The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 28, 1883, Image 1

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    vjfre doltial3iki.
oo,oM8,ADM0os!!.rArKr" nna co-
lnued Weekly, every I'riitny Mnrnlnir, nt
ATTWonnM.Ans per year. To subscribers out of
lha cwnty tho terms nro strictly In advance
tHa paper dtsoontlnucd except at thu ontlon
ot tho puf.lishera, until nil nrrearoW iro paXbut
snnir nontlnnrvl rrrxlira triii .v.-..- 1 al,M uut
(flT li I M trttf llf f ft
WjJ P I w 111 P I li
Sit U I TO
Onotnch Hon UW)
TWO ltlChCS ..... SCO 400
Three Inches...., 400 6 00
1300 J500 J8 0)
500 800
TOO 1100
Four incites boo 700
Quarter column.. 6 ( 0 8 no
llalfcolumn looo 1400
Unccolumn to 00 s&oo
19 00 toco
is co tara
IT 00 MOO 000
SO 00 50 011 100 00
ng continued credits will not im Stem
Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Tran
sient advertisement must bo rtald for before Inter t-
Ml paper Rent out ot the stato or to distant post
lees must bo paid forlnadvancc.unleMarcm.on
Ao person In Co utnbta ooimtv '!?.".:
ed except where parties havo account.
lha milmrlntlnnrtiinnmim.n.f ""'"
Legal advertisements two dollars per melt ror
ihrwi insertions, and nt that rale for additional
nt'no3 county. nlonscrcx'lctec1, ,rom """"'tors
Tho Jobbing tJepartmontof tho Colombian Is very
oomplete, nnu our Job l-rlntlng will compare favoN
ably with tnatot the largo cities. All work done on
short notice, neatly and nt moderato I rices.
Insertions without reference to length.
Executor's, Admlnlstrator'R.aml Auditomnotlccs
thrco dollars. Must bo paid for when nscrtert.
Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, regit
lar advertisements half rates.
cards In tho 'Business Directory" column, one
dollar a year for each line.
omco over isu National llauk. I,lot"nsb,,r?'
Om-.Cln bill's Ilulldtng.
IIIXlOMSlllUd, l'A,
onico over 1st National Hank.
031CB over Moycr llros. Drug Store.
Otnco In Brower's bulldlng.sctond No. t
Bloomsburg, Pa,
Bloomsbiug, Pa.
onice corner of Centro and Main Btrscls. Clark j
Can bo consulted In Oerman.
New Coiumman Bcildiho, Bloomsburg, Va.
Membor of the United States Law Association.
Collections mado In any part of America or Ett-rops.
IJAUii j. Willi,
onice in Comjmmah BcitniNti, Room No. 1, secind
Notary Public
A Uornoys-nt-Law.
Oftlco til 1st National Hank bulMlne. second floor,
first door tn tho left. Corner ot Main and Market
streets Bloomsburg, ra.
jgyPmions and Bounties CoHeckd.
omco In Malzo's building, over Jilllmoycr's grocery
May Vi, '81.
Olllco In lib building opnos itc Court House,
2ml lloor, liloomsburg, Pa. apr 3 si
Offlco In Nsws Item building, Main btrcet.
Member of the American Attorneys' Aesocla.
Ollo'ctlons made In any part of America
Jan. 8, 1632.
Jackson Bulliliug, Rooms 4 ami 5.
jjnvO. i BEUWICK.l'A
Catawlssa, l'a.
orace.cornHroi Third and Main streets.
Attorncy-iULuw, Berwick. I'a.
Cim lie Consulted In German.
C-8"OfTlco first door below tliu post olllce.
1. mllKl.EY. Attoriu'V-vt.l.nw
, omcj in awwer'n building, 2ml story.Uootns
UTouinsburB, I'ann'a. W W"1 1
T n u .irRf.VY. M. D..Sur2eon and I'hy
V .slclan.nortnslde Main stroet.below Market
A I. KltlTZ. Altoruev-ai-Law. Olfico
in COI.UHIUAN Building.
Cnttnutirmi lait uttk.)
How Watch Cases arc Mado.
A pinto of (ioi,t) 11 2-10 knrats
C110 U soldcicil on each fide of a plate of
hard nickel composition lnitnl, and tho
three nrc then p:icd between polished
ttcil rollers, l'rom this plato the various
parts of tho eases hacks, centers, he2els,ctc.
nro cut niul shaped hy dies and formers.
Tho gold is thick enough to admit of all
kinds of chasing, engraving, and engine
turning. Tho composition metal gives it
needed strength, ttlffnesi nnd tolidity, while
tho tm'Hi guarantee of the manufacturers '
warranting each case to wear twenty years
proves that it contains (ill the gold that
can possibly ho needed. This guarantee
in given from actual results, as many of
these cases have been worn perfectly s mootli
hy years of use without wearing through
the gold. Dobcqct., 1a Bee. 14, lwo.
I hare uited one- of your JamM Iloaa' Gold Watch
Canea for aorentecn yearn. I bought It second hand
and know of ltd having lccn used before I got It,
bat do not know how lonp. It looks pood for ton
years longer. Did not suspect It was s, filled case
until so Informed by a Jeweler a short time since.
I most cheerfully recommend your cases to be all
they aro represented to be, and more.
O. StcCruNiT, Dtp, Col. M, Kt. U Dd. ami,
Btid I fit lUap t Kjitt WsUS Cms TuUrlM, Fklls
4!hlt, Tt for htsdieis llltitrtU4 rtapklttlhswlas ks
sm Dot,' sii Kiitftss Tstk Cum ars aisds
To U Continutd.)
Porcelains and Faience.
In addition lo many novelties
from the Royal Worcester, Min
tons and Copeland works, wo
would especially note some won
derfully decorated Faience from
the celebrated Hungarian fab
rique at Budapest, bearing the
famous mark of the " Five
Churches" they arc without
doubt the most elaborate pieces
ever produced, having received
the first prize at the late Amster
dam Exposition.
