The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 16, 1883, Image 1

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    fjES op Deixi9iNq.
i.umbiam, C'onioluiatcd.j
I-tonril Wcrltly, cvrry I'rldiir .Itornlna, at
:l)I.OO.M8lll'It), COUIMDIA CO , Pa.
attwohouuis per joar. To siiujcrllicrs out of
tuo county tho terms nro ntrlcllrln
IITNu inpur Ulicontlimt'd ovept nt tlio option
of tlio imlitliliers, until all nrrtMratfcti aro paid, out
Bon? continued credlta will not uokIvcii.
All papers sent out of tlio Siato or to distant post
olll.-es mint bo paid forlnadvancivinlesiareipon
sllilo person In Uutiitubla county iinninii's to tmv
Ilia MiilMisrlptlon duo on demand,
I'OsrAUllU no longer exacted from subscribers
ntlm county.
complete, and our .lot) I'rinllnir will comparo favor.
ably with thatof holanrocltles. All work dono on
short notice, noatly and at moderate prices.
1U 9M AM M 1V
Onolnch Iioo M ISoo turn
Two Indies ..... too
rbreo Inches,. ... 4oo
Kourlnches sou
4 0u am nm 13m
BOO 7ri lino ism
1 on not innu so no
ft IK) 1(1 IK) IS (HI KiMl
'natter column., om
llalfrnliimn In no 1 4 no II oil SMM mini
onccolumn 2000 si 00 such) so on ljou)
Yearly advertisements paynblorjn.irtcrly. Trun
Alentnilvertlwmentiiinunf bo naldfor before lnirH
ed except where parties liavo accounts
l.eLrtl nrivertloemenlA two rlrillnrs Tier Inrri for
lliree Insertions, and nt that rata for additional
insci lions without reference to length.
ETeeulflr's.Admlnlitrntor's. and Auditors notices
three dollars. Must bo paid for when nscrted.
Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, reou.
lar ndvcrtlscineiiM half rates,
Cards In tho 'lltistnrew Directory" column. ono
IMifrttmHAI, VUL, AI4VII. m
dollar a year for each line.
. . llloonnburg, l'a.
0.11 ;o over lit. N.itloml Hurt,
no- U. FUNIC,
ODHo In Kill 'J llulldltitf.
Ui.ooyancun, Pa,
O.Tlco over 1st National Hank.
Oillce over Moycr ltrtM. Drug Store.
omco la "rower's bulldlng.sccond No, 1
Bloomiburg, Pa.
"I J Fit A Mi XAHH,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
ornae corner of Centre and Main Streets. Clark -i
Can bo consulted In German.
Nw cot.uMBUN Ucii.dino, Uloomsburg, Pa.
Member of tho Unltod States Law Association,
iMIloutlons madoln any part of America or Eu
onico In Coi.CMBUN IIbilhino, Itoom No. 1, second
ULooMsnuna, pa.
Notary Public
A tiovnoy s-nt-Law.
onica lu 1st National Hank building, second floor,
llrstdoortotholpft. Corner of Main and Market
streets Uloomsburg, Pa.
tgPenitons and Bountiet Collected.
Offlco In Mafeo's building, over HlUmcjer's grocery.
May S0.81.
2nd lloor,
in his building opposite Court House,
)or, Uloomsburg, I'a. apr 13 '83
onico In Nbws Its building, Main Btrect.
Member of tho American Attorneys' Assocla,
Collections made In any part of America.
Jan. s, IBS'i.
Jackson Building, Booms 4 and 5.
Mayd, '81. BERWICK, PA
Catawlssa, Pa.
Office, corner of TMrd and Main streets.
Attorncy.ntLaw, Berwick. Fa.
Can bo Consulted in German.
also nnsT-ci.Asa
WOftlco first door below the post olllcc.
lit 5
, onico In Urower's building, '2nd atory.Ttooms
F) BUCKINGHAM, Atlornoy-at-Law
X).rttc.8, llrockway'a llulldlng.Ilst lloor,
Bibumsourg, Penn'a. Way 7, 'bo.t f
T B. MuKELVY, M. D.,8urReon and Phy
, uiiUn, north side Main street.below Markot
L. FRITZ, Attomov-nt-La 0
. , In Columbian Uutldlng,
1 .
Kuwmg vt nhlT)S nd Uuinlnur of all klnd3 re
pkiml, )i-i IIooji U'llldlng, Uloomsburg, Pa.
't I (J. R 1 I'TER
oniua, Nivtb MarkiU stront.
Illonmsuurs, fu
DR, yl. M. REB12R, Surgeon and
Huvalol in. O'lloj corner of Itojk and Mrket
Btrj it,
r WrvJl M. D.. Surireon and
. PhystJ in, (omie and Uijjldeuce on Third
Tonsoi-ial Artist.
r. V(11T 1 I'M 17
again at nis 01a Biana
Uo?KL, andhasif as usua a FI":0W8
patronatro ol blaoiaoustomord ana p f the
Large and convenient sample rooms, natu rooms
notittttdoild wator.and all modern conyenlences
fcat-Amonth and board for ailvo
HU men or utiiio-t, in e-u-iiumiiw,
P, V. ZKllll.HH & CO., pail.uli'ipma, r.i.
