The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 21, 1883, Image 3

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The Columbian.
I'M til) AY, l)liUmlHT2l7l88l
Correct Uiillroud I'linc Table-.
iMoi.ows. 1110 lhl1 xmiMlX " lMV0 HUP"!
0..H) n. m.
4.0ft p. HI.
11:13 a. in.
0.13 p. in.
Jt&Tt lll41) w " lMV0 ,)loom"-f
7;7 h. in.
10 31 a. in.
6:..i) p. m.
8.55 a. m.
1 :M a. m.
s:i p. m.
,l,Tnl?li1i?,,r;ll"'r''l.h..omnCl:l' "Hlit io ' i.
lU'iplila K KPAillnif nt llupert, unit with tho Sir
them contrul tit NurtliuinV'H'ind.
wi!0f.55 5- l?;,U-Un "jonno.tq nt NorthiimlKTtand
i i'nU'ii JT"1!1 conn!?s with t'hllaaclnhti and
phla it 800 i p. m P " Ul3"'0--culn I'niiadcl-
TOD llsn train connects with Pennsylvania road
at Northumberland nt 1:13, reaching Philadelphia
lib 7!nl P. lit
Tho 1 Al p. m. train connects with Pennsylvania
ro i l At Northumberland at B.o5 p. in., and roaches
lMll.idclplila nt 3:us a. in.
Tralns nn tho N. & W. B. Hallway p.isa llloom
ferry as follows i
Till n. m. la oi p. in.
0-31 !' Hi. 7W7 p. in.
D. l' Curry, of Ccntraltu, was In town
on Tuesday.
I. IC. Miller was in Philadelphia this
week on business.
Hon, 0. H. Huck'tluw hm been appoint
o.l by Governor Paulson, n trustee of the
Insane Hospital at Danville, to 1111 the vn
c inoy caused by the resignation of W. II.
Holiday niTcr.
Auy perspn sending us five new subset 1
bers to this paper with tho cash, will ho
presented with a copy of the History of
Columbia county worth 2.50.
Any subscriber new or old can secure
tho paper for one year and a copy of the
History of Columbia county for $3.00. This
offer is good only until January 1st 1831.
The ground was whlto with snow for the
first time tills season on Sunday,
The time of court was occupied
week In the trial of cases.
all last
Tho next term of tho Normal School will
begin on Wednesday, January 2nd, 1831.
Fob Sale. A steam engine ncnrly'now,
six horso power. Inquire nt this otllce.
Fifteen delegates from this county nt
tended the State.Grange at Harilsburg last
As this is our hist Issue before the holi
days we wish our patrons a Merry Christ,
mas and a Happy New Year.
Tho choir of tho Episcopal church is re
hearsing some good music for Chiistmas.
Services will begin nt ten o'clock.
W. II. Kycr and A. Kvaus, are managing
the skating rink in Evans' Hall this season.
Engage your oysters for Christmas of
Jacoby. They will bo scarce. 30 cents
per quart.
Another snow storm on Wednesday. A
crccii Christmas will not make n fat
churchyard this year.
ion Kent. A ilesirnulo property on
First street, with or without lot adjoining
suitable for trucking. Inquire of lCnorr &
In accordance with an old custom we
shall Issue only a half sheet next week, In
order that our employes may not have to
spend Christinas day at their cases.
Noiicu. The undersigned near llohrs
burg, has 200 or 300 or more good young
chestnut fencing po3ts which he will sell
cheap. Jims W. Kiiameii. 2w,
Tho largest and finest assortment of
type for cards, wedding and party invita
tions, can be found at the Comjmiiias
office. See our samples before ordciin
Foii Sam:. A good house, bam, mill and
12 .inn's nf limil. Vnr further Information
Inquire of the undersigned near Hohrsburg
Columbia Co. Pa.
7-lw Jons' 15. Snui.'iv..
Tim enterprising linn of Kinpurts &
Uro. always keep on hand a lino assort
ment of the choicest groceries. They also
have fine china, queenswarc, glassware,
nud many other things suitable for Christ
mas presents.
County Superintendent Crimea has se
cured tho services of Hon. E. E. Highee,
Superintendent of Schools of Pennsylvania.
for the Teachers Institute to hu held in
tho Opera House commencing Monday
December 31st.
Ho, i-oit Cmiisi'MAsI Just received an
other fine lot of night-singing imported
canaries from Hiu tz mountains. Also all
kinds of fancy as well as common cages,
nt A. Solleder's. 1441w
Scnalor Hart refused to take nnv for tho
eleven days adjournment.
Co to tho Opera Hotiso to.nlaht nnd sec
Hatrd'a Minstrels If voti want a cood
There will ho a ball held nt Light Street nmi becomo more Intimately acquainted
hotel on Now Year's night, January 1st. ,vui, Mrs. Santa Claus, at Christina.
Kono ndmlttcd to ball room except with lady.
Oood music. In attendance. Fit.r nnl.lri.VS. fll.V iflniltil.
V. O. Sloan & Ilro. recently sent n hand. Caps, flllG SCdlslutl CCVJ)S,
sonio thrcc-scaled slclirh to I'lillmlelnliln S l.rt.t7.7hn. rU'7.t)7,7t.O (171,(1, n.U,
for G. 11. Marklc, and n two-scated car- tflC HOVClticS CClll bef 0X111(1
fiKn. " hwkM 10 Mr'1)relr,18S"t atD. Loiucnberg's.
Hev. Ceo. F. lined has tendered his res.
Ignatlon ns rector of Christ Church, Dan.
vlllc, to take effect January 14, 1881. Ho
has accepted a call lo Asbury Park, New
If you uro In need of a first clas3 watch
In either gold or silver cases, at a figure
lower than ever, call at L. Hernhard's
lewelrv store. Also n largo line of sliver-
ware, jewelry, gold spectacles, ifcc. All
Christmas and Now Year holiday excur-
slon tickets will ho Issued by the Phlladel
phla A; Heading H.iilroad, to bo sold on
December 23d, 2JJ, 81th, 25th, 29th, 30th,
and 31st, 1833, nnd January 1st, 1831, good
to return until January 2d, 1881.
Y. H. ailmorc has opened a large stocli
of goods for tho holidays. He has toys of
every description, and It would bo impossl
bio to enumerate them. Give him a call
nud you will have no difficulty In (hiding
something that will make tho children
happy on Christmas.
Thursday evening, January 3rd Miss
Helen Potter of New York city, tho most
distinguished elocutionist of America, will
glvo one of her ctitertuliiiiiuiits of rending
nnd Impersonations before tho Teacher's
Insitutu In the Opera House. Miss Potter's
wide reputation should secure for her a
crowded house.
