The doltimfeikn. OOfiDMBtA DEMOCRAT, BTAR OF TI!B NORTH, find CO- ldmbiah, conwliaatcd, IkiuciI Weohlr, every I'rldnr Mornlna, nt :Ut,OOM8l)UHO, COLUMUtA CO., Pit. at two iinLLAM per rear. To stibwiucrs out of ttio county tho terms nro strictly in Advance. MT113 P.W discontinued excopt nt tho option ot tho publishers, until nil nrrenrOtteB nro paid, out 8 n continued credit will not bo Klvcn, 1 All pnpors sent piit of tho stnto or to distant post ofllccs must bo paid for In advance, unless a rcanon. 8 bio pcraon in Columbia county Kssuims topay tho subicrlption duo on demand. "uu,-3 w '' n t'lio9 county" 00 l0nKCrcxacted ,rom utartew JO B PRINTING. The.Tobblni Department of tho ColumbianIs very complete, and our Job Printing will comnarn ravnr. ably with thatof tholnrgocltles .R donjon short notice, noatly and atmodcrato prices. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. r b. wallkk, ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW, omeo over 1st. Kuloaat ll,hk. moomlr' TO" U. FUNIC, ' ATTOllNUY-AT-LAW. lll-ooMsiumn, r-A, omco In Eiil'a Uulldlng. p It. nUCK.VtiKtV, J' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. UiousncKci, pa. onico over 1st National lunk. J OIIN M. CbAltK, ATTOllNEY-AT-LAW, AND JUSTICE OF TUE t'EAOE. DLO0M3BUKO, I'A. OH1C8 over Meyer Urm Pruir Store. p V MTIiLBIl, TT01tNEY-AT-LAW onico In Drawer's bulldlng.second iloor.ioom No. 1 Uloomsburg, I'a. T FRANK ZA-ItR, ATTOltNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, Pa. omco corner otCcntro and Main Streets. Clark-J lluilcllns. Can bo consulted In German, G EO. E. EliWELL, ATTOllNEY-AT-LAW. Nkw Colombian BuiLDiNO, Dloomsburg, ra. Member of tho United States Law Association, (.'olloctlons mado In any part ot America or Eu rope. pAUL E. WIRT, Attorney-at-Law. onico in Columbian BoiLDiNo, itoom No. 5, second floor. nLooMsnuno, pa. B. KN0IIK. L 8. WINTHHSTKIN. Notary rubllo KNORR & WINTERSTEEN, A tlorney s-at-Law. omeo In 1st National Bank building, second floor, first door to tho left. Corner ot Main and Market Btroets Bloomsburg, Pa. t&'Pemtom and Bountiet Collected. J II. MAIZE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW omco In Maize's building, over lllllmeyer's grocery. May M, '81. c. 13. UROCKWAY, Attorney-at-Law, ALSO NOTARY PUBLIC. Office in his building opposite Court House, 2nd Uoor, Uloomsburg, l'ti. npr 13 '83 JOHN 0. YOCU.W, Attornoy-at-T-iawi CATAWISSA, I'A. omco in News Item building, Main street. Member ot tho Amorlcan Attorneys' Associa tion. collodions mado In any part ot America. Jan. s, 182. A K. OSWALD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Jackson Building, Rooms 4 nnd 5. Mayo, 81. UKKWICK.PA RIIAWN & ROBINS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Catawlssa, Pa. Office, corner ot Third and Main Streetn. TO" E. SMITH, Yttorncy-athaw, Rcnvick. Pa. Can be Consulted in German. ALSO FIBST-CLAB3 FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMl'ANUW ltEl'IIBMEXTED. ""Ofllco first door below the post olllce. MISCELLANEOUS. Cl. BARKLEY, Attorney-at-Law . onico lu 11 rower's building, 2nd story.Iiooms O BUCKINGHAM, Attorney-at-Law Jrii.oniee, Ilrockurity'u uuildlngllst Door, Uloomsburg, l'enu'a. may T, 'so-t f T B.MoKELVY, M. D.,8urfjeon and Phy O ilclan, north aide Main street.below Markot AL. FRIT, Attornoy-nt-La O , in couwtiN Building, i M. DRINKER, GUN & LOCKSMITH Sowing Michlnes and Miohlnory of all ktnds re purod. Oram llouan llulldlng, Uloomsburg, l'a. D R. J. 0. RUTTER. PIIYBICIANfiHOItaEON, omco, North Market street, Bloomsburi, l'a- OR. W.M. M. REBER, Surfieon nnd I'hyslclan. omco cornor ot Hock and .Market )t. JR. EVANS, M. D., Surgeon and ,1'nyslo an, (omco and Residence on Third street. JAMES REILLY, Tonsorial Ai'tist. again at hl3 old stand under EXCHANGE flO?KL,and has as usual a KIHST-OLASS UAltuuitsilOI'. Ho rospectfully solicits tho patronago otblsoldcujtomersand of the publlo generally, )alyl,'80-tf EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR, FA. Ol'POSITB COUltT UOUSB. " Largo and convenient sample rooms. Bathrooms not anajold waler.and all modern conveniences DIVOUCIW.--NO publicity! residents of any state, laacrtlon, Nou-SuiporL Adleo and applloatlom for stamp. W, II. LEU, Att'y, i!3'J li'way.-N. Y. ' r sopt. Hth4w -yy II. HOUSE, DENTIST, Ui.oomsiiuu(i,Coi.u.muia County, Pa. All styles ot Work done In a superior manner, work (lailftUlUUH igjJivauuMiu. -a-... h-i .y(- id wituout I'ain by the use of (las, and freeot charge when artlnclal teeth are Inserted. na. Illnnniahnn, UnnHnwilfimnnnV 1o be open at all houn during the das Mav QO 1 v I ' 11.