The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 21, 1883, Image 4

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    Every Parmer May Keep Sheep.
Kory farmor, howovcr few tlio ncrcs,
may profitably keep a certain number
of Bbcop. for not only In summer, but
also In winter will sheep consume fod
der otliorwino waited. Many persons
suppose that it is not feasible to keep
sheep with other stook in tho samo
paituro or feeding yard. It is not safe
to keep sheep in tho samo pasture w ith
young liorees. Both animals feed on
short grasses and also weed?, and play
ful young horses sometimes injuro
eheep by racing them. With cattlo
tho horns are tho only danger, and
shocp soon learn to keep out of the
way of them. While it is better that
sheep should bo kept by thomsclvcs,
especially in winter and in tho case of
largo flocks, decidedly so, yet when
fow sheep are kept they may bo safely
allowed to run with tho cattlo in the
pastures, and also in tho feeding yards
in tho winter. Indeed, sheep soon
learn to follow tho cattto rather closely,
especially in regions wheio predatory
dogs are common, and instinctively so
for protcotion. It is a fact that dogs
seldom attack sheep kept with cattle,
unless in tho case of some old rogue,
and then only when tho sheep are found
at a considerable distance, for tho in
stinct of tho cattle is to attack animals
found chasing or worrying other stock
near them. Breeders Gazette, Chicago-
Keepic r v , -.he Flesh of Oattle Daring
The farmor o; breeder who most
thoroughly uudcrstands how to preparo
livo stock is he who makes it a poiut
to get the largest possible amount of
flesh upon the ribs during tho summer.
So ho who best understands his busi
ness during winter is ho who succeeds
in maintaining all tho flesh acquired
duriug tho summer adding to this as
far as ho can. Oattle that go into win
tor in good flesh, if suitably protected
from storms and cold, and properly fed,
are easily kept up to tho summer stand
ard till mid-winter, and with suitablo
attention tho samo will prove true of
tho remainder, up to tho appearanco
of grass. Tho warmth of seven-twelfths
of tho year favors tho interests of tho
feeder in tho higho ' degree, both in
tho direction of putting on llcsh, and
retaining it; and it is only by ijoxcusa
blc improvidence that the gain made
during tho larger and best half of tho
year is lost during tho shorter and un
favorable half. It is bad economy to
uso for fuel corn meal, ac $20, and oil
cake, at S3f per ton, but this is exact
ly what is dono when any ono exposing
cattle to a low temperature, at the samo
timo endeavors to hold the summer's
flesh during winter by the use of spec
ial foods National Livestock Jour
nal, Chicago.
The Law of Trespass.
There seems to bo a great difference
of opinion in regard to the law of tres
pass, and the rightB'possessed by tho
owner of tho property. Some people
think you havo the right to shoot a
dog, a cat, a fowl, a pigeon, etc., com
ing upon yout premises ; but ho has no
Buch right. His remedy is to go to the
law for damages, and ho has no
right to take the law into his own
hands. Some timo ago a person in a
neighboring county poisoned a tres
passing dog and was ariosted. He free
ly admitted doing it, and attempted to
show that ho had the right to do so.
Tho court and jury disagreed with him,
and, as ho had no money, ho was sent
to jail for three months.
Another case occurred in German
town a number of years ago. A neigh
boring sporting citizen was hunting
partridges with a fine setter dog on
which ho placed great store. Ho was
shot by a sporting farmer whilo hii'H
ing on his premises, and tho aet b I ig
proved, tho dofendant undertook to
show that the dog was unknown to
him, and at best was a nuisance. But
this was quickly disproved, and after a
trial of two or three days tho defend
ant wa ' an, thu jury adjudging tho
full v 1 a-. J -he dog about forty dol
lars. . i . ime at tho timo created a
great de.a ot '-ti'i c'st, as both parties
wcro well known nd respected in tho
community. This was tho last case
we hoard of within the limits of Phil
adelphia county. Germantown Tele-graph.
Oceans of Milk,
"There are nearly $2,000,2.r0,000 in
vested in tho dairying business in this
country,' said an officer of the Erie
Milk Producers Association recently.
That amount is aln.ost double the mon
ey invested in banking and commer
cial industries. It is estimated that it
requires 150,000,000 cows to supply
tho demand for milk and its products
I- aI TT . i rt. m ' -
in mo united atates. To tecu thesi
cows 00,000,000 acu? of land are un
dei- cultivation. Thu agricultural and
dairy macninery and implements in uso
are worth oyer 200,000,000. Tho
men employed in tho business number
700,000,and tho horses nearly 1,000,000,
Tho cows and horses consumo annual
Jy 30,000,000 tons of hay, nearly 90,-
000,000 bushels of corn meal, about tho
samo amount of oat meal, 275,000.000
bushels of oats, 2,000,000 bushels of
bran, and 30,000,000 bushels of corn.
to say nothing of tho browery grains
and qucsttonablo feed ot various kinds
that is used to a great extent. It costs
$100,000,000 to feed these cows and
liorses. The average price paid to tho
laborers necessary in tho dairy business
is probably S20 a month, amounting to
S8liiM,uuu,uuoa year.
The average cow yields about 450
gallons of milk a year, eivinc a total
product of 0,750,000,000 gallons j 12
cents a gallon is a fair price to estimate
tho value ot this milk at a total return
to tho dairy farmer of 810,000,000.
Fifty per cent, of the milk is mado into
cheese and butter. It takes 27 pounds
of milk to make 1 pound of butter, mid
about 10 pounds of milk to make one
pound oi oneese. inure is the same
amount of nutrition in 3 pounds of
milk that there is ono pound ot bout. A
lat steer niriiisnes au per cent, ot bone
ltss beef, but it would require about
21,000,000 steers, weighing 1,500
pounds each to produce the same
amount of nutrition ns tho annual milk
production does. Sussex Iferald.
Hot Watkk for Coi.ds. Dr. George
It. Shepherd, Hartford, Conn., says,
respect to the use of hot water its a
remedial agent in the treatment of in
flammation of thu mucous membranes!
