Eluoitel Farmer's. ..If If, is an tulvnntago to tho plivni oians, or uio lawyer, or tho minister, to rcoivo instruction In tho prinoiples and knowledge portalnlng to thulr several professions, thon itjis nono tho less ad vantageous to tiio farmer to bo Instruct ed in tho prinuiplos of agricultural bc'i onco. Agriculture is ono of tho most difficult solenocs. It is mado up of sev oral snbordlnatc sciunoes, and an un derstanding of its principles requires an acquaintance with chomUtry, bota ny, zoology, and several other sciences. Tho soil ij a vast labratory in which no most complex chemical transforma tions are going forward, and it Is for tho farmor to understand, direct, re tard or hasten thoso changes, and thus promote tho growth ot the plants lie cultivates. The succesful farmer must not only bo acquainted with tho sol enco of'agricultiirc, but must also know to npply that knowledge in tho prac tice of tho art of agriculture. It is true a man will succeed fairly well ns a far mer who only understands tho art of agriculture, but a knowlcdgo of tbo scienco is needed in order to furnish general principles upon which to prac tico tho art and mako progress in improvement. Tho man who only knows the practical part of agriculture docs not understand tho why and where fore, and will not bo nblo to vary his operations to meet tho changed condi tions which arc continually arising. His success in farming will bo more of tho "lucky" order, instead of resting on any substantial basis. Tho scien tific agriculturist will bo able to stir mount all obstacles and insure suc cess Our most successful and most pros perous farmers are thoso who havo tho best understanding of their business. Many of these men do not claim to bo educated men. Thoy never received while at school a day's instruction in agriculture, but they have been closo students of tho scienco since thoy bo gan farming. They arc keen obser vers, they learn from experience, from nature, and from tho operations ot oth ers; thoy read tho best agricultural pa pers carefully, anil, study tho best agri cultural books, they attend tho agricul tural meetings and participate in the discussions, or listen attentively to what others say. In all thoso ways thoy havo been educating themselves, and by dint of closo application, they have supplied in part tho lack of early in struction in agriculture. There is amplo scope for tho farmer to uso all the education that ho can no quire, and no ono need abandon agri culture in order to seek employment which will call forth all tho powers of tho miud. In grappling with tho many questions which arc impressing upon tho attention of agriculturists, and de manding solution, the most ample and vigorous intellect will find amplo exer cise. When tho farmer enters upon tho practice of agriculture, however thorough his preparatory education has been, ho just begun the educational course of his life. As au active and progressive agriculturist, he will be a close student, and learn daily more and more in regard to this, his life woik. The better tho preparatory education and.training of Iho farmer, tho belter will be his start in life, and in order to give all a fair start, it is highly essen tial that tho instruction given in our common schools should be such as will bo to a large extent, of practical value to the farmer. That a chance can bo made in tho courso of study pur sued hi the common schools, such as will attain this object, can easily be demonstrated. This is a matter worthy of the attention of farmers and all in terested in education IT. Rcyitolds, M, JJ., m JY. Ji. Manner. Corn Fodder. Vaugan's JInnuaL "When tho farmer has stored up tho ears of coru in his bins ho has laid only two-thirds of tho feeding value of his crop. Tho stalks that boro his corn hold another third. Yes, tho stalk, or corn fodder, as it is called, is worth nearly or quito one-half of the grain for feeding stock. Governor IJoutwell estimates tho valno of his fodder at one half tho vr-luo of his hay j that is, if the hay is sold at 820, fodder was worth SlO, and for every ton of fodder used ho sold one ton ot hay. Ur. Esturte vanl estimates his fodder at a six- tenths tho value ot his hay ; that is, when ho sold his hay at 22 his corn fodder'bronght 13.20 a ton. Yet so many farmers ignorant of its true value regard it only as a necessary ovil, aud waste it or even burn it. It should bo cared for when husking timo comes with as much certainty as the main Tho few who havo largo barns and only moderate hclus ot torn can stow it away loosely in their barns, but this method is not Generally feasible. To handle it easily bind it near tho middle into a small compact bundle, tying willi rye straw or tarred twine. After a dozen or so are tied set them up care fully in shocks. As soon as possible after huskiiicr carrv them under Bheds or into barns, and havo them ricked or stacked convenient to tho barns or cattle-yards. Tho great essential part is to keep them lrom being washed ami bleached by tho rains, liy cxposuro thooarho-hydrates, tho nutritious parts, are changed to hbro. Dr. J.owes authority for the statement that dried lodtlcr loses nothing but tho water m tho drying. Thoreioro its value is equal to that of green fodder, and it can bo restored to its original condition by soaking in water. They Found It. Abraham and Joshua had been in vitcd to a splendid dinner. It was impossiblo for Joshua not to mako capital out of such an oppoitu nity j accordingly he tnanagod to slip a silver spoon into his boot. , Abraham was green with envy at Joshuas success, tor ho had not even manipulated a saltspoon. lint an idea struck him. 