The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 26, 1883, Image 4

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    Bald-Headed Suggestions.
Chicago Telegram.
'A bald-headed man is refined, and ho
hi way n snows his skui suro.
It lias never been decided wlmf. ryvna
os bnld heads, hut moat people think it
VJ 14111 II lUIIII
A good novol for bald bends to read
"Tho Lost Heir."
Wlmt does n bald-headed man say
to his comb 7 Wo meet to part no
Motto for a bald-head Bnro and fur
bare. However inch a nositlon a bnld.
headed man holds, ho will Dover comb
town in tho wprld.
Tho baUMieadcd nan never dves.
Advice- to bald-headers Join the
Indians, who are the only successful
What does every bald-headed man
put on liis head T His hat.
i on never saw a Dalil-hcatled man
with a low forehead.
Shakspcar says There is a divinity
that shapes our ends.
Buld men are considered the coolest-
headed men in tho world.
It was perfectly bear-bcrous in the
forty wicked children to saluto tho
whito-patcd Elijah with tho taunting
remark, "Go up, thou bald-head."
A bald head is eloquently suggostivo
01 premature piety.
loo cream and chocolato caramels are
tho leading precedents of inoipiont
Bald headed eagles are natives of
tno liaid mountains.
Nover go after a man, or woman
either in a "porfectly bald-headod fash
ion." Tho bald aro always truly trood.
This accounts tor Ben Butler having
demonstrated himself such an exempla
ry Governor.
Tho vencrablo bald-hoad who has so
long been tho target for tho wit of the
gunery gods as ho sat in a lront row
enjoying the .ballet will reioioe to know
that the day of his deliverance is at
nana, liio Telegram has heard of a
party who lias invented a wonderful
hair restorative, warranted to cover the
baldest head with a thick growth of
glossy hair in only seventy-two hours.
The remody is said to bo extracted
from the inner bark of tho mosquito
tree. The restorative, differ
enl shades of hair. In order to avoid
answering numerous queries, wo real
ize tho pertinence, of, saying that wo do
not know tho name of this preparation,
or tho address of its inventor.
Cured with Snake Venom.
a rattlesnake's fanos DRAWN UPON
Tho last number of the Philadelphia
Medical News contains a recital of a
successful experiment with snake ven
om as a curative for tetanus by Dr. A.
Q. Ameden, of Glens Falls, N. Y.
Being in a locality in which the rattlo
snakes wero fearfully numerous, and
having previously givon some thought
to the subject, Dr. Ameden resolved to
make the lest.
"Availing myself of tho services of
an experienced snake catcher," he says,
"I soon obtained venom f reah from the
fangs of one of the reptiles ; with this I
moistened tho point of a hypodermio
syringe and inserted it beneath the cu
ticle in the upper dorsal region near the
spine. Symptoms of snake poisoning
rapidly followed, with a decided ameli
oration of the tetanio spasms and rigid
ity, whioh entirely ceased at the end of
ten hours, and the patient enjoyed a
quiet sleep of six hours duration.
Twenty hours after the insertion of tho
poison, however, rigidity with slight
spasms again came on. A second in
troduction of the venom was made as
before, and no further trouble with te
tanus was experienced, and the patient
made a fairly rapid recovery. But ex
treme prostration followed tho last in
troduction of venom, which necessita
ted active alcobolio stimulation as in
all cases of accidental snake, poisoning.
There was no diffuse inflammation from
tho wounds, as frequently happens
when persons aro bitten in tho limbs
by theso snakes, aud no other results
that would deter me making a second
experiment in tho samo manner. I am
of the opinion that the second in
sertion of tho venom was too much,
and might have beon withheld. I be
lieve that this snake venom, whioh has
been propererly called 'crotaline,' can
be used with comparative safety,
and may yet prove to bo a valuable
remedial agent in tetanus, and possibly
in some other spasmodic diseases."
How Accidents Bun in Streaks.
New York World.
Accidents, like murders, suicide and
crimes of all sorts, run in streaks. The
phenomenon is as easily demonstrated
by experience as it is apparently im
possible of explanation, except on tho
philosopher's theory that tbero is in all
things appertaining to life a wave-like
motion, like tho regular swinging of
the pondulum of a clock, which in itself
is one of tho unfathomable mysteries
of existence, dimly discovered but bo
yond the firm grasp of the human in
tellect. In tho case of suicide and violent
crimes tho unconscious imttativeness of
diseased minds has been held to furnish
an explanation, but it can bo applied to
accidents as little as to fires, whioh ex
hibit tho samo gregarious tendenoy. "It
never rains but it pours," is the state
ment of an oxperienco common to all
Steamship accidents fuinish a nota
ble illustration. Everybody remem
bers tho series of mishaps that befell
tho steamers of a Frcnoh transatlantic
lino some eight or ten years ago with
out fault of management, and the sub
sequent streaks of ill luck that over
took German and English stoamers
after periods of absoluto security on the
ocean ferry. What Now Yorker has
forgotten tho summer of tho Seawaha
ka's burning, with its amassing record
of Bound Btoumors wrecked by Qro or
accident 7
('There aro four battles in oui busi
ness." remarked a dry-goods merchant,
"Tho first battle is to secure consign
ments from dosirablo manufacturing
houses; the socond to provide the mon
ev with which to make advances on
thoso consignments i tho third, to soil
the goods after they have been consign
od i and tho fourth, to get tho pay for
them. Aud the hardest fight of all is
too first to obtain tho right consign
ments. Any fool can sell goods that
everybody wants to buy, but it requires
a judgment to nave on sale the goods
that the public roost wants.
