The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 21, 1883, Image 2

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0. E. Elwall, 1 t,.u.
J. H. mtt3nl!sal5r.,r E4"6"'
Tho Republican National convention
will bo hold in Chicago Juno 3rd.
Here is Bomothing for our Republi
can friondA to put in their pipes ami
Binokot tlioir leisure : "It la well nnd
truly sald by a prominent journalist
that thcru is a singular incongruity l
twecn tho condition of tho country and
tho condition of tho United States traas
ury. Tho columns of tho daily journals
aro filled with accounts Of businojs
failures, strikes, suspensions of manu
facturing operations and oppression in
prices, at tho eamo timo that Uncle
Sam's pockets aro so crowded with
supcrllu m :ih that he Is obliged to
rohove by calling in tho 3 per cent,
bond which there is no necessity for
jnylng. It is apparent that the pinch
in tho pockets of tho people is aggra
vated by tho plethor.i in tho vaults of
tho treasury. This condition of affairs
is not begotten of good administra
tion." Governor Pattisou proposes to know
what is dono with the public funds,
lie recently sent the following com
munication to tho Auditor General :
iron. John A. Lemon, Auditor
General, Dear JSir : Please furnish
tho oxecutivo department at your ear
liest convenience with an itemized
statement of tho expenditures of the
contingent fundi of the senato and
houso of representnui ;s at tho late ex
traordinary session oi tho peneral as
sembly, showing the names of tho per
sons to whom the monoys of said funds
have been paid, together with tho
amount paid to each. Also a state
ment containing tho names of all ofli
cers and employes, including tho pages
of tho houso and senate, to whom mon
eys have been paid for services during
tho said session, together with the
amount' paid to each.
Yours very respectfully,
RoniinxE. Pattiso.v, Governor.
Tho American Register published
at Washington, favors tno tariff plank
of tho Ohio Democracy of last year, as
a proper one to be incorporated in tho
Democratic National platform of 1881.
That plank is as follows ;
"We favor a tariff for revenue limit
ed to tho necessities of Government
economically administrated, and so ad
justed in its application as to prevent
unequal burdens, encourago productive
industries at home and afford just com
pensation to labor, but not to create or
foster monopolies.''
The Register says :
On this platform, Ohio, a Ropubli
lican State; was redeemed from the
thraldom of pseudo-Republican misrule.
The Democratic party of Virginia
adopted the same position on tho tariff,
and on this 2'osition, Virginia won a
glorious victory, last fall, against tho
coalition forces of black Republicanism
and Mahouo repudiation.
A Chicago correspondent has learn
ed from sources of the highest auth
rity that Gen. Grant and wife have bo'
recently converted to spiritualism in
its most pronounced form. Tho state
ment comes from two ladies one of
whom has a national reputation for
cnltuie iittiinoifiits and position in
soci'iiv. hiiu tho other is likewise a
lady t i. a prominence, publicly
idenii.. i tho ad voeauy of spirit
ualism, and v. Uo is not only welcome
but the pelted guest in some of the
finest of Gotham's palaces. It is stated
that both Gen. and Mrs. Grant first be
came interested in spiritualism and its
doctrines irom bei' present by invi
tation at seances held in Fifth avenue
and Murray Hill mansions. From being
mere spectators they gradually devo
loped into investigators until they final
ly found themselves in full accord with
followers of the spiritualistic school.
The unquestionable soutee from which
the information comes is also authority
for tho additional statement that only
tha fear of public ridicule prevents tho
general from acknowledging and
championing his new found faith.
Our Congressman, Hon. John 15.
Storm has introduced the following bills
in tho House.
To provide lor tho issue of circula
tion to National banking associations.
To repeal tho internal revenue laws,
and to abolish all taxes and offices cre
ated by them.
For tho retirement of trade dollars
from circulation.
To repeal chapter 10, title 35, of tho
Revised Statutes of 1878, relating to
legacies and successions.
To repair tho monument over tho
grave of Benjamin A. Bidlack, lato
charge d'affaires of tho United States
to tho Republic of New Granada, now
tho United States of Colombia, and
making appropriations therefor.
For tho relief of Henry II. Wood.
For the relief of Charles Edwards.
Granting a pension to .Mrs, Cornelia
J. Schoonover.
Tho petition of Anna Dengler and
others, of Columbia County, Pennsyl
vania, for the establishment of indus
trial training schools iu Alaska
Also, the petition of Rev. D. M. Hen
kel and others, of Catawissa -, of Ger
trudo Edgar and others, of Espy, of II.
J. Connor and others, citizens of Or
angeville, Columbia County ; of 217
citizens of Danville, Montour County,
and nino petitions sitmed bv 700 citi
zens of Bloomsburg nnd vicinity, in tho
State of Pennsylvania, praying for tho
passage of a law providing for a civil
government in Alaska witli suitable
provisions for tho promotion of the
educational and industrial interests of
that Territory.
A Weak Invention.
From tho Lancaster Jntelllirencer.