(1 .1 ' . y "y v 0. E.ELWELI,, .. J. S BITTEHBBMDEB, oprlelor. JohnWanamaker'sStore,Philadelphia, These are the First Days of the Fall Business, already the hum of activity begins. We launch the busy season with Some Special Things that prove to be strangely low. A Tew of these have been in store some clays, but, to give everybody a fair chance, we held the announcements until the return of people from their holidays. A Rood lot of first-rate Cashmere for 50 cents A Bleached Muslin, full Jerseys at $2.35. These (all wool). The new tar- yard wide, for 10c. The are all black. The colors iff will prevent this qual- best we ever had at that arc 2 50. ity from ever again selling price. A lll.ick Dress Silk at at this price. Tiie best Twilled, A1I- , unlilrecent. A Black Albatross at 25 Wool Red Flannel we y w s nlw.tys $ cents, exactly half-price, ever sold for 25c. fine Black Rliadama, A fine Black Camel's The best Canton Flan- 1 inches wide, at $1.50. Hair, 46 inches wide, at nel for I2jc. We never I l.ilf-wool Black Dress 60 cents. could get so good a qual- G'odsat 12 cents, which A good 36-inch all-wool ity at the price before. 11 just half-price. Cashmere at 40 cents. An extraordinary lot of All-wool stylish Plaid, An excellent Black Towels at 25c. Suiting. 43 inches, at 50 Cashmere, all-wool, a Eight lots of Ladies' cents. We sold the same yard wide, at 45c. and Children's Hose that at jfi.oo. A very few much ad- are on our counters at 25 Another in stripes at 65 mired Embroidered per cent, under prices, cents. Not dear at Robes at one-third off of A quality of Lupin's usual price. These lots .of Shoes that are amazingly desirable for the prices : 250 pairs Women's Straight Goat Button, S4.35- 172 pairs Women's Straight Goat Button, 245 pairs Women s Curaco.i Kid Button, 186 pairs Women's French Kid Button, S5.00. 152 pairs Women's Kid Slippers, Sl.25. 112 pairs Women's Kid Ties, f2.oo. 110 pairs Women's French Kid Oxford Tics, 3.25. China and Glassware we hardly dare to risk saying anything about, as the lots an nounced are nearly always sold out in a few hours of the day they, are presented. Watch the city daily papers for the announcements, and if these lots are sold when you come do not be disappointed, as we have new lots in every day or. two. In Furniture. Young couples should see The new Ash Suite of Bed Room Furniture for $25. The same goods in Cherry for $28. Our Works at present turn us out only four suites per day of these goods, so that first come, first served. Nothing like this has ever been done in Philadelphia before. A fine frame Body Brussels Carpet at $1.25 that we are willing to endorse as a good thing. We are not permitted to give the makers' names. The goods are new this season, and fifty patterns at least to choose from. The first Fall Offering of Ladies' Robes are all-wool, of ample material, in and the new patterns are on the much the same, if. not a full equivalent, as though an expensive Cashmere Shawl were dissected done. The expense being infinitely les3 25, ' Also a few Wrapper Patterns, Persian, and with a decided Oriental effect. The olive, old dued in a broad border of consistent but curious formation, 10 to 11 yards each. .02.00 per yard. There are other lots equally interesting, and new things daily arriving. Samples of Dress Goods sent by mail; a "Postal" will receive immediate attention. JohnWanamaker Thirteenth Street. Market Street and TjMlEAS BUOWN'3 lfldUHANOK V AUKNUV. Mover's new bundle?. Main sircet, itloomsburt;, l'a. .Utna Insurance Co., ot Hartford, Conn. 7.078,su Hoyul of Liverpool Lancashire l'lro Association, Vlill&delplila 4.105,711 riKDnlx, or London London & Lancaalilro, of England.. , 1,tov,I6 llartrord of Hartford 8,T3,ooo Uprlngneld l'lro and Marine, . 9,03?,SS5 As the agencies aro direct, policies are written fortne Insured without auy delay In tne olUce at Uloomsburg. Oct. 88, '61-tf, piKIS INSURANCE. CnitlSTI AN V, UNA IT, ULOOMBllDItO, l'A, nOMK, OF N. Y. VKltCIIANW. Of NKWA11K, N. J. CLINTON, N. V. l'KOl'LKS' N. V. ItKAUINU, I'A. Tnssfl old corporations are wen soasonod by auo and rim tistio and uavo never yet bad u loss settled by any court of law. Tbetr assets aro all Invested In solid BucuaiTlisand are liable to tbe hazard ot vihi only, Losjes rnom'TLY and uonistlt adjuitod and paid as soon as determined by Guristun V, liNirr. smouL Auint and ADjuarm Uloous. lUH'I, l'A. Tbe people of Columbia county Bbould patron ize tbe agenoy wbere loues If any are settled and Dtfd or one ot tbelr own citizens. ritOMl'lNKSS, BO.UITV, FAllt JIBAUNQ. 141 pairs Women's Front Lace Walking Boots, $3. 25. 131 pairs Women's Front Lace Walking Boots, $4.50. 