The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 14, 1883, Image 2

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    J.I11H UULUlllDlALN.
0. E. Elwall, 1
J. Eillor5'
miDAY, DECEMUKlt M, 1883.
111090 timinrrt flint nrn
harping so constantly on tlio cost of
tlio extra session not only loso sight of
the fact that tho cost was mailo hy tlio
f 1 r- .t , , . .
rtmuai oi mo republican scnato to leg
islate, but thoy also forget that in
1881 a republican legislature wasted
$200,000 of tho 8tatoV8 money in a
factious fight over tho election of a
United States Simator.
The Legislature adjourned last Fri
day at noon. Crawford of Philadel
phia returned his full pay to tho slate,
$1870,00, and quite a number of mem
bora returned $110 each, boing tho
pay for tho eleven days' adjournment
at tho beginning of the extra session.
Speaker Faunce being ono of tho num
ber. In tho Senate, Coxe, Gordon and
Emery returned their full pay.
It is believed that tho present session
of Congress will be brief. There is
nothing of importance that requires a
protracted session. Somo of tho timo
will bo occupied in correcting somu of
tho incongruities and inequalities of
tho tariff bill, passed at last session, in
whioh all parties will agree. The Ilar
risbnrg Patriot says :
There is, however, plenty of work
to do in ono direction, and that is in
the matter of inquiring into abuses and
irregularities in tho publio service. It
is intimated that tho manner of Stan
loy Matthews' appointment to tho su
premo court bench will bo mado tho
subject of inquiry. Tho manner in
which "Brewster, attorney general,"
has been conducting the affairs of his
department likowiso invites a search
ing inquiry while tho allegation that
George Bliss has been indulging in
crooked practices whilo a special at
torney of tho United States is also put
down for investigation. It is not ouly
proper but important that theso sever
al investigations should bo made, but
it does not follow that tho session
should bo protracted on account of
Washington, Doc. 11. Tho num
ber of bills introduced in the houso to
day oxceedi'd by 200 tho number pre
sented yesterday. Bills of.a private
character predominated and of theso
two-thirds wcro pension bills. Of tho
more important publio measures fully
one-half were old, and ono of tho pen
sion bills has been introduced in every
cougress sinco 18."2. A very consi
derable number of bills were introduced
which, whilo they varied somewhat in
.form, were identical in purpose, and
several representatives from different
states introduced precisely the same
bill, a3 a measure which had originally
been presented to the Forty-seventli
congress. There were to-day fivo bills'
to provide a uniform system of bank
ruptcy, threo or four to prevent the
spread of contagious diseases among
cattle, two or threo for the abolition of
tho internal revenue bureau, and a num
ber for tho reduction of postage and
tho withdrawal from circulation of the
trade dollar. There were also a num
ber of tariff bills, somo increasing and
some lowering the duties on articles
The Trade Dollar.
President Arthur
says :
in his
i'ho trade dollar was coined for tho
purpose of trallio in countries where
Bilver passed at its value as ascertained
by its weight and finances. It never
had a legal tender quality. Largo
numbers of these coins entered, how
ever, into tho volume of our currency.
By common consent their circulation
in domestic trade has now ceased, and
theyhavo thus beeomo a disturbing
element. Thoy should not bo longer
permitted to embarass our currency
system. I recommend that provision
bo mado for their reception by tho
treasury and mints, (as bullion) at a
small percentage abovo tho current
market prico of silver ot liko fineness.
The Tariff Issue.
Tho New York Herald of last Mon
day published an interview with GLu.
George B. McClellan.
"I have come," said tho reporter, "to
ask your opinion on tariff reform as an
issuo in tlio next presidential elec
tion." "There aro many men, answered tho
general, "who can give you a better
answer than I can. Having for my
part long since renounced all active
participation in politics, I do not wish
by any published statement to create
tho impression that I am speaking any
thing but my individual opinion, as
any citizen may at a crisis like tho pre
sent. The man who is in a position to
read tho signs of tho times to-day must
see, if ho is not blind, that fiscal ques
tions nro tho real questions of tho day,
and all others must givo way before
their discussion."
"Do you think tho democrats will
have the courage to mako a square is
suo on the tariff!"
"Yes, I do," said General McClellan,
with earnestness. "Tho timo was, not
many months ago, when it would havo
cost any congressman hw re election to
havo spoken favorably of free trado.
To-day, while free trado is not thought
of by any politician as of immcdiato
application, there aro many members
who preach its doctrines as an ultimate
ly good thing for tho United States
ana many more wno aro gaining po
litical strength by fighting for a low
"In this connection I may quoto to
you what a prominent member ot con
cress from Illinois told mo last Bprincr,
Ho said that not only in Illinois, but
further northwest and went, in the last
election tho winning men in both tho
democratic and republican parlies were
thoso who preached low tariff. Theso
nlono met with sympathy from tho poo
plo. And that sympathy I believe is
"Where will tho strength of the low
tariff party lio 1"
"Mainly in tho west. It is there
that tho light will be fought, and it is
there that wo shall leurn shortly wheth
er wo nro to remain in existence as n
democratic- party, will all our excel
lent tradition?, or whether wo nro to
bo forever wiped out of existuico
through our own cowaidieo in falling
to meet thin issue. It is an inovitablo
one, and will givo tho victory to any
net of men that will take it up."
The State Orange Meeting.
