The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 02, 1883, Image 3

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The Columbian.
.Correct Itullrontl Tliiiu Table.
Trains on tbo Philadelphia & it. It, leavo Itupcrt
a.i follows I
CM A.m. 11 -is a. m.
4 ui) p. m. G 13 p. m.
Tritn9 on the D, L. it W, U. It. loatu Mootnsburg
follows i
1 S6 a. m. 8 S3 a. m.
10 47 n. m. 11 45 a. m.
s 31 p. tn. 4 i p. m.
The 1 1 4? train south connects with tlio I'hlla.
ilelpbla Heading at upert, and with tlio
Northern Central at Northuinotrland.
Tii-vR:!. a. m train cianocts at Northumberland
with :M train on Pennsylvania road reaching
pnliadeiphla at S:m p. tn,
Tlio 11:4 Hraln connects with rnlladtlphla and
Heading ro&t at import at 11:90 reaching I'hlla
dolphin at 6:00 p. in.-
Tho lls4i train oonnocts with Pennsylvania
roat at North imberlana at HO reaching l'hlladcl
phla at liM p. in
TiiJ4:p m. train connects with Pennsylvania
ru til at Northumberland at 8:03 p. in. ana reaencs
1'lillaJclpUU at t:ts a. m.
Train oatm M. A V. II
Kerry as follows :
T.41 a.m
0.31 p. tn
IHIU.irp.uj lllooin
U.oi n. m.
1.01 d. m
IMtllllC HlllCH.
Tlie sale of tlio rcnl estate of William
Ivey ilcccnscil was adjourned from thu 27lh
ult. until Tuesday, November 13th.
Henry P. Oman, executor of George
Oman, Into of Scott township, will sell val
uable rcnl cstnto on the premises, on Sat
unlay, November 2 lib, 1883. A farm of
170 acres. Sec advertisement.
Mrs. M. Hlshton is Improving in health,
anil is now able to leave iter room.
Mrs. Michael Wicmbcrlln of Dunmorc is
visiting her relatives here.
William Urlght of Ashland was register
oil nt the Exchange on Tuesday.
Mrs. Dr. Shattuck lias been seriously ill
for tho past two weeks, but is now improv.
Charles U. Cutler of Tlttston stopped in
town a few hours on Wednesday to shako
hands with tlio Winona boys.
Mrs. J. 51, Hower is confined to her
bed with a broken limb. She received a
fall lost week, breaking her leg in two
Miss Uannah llrccce lias gone to
Waynesboro, Pa., to take a position in a
school there. She resigned her plnco in
tho Fifth street school to accept this.
The republicans have made no county
nominations this year.
The Miners' hospital at Ashland will be
opened on tho 8th inst.
Taper bags, all sizes, square and satchel
bottom, nt tlio Colu.mman store.
Danville 1ms a new dnily paper called
tho Sun.
Read II. J. Clark & Son's new advertise
ment in another column.
Tlio Stroll! family cavo ono of their en-
tcrtalhmcnts at tho Opera House on Tues
day evening to a pleased audience. Tlio
father and seven children carried out tho
long nnd varied programme tn the cnllro
satisfaction of nil present. Tho most re
markable feature of tho ovcnlnc was tho
.,., . I . a. ...
a. nine uoy of II, A. SwcDDcnhelser's. p'ece pinycu uy w. a, Btrolil on two cor-
was severely cut nbout the bend n few nets nt tho same tlmo. Tho playing of tho
dnys since, by being hit with tho shoo of 1'"' fi'r's on brass instruments, tho plpo
a norso. Ho had fallen down while lend- 'Bn selection, tho drummer boy, by llttlo
Ing the horse, nnd was lilt with ttho shoo of lather, nnd tho full brass band, by tho
For a Pall Suit,
For n good Overcoat,
For Men, Youth's, Hoy's nml
go (o David Lowcnbcrg's.
one of the front feet.
(JURAT UARUAIN'S.-aood Winter
suits for $18.00 nmdo to order from a now
lino of all-wool casslmerc, just received
from Now York. Call nnd sco for your
self at N. S. Tlngley's, Merchant tailor,
Columbian building, Miln street, lllooms
Mrs. 11. Stohncr was thrown from a wag
on near tho bridge over tho Irondale race,
on Tuesday. Ingoing around tho curve
tho wagon upset, nnd Mrs. Stohncr who
was alone, was badly bruised about tho
head. Fortunately assistance was near at
hand when the accident occurred, or tho
results might have been more serious.
There whs a glorious sunset on Monday
ovcnlng, though It was mlnlntr nt the tlmn.
So bright did the Illumination become that 250 Pounds in weight,
many who saw it thought that ll must bo
the reflection from a great conflagration.
A rn.11. ..tll.l.. ... . .. .
iw uiuim-i u, mi-mi iiniiicu inioilc i nn
arch formed by thu clouds, and just when
it was most brilliant the clouds broke away
and tho bluo sky shone through tho red re
flection, producing a most beautiful effect.
Airs, tisiier, or llloomsburg, a nurso of
.n,,nl, .1,111 l. - t.1- -. - . .. . ait,,,, u spiuiuu ior cancer, wnicli
has been successfully tested on Miss Sar.
ah A. Davis, of I'lttston. with very satis
factory results. Miss D.ivU was lying dan.
gcrousiy nllectcd with cancer for many
months, nnd after six weeks' treatment and
patient nursing has been relieved of this
terrible parasite, and is now convalescent.
Plymouth Record.
wliolo family wcro among tho best things
on the programme. To say that tlicso peo
ple aro all accomplished and finished miisl.
clans, would not bo truthful, but taken to
gether they aro a wonderfully musical fam
ily, and tho performance is mora an exhi
bition of natural talent than of highly oil.
tlvatcd skill. No ono who has tbo oppor
tunity should fall to hear them.
New 1IhkICku mite of tlic Pcim-
Hylvnuln Knllrontl.
Commencing November 1st, n rulo (at
present in effect upon nil tho principal rail
lines of tho West and South) limiting the
weight of slnglo pieces of baggago will be
adopted upon tlio Pennsylvania Railroad.
On and after tho first proximo agents of
that line will decline to receive for trans-
portatlon any piece of baggago exceeding
Tho rulo requiring
Last week while Myron Low ami 'A. T.
rowicr were out eunnimr. t ie latter met
1th nn accident. It appears that Low
nrcil at some quail in the direction hf
bowler, but did not suppose the shot
would carry thu distance to him. A few
shot took cited In Fowler's face, but only
enough to disfigure him for a time. They
are only flesh wounds and will heal in a
few weeks,
E. Jacoby has resigned as superinten
dent of tho Water Company.
A largo variety of Celluloid Collaus fc
Cuffs at David Lowenbergs.
Harry, a little son of J,
broke ono of his arms last
ut play.