Chkam Toast. Cut stnlo bread half
an Inch thick and dip them in sweet
ream. Fry a delicate brown in but
ten Servo plain at breakfast or spread
with any kind of jam or jolly and use
for desert.
Wipo your pen after using, and it
will lost tho longer. Ilemerobor, a pen
Is saved, a pen is earned.
Feeding Tnrnips.
The lwlry,
Feeding Uirniim to milking cows is
objected to on account of tho ill flavor
communicated to llm milk, mm which
spoils It for nny good use, but it is not
necessary that this ill flavor should bu
given to tho milk. It is canned by the
very volatile odor of tho roots, which
is absorbed by tho stomach, and then
by tho blood, and lastly by tho milk.
A largo part of it is carried off by tho
perspiration through tho skin and a
large part through tho kidneys. The
reason of tho rapidity of this effect of
leeding turnips Is tho largo proportion
of water which they contain, aud that
tho water la vcrv ciulcklv absorbed bv
tho blood and dispersed through the
system, and as quickly got rid of
through tho skin and tho kidneys. It
is precisely the samo with onions, gar
lic and other strong flavored weeds,
and also with impure water. But this
very rapid transpirntion of tho water
gives a cluo to a ready means ot avoid
ing the obiectionablo effect referred to.
If turnips aro fed immediately after
milking, night and morning, the odor
passes off and docs not affect tho next
morning. It is not safe to feed tliem
before milking, unless done immediate
ly before, as water is absorbed from tho
stomach into tho blood with great rani
dity, and theodor would begin to reach
the milk in n fow minutes. The odor
of garlio may be prevented it is said
in somewhat the samo manner, but
wo havo uot personally tried tho effect
for want of tho garlio. But it is so re
ported by tho dairyman who sayB ho
was troubled with tho smell of garlio
or wild onion in his milk. To obviate
this ho put tho cows in tho stable at
about three o clock each afternoon, and
fed on hay and gavo them hay as usual.
Tho result was all ho anticipated ; a
rest of threo hours allowed the scent to
pass off in tho other secretions, though
previously it very strongly flavored
both milk and butter- Tho same course,
he suggests, would probably bo an ad
vantage when tho milk tastes of other
foul weeds in tho pasture, and ho is
probably right.
The Use of Coal Ashes-
Oormontown Tele graph.
We see tho question often asked,
"What is tho use of coal ashes f The
question has never been satisfactor
ily answered." This is a mistake. It
has. As a manurial agent they are of
no perceptible value. As an agent in
loosening heavy soil they are of valuo.
Wo havo experimented with them for
a number of years, and that is about all
that wo can make of thorn. Wo ap
plied sorao years ago, about two inohes
of the ashes all over tho garden, tho
soil of which was rather heavy, and
they bad a direct tendency to make it
more friable. Their presenco was ob
servable for several years ; but that
they acted in any degree as a fertilizer
wo could not discern, nor do wo believo
they did. The best use to mako of coal
ashes is to construct with them good
garden walks and carriage ways, plac
ing all tho rough, coarse at the bottom,
and roll them well. There is nothing
better, or so good, for theso purposes.
Thev are drv live minutes after a rain.
and nover become actually soft, oven
in a tnaw, which causes a gravel way
to yield so freely to horses aud vehicles.
They resist very much also tho growth
of grass and weeds, and garden walks
surfaced with them and thoroughly
rolled will not requre half as much
cleaning as those where either gravel or
earth is used.
We see coal ashes recommended for
a great many purposes, where it is to
net as a manure, as a protector against
insects, and so on -, but we do not be
lieve they have any more effect than
so much road dust or any fino dry
A Paying Poultry Parm.
A poultry farm of 8,000 Plymouth
llocks is owned and carried on by A. C.
Hawkins at Lancaster, near Boston,
Massachusetts. He calculates to havo
about 8,000 fowls every fall and carries
over about 2,500 laying hens through
tho winter. At the present time lie
has 12,000 including all sizes. His
farm contains twenty-five acres, and
his poultry buildings occupy an acre
and a halt. They are situated on the
south slope of a hill, and comprise- six
or seven sheds 200 feetin length. Each
shed is divided into apartments of 12
by 20 feet, and about twenty flvo hens
are kept in eaoh division. A yard is
made in front of each apartment, so
that the members of each are by them
selves. Mr. Hawkins believes that if
confined poultry have all their wants
attended to, they will do as well in egg
production as if allowed free range,
lie bases this belief upon several tests.
In hatching timo he sets 200 hens on
one day, and puts 500 eggs in an incu
bator, which is duo to hatch on the
samo day, tho chickens from which
will be distributed among the 200 hons.
Boston is ono of the best markets for
fancy- prices for eggs and poultry, and
his sales of fowls and eggs for hatch
at fanoy prioes are large, about ninety
per cent, being profit. He also has a
standing order for sixty to ninety
dozens ot eggs daily, for which ho gets
tho highest market price. Mr. Haw
kins began at the ago of twenty one
with 100 hens, and by careful manage
ment and economy his business has en
larged, so that at tho age of twenty
nino he has a very handsomo income.
The manure from the poultry is quito
an-item ; ho sold last year oUU barrels
nt Si. 50 a barrrel. Cultivator.
How to tell Good Butter.
