THE" COLTJMBM AND DEMOCRTrETOOMSBURGrCOOTHBIJ COWlY, PA. MwiosAtivCosFBitnNon. Hov. M. L. 8my. 8er, Presiding Elder ot the Danvlllo Dis trict, has nrrnnged to hold a Missionary Confcrnnco of tho preachers and laymen ot this part of tho district In tho M. E, Church at Uloomshurg !., on Vonday January 7th 1884, nt 3 and 7 P. M. Iter. J, M. ltlcd, D. JD. of Now York, corresponding secre tary of tho Mlssloncry Society of tho Methodist EplscopalJChtirch, in eloquent divine, will address tho conference. Tho puhllo Is cordially Invited. Tho Sunhnry Smelting works company havo hecomo financially cmharrasscd. It it reported that $75,000 will be required to plnco it on a solid uiuls. Capitalists or Philadelphia, aro trying to arrnngo terms for tho purchaso of tho works. BUSINESS NOTICES. A BUTT 1 OWE. Wllllamsport. Pa., Deci-Sl, 1893. Joutf. II. Piibmm, Scranton, Pn., Dear Sir I feel It my duty to Inform you how much good you havo dono mo through your Rheumatic Elixir. I havo been a very bad sufferer with Iuflaui- half of tho tlmo not able to walk without crutches or canes. I havo used threo hot' ties of your Rheumatic Elixir. I pronounco myself entirely cured of rheumatism when all other remedies and treatment failed to jlvo relief. And I am In better health now than 1 nave been for years. I hopo your circulars wuu nicir wo" lerrul testimonials, will reach every sufferer with that terrible disease, rheumatism, ana raav encourage them to give tho Ilhcumatto Elixir a thorough trial. I can recommend tho ltheu. malic .hllxlr Willi great confidence. I am respectfully yours, J. II. Arnold. Lewlsvlllc, Intl. Rev. J. 8. Cain says i "1 used urowu s Iron miters for nervous prostration und found It entirely satisfac tory. aco n woman in another column, near Specr's Vineyards, picking grapes from which Sneer's Port Grape Wine is made, that Is so highly cstcewd by the medical profession, for tho uso o. Invaj Js, weakly persons nnu mo nqcci. Sold by 0. A. Klclm, Bloomsburg. sept23-ly Sparta, Tenn, Dr. W. B. Cummings says ! "1 am btrongly convinced of tho clll cacy oi nrown'9 iron miters. OATJSK OP FAILtlltB. Want of confidence accounts for half of tho business failures of to-day. 0. A. Klclm, tho Druggist, Is not liable to fall for tho want or contldcnce in ur. -liosatiKO's Cougli and Lun Syrup, for ho gives away a bottle free to all who are BUlferlng with Cough, Colds, Asthma, Consumption and all affections of tho Throat and Lungs. July 0-eow A full fccllnc after meals, dyspepsia, heart burn and general ill-health relieved by Brown's Iron Bitters. Aokkii's Blood Elixiii guaranteed! will cure nil kinds of blond poisoning inherited or contracted. For salo by J. II. Klnports, uruggist. "tuk noss." Bethlehem. Pa.. July 3, 1882. Sir. Jons II. Phelps. Dear Bir Please send me three dojen Phelp's Ithcumatlc Elixir soon as rjossiblc. I havo sold all had. Mr. D. J. Godshalk, editor "Dally Times." lieth emen. is tnuine It. no sav I could tell my customers It Is tho "boss" medicine for rheumatism. Yours, etc, E. T. Meyers, Druggist. Ai:e You Miserable through Indigestion , bour stomach, or constipation i Aci;cr DvsneDsia tablets we cuarantce will re lieve yon. For sale by J. H. Klnports, drug. gist. DETECTIVES AND PRIVATE OFFICERS Usually wear their bailees ot authority con ccalcd under their clothlnir. but Dr. Th n as' Eaerlric Oil wears Its badges in t le f-n 'i of printed labels attached to each nnd- ev ery boll tie, bo that all may know Its mis. slon. It is "given full and completo author ity to arrest all aches and pains, and does its duty every time. -i KI . WIS LIKE. Thi' 1 "rl. . ro most like Is that which does Its win quick nnd well. Ilurdnck lllond Iiiitrrsuru the rji'ii-kest kind of n cure for dyspepsia und luilncy nnd liver nlTcctlnns. CONVINCINO. The ptoof of tho pudding Is not. in chew log the string, but In Jrivlng nn opportuni ty to test tho article 'll.ect. - 0. A. Klclm, tho Druggist, lias a free trial bottle of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup for each and every ono who is afflicted with Coughs, t olds, Asthma, Consumption or any Lung Affection. July G-cow WHAT TnitEE APPLICATIONS DID. "I was troubled very much with sore feet Three applications of 1'hnmis1 Eclectric Oil en tirely cured them. Nothing better in tho market." Jacob Butler, Reading, Pa. TO REPAIR DAMAGES. Dear lady, there Is probably no use tell ing you that fashlonnl' life in a great city is a rougli one on your beauty. Late hours, loss of sleep and mental excitement will lcavo you by and by shorn of those beauti ful tresses which drew lovers around you In other years. Artificial substitutes can never pass for those rich and glossy locks. Parker's Hair Balsam will stop your hair from falling out, rcstoro its natural color and softness, and provo cleansing and ben cfllcial to the scalp. U. 8. SURGEON llEOOMMENDfl. Dr. J. JL G. Pheeton, is a U. 8. Ex-Sur-gcon, residing now at liloomlngton, Iud, The Dr. Writes, to say : "I recommend Ua. maritan Nervine becauso It cures epilepsy," Physicians, generally, aro Its friends. Tho untidy, dirty appearance of a griz zly beard should never bo allowed. Buck ingham's Dye for tho Whiskers will readily change their color to n brown or black, nt discretion, and thus keep up your reputa tion for neatness and good looks. DYSPEPSIA IN ITS WORST FOttM GORED, Rheumatic Syrup Cb : Wolcott, N. V., Bept. 25th, 1883. Gents I think It my duty to recommend your syrup for rheumatism, dyspepsia and sick headacho. 