150 pairs Women's French Kid Button Boots, $5.25. nine varieties, dark, rich hues, palm-Icaf order. The effect is and made into a robe, as is often gold and rich, dark hues are sub Chestnut Street. New City Hall. E. B. BROWER, UA8 FITTING & STEAM MATING DKALElt STOVES &TINWARE All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof ing anil hiionting promptly attended to. JBTPtrlgt attention t'lveu to beating by steam. Cornor of Main & East Sts,, Bloomsburg, Pu. III Ua la Utiie. Htdby dmggUu. Ja-KH4pi BLOOMSBUIIG, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER The rtigplny or Ilcndy-DIailo Clotting mi t tho Low "Prices ar rest tho attention and wonder ment ofevcry passer by, nnd visitors to tho city must not for- et to reckon our Ntock, amons the sights north scolng. To the cnn't-gct-nwayH" wc . say : gEir FOR SilirLTOS A. C. YATES & CO. eajrer Bnilflinn:, Ckestant & 6ta Sis I'lIILADELVIIIA. sept; "Ton claim too ranch for Samam tan Nehtiki," eaysatkcptlc'IIow canonomcillclncbo a specific for Vvl Icpay, Uyaprpaln. A 1 c u li o 1 1 n in , Oplnm Unttncr, Ttlicnmntlmn, Npcmintnr rlifp, nr Hcinlnal Wcnknesn, autl (ifty otlicr coniiilitlntut" Wo claim It a tptcljk, elm- piy, nccaneo inoTiiusor auniscn.r. nriecs irom ttieblood. Its Nervine, Itepolvcut, Alterative And Lnx&tlvc propcrtlcsnicctftllthccondltlons herein referred to. It'i knownirorMIJna CHElRVEMiiQlUlElRlOlRj It ntilcts and coranofps tho ttntlcnt not br tho liitnLluctloiiof oputcsanildnisliccntliartics but uy mo rcfiorauonor acuvnyio uiu siomucuonu nrnoiM ftt'm, whereby tfio brnln H relieved of r.iorbM fancies hch aro created by tho canoes aoovo rererrea 10. . To Clergymen, Lawyer. Literary men, Mer chant". Itaiikcrn. Ladles and nil thoaowhoao sed entary employment causes iiervouo protratlon, irn'Rulnrillcs of tho blood, ttomach, bowels or kidneys or who requlro ancrvotonic, appetizer or Fiimuiani, Samaritan ineuvinb is invnmauic. Tiioiixmuis proclaim it tno most wnmieritu invig ornntfthat ever piiMalncd the finking syMem. Sl.rA SoldbyallDrngfiMs. The 1)11.8. AJtlCH MONl) MK1. CO., rroprictorc. St..Ioaeph,Mo. Chat. IT. Critta&tas, IztzU ITot Ic:i CU7. (1) The Secret of the universal success of Brown's Iron Hitters is sim ply this : It is the best Iron preparation ever made; is compounded on thoroughly scientific, chemical and medicinal principles, and docs just what is claimed for it no more and no less. By thorough and rapid assimilation with the blood, it reaches every part of the system, healing, purifying and strengthening. Com mencing at the foundation it builds up and restores lost health in no other way can lasting benefit be obtained. 73 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, Nov. 7. I have teen a great tutTercr from a very wealc stomach, heartburn, and dyspepsia In Its worst form. Nearly cveryming I ale cave me distress, and 1 could eat but little. I have tried every tbingrecommcniled, have taVen the prescriptions of a tloxen physicians, but Rot no relief until I took llrown's Iron Hitters. I feel none cf the old troubles, and am a new man. I am getting much stronger, and feel first.rate. 1 am a railroad engineer, and now nuVe my trips regularly, I can not sa too much In praise of your wonder, ful medicine. X). C. Mack. Brown's Iron Bitters docs not contain whiskey or alcohol, and will not blacken the teeth, or cause headache and constipation. It will cure dyspepsia, indi gestion, heartburn, sleep lessness, dizziness, nervous debility, weakness, &c. Use only Crown's Iron Hitters made by Drown Chemical Co., llaltlmore. Crossed red lines and trade-mark on wrapper. A CLEAR HEAD. "Ono year ago I Mas Induced to try AYK.11'3 Tills h a remedy for Indigestion, C'un atlputlnu, nnd Ilrmluclie, from which I bad long been a gmtt lulterer. t'cuiuuciic In? villi a dooo of tltu l'llln, I found their action eay, nnd obtained prompt tnlicf. lu continuing their tibu, a tingle rill taken after dinner, dally, hos liecn all Iho medi cine J havo required, .Wf.n'a l'n.u havo kept my tyrteni regular Mid uty ht nd clear, aim uenemm 1110 wore limit all the mull clues ever before tried. Kvcry puiaou sim ilarly nfHIctod should know tbelr uluo. 1J2 Stats fit., Chicago, Juno 0, Wl. SI. V, Watmhc " For all diseases nf the stomach and bow els, iry AYKii'a ril l". I'lll'.l'AltKU uv Dr.J.C.Ayor&Co.,Lowoll, Mass. Sold by all DrupgUts. yAINWJUGUT & CO., WHOLESALE O110CERS, Philadelphia (HAS. HVHUIM, OOyiTBB, BUQAIt, MOL VS8E8, KICI, BrlCIS, I10AHB 8001, 0., 0, N, B. corner Becond and Arch stronu, tjrprders vll reooUe proinptattenUoa SELECT STORY. MEG'S ADVIOE. nv A. M. 11. It was tlio day nfter tho party, nnd can any day over bo moro utterly wretched t I mean, of course, to tho ppoplo who havo given tho party es pecially when, liko my uncle and aunt, thoy aro of quiet-going habitB and moucrato means, aud must let their guests dnnco in tho dining-room and havo supper in tlio biggest bedroom. it was tlio day alter llic party, and every individual in tlio honso was miserable. Tlio days beforo tho party had not been remarkable for comfort, but tbey at least had been tinged with tho radianco of hope and bright antic- !... , 1 .1.! . 