R. Townscnd,
Saturday wlille
The V indsor theatre was crowded last
evening, the attraction being "Furnished
Rooms," vlth Topsy Venn in tho leading
character of Roxnna Shouttr. Miss Venn
was certainly n leading sliouter. She ex
hibited great animation and vivacity in
her part. It was a roaring piece through.
out and created thunders of npplausc. The
support by the members of Topsy Venn's
I'urnisneu ltooms" uompany was very
ood. jNcw I or: World.
Opera House, Thursday night, Nov. 8th.
Mr. C. 11. Koon, general agent of the
Franklin Square Library Company is in
town making arrangements to establish
circulating library. The books that will
be contained in the library embrace fiction,
history, biographical sketches and poetry,
and are all standard works published by
Harper Bros. Tho terms arc ono dollar
for each subscriber for two years, and
mere ore no Hues or lines, 't hose who arc
fond of reading cannot do better than sub
scribe, and thereby secure the uso of the
best literature at a very low price.
A full lino of pocket books and purses
for ladies or gentlemen just opened at the
Columiiian store.
There has been plenty of rain during the
past two weeks, and tho streams have
risen considerably.
Imported olive-wood pen holders and
pencils, very pretty and very cheap, at the
Columbian store.
Having lust returned from Philadelphia
with an '.unusually largo and exceedingly
cheap line of general merchandise I would
call attention to the fact. Having had years
of experience in the mercantile business
gives me a decided advantage over neigh
boring merchants in selecting stock as to
quality, cheapness ice. I am oilcring goods
3 per cent, cheaper than can bo bought In
this place. Call and give me the chance
to show up what 1 say before purchasing
J. J. McIIusnv. Ronton
Governor Pattison will return to Berwick
this Friday evening and will hold a recep
tion nt the residence of Rev. W. W. Evans'
at half past eight.
Wednesday night was Hallowe'en, and
tho young peoplo were out in full force
Throwing corn against windows was the
chief amusement.
A. M. Wintcrsteen has opened a cigar
and tobacco store in Mrs. Ent's building,
In tho room formerly occupied by O. R.
Fred. B. Hartman lias been appointed
deputy prothonotnry in place of Matthew
Quick. Ho will, no doubt, fill the position
Pennington Post G. A. R. will have an
oyster supper at Benton on Saturday, Nov-
ember 3rd. The Benton band will furnish
Tho General Convention of tho P. E,
Church, which was in session several
weeks in Philadelphia, adjourned last Frl
dnv. Several changes wore made in tho
Prayer Book.
William Leslie, implicated in the murder
of JohnBrlggs at Shlckshlnny lias been
rnnvlctcd in the Luzcrno court, nnd sen-
tenoed to two years and six months' Impris
Tho arbitrators in tlio suit of John Earns
acralnat the Town of Bloomsburg awarded
tho plaintiff S410 damnges. An appeal
will probably bo entered by ono sldo or the
Tho rectory belonging to the Episcopal
congregation has been sold to Rev. A,
Urlttnln of Berwick, who will take poses-
sion next April. A new rectory will be
built on the church lot.
John S. Sterner is building an addition
tn tho Morris houso on the corner of Mar
ket and Fifth streets, recently purchased
by tho Methodist congregation for a par
A communication from Hohrsbuig finds
its wny to our waste basket becauso no
name accompanies tbo article. How often
1b It necessary to repeat that nil communl
cations must bo signed by tbo writer ?
Ton Sale. A property in Rohrlngcreek
township, consisting of a dwelling house,
barn, mill with four rim of stone, and
about 28 acres of improved land. Inquire
of John Mourey, Bloomsburg, Pa, tf
Northumberland county Is Infested with
a gang of thlovcs, who aro operating in tho
vicinity of Mount Cnrmel and tho towns
between Ashland nnd Shamokin, Several
stores nt Mount Cnrmel wcro broken in!
recently and robbed of Bovcrnl hundred
dollars' worth of goods. A movemont
now on foot for their apprehension.
G. M. Quick is no longer deputy protho
notary, his connection with that office
having been sovercd on Wednesday oven
Ing. Mr, Quick was in ino oiuco ior
number of years, and Ids efficiency as
officer, and Ida Kinllemanlynnd nccommo.
dating treatment of all who had business
to do thcro lias made him many friends
th rough tho county,
a charge for tho weight of all baggage in
excess of lou pounds tor each passenger
I will remain In effect, as before.
l'nll I'tlHlllun Quarterly.
Send 15 cents to Strawbrldge & Clothier,
for the Autumn Quarterly , 120 pages 1000
Illustrations i 42 valuable articles on sub
jects of interest to ladles ; also, a dress.
makers' page. Every description of dry
goods illustrated and priced, for shoppers
by mall. The music by W. W. Gilchrist,
tho celebrated composer, is nlono worth
double the price of the book. Yearly sub
scription, CO cents : 23 cents for six
months. Subscribo now nov 2-0t
1 1 nil Never Hceu witkeM Ilarre.
An old gentleman, named Thomas Ebert,
00 years of age, who is at present a rcsi
dent of Pottsvlllc, is now visiting friends
In this section of the country. Mr. Ebert
was born and lived most of his life in
Briarcreek township, Columbia county, on
the borders of Luzerne, nnd yet, strange
as it may appear, he had never seen Wilkes
Barrc previous to his present visit. He
was very much surprised, nnd at the samo
time delighted upon witnessing the mntcrl
al prosperity of our town, saying he had
often heard it said that Wilkcs-Barrc was
a smart place, but that bo felt like the
Queen of Sheba, who after her visit to
King Solomon when she beheld tho splcn'
dors of the Hebrew Court, said the half
had not been told. No wonder tho old
man opened his eyes with astonishment
upon visiting a live town like Wilkes.
Barrc, after wasting so many years of ids
life in a decayed borough like Pottsvlllc.
Wilkes-Barrt Record.
orntiKCvlltti iIciiih.
X. Y. Z. Is n ron nd again.
H, C. Everett, who met with a serious no-
cldcnt last week, wo aro glad to lenrn Is
Improving very fast under Dr, O. A. Mo-
gargle's treatment.
Mr, George Hcckman, our genial land
lord, Is building a largo and commodious
shed and when completed ho will hnve ono
of tho finest arranged sheds In tho county,
George, you aro deserving of success.
Dr. O, W. Ammcrman's house is nearly
completed. Ho Is now treating it to n
coat of paint and when finished ho will
hnve ono of tho finest residences in town.
G. P. Sllncr, tbo genial clerk of Lllloy
& Stcppy, moved into his mother's houso
last week. George, we did not get any of
that fat turkey.
Our merchants have nil been to tho cities
this fall nnd have returned with tho largest
nnd finest selected stocks of goods wo
havo ever seen opened In Ornngovlllo. We
think Lllloy and Sloppy feel well satisfied
that they located In our town to Bell mer
chandise. They havo one, nnd the greater
part of tho time two, clerks besides them
selves, aud then we think they should havo
more help, from the amount of goods they
arc selling dally.