1 havo been troubled with dyspepsia for several years j havo tried every remedy recommended, and physi cians have failed to glvo mo any relief. Had to bo careful what I ate, for 1 was al most crazed with pain after meals. And for ten years or moro havo been a great sufferer from Rheumatism. It finally set tled all over me. Tho pain was so severe I could'nt endure It, and could gctjnothlng to relievo mo. Sty arms I could not move ; was confined to my bed, and I was com pletely discouraged. Finally my husband thought I had better try Rheumatic Syrup, As a last resort I told him to get a bottle, I had no faith In It, but was compelled to do something, for 1 could not endure thu pain. I commenced taking It, nnd In a Sliort llino iv ucguu iu iiuij.- uiu. jiuvu ucuu taking It six weeks nnd am now doing my own housework, nnd can snfely recommend It as a sure euro for Rheumatism or Dys pepsia. Any ono troubled with cither of those dreadful diseases can be cured by using Rheumallo Syrup. I know It Is a sure cure f'.-,,hhor. Any one Is at liberty to com" with me In regard to thu merits of '.f wonderful medlclno. Yours respectfully, .Mi:s. O. A, IlAKCHKrr. IT 18 IS OIIKAT FA VOIt. Physician employ Specr's Port Orupe Wine in their practice In all cases where a pure wine Is called for, nnd do all In their power to foster if J encourage Its pro duction. It Is In great favor among the most wealthy In cw York nnd Washing ton Cities as a family wine and for eveulng entertainments, i'or sale by druggists. FcrCOLOfl and SWEETNESS UuBEAN'3 CONCENTRATED EMlract of Annutto. Mtur' two Cclor, BrlctUit nl fitranrlL Car t Tur Mr kst, M M4 U U. la tiat hi mU, oUrUf Attlltl. to 'IRAN, It A HE a CO., A0.N3O JlirLrl St., P1IILAD A. June My uis imm A SPECEFtC VOIt HIJ BLOOD. It to AND A Positive Cure ron Its Ncurnlcla, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO. any An Infallible rcmetly fur all cH'Cmm of tho bkln roo Mitt Hlowl, itica M Teller, ltlnirworm, Hcrnfuln, f!M'li,f1nN. rtmnlMt A lllnK'hxs, mill UllmlicFt Itrmtrdv lor all 1'citiHln 4:im plaints mill Wenk nets?. It linft rurcd Ils nvctt of tlin Hvrr! ami IihliipTA when all nll.rr rcmi-dlcs hove failed. FOrt SALE BY DRUOQlSTS LMco $1.0 IS Ml Brte'iFit ron ! PIANO AND TABLE COVERS. TI10 seoond shipment, consisting of seven cases of our celebrated TONQUIN TABLE 1 OVERS, Rcnchfd us a few days ago, and nrc even moro handxomo (if that is possible) than tho Qrst lot which sold bo rapidly. Wo have them in EIGHT DIFFERENT COLORINGS. And the following siz" t 5-4, 6-4, 7-4, 8-4, 8-10 & 8-12. It is almost impossible to praiso theso coods too highly. The col- orlngs arc so rich and nnd the prices so very that they should meet and suit all purses. Our stock of effective moderate all taes Raw and Spun Silk and Tapestry Table and Piano Covers Fine Is now complete and comprises tho following size's : 1.2, 1 3-4, 2, 2 1-2, 8 yards long. -o- trawMfee Eighth Street. Market Street. PHILADELPHIA.. : : fohu ,:' The Block I Ky 'from Chestnut to -rpy- j and-13th Street to. f anamaker s HHz. fy and Staple Dry ' T ,:' OTOre : Goods and House -v-- ' - Funlismngs. nary mortgages. ' VTOT1CE TO S.V i To John n. Scott : You aro hereby notltled and renulred to show cause, on or before Hie tlrst Monday of February A. 1). 18SI, before tho court ot Common Pleas ot Columbia county, why Bald Court shall not make a decree, dlrectlns tho Re corder of deed ot s ld county to enter BitWactlon on morwace dated September latli A. I). ISM, for the sutnot tiMOOO Anna Workhelser to John II. Scott, recorded in mortifa?e book No. 8, pa;ro4H, c, In and for said county. JOHS JIOUrtEY, . Sherirf's odlce. Sherirr. Bloomsb irff, Doc. 10, "S3. dec 81 JOTIUE IN DIVORCE. IN THE COMMON PLEAS OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Sarah A. seliler, by her next friend Jeremiah Ucs-s, vs. wlnfleld Selgler. To Wlnfleld Selgler, respondent above named : Whereas upon the libel of the said Sarah A Selg ler a subpoena was Issued out ot tho said court commanding you to bo and appear at tho next regular term of said court to show cause why the said libelant should not be dlvor from the bonds of matnmonv contracted wiiyou: nnu. whereas upon return ot said 6Ubpoenadu8 proof was maaa mat you zouiu not uu iuuuu in iuu uum wlck of tho SUerlB of Bald county, whereupon an atlas subpoena was awarded by said court com manding you to appear at the then next term of said court to answer as aforesaid to which tho same return was made by tho HncrtlT. You aro therefore required to bo and appear on tho first day of the next term ot said court to be held at Uloomsburg, for said county, on the first Monday of February next, A. V. ll, to answer said com plaint. JOHN AlOUItKY, Sheriff. Uec. 19, 1883. dec 21 W. II. Snyder, Att'y. J-OTICE IN DIVORCE. IN THE COMMON PLEAS OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Anna Mills by her next friend, H. B. Bowman, vs. Alfred