The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 18, 1884, Image 3

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The Columbian.
Correct Unllroml Time Table.
Trains on the Philadelphia n. 1L loavo lluport
as follows t
6:31) ft. m. 11: ft. m.
4.00 p. m. 8:13 p. m.
Trains on tho I). I 4 V. 1L It lcavo Bloomsburg
tu) follows i
NOinn. sotrrn.
7:27 ft. m. .8.85 ft. m.
10.31 a. m. :5-J n. m.
6.30 p. m. :30 P. tn.
Tim ii'i.Mriln south connects with tho Phila
delphia Heading nt Rupert, nnd with the N)r-
ihnm fntr! nt Nnrt lllimliorlflttil.
Tim 8.25 ft. in. train connects nt Northumberland
wiin train on Pennsylvania road, reaching
Tim 11.11 train connects with Phlladolnhla nnd
Heading roid nt Rupert at 11:5) reaching Fhllndcl-
pmu HI. U.W ,l. IHi
Tim 111 train connects with Pennsylvania road
at Northumberland nt 1:15, reaching Philadelphia
nt 7:25 I). I1L
Thn 1 3d n. m. train connects with Vcnnsylvnnla
rial at Northumberland nt 8.05 p. in., and roaches
i-uuaueipuia ub oivii . iu.
Trains nn tho N. & W. 1). Hallway pass Bloom
Ferry as follows i
7:41 ft. in. 18:01 p. in.
6.31 p. m. 7:u7 p. m.
"I'nnsy," Mrs. Aldcn, gives un enter
(nlnmcnt nt llerwlck, Friday evening, read
ing nn original story.
Tlio members of llcscuo Firo Company
went to Danville on Wednesday find were
handsomely entertained by tlio Good Will
of that place. Tlio Itiscuo will rcclnro-
A dispatch to tho Philadelphia Times a cnt0 nn Opporlllnly (, alTonlcd,
low uays ago lnumatcu tunisomciuing was
wrong In tho nccounls of the llulldlng
Commission of tho Miners' Hospital nt
Ashland, nnd stated that tho Secretary and
Treasurer, D. A. llccklcy of this town, had
not accounted for all the funds.
Icy Informs us that a full report has been
made to tho Hoard of State Charities, and
not only Is every dollar accounted for, but
ho Is forty or fifty dollars out of pocket,
soino Hems of expense not having been
brought to his attention.
The firm of Holmes & Schuyler was ills-
solved on tho 14th Inst., J. H. Schuyler
having purchased the Interest of W. O.
Holmes. Tho business will bo continued
under the firm natnu of J, It. Schuyler fc
Co. This house is one of tho largest hnnl-
ware establishments In this section, and has
a very wluff wholesale patronage. Sir.
Schuyler Is nn excellent business man, nnd
will fully maintain tho reputation that the
house has enjoyed for many years. We
understand that Mr. Holmes will remain
with tho new firm for tho present, ns trnv-
cling salesman.
A party of ladles nnd gentlemen of this
town, numbering about 00, took supper nt
the Exchntigo Hotel on Tuesday night.
After tho dining hall was cleared the
Mr. Heck- younger couples engaged In dancing nnd
kept It up until about thrco o'clock Wed.
ncsday morning. The supper was one of
thoso feasts for which tho house Is celebra
ted, nnd everything passed off very delightfully.
Hllllwntcr JoltlilKH.
"I crown the king of Intimate delights,
Flrc-sldo enjoyments, homo-born happiness,
And nil tho comforts that tho lowly roof
Of undisturbed retirement, nnd tho hours
or long uninterrupted evening, unuw."
Samuel Lorcmnn of Nebraska Is vis
iting relntlves in this county.
Miss Carrie lluck, of Ashland, Is visiting
Eliza M. Kulin.
House to Let. Call on-YV. Krickbaum.
No decision has yet been rendered In the
power case.
J-llUtUlS VU Ull Ilia 111 II1U II l... WU DUlv
nt the olllco of W. 0. McKlnncy.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnnk Knorr lost nn Infant
child last week. It was buried on Friday.
The concert given nt tho Opera House
last Friday night by Mrs. Nuss' music
pupils and others, wns a Jvcry pleasant nf-
fnlr. A nice nudlcnco was In attendance,
and showed Its appreciation of amateur
talent by frequent npp1nu9o. Tho first part
of the programme consisted of Instrumen
tal nnd vocal music, embracing two ducts
for violin nnd piano by Miss Laura Nuss
nnd Mr. S. Krebs, which wcro well execu
ted, Tho second part wns tho operetta of
"Penelope'' tho characters being represent
ed by Miss Cora Wclst, Miss Mates, Messrs.
Klnports, Krebs nnd Cox, Miss Welst
though only 10 years of age has n very
pleasant voice, and her singing and acting
wns excellent. Tho other characters were
well sustained.
Fon Sale. A steam engine nearly new,
six horso power. Inquire nt this ofllcc.
Gcoreo Tustln took chnriro of tho Catii-
.wlssn Deposit Bank on Tuesday, as Cash
ier, In placo of 11. It. Davis, resigned.
Wo published last week nn Item clipped
from an exchange concerning tho expira
tion of tho tcrni3 of borough oiUccrs, which
was erroneous. Tlio Act of Assembly
which was approved Juno 13th 1833 np-
plics only to persons therenfter elected, so
GiTFlttcd out for tho senson. Dresses,
cloaks, coats, stockings nnd all garments
can bo colored successfully with tlio Din
mond Dyes. Fashionable colors. Only
10c. nt druggists. Wells, lllchardson &
Co. lJurllngton, Vt.
Six bottles of Phelps' lthcumntlo Kltxlr
cured ma or n severe case oi Hciauo itncu-
matism of tho right hip of many years'
stunning, ifnnyot my menus are so nt
dieted, 1 ndvlso them to give It a trial.
A. ll. BI'KNCRU,
Wyoming Avenue, Scrnnton, Pa.
Rheumaiie Syrup Oo i
Wolcott, N. Y.
Gents I have been troubled for tho past
year with rheumatism, or cramp In my
limbs, so nt times I could scarcely get
around. I consulted several physicians
nnd wns treated by them, but received no
relief or benefit. I commenced taking
llhcumatto Syrup, and three bottles cured
mo entirely. 1 can most heartily recom
mend your syrup, for It has cured quite n
number that I nm pcrsonnllv acquainted
with. IIaiii.ow Mkhiuli,,
Of tho firm of Merrill & Booth.
An excess of calcareous or limy matter
In the blood nnd nn Insulllclcnt supply of
ncld In tho urine to hold theso particles In
solution Is tho direct cnuso of gravel, and
tlio best known remedy to dissolve and ex
pel these corrupt nnd poisonous particles
irom tlio system is liiicumnuc oyrup.
Tho Port Grnpo Wine of New Jersey Is
tho best medicinal wine, nnd It Is said
that tho vintage of A. Speer far excels any
produced. It is heavy In body, rich In fla-
vor and adapted for sickly persons and for
general family use. Mr. Speer also pre
serves the Oporto Grnpo Julco just as it
runs ircsli from the rtrcss without lermcn.
tatlon, for tho uso of tcmporaiico people
nr.d churches : It Is called unfermcuted
Grnpo J nice. For sale by druggists.
Wnrrcnton. N. C. 'ltcv. J. B. C. Bar-
ham, says i "I used Brown's Iron Bitters.
It is a complete restorative, tonic nnd ap
A vnr's Ilntr Vlirnr Imnrovns tlio lionutv
of the Hair and promotes Its growth. It
Imparts an attractive appearance, a delight
ful nml lnetlnir finrfnmi. Willi. I It fltln1ll
rector, nnd Reporter speaks for n position ialcs tie rool9i cleanses the scalp, nnd adds
nt num. c eifimcc to luxuriance, us ciiccts nro en
xv..i r.,o i ml. ,., v. iwi during ; and thus It proves Itself to be the
.1 .... i ivan. ...... j ...w j . , , ., , n innnnst llNK'Hl Ior 101 lit USO.
oi Koursuurg sioricu out on a niuiriinuuiui
T 1ST OF CASKS. Unlucky Wciiiiinir h.
FRmtUAltT TEliM. I
S. P. Case and S. P. Wolvcrton vs D. H. iPri, ,un, ii,r,Tn nrn iMr,,,.,wf, lav In ilm
yenr on which It Is unlucky to mnrry nc
Wo nro linvlne "a spell" of most excel
lent sleighing, nnd many jolly parties so cm
to richly enjoy It.
