The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 16, 1883, Image 3

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The Columbian.
I'M? IDA Y, NOVHMUUlt 10, 1883.
Correct Knllruad Time Tntile.
Tfatuion tins I'utiailelphla & It. It. Icavo Ituucrt
M fllllUWH I
A 3d 4. in.
4 p. 111.
Tnlnson tho D, I.
II 4Jn. ra.
013 p.m.
. Ac W. It. It. Icivo ltloomsburir
10 47 a. in. n 45 a. m.
0 31 p. in. 4 3jp, in,
Tho II 41 trAlu sonih connects with tho l'hlla.
itelohla Hoadlna at upert, ana with tho
Nortnorn Central at Northuinuerlana.
Tin s:li a. m iralucnnostial Vorlhumberlanit
with train on t'oaniylraula road rouchtnir
pniaUiphla at 3:ii p. m,
Tlio ttslHrttncoinocn with I'hlliddphl.i Anil
lUatlnif It ipjrt ill ilssi reacnlnir I'Mta
dolplila ntowOp. m.
Tho III' Ir.iln oonnootn with I'coniylv.inla NJrth l nocnanl at 1:11 roichtnz I'lillidel
plila at Trrt p. m
The 4:3.1 p m. train cornice's vlth Pennsylvania
to id at Nortliu,iicrUDil at 8:01 p. in. ami reaencs
IMillddt'lphla at : a. m.
Tr.ila4 oi ta i .t .V. II.
Kerry ai follows s
T.41 . m
0.31 p. IU
llill.riypw.-il' lllnom
U.ol p. m.
1.07 p. m.
J'nlille BuIch.
Henry F. Oman, executor of George
Oman, lato of Scott township, will Bell vnl
liable real estate on the premises, on Sat
urday, November 21th, 1833. A farm of
170 ncres. See advertisement.
Rev. George F. Breed has resigned the
Rectorship of Christ Church, Danville.
Judge J. II. Orvis has resigned the ofllcc
of President Judge of Centre county, nnd
Oov. Pnttlson has appointed Adam Hoy
Esq., to fill the vacancy.
Col. JnmUon, Col. Rlckotts and Mr. Wil
ton went up to the Worth Mountain on
Monday In the Interest of tho Fishlngcrcck
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Llnglo nnd Infant son
of Bcllcfonte, came over last week to visit
Mrs. L's family. Mr. Llnglo returned homo
leaving his family here.
Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Alhcrtson of Pair
mount Springs returned on Wednesday
from Iowa where they have been visiting
the past two months.
The first snow of tho season fell on Mon
day. It was a blustering, wlutry day.
Henry Dclong will havo a public sale on
lils premises in Centre on the 20th Inst.
Foil Sale. A steam cngiue nearly new,
six horse power. Inquire at this oMcc.
The contract for erecting the new rcc
tory of the Episcopal church lias been
nwnrded to Charles Krug.
A full line ot pocket books ami purses
for ladies or gentlemen just opened at the
Columiiian store.
Wo omit tho notice of a marriage in
Madison because no name is signed to the
Fine visiting cards witli name printed
on, 20, 23, 30 nnd 40 cents per pack of 25
cards, at the Coi.DMniAS ofllcc.
R. C. Johnson of Llclitstruct, lias in ids
possession n book printed in 1093. It is
an "Explanatory catechism, or an explana
tion of the Assemblls Shorter Catechism."
Jurvmen and others who have business
nt court will find it to their interest to call
on Win. Beers, South corner of Main and
West streets. Bloomsburj:, Pa., for their
boarding and lodging. Wm. Berks.
Miss H. E. Brooks. Superintendent of
the common schools of Lackawanna coun
ty, has been requested by over 100 school
directors tn be a candidate for re-election.
She lias compiled with their wishes.
The Lutheran culirch was tastefully dec
orated for the memorial services on Satur
day and Sunday last. Gilt lettering of tho
Important places of Luther's works embel
lished the walls.
A little son of Patrick McFadden was
drowned in the canal on Saturday after,
noon, near Ncal's furnace. The body was
recovered, and the funeral took place on
Foil Sai.k : A flouring mill, with latest
improved machinery. Good locality nnd
near matket. For further information,
nddress. Postmabteii. Reyburn, Luzerne
county, Pa., nov 9-,'hv
There will boa lecture nt tho Opera
House in Bloonisburg on Friday Nov. 23rd
1883 for the Benefit of Ent Post 230. Sub.
Ject "Reminiscences of Southern Army life"
by Maj. S. P. Hanley.
Having already published several com
municatlons on the subject of tho Green,
wood school, we omit two this week, one
on each side of the question. The subject
is not of sutliclent Importanco for a pro
traded newspaper discussion.
There will bo nn oyster supper at the
Evancellcal Church in Greenwood, 2 miles
west of Rohrsbunr. on Friday and Satur-
dav cvcnlnc. .Nov. 23rd and 21th. Tho
contestants for the Ladles' Watch will mako
their report on tho evening ot the Situ. All
are cordially Invited to attend.
Ono of the neatest houses for tho salo of
general merchnmllso to bo found In the
country. Is that of II. J. Clark ite Son,
They carry i largo nnd well selected stock,
and they oiler many raro bargains to pur.
chasers. The Interior of tho establish,
jnent Is tastefully arranged, and their show
windows are among the most nttractivo in
Rov. Sheldon Jackson, I). D., of New
York City, will lecture in tho Opera House
this (Friday) evening, his subject being
Alaska. Th'.i lecture U under auspices
of the ladles of the Homo Missionary So.
cletv of tho Presbyterian church. Tickets
05 nnd 00 cents. Reserved seats at Dent
A Bill in Equity has been filed by tho
First National Bank of Bloomsbiirg ngalnst
the Danville Steel Works, lately the.Co-or
cratlve Steel and Iron Works, praying for
an Injunction to restrain tho sheriff of
Montour county from selling tho personal
property of tho defendant. It is alleged
that tho defendant is insolvent, and that
tho olllcers nnd directors confessed Judg
ment In favor of each other, and to sceuro
earlnln endorsers on paper not yet duo, and
tlmt tho personal property was lovled on
and advertised forsjle on tho shortest pos
Bible notice, with Intent to defraud othe
creditors not thus secured. A hearing was
held on Monday evening 0. R. Buckalew
Col. Knorr and E. H. Little appearing for
tho complainant, and K. II. Baldy and
X. drier of Danville for tho defendant
Judge Elwell granted a preliminary injunc
' tlon. and the caso will ha argued on tho
22nd lust.