Rcautiful articles suitable for
wedding gifts, in Vases, Centre
Pieces, Cabinet Specimens, Fine
Tlatcs and Cups, arc here in end-,
less variety.
We should be glad to see vis
itors at any time, assuring them
a very cordial reception.
Mail orders for the selection of
gifts, will as usual, have our most
careful attention.
J. E. Caldwell & Co.,
902 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
If nntl ir.
"If you aro suffering from poor health
'or languishing on a bed of sickness,
tako cheer, It you aro simply ailing,
'or It you feci weak and dispirited,
'without clearly knowing why, Hop
Bitters will surely euro you."
"It you nro a Minister, nnd lnvo overtaxed your-
'self with your pastoral duties, or a Mother, worn
'out with caro and work, or a man ot business or
'laborer weakened by tho strain ot your evcry-day
'duties, or a man of letters, tolling over your mid.
'night work, Hop Bitters will surely strengthen
"If you aro suffering
'from over -eating or
'drinking, any lndlscro
'tlon or dissipation, or
'are young nnd growing
'too fast, as Is often tho
"Or It you aro In tho workshop, on tho
'farm, at tho desk, anywhere, nnd feel
'that your system needs cleansing, toning,
'or stimulating, without Intoxicating, It
'you are old, blood thin and Impure, rulso
'feeble, nerves unsteady, faculties waning,
'Hop Bitters is what you need fo glvo you
'now lite, health, and vigor."
It you aro costlvo or dyspeptic, or suffer
ing from any other ot tho numerous dls-
csesottho stomach or bowels, It Is your
own fault If you remain UL
It you aro wasting away with any form
of kidney disease, stop tempting death
this moment, and turn for a euro to Hop
If you aro sick with
that terrlblo sickness
Nervousness, you will
find a "Balm In tlllcad"
in Hop Bitters,
it you aro a frcaucntcr. or a resident of a
mlasmatlo district, barrlcado our system
against tho scourge of all countries ma
laria, epidemic, bilious and intermittent
fevers by tho use of Hop Bitters.
if you havo roturh. nlmnlr. or sallow skin, bad
breath, Hop Bitters will glvo you fair skin, rich
dioou, 1110 swecicsi urcain, anu ueaun. ouu win
00 paid rcr a caso tney win not cure or neip.
That noor. bedridden. Invalid wlte. sister, moth
er or daughter, can bo made the picture ot health
1 by a.tew bottles oi nop uuiers costing dui a inue,
7 ... V
l&vVCf can one medicine bo
$Mf$P3 lepsy.Uyspcnsln,
f S.-TVi-- "- Alcoholism,
"Toncltlra too
r.inch for Samari-
Orl'in I'ntlnir, Klirnmntloin, 8rermntor-
rluc, nr seminal cakness, uud lilty other
riinit.Ialnti't" " 0 claim It n tpuijtc, sim
V'v, Iwcmsc the virus of allliecnes nri '01 from
tioivli' I. ltsXrliic,Itcsolvtnr,AIIi!.tloand
i ip pnipertlrsmcetalltheconuitious ncrcta
n.....u 10. lt'sknovntoW(tli03
ii al U
dated 1'iiit.ADiariiiA Nov. 20, 1883,
iif.oo.Msiitmn, l'A.
, i r i r t J"!1 '
Hflp.n!iL'h Hvnin. Tsaehi irnntl.
Uselntlmc. ht,dbydruKRlst. I
1, .r'-tinnd comnnes tho patient not by the
li.tM(!ticlIn of i)pfati-rn'iratlc cathartics, but
by 11. o reiloMtloniT octHiiviiinotwiaaciiana
rinm !c.,n. herein- the brj.ln Is relieved
of ir.nrhl.l' fancies. Mlilcli aro crcatud hy tho
c.-'HCJ i.bovo rt icrrcu to, .
To I lerg ne:i. Lawyers, j.uersry,
c'.,i..' Iluuki m, Ladles and !,U IIiosj wlicwo ted
:, :vv i lnloyi.tent cantos ui.rou pro-lratlon,
it iTr.tlrs of tho bloo'l, toianch, howds or
. sorwhorequiro a m-rvo tonic, apjiftber or
t' ,i' -t, Smm:it NfciiWNR Id i.i.ih.nllo.
, Im.i s proclaim It tho mo-t unnderfiillnflg-
u,.L,nt. iUn Lint. I,m. rrcfnpt.
fl ;:. (.oldbyallDniggl'ts. ThoI)!!.t5, A.l.ICH.
HO.VD Mi:i). CO., I'roprlctoM. St..locr'i.M .
Cl:t. IT. citKKtn, iltst. r,rn iki t::?. i.y
l hiToatoitive remedy for th'taliovoc! aeis. J br Its
ilmin,l. i.l pxu.AltMW r.t L:nJ Htm Ol ldllJc
lUmlinj hao bsen ct.rbj. Iniloed.roBtronciin'T
'""ilnftscM.-acy.thlvt I will send'l'WO UO ITLllS
addross. l)n. T. A.' BLUCU II, 151 rearlbt.,Nsw York.
Bee 14 4w d
ItAV'H Wl'IICII'IC mi;iicini:.
unfailing euro for
tmlnal Weak.
ness, Spermator
rhoea, Impotency,
nnd all Diseases
that follow as a
sequenco of self
Abuso : as loss of
Memnrv. Unlver-
I'aininiuo ItacK, uimuess oi vision, I'remsiura
Old Age, and many other diseases that led to Insa
nity or consumption aim a iTcm.uure iirave.
when druggists from whom tho medicine Is bought
do not vefuna, but refer you to the manufactur
ers, and tho renulrements nro such that they
are seldom, If em; complied with. See their writ
ten guarantee. A trial ot one blnglo package of
tiray's Specific will convince tho most bkeptlcal ot
us leai merits.
on account of counterfeits, wo havo adopted the
Yellow Wmnner ! the onlv trentllne.
ssfrull particulars In our pamphlet, which we
desire to senu ireo uy man to every one. to mo
Spcclilc Meillelne Is bold by all druggists nt tl
iy mall on tho receipt ot tho money, by addressing from IllO plalnCNt low In pi'ICO
sent free
by mall on tho receipt ot tho money, by addressing I Iroi
T11U (IKAY MKDICINK CO., Buffalo, N, l. I 4
Sold in HlnnmitHirfr hv all drinrirlsts. I IU
Don't go Mlilvci'liigr aroiiml
I tills colli wt-atlipr Tor the tvniit
or a gooil, hi in Ovorcout, It
tvlll not pay.