"I havo used hot water as a gargle or
the past six or eight years. In ncut
pharyngitis and tonsillitis, mid in
coryza. ld in tho head, if proper
ly usi ' hi iV commencement of tho at
tack, it Kitiitutes one of our most ef
fective ivmedLs, being frequently
promptly curative. To bo of service
it should be used In considerable quan
tity (u half bint or a pint nt a tune,)
and just ns hot ns the throat will toler
ate I have seen many cases of auuti
discaso thug aborted, and can com
mend tho method wUh great confi
Useful To Know.
nttANllKtiliV Plintitvu. T'mir iiniltnnr
water on a pint of dried bread crunibsi
molt a tablesponuful of butter mid stir
in. When tho bread is Boltcncd add
ivo eggs, and beat thoroughly with
io bread. Then nut in a liint of tho
stowed iruit, nud sweeten to your
taste. Bake in a hot oven for half an
hour. Fresh fruit may bo used in
nnn nf tin, nrntitwirrtita tUn4 nf
caches nut in in layers nuko a delic
ious variation.
FiiKPAitiNO Cei.euv. Celery that is
not so crisp as it should bo may ba oat
en prepared liko this : After washing
thu celery and removing tho green
leaves, cut in pieces about hs you do
asparagus, then put. it into boiling wa
ter that is salted; when it Is tender,
drain it, lay it un sliues of buttered
.,.f.i. i .... i t
toasi, v.uiu'i you a;r,u just uippuu m
tho water in which you cooked the cel
ery j add butter, pepper and salt to
suit your tastu j servo hot.
To Kutovi: GuKAsn Spots and
Stains kkom Oaupets amiCi.otiunu.
Two ounces of ammonia, two ounces
of whlto castilo soap, ono ounce of gly
cerine, ono ouneo of ether? cut the soap
line, dissolvo in one pint of water over
tho firo : adil two quaits of water. This
should bo mixed with water in tho pro
portion of a tcaeuplul to ore ordinary-
sizoJ pail of water. Mix thoroughly,
and wash soiled garments in it. For
removing snots use a sponiro or clean
flannel cloth, and with a dry cloth rub
as dry as possible Woolen goods
may bo made to look bright and fresh
by being sponged with this.
How Bank Notes are Made.
Every ono may not know that the
Government niom-y is printed on paper
made in Daltou, a Massachusetts town,
in a mill that had its origin in colonial
times. As tho grayish pulp passes be
tweon heavy iron rollers, bits of blue
aud red silk thread nro scattered over
its surface. From tho pulp room to tho
vault, where it is stored until shipped
to Washington, it is guarded and
watched as though it wero gold. In
smail iron safes, like those used by tho
express companies, tho paper is carried
to Washington, where it may bo used
immediately, or remain in the vaults for
During the past yoar there wcro
printed by the Government StG.000,000
worth of legal tender notes, $68,000,
000 worth of national bank currency,
$87,000,000 ot bonds $38,000,000 sil
ver certilicates and 681,150,015 stamps
for tho internal revonuo. In tho Bu
reau of Printing and Engraving more
than ono thousand persons are employ
ed in wetting, plate-printing, examin
ing, pressing, numbering, separating,
binding, perforating and engraving.
Tho bank note plates and stamp dies
aro kept in vaults that require three
mens' timo a quarter of an hour to open.
All tho Presidents down to Garfield
havo beon portrayed on bank notes,
and threo vice-presidents, twenty four
secretaries of State, six secretaries of
war, three postmaster generals aud
chief justices have been honored in tho
same way, besides twenty-six Senators
and ltepresentatives and a tew other
noted persons in science nud litera
ture. Tho highest denomination of legal
tenders is 10,000. The next is 5,000
and $1,ODO,$500. 100, 50, $20, 10,
5. 2 and 1 follow. The highest
value m national bank notes is S 1,000.
The printing of a bank note requires
twenty-two to twenty-four clays, and
during the processs it passes through
the hands ot fifty two ponons. A wo
man in the counting department has
counted for seventeen yiars, and never
made a mistake m that time. Provi
dence Journal.
Christmas Ehymes.
gain, and yet again, Christmas "re
turns with tho revolving year," and, as
it has been for so many centuries, will
bo again cvbiMtcd wi'Ii tu- advent ot
frost and ic. amid the dipt1! i f winter
at least i it the northern halt ot the
world ; for in the southern hemisphere
Christmas comeH hand in hand with
midsummer, and is welcomed, not by
blazing logs, but with picnics under the
cool shade of trees, though even here
tho old associations hold their sway
wd roast beef aud Christmas puddings
appear upon the board.
To tho poets Christmas has always
been dear, and has been celebrated by
them in somo of tho finest poetry in our
language. One.of tho finest Christmas
oarols ever written is that of Milton,
which was written when ho was very
youug. it is descriptive- ot tho first
Uhnstmas day, when there was "an
universal peaeo through sea and land."
Nor war nor battle sound
Was heard the world around ;
The Idle spear and shield were high up."
hung ;
Tho hooked chariot stood
Unstained with battle blood ;
Tho trumpet spake not to the armed
throng j
And kings sat still with awful eye,
As If they surely knew their sovran Lord
was nigh.
Leigh Hunt in a strain of most
pleasant banter writes of Christmas as
Glorious time of great Too Much,
Too much fire and too much noise,
Too much babblement of boys ;
Too much eating, too much drinking,
Too much ov'rythlng but thinking
Solely bent to laugh and stuff,
And trample upon base enough,
This is truly seasouablo poetio li
cense running over, as it wore, of ani
mal spirtis, which was characteristic
of the man, oven under the most severe
depression, l'or no ono advocated
moro strongly than ho did tho restric
tion of enjoyment of what ho here terms
"bae Enough,'' and the distribution of
tho surplus of the great Too iUuuh
nmongt those who unfortunately nro
innocent ol all tauuliarity with Juiough.
A scientist sys that in tho moon
hickory nut falling from a bough would
crash through a man liko a minmo bill
I hat settles it. Wo shall nover go to
the moon to gather hickory nuts. xor
ristown Iferald.