Wo almost forgot to make mention of
tho mnrrlago that took plnco In our town
last week. The participating parties were
W. II. Bobbins, our enterprising wagon-
bulldcr, and Miss Kate Stlncr, a very est!
mablo young lady of our town. Tho ofll
elating clergyman was Ucv. E. M. Chll-
coat. We wish them much happiness.
Mr. J. W. Mostellcr made n flying visit
to Nescopeck last Sunday.
Miss Ella Stewart returned to her homo
last week after nn extended visit through
the Southern States.
Prof. Francis Heck is visiting ids numer
ous friends in nnd nbout Shnmokln during
his yacatlon. Prof, we will bo glad when
you return nnd open your school again. It
makes our town moro lively.
Quito a lively game of baso ball was play.
ed nt Benton Inst Saturday between the
Laporto nine and n picked nlno from Ben.
ton, Orangevlllo aud Bloomsburg. Among
the amateurs from here were Messrs. Low,
Flcckcnstlno nnd Harman. We aro inform.
cd when the gamo finished giving tho La
portc boys nine Innings nnd the picked
nlno eight Innings the scoro stood 25 to 3
in favor of the picked nlno.
We suggest that tbo supervisor give
little of his attcntiou to our streets in town.
They aro In a very bad condition. Our
streets aro worso in town than you can find
in tlio county. They are also loaded with
filth which should bo cleaned out
before they freezo up. Will some of our
townsmen have this important matter look
ed after or else appoint a board of health.
Mr. Nathan Chllcoat of Lock Haven is
visiting his brother, Rev. E. M. Chllcoat of
this place.
X. Y. Z.
30 different styles of lieu or pencil tablets
nt mo o'olumman store.
Tlio Youlman black stiff hat is nil tho
stylo nnd rago at present for young men.
A full assortment of them can bo seen nnd
had, at G. W. Bcrtsch's, tho tailor mid hatter.
Cheap underwear at J, U. Skcor's,
You can bo suited In shoes. If you call at
. I), Dcntlcr's, His stock is complete In
gcnts',lad.cs', misses' and children's shoes,
C. C. Marr buvs corn. oats, chicken.
tried fruit, onions and pop corn,
i i
75.000 envelopes, all sizes and colors.
wholesale and retail, nt tho Columiiian
Those nobby nnd stylish sen) skin caps for
young Indies nnd gents aro to be had at G.
W. Bertsch's, tho merchant tailor, Don 't
fall to get one for tho coming winter, price
very cheap.
Cheap queenswiire nt J. B, Skcer's.
20 different styles of wedding invitations
nt the Columiiian store.
Centre XotcH.
Boots, boots, shoes, shoes, nt F. D.
Dentlcr's. Good goods at lowest prices.
Wool blankets, comforts. &c ntC. C.
Marr, very cheap.
A new lot of fine boxed papers just re
ceived at tho Columiiian store. That heavy
cream damask, and wedding plates Is tho
finest writing paper wo havo over shown.
Only -10 cents a box, with envelopes.
Nice blanket shawls, nt C. C. Mnrr's very
How to Keep (InipeH I'reMli,
Grapes aro plentiful nml cheap and
wholesome. Perhaps economical house-
wlfes may bo Interested In knowing how to
bo nblo to furnish their table with tlio lus
cious fruit months nflcr it is out of season t
Take good bunches, frco from decayed or
imperfect berries, nnd hang them by
threads to slicks across tho edgo of o clean
wooden box drrp enough to hold the bunch
es without touching the bottom. Hang tho
bunches close together, but without touch
ing each other. Then take lino poplar,
oak, birch, or maple sawdust, clean, nnd
frco from moisture, but not over dried, nnd
pour it into tho boxes, working it with n
smiill rod among the bunches until they
nro completely enveloped. When tho box
filled seal the ends of nil the exposed
main stalks with a drop of rosin or scaling
wax. Cover the box first with a sheet of
newspaper nnd then with tbo cover, nnd
store In a cool, dry cellar.
For tremulousncss, wakefulness, dizzi
ness nnd lack of energy, a most valuable
remedy U Brown's Iron Bitters.
will cure all kinds of blood poisoning inUr-
Mil or contracted, f or sale uy J. 11. iiln
ports, druggist.
For good cheap
furniture, go to Cad-
Look at the new shades of writing paper
n our show windows. Sold bv tho slice t
or quire, nt tno uolumiiian store.
Try O. C. Marr's queen syrup.
This Is to certify that L. E. Wharv is the
sole authorized agent for Bloomsburg, for
mo ueauing stove worus, ot urr, rainier
& Co., and is tho only dealer that cm give
a guarantco on our work on stoves, heat-
crs or furnaces.
Scp28-tf ORR, PAINTER & CO.
Boots and
shoes very cheap, at C. C.
Pictures, frames,
window cornices, at
Go to C. C. Mnrr's for lace, fishues and
tics very cheap.
Thermometers, from 25 cents to 93.50 at
tlio Uolumiiian store. II
Spring Lake, Cayuga Co., N. Y.
lihevmatte Syrup Co t
I have been it great sufferer from Rheu
matism for sixteen years. A part of tbo
tlmo I could not lenve tho house, nnd many
weeks I was confined to my chair, being
unablo to lcavo It without help, and for
three long years I was compelled to use
crutches, and tho pain I suffered, no one
can realize except those who Have been
similarly afflicted. I called different phy
sicians and tried many different kidiis of
liniments, but obtained no relief. My limbs
were iluy hy uny helng urnwn moro ntul
more out of shape, and I had become com
ulelelv dlseouraired. and sunnosed that
was uoomcu to sillier on unui ucniii pui an
end to my pain, when I heard of your
Khcumatic syrup, nml immediately com
menced Its use. nnd in less than one week
I could sco that It was helping mo and nfter
using It two months I was completely cur
cd and to-day 1 am as well as ever. Rhcu'
malic Syrup is truly a wonilcriul medicine
for cleansing the blood nnd It is certainly n
positive cure for rheumatism, and it can
not fail to meet with great success.
I am, most respectfully yours,
The Greatest Blood Purifier Known!
Rheumatism Cured.
ltociimnn.N.Y.. Anr. 6th. to.
Jirintmatte Surup Co. i
(Hints I havo been a irrcat
sufferer Irom llhcumatlsm turslx
years, and hearing of tho success
oi itncumauc .vrup i conciuucu
toglvcltn trt.iilnmy owncase,
nml I cheerfully say that I havo
been greatly iH'iiclltteil by Its use.
lean walk with entire freedom
from pain, nnd iny general health
Is very much Improved. It Is a
splendid remedy for tho blood
and debilitated pystem.
K. rAllK,
M. n.
Scrofula Curod,
Port IItkon, N. Y., Feb. SO, IB. j
Ithmmattc ftirvp Co.t
f had been docterlne for three
or four years, with different phy
sicians for scrofula, as somo call
ed it, but found no relief until 1
commenced taking your Hymn.
After taking It a short time, to
my surprise, It began to help me.
Continuing Its use. n few wcckn,
I round myncn aa wen as iiver.