1 ii;iiiuu, wiinu iitiw nuiuing luiuaineu but tlio "dregs and bitterness," and to clear away and get tho liouso into order again. ThU would havo seemed rather a dreary task under any circum stance!", I daro say, but it was greatly aggravated by tlio fact that wo wcro all in very low spirits, or, to put it honestly, in dreadfully bad tempers, having each and all a special griovanco of our own. My uncle's household consisted of himself and my aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbco j their two sons, Christopher and Peter ; their two daughters, Lnttio and Sophy, and myself, Meg Morton, tho orphan daughter of my aunt's only sister. My mother had died when 1 was 8 years old, and my father, whoso habits wore by no means of a domcstio kind, sent mo to school, and allowed mo to spend-all my holidays at my aunt's ; and when ho died, and my school days wcro over, my temporary homo beoamo a permanent one. This camo to pass qttito naturally, and was taken as a matter ot course uy my Kind-hearted cousins ; and Aunt Char lotte, who had always regarded mo as ono of her own children, never seemed to supposo that sho was conferring any particular favor upon mo by giving tno a happy homo among them all. But I appreciated it, and endeavored to provo my gratitudo in every way possi- DIO. I was older than Lottie and Sophy, and left school before thoy did, and I bocamo very useful in the house. Aunt Charlotte was of a nervous, timid na ture, and, as I happened to be self possessed aud cool and decided, sho soon camo to rely entirely on my judg ment and energy, and in a year or two I was kousckeeper-in-chici, and my advico was asked and pretty generally taken on matters both small and great -indeed "Mec's advico" became pro verbial in tho household. Naturally I grow a littlo dictatorial, for I often wondered what they could havo done withot rac. Chris was tho only otic I could not manage. "Bully tho others as much as you like," ho would say, "but you shall nover bully me, and somehow or other I nover felt inclined to try. "Tiffs" occurred among us now and then ; but, on tho whole, wo wcro a very happy family until the day alter tho party, when, as I havo said, wo wcro each and all miserable. My unclo was confined to his room by a bilious attack, whero ho lay groaning and anathematizing "that campagnc. iuy aunt looked very haccard when she first camo down in tho mornincr, and said her head ached badly ; and her appcarauco did not brirhtcn as sho and 1 investigated the state of crock ery, etc. I shall never rnvo a partv again, ' sho said quietly, but it was tho quiet ness 01 uespair. "iino cnampagno glasses broken, two sherries, and three of the best china plates, and a great stain on tho drawing-room carpet! Wo might havo been entertaining a set ot barbarians ! Christopher and Peter usually tho most affectionato of tho brothers, were now not on speaking terms with each other, as my aunt and I discovered at breakfast time ; and instead of going to business together, Peter lingered until Chris had gone, and then started about fivo minutes afterward. This unfriendliness arose, as I well know, because of a stylish disagreeablo belle, whom somo friends of ours had brought with them to tho party, and who had jlirtcd desperately, but with madden ing impartiality with both my deluded cousins. Honco their coldness towards each other this morning. As for Lottio and Sophy, I wished beforo tho day was out, that they were not on speaking terms, for they" wcro nagging at each other all tho time, and finished just beforo dinner with a downright spiteful quarrel, and Aunt Charlotto cried. Their grievauco was about two brothers, Tom and Harry Nowill , for Lottio liked Harry best, and Sophy liked Tom ; and, with tho usual con trariness of mankind, Harry was des perately in lovo with Sophy, and Tom with JiOttio t so it was usual alter every merry-making wo might have, for Lot tio and Sophy to fallout about them, I felt vexed with overybody, but I think I was nuito iustlficd in bcinrr so. for thoy would all persist in behoving or saying thoy believed that I was in love with ridiculous John Ilowarth, just because ho happened to bo in lovo with me, and took caro that every ono should know ho was, too. I did think some of them at least, might havo had moro sense ; and now this hue J.oinlon bollo had appeared on tho sceno oh, I felt tempted to break another best china plalo aud all the remaining bIicv ry glasses as I thought about it I And 11 I1.IU Utliy KI1UW11 II1U BUUU Ul mind I was in, sho would never havo trusted mo to wash them up and put them away. Even our Newfoundland dog seemed to share tho general dia satisfaction, and kept coming from his kennel as far as tho chain would permit and uttering