Tho Slalo G ranee. Patrons of Him-
bandry met in tho hall of tho houso of
representatives in Hamsbtirg on Tues
day afternoon. There were 115
granges represented on first roll call,
being HO more than last year, an indi
cation tnat tlio organization is grow
ing. Nearly 100 delegated were pro
A public meeting was held In tho
houso ot representatives in tho evening
Tho attendance was very largo nod
much interest was manifested in tlio
remarks of tho gentlemen who mado ad
dresses on tho occasion.
Wotthy Master Leonard lthonemailo
a short address, In which ho showed
tho advantages of agiiculturc, and that
tlio revenue derived ironi it alono
equalled all the combined manufactures
Ho also spoko of tho action of tho
congress in relation to tho duty on raw
materials. Tho governor was then in
troduced and .welcomed tho members
of tho order in tho following address :
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Slate
Orange. It gives mo much pleasure
to welcome you to this city as thoplao
for holding tho annual mooting of your
organization. Tho capital of tho state
is a most lilting jilaco for a body of
citizens to assemble whoso purpose is
to forward tho interests of nu industry
at oncu tho oldest and most important
in tho commonwealth. In styliog your
selves tho "Patrons of Husbandry" you
wear a lillo dignified wherever labor is
respected and most honored among a
people where simplicity, sinceiity and
virtue most abound. You aro the pat
rons of an industry which employs more
of tho activities of man and contributes
more to the comfort, healih and happi
ness than any other form of humau em
ployment. Tlio capital is therefore
honored by your presenco as I am sure
tho state will bo benefitted by your
labors. Hence, as tho executive" of
tho commonwealth, I welcome vou here.
As a citizen also, I receive yon with a
most hearty good pleasure. With tho
deepest interest in the success of tho
sessions which will occupy your thought
and attention, and the siucercst wish
for their success and progress, both as
a magistrate nnd citizen, I oxtend to
you a most cordial welcomo and be
speak for you a pleasant, profitable and
successful session. Tho capital of the
state is glad to have you here, and I
am glad to have tho oppoituuity of
iiiuKiugyuui pursuant ucquainiauce.
Hon. Victor E. Piollet. of Wvsox.
Bradford countv, then stepped forward
and responded to the welcomo of the
governor. Ho said ;
(rovernor 1'attison : I havu been
appointed by the worthy master of tho
Pennsylvania state grange to reply to
your address of welcome to tho Patron
farmers assembled in their eleventh an
nual session.
Worthy Sire, wo thank vou thus pub
licly for having procuied the hall of
the house of representatives as a plaeo
of meeting on this annual occasion.
Tho farmers throughout the stato be
longing to the grange organization,
and numbering many thousands of the
very best agricultural produceis within
her borders, are complimented by your
presenco among us and feel highly
honored by tho warm and fiieudly
terms with which you greet our pres
ence. The agricultural people of Pennsyl
vania remember the occasion of your
inauguration : its unpretentious and
frugal example which met with their
unqualified approval. The wholesome
and much needed reforms which you
promised executive, sanction havo in
notablo instances ta!:on the shape of
law. In such instances as party poli
tics navo thwarted you tho people wo
hero represent .are on your side, and
will stand by you until they arc accom
plished. Tho farmers of Pennsylvania deserve
tho kind ollicu of her chief magistrate,
sinco thoy contribute to a greater ex
tent than any other class of her people
to tho wealth and morality that
forms the proudest distinction of our
Wo are fully aware that corrupt and
unscrupulous politicians havo been and
aro now doing all they can to mis
represent and defame your official acts.
Theso bad men will not bo able to de
stroy tho well groundo-.l confidence
which tho mass of our citizens have in
your integrity and capability.
In conclusion allow mo in behalf of
the laboring mass of agricultural peo
ple to assure you wo .varmly appro
ciato your efforts to promote their true
Your presenco at our monster meet
ing in Williams' grovoand your address
on that occasion, your regular atten
dance with the stato board of agricul
ture, tho investigation you havo mado
to ascertain the defects of tho manage
ment which has rendered tho stato
college of no value to our farmers and
mechanics for whoso benefit it was en
dowed, nre notablo instances of your
solicitude for tho most impoitaut in
dustry in tlio stato you are chosen to
Governor Pattison, you havo endear
ed yourself to tho farmers of Pennsyl
vania, and their unshaken faith in your
patriotism and integrity is their tribute
bestowed on this occasion.
Mr. Piollet concluded his remarks by
touching upon equal taxation and gen
eral legislation.
The caso of James Nutt for the kill
ing of N. L. Dukes, which was changed
from Fayetto to Allegheny county, has
been set down for trial on the first
Monday in January.
Tho Danvillo V says that Mrs. E.
K. Hale, of that place, has in her pos
session, ns tho result of six years' work,
a silken bed quilt in which there nro
17,751 individual pieces of silk. To
sew theso together it took 1,200 yards
of thread. It weighs, completed, eb.'ht
pounds. Tho pieces of which it is com
posed aro of different colors, and is
nronounced by thoso competent to
judge tho handsomest quilt of the kind
ever seen hereabouts. It ift nil her own
work, and received tlio finishing touches
last week.
London, Deo. 18. Mr. Guy, O'Don
nell's solicitor, in n letter to tho news
papers hogs that tho mombers of tho
jury which tried O'Donnell will conli
dontially communicate with him. as ha
desires to address thorn upon n matter
oi exiremo mgenoy. no says that all
other means of communicating with
them havo failed. As ho was refused
a copy of tho jury before tho trial ho
has been unablo to asceitalu their id
entity sinco.