Mr. Robert Hall, an Ohio butter in
spector, says that whero butter is pro
perly churned, both as to timo and to
temperature, it becomes firm with very
little working, nud it is tenacious ; but
its most desirable state is waxy, when
it is easily modeled into any shape, and
may bo drawn out a considerable
length without breaking. It is thou
styled gilt-edge. It is only in this
flavor and smell, and shows up a rich
golden yellow color which . imparts so
mgn a degreo ot pleasure in eating it,
and winch increases Us valuo many
loid. it is uot always necessary, when
it smells sweet, to taste butter in judg-
ing it, Tho smooth unctuous feel in
rubbing a little betweon the finger nud
thumb expresses at once its rloh qunlityi
tho nutty smell and rich aroma indicate
a similar taste i and the bright golden
glistening cream-colored surfaco shows
its height of cleanliness. It may bo
necessary at times to use tho trier, or
even use it until you become an expert
in testing by taste, smell and rub
Young Mr. Brown was making nn
evening call, when his best girl's little
brother approached him and begged
tho loan ot his whistle. "WlilstloT
queried Mr. Brown, "I havo no whis
tlo.'' "Well, papa sbvb you havo," con
tinued tho wingless angel, ''and that
.. ll !. T ..!.. tl
yVU 1UU Ull VUU KU4U Wl'lWU Ik.
Household Aids.
To prevent a door from creaking an
.,!.. i:ni .. t... i.! a '
I'tj it iiiuu Buiijf iii iuu nullum
To clean steel, rub tho article with a
piece of wash'lenthor dipped in kcro
homo oil.
Tho luster of morocco is I ( stored by
tt !. ...1,1. -I . I l.
riirniHinng u witti mo wiuio oi nn egg,
Apply with n sponge.
When tins are much blackened by
the (iro they should bo scoured witl
soap, water and line sand.
If brooms arc wotted in hot suds once
a week thoy will last much longer, nnd
always sweep like a now broom.
Kid shoes can ho kept soft nnd frco
from erncks by rubbing them oneo
a woek with pure glycorino or castor
A little saltpeter oroarbouato of soda
mixed with the water in which il iwers
aro planed will keep them fro-di for two
To remove vm stain from sllvrr
8i)ooii8 tako a mile common salt be
tween tho thumb and linger nnd rub
tno stain briskly. Then wash in hot
'P.I fllrn fnlnnd mi' ntm ttmtt r(
Viminn f limnntinn Willi nni niinnn nf
water, stir with a rough stiok until
thick i then wrap a good coating of it
around Llm (nicer with n ninth. Annlti.
er method is to wrap tho part affected
with a linen cloth dipped in a tincturo
of lobelia.
To polish marble cut tho surfaco with
a piece of fine sandstone, using fine
sand and water. When tho wholo sur
faco has been equally gono over tako a
piece of felt or old hat wrapped around
a weight, dip it in lino emery powder
and- rub tho ranrblo until all the murks
left by tho former process aro worked
out. Afterwards finish tho polish with
putt)', powder and fino rags.
To mako black Japan varnish mix
together burnt umber, eight ounces ;
truo asphaltum, three ounces ; boiled
linseed oil, one gallon ; grind tho um
ber with a little of tho oil ; add the
asphaltum, Ipreviously dissolved in a
small quantity of tho oil by heat , mix,
add the remainder of tho oil, boil, cool
and thm with a Buflicicnt nuantitv of
oil of turpentine.
To make crystal varnish take gen
uine palo Canada balsam and rectified
oil of turpentine, equal parts ; mix,
placo tho bottles in warm water, agi
tate well, set it insido in a moderatly
warm place, and in a week pour off tho
clear. It is used for maps, prints,
drawings and other articles of paper ;
also to prepare tracing paper and to
transfer engravings.
Potato Pancakes. They make a
most excellent dish for supper. Serve
with tho samo embilishments in the
way of pickles, sauces as you would do
wero tho dish you wero offering fried
oysters. Grate a dozen medium sized
potatoes, after peeling them and wash
ing thoroughly. Add tho yolks of
threo eggs, a.hoaping teaspoonful of
Hour, and it they seem too dry, a little
milk will do to thin them, with a largo
teaspoonful of salt, and lastly tho whites
of tho threo eggs beaten stiff, and
thoroughly beaten in with the potatoes.
Heat your griddle and put butter and
lard in equal proportions on it, and fry
tho cakes in it until theyaro brown.
Mako them a third larger than tho or
dinary size of the pancake.
Chicken Soup. A delicious chicken
soup is made by cutting up ono chick
en and putting it in your kettle with
nearly two quarts of water, a teaspoon
ful ot salt and a hltlo pepper. When
about half done add two tcaspoonfuls
of barley or of rico. When this is done
removo tho chicken from the soup, tear
or cut part of the breast into small
pieces, add to the soup with a cup of
cream. Tho rest of tho chicken may
bo reserved for salad or for chicken cro
quettes. Cider Jem.y. Delicious ielly can bo
made of cider. To one pint of clear,
sweet cider allow ono pint of cold water,
two pounds of sugar, one paekago of
gelatine, ono largo pint of boiling
water. Soak tho gelatine until it is en
tirely dissolved in tho cold water j then
add to this tho sugar, a spoonful of
cinnamon, the juice of two lemons, tho
grated rind of two, then the galatine
Add the cider last ; then put all in a
thick flannel bag and let it drain. Do
not squeeze it at nil. Put it in I owls
or glasses and set it away to cool. Sher
ry or Madeira wine may be substituted
lor the cider.
Somewhat Mixed.
An Ohio mnn. wlinlinil vwitnil Onfli.
am and got many now ideas, returned
nuiuu unu ru iiiutkuu must ui ins goous,
so that he could say tho price of this
and that was so much, with so muoli
off. Everything seemed to work pret
ty well for a week or so, when ono of
the clerks said ho needed a little more
"tor instanoe, ho exclaimed, "wo
aro giving twonty off on all .wooden-
tvaru i
"And pails nro twenty cents apiece!"
"rPhfm nvni-v timn n mnn urrtiiis o
pail he gets it for nothing, and if ho
InkeH turn T mvn liim twmifv wiitu V
M"James, aro you a born fool 1" de-
i .i. , .
inuiiueu inu mercnani.
"No, sir 1" was th- prompt reply
"T'vn (int. rill nf tlin nlrrlir. ilvnn unila
wo had stored up stairs in less than a
week, and havo promised fivo dozon
more. If you havo a clerk who
pleases customers more than I do trot
mm out.
Naming a Lake.
Years ago it was discovered that a
certain lake which had long been con
sidered tho head ot the Mississippi,
had no claim to that honor. The ox
plovers found a now nnd smaller lake
from which tho river took its rise. A
discussion nroso as to what naino
would bo appropriate for it. Tho sto
ry is that it was decided in this way :
"Let's mako a now nnmo by coining
a word," said an old voyager. "Somo
of you learned ones tell mo what is
Latin for true."
"Veritas," answered a scholar.
"Well, now, what is tho Latin for
"Now writo tho two words together
by syllables."
Tho scholar wroto on n strip of
birch-bark "Veritas caput."
"Head it."
Tho fivo syllables wero read.
"Now drop tho first and last sylla
hies nnd you'll hnvo n good nnmo for
this lako." And "Itasca it was.
Beet Salad. Young beets boiled
skinnel nnd sliced mako a very pretty
salad if mixed in layers with hard
boiled eggs. They should bo sensoned
with pepper, salt and butter, and a liltlo
vinegar or lemon julco.
How to Fertilize Fnuir Trees.
Hero nnd thero on nil farms and in
most fruit gardens will bo seen nn oo
casslonnl trco or grape-vine, which
seems to lnck vigor does not grow
wen, mm yei. seems lo havo no parti
cular disease. Tho probabilities nro
i1.i il. ! .1..! .e . ,
hiiii tnu utu in iiymjr ui NllirvilllUll nun
needs a supply of food. When vou
give it this ration, do not pile a load of
manure nroiinu the trunk ot tho tree
or tho body of a grnpo-vino. Thnt is
just tho place where it will do tho
least good. Nearest tho trunk of tho
tree, tho roots nro all larco The 11
brous roots tho feeders, nro further
on near tho ends of tho roots. Theso
only can tako up the nutriment. It is
nlwnys snfo to assume that the roots
extend ns far from tho trunk in ovi rv
direction na do tho limbs of tho tree,
mid to properly fertilize, spread tho ma
nure all over thnt nrea. Then fork it
in nnd vou havo done a uood work nnd
done it well. If some disensu hns bo
gun its wotk on tho tree, you will put
the trco in a healthy, vigjrom condi
tion, the better enabling it to success
fully contend ngniust its enemies. Wo
have seen numerous old pear and np
plo trees, bearing poor and gnaried
fruit, which the owners consider of no
valuo, but which such treatment ns
we havo outlined above would rcstoro
to their original usefulness. Orange
uounty farmer.
SllUT Ui Smilnr n.ilfnv nnnna frnm
under hU lnail nl fVnlit MuKillni- pnn.
dal long onough to say that "tho Ito-
tllllllitnitd ..till n1n..l 1 ! .1 I
j4 mil Ull-uu mull WtllUlllillU,
not SO much on account, nl Um stn.nnlli
ns it Bcema to bo predestined that tho
Democrats shall rmn.iin nut. nf nmwr11
Ho is not tho first predestinnrian who
has had tho wind knocked out of him.
Hit nollticnl ihnolnrrv will tinnnnotinn.
nbly get a bad shaking up in 1884, nnd
he will know of a certainty that tho
Republican party must go, just as ho
had to trot nut nf nnlilin lifn nnil tnr
o I - " - ...... -"
tho samo reason robbing tho Treas
"What's that thing t" asked n dairy
man, as a chromo peddler held up a
picture in which all the hues of tho
rainbow wore displayed in reckless
profusion, without regard to harmony
or correctness.
"A cow," replied the smiling art con
noisseur, with a show of pride.
"A cow t" gasped tho milk handler,
"Well, that's tho first timo I over saw
;reen cow browsing on salmou-col-
ored grass. Hero John 1" ho yelled to
the hired man ; "bring mo tho gun I"
But tho chromo fiend climbed the
fence and made a break for the woods.
HEAR this, all yo people, and give
ear all ye invalids of tho world,
Hop Bitters will make you well and to
2. ft shall cure all the people aud
put sickness and suffering under foot.
3. Bo thou not araid when your
family is sick, or you havo Blight's 'di
sease or Liver Complaint, for Hop Bit
ters will euro you.
4. t or both low and high, rich and
poor know tho valuo of Hop Bitters for
bilious, uervous and Itheitmatic com
5. Cleanse mo with Hop Bitters
and I shall havo robust and blooming
6. Add disease upon disease and let
the worst come, 1 am safe if I use Hop
7. For all my Ufa have I been plagued
with sickness and sores, and not until a year
ago wns I cured, by Hop Bitters.
8. He that kecpeth his bones from nch
inp from Rheumatism and Neuralgia, with
Hop Bitters, doetu wisely. ,
10. Though thou hast sores, pimples,
freckles, salt rheum, erysipelas, blood poi
soning, yet Hop Bitters will remove them
10. What woman Is there, feeble and
sick from female complaints, who deslretli
not health nnd useth-Hon Bitters and is
made well.
11. Let not neglect to use Hop Bitters
bring on serious Kidney and Liver com
plaints. 12. Keep thy tongue from being furred,
thy blood pure, and thy stomach from in-
digestion by using Hop Bitters.
la. Ail my pin ns and nencs ana uiscase
o like clinfl before the wind when I use
lop Bitters.
14. Mark tho man who was nearly dead
nnd given up by tho doctors after using
Hop Bitters nnd becometh well.
15. Cease from worrying about nervous
ness, general debility, aud urinary trouble,
for Hop Bitters will restore you.
In the Pilot House.
Yes. sir : this kind of work obllires a man to
kocp sober as a Judge, or all men In the world,
steamboat pilots and railroad engineers should let
liquor nlone. Kor on their clearuesss of sight and
coolness of head depends the safety of life and
Keeping his hand on tho wheel as ho said tills,
Mr. A. Uruckman, ot No. rox Bllverstreet, Chicago,
added : "of course, some ot 'cm drink ; but Uio
sober ones havo tho ocst positions and the best
pay. yes. the work and exposure sometimes tells
on us ; but for my part, I nnd I'ahkkk's tonic to be
an mo invigorani, i ni'eu. rye goi a Dome arjoara
here now : never go on n trln without 1L When I
haven't any appetite, or am In any way out of
ttorus, 11 wis inu upianoume. iiunnningmcn
would use tho Tonic, It would help 'em, to break off.
(No, that Isn't a light-house ; It's a star, low down
near tho water.) As I was saying, the Tonic la new
life bottled up. You heo that nag-staftj Well, with
a bottle ot l'AKHtit'aTosio In the locker lean keep
malaria as far from mo as that, all the time. -My
wire has used It for three yeais for summer com
plaints and colic, and as an lnvlgorant, when she's
tired out trom overwork. She Buys the Tonic is a
daisy. Good-bye! Pont break your neck going
ker's (iiNiiEii Tonic, will hercattcr be advertised
and sold tlinply under the name of Parker's Tonic.
As unprincipled dealers are constantly deceiving
their customers by substituting Inferior articles
under the name of ginger, and as ginger Is reaUy
an unimportant Ingredient, we drop the misleading
1 his preparation, which has been known as Par
There Is no clianqe, however, in the preparation.
Itself, and all bottles retnalnlntr In the hands or
dealers, wrapped under the name or 1'arkeh'b (Iik
okk Tonic, contain the genuine medicine It the
iiueuiuiie Mgmuuru ui juscox a la at tno 001
tom ot tho outtJily wruppcr.
Ilaa beon pronounoed by leading1 physicians a mro
Blaclfler, Kidneys, Urinary Organs;
F ain in tho Back.
Bright'e Disease of the Kidnoysj
Btone in the Madder and Kldnayg, cilculus, oray
el or llrlckdmt JJowMt. Dropsical Swelling:,
Weakness caused uy Uxcohus, MantaT li t li alt-
tlon and Nervous rrotlraton In either twx. Guru
all riuiLii WKimuiuiES, LeucorrhcBa, Irregular
and palutm Menstrua on, luilommalton and Uleor-
uuuu ui mo wumu.
Pleasant to take and Immedtata In IU effect.
rrtca it, perbottlo, or fl bottles for 13. Bent to any
uuurcasm uui umifu mute, true ui cjipcwx:.
on receipt of cash or 1. o. order,
Dr, Pounder Family Medicine Go,,
21 H, HJU'ONU Irecl, I'kUadcljiliU
tinsel In tho prliripnl Churches for romrannlon.
Kxrcllcnt fr Females, Wcnkljr lVrsom nnd tho
Specr's Port Grope Wine!
miltS CKI.KIIUATEI) WINK 11 tho puro Julco Ot
I tho dead ripe oporto (Irnpc, raised In Specr's
vineyards. Its Invaluable,
Tonic and Strengthening Properties
nro unsurnARqed bv nnv other Wine, llflntf nro.
duccd under Mr. Speer'sown personal supervision,
mi'uiiij uuu Kciiuim-m-, IIIU KUiirUIIMJlll uy vim
principal Ilosnltuls and Hoards of Health who have
examined It. Tho youngest child may partake of
It, nnd tho weakest Invalid uso It to ndvantage.
It Is particularly benenclal to tho aged and
debilitated, nnd suited to tho various ailments that
uiu-ci me weaKer sex.
It Is In every respect A WINE TO HE HKLIF.I) ON.
. Speer's Unfermented Grapo Juice-
Is tno Juice or tho oporto Grapes preserved In
Us natural, rresh, Bweet state as It rum rrom tho
Rrvss by fumigation, thereby destroying the excl
'.r or rcrincuiatlon. It Isperlcctly pure, rrco
rrom spirits nnd will keep In any climate.
Speer's Burgundy.
Is a dark rich medium Drv Winn nml hv the
wealthy classes no a Tablo or Dinner Wine, and by
Dbrslelans In cases where a drv wlnn int.i mi nr u
sweet port is desired.
Speer's (Socialite) Olaret.
Is held In high estimation for ll.o rlchnei nq n
Dry Tablo Wine especially suited ror dinner uso,
Speer's P. J. Sherry.
IsawtneorHuncrlnrf'hflrni'tprnhfl nnrl.nL-pa nf
the rich qualities or tho grnpo rrom which It Is
Speer's P- J. Brandy.
Ill A TTTtlP rllcllllnllnn l,AnMnn -v...
stands unrlvaUed in this Country lor medicinal
i, uu.1 u ircumiiir imvur, similar w mat or me
grapes rromwhlch It Is distilled,
sco that the signature or ALVHED srEEIl, Pas
saic N. J., Is over tho cork or each bottle.
Sep. s8-'S)iyr.
not, llto Is sweeping by, go
and dare beloro you die
Bometnlng mighty nnd su b
lime leave behind t.n ennnupr
time." 6 a week you own town. $3 outnt free.
no risk. Bverytntng now. capital not required.
We will furntsh you everything. Man vara nmkino-
fortunes. Ladles mako as much as men, and boys
and girls mako great pay. Header, It you want
business at which you can make great pay all the
time, wrlti ror particulars to 11. IIal'-htt a Co.,
ruruuuu, aiuiuu aicu. b, 'ttf-iv.
An English Veterinary Surgeon and Chemist,
now traveling In this country, says that most or
tho Uorso and Cattle Powders sold hero are worth
less trash. Ha says that Sheridan's Condition
Powders are absolutely Dure and immensely vain.
nolo. Notnmg ou earth will make ti-ns lay like
nuerm&u Huouaiuoa rowaera. uose, I teaspoon
rul to 1 pint tod. sold everywhere, or sent by
mail ror 8 letter-stamps. I. S, Johnson a Co..
Uoston, JUss. aid Jan 2a'S3-ly.
Extract of Annatto.
tffttare's own Color. Urlehteit
chilli, or lend S3 etl. la lUrapa for .Ample, colo-inc&QOlbi. to
1F.S. ItAIlE & CO., No. 835 Market St., I'UILAD'A.
Juno My a&s
And Stranvi)ftt. RuT of -our Uer.
A week made at home ny tno industri
ous. Uest business now before the
public. Capital not nccdod. We win
start you. Men. women, boys and cirin
wanted everywhere to work torus. Now is tho
lime, iou can wotk in spare time, or give your
whole time to the business. No other business
will pay you nearly as well. No ono can rail to
make enormous pay, by engaging at once. Costly
outnt and terms tree. Money made fast, easily,
and honorably. Address Tuck 4t Co , Augusta,
.uMiuu. wee. o, o-iy.
ron tub
And all Bilious Complaints.
Saf o to take, being purely vegetable : no crlnlnc
Price SS cent. All DrugsUts.
October Bth-4w d
And will completely change tho blood in tho en
tire system in three months. Any person who will
take one pill each ulght rrom onu to twelve weeks,
may be restored to sound health. It such a thing Is
possible. For curing Female Complaints theso
Hlls havo no equal. Physicians uso them In their
pracUce, sold everywhere, or sent by mall tor 25
cents In stamps. Send ror pamphlet. I. s. JOHN-
sua & tu, jxmiou, aiass. upr w
Ald-I mos.
Absolutely pure. Thoy contain no spurious orex
hausted leaves. No Chemicals or Coloring .Matter
used in their preparation. Very valuablo tor mix
ing with weaker China teas. They contain a very
nign percentage oi isxiract. iney are cumvaieu
under tho supervision ot foreigners, upon the
most approved methods. The leat Is manipulated
by machinery, giving unltormlty or appearance
throughout entire pluckUigs. They retain tuelr
valuablo qualities for an unusual length ot io.
JOHN a rillLMl'M & CO., Water St., New
York. Agents ot tho Calcutta Tea Syndicate.
October isth-lw d
I can recommend
Ely's Cream Halm to
all Hay Fever burfer
crs, it being, In my
opinion, founded upon
experience and a sure
cure. 1 was anllcted
with Hay Fever ror3
years, und never be.
lore round permanent
relief. Wkusteh II.
IUsxins, Marbluleld,
Apply by little nn
ger Into tho nostrils.
Ily absorption It et
rectually cleanses tho
JAVa CCW Bf nasal passages ol ca
rl' 1 rC rv tarrhal lrus, causing
healthy secretions. It allays Inflammation, pro
tects the inembranal linings ol tho head rrom ad
ditional colds, completely heals tho sores and re
stores the sense or taste und smelL Ileuellclal re
sults aro realized by a fow applications. A thor
ough tieatment will cure, unequalled for colds
in the head. Agreeable to use. seud for circular.
Sold by drugglsta lly mall 50c. a package
Btaraps. ELY HKOTHEltS, Owego, N, Y.
aug 10-ly d
people are always on the
ookout for chances to In
creaelh lrearnlngs.nndln
time beoome wealthy : thoso
who do not Improve their opportunities remain In
poverty. We offer a great chinco to make money.
We want ininy men, women, bys and girls to
work tor us rlirht In tbei own localities. Any one
can do I be work prope rfrom the Ui at start. The
business will pay more y an tea times ordinary,
wages. Expensive outiilhurnlnhed Iree. Noons
who engages falls to i to money rapidly. You
can devote your whole raak to tho work or only
your spare moment. Fllmell Information and al
that Is needed sent free, id Irjs j sri hson k Co
l'ortlanc). tyulne. Deo. s, 'Si-ly
OOLIilcan.NIlWARU, Ht. J,
SO inlnutei ot New York. Von positions ror grad
ually than all Qtbor schools contblned. UIu bgUoi.
arsUlp, K'J. Wrltufor circulars,
Oct. utrt r
TIIRV()l,TAlrillKt,TOO, Marshall, Mich., wbl
send l)lt. IIYK'9 OKI,KIIHATKI Kl.koTllO-VOU
trial tor 8 idava to men rvntintrnr ntrli wim urn nr.
rilCtcdwlttiNervout Debility, Lost Vitality, and
kindred troubles, giiamntoolng spcodvandcom
plcu) restoration ot health nnd mamy vlg r. Ad.
dress as abovo.-N. li.-No risk Incurred, ns so
days' trial Is allowed'
roo. vin lyr. r
$1.60 A YKAlt.
Ready and Waiting for You.
The Finest, The Latest, The Most Artistic
Styles of
i3igit,d,,co,nCtsQEN7s' FURNISHINGS. IJ Dl8
Call and be Convinced that We
Load mi ((paliifcy, fit mi4 prioa
Largest stock & lowest prices can always lie Mail at tlie
Easy Terms. Sntlafhctlon Ounraiitccd.
L. i SUE, M, 1.
Uedleal Superlatsndant cf tin Sanitarium.
Invalid's Home.
Bloomsburg, Pa.,
Devotes speclnl attention to Epilepsy,
Nervous Affections, nnd Diseases cf Women. 1
Pfttlents received nt the Sanitarium on '
reasonablo terms for board nnd treatment. '
I. S, No cliargo for ilrst consultation, '
npr ji, '8J
The undersigned having put his Planing Mil
on Railroad street, In llrsueiass condition, in pre
pared to do all kinds ot work In his line.
furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used
Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen
are employed.
furnished on application. Plan aud specinca
Hons prepared by an experienced draughtsman,
niooiiiMburK, Til,
Bought ror Not Cash, on receipt and annrqval,
Without cbaruo f0r commission, Iliuker
ago, etc., by
October IMv r
Thoro is no Baking
Its qualities, Modicinal and Culinary, guaranteo Health
and Luxury.
For tho CVlelirntcd ClilcUcrlng, Ivors &
l'nml, imil VosoaIs Son Pianos.
nowncd Kslcy Urn , lis. Violins, Acconleons
nml Sheet Music. Celebrated White, Now
HMi Arm Dnvls, New Home, Koynl 8t.
John, nnd Light Hunnlng Domestic Sewing
Machines. Needles, olf nnd nttnehments
for nil makes of Sowing Machines.
. Suitable for
Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds.
1 :o:
Tho following shows tho Picket Ootlilc, ono ot
tho beverul beautiful btyles or Fence manufactured
1 For Beauty and Durability they nreunanrpass
ed. Bet 111; by experienced hands and warranted
to give satblactlon.
Prices nud specimens of other de
Bigim sent to nny address.
May 4-tf
TI10 I'.fviuu CIuidc, Ko.
til, lull 1111.I Winter, 1883,
Kitva nlntl(.uluirl. indirect
in tMiuuuur mi every tiling
Villi IIM. I'ill ilrili- U'tir rtr
1..IVO I l VI .1, 'If U Low
toordcr wllli 1 .11 Ii- i . , j.n ea largo
oni f,!tO ) . iiuti. iw- a vliulo
Ili t re ,'iu.vr. l iii.iiiu in.vrniutluii
L'jeuiieil Imtii !,u 1 .ir'dsi'f lliu wurlJ.
No nllier rl e-mm,, ,i iiMiii'C contains
usiu'.iiiilt , a . . . ;i 1 1 ui, fHliI lVcuIniinyail,
tlre nin.i"i'lii'i t".ta"el7(ts'. J.ctu
lieariri', 1. iu,,irM It iiswdcniii or r city,
Near l.xii' ii'iii.ii Jl .i. '.ln h, J!itiei.t illy,
V'H ItUU Wub.i.h ATCuuc.fhlcmio.lU
Bt'jit. J4-13W o&a
Powder equal to ilio
A. AUByill A KItIR it. it, ni vmoV Wr.
twitAiiJwvii vmiiiwiu 'IAIIjWAYi
In prTorf. Honl.. Dllli loai n. .
bury, "" in iiij icavoNun.
in., making closo connections it liifadSi.Li,' ,t
all sen slioro points. ""uucipnia lor
l.sop.m. bay express for HarrliLur- i.
tonncdlale stations. Lancaster, riil laucini.S. vtn'
IforK. llaltlmoro and wimiii. "SI!!"?'
jjongor coaches through to I'WiauSpSiaaSa'Ji?,!:
.tlL'iKrlornmodatlon .or
ruiiuueipma n.oa a. m.f Now York 6 to n m
Blecplnfr car accommodations can to cciir?;
Ilorrisburg ror I'hllaUelphla and New Vork i hii",'
XSr,"?."?"'. nnd WaiiiinVtol? lT
uiituieipuiu (,ou a. m. ! Now York n in ;. "
llaltlmoro 7.40 a. m. ; vSsi lntton i ln !