As a blood purincr, 1 think It has
no equal,
Neuralgia Curod,
FAinroBT, N.Y., March it, '8.1.
Itheumntta Syrup Co. t
(litNTS-ynco November, IttH, I
have been a constant sufferer
from neuralgia and have not
known what It was to bo freo
from pain until I commenced tho
uso of llheuinatlo Syrup. I have
felt no pain since imng tho fourth
bottle. I think It Is the best rem
edy I have ever heard of for puri
fying the blood and for tho euro
ot rheumatism and neuralgia.
.tfimiliirturrd bVHllKVitATtC HYHUP CO., 1 I-lyinuuth Ave., RocheMr, ,V. r.
Foreign mM MaaumtiG
All t!
Berwick seems to have got into a muddle
about tho election board of tho west dis
trict, certificates of election having been
issued to one Republican and ono Demo
crat as Inspectors, under tlio apprehension
that eacli parly must be represented on the
board. The law provides that no person
may vote for more than one inspector, tho
Intention, no doubt, being in this wny to
give the minority party n representative j
but where either party has strength enough
to elect both inspectors it may bo done,
the law being explicit that those who re-
ceive the highest number of votes shall be
declared elected.
A Pnoi-ms Law. A law was passed at
the last regular session of the legislature
and approved Juno 18th of this year, which
makes it a penal offenso for any person to
deceive a voter in regard to his ticket. It
enacts that anv person who shall furnish
or supply to any elector of this Common
wealth, at any of tho polu or voting places,
any ticket falsely representing it to contain
names not thereon, shall bo deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and on convic
tion shall pay a fine not to exceed one hun
dred dollars, or Imprisonment not to ex
ceed ono year, ono or both, or either at tho
discretion of the Court.
Tho Opera House was packed to the
doors List evening, on tbo occasion of the
opening performance of tho Topsy Venn
Comedy Company, in "Furnished Rooms."
Tho pleco was plnycd hero last season, and,
therefore, need not bo specially gone Into,
The acting of Miss Venn, as Roxana Sliout
er, was full of life, and fully sustained her
previous reputation. She scored a decided
hit, nnd was given a hearty reception.
Miss Venn lias a fine voice, and gave a
sonir In n manner that brought down the
house, Tho rest of tho company were ful
ly up to tho standard, and tho performance
proved a thoroughly enjoyable one. YVoii-
dence Daily Journal.
Opera House, Thursday night, Nov. Kill.
E. P. Curtis died last Friday at tho res
idenco of Thomas Barton, below town,
where ho boarded. Ho was taken sick on
Sunday, and was confined to tho houso uiv
til Thursday, when ho went to Danville ou
business. On ills return ho went to bed,
and the next morning was found uncon
scions. Dr. MclCclvy was summoned but
was unablo to arouse him, and ho died at
noon. It Is supposed that ho took an
overdose of laudanum, as an empty bottle
that bad contained Hint drug was found in
tlio Held opposite his window. Mr. Curtis
had resided In this town for several years.
engaged in the insurance business. Ho
was quiet and unobtrusive, and nlways ap
peared to bo In tlio best of spirits. Tho
remains wcro taken to Nantlcoko on
Saturday, whero hit father resides.
'i lli; A. II. C. Ol' OUIl IIUHINI'.HH.
Attractlvo Goods,
duilrablo Assortment,
llarcraln for everybody.
At David Lowenberg 's
Big Variety,
eiiutlful Designs,
oltom Prices.
Compare our Stock,
ousldcr the Saving,
mini rlirlit Alomr.
To David Lowcnbc rg'a for Clothing,.
Another nltcmpt was made to rob the
cellar of Samuel Ilagenbuch, but without
success, as the things tho thieves were
after were not there.
Moses Brewer of Flshlngcrcck, son-in-
law of Samuel ilagenbuch, was visiting
friends Saturday and Sunday in Centre.
J. W. and YY. II. Ilidlay have recently
purchased a trio of swan ducks. They
arc white, weighing ten pounds each. Joe
and Will are fanciers of fine ducks.
Miss Bertha Hess has been visiting
friends in Fishingcrcck for tho past week.
Wo notice in tho supplement which ac
companied tlio CoLUMniAN, quite a num.
her of premiums wcro awarded to our
Centre folks.
One of tho latest styles in Centre is
music in plcasurc-ridiug. All cau have it
by merely forgetting to oil one of tbo
wheels on the buggy.
Our enterprising farmer, S. Crevcllng,
has finished husking corn. As his crib is
almost empty we bellevo his crop was a
light one. EsxiiK Nous.
TlluiikHglvllIK Hay.
Tho President has issued the following
Thanksgiving proclamation :
In furtherance of the custom of tills pco
plo at the close of each year to engage.
upon a day set apart for that purpose, In a
special festival of.pralso to tho Olver of
all good, I, Chester A. Arthur, president of
tho United States, do hereby deslgnato
Thursday, the 29th day of November next,
as a day of national thanksgiving. Tho
year which is drawing to an end lias been
replete with evidences of divine goodness,
Tho prevalence of health, the fulness of tho
harvests, the stability of peace and order,
the growth of fraternal feeling, the spread
of Intelligence and learning, the continued
enjoyment of civil nnd religious liberty
all these and countless other blessings aro
cause for reverent rejoicing. I do , there-
foro recommend that on thb day above ap
pointed the people rest from their nc.
customed labors, and, meeting in their
several places of worship, express their dc
vout grutitude to God that Ho hath dealt
so bountifully with this nation, nnd pray
that His grace and favor abide with it for-
Tliu Governor'H Vlwlt.
Oovernor Pattison passed through hero
last Saturday evening on tho D. L. & W.
road on his way to Berwick to visit Rev,
W. W. Evans. His trip was a very quiet
one, and but few knew that lie would pass
through hero at that time. Ho was accom
panted by Dr. Pltcalrn, of Harrlsburg ; Mr,
Win. Fryslngcr, of York, tbo
of Mr. Evans, and Mr. H. C. Dcrn, of Al
toona. They reached Berwick at 7.20 and
although up to half an hour before tho ar
rival of tho train it was not generally known
that the Governor was to bo there, this was
long enough for tho citizens of Berwick to
Improvise a very crcditablo reception. Tar
barrels, two brass bands nnd tho only piece
of ordnaiico In the placo wcro brought In to
requisition, and after tho distinguished
party had partaken of tea at the parsonngo
a largo and very enthusiastic body of cill
zens assembled In front of tho place and
tendcrcd.the Governor a serenade, tho bon.
fire, muslo and reports of nrtlllery adding
much to tho brilliancy nnd cnthusiawm of
tho occasion.
