The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 04, 1884, SUPPLEMENT, Image 4
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. imsointoiM or m hmco. A mv!ihg win held nt Chickering Hall nwnJly, nt wi,c, jrr. Alfred Conk. He read n paper on " Mexico i IlcrPhyn intl Geography and Itowurcon." Having had occasion to visit Moxico on business during tho early part of tho current yenr, the lecturer tnndn a very oxtonsivo tour throughout tho country, devoting otpocinl attention to tho mines. Tho nroa of Mox ieo Is 7,'10,0'JO square miles, or Rixtocn timet tho sizo of tho Stalo of Kow i'ork. A prolongation of tho Ahdoa of South Amoricn traverses tho republic, nnd boars tho namo of tho Sierra Madto. Four ptsiks, having unpronouncablo Aztec lmvnort, riso nbovo 15,000 foot, nnd nro covered with eternal snow. They foi 1 lh highest laud In North Amoricn, Thu lecturer described hit ascent of tho gr-at voloano'ot Popocatepetl, tho lyftireit peak in tho country. Owing to tho nmbitioa of Coring to do- 'lop tho mineral wealth of Kov Sp"'- Tieulturo did not receive nny co. ii'- slinro of nttoution f-om tho Spauiaids. So brilliant has been Mexico's record in tho production of tho procioua inctnls, that tho public Booms to havo underestimated, if not entirely over looked, tho vast vegetablo resources of that country. In tho low country banana, oranges, and many oilier fruits aro easily cultivatoil Several of them thrivo with out tillage. Mexico 1.3 capablo of grow ing Buillcent eofieo for tho entiro consump tion of tho United States which amounted to tt.'i.OOO.OOO poundt in 1883. Sugar, tobacco, cotton, vanilla, and cocoa aro also rnisod in largo quantities. Two crops of wheat and com aro grown in many portions of tho republic, nnd hi somu States threo crops of Indian com nro cultivated in n singlo year. One-half of the oxisting stock of Hilvor in tho eultrc world has been extracted from Mexiemi mines. Besides silver, iron, copper, lead, tin, nnd other ores nro undnnt Pctro loum occurs oxtcnsively near tho sea coast. Tho nortliern tablo-laud is well adapted to stock-raising. Tho native.! nro good herdsmen, and tho mildness of tho Winter is fuvornblo to cattle. The lecturer closed his remarks by nn elaborate description of tho new linos of railway, which, whim comploted, will reach a total of about 10,000 miles. A serio3 of Btoreopticon viows wero then shown. novi:l-i:i:ai)Inc atADi: onions. A hitler wng, mado angry by tho over increasing output of novels, has devised n now and malignant antidote for tho appo tito for romance Ho declared that ho will wrilo n supplement to ovory modern lovo story, to bo oold nt half price, setting forth tho matrimonial adventures and ex periences of tho hero and heroine. Tho sweet aud pathetic maiden with tho mild blue eyes nnd tho golden hair is to bo de veloped into tho fat and ruddy shrew with a tondonoy to quarrel with her husband and row her servants. Tho gallant gen tleman with tho long mustache, and tho silver voico is, ou his part, to bo ruthlessly pictured marching up and down his bed room hi airy nttire, with a squalling baby in his arms, redolont of sour milk aud catnip. Tho will of tho rich old undo, which brings wealth and happiness at tho end of tho first volume, will bo proved a forgery in tho second." What with tho upsotting of every pretty conventionality ' aud tho disclosure of tho inevitable condi tions into which no well-bred novelist ever follows his characters, this cynio hopes to mako novel-reading nauseous and novel-writing as unprofitable as it is a dark industry. now vrnoiiKX spools Ann made. Tho bin''. :' Irst sawed into sticks four or fivo 4 ft long and soven-eigths of nn inch to tnrco inches square, nccordhig to tho sizo of tho spool to bo produced. ' Thoso sticks are thoroughly seasoned. They ore sawed into short blocks nnd tho blocks nro dried in a hot nir kiln. At tho 1 timo they nro sawed a hole ia bored through them. Ono whirl of tho littlo , block against sharp knives, Bliaped by a I pattern, makes tho Bpools at tho rate of ono per second. A small boy feeds tho Bpool machine, simply placing tho blocks 1 in n spout and throwing out tho knotty or defectivo stock. Tho machino is auto matic, but cannot do tho sorting. Tho spools nro revolved rapidly in drums nnd polish themselves. For boMo purposos they are dyed yellow, red or black fdioy nro made in thousands of shapes and sizes. Whon ono sees on a spool of thread " 100 yards" or "200 yards" thoso words do not signify that tho thread had been measured, but tho Fpooi has been gauged and is supposod to contain so much thread. Whon a silk or linen or cotton firm wants a spool made, it sends n pattern to tho spool-maker. This pattern gives tho sizo and shape of tho barrel and tho head and hovel. Thoso patterns dotorraino tha amount of thread that tho spool will hold. C.UISO 11Y NIOUT. - At ovcry fifty yards or so blazo hugo bonfires of sulphur and tar, ono instant lighting up tho street clear as day, ns a mass of flame shoots into tho air, nnd leaving it dark ns pitch in tho next, ns fresh fuel is thrown on nnd volumes of Bulphurous smoko roll forth. Tho town Las a