The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 04, 1884, Image 2

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Umi? riAT rnrm i vr
J.niL UULiUiYlDliUN.
0. E. Elwell, 1 VAlu,.
J. K. Blttonbondor.J EillCTS-
Thn Philadelphia Times endorses
tho Ohio Democratic Tariff plank nnd
believes tliat any party that inseru it
in tlii'ir platform this year will elect a
A telegram from Centraliadatud De
cember 281 h, says that two unknown
men wore f., md dead in a barn at Nil
midla t e t before. Tho suppo
sition i-. 'at ilmy froze to death.
Colonel McCluro'B effort to start a
presidential boom for General Grant
has fallen flat. It didn't seem to mako
any impression whatever on tho repub
lican King makers Try again Colo
nel. Hope you may havo better luuk
next time.
Now we know why President Arthur
delayed the pardon of Sergeant Mason
so long. It wns to creato sympathy
for tho convict ho that he could make a
fortuno by exhibiting himself. Mason
has signed a contract to appear at a
Philadelphia museum, at $200 n week,
and is billed as a "famous hero." Betty
and tho baby will also bo on exhibition
Pennsylvania is complimented with
four Chairmanships speaker Carlisle.
Besides Mr. ltandall as Chairmau of
tho Committee on Appropriations and
ex-Governor Curtin as Chairman of
1'oreign Relations, Mr. Mutchler is
made Chairman of the Select Commit
tee on Reform in tho Civil Scrvico and
Mr. Hopkins Chairman of tho Commit
teo on Labor. On tho whole Pennsyl
vania does well.
Our member of Congress, Hon. J. B.
Storm, has besn placed on two com
raittees, Var Claims and Expenditures
of the Interior Department The first
has to do with thoso millions of dollars
claimed for tho most part by spcotila
tors, for damages sustained by privato
individuals durinor the late war. Theso
claims need ycry careful watching, or
tho Treasury will soon bo rid of its sur
plus and that without any reduction of
tariff or internal revenue taxes. Mon
roe Democrat.
Tho number of Senators who had
not presented their warrants at tho
Stato Treasury quito recently has been
reduced to four and tho number of
members of tho houso to ten. Senator
Hall, Democrat, of Elk, who scarcely
attended onc-lmrd ot tno sessions ol
tho Senate, presented his warrant and
turned into tho treasury 1,200, retain
ing $720,40. Representatives Morry
and Ryland, Democrats, of Clinton and
Northumberland counties respectively,
drew M1U less than their claim, on ao
count of tho Juno recess.
Tho Senators have now presented the
state $14,0 13.80 and tlio members ul
the House SIO, 740, makiucr a total of
25,054.40 covered into tho treasury
Dy tho legislators. l orty-six mombers
of the House deducted $110 each from
4ho amount of their warrants and mno
100 bee i"" of the recess in Juno,
Ninetee S i.itors turned into tho
treason olio each for a similar reason
and one $1011. Quo hundred and twen-
ty-fivo mouthers of tho house havo
drawn full pay, sixty-six have scaled
their warrants from $100 to $820 and
one (Crawford, of Philadelphia) has
given tho Stato all his pav. Only ten
Senators havo taken the full amount of
theii warrants.
On the 29th of December a bill of
complaint was Hied in the Court, of Com
mon Pleas of this county by D. J. Wal
ler, William Neal, W. M. Reber, L. N.
Moyer, O. A. Jacoby, Jackson Hower,
M. C. Sloan, I, S. Kuhn, Stephen Knorr,
J. VY. Miller, It. U. Kramer, t f. liill
mover. E. V. Hartrmin. J. P. Tuslin
and L. A. Shattuck, taxpayers, against
tho 1'rosident and members ol town
Council, praying for in injunction to
restrain tho defendants from proceeding
to construct a sewer over tuo routo do
signated, viz, up Sixth street, to Iron,
and down Iron street, or on any other
routo than tho one designated by tho
contracts with the county and .Normal
School, and from entering on any lands
other than those for which releases have
been oxecuted.
The bill sets forth that tho council
ordained tho construction of a sewer
in accordance with specification adopt
ed November 27th 1883, to-wit: from
tho Normal school down second to
Market down Market to the river. That
a contract was entered into between
tho Town and Normal School, by which
tho latter was to pay $1500 towards
the construction of tho sewer on said
routo ; and a similar contract was mado
with tho county for sewerage from the
iail for $2000. That on December 10th
at a Bpecial council meeting, only four
members being present a resolution was
passed changing tho routo from Market
street up Sixth, to iron, down iron to
tho canal and thenco to tho river. That
by this change in routo an acuto angle
is mado at Market and Sixth and Iron
streets, whilo tho fall or down grado in
tho sewer is tho minimum and so en
dangers its successful working.
That on the routo to tho river down
Market all rights of way had been re
leased, wbhVin the new route no releas
es havo been secured.
That tho Sanitarium and D. L. & W.
depot cannot bo accommodated with
sewerage, both of which places need it
badly and would bo accommodated by
tho original routo.
That the change of routo wns hastily
mado without tho exercises of that dis
cretion and foresight required in enter
prise of this magnitude.
That lb v1. 'Unction of a sewer oyer
tho propc routo will incur a debt
exceeding $7000, and that no provision
has been undo as required by law
for payment of litis increased indebted
ness, tho whole of which must bo pro
vided for if tho contracts with tho Nor
mal School and county aro not complied
Tho paper wero presented to Judgo
El well on Saturday and a preliminary
injunction issued, and the time for a
hearing fixed for Wednesday afternoon
at 1 o'clock. On Monday Judgo El
well certified the caio to Judge Rico of
Wilkesbarre, his intercut in tho cause
being such us to render it improper for
him to determine it.
Tho oaso was arpueij at tho time fix
ed before Judge Hieo in tho court
house, Buckolew, Knorr & Winter
stceti representing tho complainants,
and Uarkley and lkeler defendants.
The intiio n'teinoon I evening was
consume I m the argmi,.. t, after which
Judgu Rico took tho papers and holds
tho case uuder advisement.
The flithl in this county forollico this
year, promises to bo n warm one. Al
ready tho list of candidates is wen
filled, with numerous townships to hear
from. Kor tli" comniissinnt rdiii) Steph
en Poll- , Co.uio nnd B. I Edgar of
I'ishliigcreek, and probably several
others, will contond. For county
treasurer, P. A. Evans of Montour,
G. A. Herring of Bloomsburg nnd
A. B. Croop of Briarcrcek, will ask
for tlio nomintttion.