A meeting of tho liberal workingmen
was hold at Torquay to niuht for the
purpose of getting up n petition to Sir
William Hui court, tho homo secretary,
to coiumutu V Douucll s sentence. A
letter was lead from Mr. Samuelson,
(liberal) member of parliament, denoun
cing tho object of tho', mid n
motion in favor of ft petition in O'Don
nell s belialt was actuated by n largo ma
Tho illrv In t!in mtn nf liVntiVtiti
Monroo on trial at Wllkcs-barro for tho
murder ot Samuel MoNcal, ot Hun
lock's Creek, returned a verdict of not
Tho stockholders of thu Danvillo
Steel Vorks havo agreed to accept tho
proposition oi too preferred creditors,
by which tho plant will bo transferred
to a new company, to bo organized lin
mediately. Somu S 10.000 now canltal
will bo invested, nnd tho liabilities of
tho present oompany, amounting to
S 125,000, will bo accepted and paid in
one annual and six semi-annual install
incuts. Tho works will now contlnuo
to run up to their full capacity.
CltrlMttuntt UlftH.
Tact, tusto nnd thu solving of problems
In (Innnco nro all necessary In tho making
ot Christmas presents. In ton days Christ
mas will bo here. It tho presents aro of
home manufnetnre they are well underway
by llils time : If they nro to bo purchased It
Is well not to delay tho shopping until tho
Inst moment. Christmas presents can of
ten bo bought to tho best advantage Imme
diately after tho holiday season. It Is too
into to prnctlce that form of economy In
buying presents for the coming Christmas,
but tho suggestion may. effect a saving In
tho distribution of next year's presents.
It Is not necessary to enumerate- tho ad
vantages of making Christmas purchnscs nt
leisure. Any ono who has chased about
from shop to shop on the dny before
Christmas nnd squandered his money In
tho making of n collection of inappropriate
presents, because he Una not tho tune to
choose suitable ones, does not need to be
told of Iho folly of such delay, nud of his
own accord will begin curly next year to
pick up articles hero nnd thero that fit In
nently with untntcinlonnl hints dropped In
tho conversation of his friends. It is its
appropriateness which gives the chief vnluo
to a Christmas present, nnd It Is because of
the appropriateness of tho gifts that articles
In tho manufacture of which time, care nnd
labor hnvo been expended cause more
pleasure to tho recipients than tho uncon
sidered bauble which Is given as It is re
ceived, without thought and without grati
tude. Tho purchased gift can express as much
ns the ono conceived nnd made nt home
with infinite pains, provided the necessary
forethought bo exercised in the making of
the purchase. Tho Christmas season is
ono for tho practice of liberality nnd gener
osity. It is well to stint yourself that you
may give, but If the giving is felt to bo a
burden it Is hotter not to give. Do not
give for form's sake. Bo sure that you
want to give before you give, but no not
run into debt or involve others in your sac
rifice. There may be nn abuse of even tho
beautiful Christmas custom. Do what you
can to keep the Christmas giving above tho
cold, perfunctory habit which too of
ten prevails in the making of birthday or
wedding presents. Phila. Press.
Court Iroccctl!iigH.
Auditor's reports in cstnto of Hannah
Piatt, A. W. Dickson nud Elizabeth Kelch
ner confirmed nisi.
Return of I'nrtitiou In estate of Christi
ana Young, confirmed nisi.
Return of Partition In estate of George
Craig, confirmed nisi.
William Wcrkhelser vs. Jane AVcrk
heiser, decree In divorce filed.
Commonwealth vs. S. P. He) wig, selling
liquor without n license. Verdict, not
guilty. Defendant to pay costs.
E. B. Hull and wife, vs. E. 31. Laubach.
Judgment on caso stated.
Commonwealth vs. Margaret Kingsley.
Assault and battery, not a true bill, prose
cutor to pay costs.
Commonwealth vs. Isaiah Beers. Lar
ceny, a true bill.
Commonwealth vs. SI. C. Woodward
nnd J. B. Trntton. Forcible entry, case
tried, verdict not guilty, defendant to pay
Commonwealth vs. D. P. Seybert, rec
ognizance torfeited. To be respited on np
pearanee of defendant at iiext term.
Washington Fishei, Joseph Gelger and
J. A. Shuraan appointed viewers of a road
in Catnwissa near Barninger's mill.
Commonwealth vs. J. L. Girton. Not n
true bill, prosecutor to pay costs.
Commonwealth vs. John P. Ilannon.
Not a truo bill, prosecutor to pay costs.
Commonwealth vs. Isaiah Beers. Lar-
cony, caso tried, verdict guilty.
An adjourned court wns ordered for
January Oth, 1834, nt 0 o'clock, for the nr.
gument list.
Tlio folowing ronils wcro confirmed final-
Benton township near J. P. Bellas'
Greenwood " " A. P. Young's,
against road.
Montour township near L. Thomas'.
Sugarloaf " " E. L. Fritz's.
Commonwealth vs. Nellie Faux, nol.
pros, allowed on payment of costs.
Commonwealth vs. Henry Summers.
Nol. pros, allowed on payment of costs.
Commonwealth vs. SI. (!. Woodward.
Nol. pros, allowed.
Citation awarded to executor of Mary A.
County bridge in Greenwood over Slud
dy run j nlso a county bridgo in Fishing,
creek near Elizabeth Padcn's, nnd the in.
corporation of Espy as a borough approved
by the Grand Jury.
John Applemnn, Hugh McDrido and L.
SI. Hartman appointed viewers to vacate
road In Sit. Pleasant.
The Grand Jury mado the foitowiug re
porti To this Couirr of QaAitTKit Sessions ok
SIONS, 1883 i
We, tlio Grand Jurors in attendance, do
respectfully report that wo havo passed
upon all bills nnd matters laid before us by
tlio Court and District Attorney) have ex
amined the publio buildings and find them
in good, ordinary condition, except tho
drainage from tho new jail, which the
Commissioners of the county havo already
taken action upon in order to secure
thorough nnd pioper drainage, of which
action wo approve. We think tho im
provements lately mado in tho Prothono.
tnry's ollleo nro a beginning of what has
long sinco been nccdod, and, If completed,
as wo understand is designed by the Pro
thnnotary, both in tho office and vault,
will he what the public need, and what .the
security and convenience of the public
records require. Wo nlso recommend
similar improvements and changes in tho
Register's ollleo ; nnd wo recoi.imcnd Die
Commissioners to pay from tlio county
funds all reasonable bills for such improve
ments. Wo also recommend the Becurcly
and permanently closing up ot the window
in tlio wall of the new jull near the engine
house, called Iho "coal hole," through
which prisoners havu made, and can make,
tlielr escape, except a small opening or
schulu for the passage of coal, so small
that no person can get through. Wo also
recommend tlio repair nf somo locks nnd
spouting at tho new jail, wo further rec
ommend tho drainage from tho water
closet at the court house to proposed sewer
on Main street.
A. B. Haiitman, Foreman,
Ktute of John Kurshncr, decree ofspc.
clllc performance fllvd.
Inquest on body of Jacob Gannon, of
Catnwissa, approved ; nlso Inquest on body
of William SleFadden.
Isaiah Beers was brought Into court and
sentenced to 130 days In the county jail, and
costs of prosecution, and a flue o $10.
From UtiM Htrcct.
Our supervisor hns linen flttntr nur muds
by cleaning tho gutters, but thoy nppenr to
need a llttlo more fixing.
Andlo Jacoby lias returned from tho
west ami nas taKen to himself a wile. Wo
wish him n long and happy life.
Silas Young Is doing a good business In
ina iiimucr iratie,
There wns nn oyster supper up nt ltccco
Fairman's on Tuesday evening.
Wo wcro glad to see O. 11. Ent on our
streets too oilier day.
The TrnuipB MllHt On,
Tlio Legislature recently passed n law
for tho suppression of Hint perambulating
nuisance, tho professional tramp. We ex
tract tho following provisions from the
act t
Section 1 provides that any person going
from placo to place begging nnd acquiring
money nnd n living, nnd having no fixed
phico of residence in tho county or city In
which he shall bo arrested, shall bo deemed
a tramp, nnd on conviction shnll bo sen
tenced to a prison for a period not exceed
Ing twelve months.
Section 2 provides that any trnmp en
tering a dwelling houso without tho per
mission of the occupant, or shall kindle
any flro in tho highway, or on tho land of
another without the owner's consent, or
shall bo found to bo carrying dangerous
weapons nnd firearms, nnd shall on being
tried by n jury be found guilty of unlawful
practices as aforesaid, shall bo sentenced
to prison at hard labor for n period not ex
ceeding threo years.
Section 3 provides that nny net of beg
ging or vagrancy ns described shnll bo
evidence that tho person committing tho
same Is n trnmp.
Section 4 provides that any person may
apprehend a tramp and take him before a
justice of tho peace or nldcrmnn, whose
duty It shall be nftcr hearing the evidence,
to discharge or commit the prisoner for
trial, ns in other cases of misdemeanors.
Section 5 provides that the act shall not
apply to nny femalo or minor under six-
teen years of age, nor to nny blind, denf or
du :ib person, nor to any crippled person
unable to perform manual labor.
Orntinevlllc Itemtt.
Our several merchants are making a flue
exhibit of holiday goods.
G. F. Fler.kcnstlno has bought the lot nd-
joining the Odd Fellows Hall, nnd is pre
paring to build a store room upon It.
George Is an enterprising cliup.
Our town Is having another convulsion,
ail owing to tho much talked of railroad.
Report has it that the contract for building
it had been left to tho Collins Bros, of Phil
adelphla, and tho Nolan Bros, of Reading,
Pa. I think the reports arc premature, ns
the charter is not completed, nor has tho
right of way been fully secured. But
I am creditably informed, tint a body of
Philadelphia capitalists have agreed to fur
nish tho funds to build the same, nt a pro
rata of $12,000 per mile.
Our supervisor of roads made somo re
pairs on our strcctB last week, for which
we are truly thankful. But it was only a
bite; try again Bartcli.
Niblo wns in error in his report in tlio
Republican of tho dog difficulty. There was
no altercation; both Lilley and Blakcr
claimed tho dog. But Jim's right to own
ncrship seemed to bo the best ns he still
has possession.
It is rumored that ono of Bloomsburg's
enterprising merchants is to wed ono of
Crangevllle's fair daughters about tho holi
days. Niblo came down on me with a heavy
hand, in his article in the Republican a cou
ple of weeks ago. I quoto tho article :
"I do not tell what I saw in tho different
store windows, as I do not want to starve
the printers, by freo ndvertising for the
merchants." How great Is your charity
Niblo, to starvq yourself rather than tho
printer, for I overhenrd you say a few
weeks ago, that you were going to stop
writing, as It didn't pay, nnd you would
starve at it. Charity should begin at homo
Barney. Look out for yourself and let tho
printer do likewise.
Lcnp year is near nnd so nro the ladles'
chances. Take advantage of it and chain
up some of our bachelors. I overheard one
of them say a few days ago that a single
man wns only half a man, and he was tired
of only being a half and was going to get
married. He is awfully bashful, girls, and
you must bo careful or you will frighten
off tho game. I am prompted to write
this article through sympathy for tho ladles
and this particular bachelor. You may
recognize him from the following dcscrlp.
tlon. He Is of medium height, blue eyes,
saudy hair and mustache, and has a habit
of carrying ids head sidowisc.