Blind Charloy held forth n couplo of
evenings Inst week In the M. K. church.
Tho Cnmbrn Christian church wns dedi
cated clear of debt. Itev. O. A. Barthol
omew of Philadelphia, preached two ex
ccllcnt sermons, nnd entertained the largo
audiences with somo fine singing.
Mnrvey McIIonry killed n hog weighing
008 pounds. This was considerable of n
Itev. D. M. Klntcr left on Tuesday for
Willlamsport where ho will assist Kevs.
C. W. Cooper and M. B. Ityan, Pastor, In n
protracted meeting.
Tho new railroad Is now generally look
ed upon as n fixed fact. However the peo
ple of this valley do not want to scttlo
down to a state ot apathy yet, or they may
miss It. Let every man who Is not nn old
fossil keep tho matter agitated till success
is assured. Wo nrc quite proud of our DU
W. T. Snyder of Berwick bad n fall one tlint the present officers will hold until tho
first Monday of April. Tliosu who arc
elected next month will hold ofllcc until
tho first Monday of March 1885.
The second section provides that tho
borough auditors shall meet on the second
Monday of March 1883, to scttlo accounts,
and on tho second Monday of March each
year thereafter. As tho Act did not be
come a law until Juno 18th 1833, It did not
go Into effect last year, nnd as all present
borough officers will hold ofllco until April,
It cannot operate this year.
Wisdom is not always an nccompnnl
mcnt of old age, and therefore It is a mat
tor ot little Importance which Is the oldest
paper In the county, so long ns tho Colum-
man is generally conceded to be the test j
but as a matter of fact it Is also tho oldest
The Cotii.MiitAN and Dkmooiut Is tli3
name published nt tho top of our pages,
the two papers having been consolidated
In 1809. The Democrat did not cease to
exist, but continued as before, all its ofllcc
material, subscription list, &c., being
combined with the Colombian. The Dem.
ooiiat wa3 established in 1837, tlio Rtpttb-
lican in 1857, making us twenty years old
when tho Republican wns born. At one
time tills paper was the OAumbia Democrat,
at another tho Democrat A Star, nt another
the Jiloomsburg Democrat, nnd now, the Col-
umiiian & Democrat. Our neighbor has
sometimes been The Republican and some.
times the Columbia County Republican, but
this lias not made it a new paper. Under
these facts our "accustomed assurance"
still leads us to assert that we publish tho
oldest paper in the county.
dny last week by which one of his hands
was disabled temporarily.
Hughes Bros, brewery nt Pittston wns
destroyed by firo last week Thursday.
Loss about 430,000.
A sleighing party of ten couples from
Berwick sncnt n pleasant evening nt the
Excbnnge Hotel on Monday.
Two slclghlonds of little girls took a
drive to Berwick last Saturday under the
general superintendence of Col. Jamison.
If vou contemplate colnc West, call at
the Pennsylvania It. It. ticket office, Main
Ht. Uloomsuurg. V. u. juciunney uguuu
J. C. Itutter Jr., is authorized to collect
bills due this office, nnd receipt for tho
voyage on New 1 car's morning, "liio
seas bo calm &c." The Itev. D. 31. Klntcr
said the words that sent them on life's tem
pestuous ocenn.
Wo Iiavo had no deaths, accldeats, rob
beries, fires or other casualties to record,
lienco jottings nro scarce hereabouts.
It. E. Porter.
W. J. Correll & Co. keep always on
hand a large assortment of furniture to
select from. Any special orders filled on
short uotlce.
Tho market reports will bo carefully cor.
rcctcd each week, and may be relied on ns
accurate, by our readers.
John W. Glbbs has just added to his Hv
crv n flno side stilted aleiah. He drove it
for tlio first time on Tuesday.
Initials stamped on any of our boxed pa
per, In gold or silver, free of charge, at the
Columiuan store.
The Iloynl Hand Bell ltingers nnd Glco
Singers of London will appear at the Opera
House on Monday evening February 4tli.
Tickets 25, 35 and GO cents.
Andrew M. Harbor, n half brother of the
Into William nnd John Itoblson, died on
Now Yeai's day in Butler county, this
state, nged nearly 80 years.
The bills that have been passed by the
town council for tho construction of tlio
sewer up to this time, amounts to 1355,-
Fresh bread, rolls, biscuit nnd cakes of
every description, nt Phillips' Domestic
uaKcry. aw
For barcalns In ranees, stoves nnd stove
repairs of all kinds go to Sharplcss' found
ry. UCC
Florida oranges from DeBarry's grove nt
Phillips' baKcry. aw
Tills gentleman lives In emporium, Pa.,
and says, "One of my men, Sam Lewis,
while working in the woods sprained his
ankle so bad he could hardly hobble to tho
house. Used Thomas A,cledric UU and was
ready for work tho next morning. I have
never yet seen so good a medicine."
Scrnnton, March 10, 1832.
Thirty.flvc years ago I was seized with
Acuto llheumatism. Since that time I
have never been free from it until 1 gave
Phelps' Rheumatic Elixir a thorough trial.
It cured mo nnd I freely endorse It as a
positive cure for chronic rheumatism.
Sarah McCarthy,
Matron to lit. Itev. Bishop O'Harn of St.
Vincent's Cathedral, bcranton, i'a., lor
the past twelve years.
For sale at Ileudcrshott's Pharmacy
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Lames Should Bemkmiier, n beautiful
complexion results from uslug Acker's
Blood Elixir. Sold by J. II. Klnports nt
1. ,
Sec n woman in another column, near
Spcer's Vincynrds, picking grapes from
which Spcer's Port Grape Wine is made,
that is so highly esteemed by tlio medical
profession, for the use of invalids, weakly
persons nnd the need.
Sold by C. A. liielin, Bloomsburg.
sept 2'i-ly
their name is legion.
Legions of pcoplo have had their lives
made miserable by Piles. This painful
difficulty is otteu induced nnd always ng.
grnvnted by Constipation. Kidney-wort
Is the great remedy for all nlfections of
this kind. It nets ns n gentle cathartic,
promotes a healthy action of the bowels,
nnd soothes and lieals the iullamcd sur
faces. It lias cured hundreds of cases
where all other remedies and applications
have railed. Bold by all druggists.
Croup. Wnoorixo Cough and even Asth
ma immediately relieved by Acker's English
Hemedy. Sold under guarantee by J. II.
Klnports, druggists.
"I Don't Feel Well I" The stomach is
out of order ; neglected this mcars chronic
dyspepsia, lou should taKo Acitcrs uys.
pepsin Tablets ana avoid tins terrible dis
ease. Sold by J. II. Klnports, druggist.
& W. It. It. Co.
Henry llhoads vs. Daniel Bovcr nnd An
drew Boycr, T. T.
Oeorgo W. Hclfrlck, receiver, vs. Joseph
M. Freck.
Oranecvll o M. S. F. & L Association vs.
Joseph A. Hcnrlc, ct nl.
joun it. i one vs. .lomi mmicriitcr.
Win. F. B bbv VS. I II. Bocsho tz. ct nl.
Cnthcrlno Schmcck's uso vs. W. F. Bib-
J. M. Smith, assignee, vs. Cnlvln Clark,
ct nl.
W. G. letter, executor, vs. Win. Ycngor.
Geo. Bcvnn vs. L. A. llllcv fc Co.
Cnsncr ltliawii's ndmr. vs. N. &, W. B.
Isaac wccKcrly's executors vs. 1J. 11.
Frank McLnuehlln vs. M. E. Walker.
Ephralm Kramer vs. N. & W. B. ltv.
C. B. Brnckwav's asslcnco vs. N. & W.
B. Hy. Co.
1. A. Hess VS. N. & W. II. Ily. Co.
Daniel Wnltcr vs. J. P. Lowls.
Aaron Bogart vs. Peter Bogart.
F. P. Evans vs. U. II. Ent Sheriff.
l'hlneas Sm th vs. N. & W. B. Itv. Co.
Ell Weaver vs. Peter J. Weaver, execu-
Lloyd Shuman vs. N. & W. B. Ity. To.
Lloyd Yeager vs. N. & W. B. Ity. Co.
Henry Harncr. et ux.. vs. N. &. W. Itv.
Andrew Crcvclinc vs. William Thomas.
Levi Kurtz vs. Joseph Benin, et ux.
I). F. Scvbcrt vs. Geo Urelsch.