Tho newsmonger who put atloal a
story that air. nandall Inula govern
incut employo driving his coach and
drawing his p.iy irom tno teuerai treas
ury co' "ted an awkward canard,
Mr. R ' is so well known to bo
Korunulu-. careful not to mix his iiri
vatu concerns with public affairs, as so
many heedless statesmen do, tnat this
story was not likely to bo belioved
where ho was known. Hut a circum
stantial denial of it cynics iu tho statu
incut that while a niirlit wutchman at
ono of the departments has been for
oloven years doing odd jobs for Mr,
Randall durini: tho hours when ho is
off duty, ho receives pay from Mr Ran
lall for his work at current ratos, and
neither ho nor his son holds imblio em
ployment by Mr. Randall's favor. As
Mr. Rind ill's (quip-ago onnsisU of a
ninety dollar horse ana curri-spou-ling
currtaf pu Hquifui"iiH upon a "couu
man's s rvio s" arocrt iery cx'iaust
An Iramenso Swing.
Tho republican press devoted col
umns of double-leaded articles filled
with doublcd-and-t'vistcd arithmetical
falsehoods, to disprove tho statements
inado in these columns during tho ro
cent political canvass concerning tho
saving in tho expenditures of the state
government by a democratic adminis
tration and democratio houo of repre
sentatives. It will be remembered that
tho J'atriot assorted that tho expen
ditures of the state govornmont, includ
ing tho cost of tho special session of
tho legislature, for tho fiscal year end
ing November 30, 1883, would lie con
siderably less than tho expenditures of
stato government in 1881, tho lAst pre
ceding year in which the legislature
was in session. This assertion was
laughed to scorn by tho republican
journals although they were utterly
unablo to disprove it. Hut tho final
and complete triumph of tho J'atriot
in this contention is now at hand Tho
statement of tho Auditor Gener
al's otlice giving the expenditnres of
tho stato government for tho fiscal year
just closed furnishes a complete and
overwhelming vindication of our as
sertion. It proves that tho expendi
tures of tho stato government for tho
fiscal year just ended, including tho
cost of tho special session of tho legis
lature, were less than the expenditures
of the state government for the Jiscal
year ending November 31), 1881.
For tho proofs let us have rooourso
to tho official figures. Tho total ex
penditures of tho stato government
for tho t.vo years in comparison were :
in test.,
.... $7,184,420 49
... 8,733,877 fit
Less In 18J1 than lnlfWl 11,483,513 87
The reader is referred to tho Audi
tor General's Report for 1881, pago 134,
and tho same document for. 1882, p.igo
150, for tho items which mako up tho
gross sum of tho expenditures for 1881.
In the Auditor General's Report for
1891 tha total expenditures for that are set down as 0,926,810.20,
but it will be lcmembered that tho sal
aries of members of legislature wore
paid only in part during that ye3r, tho
right of tho members to their per diem
for tho fifty days of the session follow
ing the first 100 days having been liti
gated iu tho courts and a final decision
rendered in thoir favor during tho fis
cal year 1882. Henco their salaries
for fifty days, aggregating$197,G10.29,
were not paid until 1882. This amount
of course belongs to tho expenditures
of 1881 and when added to tho total
giVen in tho Auditor General's report
for 1881, as above stated, makes the
real total of the expenditures for that
year S7,124,120.17.
The total expenditures for 18S3 are
set down in tho statement of tho Audi
tor General just Riven to tho press, at
SG.708.090.22. Hut of thas sum S9G9,
812.50 were paid out in tho purchase
of United States bonds and cannot bo
regarded as "expenditures,'' for tho
purchase of the bonds was simply an
exchange of non-productivo assets for
others producing interest. A. any rate
it cannot bo coiisideied under tho head
of "expenditures'' in making a compa
rison with 1881, for during that year
no United Slates bonds woro purchas
ed. We therefore deduct 3969.812,50
from tho alleged total of expenditures
for 1883, and find tho true total to
bo 5,735,877.02, as above exhibit
ed. Hut there aro also credits or allowan
ces to go to tho ledger for 1831 as fol
lows :
Excess or Interest on loans In 1831 over
satno In 1883 263,809 07
Excess of cschea s in 1881 over In 1883. 4,530 4 1
Excess ot moneys paid to cora.uon
schools in 18 1 over 1883 . . . . 615,891 S4
Excess of iieiuii nj und gratuities t.-.i .
in 1881 over .83 4,405 61
Total J88S,037 05
Subtracting this total from tho sum
found above as tho decrease iu expen
ditures in 1883 as compared with 1881,
us follows :
Apparent decrease ...
Allowances, as nbovo.
.. fl, 488,543 87
888,037 05
Wohevo 1600,505 B3
Thus 8600,505.83 would remain as
the actual decrease of expenditures in
1883 as compared with 1881. liut
18S3 is to bo credited with tho redemp
tion of loans and tho payment of pre
miums on loans redeemed to the extent
of 105,380.15 in excess of payments
on the same accounts in 1881. This
brings up to 705,891.98 tho actual
decrease in 1883 iu all expenditures of
the government absolutely under the
control of tho legislative and executive
departments as compared with the
same in 1881. The oxpenso of the
special session of tho legislature jusi
ended was about 5j5UO,OUU. .Deduct
this amount from S705.801.98 and
$205,891.98 remains as tho net actual
gain for the people under a democratic
administration of the government dur
ing tho past cloven months. This is
very closo to tho figure at which the
J'atriot estimated tho saving during
tho lato political canvass.