Mills. To Allred Mills, respondent above named : Whereas upon the libel ot the said Anna Mills a BUbpoena was Issued out ot the said court com manding you to bo and appear at the ncxtregu lar term of said court to show cause why tho satd libelant Bhould not be divorced from tbo bonds ot matrimony contracted with you; and, whereas upon return ot said subpoena duo proof was made that you could not bo found In the bailiwick ot tho Sherirr ot said county, whereupon an atlas sub poena was awarded by said court commanding you to appear nt tho then next term ot Bald court lo answer as aforesaid, to which tho samo return was inade by the Sheriff. You aro tlieretore re quired to bo aud appear on the first day of the next term ot said court to be held at Bloomsburg, for said county on the llrat Monday ot February next, A. !. isst, to answer said complaint. JOHN MOUKEY, Sheriff. Dee. 19, 18S3. deo 21 0. II. Jackson, Att'y. jTOTIOE IN DIVORCE. IN THE COMMON PLEAS OP COLUMBIA COUNTY, Mary Hower vs. Henry Hower. To nenry Hower, respondent above named t Whereas upon the libel of the said Mary Hower a subpoena was Issued out ot tho said Court com manding you to be aud appear at the next regular term ot said court to show cause why the said li belant should not bo divorced from the bonds of matrimony contracted with you: and whereas upon return ot said subpoena due proof was made that you could not be found In tho bailiwick ot the Sheriff ot said county, whereupon an atlas sub poena was awarded by said Court commanding you to appear at the then next term ot said court to answer as aforesaid, to which the return was made by the Sheriff. You are therefore re quired to be and appear on the first day ot the next term ot said court to be held at Uloomsburg, for said county, on the nrst Monday of February next, A. D. 1881, to answer said complaint. JOHN MOUHKY, Sheriff. Dec. 19, 1883. dec Si J, u. Yocum, Att'y. Send six cents for postage, and re ceive free, a costly box of goods which .will help you to more money right All, of either box. succeed Irom first hour. The bioadroad to fortune opens before tho workers, absolutely sure. At once address, Tuo & Co., Au gusto, Maine. Deo sM-ly wanted for The Lives of all the Presl. dents ot the u.h. Tiie largest, nauti li 1 usomosi oust uook ever bum tor less mutt ' V.iI.m. mi HrA Thn r.,u,Akf. uplllnts book tn America. Immense protlta lo ageuts. All Intelligent iieople want It A uy ono cau become a Hucceairui agent. Terms tree, jw.liut juu& wu., J-ortlandiJIalne. Deo 2l-iy for the working class, fiend 10 cents for uosUtge, and we will mall you , a royal vniimble box of bauiDle goods that wilt .put you In the way ot making more money fa a few days than you ever thougut possiuie at any business. Capital not refiulred. W will start vnu nan work all the tlino or In spare time you. only. Tha workU universally adapted 10 both mimn nri nid. Yd ii can easily earn from W cents to ii every evening. That oil who want may test the business, we make thU unparalled .VZ i ,., icll unpjl will H'Dil 1 ,, , ;,v tar um trouble of wrltlug us. Kull part!- ' Juiaii directions, etc., bent tree. Foi tunes wll . be modo by those who glvo tneir wnoie time to iuo work, llreot success absolutel . sure 'J-m'tdelay. . start now, j Maine, Address stinson & Co., , ornoud, two iii-iy DO nutlet your Dniftglt persuado you lotako Kometlitnff cite, but If ho 1ms not got it, and not H int for it. wrlt6 to in and we will send you by cxpri, prepaid, on receipt of price. flnA In 11, ...A I.AI ttfcfl nt tltirtltnlttri Rvnitl Will clui'r'tho Byttem orlille. amlrura anyeaioofln. uammaioryor acuio iwieumatutn,iuri'curiufiut Thrto to flvo bottles will euro Eryslpelaj.ln wont form. Fmir In nix bottles aro warranted to euro corrupt and running Ulcers. ..Vnnr In nil bottles aro warranted to cure cano of Fait llhcnm. VI vn In elcht boltlca will euro tho wont of Scrofula. Vmm twn In fntir months' Hi of Itheumttlo Synip will cure any case of clironlo ItlieumatUm of t enty years' Manilla)?. If you linrolicen ABiUTerer for yean, and havo used nil tlio rcmcdlci you could hear of, with no avail, do not bo discouraged, for Rheumatic Syrup will euro you. t'nee, 81.00 per bottle) 0 tiotllca for sn.oo. Bend for our pamphlet of Testimonials, etc, mUHlMATIO SYItUr CO., Rochester, N. Y. per Bottlo or 0 Hottlos for $5.00'' Our magnificent stock of , EMBROIDERED CLOTH PIANO COVERS Is attracting much attention'. All tho goods were manufactured to our order and iiupoited direct. , We have nil tho latest styles in PLAIN AND VARIEGATED BORDERS At very moderate have them in prices. We ' 4 4, (5-4, 7-4, and 8-4 sizes, And in all the now designs and colorings. We have also a com plete lino of CARDINAL AND TURKEY i I RED TABLE CLOTHS Ifi all tizes and grades, with kins to match. nap- & CktM Tfillmrr Strpftt I Aiutiu I tvtotioe to stockholders. 