'My frents,' ho cried, I will show you some d ricks. Taking up a spoon, ho said : 'You zeo deeso spoons I Veil, it, ees gono ho cried, passing it up his sleeve. 'irc vill find it in Joshua's boodt. It was found. Tho nowe9t story from the mines in New Mexico is from Socorro, where thoy tell of a miner whoso Mule fell over n precipice while he was dozing. Ho descended into the canon to recover the book, and found it lying open on a piece of rich nunrtz that hail been dis lodged by tho fall. Ills eyes fell on tho seventh chapter ot ot. iuatinow, Tho miner read, "Ask and It shall bo gireu unto voti : seek, and you shall find," lie senrohod, and speedily found a lodo over two feet in width that assays-r-as tho story gofcs $225 a ton. Tho story teller adds that that partot tho country has sliicubecu over run by prospectors with lilbles in the! bands. Governor Waller was the (list voter at tho polls in New London, Conn., at .November election. tiik A Human Fire. IMIKNOMKNO.V OV A HUIININO HKI'1'..vrKD IN TIIK 1'IIVS IOAI, 8YSTKM. MINK I I A few years ago one of the mot Im) portant coal mintA in PennsylvnniA caught hro. It started slowly but Root oblnliicd such headway that it spread through the greater portion ot thochlm! mine. To hood it witli water would extinguish the tire, but well nigh mil tho tin no ; and still tho names column ed to increase. At that iuncturo n young man stepped forward and sug gestcd that nil the entrances nnu vein holes of the initio bo covered and so cured, thus shutting off the supply of air. His ndviou was followed and tnu; Haines were finally subdued. To oomnaro thu condition of llntf initio with many phases of thu human system, is most natural mid appropriate! '1' iro in the blood' is not a inert) expression, it is a most seiious mcii How It. originates, it may be itnpnssiuiq to say but that it burns and rages with an increasing fury, the one who U its victim only too painfully knows. Tho blood is the life. It is designed bf nature to purify, strengthen and bus tain the system. It is too often made tho channel through which poison and death are transported. PolsonoiH no'ttl i coming through tho veins and arteries iillamu and cause a lire just as reai ns io ono which existed In tho mine, They burn and irritate causing tho brant to become weak nnd the nerves unstrung s thev carrv pains to the nius clesand leavoagonies in tho joints j they bring destruction instead ot strengtu they devastate the very portions of the body that most require help, and thoy hasten the approach of death in iu most horrible form. These things have, been felt by innumerable people who havo been the victims of rheumatic lisordeis. and the agonies they havo endured confirm this description. riiero is but one way ny wnicu una fire in tho blood can bo extinguished. and that Is by shutting of! tho supply; of thoBO poisonous acids. Tho lacticj lithio and uric acids come in to tho.blood through the liver and kidneys, and Ihoy remain in solution in tho blood iirodueiiig inflammatory rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia, gout and all tho rheumatic fevers and affections. When thoy am deposited as gritty crys tals in and near tho joints, they cause articular rheumatism; when in tho mus-i elcs, muscular rheumatism and lumba go ; when in the tissues coveiiug the nerves, sciatica ; when in the face, head and nerves geneially, neuralgia. In every case thoy aro painful ; in most ustances, dangerous. intiammatory rheumatism is likely to locate in soma joint and become chronic, or suddenly attack tho brain or heart, causing apo plexy or heart disease. 1 ho tiro in the blood must bo extinguished the supply must bo shut oft. This can only I e done by guarding the pori tals to the blood tho kidnoys and liver ; and no means has ever been found foraccornplishing this which can equal Warner's Safe Rheumatic Cure. It acts directly upon the seat of the disorder ; it extinguishes tho ,firo by controlling tho supply and removing the cause. Tho well knowu standing of II. II. Warner it Co, of Rochester, N. Y., the remarkable, success which Warners Safe Cure has achieved, being indoised by no less a liersouagu than Dr. Robert A. Gunn, tDean of tho United States Medical college, New York, and tho fi delity with which they havo carried out all their promises to the public, should bea Buflicieut warrant that the above statements aro ti tie. lhey, however, guarantee to euro ninety-five per cent. of all rheumatic troubles, especially acute, knowing full well that the de monstrated power ot too remedy uisti tics them in so doing. Nothing 'can be fairer than this, and thoso who suiter in the luturo trom rneumutism witu Huch nn offer beforo them, do so on their own responsibility, and can blame no ono it living pain ana untimely death aro the results. A Boy Hard to Bluff. A Detroit physician who had bust ness on Woolbridgo street yesterday, had his attention called to a boy about twelve years of age, who had picked up a cracked watermelon from a commis sion house, and was eating it in tho al ley. 