The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 25, 1884, Image 4

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An A'lventura With a Slwk.
TUB TllliltH.lSO KVfLOir OK V lil I B Ml I'
Nil; n i r ri sr.
. Alfotln, ,Uk' $mninli divoi, m.-t with
n rum:irk:iile ivlvciitiuo mul u vury
tmirow (scnpo mot'iilly while cniragml
in illvinjr operations on the Gulf Const,
nenr thu llttlo toivn of Morc'lutnl. The
"Atlanta," oiih of thu best known
coasting vmspIs In tlioao part;!, was
capsizud In a squall on thu 22nil of Sep
tember, nnd sank juat insitlo thu bar.
The ownurg of thu craft contracted
with n diving company to have her
raised nnd to recover as much of her
cargo as was still serviceable. Alfetto
and nnolhor diver were cngiged to do
tho work. They made several fluceus
ful dosceuts, but on tho fourth trip thu
Spaniard met with tho advunturo of
which wo speak. His comrade signal
ed hastily to bo drawn up, nnd when
ho had been hauled into tho boat ho
related how Alfctio had been seized by
n monster whito shark nnd carried off j
but scarcely had ho dono speaking
when Alfetto roso from tho water about
fifty yards from tho boat, nnd was pick
ed up insensible, with several holes
punched in tho metallic part of his di
ving suit. Means wero successfully
ndoptcd to bring him round, and next
day ho told tho following story:
As you know wu had mado our
fourth descent, nnd, while my compan
ion clambered into tho vessel, I wnited
on tho ground till ho should attach tho
cords to draw something out, I was
just about to signal to bo drawn up for
a moment's rest, when I noticed a shad
owy body moving at some distance
above mo nnd toward mo. In a mo
ment every fish had disappeared, tho
very crustaceans lay still upon tho sand
and tho cuttle-fish scurried away as
fast as they could. I was not thinking
of danger, and my first thought was
that it was tho 'shadow of a passing
boat. Hut suddenly a feeling of terror
seized mo. I felt impelled to tleo from
something, I know not what. A vaguo
horror seemed grasping after me, suoh
as a child faucies when leaving a dark
ened room. By this time tho shadow
had como nearer and takon shape. It
scarcely needed a glance to show mo that
it was a man-eater, and of tho largest
sizo. Had I signalled to be drawn up
thou it would have been certain death.
All I could do was to remain still until
it left. It lay off twenty or tweuty
fivo feet, just outsido tho rigging of
the ship, its body motionless, its fins
barely stirring the water about its
It was a monster as it was, but to
add to the horror tho pressure of tho
water upon my head m ulo it appear as
if pouring flames from my eyes and
mouth, and every movement 'of its fins
and tail seemed accompanied by a dis
play of Gre-works. I was sure tho fish
was thirty feet long, and so near that I
could see its double row of whito teeth.
Involuntarily I shrunk closer to tho
side of tho vessel. But my first move
ment betrayed my presence. I saw tho
shining eyes fixed upon; its tail quiver
ed, as it darted at mo like a streak of
light. I shrank closer to tho sido
of tho ship. I saw it turn on ono side,
its mouth open, and heard tho teeth
snap as it darted by mo. It had miss
ed me, but only for a moment. The
sweep ot its mighty tail had thrown me
forward. I saw it turn, b&lance itself,
and ita tail quivered as it darted at mo
again. There was no escape. It turn
ed on its back as it swooped down
on mo like a hawk on a sparrow. The
cavernous jaws opened, and tho long
shining teeth grated as thoy closed on
my metal harness.
It had me. I could feel its teeth
grinding on my copper breast plate as
it tried to bite mo in two; for, fortu
nately, it had caught mo just across
tho middle, where I was best pro
tected. Having seiztd mo it wont tear
ing through tho water. I could feel it
bound forward at each stroke of its
tail. Had it not been for my copper
helmet my head would have been toru
off by tho rush through tho water. I
was perfectly conscious.but somehow I
felt no terror at all. There was only a
feeling ot numbness. I wondered how
long it would be before thoso teeth
would crunch through, and whether
they would strike first into my baik or
my breast. Then I thought of Mag
gio and tho baby, and .wondered who
would tako caro of them, and if she
would over know what had becorao of
me. All these thoughts passed through
my brain in an instant, but in that
time tho connecting air tube had been
snapped, and my head seemed ready to
burst with pressure, while tho monster's
teeth kept crunching and grinding away
upon ray harness Then I felt tho cold
water begin to pour in and heaid the
bubble, bubble, bubble, as tho air es
caped into tin, creature's month. I be
gan to hear great nuns, and to seo fire
works and rainbows and sun-hine, and
all kind of pretty things ; then I
thought I was floating away on a rosy
summer cloud, dreaming to tho sounds
of sweet music. Thou all became
blank. The shark might have eaten
mo at his leisure, and I never would
have been the wiser. Imarmri mv .is
tonishment then, when I opened my eyes
wu uuam una uoai aim saw you lellows
around me. Yes, sir I I thought I wax
dead and ate up, sure. From the
Manama JleraUl.
Our Foreign Bora Population.
Tho fact that of tho fifty millions
population m tho United States nearly
soven millions aro foreign born are very
poi tentious to many persons. That it
has only come to bo viewed with seri
ous alarm within tho memory of tho
present generation is owing iu part to
the greater influx of immigration in
tho past forty years, consequent upon
tho changing conditions and increasing
discontent of tho common people
aoroau, arm it is measurably duo to tho
fact that so inanv vears niro noailv all
of tho inhabitants of this country were
Biiustaniiaiiy "loreigners, or such near
(lescendonts ot them, that tho distino
tlons between tho foreign born and na
tive population were not so sharply
drawn as now. Although thero havo
been decennial censuses taken sinco
1700 wo have no direct official infer-
malion respecting tho constituents of
our population, as regards tho placo of
uirm, prior to ihou, nor adequate in
formation prior to 1820 concerning tho
arrival at ivmcrican seapoits ot loreign
uorn persons.
'llio political troubles of 1S-18 iu
Germany, and tho agricultural distress
nnd resulting famine iu Ireland about
the samo time, induced n midden rise
between 1850 and 1800 in tho immigra
tion, but sinco then tho percentage
which tho foreign bom bears to tho na
tive population has not materially var
ied from lSper cent. Those who
rend with alaim tho statistics of enor
mous immigration nowadays aro apt to
forget that our total population is well
nigh double what it was at tho out
break of tho war, that tho develop
ment of tho country in the variety of
intercuts and in tho (settlement of Its
domain is immensely beyond that of
twenty ycais ago and that tho disposi-
tloi. nf n hranr Influx of foreigners'
' i' . i i .- ii ) i" w iiii
1 1 i in, I Ih; r i i ii' it i. iir ,vn i.ll
.'ttl'l l lilt' l t(tH I.