Our enterprising furniture dealers SIcssrs.
Harman aud Conner, are doing a rushing
business. They haul goods off to their
customers in wagon loads.
Dr. Ammcrman lias moved in Ids new
house. It presents a very attractive ap
pearance, nnd is a credit to the Dr's taste,
and to our town.
Tho articles of X. Y. Z. seem to havo
considerable attraction for our people. It
is amusing for mo to stand aside and lis
ten to the various comments on tho differ
ent items, nnd their guesses who X. Y. Z.
is. Victims nnd all, take tho articles good
Wo noticed tlio pleasant face of F. C.
Frcderlcl, the genial proprietor of the Light
Street Hotel, in town on Tuesday. Frcd
erlcl is tho young people's friend und Is
great on furnishing them sport.
X. Y. Z.
The undenJL'nod auditor aunolnted bv the
Orphans' Courier Columbia county to make dis
tribution ot tlio funds In hands ot administrator
In tlio eatateor Jacob Kvans, deceased, will mea tbe
parties In Interest on Friday, January 4th, IBM, at
10 o'clock, a. m., at Ills omco la Ulooiusburg, when
all pcrmns aro requested to present tuolr claims
for i (ttleiaent or bo debarred from any bharo ot
doc 14-4W Auditor.
Danville, Pa., Oct. 9), isi
About 15 months airo I buffered very severely
from that terrible disease, catarrh In the head.
i lean ni; nr. u nomas' cciccirio un recominenueu, i
tiuruiiasuu n uouie ana useu it aucnrumg io aireo
:lons. It was but a short time until I discovered tho
offensive breath 1 had boen troubled with for sev
eral years was passing away, and a very boro
throat was cured, Wo have also used It In our
family for Itneumattstn and can highly recommond
It for fhat.
VllTlUll A. Mill Ml,
Kdlltor Jlnwa.
8CH ANTON, 1'a., NOV. , 'S3.
I consider Dr. Thomas' Kcloctrlo Oil the most
satisfactory family mcdlclno I havu ever used dur
ing 17 yuan of housekeeping. I havo used several
bottles during tho past two years for sprains,
uuriis, vuvs, uiuiwa us wuu us lur rueuiuiuisiu,
pains and swellings and In all coses It gave full
Alderman Mh Ward.
I was anilcted with sore throat, lams back and
contraction of the muscles, andllu each ease re
cftved speedy relief by the usu of Thomas' Kcleo.
trio OIL I would not bo without It, and strongly
recommend It to all who are similarly affected.
A UUIttlllAU
Jllaj Foreman.
Dr. Tho n aa' Kclectrlo Oil Is sold flvervwhem.
aud guaranteed to give saruractlou or money ro-
Absolutely Pure.
ThlSDOwdflrnftvervArfA. A murvAl nf
trengtliftna whoioaominea. More cconomtcat
than tho ordinary tfinin. nml rnnnnt h a.ttrf in
competition with tlio multitude of low trst, short
"-'nuw ttiuiuui Muusuuftio j'uwuers. poiq only
In oins. 1ovai IUkino Powder Co . ion Va!l-3t.,
near homo. Address I!, i' I'lirci.i' rn nhiin.
delphla, l-a.
Deo H.4W (1
oanyio's French Ilcvolu' Ion, hoc, ureen. Hchlller,
Creasy, and Cnrlylo In one, 1.50 j Kenrlck's An
cient Egypt, Jl j Itollln's Ancient Itlstorv. ti.7 1
tome, ii.ra : 1 lime's Emnnm . ta.ts Vm.
lssart'8 Chronicles,
umcs free. catalogue coo.oou vol-
JOHN 11. Al.lll'.V. Inlillcl,nr
P. O. Dox 1W7. IS Vesscy street. Now York.
Dee 14 4w d
Great Reduction
Hftvln,' nilrrlinanil n lnrrrn tnxnt nf Imm.
lock timber and having a steam mill on the
fllltni- T nm nrpnnrfifl In Mil nil aytta nml
lengths of house anil barn bills in n few
uujra iiuueu 111 very tow prices. 1 also
Keen constantly on nnild a lull stocK 01
ING, &.c. Parties will savo money by
getting prices beforo purchasing elsewhere.
Orangeville, Pa.
An Old Soldier's
" Calvert, Texas,
May S, 1882.
" I wish to exprcs3 lny appreciation of the
Taluablo qualities of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
as n cough remedy.
"Whilo wilu Churchill's army, Just beforo
tho battlo of Vlcksburg, I eoutractcd a se
roro cold, which terminated In a dangerous
cough. I found no relief till 011 our inarch
wo camo to a country More, where, on asking
for some remedy, 1 uas urged to try Aveii's
CuEimv I'KCTim.u..
"I did io, and was rapidly cured. Since
then l have kept tho I'EcronAL constantly by
me, for family use, and I havo found it to bo
an invaluable remedy for throat nntl lung
diseases. J. W. WlIITLEV."
Thousands of testimonials certify to tho
prompt cure of all bronchial and lung;
affections, by tho uso of AVER'S CilEnnv
I'ncToiiAi,. Being very palatable, tho young
est chllJreu tako It readily.
1'itcrAiiED nv
Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists.
