The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 14, 1883, Image 3

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The Columbian.
KltlDAY, DKOBMUBUIT," 18311.
Correct UnllromI Time Tahiti,
TrAtns on tho Philadelphia It, It. leave Import
as follows i 1
.M ft. in.
4.0(1 p. in.
11:13 a. in.
0.13 p. in.
Tralnion tho It. U & W. 1L 11 leave Moomsburg
7:27 a. m. 8.M a. m.
10.31 a. m. li:3-j a. m.
6.31) p. m. 4:30 p. m.
Ttioilitt train south oinnccts with tho riilla
dclphtaft Heading at, Ituncrt, and with tho Nor-
uu-rii wvmrai uv -oruiuinocriana.
Tho 8.25 ft. m. train connects at Northumberland
Win, Custer, whllu limiting In Hurttunn's
woods near Light Slrect one day Inst week,
kicked nRftlnst a pile of leaves hoping to
start n rabbit, but to his surprise discover
ed n hcnn.of corn cars carefullv covered
and concealed, Upon Inquiring It wns
found to bclonc to cx-SherllT. Iloffmnn,
from whose field near by It had been taken.
Mr. It. hauled tho corn to his crib, but wo
think ho made n mtstnko In not watching
for thu party who might have onto to
complcto tho theft. Mr. HolTnian was re
lieved of six flno turkeys and n Ally-pound
sack of Hour tho samo week.
with thoo train on Pennsylvania road, reaching " ,
l'luladelphl,at3.isp. in. bool
Tho Ili45 train connects with
phla at 6.00 p. in
IHtllflilMnlit.t nml
Heading road at Hupcrt at 11:3 j reaching I'lilUdcl-
Tho 11: 15 trutn connects with Pennsylvania road
ai norinumocnana ni im, reaching l'lilladclnl
at 7:25 p.m.
No more acceptable holiday gift can bo
found than n copy of tho History of Colum
bia county. Every subscriber to this
paper should take advantage of our Holl
day offer printed nt tho bend of tho Arst
column of this page, and secure tho work
at a reduced price. Wo will send the
to any address cm receipt of s2.50,
postpaid, or for lJU.GO will send tho book
and tho Coi.umiiiax for one year to any
person residing In this county. Wrlto to
l.lwell & Hlttcnbender, Blooinsburg, I'n, 3t
Tho 4:30 p. Tn. train connects with Pennsylvania
ro id lit Northumberland at 8.u5 p. m., and reaches
1 UlimiVlJJUllI Ub O.VO IU Ul.
Hallway pass lllooin
Trains on tho N. tw, 11.
Ferry as follows i
7:41 a. in.
8.31 p. in.
lS.ut p. in.
7:u7 p. in.
Judgo Krlckbatim was In town on bust,
iicss on Monday and Tuesday.
Joim u. siiuitz, or Hohribiirg, was
among our callers on Monday.
U. li. jacKson, issq., or lscrwlck, wns
looking after the Interests of his clients In
court this week.
Miss Jennie Ilolbrook, of Strotidsbtirg,
Pa., formerly of this town, Is visiting Mrs,
P. P. Billmcyer.
Geo. H. Brown still continues about the
samo. Tlicro aro no sign3 of Improve-
Holiday Offer.
Auy person sending us Ave now subscri
bers to this paper witli tho cnsli,'wlll be
presented with a copy of the History of
Columbia county worth $2.00.
Any subscriber new or old can secure
the paper for one year and n copy of the
History of Columbia county for $3.00. Tills
offer is good only until January 1st 1834.
Diaries for 1884 nt tho Columwas store.
(Urn I lit Hilte at Mlltoil.
On Thursday, December 20th, 1833, will
bo sold nt public sale, ono of tho largest
stocks of Spring Wagons, Cnrrlagcs, Uuir-
gles, Sleighs, &c., ever offered In this sec-
tlnn of tho State. Tho lot comprises somo
of tho lightest, llncst and best llnlshed
work over tiftticd out In Central Pen nit.
remember this Important fact. This will
be tho largest stock of rigs over offered nt
a slnglo sale In this section, ami all will
positively bo sold. All In want of rigs
should not fall to attend this great sale.
W. K. Wmitman,
7-2t Milton Pa.
Mimin itcniH.
Thrashing is tho business of tho day In
A party of about seventy persons was
tho surprlso of Michael Heller on Friday
evening. Oysters also made their appear
ance and disappearance.
K. L. Klltcndall has lately purchased a
Belmont organ of Swank & Snyder. Tlio
Instrument has a rich, full tone, ami tho
case Is a new design.
A social "hop" was enjoyed a few even.
Incs neo nt II. Scybcrl's. Hut somo of tho
boys took too much ;"bcn.lne Inwardly,"
Mr. Win. Sattcson and Miss Sue Snyder,
of Milton, were tho guests of Win. Snyder
The Quarterly Meeting of tho Evangelic
nl Church convened nt Hetlersvllle church,
on Saturday ntul Sunday. Kcv. Seybcrt,
of Perry county, conducted the exercises.
Miss Carrio Hctler, of the llloomsburg
Normal School, visited her uncle, M. 11.
Heller, on Saturday, returning on Mon-
The Kluendall Sunday school closed on
The prop business lias a "mash,
We expect to give account of a number
of weddings soon. The boys are getting
their old tin buckets ready,
Council l'rocvedliiKH.
lteiriilnr mcetlnir of Council wns held
Wednesday, December 0th.
Mr. llnbb, on liehnlf of commute on
lump posts, reported that the post and
lamp at D. I;. & W. It. H. did not belong
to the town, thev therefore refused to lo
cate tho same. Hcport accepted.
Mr. Sterling, on behalf of committee to
The stock of overcoats for little bovs now. receive subscriptions for tlie sewer, report-
neat, and nice: call and see them nt how. ed that he could not get any to subscribe,
Notick to Tax CoLi.itorons. An Act of
tho Legislature and approved June 2nd
1831, (see Pamphlet laws page 4"!,) requires
tax collectors, township nnd borough olll
cers to mako returns of seated and unseat
ed lands to the County Commissioner's on
or before tho Arst day of January next.
Lands upon which no property can be
found from which to take taxes from, those
who fall to make returns by said day will
be held for such loss. Taxes so returned
become a lien against tho property so re
turned. We hnvu blanks on which these
returns arc to bo made nml will furnish
them upon application of collctcors.
John 1). Cabkt, Coin's, Clerk.
Coin's olllce, Nov. 1st. 1833. nov lCtf
A l-'iiic 1'lccc of Work.
The ladles of the Episcopal Church will
offer for sale at Ihclr fair this Friday and
Saturday evenings a Japanese quilt which,
Is an exquisite piece of handiwork. It Is
composed of 80 squares, nnd each squnre Is
made up of smnll pieces of silk of every
shade nnd of irregular shapes. As the
squares were made by different ladles no
two of them bear the slightest resemblance
to each other. The quilt is a very dcslrn
blu one to possess, nnd it ought to bring n
good round price.
Ucrwlck will have n fantastic parade on
Christmas day.
Fon Sale. A steam engine nearly new,
six horse power. Inquire nt this ofllce.
Advanco agents of public entertainments
should make it a point to call on Deacon
Tubbs while in our town.
Balrd's Minstrels will appear at the
Opera House on tho evening of December
Dr. Monroe will preach next Sunday at
Hupcrt at 3 o'clock p. m., also at 7 o'clock
p. m.
Benjamin Hngcnbuch died last Friday
seed about 53 years, lie was buried on
The deer season ends on tho lfltli Inst.
It is a criminal offense to have venison in
your possession after that date.
l'all 1'aHliIott Quarterly.
Send 10 cents to Strawbrldgc & Clothier,
for the Autumn Quarterly : 120 pages ; 1000
Illustrations ; valuable articles on sub-
iects of Interest to ladles t nlso, a dress
makers' page. Every description of dry
goods illustrated and priced, for shoppers
by mall. Tliu music by W. W. Gilchrist,
tho celebrated composer, is alone worth
double the price of the book. Yearly sub-
scrlntlon. 00 cents : 20 cents for six
months. Subscribe now nov 2-0t
Tho "Jersey Shirt 1"
Fine underclothing. .
The Jersey Shirt 1
tV full line at David
Call and see the new stock of hats soft
and still lust received at David Lowcn
Tho Philologlan Society has recently
nlnced a handsome new book case in its
hall at tho Normal School.
The Penna. It. It. Co. has opened n
ticket ofllce In Bloomsbun: for tho sal o of
Western tickets. For tickets and other in
formation apply to W. O. MoKinnoy.
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. C. Yost will celebrate
tho tenth anniversary of their wedding at
their home nt Hupcrt, on Saturday Decem
ber 10th.
Ialr unci Hiinper.
The members of tho several guilds of St.
Paul's Episcopal church will hold a fair
nnd supper In Moycr Bros.' building, Main
street below Market, In the room formerly
occupied by J. Saltzcr as a music store, on
the evenings of Friday nnd Saturday and
Saturday afternoon of this week. An ex.
celleut supper can be procured for iW cents,
or vou can order your oysters and other
delicacies on the European plan. A large
number of aprons will bo offered for sale,
also a variety of fancy articles, and a beau
tiful silk bed quilt. ;Cotisiderablc tune has
been spent in preparation for this fair, and
it is to bo honed that the results may am.
ply repay all who have given their attcn
tlon to it. The proceeds will be placed in
a fund to be expended In the erection of a
new Sunday school room, which is greatly
needed by this congregation.
latest style of soft hat, the "Knox
Fed ora Fed o ra Vedo ra
Tho hat of the seaso l at Lowenberg'b'.
J. II. Maize has sold his interest in the
Lightstreet paper mill to a Baltimore party.
Mr. Shew will remain a partner in the new
Notiok. The undersigned near Hohrs.
burg, has 800 or 300 or more good young
chestnut fencing posts which he will sell
cheap. John- W. Khamkii. 2w.
The barn of Mrs. Iteuben Miller, near
Berwick, was burned on Saturday night
with all its contents. Loss, $2500, insur
ance $1000. It is supposed to bo the work
of an Incendiary.
Holmes & Schuyler have a large stock of
skates for the Holiday trade. Skaters will
save themselves much annoyance by mnk.
Ing their selections early, while the assort
ment of sizes is complete. 2w
Wo have made arrangements to print
cuts of prominent men of the day, with
sliort biographical sketches, and we start
in this week with a portrait of Speaker
Fon Sai.k. A good house, bain, mill and
12 acres of land. For further Information
inquire of the undersigned near Itohrsburg
Columbia Co. Pa.
7.4w JoiinB. Sjiultz.
Ho, foii CmusrMAsl Just received nil-
other line lot of night-singing imported
canaries from Hartz mountains. Also all
kinds of fancy as well its common cages,
at A. Solleder's. 14 Jw'
An organization known as the Susque-
hanna Social Society has been formed by
a number of young men in this town,
They have rented Knurr & Wlntersttcn's
hall for tho season, and held their Arst so-
clablo Inst Friday night.
If you are In need of a Arst class watch
In' ellher gold or silver cases, at a llguro
lower than ever, call ut L. Beruhard's
Jewelry store. Also a largo line of silver-
wure, jewelry, gold spectacles, ifcc. All
A few lino steel engravings on heavy
card board 30x40 Inches, are for salo at the
Columbian store. Having taken them on
an advertising contract we will dlsposo of
them at a vcrylow figure, and ns the limn
bor Is limited tho early callers will secure
the bargains.
MyHterloiiH lllHuppcuraucc.
Miss Nellie Cooley mysteriously disap
pered from her Blver street homo somo
time durinc Sunday and it is feared that
she lias taken her life. She was an nccom
pllshcd young lady of some 25 years of age,
and since childhood had made her home
with the Butter family, her mother, tho
late Louise Dunlop, having been a daugh
ter of the Arst Mrs. Hotter. Miss Cooley
was last seen shortly beloro midnight, at
which time a member of tho family entered
her room and found her apparently making
preparations to retire. This belief was
further strengthened by tho fact that she
wns heard to lock her door. In the morn
lug the young lady was missing and it was
learned she had not retired, her bed not
being disarranged. Tho following note was
discovered in her room s
'I will no loneer be a burden on my
friends and relations. So I go to seek rest
in oblivion." xelue.
The note naturally led to the fear that
she had taken her life and parties were
dispatched up and down tho river banks to
see If auy truce of her could bo found. It
is supposed sho left the house attired In an
evenlug wrapper, a street shawl and light
slippers. Inquiry at the stations and var.
ious roads leading out of town elicited no
news. It was hoped that tidings would
come from some direction that she had
gone to the country and would be found
safe and sound beneath the kindly roof of
out-of-town acquaintances, but as thu day
passed on this hopo becamo less and less.
Several persons were engaged to drag the
ilvfr and work was prose utcU during the
day and into the mooullght hours of last
night, but without success. Miss Cooley
was a young lady of superior mind and
graduated at the llloomsburg State Normal
School at the age of 17. She was devoted
to literary pursuits and lathe author of
many meritorious penclllngs, both in prose
and poetry. Her health began to fall two
or three years ago and her sight became so
Impaired that sho has been unablo to rend
and study, theso facts being a source of
great mental distress, so ambitious was she
to engage In reading and writing. It was
noticeable many mouths ago that her mind
was affected by the ravages of her physical
trouble und everything wasdono that could
possibly avert tho catastrophe. Careful at
tendants waited upon her, both at home
and at summer resorts, and for tho last few
weeks she had been apparently so much
better as to warrant the dismissal of an at
tendant and nt her request to trust her to
her own Inclinations. There has of late
Cnmmllten dlscharccd.
Mr. Waller, on uelinlt oi rigui oi way iur
sewer system, reported that he obtained a
release from L. B. Itupert nirl wife nnd M.
C. Sloan and wife and C. P. Sloan and
wife. Committee continued.
Mr. Babb moved that all bids ror trenen-
Ing and Ailing and hauling pipe as pre
sentcd November 30, 1883, be rejected.
Yeas and nays being called, vote was as
follows : Yeas, Hassert, Babb and Ster-
ling ; nays, Waller.
Un motion, tlio agreements neiweeu mo
town of Bloomsbnrg nnd the llloomsburg
State Normal School and the Commission
crs of Columbia County, relative to the con
struction of sewers, were approved nnd the
president and secretary authorized to sign
the same. Said agreements to be embodied
mi minutes, and Hied.
On motion the Moorhead slip glazed vit-
rillcd pipe was directed lo bo used In the
construction of a system of sewerage for
the town of llloomsburg.
On motion the size ot pipe to ue used on
.Market and Second streets, from 0th street
to Iron street, was Axed at 8 inches.
In the matter or obstruction oi run on
Seventh street near lots of C. W. Miller was
referred to the town solicitor.
On motion tho price for laying and ce
menting, 0, 8, and 10 Inch sewer pipe was
Axed at 3cts a joint, Including all y's and
bends and capping of y's. I he price for
hauling pipe was Axed nt 1 cent per
J!"t- ,. ,
Un motion ot Mr. sterling ami sccunucu
by air. Babb the secretary of Council was In
structed to notify the llloomsburg Water
Company that complaint has been made by
tho Chief Engineer of lire company that
some of the Arc plugs nre out of repair and
that tho said Water Company be requested
to nut the same In proper order. Motion
On motion tho following resolution was
passed : JltmvtJ, That the price for dig
ging and Ailing the sewer trenches in the
town ot llloomsburg ue iixeti ni oucia. per
llncaXynrdnn Market street from Sixth
street to Second. On Second, from Market
street tolEast street nt40cts. per lineal yard.
And from East street to Normal School
building at 18cts. per lineal yard.
On motion of Mr. Waller and seconded by
Mr. Itabb the following resolution was
unanimously passed i llewhtd, That pro.
vision is hereby authorized to be made by
tho town of Bloomsbnrg for such further
sum of money as may bo needed for the
construction and completion of the sewer
in accordance with the plans adopted in
connection with the moneys agreed to be
paid to the town by tho Bloomsbnrg Liter
ary Institute and State Normal School and
Columbia county. That such moneys aro
hereby directed to bo applied to ine con
struction of said sewer In payment of ex
penses of construction as tho work pro-cecds.
On motion D. It. C'ollman was appointed
as police olllcer for the town of Blooms.
Tho following bills were passed and or
ders drawn for tho same.
assun dec. S 1883.
I'or 'I' lie llolltlu.vH.
Every year seems to produce n new le
mand for Holldny gifts, and this demand
has led to tho maniilntturo of Innumera
ble articles of uso and ornamentation,
which multiplies nnnunlly. The display of
goods suitable for Christmas presents in
llloomsburg this year fully equals, If It
does not surpass, any previous year. A
lour of Inspection Is well worth one's lime.
Starting In at
I. W. IIAI1T.MAN Si son's,
the eye Is Arst attracted by tho tasteful
display of West's statuary In ono of tho
show windows tho opposite window Is
Ailed with hnndkerchlefs of nil sizes,
shapes and colors. Stepping Inside ono
Amis It very dlAlcult to choose from
among tho large stock that Is spread out
on tho counters, shelves, nnd everywhere.
Japanese goods, children's books In great
variety, scrap, photo and autograph al
bums, a lino assortment of Chrlstmns
cards, books,games nnd thousands of other
articles, present a tempting sight, and
maku one wish for a full pocket book.
Passing up the street the show windows
I. W. M'KEt.VV
next attract attention, with their profusion
of laces, Am. cloths, ladles' cloaks, hand
kerchiefs, &o. Iusldo Is found the usual
large stock of dry goods, and tho full as
sortment constantly kept in this extensive
On the other side of the street
exhibits a well selected stock of gents' fur
nishing goods, cloths and Cassimcres to
make suits to order, hats, gloves, tc.
P. 1). DENTI.KIt
shows gents' furnishing goods, boots nnd
shoes tor everybody.
(I. A. UI.AIiK
has opened the Holiday season with his
usual largo and well-selected stock of Ano
goods, which It would bo almost useless to
attempt to enumerate. Christmas cards
traveling cases, writing desks, jewel boxes.
Inkstands, books of all kinds and fancy
articles, nre among the most prominent.
Go and see them for yourself.
r. v. niu.METEii
exhibits glassware, Anc china goods, and
for the inner man has n great assortment
of provisions and groceries which are ncc
essnry In the make-up of a complete Christ
mas dinner.
another feast Is prepared for the eyes. Ask
for most anything you want and they can
supply you. They have dry goods, book
dolls. Japanese goods, bric-a-brac, silver
ware, albums, mirrors In plush frames,
tnvs. hand baas, fancy soap : in fact, it
would take less tlmo to tell what they have
not got. Their large rooms nre overflow
ins with goods and customers. Their
front windows attract much attention.
Ccntrallit Letter.
1I1I.U) I
B. Housel, street
for Nov. 1883. ?
.lnscnli Townsend. labor on highway
ISov. u
Oliver Famwuld, labor on highway 11 87
Elijah Shutt, Ul
.Tnlm Glllasnv. " " " 0 00
James McConnick, labor on highway 2 00
Frederick Schwlnn, horse and wagon
on highway 10 00
Total $50 00
M, O. Woodward, pollcu constable
service for Nov. $10 33
S. W. Shutt et al police service for
Nov. G 00
W. ( Evans, for making four
troughs, lumber, &c, 5 00
W. S. Bhodomoyer, for oiling leath
er hose 0 00
O. A. Jacoby, for stone for crossing 35 21
Illinium Sz Hassert, lumber, bolls,
&c, 8 34
C. M. Viuulerallco for advertising 14 00
Secretary for Nov. 15 00
displays silverware, watches, clocks and a
general line of jewelry. Anything not
kept In stock by him can lie procured from
lending city houses on n few days' notice,
also have a line line of jewelry, silverware,
the leading clothier, Is ready with nn cnor
mous stock for his many customers, nnd
can supply all wants In the clothing line
from hat down to stockings. A full line
of gents' furnishing goods, suits ready-
made, or made to order, buffalo robes,
seal caps, trunks, valises, jewelry, &c, &c
show line laces, silks, plushes, velvets,
ribbons, jewelry, fancy articles, line dress
goods, and their usual stock of dry goods
is now fuller than ever. The ladles can
not fail to And something that will please
them nt this store.
have a nice stock of gents' fiirulshln
goods, hats, caps, clothing, and aro pre
pared to make suits to order in the latest
j. it. KINPOKTS,
the up-town druggist, exhibits somo line
goods in the stationery line, embracing
books, albums, fancy boxes of different
kinds j also toilet sets, perfumery bottles,
vases, &c.
Among the other places where goods
suitable for gifts may be found arc Moycr
Bros., who have toilet sets, perfumery
bottles, nnd other fancy articles ; N. J.
Ilcndershott and C. A. Kleim, about the
same line; Cadmau and Correll, fiirnt
tu re.
The up-towu merchants, C. O. Marr, I,
K. Miller and J. B. Skeer, each show gen
eral stocks of merchandise, and offer
many inducements to customers, in qual
lty and price.
W, II. (I1LM011E
has an extensive stock that will please the
children. Toys up stairs and down stairs,
and nil over the house. It looks as though
Santa Claus had driven ids reindeers in
there and dumped his load. No place in
town oilers more attractions for the little
ones, and gifts purchased there will be
sure to make their little hearts glad.
If you are looking for a more expensive
present for your wife or daughter go to
j. baltzeii's
and buy an organ, a piano or a sowing
machine. He always keeps a large niim
her on hand to select from,
Finally, go to the stores nnd see the dis
plays, and you will agree with us that the
Holiday goods were never prettier or
more numerous than now.
The Locust Mountain Water Company
have suspended operations nt Brush Val
ley for the winter season, The majority
of the Hungarians employed there left for
Tyrone, to work on tho now railroad.
young man namoil Hnrnau had his
hand .severely mashed at Continental col
liery on Friday of last week.
A Polandcr boarding with ono of his
countrymen, got tired of tho mines nnd
left for tho West a few days ago. Before line, however, he left Mlno Host minus
$141 In cash, a watch and n suit of clothes,
which were locked In n trunk In his room.
Nothing has been heard of him since.
flic Methodists contemplate holding a
fair during the Holidays. Wu wish them
Stttuklay being the Feast of the Iminncu-
late Conception, It was held by the Catho
lies. The collieries worn Idle In consequence.
special train left tho Lehigh. Valley
depot at 7il5 Saturday evening with the
flfty-slx members of tho choral choir, nnd
about one hundred who went to hear them
slug. The Mt. Carmcl people do not seem
to appreciate a musical concert, ns the
audience was composed mostly ofCcntralia
people. The Inclemency of the weather Is
given by a Jit. Unnnel party ror tlio sum
attendance. This may all be, but they
missed n treat the llko of which will not
visit Mt. Carmcl this season.
A beautiful new engine made its Arst
trip through here on Monday. It was
built at Delano, nnd Is a Ano piece uf workmanship.
Mnrtin Lynan was bruised considerably
about the head, on Thursday, by being
struck with a brake stick at the Ccntralln
A squib factory will be erected In Ash-
lnnd shortly, by Mr. Eltrlngliam nnd
others. We would like to see some of our
moneyed men do somo thing that would
benellt tho town. What should it lie ?
Our townsman, C. G. Murphy, lost an
Interesting eight months' old boy on Sat.
urdny. Interment took place on Monday
afternoon. This Is tho flfth son Mr. Mur
phy has burled. Ho has the heartfelt sym.
pathy of the community.
Quite nn excitement wns caused at Lo.
ganville on Saturday evening. A thirteen
year old son of Mr. Evans went on tho
mountain gunning early In the morning,
and did not return nt night time. -Mr,
Evans thinking he had accidentally shot
himself, was almost distracted with grief.
party of men with lighted torches scour.
ed the mountain till morning, firing shots
at sliort Intervals thinking the lad might
hear them. At daybreak they returned
home for breakfast and set out again
They found htm at last sitting on n rock on
the top of the mountain fourteen miles
from home. He was completely exhaust-
ed. The joy of tho parents, on finding
him, can be better imagined than descrlb
Sheriff Mourey, Protlionotary Krick.
baum and Hon. T. J. Vnnderslice paid a
visit to our town on Sunday. They were
the guests of Hon. Wm. Bryson.
Miss Gallagher, of East Mines, and Mr.
Gallagher, of New York, aro visiting
friends In town.
The shooting-match between Curry and
Pitts came off on Saturday, and was wit-
nessed by hundreds of people. Pitts won
by one bird, shooting ten out of sixteen.
J. J. Cook has gone out of harboring
business, and accepted a position as agent
for a sewing machine company.
Mrs. B. Burke lias moved her millinery
goods to Stnudcumclr's building. She has
received a beautiful stock of goods from
New York, which she would like the pub.
lie to examine before purchasing else
Mrs. Farnsworth, of San Francisco, Cal
is the guest of Mrs. C. G. Murphy.
Tho employees of the L. V. It. It. Co,
received their wages on Saturday.
The Diamond Drill Company have fin
ished boring and will drill another hole
about one hundred feet south of the one
they have finished.
The collieries in this vicinity have start
ed to work on the nine-hour system, to
continue during the winter mouths.
A large force of men has been employed
this week In digging trenches for tho
sewer pipe on Market nml Main streets.
No Improvement has been made In this
town for many years that has added ns
much to the general comfort and health of
the place as the establishment of a sewer
age system will do. Of course, It will take
some years to complete tho system, but no
better tlmo for beginning could have been
adopted thin tho present, when cess pools
are multiplying and the water becoming
Wolcott, N. Y., April 5, 1832.
llhrumnlte Syrup Oi t
Gents Having been nllllcted with the
Bhcumntlsm over eight months In my left
hip, nt times so I could not get a night's
rest, or even llo on that side on nccount of
such pains running through my hip and
down my limb, tho Bhcumntlc Syrup was
recommended. After taking one bottle the
pain left me, and I could llo on that side
as well as over. I have fell no symptoms
of rheumatism since. I think ns n rheu
matic cure it has no equal.
A. li. tiiaokrk, jucrennnt.
Butler Center, N. Y.
Rhtmnnlit Syrup Ou t
Gentlemen I think It my duty to rccom
mend your wonderful medicine llheumnt
lo Syrup. I have been troubltd with kid
ney difficulty for many years ( have been
treated by different physicians, but could
get only temporary relief until I commen
ced taking your Syrup. Had taken it but
n short tlmo before It began to help me,
nnd to-day I am perfectly well.
ill Its. 1j. A. IHllllAItn.
The moof of the pudding Is not in chew-
ng the string, but In having an opportuni
ty to test the nrtlclo direct. C. A. Kleim,
the Druggist, has a free trial bottle of Dr.
Bosanko's Cough and Lung Svrun for each
and every one who Is allllcted with Coughs,
Colds, Asthma, Consumption or any Lung
Affection. July Ccow
Wllllainsnort. Pa.. Deo. 21. 1832.
John. H. Phelps, Scrnnton, Pa., Dear
Sir I feel It my duty to Inform you how
much good you have done mo through
your ithciimallc Elixir. I have been
a very uau suiicrcr wuu inunrn
mntorv Bhcumatlsm for over two years,
half of the time not able to walk without
crutches or enncs. I have used three hot
tics of your Blicumatlc Elixir. I pronounce
myself entirely cured of rheumatism when
nil other remedies nnd treatment failed to
give relief. And I am in better health now
than I have been for years. 1 hopo your
circulars with their wonderful testimonials,
will reach every simcror witli that terrible
disease, rheumatism, and may encourage
them to give the Ithcumutlu Elixir a
thorough trial. I can recommend the Rheu
matic Eli.xlr with great confidence.
I am respcctruiiy yours,
J. 11. AllNOLT).
Forty years experience, in every clime on
cat th, has proved Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
to be the most reliable remedy lor colds,
coughs, and all lunfr diseases. Neglected
colds otten become incurable aliments.
Deal with them in lime, and prevent their
becoming dccp-scatcd In the system
"the iioss."
Bethlehem. Pa.. July 3. 1832.
Mr. John II. Phelps. Dear sir Please
send me three dozen Phelp's Ithcumatic
Elixir soon ns possible. I have sold nil
had. Mr. D. J. Godshalk, editor "Daily
Times," Bethlemen, Is taking it. He says
l could tell my customers it is the "boss'
medicine for rheumatism. Yours, etc.,
E. T. Mbyeiis, Druggist.
Conyers. Ga. Dr. W. II. Leo says
"Brown's Iron Bitters "is a good medicine
and many urc using it in this place.".
Want of confidence accounts for half o
the business failures of to-day. C.
Kleim, the Druggist, is not liable to fail for
the wnnt of confidence In Dr. Bosar.ko'
Cough and Lung Syrup, for he gives away
a bottle free to all who are suffering with
Cough, Colds, Asthma, Consumption nnd
nil affections of the Throat and Lungs.
July 0-eow
-- ..ts
fall AErttirierotjjj
1 ""L'F ill
ion tiii:
Positivo Cure
An Infallible rcmcilv for
all rilaciMe of tho Hkl"
ski wood, men aj
lj Hlpf-ln.
Pliniilca JSi Illntclim
anil llio best Hcml'ill
for nil Frinaln Coin
plnlnta anil Wenk
iipmcr. It lina cured
cllncnurn of llio Liver
and Itiilnejra when all
r.llnr rcmnlli'j have
f "vo not let jour Druggut pomade jou to ue
J aumclldiigelae.butlf ho has not got It, ana
u 111 not trnd fur It. write to u nJ we Will nd
ill to jou hj cprta, prepaid, on receipt of prlcc
One lo three tinUIca of nheumatlc Bjrup will
clwir the njrrtcm of Ullo, and cure any cae of In-
nammaioTr or acuiu itucuuimiam, u, vu,-i5,-,
Three to fivo bottlea wilt cure Eryalpclaj In
111 wont form.
Pnnrtn lx lollleiaro warranted to euro
corrupt and running Ulcers.
.Pour to tix bottle aro warranted lo cure
any cue of fait llhcum.
rim In rlcht bottlca wilt euro tho wont
cote of Scrofula.
From two to four month' uo of Ilhcumatla
-yrup will cure any rase or Chronic llhcumatltm
of t eiily yean' Handing.
Ifyouliarobccnfttuncrcr for yean, and hare
used nil the remedies you could hear of, with no
avail, do not be discouraged, for Rheumatic
Synipwlll euro you.
I'r,ce, 81.00 per lioltle) o unttlea lor a.av,
Bend lor our pamphlet of Testimonial!, etc,
I RHEUMATIC BYItUP CO., Kochcster, N. Y.
"FOR SALE BY DRUOQISTS I'rlce $1.08 per Bottle or 0 Bottles for $f.00"
mmm m
Ou.v sf.nnh of UttnfiiJ. ruul Fanmi Goods is now
complete, comprised in part of fine black and col
ored dress silhs, velvets, cashmeres, table linens,
towels, counterpanes, napkins, crumb cloths, large
! 'J7 7. ' -7 7. 7. '.J?.. -Li .11 n nnnl,.
vine of siiio uuo iiioio laiaiei uiiuj a, olimvo, ojuujoiu
ers, banners for decorations, Javanese goods, smok
ing sets, photo atbums, picoure frames, easeis, svat
uaru Bcsaue IhJuresJiosicru . Jloves. all hinds boohs
from auction, mittens, lace curtains, Persian tapes
tries, piano covers, also tablcladics1 sewing baskets,
ana stands, infants basnets, fancy uasuevs, ino
stands, vases, china cups and saucers, wool hoods,
laces, fancy ornaments, collars, ties, fishues,
U JJoyles, ladies7 and chitdren's coats away aown to
close, nice shawls, hand glasses, work boxes, toilet
sets, Kivta ware, screens, dolls at all prices, ladies'
Ivand bags, pocliet boons, stiver ptated ware, Teweiry,
bracelets, gold rings, vins, Stc. , plush mii'rors, in
fact too many goods to mention. Come and see ;
both roo ins jilted ; chromos, oil paintings, unaer-
wear, imitation seat sltin caps for taaies, zoiiev ar-
tictcs, ail at the lowest prices, stoat, Larger inan
ever. Come and see. BLAjYKETS AT A UCTIOJY
act x'.'x
that will play any tune, and that any
one, even a cmiu, can uperaiu.
TheOreMiette lias gained tuch ft worM-wlde reputation
that a lengthy tlesci iptlon of It U not neteturjr. It will
b sufficient tu sayttut It It a PERFECT that plays
mtttfantcmtj an mc miicii aii, jHJiuiar musik viikb.
ilances. ctCt etc. It coiuitti of three tttonjr bellow and
let of reeds with PXfKKSStUN box and bWELU A strip
of perforated Irtper ttprebentt the tune, and it Is ouly
neieuary to place the paper tune In the instrument, as
shown in the picture, and turn the handle, tilth both op-
uo s an
he in tie
a perfect tune Is the result, ftrftttxn ttnt.txtteHtand
Mit the 1iellotand tirorels the uner tune. The ter
f orations in the paper allow the tight reeds to sound and
nrt. withbut the ItAtt L.iiowlpric nf inline LeliiLr ie
quiTCU ui tnc Kruuiiiicr I even n tunc iiuiu in ispciaie hi
li is shon Id the picture, a little citl Is flay in? a song and
er playmates are sinRini: the words. It u tuned in the key
her playmates are sinRini: I
tt suited for the human volt
tertalns both old and youim. assists i
It interests and en
training the voice and
After rcudlne our new ndvertiscment in
tills paper this week we do not think any
one need feel ut a loss to select for a pres
ent for friend or relative, nnd nftcr secinc
our immense stock we know thev will not.
Our stock or Holiday Uoods is largo and
complete, and the most critical can not fail
to rind sometliinir to please them. Clark &
The crape crop of A Speer's vineyards
Inst venr was douhle that of anv lire-
. ... . . ii- -, i
vious year, ins vineyarus near rassuic
have so increased 111 at he is able to keep a
stock live to six vears ahead. Tlicy nave
become popular wines amonc the best phy
sicians in New York, nnd largely used for
Communion purposes and for weak and
ageu persons, r or sale uy tiruggists.
AT NIGHT? Guarantee Acker's English
Ilemeily will. I'rlce lUc, ouc, s isi.
Editor James P. B.irr. of the Pittshurc
'Post." savs ! "I have known Editor
Hunch, of the 'Carbon County (Pa.) Demo
crat,' to be a fearful sullerer from Hhoti-
matlsm for vears. and have met him in
person since he was cured with Phelps'
Uhcumatic Elixir."
lot $3.50.
test suited for the human voice to litiir by.
in i
nlv ri-r inherited bv t
ut. decorated in Kilt, and islwth handsome and ornamental. The
(lie pitiurc. it IS inaucoi 'ta .nm-a
Tho Massachusetts Organ Co
iii.nlli liihirtimenli has hitherto ln 1 1. und the itemanil hascon
Itautly increased until now there are ocr 75,000 in use. We are encouraged
i ue iKanm inougn iinmar in ccnirukuuii
i n tmtroittmnt uiion our well-known
(Jrcranctrc. whlf hulli tat t3and do. It
contains tne tame nunucr 01
reeds and plays the same
tunet. OuronVr is this t
On receiutof 7 we will
send the Ortfannetta byeipreis
ttxnv addren.aml Include FKBB
tit. 5 i worth of music, or on re
ceipt r.f r e will send It with
over 1 t .Mlwnrtli of music FREE,
or for (f 11.50 e will send it with
small selection of music FREH.
The price Includes Lotn2 and
packing. Thett art tgtnt't
n, pnd we ill appoint the
first iHirrhaM-rfrotn any town our
A?crt. if he tn desires. Ad. Ire.
57 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., U. S. A.
THOi&Btf EMiOUS WEBBER SIfifcalinfi BUiVk
A Mechanical Wonder.
IjutTtarvo flmt Introdnceil Oil,
rn.NuiMn on., tv .nlhn children
of America aixl It l "Mo to awert
tliat 110 lor pver cteviKat aualitm
Walti-rlioro. 8. O.. Dr. J. M. Klein savs:
'Brown's Iron Bitters have civen universal
nwitra ot tu merltvre nrul tlioiisanilB
oi lmiureaily lortiie iioiiaaruwm
notwithstanding vhicn Um aupplr
Wo have coods enough for all from the
least to the createst. for rich nnd poor, for
ladies anil Kcnts, tor uoys auu Kins, tor
children and Imams, lor those who will
come from Catawlssa. Berwick, lluncrt.
Espy, Afton, Lime Bldge, Light Street,
uiancevllle. llenton, stlllwuter, liuors-
uurc. Jerscviown. Miiivme, loia, ivyer
urove. mien liotn, ivc, ntui lor moso wno
come to us from tlio townships, tanners,
blacksmiths, carpenters, and everybody all
over tlio county, 1. w. iiurtman at sou.
See a woman In another column, near
Sneer's Vlnevnrds. picklnc crapes from
wliic i sneer's I'ort urane Y me is mime.
that Is so lilnhlv esteemed bv the medical
profession, for the use of Invalids, weakly
persons and the aged.
-1.1 t... n A TI..I... lllnnr-alill-i
thank the giver of all good gifts,"
writes J. N. Marshall, of Granby, Newton
Co., Mo., ''for giving mu SvmrUm Ncnint.
It cured mv diiiiuhter's enllentlc fits, of 9
years standing." Get at druggists. $1.50.
Not a drink, not sold In bar-room, but a
reliable , non-alcoholic tonic medicine, use
ful atnll times, and la all seasons, is
Brown's Iron Bitters.
aurh Immeillnto tunnlailty; full?
vasextuinMed early in lieccmuer.
nnri linnilm1.iitphiMr.nvha Ciim
In nur.liim wpr rii-iimiointe.1. Wr
hate been aecumiiUUnir ttotk ror
Uieniutnlna lnuntlis nml h.'lllrn-
f deavor tlila yeur to till hII ordrre Itm .lur
r of rirpiiit- Th. Hull Iium ljceu Im-
Itt-oveqin every wtyiince iu.6
year, (nueart of in. MiuRennan body
u in ulliiiiporlcd IhjIKimr hu mi
i. llmlitT folnuio thatltulll iltauUy and
gruefiUly In any roiltloa. 1 he arm
ot Flnost Kid watt wparuie aiiKera.
put In a noil, iliey are or rTtctrai nnl oatur.l
ihapa, nna much better mm more cjnsivn
mndetlun tlio belt Imported txile hirn iwy
ivtll out-wear many time'. Tlir AVnxtn
Junil. nltli long Imlraro of llin lt.t lieiuli and i.or
lnan innke mad. eipetUUy fjr thli Coll and thi-y mi- it
Uuntltrilnlll;.lonK hnir. bi-aiitliiil eyei on. "fiu-i b ly
t'nied chceka, UHcniuddertliem tlie linen poli'llcrt
ever linporte1 Info U1I4 country, nnd Uiat uulioiii IW
XVonilerful ptlnslncr Attiietmieiit 1UI Dull.
..v- i- . t. wiiliTll ... . F.1 llt I'lllOB. T II R MM.-
ing Attach)! rfcTl fonreiil.'tl witliin theliody, ltlri.ei t
Itie miuil ingenious inveimitiiH
locution nro vnnwn in luu
n Larf-nr Mimlf-nl InR
llible lORct out ot order ui:
preHAiirn cuuw uiu nun mi
jfn '"iir can I ttuye ihtel"
We nre ollerinj; some decided bargains
In black and colored dress silks for the
Holidays. They make nice presents.
Clark cc son.
See Lutz & Sloan's stock of towels, nap
kins and table linens lor Christmas pres.
1000 handkerchiefs, Co to $3,00, nt I.
Ilartman & Son's.
With tho present term of court Uobcrt It,
Little, Esq., who has been District Attor
ney of this county for the past six years been nothing to indicate tiiui sue comem
finished his olllchil labors, llo has made a platen itny rusu aci, ner increasingly cneer
faithful olllcer and lias peiforined his duty fill maimer rather Indicating a general Im
to the satisfaction of the public and with, provement In both mind nnd body. Ihougii
out fear or favor, His successor, Bohert It Is almost hoping against hope, tlicro is n
Bucklncham. will ho sworn In next possibility that the young lady has made
rnnnll, her WI1V OUl 01 IOW11, III WHICH CVCUl BIIO
must ho heard from before many Hours,
Tho dedication of the Evangelical ji8S Cooley was of most companionable
church In Qrecuwood, two miles west of I qualities, and sho has a wide circle of lull-
Uohrsburg, will take place on biinuay, ue- nm0 friends who will receive tun lutein
ccmher UOlh, 1883. Services lo begin at genco with a sadness, sincere and heartfelt.
10 o'clock a. in., also preaching on me H'i(e.-Airre llecord.
v.-nlntr of tho 20th. Kev. 8. W. Selbcrt
li. K.. of the district, nnd several other Fur collars, furglovcs, caps, lino sealskin
ministers will bo present to olllclale. All caps, skating, drawing anil till the novelties
are cordially Invited to attend.
1 can be found ut D. Loweubcrg,'s.
n adjourned meeting of council was
held Monday December 10, 1833,
On motion of Mr. Itabb mid Hassert the
following resolution was passed i
UenoUed, That the resolution passed on
the nth of December fixing tho price for
digging and lining the sewer trenches, be
reconsidered, and that the price be us fol
lows i The price of digging Ihu trench
from Sixth street to Second atreet on Mark
et street bo llxi'd nt 1)0 cents for digging
and 0 cents for filling per lineal yard From
Market street to Kust street on Second
street 45 cents for digging nnd 10 cents for
lining per iiueai yarn, ami iium i.asi streei
to -Normal ocnooi iiiiiuiiug cents loritig
glng trench and 1 cents for lllllug per lineal
On motion tho following resolution was
passed t
lUmlteth That the location of the main
sewer ns by resolution adopted November
37, bo changed nnd the amended location
be us follows i From Normal School down
Second street to Market street, down Mark
et street to Sixth street, out Sixth street to
Iron strtc, down Iron to thu canal und
from thence In llio Susquehanna river.
Upon thu yeas mid nays being culled llio
result wus ns follows i Yeas Messrs, Itabb,
sterling mid Hassert, nays, waller,
loiiucii iiujouriieii 10 meet Tiiursuay wo
A. tiootl Mccliaiilcal l'aper.
We are In receipt of the Mechanical Xews
for December 1st, and are pleased to say
that it is otic of the best Illustrated papcra
that comes to our idltorinl table. It is a
handsome slxteen-pago Journal, witli line
original engravings, and well worth the
subscription .price asked for It, On tho
first page or tlio number before us aro scv
eral llfe-liko pictures, representing the
growing of grapes and their manufacture
into wine, as carried on in central New
York i these pictures uro only ono of n
scries that liavo been given during the past
year of the Industrial Manufactures of the
country, mid which mo to bo continued
the coming year. Such 'enterprise shows
that tho publishers of the 2sws uro alive to
tho wants of their readers.
Those of our readers who want a first,
class practical mechanical paper, can
hardly do better limn subscribe for tho
same. Sample copies are furnished by the
publishers, Messrs. James LeiTcl & Co.,
No, 110 Libeity St., New York, on uppll
cation, Their subscription terms tiro oue
dollnr.per year. They oiler good induce
incuts for those who get up clubs,
Christmas presents nt C, E. Savago &
Co's Jewelry Store consisting oi goiu watch'
es, silver watches, clocks, diamond, tur.
iiuolse, tiger eye, and ml the latest stone
rlntrs. l'hiln nnd band rings, earrinus.
lace pins, chains, lockets, &o. Silver ware
of all kinds. Cull und exnuilue. U w.
Lutz & Sloan haro n largo stock of
shawls, skirts, blankets and white counter-
panes suitable lor Ulirlstmns presents.
1000 books for Christmas presents at I.
W. Hiirtmun & Son's,
W. J.
If vou uro In need of shoes cull nt
Keuillg's, In Evans' building,
Cheap underwear at J. B. Skeer's,
1000 Chrlstmns cards ut I, W. Martmuu
& Sou's.
We do think the Phelps Itheumntlc EUx-
ir Is tho most valuable proprietary medl-
cine ever compounded, and wo are coull-
dent that this will bo the testimony of
hundreds of thousands more In the near
future E. II. Bauoii. editor "Carbon
County (I'a.) Democrat. For sale at Hen-
deishott's Hiurmacy.