Iii'luml iMid lii'i'iinny have furnishi d
the nvt oi'inido.'ilde p rt of our for
eign population, 'intl in nliimsl equal
tiroporltou, though On .'it Hrittain and
its traiU'Ooe.iniu dependencies (exclud
ing Ireland) and Canad.i combined,
have given in tiouly as many ns either
Hiberuiti nr tho fat.neil ml. ' This for
eign population lias ueeu suojeet
to the widest diffusion, nnd however
Imprensivo it might bo if it proceeded
from one stock and was grouped in n
single locality, the groat variety nn.l
dissimilarity of tho race which it pre
sents and its general dispersion through
the states, obviates tho threatened dan
ger of any notable foreign influence
crystallizing hero into nn element hos
tile to our iiiMtitulions. There nre but
three states and ten tomtoiics, all re
motely West, in which tho foreign born
equals ."0 per cent of the native popu
lalirn i in thirteen states and tenitoiies
It is 25 per cent., in eleven states it is
10 per cent ; iu ten from 2 to 10 nnd
in eight less than 2 per cent. It is ro
markably how tho foreign nnd colored
population nro mutually exclusive, nnd
almost in every section whore tho col
ored arc found in large number the for
eign born arc not, nnd vico versa, ' It
is reassuring to those who stand in
such dread of foreign iufliicnce to ob
scrvo how tho predominance of tho dif
ferent rnees varies in different states Al
though tho Irish population of Penn
sylvania largely out-number the C4er
man thero nro nenrly m many Irish
born residents of Massachusetts as of
our own state j in New York, Connec
ticut, California nnd Now .fercey tho
Irish ton tho list : in Illinois, Wiscon
sin, Indiana, Texas, Iowa, Missouri.'and
Ohio tho Germans nssert themselves
quite as emphatically in the lead ; iu
Minnesota the Scandinavians aro
far ahead of any other, nnd a goodly
number of them aro settled in Illinois,
Iowa and Wisconsin. Tho number of
natives of British America found in
Massachusetts and michigan is aston
ishing, until explained by the lumber
interests nnd factory industrio i two
thirds of all the Mexicans are in Texas
anil 70 per cent, of the Chinese iu Cal
ifornia s two-thirds of the Iiisli in the
country aro east of Pittsburg's meridi
an, and two-thirds ot tho Hermans are
west of it. Most of the Russians in
tho country aro Meniionites and Kan
sas has the largest number of them ;
Ohio of Swiss s Wisconsin tho Bohe
mians : New York tho Poles, Austrians
and French -, and Michigan the Ilollan
tiers. Foreigners generally display an
appetency for city life, though the
moro numerous races have of late years
shown a falling off ns elementH ot city
population. Fall Itiver, and Lawrence,
mass., textile manuraciiiriug cuies in
the East, and San Francisco, Cal, ex
treme geographical points, show tho
highest rank m foreign born relatively,
to the total population, and next to
tlicm come Chicago and Detroit, cen
tral commercial cities on tho lakes.
Tlieno striking facts all point to the
same conclusion that our foreign born
population is so widely dispersed as to
bo easily assimilated. It presents the
widest range of diversity iu its ele
ments, and is taken up and moulded
by tho people of different common
wealths as much unlike each other as
tho bulk of our foreign immigration is
lissunilar to the native, lhcro is no
greater percentage of influx, so long
as it comes I torn the civilized races,
thnn is healthy to tho body politic, and
nowhere to-day are thu foreign ele
ments of our population uniting and
massing against tho native. In fact it
is easier to arrav tho ono of these ele
ments against tho other oven now than
to incite them to an anti-American at
tack upon the institutions of their
adopted country or to arouse tho spirit
of Know-Nothingism to shut tho gates
upon tho immigrant. Lancaster In
telligencer. No, Charles was never a hard drink
er, ' said a wite in rclorenco to her hus
band; "but when ho resolved on tho
first of last January to abstain from
drinking beer for one year ho did a
very wise thing for himselt and a very
fortunate one for mo.''
"Ho lias kept his pledge, then, up to
tho present timo ?" asked tho assembled
Yes, he has," replied his wife; "not
a drop of beer has passed his lips sinco
last Now Year's day, and you will ap
preciate now wise and fortunate it has
been for both of us when I tell you
that as a result of his abstemiousness
he has purchased a piano, a pair of
beautiful diamond earrings, a sealskin
saeque, and a great many other things,
as well, for me, and an elegant gold
watch for himself.
"All purchased from money that,
had ho abstained from drinking, would
have gone for beer V
Every cent," was the reply.
"Well," vouchsafed an old lady from
tho other hide of tho room, "if your hus
band managed to make ail thoso pur
chases from his beer savings, ho cer
tainly could never liavo been a hard
drinker II'- must have boon an easy
ono. 1'hila. Eog Call.
Bloom Geo. Ilrvnnt. Wra. llrobst, Jo
seph Edwards, Lloyd Fox, 31, O. Wood.
Ueaver-Niithnn Urcdbcnncr, Inracl'Bclicll
Berwick Much Linden. Louis '-tiles.
Urinrcreek Andrew Fowlcr,lI, C. Lenrn,
iteunen li, Miicr.
CuUwlssa Henry llolllngsliead.
Centre J. II. Alkman.
Convtiehnm Patrick McDonald,
Flshlngcreek Theo. U, Henry, Joseph
Jlcars, lilrnm ration, illns Yvcnncr,
Franklin Jacob Artley.
Greenwood Clinton Dewltt, James
Everett, Wilbur Hess, W'lson Kramer,
Samuel .Mcllenry,
Hemlock Dcnuc Puree!!.
Jackson Joel Albertson, John H. Fritz,
James noniiins
Locust -John Hughes.
-Mimin-Wllllam llurtzell, Win. F. Kel,
ler, Samuel JNuss.
Mt. Pleasant Melclml Huckle.
Ornngo J, II. Kline.
Sugarloaf J, L. Harvey.
. Illoom John Dlelv, John K. Girton. Bnl
onion Heist, Wesley Solleder, 10. F. Town-
Heaver Michael Fry,
Ilentou Ell Mcllenry, Ira Thomas.
Berwick Henry Wuiilch.
Ilrlarereck J. W. Bowman, Lumen
Mnrtz, Oeorgo W. Miller.
Catnwlssa F. P. Crcusy, Luther Eycr.
Centre E. E. Low, Allen Shell, iiunmcr,
Conynghnm Put- Haley, John Purcell,
Unus YVculenmn.