long and dismal howls Tho cook said that it was tho sign of a death, but tho houso-maid persisted that it foretold a wedding. I did not feel as if I cared much which it was or what happened only I think I felt moro inclined for a funeral than a wed ding, especially if tho wedding entailed a ureaiuast and nnother partv. My aunt and I had boon up as usual this inorniug we had too much to do to bo ablo to lio lu bed. Chris an Peter, of course, wanted their break fast at tho usual hour, and their lunch oons which thoy always took with them aud aio in a littlo back room at tho ollioo put up i and then, when thoy had started for business, wo com inonccd our dismal Investigations through tho house. Wo always dined Into o'clock, audit was nearly that 2, 1883. hour beforo wo succeeded in reducing tho liouso to anything liko order. Then Lottio and Sophy had their quar rel, in tho midst of which Chris and Peter arrived and wo wont to dinner. Chris folded his arms and put on a dogged and determined look as ho took his place at tabic "I breakfasted off cold fowl,'' ho said, gloomily "I lunched off cold fowl I rcfiiso to dino off it." My aunt grow tearful again. "I his is not cold fowl,'' sho answer ed j "it is turkey : nnd you might oat it. Cold beof will keep a day or two fowls aud turkeys with somo sauco over them will not. Uttt" turning to me resignedly "ring for tho boef to be brought lin, Meg : wo havo had enough unpleasantness for ono day." "How is it thcro is a wholo turkey left 1" inquired Chris, somowhat mol lified as tho beef appeared. "It was Meg's fault," replied Aunt Charlotte, "slio put it on that dark shelf behind the cellar door, and I found it there this morning, quite for gotten. But I wonder Meg, you did not notico that thero wero only two turkeys at supper ; this would have been eaten if it had been thero.'' "I did not have any supper,'' I said, "for I thought thero would not bo room " "That is merely an excuse," inter posed Lottio; "you wero spooning with John Ilowarth in the conserva tory all supper-time." I meant to look defiant, but I may have looked guilty. "Did ho propose to you ?" asked Sophy, staring at me. "I will put a stop to this nonsenso about John Ilowarth," I said, deter minedly. "You shall all know exactly how the case stands, and then thcro will be no excuso for any further dis play of stalo wit at our expense. As O . . t . "c 1, . 1 -, Sophy supposes, Mr. Ilowarth did pro- poso to mo last' night." "Oh, Chris," interrupted Lottie, "how could you hit my cat in such a savage way ? Como here, Tip poor pussy 1" "xou should teach your eat not to stick claws into one's logs at dinner timo" retorted Uhns ; "then be wouldn t get hit." "Ho was not touching you 1'' return ed Lottie, warmly. "Ho was begging quite inoffensively." "Ho was sticking his claws into my leg," reiterated Chris, with quiet and most aggravating obstinacy. "Mow, don't you two begin quarrel ing," said Sophy, impatiently, "but let Meg tell us about John Ilowarth. I havo ofton read about proposals in tales, but I have never heard a real bona fide ono described. Do tell us every word he said, Meg 1" "Did ho go down upon his knees V asked Chris. "For if ho did, I wish I had been thero to see him." "I shall not tell you whether he went down upon his knees or not," I answci-cd calmly ; "nor shall I tell you what ho said. But." I added, with sentimental meditation, "ho said somo vtry inuu imiigs, mjecu, to me nicer than you could put together, Chris, if you tried for a hundred years." "I can assuro you that I am not going to try, oven for a minute,'' an swered Chris, giving mo a most savago look. My aunt suddenly burst into tears, "Ihis is tho finishing blow," she sobbed. "Meg ooing to be married I will nover give another party as long as I hvo ! It was against my better judgment mat 1 yielded this timo. I did it to pleaso you all, and this is tho result lurnituro ruined, eatables wast ed, your father ill, you all quarreling ii nu mis, ami jieg going to ue mar ried I No, nover another party in this houso !" "What not oven when Meg mar ries John Ilowarth!" sneered Chris. No, not oven then." renlied aunt. redoubling her sobs. "Well, don t cry, auntie, I inter posed, "for I am not going to marry him. I gavo him a verv decided No.' " Chris hero gavo a ouick. covert glance iu my direction : after which his assumption of perfect indifferenco seemed to ine a tnllo over-acted. "Oh," laughed Lottie, "that ox plains why tho poor fellow ato trullle instead of fowl with his boiled ham, and never found out tho difference 1 1 thought what a curious taste ho had." tint aunt refused to bo pacified : she had reached that state of mind when troubles nro positively preferred to blessings. "baying 'No' to Mr. Ilowarth will not buy a drawing-room carpet," sho said, "or