Imported olive-wood pen holders and
pencils, very pretty and very cheap, at tho
Columiiian store.
Tho stock of clolhlmt at I). Ti wnnhnrir'a
Is simply Immense, Hu has Hid largest as
sortmetit to lie found out of tho cities, nnd
it Is quite equal to thai ot many largo city
houses. As ho Is well known throughout
tho county It is unnecessary to say that
his largo trade Is owing to Hie fact that lie
alwnys gives satlstactlon to his customers
in qunllty; lit and price. ,
Notice is hcrchy given to lliu bondhold-
ers of tho Bloomsbiirg Stnto formal School
that upon presentation of tho bonds nil In.
tcrcst duo up to September 1st. 1893. will
bo paid by H. J. Clark, Treasurer, nt the
store of H. J. Clark & Son. Bloomsburir.
Pa. You will obllgo by presenting samo
before December 1st, 1883.
nov 0.3t Treasurer.
Celebrations In honor of tho 400th nnnl-
vcrsary ot tho birth of Luther were held on
aturday and Sunday throughout the world.
In the leading cities of tho United Slates,
England and especially Germany nnd other
Lutheran counties, tho exercises became lm.
menso demonstrations in honor of tho char.
actcr and work of tho rcformor.
In Blopmsburg sermons on Luther were
preached on Sunday morning in the Re
formed nnd Methodist churches. In the
Ev. Luth. Church memorial services were
held on Saturday evening and Sunday
morning and afternoon. A neatly printed
care was circulated serving the threefold
purpose of Invitation, programme and sou
venir. Addresses wero delivered on The
Need of a Reformation, Luther's Prepara
tion, Luther tho Reformer, principles nnd
lnllucnco of the Reformation, nnd features
of Luther's life nnd teaching of special In-
tcrest to the young.
Liither's.hymns, Including the great "bat.
tie nymn- ism reste nurg were sung at
each service.
Large and deeply interested audiences
attended all ot these services. On Sunday
evening tho Lutheran nnd Presbyterian
congregations held a joint memorial service
in tho Presbyterian Church. Addresses on
the greatnoss, character, principles and In.
uence of the lleformer and the Rcforina-
tion wero delivered bv Revs. S. Mitchell.
D., D. .1. Waller Sr., I). J. Waller Jr.,
Ph. D., nnd F. P. Manhart. Tho audience
was largo ; rendering of Luther's Eln Feste
Burg and Judgement Hymn by tho choir
excellent ; while the nature of tho ad
dresses and the temper of the audience in
dicated the profound conviction of all, that
the work ot Luther and the Information
worthy of all honor, because in
reality, It was, the work of Providence.
Tlie 1'lnjr Contest.
A contest was fought between Fishing.
creek and Locust townships at the lato
election, the one which polled the heaviest
Democratic vote to receive a handsome
Hag from the county committee. Fishing
creek came off victorious, by casting two
more votes than Locust, though tho latter
only fell off 8 from Us vote last year, while
the former lost 20.
mi; a. ii. c. oi" on n nusi
Attractive Goods,
dmirablo Assortment.
Bargain for everybody.
At David Lowenbcrg's
Big Variety,
enutiful Designs,
ottom Prices.
""Nompare our Stock.
onsider tho Saving.
Vome right Along.
To David Lowenbcrg's for Clothing.
William Krick, who escaped from tho
county jail last February was recaptured
Locust township last Sunday and re
turned to tho keeping of Sheriff Mourey.
He first made his appearance on Friday
evening nnd was married to a widow
woman. lie was arrested by Aleck Er
nest and Augustus Koons by direction of
the sheriff. The honeymoon will be passed
in durance vile.
Kenton itcinB.
Dr. Thomas McIIcnry is getting out
timber for tho erection of a building to bo
occupied by himself as a drug store.
Hiram Everett lias moved his stock of
goods up town to his store building, and
Rohr McIIcnry has opened a store at his
old stand.
McIIcnry & Carey nro erecting a new
building to bo occupied by them as
a furniture store.
Some of our hunters wero out last week
for deer, but returned on Saturday with,
out any game. They saw some tracks,
and caught sight of several bears.
Itoll of Honor.
The following pupils In the Espy schools
were neither absent nor tardy during tho
month ending November 13, 1893 :
Room No. 1. Joseph Garrison, Teacher;
Bernlco Fahringer, Mcrtlo Ilartman, Sallio
McICamey, Maggie Savage, EmmaStookcy,
Hurley Angle, WIUIo Fahringer, Walter
Forsyth, Norman Fowlor, Walter Groh,
Willie Howell, Charles Howell, Willie
Hess", Priestly Klstucr.
Room No. 3. Mattto Doak, Teacher i
Llzzio Hagonhiich, Mnttlo Tronsue, Mattlo
Mcluimcy, Blanche McKamey, Lonn
Ilartman, Nora Ilartman, Magglo Rey
nolds, Elllc Fahringer, R030 Berlin, Joo
Fursel, Charles Hess, Willie Kistner.
Room No. 3. Sado Campbell, Teacher j
Willie Wntlcrs, Charllo Abbott, James
Dougherty, Frank Shelly, Charllo Stoffcr,
Cllsha Tronsue, Charles Jacobs, Clinton
Ilagciibuch, Rutter Hagenbuch, Bessie
Krcssler, Clemlo Jacobs, Edna Ilartman,
Suslo Groh, Dorothy Walters.
?n mi 11 iteuiH.
Shipping props is again in full force.
Harry Brewer of Forks, Pa,, spent Sat
urday visiting nt this place.
Tho West Mllllln shops nro undergoing
A. SI. MostellcrJIs making rapid progress
at his new houso at Hetlcrvlllc. Tills vil
lage is growiug and by tho addition of a
few more buildings the town will ho nearly
three-fourth of a inllo long extending from
J, T.nuU's residence to that ot Adam Mil
G. B. Swank ot tho firm of Swank &
Snyder drove to Mountain Grove and Gow.
en on Friday to look up tho Interests of tho
firm in the organ business,
haubach of Fishlngcreck put In a new
pump for Joseph Soon at Iletlcrvllle,
Miss A. E. Miller Is taking a two weeks
visit at Kingston, Scranton and other parts
ot Luzerne and Lackawanna counties.
Tho roof ot tho Union church took firo
on Sunday Morning. Mr, Bomboy tho old
"veteran" with tho nld of a fow others
succeeded in extinguishing (ho flames,
Miss Dora finyder is visiting at Hazlcton
An evening party at Jerro Yoho's on Fit
day evening, was tho liveliest event of tho
week. '
Mrs. Emanuel Staudt and Miss Eliza Hart
zel nro sojourning nt Darnsvlllc, Pu.
Lloyd Gcnrhnrt will have salo in n tow
weeks, Wu understand ho thinks ot going
to Illinois where he had been 11 few years
J.. 11, & U, B, smith ot Falls Run wero
through hero on business on Tuesday.
Noticb to Tax CoLtitoToiis. An Act of
ttio Leglslatliro nnd approved Juno 2nd
1881, (see Pamphlet Inws page 45,) requires
tax collectors, township and borough oftl.
ccrs to mnko returns of seated and unseat
ed lands to tho County Commissioner's on
or before tho first dav of January next.
Lnnds upon which no properly can bo
found from which to tako taxes from, those
who fall to make returns by said day will
be held for such loss. Taxes so returned
becomc'n Hen against tho property so re.
turned. Wo havo blanks on which these
returns nro lo bo made nnd will furnish
them upon application ot collctcors.
John 11. Caskv, Coin's, Clerk,
Corn's office, Nov. 1st. 1883.
Court L'rocectltiiKH.
Adjourned court November 8th, 1883.
M. P. Lutz, nsslgnco of O. B. Brockway,
vs. N. & W. B. R'y Co. Petition for rulo
for struck jury filed.
1). A. Hess vs N. & W. B. R'y Co. On
petition rulo for struck Jury granted.
Salo ot .realty ordered In estate of Levi
Miller, deceased.
Chas. Smith, ct. nl., vs. N. & W. B. R'y
Co. On petition filed, rule for Btruck jury
Petition of I). W. Mnrtz to show causo
why he should not bo reinstated In tho
school board and citation awarded.
Estate ot Beth Hartmnn, deceased. Pe
tition to stny Bale filed. Citation nwnrded.
F. R. Jackson vs Borough ot Berwick.
Petition filed and mandamus awarded.
Petition for viewers to straighten Light
Street road In Bloomshurg, filed, nnd seven
viewers appointed.
During tho sessions of court other busi
ness was postponed nt 12 in., nnd tho
court, nil the judges on the bench, pro.
ceeded to count the votes nnd mako re.
turn, &c, ns icqulrcd by law.
L. S. Wlntcrstcen nnd F. B. Ilartman
were sworn ns assistants, nnd the vote was
counted and returns mado'up, &c, as the
law requires.
Court adjourned to Saturday, November
17th, 1833, at 0 n. m.'
- Ccntrtilla Letter
The Hungarians working nt Montana re-
eclved their wages on Friday last. The
usual good time was had on Saturday and
A light occurred on our Main street lust
Friday evening between a young mnn
from Big Mine Run, named Doyle, nnd
Caton nnd Grant of this place. It appears
the latter party wanted to beat Doyle, who
seemed tb be a very quiet looking man,
but when lie got through with Grant he
convinced Caton that ho was tho wrong
man to meddle with, and Mr. Caton was
very glad to escape with a bruised face.
Tho "Lynx" were nt work ngnln last
week. A stranger passing through town
stopped nt Pelller's hotel for about half
an hour, leaving his horse at tho hitching
post : when he was ready to start he was
astonished to find his horse unable to go,
Getting out to ascertain the cause he found
the horse's foro leg tied to tho shaft, and
one hind lee tied to the wheel of tho car.
rlagc. ilo will givo ten dollars to nny one
who will bo kind enough to tell him who
the guilty parties arc. Ho would nlso like
to know why the authorities cf our town
permit such things on our mnln thorough,
The residents of Raven Run, a small
mining village situated about two miles
cast of Qcntralln, were startled by the
enving-in of one of tho breasts in the old
workings of Glrard Mammotli mines.
About 40 feet of the surface was taken
down, and with it part of the basement of
Mr. Houston's dwelling. For a time it
was thought tlicliouse would go down,
but upon examination it was found the
breast was filled. Mr. Houston hns begun
to fill tho holo near ids dwelling.
James Garvcn, a young man who left
hero nbout'two years ago, for Colorado, is
reported as being shot bv his companion.
James Murray and William Hughes,
who went West six years ago, returned
lomc last week. They speak very en
courngingly of tho western country.
Richard Doolan, a young man employed
at tho Continental colliery, had his hand so
severely mashed on Monday, that tho am.
putatlon of several lingers was necessary to
save ids hand.
A man named Fclzer, working at North
shland slope, had a narrow escape from
death last Thursday. He was caught be
tween the wagons and bruised considera
bly but is on 11 fair way to recover.
Owing to a squeeze in tho i,ast gang
way at tlio Continental, 1110 colliery was
idle on Monday nnd Tuesday, About five
hundred yards of tho gangway had to bo
Three men wero overcome by gas from
tho locomotive used in tho Continental
slono on Monday. When found, all three
were insensible. Upon reaching tho sur.
face the pure air quickly revived them.
A shootlug match will tako place Satur.
day afternoon between F. Learn and J.
Ducan for $50 a side. Both men are con
fident of winning.
Mulchaey of Raven Run, and Butkr of
Glrardvllle, will run 0110 hundred yards for
one hundred dollars a side Saturday next
Botli men have been In training for several
lho race in Ashland last Saturday week
was very dissatisfactory. O'Donnell claim,
ed a foul beforo tho first inllo was run, and
tho referee decided in Ills favor. Tho
other party had tho referee and all Inter.
csted parties arrested, and the caso camo
off on Tuesday. xour correspondent
died to hear tho result.
A choir of fifty-six inula voices lias been
organized hero under tho leadership of
rof. Bevan. They contemplate holding
a concert in tho near future. Those who
fail to attend will miss n treat, as thcru aro
some of the finest singers in tho county
connected witli it. On Christmas Eve they
will compete for a prize in Mahanoy City
at a singing festival.
Our borough "dads " have made numer.
ous improvements during tlio past two
weeks, which wero badly needed. Street
lamps, aro next in order.
Tho Hon. William Bryson has been
seriously 111 for tho last three weeks. Wo
aro glad to nolo ho Is improving rapidly,
Daulel Sweeney spent Saturday and Sun
day In Munch Chunk.
The exercises of the Forty Hours Do.
votlon will bo commenced in St. Ignatius'
church Jon Sunday morning. , Clergymen
from this and adjoining counties will be In
The matrimonial craze lias taken our
young folks by storm. Tliero will bo fivo
couplo mnrrled on Monday, and rumor 1ms
it as many moro tho Monday following.
Tho Cidithumplans are making great prep
arations for the fluid event and will mako
night hideous for those who refuse to give
tho customary fivo dollars.
Tlio new band in tlio Corner Is progress
lng favorably with tho instructions recelv
cd from Prof, Dusch of Ashland,
A largo number from town went to
Shenandoah 011 Monday evening to render
nny nsslstanco required of them by- tho un
fortunate victims ot tho (Ire.
Election Day passed oil quietly, ns
usual. Tho Democrats had a lurgo. major
Harry Goyue of Ashland, has been up
pointed as foreman of the Diamond Drill
AN AITBAt, roil All).
Siirsanpoaii, Nov. 12. A llro broke out
nt noon to-day in tho United States hotel.
n largo thrcc-story frame structure, corner
of Main nnd Ccntro streets. Tho wind was
blowing n hurrlcano nt tho time, which
continued during tho afternoon. Tlio
building was soon enveloped In flames
which communicated to tho ndjolnlng
buildings north ot 'Ccntro street, Tho
flames then communicated with tho block
on tlio opposite sldo of tho street, nnd nt
thrco o'clock sixteen street fronts were de
stroyed, Including tho United States hotel,
Odd Fellows hnll, nendemy of music, tho
Herald office row nnd opera house, Mining
Ifrrald nnd tho Saturday Kvcninn Nm offices.
Assistance was telegraphed for which was
responded to from Pottsvlllc, Ashland,
Glrardvllle, Tamnqua, Mahanoy City and
other places. Over two hundred and fifty
families arc homeless, having lost every-
thing. Thujoss is variously estimated at
from thrco quarters to ono million dollars.
It is utterly Impossible to give the amount
of insurance but it is supposed to be large.
But few serious accidents hnppcncd. Ono
young man named Gcorgo Howton, on his
wny home, attempted to jump on n passing
train and had both logs taken off. Ho will
die. A special meeting of council and cit
izens was held this evening when the fol
lowing nppcal to tho public was drawn up 1
iV tcrrlblo holocaust has .swept this
town. Two hundred nnd fifty families nrc
homeless to-night, nnd most of them hnvc
lost their nil nnd nro without provisions or
change of clothing. Tho weather Is bitter
cold nnd n strong northwest gnlc is still
blowing. Everything posslblo for their
Immediate relief is being done, but wo
must have help. Who will aid ns and
give nt once ? A relief committee with
John Untlicrs ns treasurer lias uccn ap
pointed and will receive nil contributions
of supplies of clothing or money a generous
public may bo charitable enough to send."
The appeal is signed by D. J. Williams,
chief burgess j J. J. Powell, president of
council i Jonn CarJin, secretary of coun
cil, nnd ten others. Among tlio henvy
losers nro -P. J. Ferguson, Gcorgo F.
Lcltzel, Charles Hlgglns, Mining Herald
Company, (.limited), J. P. Rose & Bro.,
William K. Rclck, William Swhycr, Rob-
bins ,t Co., Henry Welderhald, John
Catlicr, C. W. Dcnglcr, J. II. Mcars, Mrs,
Grant, Thomas Eagan, J. P. Williams &
Bro., Franey & Son, Dclnnoy & Son, Mrs,
M. E. Doyle, J. A. Rellly, John F. Hlg-
tns, O. Hirshlcr, Isaac Ball, Charles Rice,
Thomas Bcllls, Dr. E. (3. Luks, Dr. J. O.
Blddlc, Levi Refowicz, P. W. Dclaney and
For a Fall Suit,
For a good Overcoat,
For Men, Youth's, Boy's and Children
go to David Lowenbcrg's.
OrniiKevIlIc Items.
All branches of business
still continue
brisk in our town.
This item for tlio ladies only : In my
pilgrimage through town in quest of items
I chanced to look nt the show window
of Lllley & SIcppy's store nnd thought I
would tell tho ladies what I saw there.
saw an elegant line of ladles' tics nnd
neckwear, silk handkerchiefs, portc-mon
naies, hosiery of every stripe and color,
dress cashmeres and ladies' cloth of all
colors. I stepped inside to post myself nnd
learned their prices ranged from 28c to
SI. 20 per yard for above mentioned goods.
Their counters and shelves arc piled full
of goods of every description, while upon
a cord stretched across tho room for the
better display, was an elegant line of
ladies' felt and cloth skirts. Their show
cases aro full of nice things to tempt the
eye nnd drnln the purse. Lndies, fill your
pocket books nnd give them n call. Next
week I will tell tho men what I saw in
their line.
Now I como to a subject that should
hold iutcrest for every parent and citizen
of our town. I have referenco to this habit
of intoxication nmong tho boys. I noticed
a few nights ago llvo boys whoso ages
range from twelve to sixteen years stag.
gcring about our streets in a beastly state
of intoxication ; violating decency by their
nets and profanity. Nor is that ouc night
an exceptional case, but tho same boys aro
in tho samo condition once n week if not
oftener. I do not know where they get
their liquor but feci sure they get It in this
town as they havo no means of getting it
elsewhere. Parents, look to your boys or
beforo you dream of such n thing you will
have them confirmed drunkards. The
selling ot liquor to minors is unlawful
Then why not stop it ? And boys, if you
do not mend your ways 1 will glvo your
names to tho readers of this paper.
The new restaurant of II. Coleman, is
being well patronized. Reason, .prime
oysters nnd well gotten up.
I noticed an item in the last issue ot the
Sunday Jfeus Dealer, signed "Observer"
deals pretty hard with tho members of tho
surprise party nt Wesley Hutton's some
ovcuings ago. I guess, Mr. Observer, the
secret of your animus lies in tho fact that
your noso was too short. "S.ivoy?"
The prico of oysters has gone up in
town since election, owing to the great dc
mand to pay election bets. Johnny lost
every time, but lie paid up like n llttl
Our public bchools aro in n terribly
crowded condition this winter. Prof,
Hower has upwards of seventy pupils.
while Miss Eves lias over fifty In the prl
mary department. Now, while conceding
everything ns regards the ability of the
teachers it Is impossible that two teachers
should do Justice to 125 or 130 pupils
Can't our directors arrange to abandon tho
Stony Brook school which has only an at
tendance of ten or a dozen, by arranging
that tho so tax payers pay their taxes in
Scott and bring that teacher to tho assist
ance of Mr. Hower and Miss Eves.
Can't tho citizens of our town devise
some means ot bettering the condition of
our streets 1 I am tired of seeing nothing
but mud holes nnd garbago piles.
The election pasiod off quietly, nl
though both parties polled 11 big vote,
Tho Democratic vote was larger than tlmt
of last year. W. II. Snyder worked hard
to bring out the vote, even to hiring 11 con
veyance to bring In delinquent voters. X.
Y. Z. would liko to know who cast that
prohibition ticket. X. Y. Z.
A largo variety of Celluloid Coi.laiw it
Coffs nt David Lowcnbergs.
I'll 11 I'liHlilou jiinrtcrly.
Semi IS cents to Btrawbrldgo & Clothier,
for tho Autumn Quarterly 120 pages j 1000
Illustrations ; 43 valuable articles on sub,
jects of interest to ladles nlso, a dress.
manors-page, ivvery iiescripuon oi nry
goods illustrated and priced, for shoppers
by mall. The muslo by f. V. Gilchrist,
tho celebrated composer, Is alone worth
double the price of the hook. Yearly sub.
scrlptlon, GO cents, S cents for si,
months, Bunscrlhe now nov3-0t
, , " , , ,
Paper bags, all sizes, smiaro and satchel
I bottom, at tho Columbian store
A IIlNnHtronn I'lro In the Town
Council I'roccctltiius,
Below wo glvo report of meetings of
town council held October 0th, Nov. 7th
nnd 12th.
At n special meeting ot town council
held October, 0th building permits wero
granted to R. 0. Neal and J, J. Hagen
Mr, Lowcnbcrg on behalf of committee
f trustees ot Bloomsbiirg .8tnte Normal
School presented n petition praying to bo
allowed to lay a sewer pipe through nnd
across certain streets and alleys In snld pe
tition named, viz 1 "Across tho road lead
ing from Ncal's furnaco to Market street
on south sldo of canal, across Canal street
through Strawberry alley from Canal street
to Third, part way through Catherine
street, through Third street to East, across
East, through nllcy between Turnbach's
nnd Orl's, ncross Chestnut nllcy through
Green Alloy to South Pcnn street, to East
nd, through East 2nd to opposite Wood
street near Normal School Dormttory." On
motion such permit was unanimously
I. W. McKolvy made petition for permit
to lay sewer plpo through and across cer
tain Rtrcets and nlleys, to wit t "From
Strnwbcrrry alley through Oth street to
Whitman nllcy, through same to Exchange
Hotel property." On motion It was unani
mously granted.
Regular monthly meeting of council was
held on Wcducsdny Nov. 7th, 1833.
Ordinance No. 81, entitled, "An ordi
nance to straighten, widen nnd open por
tions of the highway in the town of Blooms,
burg commonly known as the Light Street
road, and to vacate such portions of the
said Light Street road as may thereby be
come useless," was unanimously passed.
Tho ordinance recites t That a portion of
tho Light Street road from where it inter
sects Second street shall bo straightened
and widened and opened to tho width of
seventy feet for n distance ot forty.two
feet on the East side, and fifty-eight and
three-tenth feet on the west side, the cen
tre thereof to be in a lino beginning at a
point in the centre lino of Second street
sixty-seven and sixth-tenths feet cast of
the ccntro stono In Second street, standing
nt a point in line of the west side of East
strcct,nnd running thence north 25 40 sec
onds west ninety-two feet to n certain stone
nt the intersection of this centre lino with
the centre line of a further portion of said
Light Street road, which shall bo straight
ened, widened and opened to the width of
fifty feet.
Mr. Waller in behalf of committee nsked
Hint the town surveyor bo nllowed to make
report on a system of sewerage for the
town of Bloomshurg, whereupon Mr. Ney
hard, the town surveyor presented a draft
of a proposed lino to run from the Normal
School Buildings to the Susquehanna Riv
er. He explained the manner of construc
tion and said that tho cost of the main lino
would bo about four thousand dollars.
On motion tho following resolution was
adopted : That the town proceed to put
in a sower upon tho location nnd in accord
ance with the specification submitted to
tho council tills evening by the town sur
veyor upon the condition that thrco thous
and dollars bo subscribed toward its con
struction. The committee to report to
council on Monday evening at 7 o'clock.
On motion William Rabb and C. B. Ster
ling were npolntcd as additional members
of committee on sewerage.
Building permit was granted to N. Bar
ton to build a two story frame houso on
corner of West and First streets.
Tlio following bills were read and np-
proved nnd the secretary instructed to
draw orders In payment thereof.
C. R. IIouscl, for month of
4.35 00
10 50
Joseph Townscnd
for lnbor
Andrew Campbell " " 1 20
John GUlaspy " " 15 81
Ullver f'ornwum " n ib
Georeto Savorv " " 70
Charles Edwards " " 8 75
Bruce Birch " " 3 70
David Edwards " " 2 50
Henry Phillips " " 2 50
II. G. llousel " " 2 50
Fred Schwlnn, labor, horse & wagon 8 00
u. si. nuches u uu
Daniel Brvfoclo " " " 0 00
Reuben Hess " " " 0 00
Thos. Christman " " " 9 00
Vastlno Boone " " " 00
W. Shutt. no ce serv co 20 00
John Leczett 2000 ft oak plank 80 00
1 . 11. Jlciulenhnu. lttmucr ivc. iu 1a
E. G. Smyscr, ono lire hydrant 32 00
Wm. Chnsman for sand 1 20
Thomas Geddls for mortar 1 00
Jonas Mann for stone 9 20
Geo. E. Elwell rent of room 10 00
John V. Whltcnicht stone for
hiuhway 24 45
Bloomshurg Gas Co. 84 00
Samuel Ncyhard, for surveying 22 00
wm. uunsimnn, hauling tiro nyurant 1 00
M. C. Woodward, police service
in October 11 83
M. C. Woodward police service
in "cntcmucr iu an
A. L. Fritz, Secretary, 15 00
Total $481 57
Council met in special session on Mon
day Nov. 12. After a discussion nn tho
matter of sewerage for tho town, tho qucs
tion was postponed until Monday evening
Nov. 10th.
Mr. Rabb moved that acommlttee bo ap
pointed to sell tho town park and that It
be offered to D. J. Waller for the sum of
two thousand dollars. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Sterling, nnd upon vote
taken was carried. Tho president appoint
cd Messrs. Ilartman and Moycr as sucli
commltteo to report at next meeting.
I, W, Hartman & Ssn.
Are draw in 1; the people from over the
river, up tlio river, down tho river, up tlio
creek, down the creek and nil over the
country to see their stock of fall and win.
ter sKlrts, shawls, uiuiiKcts, dress coou
cloths, underwear, stockings, &n., &c,
Also their line Hue of dishes, glassware, Ac,
ivc, for cash or uuttcr, eggs, t,ard, uiucK
ens. dried fruit, &c, &c.
Christmas goods will be the order nfter
this week. Some to bo seen now.
Go to 0. O. Marr for men's undershirts
md drawers from 25c to $1.00 each.
Wasted. Eggs. Tho highest market
prico palil for tho same iu cash, by J, F.
Caldwell, Bloomshurg. nov 10-4v
Go to C. U. Marr for nice black nnd
cream lacu collars and lUhucs very cheap.
Ladles fine shoes at V, D, Detitler's. A
new and large stock just In.
30 dllTercnt styles of pen or pencil tablets
ai 1110 iOLUMWAN store.
uo to u. U Marr for splendid syrups
iroin ou 10 uo per gallon, uesi in town
Cheap underwear at J, B. Skeer's,
Von can bo suited In shoes, If you cnll at
F, I). Dcntler's. Ills stock Is complete in
gents',', misses' and children's shoes.
C. O. Marr pays 30c for butter, und UOo
for egv;s.
75,000 envelopes, all sizes and colors.
wholesale and retail, at tho Columiiian
Everybody admires lho beautiful rallies
manufactured In all styles, at Bhnrplfss'
manufactured in all styles, at Bhnrplcss'
foundry. They have all thu modern lm.
provements, are nrst-ciass and as good
M1V,XT, n they cun l10"8'' bu millI
' T
. X, oat., chickens,
F. D. Dentlci's stock of ladles', misses',
and chlldreus' shoes Is complete In everv
particular. Call und sec.
In 1831 thcro will ho fivo eclipses. The
first will bo a partial eclipse of the sun, on
March 27, visible nt tho north polo. Tho
second will he n total ccllpso of the moon,
on April 10, vIMhle In CallfornU. Tho
third will be 11 'partial eclipse of the sun,
April 22, visible In tho southern hemi
sphere. Tho fourth will bo a total ecllpso
of tho moon, visible in this latitude on Oc
tober 4, nnd the llttli n partial eclipse of
tho sun on October 18th, In Knmsknlchkn,
Thcro Is lime enough yet to prepare your
smoked glasses.
Go to C. C. Marr for ladles' underskirts.
Cheap qticonswiirc nt J, B. Skeer's.
Wool blankets nnd comforts nt C.
Pictures, frames,
window cornices, at
20 different styles of wedding Invitations
ni mu uouimhian store.
O Marr navs the blithest market nrlccs
lor produce ami sens goods tlio cheapest.
. 1 .. . .. . . 1
Boots, boots, shoes, shoes, nt F. D,
Dcntlcfs. Good goods nt lowest prices.
Go lo C. C.
Mart's for bargains in dress
A now lot of fine boxed papers just re
ceived at tho Columiiias store. Tlmt heavy
cream damask, nnd wedding plates Is the
finest writing paper' wo havo ever shown.
Only 40 cents 11 box, with envelopes.
For good cheap
furniture, go to Cad-
Look nt tho nice Christmas goods In C.
tl. Murr's windows.
It people troubled with colds, would
take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral before going
ion ot ootn spcancrs nnu hearers. 1'ubllc
hiiity of the voice.
Not one ncrson in n hundred, nt Urn ncn
most drcndful disease by the use of Rlicu-
mntic Syrup.
Tovhomit may mnutn: Wolcott, N. Y.,
This is to certify that Iamnn engineer
Kntroubnii 'more o.ess wlt.f RneunT.
April 11 loO-J. I
iism, nnu lor ine insi nc wccks uciore u is
date I havo been entirely unable to work,
and when I commenced using tho Rheu
matic Syrup 1 could liardly Icavo my chair.
After using one-half of a bottle of the syr
up, I began to grow better, and nm now
at work again as usual, having been cured
with three bottles. I should ndvlsc nny
ono troubled with Rheumatism to use
Rheumatic Syrup. Enough cannot be said
In Its praise. Alfiiku Reynolds.
It's too bad. Sir or Madam, but don't cet
frightened. Your hair Is falling off that's
certain. A glance in tnc mirror, or nn in
vestigating committo of lingers tell the dis
mal story. We won't discuss tlio posslblo
cause. It's enough that Parker's Hair Bal
sam used now will prevent further destruc
tion, is vour hair somewnat gray. too.
and crisp? Alas, yes. Tho Balsam will glvo
oacn tlio original color, soilness nnu gioss.
Not a dye, not oily, elegantly perfumed, a
perfect dressing.
How much of Thomas' Edcctric Oil Is re-
quired to cure 1 Only a very little. A
low urons win euro any kind ot nn acne 1
and but a trltlc more Is needed for sprains
and lameness. Rheumatism is not so
readily affected ; an ounce and sometimes
two ounces nro required. No medicine,
however, is so sure to euro with the sumo
number of applications.
I owe my life to Phelps' Rheumatic
Elixir. During the past fifteen years I
have spent over a thousand dollars for
treatment of Rheumatism, iand never re
eelved nny permanent benefit until I took
tlio rhelps' Elixir. 1 consider it the best
rheumatic remedy ever offered to 1 10 pub.
lie. Respectfully,
Geo. E. IIott,
Penu avenue, Scranton, Pa.
When your wife's health is had, when
your children aro sickly, when you leel
worn out, use Drown s iron outers.
"If I can send one suffering soul to you."
writes James Corbln, of Washburn, 111., "I
will De happy, iyimaritan Wemne cured mo
and will cure all cases of fits." $1.50.
Wolfesvillo N. C Dr. I. C. McLaughlin
says : "1 used Brown's Iron Bitters for ver
tigo nnd 1 feel like a now man."
"dos't huiirv, oestlkmes,"
Said a man on his way to bo hanged,
'there'll bo no fun until I get there." Wo
say to the dyspeptic, nervous, and debilita
ted don't hurry thoughtlessly for some rem
edy of doubtful merit, uncertain of relief,
when you can get ut lho druggists for one
dollar Jlardocli lllood JSiltera utmost sure to
euro aud certain to benefit.