'T'here will be an election of a Board of Plrectors ot tho moomsuunr HinKing company, ac ineir banking house on Tuesday, January 8th, 1881,, at 2 o'clock p. m., to servo for tho ensuing year. H. n. OH0TZ, decst-3vr Cashier. VTOTICE Ts herebv clrcn that tho nartnerehln lately ex- lstlng between Mrs. ltuthA. Snyder, feme sole trader, and Mrs. A. II. Urlesb&ch, of Uloomsburg. Columbia county, Pa., was dl&solvod by mutual consent November 1st, 1883. All debts owing to thA itfi mrtnprfthln nro to bo nald. and th030 t 3U UUD from the same discharged, at their recent place ot business, which will be. continued by Bald ltuthA. Snyder, feme note, trader. MltS, ItUTH A. SNYDER, deo21-Stv MUS..A. II. DltEISBACII, V 'UDITOIVS. NOTICE. ESTATE OK OEOIIOK (1II1T0N r.ATK OV flUKENWOOD I TOW.NSII11', UECKASED. tub linderslffned auditor annolnted by the Or phans' Court ot Columbia county, lo make distri bution 01 tue tuna in ma nanus 01 tuo executor anirt psfntR will meet at the offlco of E. II. and It. it. Uttle In Bloomsburg, Pit., on Friday January 85th, iMi,.when aud where all parties Interested tn said estate must appear and present their claims or ua aeoarrett iqr any suaro 01 mm csiaic. W. II. SNVUUIl, Doe ut-ta Auditor. DMINISTRATOR'3 NOTICE. ESTATE OF HANNAH KNOHR, LATE OP HLO0M30UKO, VSCKASEO. Ictiors of administration In the estate of Han- deceased, have been granted by the Register of Bald county to W. J. Knorr. All persons having claims airalnst said estato aro reauested to prespnt them for settlement, nnd those Indebted to the samo. to make .payment to the undersigned or to Knorr vt iniersteen, uioomsourg, witnoui, ueiay, W. J. KNOltn,' Administrator, doesi-Ow Berwick, Pa. DJIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE E9TATE Of JOHN J. STILES DECEASED. Letters ot administration 011 tho estate ot John J. stiles deceased, late ot Flshtngcreek towushlp Columbia county, Ponnsvlvanla, deceased have been irranted by the Heirlster ot said county to the undersigned Administrator. AU persons having claims against mo estate ot nt tne ueceaseu are re quested to present there for settlement, and those Indebted to the estate to make payment to tho undersigned administrator without delay. M. A. AMMKItMAN, Administrator. Nov 23rd Forks, I". O. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF 0E0. EILCIINEK, DECEASED. Letters ot administration In the estate ot Geo. lieicnner, late 01 centre township, coiumma coun ty Pennsylvania, deceased, havo been granted by the Iteglstcr ot said county to William a Hess Ad ministrator V. 11. .v. C. T. A. All persons having claims nzalnst the estate of the deceased are re quested tn present them for settlement, and those luueoteu iu tuts esiuiu w umKt? iiuymcui. tu iue unaerbignett aamtutstraiur wttuout. ueiay. w.m. a iiKss, Administrator, Nov 83 Eowlersvllle, Ta A UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP JACOB EVANS, DECEASED, The undersigned auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court ot Columbia county to make dis tribution ot the fundi In. hands ot administrator In the estatoot Jacob KvanK,deceasod,wlll meet tho parties In interest on Friday, January -It li, 1(MI, at o o cluck, a. in., at ms omce la iiiooinsourg. when allnentous aro renuested to nresent their claims tor ivwiemeutur w ueuarreu irum uajr buaruuti saldiunl. WM. CIIHISMAN, Auditor, deo 14-4W UDITOR'S NOTICE, ESTATE or SENJAUIN BEIIUE, DECEASED, The undersigned auditor appointed by the Or nhans' Court of Columbia county, to make distri bution In the hands ot the administrator la the es tate ot iieniatmn iieume, lata ot iraust townsmp, deceased, will sit at his onlcu la Uloomsburg, on Monday, December Slat, m, atn o'clock, a. in., whea aud where all partloa interested in said es tato must appearand present their claims and thoso ludebtod to lha same to make payment to tuo unacrbigneu witnouv ueuy. II. V. WHITE, deo r-ta Auditor. iv War, 400,1 creasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles, 400., cariyios rreut-ii novum-ion, urtivu. m-uiucr, clent Egypt, II; uollln's Ancient History. W-1 (Ubbons Home, (; Humu's England, M.7S l fro- issart's curouicies, ti.iu, woiaiuuv iuj.uaj vol umes iroo. JOHN II. ALDEN. PubUsher. P, O. Vox 1WT, IS N'easoy street, New York, Deo 14-4W d HISTORYitl nrcenn Enirland 11.75: Schiller's Tlilrlv Years' ORPHANS' COURT SALE OP VALUAtJLK KcaJ KM ale! Pursuant to an order of tho orphans' Court of Columbia county, Pa., will t3o sold at Public silo oa tho premises, In tho town?hlp ot Mimln la slid county, on Friday, Dec. 28, 1883. I at 3 o'clock, p. m., the following described real estate, Into of Jacob Hons, deceased, to-wltt a farm adjoining lundsbt Abraham MOateiler, Mm. l'liocbe Miller, J'din llartiel nnd others, contain ing OS ACRES, more or less, whereon aro erected a two-story stono dwelling house, turn nndothcroutbulldlngs. TKttMS OF SAWC Ten percent, otono-fourth ot the purchaso money to bo paid at tho striking down of tho property i tho ono fourth less tho ten per cent, at tho continuation of said ! nnd the re maining thrco-fotlrths In ono year thereafter, with Interest from conllrinatlon nisi. Purchaser to pay for deed. C1EO. A HONS, dco'-ts Administrator. FALL OPENING OF- Alexander &. Bro. OOODS, LOW PRICES, A full lino ot Confectionery, Fruits, Nuts, Clg- nrs, Tobaccos, Pipes, cnrlumas tree trimmings, and a largo stock of Sugar Toys for tho Holidays, it ! rWlm'.csnlc and gctiU.