How was this saving effected T Tho
principal items in which retrenchment
was mado are as follows:
Public printing and binding M10.328 40
Public buildings and grounds 9,799 0 '
stationery and supplies 8,891 00
Advertising 0,343 37
Expenses ot tho two houses of tho legis
lature for regular session 77,831 90
Charitable Institutions 219,3-U 69
Penitentiaries, etc 63,530 50
Houso of refuge, Philadelphia., 11,375 CO
Agricultural college... 4),00O 00
Under head ot 'Miscellaneous'' S9,lll 61
There wero other sayings, but thoy
are nearly balanced by items of unavoi
dable increase, such us the payment of
military claims, expenses of Bpecial
commissions, &o.
The analysis just given however, is
quito sufficient to show that tho great
retrenchment effected was achieved by
careful legislation and economical ad
ministration, Tho vetoes of Governor
Pattisou wero also potential in effect
ing this splendid result. A saving of
nearly a quarter of a million of dollars,
with tho legislature in session eleven
months, makes a record of which the
lemocrats of Pennsylvania may well
bo proud and for which tho taxpayers
of tho commonwealth ought to be duly
thankful. J'atriot.
The Same Old Dodge.
In every election which has taken
place since tho Republican party has
come into power that party has had
two Issues which it constantly pushed
to tho front. Ouo was tho "bloody
shirt and tho other tho imperilled
"business interests " Upon these two
strings it has been wont to play most
dreadful anil discordant inusio to the
uars of timid people. Tho scare on
"business interests'' was intended to
reach tho cars of tho commercial and
Industrial part of tho people, and the
dreadful outrages at tho South wus
meant tn naralvzo tho benevolent and
philanthropic people of tho country,
svhoso dplieato sensibilities could e-islfv
bo intlamed by skilfully told stories of
dospersto ass.iuns upon mu inoueii
ivo nml harmless colored brothor.
Those familiar schemes aro well known
to nil the country, nnd ns they woro
thought to contain much food for tho
stumper, nnd abound in fruitful texts
for tho averago editor, thoy have dono
yeoman scrvico in several campaigns.
Hut it has been noticed by observing
people that as poon as tho election was
over tho colored brother found no ono
to molest or mako him afraid, and tho
business concerns of the country gave
no evidences of tho fearful danger
which thoy had escaped. This singu
lar thing has doubtless caused so tno
remark nnd perhaps given riso to tho
suspicion that after nil these pictur
csqiio accounts of Southern troubles
and impending commercial dangers
may have been only tho visions of tho
disordered fancies of Republican states
men, superinduced by dwelling too se
verely upon tho possibility of losing
their patronago mid their offices. Such
a danger to the mind of a Republican
statesman might possibly produco n
disordered fancy nndgivoiiso to tho
most fearful apprehensions. Tho loss
of position and power might possibly
present great uneasiness to the mind of
those profiling by party domination,
and tho most harrowing spectres might
rise to confront them, nnd through
them the country, in tho event of par
ty disaster. But ns no social upheav
als, no commercial disasters have fol
lowed tho narrow escape which the
country has mado upon several recent
occasions when tho Democracy were
very near obtaining tho supremo pow
er, it may bo reasonably inferrod that
perhaps all this racket is but tho do
vico of Republican politicians to save
themselves from danger. At any rate
it is safe to receive all such harrowing
announcements with much allowance,
for these dreadful visitations seem
only to come with tho return of tho
presidential year. Iu a sort of feeble
way this humbuggery is now again !
sought to be tried on. Tho Republi
can editor sees danger to tho negro in
tho defeat of Mahoue in Virginia, and
sees commercial calamities in tho elec
tion of Mr. Carlisle. Of courso tho
old plan won't work so well this time,
because the peoplo aro getting tired of
fleeing from Republican ghosts, but it
Will try tho old dodge tho same. It is
but a sorry attempt to savo a discour
aged party from defeat, but as it is the
best thoy can do perhaps wo ought not
ciiticiso them too severely. It will be
tho last timo thoy will ever uso it, and
let them mako tho best of it. Regis
ter. Sewing Machine leases,
Tried at JJloomsburg, Dec. 4, 1883.
Gentlemen of the jury. This is a
question between the commonwealth
and tho defendants charged in tho in
dictment with two offenses alleged to
have been committed nt tho same time
forcible entry upon property in the
possession of' James Kinsley and as
sault and battery upon Margaret Kins
ley his wife.
The constitution declares that per
sons shall not bo subject to unreason
able searches, or to seaiches without
warrant that officers shall not go into
dwelling houses and ransack through
them, without authority of law.
If one claiming to own land in pos
session of another turns him out by
force and arms, with a strong hand,
with a multitude, with weapons or
threats, in a word with violence, his of
sence against tho peace is called forci
ble entry ; if ho keeps the possession
thus obtained, preventing the return of
tho former occupant, his offense is for
ciblo entry and detainer. A forcible
entry must bo with menace to life or
limb, or accompanied by some act of
violence or circumstances calculated to
inspire fear. One may make a forcible
entry by breaking open tho door of a
dwelling house, whether any person be
in at tho time or not, or by any act of
outrage upon entering. This is a high
crime punishable with a heavy lino and
with imprisonment. Tho indictment
charges such an entry upon a certain
lot of land (described by metes and
bounds) "by raising tho catob,'' &u.
The commonwealth' testimony as to
the entry is that Woodward, ono of the
defendants, knocked at the door, that
Mrs. Kinsley opened the door far
enough to see who tvas there and for
badu him to corao in, but that Wood
ward pushed past her, went in, and
took a seat ; and it is argued by coun
sel for tho commonwealth that "tho de
fendants thrust themselves in, deter
mined to gain admission at all hazards;
on the other hand, that thero was noth
ing disorderly or unusual about it, tho
lestimony oeing mai wooawam was
bid "come in" by Mrs. Kinsley, Thero
was no breaking of a door : nt most, it
is alleged that Mrs. Kinsley, kuowing
Mr. Woodward was a eonBtablo and
suspecting his errand, resisted his com
ing in. Was there anything like a
threat,-ncythiug to alarm Mrs. Kinsley!
Ono man personally known to her ob
tains .entranoo into tho house. I call
your attention to' the facts as testified
to by Mrs. Kinsley and her daughter
Margaret, on tho ono side, and by Mr.
Woodward on the other, in reference
to the mode of his getting admission :
if you aro satisfied thatthcro was noth
ing calculated to alarm in manner of
ontranco, it could hardly bo called a
forcible entry if thero was, it might
A second count in this indictment
charges the defendants with an assault
and battery upon tho poison of Mrs.
Margaret Kinsley.
The history of this wholo transaction
appears to bo about this : On tho 14th
of May, 1881, an ngent of tho Singer
Mnnufacturing Company rando nn nr
rnngement with James Kinsley in re
spect to a sewing maohino valued at
tho sum of fifty dollars. A lease was
made, by which Kinsloy agreed to pay
tho sum of three dollars a month on tho
14th day of every month after the date
of this instrument for tho uso nnd hire
of the machine, Thero is nothing
wrong iu leasing a sowing machine
any moro than in leasing any other
item of property ! if tho bargain was
fairly made, the lessor would contiuue
to bo the owner, and, if he agrees that,
when ho has received by way of rent a
certain sum of money, lie will transfer
ttiu title, that is not .an uncouscionablo
agreement i all that tho person who
acquires the possession of the jnoporty
has to do is to pay his rent, and ho be
comes the owner j if he fail to do that,
thou his rights are to bo determined by
tho terms of his agreement that iu
case tno payments aro not mudo as
stipulated, tho company's ngent may'
enter upon too promises and tune away
tho machine Tho contract, whether
leaso or conditional sale, is binding as
between tho parties j but tho company,
in carrying out its provisions, must not
do any act that amounts to a broach of
tho peace. Suppose a tenant has a
lease, that tho term oxplres and he re
mains in possession when ho ought to
leave, and that tho landlord re-entering
sets out his goods i trespass will not lie,
because the tenant had agreed to go
out t bni supposo tho landlord in re
entering uses lorco and violonco amount
ing to a breach of the public pence, ho
is responsible for that not to tho ten
ant, but to tho commonwealth. Tho
Singer Manufacturing Company not
having been paid according to contract,
had the right to go upon any premises
occupied by James Kinsloy, nnd ntnko
their machine j in doing it, did thoy
commit nn assault mid battery t
Mrs. Kinsloy says that after tho
ngent Trathon camo in sho sat upon
tho sewing mnchlue, and (In substance)
forbade its removal, Hint Woodward
took hold of her two hands nnd pulled
her awny, at the same timo directing
tho agent to tnko the machine out of
tho house, that, struggling, c ho nnd tho
constablo reached the door, ho main
taining his hold on her t that sho
touched tho machine now loaded upon
tho wagon by Trathen, was pulled off
by Woodward, thrown down, (or partly
so), struck, considerably hurl, nnd had
to keep her bod for some timo after
wards, tier daughter testifies in sub
stantial accord with her mother. Tho
defendants say that Mrs. Kinsley be
gan tho iissnult, struck tho ngent fierce
ly In tho region of tho stomach, mado
demonstration that sho was going to
strike him with a chair and did siriko
tho constable with it, and that
nothing more was dono on their part
than to protect lticmclves : it their
version is correct, tho second count is
scarcely mado out against them or cith
er of them. Hut, it bIio had planted
herself on the machine, nnd they did
pull herofT in order to get tho machine,
they would bo guilty of nsault and
ballciyiif she made nn attack upon
them, and 'hey did nothing more than
to g ard mselvcs they would not be
guilty, h.. ng n right to take iho ma
If both these defendants participated
in tho matter, they are both equally re
sponsible for whatever was done by
concert of action between them. If
tho agent did nothing to encourage any
assault upon jUrs. Kinsley, did not as
sent toany, then he is not guilty ; but
if the ngent nnd constable went on a
joint enterprise, intending, at all events,
to accomplish it, they are both equally
guilty or equally iunocont, as you may
find the fact to-be.
