The Columbian. 00MSBURG, PA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 188JJ. Correct Hallrnail Time Tuhlt;. Tnilm on tlio I'hltartclplTH it it. import HOKTll. SOUTH. lOOi.iu. JUS a. in 4u.ip.ra. till, a Tr .Ins on tho I). L. A W. It. It. levo lllooinsburu NOHTII. f0UT1I 8 as ft. m. 1145 a. In. Tho 11 4$ train south connects with tho I'iilla. dolohla Itcartlnit at upcrt, and with thu Northern Central ut NurUiumucrland. Tin :M a. m traluooanoeMal Northumberland with ; train on I'oimaylvauta road reacblnir Piit'.adoipblaatBunp. in. , .u.UK Tho tlsll train connects with t'blladvlplita and funding roat at IWpjrt at llstw reacblnir I'lilla dolphla at :00 p. in. Tho ll!45 tralu connects with Pennsylvania roa t at North moorlaua at 1:43 reaching l'hlladel. phla at Mi p. tn Tho 4:30 p m. train connects lth Pennsylvania road at Northumberland at 8:01 p. in. anu reaches I'ull-ulelplilaaHiMa, m. Tr-ilni on tin f. . V. H ItilUtypas-r ninom Ferry as follows s NOKTIt. tOCTIf. '1. m li.oip.rn. ! p. m T.ur p. m. lMlbllc Hilll'H. Tlio salo of tho real nutate of William Ivcy deceased wns adjourned from the 27th tilt, until Tuesday, November 13th, Henry F. Oman, executor of George Oman, late of Scott township, will sell val liable real estate on tho premises, on Sat urday, November 21th, 1S83. A farm of 170 acres. See advertisement.- l'crHonal. Jnspcr Dcmott will take charge of the hotel at Turbotvllle next April. Jlr. F. P. Harris of Woodstown, N. J. was In town on Tuesday mid made us a pleasant call. Dr. It. M. Lashello of .Ccntrnlla has been appointed consulting physician of tho Mi nor's Hospital ut Ashland. J. M. Long of Benton started for Mlchl. gun on Tuesday to purcliaso a car load of stocks Mrs. E. llolllngshcad nnd little son have been tho guests of Mr. M. F. Eycrly pre vious to nnd slnco tho marriage of his daughter Minnie. She was prominent spec tator nt tho mnrrhgc ceremony, being an intimate friend of the bride, whoso name however, wns omitted when mentioning persons from different places present. Dr. James H. Lewis the oldest physician in Luzerne county, died last Saturday. Pnpcr bags, all sizes, square nnd satchel bottom, nt tho Comi.mmax store. On Friday of last week the North Moun tain wns covered with snow. A large variety of Ukli.ui.oh Coixaks St Cuffs nt David Lowenbergs. The election was a very quiet one. There was no excitement or disturbance of any kind. Tho 6'un, Danville's new dally, has come to us, and wo find It n newsy and inter esting sheet. May it prosper. Sheriff Mourey has been suffering with neuralgia for some days past. M. F. Eyerly Is acting as Deputy Sheriff. The Mlllllnville Uccord has been removed to Nautlcoke, and now appears as the Luzerne Venture. Imported olive-wood pen holders and pencils, very pretty and very cheap, nt the Coi.umiiiax store. C. C. Oalignan has broken ground for n dwelling house on his corner lot next to St. Columba's church. E. H. Little, Esq., and Geo. lllrlcman brought 21 mules nnd 13 horses trom the West last week. They are line stock. Fine visiting cards with name printed on, 20, 2o, 30 nnd -10 cents per pack of 25 cards, at the Columiiiax olllce. Misses Emma Flemmlng, Annie and Jen nie Quick and Harry Quick, of Rupert, were neither absent from, nor tardy at 6chool during thu month of Oct. If our Espy correspondent who signs himself "Job" will give us his correct name wo shall bo pleased to hear from him again. Prothouotary Krickbaum has made some further Improvements In the olllce by the addition of shclvlng ln tho vnult, for it more convenient arrangement of tho official pa pers. M. Levy it Co., of Berwick, successors to M. A. Loch, oiler n lino stock of cloth. ingt hats and caps, trunks, valises, ladles' coats, &c. See advertisement in another column. Lost. From a carriage a red striped lady's shawl, of Utile value except to tho owner. Thu tinder of same will con fer n favor by leaving It nt tho Sanitarium opposite the depot at lllootnsburgh. Jasper Dcmott will sell valuable person, al property on tho premises near Jersey, town on Thursday November 10th, 1883, consisting of horses, cows.hogs and general farming Implements. Estiuy. Camo In premises of Daniel Yocum near Hloomsburg on or about Oct. l'lth, n white shout. Owner can have It by proving property nnd paying for keeping itnd for this notice. 3 t Tho failure of Peter Haldy, ono of the leading business men of Danville, on Mon day Inst, was tho themo of conversation In every circle. His liabilities are over $100, -000, nnd ho hns confessed Judgments to tho amount of about iJ70,000. Mr. llussel Sliultz of Benton township, near Cambra, is tho proud father of tho champion small baby in Columbia county. It weighed just two pounds at Its birth, Is enjoying excellent health and Is now about three weeks old. Tuesday eveulni; was the occasion of the tenth anniversary of thu wedding of Ellis Cox, at his residence. .Many Invited guests wcro present. Some handsome presents were given. A bountiful repast was scrv. cd. Tho band enlivened tho occasion with good music. A very pleasant time was had nnd thu wish of tho many friends of Mr, Cox is that thoy may see many more such anniversaries. On October 13th Forcpaugh's circus nnd menagerie exhibited In Willlamsport, nnd Miss Hattiu Collins, daughter of Mr. Dan lei Collins, who was then employed as a domestic with a family in Nowborry, left for tho purpose of attending tho show Since that date nothing has been seen or heard from her. Her parents nro nearly distracted, and will thankfully receive any Information of her whcrcnlniits, Tho fol lowing personal description Is given i Age 17 years i light hair i short and heavy set, weighing about 180 pounds. Direct any communication to Daniel Collins, Newber ry, Lycoming county, Pa. Danvlllo Is ngnln excited over tho nppcar. finco of tho "cloak mini" Tho .Sun says he has been seen several times during tho hist week. Ho Is described ns u tall man wearing n largo black cloak, with, which ho screens his face. Whether he Is a lima, tic, n detective, or a ruffian nn one has been nble to find out. Wu have In our window two ears of corn which were raised by lleuben Hess on his farm near llupert, Ono" Is thirteen and a half Inches long nnd contains 14 rows of corn, nnd tho other Is twelve inches long with 18 rows. Thoy are very flue specimens, and we doubt whether many of our farmers can beat them, Notice li hereby given to the hoiidhold crs of tho Dloomsbiirg State Normal School that upon presentation of tho bonds nil In. teiesldticlipto September 1st, 1883, will be paid by 11. J. Clark, Treasurer, at tho store of H. J. Clark fz Son, Bloomsburg, Pa. You will oblige by presenting same before December 1st, 1883. H, J. Cl.AliK, iiovO.tJt Treasurer. Tho Bloomsburi' Lecture Association have relinquished tho field this season, but uio lames of the Home Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church will treat us to a lecture In the Opera House on Friday evening Nov. 10th. by Rev. Sheldon .Tnek. son I). 