'iioy, that melon isn t ripe, warned tho doctor. 'I didn't say it was,' waa the blunt rc- 'And its sour.' 'Well, I kin sweeten her I guess.' 'You look out for tho cholera mot bus r 'I've had 'er and tho small-pox too.' 'bee here, boy, said tho doctor, think' ing to mako a last appeal, 'if you eat that melon you'll bo dead inside of twenty-four hours.' 'And you look-a-hcre I' replied the boy, as ho cut off another slice with a piece ot iron hoop, 'you may chin and talk and scaie all you want to, but I'm no kid I I know what yer wantt but you can't have it. You can take this melon home for fifteen cents in cash, but yer can't scare mo into letting it go lor nothing i xouu better buy your melons in tho regular wav, and saio yer chin for next year's campaign.' Detroit Free J'resa. Giiowino Appi.i: Tiiuks. The fitat few years of tho life of an applo tree is tho most important period for exercis ing caro and dilligoiieo in regard to pruning. A well known pomologist once Baid that he could grow a model appio orchard and never prune with any other instrument than u lack-knife, Ho would begirt with tho tree as Boon as it was taken from tho nursery, and would at once begin to form tho futuro top. 'I lien is tho timo to avoid crotch es, which will be almost sure to split in after years, and to begin at tho top at tho right height aud in tho proper shape. Ono is apt to begin nt tho top too low ; it looks higher on aBinall tree than on a largrt one. It may not bo desiriable for tho general grower to un dertako to do all his pruning by means of a knife, but he can nlways uso it to good advantage. Excessive pruning n( In. .-., !... 1.1 1... l.. t.l yji miu uvea oiiumu uuvuD uu JIVUllI cd. Ilo had inquired if there was any let tor lor james uianx, nnd tho woman at tho general delivery window remark od: "Where aro you expecting a letter from 1" "Well mum.' hn iihswi'i'imI iwlinalilft od about in an uneasy way, "I'm owing a tailor on iHioiiiguu nvenue 57, am I've got an old niothor in Indiauapo lis. If there's auv letter tliimi for rm it's as likely to bo from one as other.'' tl Gen. Sherman says that he supposes "llio tl mo will como when wo decreip old men will bo hauled around in cat ringes and showu ns relics. A man like Gen Sherman, who can kiss L'lrls in 110 seconds cannot ho very 110 " ... II... 1 .!...... J..-i I cieipu out periiup, uiuta just wnui 1 telling on him. THE COLUMBIAN AND ODD ITEMS. A man's mind is llko his bed must be made up occasionally. When a Woman sinilos from ear to ear, it's real mean to say that her mouth goes back in her. The boy who bit a gruen npplc, io marked, with a vry f.ioei "Twns ever thus in childhood sour." A dentist's appoaraucu is apt to de ceive ono, Tho moro ho looks i1ovn in the mouth tho better ho feels. "It's a weigh I have," remarked the butchir, ns he let Ills hand rest on the scales while weighing thu moat. Tho mail who sleeps on an old fash, ioned feather bed generally feels down In tho mouth in the morning. tiiia Dickinson is in thu wild, whin West. Perhaps that is tho reason wo uivo not heard of nny tornado. An elector in Piltslield, Mass., cast us sixty-fourth straight domociaiic ole at the recent election. Venezuela took its namo from the huts built on' piles which tho Spaniards found there when they lauded in 14i)9. A rock nt tho entrance of tho harbor of Hastia, Corsica, resembles a lion ex, aclly, even to having, a mane of creep- l'ty ,l,l"i". Queen Victoria weighs 200 pounds nnd is g lining in flesh every day. In other words, sho is rapidly becoming a good woman. If you havo a Held too rockv to bu cultivated, set out an applo orchard, ami in a lew years you will have a handsome income from it. In selecting seed-corn sound, solid well-matured eats aro to be chosen rather than ihoNC'Boleoted merely for size and beauty. In the dry season road dun should be gatheied to replenish the dust boxes n tho poultry house during llitl winter mouths. If you think nobody cares for vou in this cold world, iusl try to learu to play the illdlu or tho piano in a popu- ous neignuorliootl. One cause of blight in fruit orchards is a, lank1 of thorough uiiderdraiuing.) It is seldom that an orchard which is well cultivated and uiiderdraincd suffers fiom blight. 1 Pater familias to festive sou "ReJ member, my son, it s not thu coat that makes the man." F. S. "No, sir. I know it; it's the punts." j Freckles, odd ns it innv seem, are fashionable beeauso tho Princess Louise has them, nnd row they are produced artificially. The very latest fashion in dinner plates aro square in shape nm! beautiful iy hand painted. Green tea affects tho nerves much' more than black. Germans and Rusf sians prefer black tea. Charlotte Bronte says "women feel just as men feel. TIioho who havo lin ers certainly must. They say the use of tobacco stops the giowth, but thu use of tobacco will never keep a man as short as the use of liquor. Women will bo more than over di- gutted with politicians when they find mat tne election lias no eitect what ever in reducing the price of fall bon nets. A horse thief may beg for a respite of twenty four hours from tho mob to disclose important secrets, but they are not uurious cnmign io give mm live muntUs. "Can your wifo drive 1" one Somer- yilleman asked of another. JJnvo what! ''Drive a horse, of course.'1 "Drive a horsol Why, man she cannot drive a nail." Tho Rev. Thomas E. Green, of Chi cago, whoso subject on Sunday morn ing last was the J ho Mowspaer and How tho Devil Uses It," said that iNoahs dovo was the first reporter. A largo cistern has Ik en completed at Meridian, Mh-s., with a capacity of li;o,UUU gallons ot wntur. It is built of briek and is made, wateit,ight with li iiraiuic eemeui. The kola nut, a pioduct of tropical Atnca, where it is laigelv used for making nn invigorating beverage, is becoming au important article of com merce in Loudon as a substitute fpr coffee. 