eat up all tho tarts and cus tarus anu cakes. i am suro warm nig to her subject "tho wasto has been shameful 1 When tho confection er's man camo this morning 1 had not a singio cako or jelly or blanc-mango to send back, for every ono had been broken into. And I saw you, Chris, nine just a spooDtui oi that expensivo porcupine, when a plainer cako alrcadv 1 i , .. cuiiiiui'iiccu was ciose uy you. "Oh, don't blame Chris for that, auntio V I exclaimed. "It was done tor JUiss Jones, no doubt. If ho had tho power Chris would cut a bit off tho jiuii-i-iiur iiHuu u sno asked mm. I would," said Chris : "she is worth a hundred Koha noors. "Keallyr observed Peter, aroused at last from tho gloomv letharo-v that i. i , , w ,. . ; una iiusscwscu mm an dinner-tune, and addressing Chris : "What a pity she does not regard you in tho samo light! She told me last night how sho hated uiuiuiiig wiui you, saying you wcro so clumsy you wero constantly getting j uitt- u'm uu ner uress.' "indeed 1 retorted Chris. "Sim told mo tho very samo thing about you.' "1 don't behevo it, Baid Peter. "Do you mean to sav that I am tell. nig lies I demanded Chris. noiiicr quarrel I cried my aunt "Oh, dear. dear, what will lm tlm end of it all?" "Tho ond ol it all might bo pi iiougn, i replied with energy, oul v every ouu of you would disji lo common sense. I nm oi lilt patlenco with you all!" "Well, Meg," said L lOttio calmly, "you generally seem to consider your- seu capauio ot setting i rights, so can you sot our , 7 rrr,r , ; tho world to mr littlo world mo wo oro all you BurgcBt to BtraigntT it seems to miserable What can mako us happy t" "Common sense," I repeated "only common sense. Tako my advice, and peace win uo restored at onco." THE COLUMMAN, VOL. XVII.N0 41 COLUMUIA DKMOU1IAT, VOL. XLV'II, NO 33 "Lot us havo it then," said my aunt querulously. "Oh, let us havo 'Meg's advico' at onool" sneered Chris ngain. "Howls it wo havo not thought of this panacea earlier t" "I will commenco with ray uncle," I began firmly. "Let htm -at least, mako him soo tho doctor to-night, and he will bo better beforo morning." "That is good advico enough." said aunt, and I will tell him." "As for you, aunt go to bod at onco and forget your worries. Wo will start a subscription list for you, which I will head with fivo shillings, and if tho others givo with equal liber ality according to their moans, you will bo ablo to replaco all tho broken crockery nnd havo tho white- hearth rug cleaned also." "That is good advice, too, and I will do my part by going to bed immedi ately," said aunt, meekly. I am much bbligcd to you, Meg." "As for you, Peter," I continued, severely, "I think instead of quarrel ing with Chris about Miss Jones, you had better turn your attention nearer home. I know poor Kitty Reynolds nearly cried her oyes out when sho got homo last night, " or rather this morn ing." "You know more than I do, then," returned Peter. "Yes, I do, for I am in Kitty's con fidence and you aro not, and I know what Kitty said to mo when sho was going home, and you do not. And my advico to you, Peter, is, make it up with Kitty, and leave Miss Jones for thoso who want her." "Capital advice ! But I nover asked you for it you see ; so I don't consider myself bound to tako it," and ho wont on eating tarts. "And now, girls, I continued, look ing at Lottio and Sophy, "mako up your minds to tho inevitable, and change lovers. They aro twins, and so much alike you cannot toll which is which and I think it must bo merely contrariness in y'ou two to pretend you liko either ono better than tho other, and" with ' just a careless glance at Chris "contrariness never pays in tho end. So tako my advice transfer your affections quietly, and say no moro aboiit it. Then I helped myself to some blano mango, and wont on eating my din ner. "But you havo forgotten me," ob- served Chris, "pray, havo you no ad- VICO for me V I Lesitated a moment, then looked at him defiantly. "Well, I said, "I think tho advico I ihavo given Peter might also apply to you j instead of making yourself ndic- uious about miss Jones, I think you might pud some ono to admire nearer HOme. Then, owins: to Peter's deliahted "jjravo, meg 1 and Uhns steady stare, I had a sensation that I had nover ex perienced in all my self-possessed life beforo I think it was embarrassment and I rose hastily from tho table and left the room, presumably to see "why that dog howled so." And Chris must havo felt curious on tho point, too, for ho also loft tho table and followed me to Nero s kennel. tin i - . v nen wo camo m again reter was standiug iu tho hall with his top coat on, brushing ins hat very carefully. "vny, reter," l exclaimed, "whero aro you going ? I should havo thought you wouiu uavo been moro inclined lorocutnana walk. Whero aro you