For Prolhonotnry, ex-county super
intendent W. II. Snyder of Oinnse,
md ex-deputy prothonotary, G. M.
Quick of Bloonisburtr will each try his
strenplh against William Krickbanm
wuo in ii couuitiaiu i or it mini ii-un.
For Register and Recorder tho pre
sent Incumbent, G. W. Sterner, will osk
for n second term, to secure which ho
must defeat C. II. Campbell and ex-
sheriff Eut.
For Kepp'scntativcs wo have heard
several nam- s mentioned, but not with
sufficient certainty to warrant us in
publishing them, except William
Bryson, who will ask a second term.
Tho Democracy of the county ought
to have no difficulty in selecting a good
set of officials from those already in tho
field, or who will enter hereafter. Tho
principal point to no guarded is that
no man shall bo nomiuated for any of
fice who in any way violates the law
governing delegate-election and notui
natiii2 convention, which, law wo
shall publish in full in due time, in
order that candidates may not bo igno
rant of what tho law permits nnd j ro
hibits to thoso seeking office.
The Publio Schools of the State.
Tho repoit of Superintendent of
schools lllgbeo has just been made
public. There are 2,227 school districts
in the State, 19,542 schools, 7,897
giadcd schools, 15,721 school directors,
105 superintendents, 8,u00 male teach
and 13,414 female teachers. The aver
ago salary of male teachers per month
is $37.03 : female teachers, $30.05.
Tho nvcrago attendance of pupils was
'J57.UHU ; cost Ot tuition, 5,lU3,(iU1.74;
cost of buildings, tuition, fuel and con
tingencies, $9,206,336.65 ; estimated
valno of school property, $30,199,G3G ;
school tax levied fur all purposes, $5,-
670,547.57 ; estimated value of stato
and incorporated educational institu
tions, $8,847,3S9.7C.
Tho incrcaso over last year is given
as follows : In schools, 359 ; maid
teachers, 451 : female teachers, 637
pay of female teachers, $176 per month;
number of pupils, 12,335 ; cost of tui
tion, 329,973.83 ; valuo of school pro
perty, $1,858,076.
Mahone Peels Bad.
From the llarttord Times.
Poor Million o has at length reached
a position, in Washington as well as in
Virginia, v, Inch is fitted to excite, oven
among tho staunchest democrats only
a leeling ot compassion, liy their al
lianco with the republicans into whose
caucuses ho and bis lieutenant, Riddle
berger, have crawled these political
soldiers of fortune find they have sac
rificed their pretended independence,
tho only thing that gave them any lm
portanco or recognition at Washington,
and lost their remaining infiuencu with
that part of their Virginia followers
who aro ot democratic precedents. Jua
hone "feels bad."
Divirrht M. S.ihin of Minnpuntn. llin
new Chairman of the Republican Na-
LlUIIiai VUlllllllkkl'l', 13 DttlU IU LlilVC U
income of 8100,000 a year, derived
i r . . . .
raaiuiy irom prison contracts.
Against the Lotteries.
Washington, Dec. 31. Tho post
master general is preparing a bill,
which it is proposed to havo introduced
in congress, to exclude newspapers pub
lishing lottery advertisements from tho
pound rate. This bill is iu accordanco
with tho postmaster general's recom
mendation in his annual report.
Why a Bail Mill Shut Down.
Reading, Dec. 31. The managers of
tho Philadelphia and Heading coal and
iron company's rail mill, which closed
to-day, probably permanently, throw
ing three, hundred hands out ot work,
stato as a reason for their action that it
costs $37 per ton to mako rails, whilo
in other parts of tho country they can
bo manufactured lor $35.
A Comet With Two Tails.
Rocuesteh, N. Y., Dec. 31. Pro
fessor Lowis Swift, director of tho
Warner observatory, has discovered
that tho Pons comet, which had a sin
gle tail in 1812, now has a double tail,
the longer part ot which is seven do
grces and tho shorter three degrees in
length. It is undergoing changes as it
approaches tho sun and can bo seen
with a naked oyo early in tho even
Pittsburg Iron Mills Eesuining.
PiTTSiiuita, Jan. 1. Tho mills which
closed down for the holidays will re
sumo to-morrow. Most of them report
enough orders on hand to run them for
many woeks. A reduction ot 10 per
cent, in the wages ot their employes is
talked of by tho tubo manufacturers
but no d finite action has been taken
A Queer Case of Superstition.
New Yohk, January 1. A most re
markable caso of superstition has just
come to Light in Now Lots, a suburb
of Brooklyn, where tho authorities havo
discovered a religious society that has
kept tho dead body of its leader for
fourteen days in tho expectation that
tho lifo will be restored to it. Five
years ago sorcn persons, five men and
two women, camo from Chicago and
settled in Now Lots. They occupied
one houso and did no work, believing
that they wero under tho especial care
of God, who would provide them with
all things nedful. How they have
managed to live is a mystery. Their
leader was Robert J. Hayncs, about 35
years old, nn intelligent, educated man,
but u monomuniau on the subject of re
llgion Fourteen days ago ho died of
consumption. His wife wont to Chica
go, saying that her husband would join
her there. Since then tho I ody has
laid on a cot in tho room where tho
others sleep, dressed in ministerial
black, with hat and shoes on. Ono of
tho members said i "Brother Haynes
is Btill with us. Ho is only dead tor a
punishment and in a few days will re
turn to life. You see, ho never wanted
to die and mado up his mind that U
would not. God, to punish him, caus.
ed his death, but Ho will restore him
to life, to work moro earnestly for His
glory. They will not ollow tho body
to be buried and say that they will send
it to Chicago. Tho Health OftloriH
will sco that tuo laws rp complied
The Shoe on the Other Foot-
From the WilU&msport Sun nnd Banner.
Republicans aro very careful to note
tho names of domocrats who received
full pay as members of tho legislature,
but forget to add that the republicans
wero moro than anxious to take nil they
could get.
Our Underpaid School Teachers,
The J'ress is glad to note that other
ouruals are beginning to Interest thorn-
selves in tho matter of school teachers'
salaries Tho miserly character of thb
pay allowed to this most important
branch of tho public service is a dis
credit to tho Stato and an injury to tho
sohools. We called attention last week
to one township in Snyder County
which pays its public school teachers
the magnificent sum of $18 a month.
Twenty ur thirty dollars it month art
very common salaries in this Stale, in
Philadelphia tho avcrngo pay of fomalo
teachers Is $37.90 a month, though tho
malo teachers, which include tho high
est-priced teachers in tho Stato. rccoivo
an averago ot si20 a month, mo rnaio
teachers in this State, outsido of Phila
delphia, receive $31 45, and female
teachers $27 19 monthly.