desertod look, and fow peoplo nro soon about tho streets. Hero n couplo of' Arabs with their long falling robes movo eilontly along, thcro n patrol of English polico mounted on thoir big English horses, clonk down tho ccntro of tho road. At tho door of a Brasserie or cafo Bits ono of tho waitresses, exchanging n few words with somo French or Italians. EAIIXY IlELiaiOUS DISPUTES. To us many of tho metaphysical points connected with tho Trinitarian controversy and tho nature of God aro unintelligible, ns they nro untrnnslatablo into English, or ovon Latin. Tho endless disputos about tho meaning of the words "Father, " i "Son," "begotten," "unbegotton," of a' liko naturo "Homoiousios," nnd of tho, samo naturo "Homoousios," raged in every littlo publio house in Alexandria Men wore moro eager obout it than the nro about Popory, or ritualism, or nny other ism of our day. Gregory or Nyssa records how, when you went to nsk tho , price of bread, tho baker Boomed quite off Ills head, and would nnswer, "Tho Son I aroso out ef -"thing." Or, when you in-, quired if ' ic inth was roady, the bowil dercd slave would observo tlint tho "Sou " was subordinate to thoFathor." Mobs went about tho Btreou, shouting for tho " Hon otousiou," audbroke tho heads of the mobs whom thjjy met shouting for the " Homoouflie1- " Tho Emperor's statues wero thrown douoi, und tho peaceublo in habitants complained bitterly to tho con stabulary that brenchoH of tho pnico took placo, with impunity, nnd that quiet folk ouiild hardly go about unmolested. From a largo number of x,i-j-. u" j with tho nnlcmuo of ius.fotj, Mr. U. J. .i. Porter is lod to coucludo (l) thut thu an. teniae nra not tho organ of nny nno or of any combination of what wo call tho flvo Boiisoshenriug, wwlug, Hmelluig, touuli. ing, and fasting ; () that the jmiwht of 'direction (km nut lie in thn mi-Wiijio. and (U) that tliy Rntaiiu -e tK ,,.., , . some souse not potwu - us. mni:tv.six VICTIMS. To thoso who heliovo that tho practice of Thuggee has boon completely put down in India, tho story of Sharfit, whoso career of crimo has just terminated by his ijoing sentencou to transportation fun lifo, will como as an unplo.nant rovelntion, Sltnrfn was tho son of a butchor In it mnall village in tho Punjab, and whon yet n boy ho devolopod a mnrkod tasto not only for gambling, but ovon for card sharping. At tho ngo of 18, having quar. relied with his father, he left his liativo villngo nnd attached himself to n party of horso doalors. Ho thou joinod tho Baroilly polico, but was Bhortly afterward son t'ncod to fifteen months' imprisonment ! i injuring his wife, tho daughter of Tliakur whom ho had abducted. In the l!.vreilly jail ho camo Into contact with Tikka llnni, the. hoad of n baud of pols. on-'M In tho northwest proviuco3. Oh Ih ir recovering their liberty they ro turned operations together, making tholi headquarters in llio town of Agra. After Ri.x years' work of undetected crime, of which tho dotails havo not been rovoalod, tho two fell out, and Shorfii joined tho polico forco again, only, howovcr, to bo dismissed in a fow months. It was after this occurroueo that ho re sumed his operations as professional poisoner on his own account. His modo of working was simple Disguising him self ns a well-to-do nativo of Onde, ho used to waylay nnd enter into conversa tion with thoso natives of tho province who happened to bo returning with their nuvings. His favorito hccuo of operation was on the Grand Trunk road. Onco ho had struck up u companionship with tliero unsuspecting travellers it was an eaty matter to tako food with them, and Sbaifu rarely failed to iutroduco the opium or Mat- a needed to drug his vic tims, whom ho speedily relieved of their savings. Most of tho30 unwary persons recovered when pursuit was useless, but many of thein. died. His operations bo. tween tho years 1807 nnd 1872 wore par. ticularly numerous and successful ; nnc ofl'.cinl rcporta reeoguizodtho extent tc which Thuggoo provailod in tho Punjab during that period. In July, 1831, his secret was revealed by Tikka Ham's wife, with whom ho liad boon living for four teen years ; and ho had only just tmfll cient warning to mako n hurriod retreat into Bajpootann. Thoro ho renowed his old practices, nnd placed his services nt tho disposal of thoso who had inconven ient relatives to get rid of, and who would pay handsomely for the daugerous work. Ho long balllod tho pursuit of tho officials, nnd it was not until tho prosont yeor-thatj ho was discovered, through tho instru mentality of Tikka Ram, undergoing n short term of imprisonment in Agra jail under a different namo. Brought up for trial at Loodiana, ho odinittod his guilt hi ninety-six cases of murder or drugging, and was sentenced to dentil, which was afterward modified to transportation for life. Sharfu's long impunity bIiows tho groat difficulty of detecting crimo in India, at tho samo time that it reveals tho oxtensivo organization which criminals havo formed in tho Pun jab at all events. Much light has recently beeu thrown by Br. Leitnor on tho argot which thioves in the Punjab havo framed for thoir own use and of which Govern ment officials nro nbsolutcly ignorant TIIK COI.OK or WATER. Two theories aro advanced to explain tho bluo color of water whenseen in largo masses, one, held by Professor Tyndnll, being that small solid particles suspended in tho water do not reflect tho lower or red rays of tho spectrum. According to the other theory, tho color is duo to tho absorbent action of tho wnter itself on tho whito light beforo nnd nfter reflection by theso parti.'