Ladv Finoeiis Beat tho whites and
yolks of four eggs separately, mix witl
tho yolks threo ounces of sifted flour
and threo ot powdered sugar ; ndd the
whites, and after they aro stirred in
add a largo tahlespoontul ot roso wa
ter; beat this well, then put this into, a
funnel nnd squeeze it out in proper
shape on a paper over whieh you havo
scattered a little powdrid s igar. A
good authority in uaku-makiug reuom
mends that you let the little cakes
btnnd on tho paper from four to llvo
minutes before putting them in the
oven. After they aro baked they may
bo fastened together with the whlto
of an ogg t a very little will answer the
purpose. Thu funnel you cui mako
yourself out ot stttt white paper,
Women dUtrust uen too much In
general and not enough in particular.
Getting Bid of the Surplus.
The many millions of surplus reve
nue in tho "Tro tsury, nnd tho many
moro millions of surplus yet to come,
havo fearfully perplexed politicians as
well ns Inventlvo jobbers, nnd thoy are
devising all sorts of ways to dlsposo of
President Arthur believed in abolish
ing it last year j but now ho has revis
ed his opinions, probably in view of
tho necessities of a Presidential cam
paign, nnd ho wants it devoted to tho
rehabilitation of tho Navy. Blaine
wants to keep up tho Internal Uovciiuo
machinery with its thousands of office
holders nnd llvo millions of annual cost,
collect taxes on whisky nnd distribute
back, less expense, to the States. Sen
ator Mitchell and Wharton Barker
waul n grand distribution soticmo by
which tliu business of the country shall
et eighty cents or so baok on every
dollar it pays in taxes.
I ho penpto don t cnthusu at all over
any of tho schemes of Mulbery Seller
politic". Thoy can see that "there's
millions in it millions in It,'1 but they
enn sco that thoy nnwt first pay the
millions themselves nnd then get only
a percentage back. Colonel Mulberry
Sellers was moro tempting in his
schemes. Ho never required his asso
ciates to pay down their cash first nnd
then get only part of it baok. Ho
looked to pork, to corn, to the soro
eyes of Asia, and proposed to mako his
millions out ol next to nothing. All
tho grand distribution scheme should
revise their political prospectuses nnd
get down to the marrow of Mulberry
Sellers financial theories.
It seems to bo eonceoded that tho
scores ot millions ot surplus in the
rreasury must bo got rid of, and tho
whole inventive genius ot statesmen
and jobbers is diiccted to that perplex
ing problem. But bow is it to be dono?
Let us seo :
1. The Treasury surplus could bo
readily disposed of by re-electing
anothur Kuifer-Bobeson Congress and it in power. This is proba
bly tho surest way to get lid of tho sur
plus ; and it has the merit ot possess
ing ample ability to disposo of any in
crease of tho surplus hereafter.
2. Another very certain way to get
rid of tho Treasury surplus would bo to
follow President Arthur's suggestion
and appropriate it to Secretary Chan
dler to rehabilitate tho Navy, nearly a
hundred millions wero expended to on
largo tho Navy, and tho result was just
about no Navy at all. With the sur
plus now appropriated to tho Chandlor
liobeson management of the Navy, tho
outconi'i would bo tho cleanest disposal
of tho Treasury overflow.
3. Another suggestion is made in tho
interest of the whisky speculators.
lhey havo over produced whisky to
tho extent of many millions; they can't
sell it because thoy havo recklessly
speculated on future consumption ;
they can t pay tho tax becau$o they
haven't both money and whisky, and
tboy want't the govormont to become
their banker. Tho surplus could bo
loaned to tho whisky speculators in
definitely, to givo them a chance to
comer the market aud crush every
thing outside the monopoly, and then
let tho loan go A'iih thu tax when it
shall be the interest of the specuators
to abolish it. There is another way to
get i id of tho Treasury surplus, and
that is to abolish the tax upon domes
tic industry that creates it ; but that is
quite too sensible a method to find fa
vor with either politicians, lobbors or
speculators. Nevertheless, wo venturo
tho suggestion that there must bo
enough honest and sensible men in
Uongress to understand that the only
honest and safo way to dispose
of a Treasury surplus, is to abolish it.
business throughout tho country is not
buoming bo recklessly as to warrant
tho collection of fifty or a hundred
millions annually from it merely to be
come tho plaj thing of politicians and
speculators. Business wants .every
neediess tax taken from our industry,
ind i hat is the Inmost, sensible method,
of getting rid of tho Treasury surplus.
l'hila. Times.
The Oorreot Doctrine.
"I think,'1 said Chief Justice Dufee,
of Hhndo Island, in delivering his
opinion in a libel case, "that a public
newspaper lias a right to comment upon
and criticise tho conduct of a public of
ficer in tho dischargo of his public
duties. I think that if tho publishers
ot a newspaper discover whatthey con,-t-ider
to bo defects in the performance
of public duties they havo tho right to
point them out. If a public officer is
in fault, and there aro facts which sug
gest fault on his part, I think that tho
public press has a right to criticise and
to censuro him.
This is tho correct doctrine as relates
to public newspapers nnd public, officers
None other is safe in this country of
Bepublican government.
"Whisky," said a considerable of a
politician tho other night, as ho held
up a glass of it, "is tho typical Amer
ican be; erage. It is a kind of leveler
that is characteristic of our glorious
country. Take a view of this bar and
.ii, :e t . . . .... t
ten me. u i am not ngui. ill one, umi
is a United States Senator, with whis
ky in his tumbler, and hero back of us
stands n hack-driver, whoso' glass has
been filled from tho same bottle. Is
thoro anywhere else than a bar, or any
thing else than whisky that puts all
men moro on a level I Whisky, ho
might havo addsd, will land tho bona
tor nnd cabby in the samo gutter. Oh,
yes I it is a leveler.