Fishing Creek-U. J. Ash, C. F. Klndlg,
Geo. Heber, David Yost.
Greenwood Clem Itucklc.
Hemlock I heo. Dent, Jno. tt, Key hart,
Locust, Adam Dlinerlck.
Madison 1), A. SlnilU.
Maln-H. G. John.
Mllllln Jacob Oruvcr, Honry Muss.
Orange Dupont Mcgargle,
Itonrlng Creek Geo. F. Craig,
Bcott E. ti. Case, Win. Hopper, Jr.
rjugurloaf Joshua B. Hess.
wanted for Tho Lives of all tho Tresl.
dents ol the U.S. The largest, hand-
vju.wa host booK over suid for loss thuu
twlca our prlcn. Tho fastet belllnir
book In Arnerloo. liumensa protlts to ogeats. Ail
IntuUlgeul leupla want It. Any ono can bocoino a
sutcwtful agent. Terms free, lUuirr lloos Co..
1'ortland; Jlalne. Ico 21-ly
X.ohn mill inlii.
ciui-tir 1.
"I wm taken sick a year ngo
Wltii bilious fovor.',
"My doctor pronounced mo cured, but I
cot Bl'ck ngnln, with tcrriblti linlni In my
back unit sides, nnd 1 (jot so bad I
Could not move 1
1 shrunk I
Froln 823 lbs. to 120 I I lmd been doc
toring for my liver, but It did mo no good.
I did not expect to live moro than three
months. I hegnn to use Hop Hitters. 1)1-
rectly my nppctltc returned, my pains left
me, my entire system seemed renewed us
It by nmglc, and nfler using several bottles
1 ntn not only ns sound ns n sovereign hut
weigh more man i tun uciorc. ro nop
Hitters I owo my lite."
Dublin, Juno 0, '81. H. Fitzpatmck.
ciiArrm 11.
"Maiden, Mass.,' Feb.. 1, IRso. Gentlemen
1 8WTcrcd with attacks ot sick headache."
iNcurnli'lii, female trouble, for ycnr9 in
tho most terrible nnd excruciating manner.
No medlclno or doctor could give mo re
lief or euro until I used Hop Hitters.
"Tho first holtlo
Nenrly cured mo ,"
Tho seco (' made mo ns well and strong
ns when n child.
"And I have been so to this Any."
My husband was nn Invalid for twenty
years with n serious
"Kidney, liver nnd urlnnry complaint,
"Pronounced by Huston's best physi
cians "Inournblc I"
Sevo l bottles of your bitters cured him
and I know of tho
"Lives of eight persons"
In ijiy neighborhood that Imvc been sav
cd by your bitters.
Anil many more aro using them with
grent benefit.
Thoy nlmost
Do mlrncles ?" Mrs. K D. Slack.
How to Get Sick. Expose yourself day
nnd night j oat too much without exorolso
work too hard without rest ; doctor nil the
time j tnko nil thn vllo nostrums advertised,
nnd then you will wnnt to know haw to gtt
well, which Is nnswered In threo words
Take Hop Hitters.
Tho Philadelphia Times.
Tilt: l'lillatleliilila TIiiich, 1884.
Tho Times will enter upon tho new year stronger
nnd moro prosperous than ever bctoro In its his
tory iroro widely lead and quoted, moro heartily
commended, and moro llercely criticised, with a
moro complcto organization, and an abler stan ot
co itrlbutors and with the saire Independence
and fearlessness that has mado It successful and
po vcrful In tho past.
The Times has no party to follow, no candidates
to advance, but will meet every Issue, as It has
ever dono, with consistent devotion to tho rlRbt,
to honest government, nnd tho public welfare.
And, while maintaining Its position as tho leading
Journal of Philadelphia, It w 111 aim to bo contlnu
ally In tho advance in all that can add value to a
1 cwspaper.
Tho valuo of a newspaper 13 not In Its sizo or
display, but In the Intelligence nnd care, tho con
ciseness and freshness with which it 13 edited. Tho
Times snends lavishly for news from
all mrts of
11 0 worm, out an us uisp.iicnes
nro carefully ed-
lt3d and condensed, in order to trlvo tho comnleto
rewsoftbo day In tjo most corclsoand attract
ive shape, and with It n largo variety of entertain
In? and instructive reading. Tho best writers at
1-omo nnd abroad aro ouiployed to tnrlch Its col
umns, and to make It a Journal adapted both to
the busy man nnd to the leisure or the homo cir
cle, n welcomo Msllor to Intelligent and honest
citizens of every political, religious, and social
Tho WetMy Times Is altogether different from
tho weekly newspapers ot twenty years ago. Tho
day ot thoso papersl3 gone by. Tho telegraph nnd
better local newspapers everywhere, especially In
tbo thriving centres Jot rural population, havo
made tho old weekly metropolitan newspaper un
satisfying. Thoso that cling to their ancient
usages havo lost their hold on our forward-moving
people ; they are but shadows ot their former
greatness, and they havo but n shadow of their
former power. Those papers havo had their use
fulness, but It Is gone: and, with It, they ore going
too. It was not the fault of the papers; It wiu
tl o lmp-ovement of tho country that brought
about the change. Men nnd women, wherover
they live, now requlfb fresher news ; and they ro
qulro moro than news.
The Weekly Times gathers off tho types of every
passing week whatever has lasting interest to
people at large, nnd sets It before them In such
generosity of iaper and print a would have as
tonished us all twenty years ago.
lMiliu. Twelvo csnts a week, fifty cents n
month, 16 a year, two cents ft copy.
Sunday. Four cents n copy, tt a year.
Wet klu. Ono cony, ii a 1 ear : llvo conies. J8 a
year ; ten copies, tl5 a year ; twenty copies, tii a
5 ear, with ono copy freo to tho getter up ot every
"Independence, Texas, Sept. 20, 1882.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Has liccn used In my household for tUroo
reasons ;
lit. To prevent falling out of the hair.
2d, To prevent too rapid cliango of color.
3.1. As n dressing.
H has given entlro satisfaction In every
lmtancc. Yours respectfully,
Vm. Caiiey Chase."
AYITK'S HAIR VldOtt Is entirely freo
from uncleanly, dangerous, or injurious sub
sances. It prevents tho hair from turning
ray, restores gray hair to its original color,
prevents baldness, preserves tho hair nnd
promotes Its growth, cures dandruff and
all diseases of the hair and scalp, and Is,
at the samo thno, a very superior and
doslrable dressing.
Dr. J.C.Ayerd Co., Lowell, Ma68.