Gideon Stecker's ndmr. vs. Thos. Hick-
(Stephen Woir vs. John .11. Jllller.
Allnas Colo vs. Sarah Hess.
Jacob Halns vs. N. & W. B. Ity. Co.
W. G. Ycttcr vs. N. & W. B. Itv. Co.
Jnno Moycr vs.James S. Lcwars, ndmr.
William uoieman vs. U. rainier, ct nl.
(Jliv ot I'hlla. '.trustees vs. Abram net
ting et nl.
John Sliumau vs. N. &. W. B. Ity.
John Brofee vs. William Blllman.
John Brofee vs. Andrew Hupp.
ll. vv. weir vs. mciiaru Aiigcll, ct al.
David Wilson, ct ux. vs. Harvey Gra
Lvdla Bobbins vs. Jacob B. Stoker's
Ad m.
A. J. Evans vs J. B. ltoblnson.
W. It. Juckson vs Sherman Boooth.
Peter IIcIwIk's Ex'r vs Peter Helwle.
Geoi go Boyer vs Thomas Gcrag'.ity.
11. w. licss, ct al vs lllram tr. isvcrctl.
D. S. Laub .ch vs J. W. & S. A. Smith.
A. J. Collev vs Jacob Youne.
Isaac C. Burrell vs. Phlla. & ltcadlnc It.
It. Co.
J. K. Bobbins & Son vs Charles Huehes.
O. D. L. Kostcnbaudcr vs Charles
11. a. Iteacock vs. William Mastellcr.
cording to the authority of n manuscript
dated In the fifteenth century. Theso days
nro January 1, 2, 4, C, 7, 10, lCj February
0, 7, 18j March 1, 0, 8( April 0, 11 1 May
S, 0, 7 June 7, 16; July C, 10; August 10,
10; September 5, 7; October 0; November
15, 10, nnd December 1G, 10, 17. Conse
quently, January Is the worst month nnd
October the best month In the year for mnr-rlago.
From January 8th, 1831, to January Ith, 1881.
GHOTZ, Treasurer,
To bat as per settlement Jan R. 1883.,
" uosn rccu oi uirom uu,i 'si ......
" mignrloat dup w.,,
" Scott dup HI
" Greenwood
" llloom dup '83 ,
11 Hcott dup -SI
uuarioaf oun tci
" cash ree'd of Wlllltt Kalilcr
" k. H. uttie irom Luzcrno
County .,
" cash rco'd Lebanon Poor District on
Leonard Held o
" cash rco'd JI. C. Woodward rent on
Ung House
cashreCd Thomas Mcllrldo produco
" cash rco'd Dr. itcdaker salo ot woolen
t 0 11
1210 68
co on
457 21
801 10
S80 00
1M 00
SO 00
ISO 00
sot o
31 75
si co
!12 47
19 tS
Uy orders of imj redeemed...
" " 1WC1 ...
1 Postairo
" nmt. paid to Poor Houso..
" Commission
" bal in Treasurer's hands..
t3M9 C9
t 17 7
8113 73
1 88
1!! 60
01 53
121 40 IJ333 69
Dun 1SS1 Amt. Pd.
Orecnwood 614 79 WW 41
bugarloat SOS 80 133 C5
1883 Amt. pd.
IICC.I 93 t80 tf
375 77
513 18
139 31
150 00
"so 00
I 6 .18
71 15
1061 95
IK 76
113 18
1S9 33
i IUsrr.ciHCrcfi!
ion Tin:
Positive Cure
An Infallible remedy for
all dlKciucs of tlio Skin
nnd Blood, uch as
rimple A llliitelien,'
and latnoliesl Itemed;
lor nil IVinaln dim-
plnlnls ami Wank
nrtfe. It has cured
dlicanea of tho l.lver
nnd Kidney when all
nthcr remedies have
DO not let your Drucglu pcrtuado you to take
somclhlng cite, but If ho hot not got It, and
will not tend for lt.wrlto to us and wo will tend
It to you by cxprcta, prepaid, on receipt of price.
fine In I hfei. linlllea nf ntirutnjitle Rrran trill
clearthe tytcm ofllllcnnd euro any raw of In
flatnmntoryor Acuto llhcumatUm, orNenralgla.
Three to flvo bottles will euro Emlnelas In
III wont form,
Fnnrto tlx bottles aro warranted to euro
corrupt and running Ulccn.
...rnur In tlx bottle arc warranted to euro
any loo of Bait Ithcum.
.Pirn tn elfflit bottle wilt emu tho wont
caie of Scrofula.
From two to four month' utoof Ttlicumatio
ivrup will euro any eno of Chronlo nhcumalltm
of t cnty yean' f Undlni?.
If you liave been a tuffercr for yeart, and havo
used alt tho rcmcdlc you could hear of, with no
avail, do not lo discouraged, for lthcumntlo
Cyrup will cure you.
1'nce, SI. 00 per bottle) O bottle for 03.00.
Bend tor our pamphlet of Testimonials, etc,
"FOR SALE BY DRUOQISTS 1'rlco 31.03 per Bottlo or 0 llottlcs for $G,00"
3793 8.1 ISM M 2Sti9 78 I
To John B. Scon :
You arc hereby. notified and
required to show cause, on or before tlio llrst
.Monday of February A. I). 1881, bctoro tho court ot
common Pleas ot Columbia county, why said
court shall not mako a decree, directing tho lte
corder ot deeds of said county to enter satisfaction
on inortgago dated September lath A. D. 1871, for
mu sunui 113-ju.uj Anna voriviiuuur vu iiuua u.
Scott, recorded In mortr.v;u book No. 8, page 414,
&c, in unu ior s.uu county.
dec Ul
Amt. of out standing orders Jan.
8, i) id
1 orders issued from Jan. 8,
"83 to Jan 7 '81 lncluslvo 3413 07
1 orders redeemed S333 to
1 " out standing 77 30
for year ending Jan. 7th, 1684.
Auditors and clerks bill Jan.
Four Papers printing state
ments Jan. 1883
Taking Win. Fry to;Danvllle.,
Sheriff's ofllcc.
lllooinsburg, Dec. 19, '83.
Public Sale!
Real Estate.
Hlnpciibtccl l"oor Tax, 188.'
lunw nower uoumy "
Kiias uower scuooi
II. (1. crevellng order Itellet....
.i. .m. tuarK uo l.oo, -'.ou
W. M. Eves Johu Lore do Fritz A. Labach do.
J. ll. Maize do
Town tax on Long house
woouwaru, uuumyiax on ivong
Woodward, Scoool tax on Long
Furman, conin for Archie's
Correl conin and shroud tor
Em. Cook's child
M. C. Woodward constable for
M. C. Woodward costs on Wllllts
Kahter caso
Charles Eck. llmo
Caleb llarton, tramps.,
13 75
S3 35
8 50
4 00
1 0)
1 00
3 00
1 U
1 31
8 00
3450 (0
8430 CO
23 CO
45 00
8 00
Notice ts hereby given that an application will
bo made In said Court on Monday, February, 11, A.
I). 1881, nt a o'clock r. M.. under the Act ot Assem
bly of tho Commonwealth of lvnnsylvanla entitled
"An act to provide for tho Incorporation and lteg.
utatlon ot certain corporations" approved April
29, 1871, ami tho supplements thereto tor tlio char
ter of an Intended corporation to bo oalled "Tho
Northern Columbia and southern Ltuerno County
Agricultural Association," tho character nnd ob
ject of which Is tho maintenance ot facilities for
tho holding ot fair or exhibitions ot Agricultural,
Horticultural and Mechanical products with tho
right to rent, purchase and hold real estate neces
sary for theso purposes, and to havo and possoss
and enjoy all tho rights, benents nnd privileges
conferred by tho said Act of Assembly and Its sup.
plements. u. 11. JACKSON,
Dec ss, 1883. Solicitor.
Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or-
? bans' Court of Columbia county fn re estate of
Inmiah ll.tlrd. l.Uo of tho boruinrli of llerwlck. de
ceased, to mako distribution ot tho fund In tho
hands of Elliott 1'. Klsner, aihnlnUtrator, f. It. n.
c. I. tu, of H.ild estate, lo and among thn parties
entitled thereto, will meet at tho ofllco ot c. ll.
Jackson, Usij., fn tho borough ot llerwlck, on
Thursday. January 21. 1881. at 10 o'clock a. in..
when nnd whero nil parties Interested In said es
tate must appear and present their claims or be
lo -ever debarred from coming In on same.
dee 21 Auditor.