"Every lady,'' savs an exchange,
"who does her own housework and is
careful of her hands should hare a
dishwasher." That was written by a
man, bet anything. Any woman
knows that tho lady who is careful of
her hands never bothers herself about
An Ohio postmistress has resigned
to get married, roor thing, bhu'll
havo often to wait for a delayed
A Cincinnati man has a horse that
will drink beer, and every day his
owner linds a Jot ot tracts in his stall
which tho temperaneo folks havo thrown
in tor thu liorso to read.
All pleasures must be bought at tho
price of pain. The difference between
false pleasures and true is just this
tor thu true the pnen Is paid hetoro you
enjoy it ; for tho false, after you enjoy
u. ' osier.
It is said that tho oil of whito birch
bulk dissolved in alcohol will render
fnbiics water proof without injury to
the inateiini,
Sixty-one years ago this coming
uhriBtmas i'Jve the mother ot .ualthcw
Arnold hung up his fiiut littlostooklng,
nnd on Christmas morning ho found
himself in it.
Cold lead, whether in tho shape of
bullets or type, has been fatal to many
if una ir.
"If youaresurroring from poor health
or languishing on a bed ot sickness,
tnko cheer, If you aro simply idling,
'or If jou feel weak nnd dispirited,
'without clearly knowing why, Hop
'Bitter will surely euro you."
"If you nro n Minister, nnd havo overtaxed your
'self wlthybur pnstorol duties, or a Mother, worn
'out with enro nnd work, or a man ol business or
'laborer weakened by tho Btraln of your crery-dny
Mulles, or a man of letters, tolling over your mid
'night work, Hop Hitters will surely strengthen
"If you nro suffering
'from" ovcr-cntlng or
'drinking, nny Indlacrc
'tlon or dissipation, or
aro young nnd" growing
'too fast, ns Is ottcn tho
"Or If you nro In tho workshop, on tho
'farm, nt tho desk, anywhere, and feel
'that your system needs cleansing, toning,
'or stimulating, without intoxicating, If
'you nro old, blood thin nnd Impure, pulso
'feeblo, nervos unsteady, faculties waning,
'Hop Hitlers Is what you need fo glvo you
'now llfo, health, and vigor. "
If you aro coUlvo or dyspeptic, or surfer.
Ing from nny other of tho numerous dls
csca of tho stomach or bowels, It Is your
own fault If you remain 111. .
If you.nro wasting nway with nny form
of kidney disease, stop tempting death
this moment, and turn for a euro to Hop
if you nro sick with
that terrible Hlcknes
Nervousness, you will
nnd a "Halm in oilead"
In Hop Ultters.
If you nro n frequenter, or a resident of n
mlasmnll) district, barricado our system
ngalnst tho scounro otnll countries ma
laria, epidemic, bilious nnd Intermittent
fevers by the uso of Hop Hitters.
. If you havo rough, pimply, or sallow skin, bad
breath. Hop mucin will give you fair skin, rich
blood, tho Bweotest breath, nnd health. 500 will
bo paid fcr n cam thoy will not euro or help.
rhat poor, bedridden, Invalid wife, sister, moth
erorditightcr, can bo mado the picture ot health
by ntew bottles ol Hop UltU'rs coiling but n trllle.
What StriickauOkl Soldier.
"It will soon bo twenty years slnco tho war clos
ed." Under tho hot sun ot August, 183!, tho vlllago of
Oav6r, N. J., lay still as tho splilnt la Ugypt, whllo
EUJaU Sharp, of that, slowly spoko ot tho
past. "Yes, ' .o said, "I was in tho army and saw
mam of t:i juts of thoso fearful years. I was
mull disc!, jed from disability, resulting from
sunstroke, i cano homo mljcrablo In health
und spirits jho enfeebled that I took cold on tho
slfchtest exposure. Life seemed worthless to mo j
I Uvcd only in memory."
"That was sad uuough," I said, dividing my last
two cigars.
'That's so," responded Mr. Sharp ; "but I got
ovbr It. outgrow It j Not exactly. When In that
cojidltlonlb.-gan taking i'ABKSK's Tonic, and my
hitilth commenced to Improve right nway. I was
monlshed nt It and so was my wife. I plied on
thetlcsU und could oat anything. My ambition
liiA.i'd up. l coma attend io business, and now
excepting that 1 uuvu to take cut) ubout exposing
myscil tu the not suu I am as well as I wu.s the
aSy l enlisted. Wnat uiucrcnces thero aro in things
guns 'inu bayonets till ; imiikku's Tonio saves."
4UI3 preparation, widen has Ueeu known iisI'ak.
kbii's iiiNdun ton 10, win Hereafter bo called
bluiply l'AitKKit's ionic, ah unprincipled dealers
ure cunstantiy uecelvlng tueir customers by sub
stituting inferior articles unuertno name ot ginger,
unUuS 1110 ginger is really un unimportant lagre
Ulclut, we drop tue misleading word.
Tiurre ta no ciuiuye, ttuiDvwr, in lie preparation
Itself, aud an bottles remaining In tue Hands of
dealers, wrapped under tnuuamu of imhkkk's
UiKukii Toniu, ooutuln the genuine modlClue If the
laii'SiuUle birfturo ol llisuux s. Co., Is ut tho bot
tom 01 tue ojtoldo wrapper.
A popular account Mho Urtx
And Ailventuren, who br thir
Valor and War-craft lat buck
thu Harden fmmtliw border of
(tactlonbyDr JiO.UtDPATH,
forests to
tho clow aud
lnopp. lOOmARnificent
1 Hint's. Specimen pp.
freo. Agfnts Wanted.
oiim Urn. Co.,
yin uiiin Aii, is.
oct. ss-sm
Fw Electropathic Institute,
The houso Is specially fitted uu for tho comfort
of1 Invalids who desire a pleasant and Christian
home, stands on high ground with plenty ot
shnde. Personal attention glveu to every patient.
Klectrlclty nnd Galvanism In their dlderent modl
ncntlons a speciality. Prof. .Mills has given many
years ot study ami praci Ico to this branch, and
hundreds will testify to his skllL
Send for circular, stating what paper you saw
this in. viioF. HENiiv Mills,
Lock Box 07, Ulnghamton, N. V.