October l4v d
All styles of work done In a superior manner, work
uu without Pain by thu uso of (las, and
free of cbargowuenartiaclaltoelu
aro Inserted,
ihtn n.Ar HlnnrriHhurtf llanklnff Company
lo be open at all hourt during the aj
These are the First Days of the
Fall Business,
already the hum of activity begins.
We launch the busy season with
Special Thin
that prove to be strangely low. A. few of
these have been in store some days, but, to
give everybody a fair chance, we held the
announcements until the return of people
from their holidays.
Tlio tllsplny or RcndyOIndo
lulling hii4 tlio Low Prices nr
rcnt tlio nttontlnn and wonder
ment of every paster Ity, and
IvlNltorH to tlio qltv must not Tor
got to reckon our stock nmong
th c nights worth seeing. To tho
cnn't-Bct-awnys" no sny :
gEIVIr VOll SilirLBS
Ledger Bniliini, Chutant & 61b Sis
A i;ood lot of ftrst-mtc
Jli-lvs at $2.25. These
,iii ,111
I black
1 n 50.
A In ck
Cashmere for 50 cents A Bleached Muslin, full
(all wool). The new tar- vard wide, for 10c. The
The colors iff will prevent this qual- best we ever had at that
ltyfrom ever again selling price.
Dress Silk at at this price. The best Twilled. All-
j ir.!, ih ji until recent
s iilw.iys
.1 iii . llltick Khadama,
i iiilIi s wide, at $1.50.
I .nl wool lilack Urcss
(", nils ,i 12J rents, which
- ju-d hall-price.
A.l-wniil stylish Plaid
Suiting, 42 inches, at 50 Ve sold the same
nt St. 00.
Another in stripes at 65
1 cult. Not dear at Si. 00.
A Black Albatross at 2;
cents,' exactly half-price.
A fine lilack Camel's
Hair, 46 inches wide, at
60 cents.
A good 36-inch all-wool
Cashmere at 40 cents.
An excellent Black
Cashmere, all-wool, a
yard wide, at 45c.
A very few much ad
mired Embroidered
Kobes at one-third off of
Wool Red Flannel
ever sold for 25c.
The best Canton Flan
nel for I2c. We never
could get so good a qual
ity at the price before.
An extraordinary lot of
Towels at 25c.
Eight lots of Ladies'
and Children's Hose that
are on our counters at 25
per cent, under prices.
quality of Lupin's usual price.
These lots of Shoes that are amazingly
desirable for the prices :
230 pairs Women's
Straight Goat Button,
172 pairs Women s
Straight Goat Button,
53- SS-
2.15 pairs Women's
Curncoa Kid Button,
54- 25-
1 86 pairs Women's
French Kid Button,
1 52 pairs Women's
Kid Slippers, $1.25.
112 pairs Women's
Kid Ties, $2.00.
1 10 pairs Women's
French Kid Oxford Ties,
141 pairs
Front Lace
Boots, S3. 25.
131 pairs
Front Lace
Boots, $4.50.
150 pairs
French Kid
Boots, 5.25.
China and Glassware we hardly dare to
k saving anvthinn about, as the lots an-
nounced are nearly always sold out in a few
hours of the day they are presented. Watch
the city daily papers for the announcements,
and if these lots are sold when you come do
not be disappointed, as we have new lots in
every day or two.
In Furniture. Young couples should see
The new Ash Suite of Bed Room Furniture for $25.
The same goods in Cherry for $28.
give the
new this
to choose
Our Works at present turn us out only
suites per day of these goods, so that
come, first served. Nothing like this
has ever been done in Philadelphia before.
A fine frame Body Brussels Carpet at
$1.25 that we are willing to endorse as a good
We are not permitted to
makers' names. The goods are
season, and fifty patterns at least
The first Fall Offering of Ladies' Robes
are all-wool, of ample material, in nine varieties, dark, rich hues,
and the new patterns are on the palm-leaf order. The effect is
much the same, if not a full equivalent, as though an expensive
Pnslimnrn Rlmwl worn dissected and made into a robe, as is often
done. The expense being infinitely le3S $25.
Also a few Wrapper Patterns, Persian, and with a decided
Oriental effect. The olive, old gold and rich, dark Hues aro sub-
1nnd ni n htvmrl hnrdnr nf consistent but curious formation, 10 to
11 yards each $2.00 per yard.
There are other lots equally interesting,
md new things daily arriving.
Samples of Dress Goods sent by mail ;
a "Postal" will receive immediate attention.
Thirteenth Street. Chestnut Street.
Market Street and New City Hall.
aokmuy. Mover's now bulldlne, Main
Bireet, uloomsburg, Pa.