Sold by all Druggists.
ggaa"aCTg" 11 " '
Health and Jappiness.
y!p , 7 DO AS OTHERS
Aro your Kidneys disordered? 1
"Kidney Wort t.ruuffht ma from my grre, ulll
werr, after 1 liR.t tiem trlrcn up by 13 Ulttloctoi in I
Unroll." ' II. W. Utrteroui, Mucbanic, Ionl,Ulch. I
Aro your nerves wonk?
' l.ldni-y Won cured mo from nervuua w.aknrwi
Ac.nder not ispfcteil to llvi-."- Mn. U, U, U.
Uuo4in, Ed. CAn'if'uri JlonMor Cleveland, O,
Bright's Disease?
I.LltlftT Vftt 1 l-llfnil In. .Un Irtw ua.Ai. wn .....
Ills cliult and thin Ilk Llood."
Frank; WiUon, rcabody, Mau.
Suffering f romDinbotes ?
"Hldiu'y-Wort I, ttie moat remedy I hare
over um-d. UltuJ ulmo-t tnimedlatu rtllt-r."
Dr. 1'hUllpl'. luuu, lloukton, VI.
Havo you Livor Complaint?
-liiJney-Wort cur -d mo cf cbroidu Idler Ulscaaei
artcr 1 I'injed tu die.1'
Henry Ward, Into C.I. CJthKat. Ouard,jr(T.
la your Back larao and aching?
, 'Kldtiey-Wort,ll bottle) Hired lue when 1 waato
luiuo 1 had to loll out or id."
C, M. luUumee, Milwaukee, Wla,
Havo vou
Kidney Disease?
Kldn-Mnrt maitii mAftftntullnllv- nt IHrina
k I n II rer and kidney
1 1 J a bof-Bani'l llodsci, WUllainnoon, Weal '
Jta worth
Aro vou Conatlnatod 9
"Kldner.Wort rtu riv evfteuatlnni mil MtrrA
la after IS jcari life ot other medicines"
l jou j- atrcnuu, pi. Aiuan, I.
Havo you Malaria?
rICl Iney-Wort liaj dono bitter than anr othe-
remedy X Jiara fcter uwd hi my practice,"
it, it. jv. war a, Duum iicro, i,
Aro vou Bilious P
"Kidney-Wort ltaa dono me moro good than any 1
otajt remedy 1 luru ever toktn." , I
uu.wv.ujt tua s tat, urotfon.
Aro you tormented with Piles?
'Ktduiy-Voit 1 rtincMly cum tuo cf blvodintr
pIK Dr. tv, fl. recommend d It to mo."
Usjo. 11. Iloint, Cufclilur at, luiiu, Myerktown, Ta.
Aro you Rheumatism racked?
'Kiuniy-.,urv cureu ma. niter I wu
die. by I'ltyslclaita and I lmd lulrt nd till
Kldiuy-Wtirt cum! m. after I waa trtvtn up to
nm umi i niu tun i n t nil t y ream."
Ubrld;e Malcolm, Weal llutli, Uaine,
Ladies, aro you suffering?
"Kldtiey.Wort cured mo tt vecullar Irouulea of
aovtralyutraktaiidiii I Wany friemla uo and tiraUe
It." lra.ll.LamojfcUuxt JkloLaatotlc, t.
If you would Banish Disoaso
i ana gain iioniui, raKo
for tho working class. Rend 10 cents for
postage, and wo will mall you free, a royal
vaiuauie uox of sa uinio uooos that win .tint.
vou in tho war of maklnt; more moni.v tn n
fbuslnorts. capital not retptlrod. Via wUl start
you. on can work alt the tltna or in snare limn
only. The work Is unUentally atljpted to both
.huxea, yuunu; auu utit.
joti can eastlv earn from
.WccnUito is every evening. That all who want
may test the buslne!, wu mako tiil-i unparaUod
loflcr j to all that are not well satMled we w 111 hend
l to pay for tho trouble of writing ut. Full parti
culars. dlrt'Ctlous, etc., bent free, i'ui tunes will be
made bv llio-o whoglvo their whulo time to the
work. (Ireut succens absolutely sura Don't delay.
tartuow, Addreas briaioN ca, I'onland,
Maine, pen si-j
t HAM) JUltOIiS.
Bloom John Armstrong, Jonathan
llacliman, Dnvls Brooks, A. H. Noylmrl,
Jnmos U. Bleriicr. William Slcomniis.
llonvcr - J. l'tiul Fry.
Benton John Lazarus.
Berwick a. O, Jnynu.
Brlnrcrcck Isnno llowcr.
Centre Josciih H. I'ohc, ilorrls Soyhcrt.
Flshlngcreek Ell 1'cnler.
Krimklln Jnckson Clonvcr.
Greenwood -Oeorgo l'nttrrson.
Hemlock Lewis llatltnaii.
Locust Chns. Denver, Michael Htliie, Jr.,
Daniel Unnicbcrgcr, Daniel Knorr,
Jlnln J. K. I.ongenbcrger,
Mllllln Anron Antlrcns.
Montour Hhncr Hunynn.
urango a. ii. iviicuen.
jrMSr OFOA3K9.
I-KIimtAltr TRR.M.
S. 1. Cnso nnd 8, 1'. Wolverton vs I),
& V. It. It. Co.
Henry Klinails vs. Daniel Boyer nnd An
drew Boyer. T. T.
Oeorgo V. Ilclfrlck, receiver, vs, Joseph
M. Freck.
Ornngevlllo M. S. F. & L Assoclnllon vs.
Joseph A. Henrlu, et nl.
John It. Ynho vs. John Itludvrllter.
Win. F. Bihby vs. I II. Beesholtz, ct nl.
Catherine Bchiucck's usu vs. V. V. Bih
by. J. M. Smith, nsslgnec, vs. Calvin Clark,
et nl.
W. 0. Vetter, executor, vs. Vim. Yeagcr.
Oeo. Bevnn vs. L. A. Ulleyfc Co.
Cnspcr Khawn's ndmr. vs. N. & VT. B.
Ily. Co.
Isnno Weckerly's executors vs. I). B.
Frank McLnuglilln vs. M. F. AVnlkcr.
Enhriilni Krumer vs. N. & V. 11. Jty.
C. B. Brock way's nsslgnec vs. N. it V.
B. Hy. Co.
I). A. I less vs. N. & V. B. Hy. Co.
Daniel Wnltcr vs. J. 1". Lewis.
Anron Hognrt vs. I'etcr Bognrt.
F. I. Evans vs. U. II. Ent SherlfT.
1'hinens Smith vs. N. & W. 11. Hy. Co.
Ell Weaver vs. Peter J. Weaver, execu
tor. Lloyd Slmmnn vs. N. & W. B. Hy. Co.