Pursuant to an order of tho Orphans' Court of
Columbia county, Pa., will be sold at Public Sale
on tho premises, In tho township of Mtllltn In sild
county, on
Friday, Dec. 28, 1883.
at 8 o'clock, p. m., the following described real
estate, late of Jacob Hons, deceased, to-wlt! n
farm adjoining lands of Abraham Modeller, Mrs.
Phoebe -Miller, John llartzel nnd others, contain
ing 93 ACRES,
more or less, whereon aro erected a two-story
stone dwelling house, barn and other outbuildings.
TERMS OP SALE. Ten percent, ot ono-fourth
ot tho purchase money to bo paid at tho striking
aown 01 tno property ; tlio one-fourth less tho ten
per cent, at tho contlrmatlon of sale ; and tbe re
maining threo-fourths In ono year thereafter, wfth
interest rrom connnnatlon nisi.
Purchaser to pay for deed.
doe 7-ts Administrator.
I he Pr
t::s ronEr.iosT republican ncwsrAPUE
WocUly Press, - . . $1.00 a Year.
Dally Prose, ... -oo.OOaYear.
T:.c comlns year will bo notable. Cungrrss,
dtWdi'd ii-tvtcen a Hopublleaii Henatu and l.
Dciimi-ntlo Houso, will 1 e busy President.
iua,.iiitf. Tho great baltlool riotcctlmi
rtio Trado vill airltate tho C.n Iiul and tin-
country. Tho Presidential campaign will Lo t:.e
hudtst Iou,j:it and most exciting pointed
it.-uggla for a quarter of a rcntuiy. Hump.-, in
tug u;imt":i hi uesi informed, trembles ou t.u
cvoof a peat war.
Wltli men ui outlook n llvo nowspapcr which
prints all tlio r.ensund tells tbow hole truth about
ItlJinorot s.:icvcr a necessity. Buch n homi,.
paper ! TUB rillLADrxruiA Press. Telegraph
wlic l.i l: own offlco placoltln Instantaneous
communication with a corps of over fivo hundred
nemguthsrers distributed all over tlio civilized
world. Tlio special dally cablotcrvlco whkh It
shares with the New York Herald coven every of activity In European life. No piper
excels It In nil tho elements which go to loaUa up
a broad, full, couiplcto Journal,
ucsiucs ucmg a coinpieto nowsp.iper, Tun
Weekly Tntss has eoveial special natures
nhlcli nut It at the ton. Tim Annir-i-r , n, ,
Dci'AnTMENT, enriched by constant coulribu
tlons from tlio foiemo-,t wilters In vailous
branches, gives tho practical things that pcoplo
want tu know uu tho l.iriu nnd In tho garden. Tho
IIeu'Ino Hand koh Womic.v or Homo Donait
went, edited by ills. Kato Unson Clark. Is full
of Information, hints and happy thoughts for every
wife, mother and head of a household.
A great foaturoof tho coming year will bo tho
highly valuable Utters of MosEra D. W'eeks on
wages or working-men, tho general conditions of
Labor and tho Cost of Living In Eurona as cam.
pil ed with America. Mr, Weeks, who had chargo
of tills subject for tho Census of IPSO, has made It
a life study, and has been abroad this year con
ducting a special Investigation. Ills letters will
"ire tho facts as to earnings in Ml tho various
I '',usti ;cs, tho purchasing power of wages, strikes,
.raMtb.uitiuuikoi, uruiirawun, etc.
T ,i V. i:i;i.v TitESS Is f ullof cholco homo read
' i h puzslei and ot'jer matter for tho Utile
.btorlcs and pastimes for adults and culldmn.
f-v ion notes, reclnci. nleaulncs from current
lit ra tire, a ra'cful summary of domestic and
fore -i xent, ami an earnest dUcusslon of the
crrntiiue.tlonsof the day,
iMmpin ctyiin matleurce,
i'.y, ixstao fioo In tho U, B. and Canada.
Da W. -k-T,t Kmiiliv. ft. n,.nit,. tn . .....
laliy,, ilud.ngKuiiday.Mcts.ftwnntliieT.Mayoar
rummy rross, fiooajesr,
Y.'c W f Proas, . ei.oo a Year,
Jjf f f" .I'Htltwf lni-ftfi Al........ I a
QUf r uuU thvuU 1 vad$payahl$ to (Ai ordtr 0
THE PRESS CO., Llmlled,
nrecn-s Emrlnnd 11.75 s Hchlllcr's Thirty' Years'
War. 40c. ! CreaHV's Flftrrn Docisivn n,ttfoa an.-.
lly vlrtuo of n Tost Vend I'.x., tMiiod out dt the
court of common Pleas of Schuylkill county, Pa.,
to tlio Sheriff of Columbia county, will bo oxpfiseil
to publio salo nt auction or outcry, nt tho Court
House in tho town of llloomsbiirg, Columbll coun
ty, Pa., on
At two o'clock In tho afternoon of said day,
the following doscrlbod roil estate, lo-wlti All
that certain tract of land situ tto In Locust twp.,
Columbia county, Pa., nnd bounded nnd described
ns follows, to-wlt ! linoiNNI XO at a stono corner
Ina lino of land noworl.ito ot Jacob W'elu nnd
running from tlicnco bp tho same north sit nnd
three-quarter degrees eait seventy-eight nnd threo
tenth perches to n stone, thenco hyland now or
Into of Henry Itorncr north three-quarters of a
degree cast twenty-three nml four-tenth perches
towhltoplnostimps thenco bj" tho same north
forty-two nnd ono-hnlf degrees east cUhtecn per
dies tonstonoj thenco by it. E. meeting houso
lot south forty-six nnd tlireo-qiurter degrees east
llvo perches lu a stone s nnd north twcnty-nlno
nnd a hnlf degrees oast twelve perches nnd four
tenths ton stono ! thenco by land now or Into of
William Carl and John Hcrner south soventy-ono
and a half it jgroes forty-ono and lilno-toiith
perches to n stono j thenco by lan I now or I ito of
William ltoth nnd William Vcnger south two do-
grecs west ono hundred and eight perches ton
stone i thenco south three nnd one-half degrees
west eight nnd six-tenth perches to a stone s
thenco north rlghty-two and ono-halt degrees
west ttilrty-ono perches to tho placo of beginning,
CONTAININU forty-four ncrcsnudono hundred
and nlno perches msasurc, by tho same
mora or less. To be sold as tlio property ot Tim
othy Ilollch at tho suit of John Woodsldo A Co.