going i i-eier looked at us with a curious mixture of defiance and sheepishness in his expression. "I am going to see Frank I sevnold's ho said. lie told mo last night that ho has a little terrier ho thinks I shall like, and he said he would let mo havo it cheap, so I am going to look at it." "But," remarked Chris, know that Frank has gone away from homo to-day, aud won't bo back until Monday, and your journey will bo ut terly fruitless , will it not, if you find only Kitty in T " "1 shall seo tho terrier, muttered Peter, putting oil' his hat, "and shall leave word whether I will havo him or not." "Oh, I havo no doubt it will bo all right f 1 remarked with an innocent air. Hcter looked at me. and then said "What was tho matter with Nero, t "Oh his chain I think his col lar 1" I stammered, laken aback by tho sudoniiess of his question, and ending uy an appealing gianco at UhriB. iNovermind, never mind r cried i-eier, waving ms hands. "As you aaid, Meg, I havo no doubt it will bo an right j it b leap year, you know, and Chris has only acted as any other man iiuiu j. ciui iiuriL'u mrougn uiu hall door, and slammed it after him, otherwise tho hat brush would havo struck him. When Chris and I entered tho din- ing room, aunt was there. "lour uncle baa ltist Been tho doc tor," alio said smiling a littlo aa she kissed me beforo saying good night ; "and, if any of the others havo been as ready to act upon your advice, you can let us know in tho morning. 1 think wo aro all ready for bed to night." 1 shall havo to Hit ui for Peter. Raw unris. "Ono of tho servants can do that." said aunt. "No, thov aro alltired out,"answerod curia j "and l shall like to Bit up, inst to bco poor Peter's bewilderment when 1 ask him what is tlio color of tho tor rier." "Oh, ho won't bo bowildered at all I" I put in. "llo'll answer, in all Binnili- city, 'Plum-colored' or 'Navy-blue,' and men wonder why you look surprised When mint 'had retired. Inoticed .UJllSUll. t int T-ntt.v Snnliv worn l,av .Int., Boinething to their photograph albums, and observing, them quietly, 1 saw them .!.!.. ., " . t , " exenango two photographs. I said nothing ; but, when wo all wont nn btairs logotnor, mey wero morrior than .ii esuits Kittv i l.ottv S,i,..V ...i.:. !.. . .i i' ... r,:,t,' 'i...i.r. ...n.. ., . - I w I WJVslllllllL: tllJtl IJltl W Clllllllir. .,.,... us"''i nnd quito friendly again. ThtlS tlinrlnv- linmin ar ,lnv 1 ' "H"1 "appuy 1 anu 118 1 ,', were happier still for Peter and uru mippv aiw married now enns noving also condescended to tak i , it s ? " ,r . Meg's advico for onco-has a wife who of tho by offering their Wo5hl,M tho very groin Hio tS on Ul,8t0"-,IS the bar room any food (1 Q (1 ' f uulUB " moro tempting than stalo craokeis and ' ' dricd-up chcim ChriB-hovTng also condescended totak "ii1", l,lf,1Kl'ig upon tho domain TV t11"V to uaviu iavis gayb n man wi never Bit long ou a baibed wlro fence unless thero aro bad doga on both sides of 1H 8vr S m It onolnch. ..fjoo HM 8oo tSfto iso Two Inches ..... boo 400 son 800 iso Thrco inches...,, 4 00 Boo 100 II oo 18 0 Four inches boo to boj Moo soo Ounrter column.. no boo 10 oo 18 oo sso llnlf column looo HOit 11 oo 0u MO unccolumn woo moo sooo 500 J looo Yearly artvertlsdments narablflnnartenr. Tran sient advertisements must bo paid tor befora Insert ed except whero parties havo accounts, , Legal advertisements two dollars per Inch for thrco insertions, and at that rata for additional Insertions without refcrenco to length, Kxeeutor's, Administrator's, nndAudltor'soollccs throe dollars. Must bo paid for when nscrtcd. Transient or focal notices, ten cents a line, regu lar advertisements half rates. Cards In tho 'lluslness Directory" column, ono dollar a year for each line. The Reading Publlo. WHAT MAY lit: HATIIEltEl) IN Itl'.ADINO ALL A l'Al'Kn CONTAINS. Wo very often hear pcoplo complain ing of their cqunty papers, nnd saying that "they contain nothing worth read ing i" nnd wo nro nil sometimes inclin ed to think, (liko some men do of tho weather,) that if wo had tho manage ment wo could improve it in many ro specta. But wo find, on looking around that thoso very persons who complain tho most, aro the ones that road tho least. A dandy-or a "dude," wo would call him now might travel all over tho American conduct, and when ho camo back, could tell you nothing worth listening to, much less remem bering : whilo a Franklin, a Humboldt or a Newton, in taking a morning walk, would mako somo observations and select some good things from naturo'u page that would bo tisoful to science, and worthy a place in history. So it is with tho reading public. Ono man picks up his2ajer t for which, per haps, ho is in arrears for ten years, at least glances over it hastily for a few minutes, throws it down and showers a volley