Wo Iiavc them in nil grmlcN,
the Uncut.
PAYNE'S 1 0 llorsoSpark-Arrostlng
Torublo Bn'slno has rut lO.OuO ft. of Michigan line
Boards In ID hours, burning slabs from Uiu saw In
chjlil-foot lengthi.
liLuOHSituito, Columbia County, Pa.
All styles ot work done In a superior manner, work
kd wiTiiooT I'xih by the usa of QM, .and
free of charge when artificial teoth
are Inserted.
iiAi.ii nvA-fMmshnr.- ltanklntr Company,
n f
lo be aim at all Mur$ aurmg me hj
Not. 8 W
Tho undersigned having put hla Planing Mil
oi ltallroad street, In flrsbciass condition. Is pre
p ired to do all kinds of work In his Hue.
furnished at reasonable prices. AH lumber used
I? well seasoned and none but sklllod workmen
furnUhod on application. Hans aud ppectnea
tiona prepared by an experienced arauguisman
lllooniHliurg, I'n.
HOME, OF N. T. ,
MKltOIIANW, 01' KKWAHlv, N. J.
l'KOl'LKS' N. V.
These OLPcoitroKaTioNs are wen seasoned by
ami and nun tistid and have never yet bad a
loss settled by any court of law. Their assets
aro all Invested in solid sicustrixsaDd are Hi
A hntsril Of VIHI OUlV.
Liases moMrrLT and homistit adjusted and
natd as soon ua uciviuuugu vj uumsius c,
KKirr. sricut, Auxmt ind ad; pans iilooks
nth'iii'ninot oalu Tibia OJunty should uatron
lia thB aueucy where lossjs If any arc settled
ind oaln oy ouo ot their own ritiiens
Our M llor'e we Guarantee lo furnish power to
saw 8,000 fu t of llcmlnck Bo irds la 10 hours. Our
tiJIouuVl fui win mi In Mine time.
ii r i.iiiru uru ,uAiNTErn io
f''"n h a Ik rse-iioier on J lees
f 1 i.n'1 uater tUan any other En
rliio not filled with an Automatic
Cat OIL If von want Stationary
or I'oriaWe linirlne, Boiler, Clrcu- aw.M i . Miampr or i'u evs.
liner rai i r jnenuari s raiem
Wriiiishi'Iron Pulley, "nd for our
llbi-tiat d mtnlngre. No. 12, for
lnfurmt:tit aud ptlics,
Comlug, N. y. Box 17.
Jan. 8, 6J-ly,
Sept 7
North American ot Philadelphia.
Franklin, " "
York, ot lnnaylvanla.
Hanover, of N. Y,
flui4ns. of Iindnn.
North British, ot London,
onica on Market Street, No,
oct. vi, iv-iy
f, Bloomsburg.
yirst-class work always on hand.
Vi'cm reduced to suit the thnttt
1 A'IKNUY. Mover's new building, Main
I street, Bloomsburg, Pa.
tna Insurance Co.. of Hartford. Conn . tT.018.SM
norm oi Liverpool is.ouu.uuu
Lancasnire i","1",""
VI rn Association. Phlladelnhla 4.165.111
l'naintx,oi Lonaon
London K. Lancashire, ot Enirland.. . l.TUS.tfs
llartforl ot Hartford s,t is.eso
Springfield I'lro and Marino j,i)6l,6&o
As the agencies are direct, policies aro written
for the Insured without any delay In the
onico at Bloomsburg, Oct. !8, 'l-tr
Great Reduction
HavhiL' nurclmsctl n lurco tract of licm-
lock timber mill having u steam mill on tho
same, I am prepared to till all sizes nntl
lengths of liouso iitul barn bills lu a few
days' notice nl very low prices, I nlso
keep constantly on lmntl it full stock of
1NG, Sic. Parties w'll save money by
getting prices ueforo purchasing cisowiicro.
He B Low,
Oraiicville, Pa.
Cures Scrofula, Erysipelas,
rimplos an-l race Grubs,
matches. Bolls. Tumors, tftn-
tor, Humors, isiut Jtneum.i
'icnia tieaa, aotvs, mcicuiimi
Diseases, Fomalo weairaesi'
nnd Irregularities, Dizziness,
Loss ot Appetite, Juandice,
Affections ot tho Liver, IntlU
o.vfyo;i, Biliousness, Dyspop
sii and Ooneral Debility.
A orn nf P it Ink Hlx,i Ilitlm will Hlbfr !
,b)J i a, mi ti i II )t lh l.irif l Uloml runaef tis
lls llcnllnt va Unk'uaijs, I'alCU, tlM.
mun, MIlBUtlN U CO., Prop's, Mt'o, ri.v.
Dear Pin i During tho past season n
survey I1119 been mado by Mr. James Brown
of Hloomsburg, for n lino of Rallwny from
Rupert, Columbia Co., to Hernlco In 8nl-
llvnn County. Hy your direction, Mr.
Rrown brought tlio notes of his survey to
my olUcc, nntl I have furnished 1dm with
tisslstniico to work them out, mid to pre-
pare n map, profile nnd estimate ot quanti
ties. I bnvo consulted with Mr. Rrown
nnd ndvised hlin as to tho details of Loca
tion and mode of Construction. During
the present month I have made ft personal
examination of the country through which
tho proposed Railroad is loontetl, having
passed along the Valley of Fishing Creek
from Rupert to tho foot of tlio moun
tain, nnd having spent several days on the
mountain between Ganoga Lake nnd Her-nice.
I herewith present the results of my ex.
nmlnatlons, together with tlt03o of Mr.
flrown's survey.