A meat deal of Inconvenience was
caused by tho delay of tho sower pipes in
reaching here. The ditch was left open
for severul days, and It was Impossible to
get from onu part of tho town to tho other
without drlvlug cither to Main or Sixth
street. There was much Juslifuulo grumb
Hug among tlioso on .Main street, whoso
places of business were cut off so that
teams could not drive up to them.
(inn. II. Drown, uronrletor of the' Con
tral Hotel of this town died last Sunday
evening at 8 o'clock, after an Illness of
several months. Mr. lirown has been well
known fur many years through this sec
, as a llrst class landlord, having been
time proprietor of tho City Hotel,
subsequently superintendent of tho
Exchange. The Central has been under
his manafi. intuit for the ntwt four years.
HU ago was 03 years and 0 day. Tho funeral
took place on Wednesday.
for a
"A lloynl Pastoral," a new, nnd hereto
fore unannounced book, by a well known
author, Is for salo nt tho Comimmak book
store. It Is a beautiful volume of 800
pages, nnd treats somo otd subjects in a
now fashion. Tho Inwycrs will find some-
I-ocknrds have a lariro contract for cars. l,llnS to 'agh over, In a poetical version
his wilt glvo steady employment lo many ' a Declaration in n enso of ''Urcach of
icn and hoys during tho winter. Promlso" of marriage. Tho children will
ho ablo to pay "a visit to Santa Claus."
Hohcrt J. Hurdctto will lecture before
tho Montour county Teachers' Institute.
Tho merchants nrc nil busy this week
waiting on their customers. Some of tho
stores have found It Jncccssary to employ
additional Clerks.
'1 lie pupils of tho public schools arc en
gaged In preparing an exhibition of draw.
Ing for the teachers Institute. Twenty-
flvo pupils have been selected from each
Tho Evangelical church nt Light Streot
will be rc-opened January Gib, 1831. Ser
vices at 10:30 a. m., and 7 p. m. Also ser
vices on Saturday evening previous. Itcv.
V. . bclbcrt, P. E., and other ministers.
will ofllcl.Uc.
At the election of officers of tho Fire De
partment held nt tho Council room on
Monday evening, tho following persons
were chosen i Chief Engineer, J. V. Mc
Henry, of Friendship 1st Assistant Engl-
ncer, W. 11. Taylor, of llescuo ; 2nd Assls
taut Engineer, E. 11. Clark, of Winona.
Hor.t. or Hoxoi:. Scott School District.
Cross Koads school, taught by J. W. Hid
lay, the following p'ipils have neither been
lately nor absent during the month ending
December 13th, 1833 1 Ario Crevellnir.
John Shew, Mary Crevcllng, Eda Crevc-
ling, Ilatliu Crevcllng, Lizzie Philips and
Irene Shew.
The members of tho Homan Catholic
church will hold a fair in Evans' Hall com
mencing on Monday evening, Dec. 24th,
and continuing every evening until Mon-
.1 T . . . - . .-. . .
uny, diiiiuaiy ist. uysiurs anil other re
freshments will be served. A contest for a
gold watch, between Peter Lennon of this
town, and Lawrence Connelly of Danville
will be decided on New Year's night at 0
o'clock. Also tho scwinsr machine contest
nt the same time. As the proceeds of tho
fair are for the support of their church,
hey ask the patronngo of the public.
The mystery surrounding the disappear
ance of Miss Nellie Cooley still remains un
solved. A reward of 1000 has been of
fered by her friends for her recovery, dead
or alive, and the river has been dragged
day and night. A diver's armor was pro.
cured last week from New York and
search was made with this Ice tho river bed
until tho running in compelled them to de
list. It is still believed that she drowned
herself. Wllkesbarro is greatly excited
over her disappearance.
Tho holders of policies in the Fidelity
Mutual Aid Association of Philadelphia,
will regret to learn that this company has
been discovered to bo unsound, nnd that
the most glaring frauds have been perpe
trated by some of its managers. In 1881
and 1832 over 823,000 more than cnougli
to pay death losses were collected as ns.
scssnients, nud no one can tell what be
came of It. It is no wonder that people
nowadays are constantly propounding tho
question "Docs Insurance Insure?"
flic next term of tho State Normal
School commences Wednesday, January
This school gives to every graduate what
no other in the tltbtrict can give, a mil
professional standing among teachers,
hv its dinloma. and tuition almost free
to those who graduate in two years.
Students arc also prepared for college.
Students having a card from the Principal
;ct half faro on the Del. Lack. & Western
It. R. For catalogue and particulars ad
dress the Principal, Rev. D. J. Waller, Jr.,
Dloonisburg, Columbia Co., Pa.
Ratrd's Minstrels Is ono of the best
troups of the kind on tho road. Tho Ens
ton Daily Arnut of December 4th says of
them i "Tho company makes a favorablo
Impression from tho moment of Its nr rival
In town. Tho members are well looking
nnd well dressed, nnd they mnko up a
very largo and very excellent band nmong
them. They gave the best street music on
Centre Square, yesterday morning, that
has ever been given by n minstrel com.
pany In Easton and wo have had some
very strong organizations here too. And
last night their splendid instrumental mu
bIc was a feature of tho show which de
lighted everybody. Their first part Is very
good, the solo singing being acceptable
and tho concerted music very line, while
the witticisms of the end) men are really
funny, nnd not "weary, lint, stale and un
profitable." It concludes with a travcstlo
of opr ratio music, Introducing the catch
ing airs from the most popular of the op
eras, and Harry Picrson as prima donun.
Lew Rent-diet and Joe Hart lend tho com
edians nt either end, nnd each of them is a
whole show In himself. And there is no
pnuso in tho performance from first to last,
but, without a break for nearly theo hours,
It keeps light along with one nccompanl
tnent of laughter nnd applause. The
specialties are excellent and gained well
deserved applause throughout." Rlooms-
Opcra House, December 21st.
BUUwntcr JottliiK.
Tho Christian Church at Cambra is now
completed. It Is a beautiful structure nnd
very tastily finished and is an ornament to
tho town and an honor to tho community
that contributed so liberally towards its
erection, It will bo dedicated on Lord's
day. Rev. O. A. Rartholomcw of Phila
delphia will officiate assisted by tho Pas
tor, D. M. Klnter. All arc invited and n
hearty welcome to nil.
Mr. John A. Deuel nnd Miss Annetta D.
