloo at Uloomaburg. r Oct, 28, ' CATARRH aAl. FAS SA I SPEER'S PORTUGAL GRAPE WINE UNt'EltMKNTKl) OltAPE JUICE. Used In the principal Churches for commiinlnn. Excellent for Females, Weakly rcrsoas and the iSpecr's Port Grope Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. mills CELEMlATKIl U'tVR ffc iin. . 1 the dead ripe oporto Orape, raised In speert Tlnernn1a Ii tnvnlnnhM 1 ' it.i a i Ton!: anJ Streagthenine Properties 2!SJS?surv':ls1 bT "" olh'f Wine. Being pro-?.-?Ji"acr:Mr- "Pcra own personal superv ision. 3i.'"f .. K :"inenc5!s are guaranteed by the principal Hospitals and Hoards of Health who have i whn hrtrA I examined iu .. . aausu it, ai it Is It, and tho weakest InrnlTd ui " l T to odrantiM. Is particularly beneficial to tho debilitated, and suited to tho various ! asiHl nnd aliments that SIICVl IUU IVI'KIT W T. nu m every respect A WINE TO BEnELIEDO.V Speor's Unfermented Qraps Jaice- 19 the 1ul fif fhn Orvnrtrt nMniu ..a. . ! ?"KC?';..lrc.9n'.?wecA.state as H runs from the Tot WJT't'-ir'"' "jereuy uestroying tne exc . ter Of fermentiitlnn. ir i na,riiv . . from nlrtt nn in v-M . lreo ..uLvijiiuuuj uiuiuu;. Soeer's Burgundy. Is a dark rich martin m Ttrv winn .1, I :h .7 lfrrr u. muuer in?, ana oy ntnwtt r. Ir, " w aaiiVL vt, t Spaot's (Sooial'te) Olaret. uwiw 11 iuw vspwiaiiy suitea tor umner use, Speer's P. J. Sherry. IS a WlnQ Of Slinerlnr Chtrtftar an,! nnAl.A tho rich quautles of the grape from which It Is Speer's P- J, Brandy. IS A PL'ItK rtlstllllllnn f. ...1 stands unrivalled la thU Country for mtdlclnai It has a peculiar flavor, similar to that of tho grapes fromwhich It Is distilled, Sec that the signature of ALFIIED SPEEH. ras. tais j., 13 over tne cork nf each bottle. SOJLD BY O. A. KLEIM. AST) IW nMlTfifJKTs FVPurvnpMP I L'nn ,vi -os ... a uuiiu, 1 CiRAY'H SI'KCII'IC MF.DICINI!, THABO MARK TnEOHKATEsn-TnADtt rilAflK USU 11KUHII1 . AU unfailing cure for Sjmlnal w e a k ncss, spermator rhoea, Impotency, and all Diseases that follow as a senuenco of Self. Abusoins lossof. li.mni-t- tlrlnA.. CtruHE TAKIHB.sal Lass 1 1 u d e,flfTR TAXINQ. Pain in the ll.ick-. Dlrnne3 nf vUInn promJiM?.! Old Age, and many other (leases that led to lnsa- uu or v-onsumpnon anu a rremature tirave. Itr.WinP. nf nitrPrt1ummitt In rafnn.l when druggists from whom tho medicine Is bougbi do not refutvl. but refer vou to tlintMnnfmr. crs, and the requirements are such that they are wldom. If ever, eomnlle.1 with, sen their writ. ten guarantee. A trial of one single package of oray's spcciilo will convince tho most skeptical of Its real merits. on account of counterfeits, we have adopted tho ellow Wrapper ; the only genuine. tlf Full mrtlflllnrs In nnr nnmnlilnt .pa M .Jl. , . ...... I "'-- V I uv-aiie iu scuu uy man 10 every one. jjcThe ."peclflq .Medicine is sold by all druggists at l per package or 6 packaes-for t5, or will bo wnt free uy man uu inc reteini oi me money, or annn-xslnr 1 Kli Y Ml-'llinivi fvi ittirrit'. v r Sold In Bloomsbnrg by all druggu'ts. ' ' IU, ll-IJ 60 rs 33 -n ox 2" O CO M I m PS c: m so as r u 30 o S H W m i m o M I n c S 9C I X n to n o n -4 n -4 n - m so -n g - - z to nj ca Z m 60 Sliotes. Pork. Iteef. Calves nnd Seeds n specialty. All tho above bought nnd sold at Light oueiH uy OlLii.a lUUflli. nnin:iniMi. .... ORNAMENTAL RON FENCES aaiuai iuiiuuu, OF CAST CK WROUGHT IRON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds. :o: The following shows the Picket nnthie. nnn nf the several beautiful tt ylea of Fence manufactured by the undersigned. For Ileautv and Durilbllltv tliev nmunsumin ed. Bet up by experienced handi and warranted to give satisfaction. Prices and specimens of other tie- signs sent to any address. A,,irla, BLOOMSBURG. PA. Mayitf Great Reduction Having imrchnsed a. area tract nf liei lock timber und having n steam mill on tho gamc I am prepared to (111 all sizes nnd Icngtlia of lioiiso nnd barn bills in a few duys' notlco at very low prices. I also Keen constantly on hand n full stock nf HIHNQLE3, LATH, FLOORING, SID ING, &c. Parties will save money by getting prices before purchasing elsewhere. Ho M Low, OrmigcYillc, Pa, ON 30 DAY'S TRIAL. I .! . .... ..1i1'"'t ,'rnaii. icn wii I send nn. nvira rKr.RHirLf'uii Tuii Vtt. JAW'''1'? ni1 ELECTfilC AITI.IANOKS i rim lor s i urn in man frnnmfnrni.ii i.n a i. kin!? Nfrrotl UeDtmr. tost Vitality. GMAIN Kuninunvniif speeuyami com ' rri V' o.'ir.r.- yvV Sr... -Vor1uoa otUM'tn 1 maniy Mgr. Ad. vrinHJnRV. &rtW bkvu. ....iu-ni, r (UWLfl 3 -ifirl-'.Ut t: tX4Jaaaabi SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR Ready and Waiting for You. The Finest, The Latest. The Most Artistic styles 01 ELEGANT AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Iiig Iuihiccinciila OUR RECEIPTS OF 'FALL ANO WINTER G000S. Gull and bo Convinced that We Leadl mi qfiaMty9 It aind pram Lm0 Ml & lowest prices OF (j Mii Itftwetticrgt WEBBB. HaRDlVlAISr FINK INLAID FRENCH WALNUT Knuy Terms. Sntlsractlon Cunrantcetl. iJ-A.a01SrjS IPX A.2STO WARE ROOMS, MUSIC liALL BLOCK, I I II I I I Md III H i W IIIIWMlllW I Mil &EAND WORD CONTEST PLEASANT AND INSTRUCTIVD PA6TIME. HAGNrPIOENT AND COSTLY PREMIUMS GIVEN. Solid Gold Watch, - Worth $100,00 Magnificent Ten Set, embracing Waiter, 24 inch, Hammered and IPtgra'vcd , G pieces 1st, 2d. jiuiiniivvcu una engraved with Gold Lined Slop and Cream, Qitadrtijrtc Plate, 100.00 ?,V n-Ttsa i ci aTsa rpt, if and Chased or ChaitxlBatln, with Gold Lined SIod and Cun. 4 h. TjitiM i let Watsb hrr, Hngrared. will. Oold Lined Morahle Blop and Cup? I ' .t"ls". "ns Decoratod I ottlo and I'ovrder Uox, wllh Satin Llncdiewol Drai.r tl h. I-BnTSrAni). Itlch Decorld Glass, cither Blue or Arobr . . ur,w,r tin, I mt'X't in bar, 3 Plf s, Hed and Amber Glass, Hand EnirOTed. lb. isti. Cssroa, Chasod Bell Usndles. The bell can readily be detai .X '' J." 1 ''' S quarts. Chased. Double Walled, . ltNlt I'll, VI. . H n tKaaA.. n .1 T I J 11th. i tin SrssD. Rock Crystal GIsbs. Leaiitlfiill Tlie manufacturers of tho Celebrated Dst'Bor.nlll clToon theltfr.v un m.'