Tho line selected commences on tlio Cat-
tnwissa R. R. near Rupert Station nnd fol
lows up the Valley of Fishing Creek to the
foot of the mountain, 11 dlstauco 0 f about
27 miles. This portion of tliu route is
along an open alluvial valley, and the so-
lected location U for the most part nt or
near the foot of tho hill on one side or the
other of tlio valley, though sometimes ex-
tending across stretches of bottom land.
On reaching tho foot of the mountain the
line deflects to the westward, and follows
the west branch of Fishing Creek for some
distance. The North mountain, which Is a
Spur from tho Great Allegheny plateau,
faces boldly to the South with precipitous
front, rising about 1200 feet in a little over
half n mile. It Is cut by numerous gorges
which have steep full, rugged slopes and
sharp jutting points, lu order to make
tho ascent with reasonable grades, dis
tance must bo had, which necessarily
lengthens the line. Tho location follows
along tlio South side of tlio West fork of
Fishing Creek for some distance, curves
round, crosses the stream and follows
along the JSorth sldo of tho Ravine,
doubles tip and back along a branch com
ing in from the North, known as Painter
Run, and rcnchlng tho West sldo of Elk
Run follows that stream to Its head, rcach
1 ing the summit 45 miles from Rupert,
at nn elevation of about 2300 feet above tho
tide level.
North of the Summit the Plateau
stretches out in rolls and undulations,
broken by numerous streams. Taking ad
vantage of these, tho located line takes a
Northerly direction to the head waters of
Painter Den Run, one of the branches of
Lopez Creek, follows that stream to its In
tersection with the Loyalsock Creek, thence
up Pidgeon Creek (which comes in from
the North) then, deflects to tho Westward,
follows the contour of the hills North of
the Loyalsock Creek, nntl connects at Ber
nico with the Sullivan and State Una Rail
road. The total length of the lino Is 00
From Rupert to tlio foot of the mountain,
27 miles, tho ruling gradc3 are : ascend.
Ing Northward C3 8-10 feet per mile, de
cending Northward 43 feet per mile. A
line could be located with continuous as
cending grades Northwnrd, but a few ad
verse grades have been introduced to light
en the graduation.
From the foot of of tho mouutaln to tho
summit, 18. 1-3 miles, tho maximum as
cending grade Northward Is 90 feet per
mile, and the nverago rise 73. B-IU per
mile, descending grides Northward none.
From the summit to Berulce 15 miles, the
ruling grades are 90 feet per mile, in both
directions. Along the valley of FHdng
Creek the alignment is generally good. On
the mountain portion of the road the na
ture of the ground requires sharp curva
ture, and In doubling the ravines and
sharp points curves of 339 feet radius havo
been used.
Tho Allegheny mountain passes through
Central Penna., on the West side of Bald
Eagle and Susquehanna Valleys, Us es
carpment following n lino almost due
North East until it reaches n point about
North of Wllllamsport when it bears
almost duo E tst to tho junction of Lycom
ing, Columbia and Sullivan Counties nt
which place It throws out to tho Southward
tho North mountains as a bold spur, then
bears again to tlio North East nnd crosses
tlio North Branch of the Susquehanna
River to Ttmkhannock. Tlio Eastern and
Southern faco of tlio mountain is generally
abrupt, while West of tho summit it spreads
out Into a rolling plateau ot great extent.
Many stream head In tho plateau. Some
ot them traverse considerable distances In
tho plateau, a few cut through the escarp.
mcnt of tho mountain, but nil find their
vent in cither the North or West Branch of
tho Susquehanna, both of which streams
cut the mountain to Its base. In the re
glon near tlio lino of your proposed Hull,
road we find the waters of Fishing Creek
flowing to tlio South and emptying Into the
Susquehanna near Bloomsburg. At tho
head of Fishing Creek proper we find the
East and West branches, Coles (,'rcek mid
Raven Run, while further Eastward are
the various branches of Huntingdon Creek,
which unites with Fishing Creek South ot
the village of Hllllwater, These various
streams drain the South face of tliu North
Passing North of tho escarpment of tliu
mountain wo And Bowman's Creek nnd tho
Mnhoopany flowing Eastwardly and North
castwurdly to junctions with tho North
branch of tho Susquehanna at points North
otwhero It cuts through the main mountain.
At tho head waters ot these two streams,
uud Interlocking with them we find tho
waters of tho Loyalsock which stream
Hows Westward, cuts tlio mountain to its
base, and unites with tho West branch of
tho Susquehanna n few miles East of Wll
llamsport. Hernlco Is on tho Loyalsock
on what is known as Birch Creek, Muncy
creek waters aro to tho West of your line.
An examination of tie Slato map will show
tho relative positions ot these several
streams, nnd will indicate, tho positions of
tho hills, rolls nnd divides which cnt up
the plateau of the Allegheny moun
tain. It might appear at first glance- that tho
proper way to reach tlio elevation ot tho
great Plateau was to follow down ono of
tlio larger streams. Tho great elevation
from which these streams havo to drop, nntl
tho peculiar geological character of tlio
country, has caused them to flow to n grea
ter or less extent tn Canons with rugged
slopes, sharp turns nnd crooks, nnd num.
erous vertical falls, making It very difficult
to utilize their gorges for tlio purposes of a
railroad, Tho', Inaccessibility ot this re
glon has caused It to be very little explored,
nnd wo find on tho North mountain, pro
bably tlio lai cost stretch of Virgin forest
remaining In tlio State. Stretching from
tho head of tho West brnncli of Fishing
Creek Eastward along Bowman's Creek
nnd the Mnhoopany is n vast extent ot un
explored territory, rcnchlng North and
South from tho waters of tho Loyalsock to
tlio face of tlio North mountain, nn area of
several hundred thousand acres, entirely
uninhabited, except n few scattered clear
lngs on Its outskirts.