1). of New York City. Dr. Jack, son Is very familiar with Alaska, his sub. ject, having been thcro several times, nnd gives nn intensely Interesting lecture. In Centralia thcru were onlv 110 demo. crats voted out of 170. In north Conyng. nam only 42 out of 224. Th s s a vorv light vote, and If the same indifference was manifested everywhere, the result of Tues day's election is not to be wondered nt. On the oilier hand I is h nircrcek In with a gain of 1 1 votes over last vear. and Orange with a gain of 0. Tho lower entl mil not do its duty this year. If the right to vote Is worth havlnu It s worth using. Foil Salb : A Hourlnir mill, with lntest improved machinery. Oood locality and near market. For further information. address, Post.uastki:, Heyburn, Luzerne county, Pa., nov 0-1 w Horace Walters, son of A. K. Walters of Ashland, died at his father's houso last week Wednesday, aged about thirty years. Some years ngo ho attended tho Normal school here, and will be remembered by many of his old schoolmates as a young man of an unusually blight intellect and of fine social qualities. After leaving school he read law with W. A. Marr, Esq., and was udmltted to tho Bar of Schulklll coun ty, where he has been practicing for sev eral years. Ills disease was consumption. Some unfavorable comments were made on Tuesday because It was found that quite a number of names wero omlttted from tho registry list, nnd most of them republicans. The fact that the democratic committee looked after the matter and had about for- ty names put on the sixty day list, while the republicans paid no attention to It, ex plains how this happened. It was nn doubt an exhibition of great carelessness on the part of the assessor to miss tho names of some of the most prominent business men whoso names have been registered for many years ; but to charge that it was done Intentionally is absurd, as nothing could have been gained by it, If so doue. Olitlunry. Maria, wife of B. F. Hartman, died on Wednesday morning, of dropsy, after a long and suffering Illness, aged 70 years, 7 mos. and 25 days. She was a daughter of Daniel Pursel, and was one of a family of eleven children, viz i JohnDennls, Jo- nathan, Hobert, Daniel, Hetty, William, iVnne, Maria, Isaac and Sylvester, all tho rest of whom nro living but Daniel nnd Jo nathan. Had .Mrs. Hartman lived until next January, the combined ages of the In others and sisters would have made 700 years, on the yiu oi uctoucr jir. anu Mrs. Hartman had been married 47 years. Two children wero born to them, n son which died in infancy, nnd a daughter, Mrs. O, T. Wilson, recently deceased. Mrs. Hartman was an estimable chris tlau lady, having been for many years n member of tho P. E. Church. She leaves her husband and a largo circle of relatives and friends to mourn her loss. Tho fu neral will be held at the houso tills Friday afternoon at two o'clock. Foit Salk. A property in Roarlngcreek township, consisting of a dwelling house, bam, mill with four run of stone, and about 28 acres of improved land. Inquire of John Mourey, Bloomsburg, Pa. tf A Quail and Her ClilclcH. Down In the borough of New Columbus a female quail has either hatched out three chicken eggs or stolen three little chicks from tho hen who presided at the Incuba tion. At any rate' tho quail and tho chicks fraternize precisely ns though they were of the same family, tho little ones following the quail obedieutly and the former fiercely resisting any attempt to Interfere with her charges, This singular and interesting circumstance lias nttracted considerable attention and excited muchjremark in the nelghborhpod. Wilkabarrt Union-Leader. nilj A. II. C.OIf OUIIIIUKIN15HH. Attractive Goods, dmlrable Assortment. Bargain for everybody. At David Lowenberg's B lg Variety, cautlfiil Designs, ottom Prices. Comparc our Stock, jonsider tho Saving. 7 ,,i,, rtirlit Alnmr. To David Lowenberg's for Clothing. Centre Kuturt. Henry Shaffer has erected a largo wagon Bhed on his farm where Isaac Creasy lives It greatly Improves tho phicc. On Tuesday afternoon of last week Slmou Frey, an old and respected citizen of Ccu tie, died. Tho Interment took placo at tho llhllay Church on Thursday. Thcro was n wedding In Ccntro on last Wednesday. Win. Gelger of Flshlngcreek, (formerly of Centre) to Miss Laura Weiss, daughter of Joseph Weiss of Centre. Re freshments wcro served at tho brldu's par ents and nt night camo the music consist ing of bells, pans &c. Will, wo wish you much happiness. Miss Maggie Conner of OranguvlIIu lias been visiting friends here. Jacob Lynn while husking corn for Sam itel Illdlay caught two white mlco. As Jacob Is a lover of pets ho succeeded In getting them to his homo and is trying to tamo thorn. Extiie Nous. l'ull 1'aHlilon Uuarterly, Send 15 cents to Struwbrldgo & Clothier, for tho Autumn Quarterly 120 pages 1000 Illustrations 43 valuable articles on sub Jects of Interest to ladles j nlso, a dress makers' page. Every description of dry goods illustrated and priced, for shoppers by mall. Tho music by W. W. Gilchrist tho celebrated composer, Is alone worth double thu price of the book. Yearly sub i scrfptlon, 60 cents 2-7 cents for six I mouths. Subscribe, now nov 2-Qt THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. J The Kenton McvtliiKi A great crowd of people gathered nt Benton last Friday to lay their respects to thu Governor on Ids return from his hunt, lag excursion, a report of which U printed elsewhere Tho nllalr was purcly'lnform. al nnd bo far as tho Governor was concern ed, non-partisan. Throngs of people camo from lower Luzerno and the townships ndjolnlng Benton nnd largo delegations from other points. Tho Governor wns In. troduced to tho great crowd by Hobert Buckingham, and was received with tu multuous applause. His icmnrks related to his decr-hunt through that section nnd tho grandeur of the scenery ho