The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 09, 1883, Image 2
THE COLOMBIAN. J. K. BlHonl!andsr.,r E4ltor3' BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, NOVHMBHR 9, 1833. Now York, New Jersey. Mary, land, Virginia, Mississippi carried by tho Demo crats, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Connecticut go Republican. Tlioltcrmblierin state ticket in Peim sylvmiia is elected by n majority ot about 17,000. Philadelphia gavo a re publican majority of 20,500, nml Jeff. - ries was elected controller by 1701) ma loritv over n.irm. Virginia sends) Mahono to tho rear 1. .1 i . . r i . . . uy mo election ot a uomocratio legisla ture Connecticut elected a republican legislature. Ben Butler got bounced in Massa chusetts, and Robinson, republican, was elected by about 15,000 majority. Tho defeat of Butler cannot bo con sidered a republican victory. Many leading democrats opposed Ins re-election. New York is claimed by tho demo crats by a majority of 20,000. Abbott, democrat, has a majority in Now Jer sey of 2,500. Wo havo no tears to shed over Ben Butler's defeat in Massachusetts. He is a domagoguo of tho first water, and has been a professed member of every party almost, in existence, in his efforts to hold position. Wo shall hear noth ing raoro of his Presidential aspirations in 1884; OFFICIAL VOTE OF COLUMBIA COUN TY, NOVCUi, 1833. Below wo give tlie ofllclnl voto of this county na compared with tho voto for Gov ernor In 18S3. For District Attorney and County Surveyor tlicro was only one can dldatc tho Democratic nominees In 1882 tljcre was 102, Independent votes cast, 232 greenback and 107 prohibitionist s Auditor State Voto Si lOencraL Treas. Townships. Heaver.... Berwick K 103 212 22(1 'is; 151 13 107 150 150 140 82 157 121 70 217 272 221 140 191 120 109 42 37 239 51 142 133 125 283 158 121 189 58 91 120 85 BO 54 105 163 ISO lit1 214 213 1GA 120 183 110 118 Berwick) W.. JH.-UIUU .... llloom K... Bloom W.. Ilrlarcreek:. C'atawlssa. Centralla.. 42 111) 130, 42 SSU1' 79 2ll 52 31 01. 41' 9 93 30 0 41 41; 38 82 21 15 41' 71 4 215 281 235 2IW 157 117 127 41 131 IM 149 20(1 134 119 41 37 2IG 50 1111 14.' 123 201 101 122 190 01 91 137 83 5d 57 110 103 221 130 173 98 Centre. 37 uonvnz'm N. 75 83 2&.' 59 1BI 143 123 218 im 130 193; T4 B& 115 70 07 CO 101 4' i 1 31 Conyng'm S.. 37 "63 isuingcroeK Franklin..... Oreenwood.. Hemlock .... Jackson Locust Madison Main Mifflin Montour 13 80 28 8 70 151 121 119 210 151 27 r, 39 3) 35 118 190 48 85 Mt. rieasant orange line lloarlngcr'k. Hcott E Scott V..... Sugarloaf... 121 01 17 5) 57 111 103, 19 38 07, 13 1100 10; Total 1130 1730 3088 I503li80 1101 3901 For tho greenback candidates there were 41 votes cast against 232 last year. Tho prohibition votu was 51 against 107 last year. Tho following complimentary votes were cast tor County surveyor, James c. Brown 47 ; s. J. l'ealer 3; Albert Jones 1 ; John ApplemanS: J. B. Knlt tlo 2 ; 31. 0. Hughes 1 ; S. 31. Kress 1 s A. 1. Young 8. For District Attorney tho following complimen tary votes : C. C. 1'eacock 1 ; L. S. Nlutcrsteen 8; David Morris 1 ; U. F. Dallman 1 ; Win. Krlckbaum 1 ; 11. V. Whlto 2 ! Geo. 31. Davis 2 ; Levi Waller 8 : Samuel Knorr 2 : J. c. Yocum 1 ; A. 1'. Young l. Isaac A. Dewltt 4, for County Surveyor. Tho result of tho election held ou Tuesday last, notwithstanding (ho loss of Pennsylvania, is very favorable to tho democratic party. New York, the pivotal state in tho coming presiden tial contest, has given a largo demo cratic majority in spite of the efforts lo dwido tho party and against a most determined effort of the reunited op position to carry tho state. Tho whole democratic ticket' is elected in that state, except Maynard who was oppos ed by tho liquor interest. An accept able democratic candidato for president will, without doubt, receive the elec toral voto of tho Empire state. A tremendous effort was also made by the republicans to wrench Maryland from the democratic column. Thoy spent an immense sum of money to ac complish that end and so confident wero their leaders of tho success of tho effort that thoy boasted in advance of an assured triumph and on tho night of the election telegiaphcd that they had carried tho state. Tho returns show how terribly they were disap pointed. Tho state gives tho usual democratic majority. Now Jersey, too, proves her fidelity to tho democraoy and trebles her last majority for gov ernor. In tho west the republicans lost heavily in Minnesota and Nebraska shows a strong inclination to fall into lino with tho democraoy. But tho most gratifyiug outcome of Tuesday's election is tho defeat of the . .i . . .., . . vuiruib uuu uenpunue political trailer and trickster. William Mnhone. In Vir. Knr llin first, limn in rlirun nn tho Old Dominion has spoken with the oiu iirae democratic voice. Un tho popular vote the democrats carry the state by 12,000 to 15,000 majority and both branches of tho now legislature will Itft slatvirtiwitli tifttli n A joint ballot of at least fifteen. This ends Mahono's career in tho United States senate and renders him powerless to continue his corrupt barter with tho rcpuoncans in mat uouv ami with tho Ai thuradniinislration. This brings Vir inula back intntlin ilpmnnrntin minimi for ISSland winds uptho republican at tempt to capturo electoral votes in tho UMltll lltl'm-llw nml ImHnnSnSi. mill. disappointed and scheming politicians Tho frnfrnl mm lit. nn TiipmiIiiv tmlt. O - - ...v.- cates lioyond doubt tho defeat of tho .!.. nidi -... rupiiuiiouiis in looi, j. iKrwi. In a sjiccch nt Danville last Monday night, General Beaver in refering to S. J, Randall's criticism of the repub lican party for buying Alaska said that ho woulu bring a purchaser who would give twico tho amount paid for the country any tlmo tho United States was tired ot it. lly all means let General Beaver bring on his purchaser, this nation novtr needed the annexation of Alaska; wo havo nover received tho intorest of tho money invested j that country is without any government or laws and tho churches throughout tho United States are preparing petitions to con grown asking that a territorial govern mint may ho established there. Either civilize and utilize Alaska or sell it, and if General Beaver's man wants it nt twelvo million dollars strike it down to him nt once, ns no body olso i liko ly to want it nt that price. Tho Democrats nf Luzcruo county elected their ticket by n largo majoritj. Tho retioit of the CoinmWouus of Internal Kevcniio shows that tho total receipts from nil .sources of internal rovenuo taxation for tho fiscal year ending Juno 110, 18811, wero $U 1,5511, 111, as. compared with $110,52:1,27:1 for tho year 1882 and Si:i5,220,DI2 for tho yenr 1881. Tho total cost of col lection was $5,li;t,7;U. It is stated that the total expense of thu service will bo found ou final adjustment to bo about thrco and a hill per cent, ou tho amount collected. Tho Dayton, (O.) Democrat says it is good n thing thnt tho United States Supremo Court Is Hepubllcan. If a Democratic Supremo Court had made tho recent decisions in tho civil rights bill cases tho country would not soon havo heard tho last of "hydra head se cession," "State rights fossils," "Con federato treason," &c, &o. Yes, tho 3,000 New England clergymen and their descendant, who, in 1850, no ti turned Congress in effect to dissolve tho Union, would nbuso tho Court worso than over they abused tho Jesse James gang But as eight of tho tiino Judges nro of tho same callbro of thought, tho Court will bo treated with somo respect by them. Occasionally a fanatio will kick the fenco down and advertise his unfitness ns a clercvman Tho Democratic whig of tho clergy seem to bo passive, as usual, on this political question, and deliver tho gos pel to their hearers instead of a Bad ical stump speech. Sun ib Jlanner. Chairman Honsel liai been sued bv B. F. Wilmoth. a detective of Brad ford, Pa. During tho campaign last year hand-bills were circulated through. out tho stato ofTcringa roward of $1000 for tho arrest and conviction of any person violating too election laws. Air, Ilcnscl says it, is a put up job, and do, scribes tho matter in this way. Wilmoth, who calls himself a detec tive, got several of his associates to come on from Buffalo. They repre sented themselves ns Republicans to a local tax collector ot that party, and induced him lo give them antedated tax receipts. "As soon as Wilmoth got one issued to himself in tho name of E. T. John son w arrested tho tax collcclor, who was indicted and plead guilty, but has never been punished. Wilmoth claim ed tho $1000 of me, and I declined to pay it, maintaining that tho offenso was not covered by tho offer of the Democratic Stale Committee, that tho tax collector had never been punished, that I suspected collusion between tho parties, that tho whole schemo was a game of a money making detectives who did not discover any election frauds, but simply put up a job to beat tho committee out of tho reward. "I was warned that if I came to Bradford I would be sued, but I an swered that I would not send any one where I feared to go myself. As soon as I crossed tho New York line on my way heie from Erie via Salamanca to day' I was met by Wilmoth with tho writ." Eiot in Virginia. FATAL COl.OU COLLISION IN Till: STUKKTS OF DANVILLE. Danville, Va., Nov. 4. A conflict occurred between a crowd of whites and colored men last evening, in which Walter S. Holland, a son of C. G. Hol land was shot in the head and is sup posed mortally wounded, and Thos. Seward, shot in the body. Five ne groes were killed, and it is supposed many were wounded. The beginning of the coullict was tho beating by one of tho citizens of a negro, who abused another negro for apologizing for an apparent rudeness and spoke roughly about tho citizen. Some of both col ors interfered, aud a pistol was knock ed out of tho hands of ono of tho whito men and exploded. Just then a report reached an assembly of whito citizens, who wero in session about political matters, that a conflict was going on in tho street, and they came out in a body. As both classes formed in separate crowds, some of each crowd being nrmcd, a number of negroes approach ing the white crowd called out : "Shoot, wo had ns soon settle this thlni; now as any other time." Just then somebody in tho whito crowd called "fire." and tho firing began. The negroes returned tho tire and ran oit, some firing as they ran. The Btores wero closed immediately, tho alarm bell was sounded, and people came out out soon after with ono of tho military companies and commanded thu people m me namo ot uio commonwealth to go home, and the streets wero soon cleared. Tho city is now under tho supervision of ono of the military com panies and tho mounted polico and tho town sergeant, in response to a mes sage from tho governor, offering assis tance if needed, has telegraphed that all is quiet t-nd no fuithtr trouble is apprehended. No arrests havo been made as yet. Political excitement lias been growing more and moro intense during tho present canvass for members of tho legislature. Hard Money, nini'.CTon iiuitciiAitn'B views on tub STAND AUD ANDTKADE DOM.AR. II. M. Burchard, the Director of tho Mint, has submitted to tho Secretary of tho Treasury his annual report, showing tho operations of tho Mints and Assay Ollices dining tho last fiscal year. The coinago of tho year con sisted of 08,01)0,024 pieces, of tho value of $00,200,705. The number of pieces struck was greater by about 11, 500, 000 than in any other fiscal year siuco tho organization of tho Mint Bureau. Under thu provisions of tho act of 1878 requiring tho coinago $2,000,000 worth of silver bullion per month, $151,370,801) havo been coined prior to October 1, 1883, and that amount, together with tho $31,000,000 of frao, tional silver in tho country, making a grand total of $235,000,000, is, in tho judgment of Director Burchard, in ex cess of the requirements for silver cir culation. This, ho remarks, is appa rent from tho fact that thoio aro in tho vaults of tho Treasuiy 39,000,000 stan dard silver dollars over and abovo thu outstanding silver certificates and in addition to nearly $27,000,000 in frao tional silver coin, n total of $00,000, 000. Tho Director adds : My views in regard to tho polloy of further continuing tho coinage of silver dollars wero expressed in my report two years ago nnd remain unchanged, While belioving thnt tho equal coinage of both metals is desirable. In order to give greater stability to tho vniues of commodities and credits, yet, in view of our Innbllity tocoutlnuo the increase of our silver circulation at tho present rato without ultimately expelling a large poitlou of tho present flock of gold, us well of iho waning hopo for the co operation of leading commercial nations in securing tho general uso of THE COLUMBIAN AND silver nnd its unlimited coinage ns money nnd of tho present abundant paper nnd increasing gold circulation in this country, the question again pre sents Itself for tho consideration of legislators whether tho law directing inu mommy coinage ot not uss than $2,000,000 worth of silver bullion into standard dollars should not bu modified or repealed. At tho beginning of tho fiscal year tho Mints had on hnnd 35. 805,072 Maudnrd dollars ) the coinage amounted to $28,1 1 1,1 10 nnd nt tho eloso of tho year thcro were remaining in tho Mints $13,30 1,.'00. Tho repeal ot tho net authorizing thn coinago of the trndu dollar is nlso recommended. A considerable number had probably gone into circulation prior to its de monetization in 1870 and probably from fivo millions to seven millions nro now held in tho country, mostly in tho mining and manufacturing regions of Pennsylynnia and in tho vicinity of Now York. Whilo the United Stntcs has incurred no legal liability, never theless by tho net of tho government theso coins wero nt first put into circu lation and given compulsory currency, and many remain in the hands of those who can ill afford to suffer from tho depreciation. Ho says it would there fore seem to bu only nn net of justice to them to permit theso coins to bo sent to tho mints and oxchnuged for other silver coins into which they could bo" profitably rccoincd. Tho Director be lioves that no causo exists for tho ap prehension thnt a largo number of ex ported trade dollars would bo returned to this country, for thoso sent to China havo (on account of their grentcr value ns syceo silver than as coin; been melt ed or disappeared in tho intcnorof that country. Tho present repoit contains as usual tho results of tho Director's investiga tions during tho year into tho produc tion of gold and silver, and its con sumption in tho arts and manufactur es, ns wfll as for tho purpose of coin age. The production of gold for the cur rent calender year will probably bo $500,000 less than in 1882, nnd lliat of silver nt least $2,000,000 greater, which will make tho production $32, 000,000 gold and nearly $49,000,000 silver. Director Burchard estimates that tho totnl coin circulation of the United States on July 1, 1883, was $705,000,000, of which $537,000,000 was gold and $228,000,000 silver. NEW ADVERTISKMENTS. SHERIFFS SALE. Dy virtue of sundry writs Issued out of tho Court of Common l'leos, nnd tome directed, will bo exposed to public sale at tho Court House, In Illoomsburg, on Monday, Dec. 3, 1883. At S o'clock p. m. All that certain piece or parcel of ground situate In Flshlngcreek township Columbia county Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows to-wlt: Hounded on the North by public road leading from Orangevllle to Jonestown, on tho East by publlo road leading from Huntington creek to State road, on the South by lands of the cstato of Cornelius Coleman, and on tho West by lands ot C. E. Trice, containing ono-fourth aero ot land moro or less, whereon Is erected a farm dwelling house and stable. Seized and taken In execution and to be sold as tho property ot Cyrus llobblns at the suit of the Flshlngcreck School District. Miller Att'y. n Fa. ALSO All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situ ated In the Towuot llloomsburg, County of Col- umuia anasiaio of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: liegtnnlngnt the southwest corner of Slarket and Sixth streets ot tho said Town, thence by tho south sldo of said Sixth street souih slxty-nvo degrees west four hundred and fourteen feet to tho line of Jefferson street produced, thenco southwardly along said oast line of Jefferson street to the right of way of tho Lackawanna and llloomsburg Ulvlslon of the Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western Hallroad Company, thenco along the right of way of said Lackawanna and llloomsburg Division of tho Del aware, Lackawanna and Western Hallroad Com pany to the west sldo of Market street aforesaid, thenco by said Market street nforesald, north twenty-six degrees west ono hundred and fifty live feet and six Inches to tho placo of beginning, upon which aro erected two largo threo-story brick buildings, occupied ns a dwelling and Sani tarium, and a two-story brick stable, with frame stablo attached, with other Improvements and outbuildings. On the said premises are fruit and other trees and vines, and tho buildings aro ntted up with water and gas pipes. beized, taken In cxecutllon and to bo sold as the property of Albert L. Turner, at the suit of reter llaldy, el al., against said Turner. ll.ukley, Att'y. Fl. Fa. ALSO. All that certain piece, parcel or lot ot land situ ated In Locust township Columbia county, renu sylvanla, bounded and described as follows, to wlt : beginning nt a stone and running from thenco by lands of F. Helwlg Co., South nfty- three degrees, East 16 perches, four tenths, along a roau tuenco along the samo, South nfty degrees East, six perchoj nnd two-tenths to a stone on I'etor Helwlg's land, thence by the samo North, flfty and one-fourth degrees East eleven perches to ltoarlng Creek, thence down tho same to lands of Jeremiah Berlngcr, North twenty-seven degrees west twenty perches, North tweuty-four and ono quarter West eleven perches, North ntty-four degrees, West three and four tenths, North fifty aegrecsana three quarters. West ten perches and eight-tenths, North tlxty-llve and a fourth, West six perches In tho middle of ltoarlng Creek and thenco by fand of John Yeager, south mty-one degrees, West thlrty-ono perches, and three-tenths to the place of beginning. Containing eight acres and one hundred nnd forty-six perches, strict measure, whereon Is erected u one and a half story frame dwelling house, good barn and out buildings. Seized, taken into execution, at tho suit of Marr Snyder vs John Dcrr, and to bo sold as the pro perty ot tho said John Derr. Ikeler. Att'y Vend. Ex. JOHN MOUItEY, Nov 9 Sheriff. N OTICB IN DIVOUCE. IN THE COMMON TLF.AS OF JCOLUMllIA Joanna Kemerer by her noxt friend, 4c, vs. Oeorge Kcmerer, Bur libel In divorce. To fieorge Kemerer, respondent abovo named: Whereas upon the libel of tho said Joanua Kem- commanding you to bo and appear at tho next regular term ot said Court to show causo why the Raid libelant should not be divorced from the whereas upon return of said subpoena due proof nu.j iuuuo inui, juuuumu uob uu iuuuu in mo ttnl3 subpoena was awarded by said Court commanding you to nnuear at t tm t)nn 'tmvt. toi-m of said Court to answer ns aforesaid, to "which tho same return was madobythe Bherlff. You aro therefore required to bo and appear on tho drat day ot the next termot said Court to bo held ut nioomsuurg for said county on tho first Monday of plaint. JOHN MOUHKY, fiherlff. .luitiuixri mil, im. E. 11. Sc It. it, Utile, Attorney. nov 0 OUPirANS' COUirfHALE OF VALUAULE Rcsil Instate ! By vl rtue of an order Issued out of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county tho undersigned admin. Istrator of Milton Mosteller, deceusod, will cxposo to sale on the premises on Saturday, Dec. xst, '83. At 0 o'clock a. in., the following tract of land bltifatc in Ilrlarcreek township, Columbia county, bounded and described as follows to-wlt i On the east by land of J, W, Uowman, on the south by the road leading from Hcrwick to itlttenhouso's mill, on the north by road leading to Berwick, contain lug 4L Acres, on which aro erected a FltAMK DWELLING, HTA1II.U and outbuildings. A good blacksmith shop on the prembes. TKUMS OF HAMS. Ten per cent, of the one BOurtuoltho purchase money to bo paid at the striking down of tho property ; tho one fourtb less the ten percent, at the confirmation of saloj and tho remaining three-fourths In one year thereafter, with Interest from continuation, a. a ciiooi', Nov 0 Administrator, DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powdot nover varies. A marvel ofpurltv strength and wnolesomonosi. M ro economical than tho ordinary k nds. and cannot bonoldln competition with thp multitude of low test, short weight, nlum or nhospuati powders. Hold only In ctns. Uiivai. lUtlNO l'ownsn Co , ion Wall-st., N. Y. auicli-lv. An Old Soldiers EXPERIENCE. " Calrorl, Texas, May 3, 1802. " I with to exprcs my appreciation of the valuaMo qualities ot Ayer's Cherry Pectoral s a cough remedy. " Whilo with Churchill's army, Just beforo tho battle of Vlcktbuig, 1 contracted a se vere cold, which terminated In a dangerous courIi. I found no ullcf till on our march wo came, to a country ttore, where, on asking for somo remedy, I was urged to try AVer's CUEiinv Pkctoiul. "1 did to, and was rapidly cured. Since then I have kept thul'ECTOltALconttantly by me, for faintly use, and t hare found It to be an hiMluablu rouiedy for throat nnd lune dlncaHes. J. W. WllITLKY." Thousands of testimonials certify to the prompt euro of all bronchial and Inns; affections, by tho use of AVer's Ciiemiy l'EC-roiiAi, Ilelng Tcry palatable, the young est children take It readily. pitcrAnED nr Dr.J.C.Ayor&Co.,Lowell,IVIas9. Sold by all Druggists. OIIAV'H HIMCCII.-IC MICUICINK. TRADE MARK THE GrkatEhii-TRADE MARK Linn iibaiKur. An unfailing cure for Seminal W e n k ness, Hpcrrfintor. rhojo, Imnotency, and all Diseases that follow as a sequence of Self Abuse ; as loss of Memnrr. l!nlvir BEFORE TAKMfl.sal Lassitude, AFTER TAIIMS. Pain In the Back. Dimness of Vision. Promnturo Old Age, and many other diseases that led to Insa nity or (,'onsumpnon nnu a lTemaiuro oravc. Bbwark ot advertisements to refund money, when druggists from whom tho medicine Isbouunt do iol refund, but refer rou to the inunurar-tur. ers, nnd tho requirements nro such thnt they are teiaum, lem; complied with. Sec their writ ten guarantee. A trial of ono single packago of nray's Specific will convlnco tho most skeptical ot On nccount of counterfeits, we havo adopted the Yellow Wrapper ; the only genuine. tsr Full particulars tn our pamphlet, which we desire to bend free by mall to every one. iiTho Specific Mcdlclno Is sold by nil drumrLstn at tl per package or fl packnes for 15, or will be Bent free by mall on tho receipt of the money, by addressing Till.' fill A V MI.'llMVtf ni ll,r..1. XT Bold in llloomsbnrg by all druggists. ' ' Nov 9-iy LOOK FOR ADVERTISEMENT la this space next week. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Rcsil Estate ! Byvlrtuo otnn order of the orphans' Court of Columbia county, tho undersigned executor of George Oman, lalo of the township of Scott, In tho county ot Columbia, deceased, will expo. to p ub 11c salo upon tho premises on SATURDAY, NOVKMIlEIi 34th, 1883. At 10 o'clock In the forenoon, the following valua ble real estato bltuato In Mt. Pleasant townslUp In said county, bounded nnd described ns follows, to wltt beginning nt a whlto oak a corner of Oeorge Vance's land, thenco by land ot John Kline nouth 35 degrees west so perches to n post, thence south 55 degrees cast 6? perches to nwhltojiak down, thenco bouth 35 degrees west Rl perches to stones, thenco by lands now or late ot Michael Ilower south 45 degrees east 01 and 4-10 jierclies to stonos, thence south 69 degree cast 13l perches to btones, tuenco north nvo degrees west Ity-four perches thenco north SO degrees cast BO.perchos, thence north 8 degrees west W perches, thenco north 15 degrees wckt 130 andfl io perches to the corner of oeorge Vance's land, thenco by tho same west 138 l'erches to tho placo of beginning, containing 10 ACRES, more or less, on which are erected A House, Barn and necessary out buildings. TEltMB OK SALE. Ten per cent, ot one-fourth of tho purchase money shall bo paid nt tho strlk. lng down ot tho property, one-fourth less the ten per cent, at tho conilrmatlon absolute and the re maining throe-fourths In one year from conilrma tlon nls! with interest from that date. 1IKN11Y Y, OMAN, oct s Executor, suhsoiuub von THU COI.UMIU.VN. !U0 A YKAH Uq lour Attention to k Hlnuk (Irons sllkn 85o nnd up. Colon (1 ilrcsa sllka 7"o nnd up. Wrick omlimcrLw fiOo nml tip. Colored cudiimirc r0n nnd tip, Ladies' dri'ns cloths 30o and up. Ladies' rcady-inado ooatn. Ladles' rcady-inado Dolmans, Knii-llncd circulars. Trtblo Linons 20o nnd up. Towoltt and napkins. Stand nnd piano covoiu Cnhniure hose, ladles. CliildronV wool iioso. Colombia Ocrinnntowii wools. Slocking yarns, nil kinds. Try onr Mo corset. TrV Olir 7)0 ladies' innrinn vnal. s, 9 fl x s o o ft M fc O Rest printfl 5J and (!o per yard. Tho best cheviot sliirtlnir 8o. lryapnirof those $XC,0 lilankels Worth S.'l.OO. A A big lino of children's ready.niado coats just received. A new lot of baby cloaks and ehawls Go to Claik it Son's for velvets. Wool hoods it Mother Hubbard bonnets. Go to Clark it Son's for blankets. Ladies' nnd children's underwear. Raryains in sliawla and BkirK Flannels and muslins nwf.y'down. H. J. CLARK & SON. BLOOMSBURG, PA. UDlTuU'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK AMANOA WKKKI1EISEH, I.ATK OP BLOOMS HUKO, DKCEAKKD. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or rinSnM?r.t!7 Columbia county tomakc Tdlstrtbi. Hon of the balanco In hands of tho administrator, S V,'ftn,,non.! 1 V? par,.'e9 1'ntltleil thereto, will sit Ki'iWfL," i11'','!uurK' 011 Thursday Novem. ber ist 1, 188.1, at lo o'clock a. m., when and whero all parties interested in said cstato must appear and present their claims, or bo forever debarred from any share of said fund. " A. L. FItlTZ, ret '3-ta Auditor. COURT PROCLAMATION- WHURKAS,llieHori. Wiliam Elwell President Judgo of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and GcneralJall Delivery, Court of Quar ter Sessions of the I'caeo nnd tho Court ot Common Pleas and Orphans' Court in tho soth Judicial Dis trict, composed of tho counties of Columbia and Montour, and the Hons. James Lake and Y. L. Shuinan, Assclato Judges of Columbia county, have Issued tbelr preccpt,bearlngdatc tho 39th day of Sept. In the yearof our Lordono thousand eight hundred and elgtity-threo, nnd to mo directed for holdlnga Court of Oyer nndTcrmlncr nnd General Quarter Sessions of tho Iace, Court of Common l'leos and Orphans' Court, In llloomsburg, In the county of Columbia, ou tho tlrst, Slonday, being the 3rd day of Dec. neu. to continue, for two weeks. Notice Is hereby given to the the Jus tlces of tho 1'eaco, and tho Constables of the said County ot Columbla.that they be then and there In their proper person at lo o'clock in tho forcnouu ot said 3rd day of Dec. with their records Inqui sitions and other remcmbiances,to do those things which to their ollices appertain to bo done. And thoso that nro bound by recognizance to proscoule against tho prisoners that are or may bo In tho Jail of the sold county of bo then and there to prosecute them as shall be ujt. Jurors are re quested to bo punctual In their attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated at llloomsburg (. ' .1 the and day of Nov. In tho year of our L.8. VLord one thousand eight hundred and (v) elghty-thrcoand In the one hundred and eighth year of tho Independence of iho United States of America. Klierlirsoillce. JOHN MotV'tEV, Uloomsbtirg, Nov-Btn Sheriff. G HAND JUHORS KOlt DECEMUEIt TEltM. llloom Harrison Shaffer, NS Tlngley, John I) Jones, W M Khoadamoyer, Charles llnuck, Geo. Hassort. llerwlck Levi llredbenncr. Ilrlarcreek Daniel Pui-bClL CatawKsa Fred l'fahler. Center 1 J lies-). Centralla .John Sloran. Plshingcrcek-lllrain Hams, Geo. Heath. Hemlock u 11 liartmau. I-ocust ltolandus llerblne, Amandus Illlllg. Jlndlson-James Klsncr, Amos Johnson, Hauls Sterling. Jlaln-Charlcs l'kher. Jit Pleasant Henry Kitchen. Orange M II Patterson, Silas Connor. Scott-Jl c iiccolluin. rpitAVEHSE JUIIOUS. FIHST WEEK. neave r Danlfl Slngley, Jr. llerwlck David liaucher, Okley Smith, Wm. Hugenbuch, Daniel Heedy. llloom Henry llo-nstock, H W Shutt, Gcorgo V arr, P S Moyer, Clurles llendei-shott, LDKase. CatawKsa Win lierkhelmer. centre nenjamln sterner, H A Sweppenhclscr. Greenwood E I. Eves, A J Derr. Hemlock Mnthlas Wliltcnlght. Jackson p .M Parker. Locust Jonas Koup, Isaao Dyer, Isaiah Howcr. Madison Chester Johnson, D.ivld Philips. .Main Wm Mensluger, Ellas Shunnn. Montour Isaao Mowrev, Daniel Pry. ltoarlngcreek Henry U llelwlg. Scott-P P Kelley, swiloone, II C Kelchner, vbrnham Snyder, J 11 Townscud. sugarloaf ltlchard Kile, Chas D Carpenter. SECOND WEEK. Ilcaver John nice. llloom Jacob Hartzell, S D Ilobne. Z It Sliultz, Augustus Prlend, John aordner, Wm Dletterlch, J W Pry. Denton Evan Iluckalew, James Long. Cntawlssa Wm Hartman, U W Walter, Ell Gule. conyngham Edward Hughes. Franklin Jerry Kostenbauder. Greenwood (1 II Thomas, James Lockard, T S Christian, A P Heller. FWliliigereck-aeorgc, Labor, Benjamin Golder, Frank Jones. Jackson John ltantz. iocust Jeremiah Snyder. MadLson John Itelchard, D O Welllvcr, Cyrus Dcmott. Main David S llrown. Miniln I k Swcppenhelscr, Samuel Drum. orange II F liartch. line Luther Cermau. ltoarlngcreek David Long, Jacob Longenberger. scott-John Oroh. stigarloat-wm li Fetcrman. rjpllIAL LIST. FOlt DECEMUEIt TEltM 1883, Sarah A Hlnterlller vs Charles 1) Knler. 8 P Kaso & S P Wolverton use, V3 Dili W Hall road Co. , A J Evans vs Charles Krug. orangevlllo MSfL Association vs Joseph A Henrlo, et al. William F Ulbby vs Isaao Secsholtz, et al. Catharine Schmlck's uso, vs Wm F Illbby, V. S llobblns vs (1 M J K IwkariL J M Smith nssignee vs cal In Clark et ui. , W G yetter Ex vs William Yeager. Gcorgo lievan vs L A lllley Jt co. The singer M'f'g Co vs Martha Delias. John Sheatler s Philip Springer. Casper ithawn's admr vs N &v II ll'y Co. isaao Weckerley's Exr vs Daniel n Fredericks. Fred Smith et al vs N 4: W U It'y Co. Kphralm Kramer vs N W II lt'y Co. 0 II Drockway's asslgneo vs N it W 11 It'y Co. D A Hess vs N W II H'y Co. Daniel Walter vs J P Lewis. Chas H itelchard vs Chas Kllngennan. Aaron llogart vs Peter liogart. Lloyd Khuman vs N X W 11 H'y Co. Henry llarnerctux vs N & w 11 lt'y Co. Andrew Crevellng vs William Thomas. Ivevl Kurtz vs Joseph Ileum et ux. Daniel F beybert vs George llretsch. Gideon stecker's Adm vs Thomas Illckey. Stephen Wolf vs Juo M Jllller. Alluas cole vs Sarah Hess. Jacob Haines vs N W II lly Co. II G Vettcr vs N & tv u lly Co. II V Garret vs Geo K Hess. Jane Moyer vs James s Lewar'sAdm. et aV'' f J'm'idell,ula 'l'fu'e n Abraham Billing John Slminan vs N k W 11 lly Co. II M Wler vs ltlchard Angel et al. Lydla llobblns vs Jacob S stoker's Adm. Peter llelwlg's ex vs Peter llelwlg. D H Laubach vs J W i S A hmltli? JNSOLVENT NOTICI! Tn nil my creditors nnd whomsoever concerned. Court of coannon Pleas of Columbia county J iui uid uciirui, ui, uuu utscuargu unuer, tue insoi. vent laws ot tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, iiud that the said court has npiiolntod the nrst day of nxltcrm (bi'lugthe first Monday of De cember 1HS3) for the time of making my up plication for dlhargo aud hearing beforo the said Court al the Town of 'llloomsburg, In said county, whon and where you may attend II you ,'ivi'w. m. una, m.imi. nov o-3t A UDITOU'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK TllEKESSA BAYLOK, DECEASED. In Iho Orphan's court of Columbia county, Tho undersigned auditor amwluled bv said court to make distribution of the biluui'-o In the hands of the admlulstrutor, arising from the sale of real estate In proceedings In partition will sit In the discharge of tho duties otitis appointment at Ids onice In llloomsburg at ten o'clock in the forenoon upon Iho twenty-seventh day ot November .883, whore and when nil parlies Interested In said fund nre requested to bo and present their claims, or bo debarred from any share ot tho samo. rAunc yviht, Novo Auditor, Following Lines ol Hoods : Fur trimmings nnd ornaments. Satin gimps nnd ornaments. UargaiiM in laoes nnd buttons. COLUMBIA YARNS. Columbia Gerniantown, Theso yams nro tho best in tho market and nro noted for theii even ness nnd elasticity of thread, bril lianoy nnd durability of colors nnd variety of shades. Etch hank con tains a nr. nnd is the onlv yarn put up in full 2 ounce hanks, and is therefore tho cheapest and best. It. J. CLAftK j- soy. t Tho Kiihuiiit shirt thn bent lit. ling nnd easiest Imiudried of any made. Try our cotton flannels. Try our wool flannels. Angora ami Saxony wools. Wo wero nover better prepared to meet your wants in tho way of largo stock in all departments, at lower figures, than ever. Our terms are cash and that is what buvs noods cheap. h CLARK A SON: UDITOirS NOTICE. KSTATK OK ELIZABETH XELCMNEK, LATE OK M1FKUN TowNsmr, nrciASKD. Tho undersigned auditor appointed br tho Or. mans' court of Columbia county, mako dlJt butloii io the balance In tho hands ol ftotuT Moircy trustee, to sell real estate." will sit nt his omco li oiwf?11'' on KFlWar; November th, im" at 10 ocloek a. m., when and where nil parties interest ed In said e-tato must appear nnd jiresSt clalmiT or bo forever debarred from any share of said cs tftta II. V. WHITE, octis-ta Auditor. jUDITOIl'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK C. K. UAUUEB, LATE OK CATAWIBSA, BE. CEASEO. The undersigned appointed auditor to distribute '?."i?1,"1J,"u l"fnaa Clinton Ellis comrSttee of U. P. Harder a lunatic, will meet tho nartlS In. town of Catawlssa on Saturday November S4th A. 1). 1S8J, atiotfclMkn.nv atwhlchUmOand placo all parties having claims upon Said fund wni npm-araud present the same, or bTdebarrcd I from coming In tor a share of the same. U'"UJ"VU Nov at,. 1L "UCKINOIIAM r,0"J-tu Auditor. A UDITOIt'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK 1IANNAII riATT, DECKA8ED. HS?c?lfr.nHlnUullor appointed by the Or lihan's Court of Columbia County to rnako dlstrl. w mSttMahidmi0118. "'? Pities entitled thereto; 111 ut at his office In 11 oomsburg on Saturday November 17, 188.1 nt lo o'clock n. m. when and KV'L ."?d Present their claims or bo thereafter tfe barred from any share of said fund. L. S. WINTKllaTKEN, , Auditor. E XECUTOltS' NOTICE. I8TATE OK HICHAHD vrr.v nrriin,, Letters testamentary In the estato of ltlchard Mle, deceased, late of sugarloaf township, colum b a county, 1'eniL, have been granted by the lie F,',aJf .' ' nuunty 10 ?epl'uah I. Kilo and Ka lurahA. Herllnger. All persons having claims against tho estate of said decedent aro requested to present them for settlement, and thoso Indebted without delay0 9 paymcnt t0 tUe undersigned ZEPHANIAH L. KILE, rv,. , . KATUKAU A. HEItLINOEn, October 1S-0W litecutori. N OTICE OP DISSOLUTION. Tlift nnrtnnroltln 1,,,. ,.:;. I:. '. v i"'wio existing oeiween Mcllcnry & Krlckbaum, of llenton, has been dis solved by mutual consent. And all persons having accounts with said nnn will please call on the undersigned and make settlement. The business will hereafter bo carried on by Mcllenry Carey. Nov, Mw IHA McIIKNKY. UDITOltS NOTICE. ESTATE OK nENIIV DEICII1IILLEU DECEASED. A.'