UDii'oirs xoTici:.
Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or
phans' Court nf Columbia county, lo mako distri
bution ot tho fund In the hands ot tho executor ot
said estato will meet nt the oillce of K. II. and It.
it. Llttlo In lllooinsburg, l'a., on Friday January
S3th, 18SI, when and where all parties Interested
n slid estato must appear and present their
claims or bo debarred for any share of said estate
Dec Sl-ta Auditor.
An ordinance to repoat ordinance No. 31, Section 1.
Ho It ordained and enactoJ by tho Town Council
of the Town of llloonnburg. Ami It Is hereby or
dained nnd enacted by authority ot tho same, that
ordinance No. 31, entitled, "An ordinance to
straighten, widen and open portions of the high
way In tho Town of Dloomsburg, commonly known
as tho Light street roa4 and to vacate such por
tions ot tlio said Light street road nsmay thereby
Iwcome useless," passed November 7th, A. D. 188.1,
bo and the same Is hereby reiwaled.
Passed December 28th, 1883.
a A. 1IEUUINO, l'rest. Town Council.
Attest : A. L. Fritz, Sec'y. ll
66 70
17 50
unrroirs NOTI13K.
The coasters on Scott Town hill made so
much noise last Saturday night, that Con
stable Woodward stopped the fun, nt tho
request of residents In Unit vicinity.
Two more candidates are mentioned for
tho olllco of Register nnd Ilecordcr. They
nro Jlichnel V. Kycrly of this town, nnd
William L. Jlnnnlug of Jnckson.
Slnltltis TliliiKH Lively.
There's u philosophy about scnsntlons
that people nrc mighty apt to overlook. It
Is not the man who puts nil his dynamite
in one blast that Is felt the most. When
its over, he's over, too. 'Tis the man who
does something nnd keeps on doing some
thing till you yield to his influence as a
part of your daily being. This sort of n
man Is John Wnnamaker. His reduction
sale advertisement is only a surprlso In
this, that if it wns not this It would be
something else to mako things lively at
tills usually dull season. PMlada. Inquirer.
Every Democratic candidate for county
oillce should possess n copy of tho rules of
the party governing nomlnntlng conven
tions. They nro for stile at this ofllcc.
John E. Vtinuttn bus become ono of Ber
wick's most enterprising young business
men. Ho has n line storo nnd keeps n
large stock of jewelry, watches, silverware,
anmiti ituuiH.
"For several months 1 endured n dull
pain through my lungs and shoulders ; lost
my spirits, appetite una color, una coultl
with dilllculty remain from my bed. My
present healthful condition is due to Rur-
dock lilood liMera. -lrs. a. A. mil, Ulnp;-
hampton, N. Y.
Essex County, Vn. Mr. James It. Mi-
con, clerk, says i "I have used Brown's
Iron inters and found It vnluublo tor tlio
purposes which It claims."
The pioof of the pudding is not iu chew-
Inc the strinc, but in bavins nn opportuni
ty to test tho article direct. O. A. Kleim,
10 Drutfulst. has a free trial bottle of Dr.
Bosanko's Couuh nnd Lunir Svrun for ench
nud every one who Is ntUictcd with Coughs,
(.olds. Asthma, uonsumpuon ornny iiunir
AUectlon. July o-cow
Wheat per bushel
Ityc " " .
Corn " " .
Oats " "
Flour bcr bariel 0 GO
1 allow
Dried Apples
Sides and shoulders
Turkeys ;.
J.nnl per pound
liny per ton
Buckwheat Hour per hundred
lird per lb,
In pursuanco otan order of tho Court ot Com
mon Pleas ot tho county ot Columbia, Pa., tho un
dersigned "Directors ot tho Poor and of tho House
of Ktnployraent for tho township ot Madison," will
sell at public sale, on the premises, below describ
ed, on
Saturday Feb. 9, 1884,
12 00
Hides per lb
Veal skins per lb
Sheep pelts, each...,
Wool per lb
. 5 to
Philadelphia Markets.
at two o'clock, p. m., the following descrlbod val
uable real estate, to-wlt: The undivided one.
third ot which Milton Welllver, died, seized,
and the undivided ono-thlrd of which l'hlneas
Welllver Is seized In a certain lot or piece of land
sltuato in tho township ot Madison, In said county
of Columbia, at or In tho village ot Jorseytown,
bounded north by tho public road leading from
Jerseytown to Washlngtonvllle, west by lot ot
land belonging to tho heirs ot Daniel lioss, do
ceased, south by land ot J. C. Fruit, and cast by
lot of land ot Mary Stout, containing
One-Fourth of an Acre of Land
jj 1 more or less, on wnicu aro erected a two-story
and out-bulldlngs.
nrTEKMS OF SALE.-One-thlrd ot the pur
chase money to bo paid at the striking down of the
property, and the remaining two-thirds at con-
flrmatlon of sale. Purchaser to pay for deed.
Jan. 15, 1SS1.
1-18-31 Directors of tho Ioor, c.
L. 11. ltunert nald for Co..
II. It. Albertson horso aire
coal 7.81 45.00
it. ll Little retaining fee
J. II. Klnports blank books
Making duplicates
William Masters, lumber
John c. Jones, carp'tcr wo k.. .
J. II. Klnports, medicines
C. A. Kleim do
Moycr iiro s do
Hemlock twp. expenses ot Mrs.
Geo. A. Clark, blank books '8"..
Dr. II. w. Melteynolds j
Dr. D. F. Oardener
sr muel Keller phosp .ate
E. M. Klsner taking ltuth Ann
Parker to l'oorllousa
J. 1). Harman & II. J. Conner
order ot removal, Itoscit .
Kuhn nice, beef.
Jos. . lteltz do
Charles Krug door & casing
Lacuiuau & uross, cnimney.,..
c. F. Knapp, Insurance
FUhlngcieek twp. Katy HUler
Jacob Dlefenbac"i, brooms
J. E. Wolever lumber
saunmi snaner carpenter work
L. U. Hupert postage and wrlt-
iuu ureeuiuilL
M. c. woodward constable '83..
It. Falnnan expenses removing
Biciiii i urner, jirs. u creasy
and Fowler
Thos. Mcllrldo salary
j t. Kuperi. uu i
St. Hospital L. Z. Kahler f ux
Mary Hug' es
WUilam Fry
Enhralm Ebper
omiury uhls ior repairs,
mercuaiiaise ior lainuy
and paupers
6 It)
9 30
1 S3
7 13
26 30
43 00
17 7J
6 03
13 0)
10 00
6 CO
i 20
8 GO
10 00
52 81
ID 00
1 70
10 00
12 22
80 00
34 80
13 00
1 40
45 CO
41 80
2 CO
23 77
4 70
8 30
40 30
27 21
3 00
29 80
3 13
8 32
10 00
a. (I' 11, ('. (. (I. OP JASIK3 I.AMON DECEASED.
Orphans' Court ot Columbia County.
And now to-wlt : Dec. 3, 1883. on motion otC.
It. llucka'cw Esq., tho Court appoint Samuel
Knorr Esr., Auditor oaexceptions to said account
nnd also tu make distribution ot fund In hands of
accountant. Hy the Court.
certified from tho records this 12th day ot Dec
The auditor appointed by tho nbovo order will
sit for tho purposes of his appointment at ills onieo
In Uloo'nsburg tho 23th day of January A. I). 1883,
at 9 o'clock A. if. where all persons Interested,
must appear and present their claims or be debar
red from participating In bald fund.
Dec 58 Auditor.
An ordinance to straighten, widen nnd open por
tions ot tho highway In the Town ot Dlooms
burg, commonly known as tho Light Street road
and to v.vcato suoh portions ottliosilJ Light
street road as may thereby becomo useless.
SECTION L lie It ordained and enacted by tho
Town Council ot the Town of lllooinsburg, and It
Is hereby ordained nnd enacted by authority of the
saiues That a portion of the Light street road
from whero It intcriucts Second street shall bo
htr.ilghtened and widened and opened to the width
of seventy feet, for a dlstancu ot forty-two feet on
tho East side, iitul llfty-clght and three-tenths feet
on tho West side, tho centra thereof to bo In a lino
beginning ut a point lu the ceiitro lino of second
street, alxty-setcu and blx-tcnths feet East ot tlio
centra stono In Second street standing nt a point
In line of tho West side ot East street, und ruunlng
t hence north 53 degrees 4 1 minutes west ninety-two
lectto a centra stono at tho Intersection ot Hits
centre lino with tho contra lino of a further por
tion ot said Light street road ns hereinafter
straightened and widened.