had oh. served with a number of friends, who nc companlcd him on his hunt. Tho Governor returned to Berwick on Friday afternoon and lhcn?c to Harrlsburg Saturday morning. After ho had left tho crowd caltcd for .Buckingham, who re sponded in n speech, discussing thu issues Involved In tho present campaign nnd the Importance of its bearing upon tho next Presidential election. Tho mention of tho name of Chairman llcnscl as nn organizer wns lustily cheered. W. H. Rnyder, ex. County Superintendent, wns then cnllcd on. for a speech nnd addressed tho audience upon tho Importance of getting out every Democratic vote. Tho Benton Band fur. nlsiicd the music for the occasion. For n Full Suit, For a good Overcoat, For Men, Youth's, Boy's nnd Children Clothing go to David Lowenberg's. Hi Mciiiorlniti. Lust week we announced In, our person nl column that Mrs. Martha (1. Itishton was convalescing anil expected soon to be able to leave her room. For many long weeks she had lain prostrate on a bed of sickness and her end seemed near. Sho then gave up all hope of recovery and with calm resignation and Christian fortitude pre pared to meet tho Great Destroyer. But, after balancing on the brink of death for days, she slowly rallied and tho hope that she might be spared yet a little longer was revived In the hearts of herself and her friends. Gradually she grow bettor until she wns nblo to sit up. On Friday sho was up most of tho day and received a number of callers. On Saturday morning those who passed along Market street were shocked to observe the signal of death pendaut from her door.knob. The sad talc was soon told. On Friday night nt about ten o'clock a sudden change came over her. After complaining of n severe pain in her head she became unconscious, and at three o'clock next morning her spirit returned to tho God who gave It. Mrs. Itishton was a daughter of William Sloan deceased, the relict of tho late Thomas Itishton, and sister of M. C. Sloan, Charles P. and Miss Sadu '.Sloan. Sho leaves one son, Willie. In the Episcopal church, of which she had been a member for many years, she was an active worker. She sang In the choir for a long time, nnd was n faithful teacher in tho Sunday school. The funcr. al took place at the church on Sunday afternoon nt two o'clock, nnd the very largo throng of friends who gathered to pay their last respects to tho deceased testified to the esteem In which she was held In this community. Cuutrnlln Letter. This letter was Intended tor last week's issue, but came too late. En. On Monday we received another batch of Hungarians, numbering some twenty men nnd three women. They wcto gotten hero to work for Mr. Church at Montana. Mr. Edward Brcslinc of Mt. Carmel and Miss Kate Langon of Centralia, were mar rlcd In St. Ignatius' church at mass on Tuesday morning, the Bov. A. J. Bros line, brother of the groom, officiating. The bridesmaids wero Miss Horan nnd Miss Gallagher, Mr. Brcnnnu and O'Toolc were groomsmen. The church was tilled with Invited friends. After the ceremony the happy couplo took tho noon train for Philadelphia and other points of interest. Wo wish them a long aud happy life in their new undertaking. On Monday evening Mr. Farrel and Miss Gallagher were united In marriage by Rev. E. T. Field. Tho couple repaired to the homo of tho bride where their many friends' had a very pleasant evening. A cave-In occurred nt the Logan colliery tho fore part of tho week, which complete ly blocked one of thu gangways. A large force of men arc nt work clearing up the debris. Tho employees of the Diamond Drill Company nro sinking a shaft north of tho Logan colliery where they contemplate boring another hole for Messrs. Biley & Co. Tho last one, It appears, not proving satisfactory. Howard Stockett, foreman of tho Dia. inond Drill, has resigned Ids position to accept one on tho P & B engineer corps in Pottsvlllc. No appointment hns been made as yet to fill tho vacancy. John Langon, a starter at the Centralia colliery, had his hand severely hurt on Wednesday. Proposals are being received Jfor tho driving of two tunnels nt Continental col liery. One for the Prlmroso vein and ono for tho Bkldmorc. Tho company have started to sink n new slope on tho Mam. moth vein. W. J. Sweeney gave iv turkey supper to his numerous friends on Wcduesday even ing. It was a most enjoyable affair. nicy (ironic win s ncaitn in the "weo sma hours" on Thursday morning and nil de parted for home wishing to spend their next Hallow Eu'cn In n llko manner with their genial friends. Quite n number from Mt. Carmel and Maucli Chunk wcro in nt tendance. Our young friend, John Lynch, has gone to boarding school; wo wish hlin succes. A shooting match for $50 a side took placo on Saturday afternoon between Dan lei Curry nnd John Pitts. Both men shot uliiu birds out of twelve, and having no more birds ou hand, the referee decided a draw. Another mutch will bo tried shortly for a much larger sum. A donation party was held on Wednes day evening for tho benefit of Mrs. Smith who burled her husband uud three rbll ilrcn in a llltlo over a year. It was a sue- cess, financially aud otherwise. A party of young men styling them selves "Lynx" go around scaring people at night. Their latest victim wns a farroe from Roaring Creek who had Imbibed too freely nnd wanted to light. Thoy hung him to a hook in front of it butcher shop by ropo around his body aud left htm there for about three hours, when some ono passing let him loose. Tho fellow will hardly undcrtako to get drunk In Centra 11a again. Tho new school building is Hearing com pletion nnd U quite an improvement to that part of town. Mr. Heffncr, tho nowly appointed super lutenilunt, has not Uilion churgo of th schools as yet. a urn uno ot pocicct books mid purses for ladles or gentlemen just opened tit tho Ujlumuian store. oraiiKuvlllc itcaiH. Quito a number of our went to Benton last Friday to seo Gov. Pattlsoit nnd hear him talk. But owing to some mtsiin. dcrstaudlng among oar people ns to tho time the Governor would address the ulll. zens of Benton they failed to ho In time, but fortunately had tho good pleasure of seeing him nt Stillwater. It was qutto a ills, appointment to many of our town puoplo that the Governor did not glvo our llttlu village a call. Prof, Heck has returned home again, and Is ns usual at his post looking after thu Interests of his school. Best nnd nn abun dance of good victuals that tho Prof, re eclved while visiting has had Its desired ef fect. He looks as fat as a guinea-pig. Tho steam saw mill located near tho Iron Bridge just above town has been running Its best slnco started, anil with about thirty more dayB of tho same kind of work Its contract will bo finished. The mud on our streets Is drying up making tho roads more passable. We also noticed tho supervisor on Monday U9t at work trying to placo them In bolter condi tion for tho whiter travel. Is It lawful to dump saw dust Into streams that tho Fish Commissioners have stocked with bass and trout. I hear a great deal of complaint concerning the mill nt tho bridge running all their dust Into the creek. If it destroys the fish then thcro muld bo n stop put to tho business. There as n great many bass to bo seen near tho brldgo this summer, but very few now. I supposo the dust has cleaned them out. Business In Orangevllo Is still on tho In crease. 