.,.-.. Tho results of exper iments made by .Mr. John Aitkin, and presented to the Royal .Society, England, show that tho latter theory is probably tho moro correct one. The groater tho number of whito reflecting particles tho greener tho water appears to be, nnd hence tho gradual deepening of tho green to bluo as tho shoro is left. Tha waters of Lako Como owo their dnrknoss to tho nbsenco of reflectiug pnrticlos, as Mr. Aitkon ingeniously proved by scattering finely-divided chalk in tho centre of that ,lako, thereby producing a very brilliant blue. The brilliancy dopends on tho color of the partielos, aud is greatest with whito particles. Among coral ' reefs, which aro gccrally strewn with whito Band, tho water also takes a very bril liant bluo or green. Tho dull tinge of English river waters is duo to the dingy character of tho suspended silt j but springs havo often a bright color, owing to tho whitenoss of the chalk sus pended in thorn. metai.iz.vtion or WOOD. This process, which has lately been in vented in Franco, consists in soaking the wood in eaustio alkali for two or three (Lays at :t tomporaturo of from 107 degrees to 10 1 degrees Fahrenheit At tho expira tion of this timo tho wood is placed in another bath, of hydro-sulphate of calcium. .to which is ndded, nftcr twenty-four hours, a concentrated solution of Biilphur. In forty-eight hours tlm wood is immersed in a third bath, of acetate of lead, at n temperature of from 03 degrees to 123 de grees Fnhreiihoit, for thirty to fifty hours. When it is quito dry, it is capablo of ro eeiving a wonderful polish, and looks liko a metal minor. Wood treated in this way is practically indostnictiblo and never decays with damp. COMPANIONAl'uA:"ri!oT'I.Ii In ovcry society wo find tlutt tho poo- pie wno aro called companionable aro thoso who have n knack of making light of their tribulations aud vexations, and n habit of putting them out of sight ; who do not entertain their acquaintances with tho recital of o bad baking, a leaky pipe, tho children's measlos, tho shortcomings of tho servants ; who know how to koop thoir melancholy, if thoy havo any, out of tho conversation j whose nerves do roiMiNr.n or not furnish them with material for a morning call j who nro not nlw.ays on tho outlook for a draught, or n ohango of weather, or a slight ; who do not lamont their povorty aloud, and mako us fool re sponsible for it and uncomfortable amidst our plenty. Tho companiouablo peoplo never seek to mako us dissatisfied with ourselves or our belongings j thoy talk nluut tho thhi 'I'M liko to hear and arq Bilent upon tho unbjocls on which wo diagroo ; they do not differ from us for tho sako of differing, and do uot on nouueo their opinions ns if thoro woro no nppoal therefrom. lteoant experiments in flormtm schools ):uvo shown that tho difficulty of reading black lettoin on a whito ground compared to that of reulingwhitoonnblaokground bins 121 to 401, and, thuroforo, tho slato nud tho bl lo'.board will probably fall into diuo iu tli, i empire. Tho Nooolui' lilandan havo such a ru wluu for til!, v'litnluU with a blaok ti ,.'i.l tlutt tnuUin who visit with them c ,)eaaU' if this headgear instead ' 'fiakafat twunlly layr to tho noble . i.iopiiipijf .1.(011 hat is from i t.-tUotobixty-Hvoooooannta. . . H.VIltTS Or SIlll.lttANS. Many of the habits and customs of theso peoplo aro vory singular. Along with much rudonoss nnd simplicity, they havo a high degroo of ingenuity. At night, for Instance, nn Ostalk can toll tho timo very accurately by judging tho position of thn Great Boar j nnd ns this oiistollation in constantly varying with tho soason, tho operation involves on tho part of tho Ostalk a calculation of somo magnitude. In common with nil barbarous nnd semi barbaric raoos, thoy manifest groat dex terity in tho uso of weapons. In shooting small animals such as squirrels, hares, etc., for tho sako of thoir furs, caro is takou that tho animal shall bo struck on tho hoad only s nnd in this thn natives seldom fail, ovon though thoir rillos nro very clumsy in construction. With tho , , 1,14, 4, "'I, l'4.U44,44', 44II4144J1, I4I44UIII. iVJi 4 it I I lit 1 1 11 1 bow anil arrow, which is tho weapon most, jyy yidtay laud for hay and paMungo, In use, thoy aro equally dexterous. ,.th ,,.mdmi00 0f living water for Thoir method of catching salmon, as do- wnbod by n Cossack officer who witnessed it is peculiar, In marching through tho country at tho hoad of a detaohmont, ho encamped ono ovoning on the banks of n rivor j nnd on tho following morning ho observed ono of tho natives walk to it pool near nt hand, into which ho wadod, and then Btood inotionlojt ns a stttuo, his spear poised aloft nnd his keen oyo fixed