Lloyd Yeagcr vs. N. & W. B. Hy. Co.
Henry Ilnrucr, et ux., vs. N. &. W. Hy.
Andrew Crcvcllng vs. William Thomas.
Levi Kurtz vs, Joseph Benin, et ux.
I). F. Seyhert vs.Oeo Brelsch.
Gideon Stecker'8 udmr, vs. Thos. Hick,
Stephen Wolf vs. John M. Miller.
Allans Cole vs. Sarah Hess.
Jncob Hnln vs. N. & W. B. Hy. Co.
W. 0. Yetter vs. N, & W. B. Hy. Co.
Jnne Moyer vs.Jaines S. Lewnrs, ndmr.
William Coleman vs. C. F. Fnlmer, ct nl.
City of I'iilln. Trustees vs. Abrnm Bet
ting et nl.
John Shumnn vs. N. &. W. B. Hy.
John Brofee vs. William Blllman.
John Brofee vs. Andrew Hupp.
II. W. Weir vs. Hlchnrd Angell, ct nl.
David Wilson, ct ux. vs. Harvey Gra
ham. Lydla Bobbins vs. Jacob B. Stoker's
A. J. Evans vs J. B Hoblnson.
W. H. Juckson vs Sherman Boooth.
Peter Helwlg's Ex'r vs Pcler Hclwlg.
George Boyer vs Thomas Geraglity.
II. W. Hess, et ul vs Illrnm F. Everett.
I). S. Laubach vs J. W. & S. A. Smith.
A. J. Colley vs Jncob Young.
Isaac C. Burrell vs. Plilln. & Hcuding H.
H. Co.
J. K. Hobblns & Son vs Charles Hughes.
O. D. L. Kostenbnudcr vs Charles
II. E. IKncock vs. Willlnm Mastcller.
Great Reduction
Hnvin ' nurchascd a lumo tract of hem
lock timber nnd liaving a steam mill on the
same, 1 am preparetl to till all sizes and
lengths of house and barn bills in a few
duys' notlco nt very low prices. 1 also
keep constantly on hand a full stock of
ING, &c. Panics will save money by
getting prices before purchasing elsewhere.
.W Mo Low,
Orangevillc, Pa.
a week at homo. J5.00 outfit free. i'av nb.
.solutely suro. No risk. Capital not required.
Header, it yon want business at which per-
great pay all tho time they work, with absolute
certainty, write for particulars to II. IUllett 4t
Co., l'ortland, Maine.
Dec SMy
The underslened havtnir nut his Planlntr Mil
on Itallroad Street, In ttrst-ciass condition, Is pre
pared to do all kinds ot .work In his lino.
furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used
Is well Reasoned aud none but skilled workmen
aro employed.
turnlshod on application. Flans and spccinca
uuuj preparea cyan oxperienceaaraugmsman.
niooniNaiurg, Pa.
An EnclUh Veterinary Burceon and nimmiat.
now travelloz In thu country, says tlut mo of
tn Uorso and Cattle 1'owders sold here are worth
less trash. Ha says tbn Sheridan's Condition
Powders araabomtt-lvntiritnnd immpnvniv vut,..
able. Now ng on earth win nuko n ns lay like
ouui tuau o uuuuiMUU i unruuio. I teasPOOn-
ful to l pint foid. Sold everywhere, orsent by
mall for 8 letter-alum na. 1. 8. Jiinn&nu r in
IUoston, lUsi aid Jan iV8l-ly,
'o chirgos untoj situations aro furnished. A
kuuu eu.iuuu iu sucure a nrm-ciass position, Tho
l"oital 'iviegraptt Co., will soon bo ready for busl.
ness, and will want hundreds of operators. Kor
full particulars, address i:& N.J, TKI.KdltAl'H
CO., Main omoe, 9J0 chestnut St., I'hlladelphla,
DcL Through Wlros. '
jant-tvr a
r.lrl?-nrt of flnnfltln
. i . , r' 'r-e, wuy er your Her
or MI..I lltli. la tt in,,, u MKMJa.culotlst worbt. to
f. 1(1.. .So, ,',; Mai kl St.. rillUU'A.
Juno My ats
fhtli?,nut1!'.cllos,nutiono sauaro south of
EB,?!ew.rort 9rao i nDe '" wt'inie trom Walnut
?iV J'i? ln 1 " 7 business centre of the
, . .... ...v .....v. ivi.ii UU14 l.liiuuuilll iiiitns. I
mwiJ iiM,?,10 ,3-0J 1' ""modVllotl
W. Payne, M. .,
nov 80 1 y owner & Proprietor.
I 1 AllKVflV.
new buttdlng, Mala
street, Uloomsburg, I'a.
.Ctna Insurance Co., ot Hartford. Coon. lT.ois.9ii
toyat of Liverpool la.uoo ooo
Uncashlru ,, lo.txoooa
Fire Association. Philadelphia. , 4.165,lli
Phntnlx.ot Uondon ,, .. o.mdstj
Hartfort of llirltord a.aTS.os
Springfield I'lro and .Marino ,, j,goi,6a
As tho awucles aro direct, policies are written
for tho Insured without any delay In the
viuuo tti utuuuiDuurgt uct. XB, 'ol-ll,
.1', fT&RM&
Used In tho principal Churches for Communion,
Kxcellent for Females, Weakly Tersons and tho
Spoor's Port Grape Winoj
flllHH CHI.KI1IIAT1511 W1NU Is tho pure Juleo ot
.1 tho dead rlpu oporto ((rape, raited In Npcer's
vineyards. Its Invaluable,
Tonic and Stronthonlng ProportUs
nm tinaiimQuo.t lit. nnc nlttn It-Inn T)nn a
dnced under Mr. specr'sown personal stipenMon,
Its purity and genuineness, nro guaranteed by tho
principal llospltaH and Uo.inlsuf lloalth who havo
examined It. Tho youngest child mir nartnkonf
and tho weakest Invalid uio 11 to advantage.
tlcblllttited, and suited to tho various nllmenls that
it is in every respect A WINK TO HE HCI.ICO ON.
Spoer's Uufermented Grap: Juice
is tho lulen Of ttr nnnrtn n
Its natural, fresh, sweet stato as It runs froTi tho
press by fumigation, thereby destroying tho oxcl
tcr ot fennent.itna. It Hpoifectly pure, freo
trom spirits and will keep In nny climate.
Soeor's Burgundy.
Is a tUrk rich mniltitm Tirv wtnA mm! U flirt
wealthy classes aa a Tablu or Dinner Win", nnd by
physicians In cases whero a dry wino Instead ot a
sweet port Is desired.
Srj'ior'd (Sjcial'to) Olarot.