If you fiud tho defendants, or either
of them, guilty of either offense charg
ed in this indictment, you havo nothing
to say about costs ; if you acquit both
tho defendants on both counts, you will
impose costs upon tho prosecutor,
naming him, or upon the defendants or
either of them, or upon tho county, or
upon prosecutor and defendants in such
rales as you may deem fit.
How the Arthur Boom is Managed.
From the Washington Critic (Kep).
The conspiracy to nominate Arthur
thickens and assumes ohape, nnd the
tactics employed are of the log-rolling
kind, the "I ticklo you and you tlcklo
mo" species. It is an old game and
has sometimes won. The Republicans
of Indiana are to be mado solid for Ar
thur by n8socinting Postmaster Gener
al Grcsham's namo for the second place.
The same result is to bo achieved iu
Illinois with Secretary Lincoln's. In
Ohio itifi F-ister who is to have second
place. Aim bo on through tho cata
logue of Republican States, always
seeking to select a popular man for
second place. The game will scarcely
win in 1881. Une blast from blames
horn will knock down all tho pins thus
set up. Then Logan may havo some
thing to say about Illinois ; Uairison
concerning Indiana, and Sherman re
garding Ohio. The country has
grown to i big and the peoplo too
intelligen for such a transparent
Lillian Spen icr tho actress, has applied for a di
vorce from her husband, Edward Clayburg, on ac
count of Inhuman treatment. She says bo ha s
compelled her to go upon the stago when she was
111, has spent all her earnings, and on ono occasion
threatened to shoot her. Proceedings were begun
in Pittsburg.
Are generally Induced
by Indigestion, Foul
Stomach, Coatlvenest,
IJcficlsnt Circulation,
or some Derangement
ot the I.lrer and DlgcatlTO Syxtem.
Sufferers v 111 find relict by the ace of
Ayer's Pills
to stimulate tho stomach and produce a regu
lar dally movement of the hovels, lly theL
action on theso organi, AVer's Pjlm dltert
the blood from tho brain, and rellere and
euro all forms ot Congestive and Is'ervoui
Headache, Illllous Headache, and Sick
Ueadachs; and by keeping the bowels free,
and preserving the system in a healthful
condition, they insure immunity from tutors
attacks. Try
Ayer's Pills.
Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mast,
Sold by all DniggUts.
Great Reduction
LUMBEl ! !
Having purchased n largo tract' of hem.
lock timber and having a steam mill on the
same, I am prepared to ill) all sizes nnd
lengths ot houso nnd burn bills in a few
days' notico at very low prices. I nlso
keep constantly on hand a full stock of
ING, &e. Parties will savo money by
getting prices before purchasing elsewhere.
1HL B L m;
Orniigcvillc, Pa.
Cures Scrofula, Erysipelas,
Pimples and Face Grubs,
Blotches, Soils, Tumors, Vet'
ter, Humors, Salt Xlheum,
Scald Head. Sores, Mercurial
Diseases, Female Weakness
and Irregularities, Dizziness,
Loss of Appetite, Juandice,
Afloctions at tho Livor, Indi
fnition Uilionsness, Dyspep'
si n" oneral Debility,
A ur .dock lllnM HUUt. will utl.fy the
04UM- , it It t llit 'itMett Olrod I'uru... iu
4nn bull iitd(4l -H tct, Lf.
till .tlont Is .cvcu Unu-gci. rules, f mo.
FOSTER, MlteiHN It CO., Prop's, BuTi'e, N.Y,
W fTnovALrswiii j
Absolutely Pure.
This nowder never varies. A ninnnn
strength and wholesominess. . Moro economical
ttuntho ordinary k-nis. and cannot bo Bold tn
competition with tho multltudo of low test, short
wehtht, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only
In cms. itoTAf. Diking PowdrkCo, lMVYaU-Su.
N. V. nujli-ly.
Sarah A. Sclgler, by her next friend Jeremiah
now, ys. inncid seiglor.
To Wlnfleld Selglcr, respondent nbovo named :
Iera subpoena was lisuod out of the said court
commanding you to be and appear at tho next
n'K'Ur term of sn!,l court to show causowhytho
pal'l libelant should not bo divorced from tho
bqudi of matrimony contracted with you : nnd.
whereas upon return ot said subpoena duo proof
was inado that you could not bo found in the ball
wick of the Shcrirrot said county, whereupon nn
nihi. subpoena was awarded by said court com
manding you to appear at the then next term of
said court to answer ns aforesaid to which tho
sarno return was mado by tho Slierirr. You nro
therefore required to bo and appear on the rirst
$2Lot itUo 1ext Uyrm ot saw court to bo held nt
of February next, A. 1). l-si.'to answer sa'ldcom
JOHN iloUHEV, Sheriff.
W. II. Snyder, Atfy.
To JonN B. SCOTT !