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Jan. 9, 1893.
Mr. Phelps, Dear Sir I consider It mv
duty to tell you how much good your
Rheumatic Elixir has done me. For ten
years I had Rheumatism in my left arm
and last fall It extended through my whole
body and limbs. I could hardly turn In
bed, und several days I could neither feed
myself nor walk without sticks. I took
everything that I could hear of, but got no
better, and I began to get discouraged.
Mr. Good, tho druggist, advised mo to take
Phelps' Rheumatic Elixir. I did so, and
after having taken the first bottle l felt sat
isfied that it was helping inc. When I had
taken thrco bottles 1 was entirely cured. I
feel very grateful for what your medicine
has done lor inc. I will cheerfully recom
mend it to those nllllctcd with Rhcuma.
tism. You can use my name us you wish
In behalf of your Elixir.
Yours, with many thanks,
Ciias. II. Kniffkn",
No. 14 Magnolia Avenue, Wilkes-Barre,
Elkton, Ky. Dr. E. B. Weathers says :
"I regard Brown's Iron Bitters as a medi
cine of unusual worth.
O. M. Holcomb, of Bloomvllle, Ohio,
rises 10 explain i "uuu inai lerriuiu tils-
case catarrh, for twenty years ; couldn't
taste or smell, and hcarlni; was fai mtr.
lltomaas IJtctric Oil cured me. These are
fuels voluntarily given against a former
prejudice 01 patent medicine."
NO I.ONGEll A QUESTION of opinion
wo Kuaraniec every uox 01 ACKcrs livsncn.
sla 1 tiblets. 1'rlcu 25c, , and 60c.
Old and lutlrm persons need soino mild
tonic or gentle stimulant especially at this
season. The wine made at opeer's Mount
l'rospect vlnevnrds, In .New Jersuy, called
Speei's l'ort Grape Wine, is used at Dres.
i irt l ., . -
lien, vieiiim, unu uiuer pans in r.urope, ns
tlm IiohI. wlnn knnu'n fnr li,.iii.miln II,,.
human system, and is regarded as pure.
ami very popular iiinong physicians. Ills
csncclallv benetlelHl to eiiiales mid old
people. St. nm liepubliom,
For sale
...UV... ..... .V...U.U (.1, .,.(,. lllflll I1IU
blood. It cures Kcrnfiila, Ulcers, Boils
und pimples. Sold hy J, II, Kluports, drug
gists. oeo a woman in minuter column, near
bpeer's Vineyards, plcklne grapes from
whlrh Knni-r'ft l'nrt. flrntm Wlnn lu ,n,,,ln
that Is so highly esteemed by tho medical
profession, for the use of invalids, weakly
Sold by C. A. Klclm, Bloomshurg.
. We do think the I'helns Rheumatic 1'IW.
lr is thu most valuable proprietary inedl-
iu cine ever compounded, und wn are conli.
- . '', this will ho the testimony of
t, e -1 J I r, , editor "ft .liT
UcmScm For sale Ihm!
iieuiioii's vi
at nki r r Y1 A,,bhv"V. ' ,V,.V
Remedy will. Price 10c. 00. &S1
The Greatest Blood Purifier Known!
Rheumatism Cured.
ItOCUKSTRR, N. V.. Apr. Gill, TO.
Rheumatic Hiirui) Cn.i
Hunts 1 nave Iwen a great
sufferer from HlitumntMrn fur six
yvara, nhil lioarlnu of lho nucccss
of Klieumatle Hyrup I concluded
toclvettn trlaflnmr ownciw,
ana I cheerfully xnr I have
b?cn greatly benciltteil by Its iw,
lean walk with entire freedom
from pain, nnd my general health
H very much Improved. It Ii a
splendid remedy for tho blood
and debilitated xjrntrm.
M. fllhUTEK 1'AHK, St. 1).
I'okt HrnoN, N. V., Feb. SO, "81.
llhnimattc Syrup Co, l
I linil been doetcrlng for thrto
orfourjrc.ini,wlth different phy
slcian for wroful.i, m somo call
ed It, but found no relief until I
commenced taking your Hyrup.
After taking It a short time, to
my surprise, It began to help me.
Continuing Un UNonfew weeks,
1 found myself as well m crer.
As n blood purifier, 1 think It has
no equal.
Manufacturitt by Jill HUM ATIC SMUJ'
BlciCIt, Ciml COloVCcl dj'GSS silhs at low nVlCBS.
Blaoh ami colored cashmeres, some bargains.
Ladies' ready made coats, Neiv Markets.
uobmans, far Unea garments, new line.
Children's ready made coats from $1. 75 np.
JV' ""ouo uj jvivoiovo, uuuuivo, t) u. , uu iiuuoo 10 f.
LadlCS aild ClllbdrCIl S WldCI'lOCai', lOWCSl Vl'lCCS.
Blankets from the late auction sale, prices lower
Uliaili CUCl .
Shawls, all hinds at all priccs-also shirts.
Ladies and children s wool hosieni. also hoods.
Towels, table linens, navhins and niano covers.
and colored silh velvets and velveteens.
i' UV tl'immillgS, COllai'S, OmamClltS, JimpS, CfC.
Aflisliiis. nriiits. rfijirfhams. tirJt,in,rf.;. xhirhinifs. frn.
Hnljm h In. tm.nn.s. efnnlfln rt
wt'w j u 7 uityijiif tj
GloVCS, SfloVOS, gloVCS, Collars, I'lbboilS aild ties.
Besides mail other styles and hhlds of goods, all
h. j, (Clairk b mn
Wheat por bushel l.or
Ilyo " 70
Corn, " lis
oats " " 33
Flour per barrel 5.60
nutter 30
Eggt as
Tallow 08
Potatoes 40
Dried Apples Ofl
Hams 14
sides Shoulders 11
Chickens 10
Turkeys.- ...... . . U
Lard per pouna .12
Uayperton 12 10
Beeswax 12
Buckwheat flower per 100 4.0a
"(Midi 1 lloii f WMiiT
Gents' Furnishing Goods
Having very recently opened a now
Merchant Tailoring and Gents' Fur
nishing Goods Store, in KNOIlll &
WlNTEltSTEEN'S building, on
Mam street, whero I am prepared to
mako to order, atshoit notice, first
class suits of clothing always in tho
latest styles and prices reasonable.