- Mppmr.hnum riDes. Clear Holders. Cliar Cases. Tobacco Pouches and other goods sultablo for tho Christmas trndo. county dealers should consult our prices before purchasing clsowhero. lirNcxt to Court House. Sept. ss-3m NEW YORK 1884. About slxtr million copies of The Sun havo cone out 01 our esiauusumcm. uuringiue past twelve momns. If you were 10 Dasto end to end a 1 tlio colums ot all tho nuns printed and sold last year j ou would get a contlnuoj3 strip of Interesting information, common sense wisdom, sound doctrlno, and sano wit lone cnoutrn io ruacn irom rnniincr nouse square to the top ot Mount Copernicus In tho moou. men dick to rnnting iiousn square, nnu then three-quarters ot the way back to tho moon again. But tho Sun ts written for tho Inhabitants of the earth ; this samo strip ot Intelligence would girdle l.hft crlnhn nr t.wpnrv.ptffhf. tlmo. If every buyer ot a copy of the Sun during tho nnsf.vpnr linH Rnpnt, nnlv nnp Jinur nvpr It. nnd If hlHWlfoor hl grandfather has spent another nour, uiis newspaper in inm uas unoraea me nU' man race thlrten tuousand yours 01 steady readlm.' nlL'ht and dav It Is only by little calculations Uko these that you can form any Idea ot tho circulation ot the most popular 01 American newspapers, or 01 its in fluence on tho oolnlons and actions or Amcrloan men ana women. tuo sun is, ana win continuo to be. a newsna. per which tells the truth without fear or conse uuenccs. which gets at tho facts no matter bow much tho process costs, which presents tho news 101 uu tuu wunu wuuuub waste or wpras una in tue most readable Miapo which Is working with all Ita heart for th 1 cuusc of honest, government, and wmcn titereipie believes t ,at tne itepubucan par ty must go, ana must go in this coming year of oui lAiru, joo-i. If you know the Sim. you like It alreadv. and you will read It with accustomed diligence and proflt during what Is sure to be tho most interest ing year In Its history. It you do not yet know tuo (sun, it is mgu umo to get into tue suusnine. TeriUH to ainll HubHcrlbcrH. Tbo Mveral editions of the Sun aro sent by mall nostnald. as follows : DAILY 5) cents a month, to a year ; with Sunday edition. 17. SUNDAY night pages. This edition furnishes tho uurrem news ui ine woria, special anicies oi exceptional interest to everybody, ana liter ary reviews ot new books ot the hlgh-st merit, fl n year. WEEKLY si a year. Eluht naces of tho best matter of tho dally Issues nn Arclcultural uo ipartment of unequaled valuo, si)eclal market re uuiui. uuu iiu'rury. scieiuiuc. nuu uomestic lniui' Uirence mako the w.ckly mm tho naner for tho farmer's household. To clubs of tcu wlth'jio an exiru copy jree. Address t. W. ENGLAND, rubllsher, KOV. 3 1.6 t TUE Sl'N, N. Y. City. The THEFOREMOSTREPUBLICAN HCVSPAPEI, FOR THE PRESIDENTIAL YEAR, 1SS4, weekly Press, - - '- 61.00 a Year. Dally Press, ... -90.00 oYear. TLe comics year will bo notable. Conzrers dltnied lii tMccn a llepublkmi Kenato aud Dciuocrallu llouto. will 1)' busy President maklug. Tho great battlo ot Protection ua.ns.1 iroo irauo miii agitato tho ciritoi aril u country. Tlio Presidential campaign Will bo fi hr.idcs fought and most exciUng pn'itlwl ttruggio lor a quarter or a century. j.uinpr, in tuo opinion or 1110 ucst inioruicn, tremuies oit the ovo of a crcat war. ItU such aa ouUook a Ilvo nowananer whlc : prints an 1110 nens anu tens tnouunio truth abou it u more than over a nocestlty. But 11 a nous' paper U TucPltjLAriEXritn.l'nnss. Teiccrai; wiles In Its own ollk'O place it 111 tnstanUr.couii communication with a Corps of overlive hundred news gatherers distributed all over the clvli::ed world. Tbo special dally cabloservlco whl shares with tho New York Herald covers every puaso ot activity in European inc. 1,0 paper excels It lu all tbo elements which go to look? up uroau, run, cumpieto journal. tvi:EKi.Y i-iitss uas sovcrai Elite. ai luaiure; nhlcU put It at tho top. Tho AORlcCLTCUAr. Department, enriched by constant eontrlbu tluns from the foremost wiltcrj la various branches, gives tho practical things that liojn! want to know on tbo tarm and In tbo garden. The' iiELriKQ iiAh-nrou women or liomo uenart mcnt, edited by Mrs. Kate Upson Clark, ll full of luform.Mlon, bints and happy thoughts for cvory who, nioincr Anu neau or a iiottseuoid. A great fcttnraof tho coming will bo tho highly raluablo letters of 'Joseph l. Weeks on vv ages of WorklnE-men, the general condltlona of Lauor ami the cost or uvlng in liuropo rts cum pared with America, sir. weeks, who uiu cnargi of this subject for tho Census of 1860. hu mails a Ufa study, and has been abroad this year con ducting a special Investigation Ills letters will give tho facts as to earnings la all the various Industries, the purchasing power of wages, strikes, trades-unionism, arbitration, etc Tlio Weekly Press Is full of choice h-me read puzzles and other matter for tlio llttl follis, stories and runtimes foradults and children, fas!m notes, recipes, cleanings from current lit lataro. a careful summary ot domestlo and fmc'';n nows, and an earnest discussion of tho grrfttinoitlonsof the day. Cair.pli copies mailed free. HEW TERMS OF TIIE PRESS: L'y mall, postage freo in the IT. S. and Canada. Dally, cxt vl't Sunday, EO cts. amonthi til a year l)ally,linludiiigKunday,Cjcts.im6utU;f7.Mayoar Sunday