SECTION II. A trrthcr portion ot tho said
light street road extending from tlio widening as
in tho llrst section hereof shall bo straightened,
widened and opened to ttiu width ot ilfty lect, tno
centra line thcreuf to bo lu a lino beginning on tho
west bide of tho portion mentioned In tho llrst
bectlon hereof, at u point twenty-eight and eight
tenths feet from tho northwest corner ot Second
street nnd tho said Light Street road, and running
thenco north CI degrees I! minutes east four
teen hundred and titty feet to a centra btoue In
centre of said Light street road.
section III. Any nnd every portion ot tho
bald Light Street road ns now used, not w Ithln tho
highway as bvthlsonllnanco straightened and wid
ened, nud to uo opened and thus becoming useless,
shall be, and are uereby declared to bo vacated lm-maltat.-ly
upon the completion of tho work ot
straightening, w'denlng and opening as by this
otdluanco oiualrednna enacted. And thereupon
tho said portions as widened by tlio llrst and sec
ond sectfons hereof, shall bo a public btrect or
high' -ay ot tho said Town ot lllooinsburg.
section IV. mat proceedings bo instituted
for tho assessment of damages to all persons who
may bo injured, and contiibullous upon alt such
properties as shall bo beneiltod by tho straighten,
hie. widening and onenlmr of the said Llirlil street
road as by thts.ordluanco authorized and directed.
I'osacu liecemucryoia, ibsj.
O. A. IIEHU1NG, Prcst. Town CouncIL
Attest ! A. L. Fritz, sec'y. - 1-1
Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho or-
E ban's Court of Columbia County to make dlstrl
utlon ot the balaneo in tho hands of tho adminis
trator ot bald decendent, as bliowu by his account
continued December 8, 1883, will bit In the dis
charge ot the duties of uts appo'itment nthlsof
nee In lllooinsburg upon tho twenty-sixth day of
January lasi at ten o'clock In tho forenoon whero
and when all parties lntereslol In said fund must
appear and present their claims or bo forever
debarred from any bharo ot the same.
Jam-it Auditor.
Letters ot administration In tho estato of Han
nah Knorr, late ot lllooinsburg, Columbia county,
deceased, havo been granted by thelteglstcr of
bald county to W. J. Knorr. All persons having
claims against said estate aro requested to present
them for settlement, and thoso Indebted to tlio
same, to make payment to tho undersigned or to
imurr miersieen, uiuoinsuurg, wiiuuut ueiay.
W. J. KNOltlt, Administrator,
deo21-0iv llerwlck, l'a.
mi 61
120 31
119 37
48 51
43 G3
We inadvertently remarked In our last
Issue that the county statement would be
published this week. It will not appear
until next month, as it must first receive
the approval of the Court.
A number of fatal coasting accidents
havo been repoited In different pnrts of tho
country. This Is a dangerous pastime and
thoso who Indulge lu It cannot exercise too
much cure.
Mr. Will W. Wirt, formerly of this town,
now editing n paper ut Alexandria, Zebras-
kn, was married ut that plnco on the 24th
of December, to Miss Anna M. Nightin
If you are lu need of n first class watch
In cither gold or silver cases, at n figure
lower than ever, call at L. Bombard's
jewelry store. Also n largo lino of silver-
ware, lewelry, cold spectacles, &c. All
County Superintendent Grimes visited
somo of tho schools here on Monday.
Who paid for the oysters ? Boys, answer.
Mrs. Iteubcn Miller met with n serious
nccident on Tuesday last. While sweep
ing the siio iv off tlio front porch she fell
and broke her left arm In two places.
.ilrs. John ivronier, of town, died on
Friday night. The funeral took place on
Benjamin littler died of old ngo on Sat
urday. His remains wcro interred In the
Shaffer cemetery on Monday.
The Snyder Bros, will move their stock
to Lcwlsburg about tho first of April.
There will be n district Instltuto held In
the new school house on Fehrunry 9th.
A party ot about seventy persons, ac
companied by tho band trom this place,
surprised Jacob Fethcrolf, of Cntawissn,
on Thursday. Similar parties Icnve hero
dally for Berwick, Bloom, Espy, Mnlnvlllo
or some other point.
Tho wind on Tuesday night, 8th Inst,
did some damage In these parts.
John Lutz hns bought the farm belong.
ing to the heirs of Philip Iletler, deceased.
"I am a Baptist Minister, and before I
thought of over being a clergyman I grad
uated In medicine, but lett n lucrative
practice for my present profession, forty
yenrs ngo. 1 was tor many years a sullorcr
irom quinsy. Jhomaa' Jicleclrie uu cured
me. 1 was also troubled with hoarseness,
Thomas' ICcltctric Oil nlwus relieved me. My
wife nnd child hnd diphtheria, nnd Thomas'
JCclectrie Oil cured them, nnd if taken In
time it will cure seven times out of ten. I
nm confident it is a cure for the most obsti
nate cold, or cough, nnd If nny ono will
take u small tenspoouful nud half till it
with oil, mid then placo the end of the
spoon In ouo nostril nnd drnw tho
oil out of tho spoon into tho head, by
sniffing us hard as they can, and until tho
oil falls over into the throat, and practice
it twice a week, I don't care how offensive
their hend may be, it will clean it out und
cure their catarrh. For deafness nnd ear
ache, It has done wonders to my certain
knowledge. It is tlio only mcdicino dub
bed patent medicine thp.t I ever felt like
recommending, nnd I nm very anxious to
seo it in every place, for I tell you I would
not be without It in my house tor any con
sideration. I nm now sultcrlug with n
pnln like rheumatism in my right limb,
und nothine relieves mo llko Thomas' Ec-
lectrlc Oil. Dr. E. F. Crane, Corry, Pa.
A cood. medicinal tonic, with real merit.
is urown's iron Ulttcrs.
FEED Western winter brpn. snot nt 19. red
middlings, spot ut 19.73 ; choice whtlo meddlings
sa-'D per ion.
MACKEKKL Extra mess 3M. largo l's, 28 30c.
extra snore rs vac.
FLOUli. Western extra's 3.50: Pennsylvania
family, 4.75, Ohio clear, s.sitf ; winter patent 0. (j
llUCKWIIEAT FLOUlt. Vuroscarco and wanted
3.40 (4 3.30; mixtures rulo und dull at 3.00
3.'3 per iuu lus.
WHEAT. Delaware red, Not Penn
sylvania red 1.11.
It YE. Prime l'ennsvlvanla 63c.
COHN, fio-i bushels Pennsylvania rejected yet-
low. very damn at 37.
oa is. .no. a wnite 4ivf
Iluclzlioru Items).
The horses attached to Buckalew Bros'
passenger sleigh whilo left standing In
front of tho Exchange last Friday, con
cluded to make n trip on their own hook,
nnd started down the street at u pretty fast
gnlt. In front of I. W. McKclvy'a store
WnirenEycr grabbed the reins us they
passed him, and stopped them before nny
damage wns done.
For Balk. At wholesale and retail, nnd
nt greatly reduced rates, a job lot of im
proved Keystone Cultivators, the must and
cheapest cultivator, for all purposes, In
tho market. Address,
N. B. Mkixei.t.,
l-4-4t Lowlsburg, Pa.
Three days wero occupied hy tho court
last week in hearing the Argument List,
which contained forty-four cases. Many
of them Involve Important principles of
law which will require some time for ox.
animation mid final disposition, so It li
probnblo that not half ot tho eases urguetl
cau bo decided by February court.
Tho trade In Christmas cards last month
wns larger than ever before. Tho Indica
tions nro that St. Vulcnllne's day will bo
observed by the sending of more missives
than were over sent on that day or ut
Christmas time. Tho valentines for this
year nro more beautiful than ever, nnd
ltuv. Mortimer Is 4holdlng an Interesting
meeting In the M. E. church.
Mr. Charles Fernwald and family paid
A. B. llnrtman a visit recently,
A number of families have left this town,
nnd gono whero they enn get employment,
Mrs. Wicdman, nn nged Indy Iu this
township, who has been suffering with
cancer, died on the 13th.
Mr. S. W. Purscl loaded and shipped
flvo carloads of bark to Philadelphia re
James Harris nnd Win, Leldy sent tho
remainder of their terrapins to Wilkes.
Uarre on Thursday,
D. W. Harris hts returned from Woods.
town, N. J whero Jho has been visiting
his brother.
Dr. Montgomery hns tho finest slelgli In
Notice thoso new bobs of Charles Hurt-
Mr. John Ilartmnu's Improvements aro
on u striite.
Miss Anna Savldgo of Benton Is visiting
in this community,
A blilhday Party was held In honor of
Esau Glitoit recently, ho being 81 years
old. He lives 1J miles from Bloomsburg
and can walk there nud buck in n half n
The persons from Wedgetown who camo
from Bloomsburg to O. II. Deltrlck's hotel
eomo of the new ones uru very vttrnctlvc.
Tho largest nud finest display of vulcutlucs drunk Saturday night and broke chairs,
will bo round at the Coluuiiian store In I window lights nnd made a general dlstur
tluo Benson. banco aro likely to get lu trouble.
Tho Phelps' Rheumatic Elixir which has
accomplished so many excellent results
here, Is rapidly gaining its well deserved
Sopulurlty in other parts of the country,
tiffcrcre from rheumatism soon find out
whether medicine labelled a "remedy" or
"cure" Is or Is not what It purports to be.
nnd they nro rapidly marshaling under tho
banner oi "rncips. " as iur ns wo ami
our renders nro concerned wo need only
say that wo unconditionally ndhrro to all
we nave tcsmicu in lavor oi tno r-nxir.
Editor Caiiuon County Democrat,
Mauch Chunk, Pa.
For salu at Ilcndcrshott's Pharmacy,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
liUIN WltOCOIlT in tub forest.
How distressing it is to seo acres of trees
cut down In the midst of n noble forest.
How saddeulni; it is to seo that thin spot
in tho midst of your othcrwiso abundant
hair. Stop it at onco by tho uso of Par
Iter's Hair Balsam. For actual cffclency
tills famous article stands at tho head of
Its class. Elegant for tho toilet; delicious
In order, and restores tho original color to
gray or faded hair. Economical, as n
slight, occasional implication keeps tho
hair nud scalp lu perfect order.
"The doctors pronounced my enso to ho
onu of hopeless epilepsy," says our corres.
iioiulent, W. O. Browning, Attorney at
Law, Judsoula, Ark., und declared death
to be my only relief. Samaritan Nemne has
cured me, Oct ut druggists. 41,60,
Want of confidence accounts for half of
tho business failures ot to-day, O. A.
Kleim. tho Driutttlst. Is not liable to full for
the want of couihlcnco in Dr. Bosanko's
Cough nml Lung Syrup, for he gives nway
uoiuu ireo iu nil wno are stiller ntr with
Cough, Coltls, Asthma, Consumption and
nil iiitcclions oi tno Throat ami Lungs,
juiy o-eow
HAY AND bTKAW Thuuthy Choice Western
and New York, 10. j fair to good Western nud
.eiv lore, 13. a 1 1. ; meumm wesiernana r.ew
York, 10. 14 is. ; cut hay as to quality 1C (4 17.50.
Itye straw, Wheat straw, a (4 9. Oat straw
SEEDS. Clover lOtfc per lb. Timothy 1.40
l.-nperuusuei, I'laxi.saper uusuei.
WOOL Ohio. Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
Fleece Washed, XX and above, 39(9 4.'c i X3tW$
83c ; common 55 57c. Texas, Fall clip Une 50 tg
meaiuiu vi m et coarse, it) ii 17.
EGOS. Pennsylvania extra, 53 a 30c. Western
extra. 57 ca 58a : limed, extra 54 (t 55.
nUTTKH. Pennsylvania extra, 37 38; Western
35 m soo.
LIVE POULTRY. Fowls, liens, 11 ta ISo mixed
mis n ifl nc. roosters om u (j) ic. turseys, 13 u$ nc.
ducks 13a 14 geeso 10 (,(, ll.
DRESSED POULTRY. Turkeys extra 16 a 17,
chickens extra 15; ducks choice 15(5 17; geebo
CUUICU 1 (4 12.
Potatoes. Karly Roso per bushel, 40c ; liur-
Lank and Hebron, 41 W 45c.
onions. Yellow, 1.55 1.41 per bbl.
Ily vlrtuo ot Sundry writs Issued out of tho Court
ot Common Pleas of Columbia county, and to mo
directed, will bo exposed to l'ubllo Salo at the
court Houso, in Dloomsburg, on
Monday, Fcb'y 4, 1884
at 2 o'clock, p. m.,
All that ccrtuln tract of land situated In rino
township, Columbia county, l'a., bounded and do
scribed as follows, to-wlt! adjoining lands ot
Abram Tltman on tho north, lands of Elizabeth
Ellis on the cast, lands ot Jeremiah Jlcrgcr on tho
south nnd lands ot Abram Tltman on tho west
containing titty acres, more or less, whereon are
erected n two-btory tramo dwelling house, bank
barn and other outbuildings.
seized, taken in execution as tho property of
Cornelius McUrn, with notlco to Henry Applcgato
aa Terro Tenant, at the suit ot W. II. Hayman.
Knorr, Att'y. Vend. Ex.
All that certain lot ot ground bltuato In llrlar-
creek township, county of Columbia and State ot
Pennsylvania, bounded and described ns follows,
to-wlt t on tho north by lands of J, c. smith, on
tho east by Huntington road, on the south by
road leading from Huntington road to Susquehan
na Turnpike, on tho west by lands of Solomon
liowcr, containing eleven acres, more or less. Tho
building on said premises, agulust which mechan
ic's Hen was filed, Is a two-story framo building
about thirty feet In front by sixteen In depth.
seized, taken Into execution, at tho suit ot Freas
Hros. vs. Nelson Freas, administrator of Adam
Deltrlck, deceased, and to bo sold as the property
of Adam Dletrlck, decoascd. Lev. Fa.
A certain lot or parcel ot land bltuato In Fishing,
creek township, Columbia county, l'a., lying on
the west side ot Hlg Fishing creek adjoining land
of Thomas J. Hutchison on tho north, and Unmet
Aramerman und Lazarus on the west, containing
one ncro nnd one hundred and twenty perches
whereon nro erected a ono and one-halt story
frame dwelling house, framo btablo and other out
buildings. Fruit trees on tho premises.
seized, taken Into execution at tho suit ot tho
Orungevtllo Mutual Saving Fund Loan Associa
tion vs. Leah Neyhard nud John Neyhard, and to
be sold as tlio property of Iveah Xcybard and John
Jan. 9, 1831.
0. W. -Miller, Att'y.
lllooinsburg, Jan. 1,,'84. JOHN .MOUHUY,
Jackson i Uttlo, Atty's. Sheriff.
Ily vlrtuo ot sundry writs of Lev. Fa. tVL Fa.
Issued out ottho Court of Common Picas, and to
me directed, will bo exposed to public salo at tho
Court Houso In Dloomsburg, on
at 6 o'clock p. jr., all that certain tract ot land sit
uate In Fishing creek township, Columbia County
l'a.. bounded and described as follows, to-wlt :
Deglnnlng at a Hemlock, on the East bank of Fish
ing creek, thenco by lands of Hiram Hess, North
63 degrees East, 81 perches to a stone on tho bank of
Raven creek; thenco down Raven creek, thenco
down Raven Creek bouth .elghty-tlvo degrees
east twelvo perches ; South slxty.slx
and one-half degrees East, 59 perches ; North
llfty-clght degrees East, twelvo perches; South
thlrty-two degrees East, Blxty-bLx and one-half
perches; south 17 degrees West, 50 porches to a
sugar trco stump ; thence by lands of William Tat
terbons ucirs north sevonty-two degrees West,
beventeen and one-tenth perches to a hickory ;
v ost twenty-six and one-halt perches ; South rev
i-uiy-iivu urgrevs i,ast tniiiy-ono perches to a
birch; South lltty-four degrees East elghty-nlno
and nve-tcnths perches; thence by land of Ellas
Jlcllcnry's heirs South fifty-eight degrees West
stxty-ono perches, thenco by the same North thlr.
ty-two degrees West ten perches; North fifty-eight
degrees East ono perch ; North thlrty.two degrees
W est sixty-four perches North seventy-eight de
grees West twenty-six perches ; South rlfty-llvo de
grees West twenty-nvo perches to a post by hick.
ory ; thenco by land ot Moses Mcltenry, North
thirty-two perches to a sugar tree ; thenco North
tweHo degrees East 57 nnd four-tenth perch.
es; North sixty-rivo degrees West eighteen and
four-tenths perches; North fifty-eight degrees
East from a red oak, ten perches lo tho East bide
ot Flsblngcreek ; thenco along tho East side of the
creek North slxty-nvo degrees West forty-nve
perches to tho placo of beginning, containing 93
acres and twenty-five perches strict measure with
tho appurtenances
(Reserving selio)! house, lot and land sold to E.
J, Mcllenry to cover water power.)
on which nro erected a two and one-half story
framo dwelling house, framo barn and other out.
seized taken into execution at tho suit of pliebo
Wolf, ct al., and to bo sold as tho property of Mary
A. woods nnd J, B. Woods.
KNOltlt & WlHTEKBTEEN, Attj'8.
Bhf lift's ufil:e, January 15, 1B4.
William Lewis
I. J. Reaser
v. Keller and family
Emma cook
Jackson Karris
Strah Jones
c. Dennis
Mrs. Samuel llernsldes
Mrs. A. M. Zimmerman
Le vl Hall
Hannah Fox
Ulrum Long and family
Margaret Dower
aire, james jMccormic
Mrs. Harriet Dodsou
Mrs. Hannah stouter
Mrs. A. Low
Mrs. Lafuyetto Creasv
Mrs. James Archie coal
Isaiah Holder and family...
eicr suauKiin
Mrs. Elizabeth Wade
Mrs. Drown
Jones Doys
airs. Auoy l orman
.ti rs. u. Aioau
L. Reldlo
(1. W. Hudson
it. 1-airman salary
W. Morris "
F. A. ltedekcr "
&3 55
103 50
31 00
53 GO
38 01
45 00
6 90
4 60
95 50
3 60
1 60
31 00
34 10
15 01
16 00
1 01
7 00
3 00
1 83
31 75
! 53
68 05
1 41
25 01
4 00
54 H
7 00
6 00
18 41
Letters testamentary granted on the eotato of
Jncob I.orcman, deceased, lato of Franklin town
hlilp. Columbia county, unto Simon Vought, by tho
uegriicr ui suiu cumuy. .mi iiers'jns Having
claims against tho estato of slid decedent nro re-
C03 33 uuestcu to present them ror settlement, ana those
iiuieuieu iu i uu esuuu iu masc ji.iymcuv iu wiu Ull'
derslgned without delay.
Klysburg, Northum- lltccutor,
berland county, Pa.
S3 74
701 oo
60 00
seo 85
814 19
73 00
75 00
75 00
:3413 00
We. tho undersigned Auditors of tho townshlns
comprising the llloom 1'oor District, met at tho
I'oor uousuon Monday January iinixsi, oi me
said district, examined tho accounts ot tno Treas
urer and Directors from January 8, iss3 to January
7,18-4, and tho vouchers for thosamo and nnd
liicm correct as set forth above.
'llio Auuitors recommend that tho Directors
mako immediate arrangements for having a goo J
supply of water to Poor Houso.
c-.U-t& Auditors,
1'. D. DLACK, J
Farm and buildings 13100 oo
iuu uo
'ttt less com and
Mary Rower vs. Henry Howcr.
To Henry Hower, respondent abovo named :
Whereas upon the libel of tho said Mary Hower a
subnoena was Ksuedoutof tho said Court com.
maiming yuu iu uu unu appear nt ine next regular
term of said court to show causo why tho said li
belant should not bo divorced from tho bonds of
matrimony contracted with sou; and whereas
upon return of said subpoena duo proof was mado
that you could not bo found In the bailiwick ot the
Mieriuoi saia county, wuereupon minims sun
uuena was awarded bv said Court commnnulni-
S ou to appear at t ho then next term of said court
to answer as aforesaid, to which tho Hiino return
was made by tho sheriff. You are therefore re
quired to iw aim appear ontnonrstciay ottho
next term or salu court to tie held at lllooinsburg
for said county, ou tho llrst .Monday of February
ue.i, .. v, irci, tu uuan er &.uu cumpiaiui,
Dec. 19, 18S3. ' dec 51
J. C. Yucuiu, Att'y.
Ecllo Johnson by her noxt friend, C. C. Mnrr, vs.
li. uiucu juimsuu.
To 1L llruce Johnson, resnondent abovo named :
Whereas unon the libel ot ilia said Hello Johusou a
subpoena was Issued out of tho said court com
manding you to do and appear at tno next reguuir
tenn of said court to show cause why tho said li
belant should not bo divorced from tl o bouds of
matrimony contracted with you ; and vmereas
unon return of said subnoena duo Droo; was
mado that you could not bo found In the ballwlck
of tho Sheriff otbatd county, whereupon nn alias
iubpoena was awarded by said court commanding
yot to appear at the then next term ot said court
luuu-mcrus aiuivsaiu iu wuicil iuu saiuu return
was mado bv tho Sheriff. You aio therefore re
quired to bo and appear on tho llrst day ottho
rexi term or. saia court to uo uciu ut ltioomauurc,
fo." sold county, on tho llrst Monday ot February
next, A. D. 1841, to answer said complaint.
Sheriffs omce. Uloom9. JOHN MOUREY.
burg, Dec. 55.18SI. sheriff.
uiues, .it ys. uee 53
Notlco Is hereby given that tlio clticns of
Orangevllle, county ot Columbia and stato ot
l'enn-,y.v.tnla, will present their petitions to tho
court ot ijuarter sessions of the Peace, to bo held
at HluoinsUUTJ, said county, tho llrat week in Feb
ruary, A. D. 1831, for the Incorporation ot tho said
i Hinge of orangevllle into a borough, under and In
pursuance ot the several Acts ot Uenerul Assembly
uf tho commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, In such
exsos mads and provided.
orangevllle, Jan. 1, 1831. 1-1
ThODOllcv holders of tho Hrlareroek Farmers
.Mutual Insurance Company ot Lime ltldge, will
meet at tho llallo t Centre urango P. ot II. on Mou
day tho 11th day ot January 1831 between tho
hours of 10 a. m. and i p. in. tor fiopurposo ot
electing directors ior tho ensuing 5 ear and for
transacting sach other business us may properly
eomo before said company.
Jan l-5w secretary.
Notlco Is hereby given that the following named
nerwnnuhvn tlleil wlrli rnn l.lprlf nf I Im f'nnrr nf
wuancr fcssiuus ui iuu ruacu ut loiuinuia uounty,
tneir pennons ior ucenso wiucn win uo presentou
iu iuu said i-uui t uu .tuuuuy mtj ivu uuy ui I uuru
ury lorn, nit 1 n u u ciuck 1. ju,
Bottler, Jlerw'k nor.
Restaurant, do. do.
nuttier, uioomsDurg
iwDiuuruur, uu
Liquor store, do
Hotel. do
Restaurant, Centralla
uo uo
John F. Holler,
31. A. .MUrKlU,
wiuuin 11 ourcore, .
Fred M. Ulunore,
Cortez 11. Robblns,
W. 1L Tubbs.
Andrew c. Rooney,
Joun Nertney,
James J. Murphy,
,111a, i 1 vmti ,
I). F. curry.
Martin F. Ityan,
Charles Fetienniui,
James McUreurty,
uuueib rauci,
Michael llnkov.
John H. Mann,
if, iv, umuiuu.
Samuel lluiroubuch.
tleorgo lieckman, ,
(l. M. llaker,
Judgm't on Dennis nionertv..
iai uu uruuuwuuu uup
Dal on Sugarloal dun '85 less com and ex
Hal on llloom dup "83 less com ex
Dal ouoreenwoud dup '83 less com and
V A. .... (....
Hal on Scott dup Hi less com and ex....
Bal on Sugarloat dun '83 less com ami ex
3 horses
11 neuu cattio
56 shoats ,
100 chickens ,,.
mrnuure in stewards houso
Long property
Furniture In Poor House ,
13 tic res v Inter grain In ground
itObu. corn ears
160 bu. wheat on hand ,
4uu uu. potatoes,
aju uu. ua
10 bu. rye
16 bu. buckwheat
a bu. cloversced , , ,
56C3 lb pork und lard
61 gaL vinegar
15 lb packed butter
15 urns uay
50jO sheaves corn fodder 3 60 each
tu uuuuica ryu oiraw .....