IS held In httrlinstlnintlnn fnf ttu rlf-ltnna na n
DryT'nblo Wlno especially suited for dinner use,
Speor's P. J. Sherry.
IS a WlllO Of Rllnerlnr Plinr-iptnr rtnft tiirl nL-ftu' nt
the rich qualities ot the grape from which It Is
Speer's P- J, Brandy.
l.q A lump. it?ttntttnn t.A .........
f-tandsuiulvallcdlri this Country lor inedflclnal
It h.wn peculiar flavor, similar to that of tho
grapes froinwhteh It 1? distilled,
See that tho signature ot ALl'HKI) SI'UCII. Pas-
halo N. J., Is over tho cork nf each bottle.
SO 1.13 UY O. A. KLEIM.
Liuu itEutior. .n
unfailing euro for
seminal Weak
ness, Spermator
rhoea, I in potency,
nnd all lllseases
that follow ns a
sequenco or self.
Abuse : at lns nl
Pain ln tho Rack. Dimness of vision. Prnmntum
old Ago. and many other diseases that led to Insa
nity or Consumption and a Prcmaturo Uravo.
IIkwahe ot advertisements to refund money,
when druggists fro.n whom tho medlclno Is bought
do nof remui, but referj-ou to tho manufactur
ers, nnd tho requirements nro such that they
nro teidom, if ever, compiled with. See their writ
ten guarnritre. A til.ilotouo slnglo p.ickago of
jlray's specula will eonvinco llio moat skeptical ot
its real merits.
On uccouut of counterfeits, wo havo ndoptcd tho
yellow Wrapper ; t he only genuine.
ir-Fuii particulars ln our pamphlet, which wo
tleslrotoheiidfreobymallto every one. jwrno
Specltlc .Medlclno Is sold by all druggists at 1
per package or o packaes for 15, or wlllbo sent free
uy miui tin tuo receipt or ino money, ny nunrChSing
thu okay MiiniciNu co.; imnaio, .. r.
L-w.v. i.ui.ui-uiii uy tin uruidis.
i RI i ill
ThO hOUSO lssneetlllv mtnd tin rnrlhrt fnmfnrf.
of invalids who desire a pleasant and Chrbtlan
home, stands on high ground with plenty of
shade. Personal attention given to every natlent.
tlectrlclty and UalvanNm lit their different modi
Mentions a speciality, mt. .Mills has glvon many
years or hturtyand practlco to this branch, and
hundiods will testify to his skill.
Send for circular, htatlng what paper you saw
this in. PliOF. iienhv JIlLI.s,
-Mrs, Al.lLl. I' KfcSUll .MILLS,
Lock Box 117. Ulnghamton, N, V.
Sept. 7 'W-y.
Iclaa estauuiiiirH titi
Uniroln New York
for tho Cure of
t5 IS1 MS wtf From Am Journal cfiltiicine.
ut. Ah. meserolo(IatDriX)ndon),ivuattiaksalpoc.
Ulty cf llpilesy, has without douLt treated and cured
Inore rises than any otlierliTliurrliyaieian. Hissuccom
ma iinlly been astoni&blnit t wo nave hoard of cases of
ever J yours standing, succossrully cured by him. ilo
bBSimbliaticdAworkon this diienso, which hosonds
withalsritsbnttloofliis tvonderfut euro froo to. any
r'lffcrcrwlio may sond their cxprts.and P.O address
Wo advls" any nnn wif hinc a cure tn address
Hit. All, MCaUItOLL-, ;.'o. w Juha bU Mow Tork.
Jaul-lw d
Send six cents for postage, nnd re
celvo free, a costlv box of troods which
will help you to moro money light
ftwuv tliati nnv-thlnirel.nlii t I1I..1 wnrlil.
All, of either sex, succeed fro.n llrst hour, Tho
broad mad to fortune opens before tho workers,
absolutely sure. At onco address. Tiiuk & Co.. Au.
gusta, Maine. Dec Sl-ly
1 A T ANTKI). Ono Lad v orOentleman, ln every
town. J25n week nnd expeuws. Address
i-i tiu I. nuriu jeum at., miiaueipnio, i'a.
rr (l.n.linnOK S fi.n.SUrUMAN S llran Kiw noof
The fcutmt nVinf new ttvikout. lodnned tj Vrtt t Arthur,
0n Urant. Sherman, frhridn. ) Uncock, tnd thouiD(k
o( llmiotit Jurleei, litihopi, Cl'nrjmen, Kditon. ttr - u
bettbookon Mum lf ttvr xcrtltrn nl the fnttt Ilhit
frnMii ww tver vtued: Thll ftmnin bowk Ukf Ukt wild
in. n-i ArcnU etl 10 to liO diT. OJ-KKIO Mort
Aonn anted. Tht V( rhinte tomttic Tnontr tifrojferetl
Jn4 far trrulri. .Sirtmrn J'Uttt, rtr Ttnm, ttC. W
A.D. WOUTIIINUTON X CO., JlarlfurJ, Couti.
Jan 4-4 w d
llought for Net Cash, on receipt nnd approval,
without charge for commission, liroker-
ase. etc ir
80 &'83 WILLIAM Sr., NEW YOUK.
Janll-liv r
JIANV persons ln
Plttston oie lining Klys
Cream Ualui, uciturru
remedy, with most
sansractorv ivsiuih. a
lady Is reoovi'tlng tho
senso of smell which
sho hatl not enjoyed for
niteen years. .Mr. liar,
berhas used It In his
family and commends
it erv nigiuy. f'i((
ton, iiii., Uatette, ,
Apply by llttlo lln
gur Into tho nostills,
ty uojiirptiou it enect
ually cleanses tho na
sal passages ot ca
tarrhal rus, caiiblug
healthy secretions, it.
allays lnllaminatlon, protects tho membranal
linings of tho be.ul from additional ooidi, com
pletely beats thohoies nnd restores tho senso of
lasto and smell, llcnellclal results are realized by
a few applications. A thorough treatment will
cure, inwiualed for colds In head. Agreeable to
uau. ni;mi lur i-iiL-iii ir. Bum uy urugglals. Ill
mall too. n packagestamps.
KLV miOTlllTus, Urugglsts, Oivego, N. V.
