The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 07, 1883, Image 4

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    How to Fel Horses,
M; Storor. in ft locturo boforo nn! lish farmers' club, Biioko of tho
feeding of homes ns follows: How
must horses bo treated they may
bo nblo to perform n cortnin amount of
work without injury to tiieir system t
In tho first place, thoy must have food)
in tho teoondplacc, they must havo
grooming i and, in iho third place, thoy
must havo good stabling. In regard to
food, of all animals the horso, hi com
parison to its size, has tho smallest
stomach it is, therefore, or groat im
portanco that his food should contain
as much nutriment as pojsiblo in tho
smallest bulk, moro especially when
undergoing h.ird work. Hay mid oats
havo tliW qualification to a greater do
grco than any other of tho ff.cding
stuffs in general use, nnd that
thoy should form tho staple food has
been proved by long experience.
Bruised oats aro very suitahlo for old
horses and thoso that bolt their corn,
but boyoud this they havo nothing
specially to recommended to them.
Tho average quantity of oats requir
ed to keep n horse undei going hard
work in good condition is about twen
ty pounds per day. Of courso somo
horses would tat more j others cannot
bo induced to consume moro than four
teen pounds. Drivers of contractor's
horses nro practically awaro of tho fact
that tho moro thoy can got their horses
to eat, tho moro work thoy will do.
But tho result of over-feeding nnd over
working is tho premature death of
many valuable animals. "Indian corn,
when it happens to be cheap, may bo
advantageously used in tho proportion
of ono to six; tho only objection to it
is that it causes torpidity of tho bow
els. This must bo connteractcd by
giving nn equal proportion of brau.
cans, but for their iieating tendency,
would lorm a very suitable adjunct to
oats, as thoy contain a largo propor
tion of nutritiyo material. They may
bo safely given to animals that aro hard
wrought nnd upward of seven years.
A horso can't bo maintained in good
health on grain nloue; tho stomach ro
quires a certain amount of mechauical
distention to keep It properly. Hay
and straw servo this purpose. Ordina
ry allowance should bo about twenty
pounds per day; something like five
pounds in tho morning, five pounds at
midday, and ten pounds at night. A
few years ago, chopped hay becamo
greatly in vogue; but tho princi
pal argnment in its favor was that tho
bad hay was eaten along with tho good.
This tells seriously against tho plan, as
a horso is certainly better without hay
in his Btoniach than with it.
All kinds of straw aro iuferior to
hay, oat being the only variety that
should bo used; it does well when horses
aro idle, as they aro not liable to get
into too high condition on it.
Pine Sand tor Glass.
Tho extensive sand works near Mo
Veytown, on tho Juniata, aro thus de
scribed :
Two drifts or veins, ono hundred and
ten feet wide, and running the one
eight hundred feet, the other six hun
dred feet in opposite directions, yield
over four hundred tons of snow-white,
silicious sand for tho manufacture of
the best American plate-glass. Tho
vein now being worked js eighty-five
feet from tho surface, and Is under
neath another, the two being separated)-
about fifteen feet of sand-rock,
which can at anytime bo cut through.
It is pitch dark, and .the atmosphere
is permeated with fog which renders
tho little oil lamps worn by the miners
usoless at a distanco of a few feet. The
rock is so hard as to requiro blasting.
Atlas powder being used, but crumbles
ihto powder on exposure to tho air.
Tho cntiro output is transported to tho
mouth of tho drift by a singlo mulo
hauling two cars on a tramway. Tho
cars aro hauled ono at a time up an in
clined piano into the "works" proper
by steam power. The buildings aro a
hundred feet long, a singlo story in
height. A now engine room, contain
ing a tjiiriy-fivo horso power engine,
replaced tho ono not long ago destroy
ed by fire. Tho largest pieces of rock
are fed to a vibrating breaker of great
Weicllt and nownr tn pi-inaiilnrhlu rn.
duco tho .sand stone. Thoso smaller
stones, together with all not needing
breaking, pass under a pair of broad
iron wheels, each weighing 3,300
pounds, revolving in such a manner
.t T-tl .1 .
mm, ono ionows mo otner, water tree
ly circulating about them.
Tho Sand IS now carrier! liv n nlinnl
iron strainer from which the coarser
particles aro returned to tho crusher.
It is thtui washed in inclined wooden
troughs, being forced upward against
descending streams of water by means
of tho .Archimedes screw, a principle
much in iiso throughout tho building.
A continuation of this.
in depriving tho now clean sand of
most of its moisture. After draining
on a sloped iloor it is wheeled into
several driving machines, somo using
hot air and others steam as tho dry
agent. Archimedes screws bring the
unuu sanu to uio loot ot nil elevator,
where it is carried up in small triangu
jar buckets to tho top, from whonco it
is DOll red into wnonnst. in a', v.
mulo teams to the freight depot, nearly
a miio distant, ana transported to
Fittsbiircr. Indiana eountv. Wat. Vir
ginia, and occasionally across tho At
lantic. Tho power by which the ma
chinery is run is furnished by tho canal
a thousand feet distant. A largo tur
bine wheel connected with iron ropes
running on largo woouen wncemn two
towers, transmits tho forco necessary
to operate ono sot of crusher, while tho
engine runs another. Both sets can
1180 Canal nowcr A'lion. fnr nnv rpnsnn
tho encilio fails to work. Tim u-nrku
havo doubled their capacity during tho
past year, and if tho Pennsylvania rail-
nn.I ....... ....... 1. ..!!.! .1... It" I
uim vumimiijr utlliu W1U 1IUU now HI
prospective, across tho river, tho out-
!.... :..:tl I ' ; j '
lub win nu iiiureuNuu.
Revive and Ouoanize Ci.uiis, etc.
This is tho season for rovivini and or
ganizing Farmer's Clubs nnd similnr
institutions. .Somo ono well says that
if farmers would keep up with tho spir
it of tho times thoy must meet together
linn iinbiua iiiu Jlljjiui mill IJlU'nilUIIH
that tho ngo presents. Thero is no bet
tor school for farmers than suoh organ
izations oiTur. Vnluahln Infnrmfitinn
can bo acquired, nnd tho practice of
speaKiiig in nuiiiio is sen improving.
Every school district should havo a de
bating society of somo kind to keep its
inhabitants wido awake, seeking to
be posted on all tho issues of tho day.