Sept. 7 'S3ly.
r ft U --fcCJHthctlcs, (4 designs), Somo
J? X T J Clthlntr irood mailed on recelnt
ore cents In., imps. HK.Ut.Nti & CO. 1'. O. Box
1487, N. Y
Nov 30-4W
nil u Oisoper's Instantaneous Guide to keys of
IVlPlano ana organ. 1'rlcoll. Will teach any per
'son to play i pieces of music In ono day. You
couldn't le ira It from a teacher In a month for ISO.
Try It nnd bo convinced. Sample copy will bo
mailed to nny address on receipt of as cents In
stamps by IIKAKXK&CO., Publishers, V, O. Ilox
mi, .-nbw iorK.
Only Two Unllli ".
Messrs. Johnson, llol
lowuy Co., of l'hila.
Pa., report that a gen.
tlemcu handed them a
dollr, with a request to
send a good catarrh
cure to two ofllcors In
Arizona. Both I lie of
ficers and tho wife ot a
known U. 8. A. Gen.
were cured by Ely's
Cream Halm.
IUH-1 "-.
Apply by little nn
I eer Into the nostrils
I By absorption It effect-
ually cleanses the 11a-
Sjiy T saa passages ui tu-
u.sA. I tnrrhnl virus, causing
heaitny secretions, it
nllnys Inflammation, protects tho membrana'
linings of tho head from additional colds, com
pletely heals tho sores and restores the senso of
lasto and smelL Beneficial results are reaiued by
n few applications. A thorough treatment will
euro, unequaled for colds In head. Agreeable to
use. sena lor circular, cum uy urugHisis.
mall boo. n package stamps.
ELY liKOlliEim, uruggisis, uwego, r,. 1.
Nov30-4w d
t lhTONpotUTeremedyferlhoaloTil Mjy !
HH thoui&nd of eul of tbe worHk.nil atododonff
tt.indine luvtt k..n cured. Indeed, to ttronitu tlj
"llhlnftiafflCMy.tlMt I will irndTWO IIOTTI.LS
l'IlliLtosettteriUli VALUAltUS TllHATISKon
tbU dlifctii., to any itllT'rer. Clra txpreia and I1. 0.
iSdroM. UB. T. A. BLOCU 11. 181 iWbt.M.w York.
Deo 14-4W d
I.Ibll KKUKDY. All
unfailing cure tor
Seminal - Wo n k.
ness, Hpermator.
rhuia, Impotency,
and all Diseases
that follow as a
bejptenco ot Self.
Abuse; as loss of
Memorv. Unlver.
l'aln In the Hock, Dimness ot Vision, l'romaturo
Old Age, anil many other diseases that led to Insa
nity or consumption and a Premature Urave.
IIkwike ot advertisements to refund money,
when druggists from whom tho medicine Is bought
da not rrimd, but refer you to the manufactur
ers nnd the requirements nro such that tliey
nro (rfdoni, teivr, compiled Willi. See their writ
ten guarantee. A trial of ono single package of
Gray's Specific will convince the most skeptical of
Its repl merits.
on account of counterfeits, we havo adopted tho
Yellow Wramier i the onlv trenulne.
r-Kull particulars In our pamphlet, which we
dohlre to send free by mall to every one. jiTho
speclno Medicine Is so'd by nil druggists nt fl
per packago or o packaes for IS, or will be sent freo
by mall on tho receipt of the money, by addressing
TIIKOItAY MKU1CINKCO., uunaiu, n. 1,
Sold In Bloomsburg by alt druggists.
piov v-iy
nth St. south of chestnut, one square south of
iuo now roil umce. nnu nan squara rom walnut
SU Theatre und m tho very business centre of the
city. On ti e American and Kuropean plans. Good
rooms from Mo to 13.0) per day, Kemodelled and
newly rurnlsiud.
W. Payne, M. D.,
nov 301 y Owner Proprietor.
Bought for Net Cash, on receipt and approval,
without charge for Commission, Broker
age, eta, by
85 !i 83 WUUAU ST., N2W Y03K.
Nov 1MW r
Near L & B Dopst, Bbjmsburg Pa.
Mnntifncturcr of First clnss ranges In
(HfTcrunt styles, cook stoves, parlor stoves
nnd stoves for licntlng stores, school houses,
churches ito. Largo stock of tlnwnro nnd
stove repairs, such ns states, fire brick, lids,
centres Ac.
Oct 20 tf
This season's New bescrlptlvo Cataloguo & Pries
Drama's t-
l'arces, p
(Mid Books, an
sccnerf G'aper), x
ithlnnlfln rirnmno rt i
Tableaux Lljhts, g
uoiorcu lire, a,a
1'auiomimc, p-fci
B Burnt Ourk, g
2 Wigs, g
Heard, tc.
. ;..,':'.V1' .:.v.,.""" lur i "cur iiiuaincais.
HAMUKtj Flti.NCJl g SON, SUU. lHUSU. New
NOV, 104W r
il t, l,'nT vlHnPlf IlnN
i rtMN U I4 tnj aunt U iht Hit ribos
Hmmr4 iMrIiqul4PnfL'kal
U U4t-t t til MMirki Hh thf hlfhttl
Used In tho prlntipal Churches for Communion.
Excellent for Fematcs, Weakly Persons and tho
Speor's Port Grape Wine!
THIS CELEI1IUTED WINE Is the puro Juice of
the dead ripe Oporto Grape, raised In Spoor's
vineyards. Its Invaluable,
Tonic and Strengthening Properties
arc unsurnassed bv nnv oilier winn. lipino- nro.
duced under Mr. spoor's own personal supervision,
Its purity and genuineness, are guaranteed by the
principal Hospitals nnd Hoards of Health who have
examined It. Tho youngest child may partitko of
t, uuu mu , uu&t-sb nivalin use lit io auvaniage.
Itlsnartlcularlv benenrlnl tn thn nwv! nmi
debilitated, and suited to tho various aliments that
uuucl uie weaKer bex.
it is in every respect A WINE TO BE BELIED ON.