Tho American, of tins city, recently
addressed Mr. Wiekershum, cx-supcrin-tendent
of pnblio schools, on tho sub
ject, asking him, among othei things,
"it tho tho public schools suttered, nnd,
f so, to what extern, on account ot tho
compensation of the public school teach
ers being less than that of other per
sons whoso capabilities, training, etc.,
may oc consiucreu oi corrcsponuing
grade." His reply is, nnd we believe
that none will gainsay it, that "tho low
salaries paid teachers tend largely to
keep first-class talent and cntei prise
out of the profession, nnd oftentimes to
cause the lo.'s of that which it had ac
quired. Four thousand teachors leavo
the profession every year in Pennsyl
vania. Ut theso many ot tho most
promising young men study law or med
icine, engage iu some kind of clerical
work that pays them bettor, or enter
upon a business career. The loss is al
most enough to paralyze tho whole
work of education, liesidcs, this con
stant change of teachers is very dam
aging in its effects upon the pupils in
our schools, JNo ono can teach a child
well who is not thoroughly acquainted
with his talents, tastes and disposition,
and such an insight into the inner being
of a school ful of children is not acquir
ed in a day or year. With a constant
change of teachers, the pupils of a
school lose all that is most valuablo in
education, tho moulding of character,
the shaping of life, that training which
makes the best possible men and wo
men, l.ct teachors bo compensated tor
their labor as they ought to be, and
hosts of the very choicest of our young
men would prepare themselves for tho
business of teaching and training the
young the most delicate and most tlit-
ficult, but most delightful work God
has lefc man to do. J'nila. J'ress.
Tho Salvation army in Easton has
purchased real estate.
Forepaugh has bought a white ole
pliant in Algeria for $48,000.
A $40,000 fire occurred atWellsboro,
Pa., last week Wednesday.
The six weeks'shul-down of tho Wns
tern Pennsylvania nail factories began
Mr. Sneaker Carlisle assisted Presi
dent Arthur in receiving Now Years'
calls at tho White House.
Tho New S"ork Observer has pub
lished a beautiful calendar for 1881.
Sent post-paid for 10 cents. Address
N. Y. Observer, New York city.
An order has been issued at Wilkes
bairo for the suspension of all the mines
tbicc days in each week, commencing
yesterday, and lasting uutil April 1st.
Tho associato judges of Lackawanna
county have vacated their offices, their
terras havo expired. There will be no
more side-judges in that county.
. Tho coal mine shaftof Harnad. Jacob
& Co , Clearfield county, was burned
on l riday. 1 hero were four men in
the mine ut tho time but they got out
alive. A mule perished.
Six Lancaster physicians have been
indicted for failing to mako returns of
deaths and births, and three clergymen
for failnro to repoit marriages to tlio
pioper authorities.
They wero about to bury a grand-
Jbild of Uen. Turner ot Merapuu, when
somo ono insisted that it should bo
bathed and slapped on the back. It is
now alive and doing well.
W. W. Allen of Watervliet, Mich.
impressed with tho peruiciousness of
tobacco, stopped using it, and burned
m the street his large stock of tobacco.
cigars, nnd snutt.
The cellars under Philadelphia's now
Uity Hall aio the largest in America,
their area being 4 acres. Tho first eel
lar is thirteen feet deep, and tho cellar
under that is ot like depth.
Tho Pennsylvania Wool Growers'
Association, in which they say that
tho last tariff act caused a loss in this
stato to that jntorest of $200,000, nnd
asking donations to send a committee
to Washington to lobby in favor of an
incrcaso in the rato.
Martin MoDonough, In whoso favor
the court of Lackawanna county decided
tho contested election case, demanded
possession of tho office, but Henry
Sommere, tho incumbent, refused to
yield because the matterhas been taken
to the supremo coui t. McDouough has
brought suit against Sommers.
Oood Beading for Boys and Girls.
The Kaleidoscope, a monthly maga
zine of pure and entertaining reading
for American youth, will mako its first
appearance about January ia, 1HH4,
lis publishers promise tho best journal
of its class ever published for tho price,
50 cents a year. Samplo copies gra
tis. An agent is wanted iu every
county in the United States. Address
Tub Ivai.eidoscoi'H, York, Pa.
One Thousand and One Biddies.
We havo iust received a handsome
littlo.bock wiih tho above title, which
contains tho material for much fun and
homo amusement iu tho way of Rid
dies, Conundrums, Enigmas, and
Hints for Acting Charades. If parents
desire to havo their children amused,
and also amuso themselves, they can-
not do better than to send for this
book. It contains 128 pages, with
enameled paper oover, and will bo sent
l.v mail. ni-Ht naiil. to anv address.
upun receipt of 15 cents, by J. S. Oan,-
vie lis uo., I'ubiisners,!)! nose otreei,
JNow 1 oik.
i nflfnnrRhln nf fiAA. R. Mockoiistlfia and A.
M. DoWUt aoiug bUMue&i iu uia nuiuu oi i'iuckcu-
at In a l IfciWIf t. hftn lipfn Hlctnvtul tllM tlaV t)V IJ1U-
timi ivimwint Tim hiiMinni will bu continued by
Goo. a fr'iockenstlDO who wilt pay all U1U ana
collret tiUfu-iouQta.
' A. M. DlWl'IT.
Absolutely Pure.
This nowJjf rmer varies. A mirvel of nurltv
strongth and wttoiesom'Mies'. Miro economical
thinttir) ordinary k'nis. and cannot be said In
competition wltn tlio muitltudo ot low test, snort
wetut, nimn ur puupuim niiuu.iij
In mas. Uovai. IMkino I'owdskCo, ion Watl-Ht.,
N. V. ouirll-lv.
An Old Soldier's
" CaWcrt, Tolas, .
May 3, 1M2.
" I wlili to exprcsj inj appreciation ot tlio
TaluaMo quail tloa of
Ayr ; Cherry Pectoral
&3 a cough remedy.
" Wlilla with Churchill's army, Just boforo
the battlo ot Vlckiburg, I contracted a so
Tcro colli, which terminated In a ilanccrous
cough. 1 fouti'l no relief till on our Inarch
we c.'.uie to a country itore, hero, on asking
for some remedy, I was urged to try Ayed's
CuehiiY l'curoiuL.
