The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 30, 1883, Image 2

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J. K. BittonlJeiidsr.J Bi,to"'
Sergeant Mason, who shot at tlio as
sassin Guiteau, lias been pardoned by
President Arthur.
Senator Arnholt and Uppcrman of
Allegheny county havo resigned their
seats. 1 hoy are tired of tho dictation
of Ooopur, and nro disgusted with tho
preforcneo shown John Stewart over
thoso who havo faithfully supported tho
republican party. Tho J'atriot gives
tho following reasons for their resigna
tion :
When on Friday tho Allegheny sen
ntors becamo incensed at the result of
tho vote on tho appropriation bill, it
was not so much because tho pay was
thereby put in jeopardy ns tho causes
which brought it about. Cooper and
Stowart and Grady and other senators
were nbsont and why t Both tho sona
tors who sent in their resignations bo
Moved that Cooper was in Washington
by appointment with Stewart dividing
the future honors and emoluments of
tho party among themselves j while tho
compensation tlioy behoved duo them
was endangered by their neglect. It has
been noticed for some, time that Cooper
has been lavish with his favors to
Stewart. When it was mado public
that certain reciprocal alliances had
been mado between theso gentlemen
ponding tho recent campaign by which
tho lato independent was to profit at
tho expense of Senator Cameron, there
was considerable restiveness. It is
now known that this feeling of dissatis
faction has not subsided. Tho resig
nation of these senators is one ot the
fruits of it, and if they nro withdrawn
it will only be that a moro effective
medium of bringing thoso party trades
to task may bo adopted.
Game of the Managers.
and I'hesihi'.nt autjiuks
Washington, Nov. 27. Tho Re
turning Board of Virginia is composed
of tho Governor, tho Secretary of State,
tho Treasurer, tho Auditor and tho At
torney General. All of theso officers
wero elected on the JIahono ticket in
1881, and aro avowed repudiators of
the stato debt. F. S. Blair, tho Attor
ney General, publicly declared that his
party favored tho scaling process for
tho debt of tho United States. After
tho recent election Mahono tried to get
up fivo contestants fortlio bt.ito benato,
with a view of counting out an equal
number of elected Democrats, on tho
plan pursued in Louisiana when tho
vote of that Stato was stolen from
Tildcn. Ho only succeeded in inducing
two to tako this step, and as that num
ber was insufficient for the obiect of
making a tio in tho Senate, and thus of j
giving tho casting voto to Lewis, tho
.Lieutenant Uovornor, the scheme was
abandoned. A. W. Jones, ono of tho
two, who was defeated by General
Wiokham in tho Hanover district,
which Mahono denounced in his ad
dress as tho scene of violence and blood
shed, was quick to withdraw from tho
contest after having promised to make
it. Ho is said to havo expended many
thousands of dollars at tho recent
election, acquired iu lobbying beforo
the Mahono Legislature. At least ono
caso of bribery could bo established,
and, therefore, Jones thought it not
only prudent to withdraw from a con
test, but also to certify that tho election
was fair and peaceable, in direct con
tradition of Mahono's statement. If
Mahono had succcedod in mustering
fivo contestants to do his bidding, ho
would havo had serious trouble iu tho
Returning Board in carrying tho pro
jected fraud through. While willing
to strain a point for partisan success, it
is certain that this villainous schemo to
steal votes after the election would havo
been resisted. Any decided opposition
would have killed tho conspiracy stone
dead. Mahono was informed of this
determination, and it has not sweetened
his temper in defeat nor strengthened
his hand for any future plans. The
mendacious charges iu the address sign
ed with Ins name, but prepared by
another hand for political effect at tho
North, have driven uff thousands of his
deluded followers.
If an investigation of the election
should be ordered by tho Senate, as has
been proposed, tho Virginia Democrats
would reioice at an opportunity to ex-
poso tho rascalities that were practised
by tho Keaujusters. And it any at
tempt should bo mado to repeat tho
game which John Sherman and his
confederates played in Louisiana, witli
Eliza Pinkstou and Agues Jcucks for
witnesses, the IIouso would soon oxposo
tho iniquity. I ho conspiracy to labn
cate a sectional issue on falsehood and
fraud is too patent to bo effective. Tho
warning from Ohio that fifty thousand
Rcuublicans would stav awav from tho
polls if Arthur should bo nominated as
tho party candidate next year has
chilled the movement for him in' theso
parts. That strong hint camo from tho'
olicrman taction, and it was mado em
phatio becauso of a rumored alliance
botween Arthur and Foster for tho
ticket of 1881. Tho game of tho man
n gers who aro now engineering tho
I'rcsident s enterprise is to Hatter var
ious conspicuous Western Republicans
with tho proposed nomination for Vice
President. Hence tho tioket is Arthur
and Miller for California, Arthur and
Lincoln for Illinois,' Arthur and Harri
son for Indiana, Arthur and Allison for
Iowa, Arthur and Ingalls for Kausas,
Arthur and Conger for Michigan, Ar
thur and Washburn for Minnesota, Ar-
thur and Foster for Ohio and Arthur
and Sawver for Wisconsin. Other
combinations besides theso nro suggest
ed. In fact, the Vice Presidency is
practically put up as a prize for coronet!
tivo examination, moasured by political
strength. The president's friends havo
a preference, of course, but they want
to make tho most out of this second
plaoo to advanco tho chances for tho
first honor. Thoy are muoh disturbed
by tho loud nolo of menace from Ohio,
which rominds them forcibly of the do
lection iu JNow lork last year,
Board of Pardons.