After tho baud had played tho Governor
camo out on tho veranda and was Introduc
ed to tho people by Major S. P. Hanly,
Having acknowledged tho compliment paid
him in tho cordial reception, Governor
Pattison made a tcn-mlnuto speech, in
wlite!! bo traced tlio general growth of tho
Commonwealth In population, wealth and
importanco and dwelt specially and with
much Interest to his hearers upon Its mar-
velous growth In educational matters. Tho
speech was frco from political allusions
and party fccllug did not enter Into tho
demonstration, which wns of tlio niost cor
dial description,
On Monday morning tho Governor and
ids party, accompanied by Uov. Mr. Evans,
started for William Colo's In Sugarloaf,
They dined at Daniel McIIcnry's at Btlll
water, where they wcro handsomely enter
tallied, and then proceeded on their jour
ney, Mr. Mcllcnry, his son Orvls, and Rev.
1 1), si, uiuier joining me party. iuey aro
I uxnectcd to return to-duv. Friday (and a ro-
l ceptlon will be given tho Governor at lkuton-
Tlic Kew I'aHliIoii Quarterly.
We turn over tho pages ot tho Autumn number ot
Strawbrldgo & Clothier's Quarterly with genuine
Burprlso that so really good a magazlno can bo
sold for fifteen cents a copy. Hero are 12) largo
pages, which we bavo turned backwards and for
wards without meeting a pago with no plcturo
upon It. V'c can well believe tho statement of tho
publishers that each number contains ono thou
sand illustrations. Tho contents of tho present
number aro usliercd-ln with a frontispiece repre
senting a startled pair, saying, "What's that 1"
being a lithographic '.reproduction ot the painting
by II. 'Woods. As usual tho majority ot tho ar
ticles In the literary part ot the Quarterly Is de
voted to fashion, homo art, and needlework. Tho
ladles are told how to make crochet Jackets and
petticoats j tho capuchin hood; Infanta' long
cloaks; and new capes and mantelets. Then, In
tho decoration of tho home, they havo explained
to them embroidered lambrequins; canvas em
broidery ; tidy on Java canvas; applique cushion
centre; fancy work-basket; ltusslan work ; va
rious borders; oak-leaf laco; and Imitation an
tlquo lace. Amateur artists will bo Interested In
Imitation enameling, which Is described ; as well
as, drawing with the pen, a subject of Increasing
Interest and value. Tho dressmakers have been
considered In tins number, and a page of new no-
tlonsand diagrams Is tho result. Fashion gossip
goes over a wide rango ot subjects, and in addition
there aro articles on autumn wraps ; how to ar
range pleats; and ono upon gymnastic costumes.
John's Wife, who madoour acquaintance in tho
Spring, continues to nnd something to say; she
tells her experience ot tho horso as medicine, In
other words, advocates horseback riding as a euro
tor consumption.
Other articles In this number, are, house plants
In autumn ; health of children; home-mado bread;
andtablo furniture. Tho caterer continues to
conduct tho kitchen page In n crcditablo manner.
We aro pleased to notice that tho publishers with
commendable enterprise havo secured as a mil
blcal feature for this number a waltz by W. W. Gil
christ, tho talented American composer, whoto
"40th 1-salm" received tho prlzo at tho Cincinnati
Musical Festival, and who was tho director of tho
May Musical Festival, held this year In I'lilladel.
In the fashion division ot tho magazine, various
descriptions of dry goods aro Illustrated la a faith
ful and artistic manner. From theso pages ladles
can chooso patterns and prices with moro case
aud nearly as much satisfaction as would bo on-
talncd by n visit to the establishment ot the pub
lishers. Let thoso ot our lady readers who have
not yet had tho Quarterly, send 15 cents for a
bamplocopy, or a year's subscription to Straw
brldgo & Clothier, Philadelphia, and they will
thank us for our advice.
spring chickens,
old hens, geese and ducks,
good live calves,
lbs. raspberi'lcs.
" cherries.
io above wanted at Light Street, by
biias loung.
August 3-0m
Floor and table oil cloths, nt C. C. Marr's.
Cough Acker's Celebrated English Rem
edy. For sale by J. H. Klnports, drug.
If C. A. Klcim, the Druggist, docs not
succeed it is not for ino want of lauu. lie
has such faith In Dr. Bosnnko's Cough and
Lung svruD ns n remedy for Coughs, Colds,
Cnnsumntlon. nnd Lumr Affections, that ho
gives a bottle frco to each and every one who
is In need of a medicine of this Kind.
July 13-cow
Col. H. Walters. V. S. District Attorney.
Kansas City, Mo., authorizes the following
statement : "Samaritan Afcm'ne cured my
niece of spasms," uct at druggists, tfi.ou.
Sec a woman in another column, near
Spcer's Vineyards, picking grapes from
which Sneer's Port Grapo Wiuo is made.
that is so highly esteemed by the medical
profession, for the use of Invalids, weakly
persons and the aired.
Sold by C. A. Klcim, Bloomsburg.
sept 2'2-ly
(Telegram from Gov. Hoyt.)
llARitisnuno. Pa., May 29, 188S
To Druggist Phelps, Scranton, Pa.s
Pleaso send me by express two bottles of
your Rheumatic Elixir.
UENltV M, 110VT,
Governor of Pennsylvania,
For sale nt Hendershott's Pharmacy,
llloomsburg, 1'a.
Ottumwn, la. Dr. J. N. Armstrong saysi
"I hnve used Brown's Iron Bitters In my
lamtly and recommend its uso to others."
At times symptoms of indigestion aro
present, uneasiness of the stomach, &c, a
moisture, nice perspiration, producing lien-
Ing nt night, or when one is warm, cause
tlio Piles. The effect is immediate relief
upon the application of Dr. Basanko's Pile
ltemedy, which costs you but ou cents anil
is sold uy u. A. lucim, July la-cow
Jefferson City. Mo. Dr. J. C. Rlddler
savs : "rcrsons who use llrown's iron
Bitters nlways speak well of It. It is a good
ARE YOU MISERABLE through Indiges
tion. Sour Stomach, or Constipation ? Ack-
cr's DyspcpsIa,Tablcts wo guarantee will
relieve you. mom uy .1. 11. ivinports, druggist.
When vou have the Itch. Salt Rheum,
Galls, or Skin Eruptions of any kind, and
tho Piles, that you know without being
told of it. C. A. Kleim, tho druggist, will
sell you Dr. Basanko's Pile Remedy for CO
cents, which affords immediate relief, and
is a sure cure for cither of theabovo diseas
es. July 0-cow
Wheat por bushel 41.07
Ryo " 70
Corn, " M
Oats " " 85
Flour per barrel , 6.00
Mutter 5
TaSow'V.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.r.'.II".! "!!!.'" I!!!!'." !os
Potatoes 40
Dried Apples
Hams 14
Sides Shoulders 11
Chickens 11
Turkeys .. 13
Lard por pound 13
Hay per ton 13 00
lieeswax 25
Buckwhoat nower per loo 4 5
Real Estate!
Real Estate!
Whitcnlgbt's, October 11th, 1883, by Rev,
E. M. Chllcoat, Mr. Daniel F. Thomas, ot
Muncv. to Miss Rozctta A. Walter, of
Montgomery, Pa.
parsonage, In Orangcviiie, uctouer uiu,
1883, by Rev. E. M. Chllcoat, Mr. Nathan
icl Bcislillne to Miss Martha A. Weaver,
both of Van Camp, Columbia county, Pa.