Such societies havo nn excellent inllii
onco on tho young. Hero tho young
orator gets his first lessons nnd acquires
confidcuco to oxpress his thoughts
Speaking is an art acquired only by
jiractioe, like all other arts, Iho earlier
in lifo this practice is had tho more ens
ily is tho art acquired, Uy nil means
organizo eocisties of eomo kind in every
ectiool district iu tho couutrr.
The Depth of the Sea.
Tho real depth of tho sea can now
by means of tho Ingenioin lnstrum6nU
doviscd for tho purpose, bo ascertained
With 11 rpnqnnnllln ifrufrnn nf f.nrlnlni t.
- - ...... I . 1 l I Xh . u . V. L. 1 .1.11, vj .
It has been thin shown that tho Baltic,
between bwecdon and Norway, is 125
icet. deep; ma Adriatic, between Ven
ice nnd Tripntp. 1.1!). tin. VWItuh !lmn.
net, n00; tho Irish Sea, in tho south
western part, a,U0Ui tho Mediterranean,
cast of Gibraltar, 3,100; off thj coast
of Spain, 0,200; by tho Capo of Good
Hope, 15,000.
Uio basins of tho Southern Hcniis
phero dip and rise alternately from tho
equator toward tho poles, causing very
unequal depths of wniir. Captain
Boss's famous experiment in this way
is probably familiar to nil. By throw
ing over a heavy weight to which a
small lino was nttachod. ho succeeded
in penetrating nbout. 27,000 feet when
tho weight broke off without touching
tho bottom. It iii well known, howev
er, that greater oceanic depths than
this havo of lata been reached, and
oven during the exploration of tho
Gulf Stream under Maury, soundings
of tho ocean were made to tho depth
of 34,000 feet, or moro than six stat
ute miles a vast (leiith. inderil. nnd
greater it may bo said, than tho eleva
tion ot any mountain above Uio sur
face. The Mormons Must Go.
General Kosecrans, member of con
gress from tho San FrancUco district,
has prepared tho following measure
which ho will introduce in tho houso of
representatives at tho earliest possible
opportunity after its organization :
A joint resolution proposing an
amendment to tho constitution ot the
United States prohibiting polygamy :
Wiikiieas, in pursuaiico of a duty to
guard tho development of that largo
and moro rational libeity for every
unit of society and that higher civili
zation which consists in tho domination
ot reason and justice over the passions
by needful constitutional amendments
and provision we have forever prohibi
ted such things as ro&sou and experi
ence havo shown to bo hostile or im
peding to such developments and
amongst them tho slave trade and even
slavery itself ; and
Whereas, Polygamy, condemned for
its contravention of reason, its degrad
ing influence on the character of tho
femalo sex. its brutalizing effects on
tho malo sex and ils general repug
nanco to tho spirit ef modern progress,
has always been considered so unlikely
to bo tolerated amongst us that no
constitutional prohibition of it ha3 hith
erto been deemed necessary to prevent
its growth under the protection of'
state and territorial law ; and '
Wheraa, The absence of such pro
hibition has enabled designing men un
der pretense of a new revelation from
heaven, to appeal to tho interests and
passions of poor ignorant people at
home and abroad and to toach them
that religion sanctions and the United
States allows tho practice of polygamy,
and to diffuse tho poison of this barba
rous practico through tho Territories of
Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Idaho,
Montana and Wyoming to tho great
injury of tho future well being and lib
erties of the inhabitants thereof, and to
tho interests nnd good name of the
whole people ; therefore, by the scuate
and houso of representatives of tho
United States of Amei ica in congress
assembled, bo it ,
Jlesoloed, That pursuant to tho pro
visions of article 5, constitution of tho
United States, tho following amend
ment to said constitution bo and the
samo is hereby proposed for ratifica
tion by tho legislatures of tho several
statfes, to-wit : Amendment XVI, Seo
tion 1. Polygamy being incompatible
with our civilization, is forever prohib
ited in tho United States, and all places
under its jurisdiction. Section 2.
Congress shall havo power to enforce
this by appropriate legislation.
Resolved, That the secretary of stato
shall promptly forward authenticated
copies of this joint resolution to tho
several states.
A Triumph for good Literature.
Among tho publishers wiio havo car
ried into their work serious convictions
as to their duty to tho public in tho
matter of supplying good literature, and
who havo lesolutcly resisted all temp
tations in the moro lucrative direction
of thnt which is simply sensational, an
honorablo place may bo claimed for D.
Lothrop & Co., Boston, who havo ac
complished in the United States a work
second to that of no publishing house
in the elevation of tho popular senti
ment, and tho creation of a demand for
.wholesale books.
In a general way, the publics aro fa
miliar with tho aims of this house, and
havo come to regard its imprints upon
a book as a guarantee of excellence in
all essential qualities.
Concerning some of its recent publi
cations, wo picsent tho following inter
esting items called from tho American
Bookseller, and other sources.
Poets' Homes. A beautiful holiday
book, edited by II. II. Stoddard, Ar
thur Gilman, nnd others, with illustrat
ed sketches of Longfellow, Whittier,
Lowell, Bayard Taylor, and all leading
American Poets. (8 vo. cloth, gilt
edges, 84.00.
In The Pott and the Children, for
which John G. Whittiercontributes tho
opening poem, Matthew Henry Loth
rop has collected the choicest poetry
for yoniiR folks any whoro to bo found.
Tho volume has a profusion of choice
illustrations from drawings by Sand,
ham, W. Parker Bodfish, Miss L. B.
Humphrey, Miss Northam. Jes-ue Cur-
tis Shepherd, and a scoro of other ar
tists equally deserving of mention
In The Kinodom of Home, with
its beautiful illustrations and elegant
miming, iur. Arthur liilman, with ox
cellont judgement, has frnthered tho
best of the poems thnt relate to tho
"Kingdom" which ho has in mind ; and
si i) co tho most beautiful of all songs
havo been inspired by tho love which1
centres in tho homo circle, it is not
much to say that this is n collection of
tho best of all songs. (Kxtra cloth,
beveled gilt edge, 80.00 ; Turkey mo,
rocco, antique gilt, 80,00.)