.v.. and U.u.lful l-ri.nlums to tho person, making Ut Z'wiM2?t&tiil$&9 CONDITIONS. U. Words mint I written plainly nd numbered. 5!i J'?. 1 remlum" wl R.ln In rotation accordine lo larcetl list of ordi T' ftjtlWTmll,t..vA for WV ar2SrS2&. ..4 .n.trnction ll!vr?f.,nv,0JolnducWn,,0,7."Pdu,0ne"' PT 6oir Mi Ut Hunt., i. v o'ln.'?.0' 1,0 f H"T- ",0 6j,and your uh ng dene In one-half i ll i.n.ui. aV,D..2 iSOiU i,nJ,i" u"'Lr alrocted. Wrectloni will be found I on MchraMr ni nfit h.?.".U? fflffilfoWfir" tha United n Manufnctursd by DAV Sc FniCK nn, nu, ni, nw t n ne.aan si. mi, mi, iwjut hu w?Au. s, phu.. p. iKi '-"w i'or SJlo by .MOV Kit HUOTHKUS, Uloomaburg Pa. UodlcalSuperintsadeat cf ths Ssaltathra. Invalid's Homo, Bloomsburg:, Dovolcs special nttctitlon to 2pilep:y, Ucryeuj Affections, ami Dlssatcs cf Weraes, I'atlonU received ut tlio Sanitarium on rcaaoimblo terms for board and treatment. P. 8. No charge for first consultation, npr 27. 'Sii on I And f Tur Itic Ct'tebrnlcd Clilckcrlntr, Ivers & I'oml, nnd Vosc &, Son I'iatios. Worltl-ro nowneil Estey Orgms, Violins, Acconlcons and Sheet Music. Celebrated White, New 11111 Arm D.ivi.a, New Home, Hoyai at. John, nnd Light Hunnlng Domestic hewing .Machines. Needles, oil nnd attachments for nil makes of Sewing Machines. STREET - CLOTHING can always 1)3 found at tlie CASE ORGAN, 9 STOPS, $90 CASH. WILUBS-BARRH PA Junel ' 1 IMIII III Mllllat Mill m.issmi J0O 21 W 81.00 17W iia low 1000 ) detachtd from the Handle ont "AW B. F. SHAKPLESS' Near L & B Depot, Bloomsburg Pa. Manufacturer of First class ranges Id different styles, cook stoves, parlor stovca and stoves for heating stores.scliool houses! c lurches fee. Largo stock of tinware and stovo repairs, such us grates, fire brick, lids, centres &o CALL Al SECURE BARGAINS. Oct 20 tf RAXXiROAB TIMn VADIiB, Pennsylvania Railroad. 'hiladelphia &l Er!o R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. Ml TIME TABLE. In C-fTlCt SnY. lQth. 1tt. Train. lAA,.rt bury. EASTWARD, D.35n. m.. Lock Haven Kxnrra Ainiit aaa. Sunday), for llarrliburg and lntemicUatstatlonV Lancaster. I'hiladoliilila. New Vnrk-. iiniiimnm r,'.l Wasliington, arriTlnir nt l'lilladelphla 3.1S n. rn New York, cso p. m. ; lialtlmore, 9,111 p. in. wasn! Inttton 6.S0 p. in., through passenger coach to uuaucipma. 1.53 p. m. Dav cxnres (daltv rrrpnt dnmtn.-i for Harrlsburff and lntcnnedlato otations, LancasI ter, Philadelphia, New York, Ualtlmoro and Wash Ington, arrtTlng nt l'lilladelphla 7.S5 p. in. : New York, 10.SO p. in. : Ualtlmore, p. m. ; Washing, ton, tU; p. in, Pullman Parlor car througli to Phi. ladelphla and passenger coach through to Phlladel. phlannd Ualtlmore. 8,aop. m. Wllllamsport Accommodation (dally! for llarrlsbunr and all lnteniiniimn ttimn. caster, Phllallelpliia and New York, arnvintr nt. Mceplng car accommodations can bo secured at l larrlsburg for Philadelphia and New York, on Sun. t 1,cn lutiv u.iu n. in. days a throueh sleenfntr a oiii-ping car win uo run: on thi train from Wllilamsp't to Philadelphia. Philadelphia passengers can remain In sleeper undisturbed until z.10 a. m.-Lrie .Mall (dally except Monday! for i!ib!1IF.nn.1.lnte"n(Mlato station Lancaster, Philadelphia, New York, Ualtlmoro and Washing.! uu, uiuims i niiaueipuia 7.00 a. m. : New York, UV a. in. : Ualtlmoro T.10 a. m. : Wnshlnvrtnn. h rA tu rn. Through Pullman sleeping cars aru run on this train to Philadelphia, Ualtlmoro and Washing, ton, and .through passenger coaches to Phlladel. phu and Baltimore. WESTWARD. 6.20 a. m. ErlO (atl Prrnnt f. m f-floibd all intermedlato stations with through lniliman Palaco car anil thrntitrh im1.i. coaches to Erie, and through Puilmun Palaco cars to lluttalo via Euiporlum. on Mindaya this u in. ireiioi o, wiiii ruinnan 1'ai.tce car to .u..ctrvi v ouu o3v;iiv;vt uuacues to jtenovo. ror Canandaltrii.i fiini iniprinmiiiirt Rochester, llumioand Niagara Palls (daily except hundays) wlththiougli Pullman Palaco car aid passenger coaches to ltochcster. 1.0 1). m. l.ll?.ir. Kvnrfijj M.lttf ci.. day) for hano und lntennedlato stations with J!!r,?-f Kr1 Pa;ebS:r coaches lo Kane and parlor car to W llllamsport. For Canandaigua and principal lntcnnedlato stations Rochester, liuffalo and wiWi ? tails with through pa.ssenger coaches to '' ,",'".rast line daily except Sunday for Re K,.Anl1.ln.,erlne!"''10 s'ntlcms, and Elmlra, Wat kins and Intermediate stations, with through pas-senzv-r coaches to Renovo and Watklns. THROUGH TRAINS POR SUNDURY FROM THE EAST AMD SOUTH. Philadelphia, 7.40 a.m. ; vWoiVt, except Sunday) arriMng at sunbury, 1.03 p. inf with through Pullman Parlor car from Phlladel- Phia SSd RaSo!?" COaCUc3 ,rom I'",ladcl- Fast Lino leaves New York 8.00 a. m. ; Phlladel. phla, 11.10 a.m. ; Washington, 9.40 a. ra. : Baltl- more, 10.D) a. m (dally except Sunday) arriving it sunbuo", p. m., wlttf through passenger coaches from Philadelphia and lialilmore. Lrle .Mall leaves New York 8.00 p. m. : Phlladel. Pii'S: KP- BL :,Jvsl'ngton,l(lt0p.m. ; iialtl- ?.I!,,1.-.sKP;nL,?Ml" "riving at sunbury 0.15 rm,iSii?rtyfS?Vsl,1"ulLl?an 1'Jeo Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, W asblngton and lialtlmore and LiX?8?fill.Ssensct. coae,'e3 from Philadelphia. Uay Washington runs dally except sun- .vn'v?l; Pfi?LET0,? WltKES-DAlmE RAILROAD and North j: est iika.sch Raiuvav. 1. t. ., (Ually except Sunday.) Jlail Last leaves sunbury (daUy except Sunday ) 6.15a.m., arriving at Ulootn Ferry a.m., Wllkes-barreS.i.'Oa. m. Express East leaves sunbury 5.S5 p. ra., arrlvlnir "xi" T5' p-m- W llkes-birre tiii p m. lng at Bloom Ferry p. in., sunbury l-.'.ta p. in. Hpret 45,1 'fi1 " I'kes barro s.3) p. m ar- nvmg at Bloom Ferry 7.07 p. m no. ounuury ti.ta p. CHAS. E. PUOII, (fen. .Manager. J. It. WOOD, oen. Passenger Agent. piIILADELPHA and BEADING KOAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. NOV. 5, 1833 TB1IN8 LEAVE ROPSKT AS FOLLOW6(6UNDAY BICBrrkD. for Now York,Phlladolphia,Readlng,Pottavllio Tamaqua, fie., 11,43 a, mj For Catawissa, 11,45 a. m. 0.13 and ic.30 p. m. For Wllllamsport, 6,33 11.45 a. m. and 4,M p. m. For Lowlsburg and sunbury, 4.00 p. m. TRAINS FOR KOriBT LIAVB AS FOLLOWS, (SUNDAY EXCEPTED.) Leave Now York, via. Tamanend 9,oo a. ra. and via. Round Brook Routo 7,45 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, ,co a. m. Leave Reading, 11,53 a. m., Pottsvllle, 18,80 p. m and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leave Catawissa, 0,30 11.03'a. m. and 4.nn n. m. inisuurg 1.1s p.m. Passengers to and from Now Ynrir. vin. t.. nend and to and from Philadelphia go through without change of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, c. o. nANcocK, Qenoral Uansor; JanlSy issi-tfI'BCr ttDa TICket Ac0Ilt DELAWARE, LACKAAVANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NORTH, STATIONS. SOUTH p.m. p.m. a.m. a 15 a.m. p.m. p.m. a 45 9 45, Scran ton,,,, -llcllevuo.,. Taylorvllle., , .Lackawanna. Plttston.... 9 09 9 03 8 it 8 4S 8 42 8 37 80 3 10 a 17 C 22 6 27 6 84 9 37 9 30 9 45 9 fi 9 68 10 03 10 is 9 24 ti 41 0 40 0 61 0 65 0 68 7 02 7 10 7 17 7 22 7 10 7 37 8 00 8 26 8 40 6 60 9 00 E 00 8 05 8 10 8 18 8 25 S 80 8 lb 8 62 9 00 9 04 0 20 a.m 9 19 . nraW'lllBlon 9 14 Wyoming,... Maltby S 25 3 IS 0,1 1 59 1 43 1 95 1 25 I 19 1 03 ...IlUUUOtt ..Kingston.,.. ..Klm.atnn 9 01 9 04 8 55 10 is 10 18 M 2 61 .Plymouth Juno 16 riyinouiu... .Avondalo ... 10 ill S 02 S 07 8 00 8 00 3 10 8 18 8 47 8 39 6 !S 8 17i ......nanricnirn . 10 84 10 42 10 C6 llunlock's creek ....Shlckshlnny., 7 4019 49 7 33 VI ti 7 CG 1! 15 7 id 12 00 7 13 11 47 7 09 11 40 7 05 11 32 . i.its s rerry, ....Reach Haven. -Berwick., Urlar Creek.. 11 07 8 J5 8 61 3 67 4 07 4 12 4 20 4 47 4 33 4 88 4 CO S 12 8 OH 11 18 11 20 7 CO 7 62 7 44 7 3S 7 33 7 29 7 11 Lime Rldgo,, Espy ...Ulootnsburtr,, Runort. 6 67 11 10 S CI 10 CS 5 43 10 30 0 37 10 41 IS 10 S2 6 10 10 OS eoi io 11 9 11 45 11 60 Catawl'a Brldgo 11 68 .,.JJUUVM1U,,,, Chulasky... Cameron.., Northumbcrl'd 12 IS 45 9 6 CU 6 45 12 43 6 25 p.m. a.m. a.,m p.m. W. V. HALSTEAD, Sunt. I A Tendinis London IMiys? .v..... i-niuuiiftiit-a nil - Ulllcolu New York lor tuo euro or EPILEPTIC FITS. Wi SISi iV4 h"'' "Proai and P.O. aidrcM Feb Hw U YOU O.VNNOT GET WELL AT HOME. lew UINGIIAMTON, N. Y. A GOOD PLACE FOU TIIE SIOK. ThehouuiiBi(iii.. ,T!T7T. . . . of lnvalldi ihSSTffl "".i-u u 1 lortno comfort homa stands nn'hf0. l,leisant nnd Christian a&yir tbsc.nd forclrcmar, tfjm saw Lock Unr or jiji.i, bept. 7 wiy. Wnghamton, N. i'. sujisoiuiiE Ton ' F 1 I A TUB CQLUMW.VN, $1.60 A YEAR,