The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 11, 1884, Image 2

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J. K. BHtoabadar.,r E1,to"'
Henry Villrmt lins rosijrnod the pros
idonoy of tlio Northern Pacific railroad
company uts indebtedness to tho
company is i 1,000.
TnfV t.crl,ibl firo occurred at Belleville,
Illinois, laH Sunday niclit. wliitih .1...
stroyed tho Catholio Convent of tho
Immnculato Conception. Twenty-four
Sisters and a number of pupils perish
ed in thu flames. Tho firo record of
loo inus lar is startling.
.,V,10 . Wemocratio Stato Committeo
win noid na annual meeting at Harris
burg on tlxS 23 inst. Tho business br
loro it will bo tho election of a chair
man and tho selection of a timo and
placo for tho state convention. W. U.
Ileiisel, thu present cuioient, chairman
win prouauiy oe re-elected.
Jlldcft) P.lrilnn in tl, IT. a...
Circuit Court at Now Orleans, has ren-
uuu u uecision in lnvor of tho Now
wneans -National Hank against Post
master Merchant. An injunction had
uecn issued enjoining tho postmaster
from l'llcrfpritwr n.lii, d, .i
... . b iiiu iijuua un
dressed to the bank.such action having
been taken by tbo postmaster in obe
dienco to tho order of tho Postmaster
uenerai, on tiio ground that letters in
tended for a lottery company, which
had been denied tho use of tho mails,
were being addressed to tho bauk. The
court decided that tho bank was end
tied to tho free use of the mails and
oenieu the motion to dissolve
tho injunction. Attorney General
urewstcr represented the postmaster in
Where the Trade Dollars Are.
Representative Wand had an inter
view with Mr. Uurehard, director of
mo mints, recently, in regard to tho
number ot trade dollars now in circu
lation. Tho latter expressed the opin
ion that between fivo and six millions
of tho coins wero out in the hands of
tradesmen and the peoplo generally,
instead of being in tho possession of
speculators. Tho remainder of tho
$35,000,000 originally coined are
thought to have been exported or re
melted. Interesting to Ministers.
A case of interest to ministers of tho
gospel, justices of tho peace, etc., was
tried at Chambersburg lately. On the
2d of September, 1882, Logan Dyson,
of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county,
a lad of seventeen summers, and Miss
Mary Martin, daughter of J. C. Mar
tin, of Quiucy, Franklin county, a
young miss just past her sixteenth
year, and at tho timo a student at the
Normal school at Shippensburg, went
to Newville, Cumberland county, and
presented themselves to Rev. George
LI. Reed, pastor of the Uuited Presby
teriau church, and requested him to
marry them. Tho reverend gentleman
interrogated them as to his right to
marry them, and received representa
tions as to the parties, consent of par
ents, etc., which induced him to marry
them. It turned out that these repre
sentations were false. Tho 'father of
tho girl sued Mr. Reed to recover the
penalty of tho net of 1870. Senator
Stewart for Mr. Reed, defended under
tho act of 1871. Judge Rowo ruled
that the provisions of the act of 1729
were still operative, reguiring a "pub
lishing of the bans" where there is no
certificate of consent of the parent.
The jury found for tho plaintiff
Permanent Certificates.
Tho following act relating to perma
nent certificates of teachers in the
common schools was passed by the
legislature at its last regular te-sion':
Section 1. Be it enacted, .C'c,
That all examinations for permanent
certificates for teachers in the common
bchools, shall be written questions and
answers ; and in eao the examination
of tlw applicant U satisfactory to the
coinmitto of teachers on permanent
certificates, the list, of questions and
answers, with all other papers ac
companying the application, shall be
forwarded to the Department of Pub
lic Instruction, and if approved by the
Superintendent of Public Instruction,
ho shall issuo and foiward to the appli
cant a permanent ceitificate in accord
ant with the recommendation made
by the committeo as now requiied by
law : J'rovideil, That tho questions
shall bu answered immediately and in
tho presence of the committee.
Section 2. Any permanent ccitificatu
granted or hereafter issued on tho rec
ommendation of a committee of teach
ers, duly elected at the annual session
of tho county institute, shall be a valid
certificate, and shall coutinuo to bo
valid ;n all tho districts of the county
where issued, including the several cit
ies and borouglis within tho county,
except huch cities and boroughs as may
bo authorized by law to hold separate
annual teachers' institutes, and empow
ered to reommend tho grunting of per
manent certificates, which certificates
shall bo valid ouly in tho city or bor
ough where issued.
Centre Notc-M.
Our school teachers wero attending the
lustituto Inst week, consequently the
schools were closed.
ir. W. Howcr, of Dloomsburg, was a
visitor at the Hldloy Union Sunday school
lust Sunday.
Jlr. Frank Hngcnhuch has tho boas sled
in Centre. He also has It fitted for sleigh,
lug parlies. Hoys, will wo glyo him u
Tho 400th anniversary of Ulrlo Zwingli
will ho cclebruted at tho Illdlay Church
next Sunday afternoon. As this happens
but onco In a lifetime all who could should
try to bo present.
Last week whllo Simon SItler was feed
ing tho threshing-machine his clothing
caught on the rod which connects thu
power with the thresher, Mr. Siller, to
keep from being whliled around, caught
hold of some stationary object, which re
sulted in tearing his clothing and bruising
his legs. From last reports hu was im
proving. The Fowleisvlllo boys camo out Friday
night us usual, nnd with others spent u
pleasant evening at Jlr, Joseph Hess', of
Centre. ,
There was nt the same time u party at
Mr. Lafayette Creasy's, about thirty iu.
vlltd guests being present.
K.nihi; Kotm. '
John Hnlcr'n Atmttnl Kciiort,
To Tim Kditoim op The Coi.umiiian i
2b my Irientlt and Fellow Cttitemi Tlirougli
tho mercy of God I have been spared In tho
Journey of life another year. I liavo pass
cd over to tho octogenarians and ns tho
yenr of 1833 has closed upon us with all Its
enrcs, turmoils nnd strifes, ns It has been
my custom for many years, I transmit to
tho public generally, through your col
umns, my aunual report of the Uorough of
llloomsbiirg. Although I failed Inst year
owing to infirmities, 1 have been urged by
many of your renders not to fall to make
out the report of this year, and n brief nc.
count of tho year 1882, which wns not pub
llshed Inst yenr. I will only give tho mor.
tnllty within tho borough limits for 1892,
There wero 00 deaths, n decrease of 2 from
1831. Tho good Lord hns bestowed upon
us as a people nnd a nntlon nn nbundant
crop, though not as large as former years,
but enough for Its teeming millions, and
wo have enough to spare, nlso to the ilcsll
tuto nnd needy, for which wo ought to bo
thankful and render to Him who sufTercth
not a sparrow to fall without his know!
edge, and give to Him our united thanks
for Ids mercies nnd blessings. 1 wish you
also good cheer for civil nnd religious lib
orty. Wo are frco to work and our tongues
to speak, the Iilblo unclasped and open to
all who will accept It to obtain everlasting
llfo through tho blood ot tho atonement.