The Fishing Creek waters appear to at
ford the best means of access to this terri
tory, tmtl ,tlio routo selected and surveyed
by Mr. Brow 11 gives a road of workable
grades which can bo constructed at moder
ate expense. Considerable distance, of
course, is lost in ascending the mountain,
but tills is a necessity, to secure workable
grades. While I obtained a very fair
knowledge of tho topography of tlio count
ry, more particularly of the valley of Fish
ing Creek proper nnd of tlio portion, North
of the mountain on my recent trip, I could
not in three or four df.ys make n critical
examination of tho whole country. Tlio
waters of Huntingdon Creek might give an
available route to the Nortli mountain Pla
teau, .hough It Is very doubtful if such a
routo would bo better than the one selected'
by Mr. Brown. It Is a question for you to
consider whether It Is worth while to ex
amine tlio Huntingdon creek route instru
mentally. By running directly to the font
of the mountain, nnd using incllno planes
to overcome the 1300 feet of elevation,
some 17 mlle3 of dlstanco could be saved.
I am Inclined to think, however, that it is
hardly wortli while to consider such a
scheme. A hurried trial lino was run up
the East branch of Fishing Creek, but no
location has been projected on that route.
If that route would better develop tho land
which you desire to reach, it might be well
to make n location on tlio East branch, and
compare tlio results with that of tho pre
sent location. An outlet for this reason
via. Fishing Creek will reach the principal
markets South & East by a much less dis
tance than can be had by a road following
any of the streams which flow West of the
mountain crest.
Tho object of my recent trip over the
line of your proposed Railroad, was to ob
tain a general knowledge of tho country
and of Its topography, character and re
sources. I was fortunate In being accom
panied by Col. R. B. Rlcketts of Wilkes
Barrc, a gentleman who has made a
thorough study of tho North mountain dis
trict, who Is perfectly familiar with Its to
pography, Geology & resources, and who
kindly p'need at my disposal his private
maps gave every explanation nsked for,
and piloted me from point to point, so that
I was cuablcd to see much more in tho
time at my disposal titan I could possibly
have done without his aid.
Tlio Fishing Creek Valley from Rupert
to the mouutaln Is a good farming country
interspersed with numerous small villages.
On cither side of tho valley is a farming
country, whicli at present has no Railroad
facilities nearer than the valley of the
North branch of the Susquehanna. Imme
diately in the vicinity of Bloomsburg are
lurgc quantities of tho well known fossil
iron ore of tho Jtontour ridge. With this
exception there are no minerals of any com
mercial value along the lino or tho road
South of the mountain. After leaving the
valley ot Fishing Creek we strike the tlm.
ber region. The mountain Plateau is cov
ered with a heavy growth of Spruce, Hem
lock and hard wood, with a few isolated
patches of White Pine. Col. Ricketts who
has explored the region extensively, in
company with experienced lumbermen es
timates that there are not less than 200,000
acres of Virgin timber land on tho moun
tain Plateau In Sullivan Luzerno & Wyom-
Ing Counties. Immediately on tho Loyul
sock there nro several saw mills, tho lum
ber from which I saw being hauled to Bcr
nico. I am informed that at Thorndale and
Laporte, both of which aro West of tho ter
ritory I examined, there are tanneries, In
operation, and I saw somo Hemlock tim
ber which had been cut down, and from
which the bark had been removed. I vis
Ited a high point on a clearing near the
Wyoming County lino which overlooked
the valleys of the Loyalsock, Mnhoopany
nnd Howmans Creeks, from which I could
sec vast areas of unbroken timber land ex
tending to tho limits of tho horizon many
miles from where I stood.
Ganoga Lnko otherwise known as Long
Pond, isa sheet of water about 1 mlb long,
situated near tho Turnpiko road and about
ii miles North from tho crest of tho moun
tain, Its outlet U by Kitchen Creek, a
branch of Huntingdon Creek, which latter,
as before stated, Is a tributary of Fishing
Creek, At Genoga Lake is 11 clear
ing, nn which there Is n largo and
substantial two btory stone house, a
three Btory framo boarding house, barns
and other buildings, tho placo having been
Improved nnd fitted up as a Summer Water.
Ing Place, capable of accommodating from
200 to 250 guests. After leaving tho Loyal
sock creek to como South "Ganoga Lnko"
Is the only habitation on the mountain, nnd
East and West of It is nn unbroken wilder,
ness for many idtles In either direction. A
lnrgo tract of land around and Including
Ganoga Like Is owned by Col. Rlcketts,
who U tho only person that has cxploicd
this section for minerals, and I nm Indebt
ed to him for the Information which I ob.
tallied lu the matter. Col. Rlcketts has
mado n number of drifts, test pits and
shafts, some of which I visited and exam.
Incd. A bed of valuablo Yellow Ochro has
been opened at a number of places. It var
ies from 3 to 0 feet thick. Col. Rtckctts es
timates It to average 4 feet In thickness,
and states that ho has traced it sufficiently
to warrant him In claiming that it under,
lies 10,000 ncrcs j what it may bo boyond
this area is not known.
Immediately under tho Ochro bed is n
vein of Iron oro about twelve Inches thick,
It shows at tho outcrop us a browu Hcma.
tltu 1 whether It remains tho same under
cover, cannot bo stated, as It has not been
developed, uol. mcKclls reports tt as
giving about 33 per cent, of metallic) iron,
being very low In Phosphorus nnd Sul.
plmr, and containing about 0 per cent, of
Mungauesc. Tlio next lower strata is ten
feet In thickness of brown shale and ore,
Tho oro seems to bo about 3 feet thick, red
in color, probably low in metallic iron, and
a specimen tested Is reported as showing 1
per cent, of Phosphorus. About 200 feet
lower lu tuo measures lucre is nn Iron oro
deposit. I examined It at a trench dug In tho
hill uidu on Oro Run, about 1 miles West
of Gnnogn Lake. Tho faco of tho hill Is
very steep and covered with fragments of
rock which make It difficult to follow tho
strain. Col. Rlcketts found a bed of bog
manganese under tho ore, which has been
his gutdo In tracing the vein. Tho section
shows 12 Indies of oro In tho bottom, then
5 feet of red shale, then 10 Inches of ore,
then 0 Inches greenish shale, and lastly 19
Inches of ore. making In all a thickness
of four feet two Inches of oro In a height
ot nine feet eight Inches. This oro has a
blush color, nnd is probably a carbonate.