'Whnt are you laughing at my dear?" asked Mrs. Jones of her husband, who was chuckling over the morning paper. 'Something 1 saw here,' he replied, 'but it's haidly funny enough for two. A French physician who recently died at tho ngo'of 107, left word that he had always slept with his head to. wards the North, so that the Btrong electrical current might pass through him. Pausnu Srr.w. Threo slices of salt pork, boil ono hour and a half ; scrape six parsnips cut in quartos lengthwise; add to the pork, and let boil one half hour, then add a few potatoes and let all boil together until the potatoes aro solt. Early marriages are the'rule in China. ra rents deem it a religious duty to pro- vide matches tor tneir children as soon ns they aro of marriageable years, and thu young people go to thu alter m much the same way as they go to school in other lands. This accounts for the dense .population ot tho em pi re. Tho Princo of Wales owes about threo million of dollars, but this trifling sum docs not worry him in the least. Not a bit of it. The money should go to pay his debts liospends liko a prince; keeps a dozen fast mares, and plays the l ... !.!!. . 1 f u.iiiju, which may account ior llio lueeu B ill-health and tho desire of his children to travel. Rctorn coinrrtn thn Hen siiln finm 0 f, - ---- ' - - - Gom goes to a hosier to purchase a bat ing pint. How do you wish to havo it 1' said the hosier ; 'we have them m cotton and wool.' 'Givo mo .i wnolon onri. T iiihW. stand that tho water is very cold this year i The Omnha Indians havo a curious custom. When tho father dies tho mother loses nil rights in the ohildren liverv child, unless of vorv lender nrrp. ""rf " - '"rf --r. O ' is separated from thu mother and will go into tho family of somo one of the father's relatives, and may bu claimed as his own by tho head of tho family. 1 lie separation ot llio mother and olt spring is permanent. "If you will let mo tako your stick nf e.'inilv. I'll hIiow vou how Ie.m riwnl low it and make it come out of my ear." Tho candy was delivered. Tho young inagician deliberately ale It. Then, for tho space of two minutes ho throw himself into violent contortions. The candy fulling to appear, ho said to tho expectant spectator, with mi air of great disappointment : "I bcliovo I ve torgoiteu tho rest ot it. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMS tJlUJ, COLUMBIA" fCOt7NTt PA. Hair OH of Hi's M "lilemcd bo tho twin," mm Bon Quixote's neary myutro, "who lnvonttd sleep." fUncho's nMtltu.to Is ours, but wh.it IfonoOannotfornnrrciMon enjojr that excellent Invention 1 "Nervousness in me had become a dlvnw," writes Mr. William Colcmnn, ino won Known wnoicailo ilrttfjlst ot DuiTaIo, N. "1 cou'd not sleop, nnd my nights wcro elthor lmssed In that sortol restlessness which nearly crazes n man, or In n kind otslupor, haunted by tormenting dreams. Haying taken lUmnn'i.To. io for other troubles, I trlod It also (or this. Tho result both surprised and dellghtoil me. My nervoH were toned to concert pitch, nnd, llko Caesar's fat men, I (ell Into tho ranks nt thoso who uleep n, nlsrhts. 1 should add that tho Tonlo speedily did away with Iho condition otBcneral debility and ilyftncnsia nccnslonod bvinvnrnv1misnlfVMiieiinfai nnd jtavo mo strength nnd perfect ingestion. In brief, tho uso of tho Tonlo thoroughly reestablish cd my health. I havo used 1'akkku's tonio with cntlm fmccos.s for sea-slckncss nnd for tho bowel disorders Incident to ocean voyages." iiiiaiiruiKiriiiiuiiiinsiim'ioiom n;en Known as i'ahk mi's (llNOKii Tonic. Ilernnitpr n . u-ni i n,i. vcrtlisedand sold under thonnmo of 1'aiikkh'h Tosic-omlttlng tho word "ginger." lltscox x co. nro Induced to mako this chango by tho action ot unprincipled dealers who have for ye.irs ilccelvi'd thotr customers by substituting Inferior prepara tions under thonamo of ginger. Wo drop tho mis. loading word all tho moro willing, as ginger Is an unimportant ilavorlng Ingredient In ourToulo. iviiiuiuur niuu uu cunrirc nas oyen, or will be. madu In the nmn:ir.iMnn iiw. r nn.i nn ita lics rcnmlnlug In tho hands of doalurs, wripned under thonainoof I'akkkr's (Iiniikh Tome, con tain tho genuine medlclno It tho f.to-slmilo slirna- tllrO Of lllSCOX A-t:n.. Untthn Imltntn nf ftm.int. Bldo wrapper. ROMANCE A MM.trui'i-juiiltrih H Irt'tiluii'i. w lii hv Ihfi Vulnf it thl U nrriitlt lut um It nt limit rMvn i.f 1 Iliuii)i HiMntw frmii Hi aa M RAGED V FF1 Biwlmm pp. nlAIIPPR I Iff PIONEER LIFE one it row. Ac Co., SANITARIUM, Pairview Eleciropathic Institute, BINGIIAMTON, K. Y. Tho house Is snoel.illv lltteil un for tlm enmfni-i of invalids whode.ilrua plc.mnl nnd Christian homo, wands on high ground with plenty of shade. Personal attention given to every patient. Electricity and Galvanism In their dllTcrent modi fications n speciality. Prof. .Mills has given many years ot study and practice to this branch, and hundreds will testify to his hklll. Send for circular, stating what paper you saw this in. PltoK IIKNKV MILLS, Mrs. ALICE FltH.NCil -MILLS, Lock Ilox 07. Illnghamton, N. i. Sept, 7 ta-ly. m mmm m an mm U (Mirnnlc Cntill-rll. UATA RRn 1 "as troubled with tiiiumu iUiumi uuu gathering 'ii my head. Wns vory deaf at times ; had discharges from my cam and was unablo to b r c a t.h e through my nose I was curod by ,tho uso of Ely's Cream Ilalm. o, J. Corbln. 