Praiso of anything from the pon of
Georgo McDonald is superfluous, but
oi ins now novel, iJonnl urant, publish
od from tho manuscript by D, Lothrop
& Co., nnd republished in Kngland,
thoso who have read it in manuscript
say "it is a work of genuine power,
with characters pleasant to know, and
an indescribable moral quality pene
trating tho whole." (12mo, 81.50.)
Of A Family Flight through
apam, it is hiiiuciu.ii to say mat it pos
sesses all tho in re charm of description,
tho piquant stylo, tho novelty , and
froshncsi which ohnractoilzo tu. Might
through France, Germany, Joncai
and Switzerland, nnd the Flight over
Fgypt and Syria. By Udwnra ICvtrett
Hule, and Miss Susan Hale. Like tho
books last named, its illustrations aro
bapplly chosen nud well oxcoutod.
(Quarto, gilt, $2.50.)
Luthora Whitney has appreolatcd
tho need of ft book which should servo
ns n mirror of early Now Unglnnd
times, mid uas supplied it In n delight,
fill llttlo volume, entitled Old Times.
Days and Ways ; nnd to make tho
bookcomplete, V Parkor Bodfish has
contributed sixty-two capital homestead
Carrie A. Cooke, in JHossoms by the
Way, presents n collection of poetry
ior young ioiks, winch, with its dainty
bindinc, iU artistic colored border do-
signs by Swccnoy, nnd its cholco con-
tenti, is sure to plenso tho boys and
girls of ton nud over. Its seven hun
died pages nro brightened by many fine
engravings, and tho selection ot tho
subjects has been most happy, f lto,
decofated cover, gilt edges, $3.00)
Under the tltlo. of Ideal Poems, nro
presqintcd twelvo poems, selected from
tliostj which nro tho acknowledged
mn9tcr-picees in tho Kuglish Language.
Celebrated artists have prepared tor
each a beautiful full page drawing, and
tho result, showing the. highost excel
lence in poetry, engraving, painting
and binding', justihes tho publishers
in regarding it as Onii of ' tho most
superb illustrated gift books of tho sea
son, i
E, E. Brown's Lifo of Oliver Wen
dell' Holmes is an authentic and charm
ing bloginphy, published with tho untie
tionjof Dr. Holmes, who has nided tho
author with valuable data. (l2mo, il
lustrated, 81.50.)
Who Told it to Me, is Margaret
Sidney's newest holiday book and is
very charming.
E. A. Rand gh et us a now illustiated
book. All Aboard for' the Lakes and
Mountains, and Pansy's latest u JEs
terJtied yet speaking. Bright, fresh,
and attractive, all that ft pansy signi
fies, and much besides, may bo said of
'The Pansy (bound voluirio for 1883),
witji its handsome covers, its many
pleasing illustrations, and its puro and
sparkling stories for children of all
ages, 'iho editor understands the art
of lending entertainment with whole
somo instruction, and whatever bears
tliiij suggestivo namo has como to bo a
synonym for all that is good in juvenile
That the veriest b.ibcs can be made
to tako an interest in literature has
clearly proved by tho continued succcbs
of tho lively and delightful littlo maga
zine published for their solo benefit by
D. Lothrop & Co. Jiabyland, among
tlnj tiny ones of tho nursury circle,-is
becoming ns great a favorite as Wide
Awake and Little Men and Women,
among, tho larger boys and cirls.
j.uv .ijuuymii'i'jiiiiuiui, consisting oi
tho monthly numbers handsomely
bound, will gladden tho heart of overv
littlo' ono into whoso hands it may
John Anrreln at the. nlni Hrhihl.
thnby Lizziq W Champney, is agon,
uino Artists' Portfolio. It presents a
collection of forty or fifty drawings of
pictures exhibited at the lato Water
Color Exhibition in Now York, hv riA.
kiiown artists, including Gilford, Rein-
uuu, iiovention, aniline, JNicoll, aattor
lee. Fenn and othnrs. nnd fmin nn
art point ' of view must bo regarded
as ono oi mo cnoicest books or tho
Mr. W. Sloan Kennody's Life, Gen
ins. and Writinast. of .Tnhn Whit.
tier, uniform with the author's popular
: i j - 1
and scholarly contribution to biograph
ical meraiure, ana will bo welooraed
accordingly. (12mo, illustrated 81.50 )
Tho rinest thought of Hnv. .T. W
Manning, D.'D , the late beloved pas-
ior oi me uui aoutu (Jhurch in lioston,
is furnished in tho last works of his
hands, Not of Man, but of God, an
admirable treatiso upon tho foundation
unu siruciuro oi iho Uhnstian taith.
(12mo, 81.25.)
The Donular recmition of Jnwnit'a
irausiauou oi jiueuaiaet. wii.nnsapa
tho continued intpivst.,nf n u-iiln
of American readers in the ' choicest
classical writings, and in evidonco that
irr ....... i . - ....
cuoiia oi irausiaiors ana publishers to
Dl'USCUt these writiniro in nnur mwl nf .
tractive forinsj are' not unappreciat-
I Decorative Plaaues. in wliinli thn
pi.ctuiesquo designs of G.'F. Barnps aro
set ton harmony of words by Mary E.
n iiKins, is a oook windii appeals to all
lovers of illustrated Tiooma nm! whinli
will bo welcomed by amateurs 'and
i e i .
proiessionai uecoratprs. (Uhromo
'cover. 75 cents : uninua liinilimr r.n
j The Qtory of Puff among books
relating to domeptio pets, is woithy of
.mention in connection with 7?ri nn7
ftis Friends. It U the most charming
ptory nf bird llfo ever written, and is
.(mm lm nt ?.T.. "I Hr Y:..! t
It. u.i. miu I'VW WI illio. VJ. All. JJlVlllgHUn,
a sisler of "Pansy."