Terms ot salo, cash on striking down of tlio nron-
erty. JOHN .MOUitllV,
ShcrllT's omce, lllooms- BherlH.
burg, Nov. 7, I8S-1. nov. 3J
m mm
NEW YORK 1884.
..uvu...v .......uu vujpu-n ui i ,if uavo gone
ouof our establishment during tho past twelve
Almiit tlvlr ,1,111, a., on.-.,..-. , m..- t
II you i wero to insto end tn end all the colums ot
u.. .Uu .j.... ,.wiu,-u mm nom iusl year you would
get a continuous strip of Interesting Information,
common senso wisdom, sound doculne, nnd sanu
wit long enough to reach from Printing Houso
square to tho lop of .Mount Copernicus In tho
mooiL thon back to Printing Itouso squire, nnd
then three-quarters ot tho wav back tn tim mm
111! , 111., Villi Ij l.v,,t..n .... 1-1. .
earth ; this mmo strip of Intelligence would glrdlo
the- globe or twenty-eight times.
. ... .i i J 1 . lv v .i 3 "'"itiiwi uunug tno
past year has spent only ono hour over It. and If
llWWIl.inr lila i.i-n in, f i I.i.n ... .... ..
..... s,u,,ii,.ii,ii-i no.-, hnt'ni iinoiuer
hour, this newspaper In lsai has afforded tho hu
man mot I rtf'll tlinnann.l n,mnr.ln.,i.. ..i....
night and day-
Ii I rmltf hi llttln ,t i. ,.
iluenco on the opinions and actions of American
men nnd wo uen.
?'' '-V,nd wilt continue t0 b?. a newspa
per w.' ch tells tho truth without fearot couso
q'lcnces, which gets at tho facts no matter how
iiiS ?.V? I'"??8" ,c9-t! which presents tho news
of all tho world without wasto of ords aud In tlio
most readablo shape which is working with nil
!.'.? I'SIf for"oc.i;iM or honest government, nnd
which thereforo believe t iat tho Itepubllcin par-
Lord 18SI mis turning year oi our
vn,;yl?nit?07.iIloS,"''5rou llk0 11 already, nnd
J,"1T'u1"'. wl!h accustomed diligence and
,,?'!iUu!' nf? wt'!a.t u suro 10 " ,l10 moat Interest
ing jenr In lis history. If you do not jet know
mu .set,, ii is iiigu umo to get into tho sunshine.
Term, to Mall Subscriber.-!.
The several editions of tho Sun nro sent by mull.
A . iYhw cMs n Ul0Illlli ft J'l'ar ; with Sunday
SUNDAV 'Klght pages. This edition furnishes the
current news oi ihn wnriii. ,.niitrt nninwiu nf
exceptional Interest to men body, and liter-
iBucnsuuicB uooks oi tno liigiiest merit.
1 a year.
S,!rLf., n 5'Va.1- p'Sht piges of tho bust
matter of tho dally Issues; an Arglcultural Do
partmcntof uncqualcd value, i-peclai market re
ports, and literary, scientific, nud domestic Intel
ligence mako tho weekly sun tho paper for tho
farmer's household. To clubs of ten with flO nn
extra copy tree.
Address I. w. IINOLAJJI), Publisher,
1-6 1 Tim Sun, n. y. city.
Gents' Furnishing Goods
Having very recently opened it new
Merchant Tailoring aiid Gents' Fur
nishing Goods Store, in KNOUlt &
WJNTERSTJJEN'S building, on
Main street, where I am prepared to
mako to order, atshoit notieo. first.
class suits of clothing always in the
latest styles anil prices reasonable.
Fits guaranteed. Having learned how
to cut garments lo suit ctistonierH, and
also what kind ol material will givo
satisfaction, I would ask you to please
call and examine thu
Ever shown in Columbia county,
Before Purchasing Elsewhere.
Store neHt door io First National Bank
Corner Main & Market S(h.
& HI,
April 13-1
To call, Inspect and compare our largo and com.
plcto fetock of
trunks, valises.
Ladies' Coxs, c.,
Ileforo purchasing.
To every Purcha&ir.
No trouble to show goods,
Kveiy poison purchasing of us will
receive a ntimherod lickit, entitling
them to a chance in any of tho hand
some prizes which can now bo seen in
our windows. Prizes to be awarded
on Christinas day. Call and see these
prizes and tell your neighbor about
Don't foiget tho place
Successor to M, A. LOEB
Kiiips of tie Cliiiii Trade ,
liouttht for Not Cosh, on rocclpt ami npprovul,
vTUlKiut cliurtu lor t uminUlou, lliokcr.
HIM etc, Uy
08 & 88 WILLIAM Sr., NEW YOSK.