Spser's Unfermented Qraps Juice-
Its natural, tresh, sweet state as It runs fron tho
tft nf ffrmrnF itfAn If tu nn.rA..ri.. a
from spirits nnd will keep In any climate.
Speer's Burgundy,
i? i .!y i85" 113 a a 10 or I)lnner Wine, and by
sweet port Is desired.
Spaot's (Socialite) Olaret.
Is held In hlirh estimation for It-a riphna na n
DryTablo Wlue esiieclally suited for dinner use,
Speer's P. J Sherry.
Is n Wine Of Sunprlor Chnrnr.tpr nnd nnHnl-na nt
the rich qualities of tho grape from which It Is
Speer's P- J, Brandy.
TS A TTTIIP ltni,lnn . ..
stands unrivalled in this Country for medicinal
u uusu peculiar navor, Mmuar to that of tho
grapes fromwhlch it Is distilled,
seo that the blgnaturo of AI.FltEI) SPEEH, Tas
salo N. J., Is over tho cork of each bottle
Sep. 88-'831yr.
An English Veterinary Surgjon and Chemist,
uu .,i,.ritus in mi, Luumrj, aiya ui.ll m01t Of
th liorso aud Cattlo Powders sjld hero are worth
less tratU. lie says thtt Slierldtn's Condition
Powders aro absolutely puro and Immensely vI li
able. Noting ou earth will make n in lay liko
Sheridan's Coudltlon Powders. D030, i tea9iwon
ful to l plut told, sold everywhere, or sent by
mall for 8 letter-stamps. I. S. Johnson Co..
Boston, JUss. ull Janam-lv.
Eiilracl of Annatto.
Nature's own Color. Brlrhteit
.n4 R,.nn.f. Hit II..
tti.nt, .r . ii eti. ta for a .unpl., ocloriog UOIbi. to
"EAS, ItAfiE & CO., Ha. S35 M.rktt St., PlIILAD'A.
June l-iy nis
roa TUE
And all Bilious Complaints.
Blfelo Uke, being pnrely vegetable: nocrbiui!.
1-rlce 85 cents. All DrugsuU. fc v s'
Nov 80-lw
X IVeadlns London Fbyv
IMaa caiauiiaur. na
- Omcela NevrYorU
far the Dure of
From Am Journal f ltclkint.
hi. nil w,kiw. (i.Miui Aiaui,ii,,iiiaiii.a.. a.pno.
t Of Icnil.DfiT. has withnnL rfnnhfc I .nil rurnil
iora eaa.a thananvothar litlnff nhnifUn. Ilii.uec.u
OTtr SU i.ara atandinr, auccoaifully cured by him. lla
uiapobliahlaworkon tbia, vticb. hoaanda
laa.lniDly b..n aatonlihlnff ma n.T. h..rdof iuh fif
ithUrcbottlsof bii wonderful cure freo Ut tor
nirrr tiuvmi; Minn ineir eipreuana i maaso
e dn an cme wishing cure to ftddreee
Vsu AO. MESKKOUi'tfG. W J,tia tiu. titw Vdk.
Nov 30-1W
The undershrncd havluir nut his Planlntr UU
on ltallrod street, In HrsUciass condition, is pre-
(laivuujuu wiaiuuiui wvm iu uio Hue,
furnished 'at reasonable prices. All lumber used
la well seasoned and none but skilled workmen
uficiu ywj mi .
furnlahed on application, Hun und speciacu
JUluouiHburSi Va,
I" . V
TIIRVJl,TAlOnRt,TCV1,Marslmll, V.lch., wit
send nit. uvs's uklishiia i'kii ki.ijctiio.voi,
trial for 8 1 days to men tvounff or old) who nro nf.
fllcted with Norvom Debility, tost vitality, and
klndrd trounloi, gnarantcelnir spcedyanu com
plete restoration ot hoaltli nnd matuy Mg r. Ad
iiross ns aboyo.-N. il.-No rnk Incurred, ns 80
days' trial Is nllowed-
l'cb. th-lyr. r
riMTT? nrr tt vrur a xt
Ready and Waiting for You.
The Finest, TJac Latest, The Most Artistic
Styles of
fflglnducemonuJEEJI Jg' FIM.SHINGS, Di81,,ay-
(Jail and bo Convinced that We
hmi hi qiiiaty5 fit mid pii.
Laraest stock & lowest prices
EiaNy Tornm.
l, l mm, m, d.
HaJlcil Supsrlntscdeat of ths Sanitarium.
Invalid's Home.
Bloomsburg, Pa.,
Devotes special attention to EuileBsv.
Nervous Affection:, und Diseases of Women,
Patients received nt tho Sanitarium on
reasonable terms for board und treatment.
1'. 8. No charge for (lrst cousultutlon.
apr 27, '83
I o a n recommend
i:iy'H Urt'aiu ll.ilin to
nil llay 1'cvcr Buffer,
era, It Ix-lug. In my
opinion, rounded lon
experience niul a Hiiro
cure. I was allllcteil
with Hay Fever fors.1
years, una uuver bo.
roro touiui permauent
relief. WkiiarKU II.