BACHMAN FRY. At the Lutheran
parsonugo In Berwick, by Rev. J. P. Gcr-
man. October 11th. 1883, Willaril F. Bach-
man. of Nescopeck. to Mary Fry, of Het
Notice To mv old and new customers,
llavlnir been out of tho mercantile busl-
ness over two years I have decided to fill
up my storo again nnd havo just returned
from tho city with a full stock of 11CW
uoods bought at the lowest wholesale
prlcns, and 1 am prepared to sell them as
chcan as they can bo sold unvwhero in
this part of tho country. Call ami exam-
ino my stock und sco prices.
Romt. MoIIiiNitv.
Benton, October 15th, 1883. 19-4w
Ladles fine shoes at F. D. Dentlcr's,
new and largo stock just In.
Don't fail to see tho Northruu turtle driv
ing cull with wristlet combined, for ladies
and gentlemen, walking or driving at G,
W. Bertsch's mercunm tailoring estauusii-
ment, Alain street.
no (1iii:asi; fou him.
"When Greece her knees Giceco her
knees Greece her knees." stnmmnred nn
cmbnrassed school-boy, forgetting tho next
lino of his recitation. "There is no occa
sion to erreaso anybody's knees." shouted
tho teacher. "Go and study your piece."
Neither is there occasion to grcaso your
hair. Parker's Hair Balsam is all the
drcsslnir vou want. Restores tho
original gloss and color to gray or fad-
ed hair. Docs not soil the linen ; not a
dye ; good for tho scalp ; prevents falling
Hundreds of letters from those using
Avers Hair Vigor nttest its value as n rc.
storer of gray hair to its natural color. As
a stimulant and tonic, nrcventlnir nnd of
ten curing baldness, nnd cleansing and
soothing the scalp, its use cannot lio too
strongly recommended.
The Phclp's Rheumatic Elixir for me has
nlways acted like a charm. I think this
fall it cut short a severe attack of Rheuma
tism. I can endorso tlio remedy cither as
a preventive or cure. Yours Truly,
Glcnbum, Pa.
fNoTK. Mrs. G. W. Palmer Is tho moth
er of Hon. Henry W. Palmer, of W likes-
11 T 1 . ........ t . . ft 1
iiarre, x u,, u&-oiiuu iLituuiuv uuuuiui u.
For sale at Ilcndershott's Pharmacy,
Uloomslnirg, t'a.
Dr, E. H. Janes, of the New York Board
of Health says s
"I tiikft irri'tit measure III testlfvim- mv
approbation of tlio superior qualities of tbo
Port Wine produced by Alfied Speer, of
rassaio, JNew jersey.
After a prolonged trial l recommend ins
Port, Burgundy, and Claret as superior
Wines for tho sick and debilitated, and
all those who require Wine. Ills clar
et is used lu the small pox Hospital with
great advantuge to patients." For salo by
C. A. Klcim, llloomsburg, Pa.
In pursuanco of an orJcrot tho Orphans' Court
of Columbia county, l'a., the undersigned adminis
trators of William Ivey, deceased, will sell nt
public sale on the premises, on
Tuesday, November 13, '83,
at 1 o'clock In tho afternoon of said day tho fol
lowing described valuable real estate, to-wlt :
A tract or messuago tenement nnd lot of laud
situate In Hemlock township, Columbia county,
Pn.. hounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Be
ginning at a stone corner, thenco by lands of John
uruo-r, Roiuu iwo uegrves west eigiuy-uvu ami
four-tenth perches to :i stone ; thenco by land of
W'UUara F.rnest, bouth seventy-eight and one
fourth degrees west nineteen aud four-tenth
perches to a slono ; thenco by tho same north for-iv-slx
degrees west thirty-nine and two-tenth
perches to a stono ; thenco north forty and one
fourth degrees east seventy-seven nnd live-tenth
perches to tho place or beginning, containing
and M perches strict measure.
ALSO Another messuago or tract ot land ad-
Joining tho above described land, In said township,
bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Begin
ning at a post In lino ot lteuben Bomboy, thenco
by land of Philip A. Stroup, south eighteen de
greeswest forty-seven perches to a hickory treo;
llieiicu uj '.lanusui -M. it. r-uuviuuM.T, mjuiu lunj
threo degrees east nlnty-elght perches ; thenco by
land ot John umber, north forty-ono and one
half degrees east llfty-slx perches to a htono;
thenco north two degrees west sixteen perches to
a stone, inenco norm two degrees west sixteen
nerehcato n stono by land or ueorgo winner:
thenco by the samo north twenty degrees east
ioiir-hix nerc nes 10 a cncsmui. inenco norm iuiy-
ntm anil nne.half ilereoH west ono nerchto a
stake, thenco by land ot John si. Hurtman south
twenty-four ueirrees west sK perches to n stake.
thence by tho' samo north eighty-four degrees
wet ninety-two perches to a htone, thenco north
ten and one-half degrees cast si perches ton
slone, thence by laud of lteuben Homboy, north
elglity-iour degrees west inirieennnii ino-icnin
percnes to me piaco oi ucgiuuing, containing
and S3 perches ot laud strict measure.
ALSO Another messuago or tract of land situ
ate In Hemlock township lying alongside nnd ad
Joining the nliovo described trac t of land bounded
nnd described ns follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a
stonu aud i mining thenco by lands oi 1'lilllpA.
biroup, norm two uegrces east siiiy-iwo percues
tostoue, thence by the samo north forty-tlneo de
grees west sixty-live perches and ono-tenth to a
stone, thence by tho same north forty degrees
east thlrtv-ono and sK-tcnths to a nost. thenco by
lands ot JI. (1. Mioeinuker south forty-threo de
grees cast nlnety-elght nnd two-tenth perches to
a stake, and thenco south forty degrees west
iventy-slx and eight-tenths perches to tho placo
oi beginning, coiuaiuiug
and Ihreo perches, strict measure, bo tho same
moro or less. Altogether 87 acres and perches,
on winch aro erected a good two-story
Byvlrtuo of an order of tho orphans' Court ot
Columbia county, tho undersigned executor ot
George Oman, lato ot the township of Rcott, In tho
county ot Columbia, deceased, will oxposo to pub.
Ho salo upon the promises on
At 10 o'clock In the forenoon, the following valua
ble real estate situate In Sit. Pleasant township In
said county, bounded nnd described as follows to
wlt: beginning at a white oak a corner of George
Vance's land, thenco by land of John Kline south
S5 degrees west so perches to a post, thenco south
63 degrcos east C7 perches to a white oak down,
thence south 33 degrees west SI perches to Btones,
thence by lands now or late ot Michael Hower
south 45 degrees cast 9 1 nnd 4-10 perches to stones,
thenco south 51 degrees east 134 perches to stones,
thenco north live degrees west fifty-four perches,
thenco north SO degrees cast 30 perches, thenco
north 8 degrees west 50 perches, thenco north 15
degrees west 138 and 8-10 perches to tlio corner of
George Vance's land, thenco by tho same west 133
I'erches to tho placo ot beginning, containing
more or less, on which are erected
A House, Bam
and necessary out buildings.
TKKMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of one-fourth
of tho purchase money shall bo paid at tho strlk
Ing down ot tho property, ono-tourth less tho ten
per cent, at tho continuation absoluto and tho re
maining three-fourths In ono year from conllrma
tlon nisi with Interest from that dato.
Oct G Hxccutor.
(CbntimiftfVoirt fell tei.)
How Watch Cases aiv Made. .
It is n fact not generally known that the
Jamct lioti Gold Watch Cases really con
tain moro pure gold than many "solid"
gold cases Tho demand for theso watch
cases lias led to tho manufacture of a vcrr
poor grade of solid gold watch cases
low in quality, and deficient in quantity.
These cases are made from 4 J to 10 karats,
nnd a 5 or G karat case is often sold fur 12
or 14 karats. It is aav economy to buy a
watch case so poor in quality that it will
toon lose its color, or ono so soft that it will
lose its shape nnd fail to shut tight, thut
letting In dust and damaging the works, or
one so thin that a uliglit blow wilt break
the crystal, and perhaps tlio movement.
It IS economy to buy a Jamet liosi Gold
Watch Case, in which sroxu of these things
ever occur. This watch case is not an experi
ment it has been made nearly thirty years.
1U7.1ETO!!, l'A.. Oct. u, ls.
I Kold two June Booh' Ool,l Wntrh Cm-i-s thirty
) earn rko, v. hen they hrpt auao out, aud they are in
Kood coudlUou j et One of them Is carried by a
carreuter, Mr. 1 W. Drake, of IlazhtoB, and only
FhoudUiunuarln one or two places; tbo other liy
Mr. Bosnian, of Cunningham, Pa., and 1 eta 10.
duco 0110 or both of them cjuvn at any Unie.
Srvit 3 r-nt tUntp lo Ktft Wxt.k Ci Va.turl-., riilU
d.lpMa. Y., fur hkudM lllvitr.trd 1'antpblrl ,baUi bo
ivat. Uum' llttl Kcj.lOR Malta (ik. ar aaadc.
(To U Continued.)
Fain Mro;atliic InsUe,
Tho houso Is specially fitted up for tho comfort
ot Invalids who de.ilre a pleasant and Christian
home, stands on high ground with plenty of
shade. l"ersonal attention given to every patient.
Electricity and uaivanism in tneir ainereiit. uiuui
ncatlons a speciality. Prof. Mills has given many
years of study nnd practice to this branch, and
hundreds will testify to his skill.
wnd for circular, stniing wuat paper yuusuu
Us in. l'lfOK. HENltY MILLS, .
Lock Box W. Blnshamtou, X. V.
sept. 7 'Si-iy.
Result Estate !
M. C. SIM & BRO.,
Manufacturers of
First-class work always on hand.
Prices reduced to suit the times.
Frame Dwelling House,
out-kltchcn, bank barn nnd other outbuildings.
Also a good well of water at tho houso and one at
tho barn, ns also two never-falling springs ot
water near tho buildings. Thcro Is nlsoaimpplo
orchard on the premises composed of young thrifty
trees, good bearing, and ot cholco grafted fruit.
TERMS OF SALE. Ten percent, otono-fourth
otthopurchaeo money to bo paid at tho striking I
down of tho property 1 the one-fourth less tho ten I
per cent, nt tho continuation of salo : and tho rc-1
tnalulngthreo-tourthslnono year thereafter, with
Interest from connrmatlon nisi.
Purchaser to pay for deed.
nov s-3w Admrs.
Tor ll.o.DOIiai: 8 (.fn.SlIKUMAN S llnul Kttr Il00
Tha ftvtett Ung new Lwk out. Indoried by lroi t Arthur,
Ciena (Irani. Sherman, bherldan, Hancock, and tliouiaodt
01 t.rii.nfti jtiagM, minorii, iiertrymen, t-niuiri .ic. u
-Ml oen Vook VH fiafil iVf fwrwrttifn. nmi mtt jiwn itm
tratct work ever nuuej." Thli f amoua Lnjck. take Ilka wild
fire, and A itenta eil 10 to ItU dav. ur10) Mort
Jjnti H'cuifttJ. Tht Uit chance to make money ttroferttl
Jttn.i for OrnJiin, .VWrimfH I' kite, ,'rfrrt Trrvu, tie, tf
A. t, WUllf 111 NUTU.N X to Uurtfunlf Cuuu.
Pursuant to an order oi tlio Orphan's Court ol
Columbia county will bo sold at Public Salo on tlio
l-rcmlsea tn MHilln townslilp lu said county on
Wednesday, i'ov. 7tli '83,
nt two o'clock In the afternoon, tho following
described realestato lato of William Kclchner,
deceased, to wit : A farm adjoining lands of Low
llros. : Co., on tho south by land3 of Samuel
llroshcr, Oeorgo l'cdder and others, on the west
by land ot Ueorgo l'cdder, containing
moro or less, whereon aro erected a two story log
and outbuildings ; also a good well of water, and
applo orchard.
TEIt.MS OF SAlR. Ten per cent, ot the one-
fourth of tho purchaso money to bo paid at tho
striking down ot tho property j the one-fourth less
tho ten per cent, nt tho connrmatlon ot salo j and
tho remaining three-fourths In ono year thereafter,
with Interest from connrmatlon nisi.
11. FllANK ZA11H.
October U-ts Trustee.
Birnr-SUKTS TnB koi.lowiko
North American ot Philadelphia.
Franklin, " "
York, of Pennsylvania.
nanover. oi i. i.
Queens, ot London.
North British, of London.
otuce on Market street, no. a, liioomRaurg.
oct. vi, iV'iy
AND DkAI.l'.lt IK
O. O. Marr pays HO cts. for butter anil 35
eta. for eggs.
P. D. Dentlcr's stock of laillca', misses',
and chlltlrens' shoes Is complete lu every
particular. Uau anil see.
Q. W. Ilcrtsch has lust received a tlno
lluo of cloves and mitts (or ladles nnd
gents. Don't fail to see them bctoro purchas
ing elsewhere.