1 have been nn observer nnu could not help but notice that the leading and enterprising merchants Llllcy nnd Sloppy nre doing a rushing business. Their stock complete, nnd with thelr pluck they nro sure to control a largo trade. Somebody was drunk or very sick Sat- urday night ns Sunday ' morning revealed the contents of somo very weak stomachs on the sidewalks. Boys, If whisky won't ttle your stomachs then try water for a change. W. A. Bobbins and wife and A. W. vcland and wlfo visited friends last w,cck Watsontown. Miss Susie Hayman has returned home' from Benovo, Clinton Co., this state. Our townsman Geo. Herring is very pleasant slnco that ho has becomo tho fath er of n ten pound boy. Mike Is looking for the lad that treed out erry Keller's coat giving It the locust cut ou tho back. Such conduct should bo re- arded with n good fine for damage, ; as such an act is surely malicious mischief.1 -v Tho trot between Bloomsburg a n' d Orangeville was quito a lively affair on riday last. The roads wcro bad but ncv- rthelcss the race was a success. By all appearances tho Orangeville teams wcro a little too fast for tho Bloomsburg turnouts. Time, 8 40. Wm. Bower, wife and daughter have just returned from Kansas where they have resided for the past live years. Mr. Bower ntends making his home in Columbia Co. n the future. I have ihcard that a new society is to bo organized soon In this town. It Is to be called "The Young Men's Baldheadcd So ciety." I think the Idea a Igood one as there is plenty of material here to start one. Unfortuuately X. Y. Z. cannot be come a member. I have been informed that Henry Everett mending very slowly, nnd by nil nc- counts it will be a long while before ho will bo about. Tho lino weather is making the farmers feel glad. Their winter grain is looking cry nice, nnd with the fine stand it Is get ting the probabilities are It will winter well. The railroad excitement lias abated, but we think that after the election has quiet ed down It will revive again. It would certainly bo n relief to us if Cap. would let us know when the first lot of hands will arrive. The squad he sent to Stillwater some time ngo hns fulled to go to work. presume the Bear und other nnlmnls went on n strike. Cap, send the monkey and tho hat around ns the anti-railroad men want to give lavishly. J. W. LUIey Intends going to tho Nortli Mountain for deer next week. Jim never ills In bringing venison home with him. X. Y. Z. remains unknown yet to the eoplu of Orangeville. Nlblo thinks he knows him but so far thu poor boy is on tho wrong track.' X. Y. Z. The Governor's Visit. Tho past week has been ono of excite ment to everybody, ns it beenmo generally known that a real, live Governor had passed through on his way to the North Mountain for n few days' rest from the cares of olllce. Ills excellency, Gov. Pat. tlson, and party, consisting of Mr. II. C. Dern of Altoona nnd Dr. II. Pltcalru ot Harrlsburg, (proprietors of tho Altoona Tribune), Mr. Fryslnger of York, and Bev. W. W. Evans of Berwick, arrived Monday noon at the residence of Daniel McIIcnry Esq., where thoy halted long enough to partake of au excellent dinner prepared for tho occasion, after which they wcro ac companied by Daniel McIIcnry & Son and Bev. D. M. KIntcr of Stillwater, tq the pleasant and beautiful mountain resort kept by "Billy" Cole, where all arrived about dark with only tho slight Incident of breakdown of tho principal vehicle when near their destination. Muddy roads nnd the weariness of travel were saoti forgotten in tlio pleasurable excite ment of Mother Cole's buckwheat cakes mid maple molasses. After supper thcro was a general unpacking of Ordnanco and Ordnance stores such as is seldom seen outside of the State Arsenal (no lnslnun lions intended") and when all was satisfac torily arranged, nnd plans for to-morrow's hunt discussed, nil retired to dream of tho coming sport, which they evidently did amid a variety of queer noises resembling somowhat the snortings of a scared buck. Tuesday morning dawned fair and pleas. ant. Breakfast at 7, after which n party of thirteen, led by Billy Cole, started 'Injln" file, to wend Its way up the steep and tortuous path leading to the moun tain's summit. My pen Is Inadequate to describe that march, so wo leavo It to the Imagination of tho reader. At about 0 o'clock, a. m., the hunt began and contln ued nil day nmld tho crashing of falling trees and limbs, thu wind having risen to a heavy gale, endangering somewhat both life and limb of tho jolly hunters. Llko nil things earthy, that hunt ended, tho re stilt of which was t bucks killed, 0 ; does, 0 1 porcupines, 1 1 pheasants, 1 wounded ino descent to .nr. uoie's was finally ac complished after considerable of lofty tumbling nnd divers measures of lengths on tho side ot tho mountain, from tho tall form of his Excellency down to' tho lithe figure of the senior proprietor of the Al toona Ihbune. Hero they found one of Mother Cole's excellent suppers awaiting their coming, which was soon hid away by ns hungry a set as you often seo. Thus refreshed, the spirits of each arose to Its wonted height as In turn they recited the Incident! of tho day, und what they would have done had Mr. Buck put in au appear. nncc, after which all gladly sought repose In the land of forgetfulness. Wednesday's I hunt was moro exciting, as two deer wcro ! sighted ono of which, n largo buck, wns I fired nt twice, and, sorry to say, missed. After n severe day's tramp thu discomfited nimrods returned to tho attack of