Cole, of Ronton called at tho residence of
the Christian Minister on the evening of
the 15th inst. and went away a Mr. and
Mrs. Deuel. Success to them and n pleas
ant voyage through life.
"Beautiful Snow" is now in order. Let
us take a ride.
A merry Christmas to all our friends a
fat turkey and good cheer.
The meeting at Cambra will bo protracted
a few weeks.
lion. J. R. Smith of Kingston, Pa., pre
sented the Cambra Christian Church with
a ninety-four dollar bell. Good for broth
cr John. R. E. Poiitek.
Tho Rook of Ecclcslastcs, versified, is
tho concluding portion of tho new book on
our shelves, entitled "A Roynl Pastoral."
While some parts are rendered with great
lltcrnlncss, other portions nro considerably
amplified nnd (hough keeping closo to
tho original thought, illustrate It in various
whys, giving the render now vlows ot life,
nnd nllordlng htm, sometimes, a glance
upon tho panorama of modern life, its
troubles nnd Its follies.
Tho Lutheran Sunday school will have a
Christinas tree and appropriate exercises,
on tho night before Christmas.
Tho Reformed congregation wilt have
Its Christmas services on Tuesday evening.
The Episcopal Sunday school will ob
serve tho season on Friday evening of next
Notick to Tax Colleotoih. An Act of
the Legislature nnd approved Juno 2nd
1831, (see Pamphlet laws page 45,) requires
tax collectors, township nud borough offi
cers to make returns of seated and unseat
ed lands to tho County Commissioner's on
or before the first day of January next.
Lands upon which no property can be
found from which to take taxes from, tlioso
who fall to make returns by said day will
bo held for such loss. Taxes so returned
become a lien against tho property so re
turned. We have blanks on which these
returns are to bo mado and will furnish
them upon application of colletcors.
Jons R. Casev, Coin's, Clerk,
Coin's office. Nov. 1st. 1833. nov 10-tf
The stock of overcoats
r T j - T
for LUtie boijs is neiv,
neat, and nice : can ana-
see them at Loivenberg's.
Holiday ICxcurHloiiH remiHjlvn-
ula Itultrontl.
The usual custom of placing on sale Ex
cursion tickets during the holidays will
this year bo observed by the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company i Philadelphia, Wll
mington and Baltimore railroad; Northern
Central Railway, West Jersey railroad, nud
Raltimorc and Potomac railroad, and to
that end round-trip tickets will ho sold at
all ticket stations on tho above lines on
December 22d, 23d, 24th, 23th, 29th, SOth,
and 31st, 1883, nnd on January 1st, 1831,
good for the return trip until January 2d,
1884. Particulars to be had at the ticket
offices of tho company.
Tcaclier'n niHtrlct liiHtltute.
Pursuant to invitation by the county
superintendent, the teachers of Scott town
ship, met In tho Lutheran Church at Espy,
Dec. 8, 1833, to hold a District Institute,
Tho meeting was called to order by the
superintendent at 10 a. m., nnd opened
with prayer by Rev. E. A. Sliarretts.
song entitled " A welcome to all," was
sung by tho pupils of the Espy schools, as
slsted by tho Espy Orchestra, with Mrs,
TUn .1 a nrtr.mlot fin inntlnn
TIlC latest StjlO Of SOHMiss Mattlo Doak was elected scctctnry
hat, tlLG "KllOX Hat- The superintendent stated the object of
tti 7 77,7,. T? I mo institute ana uesireu mo teachers 10
discuss tho subject of composition writing
nnd declamation In our public schools. Af-
T1l6 hat Of the SeaSOll ter some remarks by Mr. Oarrlson, pertl
at D.
l-'all lranH!oii quarterly.
Send 15 cents to Strawbrldgo & Clothier,
for tho Autumn Quarterly i 120 pages ; 1000
Illustrations ; 42Jvaluablo articles on sub.
jeets of interest to ladles j also, a dress.
makers' page. Every description of dry
goods illustrated nnd priced, for shoppers
by mail. Tho muslo by W. W. Gilchrist,
the celebrated composer, is nlono worth
doublo tho price of tho book. Yearly sub.
scrliitlon. 00 cents s 25 cents for six
months. Subscribe now nov 2-Ct
Centre KotcH.
Tho festival at tho Grango Hall was a
success. Wlillo somo were caimg oysiers
It was proposed to have a square dance,
John Scott whistled for the llrst set, and
then a violin was procured for tho next,
Reforu leaving they agreed to meet at
Esq, Hldlay's on tho Friday evening fol
lowing, nud a great many did so and spent
a pleasant evening,
Conrad llippcnstcel nnd wife, and Eliz
abeth Ruckle were in attendndeo at the
Hldlay church Sunday hist.
Miss Jennie Snyder, of Oraugcvllle,
spent Saturday and Sunday vwlth Miss
Delhi Illdhiy.
Lean-year Is utmost hero again. Will
our girls bo as courageous as over?
On Saturday last quite a number of
friends uiiil relatives met and surprised
Isaac Erwluc and family. It was a com
pletc surprise, to all, and presents wero
numerous. Mr, Erwlno has been sillier-
ing for several years with a cancer In his
hoe, but has been spared to sea tho com
ing of another winter.
A few of our Centre folks attended a
roast at Catharine Drake's on Saturday
last, and report a good time, also a
"square meal."
There was also a roast ut Mrs. Anna
.Miller's ou Saturday. Her children and
tho neighbors wero present to enjoy her
Rev. Rodino preached a good sermon at
Hldlay church Sunday hist, tcxti "What
think yu of Christ ?"
uur sexton, ueorgo uemley, nan n
warm house on Sunday last fur Habhath
school al tho Hldlay church, Wo have no
doubt ho will do his duty as u suxton,
F-nxiik Noun.
nent to these subjects, Rev. E. A. Sharrctt
entertained the audience with a short ad
dress on pronunciation. Tho remainder of
tho morning was occupied by pupils from
tho different schools of Espy, Light Street
and Alton, with recitations, dialogues, cs
says, and select readings, interspersed wltli
music by the Orchestra and pupils ot tho
Espy schools. Adjourned to meet at 1
Institute called to order by tho Superln
tendcut and opened with music. Prof,
Noetllng, Rev. E. A. Sharretts, nud Dr,
Redeker, were nppointcd judges of conv
petltlvo exercises In reading. They report
ed all tho rending good, but awarded tho
highest honors to Miss Hicks of Light
Street. Competitive exercises In spelling
were conducted by Mr. Geddls of tho Nor
mal School, Ho was authorized to select
twcnty-llvo words Irom Watson's lndepcn
dent Speller, not going beyond the 05 page,
Tlireo pupils wero allowed to bo chosen
Irom each school to cuter tho contest.