on tho water boforo him. Not n movement indicated that lifo inhabited tho figure, until, with lightning rapidity, tho spear w,vs launched forward and ns quickly withdrawn, n flno salmon quiver ing on its barbod point Throo timoi in twenty minutos wai tho operation per formed, nndoach timo a fish rewarded tho nativo's skill. And yet thoir dlcvor-no-ti is but nlightly applied to tho aits of lifo. Tho Tuiigooos, for instauco, uso bear and reindeer skins to form thoir beds j but as ihoy havo novor discovered tho art of tahuiug, theso nrticles when not in uso aro buried beneath tho snow, by which moans tho hair is prevented from falling off. This Rnmo tribe, too, aro remarkably improvident ; they will consiimo uatrly n wook's provisions in ono night, nnd go hungry tho remaining six days. Over agaimt this, ':howover, must bo placod thoir dotostation of rob bery, which is rogardod by them 03 nn unpnrdounblo sin. WINE THOJI ltAISINS. Tlio bovcrago mado hi Franco from raisins aud sold as tho juico of tho grapo has boon bo harshly condotnued as a pois onous docoction that it is plcosaut to bo told by n writer in tho Itepubliquo Fran caiso, who Booms to possess nccurato knowlodgo of tho subjoct tlutt it is in fact a harmless, and ngrooablo bovcrago. Tho fruit comes dircotly from tho Grecian Archipelago or Asia Minor. It is placed in wooden tub3 with water heated by steam. Fermentation begins nlm,ost im mediately and lasts from eight to ten days. At this stago of tho process tho liquid is of a light color, liko Mosello wino j and n good deal of it is sent into tho French dopartmonts of tho Muertho and tho Vosgps .where, after having j simply been filtered, it is sold ni tho wino of tho country. At; tho next stage of manufacture it is passed through a closely woven cloth to froo it from impurities, aud a littlo alcohol is added. , It is thou colored with somo harmlois proporation, tho ono moslj.usod being mado from tho I033 of fresh grapes. It can bo sold wholesalo for about fiftoon conts n gallon, and w no doubt much bettor worth.drmk .,' . , . . .. , 4. , ing t hanome of tho decoctions for,which peoplo nro willing to pay much higher price, suppoung them to bo tho. pura juico of the gr.ipo. ANCIENT PlllCi; or LAllOIt. Tn the yenr 1092, 25th Edward III., tho wagos paid to haymakers woro a penny a day. A mowor of meadows threepence a day, or flvepenco nn acre Reapers of oom in tho first week of August two- ponoo ; in Uio second tliroeponce n day j - W44.UWJ4U44WO 4. 4444J , and bo on till the end of August without meat drink or other allowance, finding their own tooK For throshhig a qunrtor of wheat or rye, twopence-halfpenny; a -"'"i'i'"t"eagoouiiiriy-quarter of barley, -beans, peas or oata, ' nme; hfte t lfc i1 KO'l-sond; and the three-halfpence A master carpenter, ' CO,nfo hlh hlm- together with tho mu3tor mason, fourjieiico 11 diayj other masons, threepence, and thoir son-ants tbrco-halfpcnco a day. Tilers, tlireeponco aud tlicp' "knaves" (. , bborors) thrco halfpence Thatchers, threepence n day, and thoir kuavea three-halfpence. Plas terers and other workers of mud walls, and thoir kuavo3, in liko manner, with out moat or drink, and this from Easter to i Michaelmas j nnd from that timo loss, ' .... . .'. ,, . acci u.uujh lu vuo u,. m mo J-, tices. ANECDOTE Or DOltE. It is Bjud tuat Uustnvo JJoro, many yoars ago, while on a tour in Switzerland, happened to loso his passport. Arriving atLuoorno, ho asked to" bo allowod to' tll otucr en" 18 a number representing speak to tho Mayor, to whom ho gnvo his character. The clerk receives a mos name. " You say that you aro M. Gus- -'Sa iu numbers, and takes tho blook of tavo Dore," replied the Mayor, "and I ch number transmitted and Btamps with boliovoyouj but" ho nddod, producing' tllQ opposite end tho proper Chinose char n poneil nud n piece of paper, "you can' nctor on tho message form. Thus n Qu easily provo it." Doro looked around . noso message sent in figures is translated him and saw somo womon soiling pota- into Chinoso characters ngnin and for toos in tho street With n fow touches' warded to its destination. Tho Bonding ho reproduced tho scene, nnd putting his' cerk, of course, requires to know tho namo to tho sketch, gave it to tho Mayor. numerical equivalent of tho charaoters or "Your passport it perfectly in order," 'mVQ lom found for him. remarked that official, "but you must allow mo to koop it as a souvenir nnd to offer you in return ono in tho ordinary form." Ono forgives everything to him who forgives himself nothing. .Although tho existence of korosono oil in sevorol provinces of Japan is said to havo boon known for 1200 yeans, tho Jap aueso did not know how to roilno it until about ten years ago. At prosont, how ever, refining establishments nro ppring ing up rapidly, and its manufacture is becoming nn important industry. Ono of tho novelties in Loudon is tho literary bracolot- It is mado of twolvo tiny books (silver or gold), attached to each other by n double chain. Each lit tie book hairs tho euamolled namo of n favorito poet or novelist Tliero nro nho musical bracolets of tho same model, only thoy of courso hnvo tho