n famous turkey which graced tho head nf tho ta ble which literally groaned under thu weight of good things which were speedily conveyed to the stomachs of tho hungry hunters, utter which there was more groaning 1 1 Wednesday evenlnp; tho com pany was augmented by tho arrival of Mr. J. J. McIIcnry of Benton, and Dr. Gardner of Bloomsburg. Another pleasant evening spent In relating Incidents, jokes, &c. Thursday morning opened with the first snow of tho season, nnd as several new hunters arrived, qutto n llttlo army, In eluding tho Commander-in-Chief of the Pennsylvania Militia, started for the last etlort nt capturing ono or moro of tho beau tiful denizens of the forest. Tho hunting wns very dlsngrccablc, owing to tho snow on the bushes, nnd one division (they had divided Into two parts) soon tired nnd re turned, minus the deer, nhout 1 o'clock, p. m. The other division, having gone far ther, were moro persevering nnd continued the hunt until Into lu tho afternoon when they returned bearing nloft one of the grand denizens of the North Mountain as nn ovldcnco of his Excellency's skill as a hunter, showing that n buck ns well ns a "Beaver" must succumb to his ability to make a long nnd successful run. Joy was seen depleted on every countenance and all were well pleased with tho wind-up of the icat hunt. On Friday morning his Excellency and party started on the return trip, stopping at Benton where a large and enthusiastic crowd of tho friends and admirers of tho Governor had Ksscmbled to greet and wel como hint lo our beautiful valley. The Governor addressed them In his usually graceful and happy manner and by his pleasant and affable deportment won tho hearts of the multitude. An excellent dinner was prepared for the party at tho Exchange Hotel, where the inner man wns refreshed, and In tho evening the Governor nnd party started for Berwick where thoy took tho cars on Saturday morning for the State Capital, greatly delighted with their trip, promising at some future time to renew It. I am happy to say that the Governor is a Christian gentleman, and a peoples' man jusUuch n man as every good man de llintsj'to honor. His Christian dignity is nn'fiorior to this great Commonwealth, and I.. l.t. 1.n, nvmnn..t COIUmSlS SinillgCiy Willi luav miuuu and self-esteem so generally seen In thoso called to fill high places. Ills party should feel proud of him and stand by him to n man, In his manly effort lo rise above mere paity Interests (and serve all the peo plo of the State for their good. Wo are glad to havo met him, nnd he will find a hearty wclcomo whenever ho elects to como ngain. The party consisted entirely of men who are not ashamed to acknowl. edec God as their Father and Jesus Christ a3 their rightful Sovereign. Thank God, Christianity is cominc to tho front. So might it be. Nisi. MARRIAGES. PEIPEH HAUTEU. At Berwick, Oc tobcr 25th, at tho Lutheran parsonage, by Bov. J. P. German, Mr. J. W. Peiper of Berwick, to Miss Matilda Harter of Nes- copeck, f LOCAL NOTICES. I W. Hartman & Son's nfTnr this week. il mid lots of goods cheap Vlpnnl.iP- un and getting ready for Christmas. 1 Alen tlnnnnla llliinkptS. SliaWlS. COIltS. 1111 derwear, hosiery and other goods for the winter which Is close at hand. Best Germantown wool very cheap. Zephyrs, Saxony wool, stocking yarn. Canvasses, cmurouiery, im:, ivt., lfnlt trnnila from 3,1c 110. . . . v . . , i ...t....n lino Rtoc c OI lieavv Kiuvca uiiu uuticus for men and boys. loor oil cloth. Fresh stock of groceries. mnm nhnnner than ever. Butter, eggs, dried fruits, lard, chickens, &c, bought and sold by I. W. Hartman & Son. Notice To my old and now customers Havlnr lipp.n out of tlio mercantile busi ness over two years I havo decided to fill n my store neam nnu nave jusi rumuiuu from the city with a full stocK ot new goods bought at the lowest wholesale prices, and I am prepared to sell them ns ehean as tliev enn bo sold anywhere in this part ot the country. uau aim c.niu no my siock nnu see prices. Burnt. MollKNitv. Benton. October ICtli. 1883. 19-lw Don't fall to seo tlmNorthrun turtle driv- ing cull with wristlet combined, for ladies and gentlemen, walking, or driving at u, W. Bcrtsch's merchant tailoring establish meut, Main street. Ladles fine shoes at F. D. Dcntler's. now and large stock just in. 30 different styles of pen or pencil tablets at tho Columbian store. For fur trimmings, fur collars, gimps, fringes or trimmings of any kind go to Lutz & bloan's. Cheap underwear at J. B. Skeer's. You can be suited In shoes, If you call at i D. Dcntler's. nustocK is complete in gcnts',ladics', misses' and children's shoes, 75.000 envelopes, ull sizes nnd colors wholesale aud retail, nt tlio Columman store. G. W. Bertsch has lust received a fine line of gloves and mitts for ladles and gents. Don't fall to see them before pur. chasing elsewhere. Everybody admires tho beautiful ranees manufactured In nil styles, at Sliarpless' loundry. They nave all the modem im movements, are llrst-class nnd ns irood I all respects as they can possibly be made, net nn.4w P. D. Dcntler's stock of ladies', misses', and chlldrens' shoes Is complete In every particular. Call und sec. Cheap (piccnsware at J. 1). Skeer's. Host quality Saxony yarn 131 cents an ounce, also a lull in: lino of other yarns at I.utz & bloan's. 20 illllcrcnt styles of wedding Invitations nt tho Coi.t'MiitAN store. Roots, boots, shoes, shoes, at F. I), Oood goods at lowest prices. Dcntler's, A now lot ot line boxed papers lust re. celved nt tho Columiiias Btore. That heavy cream damask, and wedding plates Is thu finest writing paper wo have ever shown, Only 40 cents a box. with envelopes. Tho Youlman black still hat Is all tlio stylo nnd rugo, at present for young men. A full assort pent of them can bo seen and had, at U. W. Bcrtsch's, tho tailor and hat ter. For shawls, coats, dolmans or cloths to make up for tho ladles, go to Lutz & Bloan's. For good cheap man's. furniture, go to Cud- Look at tlio now shades of writing paper in our snow winnows, ooui uy tnu sheet or quire, at tue IOlpmiiia store. 0009 DODO 0009 0909 0900 spring chickens. - old hens, geesu uud ducks, - good llvo calves, lbs. raspberries. ; " pitted cherries. 