Haskins, ilarblulcld,
Apply bvllttlo (In.
iter into tho nostrils,
lly nbaorptlon II ef.
rectunl!v ele.inu.u tin,
H A Vr. pFPE3 nasal ii.iksairea o( co-
I" B ruvcw larrhal virus, causlnir
healthy secretions. It allays Inflammation, pro.
teclsllioinembrannl llnlnirsol llioliead from ad.
ilttlonal colds, completely heals tlio hores and re
stores tho heno or tastu and tmell. Ileneilclal re.
bints aro reulleU by a lew applications. A thor.
uuuli treatment will cure, uneiiuallert for colds
In the head, Airreoablolouse. Seud for circular,
bold by druyglstH. lly mail Me. a paekaito
Stamps. EI.V IIIIOTIIHHN, Owegu, N. V.
aus 10-ly u " '
Frool Cards and Chromos.
lam. rlJ t'"i!"1 b,y m" n'Pt "t of our
cifd.nZ nlnc'!.d Amtrkan Chroma
carui.on tinted and truld (fiouodi.w Hi a price list
ofovcriodiirerei1t3tlK,u,p rcctlM of a ilVmri
for po.t.B, 'e will B, Un j frw by mafu?
f r J-oMllful Chromo., rccelM
often ccntt tonay for picking and posta Jo i ali
endoae a confAlntlal'prlcs ffat ofVu" li?Jo o
Cna,A wJ",,d- Addrtia l". OlbasS-I
& Co., 46 bummer Micel, Uoaton, Mais,
WANTED Canvassora,
Sorl.!,.,!,';,', Jfc i .,vW.TfiilS!i
I7 W. juiuiU street, fluclmuU. oil
Nov 8m aid
WXRRH eoioJHrin I
Fur tho Oletirnlcil Clilckcrlng, Ivors &
Pond, nmi Vos(!& Sou I'lanns. World.rc.
iKiwueil Esti-y Org ,ns, Violins, Accoritcoiis
nnd Sheet Mumc. Oclr-hnited Whltf, IScw
Illil'li Arm Duvls, New Home, Hoynl St.
John, unit Uiiht Huniilni! Doincstlc SewliiR
Machines. Nmllcs, oil nmi iittncluncnts
for nil makes tit Sowing Machines.
m always t j found at the
SntlNrstctlon Gunraiitcod.
Suitable for
Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds.
The following Btiows the llcket Gothic, one of
by Iho'undeiS1 ' l'eaC0 manuacturei
cLlUr0;mtLn,!'.t,n!,ll.r'lbll,ltr' ther areunsurpass
&iiiaXr'eUCWl f'anda atti Wttrr,lDteJ
Tiicos and specimens of other de
signs sent to nny address.
Thu J'l'VKnrf OuiDl', No.
ol, lull mil Winter, 1883,
k Ui es m hiilutulu iirices tlirtei
f 10 coumuurs uu everything
von use, cat. d rink, wear, or
havo Inn with. Tells how
loonier willi exui t (it 'J1U pages largo
ones !i, MOO lihibiintlona a whole
picture gallery, Coutaliu Information
gleaned from tho markets of the world,
No oilier price-book in cxUtcncc contains
11s much information. Hem frcctoany ad
dreMiiponrca'lptofpnatagol7fts), Itus
hear from you, or visit us wlicn In ourclty,
Near l.x posh Ion 1j ilitltii?s, Itefpectfully,
1127 & 2SM1 WubuaUAveuuo, Chicago, IU
BopU 11-Uw uia
pi f a yM
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Fhilado phia & Erie R. R, Divis
ion, and Notthem Central
In elTdCt Nov. lOtll. IUO. Trains lenvn sun
9.35 a. m.. Ick Haven Kxuress W.illr frrenf
Sunday), for llarrliburg nnd Intermediate stations,
Ijincaster, Philadelphia, New York', lialtlmoro and
Washington, arriving at 1'lilladolplila 3.13 p. m. :
Now Vork, o.s;o p. in. ; lialllmore, D.10 p. m. ', Wash'
Ingion o.Mp. 111., through passenger coach to
l.M p. in. Day express (dally except Sunday),
for llarrlshuri: and lntcrmcdlalo stations. Iinenn.
ter, rhlladclphla, New York, lialtlmoro and Wash.
Irjgton, arriving at Philadelphia 7.83 p. m. j New
ton, 8.4 p. in. Pullman l'arlor car through to Phi
ladelphia and passenger coach through to l'hlladel.
phlauhd llaltl'iioru.
8.20 n. m. WllllamsDort Accommodation (rl.nir
forllarrlsburgnndalllntcrmcdlato stations, Lan
caster, Philadelphia aud New York, arriving at
ruimui-ipuui o iu ti. xu. , rtew iurK n,iu a. m.
Sleeping car accommodations can be secured at
llarrlshuri; for riitlndelnhlannd New Yorit nn sun.
days a through sleeping ear will bo run; on this
iruiu iHiiu iiuuuvu 1 uuaueipiiia. I'nuaaeipuia
Fasscngerscan remain Inslccperundlsturbed until
a. in.
2.10 a. m. Kris Mall (daily except Monday) for
Ilarrlsburg nnd Intermedial!) stations, Lancaster,
Philadelphia. Now York, lialtlmoro nnd wanhinir.
ton, arriving at Philadelphia 7.50 a. 111. ; New York,
11.80 a. m. ; lialtlmoro 7.40 a. in. ; Washington, 8.30
a.m. Through Pullman sleeping cars aro run on
H1I3 train to Philadelphia, lialtlmure and Washing,
ton, nnd through passenger coaches to Philadel
phia and lialtlmoro.
CSOa. in. Erlo Mall (dally) for Krleand nil In
termediate stations with through Pullman Palarai
car and through passenger coaches to Erie, and
imuugu 1 uiiuiuu 1 uiiicu tuia iu iiuuaiu via .m
porlum. on Sundays this trains 111 run only to
For Canandalgua nnd Intermediate stations,
ltoches'er, Burfaloand Niagara Kails, (dally except,
Sundays) with tlnough Pullman Palace car and
passenger coaches to liochester.
1.05 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun
day) for Kane aud lntermcdlato stations with,
through passenger coaches to Kane. For Canan
dalgua aud principal intermediate stations, Koch
ester, Hurrah) und Niagara Palls with through pas
senger coaches to uochestcr.
B. p. in. Past lino (dally except Sunday for Itn
novo and mtennedlato stations, and Klmlra, Wat
kins and Intermediate btatlons. with through pas
bengcr coaches to Uenovo and Watklns.
t . Niagara Express leave
Philadelphia, 7. 10 a. m. ; lialtlmoro 7.30 a. m. (daily
except Sunday) arriving at Sunbury, 1.03 p. in.
with through Pullman Parlor car from Philadel
phia and through passenger coaches from Philadel
phia and ilalthuore.