Ynil am lir-rMiv.nnHflrtil nnd
required to show cause, on or before tho nrst
Mouday of February A. 1. msi, before tho court ot
Common Pleas ot Columbia count-, why said
Court shall not make a decree, directing tho lto
corder of deeds ot said county to enter satisfaction
on mortgage dated September isth A. D. 184. for
tho sum of tiiwo.oo Anna Workhelscr to John 11.
Scott, recorded In mortgage book No. 8, pago iU,
&c, In and for said county.
Sheriff's OftlM Chntrr
Bloomsburg, Doc. 19, '83. uec si
Anna Mills by her next friend, s. B. Bowman, vs.
To Alfred Mills, respondent above named :
Whereas unon thslltel nrrhnml.i tnni uni.
subpoena was Issued out of the said court com-
iuuuuiuk louio.oonnu appear at tuo next regu
lar term of said court to show cause why tho bald
libelant should not bo divorced from the bonds of
matrimony contracted with you; and, whereas
upon return of said subpoena duo proof was made
that you could not bo found In the bailiwick of tho
Sheriff ot said county, whereupon an attas sub
poena was awarded by said court commanding
you to appear at the then next term ot said court
to answer as aforesaid, to which tho same return
was made by tho Sheriff. You aro therefore re
quired to be and appear on tho ilr3t day of tho
next term ol said court to bo held at Bloomsburg,
for said county on tho ilrst Mondav of February
next, A. D. 181, to answer said complaint.
Dec. 19, 1883. dec SI
C. 11. Jackson, Att'y.
The undersigned auditor appointed by the Or
phans' court ot Columbia county f re cstato of
UnnBah II ilrd, lato of tho borough of llerwlck. de
ceased, to mako distribution of the fund In tho
hands of Elliott P. Klsner, administrator, rt. b. n.
c l. a., of said estate, to and among tho parties
entitled thereto, will meet at the ofilco of c. B.
Jackson, Esq., In tho borough ot llerwlck, on
Thursday, J.inuary si, lssi, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
when and where all parties Interested in said es
tato must appear and present tlielrcltlms or bo
forever debarred from coming in on same.
l"eSl Auditor.
Mary Hower by her next friend Charles Kelchard
i a. iiuury iiuwur.
To Henry Hower, respondent above named :
Whereas upon tho libel of tho said Mary Hower a
subpoena was Issuedoutof the said Court com
manding you to bo and appear at tho next regular
term of said court toshowcausnwhv rim old li
belant should not bo divorced from tho bonds of
matrimony contracted with you; and whereas
uiiou rviuru ui saiu suupneua quo proof was made
mm, , uu mum uub iuuuu in iuo oaiuwick ot tho
Sheriff of said county, whereupon an altos sub
poena was awarded by said Court commanding
you to appear nt the then next term of said court
to answer as aforesaid, to which tho return
was made by tho Sheriff. You aro therefore re
quired to be nnd appear on tho Ilrst day of tho
next term of said court to be held at Blonmsburg.
for said county, on the first Monday of February
JOHN MOUHF.Y, Sheriff.
Bee. 19, 1883. dec 81
J. C. Yocum, Att'y.
T here will bo an election of a Board ot Directors
of the Bloomsburg Banking Company, at their
banking house on Tuesday, January 8th, 1884. at
dec si-8w Cashier.
herebr irlven that the nrtrtnrshln lutpiv
istlng between Mm. lluth A. Snyder, feme sole
iraucr, nnu Mrs. A. it. uriC3oacn, or inoomsDurg.
Columbia county. Pa., was dissolved bv mutual
consent November 1st, 1883. All debts owing to
the said partnership nro to be paid, and thoso duo
from tho same discharged, at their recent place of
uusiuvsi, which win oo couiinuea oy sata uum A.
oujuur, yeiMJ iiw iruuer,
The undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or
nhans' Court of Columbia eountv. Inm.ikn riistri.
butlonofthefundlnthe hands of tho executor ot
said estate will meet at tho omoe nr E.-H. and li
lt. Llttlo In Bloomsburg, Pa., on Friday January
85th, 1R8I, when and where all parties Interested
In Bald estnto must appear nnd present their
i-iuiuis ur utj ueuarreu ior any snnra or twa estate,
Dec ai-ta Auditor.
a week at home. 5.00 outfit free, rav ah.
,sjimifiy sure. rionsK. uapuainotrcquireu.
Header. If vou want business at which nor.
grest nay all tho tlino thev work, with nhsnlntn
certainty, wrlto for particulars to II. Hallett &
iu., iniauu, manic.
Dec si-ly
Utters ot administration In the estate of linn.
nah Knorr, lata of Uloomjiburir, Columbia county,
deceased, have been irranteduy the lteirlster of
said county to W. J. Knorr. Ail persons having
claims against said estate aro requested to present
them for settlement, and thoso Indebted to tho
Bame. to makolpajtncnt to tho undersigned or to
nuuircb w iuii'iQki-i-ii, jnuumauurif, WHIIUUI ueiay,
W, J. KNOHlt, Administrator,
dc'csi-sw Berwick, Pa.
letters testamentary irranted nn tho estate nf
jacou lAireman, uect-usuu, mio ot rranitiin town
Blilp, Columbia county, unto Simon Vought, by tho
BegUter ot said couuty. All persons having
claims against the estate of said decedent nro re
quested to present them for settlement, and thoso
Indebted to the estnto to make payment to tho un.
derslgned without delay.