Tho result of tho last meeting of tho
Uonrii of l'ardons is as follows ;
John Chambers, convicted of rob
bery in Contra county, was .pardoned
nnd applications lor punlous in tho toi
lowing inurdor cases were refused
Reoso James, Luwiio county t A,
Makowith, Schuylkill counts, and T. L
Warren, Susquehanna county. Several
applications for tho pardons of persons
couvictcu ot lorgery mm btirgiaiy wero
also refused, and u number of cases
wero held under advertisement.
Ex-Senator Eaton's Pointed Admonition.
Eaton's Interview In New York Herald.
A tariff for rovenuo only lost us tho
Presidency in 1880. A like platform,
or even a doubt an to tho disturbance
of tho tariff policy of tho country,
would defeat us again. I will never,
by my vote, do anything that will in
tho least tend to tho disturbance of tho
business of tho country. If wo should
organizo tho IIouso by electing n
Speaker pledged to tho agitation of thb
tnriff nt tho coming session it would
defeat tho party in every debatnblo
Stato nnd wo would be buried beneath
a popular majority of a million votes.
Wo cannot afford to adopt a policy
that is offensivo to Indinna, Ohio,
Pennsylynnla, New York, New Jersoy
and my own State (Connecticut). If
we do tho contest will bo Bottled in nd-i
vnnec. Tho contest now going on over
tho Speaker is but tho preliminary
trial of tho leaders and representa
tives of tho Democratic party. It is
for them to say whether they will con
tinuo to bo political suicides or will
advanco to tho enlightened and progres
sive sentiments of tho present day.
Tho Republican party is making
ready for tho great Presidential con
test of noxt year. Arthur nnd Blnino
nro among tho most prominent candi
dates for tho nomination, and the
friends of each aro looking over tho
field and fixing their fences whero re
pairs aro needed. " Bosler cf this stato
has been in Washington in tho interest
of Blaine. Ho was Blaine's best friend
in 1880 at Chicago, and ho claims
that Pennsylvania will rally to his sup
port next year as sho has nover vet
done. Quay, M igee, Cooper and otlior
politicians havo also been down to tho
capitnl and had an intorviow with Ar
thur, but just what their purposo was
appears in doubt. A Times corres
pondent gives tho following account of
their visit :
"The Quay and Magco party betook
themselves to the White House. Quay
was chief spokesman. His voice was
for harmony, -victory and appointments.
Ho was ready to support any nomina
tion and expected enough others would
bo animated by a similar spirit. Ho
thought Arthur might expect a largo
part of tho Pennsylvania delegation.
Blaino would, of course, have a num
ber if he wanted them. To this Chris
agreed and Cooper nodded assent. Mr.
Arthur was an interested listener. He
was happy to havo so comforting a re
port from bo distinguished a patty of
gentlemen. There wore sorao appoint
ments on which Quay thori touohed.
Tho appointments seemed to havo a
relation to tho question of delegates in
the minds of Quay; Mageo & Co. ;
mora so, it is probable, than in the mind
of Arthur. Tho delegate brokers and
appointment hunters departed not quite
certain how tho question stood. Arthur
was nover more polite. There aro
thoso who say that such politeness
means considerable, though after sorao
experience one learns that it is about all
they need oxpeot. Quay & Co., had
not yet learned that. They had com
mitted themselves to Arthur, but Ar
thur did not promise tho appoint
Ono issue that will be mado by the
republican press and orators is
ginia "outrage" question. A
tho Vir
collision of whites and blacks that was the di
rect result of tho incendiary speeches
of Mahono and his minima, will bo
taken as a text for stump speeches of
tho "bloody shirt' order. There is
ilenty of time yet for tho manufacture
of outrage yarns and tho republican
leaders will impiovo every moment to
curdlo tho blood and firo tho northern
Another issue will bo the tariff ques
tion, and the action of tho coming Con
gress on this subject will determine
definitely whether any advantage is to
bo given our opponents here.
Tho election ot Carlisle as speaker
will be a step backward for the Demo
crats, and any attempt to interfere with
tho tarilr will lose tho party many votes
next year. Tho business of tho coun
try is now in a prosperous condition,
mil. any action that tends to unsettle
conimerco cannot but result disastrous
ly. The election of Randall as speaker,
the avoidanco of any Watterson-Hurd-tariff-for-revenue-only
nonsensoin the
Deraocratio platformthe nomination of
a Presidential candidate who can carry
New York or Ohio, will overbalance
all the "ontrage ' stuli tho republicans
can disseminate, nnd will insure the
electiou of a Democratic President in
Tho salary bill which appropriated a
lump sum for tho payment of members
ot tho legislature and ollicers and em
ployes failed of passngo in tho senate
last Friday for want of a constitution
al majority.
The Annihilation of ftn Army.
A decided sensation has been created
in England by the announcement of
tho terriblo events which have just
taken place in. tuo lamiot ttiornaraoiis
seldom has mo puuua mind been bo
disturbed, and tho question upon everv
lip is "will tho wavo of revolt .which
has spread from the slopes of El Obeid
to Coral Island, Suaktm, flow into the
Delta of tho Nile 1 It is understood that
the English government is in a meas
ure prepared for tho coiitingencyjwbieh
has so .suddenly and terribly arisen.