It hns not been tested In any way, nor
opened elsewhere.
I havo been shown fine specimens of
shot ore which I nm Informed exists as a
bed 8 feet thick on Elk Hun nd on tho
West Branch of Fishing Creek. Col. nick
ctts lias not found tho shot oro on his prop
erto, but ho states that it seems to occupy
about the same geological horizon ns the
deposit on Oro Run above described. He
nlso states that while exploring the various
branches of the Mnhoopany creek ho found
specimens of Brown Hematite Iron ore,
which as nearly as ho could judgo came
from tho same horizon, there being bog oro
springs nnd exposures of bog inangancso
On the mountain Plateau wo find a layer
of Impure Limestone well stratified and
thin bedded. The presence of this lime
stone probably nccounts for the good qual
ity of the soil found In this section ot tho
The unsettled condition of the district
nnd the obsence of menus of communica
tion havo prevented any extensive explora
tion of the ore deposits here described, nnd
no actual workings have been mado on a
largo scale, therefore I cannot express nny
opinion as to the commercial values of the
The town of Bcrnlce, tho Northern ter
minus of your lino nnd the Southern termi
nus of your State lino and the Sullivan
Railroad, Is situated on Birch Run. It Is a
scattering village of miners and workmen,
houses, witli n few stores, a hotel, saw mill
nnd coal breaker. At this point tho geo
logical measures which form tho surface
further South, have sunk so ns to form a
narrow Isolated trough or basin which con
tains the two lower coal veins. I had no
opportunity to personally examine tho coal
deposits nt this place, nor to ascertain defi
nitely their extent. To do so would bo a
work of considerable time. Tho State geo
logical report of Sullivan County, publish,
cd in 1830, goes into somo detail relative
to this region, but Col. Ricketts nnd others
Interested in lands take decided exceptions
to the thoroughness and correctness Ot that
report In many particulars. While I do
not pretend to advance my judgment against
that of well known professional geologists
who havo examined this district of country
as a business, I must say that the observa
tions which I made on tho ground, not so
much at Bernlcc ns In the country South of
It, lend mo to believe that the present pub
lished reports need considerable revision.
I undcrtnnd that during the past summer
this district lias been revisited by an officer
ot the State Survey, and that a reexamina
tion has been ordered. Tho State report
docs not give the acreage of coal available
at Ucrnlce, nnd I have not been able to ob
tain It from other sources.
The information which Col. Ricketts
gives mo is to the effect that there aro two
veins ot coal, the upper one measuring 11
feet (the State Survey gives it at about 8
feet) the lower one 4 feet (the State Survey
says 2 feet) with about 55 feet of intcrven
Ing rocks. That the upper vein Is found
only in the Birch Creek basin, but that tho
lower vein occupies n much larger area.
The line between Sullivan nnd Wyoming
Counties lies about 7 miles East of Ucrnlce,
and Wyoming County, as yet, has not been
officially reported on. Col. Rlcketts claims,
wlille the area of Birch Creek basin, as
laid down on geological map of Sullivan
County, Is substantially correct, that there
Is n large basin of tho lower vein of coal In
Wyoming County, both North & South of
the Muhoopany Creek. That this basin
being an unexplored wilderness, has not
been thoroughly examined, but that In
September Inst ho visited it, in company
with Mr. Hill, one ot tho assistants of tho
State Survey and saw two- openings iu tho
coal, ono of which was driven In about 300
feet. He tells me. that ho and Mr. Hill de
elded that there was about 20 square miles
of area of tho lower coal vein. From what
I could sec of the Topography ot tho coun
try, nnd In view of the small vertical ills,
tanco between tho two scams ot coal, I can
not resist tho conclusion, that If there is
any such area of tho lower vein there must
also bo a considerable area ot tho upper
vein of coal In tho same territory. Of
course you caro nothing about County
Hues, or differences of opinion between
geollglsts on Scientific points, but you arc
Interested In tho actual facts as bearing on
tho sources of revenue for your railroad.
Tito inaccessibility ot this district has pre
vented n thorough examination being made,
but it is to bo hoped, that the question of
tho mineral deposits ot this region will
bo definitely settled ono way or the oth
er. Tho sources of Revenue for your Rail
road are thercforo 1
1. Tho general business, (passenger and
freight,) Incident to a prosperous farming
country of considerable width, extending
for somo 27 miles nloug your road. Llmo
Is needed for the farm lands, which will be
hauled in from tlio North Branch Valley.
Coal for fuel, store goods und miscellane
ous freight will be considerable Items. Farm
produce, cross-tics and miscellaneous
freight will be tho business going out.
3. Lumber business from tlio mountain
lands should bo a large Item. The present
dcmantl for sawed lumber, bill timber,
mluo ties, props and lagging through tho
anthracite coal district, affords a homo
market, now supplied from more distant
points, nnd for which you would practical,
ly have the monopoly. Hemlock bark Is
at present lu great demand for tanning
purposes, ami is growing scarcer nnd dear
er every year. A branch lino about 10
inlles long from your main lino 011 Loyal
sock Creek to the waters of the Mnhoopa
ny should practically control tho Immense
timber supply on tho waters of tho latter
stream, and would also serve to develop
tho coal deposits which it is possible may
be opened iu that district, The local in
formation which I have been furnished
with Is, that Hemlock bark is now selling
nt $7,00 per cord on board cars at Bernlcc,
that with a railroad built In this region it
can bo readily sold at $3,00 per cord on
the tree, and that the prices that can bo re.
alizod for Btuinpngo of lumber are Hem
lock 3.00, Spruce 5. to 0., White Pino
$8, to $10. and that Hemlock lumber is
now sellllng readily throughout tho coal
district at $15. to $10. The building of
menso body of timber Into market, and
whllo making lnrgo profits to tho land own.
ncrs would furnish freight to tho road. As
the timber Is nt present practically exclud
ed from market, and therefore utterly
worthless, and nn expense for taxes to Its
owners, It would seem Hint tlio true Interest
of tho land owners would bo to comblno
nnd build the Railroad themselves ( or fur
nlih the capital to do so, pro rata on their
holdings of land.