names of operas or composers. T. R. Peek fltato3 that thoro aro impor tant difforoncos in tho composition of hot springs of Jcojand and of Now Zonlnml Thu hot mud wells of Iceland contain so ir nch copper that sevoral companies havo been formed to work them commercially, whilo tho Now Zealand mud HpriuKH nro bo full of infusoria that iu times of fam ine tho natives sustain lifo ou it d ot cm sisting chiefly of mud. Iu 1881 Mr, Frank Berry, of Kasloy, S. O., pioked und pocked a'bahi of uutt m nt his gin mid placed a noto inside th bale, requesting tho man who manufiio. turcd tho cotton to inform him what he made of it, ote Recently Mr. Berry re ceived a lettor from Franco in which ho was informed that his note had biu found and tlutt tho cotton had boon nrvla into twist 'llio manufacturer request.) I Mr, Berry to writo nnd inform him how much ho received for tho cotton h're, mid wai of tho first or Btoomi picking. ' - ' TUI3 OLD MOIJOC WAKUtOI.S. Travelers over tho Vinltn branch of 1'ia 'Frisco Railroad will doubtlimi remem ber tho littlo village of Seneca, noslld in ugly ravines, nbout SI 10 mllet miulhwoit of St Louis, nnd lying immediately on llio lino dividing Missouri from thu In dian Territory. Within four miloi of ilia depot now ro3ido nil that nro left of iho Modocs. They arrived nt O.inip Modoc (as their reservation was named) ten year i ngo, numbering, n'.l told, 115(1 souls. For eight years thoro as n small nnnunl do orcaso in thoir nui'nbers until thoy fell below 100, counting men, women and children. Their present strength ia 10(1. Tho reservation consists of 4 (h)() ncroi, surveyed into forty-acro lots. Takon at n whole it is a Una tract of laud, 0411. rac ing prairio, thnbor, upland for farming, stock, good well water whorover u-ih havo boon dug, aud ntono sufficient for Iho ueccsflitios of tho tribe Tho timber is ntao heavy enough for sawing and htm boring purposos. Gamo was formerly plentiful, but is latteily growing scitrco and wild. Princoss Mnry, sister to the notorious Capt .Tack, is tho only living blood relation ho now has nniung tlu Modocs. All his children are dead. Olio of his wives is now here, an old, ill-favored squaw, childlosi, without roLtlircs or tho slightest tribal influence. Scarfaco Charley is n medium-sized man of about fifty, quick and nervous in manner. Ho was working nt thosnwmill, rolling logs to tho carriage nnd spring ing about ns lively on a cricket, talking, grinning hnd o biting n flno How of nuimal spirit 1 is now chief of tho tribe, nnd not u i tlo proud of hi i pro motion. Tho ofl'co exists mainly in name, however. Tho young men no longer re spect tho authority of a chief, and Char ley wisely nttempts to oxorciso none. Ho is scrupulously honest in his dealings with whito men, has a fair knolodgo of figures, aud can computo tho vnluo of a load of corn or his purchase at n Btoro readily and accural ely. .Steamboat Frank is perhaps tho most notable man among the Modooi. Ho lives in n good two-roomed frame hou :o toward tho north end of tho reservation. P is well finished, painted nnd furnished. Outaido ou n block stood n clean, bright tin wash basin and a piece of soap Tho school has an enrollment of seventeen scholars, thoso being all tho children of school ngo in tho tribe Botwcon thirty nnd forty Modoc3 have ombrocod Christi anity, nnd nvo doing ns well ns whito peo plo could iu their condition. Tho experi ment of assisting tho Modocs hn3 proven ono of tho most satisfactory in tho history of tho Indian Department INCOMES or OEKJI.VJf POETS. Wioland had reached tho midiUo point of a long lifo.boforo ho received tho ap pointment which mndo his fortune Ho bail tbn bnnnr nf linlnn Mmonn 1... 41, Downger Duchoaa Amalia to bo tll0tutor of tho young Dnko, then in his flftconth year. During tho fow years in which ho held this post ho received tho salary now attainablo by a woll qualified assistant master in nn English board-school nbout X!i0 n year. And after his work had boon accomplished ho wasBOcured by a pension of nbout 23 ngainst bringing discredit on his honora by destitution. But lot us not judgo tho microscopio glories of last " uiiwuKaijiw guinea oi last; coutuiy8 Germm courts by tho stantoJ of COIltcmpomr , Ninct pouiuls was, if not afiluenco, nt nny rate n handsome compotency in tho Weimar of Karl August Schulcr declared that on an iucomo equal to 00 a family might bo maintained in respectability nnd com fort Poetic finnnco is not usually trust worthy ; but when wo learn that for a wngo of 18s. a quarter, in addition to board mid lodging, a Bervnnt might bo lin-ed eipalile of doing secretary's work, 1, -. Ml '"-""" " umnpossiuio mat nuiy ol sober (..v-.u. i4.viu. v.imo, tmuu IT 1UUUU IU- f.1n.i4i.:nn:i ii.ii mi . . no doubt, to prolong his lifo to eighty years. ih.ythi:n ciiinee TEtEOK.vrn. Owing to tho peculiarity of thoCliinoso characters, each of which represents n word, not n letter, as in our Western n?,, C " .rTI" I"10 "teat Aortbcru) working tho now Chinoso lines have adopted tho follotvi ioptcd tho followine; device There aro from 5,000 to 0,000 characters or words in tho ordinary Chi nese languago,, nnd tho company