Amnnrr linlidnv rrift-linnLu "11
;rop tfc Co. 8 beautiful annuals havo
TitDH. Of nathps' familiar tr nlillrlran
jand which never fail to fall pleasantly
uu un-ir i-uri, n iuesiieace is certainly
'one. To fully appreciate the surprising
j,AuMi-iii.u vi una inuiiiuf, it IUUS& 00
.uuuipareu wun inu oest mommies ot its
class, at homo and filirnul Tt will ln
found to be unequalled. Tho Wide
iiuun,e siiuuuu, ju hs uainiy uresB, is
'therefore a superb holiday book.
ii is noi euougn that tho older child-
roil should havo Wirlp. A wnZ0 nrwl I tin
youngest Jiabyland, but the "bo-
!twcens" must ha urnvidnil nr. nml
this is what that charming monthly,
, Our Little Men and iromenaccom
'pHshes to their perfect satisfaction. Ono
secret of tho success of D. Lothrop &
Co.'b juvenile production is duo' to the
fact that thoy so amply and completely
provide for tho needs of children of
every age.
Among books for children which will
instruct whilo entertnining, tho follow
ing selections from D. Lothrop's list,
published in handsome quarto volumes,
witii illuminated board covers, 'aro un
rivalled. "What tho Seven.did," "Nan,
tho New Fashioned Giri,'' "Heart's
Content," "Stories and Pictures .of Wild
Animals.'' "Mv Curiositv Sh fill." Mntli-
ral History Stories," "Tho Cats' Arabian
Nights," and "Lucy's Wonderful
uioue. among the writers for theso
books nro such celebrated authors aB
Margaret Shiny, Miss Yonge, Julia A.,
Eastman, Ella Fartnan, Mrs. Diaz,
Clara Doty Bates, and Mrs. Muskell.
Of their nnequallled handsome
quarto volumes for tho young, at thu
low price of fifty cents and less, and
their unequalled Sunday-school libra,
ries, wo havo not space for description.
Their catalogue, which will bo sent free,
is woithy of study.
Miss Hanson, tho'belle of Maple
Park, III., hanged herself in a corn crib
on Wednesday last, bocauso her lover
was addicted to whisky and her father
would not let her marry him. She left
a nolo saving she was broken-hearted
and hoped to meet her lover in heaven.
Weston, tho pedeslrinn, has under
taken a new tnsk in England, lie pro
poses to walk fifty mills a day for one
bundled days, and deliver temperance
lectures on tho route.
And Indigestion curo3.
ague & nm.
And Bi bus Spociflcs.
Force Rovivors,
dualities of t huo. and thn int mini ilii-a
.. fll.l .'W.I. f .. 1 .r . .
oi an uio iiesi jieaioines ot tho World
and you will find that HOP BITTERS
havo'tht b'JSt tmnitlvfi nimlitliw' mul
DOWOI'S of all l-onili'ill r:lti'.l in t lir. in
and that llniy will euro when any or
an oi iiicse, singly or combined, tail.
A thorough trial will give positive proof
oi uns.
Half Oat of His Heal
"lllcssed bo tho man," s.ilil bon Qulxotc'a weary
squire, "who Invented slceii." Sancho'S gratitude
Is ours, but what If onocannotforany reason enjoy
mat excellent invention ? ' Wrvousncsa In mo had
becomo adlseaso," writes Mr. WlUlam Coleman,
iiie wen Known wholesale druggist ot Buffalo, T.
"I cou'd not sleep, nnd mr nights were cither
passed In that ortot re.-ttles'mctfi which nearly
crazes a man, or In a kind of stupor, haunted by
tormenting dreams. Having taken I'akkrk'l Ton.
10 for other troubles, I trlod It also for this. The
result both surnrlsed nnd dellffhtcd mn. Mv nm
iuai-u lu tuuueri. UWU, uuu, UKU U.ICjar S IJt
im-u, ufumiuuio ruiiKsoi moso wno sleep o.
nlshts. I should add thai the Tnnln xnmliiv iiid
awuywlth the condition of orenfrnlrli'liini v nmi
dyspepsia occasioned by my previous sleeplessness,
and garo mo strength nnd perfect digestion. In
unci, mu uthj ui me iuihu wiorougniy ro-cstaolisn-cd
my health. I have used I'abkkk's Tonio with
entire success forsea-slckness and for the bowel
disorders Incident to ocean voyages."
This preparation has heretofore been known as
I AitKKKS oinokr Tonic. Hereafter It will bend
verttscdnnd sold under tliennmn nf I'.hctum
T0N.ic-omlttlng tho word "ginger." lliscox & Co.
are Induced to make this change by tho action of
unprincipled dealers who havo for years deceived
their customers by substituting Interior prepara.
tloas undor thoname of ginger. Wo drop tho mis
leading word all tho moro willing, as ginger Is an
unimportant ilavorlug Ingredient In our Tonic.
Hease remember that no change has been, or
will be, made In the preparation Itself, nnd nil bot
tles remaining In tho hands ot dealers, wrapped
under the namo of iurkkk's oinoeii Tonic, con.
tain tho gcnuino mcdlclno It the fne-slmlle slgna.
turn of lliscox Co., is at tho bottom of the out
side wrapper.
nittl AiUfiiltiiuiit, w ho by tlielr
Valor Htiil Wnrcrfft Ittrtt Lack
n ptiTnecu i nun the iNinlcrv of
M-Jtti finlntro-l
tmctioQhy ur
J0. Hidpatii.
lrnopp. loOmneniHccntl
.cnlHuntl OF lh ilf lll.
iiiiisi h. rilnfn pp.
frpo. ACENT8 Wanted,
onos Hn. Jk Co.,
Oct. 26 2m
Electropathic Instituts
TllG hOUSO lasnPlJlllr flttfil nn far thn
Of invalids Whrj desini il nlpim.inl. uml PlirUtliin
homo. Stands on high ground with plenty of
shade. Personal attention given to every patient.
j.ti-viiii.iij unu uiuvuuisin iu iiieir uuicrent moul
tlcatlons a sneclalltv. iror. Jims lmscrivi.n nn
years of Mudyand practice to thu branch, and
hundreds will testify to his skill,
send for circular, stating what paper you saw
this In. 1'ltOF. HUNHY MILLS,
Lock nox 07. lilnghanuon, X. V.
Sept. 7 'b3-ly.
C K 1? TIS:tIlctlC3' 4 designs), Some-
-iuiiiu-Kuuimaiieu on receipt
?,n sta,nP- HKAHNE 4: CO. 1'. o. Vox
1487, N. V,
NOV 30-tw
Uii. s?I,er a Instantaneous Guide to keys of
lyiPlano and organ. Price fl. Will teach any per-
. son to play i pieces ofmuslclnoneday. You
oouidn o learn It from a teacher In a month for jii.
rry, 1' and bo convinced. Sample copy will be
mailed to anj- address -on receipt ot 2s cents In
Ntainnsby IlL'AIt.NK&CO., l'ubllshera, V. O. Uox
1487, Mew York.