10 above wanted ut Llirht Street, by All 1 BUas Young. August 3-0in t. At It, Huppcr at Itciltotl, Saturday evening the members of Pen nington Post No. 283, G. A. It., held nn oyster supper nt Benton, which wns well nttended, and was, to take It nil tho wny through, n derided success. Total re celpts, $71.82. Mr. Hess nnd lady of tho Exchange Hotel g.ivo the use of thu first story of their houso with all the fixtures, free of charge, except tho bar-room, and Mrs. Hess helped with a will. Sho never docs things by halves. Mr. Hess and lady havo the thanks of the Post for their lib erality nnd of the committee- of nrrnngc mcnts In particular. The committee con sisted of George Bnberf 8. C, Krickbaum, J. M. Long, and F. W. Wilson. O. W. Bertsch tho merchant tailor and hatter has Just received n line lot of silk nnd nlpacn umbrellas, If you want any thing tn that lino don't fall to give him a call and bo convinced yourselves. Prices very low. This Is to certify that L. E. Whary Is the solo authorized agent for Bloomsburg, for thu Beading Stovo Works, of Orr, Painter & Co., and Is the only dealer that can glvo a guarantee on our work on stoves, heat crs or furnaces. Scp23.lf OIIB, PAINTEIt&CO. Don't forget that G. W. Bertsch tho mer chant tailor has alwayn on hand, n full as sortment of Uno and fancy cloths and cash, meres for suitings and overcoat?. Give him a call. Pictures, frames, Cadmar.'s. window cornices, nt Those nobby and stylish seal skin caps for voting ladles and gents nre to be hnd nt G. W. Bcrtsch's, the merchant tailor. Don't fall to get ono for tho coming winter, price very cheap. BUSINESS NOTICES. WANT OF FAITH. If C. A. Kiel 111, the Druggist, docs not succeed It is not for tho want of faith. Ho has such faith lu Dr. itoianko's Cough and Lunir svrun as a remedy for Cousin. Colds. Consumption, and Lung Affections, that lie gives a bottle free to eat Ii and every ono who Is in need of a medicine ot tills Kind. July 13-cow Avoid the harsh, irritating, griping com. pounds so often sold as purging medicines, and correct the Irregularities of tlio bowels by the uso of Aycr's Cathartic Pills, which nro mliu nnu gentle, yet thorough ami searching, in tliair action. Owcntown, Ky. Bov. J. N. Beck says : havo used Brown's Iron Bitters nnd consider it one of the best tonics sold. WHX WONdEIW KVKlt CKASK ? Wilkcs-Barrc, Pa., Jan. 0, 1833. Mr. Phelps, Dear Sir I consider It my duty to tell you how much good your Uhcumatic r.uxir has uono me. r or ten ears I had Bheiimatlsm in my left arm and last fall It extended through my whole body and limbs, l could naruiy turn in bed, and several days I could neither feed myself nor walk without sticks. I took everything that I could hear of, but got no better, nnu i began lo get. uiscouragcu. Mr. Good, the druggist, advised me to tako Phelps' Uhcumatic Elixir. I did so, and after having taken tlio first bottle I felt sat isfied that It was helping me. When l had taken three bottles I was entirely cured. I feel very grateful for what your medicine has done lor inc. i win cuccnuiiy recom mend It to those mulcted Willi ltlieuma-1 tism. You can use my name as you wish in ueuait ot your r-uxir. Yours, with many thanks, ClIAS. II. KSIFFKN, No. 11 Magnolia Avenue, Wilkes-Barre, Pu. DO NOT MOVE IIUNnLY. Go carefully in purchasing medicine. Many udvertised remedies can work great Inlury nro worse than none. Jlurdoel: lilood Bitter nre purely a vegetable prepara tion : the smallest child can tmu them. They kill disease and cure the patient In a sate and Kindly wny. CONVINCING The ptoof of the pudding Is not In chew ing the string, but In having nn opportuni ty to test the article direct. C. A. Kleim, the Druggist, has a free trial bottle of Dr. Bosanko's Cough aud Lung Syrup for each ami every one wno is unnoted witu uougns, Louis, Asthma, consumption or any liiino Allectlon. July 0-eow FOIt THE 1'llllMO. I owe my life to Phelps' Bheumatic Elixir. During tlio past fifteen years I have spent over a thousand dollars for treatment of Blicumatism, and never re ceived nny permanent benefit until I took the t'hclps Elixir. 1 consider It tho best rheumatic remedy ever offered to pub. nc. itcspeciiuuy, Gr.o. E. Hoyt. Penu avenue, Scranton, Pn. OllKKI) WHEN rilYMOIANS GIVE UP. Our family nhvslclnn travo un our child to die," wrote Henry lvnee, h,sq., ot Verilla, Warren Co., Tcnn. "it had llts. bjmnn- tan Xenine has cured the child." 81.00. Sec a woman In another column, near Specr's Vineyards, picking grapes from which bpeer's l'ort urape vv uio H made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical profession, for the use of invalids, weakly persons and tue aged. O-l.l 1... f. K 11. .1... 1,1- 1 ouiu uy j. i, ivieuu, muumsuurg. sept S'.'-ly I'lIWr HATE EVIIIKNCE. "Often unable to attend business, being subject to serious disorders ot tho kidneys. Alter a long siege of sickness tried Burdock lilood liitlert and was relieved uy hall a bottc," Mr. It. Turner, of ltochestcr, N. Y. takes the pains to write. Wo do think the l'helps Uhcumatic Klix. ir is the most valuablo proprietary medi cine ever compounded, and wo aro contl dent that tills will bo tho testimony of Hundreds ot thousands more in the near future. K. II. ItAUcit, editor "Carbon County (fa.) Democrat. For sale at Hen. dershotl's Pharmacy. HUNDHKDS WHITE they ovu their llfo and present good health to Acker's English Remedy for consumption, coughs, colds, ivc. ooui uy j. u. ivinpons, uruggist, UAU8K 01' PAILUIIK. Want of confidence accounts for half of tho business failures of to-day. C. A, Ivlelin, the Druggist, is not liable to fail for tho want of commence, in Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung-Syrup, for ho gives away a bottlu freo to all who are suffering with uougu, i;oius, Asinma, i;onstimpuou iiitiou and all allcctlons of the lliroatand Lungs Luncs. July 0-cow Persons recovering from wasting disea ses, such as malaria, fevers, etc., will be greatly benefitted by tlio use of Hrown's Iron Hitters, n true tonic. EVERY PROMISE backed by a guarau tee. ACKers Dyspepsia Tablets will glvo Immediate relief ef. Prices 23 & 50 cts. Sold by J. II. Klnports, druggist. KVKltVIIODV KNOWS IT. When you have tho Itch. Salt Rheum. uulls, or Skin Eruptions of nny kind, and the Piles, that you know without being told of It. O. A, Kleim, thu druggist, will sell you Dr. Rosunko's Pile Remedy for 50 cents, which affords immediate relief, und is a sine cure fur either of the above diseas es. July 0-cow Codoriu, Pa. J, D, JCohiing says i "I was parall.ed lu my right side. Thu usu of Hrown's Iron Hitters enabled mu to walk." llll.IOUS OOI.IO CU11KI) IIV WlliUM.Vnu HVI1UI llhfumalic