have providpd a -vrooden block or typo for each of thoso. On ono end of this blook tho character is cut or stamped out, nnd on Tho great momenta of life nro but mo. ments liko the others. Your doom ia spokon iu a word or two. A single look from tho eyes, a mero pressure of tho Hand may decide it j or of tho lips, thougli thoy enunot speak. Froin tho observations taken at Colon by tho engineors engagod on tho Panama Intcroceauio Canal, M da Lessops finds, according to his pnpor read beforo tho Academy of Sciences, Paris, on Nov. 20, that tho groat earthquake wavo caused by tho recent disturbances at Java .would npponr to havo mado its way across tho Indian and Atlantic Oceans, round tho Capo of Good Hopo, to the east coast of Coutrtd America in nbout 30 hours. " Science," says tho editor of tho Amcr ioin Naturalist, " is becoming widely pop ularized iu tho present generation, aud tho fruits will bo soen in tho noxt But iu a country liko ours, tho Government alone need uot undertake tho task of creating a body of scientists j that work idiould bo dono by tho pooplo and for the people. 'Tiio timo is coming when our peoplo will bo loss materialistic, and when thoso who nro well-off nlready will 0J.W0 trying to ncouiuulato more wealth, but turn their attention to 'rolling up' iho intelloctual and sciontttlo capital of our domain," "If," saysW. Mattiou Williams, " wero liviug iu tho midst of Loudon, Birm ingliam, Manchester, or nny other largo city, I would recklessly disfigure my premises by removing a pane of gloss lrom tho window of ovcry room, or knock, ing n holo through the outer wall, and placing in tho oi ening tliero created frnmo of scrim gauzo, with a glass door for closing, or partially closing, it iu ex tromely cold weather, and I heliovo that nil the inmates would thoreby oscapo Bomo of tho spoclal ills to which residents iu largo towns nro liable THE AOE Of OVSTEIIS. Tho mturnl lorni of tho oyster's lifo is not knovTii, but tliero in reaion to heliovo that it may extend to twonty years or more An oxcellont nuthority, Profoisor Moblus, it of opinion that most of tho nd till Schleswig oysters nro from soven to ton yoars old, nnd that, though oy3ter.i oier twenty yearn of ngo nro rnro, ho met with occasional specimens which had attained botwocn twcuty-llvo and thirty fairs. Oyntors brood long boforo thoy aro full grown, very probably In tho first yoar ot thoir ngo, certainly in tho second. Their productivity npponrn to reach its maximum at flvo or six years, nnd nfterwnrds to do clino j but much further observation ii needed beforo nny definite rulet can bo laid down on this subject I buddoso that when tho sanld nnd dlin. pery morsel which is nnd is gone, li) on' iia m oi gustatory summer lightning -glides along tho palate fow peoplo iuiag itio that thoy nro Bw.allmviug a piooo of machinery (and going machinery, loo) greatly moro complicated than a watch. lint so it is j tho oyslor possesses repre sentatives of all tho most important organs of tho higher animals, nud is endowed wilhoorrespondiugfiuictioiis. Tho "loves of tho oyster " may bo mythical, nud wo mny oven bo sceptical as to its parental tenderness j but no parent ean tako greater etro of its young. And though tho oys tor scorns tho typo of dull nuimal veg etation in its ndult condition, it p.assoi through a vngnbond, if not a stormy youth, between tho timo in which it is sheltered by tho parental roof nud that in which it "ranges itself " ns n grave aud sedentary member of tho oyster com munity. rEKILOltS LEAPS, Curious ns it may seem, it is not gener ally known by theatre audiences that tho "perilous leaps," "terriflo Bcaling of precipices," and other similar feats which fall to tho lot of tho horo or heroine of tho play aro in almost ovory euso performed by a dummy. Thus, it is not tho prima donna, who, in "La Sonambula," wallw in her sleep ncro3s the bridge nt tho back if tho stage, nor in tho "ltomancoofn Poor Young Man " is it tho leading man who takes tho flying leap from n tower, but hi each cason carefully drossed dummy whoso bones nro not particularly precious. Thoy tell this story of n " M.izoppa" per formance in tho old days, which shows how this theatrical trick sometimes results. A celebrated star was playing tho piece, and had n circus rider mado up to look liko him to do tho riding. Of courso tho audience supposed tho rider to bo tho star. In thoso days tho rims up tho mountains wero elaborately arranged, nnd tho flight of tho -wild horse was a startling incident Ono night tho horse fell with the rider, crashing from tho flics to tho stago. Tho curtain was rung down, nud presently tho star was lod beforo it, Btag gcring as though badly injured, nnd said that, in spito of tho fall, ho woidd endeavor to finish tho play. And ho did bo, amid frantic applause Tho poor circus-rider lay in tho hospital four wooka. ., THE AL.VSKAN VOLCt.NO. A gentleman who is greatly interested in science, and who has given considerable attention to tho subject of ntmospherio phenomena, states that tho recent peculiar sunsets ore, without much doubt duo to the Into volcanic eruption in Alaska. tVshcs from that