Tho Lord has kept us from tho terror by
day, or the nrrow Hint flleth by night, or
tho pestilence that skulketh In darkness or
wastcth at noon-day. This lias been a
year of disasters which shall go Into history
as one ot tho most extraordinary character.
Through Europe and America earthquakes,
marine disasters, fires, Hoods, railroad dis
asters, mine and boiler explosions, panics,
tornadoes, cyclones and avalanches nnd
India Cholera. I have been careful in
gathering up tho statistics of theso dlsas.
ters throughout the worm. 1 hu loss of
llfo occasioned thereby amounts to 118,800
souls ushered Into eternity In a few sec
onds of time. Truly, the Lord rclcnctli.
Ho does His will and pleasure to the in-
habitants of the enrth. Tho temperature
of 1883, on nn average, has been a mild
one ; thcru lias been no extremes of cold
or heat for any length of time. Thermom
eter for tho month of January ranged in
the shade highest point CO3 ; thu two cold
est days of the month wero tho 23rd and
21th, tho former 8 below tho latter 6 be
low. It wns tho coldest month of the year.
Thermometer for month of February, high
est point C23, lowest point P j March,
highest point 013, lowest point 1C above ;
April, highest point 783, lowest point 423,
it was a cold, bleak month ; May, highest
point 903, lowest 413 . junCl highest point
02', lowest 58, for fourteen days tho ther
mometer ranged from 8(P to 803 n the
shade tiicre was a great deal of rain this
month ; July, highest point 0-P.lowest CO3;
August, highest point for five days was
from 903 t0 950 a ti,c shade, lowest point
C0 the warmest month In the year ; Sep
tember, highest point 05, lowest 42, It
was a pleasant month, with some frost,
which made the buckwheat crop a failure ;
October, highest point 823, lowest 35 j
November, highest point 703, lowest 21 j
December, highest point C83, lowest 03.
During tho year 1833 thero was cloudy
days 120 j clear days, some of them par
tially so, 178; rainy days, including nights,
37; snowy days, including nights, 24.
Thunder showers in 1883, as follows : 3 In
April, 2 in May, 12 In June, 14 in July, 3 in
August. The wholo depth of snow that
fell from January 1st, 1893, to January 1st
1884, was four feet Ave and three-fourth
inches. Tho mortality within the borough
limits of Bloomsburg during tho year 1883
is as follows : adults 39 ; 1 between 80 and
00 years, 7 between 70 nnd 80 years, 9 be.
tween 00 and 70 years, 9 between CO and CO
years, C between 40 and CO years, 7 between
30 nnd 40 years, 4 between 20 and 30 years,
2 between 10 and 20 years, from tho era-
died Infant up to 10 years 10, making in
all 03, nn Increase of four over 1832.
And now, my dear readers, as it will bo
the second week of January 1884, I wish
all my fellow citizens a happy new year.
Many of you will pass away cru this year
shall close. I hope and trust that all who
are living in their sins will come to Jesus
ns .Nicodctnus did, and have them washed
away in the fountain of His blood which
clcauseth from all sin. Arise and depart
for this i? not your rest. All of which is
respectfullly submitted by your friend and
well-wisher in Christ.
Jons Snyder.
New IlcirulnlloiiM Govern 1 11 ur
Scliool TicUctH on Pennsylva
nia It. It.
Another liberal departure was made on
January 1st by the Pennsylvania ltallroad
Compauy in striking out tho restriction as
to age from the rules governing the issuo
of school tickets. Heretofore the sale of
such commutation tickets was limited to
pupils of educational institutions under
eighteen years of nge. This having been
abolished, students, without regard to age,
attending elementary, scientific, or art
schools, will he entitled to purchase these
Tiiis is as it should be. and there is little
doubt but that the ndvautneo will be so wpll
appreciated by residents alone tho lino
that the Including of students over eighteen
will really result in an increased revenue
by virtue of the increase of travel stlmula-
ted by tho reduced rate.
Jilnnm .Tnlin Armsirnnrr lnnnilm.1
. ... .,,..u.uf,( VVMtWIIMtli
lifinnnilin. DtlvU Tlfnnlra A TT Mil.n-t
" -"I '"uwna, i, iivi IIIU It
James C. Sterner, William Sieemans.
nearer j. ram t ry.
lienton John Lazarus.
llcrw'c'.. S. C. Jayne.
Lrlarcreek Isaac Mower.
Centie Joseph H. Polio, Morris Seybert.
Fishlngcrcek KIl Pcalcr.
Franklin Jackson Cleaver.
Greenwood George Patterson.
Hemlock Lewis Ilartman.
Locust f'lins. llnnvnr MIMmnl KIl,,.. T.
Daniel Homeberger, Daniel Knorr. ' ''
.mini j. t. ijongenuerger,
MIHlin Aaron Andreas.
Mo itour Elmer llunyan.
Or.nge A. 11. Kitchen.
CltlTtW Rnmtttln TZnrvina In e
Pimplos and Fnco Grubs',
tor, Humors, Salt lilieun '
vcaja jjena, aoros, Mercuiiu
Diseases, Fomala Waaknosa
nnd Irregularities, Dizziness,
T.n.V'l nf Annntltn .Tnnnrltrn
Afectlons ot the Liver, Inili
gtition, Ililtousness, Dyspop'
ilu and Oonoral Vobillty,
A toi isr of II . t I., t 111 3,1 D'ttrn II tkn
1 bj. im A tn .t it K Hi.- i,fu.t blvxxl l'uniilea
nil h' I . I y J itn lU.kitcttrv 'lert
lint dun . it. .!rei Uii,;uri. ffilCJC. fl.ui.
FOSTER, HltBU' Ni(0., Prop's, BuffVo, N.Y,
W (f ROYAL 8tt'flt J
Absolutely Pure.
This nowilor nsver vnrloa. A marvel of niiritv
stronifth anil wnolosomoness. Moro economical
Unnttia ordinary kinna. and cannot bo sold In
competition witn tho multltudo of low test, short
"cwm, 11111111 ur puvsriutiio puwuers. hoiq only
1. nutn-i v.
Popularity nt homo In nut nlnn n llio licut
tost ol mrrlt, but we ixihit proudly til tlio fact
tbnt no olber mc-illdiio I111.1 won for lUelf
eucU universal nMirotmtlon In lis own city,
rtatc, and country, uud muong nil peoplo, as
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Tho following loiter from onoof our best.
Known .Massachusetts Druggists should boot
Interest to every suUcrert
vpro th'il 1 iMit.d rot inotu Irom lliu bed, or
dri'Ss, w Ulmul In Ip. 1 tried sorer tl rtine
Ulis without Ini.cli If niiy n lief, until 1 took
Ayi'.r'h .SAiiAimu.A, by tho ue of two
bottles of which 1 was completely curod.
Unto sold hit i;i quiiililles of your Sauia
I'Aimi.v, mil) it still retains Iu wonderful
tKipn'a it ". Tl.o m iny notable cures It bos
illrcted in tldt vicinity ronvlneo me tbnt It
Is tho Rbt biuod tuedlcluo ever oirercd to the
tuilill''. JJ. I'. IlAiimn."
Ulvir St., PucMamt, Mass., Jiay 13, U.K.
SAIT RHFIIM. overseer rnUiovoll
U1LI IIIIUUIIIl carpet Corporation.
v.nt for over twenty yours beforo his rcniovni
to 1-owdl nllllcti'd with bnlt ltlieum In Its
worst form. Its ulcerations nctuallv covered
moro than bnlf tho surface of bis body and
limbs, llo was entirely cured by Avnu'a Kco ccrlillcnto lo Ayor'
Ahnnuaj tor 1SS3.
ntcpAncn nv
Sold by all Druggists; CI. six bottles for W.
'IUdneyAVort Is tha laoct uctC6aful remedy
leTtrtToed." Dr. P. C. Eallou, Kcniton.Vt.
"Xidn ey-Wort It alwvyn rliiMo."
Dr. II. IT. Clar:c, So. Hen, Vt.
"Itldiicy-Wort bu cured my w ICo after t wo yoara
aunerlng." Dr. C. II. Sunimcrlin, Dun Hill, (ia.
it hM cured whro fill clio had failed. It ia mild,
butcClclent, ClIIM'Al.N I.V 1TH ACTIUX, but
harmless In all cases.
(Vltclcftnen tho lUoodtmd &trcncthentr.d
cite New I.ITe r.lX Co liapurt-uU crcuie of
tbo body. Iho natural action of t .0 ICidneyn Is
restored. Tho liver la c'.ciiipod cf oil disease,
and tho Uowelfl movo freely and healthfully.
In thli vray tho worgt L-car.c aro eradicated
from tho system. a
rncs, ci 09 uqno en dut, sold dt DuraoisTs,
Dry can be sont by mall.
Fublio Sale
There will bo exposed to ,m jllo silo at 10 o'clock
a. m., on
Monday, FeLrunry 11, 1884,
on tho premises, tho follow-log described real es
tate to-wlt : All that certain
fcltuato on Third street, Isloornsburg, below tho
iletbodM church.
Tho lot Is 64 feet front and about SU feet deep,
contt lnlng a largo and convenient house about
81x33 feet, with 8 rooms.
Also, n large out kitchen ono and n half stories
high, a commodious nnd convenient coal house,
stable, vragoa shed, pig pen, chicken pen, and
other out-bulldings, besides several largo full-
1'IUlt T1IEE3, 4;c.
Tho i roperty H In good repair Inside the build
ings nnd Is a desirable and choice location.
Tho key Is at Andrew itupert's, across the ctreet.
Terms, ic, made known on day of sale.
.1. 11. KOBISON.
Jan. 11. ts.
i n i i i ii. i h i
FOIl 1883.
nal. In hands of Treas. Jan. 8. '3
JHJ 60
45 OJ
45 86
Samuel l'rentlss, rent
For hay sold
Stand Itents
Mr as
Admission tickets KSS h-j
(irandstainl ,, 13) 10
Hoi-se entries 116 80
Membership tickets 171 (X)
tine os
iiset 10,
oU'ouml assistants 839 15
Muslo too oo
umcers salary aa oo
Taxes 55 on
opera House ft oo
Delegates expens. to state College si 00
expenses iu wiivcuuuu ui.
IlarrWium 21 00
SIdso. improvements and repairs., wil 65
Printing 237 20
stationery and tickets go us
Paid on real estate 1C5I 27
llalanco In hands of treasurer.... 284 55
Total 4778 03
Ilalunco In hands ot treasurer Jan. 4,'64 284 75
F. II. lUllTUAN, FltKlS FOWLBlt,
becretary. President
Jan. 11, tL
I rlllST WES It,
"IJloorn Geo. Iirynnt, Win. IJrobst, Jo.
nh Eilwnrds. Lloyd Fox, M. O. Wood-
Beavcr-Nutliuu Uredbuuiier, iBraellSclicll.
UCt tV'CK UUgll JjinUCI, JiOIIIS -uies.
llrlnrnrdnk Andrew Fowler.H. O. Lcnrn.
Reuben II. BUler.
Cntnwissn Henry Ilolllngslicad.
Centro J. II. Ailimnn.
Conyngltnm Patrick JIcDonaUl.
Flsliliii?creck Tlieo. H. Henry, Joseph
Mean, Hiram l'aden, Ellas Wenncr.
FrunltUn-Jiicob Artley.
Qreenwood Clluton Bewltt, Jnmes
Everett, Wllbu Hess, Wilson Kramer,
Hanuiel Jlcllenry.
Hemlock Dcpuc I'tirsell,
Jackson Joel Albertson, John JI, Fritz,
James Bobbins.
Locust John Hughes.
JUllMn-Wmiuin Hnvtzcll, Wm. F. Kel.
Icr, Samuel Nu.s.
Jit. PlcnBiiut Melchnl Rucklo.
Ornngo J, H. Kline.
Stiguiloaf J. L. Harvey.
Uloom John Dlcly, John K. airlnn, Sol
omon Heist, Wesley Solleder, E. F. Town,
Heaver Michael Fry,
Koiiton Ell Jlcllenry. Iru Thomas.
Berwick Henry Wtuitcli,
Hrhrcreek J. W. Bowman, Lutnon
Jlnrtz, (Jeorgo W. Miller.
Cft,nwlssii F. I'. Crensy, Luther Eycr.
Cujtro E. E. Low, Allen Shell. inmmer.
Conynghain--luf Haley, John I'tircell,
Chas Wt'idenwn.
Flsh'ng O eek-O. J. Ash, O. F. Klndlg,
Qco. lteber, David Yost.
Greenwood Clem Ruckle,
Hcm'ock Iheo. Dent, Jno. H. Koyhart.
Locust. Adnm Dlmcrlck.
JIau"on I). A. Shi Hz.
TM I I f (1 Tnl,
Mlllllu Jacob Uriiver, Henry juss,
. f...- i..
i.llll 'V
nn ;o Dupout Mt'Kurglu,
ontlne C.wk Geo, F. Craig.
:ot 13. B. Use, Win. Hopper, Jr.
Bugu.loat Joshu'n B, Heai.
mi Iran1 smwefies msM
Principal Establishment, Thirteenth and
is not an oniinury clearing sine,
luiiiM. a.i umuiitcca iiiiiiu.ii. uvciy
will show fresh lots, brought forward daily to take the placo of those sold out.
will keep on with bona fide reductions in various departments until
catalogue ot items will bo revised
IJio people may depend on
jNote. In sending out this
two. Ave think, but cannot promise, that those retained in the list
give every reader a chance at tho
Special reduction In Tarls Novcltlo".
Of these wo show a eront varletr (hut few dunll.
cntes). They embrace tho latest fall productions
vi iuu i-iins uiuuiudeiunes. ineso extreme reuuo
uoniwiiiuiKe many or mem on in nuar or two.
21 In. Mik and Wool nnd All. Wool Novelties were
hi anu ts. : now use
41 in. ftrlned nnd Fhrured Novell es wero l to
11. M now coo.
44 incn i iffurou ottoman ciotns were t now
Illuminated Ottoman Cloth?. In rich nirurcs.
were u.vo ; now l.
linen me ninmi Novelties were ! now
44 In. Novelties In Cashmere Patterns, for wrnns.
wero 11.78; now fi.
A Lot, Including n great variety of styles In
llrocho Figures, htrlpes, etc., were tJ s now 11,
44 In. with Houtaelin limhroiJerv T)a-
slirns, wero li.M : now l.
44 in. oriental unsnmcro Novelties, wero u t now
14 Hrocado velvet Novelties : now ts.
Novelties In Caslimero with Chenille nendants
for dress ffarnlturu rmiueeil from fMo 12. 10 to a
anu ia to H.
Frencll Noveltlns In rnric.q with lirnehn ncnirea.
reduced from 23 to jia.
i-tusu Binpea roues wero fsa : now ivi.
Einoroldered Caslimero robes In cirnet. navr
unu Kreen uown to I'J, ana n.'.ou.
i nu i-iiiiu iiison cioiu, i.!i3, nown irora sa.
41 In. Hgured Ilison Cloth, 12, down from 3.
44 In. Figured Hison cloth, S3, down from M.
41 In. Illuminated Ottoman, l, down from fl.60.
42 in. French chertot Checks, 'sc. ; down from 1 1.
45 in. Camel's-IIalr Cheviots, 85e. ; down from $1.
In. Cloth stripes, 55c. ; down from 75c.
41 In. Invlsiblo Checks 760. ; down from $1.
41 In. French Dress Cloths, 11 i down from tl.35.
41 In. French I)rp.w Cloth, fl.23; flown from
4i in. nn neaa cnecki, coc; down from ,5c,
French Wrnnner Flannels, sao. down from
42 In. Klltluff stripes, B0J. t down from 75J.
42 In. liaskct Cloth, 630. ; down from 76:.
42 in. UMKonal Jlclango, 60c. ; down from 75e.
42 In, French Shooda cloth, 6(3. , down from 60C,
42 In. French Bclircs. 430. : down Irom 600.
31 in. cloth Checks. 40c. ; down from 60c,
30 In. I)rc3s Flannels, 45c. j down from 6JC
3(1 In. Cashmeres, Sic, : down from 40o.
36 In. Ail-Wool Serge, 23c. ; down from 85c.
i.upin-3 r rencn .iierinos reaucea to 43C
All other Qualities from 13 to so ncr cent.
35c All Wool ottomans down to 95c
50. All Wool Suitings down to 15c.
sac. c out cnecks uown to 20c.
37MC lllock Checks down to 30c.
a lot or 'lycoon wrappe.1 lteps reduced to lave
No such styles have ever been sold so low befofo.
Go. calicoes down to 4c.
Btandard calicoes down to 5c.
Best tic, goods down to 5.
Also Included in tlds sale n full assortment of
real scotch Ulnghams. In fancy Maids nnd .Mourn.
Scotch Olnghams now 18c j oilginal price sac.
Finest Scotch Glntrham 250. orlcrlnal nrlccs IOc.
and 37c
This Is n raro onnortunltv to socuro theso nne
goods at tho low prices usually had for dometlo
Lot lllacU Ottoman Silks reduced 'from 2 to
Lot 19 in. mack she velvet, or ce t-1.33. down to
Lot mack itnadzimer narro down from tl.50 to
Lot Ant-no dutnet Black silk. 18 in. tiros Grain.
at 600.
40 per ct. leas than regular price.
19 In., 70c. ; great reduction.
so In,, 803, j groat reduction.
so In., 90c ; great reduction, 3) per ct. off.
SO In., (1 ; great reduction.
Ono lot, to In., never sold leu than Jl. 50 : now
Anouicr lot, never soia less man J2.S5 :
Another lot, never sold less than 13.50, for f 3.C5.
I ot Black Satin Uiiad jmis. JOc. ner vd. less
what was J1.75 now f 1.33.
im summer Silks, 750,
Lot 18 in. oros Oram silks, all colors, 5Ho.
Another lot SUn. Oros drain Silks, nil colors.
Another lot 20 In. Gros drain Silks, all colors, Jl.
Lot Colored D.linilftft fnnner nrlie. tl.50 nnd 1J
down to 75c.
Another lot, from ts.I5 and J3, down to n.5a
Lot very flno Matelasse, 5 ; down to 13.
Lot Colored Satin Harvellleux. 21 In. wide, never
sold less than f : now (l.
f ancy iirocaue suits, irom ja.sjtoja per yd. :
reduced onc-lulf.
Lot Watered silks. fl.7f. 11.25? nil down to
Lot Colored Damasse. former nrice. f 1.25 ; down
to 950.
1M Black Uamasso, fo.5) ; cut In half, $3.23.
Lot 800 yds. Black Cashmere, 70c. j wore 90;.
Lotl5lydi Black Lunln's Cashmere, at 40.;
nover sold under 5'ie.
Lot 500 ydi All Wool Plaids, at 5o ; formerly
50. '
Lots 0-1 Black All WoolArmuro. sold ntfl:
now 75c,
Lot 42 In. Black Jlomle Cloth, sold nt 75c. : now
Lot 1000 ydi 41 in. Ulwk Ottoman C oth. G".c. :
now 50c.
Lot Ladles' Black French Cloth. '4 1 In., sold at
fl.SS ; now l.
Lot 44 in, niici; jeraor ciotn. sold at i2.wi now
Lot23H vdi Ulacc Alliwool namisse. nt 25c;
sold nt 50c. ,
Lot 12 in. All wool Black Diagonal, bo d at 76c :
now 50c.
Lot of French Crochet Cotton. In balls, dnwn
from 60o. to 4'Jc n box of 10 balls.
Black silk and Bead Tassels, reduced from 43 nnd
S5c. to sc. each.
Black silk and cashmere limnralderr. nlso rn.
ducedto 750. and f 1 .
S5 nieces Colored Passementerie red. from 76e. tn
111 nieces Colored Passementerie red from It to
500. .
Handsomo Embroidered I)ro Fronts in dark
and evening shades, from $10 to fin.
im unsuinero r.niuroiaery rrom $3 in fl.
Lot chenille Fringe from $3.75 to $2.50.
Lot Chenille Fringe from $1.50 to $3.
Lot Ball Frlngo from $1.50 to 5ic.
1 ot Marabout Frlngo from $1.50 to 50c.
Lot Marabout Fringe from $2 to 75c.
Lo .Marabout Frlmre from ci.75 to f 1.
337 Ornaments reduced from sac. to loo.
600 dozen Metal Buttons, from 450. to ssc.
st5 dozen pearl Buttons, from 30c. to sue.
soo dozen Ivory Buttons, from ssc. to soc.
Macramo cord from 10 to 50.
Lot Children's Lined flloios. fur tnfta rertnfpi
from $1.35 to $1 per pair.
Lot Men's lined Buttoned Gloves, sold at $1.60,
now $1.
Lot Warmest Gloves made, Scotch wool, C5c,
down to SOc. 75c. to 65c and ti to rv.
Lot Ladles' Castor Gloves, sold at $1.83 j now 75c.
Ladles' Kid Gauntlets, eold at 12.50 : now
Lot Dents' best make two-button Oents' Kid
Oloves, mostly light shndos, at II i wero $2.83.
It genuine Foster Ladles' Kid Oloves. light
shades, reduced from $1.23 to $1.60.
783 dozen Gentleman's pure Linen Handker.
chiefs j woven borders and woven checked centres.
Never sold less than 15c each: now tone sold by
tho dorm, nt $1 per dozen, and In no less quantity.
,413 dozen Gentleman's Pure Linen Three-ciuarter
Hemstitched Handkerchiefs j will be sold In not
less than halt dozen, at $1. Nover sold less than
$1.50. ery tieslrable.
t'59 dozen Printed Hemstitched : same price and
sold in same quantities. 1
870 dozen Ladles' Whlto Hemmed Linen Cambric
Handkerchief from 11.33 down lo 75e. : to be sold
in lots of not less than ono dozen.
u!9i$0r,''cnc.",?"er Unen Wnbrlo Hemmed
Hundke chiefs, run ia Inches square 1 $1.50 per
dozen, 'lo be hpld In not less than one-half dozen
lots, ut $1 per dozen.
Decorated Tea Sets, 65 pieces, down from $22.6)
jo$l5. Flno Dinner sets, 120 pieces, from $83 10
Mlnton Chamber s:ta (Including Jar), $23 to $18.
Very marked reductions huvo
iieles 111 llousekeoning and Ilousofurnislung JDopartinonts. Striking reductions in Kino Furniture
JJiiga, batcholB and trunks liavo had sonietliing knocked off tho prices, Upholstory, Piano and Tablo
I nvni'U 11 mivi llin mimn loin l,,.w... 1) I ll , 1 1 . '
" v, mii;, j.'iuiujr VJUWUS, IJIUSS lllltl illOIlZOS, CtO,,
All packages miiounting to $100 will bo delivered, freight paid,
during tho continuance of this salo.
Excursion parties from tho country can club together and huvo
bundle. It seems qmto cortam thut no such opportunity as this will
Chestnut, Thirteenth and Murkct
and City J lull Square.
has just gotten FAIRLY UNDER WAY.
nut is instituted lor tlio purpose
uupm uiiuill.
every day and published in the
unusual barauns, and a visit to the
list we took out tho small lots that
bargains, it a prompt visit is made.
Theso lots are all new this soison nnd many of
iuu K'irmuuis are juit, ucuvereu irom wio lnanu
factu.t'rs. Ottoman, Sicilian and Satin Dolmans, fur trim,
mod nnd quilled linings.
$110 Dolman down to $40.
$5 1 Dolman down to $30.
$10 Dolman down to $27.60.
$40 Dolman down lo $23.
$32 Dolman down lo $22.
$-.0 Dolman down to $80.
$24 Dolman down to $18.
-23 Dolman down to 112.
$"0 Dolman down to $10.
. A special lot ot Imported short wraps, with chen.
Light cloth Jackets, plush trimmed 1
$18.10 to $8.00
10.0010 7.00
8 00 to 0.50
6.00 to 4.0 I
ltusslan circulars, fur trimmed :
$25.00 to f.M.00
saoito 15 00
15.t0to 13.00
T.Ulor-mado cloth suits very low
$10.00, $i8.tio, $15.00 nnd rso 0 1.
$5 01, $7.50
Black stockluetto Jackets :
$is.'0 reduced to $8.00
10.00 " 0.00 '
8.00 " 5.00
Black stockinctto newmarkets :
$23.00 down to $20 00
S8.01 " in 00
80.00 " 15.00
Lot of 40 Coats add Ulsters for children ot 8 to 10
jeiira. iiio latter reuuecu rroin $14.75 to $11.00
8 Seal Dolmans reduced from $100 to $330.
UIU.LUU uesi. yuuus, &i uicues long.
1 Seal Dolman from 1 300 to $250.
1 Seal Dolman from $233 to $175.
1 seal Dolman from $2 0 to $151.
from'lls'o'to noo13 reUuccJ from ,lr5 t0 "25 nn1
8 Princess Louiso Satin Oanncnts, fur trimmed
and fur lined, $25 down to $15.
LotFur-Llned circulars go down to $10.50. Bet
ter lot goes down to $80.00. still better lot down
to $300.
3 Braided Satin tTMert Vnr.rino.i im nn,n
Hot; another down to f 15. '
Lot of Imported Cloaklngs in llluo, tOrcen and
Olive Shades, dropped from $5 to 8.50 per yard.
Lot of Imnnrrerl (;lnl.-tn(.j in i,inn i.,iMn
olive, from $5 to $2.50. '
Lot Wool Flush, 50 In, wide, reduced from $4 to
wool Plushes, 50c. to ssc.
Lot 54 Cloaklnirs. llirllt shfldnq. frnm t Ml rtn-
CCd to $1.50.
Lot ot v Cashmeres, down from $1.25 to $1.
Lot Figured Sn.lKkln Plnrh unM nf. a.,i . nnu.
$15. ' '
Lot Drab Sealskin Cloth, Bold nt $9 : now $5.
liOt Black Astrilk-pn 1'lnlli enlil nt l . nnvr rli
Lot 2500 yards Colored Velveteen, reduced from
$1 to75c
Lot r.4 In. Black Worsted, sold nt ti : now $1.50.
I)t 1000 Yds. 51 In. I'lntil nn.l Plnln 1 llutr flrtth
sold nt $2.5'' : now ' '
to?c Cloaklngs, reduced from $1.50
Lot 51 In. lllack cloaking, formerly $5 ; now $3.75.
Lot 51 In. Black Basket Cloatlnm. fnrmprlv ?
now $5.-
Lot iiiack Diagonals, sold at $4 ; now t3.
Lot Black Diagonals, hold ntt.l 50 now $2.50.
SO 10 VdS. All Wlinl HliirL- Kturltch KtnolHnnltcj KA
to 00 In. wldo : '
V hat was $5 ; now $3.
What was $6 ; now t4.
What was $7 j now $5.
It liuching-i. In several styles, reduced one-half.
Cream and Black sn.inKh 'or. Mnfniptart n,i
Hand Hun, also cut down.
Aiciiicis Lace, reduced from 20c to 13c.
i5.t Medlcls Lace, reduced Irom 45c. to 85e.
3000 yds. Torchon Iiei. tn lvGnl.lir nnr,.Mii...i
less than former prices.
2000 yds. Black French Laces, to bo sold at a re.
ductlon of 40 per ct. on former prices.
i-ai inciuii ibices, enoico styles.
lteduced rrom 80c tosoc
Iteduced from 43c.to30c
lteduced from 53c to 40c
lteduced from coo. to45c.
Nottingham Laces reiluced 50 per ct.
llt Mtion rnll.m n tn tic, ,J , 1
each s a for 85c, former price, c. eaeii.
Auuiuer iuv r.iuuroiuereu collars, odd sue, at
ono-halt tlio former prices.
lsir. I-,nVmlilrbprtH I'ttlTj nrfM ... ,n t.A,
TV . . . 1 Ml.,. IMll V V.UI. Ill IIU1L.
Ileal Point nnd ltHIll llllihe,si T.nnnd Tnto nf
different widths, lleduced nbout one-tlitrd foriner
Several lots lliiehe Fllma rnit.N nnrt iio.wi.
kcrcldefs, reduced 5 1 per ct. on former prices.
A1-.TI In, nf I'mim Krtmllt l.-int,..,
Ix)t Kmbroldered Black Laces, prices cut In half.
Lot Black 1W.U Spanish Laces, reduced one-half.
Lot Hand run Mechlin Laco nt half price.
Lot Black and Cream Sn.inKli K.virU nml vinhna
reduced from 8.50 to $1.5 1 ; reduced from $3 75 to
$2j50 j reduced from $4.75 to $3 ; reduced from $15 to
im canvas collars, reduced from C3c. to 50c
8500 Mlk 'ties nt one-half former prices.
803) pieces Nainsook Edgings and Insertlngs :
Lot, former price 55c. j now 40c
Lot, former price 75c. ; now 00c
Lot, former price f i : now 75c
IM, former prlco $1.50 i now $
Lot, former price $2.50 : now $8.
Lot, former prlco $3 : now $8.25.
500 pieces Ecru Edgings, Inertlngs, Dotted and
l lgured Swiss, nt a reduction of &J pur cent.
LotJIuslln Chemises, Hamburg trimmed, from
$1.85 to 75C
Lot Full Quilled Satin Skirts, Irom $18 to $13,
and now to $iu.
Another lot, Flannel-Llned from $10 to $7,
Lot or samo, Mlk-Llned, $10 to 7.00.
Samo grade. Colored, to $5.
Large lot Lace, Valenciennes nnd Torchon Ladles'
Gowns, down from $2.75 to $1.75.
A full lino of Sets of Ladles Underwear rauglug
from 15 to $30 : price cut exactly In half.
Lot of Children's Winter Coats, Skirts, Leggings,
ZenhyrCaps, Underwear, at n reduction ut one
third. 893 pairs Corsets, (I nnd $1.85 ; down to 75c.
Lot Misses' Cloth Ulsters, Havelocks, Dresses and
Wraps, nt 85 per cent. off.
Larse lot Black Silk Tycoon Ties put nt 83c
I.soo Linen Collars, large sizes, 4c. each, from
sjfs-inated four-ply Linen Curls, 8c. per pair, from
Paper collars nnd Cuffs, live leading styles. Tho
stock to bo closed out at halt price. No moro to
tie kept.
nrty dozen suspenders, S7c a pair : twenty do
wn Boys' buspemlers, 10c. n pair.
Boys' White Shirts, small sue lix, 50c, formerly
KM doz. Super stout Men's Half Hosn. English
full regular made. Never sold less than 17c. : down
theygoto i2)c., and will bo sold In lotsot not
less than half dozen.
Another lot Fancy Colorings, .Men's Halt
regular made, down to ihj.
Lot Full, liegular Made, Men's Shetland
Shirts and Drawers. .1 eneh
104 doz. superior Cashmere Halt Hoso, wero 50c :
now 87e. ' '
. l-ot 'Mens canton Flannel Drawers, down from
65 Dalrs Iidleii' KntrlUh l'mi kiil- itiw nil
from J4.60 to .50. '
, l-"t full rt'nular mado Drown Jlixcd Hose, down
to 15o. .Mlsst's' and Hoys.
M Boarlct Sblrta nnd Drawers, fl.75 j down to
UA Mioses' and Ladles' Cardigan Jackets, rani;.
Jnij In prlco from IS.V5 to J1-T5, leduced Just one
Lot Ladles' CliamoH Waists,
n to u
.... " 10 3-
Largelot ot Levant Ino Ilnsfllsli Hllk UmbrellaH,
dowmofl.TS. I'aragon l'raiuei, Natural htlcka.
1 been imulo in tlm Inn tlmtiemwl
been mudc
Chestnut Sts. Philada
of currying out some important
the purpose aimed for is accom-
morning Ledger, Times and llecord
store each dnv im rei'mnnimnliwl
wore likely to last but a dav or
tiro in quantities large enoiHi to
IM oyster D'Oylles, 50c, 14 In square.
Great lot or John s. Brown x Sons, Hichardson's
S. J 1 ., .1 ' u oiner .Mauuiaciiirers' Fine
Auviu v.,,!,,-, iu a iL-uiiuuim ui ijj per cent.
l)t of Fine Imported spreads from $7 to $5.
lol of Crib Niireads. 1 bv 5. reiiiip,.,! a nnr , nnt
I)t White 0-4 Blankets, strictly all wool, $4 'to
Another lot, samo sire, $1.35 to II.
Another lot, 10 I, $8.33 to $1.75.
Another lot, same size, 3 to $2.60.
Another lot, same sizo, nil wool, $3.50 to $3.85,
Another lot, 11-1 regular, $3 to 18.60.
Another lot, $ t to Sua.
still liner quality, 12. i, from $13,50 down to $10.60.
iaji uiou 1 airssincuy nil wool, ll-i Blankets. A
u iniiUTi.,., ; iney gn to J3.0U.
LkTKK-Suelul lntof LOOIpitrs 11. 1, or 72x81
thHcUssian Down comfortables, 30 percent off
Lurgo lot Uanaasl: TowcH, 75c per dozen.
Ln.go lot p.unask, itner, $1 per dozen.
Large, lot. Damask, still lliiir, $1.83 por dozen.
ifltoiuiuny Lace BonleredTowcUtForiner prlco
$15 per dozen : now reduced to 000 UJCli.
Lot of old Bleached linen Towels, celebrated for
ris'.0?'' lJuallty ""t-,",,JWI' '0 25' An oxtro iiuality
A fine lot, good quality llarnsley Tablo Linen.
85c Irom Jl.uo.
Flno Double Damask Cream Colored Tablo Linen
reduced from fi. 10 toKsc.
.I'fA'argo dinner Napkins, y, size, former prlco
) IiOvV !,it
Loi r.4 inch pillow Linen from 70c to 60c ! nlso
j nivii uiuu irum 0 ic. to luc
Linen sheetings 18-4 or 2 n yards wide :
$1.23 down to $1.
11.35 down to $1.10.
, . , . $1.50 down to $1.80
In to-d ty's visit to tho Linen quarter Inquire for
tho printed Linen Lawns. They nronow ready
20c reduced from 88.
ssc reduced from 31.
ssc reduced from 33.
Tho advent ot tho now year marks tho beginning
of tho sei7lnghoason. Wo are prepared to distri
bute all t-o popular makes of Sheeting, Shirting
and Pillow Muslins in nil widths, In both bloachcd
and unbleached, nnd at lower prices. In inost In-
btances. than VOU've lipfnrn tnnirn.
In addition to tlio well known brands that lnvo
achieved a well merited reputation, wo offer many
reliable makes that aro bold on their intrinsic
A good 3-1 Bleached Muslin at 4MC
A good 7-8 Bleached Muslin nt 5c
A good 4-4 Bleached .Muslin at nc.
A good 4-4 Catirorlc Muslin at 9c-
Imported Felt Hats at 50c nnd75c. ; former
price, $8.50.
Trimmed Bonnets, which woldo not enre to keep
firm ll.-IVn tn-trL-nil ,lm,-n In n (ll'n
...... U......VI 111 t. iiivv ,1UIUI
sash lilbbons In large variety half tlio former
0 pieces Black Moire lilbbons. 9 In., 75c. ; 8 In.
Lot Polka Dot ribbons, 8 In., reduced from $1.85
X-ot Block Sash, 18 Inches wide, f j ; now $1.
"In., s line quality, $1 ; now 60c
101 Heavy All-wool Doublo Breasted Suits, were
!, now 3.
88 All-wool Blouse Suits, with neat cords down
fronts nnd back, were $7.50 now $5.
15' pairs Boy's Pants, iimnv of Miem nll.wnni
"Mv .l.u.tll)Ui., HUH f.
oo jioy s oveicoats, narl: Cas3 ; wero $6, now $4.
Additional lots nT iA rnilimlilnrn.l nlnll, T.,1,ln
Covers : v
Prices wero 85c ; reduced to 40c
Prices wero $1.10 ; reduced to 75c.
Prices were $1.50 ; reduced to sac
1011 0-4 Embroidered Cloth T.ntile. Pnvera fnrmnrlir
$1.15, now 75c
113 7-1 formerly $1.50, now 00c
1 hi 8 1. formerly $8.23. now 11.50.
LOt ('OlOrGd llorilered 'IIIMn.tlinm T.nnn fnr
tains, reduced from $0) to $3 0.
Lot Whlto Bordered Nottlngliam Laco Curtains,
reduced from $7.5U to $5.00.
Lot Ecru Bordered T
reduced from $11,110 to 110.01. 1
Auiiiut-r un reiiueeu rrom $9.50 to$7.P0.
.r"?,1 -Madras curtains, reduced from $11.03 to
$30M to'f"i)oolred SW'M Curta""' reduced from
Another lit reduced from $25.00 to $15.00.
Uner grades In same proportion.
W) yards Embossed silk Furniture Plush, was $4,
down to $2.50.
1.000 Embroidered Cloth Tablo covers :
0 4, wjich sold nt, now tl.
o-i, whl'-h sold nt $3.50, now i,60.
4, which sold at 11.75, now n.
V-4, which sold nt $2, now $1.85.
8 4, which sold at $8.85 now
8-1, which sold at f 1 50 now $3.5).
Embroidered Cloth Piano Covers :
8x18, which bold nt fl, now $8.75.
812, which sold nt $5, now $3,
8x18, which sold nt (0, now $3.75,
Lot Plush Lamp .Mats and Tablo Covers nt one
half former prices.
Bronzes and Brass Goods, together with a large
lot ot articles in oilvo wood, couslstlug of odd
pieces, nt halt price.
Jenel Boxei and Dressing Cases at oncthlrd off
former prlee3.
400 Bottles cologne, ire, to 75c
opera Glass bliapes of satnc, reduced from 76c. to
Leather card Cases In great vailety.
segar and cigaretto cust's In great variety.
..VSV.". and Fur Bags, formerly sold nt
$3.85 and ti.oo, reduced lo S3 ami 76c
Fancy Cuid Cases, Portfolios, a;o., 4u. j from
bhOHlngdurlngthuiargu Christmas trade they
uro uecessailly 11 mtlo boiled nnd aro marked at
buwi puces as v,iii insure biecuy hale.
85 Plush Boxes of Paper and Envelopes for $8.50,
boino ha lug hold at $5 lo $7 each.
11 0 Plunh Photo Albums nt $8, worth much 111010
nnd hcarco on tho market.
11 0 assorted I'luli and Leather Pho:o Alburns
wuk un iuu uau lufu.
1,1 00 Fancy Boxes ot i-apor and Envel opes, In as
sorted Huts, worth 40c, for8:c. each.
Lot Mists' Straight Goat Buttoned Shoes, Sizes
11 to 8, $.1.01 to 18.85!
Another lot straight Goat Button Shoes, Sizes 11
to 2, $3 50 to $2.50. '
Vd"1 lbj.f:.,jjrttC0a KW Dutton Shojs, Slzo 11 to 8,
Misses' "curaco.1 Kid Button Shoes, s, $3.50
.nCfjil.1ir.e,no3,lvb1'10 nni1 Sn'8lt Goat, sizes 1 to 8,
f.(U 10 11.01,
,nV!)"i!!rf.V,".'i l',eW anl straight Goat, Sizes 8 to
toSox inMtob'io"na K1Jlmttou Hoots, Sizes 7
lot hid Button Boots, Sizes 7 to 10f,
$!.!! to T5c
AnotLcrlotrobblo Iluttou lloota. Sizcu. 1
toiow, ii.ifito
T5u. '
Another lot 1'ebblo tioat liutton
Hoots, to
Ciljbllilren'8 l'ebble Ooat Iialmorals, 11,00 to 60
Infant's Shoes 5e. to ssc.
Lot Woinens rieucli Kid Blioes, band bowed,
from tr.M to 15.60. Another lot fiom J0.60 to
lAitKutln flippers, Jl to ja.
mil niiiiin:rH, 11 in jy.
Lot Men's French Calf, If
ir to JS.T5.
l.ind-sowod Laco blioes,
5LoUioys' French Calf, ilanil-sewea Lacu Bliooj,
t j sSSr ja nT VC r Ust I""1"1' Vt'lvct Carpet,
in bt lea of Lest live-frame Itody I)rusfls Car
pets down to tx.viid,
SI btylea Tapestry Carpets, from U to TCc.
Vi Wi les Nnynu Carpets, Iiom 11.(13 to I,15.
Obtjies lino tbivo-jily, from f tou c.
ai btyloa liyrulu, Irom w to use.
Ul'O IllUCll lOWOl',
within a radius of 200 miles
their purchases dolivered in ono
bo offered noon again.
Tho second Blilpnicnl, consisting
of seven C.19CS of our ccInbrnU'd
Renclieil us rt few tlitys ngo, nml
nro even moro linndsonio (if that
is possible) than tlio (list lot which
sold so r.iiidly. Wu hnve them in
And tho following sizes:
o-l, 0-1, 7-1, 8-1, 8-10 & 8-12.
It is nhuost imjiossiblo to piaiso
theso goods too highly. Tho col
orings aro so rich nnd effectivo
nnd tho prices so very moderate,
that they should meet nil tastes
and suit all purses.
Our stock of
Raw and Spun Silk nntl Fine
Tapestry Tuble uud
Piuno Covers
Is now complete nnd comprises
tho following sizes :
1-2, 1 3-1, 2, 2 1-2, 0 yards long.
Eighth Street.
Miirkel Street.
c. b wmm
fya I iirm -cmiI .Iniml Hictory unci bn-t inclhnl fi i (V
rtf nilfnrn nf fliiliiw It f -
l'Untintr. ct. only Jr(.
February Oly
ts relief nnd cure ns certain as dm- followmlnv liv
trusses Inlllct. lilnderaiico from labor or dfinircr of
i ' tf ' it
nnils die yearly. No ono la safe with rupture nnd tru.s : both nre n physical and mental tax, ruin tlio
nervous system, lnduco kidney, bladder a nd other oreunlo aliments which effect tfcnernl hcaltli mom
than ntro or lalinn IicsMim efTetlni iniinlinnil mul ripstrnvin nil itippntit'na tn wwiji ,ir,nCnM n-ii,.m
ilWresMnjallnients. liy Dr. Sherman's treatment, aro avoided, and -where they exist removed In pa
tients any age. No man U safe who has 11 rupture, though everyone who lias died fiom It felt so. 'Iho
uuiiuiaui nir.uiiiii.iuru riiiuuiu urn tiii:ut;ii oniy uy uyuropuoma. Mnco 1110 leiiucuon of Dr. fiher
man's terms thousands aro cnmln;: from nil parts uf tlio country for treatment, even thosn examined, i-.uienis troin nan rcceivo tieaiinent nnei leavo for homo samo day. Hound books
mailed for 10 eta., contalnlnir valuable Information, nnd continued endorsements for a period of thlrty
n.years from physlclan-i. cierKymen, merchants nnd farmers who huvo been cured. New 1 York ofllco
Wl Broadway, Consultation days Monday, Tuesday nnd Saturday,
Send us your address nnd wo will mall you
Samples and Descriptive Illustrations of
Uices, Ituchlnsrs liralds, r.inbroiderica and other
KTANDAltD AltllCI.IX Address
THE NecuyM'F'0 C.
Mention this paper, JunlMw r
Wide Awake Agent Wanted Ilvrrynhere fur
uy Janes l'arton, tho greatest biographer of tho
use. An elegant volume of a pages, a l full-pago
acters A book fur rvery womtn. I'iioknix I'uu,
Co., Hartford, Cunn. Janll-4w d
of oliitnca a year. Tho choicest literature of tho
,vul"'"iiuu i-unioi. prices ever Known,
luit wild by dealers. Kent for oxamluatlon before
payment on evidence of good faith.
JOHN B. ALDEN PulDlisher
l'U.V ,"V lVeseybt.,N'.iV.
coMiEan.Nn waru, w. j.
80 inlnutes of New York. Mor positions for crad.
untea than all other schools combined. Life hVhol.
ai-biuji, w. Wrlto for eiiculars.
Jan ihw r
nought for Net Cash, on receipt aim approval,
without charge for Commission, ifiukcr.
ago, etc., by
Jan 11-lw r
Our magnificent stock of
Is nttrneting much attention.
All the goods were maniifacliircj
to our order and imported direct.
Wo hnvo all tho latest styles in
At very moderato prices. Wo
have them in
4, 0-4, 7 4, and 8-4 sizes,
And in all the new designs ami
colorings. Wo have nlso n coin,
pkto lino of
In all and grades, with nap.
kins to match.
Filbert Street.
--jr.- -43-
"'VJ',1' Otfutoju. oi Hici Iht ot pnea stECS
t COi Rochester. N.Y. Chicaco, III.
Dr. .T. A. Miriiv avh inniitn.1 piii,n,,t i,ft ininrr
Intlnniert nr ktrnniriitiiirit rimtiirn niuiii.h iimnd.
Ullen testamentary nn tho estato of James ileccised, lata of Hemlock township, Colum
bia countv, Pennsylvania, havo been Krunled by
the lleglster of said county to tho uuderslgned ex
ecutor. All peron having claims ngalnst tho es.
tato of said decedent nro reiiuested to tiroient them
for settlement nnd those lndebtod to tho estate to
make payment to the undersigned without delay.
Jan II. 0 w Uxecutor,
Notlco Is hereby L-lven to nil IplmIoph. creditors
and other jicisonslnten'sleil In Hie estates of the
i espect ho decedents and minors, th it tho follow.
Ingitipnlnlstratora' executors' and guardians' no.
counts have been tiled In tlio nfilco of the lteglstcr
of Columbia county, nnd will bo presented for con
firmation and ullowunco In tho orphans' Court to
bo held In llloo nsuurg, on .Monday, February -lib,
1MI, at 'i o'clock p. in., on said day,
I The first and llnal account ot Kvan lluckalew,
ndmlnlstrutorof Jamoa lluckalew, late of Arizona
Territory, deceased.
J Tho account ot W. R Smith, administrator of
Ilobert a Unt, late of tho Uorougli of llerwlck, do.
3 Thermal necount of Joseph ltaueh, admlnls.
tralor of 1'etcr I lelnbach, deceased, gunrdlau of tho
persons and estates ot Kllzabeth, Uanlet, Anna
und Harry 1 lelnbach, minor children of
1'etcr J. Aelnbach, Into ol Jllllon. Northumberlaud
county, l'a deceasoil.
4 'Ihotlrst and llnal account ot II. 1'rankZarr,
trustee to bell roal ostato of William Kelchner. Into
of Mlllllu townshli, deceased.
o rui n aecouui oi jiiiiii vnnee, guanu.ui ot
Anna Kline, u minor child of Harmon Kline, late
of Scott township, decoased.
d inu ursi. unu liii.u nceount ot josepn v,
ltnese. administrator of Andrew .1. Allieitsnn. late
of (livenwood township, deceased.
i rinst iiim iiiiui uecouui in Jesse itess, auminii
trator uf Jacob H. Hess, late of NUL'urlaaf Lnwiisliln.
8 The tlrst nnd llnal account of Joseph ('. lives,
administrator of Charles 11. KUue, late ot (ireen-
nvw iu,, itoiiii,. umiumxi.
V Flat und llnal account of Joseph c. Kves, nil
mlnUtratorot Anna It. Ivlno, latuuf tlreeuwood
township, deceased.
10 Tho final uecount of Wilson M. Uvea nml
lllchard J, Kves, ndmlnlstratora of John W, Ues,
lute or (ireenwooil lownshln. iliK-ensml.
1 'I lie uecount ot John o. (julck, udinlnlstrator
of Josepli Huyder, Into of tho '1 own of llloomsburg,
in second and partial account of Cuthnrlno
Hitter ami Willi un Kyer, iultiiliil.,trulors of Join)
lltller, late ot the township of Caluwlssa,dueeascd.
tl, W. brmtS'Iilt,