.Etna Insuranco Co., ot Hartlord, Conn. I,u8,S!4
ltoyal ot Liverpool iffi'SK
FIro AssoclaVlon.'i;uiadelplIa,'.'.V.'.'.,'.' H"-!'! tendon &,uti,3Tu
London Lancashire, o England.. . MSjWJ
Hartford of Hartford..
Sprlngaeld Flro and Marine n.osj.sss
As tuoaiencles aro direct, policies aro written
for tbo insured without any delay In the
onlce at Uloomsburi,'. Oct. in, '81-tf,
l'KOI'LKS' N, V.
1UJADIN0, l'A.
rneae old coktoiutionb aro well eeasonod by
aeeand rmsTiaTEoand have nover yet bad a
loss settled by any court of law, Their assets
are alllnvosted In solid nxcoamiaand are liable
to the uatard ot nxi only.
Losses ritoHi'TLY and uonebtlt adjusted and
paid as soon as determined by Christuh V,
SHirr. srxcUL Auknt amp Awmthk Hlooks-
H D R(J i I A
The paople ol Columbia oounty should patron
tie the agenoy where losses If any aro settlod
and nald ot one of tbctr own citizens.
I sr Strict attention given to beating by uteaio.
Corner of Main & East Sts.,
Bloomslmrg, Pa.
CUHU WHIM All lll IAll
II, Hvrtiti. Tutu, eim.1.
Uaelulluia. Ht.dbydrutglau.
The only known iptdjle for EpllcplleFlt8.-C3
KrJxlto lor npasiiis uua j.- uiuu oimu,. o-.
KcrvoQft WPQKncps quicwy rciievca auu curuu.
Kriaallcil by none In dcllrlam of fcver.E9
j-Ncutrailzra germs of disease and sickness.
Cures ugly blotehes and stnbborn blood sores.
Cleanses blood, quickens sluggish circulation.
Eliminates Dolls. Carbuncles and bcalds.'Ii3
tfj-l'ermnnently ondpromptly cures paralysis.
Yes, It Is a charming and healthful Aperient.
Kills Scrofula and Kings Et II, twin brothers.
Changes bad Dream to goou, removing cau.c.
tSTItouts biliousness and clears complexion,
nhnrmlni? resolvent and matchless Imatlvc.-ttO
It drives blcU Headache like the wlnd.C4
'."-Contains no drastic calhnrtlc or npl.ite".
Promptly cures Ithcuuiatlsm by routing lt.'uH
Restores Hfe-ghlng proiicrtles to thcblocd.-ia
Is guaranteed to cure all ncrou dlordcrs.-u3
rvlieItaoie wncn au opinics ian.-i.-i
P.cfrrshcs the mind and Invl.iorilcs boi.
Cures dyspepsia or money rcfundi d.- 1
t'JTEndorscd In wrillnp by over filly t lousand
Leading phytlcians in U. S. and Euio, 'i.a
Leading clergymen In U. S. and Europe.-
Diseases of the blaod own It a ennnm ror.'. .1
rorsalebynlll-sai'iBCrorgl-t. C' '
Tho rr. s. a. rifi- p-' :r- c.u .i c ., ; .,
Ct, J. i. Ji".
Chai. NlCrlltri.t..n, Af
That Brown's Iron Bitters
will cure the worst case
of dyspepsia.
Will insurca hearty appetite
and increased digestion.
Cures general debility, and
gives a new lease of life.
Dispels nervous depression
and low spirits.
Restores an exhausted nurs
ing mother to full strength
and gives abundant sus
tenance for her child.
Strengthens the muscles and
ncrves.enriches the blood.
Overcomes weakness, wake
fulness, and lack of energy
Keeps off all chills, fevers,
and other malarial poison.
"And is this tho emit Can wo
never bo reconciled, Qracol"
"No. 1 shall never forgive you for
marrying that girl, Charles i I cannot.
You nro my brother no longer. Fare
well." "GooiMiy, then, forever, If you will
have it 80. I had honed that this in
terview would terminate very differ
ently," and tho young man left tho
room ntul tlio house.
His sister made a movement to
wards tho door, as if to call him baok,
blither indomitable pride Intervened!
alio restrained her desire, and walked
up and down for nearly an hour, her
features hard and set, her figure drawn
to its fullest height, and, when at last,
overcome by fatigue, she sanit into
a chair, only tlio words "Oh, my
brother 1 my brother 1" expressed tho
emotion she felt.
Long she sat there in tho gathering
darkness, canine into tho bright fire,
thinking of tho happy days of child
hood passed with that brother, whom
sho had jus', turned from her door;
thinking how, as tho years had rolled
on, and childhood had ripened into
youth, they had been left motherless
and fatherless, and had clung to each
other with increased affection, being
one in all their pursuits and pleasures ;
how, when tho great wealth sho now
possessed had so unexpectedly passed
into her hands, all her thoughts had
been for him, all her plans for his
comfort and happiness.
Her faco had softened as her mind
hail dwelt on tho past, but it became
daik and hard again, as alia thought of
the events of the past month i how he,
her idol, had withdrawn his allegiance
from her, and bestowed his heart upon
a pretty, doll-faced cirl, whom he had
married without her consent. No. she
would never forgivo him, never, though
all the light had been taken from her
life, and her future appeared nothing
but loneliness and gloom.
Tho hro had gono out ; thu room
was cold ; and in tho dim twilight
shadowy forms seemed to be near her j
a mother's face, with sad, pleading
eyes, looked reproachfully at her : a
father's voice, stern and sorrowful,
seemed to denounce her for so heart
lessly separating herself from her be
loved brother, her only near relative.
She roso and went to the window
overlooking tlio river. The evening
was starless and damp ; tho wind was
rising, and, as it moaned among tho
tall trees on the bank, Grace King
stono thought how peacefully sho
could rest beneath those dark waters,
freo from all the bitter disappoint
ments and heavy cares of her troubled
life ; sho was only twenty-five, sho
might live to bo an old woman, and
what did she care for, since her broth,
er's heart was won from her ? Turning
from tho window, she rang tho boll
and ordered tea to bo brought in.
Tho firo was rekindled, tho curtains
drawn, and the room, with its massive
costly furniture and soft carpet, was
comfortable and cosy ; but the cheery
voico and the hearty laugh which had
onco mado tho littlo tea-table so de
lightful, wero gone, and the proud
woman sat alono and in silence, en
deavoring to cat and drink, but every
thing choked her, she pushed back her
chair, took a book, and, crossing the
hall, went into tho parlor, where she
Will infuse with new
the weakest invalid.
37 Walker St., Ilaltlmore, Dec. lEpi,
Tor tlx yeart 1 have been a creat
sufferer from Wood Disease, l)yt.
ko debltiuted that 1 could not retain
anything on my stomach, in fact,
life had almost become a imracn.
Finally, when hope had almost left
me, my husband seeing IJhqwn's
Iron IIittems advertised In the
naner. Induced me to Live it a trial.
1 am now taking the third buttle
and have not Tut so well in six
vears as I do at the wctcm time.
Brown's Ikon Bitters
will have a better tonic
effect upon any one who
needs "bracing up," than
any medicine made,
All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof
ing and Spouting promptly
attended to.
Cherry Pectoral.
n, , "Orrvllle.Olilo, Sept. 10, 181.
ilil.ll uIIitIIihi, with frequent
rnlil", f r n mihiIkt of Tar, I hereby cer
tify i....t vni' ciieuur I'ixioiiai. gives
niu r"init r lit r, ninl la tlio must clfoctiTO
rciiuu' 1 Uiivi" nu tried.
J.vmu A. Hamilton,
JMItor of The Crtictnt."
" Mt. Ollrail, OUIn, Juno 20, 1WU.
COUGHS, " 1 lmT0 u"''1 AVKU'K ClIKIiKV
I'tc-roiiAi. thli (print; for a io
Ttro rough ami lung trouble, with good
elfect, ami I uin pleated to recommend It
to any ono similarly affected.
llAnvr.v llAitniiMAx,
I'roprletor (Hobo Hotel."
Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co,, Lowell, Mass:
Sold ly all Drugglita.
Jao -ta MP1
N. K. corner Bcccnl and Arch ntrerta.
ivorderf vlil recelvo promptattooUon
spent two intermitablo hours reading,
or rather appearing to read.
"1 cannot stand tins, sue liioiignt,
as she closed the book. "I cannot
stay here among all these haunting
memories ; they will drive mo mad. 1
will shut up tho house and go to the
city to morrow." She rang the bell
lor tho housekeeper, and gavo all the
necessary orders for her departure on
tho following day.
"bliall you bo cono long, do you
think, Miss Grace 1" asked tho old ser
vant, who had been in the family for
years, and who, since Miss Kingstono's
lately acquired wealth, had risen to the
rank of housekeeper.
"1 shall not enmc back lor a long
time, Susan," answered her mistress.
"I want everything kept m order
whilo I am cono ; tho house and
grounds must not go to ruin.''
"Will plaster tJharlic ue acre or in
the city, Miss Grace V
"l do not know where no win ue,
and I wish you and all tho servauts to
understand that his narao must never
bu mentioned in my presence. Ho is
dead to me. I havo no brother."
"O Miss Grace, what would your
poor mother say u sno Know tins i
and tho old woman left the room Bobbins-
The next day Miss lungstonc went
to her city homo. bho took ono last
walk on the river bank, ami round the
house, but no mortal could tell from
tho cold, calm face, what was passing
in her mind, as, pausing beforo she en
tered tho carriage, she looked a long
farewell at tho large, handsome house,
which had been her prido and delight
and where she had spent such happy,
happy hours.
Seventeen years passed by, bringing
joy and sorrow, pleasuro and pain,
bearing on their wings that insepara
ble companion ot Time, the King ol
Terrors, who ruthlessly frozo with his
icy breath alike oui ami young, mo
beautiful, tho unloved, tho irreiimous,
and tho Christian, to whom alone ho
was divested of his sting.
And how had Timo dealt with
Grae'o Kingstono 1" Tho freshness of
youth had long departed liom her lace,
which, never beautitui, nan become ni
most repelling in its cold, dark ex
pression, and her life was oven mpro
entirely lonely than on tho evening
when sho parted lrom her brother lor-
Forever! The word had never
sounded so dreary ns when, on tin!
seventeenth anniversary of that memo.
rabio night, sho sat in her elegantly.
furnished boudoir in her city home,
surrounded by all the luxuries that
wealth could buy, her thoughts wan.
dering back to tho far-distant past, and
sho would have given all her posses.
slons to bo onco again in tho little,
lialf-Bhabby parlor she remembered so
well, with Charlie, her own Charlie, to
lovu her as of old. Sho had nover for-
given him i her heart had promted her,
many a tune, to go to mm, and beg
liiui to forget her prido and bitterness,
but sho always conquered such lont;
ings, and settled down nioro hardened
sho would havo been softened, and
gono immediately to him i but ho had
been prosperous and happy, and a few
years before had gono to a distant city
with his wifo and two children, einco
when, having mado no inquiries, she
had heard nothing of them.
How tho wind whistled, and how
tho rain dashed ngalmt tho window
panes I Why did sho start and trem
ble nt every unwonted sound f What
made hur so nervous to-night T Did
sho hoar her namo called, or was it
only imagination 1 Her hand trem
bled so that sho could scarcely light
tho gas i sho smiled grimly. "I am
growing old," sho muttered, "but I
did not think I was qui to so weak
minded." The door-boll rang. It was nothing
unusual, but Miss Kingstono turned
pale, and stojd quite still in the mid
dlo ot the room, till the servant entered
with the information that a boy want
ed to sco her.
"Ho looks poor, and is wet and
shivering, ma am, but ho walked into
tho hall like a real gentleman, as ho is,
I'm sure."
"llring him to me," said Miss Iving
stonc. Thu servant bowed and retired, and
in a few moments she ushered into the
apartment n boy about sixteen, who
advanced toward tho lady, and then
slopped, as if awed by her silence.
Graco turned her head, looked at
him, and tho whole expression of her
faco changed ; sho grained tho back of
a chair to steady herself, her cyo di
lated, and when she spoko it was in a
hollow, unnatural voice :
"Charlie, my brother, is it you ? No,
of course, it cannot be j but oh, how
liku he is! Who aro you, boy 1"
"My name is Fred Kingstone," an
swered the boy politely, "ami l am
your nephew, Aunt Grao
"Why do vou come to me, child ?
Havo you run away from your parents,
that you are dressed so shabbily for a
gentleman's son f Do you want mo to
help you out of some scrapo or debtl"
The boy held up his head proudly,
but somewhat sadly, as ho replied
"Mij, madam: 1 have come to you
with a letter from my father which I
found nmong his papers after his death.1'
"Ills death I almost shrieked
Grace. "Oh, I have not understood
you 1 Charlie cannot bo dead ; it is
impossible 1" Then bowing her head
in her hands, she murmured, "Oh 1
this is too heavy a punishment! and
yet I deserve it, I deserve it."
1 Iio boy stood looking at his aunt
for some minutes, and then, sceint; she
did not move, ho said, softlv
,iT! 1 , f.t ' .
uia you love my iaiuer so mucu, youth
Aunt Graco? Ho always loved you to hood,
tho last, and moved by a sudden im
pulse, ho put his arm caressingly
around her.
Miss Kingstono lifted her woe
stricken head, and gazed at tho young,
handsome faco earnestly and lovingly.
"I havo never kissed anyono since
the last happy evening I spent with
your father. Will you kiss me for his
Sho put her nuns around his neck,
and drawing him close to her, kissed
him repeatedly, calling him her own
darling Charlie, and tlio first tears she
had shed for many years fell from her
eyes when she saw how thin and worn
ho was, and what scanty, threadbare
clothes ho wore.
"You must have some supper, child,"
sho said, "and I will send you back to
your mother in my carriage, though I
hate to part with you."
"My mother is dead, too," answered
Fred, "there is no one left but Lilian,
and I must go back to her now, shu
will bo afraid to stay alone."
"Wo will both go back and bring
her here,'' said his aunt, and while
they were waiting for tho carriage, she
opened her dead brother's letter, which
sho read eagerly, her tears blinding her
as she proceeded :
Mv Dr.Ait SisTint : I feel a dim
foreboding to-night, that boforo many
days havo elapsed I shall bo no more,
and I am anxious and troubled about
tho future of my children, whom I
leave without a protector, and entirely
penniless. I am biokeu down in
health and Bpirits by tho troubles of
tho past year. First, I lost every cent
I had th tho world, and then my wife,
whom you would havo loved if you
had known, died vory suddenly. I
havo longed to seo you incessantly,
Grace, since wo parted, and still hopo
wo may meet and become reconciled
before I die. Will you, for tho sako
of tho old love, sister, tako caro of my
poor children T they aro ijood and
very lovable, and I lliink that after my
death all your bitterness toward mo
will be i gone, and you will receivo
them kindly and nffectionately. For
givo me for all the troublo I have
caused you, and that God may bless
an hour later, sho sat listening to tho
voices of the two children as they
Hiked to her and to each other, over
their supper, nnd sho felt that happi-
ncss had again come into her life,
though it was of a quieter, graver na
ture than that of her youth had been.
Her life had been verv much chantr-
cd sinco her separation from Charlie j
hho had lived to herself and for her
self ; sooiety had no charms for her,
sho never visited any one, and, conse
quently, was rarely troubled with com
pany i but now Fred and Lilian oc
cupied her thoughts almost entirely,
giving her no time to brood over tho
sorrowful past, except sometimes at
night, when tho wind was high, she
would think ot the wroncr sue had
dono her brother, but her fcelintr of
remorse was softened by tho conscious
ncss that sho was doing her duty to
his children.
Lilian was very dear to her, but her
affection for Fred was deeper and
more tender i ho was Charlie's imacre.
and his manners and way of speakincr
.1..!!.. -v., l i 'r .,
M.uiy wu luiiiiiiueu nor oi nis iaiuer,
that sho almost unconsciously bestow
ed upon tho old, sacred love which had
lain dormant but intense in her heart
for so many years.
iho winter glided rapidly by, and as
summer approached, Miss Kingstono
began to feel a longing for tho old
house by the river, which sho had not
seen sinco the morninc!, lone aco.
when she left it. so sadly. Tho chil
dren, too, looked pule, and needed a
ehango after their closo confinement to
their studies, and when sho had spoko
of it to them, at tho breakfast table ono
lay, their smiles of pleasuro decided
her. Servants were sent to nut overv-
thing in order j nnd, by tho middle of
May, tho city homo was closed, and
Miss Kinnstono with her nephew and
niece, started for tho village of C .
'I't-.n ,.. ..1. 1 1 .1 .l.
a bU UllllMIUU 1 rtllSilUhUU lilt:
house almost immediately upon their
arrival, and wero enthusiastic in their
exclamations of delight over the grand
old rooms, tho garden, and tho river ;
keeping their aunt so busy answering
their many questions that sho found
the return to tho old associations which
sho had dreaded, in reality was not
fraught with pain, and though her
tears wero often ready to start at the
sight of soma familiar, favorite nook,
tho old bitter feeling was gone. Char
lie Bcemed nearer to her in heaven
than on earth, when a wall of coldness
and anger stood between them. Quiet
ly tho time glided away, and quietly,
almost imperceptibly, but surely as tho
river flows into sea, Fred and Lilian
Kinstonc wero passinc from early
towards manhood and woman
little dreamintr, as thev cazed
with eager eyes into tlio future, of tho
temptation, tho sin, tho disappoint
ments, the heavy trials, that awaited
them in tho world to which distance
lends its brightest enchantment, letting
mo goiuen nours slip unheeded lrom
their grasp, pressing onwaid, over on
ward, never pausing one moment to
breathe a sigh of regret for the reced
ing shores of childhood, already bo
coining dim, and fast fading from their
"Forever with the Lord
Amen, so let it be
Life from the dead is In that word.i
Tis immortality."
1 en years later our story ends. In
tho library of the old houso by tho
river, Miss Kingstone reclined upon a
ioungo drawn closo beside tho lire, her
only companion being a young lady,
who, seated upon an ottoman at her
side, reads aloud and lalkB to her.
"How the wind howls to-night.
Annie I It never before sounded so
mournful but once, long ago. Don't
you think Fred is verv lateV I siumoso
r. . f i. , ... r . .
it is loousii, but since I havo become
so feeble, I am always imaninincr that
some evil has happened to mv bov.
There I was not that his step ? No,
it was only tho dried loaves falling on
tho path. I never used to be so fidget-
ty : it has all eomo to mo since old
Susan died. Poor old Susan ! Sho was
baok to that night when she had voL
untarily bidden a long farewell to Char
lie and as sho recalled his parting
words, so sadly spoken, tho old bitter
romorso returned fourfold, nnd in vain
sho endeavored to still it by thinking
of tho kind, forgiving letter her broth
er had written just beforo his death t
of tho care she had taken of his chil
dren i of their lovo and gratitudo to
her all but intensified her pain. Shn
turned restlessly on her Ioungo and
heaved a deep sigh.
"Grace," said a voice closo bcsldo
her, "Grace, my sister."
Tho tones of that long silent voico
thrilled her to her inmost soul ; sho
seemed oppressed, as if by a weight :
but at length, with a great effort sho
slowly oponcd her eyes.
Her tiephows and nieces wero gone ;
a subdued, silvery radiance shono about
her, and, at the foot of the lounge stood
Charlie, gazing at her with a faco ex
pressivo of tho deepest, holiest affec
tion. Just ns sho had last seen him,
save that tho glorious purity of immor
tal youth nnd beauty wero now his,
and that all traces of sadness had do
patted from his brow, which beamed
with sincerity upon her. "Charlie, my
darling," sho murmured, "oh, tell me,
is there forgiveness for tuo V
Tho vision pointed upwards to a
cross suspended in tho air and answer
ed :
"Tho blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth
us from all sin."
Grace's eyelids drooped irresistibly,
and she sobbed aloud lor very joy, till
sho was conscious of some ono bending
over her, bathing her head, and beg
ging hei to speak. Loving faces wero
gathered around her, and Lilian told
her, gently carrcssing her, that sho had
frightened them very much by talking
nnd crying in her sleep.
Grace took F rod's hand in ono of
her own, stroked his hair softly with
the other for awhile, and then said :
"Ol" red, my darling child, don t
grieve so 1 Think what an old woman
am, and what a fair country I am
hastening, to. l ou havo been good
children to me, you and Lilian, and my
best comforts, but I havo reached the
end ot my journey, am weary, so wea
ry I My lite lias been sadly marred by
mistakes, uiikindncss and bitter feel
ings, but I trust it is all forgiven aud
blotted out by the blood of tho Lamb.
Kiss mo good-night now, all of you,
my children, and receivo your old aunt
ies last blessing."
1 here was an empty lounge standing
in tho corner when tho four met again
next morning, and many were tlio tears
shed as their glances wandered in its
direction, but their grief was chastened
and softened by thoughts of the heppi-
nesss ot that redeemed soul in l'aradise,
and there was not one heart that could
not say, "The Lord gave, and the Lord
hath taken away, blessed be tho namo
ol tho liord.
And thus it camo to pass that tho
house by the river, once tlio scene of
a heartless separation, caused by pride
and prejudice, became tho witness of a
grand reunion, over which tho angels
might have bent in holy joy, and con
templated with ineffable love. Lady's
A Wicked Joke,
now an on, KxciiANor, dude was im-
Tho members of the Now York Oil
Exchange aro a rather swell set of
young men, but the lead in tho matter
of clothes is taken by a youth known
as "tho dude," whose name is witheld
for tho sako of his relatives. This
dude strolled into the Exchango during
a dull hour yesterday, and Solomon in
all his glory was never arrayed liko
one of him. To begin near the bottom
Ins leet (the dude s, not bolomou s)
wero encased in tho glossiest of patent
leathers ; his trousers fitted liko the
paiut on a lampost ; his coat had never
a creaso from tail to top ; his linen was
stanched until it shone, and his collar
was perfection itself, and raised his
tho last link that bound me to mv old ehin so that he could only gazo at tho
life, and now sho is gone. I feel floor nt tho hazard of cutting his throat,
strangely to-night, Annie. I am not Hut his tout ensemble, so to speak, was
so very old, but I havo a presentiment completed and set oil by tho darlingest
in, a my me is drawing near its close, p"14 "av nimmiiuuio, wuu inu oiomiesi
vou, Grace, darling,
after this life, safe
your brother, who
through eternity.
and bring you
to heaven, prays
will lovo you
Miss Kingstono and Fred were
lint tliero is J' red at last. Go meet
him, dear. His voico is musio to me,"
she murmured, as Annio left tho room :
liko Charlie's ; oh, so much liko
Charlie's 1 I havo never forgotten it."
Fred stamped into the hall, tossed
his hat upon tho table, throw off his
overcoat, and turned just in time to
catch Annie in Ins arms and kiss her.
"Well,' ho said, "havo you missed
mo to day, my darling little wife 1 and
aro you glad to sco mot"
Ut course 1 am glad to seo vou
you know I always am ; but listen to
me ono moment beforo you go into tho
library. I am afraid Aunt Graco is
not iiuito so well this evening. She is
very pale, and her eyes aro hollow and
A r . , ...
iv wuauo oi nnxieiv crosseu i red s
face, and ho hurried into tho library
lriven rapidly to an humble houso in a where ho found Miss Kingstono sitting
.... i., - i . i i.. .. r ,
uji, uii ii uuguu nuiiio oi weieomo
ready tor him. Kissing her nflection
ately, 1' red said :
navu somo pleasant in-ws lor vou.
auntie. Philip is going to bring Lilian
ed. and a little girl appeared, savincf : up to see you this evening. Thev in
"Is that you, Fred t What has tended coining this morning, but Phil
kept you so lougT ' sho stopped count not got ou.
narrow street. I1 red ran up tho stairs
when they entered the house, his aunt
following as quickly as she could in
tho uncertain light, and when thev
reached thu landing, a door was open
and most curling of brims and a beau
tifully bulgent top. Altogether ho was
radiantly, diz.lingly beautiful. Tho
dude stopped near the middle of tho
lloor, struck an attitude much affected
by garden statuary, and gazed serenely
and pityingly upon his commonplace
fellow brokers, liut, horror of horrors!
iV rude man camo behind him and
jerked tha silken tilo from his head,
and tho next moment it was thrown to
the lloor, had received a vicious kick,
and a dozen brokers wero running after
it. i hoy surrounded it, and away it
sailed again toward the ceiling with the
entire membership ot the Exchange,
savo only tho owner, in wild pursuit.