The spelling resulted as follows t Tho
highest contestant, 00 per ccut The
highest school, 02 per cent. Tho tor
mer was awarded to Miss Garrison of tho
Aftou school, und tho latter to Room No. 1
Eipy school. Professor -Ncotllng addressed
the Institute ut somo length onjtho subject
of vcntlllatloii and light In our churches
and school buildings.
His rcmnrks wero well-timed, practical
and should ha prolific of good, Mr. Ged
dls conducted a competitive exercise in
rapid addition which resulted in n victory
for Room No, 1, Espy school. Tho victors
wero Wlillo Trembly nnd Walton It. Groh.
Miss Ilencock of Light Street read an Inter
esting and instructive essay on History,
giving, as wo think the true Idea that his
tory und geography should go hand in hand,
and wo should not study ono to tho exclu
sion of tho other, but both should bo In
separably connected. Prof. Ncotllng and
.Mr, ueiiuis uoin maiio some interesting re
marks pertaining to the subjects ubova ills-
cussed, but spaco forbids our recording
them hero. 1 no following resolution was
unanimously adopted i ftriohwl, That this
Instltuto tender a vote of thanks to tho
Trustees of tho Lutheran Church ol Espy,
for thu uso of their Church, to Prof, Neot
llng for his excellent address, to tho Or
chestra and organist fo- assistance render
ed In furnishing music. Notwithstanding
thu Inclement weather, a fair audience was
present during tho day,
JUnm Doak,
A Una cashmere dress nattcrn. n eood
silk dress pattern, or a Paisley shawl worth
$30.00, 40.00 or .$50,00 from Lulu &
Sloan's will bo sure to plcaso your wlfo
or daughter.
Roots ol all kinds at
Evans' building.
W.J. Kcndlg's,
Cheap quoenswure at J. R. Skcer's.
Handkerchiefs, towels, nanxlns nnd la-
bio linens to suit everybody at Lutz it
When vou como to Bloomsburg call at
W. J. Kcndla's, where you nro sure to
get bargains.
Pleasant, hcnlthy crlns nro seen onlv on
the faces of health persons. The dyspep
tic nnd dcullltntcd can smllo only In n half
hearted way. Purify tho blood, tono tho
stomach, nnd strengthen the tissues with
linrdoek Illoml Mitten, If you wish to laugh
wen ami oiicn.
The "Jerse.r Shirt I"
The Jersey Shirt I Fine
under clot hins?. A full
line at JJ. Lowenuerg s.
Court X'rocccdltiKH.
On motion of C. G. Barklcy, John G.
Scouten member of Sullivan county sworn
as a member of the Columbia County bar.
Estnte of Scth Hnrtman. Replication of
petitioner filed.
Estate of Mary C. Musgrove. Returned
unsold for want of bidders nnd order con
Estate of Wm. Ivt-y. Petition for sale
of real estate and decree filed.
W. II, Rrlght, agent, vs. James Curr, ct.
al. Judgment on motion for want of ap-
Estate of C. F. Harder. Report of audit
confirmed nisi.
Sheriff Mourcy acknowledged the follow
ing deeds in open court i
To Peter Swank, tract ot land, Locust
Township, sold in nnmo of John Dorr for
To Lavlna Robblns ncro in Fishing.
cteck. Sold in name of Cyrus Robblns for
Wm. Christman appointed auditor In es
tate of Jacob Evans.
Petition filed for road In Sugarloaf near
Newton Hcrrlngton.
Petition of County Commissioners for
the inspection of the workmanahlp ol a
county bridge in Fishlngcrcck township,
Estate of Wm. G. Hurley. Petition for
an attachment ngnlnst the trustees filed
nnd rule to show cause granted.
Hannah Knorr estate. On petition sale
ot realty ordered.
Seigler vs. Sclgler. Subpoena in divorce,
Publication ordered.
Catherine Cnrr vs James Carr. Libel in
divorce. Subpoena awarded.
Kline vs. Kline. Order for inquest con
In tho matter of the account of
the Petriken estate. Rule granted to show
cause why the appointment of the auditor
shall not bo suspended and the exceptions
O. S. Books vs. Borough of Danville.
Statutory writ allowed nnd ordered to bo
Wm. F. Trembly estate. Petition for
mining lcaso presented.
Road In Ronton near John Hiker, view
er confirmed.
Sale of realty ordered In the estate of
George Craig.
Inquest awarded In estate of Catherine
Commonwealth vs. Joseph May. Un
motion court ordered bench warrant to is
sue returnable January 0, 1834, unless de
fendant comply wltli order of Court and
appear at that time.
Frank Fritz, Augustus Evcrhard, and
Asa Yorks appointed viewers of road in
Sugarloaf township, near Newton narring
A. W. White, John W. Hoffman, and
Cyrus Mcllenry nppointcd viewers to lay
out and vacnto wood road in Mt. Pleasant
township near Wash. Ruckle.
Wm. L. Mnnnlng. G. W. Knousc, Frank
Derr, T. S. Christian, A. II. Glrton nnd R.
F. Whltmoycr., appointed inspectors for
workmanship of county bridge in Green
wood nenr W. P. McIIenry's mill.
B. R. Davis et al. vs. Berwick borough
On petition to assess damages. Samuel
Snyder, E. R. Rrower, Mordecal Millard,
Dr. E. W. M. Low, and Francis Evans, ap
pointed viewers.
Dear ladv. there Is nrobablv no uso tell
ing you Hint fashionable life in a great city
u n rough one on your ucauiy. j,ntc nourn.
loss of sleep nnd mcntnl excitement will
leave you by and by shorn of those beauti
ful tresses which drew lovers nroilnd you
in other years. Artificial substitutes can
never pass for tlioso rich and glossy locks.
Parker's Hair Balsam will stop your hair
from falling out, restore its natural color
nnd softness, nnd prove, clennsing nnd ben-
cmciai to mo seal p.
Editor James P. Barr, of tho Pittsburg
"Post," says i "I have known Editor
Ranch, of tlic 'Carbon County (Pa.) Demo
crat,' to bo a fearful sufferer from Rhou.
tnatlsm for years, and have met mm In
person since ho was cured with Phelps'
llheumatlc Kllxlr."
Koll of Honor.
Tho following pupils In tho Espy schools
were neither tardy nor obscnt during tho
month ending December 13, 1883 1
Room No. 1. J, Garrison, tencher i Ber
tha Angle, Rcrulco Fahrlngcr, Salllo Mc
Cnmey, Mngglo Snvngc, Walter Groh, Wli
llo Hess, Charles Howell, Wlillo Trembly,
Albert Krcsslcr.