That for li'iucness, tor rheumatism, for
aches, for pains, and forsprulns Dr. TKon.
an' X-Mulrxe UU is u positive nnu reunuic
remedy. Dr. Thomut' JCctcctrie OU can be
purchased of any druggist.
NO LONG E It A OUESTION of opinion.
wo guarautee every box of Acker's Dyspcp
sla Tablets. Pricu 25c. and COc. For
salo by J. II. Kiuports, druggist.
When vou have the Itch. Salt lihcum,
Galls, or Skin Eruptions of any kind, und
the Files, that vou know without being
told of It. C. A. Kleim. tho drusreist. will
sell you Dr. Bosanko's File Beiucdy for 50
cents, which tilfords Immediate relief, and
Is a sure euro lor elllier oi uie uuovo uiseae-
s. July u-cow
! Aunt Ilhnda.ww
Irn tl.t J'rttirfaf irvijl." " On
-i,fi rii.f til i'i'"ri
V nfel
f h w
iJ Ml tr n
lCllt llrtll'l f iKr iunij. ii ii rr,t I il .1
irumont, mfiy iu.uti.iMs liwU Vy ta ;c
l s i ftrr.inceti Um a teiiiciit ' V r .
.niti'Oei.f tire foHowliiKirit
I want to bran atiti." i N 1 J
II .m,t nt tntim." " iirtmriillt."
if.i7." 'Miflcriru 'T'"t. "tiiyifl,irM(tIerman,r r V'.
Thrtn( hriHiiit." "Vanlre hiuhii. L' thru' th kvr."" "J
Orahtlfathrr Civet,' 'CAiU'i Soua" "hat ilatecf tiwnintt? "oi'uf AiJi '
wir1." 'dp Qott the tt'tiutl," "Sa manv Stutt" ji.cri4t.tii), 'Sirfi injCUtiit
',irir'CtatUr'g Emvtv., ull tuve the Oaerit." Walkllii; t.ilkltiK ilylW
icy lira cKTvnnhu.i"iui'iiiif unirruixtitu imtunimitlift hitlotifi f the pauif
t imr WtiiHierfUi Mntflntr Dull whMt i !h(t (Irci.trat Nuietty Ul
CUICl'fctN'a TOYS EVER PRODUCED iuiu l4iMt iiiimitWrfutuf nuiiapvt-ipnatapmei t Utti tun M iiiMia ton
cjill't cutifuriiuU Uin- uc Nu. 122 Incbu biih, price 8,3 irctiHli, .ufrh4
riCO .J . U fllli 4 i t i ovum wiUi huh upi imo i-1 ivua niifiuuv
f (It-rinniiv
lonu iM-ii iitdt, !m i
I ciitpriitlninriit tlimt
S rt. extra. Tun Tunic SciruKr. 1.1rtM orders i THIS M A HH A : If V w : t 1
OUOA.V :U Nu 3A tVavlituutuu N.rcct. IStun. 31ui., U- b. A.
W FINK COSTft"it- ionium UvUtwuK uhUtrttviMhtf tetnntmtJjuti,, tiadt,$4CQton
November 2i, 4w,
Ladleb' misses' and children's shoes In
endless variety, at W. J, lCeiidlg's.
Have vou seen I, W. Ilartman & Son's
window of stationery for Christmas pres.
' ccinbcr lillh.
We mention below some of the articles
suitable for Christmas elfts tu be found nt
the Comi.miiiak Btorc i Photo Albums, Au
togrnph Albums, Scrap Books, Pocket
Books, Diaries for loot, Cigar cases;
Prayer Books and Ilymnnls, Book of Wor.
ship, Paper Weights, Ink Stands, Colored
Toy Books for Children, Chaltcrbov, Llttlo
Wide-awake, Bible Stories Illustrated by
Dore, Work Boxes, Glovo und Uandkcr.
chief boxes, Writing Desks, Jewel Cases,
Boxed papers In great variety, Checker
boards and a largo nesoitment of Puzzles
und Games and Christinas curds.
When you come to Blooinsburi: call ut
W. J. Keiidlii's, where you uro sure to
get bargains.
Gents' Hue shoes ut W. J. Kentllg's.
Lutz & Sloan do not keep toys, but you
van uet ChrUtmas presents nf them that
uro useful, and will be sure to please your
it icons.
Boots of nil kinds ut
Evuus' building.
W.J. Kendlg's,
Cheap ipieensware ut J. B. Skeer's.
Black bilks, black cashmeres und n lure
Htock of other dress goods, very cheap, nt
Lutz A Sloan's.
Wheat por bushel ,
Itye " ,.
Corn, "
oats " "
Flour per barrel
Dried Hipl" :
BHes Rboulnors
TurkejB ..
Ijirapeir pouna
lluckwlieat Hower ih.t 1ih)
It 10
4 UU
A pure, clear skin will make any face
handsome. Manifestly anything which
strengthens nnd enriches the blood will di
rectly ullccl llio wnoio person. All eruptions
ot tuo sklu disappear when Burdock Mood
j idler ure einpioyeii. i ney are a vegctn.
me remedy oi inesiimatiie value.
Blood Elixir will remove ull taint from the
blood. It cures Scrofula, Ulcers, Bolls
nnd Pimples. Sold by J. II. Klnporls, drug.
Of Monterey, Mich,, delivers himself lu
this wise i '"For colds, burns, sore throat,
and rheumatism. Thomut Kclcctric OU can
not be beaten. I Buy keep It up to the
stiindurd, and It will satisfy the people, I
shall send for u new supply soon,"
The unaersuraed havliiir nut hta Pianino Mil
ou Itallroad street, In nrst-ciass condition, is nre-
Nopirtyla pj'.Ulej, n:r izj ttti In religion,
The Greatest aufle Bj,st,
TUB larse Dantli Mly,
sew york umm -
turulsUed at reasonable prlceg. All lumber used
Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen
are umployed.
turolstied ou 'ippllcattuu. riant- and upeclflCk
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Hloiiiiislnire;, I'u,
(HsUiMMu-il 18;.)i.
No paper In tlio country lias a moro rjrtmltMnl
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u-rs and U'tegrams furnUliei a complete view al
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Tlio iieiuruueinaoi .lynoiumr, inianieas, ,vau.
itau-tchutil Tritchlivj and KrlljloiuWorH lire con
duced by exports, who write clo.uly and to tho
point. ! lie Osskiivkii dos not nil Us eolums with
long essays una long sermons, but alms lo Ut
A Livo
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