Tho peoplo are already clamoring that
Uonerai Uiuks must bo avenged, and a
cabinet council has been held, at which
tho crisis was considered. It is repre
sented that the action beforo El Obeid
was only equalled in sanguinary horror
by tho massacre of the English expedi
tion to Cabul in 1813. Tho army of
General Hicks was cut down like grass
beforo tho sickle, and tho wounded
woro loft to die upon tho sands. Tho
history of General Hicks' movement
which has ended so disastrously, can be
briefly told. Lord Mark Kerr speaks of
linn, ns no ambitious youth who had
hopes to gain roiiown by reckless dar
ing." Ho went to corapleto tho Egyp-,
tiau campaign, jii luanut nau become
formidable. Then Hioks Pueha began
a march, compared with which Gener
al ltobcrts maroh to Unndahar from
Uabul was easy, juh troops a renu
nnnt of Arabi s army regarded tho
campaign as a penance of their rovolt,
Their solo military art was forming
squares, against which El Mahdis
horsemen rode fearlessly. They op
posed no enthusiasm to tho reckless
ardor of tho Moslems fighting for their
1'ropliet. Uisease, Hardship and fa
mino had decimated their ranks, and
cut off from their base of onoratlonsi
left without food and water, they wero
reduced to snou straits that tho heart
oven of tho dauntless traveler,
Edmund O Donovan, tailed, bach is
tho reoord of tho ovent nnd the bravo
soldier who found agravo In tho action
of it. All parties iu Kngland aro call
lug upon Gladstouo to tako immediate
steps for lho vindication of tho natio
nal honor, and it appears that tho fur
ther spilling of Englixh blood upon tho
soil of Egypt cannot be long avert
An Important Deoision. '
mii.iuF ion 1'auemts who i.osr tiirik
The Secretary of tho Interior has ren
dered an important decision regarding
the prober construction of beo. 1707
Revised Statutes, concerning pensions
to dependent mothers. Ho save, in a
letter to tho Commissioner of Pen
sions :
Among nil civilized people there is a
recognized moral obligation on tho son
to.Hiipport his dependent parents. This
is not a common law duty, but is reo
ognized by many of tho stales by stat
ute 1 behove, however, the statute
is rarely resorted to to compel tho dis
charge of this duty. Public opinion,
which Is usually moro potent thnn stat
utory law, would compel such support
ordinarily without statutory aid.
The staluto was enacted to give to
dependent relatives sonio compensation
for tho damage they had sustained by
the los of tho person on whom they
did in fact depend, or might depend,
under tho law lor their support, and
must havo a liberal construction, so as
to include all persons that from all
circumstances and words of the statute
tho legislative mind must havo included
nt the time of its .passage.
1 on ask, first : "What construction
shall be put upon tho term, 'nt dato of
his death,' as regards mothers' manual
labor as adequate means of support, and
tho contributions of said son, etc. Is
this provision satisfied, if at tho date of
enlistment of tho soldier claimant re
ceived support from the son's labor iu
wiiolo or in part, notwithstanding tho
fact that for any reason tho soldier did
not actually send any of his wages, as a
soldier, homo to her?" To this I unhesi
tatingly answer, yes.
To the second, "It tho mother sup
ported herself by her own manual labor
after tho soldiers enlistment, must ac
tual contributions from him (or from
others not loyally bound to aid in her
support) after enlistment bo shown
in addition to the tact ot her own man
ual labor V In most of the Btntes,as bo
foro stated, tho son is bound by law to
support his depondent mother, and iu
said stales it can only bo necessary to
show that tho mother supported horself
by niamial labor, that fact being es
tablished, bIio is a dependent mother.
Your next question is : "lho soldier
being a minor at dato of enlistment and
up to the dato ofthis death,will tho depen
dence of his mother or father, and tho
legal obligation to aid iu tho support
of either of them, bo presumed from
such minority and necessity for sup
port 1" Tho son being a minor, the
father was entitled to his services, or,
if not living, tho mother was entitled
to his services. I think it consistant
with tho spirit of the statute in such a
caso to allow the dependent mother
or father, as the case may be, a pen
sion. To your sixth question, "A son con
tributing with wages to support his
mother, enlists. Ho is wounded beforo
sending wages (as a soldier) homo.
The mother had no adequate means ot
support other than the ordinary pro
ceeds of her own manual labor, either
at tho date of the son's enlistment,
wounding or death therefrom. Ho is
discharged, comes home, is totally in
capacitated from manual labor, and re
quires regular aid and attendance, and
is pensioned at $oO per month for said
disabilities, of which he soon dies. Dur
ing the reception of his pension ho and
lib mother subsist thereupon. Iu
other words, he contributes to her sup
port of his pension, granted him for
his totally helpless condition from his
wounds, at the date of bis death, in
this a proper contribution nt date of his
death, and is his mother, entitled V I
answer, that the mother in that case
and all others of like character will be
entitled to a pension.,
As to question seven, "What aro
adequate means of support as contem
plated by tho statute I 11ns must de
pend on the condition in life and on ail
tho circumstances surrounding tho case;
what will be adequato support for one
person my not bo lor another. In
every caso it should bo sufficient to sup
port the mother in that condition ot
life in which she has lived.
H. M. Tkixkr,
Secretary of Interior.
Advent Sunday.
Or timo of Advent (Lat. tho ap
proach, or coming), a term applied,
by tho Christian Church, to certain
weeks before Christmas. In tho Greek
Church, tho time of Advent comprises
fo rty days ; but in tho Romish Church,
and those Protestant Churches in which
Advent is observed, only four weeks.