Farm lmnlementti
40 heads cabbage
IX bu. beans
8bu. beeta
ou ib coai
lOgul. mloasscs ,
1 but soap , ,
i cans fruit
6 as
71 15
1081 05
615 18
453 5S
159 S3
450 00
500 80
156 00
30 01
500 (0
550 00
580 00
112 60
UO 00
157 60
40 00
Anna Mills by her next friend, a 11. Bowman, vs,
Alfred Mills.
To Alfred Mills, respondent above named :
Whereas upon thollbel of thn said Anna Mills a
subpoena was Issued out of the said court com
manding you to bo and appear at tho next regu
lar term of said court to show cause why tho said
libelant should not bo divorced, from tlio bonds ot
matrimony contracted with you; and, whereas
upon return of bald subpoena duo proof was mado
that you could not bo found In tho bailiwick ot tho
She HI of sa'd county, whereupon un alias sub-
poena wasuwaruou uysau court commanding
you to appear nt the then next term of said court
10 answer as aforesaid, 10 which tho same return
wasinadobythosherltl. You aro therefore re
quired to bo and appear on tho llrst day ottho
next term oi said court to bo held at Dloomsburg,
for said county on tho first Monday of February
next, A. 1). 1831, to answer said complaint.
Dec. 19, 18S3. dee 51
c. 11. Jackson, Att'y.
Tho lurtnershtn heretofore exlstlntr between
John tl. Freeze and Michael F. Ej erly. and the bu
siness arrangement belweeu John (1. Freeze, .Mich
ael F. Kycrly and Wester V. Whtlo In tho law and
collection business U this day dissolved by mutual
consent, by tho retirement of Mr. Eyerly. Tho
books and business of tho lato llrm ot Fieeze K
Kycrly, will lematn tn tho hands uf John (J. Freeze
by whom tho practice will bo continued. Mr. II.
V. While will remain In the law olllco hitherto and
now occupied by nun, where ho eau bo consulted
on all legal business us heretofore.
11. V. WHITE.
Persons knowing themselves indebted to tho
undersigned are requested to call nud make pay
ment 10 .lulnKi. l'reezo at his oillce in Brewer's
binding, or to Michael F. Eyerly lu tho Sherirrs of
lice, in the Court House. FREEZE EYERLY.
Dee3l,lJs.l, 3t.
Notice Ls hereby given that tho following account
has been llled In U10 Court ot Common Pleas ot
Columbia county, nud will bo presented to tho
said court on tho llrst Monday ut February 1831,
and continued after tin fourth day of said term
unless exceptions be llled within that time.
1. Tho llrst account ot C. 11. Jackson, Trustee,
of Benjamin S. Ulluioro, Dluomsburvr.
Jan 1681 li'rotlouotary.
1 no nartnershin of Coo. S. Fleckenstlno and A.
.11. ijewitt uoiug uusiiiess 111 mo uamo ot n
btliie & Da Witt has been dlol ed this .day by mu
tual consent. 1110 uusiiiess win uo continued uy
lico. s. IT. jkeiisilno who will pay ull bills and
eullect all accounts.
orangevllle, l'a. Jan. 1st 1331.
A.M. DKWirr.
Sarah A. Helgler, by her next frlond Jeremiah
Hess, vs. Wluilt ld belgler.
To Wlnlleld Sclgler, respondent above named :
Whereas upon thollbel of tho said Sarah A Solg.
lcra subnoena was Issued out ottho said court
commanding you to bo nnd nnnoar nt tho next
oo bu ffi, Si regular term ot said rourt to show cause why tho
iTihii V safd libelant should not bo divorced from tho
bonds ot matrimony contracted with you; and.
whereas upon return otHald subpoena duo proof
was mado that you could not bo found In tho ball
wick ottho Sheriff of Bald county, whereupon an
alias bubpoena wns awarded by said court com
manding you to appear at the then next term of
said court to answer us aforesaid In which tho
bamo reti n was mado by thosheillT. You are
therefore required to be and appear on tho llrst
day ot the next term ot bald court to bo held at
Uloomsuurg, tor saia county, on tho llrst Monday
of February next, A. I). 1-81, to answer said com.
plaint. JOHN MOUREY, Shu TIT.
Doe. 19, 1RS.1. Ueo St
W. II. Snyder, Att'y.
Great Reduction
Clerk, Q. 8.
X1 A'IKNUY. Mover's
MOver'd ntuv hiltlrltnc-. utn
Dlivur, uiuviusuuig, i n,
.Etna Insurance Co.. of Hartford. Conn, limin
Royal of Liverpool 13,300 004
660 bu. wheat
11 bu. rye ,
191 bu. notatoes
531 bu. oats.....
998 uu. corn ears
svbu. cloverseed
3150 lb pork and lard
1H uu. umuiuy seeu ,,,
Wvj bu. buckwheat ,
5 bu. beans,,,
31 shoats
10 bu. bco.aand turnlns....
jniuusiiajr ,,,,,,
Bundles rye straw
3tta ilheav es com fodder ,
5 calves....,
MO lb butter
859 doz. eggs
10 chickens
No paupers remaining lost report. ,
auuttucu UUUUBJCar
t 60
15 UO
50 03
516 00
23 60
55 60
195 CO
10) 00
5 6U
600 00
5 OO
3 00
3 SO
7 CO
19 60
6 0)
6 VO
18833 07
No. 78, December Term, 1883.
Adam KUno vs. John Kline, et. uL Writ of par
tition or valuation to Adam Kline, John Kline,
W main K tne. Dame Kl lie. Reuecca Blue. Wll-
UamswUhcr nud Mary Aim his wife, In right ot
sold wife, and Franklin Metz and Christiana lib
wile, tu right of said vv lfo take notice, that by
vlrtuo 01 tho abovo writ ot partition or valuation,
lo mo directed, uu Inquest, will bo held upon tho
premises iiieiciu ucscuucu uu iuu uui uay ui Jan
uary. 1331. al iu u'el-jck a. 111.. to ascertain and In
quire, uiuoug other things, whether the said
premises cau uu paucu auu umucu.w uuuuv preju
dice to or spoiling the whole thereof, to the par
ties ubove named, otherwise to 'uluu uudap-
iruisu 1 no same, w ueu unu vv uero j ou may attend
1 5 oil seo proper. JOHN MOUREY,
bi erltl s otlice. Blooms- bheiirr.
burg, Dee. a.', '83. dee 58
No Indentured .
Lancashire I""" ' loTCii'nAA I fl renunea...
Firo Association l'hiadelKhla " i'.isslrm it? 2 is
in. ..... . ,.., . --- - -z.ii- 1 u uieu. .. . ....
Loudon Lniicafehire, of England!." '. l'.7u'7
llarlfor lot Hartford.. : 8 7VI
Springfield Fire and Marino 'j,oi'i,5;o
As the agencies are direct, nolleles nrn wHitm.
for tho Insured without any doluy In the
vuiuQ uv uiuuiuauurg, oct. 8, 'Bl-tf.
No Remaning Jan. 1, 1884 so
f. w. HEDEKKR. Vuirectors.
WiSLEY HORHlS, l"re"ure-
Having Hiiichnseil a largo tract of hem.
lock limber iitul having a steam mill on the
same, 1 nm prcimrcii to till all felzcs nnd
lengths of house nml harn hills lu a few
tlnys' notlco at very low prices, 1 nlso
keep constantly 011 haml u full stock of
ING, Ac. Parties will savu money by
geiung prices ueioio purchasing elsewhere
IL Ba Lowe,
Orangcville, Pa.
1 ft 1 I " li.. .
FOlt 1883.
Bal. In hands of Treas. Jan. 8. "s3 1111 04
Samuel 1'reutlss, rent 43 00
Fur hay bold 43 b.5
stand Rents 637 S3
Aduilslon tickets 3383 89
ivatidstund iao 10
llorsoenutes 110 H
Membership tickets 171 (XI
Premiums tlSSl 10
l'ollioiiud usu!tai ts 5)9 13
Muslo ,, 100 ui
ontcers salary isa t)
Tuxes 65 m
Opera House 6 U)
Delegates oxpens. to stato College 83 00
" expenses to convention ut
HnrrWburg SI 00
MtNe. improvements aud lvpalra.. set
Printing. ; 537 Sti
stullonery and tickets (0 98
1'tild on real restate lfttl 57
Balaneo lu hands ot treasurer.... S8I 75
Balance In hands of truusuter Jan. 4,'84
Jan. Jl, tf.
4778 05
'881 75