"I dM to, nnd was rnpl.lly cured. Slnco
then I have kept tho I'ectohai, constantly by
me, for family use, mid I havo found It to ho
an Invaluable remedy for throat nnd lung
diseases. J. V. 'Whitley."
Thousands of testimonials certify to tho
prompt cuio of all bronchial nnd lung
affections, by tho uso of AVER'S CilEmiY
rnoron t llclng very palatable, the young
est children take It readily.
Sold by all Druggists.
By virtue of Sundry writs Issued out of tho Court
ot Common Pleas of Columbia county, and to mo
directed, will be exposed to Public Sale at the
Court House, In Bloomsburg, on
Monday, Feby 4, 1884
at 2 o'clock, p, m.,
All that certain tract of land situated In Pino
township, Columbia county, Pa., bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-wlt: adjoining lands of
AbrnmTltman on tho north, lands ot Elizabeth
Kills on the east, land of Jeremlih Bcrger on tho
south and lands of Abram Tltman on the west;
containing fifty acres, moro or less, whereon are
erected a two-story frame dwelling house, bank
barn and other outbuildings.
Seized, taken In execution as the property ot
Cornelius McUrn, with notlco to Henry Applegato
as Terre Tenant, at tho suit of W. II. Hayman.
Knorr, Att'y. Vend. Ex.
All that certain lot of ground situate In Briar-
creek township, county of Columbia and State of
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows,
to-wlt : on the north by lands ot J. C. Smith, on
tuo cast by Huntington road, on tho south by
road leading from Huntington road to Susquehan
na Turnpike, ou tho west by lands of Solomon
Bower, containing eleven acres, more or les3. Tho
building on said premises, against which median.
lc's Uen was filed, Is a two-story frame building
about thirty feet in front by sixteen In depth.
Seized, taken Into execution, at tho suit ot Freas
Bros. vs. Nelson Freas, administrator of Adam
Dettrlck, deceased, and to bo sold as tho property
of Adam Dletrlck, decoased. Lovi. Fa.
Bloomsburg, Jan. 1., I. JOHN MOU11EY,
Jackson & Little, Atty's. Sheriff.
Tho undenJsned auditor appointed by tho Or
ohans' Court of Columbia county to mako distribu
tion of the funds In hands of tho administrator.
In tho cstato o- Joseph llclwlg, deceased, will sit
at his olllco in Bloomsburg, on January iath, 1881,
at 10 o'clock, a. m., when and whero nil parties In
terested in said estate, must appear and present
their claims, or bo forever debarred from any
snare oi sam iuuu.
Jan 4 Auditor.
Health and Jappiness.
Aro your Kidnoys disordorod?
"KJaney Wort brought me from my lpro, ult
were, after 1 bail U-en tiven up ly 13 Uet doctor in
Detroit," U. W, IXn entus, llochank-, loula, Mich.
Aro your norvos weak?
uoo4win( mi vnrtman Monitor u eland, U.
c.,aiuri noi expected luimv-aJr. M, u, u,
Havo you Bricrhfs Disease?
"KMneT Wo't ctirrd me wt en my ar wo Juit
Suffcrinfrfrom Diabetes?
"Kldujy-Wort U tho most hiccckeMI rcniHy I hare I
tin uouo. uiTcn iunioit jinuiomaw rvjiet, '
Vr. VhVAlp c. Iittliou, Mynktnn, Vt.
Havo you Liver Complaint?!
I v tu ," " w kiiJUilltf Mill iiBVUV JJ
Beory Vonj, late Col. C?th Nat. Ounrtl, N. V, E
Is your Baok lamo and aching? I
iwuje a ium tu iuii vii ui inn."
( C. M. Tullmuyc, Milwaukee, Win.
Havo you Kidney Diseaso? C
"Uiilney.) ort mndo mo nnumt In liver ami kidney
i-ifcvi jtAn i im (ipm.t t p9i ui " ' urint 410 wuriu
110 a lw."-Siiul liodfca, W.lJmattJin, Wat Vs.
Aro you Constipated?
"JvMney.Wort causon caiy fvucuatlon .nd cured
uo after 18 jcara U'o or Cher Mfdlrlnea."
y.lMUralrclmd, bt. Al'jar.a, Yt.
Havo you Malaria?
"Eldntr.Vort has dono Utter than imr other
remedy I baro eer uaod In my practice."
Ur, II K. Clark, South Hero, Vt.
Aro you Bilious?
"KliineT.Wnrt hftii rlnnsms ninrA ftiA thin nn
other leuiedy I havo over taken,"
lira. J. T. Oallowfty, Elk Flat, Oregon.
Aro vou tormonted with Pilos?
'K lil ney-Wort ptrmanentlj rutvif me of Mewling
ntlea. Dr. W. f in. lift rcrr.inmrnilnl It tn nio.M
Aro vou Rheumatism rackod?!
"Kidney-Wort run u mo. cf it r I wn xiwti up to I
cue Lj im jsicwni aim i nay imumi 11111-17 ycir.
ElbriOgo Ualcoloi. WtU UaXh, Maine,
seTerUyo&rt tundlnir Uiny frleui uu nnd irftle I
itn Ura. II. Ijnuortaui. Ula I a. UutU. Vt. fc
"KidnT.Wori ftircd ina of m-cullar truui,lrflOfl
If you "would Banish Diseaso
1 jlttu uutvt' At,VkW
Thb blood cleanser.
Cures Rheumatism, Lum
baso, LamoBack, Sprains and
Bruises, Asthma, Catarrh,
Couch-;, Colds, So ro Throat,
Dipi oria, Bums, Frost
Bile ooth. Bar, anil Head
acho, fti.cZ ailpains and aches.
Tl Wt Ut,rai! and eittrntl remedy (a Ih.
world. Lvery 1 ott.e cuarenleed. cldly rucu, u
tleaUrsteiirwUr. IhrwuoT.. in Uiijru,..' .
FOSTEH, MIL0URN & CO., Prop'ri,
WfFAU), N, V . V i. A,
In mattkr or Tim skcond account ok j ant. k'yshu,
a. rt'ti. r, t. a. or jamm i.ahon drcbasrd.
orrhans' court of Columbia County.
And now to-wlt I Doc. 3, IBM. On motion of C,
1L liucka'cw Ksq., tho court njipolnt Hamucl
Knorr Ksrj., Audltoroncxceptlonslo said nccount
and also to mako distribution of fund In Iiand3 ot
accountant, 117 tlio court.
certified from tho records thlilSllidny of Dec.