Strim Cu ; Woleolt, N, Y June 18. '82. UcntB A few weeks since, while suiter nig wun unions cone, winch rendered mo unlit for business, I was advised to try bottle of your syrup. I had no faith In' at un, uv may lime, uir mu reason that 1 hud tried so many things lu years past without receiving any relief, but before the ursi uotiiu was emptied t wos- icellne bet ter than 1 had felt for many years. I know now, that I havo tried it, that'it Is the greatest remedy mat exists in tho worh and I feel proud to recommend tho Illicit. matin byrup to nil sufferers front bilious colic, for I am sutlstlcd It has cured mu. V Ishlng you every success with your most wonderful syrup. I am, sincerely yours, Wai-tui; W. wiiitk. ERUPTIONS" SORES. PI M P I, V. s RHEUMATISM, aro but liidiealors of lm- pure mood. Acker's Hlooil Elixir is tho remedy, noiuuyj. u. Klnports, drug- Rheumatic SYRUP. The Greatest Blood Purifier Known! Rheumatism Cured. Scrofula I'ort ItrBON, N. Wipmiulttc Strtln Ctt. i (1KNT8 I linvo l)cen a (treat HUTterer f rom Illiciiinatlvn forMx years, ami ho.irlnir ot tlio suceesa nUnimatln Syrtip I had been rtoctcrlnir for three or roar j ours, wun uincroni pnv Blclmn, forsrrufiila, ns some call ed It, but wand no relief until 1 commenced taklog jour Hyrup. After tnklnir It a short time, to my surprise, It began to help me. Uontlnulnir Its iiwafew weeks, I found myself ns well as ever. As a blood punilcr, I think It hag no canal. MltS. WILLIAM 8THANU. ur itucumaiic pjrun l concilium to HI and ivoita m my own chip, I cheerfully s.ivtlmtl Imvu been tcrently benefitted by Its Hie. I can walk with entlro freedom from pain, and iny Kcncral health H very much Improved. It li n splendid it'inedy for tlio blood nnd debilitated system. V. I'llKSTKH l'AUK, M. 1). Manufacture tiu IIUKUMATIB NV1W1' NO OIU5.V8R roll HIM. "When Greeco her knees Gteeco her knees Greece her knees," stammered nn cmbnracd schoohboy, forgetting tho next lino of his recitation. "There Is no occa. slon to greaso anybody's knees," shouted tho teacher. "Go nnd study your piece." Neither Is there occasion to grease your hair. Parker's Hair Balsam Is all the dressing you wnnt. Bcstorcs tho original gloss and color lo gray or fad. cd hair. Does not soil tho linen ; not n dye good for tho scalp ; prevents falling out. TIIR I1KAI1 LINK. Is well remembered by the veterans of our "late war" but Specrs' wino lias achieved a wide reputation from Its clllcacy in the sick room, being one of the most pleasing and comforting beverages that can be given nn invalid and at thu same time Is a powerful strength restorer. For sale everywhere. llEI'nSI) WON IT. Mother Shlpton's prophesies and Louisi ana elections nro very uncertain tilings, but lMtnai JMeetne Uil can bo depended upon always. It cures aches and pains of every description. MARKET REPORTS. BLOOMSBUHO MABKET. Wheat por bushel u.or Rre TO Uorn, " oats " " Flour per barrel .as .35 5.50 u'lovcrseea nutter 30 Kges as ruuow m Potatoes 40 Dried Apples oo Hums 14 sides 4 Shoulders 11 Chickens ,. 10 Turkeys 12 i.ara per pouna .u Hay per ton la no Heeawax 12 Buckwheat (lower per inn 4.00 1J ORPHANS' COURT SALE OP VALUAULE In pursuance of an orJerot tlio Orphans' Court of Columbia county, l'a., the undersigned adminis trators of William ivcy, deceased, win sell at public sale on the premises, on rr.s Tr V lO JOO lUeSQay, JNOVGHlDer 13, S3, at 1 o'clock In tho afternoon of said day tho fol lowing described valuablo real osUto, to-wlt : X tract or mcssuago tenement and lot ot land tltuatoln Hemlock township, Columbia county, ra.. bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Ho. ginning ut a stone corner, thence by lands ot John Urub'r, south two degrees west elghty-two and four-tenth perches to a mono ; thenco by land ot iuiaiii r.niebi, uuui eeiiiy-eigut nnu one. fourth decrees west nineteen nnd four.tenth porches to a stono; thence by tho samo nortli for-ly-slx degrees west thirty-iiino and two-tenth ficrehes ton stono; thence north forty nndone ourth degrees cast seventy-seven and live-tenth percnes to tnopiaco ot ocgiiining, containing 11 ACRES and 11 perches itrlct measure. , ALSO Another messuage or tract of land ad joining tho above described laud, la said township, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : llegln- nlng at a po-.t lu Uno ot itcuben llomboy, thence by land of Philip A. Stroup, south eighteen de crees west forty-seven perches to a hickory treo inenco uy .i.iuusoi .m. u. MioemaKer, south lorty- iuivu ui-jjiwa eoai. uiui-eiiii, percnes; iiieueu uy iiiiiii in .juiiu uiuuer, iiuriu iony-onu ami one. halt degrees east llfty-slx perches to a stono thence north two decrees west sixteen nerchesto a stone, thenco norl h two degrees west sixteen nerciiesiu a siono uv iana or t.eorco winner: thenco by tho samo nortli twenty decrees east luny-six purcuvs 10 a c:h-suiui, mence norm miy ono and one-halt decrees west ono nerch to stake, thenco by laud of John S. Hartman south tenty-fnur degrees west six perches to a stake. thence by tho samo north eighty-four degrees rsv uineij-Mvu jieieiiea iu a siuue, uienctiuorin ten and one-half degrees east six perches to a stone, thenco by landof lleuben llomboy, nortli eighty .four degrees west thirteen and tno-tcntU percnes to mo puco ot ueginuing, containing and 23 perches of land strict measure. ALSO Another messuago or tract of land situ nte lu Hemlock township lying alongside nnd ad Joining tho nbovo described trae t ot land bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : lleclnnlnc nt a stono und l mining thenco by lands ot 1'hlllpA. mi-uup. iioriu uvu uegrees oust smy-two percnes to stone, thenco by tho samo north forty-three de grees went slxty-tlvo perches and one-tenth to a stone, thenco by tlio samo north forty degrees east thltty-ono and six-tenths to a po-t, thenco by lauds ot JL (1. bhoemaker south forty-three de grees east iiluety-elght nnd two-tenth perches to a stake, and thenco south forty degrees west seventy-six and elght-tenths perchostothu placo of beginning, containing S4I ACMES and threo nerehes. strict measure, bo tho timn more or less. Altogether K7 acres nnd tu perches, on which are erected a good two-story Frame Dwelling House, out-kltchen, bank barn and other outbuildings. Also a good well of water at the houso and ono nt tho barn, as also two never-failing springs ot water near tno buildings. There Is also an apple orchard on tho premises composed