Uoiiiul and round tho lloor gamboled
tho merry brokers with tho fiat before
them. Now it was suffering in their
midst, tnen it shot over the lloor with
(tesperato eiiorts to escape, on v to bo
overtaken again, trampled, kicked, and
trodden until it presented an appear
ance as if it had been laid down on by
a cow aud then spent a buminer under
a dust-heap, and tho gay brokers were
tired out and perspiring. The dude dur-
mgthis terrible period stood ngast, and,
with horror depicted in every featurt
when she saw Miss Kingstone, and
nestling ngainsl her brother, sho look
ed at her shyly with blue eyes, from
underneath the long lashes.
"This is our Aunt Grace, Lilian,"
said Fred. "She has been so kind to
me, and has como all tho way to seo
you this rainy night."
'1 ho child seemed very timid, but
held out her hand to Grace, who kiss.
cd her, saying, "You aro going to bo
my inviu gin now. i nave ueen very
loneiy mr seventeen cats, and your
near iaiuer lias iru vou uotn to me 7
Li iau linked up into her face and
said, pressing thu hand that hold hers :
"es, tor I lovo you, Aunt Grace.
Whilo tho children hastily gathered
together their lew clothes, Graco sat
watohing them, and thinking how little
sho deserved the sweet affection which
ineso two yoiuiitui noarts were so
ready to bestow upon her, and sho
prayed silently and earnestly that, by
caving for them and guarding them,
suo migui niniiu in some small mens-
uio for her sin ngaiust her brother,
now so inr no) ond tlio reach ut her
. i r i..f Tf 1 I it... , .
mill uuiorgiviug man ueioru, u iter iier stateiv iiuuso seemed a vi-rv
brother had been poor, or in trouble, 1 different place to hur when, nbouthalf
pass, liut when a grinning messenger
brought him the haltered cornso of his
precious dicer he forced a siuilu which
was oul, a desolate mockerv of happi-
in every leature.
Miss Kingstono seemed pleased, and llm'.e' U0ZI-'U despair as thu gambols
said, looking thoughtfully into the firo : 01 ",s wiokou associates led them to tho
"I am glad, very glad, to havo nil ,tml' cardinal points ot tho room s com-
my children wiih mo to-night, I nl.
most feared I would never seo Lilian
"Oh, nonsense, auntie !" said Fred.
trying to ludo his nuxiety. "You will
seo her very often vet. 'l don't doubt.
nut you nro nervous, and no wonder.
t never heard tho wind roar so tre
mendously. It is a dismal sort of night."
uiimn ami ner nusuaiid J'hilip nr
lived half an hour later, in timo for
tea, and when tho littlo group gathered
iiiuiiiiu mu i.iuie, Ainu liraou iav on
her lounge, watching thoin closely nnd
earnestly, with a grave, almost troubled
look on her countenance, which, how
over, gradually gavo plaoo to ono of
peace and triiBttnlness, as sho banished
all anxious thoughts of those dear ones.
aud resigned them into tho hands of
tho Lord, knowing that Ho would not
chasten nor allliet them uiiiiecehsaiilv.
1.... 1.1 .-..! i , ..
urn, wuiiiii giiuio uu'iii saieiy inioiigl
" I ho vulo ot tears ' Into l ie r overlnsi
ing home, where sorrow, pain and death
siio-.iKi no loruvor unknown,
bho closed her eves, and her mind
wandered back to tho far-off nnst
I 1 1 . . a I a
nes ami remarked i "Aw dawn t caro
anyway. It was mi old hawt." Then
the rude man who had torn tho tilo
from t'lcnnhiippy adolescent's head ap-
proaonou ami nuiuied tho bilkcu hat
uninjured, a id tho dmu learned that
ho had been tho victim of a wicked
joke. An old hat had boen substituted
on the lloor, while the piker hold thu
victim's tile behind his back. And it
came to pass that tho noiso of unholy
laughter was bo great as to jar tho
ticker into thu tape-basket, and tho
dudu will wear a Derby hat to dav and
forever after whilo ou the lloor of tho
A cat's cries wakened a canal boat
captain and family at Now Haven,
Tho boat had filled 'and was sinking,
Sixteen lives were thus saved.
Tho fanner makes
tho son shims behind a