18 3. V. HltlUKIIAUM,
Tho auditor nppolntd bythoauoTO order will
Bit for tho purposes of hl appointment nt hn ofllco
In liloo nslmrtr the 25th day of January A. 1). ins),
at o'clock A. M, where all persons Interested,
must appear nnd present their claims or bo debar
red from participating In said fund.
DtJ8 Auditor.
.. w l nuniurn ui uiu nrmrcrccK warmers
Mutual Insurance Co npany of Umo ItldRO, will
.". mo vi-uiru itrRniru l'. 01 11. on aion
day tho nth day ot January 1881 between tho
mmij m u 11. in. mm v p. m. tor mo purposo or
electing directors for tho cnsulnpf year and for
transacting such other business as may propeily
Jan 4 sw Hecrctary.
ThO tlrtrinenrlitn tinrofnfnM rTtctlnr tiAltpnnn
John O. Kreczo and -Michael F. Eyerly, and the bu
ntnem nrrflnrrr.mMir luir.pnAn .TAttti n umm. tini..
aelF. Kycrly and I Hester V. Whltointho law nnd
collection business Is this day dissolved by mutual
consent, by tho retirement of sir. Kycrly. Tlio
books and buslnoss of the lato firm of Frcezo
Kycrly, will remain in the hands of John (. Kreczo
by whom tho practlco will bo continued. .Mr. II.
. hlto win remain In tho law onleo hitherto and
now occupied by u m, where ho can be consulted
on all legal business as heretofore.
MlCll'LK KYKlllA',
11. V. W11ITK
lrrsons knowing themselven Imleliteil tn ihn
undersigned aro requested to call and make pay
menttoJobno. l'ree.o nt his olllco In Hroner's
buldlng, or to Michael F. Kycrly In tho Sheriff's of
IK J, In the Court IIOU30. FltliUZK KYKltLY.
uixm, los-j, at.
UD1NANCK No. 32.
An ordinance to repeal ordinance No. 31, Section I.
110 It ordained and enacted by tho Town Council
of tno Town of litonnnljurg. Audit Is hereby or.
dalned and enacted by authority of the same, that
ordinance No. 31, entitled, "An ordinance to
straighten, widen ami open portions of tho high
way in me luivn 01 jtioouisuurg, commonly Known
nsiho Light Street road nnd to vacuo such por
tions of tho said Light street as may thereby be.
como useless." ! p.issmUNovcmber 71I1, A. D. 181.
bo and tho same 11 hereby repealed.
1 usscu uvci'inutTjiu, iekm,
G. A. llEUItlNO, I'rest. Town Council.
Attest ! A. L. Fritz, Secy. 1-4
11D1NAN0E No. 33
An ordlnanco to straighten, widen nnd open por
tions of the highway In tho Town ot Blooms
burg, commonly known as tho Light Street road
and to vacate such portions of tho said Light
Street road a&inay thereby become useless.
SECTION I Ho It ordained nnd enacted br tho
Town Council of tho Town of Illoomsburg, and It
Is hereby ordained nnd enacted by authority ot tho That a portion of tho Light Street road
fro-n whero It Intersects Second street shall be
straightened, widened and opened to tho width ot
seventy feet, for a distance ot forty-two feet on
ina i.asi sine, ana nuy-cigui .ina mrce-ienuis reel
ou the West side, tho centre thereof to bo In u 1 no
beginning nt a point in tho oentro lino ot second
street, slxty-seven and six-tenths feet East ot tho
centre stone In second street standing at a point
111 imu ui inu n est muu ui luit street, anu ruuning
thenco S5 degrees and 4 ) minutes west ninety-two
feet to a centre stono at tho Intersection of this
centre lino with tho centre line ot n further por
tion of said Light Street road as hereinafter
straightened nnd widened.
BEUTiu.N 11. a runner portion or tue said
Light Street road extending from tlio widening as
In the nrst section hereof shall bo stralgtencd,
widened nnd opened to the width of tlfty feet, tho
centre lino thereof to bo In a line beginning on tho
west side ot the portion mentioned In the llrst
section hereof, at a point twenty-eight nnd eight
tenths feet from tho northwest corner of Second
street and the said Light Street road, and running
lueucu uunu at uereus anu minutes, easi iour
tecn hundred nnd Iltty feet to a certain stone In
centre of said Light street road.
SECTION UL Any and every portion ot tho
said Lltrht Street road as now Used, not within tho
.highway as by this ordlnanco straight ened, wld-
t-iiiu, uuu tu uu ujjl-ucu uuu iiiua upcoming usu less,
BUilll Lfv, UUU tllO IIOIOUJ UUOl.llVU tU UU VUClllt'U 1 111-
mediatcly upon tho completion of tho work of
straightening, widening and opening as by this
ordinance ordained and enacted. And thereupon
the said portion as widened by tho nrst and sec
ond sections hereof, shall bo a public street or
iiiuwuy ul uiu suiu luwn oi iiioomsuurg.
SECTION IV. That proceedings bo Instituted
for tho assessment ot damages to all persons who
may be Injured, and contributions upon all such
properties as shall bo benefited by the straighten
ing, widening and opening of tho said Light Street
road as by this ordlnanco authorized and directed.
Passed December i!8th, 1883.
O. A. IIEltltINO, rrcst. Town Council.
Attest: A. L. Fritz, Sec'y. 1.4
jgonouaii notice.
Notlco 13 hereby given that the citizens of
Orangevllle, county of Columbia nnd stato ot
l'ennsylvnnla, will present their petitions to tho
Court ot ouarter sessions of tho l'eace, to be held
at Iiioomsuurg, said county, the ttrat week in Feb
ruary, A. D. 18il, for the Incorporation of tho said
village ot orangevllle Into a borough, under and in
pursuanco of tho several Acts of General Assembly
of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in such
cases made and provided.
Orangevllle, Jan. 4, 1831. M
phaYs Court of Columbia County to mako distri
bution of the balance in tho hands ot tho adminis
trator of said decendent, as shown by his account
luunruicu ijuceraoer , ibs-j, win sit in tne un-cha-go
ot tho duties of his appointment at his of
ncoln Illoomsburg upon tho twenty-sixth dayot
January 1881 at ten o'clock In tho forenoon wh ere
and when all nartleslntefesto 1 In siid fiiml must
appear and present their claims or bo forever
ueuanvu irom nny snare oi mo same.
Jnn 4-tt Auditor,
Notlco Isherebvtrlven that thn fnllmvln? rtpenunt
haslieen tiled lu tho Court ot common Pleas ot
Columbia county, and will bo presented to the
namiwiuu me nrst .uuudiy ui reoruary imi,
and coniirmcd after thi fourth day of said term
umess exceptions uo nieu wnuin mat time.