Kovaoiw d
mwmm m rmll Onlr Tiro llnltlra.
IATA Hnn, Messrs. Johnson, Hoi-
I'a.. renort that a iren.
'OriTi ntlMra tlemun handed them a
JlfflM BW-vJiril d0"r wltl a reiucht to
aviiu a kuuu uamrru
cure to two officers In
Arizona. I loth tho of.
tlcers and tho wife ot n
known U. a A. Oen.
were cured by Ely's
Cream llalm.
Apply by llttlo tin.
per into the nostrils.
By absorption It effect
ually cleanses tho na
s.U passages of ca
tarrhal virus, causing
UAV-CPUrn neauny secretions. It
hllays lnnammatlon, protects tho membranal
llnlwjs of tho head from additional colds, com.
bletely heals tho sores nnd restores tho sense of
taste and smelL Beneficial results are realized by
n few applications. A thorough treatment will
pure. Ouequaled for colds In head. Agreeabloto
Mse. send for circular. Sold by druggists. BJ
lnallWe. a package stamps.
I ELY BltOTlIEllS, brugglsts, Owego, N. Y.
N0V304W d
I Un a Jxm!Ut nmedr for the tb di.a-M hr III
I uo Ihnuianda of cuet ot the vt rt lind nd ol long
ftt.inuinif haTQ been cured. Indeed, .aitroDi-ttirr
Jilt h lnltsoeicacj,Unt I will tend TWO UOTTI,! S
rilUi:, toRotnervlth a VALUAULIt TltlJATiriS on any-Kunernr. (ilreexvreiaandl. (.
adlreu. Uil T. A.BL0CUSI, ljll'eaclbt.,New York.
NOV18 4W d
Burns, 60c., nyron, 50c.
Mrs. Browning, 55c,
C'aniDbell. 40c.. Chatusir.
6 xx, Coleridge, coa, cow.
'ncr.eoc., Dante, Boa, Dryden, wc., Goethe,1 70c..
'(Kildsmlth,WX;., IlemanioOa, IUadand Odyssey,
sue.. Milton, wc, Moore, ooc, rope, soc, l-oc, 40.,
ischlller, 40c, Scott, BOc., Tennyson, 00c, Virgil, 45c.
and others. FIno cloth binding. Sent for exarnl'
uatt'iu uctuiu iaiiiL-iii. uii uvmeucu oi gooa iailu.
Catnlogus free. NOT boUl by dealers.
JOIINU. ALbEN, Publisher, lSVosey St., New
Nov 10 4w d
11KUBUV. All
unfailing cure for
Seminal Weak
ness, Spermator
rhoea. Iinnotencv.
and all Iilseasos
that follow as a
bequenco ot Self.
Abuse ; as loss ot
TWPmnrv. Ilnlvpr.
1'aln In the Back, bltnnesti of Vblon, Premature
Old Age, and many other diseases that led to Insa
nity or Consumption and a Premature (irave.
IIkwikk ot advertisements to refund money,
when druggists from whom tho medicine Is bought
do not retout, but refer you to tho manutactur
cm, and tho requirements are such that they
are seldum, iftvri; complied with. See their writ
ten guarantee. A trial of one Blngle package of
dray's Specltlo will convince tho most tkeptleal ot
Its real merits.
on account of counterfeits, we havo adopted the
Yellow Wrapper j the only genuine.
IfKull particulars In our pamphlet, which we
desire to send free by mall to every one. lj'he
Specific MeiUdno Is sold by all druggists at II
Cer package or t) packaes for 13, or will be sent free
y mall on tho receipt of tho money, by addressing
Bold In Bloomsburg by all druggists. '
Nov u-ly
SO minutes of New York. Mor positions for grad
uates all other schools combined. Life schol.
arshlp.fta Write for clrculure.
Nov 10-lw r
I,60 A VEAIl
Near L & B Dop:t, Bloorasburg Pa.
Manufacturer of First cliws rnnges In
illfTercnt styles, cook Btoves, pnrlor stoves
nntl slovrs for hcntlng storcs.scliool houses,
clmrclics Ac. liiirgo stock of tlnwnro nntl
8tovo repairs, such ns grates, lire brick, litis,
centres Ac.
Oct 20 tf
Tills Season's New bcscrlptlvo Catalogue & Price
B1 Mays,
S Dramas,
o I'arces, I
g tltild) Bonks,
scenery (Paper), f.1
vthloplan lirnmas,
Tableaux Ujhts,
Burnt C'jrk,
nearu, dec.
, '".'act, everything for Amateur Thoatrlcals.
SAMUEL VKKNl'U& SON, IM E. 14th St.. New
Nov. 18-lw r
rt, f iiuw.ii. llLorr.t. ec
thfr.,ft I., H(H,I MeMMllwr
f. tttddm, nun. toth. lmf ihoM
t tl Ulki ef all nuairke tih tb bhm
'imm mi)
hiarhi of tMinxrlkikin, Only M rmri a
Used In the principal Churches for Communion.
Excellent for Females, Weakly Persons and tho
Speer's Port Grape Wine!
THIS CELEBRATE!) WINE Is tho pure Juice of
tho dead ripe Oporto drape, raised In speer's
vineyards. Its Invaluable,
Tonic and Strengthening Properties
are unsurpassed by any other Wine. Being pro
duced under Mr. Speer's own personal supervision,
Its purity nnd genuineness, nro guaranteed by tho
principal Hospitals nnd Boards ot Health who have
examined It. The youngest child may partako of
;- -..." ...v i-uittrsi, 111,111111 usu ii, iu uuvaningc.
il s particularly benenclal tn the aged and
dobllltnted, nnd suited to the various ailments that
lt is in ever' respect A W INE TO BEliELlED ON.
Speer's Unfermentcd Qrap3 Juico-
Its natural, fresh, sweet state as it ruiu from the
presa by fuinlijatlon, tliercby aestroyintr the excl-
from spirits and will keep In any climate.
Speer's Burgundy.