9.M Chest nut st, Philadelphia, Apply byllttlo lln ger Into tho nostrils. Uy absorption It effect ually cleanses tho na sal passages of ca- a ftV-CCMrn tarrhal virus, causing fSJ A.I " JrJfci V E. healthy secretions. It allays Inflammation, protects the membrnnal linings, ot tho head from additional colds, com pletely heals tho sores and restores tho sense ot lasto and smell, llcnenclal results are realized by a few applications. A thorough treatment will euro. Unenunled for colds In lu-adv Agrecabloto use. send for circular, sold by druggists. Bt mall OOo. a package stamps. ELY IlltOTIIEllS, Urugglsts, Owcgo, N. Y. Nov- S-Hy d YOUNG MEN! AND LADIES! To learn TELEOIIAPIIINO, and tako positions wnuu cumpeiuni. itaiiruau ana uo nmerciai sys tems taught, ltallroad In completo operation and run by electricity to illustrate the llloek slL-nal system. Terms reasonable. Address (or catalogue KltiaiO.-SK ll-.l.l.UlCAl'll CO., 120 1 chestnut Stiect, Philadelphia, Pa. Nov. S 4w d CONSUMPTION. I havo a poiative remedy for thob-ivn disei io ; hi lti j use ttioufands ot ca-ws of the w uttind andof fonjf Mtandinjr havo been cured. Indeed, rnetroaf iimr Mtlilnitseacacr,thatl will erndlWO H01TLI.S l'llllIl.toBetuerwUhn VALUAIILE TKKATItillon thif d. el-bio, In cry Btiffrr'-r. t;lvooxririasand 1'. O, adtfresj. Da. V. A. SLOG UU. Ul I'oarl U.,Nciw York.' Nov 10-4W' a and others, l'lno cloth blndinir. sent fnr ommi: natlnn beforo payment on evldenco of good faith. Cataloiruo free. NOT sold liv iinniers. JOHN ii. ALDEN, Publisher, 18 Vesey St., New Yoik. Nov 16 nv d UIUV'S HI'ICCII'IC .SIIJniCINIC. TRADE MARK THE OkbatE.no-TRADE MARK Hsu junavr. jmi unfailing cure for SciiUd.i1 W oak. ness, Spermator rhoea, Impotcncy, nnd " all Diseases tli at follow as n sequenco of self. Abuso;n3 loss of MPmnrv. Ilnlvnr. BEFORE TAKIHB.sal LasHltude.AFTER TAXING. Pain In tho Hack, Dimness of Vision, ITenature Old Ago, nnd many other diseases that led to Insa nity or Consumption and a Premature crave. liKWAiie of advertisements to refund money, when druggists from whom tho medicine Is bought do not rrfitiid, but refer you to tho manufactur ers, and the requirements aro such that they are wfdoiii, lem; compiled Itli. Seo their writ ten guarantee. A trial of ono slnglo package of dray's Npeclilo will convince the most skeptical of Its real merits. On account of counterfeits, wo havo adonted tho Yellow Wrapper i I lie only genuine. IWFull particulars In our pamphlet, which wo deslro to send f rco by mall to every one. Jir-'l'ho Mpeclllo Medicine Is sold by all druggists at II h. r imcKiige or u pacxaes ior id, or win ue sent ireo jy mall on tho receipt of tho money, by addressing , THE OKAY MEDICINE CO., lluffato, N. Y. Sold In llloomsbnrg by all druggists. Nov (My COLEMAN COLXiBOXl.KBWAJlK, St. J. so minutes of New York. Mo iiosltlons for grad- uuutj iiuui mi uuier schools cumoinoij. i,uo pcuoi arshlp,t40. Write for circulars. OIL WINTERGREEN, PEPPERMINT, ETC, nought ror Not Cash, on receipt and approval, without charge (or Commission, llroker nge, eta, by DODGE & OLCOTT, 83 li 83 WICiLIAM S7., N3tf 70 UK. Nov W-4w r FREE! FREE!! F R E EjiJ This ficason'u Now Ecfwrlpttvo Catalogue & irlco Plays, Dramas, Farces, Oulda Hooks, tscenery (Paper), Speakers, V Ethiopian Dramas, Tableaux Lights, Colored Fire, Pantomime, liurut cork, "'.'if.. . I B PI jiearo, sc. In f.ict. everything for Amateur Theatricals. BAMUEL I'itENCll & SON, USE. llthSU. Now York. Nov, HWw '"TrANTEII LA.DIK3 TO TAICK OUH j V Nt vv Fancy work at their homos, In city or eouuiry, uuu earn tn ui tu per wcck, inakiuK oous iur uur run uo mwr iruutt. imjuu isc,, lursaiu plfl uliil particulars. HUDSON M1:'U. CO., 2Kt SUth Nov imw r B, F. SHARPLESS' Near L & B Dop:t, Bbora3burg Pa. .Mamifacturcr of First class ran ires In different etyles, cook Blows, pallor sloyes aim siovt'H ior iit'iiiiup; stores, bciiooi nouses, cliuicliu9 &o, I.urjjo stock of tlnwiiro riiiii stovo repairs, eucli us giutcs, llrobrjck, )U1b, t'cntroa tvo. CALL AM SECORE BARGAINS, Oct 20 If IMS T"W" TTimrN1511"13' -i nyron, .10c. J h" V nrownlng, B5a, I V J I '1 I k OUimpbell,40c Chaucer -''' N-'uic., Coleridge, SOc, cowl por.riOe., Mantc, soe., Dryden, ana, fioethe, 70a, Coldsinlth, Me., llemans, 60c, Illadand Odyssey, 70e., lloixl, SO., Ingelow, hoc, Keats, 40a, .Meredith, 50c., Milton, una, Moore, too., Pope, soc, l'oe, 40.!.. Schiller. 