1. Jackson, Trustee,
ot Benjamin S. Ullmore, llloomtburu'.
Jan 1831 Prothonotary.
tfX - m IJ MANY persons 1 n
UAi ARRTI Plttston are using Elys
i-ivuui uunu. ucatarru
remedy, with most
satisfactory results. A
lady is recovering tho
seno of smell which
she had not enjoyed for
fifteen years. -Mr. Bar
ber has used It In his
family and commemls
It very highly. ruts
ton, l'a., (lairtte,
Apply by little fin
ger Into tno nostrils,
lly abortion It effect
ually clcan-ios tho na
sal passages of ca
tarrhal virus, causing
healthy secretions. It
allays Inflammation, protects tho mcmbranal
Unlnirs of tho head from additional coliN. cam.
pleltly heals tho sores and restoies the sense ot
taste and smelL Beneficial results are realized by
a tew applications. A thorough treatment will
cure. Unen,ualcd for colds In heath Agreeable to
use. Send for circular. Sold by druggists. BJ
luuuouu. u uuukuku stamps.
Druggists, Owego, N. Y.
Jan 4-4w
The Philadelphia Times.
The IMlllutlclpllIU Timer). 188. ,
The Times will enter upon tho new yearstronger
nnd moro prosperous than over before In Us his
tory more widely rend and quoted, moro heartily
commended, and moro fiercely criticised, with a
moro complete organization, nnd on abler staff of
contributors and with tho Bame Independence
and fearlessness that has made It successful and
powerful in tho past.
The Tlmea has no party to follow, no candidates
to advance, but will meet every Issue, as It has
ever uune, wim cuiisistent acvouon to tno nglil,
to honeRt government, and the public welfare.
And, while maintaining Its position as tho leading
lO'irnnl ot Phlladelnhla. It will aim to bo com Inn.
ally In tho advance in all that can add value to n
Tho valuo ofa newspaper Is not In Its size or
display, but In tho Intelligence and enre, tho con
ciseness and freshness with which It Is edited. Tho
Hum spends lavishly for news from nllp-rtsot
iuu wurm, uut uu its uispaicnes aro curctuuy cu
lled nnd condensed, In oider to give tho completo
ironauiiuu uay iu 111c must uuucisu auu attract,
Ive shape, and with It a lanre variety ot entertain
Ing and Instructive reading. The host writers at
home and abroad are employed to enrich its col
umns, nnd to make It a, Journal adapted both to
the busy, man and to the leisure of the home cir
cle, a welcome visitor to Intelligent and honest
citizens of every political, religious, aud boclal
Iho uvrlftf Times Is altogether different from
tho weekly nowspapers ot twenty years ago. Tho
day of thoso papers la gone by. Tho telegraph and
better local newspapers everywhere, especially in
tho thriving centres of rural population, havo
mado the old woekly metropolitan newspaper un
satisfying. Thoso that cling to their undent
usages havo lost their hold on our forward-moving
peoplo; they are but shadows ot their former
greatness, and they have but a shadow of their
lurmer power. Those papers nave naainc ruso.
fnlnn.. hut IHim,.., .. V.I ...1(1 I. .1...,. ,,M,,
.u.ltn uu, ,v .J .Ui.w mill, II..U IV, ll.UJ UU tJU!U.
too. It was not Iho fault of tho papers ; It was
tho improvement of 'the country (hat brought
about tns change. Men and women, wherever
tuey uve, nuw retiuiru iresaer utjwg : uuu tucy ru.
quire more than news.
Tho mektv Tim gathers off the types of every
pasklug weok whatever lias lasting interest to
Iittoiiltt nt large, and sets it before t hem in such
generosity otpapT aud print us would have as
tonished us all twenty years ago.
iill. Twelve c- nts a week, fifty conts ft
lll.iilllij 10 u year, iwu tvma a copy,
A'liidrti. Four cents a cony, ti t year.
Weekly. One copy, W ft year i dvo copies, 8n
year ten topi s, f 15 a year i twent y copiers, t-.'5 a
jtur, wimuuoi-'irpy iruu tu iiiugeitui upui every
Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or
phans' court of Columbia county tnrr cstato ot
Hannah Bnlnl, late ot tho borough of Ilerwlck. de
ceased, to mako distribution nf tho fund In tho
hands of Elliott I. Klsncr, administrator, rt. 6. ii.
c f. n., of a.ild estate, to and nmonglho parties
entitled thereto, will meet a' tho omco oi 0. II.
Jackson, llsn., In tho liorouii ot n-rwlck, on
Thursday, January 21, mi, nt 10 n'clo:!: a. in.,
when and where all turtloj interested Ir saldrs.
tatomustnppoir and .resent orbo
forever debarred from coming In in same.
tl""0 2l Auditor.
Letters testamentary granted On tho cstato ot
Jacob foreman, deceasod, lato ot Franklin town,
ship. Columbia county, uuto Simon Vouglit, by tho
iteglster cf said county. All persons having
claims against tho cstato of sitd docedent are re
quested to present thcin for settlement, nnd thoso
Indebted to I ho estato to mako payment to the un.
dcrslgned wit hqut delay.
i:iysburg, Northuid. Executor,
berland coun,typ )'.u
Tho undersigned auditor appointed by the or
phans' court of Columbia county, to mako distri
bution Of tlio fund In tho hands of tho executor ot
said estate will meet nt tho omco ot E. II. nnd lL
It Llttlo In Bloomsburg, Pa., on Friday January
55th, irhi, when and Where all parties Interested
In sild istato must and present their
claims or bo debarred for any sh ire of Raid estate.
U'. II. HNYDEll,
Deo 5l-ta Auditor.
'I here will be an election of a Board ot Directors
of tho Illoomsburg Banking company, nt their
banking houso on Tuesday, January Dili, ihsi, . at
3 o'clock p. m., tOEcrvo for tho ensuing year.
dec 2l-3w Cashier.
JIary Hower vs. Henry Hower.
To Henry Hower, respondent nbovo namel :
Whereas upon the libel of tho slid Mary Hower a
subpoena was Issued out of tho said Court com
mandlngyou to bo nnd appear at thn next regular
term ot said court to show cause why tho said li
bel tnt should not bo divorced from tho bonds of
matrimony contracted with you: nnd whereas
upon return or sil.l subpoena duo proof was mado
that you could not b.) found In tho bailiwick of tho
Sheriff of said county, whereupon un nflnj sub
poena was awarded by aald Court commanding
you to appear at tho then next term of said court
to answer as aforesaid, to which thosuno return
was mado by the Slierirr. You aro therefore re
quired to be and appoar on tho llrst day ot tho
noxt term of said court to bo held at IltO'imsburg,
for said count y, on tho llrst -Monday of lebruary
next, A. D. 1831, to answer said complaint.