Fits guaranteed. Having learned how
to cut garments lo suit customers, and
also what kind ol material will givo
satisfaction, I would ask you to please
call and examino the
Ever shown in Columbia county,
Bsforo Purchasing Elsewhere.
Corner Main & Market Sis.
ours, h
April 13-lyr.
Near L & 3 Dopst, Bloomshurg Pa.
Manufacturer of First class rnmrpn in
different styles, cook stoves, parlor stoves
and stoves for heating houses,
churches &c Largo stock of tinware nnu
stove repairs, such ns guitcs, llro brick, lids,
centres &c.
Oct 20 tr
In the Ciituwiss.t Valley
Giranl Manor eoinposcHl of
twenty ncres cleared a-ul partly
..n:....i.i i i . 1
uiiiuv.iiuii .11 ui enjiitv a ires in
I um.n,,tu ,,,,
Ol110111 il"
yotui'' timber.
V Ol' ll (lesimhlo tOiMllt It ROUS
n. Uni. ,;l 1.
W Uni11 w ''0 WX.
by IMlll 1)111110 ot lll)iilie:int. is rr
quested with post ollieo ml.lross
'"tmes of tvyo references.
Iluber Sv Thompson,
KticinetT (lir.iiil H-tntu l'utiHvillc,
oct. so tw
North American ot 1'hll.uletnhl.i.
1'ranUtn, " "
Pennsylvania, " "
York, ot lvnmylvanla.
Hanover, ot N, V.
Omens ot l.outlon.
So.Hi llrlttih, of London,
oiilcu on MiuittHivui, No, i, moomatiiire,
1.50 A YEAH.
Neuralgia Cured.
Faikpobt, N. Y., Starch 13, '63,
Rheumatic sgruii Co, t
(If.nts Slnco November, lwi!, I
havo been n constant sufferer
from neuralgia and havo not
known what It was to bo freo
from patn until I commenced tho
um of Klieumatle Hyrup. I linvo
felt no p.iln slnco using tho fourth
bottle. 1 think It Is tho best rem
edy I have ever heard ot for puri
fying tho blood nnd for tho cure
ot rheumatism and neuralgia.
CO., 1 J'lvmuutti A re., Rixhrfter, -V. .
7, o 7,y.o
j nf ICJ f SJJ I ltj I Of y Km
U'ttcrsjof nclmtnlnratlon on the estate of Kmmct
r. Curtis lato ot the town of liloomsuuiy, Colum
bia county, Pennsylvania, deceased, havo been
granted by tho Keglstcr of said county to tho un
dersigned Administrator. All persons having
claims ngalnst tho estate of tho deceased are re
quested to present them for bettlement, and those
Indebted to tho estate to make payment to tho
undersigned administrator without delay.
Nov. SOW
Alexander & Bro.
A full lino of confectionery, rrults, Nuts, Clg.
ars. Tobaccos!, lines, Christmas tree trimmings,
andalargofatockof Sugar Toys for tho Holidays,
Wholesale mtrt $ft;tfl.
Meerschaum Pipes, Cigar Holders, Cigar Cases,
Tobacco Pouches and other goods suitable for tho
Christ mas trade. County dealers hhould consult
our prices beforo purchasing elsewhere.
WNcxt to Court House.
Sept. 2S-3m
Precision in Timekeeping
At no period of our business
experience has there been so real
or urgent a demand for time
keepers of accuracy and preci
sion, as at the present moment.
The attention of those intcr
1' in this subject, and those
who have met with dissatisfac
tion in purchasing many of the
so-called high grade watches of
the tl.iy, is directed to the names
oi tlio following first-class makers
ii whom we are special agents:
H. R. Hkcgren, Louis Aude
mar.s and Vacheron & Constantin,
of Geneva, who arc everywhere
recognized as the leading makers
of Europe.
Our assortment embraces all
the varieties of Repeaters. Cal
endars, Chronographs, Split Sec
onds and Plain Timers, marked
at prices as low, if not lower,
than is frequently demanded for
inferior watches. Correspond
ence very respectfully solicited.
J. E. Caluwull & Co.,
902 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
(CmtOiuMrom last uuk.)
How Watch Cases are Made.
Imitation always follows a successful
article, aud imitation Is ono of tlio hct
proofs of real honest merit j and thus it is
that tho James Host' Gvld Watch One has
its imitators. Buyers can always tell tho
genuine by tlio trade-mark of a own, from
which is tuspended a pair of ut vj UK
cae. Bo Hire Iioth croun and ' i
tcalet are btamped in tho cap of the watcli
cuc. Jewelers nro very cautious about en
dorsing nn article unless they not only foioio
that it is good, but that tlio character of
tho manufacturers is such that tho quality
of the goods will Uslept fully up to itandard,
WltuimfOiiT, I reU 11, 188.1.
Tho Jtraui Ilcw' Uold Witch Cimk ra liko hot
cake. Each cue I bull UU another. Dou't newt
to recommend Uifint y Nell Uieuiwht. One of
fur cuktuuteni Liu hud Juui' Hut' IMJW.U'li Coee
luuiwfnrSO nr,ml It lkM.lueor. WitutiiU
Cfcte 1 da not luiUte to give luyuwu vuarantoe, w
lix'tally with Uit ttvriiil tmrrmiil cum, Mhliii
twin lu Ui vrluUuK, Juitt. I.m Ll, vo"'".
J? tw Ilucxaxvicii, N.J., Jan. B, !!.
Tlili K-ol 1 me, Ha. wm, lu,,ui aUie Janice Ikiea'
flplil WaU'tiOaiw.fajiicluto my ioaUiii aWmtlaX
Lm leiu Ui ue tlboe tlmt Uaut, aud U hUU lu mi4
couditlou. Thuiuotei.ti'iiiletLeoiiewliUnwaelulUu
omuH lien 1 Uiuirtit 1 1, and IU coudlliuu th 1 u lliti
the rani hae really out Mom Ute luoieiueut, MliUhU
I'luyedoul. Miurix A. Uuwk,i.L.
! ilourJoWr.clor. A. J. 11,11. Jt Dum, (b.
Sr4 I rl ltiui UktjiUM MftUk IW ltUrW,rhlt lla, I'a., rrkaiM)uff lllk.Utl.4 1'twybWIkkevUg kt
Jt&tM UWkk4 kiftlua lW!k IkH kr laadt,
(Hit ttriuei.)