Room No, 2. Mattlo Donk, teacher i
Llzzlo Hagcnbach, Blanche McKnmcy,
Mattlo McKnmcy, Sue Crcsslcr. Laurn
Crevcllng, Lena Hartman, Rose Rcrlln,
Mattlo Tronsuc, Effic Fahrlngcr, Clemlo
Pleasant, Harvey Rice, Joe Pursel, Man
rlco Reynolds, Harry Baker, Wlillo Sny
Room No. 8. Sado Campbell, teacher;
Charles Abbott, Crevcllng Raker, Domcr
GoUlngcr, James Dougherty, Frank 8hcl
ly, Charles Dougherty, Charles StolTcr,
Clinton Ilngcnbuch, Joseph Car), Rcsslo
Krcsslcr, Edna Hartman, Calllo Fauscy,
Dorothy Walters, Rcsslo Kyler, Eva Green-wnld.
Paralytic strokes, heart disease, and kid
ney affections, prevented by tho uso of
iirowirs iron Hitters.
iVnamnsa, lown. Dr. J. G. McGuiro
says ,' "I know Rrown's Iron Hitters is a
good tonic and gives general satisfaction."
Wc do think Hie Phelps Rheumatic Ellx.
r Is the most valuable proprietary medi
cine ever compounded, and wo are confi
dent that this will he the testimony of
hundreds of thousands more in tho near
future. E. H. Ravjoh, editor "Carbon
County (Pn.) Democrat. For sale at Hcn
dcrshott's Pharmacy.
Wadlev. Ga.-Dr. H. It. Doyle says i "I
consider Rrown's Iron Hitters superior ns a
tonic to any preparation now In use."
At times svmntoms of indigestion are
present, uneasiness of the stomach. &a. a
moisture like perspiration, producing itch
ing nt night, or when one is warm, cause
the Piles. The effect is immediate relief
upon the application of Dr, Basnnko's Pile
Remedy, which costs you but GO cents and
issoiu uyu. a. lucim. jury iu-cow
Opera House,
December 21st, 188.1.
1 1
A Connress of Minstrel (ll.inlt l.ow Ilenprtlct
and clijht comedians ! Joe Hart, Hurry I-kr-
son, 1". c. Mhortl-s l'rliico I'll anion : the tour In-
vinciuii-s: iniiy uonwny, das. Kcnncuy, jonnio
jiacK, Lenry.
singing to tho sweet muslo ot their chlmo of 1 a
silver Swiss bolls, mini's London Sextette, Jack
son. Sinclair, Nelson, Tower, McMurray, Stanley.
nu& optima eiusMc orenesiro, twelve soio
players, no accomplished artists. In a Ilnlllarit
olio l A Novel first part 1 A New Burlesque opera
A Orand and Glorious
Prices 25, 35, and BO cents.
Malt Elder's Silver A: OnM rnmct lliinrl. with
Cllno nnd Lovlclc, Gold Cornet Ducttlsts, nt IS and
Chas; E. Cook, Gen. Advance Director.
j 'mwwiww
k iKcrceineroiti
a levmet
Positive Cure
An Infallible- remedy for
all dlcnKes of tho tikln
ana mood, tucli to
rlmnlna A Jllutrhi
nnd pi tho host Itcmedr
for nil l-'piiiiiln Cotti-
pluliita nnd AVonk
nrMrft. It htiA ruretl
(llsmxn of tho I.lvrr
and ICIilnrya when nil
otlirr remedies Iihtc
Do not let jour Prugglit pcrmado you to take
toinclhlngelne, lutlf h has not tot It, and
will not tend fur It, nrlto to ui and wo will lend
It to you Ly cxprc&s, prepaid, on receipt of price.
find In thrrn lift! Um of Uht iimatla firrun will
clear the rtcm of hlle, nndeiiro anyranoof In-
nammaiory ur avuiu iwicumausm, ur neuiaigi.
..Throe to flvo bottles will euro j:rylnclaj In
lit wont form.
Fnnrlo tlx Lottie aro warranted to euro
corrupt and running Ulcers
four lo tlx boltlej aro warranted to cure
any raao of Bait Jthcura.
Flvn to eight bottles will euro tho wont
cmo of Scrofula.
Tmm ,w in four mrnt1, Inn rtt Tit, Mtmalln
'ynip will euro nny enso of Chronic Ilhcumatlim
if twenty yean' Handing,
If you haro been n sufferer for yean, and have-
used all the remedies you could hear of, with no
avail, do not bo discouraged, for llheumatlc
Syrup will euro you.
I', HI. OO per linttlcl O bottles for SB. 00.
Bend for our pamphlet of Testimonials, etc,
IlltEl'MATlOEYnUP CO., ItochCTtcr, K. Y.
"FOR SALE BY DRUOQISTS I'ricc $1.00 nor Rottlo or ORotllos for $C.OO"
I I 1
Resit Estate!
"I cmnloved somo ot the best physicians
- ... .. ... t v.
here." wrote wm. is. Tanner, of Dayton.
Ohio. "They all said my child could not
live for tlireo weeks. It had GO tits in 24
hours. Wc cave it A'imari(m Aenme and
the medicine effected a permanent cure."
Sec a woman in another column, near
Sneer's Vineyards, plckine crapes from
wnicn Bpecrs rort urnpo wino is mauc.
that Is so highly esteemed by the medlcnl
profession, for the use of invalids, weakly
persons anil the ntrert.
O 1 . 1 i... n A T.l .1 ... Til
UUUi liy j. il.. 1J1UU11ISUUI.
sept -iy
Wc answer, honor bricht, it will cure
rheumatism, nnd the severest cases too.
Ur. Thomas' Jic rdrus UU was specially nrc
pared for the rheumatic and lame. Notice
letters from the peoplo relative to its mer.
its in nearly every paper in mo country.
As wc come to them thov arc received.
borne with, and passed over wltli no more
than a thought, if wo nro in tho enjoyment
of health, but if suffering with Files or
skin disenso of any kind they magnify n
iiuiutreu torn. u. a. rucim, mo urucgisi,
has Dr. Rosanko's File Remedy which is an
absolute cure for any affection of the kind
ami is soul lor oucents. duly iu-cow
rursuant to an order of tho Orphans' Court ot
Columbia county, Pa., will bo sold at Public Salo
on tho premises, In the township ot Mifflin tn said
county, on
Friday, Dec. 28, X883,
at 8 o'clock, p.m., tho following described real
estate, latcor jacouiions, deceased, lo-wit: a
farm adjoining lands ot Abraham Modeller, Mrs.