Id n ,1 Ifl- HAl, 11't ..... .... ....
wealthy classes as a Table or Dinner Wine, nntl by
physicians In cases whero a tiry wlno Instead ot a
sweet port Is desired.
Spaor's (Sooial'te) Olaret.
lallPM In MffhncflmnHnn .n. .
.. ..... '''''l'u' IlLllIU'M u
Dry Table Ine especially suited for dinner use,
Speer's P. J. Sherry.
Is a wine of superior Character and partakes ot
the rich tiualltles of tho grapo from which It Is
Speer's P- J. Brandy.
IS A PITI1R lll.llllnllnn
stands unrivalled In this Country for medicinal
It has a peculiar flavor, similar lo that of tho
grapes fromwhlch It la distilled,
See that the signature of ALFltED 8PEE1I, Pas
saic N. J., Is over tho cork nf each bottle.
SO 1.1.) YiY O. A. KLE1M.
Sep. 28.'831j r.
not, Ufa Is sweeping Dy, go
and dare before you dlo
Bometnlng mighty and su b
flmn t ltt n ol. ...uv IU LUUI1UB1
1. ; , .7. ,uu U" ouint ireo.
Np risk. Everything now. Caulial not required,
we will furnish you everything. Many aro making
fortunes. Udles make as much ns men, and boys
.u iiiii.iftcF iiiiHii iteuuer, u you want
business at which you can make great pay all the
Portland, Maine. uoc. 8, "ss-lv.
An English Veterinary Surgeon and Chemist,
now traveling In this country, savs that most of
!; ilaJ, '!!?.L8.I'1'?E,S conditio.. NotUntroueirtUwiU make u-ns lay like
. " - - u vvuuiuwu giiugio, iuae. i teaspoon
m !i if o a Bold everywhere, or sent by
UosTON, SU33. alfl Jan 20 '83.17.
cr-".' Ti n f. : Ti--. vni wnmw.
Cxiract of Annatta.
Hfcturi' cwa Color, Brlrttut
ant r,tm..t inw .... . t...
rhtat, r leoJ S&ctl, la i.u,. Iur n auLblt, Mlorluf builb. U
"r V RAIIF. CO., t,.s:l. JlirkU St., I'lUHirA.
Juno My nis
$72 j
A week made at home Dy me induatri-
nlia lltlut nmi i
public. Capital not needed. We will
.J... Mv imo. women, ooys and glr Is
wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is i bo
time. You can wo'k In spare time, or givo your
whplo time to tho buslnjsa. No other business
will pay you nearly us wed. No ono can fall to
,UU1 ij "i "nsaging at once, cosl lv
outfit and terms fr. Monoy made fast, easily,
and honorably. Address Tbuig A Co, Augusta
Miln. DecB.'si-ly,
t;:::jt:s um vegetable fills
ron tub
And all Blllouo Complaints.
bu.o i ) ui; telnjc purely vege ml. j no crWng.
I'ncoMicuu. All Drug, ws.
Nov 80-4W
people are always on the
lookout for chtnees lo In
crease tb Irearnlngs.andln
... uiuu W1.UUIU Mt-uiiiir I uiuau
who do not Irnprovo their opportunities remain In
tVlVl.rr V. Wn l.rruP a npunt r.l. ...n.. in .....
o want insny mon, women, b .ys mid girls to
oan do haworkpropu rfroin the rlrst stn. The
bUSmeHR Will nnv mnm V nn ti.n ll.n.u
wages. Eipentdvuoutnlburiilxhedlree. No one
mw v,iHnK,7i inn iu i iu iiiunur rapimy, ion
can devote your whn'o mok to iho work or only
Vmil kn.irit ,nnmnn,o 1 n . in. ......
. l-.w ... ....v..... , Vt.l,UI. 1U1UUI1I.1.1L111 unu Ul
that Is uoeded Sunt free. ill,.m sn Nnu k im
Portland, Maine, Dec. '8.y
.f adlnrrT.nntlan Phfl.
Iclau ettubllobrs mi
UUIroln MMvYuru
lor mo euro el
' FroiAAmJuumalcf iledicint-
UHy wKplUpi, bu without doubt Ircfttcd futl curuil
niorCMslUtat4ijp other living iilijrtkUn. lhikuccoM
ha limply tea Uiiiul)in we bits Iwara cf oi of
over iW yHr Undlnjf, gur c6if ully cured by him. Ilo
htitthliih4wtfkpn thi diiiMttvrhlcU liwkonJt
TIIK yOLTUCi !IKt,rC0., Marshall, Mich,, wli
U!?.' ',r,,.,,l':)J'l"oiK'n(,voiing0rotd) who nroaf.
L1 raAy 'Ji.W01" "ob'll'y. l-ost Vitality, and
Feb. th lyr, r
$1.fi0 A YEA II,
Ready and Watting for You.
The Finest, The Latest. The Most Artistic
Styles of
Call aud be Convinced that We
Load Ie qinsility9 fit mid piim.
Largest stock & lowast prices can always 1)3 Mai at the
Ehnj- TciniN.
1,1, 1
Uedlcal Saparlatsndont of tho Sanitarium.
Invalid's Home.
Blooausburg, Pa.,
Devotes spcclnl nttuntloii to Enlletisv.
Nervous Affeotlons, nnd Diseases of Women.
Patients received ut tho Sanitarium on
reasonable terms for board and treatment.
I'. S. No charge for first consultation,
npr 27, '8a
T n'A'n WMmmpnd
Kly's crenm Halm to
nil liny Fever nun"er
ers, it belntr, In my
opinion, founded upon
experience and nturu
cure. I was nnilcted
with Hay Keer forw
eur, anil never bo.
fore found permanent
relief. Wkiistkh II,
llASHINB, .Muihlilltld,
VI. '
ApiiIv uy llttlo tin.
Ker Into tho nostilli
lly nlisorillou It ef.
IJAY"PEVOnilhal I'fB" of ca-
I" " Inrr hill rus. pnuOni.
liealtliy bccretlona. It nllaya Inllammation, pro-
tl.irn t lilt , Hn, t.,.l,a..l ....... n..
dltlonal cold.s, completely iieals the bores and rel
klnmul in urnuinr I.,.).. n.,.l ...nil ii......,i..i n , t...