Tho origin of this festival, as a church
ordinance, is not clear. The first no
tice of Advent, as an appointment of
tho Clinch, is found iu tho Synod of
Lerda (52-t a. p.), at which marriages
wero interdicted from tho beginning of
Advent until Christmas. Tho four
Sundays of Advent, ns observed in the
Romish Church and the Church of Eng
land, wero probably introduced into tho
calendar by Gregory the Great. It was
common from an early period to speak
ot tho;connng ot (Jhrist as Jourold :
"his lirst coming in the flesh ; Ins com
ing at the hour of death to receive his
followers (according to tho expressions
used by bt. John) : ins coming at tho
fall of Jerusalem (Malt, XXIV. 30) ;
and at the day ot judgment. Accord
ing to this fourfold view of Advent, the
"gospels" wero chosen for tho four
Sundavs. as was settled in tho Western
Church by tho Ifemilarium of Charle
magne. '1 ho festival of Advent is in
tended to accord in spirit with tho ob
iect celebrated. As mankind weruonco
called upon to prepare themselves for
tho personal coming of Christ, so aa
cording to the idea that tho ecclesias
tlcal year should represent tho hio of
tho founder of lho Church, Christians
aro exhorted, during this festival, to
look lor a spiritual advent of Christ.
The timo of tho year when tho short
ening days aro hastening toward tho
solstice which almost coincides with
tho festival of the Nativity is thought
to harmonise with tho strain of senti
ment proper during Advent. In oppo
sition, possibly, to heathen festivals,
observed by ancient Romans and Ger
mans, which took place at tho samo
season, tho Cathoho Church ordained
thai lho four weeks of Advent should
bp kept as a 'timo of penitenco; accord
ing to tho words of Christ : "Repent,
ior uie kingdom ot ncavon is at hand.
During these weeks, therefore, publio
amusements, marrtago-tesiiviiics, and
dancing wero prohibited ; leasts wero
appointed, and sombro garments wero
used in religious coremonies. The
Protestant Church in Gormany has also
obstnincd trom publio recreations and
celebrations of marriago during Advent,
It was perhaps a natural thought to
begin tho ecclesiastical year with the
days of preparation for the coming of
Christ, This was first done by the
Nestoriau Church in lho East in the
Olh century the example, was soon fol
lowed iu Haul, and alter wards became
general throughout tho west. Uniolr-
tat Jinoicleaye,
Trva I fin n I uih n nt tn I ? n n 1 1 n
Railroad has declined a rc-olcctlon. He
favors tho election of Georco DoB.
KYun ad his successor.
November Marders,
Many readers of daily newspapers
have doubtless had their attention call
ed to tho unusually largo uumbor of
reports of murders that of Into havo ap
peared. Tho number reported within
the last ten days has been most unpleas
antly surprising. Tlioro can bo no
loubt that events run in epochs and
that the present month has covered an
epoch of murders.
'1 ho month opened with tho murder
of a voting girl Zorn Burns out in In
diana, 'llien followed numerous other
crimes of tho samo sort in New York
and Philadelphia, with nil of whioh the
publio wero moro or less familiar nt tho
time of their commission. It tins not
boen more than ten days sinoo a crip
ple was wantonly shot by a western
rough up in Hazloton in this state.
Tho Brookvillo murder over in Long
Island where two helpless women wero
strangled in rf cow stable is still fresh
in tllo minds of most renders. Tho
most horrible deed in tho list was com
milted on Sunday morning nt Laoonio.
New Hampshire, whero ono man, a
woman and an infant wero killed by a
fiend namod Samou. Tho horrible
details are still being published. Tho
murderers ot Thomas Harrows, ot tut-
tory, Maine, havo just confessed and
thoy prove to be his wifo and son-in-law.
A murder similar to tho celebra
ted Rose Ambler case has just been
discovered near Roseland, New Jersey.
ilio dead body ot a young girl was
found iu tho bushes terribly cut nnd
mangled. ILirrisburg added nnothcr
to tho long list on Saturday night. In
tho papers of Monday and Tuesday
alone thcro appeared no less than
twclvo separate and distinct accounts
of murders just committed, murder
trials and tho discovery ot murders.
This is a startling record and one
seldom equalled in this country. It
furnishes n striking commentary on our
boasted civilization. This flood of mur
ders furnishes evidence of tho degraded
stato of some ' classes of society and
furnishes food for serious contempla
tion to pliilosophers,philanthropists and
religionists. Patriot.
It is peculiarly unfortunate that tho
iron manufacturers should bo compelled
to mako reductions in tho wages of
their men at' tli.s time. It is plainly
necessary, however, in most instances,
and in many it will only bo by accept
ing somewhat reduced pay that tho
workmen can bo kept busy. In spite
of all that can bo dono somo of tho
mills will shut down and many men
will be out of work probably much of
the winter. As a general thing tho
employes aro showing a disposition to
accept tho best thoy can, get and mako
tho most of it. They well understand
when tho market is dull and they can
not well improve it by unreasonable de
mands. 2'imcs.
General Daniel E. Sickles is an iu-
veterato opera goer, and his form is
known to nil tho habitues of tho Aca
demy of Music in Now York. This is
not becauso he is an important per
sonage, either socially or politically,
but rather from the manner of his on
trance The General has only one leg
and is obliged to walk on crutches.
After the house is comfortably seated,
says a correspondent, and the opera is
going smoothly along, just ns the pri
ma donna reaches her most Horn! pas
sage, or the tenor touches his high U,
you hear a dull thud down tho main
aislo of the Opera House, and, looking
around, you seo a rather fine-looking
man on crutches swinging himself into
his seat. You naturally ask "Who is
thatt" and soon get your nnswor that it
is General Sickles, sometimes with tho
additional information, "tho man who
shot Koy."
NEW YORK 1884.
About sixty million copies ot The Sun have cone
out ot our establishment during tho past twelve
If you were to paste end to end all tho colums ot
nil the Huiis printed and sold last year you would
get a continuous strip of Interesting Information,
common sense wisdom, sound doctrine, and sano
wit long enough to reach trom Printing IIouso
square to the top ot Mount Copernicus In the
moon, then back to Printing llouso square, and
then three-quarters ot the way back to the moon
nut tho Sun Is written for the Inhabitants of tho
earth ; this samo strip of intelligence would glrdlo
the globe twenty-seven or twenty-eight time.
It every buyer ot a copy ot the Sun during tho
past year has spent only ono hour over It. and If
hlswlfoor his grandfather has spent another
nour, mis newspaper in kki nas nnoraeu mo nu
man raco thlrten thousand vearsof Hteadv reading.
night and day-
it is omy uymiio calculations uko tneso tnat
you can form any idea ot the circulation of the
most nonular of American newsnarjers. or of Us in-
tluence on the opinions and actions ot American
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The Sun Is, and will contlnuo to be, "a newspa
per which tells tho truth without fear ot conse
quences, which gets at the facts no matter how
much the process costs, which presents the news
of all the world without waste ot words and In tho
most readable shape which Is working with all
Its heart for tho cause ot honost government, and
which therefore believes tnat tho Republican par
ty must go, and must go In this coming year of our
Luru, loot.
It you know the Swl you llfco It already, and
you will read It with accustomed dllhrence and
iirouL uunng wuat is sura to do mo most interest
ing year In Us history. If you do not yet know
tnu nun, it is nigu lima to get into tuo Buusnine,
TcriiiH to Blall HulJHcrlberH.
The several editions of the sun are sent by mall,
Dostnald. as follows :
UAILY 50 cents a month, t a year : with Sunday
edition, 17,
SUNDAY Klirht Daees. This edition furnishes the
current uctra ui tue woriu, special uruuion ui
exceptional Interest to everybody, and liter
ary reviews or new dooks oi tuo uiguesi merit.
WEKKLY-ll a year. Eight pngos of tho best
ii a year.
matter oi tne uauy issues ; uu Argicuiturni u
parlment ot unoqualod value, special market re
norts. and literary. Bclentlllc. and domestic Intel
ligence make the weekly Sun the paper lor the
farmer's household. To clubs of ten with $10 an
extra copy tree.
Address I. W. KNOLAND, PubUsher,
NOT. 3 t-i t Tin bun, a, Y. city.
Danville, Pa., Oct. 8), '83.
About 15 months ago I suffered very severely
from that terrible disease, catarrh In the head.
Hearing Dr. Thomas' Kclectrlo OH recommended, I
nurchased a bottle and used It according to dlrec-,
ilous. It was but a short.tlmo until I discovered tho
otfeaslve breath I had been troubled with for sev.
eral yoars wan passing away, and a very soro
throat was cured. Wo have also used It In our
family for ltueumatlstn and can highly recommend
It for that.
Edlllor Unvra.
Sciunton, Pa., Nor, V, 'M.
I consider Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo Oil the most
satisfactory family medicine I have ever used dur.
Ing 17 years of housekeeping. I have used several
uoiues uunng mo past two years ior sprains,
pains and :swe)ngs -and i ul cases It gave full
Alderman SU Ward,
BcMixroH, Pa. Nov. , "S3.
I was anitcted with soro throat, lame back and
contraction ot the muscles, and'ln each case re.
c. Ivtxl speedy relief by the use of Thomas' eclec
trlo OIL I would not be without It, and strongly
recommend it iu an wuo are similarly uneciea.
i) Foreman.
Dr. Thouas' bolsotrlo Oil Wsqld oycry Where,
and guaranteed to give satisfaction or money to-
Absolutely Pure.
This rowder never Tftries. A marvel nfrmrttv
strength and wholcsomenes. Moro economical
tbintno ordinary kinds, and cannot. hnoidin
competition with tho multitude of low test, short
tit-igut,. wuiu ur puuspnitB pawners, noia omy
In ctns. Kotal Uixmu Powdkr Co , 109 Wall-St.,
N. Y. aurll-lv.
An Old Soldier's
"Calvert, Texas,
" I 'with to express my appreciation ot the
valuable qualities ot
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
as a cough remedy.
" Whllo with Churchill's army, just before
tho battlo of Vlcksburg, I contracted a se
vere cold, which terminated in a dangerous
cough. 1 found no r.'.lef till ou our march
wo came to a country store, where, on asking
for some remedy, 1 was urged to try Aveu's
CUEIlitV PncTuiui..
"I did so, and was rapidly cured. Since
then I lno kept the Pectoiial constantly by
me, for family use, and I havo found It to bo
an Invaluable remedy for throat nnd lung
diseases. J. W. Wuitlev."
Thousands ot testimonials certify to the
prompt cure of all bronchial nnd lung
ffecttons, by tho uso of AVer's Cncnnv
Pectoiial. Being very palatable, tho young
est children take It readily.
rnEPAnnD bt
Sold by nil Druggists.
Bought for Net Cash, on receipt and approval,
without chargo for Commission, Broker
age, etc., by
88 & 83 WIIiLIAU Sr., NSW YORK .
Nov 16-4W r
By virtue of a Test Vend Ex., issued out of the
Court ot Common Pleas of Schuylkill county, Pa.,
to the Sheriff of Columbia county, will bo exposed
to public sale at auction or outcry, at the Court
House in the town ot Bloomsburg, Columbia coun
ty, Pa., on
At two o'clock in the afternoon ot said day,
the following described real estate, to-wlt: All
that certain tract of land sltuato In Locust twp.,
Columbia county, Pa., and bounded and described
as follows, to-wlt : BEGINNING at a stono corner
In a line of land now or lato of Jacob Wels3 and
running trom thence by tho same north six and
three-quarter degrees east seventy-eight and three
tenth perches to a stone, thenco by land now or
late of Henry Ilerncr north three-quarters of a
degree cast twenty-threo and four-tenth perches
to white pine stump ; thence by tho same north
forty-two and one-halt degrees exst eighteen per
ches to a stone ; thenco by M. E. meeting house
lot Bouth forty-six and three-quarter degrees east
fivo perches to a stone; and north twenty-nine
and a halt degrees east twelvo perches and four-
tenths to a stone ; thence by land now or late of
William Carl and John Hcrncr south seventy-ono
and a halt degrees cast forty-onoand nine-tenth
perches to a stono ; thenco by land now or late of
William Iloth and William Ycager south two de
grees west one hundred and eight perches to a
stone j thence bouth three and one-half degrees
west eight and six-tenth perches to a stone;
thenco north elghty-two nnd one-halt degrees
west thirty-one perches to tho place of beginning,
CONTAINING forty-four acres and ono hundred
and nine perches neat measure, bo tho same
moro or lcs3. To bo sold as tho property of Tim
othy Bollch at the suit of John Woodslde & Co.
Terms of sale, cash on striking down ot the prop
Sheriff's omce, Blooms- sheriff,
burg, Nov. 8?, lata. nov, 30
Harper's Weekly.
Harper's Weekly stand3 at tho head of American
Illustrated weekly Journals. By Its unpartlsan
position In politics, Its admirable Illustrations, Its
carefully chosen serials, short stories, sketches, and
poems, contributed by tho foremost artists and
authors ot the day, it carries InstrucUon and en
tertainment to thousands of American homes.
It will always bo the aim ottho publishers to
make Harper's Weekly tho most popular and at.
tractive family newspaper In tho world, and, In
tho pursuance ot this design, to present a con
stant Improvement In all thoso features which
have gained for It the conlldence, sympathy, and
support of Its large army of readers.
lcr Venn
HAHPElt'S BAZAlt. . 4 00
One Year iW Numbers) oo
Postage Free to all subscribers In tlte United states
or Canada.
The Volumes otthe Weekly begin with tho first
Number for January of each year. When no timo
Is mentioned, It will be understood that the sub
scriber wishes to commence with the Number
next alter tho receipt ot order.
Tho last your Annual Volumes of Harper's Week
ly, in neat Cloth binding, will bo sent by mall, pos-
tago paid, or by express, freo of expenso (provided
the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume)
for $7 oo per volume.
Cloth Cases for each volumo, suitable for bind
ing, will bo sent; by mall, postpaid, on receipt ot
f 1 00 each.
Remittances should bo mado by Post-Ofllco Mon
ey order or Draft, to avoid chances ot loss.
Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement
tellnoiil (he express order oIUiirEii a UitorntBS.
Address HAUPEIl & BllOTHEltS, New York.
SthBt. south of Chestnut, ono bquare bouth of
tho New l'o-it onico. one half square from Walnut
Bt, Theatre and in the very business centre ot tho
city, on the American and European plans. Good
rooms from M o to 3.0J per day. Kcinodelled and
nowiy mrnisneo.
W. Payne, M.
nov 301 y
owner Proprietor.
To all my creditors and whomsoever concerned,
notice Is hereby irlvon that I have annllcd to tho
Court ot Common Pleas of Columbia county
for the benefit of, and discharge under, the Insol.
vent laws of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
and that the said court has uppolnted tho llnsi
dayot n-xtterm (being the first -Monday ofl)e
ccmoer low) ior tuo lima oi masing my ap
plication for final discharge and hearing before
I ha u .I., nnttr at t liu 'IVturn t.l lllnnrneliiih, (nun,.,
.UU bUUI If MV ...U . W M Ut .MlkWW.U., ,,1 .1. DU.V,
county, when and where you may attend It you
think proper. W. O. CHEVEU.NU.
Nov. 7. tt3. nov U-Jt
Letters of administration In the estato of nan.
Kelchncr, late of Centre township. Columbia coun
ty Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted by
the iteglstcr of tuld county to William B. Hess Ad
ministrator It. .V. V. v. A. AU persons having
claims against the estate of the deceased are re.
quested In present them for settlement, and those
indebted to the estate to make payment tq (ho
ii)lorlginc) itlujnnra,tor without delay.
WM, ft, 1EH3,
Nov 23 rowlcrsvtUe, Pa
lunfiBllir, UBl-SASKI).
Letters testamentary In the ostato of Elizabeth
IieLong, deceased, lato of orango township Colum
bia county, Pa., havo been granted by tho lleglslcr
pt said county to Thomas Mcllenry. All persons
having claims against lho estato of nald decendent
pro requested to present thorn for settlement, and
thoso Indebted to tho estato to mako payment to
I ho undersigned with out delay,
Orangevlllo, Cot county, Pa. Executor.
oct. so
Cliioji Clolliaj! CMii!
Gents' Furnishing Goods
Haviiijf very rcccutly ojmm'il n nuw
Merchant Tailoring and Gents' Fur
nishing Goods Stoic, in KNOItlt &
WINTISKSTKEN'S building, on
Main street, whore I am prepared to
mako to order, titshoit notice, first
class suits of clothing always in tho
latest stvk-s and prices reasonable.
Fits guaranteed. Having learned how
to cut garments to suit customers, and
also what kind ot material will givo
satisfaction, I would nsk you 'to please
call and examine tho
Evor shown in Columbia county,
Beforo Purchasing Elsewhere.
Corner Main & Market Sis.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
April 13-1
To call, Inspect and compare our largo and com
plete stock of
Before purchasing.
To every Purchaser.
No trouble to show goods.
Every person purchasing of us will
receive a numbered ticket, entitling
the'm to a chance in any of tho hand
some prizes which can now be seen in
our windows. Prizes to bo awarded
on Christmas day. Call and seo these
prizes and tell your neighbors about
Don't forget tho place.
Successor to M, A. LOEB.
Kings of the Clotlii Trade ,
By vlrtuo of sundry writs Issued out of
tho Court of Common Pleas, and tome directed,
will oo exposed to puhlle salo at tho Court House,
In Bloomsburg, on
Monday, Dec. 3, 1883.
At S o'clock p. m.
All that certain piece or parcel otground sltuato
In Flslilngcroel: township Columbia county Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as follows to-wlt:
Bounded on the North by publio road leading from
Orangevllle to Jonestown, on tho East by publio
road leading from Huntington creek to stato road,
on tho South by lands ot tho estate ot Cornelius
Coleman, and on tho West by lands of c. E. Price,
containing one-fourth aero ot land more or less,
whereon Is erected a frame dwelling house and
Seized and taken In execution and to bo bold as
tho property of Cyrus Bobbins at tho suit ot tho
ri3hlngcrcck School District.
Miller Atl'y. Fl Pa.
All that certain piece, parcel or lot ot land situ
ated In Locust township Columbia county, Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as follows, to
wlt : beginning at a btono and running from
thenco by lands of p.Helwlg ,c Co., south ntty
thrco degrees, East 10 perches, tour tenths, along
a road thence along the same, South tlfty degrees
East, six perches; and two-tenths to a stone on
Peter llelwlg's land, thenco by tho samo North,
fifty and ono-fourth degrees East cloven perches
to ltoarlng Creek, thenco down the samo to lands
ot Jeremiah Berlnger, North twenty-bcven degrees
West twenty perches, North twenty-four and
one quarter West eleven perches, North nfty-four
degrees, West three and four tenths, North fifty
degrees and three quarters, West ten perches and
eight-tenths, North slxty.nvo and a fourth, West
blx perches In the mtddlo of ltoarlng Creek nnd
thenco by laud ot John Yeager, South ntty-ono
degrees, West thlrty-ono peahea, and thrco-tenths
to the placo of beginning, Containing eight acres
and ono hundred and forty-blx perches, strict
measure, whereon Is erected a ono and a half
story framo dwelling houso, good barn nnd out
SeUeJ, taken Into execution, at the suit of Mary
Snyder vs John Dorr, and to bo sold as tho pro
perty of the said John Derr.
ikeler. Att'y Vend. Ex.
Nov fl Sheriff.
WIlKKKAS.lliellon. Vii.uam Elwell
President Judge ot the Court of Oyer and
Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Court of quar
ter Sessions ot the Peace and the Court ot Common
Pleas and Orphans' court In the sotli Judicial DIs.
trlct, composed ot tho counties of Columbia and
Montour, and the Hons. James Lake and 1', L.
Shuman, Associate Judges ot Columbia county,
have Issued their prccept.bearlng date the '."Jtli day
ot Sept. In '.ho year of our Lord ono thousand eight
hundred and eighty-three, and to rno directed lor
holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and (leneral
Quarter sessions of the Peace, Court ot Common
Pleas and Orphans' Court, In Bloomsburg, In the
county of Columbia, on tho first Monday, being
tho 3rd day of Dec next, to contlnuo (or two
Notice Is hereby given to the Coroner,to tho Jua
tlces of the Peace, and the Constables of tho said
county of Columtla,that they be then nnd then In
their proper person nt 10 o'clock In the forenoon of
said 3rd day of Dec with Ihelr records Inqui
sitions and other rcmembrances,to do thoso things
which to their onices appertain to be done, And
thoso that aro bound by rcoognttancu to prosecute
against Hid prisoners that aro or maybe in the Jail
of the said county of Colli inbla.tobe then and thcro
to prosecute them as shall bo u-it. Jurors aro re
quested to bo punctual Iu their attendance,
agreeably to their notices. Dated at Bloomsburg
(,-,) the and day of Nov, In thu year of our
i US. H.rd one thousand ellit hundred and
lv J tlrfhty.lhrteaiid Iu tliu onu hundred and
eli'lltl year of thu !i)do)end.oitou of lho United
status ot Amor cii,
Hberltt'aortloe. JOHN UOUHKV.
Bloomsburg, Nov-Sto Sheriff,
Tho second shipment, consisting
of Bovon cases of our celobrated
Heaclied us a few days ago, and
aro oven moro handsomo (if thnt
is possible) than tho First lot which
sold bo rapidly. We have them in
And lho following sizes :
5-4, G-4, 7-4, 8-4, 8-10 & 8-12.
It is almost impossible to praise
these goods too highly. Tho col
orings oro so rich and effective
and tho prices so very tnoderato
that thoy should meet all taitcs
and suit all purses.
Our Btock of
Raw and Spun Silk nnd Fine
Tapestry Table and
Piano Covers
Is now complete and comprises
tho following sizes :
1 1-2, 1 3-4, 2, 2 1-2, 3 yards long.
Eighth Street.
Market Stret-t.
:- : yohn :
Wanamaker 's
- Store -.-
7 ot ALT. IM.IM-.. fur 11.1.
itiAT k. Aii t;ir;.v,
I i r f
Vti only ibcri wJ.i"SS2-u2SIASI"
VSAwsrfx"'""! thouwmtl vtrirtln, I'UIIIU v. rOOH JUCJ.
tunnsitoj mikam Sibley
February O-ly
Real Instate !
Hjr vlrtuo of an order Usued out of tho Orphans
Court of ColumuU county tho undersigned ndmln
Istratorof Milton Hosteller, deceased, will expose
to sale on tho premises on
Saturday, Dec. ist, '83.
At 0 o'clock a. m., the following tract ot land
situate lu Ilrlarcreclc township, Columbia county,
bounded and described as follows to-wlt s On tho
cabt by land of J. V. Bowman, on lho south by tho
road leading from Berwick to liutcnliouso's mill,
on the north by road leading to Berwick, contain.
4 Acres,
on which nro erected a
nnd outbuildings. A good blacksmith shop on lho
TS1LMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of tho one.
sounUoftho purjhaso money to bo paid at tho
striking lown of tho property the ono-fourth less
tho ten per cent, at the connrmatlon of saloj and
the remaining threo-f ourths In ono year thereafter,
with Interest from connrmatlon nisi.
a. n. citoop,
Nov 9
m aaa per, rilled with charm
. Ing serials, siortes, cholco miscellany, cto., Is
Sn'?,inoiON THULtorsa cent awl wo send
KVEIIY subscriber KltKBour now Holiday pack.
cslliig gumttLl paJkot age and fortune-telling
?,ar;H.l PacM'Hoid I" I-Ufht" cards, l pack fun
In magic s now pualos. game of fortune, the mysilo
oracle, a ways to got rich. Heller's wondortul
Am NTs wNTu. Hiiinplo paiwr for stamp, unit.
UUt llTlll.lHlllMn I'd lllirllMla1 ln
- w , M.j,U41M llll.
Nov S3-1 m aid
Our magnificent stock of
Is attracting much attention.
All tho goods wero manufactured
to our order and imported direct.
Wo have all the latest styles in
At very tnoderato prices. Wo
havo them iu
0 4, 7 4, oud 8-4 sizes,
And in oil the now designs and
colorings. We havo also n com-.
plotu lino of
In all sizes and grades, with nap
kins to mulch.
Filbert Street.
Tlte Block
from Cliestnut to
Market Street,
and ijtltStreet to
Public Buildings.
and Staple Dry
Goods oud House
l-n,uib tZZ
ct CO, Rochester, N.Y. Chicago, III.
Joanna Kemercr by her next friend, 4c., vs. aeorgo
Kemerer. Bur libel In divorce.
To aeorgo Kemercr. respondent nbovo named;
Whereas upon the libel of tho said Joanna Kern
erer a bubnoona was Issued out of tho said Court
commanding you to bo and appoar at the next
regular term of snld Court to show cause why the
said libelant should not bo divorced from tho
bonds of matrimony contracted with you j and
whereas upon return of said subpoena due proof
was made that you could not bo found liw the
ballwlck of tho Sheriff ot said county, whereupon
an alias subpoena was awarded by said court
commanding you to appear at tho then next term
of said court to answer as aforesaid, to which tho
tamo return was mado by the Sheriff. You aro
therefore required to bo and appear on tho first
day of tho next term ot said Court to be held at
liloomsuurg for said county on tho first Monday of
December next, A. H. WSS, to answer said com
plaint. , JOUtJ MOUHKY, Sheriff.
November 5th, 1883.
Ithawn & ltoblns, Att'y. nov 9
Letters testamentary on tho estato of Simon
Fry deceased, lato of centre township, Columbia
county, rennsylranta. deceased have been grautcU
by tho iteglstcr of said county to the undersigned
executor. All persons having claims against tho
estate ot said decedent aro requested lu present
them for bettlement and those Indebted to the e
taltj to make payment to the underslgued without
Light Street, CoL CO., I'a, Exocutor.
Nov 16-Ow
Letters of administration on tlio estate ot John
J. Stiles deceased, late ot Flshlugcreek townbhlp
Columbia county. lMuns?lvanla, deceased havo
been granted by the Iteglstcr of said county to tho
undersigned Admlulslrator. All persons having
cUlms against the estate ot ot the deceased nro rc
(rnestod to present them for settlement, aud thoso
indebted to the estato to make payment to tho
undersigned administrator without delay,
Nov 23rd Forks, I. 0.
' LYfT
1,60 A YEAH