Phoebo Miller, John Hartzel and others, contain-
more or less, whereon nro erected a two-story
stone dwclllnir house, barn and other outbuildings.
TEEMS OP SALE. Ten percent, otono-tourth
ot the purclinso money to be paid at tho striking
down ot tho property i the one-fourth less the ten
per cent, at tho confirmation ot salo ; and tho re
maining thrco-fourths In ono year thereafter, with
Interest from confirmation nisi.
Purchaser to pay for deed,
dec 7-ts Administrator.
0aBB two &(ooBi.s aie tilled with
useful and aisieati-l goods suit
able lor presents. Our stock con
sists in art of'Drcss Silks, Cash
meres, Towels, Iajkins, -Linens,
Piano Covers, Toys, Holts, Books,
Flannels, Jewelry, Iaccs, Col
lars, &c, which we invite you to
call and sec. We know wrc can
save you money.
that will play any tune.'and that any
ono, even a ctniu, can operate.
The Orcaneltfl lias cimeil tiich a world-wide reputation
that A lenutl.yikt-nptiun bf It ii not ne:ets.iry. It will
be luniileiittoMy llttt Itli a rKHFKCT MKGAN that plays
tntthanuallj. All the sacrcl Airs, iiupular music, sons,
i,i.!:, cic. c.t. it consists 01 inree strong ueuows ami
set of reeui with r.xl-KU.ION Lox and bw ELL. A strip
bt lrtorated laper represents the tune, and It Is only
cstary oj piaie me paper tune in tne Instrument, as
Solomon's Song, dramatized and re-cast
following the construction of the original,
is one of tho principal poems In "A Royal
Pastoral." Tho book Is for salo at tho
Cot.u.vniAN stationery store, and makes a
charming Christmas gift. As hero re-con.
strutted, it would mnko a short and de
lightful entertainment for amateur per
formers to present to a cultured audience,
beautiful complexion results from using
Acker's lilooil Elixir, bold by J. 11. iun-
ports, druggist.
"tiik II0S3."
Rethlehcm. l'a.. Julv3. 1832.
Sir. John II. Phelps, Denr sir Please
send me three doien Phelp's Rheumatic
Elixir soon as possible. I have sold nil 1
had. Mr. D. J. Godslmlk, editor "Daily
Times." Uetlilcmcn. Is takine It. lie sayi
I could tell my customers It Is the "boss"
medicine for rheumatism. Yours, etc..
K. T. JIeyehs, Druggist.
'Comnlelclv nrostratcd for days wltli In-
diccstton and bilious fever. The effects of
two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters aston
ished mo : visible improvement right oil.
Mr. Noah Hates, Elmlrn, N. Y.
Rheumatic Syrup Cb :
urocKnort, jn. 1.. aue. iu, -era.
Gents For the benefit ot those who may
be suffering from rheumatism, I make tho
following statement In relation to your
Rheumatic Syrup s I had been suffering
severely for six weeks with rheumatism all
through my wholo body. Spent many
sleepless nights, for 1 count not turn my
self in beil. nor ralso mv nanus to mv licau.
My wrists wero so swoucu 1 comu not ucnu
them without causing tcrriblo pain, when I
was persuaded by a friend to try your
Rheumatic Bvrun. llavo been laKing 11
three weeks nnd tlnd myself nblo to be up
and around the house, and Improving so
rapidly that I feel as if I could safely rec
ommend It to all those so allllctcd.
Yours respectfully,
Miss A.'E. Goodell.
Harper's Bazar.
Harper' Bazar is nt onco the most brilliant and
useful Household Journal tn existence. It Is tho
acknowledged arbiter ot fashion tn this country
Its fashion plates arc the newest and most st) llili
and Its pattern sheet supplements and economic
suggestions alono aro worth many times tho cost
of subscription. Its Illustrations of art needle
work are from the best sources. Its literary and
artistic merits are ot tho highest order. Its stories
poems, and essays nro by tho nrst American and
European authors, itscholco art pictures would
nil portfolios, and Its humorous cuts nro tho most
amusing to be found In any Journal In
America- A host of brilliant novelties are prom-
lsod for 1881.
Per Year i
IIAltl'Ert'S I1A-AU. M CO
One Year (M Numbers) ..10 00
lfistage Free to all subscribers tit tfie United States I
or Cmirtiln.
Tho Volumes ot tho llazar begin with the first
Number tor January ot each year. When no time
Is mentioned, It will bo understood that tho sub
scriber wishes to commenco with tho Number
next alter the receipt of order.
The last l'our Annual Volumes of Harper's Bazar
In neat Cloth blndln?, will be sent by man, pos
tage paid, or by express, freo of expenso (provided
tho freight does not exceed one dollar per volume)
for 7 oo per volume
Cloth Cases for each volume, sultablo lor bind
ing, will bo sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt ot
tl 00 each.
Remittances should ba made by rost-OMca Mon-
oy Order or Draft, to avoid chances of loss.
Xeicspaiers are not to copy this advertisement
without trie express order uriunrmt E HROTiiKif
Address HAltt'EIt & MiOTllEKS, Now York.
v.7.r.r s..r.e r. Hi r r 1 1 il -ir s s.';ia
M1 V';JS'NJsS 171'HriKH f
rc fay, ut i, vii WLanai
v.- --- 'if
y $3.50,
l.ownin the iiitture, and turn Die handle, which lih cp
erates ttie Lellowi Snti rtipeli Hie taper lunc. The per
f or,tt ion i in the t-aner allow the rfcrfit r !- m tmi-ri -,(
a ptrlect tune Uthe rc-ult.zrVrci ttme.txnutton,aMU
.'UP .Tt.l.fl . JrvtSm,
.sir figWWanrftl llliarfyl;fc-ASy?A stnrt
rtitct. without the ltat L nowlnls- rt it r l-.-, .
quired cf the iifgimerj even a tittle cltlUt can operate lit
as ta themn In the J kture, alittle tftrl If playing a song and
er playmates are -inelnz the cnl. ItiatuneU In the Ley
It Suite J for the human valcifn In tiv. tt lntotta An, I en.
tertamt both old and uune. assists lit train in- tl choice an.I
AfrOKl). HOL'KS OP SOCIAL. AMlBiEMFNT. 'In lrt--nii'- (
petlectly represented by the picture. It U madeof oi.t' at.
it. decorated In L'llt. and .J both handta-iin nmt Tli
twice of tlinllar I tut ru NIC nil hitherto If in tt. .ml th its-man. 1 luirnn.