Nov xo-iw r
Tho second shipment, consisting
of Hovon eases of our celebrated
Keiiched tin a few days ago, and
nre even more hauiNome (if that
is possible) than tho (irst lot which
sold so rnpidl,,. Wu have them in
And tho following nines:
5-4, G-4, 7-4, 8-J, 8-10 & 8-12.
It is almost impossible to praise
these goods too highly. The col
orings aio so rich and effective
and thu prices so very moderate
that they should meet nil tasks
and suit all purses.
Our stock of
Raw and Spun Silk and Fine
Tapestry Table and
Piano Covers
Is now coinpieto and comprises
the following sizes :
1 1-2, 1 3-1, a, 2 1-2, 3 yards long.
Eighth Street.
Market Strctt.
,: ,: Obfl : : I m mock I
y . from Chestnut to
Market Street,
TTT and i jth Street to
rranantaker s Jtv'
" 1 Fashionable
. v.y 0. aH(i StaPle Dry
-M OfOrC Goods and House
IvNvof AI-Ti I'l.AM'K. fnr
Ai-i, Pi.ANTK, for AM.
ill ATI'.. All ro tMtodi
timrsstms HIRAM SIBLEY
Letters ot mlmtnUtrntlon in tlio estate ot (leo.
ho elmer, late of centre township, Columbia couri
ty l'ennsylvaiita, deceased, havo been irrantcd by
tlio Itesbter or mid county to William 8. Ilebs Ail.
mtulstratorM n. X. c. V. A. All persons Having
damn iiKalnst, tuo etato of tlio docoasod aro re.
quested tn present them for settlement, and thoso
idebted to iho estato to mako payment to tlio
under-ltrned udmlulstrator without delay.
Novas Fowlertivllle, l"a
I,etters testamentary ontho eslato of Mmon
county, Pennsylvania, deceased liuve been irrinteii
uy ino ueBisier or said county to tlio undersigned
executor. All persons having claims against tlio
uU, nm luiiurfcicu to present
them tor settlement and thoso Indebted to the os.
late to make payment to the undersigned without
Light Hrtst.jcol. co., I'o. Kxecutor,
Letters of administration on tho estato of John
J, Miles deceased, lato of Klshlugcreek township
Columbia counly. Pennsylvania, deceased have
lK-eii grunted by tlio lteglster of said county to tho
undersigned Admlulslr.itor. All persons having
claims una list the eslato ot of tho deceased are re.
quested to present them for settlement, and those
Indebted tuthaestalo to make payment to the
underalgned administrator without delay.
Nov sard tXirks, 1', o.
Tlio undersigned auditor appointed by the Or.
phaus' court of Columbt county, to mako distri
bution In tho hands ol the administrator In the es
tate ot lieiijamlii Delano, laui ot Locust township,
deceased, will sit at Ills olllce In llloomsburg. oil
.Monday. December 81st, liwi, at I) o'clock, a. m
when and where all parties interested In said en
tuto must appejraud present their o alms and
those ludebtod to iho same to make payment to
tlio undenilguod without delay,
dooMa Auditor.
Our in ignlfloo linstock of
Is attracting mitcli attention.
All the goods wcro manufactured
to our order and imported direct.
Wo have all tho latest styles in
At very moderate prices. Wo
havo them in
1-4, 0-1, 7 4, and 8-4 sites,
And in nil the now designs nnd
colorings. We havo also a com.
pit to lino of
In nil ci.i s nnd giades, with imp.
kins to match.
Filbert Street.
t 'fjflJP
cnni'x. irT,
ouly tho bet I
tat ttitt.
& CO. Rnriiw.M v - pm,, hi
- ....VI,. .... WII,.RtV ,M
Harper's Bazar.
mrivr's Bazar Is at onco tlio most brllll&nt and
useful Household Journal In existence. HU the
acknowledged arbiter of fashion in this country
Us fashion plates aro tho newest and most stylish;
and Its pattern sheet supplements and oconomlo(
suggestions alone are worth many times the cost,
of subscription. Its Illustrations of art needle
work are from the best sources. Its literary and
artistic merits aro of tho highest order. Its stories
poems, and cssayB are by the first American and
European authors. Its choice art pictures would
fill portfolios, and Its humorous cuts are the most
amusing to be found In an Journal In
America- A host of brilliant novelties are prom
ised for 1S8I.
I'cr Year I
IIAltl'ElfS 11A4AK. CO
llAltl'Klt'S WKEKLV 4 00
HAltl'Elt'S YOUNQ I'KOI'LE. 1 0
One Year tfii Numbers) -,.10 CO
Iistag Free toalUubMrtberitn tl Unttea hlatet
or CiiiKirtrt,
Tlio Volumes of the liaiar begin with the Brut
Number for January of' each year. When no ttme
Is mentioned, It will bo understood that tho sub
scriber wlshos to commence wltli the Numbor
noxt alter the receipt ot order.
Tho lost Four Anuual Volumes of llarper't Baiar
In neat Cloth binding, will be sont by mall, pos
tage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided.
the freight does not exceed ono dollar per volume)
for $7 oo per volumo.
Cloth casch for each volume, suitable (or bind.
Ing, will be sent by mall, postpaid, oq recolpt ot
II 00 each,
Itemlttanccs should bo made by IMat-OMce Won
oy Order or Draft, to avoid clianooa ot loss.
SeiMpaperi ui'oiwf turow tht$ a&verUieinent
without tli wjtiv.u unity oIIiurxK & JIhotuiu.
Address 1IAU1T.U & llltOTIlEHB, New York.