' ' " ' " ...iu Mint oiui ii. ..minimi le.
suits are realUed by a few uiiiillcatlnns. A tlior.
uuku iviuiik'iii, win cure, iwieiiuuueti tor coida
lntUoliead. Aitreeable to Ube. Hend for circular.
Hold by UruusUs. lly mull sou. a imekaite
Btamps. lil.V imo'l'IIKKtL Oivew, N. V.
autf jo-ty a
Froe! Cards and Chromos.
,eiul,r.r:e b,Y mall a simple set ot our
t.ardi,on tinted and cold jrround,w th a price Hit
or over joodlirerent UcilKiif , on rJcelpt ill itVron
for po.tage. We will l kend free by iialu?
ample., ten of our beautiful ChromJi, L "clnt
of ten cent, to pay for packlnir and ro.ta5e I alia
confulentlafpHcc iT.t of Vi?f l!f Je oil
chromo.. Agent, wanted. Addrei. 1'. OlbaeSm
& Co., 46 bummer Street, llo.ton, Slut,
WANTED Canvassors.
To entrap- tn the tile of our nenr and tmnortint
lit tt, luurlU filrett. I'lurlni,.!! ln,l.
Kur llio Cclelirntetl Clilckcrlntf, Iycrg ii
I'ontl, nntl Vose& Soil I'inmis. Woild-ru
iiowncil Kstey Ortfins, VlaHns, Aucortlcons
nml Sheet .Music. Cclclnntcd White, New
Hlgli Arm Diivln, New Home, Uoynl St.
.John, nud Jilrjlit Htmnlng Domestic Sowing
Alucliiiius. Ncetllcs, oil nml nttnclimcnts
for nil makes of Sewing Machines.
SntlMrnctlou Guaranteed.
WARE rooms,
Suitable for
Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds.
Tho Jollowlnir snows tho 1'lcket oothlc. ono of
ed km , . YKn" "urawilty tltoy nro unsurpass
Prices and specimens of otlior de
signs sent to any address.
OTho Jluvr.its' Cluwr, No.
31, l ull nml Winter, 1883,
Kivcs wlmlwalo prices dirut
to coiuuiiKia on everything
von me, eat. drink, wear, or
havo fun with. TelU how
to order with exact ro&t, 'JIG jmgea largo
ones UiiO( illiibtrutluna a wholo
picture (taller. C'inluins infortnatlon
cleaned from tho murktts of tho world.
No other prico-book In exigence contains
as much information. BenU'roetoanyad.
dressuponaTeiitofpastagol7cts). Ix'tut
hear from you, or visit ns wlien In our city.
Near Kxpositinn Utillillnsrs. Hcspettfully;
US7 A: WtO Wubiuh Avouuc, Cbleogo, 111
BopU U-tJW u&3
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Philaclo'pliia & Erio R. R. Divis
ion, and Northern Central
In erfect Nov. mill, 18H3. Trains lcavo Sun.
0.33 n. m., Iick Haven Kxprcss (dally except
Sunday), for llarrhbunr nnd Intermediate stations,
Lnncaster, l'lilladclplila, Now York, llaltlmoro anil
Wnslilnjtton, urrlvltig nt l'lilladclplila 3.15 p. m. :
New York, 0.S0 p. m. j llaltlmoro, 5.10 p. tn. ; Wasb
lnttton 0.55 p. in., througn passenger coacli to
1.55 p. m. Day express (dally except Sunday),
for llarilsburg and Ititermedlato station?, Lancas
ter, l'lilladelphla, Kew York, llaltlmoro and Wnsli
lngton, nrrlvlng nt l'lilladclplila 7.S5 p. in. ; New
York, 10.80 p. in. j Haiuinoiv, p. m. ; Washing
ton, 8.4 p. in. l'ullman I'arlor car tlirougli to l'Ul
ladelpliia and passenger coach through to l'lilladcl
plila and llaltlmorc,
8,so p. in. WlUlninsport Accommodation (dally)
for llarrlsburg and all Intermediate stations, Lan
caster, l'lillndelplila and New York, arriving nC
Philadelphia 3 is a. tn. ; New Y'ork a.10 n. m.
sleeping car accommodations enn bo secua'd at
Hnrrlsburg for Philadelphia and New Y'orkonsun
days ntlnougli sleeping will bo run; on tlil-i
train from ltenovo to l'lilladclplila. l'lilladelphla
pasiengei-s can reniuln In sleeper undisturbed until
7 a.m. a. m. KrU Mall (dally except Monday) for
ItnrrNburg and Intermediate stations, Lancaster,
l'iill.ideliiliin, New York, llaltlmoro and Washing
ton, arriving nt l'lilladclplila 7.50 a. in. j New York.
ll.'JO a. in. ; llultlmoro 7.40 11. in. i Washington, 8.50
a. m. Through l'ullman sleeping cars are run on
this train to l'lilladelphla, llaltlmoro and Washing,
ton, and through passenger coaches to Philadel
phia and Baltimore.
R.S0n. m.-Krlo Mall (dally) for'Krloand all In
termediate stations with through l-ullmun Palace
car and through pas-senger coaches toKrlo, and
through Pullman Palaco ears to liurfulo via Em
porium, on suudays this train win run only to
For Canandnlgua nnd Intermediate stations.
Itochos er, Iiurfalonnd Niagara Falls, (dally except
Sundays) wlthtlnough Pullman Palaco car and
passenger couches to Itochestcr.
1.01 p. in. Niagara Kxprcss (dally except Sun
day) for Kane and Intermediate Btatlons with
through passenger coaches to Kane. For I'nnnn.
d.Ugua ami nrliiulpal Intermediate stations, ltoch
ester, llultafo nnd Niagara Falls with through pjs
sengcr coaches to lioctiestcr.
5. p. in. Fast lino (dally except Sunday for Ho.
novo and Intermediate btatlons, nnd Klmtra, Wat
klns and Intermediate stations, with through nas.
senger coaches to ltenovo and Watklns.
. . Niagara Express lcavo
Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. j llaltlmoro 7.30 a. m. (dally
except Sunday) arriving ut bunbury, 1.05 p. m.
with through Pullman Parlor car from Phllatlel
p i a and through passenger coaches from l'hlladcl
phla and llaltlmoro.
mi.H1.10 lca0',JJ.ew York 8 00 a. m. ; Phlladel
phla.U.lO iu 111. ; Washington, u.40 a. m. ; Haiti
more, 10.51 n. in., (dally except Sunday) arriving at
sunbury, 5.aip m with through' passenger
coaches from Philadelphia and llalliinore.