eruption havo been car- riod all over Japan and boyond, nnd sim ilnr coloring of tho skio3 has boen observed there During tho eruption in Java sun- ilar coloring was oxhibitcd in different parts of tho world nnd ns far cast as Pan-. nma. Tho oenuty oi many ot tho Italian sunsets aro held to bo duo to ashes from tho desert Our own sunsets, therefore, are supposed to havo boen caused by tho particles of ashes coming from tho Alaskan oleauo. Thoso aro carried m tho upper currents of tho nir, und form, ns it wero, a canopy. In tho ordinary position tho sunlight passes through this stratum with out producing n vasiblo effect j but when tho light is below the stratum, ns nt buii riso or sunset and tho rnys striko tho under surface of tho ash-laden current tho solid particles form nn oxtendod re flecting surface Tho sunlight is thus thrown back upon tho earth, and causes tho beautiful sunsets which havo boen so much admired. Scientific, A London steam boilor company lights up tho interior of boilers in such a way that tho littlo cascades, currents, nud whirlpools in tho water in tho courso of steam formation may bo all observed. During tho night of Nov. 17 tho biiow in tho valloy of Storolvdal, in Central Norway, (between 01 nnd G2 degrees north lattitudo,) was covered with a layer of black and giay dust of probablo vol canic origin. Tho Bulking Xeies, speaking of tho results of tho researches of Schlicmann, says that tho Greek story of Bion accords with tho discoveries at Hissnrlik, and tho conclusion is inovitnblo that tho Homeric Troy could havo been on no other Bite Dr. C. H. Yelvington nsseits that tho copperhead never bites whon coiled up, but will tlirow thu middlo of his body into long, almoat rectaugular, curves, aud with his head and nn inch or so of tho neck slightly elevated nbovo tho ground is ready to defend himself. As nn inducement to tho greater utiliza tion of buttermilk in bread making, it is stated that it contains four to fivo per cont of muk Bugar and J por cont of minora salts, and that after settling for choose making it also contains ono per cent, of uitrogcneous matter and nearly ns much of butter fat At tho last mootiug of tho Paris Acadomy of Sciences it was stated that a person who for the past two yoars has boon ox periraenting near Nico with Biilpho-car-bonalcs and sulphur, us a remedy ngainst iho phylloxera, ntatos that in fivo hectares of iufectod win oi it is no longer possiblo to find any phylloxera. Iu an article on tho protoctlou of iron from rust Van Xoitrttmt't Mayazlnt Bays dint iron to bo buried in damp oarth may bo coatod with a mixture of 100 porta of rosin, (uolophony,) 23 parts of guita porolia, und 60 parts of parnfflno, to winch 20 pail's of magnosla and somo .ni'.icr 1 oil havo been ndJeih M. Renard, of tho Royal Academy of ISrusHcls, has mndu u minute examination of tho ashes of tho groat eruption of Km Uatoo, which full at J lata via on tho 27th if la-it August Thoy consist for tho oiost part of glassy particles. Tho rook vhich had beeu blown into this volcanic .lust contained n very largo proportion of ulica. A writer of mathematical bent, says tho Sctetitljic Anurlkin, finds from tho cousus returns that tliero nro about 17,000 don lists hi tho United States, who, ho esti mates, pack into tho tooth of tho Ameri can pooplo a ton of puro gold nnnually, Continuing his speculations, ho predicts that in tho twenty-first century nil tho gold will bo huriod in the graveyards. "A 1IOMKT IV-pllo tho popular opinion Id tho con iwry, families rarely join tho Mutual Ad miration Society as to ouo nnother. In vliat Miss. Bromon calls so beautifully li i Iiiuermost, peoplo nro npt to bonny h'lig butherocsnndhorolno. Ral.illvoS .iiow nuoiutomod to oaoh other's charms iml t.tlenti, nnd wo bollovo Sir Charles ' iraiulison, tho horo of a uovol wrltte In "to days of Franklin's apprenticeship, i-i p -rhaps tho only brothor, ovon of !. it date, who constantly Informed his liters that "thoir charms wero only quailed by thoir sensibility." Usually, at home, .Vpollo Bolvidero would not bo considered particularly handsome, nor 'id imon much wiser than nnybody olso j nd porhaps.Tob might bo Bpokon of ns .living mado quito enough fuss nbout upii boils of liis, nnd nskedif ho could y to bo moro pntioiit. In fact, if poo- ! wnnt to bo ndmirod thoy must oxliiblt u-'imelvia to stratigerj. "Our folks" 'i-i hot the pooplo to flatter vanity to any rent degree Yet af tor all, homo is the o.ily plaiso tyhero lovo dwells, wkoro poo plo really earn whothor you llvo or dio. where you havo help nud sympathy h roal trials. Though tho world should ring with your namo, tho aimouncemonl of your death would bo read without n fllgh, between two mouthful) of toast, by your most ardent nihnirers j nnd thoso who eall you charming or delightful, who "ho happy" to boo you, who nro hon ored or flattered by your notica should you nchlovo somo reputation, would per haps bo chiefly interoste'd in tho fact that through somebody's indiscretion . thoy had ucMiully found out your full ago; whilo those, w ho novor flattered you would lament you forover. There is,' nftor all, no pk.uo liko