Fust Lino leaves New York aoo a. m. j l'hlladel.
phla.ll.10a. 111. ; Washington, 9.40 a. m. ; Haiti
more, 10.5J a. in., (dally except Sunday) arriving at
sunbury. 6.a) p. m., with through passenger
coaches from Philadelphia nnd lialllmore.
Erie .Mall leaves New Yorkauop. m. ; Philadel
phia, p. in. ; Washington, ldto p. m. ; Haiti
more, ll.aj p. m., (dally) arriving at sunbury 6.15
a. m., with through Pullman Palaco Sleeping cars
from Philadelphia, Washington and lialtlmoro and
through passenger coaches rrom Pnlladclphla.
Mall East leaves.Sunbury (dally except Sunday )
6.45 a. in., arriving at lllooin Ferry 7.41 a. 111. .
Wllkes.barre9.S0 a.m.
Express East le.nes Sunbury 5.33 p. m., arrlvlne
at Uloom Ferry 0.31 p.m., Wllkea-barro ato p. m.
Mall West leaves Wllkes-barro lo.sua. m. arriv
ing at llloom Ferry la.ol n. m., .sunbury 18.B5 p. in.
Express West leaves l Ukes-barre 5.3) p. m., ar
riving at Uloom Ferry 7.ur p. in., Sunbury 8.W p.
J. It. WOOD,
Uen. Passenger Agent.
ueu. jianager.
Nov. 5, 1683
For New York.Phlladolphla.noadlng.PottsvlUo
Tamaqua, io 11,15 a. m,
For Catawlssa, 11,48 a. m. 0.13 and 10.30 p. m.
For Wllllamsport,,8 11.4s a. m. and 4,o p. m,
For Lowlsburg and Sunbury, 4.00 p. m'.
THAiNs roa Korxar lxavi as vollowm, (idhdav
Leave Now York, via. Tamanond ,oo a. iu. and
via. Bound Brook Route T,43 a. m.
Leave Philadelphia, ,50 a. m.
Leavo lteadlng, 11,53 a. m., PottsviUe, l,B p. m
and Tamaqua, l,as p. m.
Leavo Catawlssa, 6,30 il.os. m. and 4,00 p. m.
Leave WlUtamsport,,4S a.m '4.03 p. m. and 8.00 d m
Leavo Sunbury 4.24 p. m. .auun.wv.iu
" Lowlsburg 4.4S p. m.
Passengers to and from New York, via. Tama
nend and to and from Philadelphia go through
without change ot cars.
CO. HANCOCK, General Manager,
General Passenger and Ticket Agent.
Jan 10, 1881 ti
scran ton,...
....... liellevuo...
p.m. p.m. a.m
9 is
9 U9
i 43
9 43
a.m. p.m. p.m.
9 80 9 10 17
9 03
8 34
8 43
8 42
8 87
9 37
9 30
9 94
V 19
6 83
9 46
9 33
9 88
10 03
10 08
6 97
6 84
8 41
e 46
6 61
6 65
8 58
7 03
1 10
7 17
7 33
7 HO
7 87
8 00
8 95
8 40
8 60
9 00
6 00
8 05
8 10
8 18
8 S3
8 80
8 (6
8 53
9 09
9 04
0 90
.. WcstPltteton
V 14
6 23
8 ii
1 50
1 4S
1 85
1 !C5
1 18
9 01
9 04
8 55
in is u
Plymouth Juno
... .Plymouth...
10 18 3 54
8 1C
8 07
S 00
10 !6
10 84
10 49
10 to
11 07
11 18
11 so
1 09
8 0ft
8 10
I 18
8 88
8 46
8 47
8 89
8 98
Avonaaie ...
1 03
7 401J 49
llunlocfs Creek
T 83 l'i S3
8 17
. HhickBhlnny.
..Illck's Kerry.
.Beach Haven,
..Briar Creek..
Willow Grove.
...Llrne ltldge..
7 83 19 IS
T 90 U 00
7 18 11 47
1 09 11 411
8 19
8 08
1 68
8 51
I 67
4 07
4 12
4 20
4 17
4 88
4 88
6 (
6 96
7 03 11 83
7 53
37 11 10
7 44
7 SS
7 33
7 99
I 11
CI 10 58
S 45 10 50
11 te
11 45
II 58
11 86
19 IS
8 37 10 44
18 10 93
Gatawi'a Bridge
O 10 10 OS
04 10
.CThltlanfr v
45 S
19 45
p.m. a.m.
p.m. p.m. a.m
.,. .. W. T. nALSTBAD, Bupt.
Buperlntendent's omcc. ficranton. Feb. 1st, 16t
Wo Offer raro Inducement., tn trnmt nvnnt l.'verr
reader of this paper who desires permanent work
ami largr, pay. with ai purt guM watch present
11I tree, shou'd send at once for our large bundles
or particulars. Large supply of samples sent rreo.
lotte Mich ' r'
' Nov Jib 4 W a
PAYNE'S I O Horso Spark-Arrostlnc
Portable Enilno liaa cut 10,ax) ft. of Michigan Pino
Board In 111 ln.ur.., b.rnliig blab from ILo law l.i
light-foot kiigilM.
Our to llortt vi Ouaranlii to fumlah powtr to
aw 8,000 fu t of Hemlock Boarda Iu 10 houra- Our
ISJIoin it (ft rui 10.000 uil in aims lima.
"ir i.ngino aru (.utuiNTlti, 10
f iml h n liore.ont'r 011 K
f 11 1 and a'rr tann any otlirr En
rlno not fmelvllh au Autoniallc
cm Uil. ir you vant a Stationary
1 r PcnaliU Knir rf, Holler, Circu
lar rav 1111, mailing or j-uurja,
- iiher rat 1 r Meddart'a I'altnt
rimruMrou I'liiify, rna mriwr
lllil'tlatid rutalncue. No. 1.'. fcr
lnfoniMllon and prlcrt,
a w. r.VYNis & sons,
Corulug, N, Y, Box 1437,
Jan. 6, si-ljr.
$1,60 A YEAR.