Elysburg, Northum. Executor,
berland county, Pa.
Send six cents for postage, and re
ceive free, n costly box of goods which
.will help you to more money right
away than anything elso In this world.
All, of cither sex, succeed from Ilrst hour. Tho
broad road to fortune opens before the workers,
absolutely sure. At oneo address, Tkuk & Co., Au
gusta, Maine. Pom'i-iy
(Irren'H Kmrland fl.TSi Schiller's Ttlrtr YmiJ
lssurt-s I'hronli'los, Il.. Catalogue tb0,ouo vol.
uuies injr,
JOHN 11. AI.DKN, PublUher,
P, O. Box Vt, 18 Vessoy street, Now York.
Doc 14-4W d
war, 4uo, i uroasy a nuwn uecistve names, inc.,
Carlj leu Freneli Itovoluilon, hoa, Uiwn. Schiller,
creasy, and Cnrlyleln ono, jl.Wi Ki-nrlck's An.
rler.t Egytil, 111 itollln's Ancient History, .7'i t
tubulin's Borne. il.TUt iluinu's Kmrland. i.h ts i Km:
By rlrtuoofa Test Vend Ex., Issued out of tho
Court of Common Flea of Schuylkill county. Pa..
to tho Sheriff of Columbia county, will bo exposed
to pubtlo sale nt auction or outcry, at tho Court
nouso in tho town of Bloomsburg, Columbia coun
ty, Pa., on
At two o'clock In thq afternoon ot said day,
tho following described real estate, to-wlti All
that certain tract oflandsltuatoln Locust twp.,
Columbia county, Pa., nnd bounded and described
as follows, to.wltt BHOINNHO at n stono corner
in a lino of land now or lato of Jacob Weiss and
running from thenco by tho same north lx nnd
three-quarter degrees cast sovcnty-elght nnd three
tenth perches to a stone, thenco by litnd now or
lato ot Henry llcnicr north three-quarters ofn
degreo cast twenty-thrco nnd four-tenth perches
to whltoplno stump i thenco bythosnmo north
forty-two and ono-half degrees cast eliilttccn nor.
ches to n stone j thenco by M. K. meeting houso
lot south forty-six nnd threo-quarter degrees cast
Ilvo perches to aBtonoj and north twenty-nino
and a half degrees cast twelve perches and four
tenths ton stone; thenco by land now or latoot
William Carl nnd John Herner south Bcventy-ono
nnd n half thgreej cast forty-ononnd nlne-tonth
perches ton stone j thenco by land now or lato ot
William Both nnd William Vcager south two do-
grecs west ono hundred nnd eight perches ton
stone j thenco south threoand ono-half degrees
west eight and six-tenth perches to n stonoj
thenco north elghty-two nnd ono-half degrees
west thlrty-ono perches to tho placo of beginning,
CONTAINING forty-four acres and Ono hundred
and nlno perches neat measure, bo (ho samo
moro or less. To bo sold as tho property of Tim
othy Bollch nt tho suit of John Woodslde & Co.
Terms of sale, cash on striking down of tho prop
Sheriff's omco, Bloomi- Sheriff,
burg, Nov. 8?, i&sj. nov,3)
Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho
orphans' Court of Columbia county to make dis
tribution of tho funds in hands ot administrator
In tho estate of Jacob Evans,deceascd,wlll meet tho
parlies In Interest on Friday, J.inuary Ith, 18SI, nt
0 o clock, n. tn., nt his oillco In Bloomsburg, when
all persons are requested to present their claims
for itttlemcnt or bo debarred from any share ot
dec 14 lw
ThO Underslffnnd auditor nnnnlntrvl Uv tha fi--
phnns' court of Columbia county, to mako distri
bution In tho hands of tho administrator In tho es
tate ot llenjamln Behme, late of Locust township,
deceased, will sit at his oillco In Bloomsburg, on
Monday, December 31st, 1883. at 9 o'clock, a. m
when and where all parties interested In said cs
tato must nppoarand prosont their claims and
thoso Indebted to iho same to mako paymontto
tho undersigned without delay.
dec -a Auditor.
Lctlers of administration nn fi
J. stiles deceased, lato of Flshlngcreek township
Columbia county, Pennsylvania, deceased havo
been granted by tho lteglster of said county to tho
undersigned Administrator. All persons having
claims against the cstato ot ot tho deceased aro re
quested to present them for settlement, and thoso
Indebted to tho cstato to make paj-mentto tho
undersigned administrator without delay.
Jl. A. A.MJIKll.MAM,
, Administrator.
Nov 83rd Forks, P.O.
Letters of administration In tho estate ot Oeo.
helchner, late ot centre township, Columbia coun
ty I-cnnsylvanla, deceased, have been granted by
the lteglster of said county to William S. Uesa Ad
ministrator D. It. X. C. T. A. All mron. h.ilni.
claims against the estate of tho deceased aro rc-
uurami vu present mem ior settlement, and thoso
ludebted to tho estate to mako payment to the
undersigned administrator without delay.