8. The building of the Fishing Creek
Railroad will afford n short lino South &
East, to tho principal markets of the coun.
try for tho coals of tho Bernlcc nnd udjn.
cent basins, tho amount of which will bo
limited only by the extent ot thoso basins,
as I understand tho coal Is of superior
quality and nn especial favorite for house-
hold use.
IJiave not attempted to make any figures
on tho foregoing sources of revenue. That
Is a matter that Is not In my province, but
it Is a subject for tliu consideration of pat
ties building the road.
Jonx A.,
Civil Engineer.
Tickets to all points In the West on sale
at the office of W. O. McKlnncy.
Prof. Johonnct, a gentleman of well
known ability will bo ono of the lustruc
tors at the teachers' Institute.
No. ,8, December Term, 1683.
Adim Kllno vs. John Kline, ft. nL Writ of bar-
tltlon or valuation to Adam Kline, John Kline,
William Kline, Daniel Kline, ltebecca Blue, Wil
liam Swisher nnd Mary Ann his wife. In . right ot
stld wlte, and Franklin Met! and Christiana his
Next Tucsdny, January 1st Is tho last
day for collectors to make their returns of
seated and unseated lands to tho County
wife. In right otsald wife take notice, that by
virtue of the abovo writ ot partition or valuation,
to mo directed, nn inquest will bo held upon tho
premises tnerein uescnuca on 1110 mil uay ui uun-
nnrv. ifMi nr. io nvtorle a. m.. tn ascertain and In
quire, ntnonq other things, whether tho said
Iin-'lIllfUS UUU UO pUUOU IUK1 UHlui-Ti,l.lluu. ,.;ju-
dlce to or spoiling tho wholo thereof, to the par
ties abovo named, otherwise to value aud ap
praise the same, when and where you may attend
f vou nee nroDcr.
HhcrHTs onico. Blooms.
burg, Dec W, "83.
dec 28
Bcllo Johnson by her next friend, C. C. Marr, vs.
it. liruce jounson.
To It. Ilruco Johnson, respondent nbovo named i
wiicrffii noon thn llln'l of tlias.ild Hello Johnson a
subpoptia was Issued out ot tho said court com
manding you to bo and appear at tho next regular
term of s lid court to show cauw why tho said li
belant should not bo divorced from tho bonds of
matrimony contracteu witnyous ana wnereua
upon return of said subpoena duo proof was
mado that you could not bo found In tho ballwlclc
ot tho Sheriff ot said county, whereupon an ai
subpoena was awaruea uy saia coun communuiuK
you to appear at tho then next Ujrtn ot said court
to answer as aforesaid to which the samo return
was mado by tho Sheriff. You are therefore re
quired to bo and appear on the ilrst day of tho
cl,l rnluihMil nt Hlnnmqlll'rtr.
tor said county, on the llrst Monday ot February
next, A. D. 181, to answer said complaint.
Sheriff's omco. Blooms- JOHN MOUltEi ,
burg, Dee. W, issi. Sheriff.
Littles, Att'ys. ueuao
Lost. On main street, a seal skin muff
ornament.- The Under will confer a favor
on tho owner by leaving It nl this office.
Notiob. Come to my residence, a red
cow with a white spot on Its forehead. The
owner can have her by paying for this ud.
vcrtlsement. Evan Lewis,
Lognusvtllc, Centrnlla Pa.
The annunl meeting of the Gospel Tem
perance Union, for tho election of officers,
will bo held In tho Evangelical Church, on
Friday evening, Dec. 23, 1883, at 7:15, p.
m. An interesting programme has been
provided. All are cordially Invited.
If you contemplate going West, cnll nt
tho Pennsylvania R. R. ticket office, Main
St. Bloomsburg. W. C. McKlnncy ngent.
The Erie Mall train on Christinas morn
ing, jumped the track nt Sunbury, nnd
passed through several freight cars stand
ing on a siding. Tho passenger coaches
were considerably damaged, and tho en
gine so Inlurcd as to be unfit for use. Tho
fireman was seriously iniurcd. The road
was obstructed for five hours.
Tho undersigned audiwr appointed by tho Or
phans' court ot Columbia county n re estato ot
Hannah llalrd, lato ot lha borough ot Berwick, do
ceased, to mako distribution ot the fund in tho
hands of Elliott 1'. Klsner, ndmlnUtrator, a. b. n.
tt cl, of said estate, lo and among tho parties
entitled thereto, will meet nt the onice oi C. B.
Jackson, Ksq., in the borough of Berwick, on
Thursday, January at, 181, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
when nnd where all partlos Interested In saldcs
tate must appear and present their claim or bo
forever debarred from coming In on same.
dec 91 Auditor.
Tttr testamentary crantcd on tho estate ot
Jacob Lorcman, deceased, lato ot Franklin town,
ship, Columbia county, unto Simon Vought, by tho
itegisier ot saui uuuinj. .... ,,w.3'-,. j
claims against tho estate ot said decedent aro re
quested to present them tor settlement, and thoso
indebted to the estate to make payment to tho un
derslgncd without delay.
Elysburg, Northum- Executor.
berland county, l'a.
For bargains In ranges, stoves and stove
repairs of all kinds go to Sharpless' found
ry. Dec 28-U
Absolutely Pure.
This powder nsver varies. A marvel ofpurltv
strength and wholesomeness. More economical
than the ordinary k'nas. and cannot be sold In
competition with tho multitude of low test, short
weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only
In cans, hoval Baeino Powuku Co , 106 Wall-st.,
N. V. augll-ly.
Loss of Appctllt', llcnilaclio, Deiires
nloii, InrtlprMlmi mill Cmiflliintloti, lill
loitimor,. n Sillnw I'nic, Dull Ilyrs, and
a lllulclu'l t.hlii,uio among tho fjinptoma
which Indlcatu that tha Liver Is crying for
Ayer's Fills
will stimulate tho Liver to proper action,
nnd correct nil theso troubles. Ono or more
of theso Tills should bo taken dally, until
health la fully established. Thousands tes
tify to t'aclr great merit.