Mantly increased until now there are over 75.000 in use. Wc are ettcounired
ioita.B yti e inarnci at mis greati) rcaif-CU
Jj-M-v.njj 11. -1 mc ai3 win warrant ine reuuc
uuii. j i.c uranc,ia iiiouyii siituiir la Con1-1 rut lion
r ecus and pity the same
tunes. Our uurr is ttm t
On recrit.t of ? we will
the OrfaiitiettJ. iveirreM
ivaddrt-v, nnd include hREB
AO worth of music, or on re
it rf i we will send it with
' t .Ml worth r-f music FKEF
r (fii.MI we will Mud it with
Il selection of music FREE.
1 price includes U)1rtif and
Lint-. Tktit art jstMf't
J frtrti , and we will appulnt the
' first purchaser from any tn n our
i a r-r,( If h. an.l,li' A.l l.u.
Tho Massachusetts Or Kan Co.. 57 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.U. S. A.
A Kochanical Wonder.
I-nntyfartra first tntrndnrc4 tliU
rrtAituiKn NnrvfTTinllw children
vt Atnericn nnd It ii Rilo to iwcrt
thai ito loy -vrr devise! nttntnetl
smli tmmetlijiK? poiralnrltyi (ully
an Hit' ot tw merit we h-ttl thousand1?
ct Drills ready turtlit Holiday tr.uto1
notttltitiiiHiititf nldcli ttm fuipcly
Vflncxhiiustcd enrW In 1 ibcr,
nmt liundredaof child, -en who cint ,
to onrnture wtretliuiipolntcil. Wc
iihu uern acctunni.tvinu aiut-K nu
thu r.ftt ntnrt mnnlli mm klmllcn
tleavor lhi jonrtofllt nil orders 11m tiay
ol rompt. The Dull Itua been lm
liruveu in every wity mnco
yeiir. Itiktcad of ilie MUX lierntmi liody
id nu tm porteu iioimnt.r Dun nii an
i.lh-r iolnLSK.i Uk.iit will ilteisi r an.
p-acctjlly la t.y roiltlon. I Iks nrm It
TlifoureprwliUelythe-iDm todM rrir
la a i'oij, iiu'y nro ui rimmy tin
C il3L
i t" m-idfihiinthaitesti
VVv.-. will ont-wpnr t.ian
Vi rOiW " ... rim v!Ui lone linirnro n
-7i5n i
V'HcinMcrtlhTd Upj linen IMIV tli 1
Call and see tlia new.
stock of hats, soft and
stiff, just received at D.
Lowenoern s.
Guilts flno shoes nt W. J. Kendlg's.
oven Asthma immediately relieved by Acker's
English Remedy. Sold under guaran
tee uy J. ii. ivinports, uruggisu
"I DON'T FEEL WELL I" Tho atom.
acli Is out of order. nclcctcd this means
chronic dyspepsia. You should take Ack.
era ijvsncnsia Tan ets anu nvoui mis icr-
rlble disease. Sold by J. H. Klnports,
A clear head is Indicative of cood health
and regular habits. When tho body feels
heavy nnd languid, and tho mind works
sliiL'irlslilv. Aver's Cathartic Pills will won-
. o.. - . - . . . . .
uertuliy assist to n recovery or. puysicai
buoynncy nnd mental vieor. Tiio consti-
putcd siiouiu use uicin.
Wllllaiiisnort. Pa.. Dec. 31, 1883.
Jon.". H. PilKU'3, Scranton, Pa., Dear
Sir I feel It my duty to Inform you how
much cood vou have dono mu through
vour Rheumatic Elixir. 1 have been
a very bad sullcrer with Intlam.
mntorv Rheumatism for ovor two veiirs.
iiaif of tho tlmo not. nblo to walk- without
crutches or canes. I have used three bot
ties of your Rheumatic Elixir. I pronounco
myself entirely cured of rheumatism when
all other remedies nnd treatment failed to
glvo relief. And I am In better health now
man l nave neen tor years, i nope your
circulars wltli their wonderful testimonials.
will reach every sultcrer with that terrlblu
iliscase, minimalism, aim tuny uncuurugu
them to L'lve the t Rheumatic Elixir n
I .1 ..-!. .l..l 1 ll.n 111.,,.,
T ..... c. 1. ... n n.nnl. ..r il.... I iiiuu'UkIi iiiiii. x uilil luiiuiiiiuums uiu ssiiuii
l.utz & Sloan havo a full stock of line ,,i0 i?nvi. , .,nii,i,,
The Press
Weekly Press, - - - 81.00 a Year.
Dally Prose, - - - -50,00 a Year.
W'.utUtilGlUe.tom; tutr, W;u.ntn, t
llittorthrrl;-. W'h t--inItlrrr tli'i I
rut Imports I j'lto tliit iiountry. i mt U-tt .ul:m.i tii
Vontierinl Mincing Altnromoiic Tnt il?.
ISO AlTAnilriKTtn)i.rf1il.-d uillitii tbilKd7 Uii'.i.-
t.'ie must tngi'iiluiift iiivfiiiiiiiiitid t i.t t-i. liAnlMp tid
lttcnt urn nro flimin In tliQ n;,it I .Ail I cnir o lux. It ll
ft Horfoct Wuotoal Inetrurnont ttiidy iu.mIi i ot
Hftbki 10 pet out tit nrdtr und u atritiil luit MtJi(
iirpiiiHuitistttiiia uiMiitfnaiiii urn 7ti.iittiiiu uit
' hum riceet Anne "rVrrwptiVe," "Itcart totrau tmtt
I 7V..- it f.nU7iit t.ln.t " Vi-. t.nm tsn.l htjf ' II.. nr. .
J)ym ""Ihtetan learethrel" M ft C S ma" "Amrrua" 'JVi.ii. fftni trirTn'j("fnnnftn "Tr"1 Uh
teUati" i(t'iiii.tni. "lett Aunt liitMn.'Jiuv a iwwt " " inirt Jfimiiiir,' nmhu thro' Av " " "
llrutt.e fntirfcf tiU.UtrniiiifathfrC(ock" ,,Chtltft&tjo"t'tttlvtJ Hu-uinrr "Joyful J!ii.'