40a. Seott. .via. Tennvsmi rwv . vin.ii im A-Gre at- Problem. takb all tub KIDNEY & LIVER Modicinos BLOD PUHIFIBES, RHEUMATIC Bomodics. DYSPEPSIA And Indigestion euros. And Bi ims Spaclflc3. BRAIN & NERUc F.rco Rovivors. GREAT HEALTH Rostorers. IN hUOUT. TAKE ALL TIIU BEST iualitit'.s of tho'e, .'m l tho bustiiunlilii'S in uu um nest .Muilluinos of tliu vvorlil nnd you will Cud lIuuHOtMJlTTEl'lS linvu tha bust curntivo qimlitici mid powom of all fotiduntnited in thum, nnd tint iln-y will curu wlitui nny or nil of l licsc, singly or fonibiiiod, fail. A thorough trial will givo positive proof of this. SPEER'S PilRTU'rAL GRAPE WINE Also UNKEllSII'.NTEI) UKAI'K JUICE Used in tho principal Churches for Communion. Excellent for Eemntes, Weakly Persons and the ngeu. Speer's Port Grape Wine! FO UB YEARS OLD. THIS CEI.EnrtATEI) WINE Is tho puro Juice of the dead ripe Oporto drape, raised In SpeerV) vineyards. Its Invaluable, Tonic and Strengthening Properties are unsurpassed by nny other Wine. Ilclnit pro duced under Mr. Speer'sown personal supervision, its purity and ircnulneness, aro guaranteed by the principal Hospitals and Hoards of Health who havo examined It. Tho youngest child may partake of It, and tho weakest invalid uso it to advantage. It Is particularly beneficial to tho aired nnd debilitated, and suited to tho various ailments that affect the weaker sex. it is in every respect A WINE TO HE HEMES ON. Speer's Unformented Qraps Juice- Is the lulce of tho Onorto flrnnes nreenrve,! In Its natural, fresh, sweet statonslt runs from tho press by fumlsratlon, thereby destroying tho excl- icr ui luriuuiiLuiiuu. ih is pcriectiy pure, rreo from spirits and will keep In any climate. Speet's Burgundy. Is a dark ricll medium Dry Wlnn imed liv tlm wealthy classes us a Table or Dinner Wine, and by Physicians incises wheia a drir wlnn lnste.nl nf n sweet port Is desired. Spooi'd (Socialite) Olarat. Is held In hlL'h estimation for Its richness ns n Dry Table Wine especially suited tor dinner use, Speer's P. J. Sherry. Is a wlno of Sunerlor Character nnd iviri.nl.-na nr the rich qualities of tho grapo from which It Is made. Speer's P- J. Braudy. IS A PUHE distillation from thnirrnne. nnd sUnds unrtvalled In this Country ror medicinal purposes. It has a peculiar ilavor, similar to that of tho (,'rapes fromwhlch It Is dlstiued, SCO that tho slgnaturo of ALl'HED SPEEII, Pas saic N. J., Is over tho cork nf each bottle. SO ID BY G. A. KLEIM. and uv uituaoisrs evehvvubhe. Sep. S8.'83ljr. PTTiQT'1 Ik I 'A 1 1 ometolnif rr sweenlne Dr. eo before you die mlL'hrv nnd Ail h lime leavu behind to connuer time " tH a week you own town. t3 outdt free. No risk. Kverythlnj new. Cinl'nl not required. Wo vrlll furnish .vou every thin?. Mauvaromaklni' fortunes. Ladles m ike us much as men, nnd boys and irlrls miko great pay. Header, If you want business at whlcn you can make great pay all the iiuiu, wnt, iur i triiuuuirj lu 11. iiallktt k v;o., Portland. Maine. D c. 8, 'ss-lv. S'uAKE HENS LAY An English Veterinary Surgeon nnd Chemist, uuw LrfivKiuiK iii iiiiseouoiry, sivs tnai most Of iuu nurao anu uiuio rowaers s jiu uero are worth less trash. lis hivs thu Sliernun's I'nnnninn Powdini aro a03oiut"lvpure and Immensely vslu a"lo Now ng ou earth will mako h ns lay like nuBnuuu u luiiuion I'owaere. nose, i teaspoon mi iu i pint io in. Koiaeverrwnere, or sent by uiau iur o ll'ttur-riiauins. 1. D. OIlll.NEON K UO. U03TON,Misa. all Janso'63-ly. For COLOii and SV.'EETNESS U: DEAN'S CONCENTRATCO F.Mlract ol Annalfo. Hutar' cwn Color, Brlebtcit an! Ctrnn.,tl. Bu. .r v.ur II... ehul,or ,cnd ti el, la mn!ii Iur .uupl,sulona2 04lon.i. ie 'i'' V, ItAHF. 4 CO., .No. s:3 llai Let St., rillLAII'A. Juno My nis mtvrv Aw ckm.idoatl Vi" o3- "-st buslc T publlo. Oinltal i N' f start you. Men.v horni ny tnu ludustn. business now before the not needed, wo win women. Iiiivr nml i.iria wanted evjrywhere to work torus. Now Is the time. You can wo kin spare time, or glvo your whole ttmo u tho business. No other business will pay- you nearly us well. No one can fall to mako enormous pay, by engaging nt once. Costly outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily, and honorably. Address Thus & Co, Augusta, Wm INDIAN VEGETABLE FILLS ron tub LIVER And all Bilious Complaints. Bafo to take, being purely Vfeetabloi noertilnir. l'rlce IIS ut. All DruejUti. nov 3-lw d WISE people aro always on the lookout for chances to In creaeih Ir earnings, and In time become wcaliliv ; thoso who do not Improvo their oppi tunltle remain In oovertv. Wo offer a ereat chtneo to make monev. We want in my men, women, b ys and girls to wutk iyr us nvui. iu vuej hah iuu-imuui, Any ouo nan do ha work propa rfroin the first trt. The buslnees will pay moro y au ton tunos ordinary, wjges. Expensive outulhurnlimd free. Nu ono who engages falls to I to money rapidly. Vo l can devout your whole mak to tho work nr only your spam moment. Ktlmeil Information and al that la ucdod sunt Iroe. vllrjn sn nson & rufiiauu. .niiiue. ue9. sv-iy LIVE AGEHTS WAHTED. To sell Dr. Chase's lleeelpea or Iufonnattou for UYerymiu iiiuiery cuuuiy iiitiiu uimeti ntates aim l.uuuu.is rjuargeii uy inu puuuwer to ism pages. It contains over S.Ooo household recelpes uud Is suited to all classes and conditions ot so ciety. A wonderful book and u household neces sity. It sells at Bight, (Ireatest inducement over unereu io uook agents. Kainpio copies sent b mall. Postpaid. forfi.lU. Exclusive teirltorvirlveil Aventsmore than doublu their monev. AddrnsM pr.Chasu'i Stoam Printing Jtouw, aud Varbor AGUE & FEVER, juicnigau. I august 31, 3ai. I ON 30 DAY'S TRIAL. TIIK VOl.TUhnKt.TCO, Marshall, Mich., wll send 1)11. nVK'S nKi.RnnlTiiii urli Tiin rnt. TAIO IUI.TS and BLKOTIUO APP1.IANOKS On nisi i'iri u ijn io men ivoungor omi nno aro ar fllcted with Nervous Debility, Lost. VHnlltv, and kindred troubles guaranteeing upccdvand com plete restoration of health nnd msnW Tiff r. Ait. drosi ns ab iTo-N. u.