Jan 4-lw ,)
lhaTaatyUlTaremedyfortlionb ysd sfs'ktl'ylts
MS thousands of cssoflultoow l.lkiltdstiduflon'S
(;ltn nils eWcaiy, that I will aiuinwopOTV,1.3
1 lllil:, lomther with a VALUAlllJC TniUTl'jH on any snlTi-r' r. G'vociTirMAand V. (,
addraas. pa. T. A. BLOOU I,181 l'eailbt.,Ntw Voik,
Jan U-t W a
1 I ai
TUB VOLT tn HRf.TOO . Mirsmll, Mich., WU
WW: oKi.KitH . i tin' "nio.Voi,
IVii1 f r?., tl,'s'!' 10 m"n i or 0llI ,,I'' nro nf
fltctfd with Nervom Drblllty, list Vltnlltv, nnd
kindred irounio", guaranteeing apoedvanrt com
p olo restoration otlicnlth nnd immv Hi r. Ad.
' l.0J!J,.i?1,,if.,nn0N,' u-No rlsklncuried.nsno
Jays Irlu is allowed', r
sunsomms now von
Sl.fiO A YEAH,
Ready and Waiting for You.
The Finest, Tise IL.iteKi, The Most Artistic
Styles of
r.FitmAi mi t" si i m I ai An )
Call and bo Convinced that AVc
Lead Inn qiuality fit simidl pii.
LariBt stock & lowest prices
ErtNy TuruiN, SatlMfnctloii Oimrantcctl.
L A. SlfflB, M. I
llodlci'. Sapjrinteaient of ths Saaltatlura.
Invalid's Home.
Itloo3iisbiir, Pal.,
Devotes special attention to Epilepsy,
Nervous Affection:, and Diseases of Worasn,
Patients received ut tliu Sanitarium on
reasonable terms for linni'd nnd treatment.
V. 8. No cliargn for first consultation,
unr 27. '83
I can recommend i
Kly's cream luiiu to i
nil liny Fever suiter
ers, It Ijtliiif, In my
opinio:), rouinlcil upon
exjierlence ami a btno
cm o. I was unilctcil ,
with Hay Fever lor
years, and never be-1
torn round permanent
relief. Vnnsmt ll.
IUskins, .Marblnlclil,
Amdv liv llttlo nn- I
iter Into tho noKtrlH.
Ily nliioiiitlon It it
fectuuPy ileanses tlio
nnsal nassiiKurt nt ca
tairlml tnit, cuukIiil-
lnnltliysecietlons. H allays Inflammation, prn-ti'L-tH
tlio iiicintjr.ttial liulnj;snf tlteliead Iiomi ad
ditional cnld-t, rninpleteiy heals tho sores tuid ru.
stores the sense tit tustn and unell, ic
sultsiiiH reulUed hv a tow applK-atlons A llior,
ouifli treatment will cure, L'noiiualled for colds
ln tlio head. Ammtulo to tiie. hentl furrlreiilnr.
Isold hy drugs-Ms. liv m.ill Me, a pickaire
btuuips. KI.V intO'l'lll!l(s, (iweui), N, V.
nuir 10-ly d
ToriHorlul Artist,
artiani nil oil stand under BXiM , N il!
uortsi., aud lias as usmi a Fills l'.t:i.iS
llKtltiKSiOI'. It'i rmpuct fully snltdu iue
patron w nf tttsoldiiuit'imMisaii l or iiih n.ibMu
leiwrally. lslyu, 'sn-tt
3L00M5BUP.O, PA.
Larirj aud eouveuiont samtiln roams, lint,
nut andj'Jld watur.and all modern couvcnloccei
f VS'nv-t.v CyfttH'1!
Kt.r tliu Celebrated Clilekerlng, Ivcrs &,
l'oml, nnd VtisoSon l'lnnns. World. ro
nownetl Ksley Ore ins, Violins, Aecortleons
nnd Sheet .Musitj. Celebrated Wlilto, New
I Hull Arm Davis, New Home, Hoyul St.
Jnliu, and Unlit Hunnlni; Domestic Suwlni;
.Maelilnes. Needles, oil and utlncbmcnts
for nil nukes ot Sewing Motilities.
can always lis foni at the
Suitable for
Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds.
Tho following bhows tlio Ticket Oothlc, one of
tho beverul beautiful btylesot Fence inanuJactared
by the undersigned.
For llcnuly and Durability they nroMnsurnass
ed. set up by experienced hands nnd warranted
to give satisfaction.
l'liccs nnd Bpi'ii'miens of other do
! sigiiH Btiit to nny nddrt'PK.
. a -hi
Near L T; B Dopst, BbomBburg Pa.
Manufacturer nf First nl
different styles, cook stoves, parlor stoveb
nnd stoves for lienlliu; stores, seliool houses,
olilirclies iSro. I.afi'ti ntnolr nf tlnwnr,, .....1
stovo repairs, sucli us grntes, tiro brick, lids,
ceulrcs kvo.
Oct 20 tr
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Philadp'plvn &. Erio R. R, Divis
ion, and Northern wontral
In effi ct Nov. lutli. lbSJ. Trains Icavo sun
0.35 0. m., Ixwk llaen Impress (dally exrrnt
Sunday), for llnriMmrg nntl Intpriiicdlatostatloiis,
i.aiieosier, I'liiiatieipiuu, .x:v ioik, itauiinoro nnd
Wnsl.iiiL'IDii. iirrlMiiX nt I'hllatlclnhla ti. m .
New Vurk, aso p. in. s llaltlmore, Ml) p. in. ; Wnsh.
lngion o.Mp. in., through passenger coach to
1.53 p. m. (dally except Sunday),
for IlarrlsUuin and lutcrmedlatu Millions. Lutim:
tcr, l'hlladelpnla, New Vuik-, llaltlmoro and Wash-
lUKiuii, arriving uv i-iiu.iuuilMll.t t.wo p. nl. : NQW
York, 10.W) p. in. i llaltlmore, p. in. ; Washing,
ton. H.I i n. in. Pullman Parlor ear thiotiL'h tn Pi.i.
lndelphla and passenger coach through to i'hlladel-
pittu unu uaitiitiurt;.
H,sop. m. Wllllamspoit Accommodation (dally)
for llariisburg and all Intermediate stations, Lan
caster, I'hlladelphla nnd New York, arriving nt
Philadelphia a ua a. m. New Y'ork 5.10 n. in,
Weeping ear ticctmnnodatlons can bo becured at
llariMniig ror l'hlladi'lphlaund New York on Sun
days athiough sleeping car will bo run; on this
train from Itenovo to I'hllatlclphln. Philadelphia
jubheugerb udu lemalu in sleeper undisturbed until
all) n. in. Krl Mall (d.lllv excent Mondavi fnr
Ilarrlsburg and Interinedlato statlom, Ijineasler,
1'lill.idelphl.i, New York, llaltlmoro and Washing,
ton, arriving at l'hlladHlphlaT.W a. m. ; New York,
Has) u. In. ; llaltlmoro 7. 10 n. in. j Washington, .5l)
n.m. Through I'ullnmn sleeping cars tun run on
this train to Philadelphia, llaltlmore and Washing,
ton, and through passenger coaches to Philadel
phia and Ddlttmoic.