.'a. now September aeth 1N8.1 on petition of Hen ry oelclimiller a son and heir of said deceased aud by agreement of all parties In Interest, C. o. Bark ley, Lsq., Is appointed auditor to mate dlstrlbu Hon of said estate to and amongst the parties legally entitled thereto. ' . . Hv toe Cohkt. Certlrted from tho Itecorda this tthday of Octo ber lotto. W. EKICXBACM, Clerk. In DUrsUnnOO Of Raid nnnntntmnnt thn nnrint,' ed will sltnt his onico In Brower's building, llloomsburg, Pa., on Tuesday, November a), 18S3. At ten o'clock in t ho forenoon, when and where all parties Interested must appear and present their claims, or bo forever debarred from any share of said fund. C. O. BAHKLEV, Auditor. Oct., SG-lw FALL OPENING of Alexander & Bro. HlH GOODS, LOW pRlDg A full lino of Confectionery, Fruits, Nuts, cur. ars. Tobaccos, Pipes, Christmas tree trimmings, and a largo stock of Sugar Toys for tho Holidays, reviiolffiiiu ana Uttatt. Meerschaum Pipes, agar Holders, Cigar Cases, Tobacco lMuches and other goods sultablo for the Christmas trade. County dealers should consult our prices beforo purchasing elsewhere. IfNoxt to Court House. Sept. 28-3in otitoetttttiim ouooooo(t0eoeo 0000 9USl(t(ttit Porcelains and Faience. In addition to many novelties fioin tho Royal Worcester, Min ions and Copcland works, we would especially note some woii-d-ri'ully decorated Faience from t!ie celebratetl Hungarian fab ruiuo at lludapest, bearing' the famous mark of the "Five Clilirclus" they are without dnulit the most elaborate pieces cv;r proilucetl, having received Uu first prize at the late Amster d...n Exposition. IJ.'autiful articles suitable for weilding gifts, in Vases, Centre 1'ii-ves, Cabinet Specimens, Fine Plates and Cups, are here in end-, less variety. We should be glad to see vis itors nt any time, assuring them a very cordial reception. Mail orders for the selection of gilts, will as usual, have our most careful attention. J. 15. CA!.Dwr.n. & Co., 902 Chwtnut St, Philadelphia. (i)sti(tieiii)igi 9tifiit(iatii) WINTER COATS & DOLMANS. o Wo tnko especial pritle ami plensuro in calling attention to our ntock of theso goods. It Hiirpasses all wohavo olFeretl in tho past, aud wo havo good reason to believe h not equalled in America. Tho garments are all manufactured expressly for us in tho most careful manner from the latest Htyles.which styles arc in most cases confined to us alono. This superb stock h now on exhibition and sale. The priced will bo found Biirprisingly moderate. We also show a wonderful lino of MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS, All made in tho highest stylo of the urt by tho samo Foreign makers, and not to be surpassed for style, fit and carefulness of manufacture. So great arc tho attractions in this department tho present season that a littlo later we shall probably havo a demand that will tax all our resources, although wo have made every possible preparation therefor. We advise our friends to make their selections now. Eighth Street. Market Strei-t. PHILADELPHIA. DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS, AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. 1-3 o PQ CO O PR IS Tlllll oOt,i, ti blgns and at lower prlcea than has ever been known ba"on ut th0 btut0 ' U"lme- line fcWHte'K WSgK "nU A f nil IWdyanaTarstryllruijela.Tall l'"00" 1wn- A nlco line uf Q00D BODY BRUSSELS, $1.25. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, as low ns 70 & 75c. EXTRA SUPER INQRAIN,80&05c. ALL WOOL SUPER INQRAIN, &75&80c. WOOL FILLING INGRAINS, 05c. 'T&tScffl,, SJtdotUH at . ao, M, wm ana &0c snnaro yard Ins carti t'ruuVt ctouu and ruSSli nSS "f.J.if T c,ie' ?"J dtiJrnWo, used lur. cover- ders received from ill BurronndlnS Swfs iii i.w, nw.,n.,,LK,t?. wa' mlt-r oa kuort "otlco- or will bo retailed Tin New York or tadeliiUi" 111 u,eut," ttn" lr-s guaranteed na low as 0". J". BEOWBE,, BLOOMSBURG, PA. SIBLEY'SCEEDS jti ft m, sav'Li .SS- Mutlnir, tic only I07l. nu iuoiimdiI rl tjPi, TltUIS. " - v mui'ituit HIRAM SIBLEY rebruarytly I)iUNI8TIUT0n'9 NOTICE. STiroriuyrT r.cuHTis, insciuni,' auknt, MS Or BlOOMSaUHQ COI. CO, PKO'U. i.I.t.r,:?'.a,'?1.nl8trftllonon the estato of Kinmet i.f.S5S,,Sl.4"i,0' tU8,l0wn llloomshurif, ooiuii; wuuv,, , uH5jiT4nia, uucuoaou, navo been Kranted by the ltok'Uter of said county to the m - claliuH atfalnat tho estate of the decoasert nro ret nuested to present them for uettlement, and those Indebted to the estate to make payment to tho undcnJifued administrator without delay, N'V.iWw Adinimatritor Filbert Street. p Pi i j?.?ar CiS,i"SSr iff l "V. DDI tllDl. & CO. Rochester, N.V. Chlcago.lll. atn XEOUTOIVS NOTICE. XmTK Or KUZAUtTM VU)H(1, HTK Or OltANUK lOWNSUir, UECItSKU, I-ettera testamentary In the estate of Klliabotu JieUiuir, deoiiaswl, late of Orango townthin (."olum. bli county, l'a., have boeu ifrnuted by tho lletfliter pf said comity to 'i hoinas flolleury. All iiernonu havliiif claims ngalnst the estate of said ileeemlont uro reiiuested to present thorn for uettlement, nnd t hose indebted lo the estato to make payment lu the undersigned with out delay, THOMAS McIIENUV, Orangevlllo, Col. county, Vu Knoculor. Oct. i 4