(li'rntii)140'ii Vvtlt ut Ittme." J'cp Voti the ritairl." tuau A'jr" n .in.iu), "Srrv tuj cAiti
f liWl
v7 in i
lllTirt II 11 llLllnf.nitt I. n't this t.lPAlU.-U
nmi i iitfriniiiiMft.t tluit i"r AVoiidvrlul tilimtnv Jll dnt-H, wlit. ti i tto aputmc S owelty l:t
CHiUHEira TOTS EVtE HlODliCLDjijid 4 i'lI HUtl-iVV-' t-riJ'frra I t jii Ifj mtiio 10 .1
UOlinR All Mlttl
ii I nriiili i(n" ,tr IV ti. 1.23 titbe tlf. irici SiJ.'J.'i, lo.. StHhciiilrt, UrrnSttd
ktuUiuit nt unit belter tittju St-iit tn a:iy tuwlress oi rmulft ui tmc, tu- t-'tlrtMitirtt v!tititt'.e
fin ct. citru. Til it ISiPK Sl'tTLtti
OUO.VN i (.. No. 5. V.i-tiluuioi
WOT t'tVM COv'f "' r iUsteuutitvi .'.
November iw, 4w.
rect. IiuuiuA. . If, (. X-
,';.i to tnwiwsj iu made, Ui Xitc 5' f ..!ru
W. J, Correll & Co. keep always on
hand a lnriro assortment of furnlturo to
select from. Any special orders tilled on
snort tiouce.
it 1, W. Urn i: k's,
A grand rally Saturday nnd Monday for
Christmas presents.
It will bu worth roIiii; to see the crowd
even If you do not wish to buy.
1000 handkerchiefs, Ac.
1000 cards, He. to 43.70.
1000 books, inkstands, &c.
1000 In the grocery and arouud thu glass
ware, iVc.
1000 other articles.
Presents for your Suudfiy school teach.
ers, presents for your scholars.
dry goods suitable for presents that will he
sure to please.
I nm respectfully yours,
J, It. AltNOI.l).
A piece of furnlturo Is always a welcome
gift. .Oo to Correll &, Go's, nnd select
something for Christmas.
Christmas presents nt U. E. Havngo &
(jo s Jewelry atoro consistingot gout wutcti
es, silver watches, clocks, diamond, tur.
(iiioise, tiger eye, nnd ull tho latest stone
rings, l'liiln and band rings, earrings,
lace pins, chains, lockets, &a. Silver waro
of all kinds. Cull and examine. 11 w.
If you aro In need ot shoes call nt
Kcndlg's, in Evans' building.
"V. J.
I.utz & Sloan havo a full lino of shawls
from tho single wool ut ifa.OO to the Pals.
ley at a0,00,
Physicians Btnto that the Port Wine. pro.
duced by Alfred Speer, of Now Jersey, that
loo K uie premium at me uemeiinini, u ex
cellent for' medicinal p irposes being pure
and more reliable than other port wines.
Ksiicolully recommended for weakly ie
males nnd the aged, The brown stone
shale Boll lu which tho grapes grow is rich
in Iron. This Is the cause of the deep col
or and tho blood making properties of the
wlno Por sale by druggists.
Tho grapo crop of A Bpeers vineyards
Tlie coinlns year will bo notable. Conjrcss,
r.lvltk'd between n Republican Henato ami a
Uiumcratlo lluuto, will Lo buty 1'reslilcnt
i.,..!.liiir. T!io (Treat battle, ot Protection against
I'. to Trails will agitate tbo Capitol anil the
(-(Hiutry, Tlia l'rcslileutlat campaign u ill bo tlie
liMilubC fous'.it an.l liiout exciting political
r-ttuzelo for anuartrr of a century. Hu rope, in
t!-.,i opinion of tlm best Informed, trembles on tlie
io of u i-.i cut war.
V ,.'.i siicli an outlook a Uro newspaper which
pi nn all tli o news anil tells tho wholo trutli about
it U i.ioro than ever a necessity, Kucli a news.
iir.,icr lc Tiik I'lULAnr.i.i-inA. I'nES3, Tcli-Eiapli
'v res In lis own ouico place It In liistantaiicuus
eu..iiDunlc.itlon with a corp. of over II vo hundred
ncv,si;atUereis distributed all over tho clvlliicd
woild. Tho Cechtl dally cablo scrvlco which It
tli ires wltli tho New York Jlerald covers every
P'..aso of activity In European life, No paper
excels It In alt tho elements which go to uiaku up
abroad, full, complcto Journal.
Uvsidcs bclns a rouiplcto newspaper, The
Weekly 1'r.Ub.s lias several special features
.h!ch put It at tho top. Tho Aaiucnj.TL-iiAi.
Dci-AHTMiT, enriched by constant coutrlbu-
II. .1.3 from tho foremost writers In various
branches, rives tho practical thlnits that people
.,.nit to on tho lurin anil In tho parden. Tbo
.liiU'itca llANuruu womln or Jiomo ticpart.
ucnt. edited by Mrs. Kate Upson Clark, Is full
nf Information, bints and happy thoughts for every
wife, mother and Head or a household.
A Croat featuroot tho coining year will bo the
lilr.hly valuable letters of 'Josltu D. Weeks on
a;;e of worklng men, tho general conditions of
Labor and tho Lost or Living In Luropo as com.
paicd with America. Mr, Weeks, who bad cbargo
ut llili subject for tho Census of 1FS0, lias mado It
a life stud)-, and lias been abroad this year con.
I'uctlng a t ncclal investigation. Ills letters will
give the facts as ta earnings In all tho various
rir.ustrle,lho purchasing power or wages, strikes,
tr.iuc.u!iioiiuui, amurauon, etc
Tho Weekly I'uess Is full of choice homo read'
Ing, wltli nuzilcs and other matter for the llttlo
1 Jt.,,turfcs nnd pastimes for adults and children, notes, reolpes, gleanings from current
literature, a careful summary ot domestio and
foreign news, and an earnest discussion ot the
gf-at questions of tho day,
Sample cvjilet mulled ree.
iiLooMsnima mauket.
Wbeatpor bushol i.o;
Corn, "
Oats " "
nutter .,
Dried Applos :
Hides & Shoulders
chickens ,
Lira per pound
Hay per ton
Duckwheat (lower per H".
5. SO
NEW YORK 1884.
About felxty million copies of The Sun havo gone
out of our establishment during the twelve
If you were to pas,to end lo end a'l tho colums ot
1 the .Viiii lirlnted and hold year you would
nv pro
Cheap underwear nt J, II, Skcer's.
Ladles' misses'
endless variety, at W. J. Kendlg's,
last year was annum Hint of un
vlous venr. Ills vineyards near
havu so increased that hu is able to keep it
stock live to six years ahead, They havu
becomo nonular wines among the best nhv
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