home. A POISONOUS PLANT. "Tolonchi," says Fnnnio B. Wnrd, in n letter from Mexico, " grows oveiywhero in Mexico, but lnoro thriftily in tho trop it'.d lowlands of tho term caliente It is n ii.uiilloiolookini? plant much rosomb- liu ; northern milk-wood, nnd quito too d iiigorously convenient iu a land where ipichiu rulos mid ji alousy amouuts to Juoss. It doei uot kill, but nets im ;.i.idLat".Iy upon the bruin, producing violent iu lanity and then hopeless iib my. It is whispered that poor Car ! n.ii had hardly laudod at Vera Cruz, on li t Horrowf ul mission to this country, -befoul somo of it was administered to her, .mil hoi- deploiublo fato is citod ns ouo among many iustancos. Of all tho dan gem in Moxico this is ono of tho most appalling. Any political enemy, or jeal ous, or oll'cudod servant, may thiw rovetigo himself iu a moro fiendish mau ner than with tho stiletto, and without fear of detection j a fow drops, of tiiis tastcloss whito fliud, mixed with milk or other food does its diabolical work with inoxorablo certainty, and can only bo de tected by its gradual results." lVlI.lT THE DIVER SEES. Tho first sensation in descending un 1"r water in n suit of nrmor is tho sudden bursting roar iu tho ears, caused by tho air diiven into tho hclmot from tho a'.. pump. Tho floxiblo nir hoso has to bo Htroug enough to bear n pressure of twenty-fivo to fifty pounds to the nquaro inch. Tho drum of the ear yields to tho strong external pressure, the mouth opens involuntarily, tho air rushes into tha tubo nud striko i tho drum, which strikes back to its normal state with n sharp, pistol - liko crack. Poeriug through tho gogglo oyos of glass in his helmet, tho diver sees tho stinugo beauties about him clearly, and in their own calm splendor. Abovo him is a puro goldou canopy, whilo around him nnd besido him nro tints nud shimmering linos, including nil colors, which nro indescribably olagaut. Tho fioor of tho sea rises liko a golden i-urjiuij, maiming genuy 10 llio Hliri'ico. Tho chango of familiar objects aro won derful. Tho wreck of a ship seoms'stud- ded with emeralds, glittering in lines of gold ; piles of brick asaumo tho appear ance of crystal j a ladder bjcorao) silver, every shadow gives tho iinpra.sipn of n bottomless depth. Items of Interest. Oscar Wildo tells thofo.r peoplo who listen to his lectures on Ameriet that' Sau Francisco was built by tho Cliinoso. Itusiui borrows mouoy at six por cut, Greeco at llvo per cent, whilo tho, United States payd but throo per cant, per an num. Enormous quantities of onrogos aro produced iu Paraguay. Thoy are sold tt fifty conts a bushel, nud fed to pig.a and eattlo, and nro used for distillation, Sinco tho yoar 18i0 sixtoen baronet cies nud thirty-four knighthoods hav.i been conforred upon tho physician t nnd surgoons of Groat Britian mid IruWd, Investigations of tho statistics of s.ii- cido bIiow that hanging ii. tho method most commonly chosen by self-murderers, drowning noxt and shooting and stab bing next Tho Great Pyramid contains 2,!100,OOD stones, weighing on nu nverngo two and n half tons eaoh. Tho granito beams of tho kings' chamber 'weigh botwnou fifty and sixty tons. Chewing gum is now mado from wax obtained from petroloum. Two hundred pounds of wax, thirty pounds of sugar, and somo flavoring will mako about 10, 000 penny eikes. , At Werdon (WastphalU) an aged pris oner was at his urgent rcquost granted permission to bo taken to tho railway station hi ordor to boo a looomotivo aud train for tho first time Tho bread-fruit troa grows vory slow. Tho specimen nt Kow Is but n foot nnd n hnlf high, although it is eighty yeirs old. Somo of tluno found in the tropics are forty foot lugu nud thirty foot m . di ameter. Aquatic birds outnumber tho land birds, becanso their food never fails, not beaiusQ thoy aro more prolific, Tho ful- mar-petrol lays but ono egg,, yet It is bo liovod to bo tho most numortms bird iu llio world. In tho wholo Rusiian Empire of uoarly 100,000,000 porsous thoro nro only 770 journals nnd periodicals of nil kinds. Eighty-two of tha-o aro Government gaz ettes nnd forty-four nro organs of tho official cecloiuntioil nuthuritios. Lombard street, London, was named for certain usurer t who to England iu 1211'J to lend monov to convents, coin niunitiei nnd private persons who wt-ro not niiio to pay thoir tenths, which wer collected vory carefully that year. During the last Hoyon years man hai Killed nuoiu i id.oo;, wild heists in ludi? and the wild bensta hnvo killed 28.000 men nud 15.000 cattle As thu wild mil. mnh incroaso miioh faitor than mou tho referenoo is uupletitnutly obvious. It has boon found that oltlot nro roally inueii warmer man tuo open country nenr them, nnd that it is not ultointlini- fnai,. ion nor tho iulluonoo of imagination wiuuii Bunas puraoni into tho country hi tho summer aud etlh them back to tow iu tho Autumn. STATIONERY Vi ii Life s WEBDmO Woodcw, Tin, INITIAL WRITING PAPER, Printed to order in gold, silver, or amy color desired. CafiliBBg- Cards, Children's Toy Books, Albnms, &e. sii ' i. iPocket Hooks. INVITATIONS. Crystal, Silver. Over 50 Varieties. &e, &e. -5 . BlooniHtmrg, Pn. i