Press, flOO a year, Wookly Prooa, - - 91,00 a Yotir, r-f' CSerKs nn-1 roiUOMce Orders tnny bt sent m nue run ana ewuut btmuaeyayuoieio msoraero THE PRESS CO., Limited, PHILADELPHIA, PA. MAKE HENS LAY An English Veterinary Surgeon and Chemist, now traveling In this country, sars that most ot tns Horse and Ctttie Powders s ld Here are worth less irosu. ue siys tntt snenatn's conditio Powders are absolutWvDura and liamsnsely vain anie. Noti ngnnetrtii will make n ns lav like Sheridan's Uindltlon Powders. Dose, I teaspoon, lui to 1 pint told, hoiu even where or sent by until lur a leibcr-Biauips. I. a. jnunmiH i;u, iiosTON, mass. au jansS3-iy, YOU CANNOT GET WELL AT IIOMI Pairview Eloctropathic hUi HINGIIA5TON, N. Y, A GOOD PLACH FOR THU SICK, TLa house Is specially titled un for the comfort ot Invalids win desire a pleasant and Christian home. Stands on high ground with plenty ot shade, rersonai otteuuou given to every patient. KiM'tric-nv anil uairautsm in tneir utnerent ilcolloiii a tpocUllly. Pr)t Mills has given mnny years or stuiv tmi pracueu vu tuts uroucu, unu Hundreds will t stuy to ms skiii. send for chxiular, stating wbatpapor youBOW llllSlU. I'KOK. HKNItV .miujh. Lock Box 07. Blnghamton, n! V. Pres - rvn rHMEHii.iu, itWTVitu aiid ltMitlfliljr the font rtt Ion Arm RtMtllX tirsiijptW.TlIt, riCLv a vri.iiunsurnviiiimpiEH, lTTA-Ii It thu hut mMntiMi ftf futWIhtl f ratrwI.l ns ustkff "fl CL HA IIIIIH t K Msiih mennnn iwr l"l -ri, ftffcl j I' I KARL n oii rcsvfvM of f 111 MavtrWi 1th lb hotwit iorarpvMit(M. Oaiytomrta I. KM tit ftll trvwrriaii j IWtaiuM SPEER'S PORTUGAL GRAPE WINE Alia UNl'KltMKNTKl) OltAl'I? JUtCK. Used In tho principal churches for Communion. Kxcellent for Females, Wbnkly Persons and tho ngeu. Speer's Port Grope Wiiie! FOUR YEARS OLD. THIS CELKflltATEI) WINE ts tho puro Juice of tho dead ripe Oporto drape, raised In Specr's vineyards. Its Invaluable, Tonic and Strengthening Froportles are unsurnassed by any other Wine. Being nro- duced under Mr. Speer'sown personal supenlston. its punty ftna genuineness, aro guaranteed oy tno principal Hospitals and Boards of Health who havo examined It. Tho youngest child may ptrtakc of It, and tho weakest Invalid uso It to advantage. It Is particularly benenclal to the aged and debilitated, and suited to tho various ailments that nncci mo weaKer sex. It la in every respect A WINETO BE RELIED ON. Speor's Unformanted Qraps Juice- Is tho tuten of Ihn Onnrtn Oranns nrncprrpfl in Its natural, fresh, sweet slato as it runs from tho iress oy fumigation, inereDy destroying tho excl or ot fcrmnntatlon. It lsnerfoctly nure. freo from spirits and will keep In any climate. Sneor's Burgundy. Is a dark rich medium Dry 'Winn nail hv tho wealthy classes as a Tablo or Dinner Wine, and by physicians In cases whero a dry wine Instead ot a sweet port Is desired. Spaot'a (Saoialito) Olarot. is held In hleh estimation for Its richness as a Dry Table WIno especially suited tor dinner use, Speer's P. J Sherry. TaK wlnoof Superior Clmrfictpr nnil, ririrt.ikp of tho rich qualities ot the grapo from which it 19 Speer's P- J. Brandy. IS A 1'UItE distillation from tho crane, nnd stands unrivalled In this Country for medicinal purposes. It has a peculiar flavor, similar to that of tho grapes iromwnicn it is aistnieu, See that the signature ot ALI'ItED SPEEIt, Ias- salc'N. J., 13 over the cork of each bottle. SOI D BY C. A. KLEIM. AND BY DRUaaiSTS BVKRWUEHE, Sep. 28-'83tjr. Ml ! G. W. 8ERTSCH, TUK ME'ltOII NT TAILOR, AND IlCALKlt IN Gents' Furnishing Goods OF EVEHY DESCHIITION. CLOTHING ! ! Hnviiit: verv recentlv oiieiied a new Merohant lailorintr and tionta .bur- iiistiinij Goods Store, iu KNOIill & wiiNXii.itarjt.ii.iN a uuiiitui', on Main ptreet, wliero I am prepared to. mako to order, atshoit notice, hrst class suits of clothiiiff always in tho latest .styles and prices reasonable, Fits guaranteed, Having learned how to cut garments lo suit customer,", and also what kind ot material will give satisfaction, I would ask you to please call and examine tho BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS Ever shown iu Columbia county, Before Purchasing Elsewhere. Corner Main & Market Sts. April ls-i IT WILL PAY YOB To call, Inspect and compare our largo and com pleto btocHot CLOTHING, BOOTS 8II0EH, HATS, CAl'S FURNISHING GOODS TRUNKS, VALISES, Ladies' Gays, 8c,f Detere tiurchablng', HANDSOME PRESENTS To every Purcliaser. No trouble to show goods. Every person purchasing of us will reeeivo a numbered ticket, entitling them to a chanco in any of tho hand Homo prizes, which can now hu souu in our windows. Prizes to bo awardd on ChrUtnns day. Call aud eco theso prizes and tell your neh;hboi8 about them. Don't forget tho placo. M. LEVY & CO Successor to M. A, LOEB. Kings of tne Clotliiua Trade , J!K. WEST I'HONT BTItKKT. 123. BUUSOIUUK FOU THE COLUMBIAN, $1.60 A YEAU Bloomsburg, Pa, ON 30 DAY'S TRIAL. TltBVJhTliaDKr.TOJ.Marsnill. Mich., wll send Hit. IIVK'S OUI.R'lltATKt) MAi ITIIO-VOli , I'AIO II IhTS and UbEOritIO APl'I.IANUBS on i , I., i it o i it in iu iiicii ivuuii ur uiu, wuu nru hi fllcted with Nervout Debility, Ijst Vitality, and kindred iroitulo., guarnnteclog spoidvand com plete restoration othoaltn and maniy vlg r. Ad dress as Above. N. H. No risk Incurred, as so Jays' trial is allowed' l'eb. th-lyr. r SUOSOltlBK NOW FOU TfrB COLUAtBIAN SI. 50 A YUAIJ, GMAIN STREET,) (GtlAIHD AINOUMEMEIT Ready and Waiting for You. Tlic Finest, The jLatcst, Xlc Most Artistic , .. .. , styics oa 11 elegant" clothing! AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS.1"8 Big Inducements OUR RECEIPTS OF FAIL km WINTEB G000S. Call arid bv3 Convinced that We Leadl inn qnfliMifcy fiifc amid price. Lapt stock & lowest prices Gdti always lu foanfl at the 11 MEMMABMM BT&ME OF i(j Bmii &winlEg, i) WKBER-H4RDMAH FINK INLAID FltENOH AVALNUT EiiNj- TcrniN. SatlNfactlon Gunrnutced. iJA-OOZST'S 3?IlSTO W-A-IiB DROOjVES, MUSIC HALL BLOCK, WII.nH3-BAR.JlH, PA M. llsaica1. Superintosiont of thi Sanitarium. Invalid's Home. IMoomshurg, Pa., Devotes special attention to Epilepsy, Nervous Affection:, nutl Diseases of Women. l'ntlents recelvetl nt tho Sanitarium on reasonable terms for board nnd treatment. S. No clmrco for first consultation. ttpr S7, 'aa Catarr KAY-l'EVEIt. I o a n recommend ie Ely's Cream Halm to all Hay Fever suffer fc. r- ers, It being. In my opinion, louiiued upon exjieilence and a buru ctuo. I was atlllcted j.T:T''"Y m ran" r'luiintii.v with Hay Fever tor S3 years, und never be. tore found permanent relief. Wcustku II, IIaskins, Marbhlleld, VU AlMlW by little tin- ger Into the nostrils. iiy nuorption ll ef fectuallv eleanses thn i U A V nasai passages ot ea rl" 1 w s-re tarrhal virus, causing healthy secretions. It allays liill.untnatlon, pro teetH the membranal linings ot the head troni ad ditional colds, completely hcali the wires and re. btort-s tho sense ot taste aud smell, lleuellclal re bulls aro realized by u few nnnllcat Ions. A llinr. ough treatment will cure. Unequalled for colds in too neaa. Agreea sold by druggists. In the head., Send lor circular. Ulsts. Ily mall 50c. a imckau-u stamps. HUY IlltOTIIElts, Otvego, N, V. aug 0-ty d JAMES REILLY, Tonsorial Artist, strata at old stand under KXUUANilI! 110 TKL, and has aj usual a Flltil'-CLASS UAltuttit SHOP. lie reipeotfully sotutta the p&troa&ge otulaollemwinersand ot tho puo'.lo genrally, iHiyw.'SD-tt BXOHANGrB HOT3L. W R. TUBB3, PROPRIETOR BWOHSBUIttJ, FA. Ol'l'OSITBUOUHT IIUUSB. Largs sad convenient sample rooms. Iiatb rooms uot an Jjjia J all taodern coavenlencus Viir the Celebritteil Clilckerlng, Ivcrs l'miil. nml VoseA Son Pianos. rutin, mm uou,uu.. ,...i.nni nownetl lCstey Orgtiis, Vlo Ins, AocnieOns i ui t,,iv Hi- i- natetl White, WW Illtfli Arm Uavls, New Home, It'jyn'"1' John, nutl Waiit Ruunliii; Doiuestlc Howlng .Machines. Nectlles, oil anil attachments for all makes ot Bowing aiaciunes. CASE OUOAN, 9 STOPS, $90 CASU. Junel ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES, OF OAST cn wnouaiiT I HON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds. :o: i uo rouowmg snows the ltcket Gothic, one of the several beautiful stylesot Fence mauutactured vj lug UUUl-rBlgUl-U. For lteauty and Durability thev 'arBiinsiirriiiiK. i-d. Set up by experienced handi and warranted Prices and Bpeoimons of other signs sent to any address. Address de- i. m-mm BL00MSBDRG..PA. May 4 tt ri ll. DRINKER, QUN & LOCKSMITH " vtMhlaM Mwhtnervof all ttlndi ri iiuua umiaiug, mosmsDurg, PA. Q'lt.J.O. IHITTER, PUYStOlAN SSOKOKON, omoe, North Market street, Ulooinsburr, Pi ,n. ttKHUlt, BurKoon and OQlce corner ot Hock and Market byslclsu. street. w if h-uiuu c r a.. , . Physio an, (omce and Kesldenou on Third street. MB RAILROAD TXMCB TABLE. Pennsylvania R'sdlroad. ' Philado'phia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. Il'll TIME TABLE. In ctrucl Nor. lOtli. 1883. Trains lcavo Bttn bury. EASTwAHD, illi.n., Ixick llnven KxnresH (diillv excent Sunday), tor Ilarrlsburff and Intermediate statlotiH, Lancaster, l'lilladelpbla, New York, Ilaltlmoro and wasMncton, arnvinc ai i-iiuaueipnta u. ta. : New York, o.s.'Op. m. i llaltlinore, 6.10 p. m. i Wasb. lngion o.Ki p. in., Uiroutfli passenger coacb to l'uuaucipuKi. l.Mp. tn. Day express (dally except Htinday), for llarrlsburK and Intermediate stations, Lancas ter, rhlladelpula, New Yorlc, Haltlmore and Wasb- mgiou, urrtvuit; i-iumucipuiu p. in. ; now York, p.m. ; n.m linore, 7.S0p. m. i Washing ton, ill p. ni. l'ullman 1'arlor car tbrougb to l'lil ladelpbla and passenger coacb tbrough to l'lilladel- nnta anu uaiuniurc. 8,20 p. m. Wllllamsport Accommodation (dally) tor Harrlsburz and all Intermediate stations, Lan caster, Philadelphia and New York, arriving at Philadelphia 3 us a. m. ; New York 6.10 a. in. Weeping car accommodations can be secured at llarrlsburg for Philadelphia and New York on Sun days a through sleeping ear win be run; on this train irom rtenovo iu i niiaueipuia. i-nuaaeipum lassengers can remain in sleeper undisturbed until a. m. 2.10 a. m. Erie Mall (dally excent Mondavi (or llarrlsburg and Intermediate stations, Lancaster, Philadelphia, Now York, ilaltlmoro and Washing ton, arriving at Philadelphia 7.60 a. m. ; New York, 11.20 a, m. i llaltlinore 7.10 a. m. ; Washington, 8.50 turn. Through Pullman sleeping cars aro run on this train to 1'bltadelphla, ilaltlmoro and Washing ton, ana mrougu passenger coacnes to ruitauet phla and llaltlinore. WESTWAltl). 6.20a. m.Erlo Mall (daily) for Brio and all In termediate stations with through Pullman Palace car and through passenger coacbes to Erie, and through Pullman Palace cars to llurralo via Km- poriuoi. uu sunuays una train win run oniy io ltenovo. For Canandalgua and Intermediate stations, Itoches er, liunaloand Niagara Falls, (dally except Sundays) wltbtbiougb Pullman Pulaco car and passenger coaches to llochester. I.0J p. in. Niagara Express (dally except Sun day) tor Kane and Intermediate stations with through passenger coaches to Kane. For Oanan dalgua and principal intermediate stations, ltoch ester, llurralo and Niagara Falls with through pas senger coaches to Itochestcr. 6.25 p. m. Fast lino (dally except Sunday tor lto novo and Intermediate stations, and Mmlra, Wat kins and Intermediate stations, with through pas senger coaches to Henovo nud watklns. TUltOUail TKAIN8 FOIt SUNllUltY FItOJtTIIK EAST AND SOUTH. Niagara Express leave Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. ; Ilaltlmoro 7.30 a. in. (dally except Sunday) arriving at sunbury, l.os p. m. with through l'ullman Parlor car Irom Philadel phia and through passenger coacbes from Philadel phia and llaltlinore. Fast Lino leaves New York 8.00 n. m. s I'hlladcl phla.u.ioa. m. j Washington, 0.40 a. m. ; Balti more, 10.5) a. m., (dally except, Sunday) arriving at sunbury, 6.20 p. m., with through passenger coaches from Philadelphia and llaltlinore. Krle Mall leaves New York 8.00 p. in. ; Phlladel. phla, 11.20 p. in. j Washington, 10.00 p. m. ; llaltl inore, 11.21 p. m., (dally) arriving at Sunbury 0.15 a. in., with through l'ullman Palace Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and llaltlinore and through passenger coaches Irom l'ulladelpbla. BU.BUHV, 11AZLET0N & WILKES-DiUUK Hi AND OKTU WXST liHANCU ItAILWAT. Mall East leaves Sunbury (dally oxcept Htinday) 6.45 a. in., arriving at llloom jerry ..i U.I11. , uKt-s-uarru v.'M a in. Express East leaves Sunbur, bury I 6.35 p. m., arriving :cs.b.irra R.1U n. ni. at llloom Ferry 6.31 p. m., Wllkes-barro 8.1U p. Mall West leaves Wllkes.b:irrn in s.m. m. itrrlv. incut iJtoom rerry ia.ui n. in..Hunuury 12.65 n. m. xnress West leaves Wllkes-barro B.SJ n. m.. nr- rlvlng at llloom Ferry 7.07 p. m., sunbury 8.ti5 p. CIIAS. E. PUOII, J. It. WOOD, Oen. Manager. oen. l'assengcr Agent. IIILADELPHAand READING ROAD ARRANGEMENT OP PASSENGER TRAINS. Nov. 5, 1883 TRAINS LI1TI BUriRT AB r0LL0W8(B0HDT ncimo, For Now York.Phlladelpnla.Readlnir.PottsvlUe Tamaqua, to., ll,5 a. m, For Catawtssa, 11,45 a. m. 0.13 and 10.30 p. m. For Wllllamsport, e,s 9 11.45 a- m. and 4,ee p. m. For Lcwlsburg and Sunbury, 4.04 p. m. TKlIMSrOB KOrXKT L11VS AS FOLLOWS, (ISMDlr iioiniD,) Leave New Tork, via. Tamanend o.oe a. m. and via. llound Brook Route 7,t5 a. m. Leave PhUadelpbla, 9,50 a. m. Leave Heading, ii,u a. m., PotUvllle. l,S9 p. m and Tamaqua, l,si p. m. Leave Catawtssa, e,so 11.05 a. m. and 4,oo p. m. Leave Wllllamsport ,,45 a.m,4.05 p. m. and 0.00 p. m " Lewlbburg 4.48 p. m. Passengers to and from New York, via. Tama nend and to and from Philadelphia go through without change oi cars. 3. B. WOOTTKN, General Manager. C. Q. HANCOCK, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. Jan. io, 1881 tf. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WEaTKItN ltAILHOAl). BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NOltTH. STATIONS. .......Scranton,.., ...... -lleUevue... ......Taylarvllle., ...Lackawanna. ....... Pine ton.... SOUTH p.m. p.m. a.m o-m. p.m. p.m. v is a 43 9 45 so 9 10 9 09 9 03 8 fit 8 48 8 43 8 SI e si 8 97 6 84 8 41 48 8 61 6 ti 6 68 7 09 7 10 7 17 7 88 7 80 7 87 8 00 8 86 8 40 8 60 9 00 8 00 8 09 8 10 8 IS 8 SO 8 80 8 It 8 69 9 00 9 04 0 80 9 37 9 30 9 24 9 19 4fi 9 69 68 io oa 10(8 ,. WestPlttston V 14 .....Wyoming, altbv Ilennett 8 95 8 25 0,1 1 60 1 49 1 85 1 85 1 18 1 03 9 04 9 04 8 66 8 47 8 39 8 99 Kingston... Kingston.... .Plymouth June ....Plymouth... Avondale ... Nantlcoke.. Hunlock's creek ...Shlckablnny. ...Hick's Ferry. ...Beach Haven, -llorwlck.. .....briar Creek.. ...Willow Grove. Lime nidge., 'spy ,. .Uloomsburg., ..... Hunert 1018 10 18 64 2 64 10 86 10 84 10 49 10 to 11 07 11 18 11 90 8 08 8 06 8 10 8 18 8 88 8 45 3 61 8 67 i 07 4 lli 4 90 4 17 4 81 4 88 4 68 6 (9 5 it 8 07 8 00 7 4419 49 7 33 19 SI 7 ! 19 10 7 90 11 00 7 13 11 47 I 09 II ill 8 17 8 IS 8 UO 7 60 7 69 I 44 7 88 7 83 7 99 7 11 1 06 11 39 8 SI II 10 (1 10 68 11 (9 11 46 11 60 45 10 60 8 87 10 44 Catawl'a lirldge 11 66 a 19 io tt 10 10 08 unaviue.... Uhulssky... Cameron.., Northumberl'd II IS e 04 io 40 V 6 45 IS 48 p.m. a.m. a..m. p.m., a.m . . . . W- HAL8TKAD, Bupt. Superintendent's omce, Scranton, Feb. 1st, 1661 E. B. BROWER, OAS FITTING & STEAM HKATJNG. DUAI.Elt STOVES & TIN WARE. i-i. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof ing and Snouting promptly attended to. IfStrlct attention given to heating by steam. Corner of Main & East Sts , Bloomsburg, Pa. yAINWRKMT & CO,, WHOLESALE QROCEHS, ' Philadelphia rBA8,SYUP$,00lfPBB,SU0AIt, M0L4.SBS, BIOI, SriCES, SICiHB BODi.AC, SO, N, K, Corner Second and Arcb streets, ordjri wtu reoelve promptattenUon' 17