No family can alford to bo without Avi:a's
rnri'ARKD uv
Sold by all DrugtfUU.
This Season's New Descriptive Catalogue & Price
List, oi
s Plays,
o Dramas, P
c Farces, 3
5 Guide Books, 5
6 scenery (Paper),
J5i :
kthlonlan Dramas.
Tableaux Lights,
coiorea lire,
Burnt Cork,
ue.ini, sc.
In fact, everything for Amateur Theatricals.
AMUKL FltKNCIl & SON, 33 K. HthSU. New
Nov. 1C-4W
Is a highly concentrated extract of
Sv.uipnillti uml other blnod-purlfylne
outs, roiiibliiL'.l with Iodldo or l'otas
slum and Iron, aud Is tho safest, most reli
able, and most economical blood-purlller that
can bo usol, H Invariably expels all blood
poisons from tho system, enriches and renews
tho blood, and restores Its vitalizing power.
It Is tho best known remedy for Scrorula
nnil all Scrofulous Complaints, Krynlp
vlat, JJcicma, lllncnurm, lllotclics,
Bores, IlolU, Tumor, mid Eruptions
of tho SUIn, as also for all disorders causod
by a thin and Impoverished, or corrupted,
condition of thobloo.l,sucliBSltlieunmtlsin(
Neuralgia, llliiuiinatlc Gout, Ooneral
Debility, niul Scrofulutis Catarrh.
Inflarnmalor, Rheumatism Cured.
"Avr.n's SAltsAr-AitlixA lias cured mo of
the Inflammatory ltheiiiiiatlmi, with
vhlch 1 havo sutfered for many enr.
W. II. .Mnoiii;."
Ourham, la., March 2, 1682.
ntEr-AitED nv
Dr. J.C.Aycrct Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists i 31, si lmttlts for
What Struck an Old Soldier.
"It will soon bo twenty years tlnco tho war clou,
Under tho hot sun ot August, 1&3J, tho village ot
Dover, N. J., lay still as tho sphinx In Kgypt, while
UUJah Sharp, ot that place, slowly tpokoot the
past. "Yes," ho Bald, "1 waslu tho army andBaw
many of the highta of those (eartul years. 1 was
anally discharged from disability, resulting trom
sunstroke. I cauo homo miserable lu health
andsplilts; bo enfeebled that I took cold on the
slightest exposure. Llfo seemed worthies to ino;
1 lived only la memory."
That was sid enough," I said, dividing my last
two cigars.
'That's so," responded Mr. bturp ; "but I got
over It. Outgrow It ? Not exactly. When In that
condition I began taking 1'akker's Tonic, nnd my
health commenced to Improve right away. 1 was
astonished at It and so was my wife. I plied ou
the nesh and could eat anythlrg. My ambition
iitazMi un. I could auena io uuiiness. anu now
excepting that 1 havo lo take caro about exposing
myself to tho hot sun 1 am as well as I was tho
day 1 enlisted. What differences there aro In things
guns snd bayonets kill t 1'aiickk's Tonio saves."
This preparation, which has been known as I'a a
xta's lliMiiut Tonic, will hereafter bo called
simply 1'abxek'b Tonic. As uuprlnelpleu doalers
are constantly deceiving their customers by Bub
Btltutlng Inferior articles uudertho uainoot ginger,
and as tuo ginger is reauy uu iiuiiiipuiaut, mgro-
dlent, we arop tuo misicunug worn.
There ti no clianae. huirevef. lit lite uremratlon
fiiir. and nil bottlod rcmalulUL' In tliu hands of
rtiMiti'rH. wrannod under thouamo ot 1'aukhk's
(Iinciik Tonic, contain tho genulue mndlclno If tho
lao-Bitnno siguaiuru ui iubi-u a. iu., , uv uiu uui
tom ot tho outside wrapper.
Near L b B B3p:t, Bloomsburg Pa.
Manufacturer of First class ranges In
different styles, cook stoves, parlor stoves
and stoves for heating stores.fcliool houses,
churches &c. Largo stock of tlnwnro anu
stove repairs, such ns giates, firebrick, lids,
centres &c.
Oct 20 tf
near home. Address u. O. PHELPS & CO., Phila
delphia, l'a.
Deo 14-4W a
New Life
is given by using Bkown's
Iron Bitters. In the
Winter it strengthens and
warms the system; in the
Spring it enriches the blood
and conquers disease; in the
Summer it gives tone to the
nerves and digestive organs;
in the Fall it enables the
system to stand the shock
of sudden changes.
In no way can disease be
so surely prevented as by
keeping the system in per
fect condition. Brown's
Ikon Bitters ensures per
fect health through the
changing disarms
the danger from impure
water and miasmatic air,
and it prevents Consump
tion, Kidney and Liver Dis
ease, &c.
your railroad would at onco bring tills Im.
s week at home. 15 00 out nt free. 1'ar ab.
lutely suro. No risk. Capital not required.
jtteanur. it you wain uusincs uv wuicn iter.
'sons ot either sex. you nn or old. can make
great pay all tho tlmo they work, with absolute
certainty, write for paitlculars to II, Halxktt &
io., iMntaiiu, .name.
Dec 31-ly
. 5. Berlin, Esq., of the
well-known firm of II. S.
Berlin & Co,, Attorneys, Le
Droit Building, Washing
ton, D. C, writes, Dec. 5th,
1SS1 :
Gentlemen.' I take pleas
ure in stating that I have used
Ilrown's Iron Hitters for ma
laria and nervous troubled
caused by overwork, ' dh
excellent result!.
Beware of imitations,
Ask for Brown's Ikon Bit
ters, nnd insist on having
it. Don't be imposed on
with something recom
mended as "Just as good."
The genuine is made only
by the Hrown Chemical Co.
Baltimore, Md.