0.20 a. in. El lo .Mall (dally) for Krloand nil tn.
tcnnedlate btatlons with through I'tilbnan l'alaco
car and through passenger coaches to Erie, nnd
thiough Pullman l'alaco ears lo llullalo via Km
poiiutu. on Sundays this train will run only to
For Canandalgua and Inlermcdlato stations,
lloches cr, Ilufftlounil Niagara Fulls, (dally except
.Sundays) wlthtlnough l'ulhnau l'alaco car and
passenger coaches to itochestcr.
1.0 i. m. Nlatrar.i llxnrnss ninlH-rfnnr. Nun.
tiny) for Kano aud Intermediate btatlons with
thiough passenger coaehes lo Kane. For Canan
dalgua and principal inlermcdlato stations, Koch,
ester, llullalo anil Niagara Falls with through Pas
senger coaches to nochestcr,
5.i'3 p. m. Fast lino (dally except Sunday for Ite
novo and Intel mediate, btatlons, umi Klmlra, Wat
kins aud Intermediate stations, with through pas.
bengcr coaches to Kenovo and Watklns.
Niagara Express loavo
Phlladclnh a. T.40 a. m. : ll.ili innim t.:ui a. m. tinoiv
except Sunday) uiilvlng at Sunbury, 1.05 p. m.
..mi vniuuii i-uuiiiiiii ranur car irutn I'uiiauci
phla anil through passenger coaches from Philadel
phia and Ilaltlmoie.
Fast Line leaves Now York nnn n. m. ! ptiii.uint.
phla, 11.10 a. m. ; Washington, o. lo a. in. ; Haiti
more, 10.5J n. in., (dally except sundaj1) arrlMng nt
buubury. 5.eop. in., wllh thi-ough passenger
coaches from Philadelphia and iialiliuorc.
frill tlilll lfHl.u Vau. u ... . IH.II..I.I
...u ..iu.. ,vt..i a .1 ,, . uif. P.UU p, IU, , i iitiauui
phla, H.SU p. m. ; Washington, p. in. j Ualtl
more, p. m., (dally) arriving at Sunbury 0.15
a. m., with through Ptillman l'alaco Sleeping cars
from Philadelphia, Washington and llaltlmore and
through passenger coaches from l'lillatlclphltu
Mall East leaves stitibury (dally except Sunday)
0.45 a. in., an li lug at Uloom Ferry 7.41 n. in. ,
Expiess East leacs Sunbury B.35 p. m., nrrUIng
nt llluoin Ferry (1.31 p. m., Wllkes-b.uru B.lup. in.
.Mall West leaves Wllkes-barru 10.3 j a. m. nnlv
lngnt illoom Fcuy is.ui p. m., Kunbury li'.53 p. m.
Express West leaves V Ukes-barru 5.3) p. m nr
Hvlng ul Illoom Ferry 7.07 p.m., Sunbuiy B.U5 p.
I'HAS. II. I'Uaii, J. It WOOD,
Pen. .Manager. (Jen. Passenger Agent.
Nov. C, 1SS3
For Now York,I'hl!a5elphla,Iieadlng,l'ottBvllle
Taniaqaa, ic, 11,45 a. m,
For Catawlisa, 11,15 n. in, 0.13 and 10.30 p, m.
Tor WllHnmsport,e,3i 11.43 n. m, and 4,04 p. m,
For Lowlsburg and Sunbury, 4.00 p. m.
Loavo Wow York, via. Tamancud 0,00 n. ra. and
via. llound Brook Itouto T,43 a. m.
Loavo Philadelphia, ?,&0 a. in.
Loavo Iteadlng, 11,65 n. in., i'ottsvIUe, 12,89 p. m
and Tamaqua, 1,85 p. in.
Loave Catuwlssa, c,so ll.os.a. m. and 4,00 p. m.
Leave WllIlamsport,9.45a.m,4.C5 p. in. and 0.00 p. m
Leavo sunbury 4.81 p. m. v'
Passengers to nod from New Y'ork, via. Tama-
nend and to and from I'hlladslphla go through
without change ot cars.
C. G. HANCOOK, Oonoral ManaBOfi
ueneral Passenger nnd Ticket Agent.
dAUs lv, IS ol tit
Scran ton....
-Dellevuo. ,.
,. West Plttston
p.m. p.m. a.m.
rum. p.m. p.m
9 15
1 43
80 2 10
C 22
6 27
C 84
a no
9 03
8 6t)
8 48
8 it
8 37
o 37
9 45
o it
9 es
10 03
10 (8
0 30
0 21
9 19
h 41
0 40
0 51
0 55
0 5B
7 02
7 10
7 17
7 22
7 80
7 07
8 00
8 20
8 40
8 30
t 00
6 00
8 C5
8 10
8 18
6 25
8 80
8 Eb
8 52
9 00
9 04
V 20
9 14
T JUUlIHg,...
.Plymouth June
S 33
1 su
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Munlock's creek
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...Hick's Ferry.
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..WlUow Grove,
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Catawl'a Bridge
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0 45.Northumbcrl'd
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p.m. a.m. tt..m,
p.m., n.m
Mi. ., w- HALSTKAD.Supt.
Superintendent's omco, Scranton. Feb. 1st, lESa
Send 113 your address and wo will mall you
n,mi yiinr.oFciiAitiH:
,w..nn..i'V.. '"-'iripuvu must rations or
SIA.MMUII AlllICLliS. Address
Mention this Nfe Hfeft r
Wldi'Awatto Ainl Watilt il Hvi'mslirro fur
by Jares I'artnn. thn pmttnut Li...........
age. Anelegnni'vo Inn. S,rf, ' t ' .1 S
,lil,1f'!;a,1?'l?A,'ill0u,1ly 14-00. Describes 60 char
Kn,iW"l,tr); woman. PiioknIx l't'U.
co., Hartford, Conn. JanlMw d
wS'1 Tho choicest lltcraturoof tho
Not kn-i,i Si Jftn ,?.,rt'S' Iift"t l'rlceiJ ever known.
nnimiSt L 2, 1 "' si"t '':r i'nilnatlon beforo
... u,,v,vt(vu Ul tiUUtt 1UU11,
PJ$,- ALDEH. PuUisher
co&Lnon,NnwMiu1 rx. s.
rf),!?,!,n.,l,t?S?!,I5S!,r.Yor!c' .Mo" posit ions for grnd-
wffMttt" mito'fVctrKUeJ- UKm'
J Jan 11-liv r