Everybody admires tho beautiful ranges
manufactured In all styles, at Bharpless'
foundry. They havo all the modern Im
provemcnts, aro first-class and ns good lu
all respects ns they cau possibly ue mane.
off Slt.Jw
As wo como to them they nro received,
borno with, nnd passed over with no moro
than a thought, If we are In tho enjoyment
of health, but If sulfcriiig with l'lles or
skiu disease of any Kinii nicy magnify u
hundred fold. C. A. Klcim, thu Druggist,
has Dr, llosanko's rile Kcmcdy which is mi
absoluto cure for any nlfection of the ktutl
and Is sold for BOceuts. July l'J-eow
DitAit Bin I lay on my sldo for fourloni:
months without any relief until I commen
ced tuklng Phclp's llheuinatlo Kllxlr, It
is t no best men c no i ever useii, lo-uiy
Is the best day I havo seen in twelve
months. 1 thank vou and Uod Almighty
and to no ono else for my relief. I havo
lived and dono public business In Ueneva,
n. Y for mo last iwaiiiy years, iiiereioro
havo manv acquaintances that call around
and see mo dally und to ask about l'help's
Kllxlr for inomsuives or ior some oi
nov 3-1 w
To learn TKLKOKAVIIINO. and toko positions
when competent, ltallrnad and Cn nmorclal sys
tems taught, ltallrnad In complete operation and
run by electricity to Illustrate thu Iilock signal
system. Terms reasonable. Address tor ctitaloguo
and particulars.
ivi.l ni uni-. 1 J.I,1.MI(.M-11 111.,
180 1 Chestnut (Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Nov, Slw il
riv a, m M- ff I Chronic f'ntiirrli.
UATA RRH I was troubled with
luiwmu .iiiiiii linn
gaiiieiing in mv he.tu.
'flra.J inatVAH Was very deaf nt
unablo to b re a t ho
through my noso I was
I'urtxl by tho uo ot
lay's cream Halm, o,
J, t'oibln, t).M Chest
nut st. Philadelphia,
Apply byllttlo lin
ger lato tho nostrils,
by absorption It eUcct
ually cleanses tlm na
sal passages ot ea-
I p- p.. r a A i ill 1 11:11 i irus, causing
HAl "ESVfc.R healthy secretions, it
protects tho inembraiinl
, Gents' Furnishing Goods
OF EVltllY llliSCltUTION.
Having iry reivntly npiined n ni'W
Merchant Tafloriiijr ami -.i'iits' lir
iiishiiitj (.ooils Stoic, in KNORlt &
WNTIiliSTHKN'S buililiiiK, on
Main Htrt'tit, where I mil prepared to
make to order, fit shot t tulice, first
class suits of clothing always in tin
latest styles mid piice.s iviisonaliU'.
Fits Kiiaraiiteoil. Having lennieil how
to cut garments to unit customers, and
also what kind ol nvitt iiiil will ivn
satisfaction, I would ask yon to pli-a-ie
o i 11 nml examine llm
Ever shown in (J ilninliiii county,
Before Purchasing Elsewhere.
Sioro noHt door toFirsiHionalBank
Comer M .infc M.uket Sis.
iVillano and organ. Price II. Will teach any per
son to play ii'i pieces ofmuilolnonodiy. au
couldn't le im It lrom a teacher In a month tor
Try It mid bo conWucod. samplo copy will bs
mailed to anv address on receipt otS3 cents in
stamps by IIKAUNI3& CO., Publishers, P. O. Box
l,, jsev iorK.
October m-iw u
the BOOKS.
500,oco V0LUMF.8 tho choicest literature ot th
world, ico-pago catalogue freo. Lowest prlcOE
ever known. Not sold by dealers. Sent forexaml-
nation before raiment on cvtuenca oi goou l uiu.
JOHN ll. ALOES, Publisher, is vesey m., N. Y. 1".
O. llox 1M7.
October 18-tw u
Tn sell nr. Chaso's llecelncs : or Information for
RvervhoilT lneverv county In tho United States
undcauadas Knlargcdby tho publisher to 6IS
pages. It contains over s!,000 household roeelpes
and la bulteil to all classes and conditions of so
ciety. A wonderful book and a household ncces-
buy. It Sens at Slglll. urewil- imwctini-in rti-i
onercd to book agents. Samplu copies sent by
mall. Postpaid, for 13,00. Exclusive territory given.
Atrentu more than double tueir money. Auuress
ur. unasu's nieam rnuuui
august ai, am.
House, Ann Harbor
OTIS 11 It 0 T II ; U S'
KBVSR-FaILIK1.! C0riHC0Ri5 !
cures quick. and easily Hard and sort Corns "td-
Iaiuau U'oi-fu MiVru Iff
no knife ! no cnttlniE I no Gurj. uo pay I
Price Only 15 Cts.
OTIS BROTHERS' Chemists, Blnsham
tca, II. Y.
Aug. 81-3m. M
Don't force! that Q. W. Hertach the mer-
chant tailor has alwuva on liaiul, a full as-
sortnicnt of fine ntul fancy cloths ntul Citfth-
meres for Bultlni; ami overcoutu. tilvo him
a call.
their I nllavs liitlaiumatlon.
friemls. I praise It highly. You do tlio linings otlho head from additional colds, coin-
iii..i,,,. ,i i,r nn,;,,, ,w mv tniiiriin I plttfly heals tlm sores and restores the sense ot
tiilKlug anil Blgii my naino as my tongue uabt0 inJ wllL.iU Heneilclaluwuiis nreioalUwlby
couhl not uo ll lliatlco, a few applications. A thorough treatment will
April 13 1)T.
Uenovn. Aorll 10. 1883.
For salo at Iloiulersliolt's
liloomsburg, Pa.
cure. UiiMiUaled for colds In head. Airiecnblo to
i use. Heud for circular. Sold by druggists. Uy
lUailwaj, u i,i.ivuKi BUIIUIIS.
riiarmaoy, ELY iiiumiiJits, inugguu, owego. N. v.
Nov- 8-4W a
ff A Tt Ti GSthotloa,. (I dwslgnsl, Somo.
J thing good mailed on rocclnL
IlKUtNU CO. I', O. Ildx
of scentslasUinps.
ivsi, is. i.
r a. L. ulcus
untirp, KxinuKiiiticent
llluat . Speclmt'D pp.
tr. AOKNTi WaNTM),
f oair lint. V fit.
A popular tcvouat vf ttiAllvrut I
mill A4iluii'ia, liu liy tl.rlr
ValoraitilWar-iidft lat bail.
lliwSnracyafM'i.llliff t-irilvr ,'f
lieu fmets tn
tit tlo aui
Oct. l) MU
Ordliury Stock, In atuiret of 03(1 ooch, in The London
nnd VtVitiulnHtiTlirtMlmeni Company of OntarP,,
o "uiitz.4 to rnodart n,-cry piortitl 1j tnrifttmrnt
1. :iio4ii tin- Unit. .! SL.totamt C'ani ia, ll oSi'rttl
f r nubccrlpttun ut l'ur. In amount to mlt Invi.ti.n.
T !to noxt Wtfuo will to ruado ut u ireta.
turn. Slmrt-a luuy. at optluu of lutMcrlbcr, to paid up
lu rull At (moo cr by tiutalluicnti, AihirtM, t
ouw, fur full particular, tlio Hauustni Dlnctor.
!!lV,'Alll LxHUi:V,LolKJ,CliilJ. ,
October 13-tw r.
,m ; 'i i 'a
Pfcrr-at a,
3Krijjjg(lj '" ' "m""" "i lux