-No risk Incurred, as BO Feb. Sth-lyr. r SUflSOItlBK NOW FOR TFTFj COLUMBIAN Sl.GO A YEAH, GMAIN STREET,) Ready and Waiting for You. The FincHt, The Latest, The Most Artistic r Styles of j .ELEGANT 'CLOTHINGf AND Blglnducemcnu jgf NTS' FURNISHINGS. B, OUR RECEIPTS OF FALL ANO (WINTER GOOOS. t Call and. be Convinced that We Lead in qmialltyc, lilt mid pai(6e9 Lapt stock & lowest pss can always 1)3 fad at tte 0MM MM'MIAMIbM BTWMM OF WESBERHARDIVIAItf PIAlTOS; FIN 15 INLAID FUENOII WALNUT Esmy Terms. Sutlnfactlon Ouitrauteed. DbSA-COnST'S PIANO "WA.R.B EOOMS, MUSIC HALL HLOOK, L, 1 SUE, M. D. Medical Superintendent of the Sanitarium. Invalid's Homo, Bloomsburg, Pa., Devotes special attention to Epilepsy, Nervous Affections, nnd Diseases of Women. Patients received at tlm nnitarlum on reasonable tcuns for bouril and treatment. P. 8. No clinrgo for first consultutlon. iipr 27, '83 USE 0 T I S 1) U 0 T II E K S' NEVER-FAILING CORN CORE! Cures qutcklv nnd easily Hard nnd Soft Corns, Cal louses, Warts, Mo'.ea, ic. no kuifts ! no cutting I nu care . no pay ! Price Only 15 Gts. PrtKl'AHEI) ONLY 11V OTIS BROTHERS' Ohomists, Bingham ton, N. Y. Aug. 31-3m. M CATARRH IIAV.l'UVUIt. I can rccninmond CLY'S . i:iy'a Cream Il.ilm to idl Hay reer suffer. netjrAioMW rVR'WIcX0c.''rrn1';Ll1!!!, Wmttti?" I cure. I was anilcu'd with Hay Fever for rAl.rAAM I years, and never be. lure iuuiiu iiermanoni relict. W'KiwihK II, IUhiinb, laibhncd, Aimlr bTutlle lln. per Into the nostm-i lly ub-iorptloii It it. foctually tlfaubcsliia UAVa CTWen nusal nassaues of ca -w -tarrhal virus, caijslnif healthy secretions. It allays lnllammatlon, pro tects the membranal llnliuMot tho head from ad. dltlonal colds, completely heals tho sores und re stores tho bouso of tuate uwi smell, llenenclal re sults nro roallied by u few applications. A thor. piitfli tiuatmont will cure, irnenuallwl for colds In (ha head. AirreeablB to use. tiuiX for circular, Bold by druggists. y mall 600. a packago stamps. KLY UliOTllKltM, 0vct'o, W. V, aui; jo-ly d Thoro is no Baking Powder equal to ho SIKIOIPVR Ita qualities, Medicinal and Culinary, guarantee Health and Luxury. flViMl QUARTERS For tho Cclclirntctl Chlckcrlng, Ivors & I'oml, nml Voso&Son f'iutins. World-rc tiiiwnuil Kstey Org ns, Violins, Aucortleons nml Slicct Music. Cclcbinlcil White, New High Arm Davis, New Home, Hoynl St. John, and Light Ilmming Domestic Bcwlug Machines. Ntludlcs, oil nnd attachments for alt mnko9 of Sowing Machines. i CASE OUGAN, 9 STOPS, $1)0 CASH. WIZ.XCBB-BAX.X.Z. TA. junel ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Puttie Grounds. Tho followinc shows the Picket Gothic, one of bFtho undeed.' ""u' "MwrM toLelvntffiSLWrlunct'd l'andsnd wan&tca Prices and Bpfcimuim of other tie- uigiiB Bem 10 nny nutircss. Address BLOOMSBDRG, PA- May 4-tr o Tho IIdyeiiV Ociiiii Na 31, pull mm Winter, 1SU3, fcivin w Imlebidu itUutdirKt la rouuiiKj ui uvertliing vou uw,tnt,ilrinU,wcar,or liayo lull witli. '1V1U how S. M. HESS to order wllh cxm t vl, t; . U iupc larce om ii,;U0 ill ttruitniu wholo picture gullcry. Cciiuliu infonmillon Kjeaiiod lrom tliq u.urUU of llie world, Ko oilier r!ce-)onk, in ciUti'iico contain as much, inuinnalioii, K nt f'reatoany ad dress upon receipt of iiostajje (7 i ts), ui hear from ynu, or vUit us wlicn in ourclty. Near Kxosltlnn Iluildinss, Itwptttfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. IW V liUVllbmhAcuiie.fhlcli, 111 Uep, ll lJif Bin RAILROAD TIME TB mm PENNSYLVANIA llAILUOAl). PHIL. itiitiMiii witt t ' 1 1 AllUr.PIIIl tr IMIlt t) ti tk.........f ItTllKHN OKNTlJAi: ItAlMVAvV ANI) TI1IK TA1JLK. bury. " icavosun- KASTWAIID, 85ft. m. Sen Slioro Kxproea for ilnrrtkhnm nnu intermouiato stations,' Lancaster ( iffi riving ut I'hlladefplila ii.To p. ui. . TSwToVi a'lV. rBn,o,rrnrtsCUI'eC"UnS'lt ""'""olpnfa'.Kr 1.6a p. m.-l)ay express for llnrrlsburc nnd In. tcrmeuiatu btatlons, Lancaster, ruiiuUcluli n r.f.w lorn, llalllmoro ana Wusl.inBiii, ifttvf j-ttiladelpnial.iljp.in.: Now r"Vp.gmni Ualtlmore, 7,16 p. m.; v nshlnKton, aUo i.tn. l-m'ii mani-arlur cartlirougli to i nllai eipnia and vl songor coacttos through to I'huadeipula and JtLitu it ?rri.Rr.r?'";S 1 i11?;.8.?,?" Accommodallon for l-miaaelphla Mb n. m.; Now York 6 JJ i.'if. HleeplnK car occomtnodatlons can bu ticurcd at Ilarrlsourg ror 1'hiladeiphla nnd l?o w York" will" WrLd until T iK nT. W UMIb 2.0J a. m.-Kno Mall for HnrrlsUurir and Inter. K?JalV, 1 l,llons' '-""caster, l-hllaSclphla, New I,la1IUmoro and Wusiilngton, arrl uni? at l'lil lade nhla :.so n. m . m.. vil, , . ul llaltlmorc 17.40 a. m.; NVasnington,' V.iu a. rL' nS2naUlSRPa3!lU,,,fl-'r COaC"oa 10 ''WIMu WlSSTWAItD, 0.S3 a. m.-Krlo JIall for Erlo nnd nil Intermedium ftutlons with through Vuiiman l-alaco carnd XXH?h fi?sengereoiche.sto Mlc.und through Pullman I-alaco cars to Uurralo via h'mporluin. For Canandalguu and lutermodlata stations. Kocnestur, Uuualo and Niagara Kalis, win lpugu i-ullman l-alaco car to" Canaida Igua u"u through passenger ooaclios tu llochester. 