of curses upon its editor for in serting some enterprising business man's advertisement ; which, wero ho -as tardy in paying for as our self-constituted critic is for his paper, its editor might bo in a fit condition to walk tho streets with a bundle of old umbrellas under his arm, or a Bcissor-sharponer's grindstone on his back. Wo havo a case iu point which serves to illustrate our meaning hotter than anything elso which wc can think of now, and wo will givo it not as a reproach to any ono but as showing how much a mau may gaiti in general knowledge by read ing all that a paper contains no matter how insignificant it may appear at first sight as showing also how many uso ful things aro lost by persons who will not learn whim thoy havo tho opportu nity, yet aro over ready to sneer at thoso who, by reading and study, havo gained a littlo moro than they have required. A few months ago wo happened to bo present when Mr. "Faultfinder" opened his mail, adjusted his spectacles and began looking over his papers. One happened to bo a "Circular" nothing elso ; designed merely as au advertising medium- free. Iinstnrrn nnid. Tin uin milir nalrnrl u-n4 annf. fn him the favor of reading it. Looking at it about half n minutn lm tli rnw it. nn tlin from him. Thinking thero might, per- linns, ho Hmnotiiirnvi,, if n.rti. ra,iinn wo picked it up aud pushed it down in our pocket. When again alono we took it out and read it ; and whilo it was nearly all mado up of clap-trap ndVirfiqnmnnta tlinra urn a nnr. vnnr nr-i. tnM fi PYPontinti Tn nun ltttln nnrnnr was a table containing tho names of all tho crowned heads of Europe, with tho uatcs oi their accessions, and also their ages. Ity looking over it carefully wo wero enabled to gain the following his torical facts, viz : In Europe thero aro 41 monarchs and 42 crowns : King William, of Germany, wearing 2 that oi tno uerman Jimpiro and tho smaller kingdom of Prussia. Ho is also tho oldest of all, being 85 years of iijji.-, wiinu juiuiiBu, oi opaiu, is tuo youngest being but 25 years of ago. Dom i'edro, of Brazil, and William, of Brunswick, each ascended in 1831 they being the longest reigning of all DllllU JllCVilllULT, OI JV1IS3K1, 13 II1U shortest having ascended in 1881. We considered this tablo worth pre serving, and takiim it homo wc care- fully inserted it in our "scrap book" and waited to meet Mr. Faultfinder, which was not long and the following conversation took place, as near as wo can recall it at present : Q. Mr. F do you not know how mauy crowned heads thero is in Eu rope 1 A. No ; how do I know. Q. Do you know tho oldest Mon arch in Europe A. JNo : and 1 don t care a d n either. Q. Can you tell me tho name of tho only woman that wears a crown 1 A. Now you think vou ro smart. My father didn't send mo to school liko yourn did. If he did, I might a knowed a d n sito moro nor what you do. Wc merely cito this ono case to show what flimsy excuses somo men will sst up for knowing nothing. Hero was a man who shilted Ins responsibility upon his father wheu tho information was thrust under his very nose, nnd ho was too proud to read it because, for- sooth, it was surrounded by advertise ments. Now there is no paper, how- i over insigniiicant it may appear, or however crowded with advertisements, but may contain something worth remembering, if wo only tako tho troublo to search for it. Then read your papers. Don't throw them aaido because some ono advertises in them. You may miss something worth mdrc man your whole year s subscription lor iruiv "mere la many a roho In tho pa' h of life, It wo would hut btop to tako (t, j And mahy a tono from tho better land, If tlio (lueruloua heart would mako it. Thcro Is many a gem of rarest worth Which wo pass in ldlo pleasure j That u ilcher than tho Jowtled crown, Of tho mlaer's hoarded, trea&ure." It is estimated that in 9,500 of tho 9,000 bar-rooms in Philadelphia free luncheon is provided. Tho quality of tho food vaiieH according Jo tho loca tion of tho bar room, where tho soup mado of a half-pickled beef bone, n few scraps of fat and lean meat, a small measure of potatoes, turnips nnd I, . - , . .. - . ... lo ""T .. m lW0 allon.8 .1 iwy.W.l ""! sin.-oinu.iu uuiioisiiiiy oi DOS ton baked beans, boiled and baked macaroni, broiled reed birds in season, choico breakfast bacon, "and a variety ot other dainties that would nrohablv ,.rtui f..... .in , -i.- wov null, iu uu ui'lllES WCTU mu JH1. nun iu jjui nm sumo tiling in ft reguiai ii.. i lUDusuiiiui, jnuiimiv cost oi nroviii. f'Km'Ilirwl fa Milt- p.. ."7 , , v" """i n iiiiuuiu uiuKccpcrs who go nml , , . .... vi"-"" " vv " uuy lor loon w h c l a Iron tn t m r 7 customers. Tho hotels I'otim-nllv . HUM - . CI ' J A quart of good milk should weigh nearly two pounds two and ono-liiilf ounces. it. isl 1 1 m