. WM. H. HESS,
NoT23 Fowlersvllle, Ta
Letters testamentary on the cstato ot Simon
it, u-iw, iniuuivtauu luivusnin, uuiumoia
county, Pennsylvania, deceased have been granted
executor. All persons having clal ns ngalnst the
them for settlement and those Indebted to the es
tate tn mnkn n.ivrnpnr. tn Mm i,ntiOr,nai .i. ,.....
.,,.. . . SAMUEL 1IEIDLAY,
Light Street, Col. co., Pit. Executor.
Nov 16 tlw
Clotlii' Cloilli! flili!
Gents' Furnishing Goods
Having very recently opened n new
Merchant Tailoring and GentB1 Fur
nishing Uoodsbtore, in KNOUIl fc
WINTEKSTEEN'S building, on
Main street! where I am prepared to
mako to order, at short notico, first
class suits of clothing always in tho
latest styles and prices reasonable.
Fits guaranteed. Having learned how
to cut garments to suit customers, and
also what kind ol material will give
satisfaction, I would ask you to please
can aim examine tno
Ever shown iu Columbia county,
Before Purchasing Elsawhere.
Corner Main & Market Sts.
iiskiii, Pa.
April 13-1
To call, Inspect and compare our largo and com
plete stock of
Ldies' Cosyfs, i(c.,
Ileforo purchasing.
To every Purchaser.
No trouble- to show goods.
Every person purchasing of us will
receive a numbered ticket, entitling
them to u chance iu any of tho hand-
Botnu piizes which can now bo seen in
our windows. Prizes to be awarded
on Christmas day. Call and seo theso
prizes and tell your neighbors about
Don't forget tho place.
Successor to M, A, LOEB,
Kifs of ills Citing Me,
IK. WIMT I'ltON"!' ti'l'IlKKT. 1M.
Tho second shipment, consisting
of sovon cases of our celebrated
Reached us a fow days ago, and
nro even moro handsome (if that
is possible) than the first lot which
sold so rapidly. Wo have them in
And tho following sizes :
5-4, 0-4, 7-4, 8-4,8-108-12.
It is almost impossible to praise
theso goods too highly. Tho col
orings aro bo rich and effectivo
and tho prices bo very moderate
that thoy should meet all tastes
nnd suit all purses.
Our stock of
Rnw and Spun Silk and Fine
Tapestry Table and
Piano Covers
Is now complete nnd comprises
tho following sizes :
1 1-2, 1 3-4, 2, 2 1-2, 3 yards long.
Eighth Street.
Market Street.
Wamigm audi MammMo
,: : Johfl :
"-' : Store :
f culture of dri
i ruin ami irii hs.i nt
rains. Hoot i
ttiitrtsiiM HIRAM
is. Mvera
il thoiiMud tsrlrUes. PHI:
OR, etc only 1WIm. j
February 0 ly
itor Iho worklnif class, send 10 cents for
posta, and wo will mall youiw, a roynl
VlLlUHlllntttr nf unrxnlA nr,,l ti.At .'..i,,
. .w "v nn u lutwiu mure iiw uuy in u
few days Uian you ever tlioujfUt iiosslblo at any
uualmsiiii. capital not required. W will btart
you. )pucanworKaii the time or in spare iuno
only, workH universally adapted to both
MixeH,yoijnjundold. Vou can easily earn from
60 cent to every evonlng. That all who want
may lest the business, we make this unparalled
olfer i to all that aro not well satisfied wo will i bond
II to pay for tho trouble of writing us. full pard'
culani directions, etc, sent free. Fortunes win bo
made by thoso who Rive their whole timo to tho
work, Oreatsuccess absolutely sure Don't delay.
MaYn0"- Addre'a WlV00-' VmU'
wanted for Tho Lives of nlltlin l'rnui.
dents of tho U. H. The larirest, hand-
wiliest ui ihwk ever soui ior loss man
twice our nrlci. ThA fiistnr. hAiiim.
book n America, immense prortts to nuents. Alt
lntellUfent people waul It. Auyoneoan bouome a
successful agent. Terms Iroe, lUi.i.srr noon Co..
l'ortland; Maine, Deo gi-ly
Our magnificent stock of
Is attracting much attention.
All tho goods were manufactured
to our order and imported direct.
Wo havo all tho latest styles In
At very moderate riccs. Wo
havo them iu
1-4, 0-4, 7 4, nnd 8-4 Bizes,
And in nil the now designs nnd
colorings. Wo havo also a com
, pleto lino of
In all sizes and grades, with nap
kins to match.
k lotMir9
Filbert Street.
The Block
from Chestnut to
Market Street,
and l jtt Street to
Public Buildings.
er s
and Staple Dry
Goods and House
Innuul i Ilktory snd bt mcthMn t
froiw, Urutn, l'odilfr Crops, Tm
j.... i : in r." v.u
root tttts,
& CO, Rochester, N.Y, Chicago, III.
M inutacturers ot
First-class work always on band,
reduced to mil the timt