JOHN MOUltEY, Sheriff.
Dee. 19, 1883. dec 21
J. C. Yocum, Att'y.
Letters ot administration In tho estate of nan.
iiui. rviivii, aw v. uuuimuiiiu, i-vmuiiui.i twuiliy.
deceased, havo been granted by the ltcglster of
sam cuuiity tu .,, inurr ah persons Having
claims against said cstato aro requested to present
them for settlement, nnd thoso Indebted to tho
same to make paj-ment to tho undersigned or to
nuorriK v lutersteeii, iiioomsuurg, wuuoui ueiay.
YV. J. KNOHIt, Administrator,
UccSl-Ow Berwick, Pa.
The undcrsltrncd nudltnp nnnoluted by thn
Orphans' Court ot Columbia county to make dis
tribution of the funds lu hands of administrator
In tho estateot Jacob Evans,deccased,will meet tho
parties in interest on, January 4tn, idsi, nt
0 o'clock, a. in., nt his olllco In llloomsburtr. when
nil persons aro requested to present their claims
for irttlcmcntor bo debarred from any share of
said luul.
doc 11-4W
Send six cents for postage, nnd ro
celvo free, a costly box of goods which
will help you to more money right
away than nnrthlntrelso In this world.
Ml. of either sex. succeed fruit llrst hour. Tho
broad road to fortuno opens befoio the workers,
absolutely sure. At onco address. Tuue Co.. Au.
gusta, Maine. Deoai-ly
Anna Mills by her next friend, S. B. Bowman, vs.
Alfred Mills.
To Alfred -Mills, respondent abovo named :
Whereas upon tho libel of tho said Anna Mills n
subpoena was Issued out ot the said court com-
manning you to oo aud appear at the pext regu
lar term ot said couitto show causo why the said
libel ml should not bo dlvorcoit from tho bonds of
matrimony contracted with yn i ; and, whereas
upon return of said subpoena duo proof was made
that you could not bo f jund In tlio bailiwick: of tho
bheilffof said county, whereupon an alias sub
poena was awarded by said court commanding
you to appear at tho then next term or said court
to answer as aforesaid, to which tho samo return
wasmado bytho sheriff. You aro therefore re
quired to bo and appear on tho II rt day of tho
next term ol said court to bo held at Bloomsburg,
for said county on the first Monda of February
next, A. D. 1881, to answer said complaint.
JOHN MOUltEY, Slieilir.
Dee. 19, 18S3. dee 21
c. B. Jackson, Att'y.
Sarah A. Selgler, by her noxt friend Jeremiah
Hess, vs. Wlnileld Selgler.
To Wlnileld Selgler, respondent nbovo named :
Whereas upon tho libel of tho said Sarah A selg.
ler a subpoena was Issued out of tho sal l court
commanding you to bo nnd appear at tho next
regular term of said court to show causo why the
said libelant should not bo divorced from tho
bonds of m it rlmoay contracted with you j and,
whereas upon return or said subpoena dun proof
was mado that you could not bo found lu t ho bali
wlckottho sncrltr of said county, whereupon nn
alias subpoena was awarded by said court com
mantling yon tu appearat Iho then next term ot
bald com t to answer as aforesitd to which tho
samo return was mado by tlio sheriff. You are
therefore required to be and anno iron tho titst
day of the next term of said court to mo held at
Bloomsburg, for said county, on tho llrst Monday
of February next, A. 1). l-Kl, to answer said com-
piaiot. juii.1 jiuuiti.i, ncrnr,
Dec. 10, IS). dec 21
W. II. sn der, Att 'y.
You nro hereby. notified an d
required to show cause, on or before Hie llrst
Monday of February A. D. l&sl. before tho court o f
common Pleas ot Columbia county, why said,
t-uurt suau nut uiaKu u uecree, uirt'ciiui urr uc-i
corder of deeds ot said county to enter s t -Is. . lo n ,
ou mortgage dated September mb A. D. IS. I, for
tho sum of 1330,0) Auna Workltolser to Juan 11.
scott, recorueu in mortgage uws .u. e, pagu, in,
&c, iu ami tur saui cuuiity.
Sheriff's otllce. Sheriff.
Bloomsburg, Dec. 19, 'S3. dee 21
A lliSOY. Mocr's now building, Main
street, Bloomsburg, l'a.
-Ktna Insurance Co.. or Hartford. Conn. fT.U78.22
Fire Association, Philadelphia 4.165.T10
uovai or l-iveruooi rn.ouu.uui
Phoenix, of London G, 200, 377
London & Lancashire, of England., . 1,709,972
HnrtfoMot llsrtford 3,473,056
Springfield l'lro and Marino a,osj,650
As the atrencles aro direct. DOlIclos aro written
for tho Insured without nny delay In the;
otllce at Bloomsburg. Oct. ts, '81-tf,
liftityffiri?k ?V1 ' T'fndlnn Ijondoit Vhjv
teilJ tA llwrltav! Iclnu t'MablUtri's 1111
rl M"UUVEJi utiirolit NewVurlc
m lv, fortitfCiii-our
U ll M. BtW EPtLEP liO PITS.
lJ3 E3 Ki VRrfyomAm.Joirnalof Medicine.
Dr. Ah. Mescrola (latoof J,ondnn),vdiom&l.(ftaipec.
hlty rif LpileBy, l.a3 without doubt treated urr.l cured
p.oro c&Bva than enf Dtl.rrl.vinit i.tiytician. llu ruccoba
una t t.nply ben aatoiimhlnif 1 wali'iveheard ofcoaoa of
C7vr 21 eira' ataoding, au. cnaafully cured by hlin. ilo
lira i3l,lithed a work on tbla tllaeaae, vrblch heeenda
iTl'liAUrnabottlaoflila wonderful euro freo tn any'ri'aaan.l P.O addruu
Yi o .m, tan an t ono mini n$ k euro 10 aua reaa
ua. au. tiuiuuuus, no. us .