of young thrifty trees, good bearing, and of choice grafted fruit. TKKSIS OK HALU Ten percent, ot one-fourth of tho purcliaso money to bo paid at tho striking down ot tho propel ty j tho one-fourth less tho ten percent, nt tho confirmation ofsalo; nnd tho re maining three-fourths In ono year thereafter, with Interest from combination nisi. l'urchaser to pay for deed. ANN ivr.y, i:dwahi w. ivev, nov i-iw Admrs. Clotli&i Cliim ! Clolll! G. W. BERTSCH, THU MBKCIHNT TAILOIt, NI llEAI.KIt IN Gents' Furnishing Goods OC KVKItV DKSCltll'TIOX. CLOTHING ! ! Ilnvint; very leeentlv i-iKmed it now Merchant Tailoiiiit mill (Ii hih' Kiii- iiinliintr HmnU Stmv, in KNOItl! ,fc WlNTHUbTUKN'S on .Main htrcet, whelf 1 am laviiuivil t innku to orili'r, itlhhoil u nice, first class suits ot clotliiuu ulw ivh In tho luicst taylt-H nml niii'us rt'iinomilih.. Fits gimnniiueil, llavini; It-iimed how- to Cllt glll'lllt'lltS tO Mlit (UISIOIIHTH, llllll iiHo what, kind ot ni.ttt riiil ill i c Hiltisfuuiion, J would ask von to ieuo call uud cxnmlno tho a l) put CP I PPl'Pn onu-ir It l5llS I SliLIiC 1 UJ STOCK OF GOODS Uvor shown in Columbia county, Beforo Purchasing Elsowhero. i Store nt door io Fit Hatlonail Bank CoruiT Mnlufc Market Sh. I) 1 Booms Neuralgia Curod. PAtnroRT, N.v., jiarch 12, 'M. lUtrumatte Burup Co. t Osnts Slnco November, 1RW, I hnvo boon n cointnnt sufferer from lielirflhrtjl nml Imrn nnf. V., Teb. so, '81 Co. known what It was to bo rn-o from pain until I commenced tho use of itheumntlo Hyrup. I havo felt no pain slnco ustmrthc fourth bottle. I think It Is tlio best rem. edy I havo ever heard of for purl, fylnir the blood nnd for thnrum of rheumatism and neuralgia. W. 11. C1IA8K. CO., 1 I'llmouth Art., Jlwhetter, ,V. 1. (Cbnffnutdroui fail vetk.) How Watch Cases are Made. In 1875, thirteen men comprised tlio entire working forco used in .tho manti facttiro of tho Jame Boti Void 11'ofcA Uase. Now OYcrIi'eAuiiJrid nro employed, nnd tho number Is constantly Increasing. The rea son of this Increase is this: In tho Jama Bou' Gold Watch Que all tho metal In sight nnd subject to wear Is eolid yoW,whllo tho re mainder, which only lends strength to tho case, is of stronger metal than gold, giving gold where gold h needed, and strong, clastic metal whero strength nnd elasticity nro needed, n combination pro ducing a watch caso better than solid gold nnd nt onimiau? the cost. V u. Over 200,000 of theso canes "" n1 liavo been sold, nnd every jeweler In tho country can testify to their quality and mlb . lebnsoTOK, Mien., Dec, . 10. 1:. W. Mnrrh. Of tlio Jltmotrat, Imuicllt Jim. 11.)iu' Gold Watch cane is years airo. aud carried it until a rhort time aim, wheii 1 purchaiwd It, and gold it to a runtolucr. 'i lie cano showed no, itninof ear,txctjt that natural tn any rate, aud I atn satlatled can tio Hatriy iruarautrrd for at loiwt ten yearn more. I havo Bold tlio JameM Uohh OoldYt atctiCa6 for many yearn, and tho parties v, ho bouirlit the Unit oues are carry, luff them well eatirhed as thomrh they had bouirht a solid Kold caso costtnirtwIcuUieriionfy. 1 ward them as the ontycasos of this kind a jeweler should sell who desires to (rive his customers Uio worth of their nioucy or values his reputaUou. u. J. Ccshwat. Jtvttr. Bfaalttalttamp ts VlsUh Vm Ftftarlts rails, o'tlpkl, l's.,rorbsdHsit Illa.trttal rsstpblrt.hswlDf sow M Hint ana K;to V) ilea Cms ars simU. Tvlc Continued.) I M. C. SLOAH & BRO., BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers ot CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, PHAETONS, SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, &C. First-class work always on hand. BEPA 1RIXO NBA TLYD ONE. Price) reduced to mil the lime). E. F. SHARPLESS' Near L & B Dspst, Bloomsburg Pa. Manufacturer of First class rnmrns tn different styles, cool; stoves, parlor stoves and stoves for heating houses, churches &c. Largo stock of tlnwnro and stovo repairs, such as grates, firebrick, lids, centres &e. CALL ADD SECURiC BARGAINS. Oct 20 tf wm mm t ONE HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND ' In the Catavis3a Valley near Girard Manor composed of twenty acres cleared and partly cultivated and eighty acres in sprouts and young timber. For a desirable tenant a house ami barn will be built. Full name of applicant is-re-quested with post office address and names of two references. Hcbcr St Thompson, Engineer Girard E-itatePottsville, Pa. Oct. 20 lw The undersigned oilers to sell on easv terms, ABOUT 5C A0RES of land lying in Bloomsburg ad joining on the south, -lands of D. W. Armstrong, on the east by lands of Mrs, Jane Richie, on the north by lands of Ma thias Shaffer and on the west by other lands of the seller.) Apply to John G. Freeze, Bloonis"burg, Pa. oct lfMt B. F. HARTMAN mtrassENTS Tim following AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES North Amerlean of l'lilladelnlila. Franklin, ' lVunaylvanta, " ' Yorfc, of 1'eninylvanla. Hanover, ot N, v. oueens, of ijondon, North llrltlili, ot l.oiidon. oet Y4 w"ySt auwl' No' 5' nioamsburu. YOUNG MEN! AND LADIES ! To learn 'I'Kl.KOUAl'lIi.S'tl, uud tako positions when competent. lUUroail aud Co sys tems tauitlit. ll.dlro.ul lir compleio operation and runuy elwtilelly to Uluttnitu thelllock idttiul syhlein. Terms reasonable. Addre-H for citaloiruo and luitleiiUiN, . , K l-'.VKTnvp Tl'l I'm. , mi ...v ISO i Chestnut Street, l'lilladelnlila, l'a. a.iw .1 ' Nov. S Cured, CATA R H H was'tmuuVe" Vv'th i-imimu iuianu anu ItatheillHT n mv he nl. tutu iiij mill mis uiuWe to br emtio thruugU my wuh iMimi tiv thu ui nr V llftlifLILK IltZ VJIV'.r-'.,r"V'""" nvrLiifLri'Ai u ri nvm riMini imim i ... . 1. t'oiutn. tiij chest nut Hi. liuUuelphU, l'a. . 1 Aimll bylittUi tin. ) thu nostrils. iter Into I liyniMonitloultelloct. u-dly cleanses tho u. sat luss-nres ot ca. usv-PPiie-K turrhul vlrui, eauslnir Ut! r&V iieatlhj-hocretloui it, allays Inflammation, protects tlio meiiibriuial miiuKS ottiio neiid f nun coldi, com merely heals the wires uud mitoiea tho sen-wot iasiu uuu Niira. iwnenciai reotuts aro realized by a tew amilleatlons. a thorouih treatment will euro, uiieimated for colds In head. Aimable to . .Sr'"' iBuir. noiu uy urutryiau. luallfiOe, a naekairo stamns. i:ly iiitoniuits, prugBists, owego, N. v, Nov. -tw d , uy 1 1 j.t oct 10-1 m aid. 8UIIS0RIUE FOR THE COLU.MIIIAN, J..1 84 i Uy 1.C0 A YEAR. BSC Arm is-ur.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers