THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Our funeral Oustoms. I1Y ItKV. 0, K. CANI'IKt.l). About tho most trying service a country minister is called to perform la tbo funeral service lie i called, fre quently, ou very sbort notice, to go a long way and preaob a formal sermon to tbo largest congregation tbat hu over lias for thcro aro many who at tend funerals whoso shadow novcr darkens the olmrch door at any other tlmo. It may bo that the deceased is ono of this suno kind. While alive lib could not bo persuaded to attend church for any consideration (except at funeral?,) but when dead his friends do for hla body what ho would not do for his soul tako it to church. As Colo nel Klino one- remarked, "It does seem like taking a mean advantago of a man after ho is dead to take him by forco whero ho couldn't bo persuaded to go while ho was alive." And then tho friends expect more or less of eulogy to bo pronounced even though tho de ceased bo comparatively unknown to tho preacher. Often tho last preparation for tho fu neral is to "notify ' tho minister. How short this notice is on tho aveiago would be a matter of surprise to many. Commonly it la only a day before the funeral. Sumctimo- tho name day, Once a man galloped ahead of tho fu neral procession to ask mo to preach the sermon, and as a means of hasten ing my preparations ho pointed to tho procession approaching on tho hillside 1 I met tho procession at tho church door. This is an cxtremo caso j yet wo insist, if a sermon must bo preached, that as much timo bo given to its pre paration as to that or tho cofliu and shroud. But why havo tho funeral sermon at all T It is not tho' custom in towns and cities except in caso of noted persons but it is customary in this country to have funerals for infants in churches, with full servico and tho feast follow ing tho burial. "What 1 not havo a public funeral t" said a man with whom I talked j "why, you havo a chance to preach tho gospel to many who novcr corao to church on other occasions.1' Yes ; but what good does it do them 1 Did you over hear of a conversion being made by a funeral sermon t Did you over hear of any scoffer being si lenced, any infidel turned to tho truth on such an occasion t But abolishing tho funeral sermon does not do away with tho services of the minister. One of tho tendcreat ofllces of tho pastor is to administer the comforts of religion to thoao called to mourn. Indeed, when the heart is ploughed by sorrow the seeds of truth often tako deepest root. But thcro is no better, more sacred placo for this than the home. Espe cially should the Gnal leave-taking of tho friends from their dead never bo in pre sence of a congregation. Tho last parting should bo too sacred to parade' before the eyes of those, often unsym pathetic and critical, who como from mere curiosity. Another very objectionablo feature of our country funeral customs is tho Sunday funeral. Very many people regard tne oaDoetn as tho most appro priate day to bury their dead. So they harry their preparations if tho time is short, and lengthen them if the time is long, so that they may have the funer al on Suuday. I havo known those who died on Saturday, as well as those who died on Wednesday, to bo buried on Sunday. As a consequence the minister must frequently leave his reg ular appointment, and several other congregations in the neighborhood are nearly broken up; for everbody, of course, must go to the funeral. Three times within three months it has beeui my lot to preach to a mere handful of faithful ones lnuauso the majority part of tho coii'-reg.iUon were away attend ing fuueials. Next to Sunday camp-meetings, Sun-, day fuueials are the most fruitful cause of depleting the country congregation. Is it not time that this bleeding pro cess should be stopped t It is rarely ever necessary to bury the dead on Sunday, and most clprgyraen are op posed to it, yet the custom thrives. Is it not timo that God's servants should cry out against tho pernicious prac tice T God's peoplo should refuso to let any thing, except in case of absolute necessity, stand between them and tho regular ordinances of tho Lord's house on the Lord's day. Let ministers preach and write against it, and let Christian people set the right example and a bad custom must yield. But worst of all, is the feast follow ing tho funeral in some parts of our country. Especially is this tho caso in many part3 of Pennsylvania. What ever the origin of tho custom, it is bad. Tho friends who corao from a distance must have something to eat, but why cannot tho neighbors take them to their homes for entertainment 1 Where this custom provails several of the neigh bors must go to the house of the do ceased and help to prepare the sump tuous repast. They ought to help in any necessary funeral arrange ments, but instead of this feast being a necessity it is becoming a nuisance. Friends and neighbors far and near aro publicly invited to return to the house for refreshments, aud most elaborato preparations aro made. I have often been disgusted with tho din of cooking utensils and tho odor of savory dishes while religious services wcro being held in the house. Tho preparations begun tho day previous aro completed during the funeral, and when tho be reaved return from their now-made grave It is to be ushered into a lively company, and seated at a table loaded with every obtaluablo luxury. Some times tho undertaker, with white apron, assisted by several waiters, auts as mas ter of ceremonies. How tho hilarious talking and jesting must grato upon the ears of tho mourners 1 Yet they submit becauso it is tho custom. Few have the courago to break away from the prevailing fashion. Thnso who can ill afford tho expense must be sub ject to it. I havo known it to cost a man half a summor'b work for tho funeral expense's of one of his family, and the feast was au important hem in the bill. This leads to tho consideration of funeral display. How often has wicked extravagance heeu shown in some use less display, Let the preparations be decent ami appropriate, but nut oxtrav agant. This applies not only to elabo rate collins, but also to mourning gar ments. Whv parade ourgiief boforo the public ? Why advertise ourstivrs as mourners by wearing black ? It is time that there wus loform here, as well as elsewhere in our funeral cus toms, The I'resbytcrian. "Yourteims for board aro satisfao tory," said the elderly mini to the land lady, "but beforo I accept, allow me to ask you u fow questions. Aio you a widow!" "Yes." "Il'm. I thought as much, and I am n widower. No, give me a written miurniitt- thai you'll not take advantage of leap yiarand I'll conic." Th- uiiiiriiiiite givi n, but the widow told ilie cook ihnt sh did' 't believe it valiil, a it was rJgnod under compulsion. Teaching Animals to Converse. Sir John Lubbook, the dlstinituUhed anthropologist unl naturalist, sends to the London Nature a brief ilhcns- slon of a subject which is full of in terest aud always peculiarly fascinat ing. From the earliest times the speaking of birds and beasts has been tho sub ject of fable, and every lover of a dog or a horse hai mourned that only In fable was there speech between man and tho brute. Uir John Lubbock, howovcr, seriously considers tho possi bility of teaching animals to converse with man, "It has occurred to me," he says, "whether some such system as that followed Willi iloif mutes, epC' cially by Dr. Howes withLiura Bridg man, might nut prove very instructive it adapted to the caso ot oops. Accordingly ho has tried experi ments with his dog. lie printed in legiblo letters on pieces of stout card board suuh words as "food," "hone," "out." Tho dog was a black poodle, a breed which, by tho way, s generally known to be quick at learning tiicka Sir John Lubbock got the head master of a deaf and Juinb school to assist at tho experiments. They began by giv ing the dog food in a saucer, over which was laid the card on which was the word "food,'1 ami beside which was placed an empty saucer covered by a plain card. "Van," tho poodle soon learned to distinguish between tho two. After ward ho was taught to bring tho card which expressed his wants. "This ho now does," says Sir John Lubbock, ''and hands it to mo quite prettily, and I then givo him a bone or a little food, or take him out, according to tho card brought. He still brings sometimes a plain card, in which caso I point out his error, and ho then takes it back and changes it." That mistake is not ofton made by Van. Ho has leatned to dis tinguish between tho card with tho word and the blank card, no matter how often their rclativo positions aro changed This is only the beginning of tho very interesting experiments Sir John Lubbock proposes to make. Ho means to multiply tho cards so that the dou may be enabled to communicato freely with him. lie also expresses tho wish that other owners of dogs which have displayed especial intelligence and docility, would conduct similar experi ments, so that tho results may be col lated and compared. "1 confess,'' he concludes, "I hope that somo positive results might follow, which would enable us to obtain a inord correct in sight into tho minds of animals than we have yet acquired.'' All thoso who aro familiar with dogs and who enjoy their frequent compan ionship, will both acknowledge that Sir John Lubbock has reason for his hope, and trust witli him that the re sults secured will enable him to explore hitherto secret chambers of the canine intellect. An infant is taught to communicate its desires in speech only after tho ex penditure of inlinito pains and unwear ying patienco on the part of the mother, it is a very slow process, and the teach ing goes on nearly tho whole of tho child's waking hour. The lessons, too are object lessons. In tho c is-: of the deaf and dumb and blind, thu most marvellous results aie attained by the patient teacher. If like care and pains are spent in tho way indicated by Sir John Lub bock, may we not also expect to reaoh results which will be surprising and of inestimablo value ill the investiga tion of animal intelligence and tho mental process of brutes T Dogs havo been taught by circus men and others to do a great variety of things which show thu reasoning capacity of tho animals ; and the stories of canine intelligence aud canine suscep tibilities aro innumerable, and wonder ful. But wo do not know of any pre vious attempt to pursuo this subject after a scientific method, aud for tho epecifio scientific purpose this distin guished naturalist has in view. At any rate, there is not a more fas cinating inquiry than that upon which Sir John Lubbock has entered ; aud it is far from absurd to hope, as a tlippaut writer in tho New York Times lately implied, that man will yet havo added to his pleasures tho opportunity of holdingjconverse with his dog. N. Y. Sun. If Columbus had told the king and queen of Spain, after they had made it all right for him to start out, that he guessed ho wouldn't undertake tho job that day, but some other day, it is just possiblo that their Majesties might have changed their minds in tho mean time, and America might havo remain ed a howling wilderness to this day, and four hundred years of precious time havo been lost in tho develoyment of Republican institutions and tho Ameri can Eagle. Profane swearing is a voluntary mil. Most eirring people, when do they wrong, count upon some good to bo derived from their conduct, but for profanity there is no excuse. Health andjjappiness. 5 ftJ? DO AS OTHERS &CwJ ? !AYE DONE. "3 4E8 your Kidneys disorderod? 1 "Kldner Vinrt lir.illirliC mo t.r.n .- ...... , i IMrolt." U. IV, Dntrtui. Mechanic. Ionia. Mich. Are your nervoB weak? Kidney Wwt cuml ue from nrrrput eaknfi Ac, after I win not tipo-tcd tollre."-Mra. M. U, B. Goodwin, fcd. t'Anillun Afontfor CleTtland, o. Have you BrhTht'n TlHnnHn9 iv"K0,. Worf "rl roa when lay water wu Juit .ltto vuaUc aiU luen Ilka blood." , I franH WIUon,reatol7.Maa, ' SufforinrrfromDirtbotos? MUQTWrll4ll,amoit ucaaful remedy I hard ' t?er uead. Give almost imiwiltata relief," Dr. Phillip u UalWu, Monkton, Vt. Efrivo you Livor Complaint? 'Kldney.woitciiml ine tf chroulo Llur Dlaeaece after i Played ta die," flenrjr l.aiu, lata Col. C5tli Nat. Guard, . T. 'our Back lamo and aching? Mile) curud ine when 1 wuia 1 lud to roll out ot bil." 0. U. TtUlmagc, Milwaukee, Wla, vo you Kidnov Disease? y-lort made maeouuUnllrer and kldiu-ya My of nr.a icceaaful e torln-. It worth of nr.a icceaaful e torln-. lit worth SaeVI llodjea, Whuanutoan, Watt Va. r.- v-jvt Constipated? ':i v Jm , . -e pv y evacuatfona aiul cured l I j u i,t uther medlclnea." N ii ralrcLUd, bl. aJUuu, M. Fmv you Malaria? ' !! ii w Mi belter tUan any other i i - fi i ... il In Iny iirartlee." l I:, lv. Unl, Bouta Hero, Vt Aro you BiliouaP Vol t lut4 dcuo in mora good than any j'ly 1 lmv ever taken." ilra. J.T.Oalloway.Uk Flat, Oregon. ) you tormented with Piles? .nuy W..rr tvrMirtilO cvrt,l it.e of Meediug - IT. w. I'. Kl uo r-"Ui' .i.i. il II to me." U4. U. 11 mi, Cah.ur it. IWik, llya mown, I'a. Aro you Rheumatism rnckod? ". in y-Voit cun l toe. after i waa trln n up to did ly kuyalcUuia and I had unrMl thirty leara, IUurtJtfe. Malcolm, Vm vlL, Maine Ladles, aro you suffering? "KUIney.Wort enrtd ine of icuUar trouXlea of eeTeral jiaraatMill' -. Many friendauae and iiraUa lit." alia. 11. Lauoreaui, L UutU, vt. If you would Banish Dlsoaso i ana gain neaiin, tuico B ULOOD CLBAN8IR. i -Mm i.ohn mill Gain. ciurrxn 1. "I wm titkpn sick a yt ftr ngo Wltii bilious fever.', "My doctor pronounced mo cured, but I pot bick ngnin, wuii torriuic pains in my buck and sides, and 1 got so bad I "oitltl not movo I I shrunk I From 233 lb, to 120 I I had been doc torlntf (or HIV liver, hut It tliil inn no cnrlil. I did not expect to live more than three montiis. i began to use nop Hitters. Di rectly my appetite returned, my pains left me, my entire system seemed renewed as If by magic, mid after using several bottles I am not only as sound ns a sovereign hut weigh more than I did before. To Hop Hitters I owe mv life." Dublin, Juno'O, '81, 11. Fitzi'atiiiok, Ciurritn II, "Mnlden, Mas, lt).. 1, 1KS0. (lentlf men I fmrtereu with nttlcks ot sick liD.tcl.tclio." Neuralgia, female trouble, for years In tho ino. terrible and excruciating manner. No mciHclne or doctor could give mo re lief or cure until I used Hop Hitters. "Tho llrst bottle Nearly cured mo ," Tho second made me as well and strong as when n child, "And I have been so to this day," My IiusIkuuI was an Invalid for twenty years with a serious "Kidney, liver and urinary complaint, "Pronounced by Hoston's best physi cians "Incurable I" Seven bottles of your bitters cured him and 1 know of the "Mvua of eight persons" In my neighborhood that have been sav ed by your bluer. And many moro aro using them with great bcncllt. They almost Do miracles ?" Ji. B. D. Slack. How to Get Sick. Etposo yourself day and night ; eat too much without exerclso j work too hard without rest ) doctor nil the tlmo i take all tho vile nostrums advertised, and then you will want to know how to get mil, which Is answered In threo words Tako Hop Bitters. The Philadelphia Times. 1884. The X'liltndcliililn TIiiich, i88.j. Tho Times will enter upon tho new year stronger and more prosnerout than ever bctoro in Us his tory moro widely tunc! and quoted, more heartily commended, and more llercly criticised, with a more completo organization, and an abler bUIT ot contributors and with tho samo independence and fearlessness that has inado It successful and powerful in tho past. Tho Timet has no party to follow, no candidates to advance, but will meot every I3sue, at It has ever done, with consistent devotion to the right, to honest government, and tho public welfare. And, while maintaining Its position as the leading Jo irnal ot Philadelphia, it will aim to bo contlnu ally In tho advance In all that can add value to a rewspapcr. Tho valuo of a newspaper Is not In Its size or display, but In tho Intelligence and care, the con ciseness and freshness with which It Is edited. The Times spends lavishly for news from allpirtsot tho world, but all Its dispatches are carefully ed lted and condensed, In order to glvo tho completo news of tho day In tho most concise and attract. Ire shape, and w 1th It a large variety ot entertain ing and Instructive reading. Tho best writers at homo and abroad nro employed to tnrlch its col umns, and to make It a Journal adapted both to the busy man and to the leisure ot tho homo cir cle, a welcome visitor to Intelligent and honest citizens of every political, religious, and social taste. Tho Weekly Times Is altogether different from tho weekly newspapers of twenty years ago. Tho day of thoso papers Is gone by. The telegraph and better local newspapors everywhere, especially In the thriving centres .of rural population, have mado tho old weekly metropolitan newspaper un satisfying. Thoso that cling to their ancient usages havo lost their hold on our forward-mov-lng peoplo; they are but shadows of their former greatness, and they have but a shadow of their former power. Those papers havo had their use fulness, but It Is gone: and, with It, they are going too. it was not tho fault of tho papers; it was tho Improvement of, tho country that brought about the change, lien and women, wherever they live, now require fresher news ; and they re quire moro than news. The Weekly Times gathers off tho types of every passing week whatever has lasting uiterest to nooiilo at larce. and sets it before tnem In such generosity of nap-r and print as would havo as- luuiMii-u ua uu twenty j uurs ago. Dally. Twelve o nts it week, ntty cents a month, J6 a year, two cents a copy. .Sunday. Four cents a copy, ii a year. UVeMtf. Ono conv. tan year: nve conies. 8a year ; ten copl -s, lis a year ; twenty copies, J25 a jvai,Yiimumjwiijin,T3w iuu Kilter UP ft c-ery club. THE TIMES, riHLADKLrillA. IT LEADS ALL. K.- ether blootl-purlfyhis medicine Is made, or Uu ever Leea I'tepaieiL which so com pletoly meeti tlw wp.uts 01 physicians aud the C-nural public us Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It leo.! tho list as a truly jnlentlflo preparv lliin f'irnll Moo 1 illo.isi'S. If there la a lurk Qnliiiftlt r. lng taint of Scrofula about you. Ul'llUl wLH AVLR'H SAttSAPAltlLbA Will oJ.lil;;c It and exa it from your syetom. hoc uunsUlutiuiMl or scrofulous Catarrh, f'-.-ri ri';!! Aveu'h SUtS.U'Ami.LA. Is tlio Uriirlilftfi trim remedy. It has cured iiuiiitic rici3 caso4. It 111 stop the nauseous catarrhal dUcltir-s, nii.l reiuovo the sicken lu j odor ot tint hri-atU, which are indications of scrofulous oiijjin. Ill pcnniit "1Iutt.T,iJt-.sert.28,i8s. ULbnlllUo "At thoagoof two years one of VnhCQ my children was terribly afflicted VUilCu with ulcerous running sorea on tta faao aii'l ni-ck. At the amo tlmo lta eyes wore swollen, much iiil.iiued,nndTorysoro. Cnnc PvtTt1 I'lO'kiiustoldusthatapow C'UltC Li to fi-riiliiltoratlvu medicine must ho cuptoveii. '1 liey united In recoimnouding AY I.'fl HAiisii-viiiLL.1. A ew doses pro duced a perceptible Improvement, which, by a ) adheruuee to our directions, was contin ued U a coinpleto and pcrmment cure. No cvi.luncjli'sainco appeared of tho cxistenco 'r A,U)' scrofulous toudoncles; and no treat ,cnt of any disorder was ever attended by moro prompt or edectual results. Vours truly, 11. F. J0HXS0N." I'lIEI-ARED BV P". J. C.Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mass. " ' l.y :ill Ilrujslsls; ?1, six bottles for 5. for the working class. Send 10 cents for postage, and we will mill you free, a royal valuable box of sample good3 that will ,put vnu In the war of maklnir morn monev In a few days than you ever thought possiblo at any business. Capital not rcaulred. Wd will start you. You can work all tho tlmo or In spare tlmo only. work is universally adapted to both bexes, young and old. You can easily earn from 50 cents to K every evening. That, all who want may test tho business, wo make this unparallod offer ; to all that aro not well satisfied wo will bend ii iu pay ior tne trouoio oi writing us. run parti culars directions, etc., bent tree. Fortunes will be made by those who glvo their wholo time to tho work, (ircat success absolutelysuro Don't delay. Start now. Address KrisjoN sco., Cortland, Maine. tc m. BLOOMSBUR& PLANING MILL !0. Tho undersigned huvlntr out his Planlnc Mil on itallroad street, In flrst-ciaBs condition, is pre pared to do all kinds of work In his line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. I'lans and Bpeclflca uuim prcpareu uy au experienced araugmsman. CIIAUI.ES kriic, lilontiiHaaurg't Pa. MAKE HENS LAY An English Veterinary Surgeon and Chemist, now traveling In tun country, says that man ol tn llorsa and Cattle I'owders sld here are worth less trash. Uo styg tlut Bberldsn's condition I'owders aro aOaOluti-ly pure and Immensely valu atle Notn ug on earth will maka h ns lay like hherldan'a Coudlilon I'owders. Dose, l teaspoon, ful to l pint foid. sold everywhere, or sent by mall for s letter-stamps. I. ti. Juiinson & Co.. liosTON,Mass. aid Jan 20 'tu-ly, t4 a&sS At For COLOR oni SWEETNESS Uo BEAN'S CONCENTRATED Extract of Annattn. lit atore'a awn Color. BrlvhUtt t hast, er icaa li eta. la f larap, fur a (impla, Miltla aOQIta. to TAX, KAUE 4 CO., Jig. 835 llarkct St., I'UIUU'A. Junel-ly aia PEi30DY HOTEL l'JW.AIlEU'WA. Oth St. south of Chestnut, ono Rnnnm mnMi hi tho New I'ost onice, one halt tuiuare from Walnut Ht. Theatre and in the verv liuslni-KHriMiirH or iim city, on the American and European plans flood looms from Wo to iOJ per day, llemodtllcd and newly furnished. W. Payne, M. nor 80-1 y Owner 4; I'roprlctor. TBI NNUAIi STATEMENT. Of ULOOM I'OOli DISTRICT. From January 8th, 1881, to January Tth, 1881, JOHV K. GUOTZ, Treasurer, lilt. To bal as per settlement .Tan ft, 18S3 I 9 tl " cash rt'Cd ot Dloom dup tM .., nuganoai uup m., " Kcottdup-si " tlrecnwood,.i,,. , " llloonulup'ai W 00 r ii f Ml 10 mo no 160 O) 30 11 ISO 00 ncott uup j. " dup TO " cash rt'Cd of Vlllttn Kahler " " ' li II. Mttlo from Luzcrno County " cash ree'd Lebanon I'oor District on Leonard lteldle , " cash ree'd M, C. Woodward rent on Long House " cash reo'd Thomas Mcllrldj produco sold , " cash ree'd lir. Itedaker sale of woolen goods,.., ......... i , 80 0(1 81 15 M tO 313 4t 19 25 10559 09 Clt. Iiy orders ot 1RHJ redeemed,... .1 n .. 1883 iM " l'ostngo 11 nmt, pild to l'oor llouso... " Commission, ., " bat In Treasurer's hands... I It II MI5 8 1 AH U 10 0 35 Hi 46 Ct STATEMENT OF TAXES UNSETTLED 11 LOOM l'OOll DISTIttCT. nun 1881 Amt. pd. Due $ 614 T9 $ CCS 41 I 8 SS M 80 135 65 tl 15 Oreenwood..,. Sug.trloat Dm 1883 Amt. 1)(1. DUO 1081 115 425 16 MS 18 139 31 IllOOm tM 95 680 10 SCOtt 575 77 150 10 Oreenwood 615 18 Mugarloat 169 3 1 30 00 3703 S3 1661 06 24i9 78 Amt. of outstandlngorders Jan. a, '-.i ., ii io " orders Issued from Jan. 8, 83 to Jan I'M inclusive.,.. 3113 Ot 3430 80 " orders redeemed 1153 60 11 " out standing 77 3d 3130 (0 EXt'ENSES OF BLOOM DISTIUCT for year ending Jan. Tth, 1881. Auditors and clerks bill Jan. 1883. 25 00 Four 1'npers printing state- incnMJnn. 1883 45 00 2 00 Taking Wm. Fry to;Danvlllo... Illppe .stecl l'oor Tar, 168J Ellas llower County " " 13 CO 13 75 28 35 8 SO 4 00 1 0) 1 00 3 00 1 43 75 1 3! 500 8 00 r.uas iiowerncnoot II. (i. crevellng order ltcllef..., J. M. Clark do 1.50, 2.50 W. M. Eves ,t John lnra do Jcsso Fritz A. Labach do. J. u. .Mauouti , Town tax ou Long hoiso 17 60 wooawaru, county tax on uoag houso Woodward, Scoool tax on Long houso 3 63 Furman, coilln for Archie's cnudi Correl comn and shroud for i:m. cook's child 13 0) 10 00 6 CO 4 20 8 a! !0 00 52 81 10 00 1 70 10 00 12 32 80 00 34 66 13 00 1 40 45 00 41 60 1 75 M. c. Woodward constable for 1832 M. c. Woodward costs on Wllllts bah er caso Charles Eck. llmo Caleb Darton, tramps 6 10 S 60 j it. jtupcrt paia ior uo II. K, Alfjertson horse hire Coal 7.81 43.00 IL it. Llttlo retaining feo J. 11. Klnports blank books Making duplicates William Masters, lumber Jonn c. Jones, carp ter work., . J. II. Klnports, medicines 1 85 7 15 SO 36 c. A. Klelm do .vover nro s do Hemlock twp. expenses of Mrs. Hamilton Oeo. A. Clark, blank books '82.. Dr. II. W. Mciteynjlda Dr. 11. F. Oaidener samuel Keller phosphate Ii 51. Klsner taking lluth Ann l'arkcrto l'oor llouse J. is. Harman & 11. j. Conner 45 00 order of removal, ltosctta Dodson 2 00 23 77 4 70 8 60 40 60 27 2) 3 00 29 80 3 13 3 32 10 00 Kuhn & nice. beef. 17 73 0 0 Jos. H. lleltz do Charlos Krug door & casing liachman ii oross, chimney.... C. F. Knapp, lasurance Flshlngcreek twp. Katy Hlller ureenwooa . Jacob Dlefeubach, brooms J. E. Wolover lumber samuol Shaffer carpenter work L. 11. import postago and writ ing agreement M. c. Woodward constable '83.. It. Falnnan oxpenses removing Stella Turner, Mrs. L. creasy aud Fowlw Thos. Jlcllrldo salary L. D. Hupert do tit. Hospital L. Z. Kahler " " Oeo. Fox " " Mary Hughes " " WUllam Fry 23 74 701 00 60 00 ICt 61 136 3 ) 119 67 43 21 43 G5 jipuraim Jiuner Sundry bills for repairs, merchandise for family and paupers OUT-SIDE 11ELIEF. William Lewis L. J. Iteaaer v. Keller and family Emma Cook Jackson Karna Sarah Jones C. Dennis .Mrs. Samuel Uernsldes Mrs. A, M. zlaimennan Levi Hall . Hannah Fox lllrum Long and family Margaret lio.fcr Mrs. James ct'orralc Mrs. Harriet E. Dawson..., Mrs. Hannah .-stouter Mrs. A. Low Mrs. Lafayette Creasy Mrs. James Archlo coal Isaiah Holder and family l'cter Shanklln .7. Mrs. Elizabeth Wade Mrs. Brown Jones Hoys Mrs. Abby Forman Mrs. a. Doan lloyer L. lteldle ' O. W. Dodson It. Falnnan salary W.Morris " V. A. Hedckcr " COO 62 83 25 108 60 3) 00 23 60 68 f 42 00 A 90 4 50 92 20 3 60 1 HI 31 00 3S 10 13 0) 16 00 1 O) 7 00 3 00 1 88 31 75 2 35 98 02 1 41 25 01 4 00 61 63 7 00 6 00 18 41 814 19 75 00 75 00 73 00 13113 00 comprising tho liloom l'oor District, met at tho 1 ?I i!.43.on Monday January 7th 1881, of the said district, examined tho accounts of tne Treas urer and Directors from January 8, 1883 to January 7, 184, and the vouchers for the same and find them correct as set forth above. The Auditors recommend that the Directors make Immediate arrangements for having a gool supply of water to l'oor House. THOS. WEBB, 1 V. D. BLACK, j VALUE OF 11K1L AND FERSONaL PROPERTY BILONO. 1NO TO 11L00U 1-OOB DISTIUCT JIN. 7 '81. Farm and buildings 13100 00 Judgm't on Dennis pioperty 100 00 Bal ou Oreenwood dup '82 less com and ex (j sj) Bal on sugarloaf dup '82 less com and ex 71 15 Bal on Bloom dup '83 less com & ex 1081 95 Bal on Greenwood dup '83 leas com and ex jg Bal on Scott dup 'si less com and cx . . . . 425 24 Bal on sugarloaf dup '83 less com and ex 139 S5 3 horses 450 00 llheadcattlo SCO 80 26 shoata J28 00 100 chickens 30 01 Furniture In stewards house soo no Long property sm 00 Furniture In l'oor House 280 00 15 acres winter grain In ground 1 12 60 HO bu. corn cars uo 00 150 bu. wheat on hand K7 60 4'.)bu. potatves o 00 200 bu. uata 8J 00 in bu. ryo 7 w 15 bu. buckwheat 15 00 2 bu. cloverseed ... 20 00 25C3 lb pork and lard 210 00 64 gaL vinegar 25 ew 15 16 packed butter 23 eo 13 tons hay 192 00 20, 0 sheaves corn fodCer 60 each ioj 00 M bundles ryo straw 2 50 Farm Implements eoo 00 40 heads cabbage 200 1 bu. beans., 300 8bu. beets ' , 3 20 kuuid coai , j jo vu Kai. uijuug-es I9 60 lbblsoap , 6 0) Kjcansirtui 5 00 18833 07 1'ltODUCTS ItAISEDON FAItM. 260 bu. wheat II bu. rye 191 bu. potatoes ; . . 233 bj. oats '" ' 998 bu. corn cars 2lf bu. cloverseed ' SIM ft pork and la-u lifbu. timothy need lleafscabbage 29 bu. buckwheat 2 bu. beans asshoats 10 bu. beets and turnips 4 bu. onions... III tons hay '" Bundles ry straw , ' 31.13 hliieates corn fodder 2 calves 66 16 butter 339 doz. eggs " lochlckens No paupers remaining last report, . ,'.!! it Iso admitted duringyear., ,., 27 No removed M No discharged ,,,,, No died... . No Indentured 3 15 1 , 1 - 18 No licraanlng Jan. 1, 1884 to HEECE FAIHMAlt, 1 F. W. ItEDKKEIt, Directors. WK8LEV MOllltIS, J"""- iaweck uthome. fS.OOoutnt free. 'ay ab. .solutcly sure. No risk. Capital not required. wnoviriiir, oujumiK ur uiu, can niaxo grot pay all tho time they work, with absolute (A .IllTllV TOHm ,A, linhll.llliiK, ... ..... Zl Co., l'orllaud, Maine. Dcosi-ly I7HEAS IIHOWN'B IWbUItANOK 4- A.uX,N0,rv Moi'.6r'a new building, Main rtreet, Bloomsburg, I'a. ' Jl.l.ta fcln& Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn. Moyal of Liverpool , ls.WtxH 'ncasUlro ,,,, lo.c-iooO Klre Association, I'UtlaJelphla 4 Its 70 I'hoonix.ot I)tidon ;. eutilT Ixjudou c Lancashire, of England. . l.Io'7l llartfortof lltrtford . ' 'K Springfield fire and Marine.,,,,,,,,,,, 3 ogtleso As the atrani t -sare direct. noltr-iAa am for tbt) IDS, I Without ur itnlnv In l.. omce at Bloouuburg, Oct, 38, 'll-tf. SPJGER'S PORTUGAL GRAPE WINE Also UNFEItMKNTED QHAPE JU1CH Used in tho principal Churches for Communion, Excellent for Females, Weakly Persons and tho ngeu. Spcer's Port Grnpo Winol FOUR YEARS OLD. nilllS CELEBItATED WINE ts tho puro Julco ot 1 tho dead rlpu Oporto drape, raised In Specr's vineyards. Its Invaluable, Toni: and StrcnsVaonlng Propart!c3 nro unsurpassed by any other Wine. Being pro duced under Mr. Spoors own personal supervision, Its purity and genuineness, nm guaranteed by the principal Hospitals and Boards of Health who havo examined It. 'iho youngest child may p.trtakoot It. and tho weakest. lnvniiii n, it tn nriv.nt.nn it Is particularly beneficial to tho nged nnti (lebtiltii ted, and suited to tho various ailments that uueci 1110 weaner sex. tt. is in every respect A WINE TO HEHELIED ON. Speer's Unfermented Qrapi Juice- Ta ttirt lnln rtf ll.n nM4. t. . its natural, fresh, sweet stnto as It runs from tho X. . . """wuiioii, tiiereoy uestroying tho exci ter of fermentation. It H perfectly pure, free from spirits and w 111 keep In any climate. Sneer's! Burgundy. Tl n itntl' rinti mMImn rMH , ti .. . ... .... wealthy classes as a Table or Dinner Wine, nnd by EJJSleiU!? ,ln 9as?3 V"ei'J a wl"0 Instead ot a sweet port Is desired. Speot'd (Sjoiahte) Olaret. Dry TaiUIe Wlue esrcclaliy suited for dinner use, Speer's P. J. Sherry. tuoricUaualltIe.soItho trrapo from which It la made. Speer's P- J. Brandy. is a , ,, uwuiiatlon from thograno. nnd stnnds unrivalled lu lids Country for mWlclnal purposes. It has a peculiar flavor, similar to that of tho grapes fromwiuch it Is distilled, SCO that the signature of AI.FItED SPECK, Tas- salo N. J., Is over tho cork of each bottle. SOM) YiY O. A. KLEIM. AND BV DBUaOISTS KVERV.VUEUE. Sep. 28-'83tjr. Olt.VV'B SPECIFIC StlJOICINII. TTIABE MARK The OueatKno-TRAOE MARK 1.1911 UK1IKUV. All unfailing euro for Seminal W 0 a k ness, Spermator rhoea, Impotency, nnd all Diseases that follow as a bequenco of Self Abusa ; as loss of Ml'timrv. ITnlvr BEFORE TAKINn.sul Lassitude, AFTER TAKING. ra n in tho Hack-. Dlmnn-u nf viaftn1 irom?,..Sr Old Age, nnd many other diseases that led to Insa nity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. Bbwake of advertisements to refund money, when druggists from whom tho mcdlclnols bought uo "ot retina, but refer you to tho manufactur ers, nnd tho requirements nro such that they aro SPlrlarn, if ever, complied with, see their writ ten guarantee. A trial of ono Uncle package of Oray's specific will convlnco the most skeptical of Its real merits. On account of counterfeits, wo liavo adopted tho eUow Wrapper ; the only genuine. rsFull particulars In our pamphlet, which wo desire to send free by mall to every one. W"Tho Spccino Medlclno Is sold by all druggists at 11 per package or o packaes for is, or wlllV sent free by mall on tho lecelpt of the money, by addressing THE OKAY MEDICINE CO. Buffalo, N. . Sold tn llloomsburg by all druggists. YOU CANNOT GET WELL AT HOME. I HI I il I I ill thic Iiisti1 IilNGHAJITON, N. Y. A GOOD PLACE FOR THE SIOK. a he houso Is specially ntteituptortho comfort of Invalids who desire a pleasant and Christian home, htands on high ground with plenty of shade. Personal attention given to every patient. JJectrlclty and Oalvanlin lu their different modi ncatlons a speciality. Prof. Mills has given many years of study and prncllco to this branch, and hundreds wilt testify to his bklil. send tor circular, stating what paper you saw this In. PHOF. 1IENKY MILLS, r Mrs. ALICE F1IENC1I -MILLS, uSk V?,2Z: Blnghamton, n. ; sept. 7 83-ly. A In(I!n.7 T.ondon riiya ician csmuasiies na Offlcoln New York for tUo Cure of I EPILEPTIC FITS. T From A in. Journal cfUedicins. I1. Ah. MeftAPaMiT f t nf jnAr h m V na m amaiw. laity ol Kpiltpay, baa without doubt treated and cured Eoro cases than any other l.Ting physic Un. His aaccesa tl limply been utoniahln we lia? e heard of cases ot OTer 20 years stand injr, mccessf ully cured by him. llo hl TJUbliahed rtworknn this riUBS. nhirh linannHa with a Urge bottla of bit wonderful core free to any utferer who may send their expreas and P.O. addreei 1 a wtiso tut oub wiRuinin euro wjan reus Uu. Ail. AlKaiUtULK, Ka. W John bu, New Yak. Feb 1-lw Send six cents for postage, and ro. celve free, a ccitlv box of coods which ,wlll help you tu moro money light ut, ajr man uiij iniii CIMJ ,11 11113 uriu All, of cither sex, succeed from first hour. Tho broad road to fortune opens beforo tho workers, absolutely sun. At once address, Tkuk Co., Au gusta, Maine. Docai-ly WANTED. Ono Lady or Ocntleman In every town. 123 a week and oxpenses. Addresj AMEUIOAN PUBLISHINd, CO. M-!m 17 North Tenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. OIL WIHTERBREEH, PEPPERMIHT, ETC, Bought for Net Cash, on receipt and approval, without charge for Commission, Broker, ago, etc., by DODGE & OLCOTT, 86 &. 88 WliUAM ST., NEW YOUK. Janll-tw r CONSUMPTION. I hare a positii a remedy for tbeahire riiteaee j br Ita bio thouaands of caaoa of thoWTfct llnd andeffons etandmir have been cured. Indeed. r,oetroD(r Is rrr llhlnltaefflcaij,lhtt I rill rend TWO IIO'lTLKS FHl'.E.togetUcrwllhuVAi.UAUUSTHEATISIion tbla uiaeaae, ti anr untTrrr r. Olve exttresa and 1. O. addioec I)rT.A.PI.OC' ,1 ll'earlbt.,New York. Jan 1H w d Wide Attaltti AkaiUs Wanted Krrrynlirre for IOTF.B WOMEN by JaTes Parton, tlio greatest biographer of the ago. Anclegant volumoof SMi pages, ai full-pago Illustrations. Price only tS.SO. Describes 50 char acters A book fornvery woman. Phoknix Pub. Co., Hartford, Conn. Jan n-4w it Great Reduction IN LUMBIE ! ! Having ptirclinscil u largo tract of hem. lock timber and having a steam mill ou tlio same, I urn prepared to 1111 till sizes ami lengths of hoiisu and burn hills In it taw days' notice at very low prices. I ulso keen constantly on hand it full stock nf SHINGLES, li,VTIl, Fl.OOWNU, BID INO, Ac. Parties will save- money by getting prices before purchasing elsewhere. IE, B. Low, Ortiiigcvillc, Px. 12.7.3m. 7 vvvx 11 ON 30 DAY'S TRIAL. THE VOLTstO 11RLTCO , Marshall, Mich., wll send tilt. OVK'S OKt.lillltA fKI) KLEirrito-Vol, rAIOIIKLTS and blkotuio APPMANOKS on trial tor 8 1 d tys to men (voiing or old) who are nf. fllcted with Nervous Debility, Lost vitality, and kindred trouble guaranteeing opcedyand com- Sloto restoration of hoalth nnd manly vlg r. Ad. ress as aboyo N, n.-No risk Incurred, as so Jays' trial Is allowed- Feb. th-lyr. r SimSOiUBIi NOW FOR riTTl? nnTTurnriv Sl.r.O A Y15AR, QMAIN CrEAlHD AVIKOUI'CIEMEIf Ready and Waiting for You. The Finest, The Latest, The Most Artistic Styles of ELEGANT AND f w mrrm tr m Big Inducements- N S I! 0UK RECEIPTS OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Call and bo Convinced that AYc Lead ie qiMlity.9 fit mid pram. Largest stock & lowest pricss can always 1)3 found at the mm MMMIAMMM BTBME OF WEEER-HARDMAW PIA1TOS, FINE INLAID FRENCH WALNUT CASE 0BGAN, 9 STOPS, $90 CASU. Cany TeruiN. SuUNfitttloii Cuuimitced. ijooisr's Finsro ware rooms, 51USI0 HALL BLOCK, WILIEES-BARIUI. PA l, a. mm, il i Medlcil Supsrintenient of thj Sanitarium. Invalid's Home, Bloomsburg, Pa., Devotes special attcntioii to Epilepsy, Nervous Affections, nnd Diseases of Women. Patients received nt the Sanitarium on reasonable terms for hoard and treatment. P. S. No chargo for first consultation, apr 27. '83 liAY.l'liVlMl. I can recommend Ely's Cream Halm to all Hay rover buffer era, It Ixlnif, In iny opinion, rounded upon cxperlenco and a sure cure. I was alillcteil with Hay Fever torai yearn, and never bo. (oro tound permanent relief. Wkiotkk II, IIaskins, .MartlulolJ, Vt. , Apnlv by llttlo tin. iter Into tlio nostrils, liy athurptlou It er. rf.ptli.'iPv I'lniiti.a tl... HAY"hkVFDm,al ikissubos or e.t- liealthy secretions. It allays (anamination, pro tocts Hie meinbraual Unlntfs of tbo head rrorn ad. dlt tonal cold-i, completely hcalt tho sores and re htorestho sen- ot taito and smell. Itenetlc-tal ro. bulls aro realUed by a row applications, a thor. puyh treatment will cure. Unccimilled for colds '','!ohead. Acreeablo to use. herd tor circular. Hold by druggists, lly mull boo. a iackiiL-e-aua 10-ly m 1a't0'n"JUS- 0y"V -N- V. JAM KB UKILLY, Tonsoi'inl Ax'tint. jtoi'Ki., and has as usual a Flltsr-oiAss UAltUBUSllOl'. do reipocttully Moll-Its tho patroaairo otuisoldcustomorsaud nt tlio n irlio generally. Hlj-io.'so'tt EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIErOlt DLoousBvna, pa. Ol'POStTB COUIIT IIOUBK, &J,rB8-an?,S0nv.ententBamP18 rooms, llathrooms notoiaoJidwater.ana all wodern wnvenlcnee. Catarrh Tor the Celebrated Chlckeiing, lycra & Pond, tinil Vnso & Son Pianos. World ru nownetl Kstey Org dis, Violins, Accordeons nnd Slieet Music. Celeblitted White, New High Ann Duvls. Im'W Home, Itoynl bt John, nnd I.litht Utinnlng Domestic Sewing Alaehljies. Needles, oil nnil iittachments for all makes of Sowing Machines. STREET, CLOTHING b A At j SHlNhS Dhplay. Juuel ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES. of cast cn wnouaiiT iuon. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds. Tho follqwlntr snows tlio l'lcket Oothlc, one ot Jlie boveral beautltul btylesot Kenoo manufactnred by the underbli'ncd. I ,.,l1''0uIlcau,?' ani1 '''iraWllty they aro unsurpass tOBiKlaT.,ricUffl'1CnCt'J fl3mU a"d W"rranled Prices nnd speoimuns of otlmr de signs sent to nny nddres.. Address BL00MSB0RG. PA- May 4-tr B F, SHARPLESS' Noar L & B Dep:t, Bbomsburg Pa. llnniifncturer of First class rnnges In dlirerent styles, cook stoves, parlor Btovcs nnd stoves for henting houses, churches ito. Lumu stock of tlnwnro nnt stovo repairs, such us giatrs, firebrick, Hds. centres A;o, CALL km SECOM BARGAINS. Oct 30 tf JlAILKiOAD TllVin TADLU. Pennsylvania Eailroad. Fhilndo'pliia & Erio R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. IMI TIME TABLE. Tn rfTfint. XnV. lOfh Tralnu Innrn o.. bury. MASTW'AKI), v..u. in., u,iv iia.un j..pii:as tnuiiy except Sunday), Ior llanlsburtr andlntcrniedlatestatlons. Lancaster, l'hllailelihl,i, New York, Ilalllmoro and Washington, arrlvliijf at I' n. m. pv ink-, ft I'll M. Ill . ItiAlllmnt- a,il m ii'.i.' InRton CsK) p. 111., tluuugli iMssciiirer c'o'acli to l'hiladelphl.i. 1.63 p. m. Day express (dally except Sunday), for llarrtsburg and Intel medlaio stations, Ijtncas tcr, riilladolpnia, New YoiK, llaltlmoro nnd Wash Intrton, arriving nt I'hlladelplil.i 7.S3 p. in. j New York. 10.SO p. 111. ; lialiiinore, p. in. ; Washing. Jon, 8.41 p. in. l'ullman 1'arlor car through lo nil. ladolphla and passenger coach through to l'hlladel phiaand Ualtlii,oro. 8,i!0 p. in. Wllllamsport Accommodation (dally) tor llarrlsburg nnd nil intermediate stations, Lai caster. 1'lilladelphla and Now York, nrrlvlng nt 1'hlladelphla a us a, m. j Now York 0.10 a. in. Weeping ear accommodations can bo secured nt llarrlsburg ror l'hlladclnhla nnd New York, on Sun days a thiough bleopfng our will bo run; 011 this train Irom Ullamsp t to 1'hliadolphla.l'hlladclphla passengers can remain in sleeper unuiamrbcd until 1 a. m. a. m. Erl Mall (dally except Monday) for 1 arrhbuig and lntcrmcdl.Hu stations, Laueaster, l'lilladelpnla, New York, li.utlnioro and Washlngi ton, tirilvlugnt I'lilladeiphlar.OOn. m.; Now York, ll.s.'0 a. m. ; llaltlinoro 7. 10 a. in. j Washington, 8.50 tu rn, ihrough l'ulliiian sieeilngcursnio runon tins tia n to Philadelphia, llaltlmoro and Washing, ton, and through passenger coaches to Philadel phia and lialiiinore. WJSTWAltl). B.20n. m.-Krio .Mall (dally except Sunday), for l.rlo und all Intermediate stations with through Pullman Palace car nnd through ipassenger coaches to Krlc. nnd through l'ullman I'ahico cars to Iluiralo via U.iiporlum. on Sundays thU train runs to iteuo 0, Itu Pullman I'alaco car to lllianisport and passenger coaches to Itcnovo. tor Canandalgua and Intennedlato stations, ltoclics'cr, liuiraloand Niagara l-'alls, (dally except hundays) Hlththiough Pullman Palaco car and passenger coaches to itochester. l.oi p. m. Niagara Uxpiess (dally except Sun day) tor Kono nnd lniermcdlato stations with J'"S.uSil 1'asscnger coaches to Kane and parlor car to lillainsport. Por Canandalgua und principal lutermcdlaio suittons, Itochester, llullalo and hoinester' UtU tllrouK'i Passenger coaches to 5.s.'3 p. in'.. Fast lino (dally except Sunday tor Itc novo nnd intennedlato stations, and Klmlra, Wat kins and Intermediate stations, with through pas senger coaches to Itcnovo and Walklns. TllitOUOII TItAINS I'Oll SUNllUUV l'ltOMTUn HAST AND SOUTH. ,,,,, . Niagara Express leavo Philadelphia, 7.40 a. in. j lijltluioru iu in. (dally except suuday) urrtMng at sunbury, 1.03 p. in. with through Pullman Parlor car from Phlladcl ph a and through p.isenger coaches from l'hlladel phlaandllaltlmoiu. Past Lino leaves Now York 8.00 a. m. ; Philadel phia, 11.10 a. in. ; Washington, 0.40 a. m. ; Haiti more, 10.5) a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at coaches from Phlladi lphla and lialiiinore. ..U..I.IU it.n-a.u,v 1 orK P.UO p. m. : l'liuaaei phla, n.!M p. 111. ; Washington, 10.10 p. in. : Haiti inure, ll.'j.i p. m., (dally) luiivlngnt sunbury 0.15 ? ln''.);!!",tl;W" "'""'nan Palaco sleeping cars f rom Philadelphia, Washington and llaltlmoro and through pavenger coaches from Philadelphia. Sleeper f 10m Washington runs dally except Sun- hU- IlfllV, llAZI.KTON .t WlMCCg-DAUHK llAIMIOaD ANU NOUTIl & WKST ilKASCII ltAII.WAV. iii,. ., (,a' except Sunday.) Mall Last leaves Sunbury (dally except Sunday) ary,?vffkeaVre'1f1!lf , ' est leaies Wllkes-barro a. m. anlv ingat liloom Perry ltf.oi p. m sunbury 13.53 p. in. ,., il?,1 1'i'f 3,n cst 'Kn u "kes barro 5.3 ) p. m., nr UMiig at liloom l'erry 7.orp.m., bunbury 8.U5 p. t-'IIAS- Ii l'L'ail, J. it. WOOD, Uen. .Manager. (Jen. Passenger Agent. pUlLADKIiPilA and HKAD1NQ KOAD ARRANGEMENT OP PASSENGER TRAINS. Nov. 5, 1683 TBAINS LSAVS UCP11KT AS F0U.0WS(8t!NDAT XXCSrTaD, For New Tork,Phlladelphla,lteadlng,Pottavlllo Tamaqua, c, 11,45 a. m, For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. 0.13 and 10.30 p. m. For WUllamsport,o,3J 11,45 a. m. and 4,o p. m, For Lewlsburg.and Sunbury, 4 00 p. m. TBAINS fOU UCl'JCKT LKAVi AS roLIXIWH, (SUNDAY SSCBTIED.) Leave Now York, via. Tamonend 0,00 a. ra. and via. Hound IJrook Houto 7,45 a. in. Leave PhUadelphla, ,50 a.m. Leave Heading, 11,53 a. m Pottsvllle, 18,30 p. m and Tamaqua, 1,S5 p. m. Leave OatawUsa, 0,30 il.05.a. m. aud 4,00 p. m. Leave Wllllamsport ,9.45 a.m.4.05 p. in. and 6.00 o. m Leave Sunbury 4.84 p. m. '' " LcHlsburg 4.48 p.m. Passengers to and from Now York, via. Tama nend and to and from Philadelphia go through without change ot cars. J. K. WOOTTBN, C. a. Hancock, General Manager, Jan" iuri361-ttB','er "" T1Ck0t ,4B0nt' DKLAuAnHJ?',VCKAWANNA AND WEslKltN ltAILHOAD. BLOOM8BURQ D1VIBION. NOHTH, STATIONS. SOUTH p.m. p.m. a.m a.m. p.m. p.m. 9 15 1 45 9 45 . ..Scran ton.... ....Uellevue... ...Tnvlnrwlllrt 9 80 9 09 9 03 S 50 8 43 8 il 8 37 1 III Oil 6 23 6 37 84 9 37 9 30 9 21 9 19 9 45 9 12 9 ts 10 03 10 (8 ...Lackawanna. i iiimon.... . WestPtttston Wyoming.,.. ........Maltby tl 41 0 46 6 61 0 65 6 68 7 03 7 10 7 17 7 22 7 tO 7 87 8 0O 8 25 8 40 8 60 9 00 t 00 8 09 8 10 8 18 8 35 8 80 8 ib 8 62 9 00 9 04 0 SO 9 14 S 25 S U 00 1 50 1 43 1 35 1 25 1 18 1 03 ..UVUUCll .. Klnp-Rtrm 9 04 9 01 10 18 54 2 54 . ' 5 .,;;'- 10 18 .Plymouth Juno I 10 ....i-iymoutu,., Avondale ... 10 20 8 02 3 00 3 1U 8 18 8 83 3 46 8 61 3 57 8 07 8 47 9 00 nuUUCOKO.. llunloek's creek 10 84 10 42 8 39 8 23 8 17 8 12 8 00 7 EO 7 52 7 44 7 33 7 33 7 29 7 11 7 41)13 43 snickshlnny. lllnlr'a Wt.rrv 10 55 11 07 11 IS 11 SO 7 33 13 25 7 20 13 15 7 30 13 00 ....Beach Haven'. HArwii-lr I 13 11 47 ...IViar Creek.. 7 09 11 40 7 05 11 S3 1 11 mow urovo. ...Lime Kldgo.. Kspy .llloomsburg,, Illinprr 4 07 4 Vi i 20 4 17 4 88 4 38 4 56 57 11 10 CI 10 BS 11 19 11 45 11 fO 6 45 10 60 37 10 41 Uatawl'a Bridge 11 C5 13 10 VI 6 10 10 08 04 10 .uunvuio..,, iChulaaky,,, 12 IS 6 ro 5 25 45 9 0 43 Northumborl'd" 13 45 p.m. a.m. u.,m. p.m. p.m. a.m nMn, .. W- F. IIALSTBAD, Eupt. superintendent's omce, scrnuton. Feb, 1st, lees LADIES! Send us your mldrcs and wo will mall you I'lllHOF I'lIAHOlS wit BB,SVil,J,lcrlulV0 Illustrations of KFS2?flJ?5,?na FAS5,J;WABLE SPECIALTIES THE KURSIJEEDT M'F'Q CO. Mention mk? fwfe.4w r BOOKS-MILLIONS Of VnllltriAa n ti.. i-i. . .... . ... wnriTi ;.,.toii..nv. '"""'"icusv moraiure or tno Nw bold bv SI $Ztn& 1?yi'st I)rlt,01i over knowl1 navmc it ,m HSSM,f?,hJut r examination bctoro payment on evldeuco ot good faith, ALDEN, Publisher P. O. Ilnv ly-iT Juil I1-1W 10 1 usoy bu, ii. v, r GOLEMAN ooi.i,Haa,wnvvAuit. m. j. An.liln till ,-ri... . . " .,UUUIU11- WIW CH.-1IU1- arsiupjiio. write for circulars. UUII r SUHSOHIHU l'Olf " THK COI,UJUIIAN, $1.60 A YEAR