Erie .Mall leaves Now York 8.00 p. in. : Philadel
phia, p. in. ; Washington, iii.10 p. m. 1 Haiti-mui-e,ll.!!jn
m., (dally) arriving at sunbury u.15
? m-.),v ih,tl,,rousl1 ''""'"an lMlico Sleeping cars
from Philadelphia, Washington and llaltlmoru and
through passenger coaches trout l'lilladelphla.
.Mall East leaves sunbury (dally except Sunday)
0.45a.m., arriving at jiiooiu Ferry 7.41,
.7 " "'-ai IANU1I ltAII,WAY.
Mnll KSt. I1.HV1.U Kll,ihn.p .l.ll.. n
jispress ivasi leaves sunbury 5.35 p. m arriving
Fi'r.r' 0 31 11, '"- Wlfkes-birro aio p . m.
ila 1 West leaves Wilkes-barro lti.:i ) n. m. nrilv:
at llloorn Ferry la.ul p. in., sunbury 1S.65 p. m.
l-xpress west leaves U'llkes barro 5.3) p. m. nr
vlng a,t llloorn Ferry 7.0? p. m., sunbury B.U5 p.
Ing at llloorn Ferry la.ul 1
Oen. Jlanagcr.
J. It. WOOD,
Oen. Passenger Agent.
N'OV. 5, 1883
For Now Yorlc,I'hlladelphla,Keadlng,PottsvIllo
Tamaqua, &c 11,45 a. m,
For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. in. fl.13 and 10J0 p. m.
For WUllamsport, ,s 11.45 0. in. and 4,oe p. m.
For Lowlsburg and Sunbury, 4 06 p. in.
Leave Now Tort, via. Tamanend 9,00 a. ra. and
via. Bound Brook Ilouto 7,45 a. m.
Loave Philadelphia, 9,00 a. m.
Leavo Reading, 11,55 a. m., Pottsvmo, u,sa p. m
and Tamaqua, 1,85 p. in.
Leave Catawlssa, 6,30 ll.os.a. m. and 4,00 p. m.
K1!?6. WUUa.mBpor,'' and 0.00 p. m
Leave Sunbury 4.24 p. m.
" Lowlsburg 4.48 p. in.
Passengers to and from New York, via. Tama
nend and to and from Philadelphia go through
without chango of cars.
C.u. HANCOCK, General Manager,
Jan"?" I88wi.ns0r 1101161 Aont"
Scran ton....
-BeBovue, ,.
a.m. p.m. p.m.
9 so 9 10 6 17
6 92
8 87
..t.H,lU, I lllO.,
9 4fi
9 ta
9 6H
6 84
6 41
6 4lS
6 si
6 65
6 68
7 OS
7 10
7 17
7 22
7 80
7 87
8 00
8 28
8 40
8 60
9 00
6 00
8 05
8 10
8 18
8 96
8 SO
b Ub
8 69
9 00
9 0
8 20
West Plttato'n
iltl 03
10 18
10 18
2 64
S 02
S 06
10 18
Plymouth Juno
Avondale ...
iluniock'a creek
...nick's Ferry.
...Beach Haven.
.Briar Creek..
..Willow Grove.
....Lime Hldge..
latawl'a Bridge
10 26
10 S4
10 49
S 18
8 38
3 45
3 61
8 e;
i 07
4 12
4 20
4 17
4 it
4 88
4 66
5 (9
6 25
10 66
11 07
11 IS
11 20
11 ID
11 16
11 65
12 IS
IIS 45
p.m. a.m. u,.m.
p.m. p.m. a.m.
., W. F. HAL8TBAD, Hupt.
Superintendent's omco. Scranton, Feb. 1st, 1689
nJl . i.'-'iflll' Indor.ed br I'm! Arthur,
71 'iT i.'.Z"??,'';. '"ioui took tikfi Ilk. wlU.
A, D, WUUTUlMlTU.M i to'.. ll.V.r:.V.r hi-.
IIOV S-1W (1
PAT.N.E'S IO Horso Spark-Arrostlne
unauiB j..inino ban tut 10.0U0 ft. i,f lllchlgin llim
. 1 ?, . ''.'i1" '"""'. b indiiii tiubn fruui the mw In
visul-fout Iciiflln.
Our in 11yr.t .r. 7,,.MH.. l.v.
uw 8,000 fa t of Hemlock Bo "vXt i io Uui?,. (r
IS Joiu uill cut lO.uon jut In Miue lime.
wur r.ngmui ro IIUAIUNTtlD 10
liirnl li a linrre piiwer on ii le
f til U.t.. 1, ., vn.
lino not find ltli tn Aulonutlo
C ut Oil. If yon wont HItlonry
pr Portalilo lhigliif. Boiler. Circu
lar Haw-Mill, Mufim or Pullcy.
iincr can ir jueuurl nileul
VVriillftlil.lrnn I'iiIL.v , n,l f.ip nr
lllll.tlllt, ,1 rulal, .... M. I'l Inm
iiifurniullon uml t tire.. ' 1
U. W. I'AVNE & SONS, t
Coruiug, N, V, Box 1427,
Jan.e, 63-ly.
Xvo.7New York, i'.u.,wBii
p.m. p.m. a.m.
t) 15 n 45 45
9 (19
9 0J 9 37
8 69 9 31)
8 48 I) 2(
8 43 V 19
8 37 9 14
B 25 Oil 9 01
8 ib 1 5(1 8 04
1 49
8 10 1 85 8 55
1 25
8 07 1 18 8 47 ,
8 00 1 03 8 S8
7 4013 42 8 !S
7 33 12 25 8 17 ,
7 20 12 15 8 12 .
7 20 12 00 8 06 .
7 13 11 47
7 09 11 40 7 50 .
T 05 U 32 7 62 ,
C 61 11 10 7 44 ,
6 CI 10 63 7 SS ,
0 45 10 60 7 S3 .
0 37 10 44 7 29 (
0 18 10 tt 7 U ,
6 10 10 08
6 0 10 ,
45 0 45 1
nuv io-iw j