Jan 1 iw
for flen. 11011(1 1"8 kllrn.SIIKHMAN'H 11 ran Ntvr Ilooa
Tht fae$t Klhnq new book out. Intoned by l'rea't Arthur,
()n a Orant. thrman, hherldan, llanrock and tbouiauOl
ot eminent Juilgfi, ii.ihopa, Clcnrvmen. Kditora. ate, ai
MIAa btMbooi on iiftmn Lift erer tvrtitm ami ( Jinril Ilha
ttutt'i work tvtr ,ted: ThU (aino.ta book taker lik wild
fre, an4 Aaenla atl 10 to Ull a der. Di-Hldtl Hurt
JjHt$ll'anttt. ehance tn make monee ettrojftrttt
ttfltr ctrntU'i, s,r-imrn J'tlra Ttma, etc. la
A. D. ttOUTlllMil UN Ai CU., llartrord, Cvnn.
Jon 4-lw d
Jan . iw
No charges tinloss Hltuitlons aro furnUhed. A
good chance to secure it tlrst-class poiltlon. Tho
I'oital Telegraph Co., will soon bo ready forb.iil.
ness, and will want hundreds of operators. 1'or
full particulars, address I'.Jc N. J, TKI KOHAI'll
to., .Main Dili.'", Ul t'hestnuthl., l'lilladelphla,
l'a. Branch oulee, 5 t) .Market bl., Wiiinlugton,
lk!L Througli Wires.
Jan 4 iw d
lr.srai). -Ono Lady or tie illeman In ever
V town. Kin week and i'iieii's. Atldres'
AMBIUt'AM 1'lJilLISIllNil, CO.
1-i-iia IT North Tctith tit., l'hlladclphla, l'a.
P I A.
Tlio bcooiuI shipment, consisting
of Bovoii cases of our eelchrnted
Hvncht'd us ti fow days ngo, rind
nro oven nitiro hnndsotnu (It thnt
is possiblo) tlinn tho first lot whloli
sold so rapidly. Wo have them in
And tho following sizes :
5-4, 0-4, 7-4, 8-4, 8-10 & 8-12.
It is almost impossible to prniso
these goods too highly. Tho col-
nringrf ate so rich and effective
and tho prices so very moderate
that they should meet nil tastes
and stilt all plum's.
Our Btock of
Raw and Spun Silk and Fine
Tapestry Table and
Piano Covers
' Is now complete nnd comprises
tlio following sizes :
1 1-2, 1 3-1, 2, 2 1-2, 3 yards long.
Eighth Street.
Foreign, andi MQW.mtm
wines an:) liuors;
and jobbef; m gighbs.
bloomsI urgIpa.
.r.ucssttoj HIRAfstlSigLEYe; CO, Rochester, N.Y. Chicago, III.
February 8-ly tt4:3 b '
is hereby given that tho partnership UHr ox.
Utlng between Mrs. ItuthA. Bnyder, ir stole
trader, nnd Mr. A. II. Drlesbach, otiBiunr
Columbia county, l'a., was dissolved Ur lutuai
iiiuaiiii .lurvu.uei .ai, imi. All UCUI1 till. In
the said partnership uro to bo nald,-aiW tlio duo
,1-ntn Ihn u.tnnillwIinei-Ai, nt 7
.i.u nam ia.iuvisii.i uiu ty uu iraiu, UlfU Hn Mf
from the same discharged, at theln WttL ico of
lillwlno .will hTnnUnii. h.W."
iiuiu mv puiiiuutaviiitiijm, ui itlLirj
liulnetw, wlitch will bo continued b,
dth A.
deoSl-3w MHS. A. II. .IKBl8B.tlH,
Great Redaction
Iliiving purchnsftl a larHncti iicm.
lock timber nnd having it Btowan on .0
game, I urn prepared to'fllltj ,oj nmi
lengtlis of houso and barnBij, a fow
days' notlco t very lowJpii j nso
kt'i'ji conitiintly on Imod ,tneic nf
HIliNOIrKS, IATH, PLO08B, si.).
INO, Ac. Parties wllljlwvi 'my
getlltit' prices Ueforo purchasit!ow'i1(;i.(r
OiUniumiificent stock of
I attracting much attention.
All the fronds wero manufactured
" ... ... .1 .1! .
10 our jutler nnd linnui u'ti tiircct.
Wo Uvo nil tlio latest styles in
Atvlf moderate jiricea. Wo
liave tlHmin
t .i(, 7-1, and 84 sizes,
And itvVltlie now designs and
colt rings. Wo liavo also n com.
pit to lino :'
heIitaulk cloths
Iii all thcfmd grades, with nap
kins to mnlcli.
ii (l
Lit Strcit.
Filbert Street.
Hello Johnson by her noxt frlond, 0. C. M.ur. vs.
It. llruce Johnson. '
To Jt. llruco Johnson, respondent nliove named t
hereas upon the libel of tho s ltd Hello Johnson a
subpoena was Issued outot tho said couit eom.
mandlng you to bo and tipponr ut tlm next ivgulur
term of said court to show cause why tho tuld li
belant bhouldnotbe divorced from tho bonds of
matrimony contracted with you: and whereas
upon return ot said subpoena !luo proof was
mode that you could not bo found In tlio b.tlltvlclc
ot thobhcrllTofiiald county, whereupon an alias
ubpoena wus awarded by said court commanding
you to appear at tho then next term ot said court
to answer as aforesaid to which tho same return
was made by the Sheriff. Vou aro therefore ic
nulred to be andapiiearon the ilrstday of the
next, A. 1). IBM, to answer said complaint.
SlierllT'H otllce. lllooms- JOHN MOUItKV,
H'fTlSS0-?;'.11' Herirr.
IJulea, All'ya. ((1M
No. is, December Term, 181.
Aditn Kline vs. John Kline, ct. nl. Writ of par.
vW,Htt,or,MJluat! AlUm Kllno- -I0"" Kline,
Mlllam Kline, Daniel Kline, ltebocea llluo, Wll.
llamHwlsher and Mary Ann his wife, In right u(
?Ji'rJ, rw"?' ? .S"11" Meu au'1 -'hrlstnu t hU
wife, la right of said wlfe-tako notice, that by
virtue of tho above writ ot partition or valtutlou,
to mo diroelod, an lnuuest will bo held upon the
K?'?22.lhl.r5l," ''oruwd on the Jilth day ot Jan,
nary, 1881, ut m o'claelc a. in., to useerlulu and In
tiulre. among other tilings, whether tlio sill
premises can Im parted und divided without preju
dice to or spoiling the whale thereof, to thopiN
..v ..u-j.v uiu'.rwisu t,Q vaiuu auiau-
i praise tho same, wltea and wheni yo'i may mtenl
Slierirt'sunmo. lllooms- M Blieiltf.
burg,lwaw,'tti deoia