1.05 p. m. Niagara Kxpress for Kano and Inter. Slr'JI ,u,8. w" though passenge? coaches Jf,??8, t-auandalguu and principal lutei Rfui'wi??1 hD.3' ,lHocllh-r. fullilo anu Niagara fiSii?. .liu uox1 Pnor carlo Watklns and througn iwsseuger coaches to Itochester. dla-ttnranyS TUnOUUII TItAINS FOU BUNUUUY FHO.M THE JSAbT AND SOUTH. rh.ladelDlj'a, 7.40 a. m.i nuffir.'n0:''?. rivlngtttsuubury, l.osp. m.. with thruugh i'ull man i-arlor car from I-hliadelphla and throuTu Pe"Kr coaches from l'hlladelplila and Uaitl- mfif f iL,!?8JcSys ,?0W.Yorl! 8-00 a-m- i I'blladel Srn?Sl;uJn,m,s Washington, 9.30 a.m.! luitt-S,M.0,,1iU5a;m-arr,vln atsunbury, 6.2J p: n", . SP .1al! Ieavcs New Yorl 8-0 P- m.: riillndel M't "-w P- m.; Washington, t'ui p.m.; liaitl- I Phiinrlniniii WW l'attLC0 "eplvg Cars from hiia.cl0Klplll'i Washington and llaltlmore and 1 through passenger coaches frnm Philadelphia. NOHTII & WK8T nBANCH HilLWAV. Mall Bast leaves Sunbury 6.45 n. m arriving al Uloom Ferry 7.41 a. tn.. wilkes-barro so a. m. Kxpress fcast leaves Sunbury 6.83 p. m., arrlvlni: at Uloom Kerry .31 p. m., Wiilics-barro B io p. in. Mall West leaves Wllkes-barra io.so a. m., arrlv Ingatlllootn Kerry ls.ei p. m.,8uubury 12.65 p. m ffxpresa iWcst leaves tVllkes-barro 6 so p. ni. ar rlvmg ut Uloom Kerry 7 07 p. ra , sunbury e.05 p chas. k. ruaii, j. n. wood, Pen. Man8ger. Pen. Passenger Agent. jpHILADELPHA and KEADINU KOAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGFB TRAINS. July 2 1883 T1UIN8 LX1TB BC?XKT 18 FOU.OWS(SOKDir StCEfTcV, For Now York.Phlladelnhla.noadlni' Pntio.nin Tamaqua, &o., 11,45 a. m, For Catawlssa, 11,45 u. ra. 0.13 and lo.so p. m. For WlUlamsport,6,3j 11.45 a. m. nnd 4,00 p. m. For Lewl3burg and Sunburr. 4 00 n. m. trains fob nvrtar liavx as kollowh, (aoKDir IXCBITKD.) iaavoNew York. via. Tnmnnend d.ui n. m. ami via. Uound llrook Iiouto 7,45 a. m. Leave PhUadelphla, 9,50 a. m. Leavo Iloadlng, 11,6b a. m.. Pottaviun. n.so n. m and Tamaqua, 1,36 p. m. Leave catawlssa, 6,30 11.05 a. m. nna 4.on n. m. Leave WlUlamsport,9.45a.in,.l.C5 p. m. ani! 6.00 v. m " Lowlbburg4.4Sp. m. Passcntrors to and rrom Nrw nend and to and from Philadelphia go through without change of cars. j. a. WOOTTEN, C. Q. HANCOCK, General Manager, Oenoral Passonger nnd Ticket Agent. Jan. 10, 1881 tt. DELAWAHE, LACKAWANNA ANI) WlijTJJUN ItAlLHOAD. BLOOM8BURU DIVISION. NOKTH, STATIONS. Scran ton.... .llellevuo. . TftVlnrvlllA . south p.m. p.m. a.m. u is V 09 a.m. p.m. p.m. 45 9 80 3 10 0 17 t 22 y uj 8 es 8 48 8 ii 8 ST V 37 U 30 9 45 9 C2 S SS 20 b 27 27 6 34 84 (i 41 89 0 4C 44 0 61 C 65 ...Lackawanna. . Plttstnn . ... J U 19 9 14 .. West Plttstou 19 03 Vj lb Wyoming.... Maltby ...-Bennett ...Kingston... TCInt-ntftn II6S 7 12 7 10 7 17 7 22 7 10 7 81 6 CO 8 26 8 40 S 60 9 00 8 CO 8 (6 8 111 8 18 8 26 8 1 8 li. 8 li 9 (9 9 04 8 20 8 25 S IS 0,1 1 60 1 43 1 85 1 23 1 18 1 ua 9 04 9 04 8 65 10 18 64 2 64 3 02 3 OC 3 IU 3 IS 8 83 8 46 3 51 3 67 10 18 jlO 20 10 34 10 42 io r.B .Plymouth Juno' Plymouth... .Avondale... .NAllllonlrn. . 8 07 00 8 h 8 89 llunlock's Creek 7 4811 43 T 33 U !S 8 39 8 17 snlckshlnny. Hlck'H Vprrv. 11 07 7 SB IS 15 7 20 12 00 I 13 11 47 8 n ....lleach Haven. 111 IS 8 00 T 66 7 62 7 41 7 83 7 33, 7 29 7 11 ..... uerwiok. ..Briar Creek.. Willow Qrove. ...Llrne ltldge.. JCspy .Uloomaburg., lltlnprt 11 20 7 09 11 40 T 05 11 aa 07 4 12 4 20 4 17 4 S3 4 SS 4 66 6 (9 5 25 a 67 11 10 11 (9 11 45 11 60 U 55 12 IS 8 CI 10 68 8 45 10 60 6 37 10 44 8 18 10 23 Catawl'a linage ....uanviue..., ....Chulasky... flflmftrnn . 8 10 10 08 8 04 10 45 9 6 43 Northumberl'd 12 45 p.m. a.m. a..m. p.m. p.m. a.m . . W. F. nALSTBAD, Supt. superintendent's omce. Scranton. Feb. 1st, 1SS3 WE WANT 1000 BOOK AGENTS Jor O.n.IinilOE'S It (Itn.SIIEHMAN 8 Iltu Kw Boot THIRTY-THREE YEARS AMONG OUR WILD INDIANS. Th. fiutnt trUino ntw took out InitoTOd t)T Prtlt Arthur, ''.'t.' frtnl. Bh.rmn, Eheridin, ll.ncock. nd UwuiuiOi P' fcmlD..I Judsri, llnhnpa, cl.rmpn, Editor.. Me.. U " tu belt beck on liuhan Iai. ever written, antlthe fe.ett Unit trtOta vprk ever tMeueJ: Thl. fftmou. took take. Ilk. wild "A A".1"'"1 10 to UU m d.T. af lOOO Hurt Joentltt anted. Tb. belt ch.nc. Io m.k money everoflerl'l BJr ttreul,! Snerxmen I'late. .'rlra TVmu, etc W , A.D, WUUllUhllTU.N ii CO.. UnrtTonl, Dvuu. I nov 2-4w d PAYNE'S I O Horso Spark-Arrostlng Porlablo Vinlno has rut 10,000 ft. of Michigan Pine Hoard la 10 linurc, burning tluba front luo euw In .-oiivjuvi ivutue. Out to Tlarsi vi Guarantee- to furnlah power to aw 8,000 fei'tof Hemlock lloarda In 10 houri. Our UUoruuUI cut 10,000 itt In mui time. i r r.rtKine uri iiuiiianteeii vu furnlili a horie-pouir un H lax fuel end water Hum any other ISn cine not fined with an Automatic Cut-Olf. If you want u Stationary or Portable lysine, Holler, Circu lar Saw-Mill, Wiaftire or puucj'H, l-lther ca.t i r Mcddart' Palcut I Wrouslil-Iroti Pulley, i nd for our Illustrated cataloRiie, No. I'.', for luforinutlou and price. 11. V. I'AYNI! & SONS, Coruluc, N. V. Ilox 1187, Jan. p, 83-iy. !iliElJ)ruWffAV' HLHLUV1M1. KEbTOlilNU AND VVAaJVllei.ulll)laalbel''mple U, 1 (i tOTT A -It U lb Ul pnjrll jaiuaakdiltUf I'LA U A LuL'lh K 1 1.1 IM.llwllriTM m fU4UHrlajtvl4 toj Ut ih Ujlof lit" U nuium lih UM) biiUtt amia. vwj on nan II Itnigctau A VrfuMr. Oct 04 My Bunsoaiui: von mm THE COhUMIilAN, $U0 A VKAU