Through 1'ultmao sleeping Vara aro run on' i nJ
train to Philadelphia, llaltlmoro and WaSlifS- n , 8
and through Daatuniror rraipi K K'P 'i
and llaltlmore. """ueil'ina
6.M a. m.-Erlo Mali for Erie and all Intermniiinin
felons with through fullman rauTco carina
through nnjpntrnrrirh.ain rzr heiu
rullman f ilo SIfa to ii n rr.Tn SVft ""SH
i.m v. m.-Hiagara Express for Knnoand Imrr.
medlalo stations with through passenger coach ca
to Kano. for Cannudalgua and nrluclnai : inti?
ncaiato stations, ltoehester, uunulSinoNiS
Ylm trough parlor' car to witklns and
through passenger coaches to Rochester.
..? P: ."-rastl no ror Lock liaven and mtrrm,-.
SiSJSS. t un3al!a. iJimira. Watklna and lnton no.
Phii.rf.i.i.1. n ?.?arajxpross loaves
,uu,uni, i.iii u. UI. I UaillmOrO I.dU fl in nr
riving at Muubury, l.oj p. m., with lirotiiri?'!'. n
1'nilaJelphla arid tlirouilh
tuuuuua iroin rnuauelphla and llalii-
KaSt l.lnn lfn0a Mn,.vn.i.nnn.
Krln Mrtft Innnm
hVAv.i.v , . r' """'"K'uu uuu nau noro and,cn80r cacnes from Philadelphia.
Mall East leaves Sunbury 6.45 a. m., arriving at
Bloom Ferry T.41 a. in., Wilkes-barro a a h.
Express Last leaves Bunbury 6.35 p. m., arrlvliiit
at Bloom Ferry 0.31 p. m., Wilkes-barro S 1 u i m.
. MHestleavC8Wllkcs-barroio.soa. m., arrlv
HJP.rS?s..Wcst 'eaves Wflkcs-barro p. m. nr
riving at Bloom Ferry 7.07 p. m , sunbury s.os p
ciias. e. ruon, j. it. wood,
Pen. Manager. ocn. I'nssenger gcnt.
July S 1883
For Now York.PhlladeInhla.npftil Inc. IVittftvllli
Tamaqua, &c, 11,45 a. m;
For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. in. 0.13 and 10.50 p. ra.
For WlUlamsport,,35 11.45 a. m. and 4,00 p. m,
For Lowlsburg and Sunburv. 4 00 n. m.
TuiiNsron BtjruHT j.kiv as joliowb, (scsdat
Leave New York. Vli. Tamannnd o no n. m. nnri
via. Bound Brook Routo 7,15 a. m.
icavo Philadelphia, 9,50 a. m.
Leave Reading, 11,56 a. m., Pottsvlllo, H,39 p. a
and Tamaqua, 1,39 p. m.
Loavo Catawlssa, 0,30 ll.03;a. m. and 4,00 p. m.
Leave WIUIamsport,9.45a.m,1.03 p. m. and 0,00 n. ra
tovosuniniry4.sip. m.
' Leivbburg L4S p. m.
Passengers to and from Now York, via. Tama
nend and to and from Philadelphia go through
without chango of cars.
C. G. HANCOCK, General Manager,
General Passenger and Ticket Agent.
Jan. lo, is8i-tf.
Scran ton...
p.m. p.m. a.m.
a.m. p.m. p.m.
V 40
9 45
a 80 2 10 c 11
a 03
8 6
8 43
8 41
8 37
S 37
9 30
6 n
9 46
a vi
a 63
10 03
10 ta
b 27
C 34
(. 41
0 4G
fi 61
C 65
7 02
1 10
7 17
7 22
7 10
7 37
6 10
5 25
6 41)
6 60
a 10
t 00
s (f
6 10
5 18
R 2f.
6 10
S to
S 62
a m
a 01
a 20
9 24
9 19
9 14
.. WestPlttston
6 ii
8 ii
8 16
8 07
1 60
1 43
1 85
1 25
9 04
9 04
8 65
8 47
8 89,
10 18
2 61
10 18
.Plymouth Juno
10 20
10 34
10 42
10 IS
8 02
3 til
3 1U
3 83
3 45
1 18
S 00 1 03
7 4611 49
7 S3 VI eit
8 28
8 17
7 S6 19 18
7 SO IS 00
7 13 11 47
7 09 11 40
T OS II 90
8 19
8 00
7 60
....uitfe u I'urry.
....Beach Haven.
11 07
11 13
11 20 8 67
Briar Creek..
...Willow orovo.
4 07
4 Vi
4 20
4 17
4 S3
4 SS
4 50
7 52
61 II in
7 44
.umo uidge..
tl 10 68
7 33
7 83
7 29
7 11
11 t9
11 46
11 60
11 66
0 45 10 60
6 87 10 44
0 18 10 VI
Catawl'a Bridge
6 10 10 OS
6 04 10
,u auviue,...
.flftlnnmn .
12 19
48 9
6 (0
6 26
12 46
p.m. tun, K,.m,
p.m. r-M. n.m
W. F. HAL8TEAP, Supt.
Superintendent's office. Bcranton. Feb. 1st, Itfs
Todg, Toucli , Worlcraansliip & DnralJllity.
WltHASr KIVA1U1 it CO.
.?J'.Snda,fl Wt,t nmimora Street, Ballliuora
Ko. lianrih Avenue, Now York.
October is-iw r
PAYNE'S I O Horso Spark-Arrostlne
Portable Knlno lia cut 10,000 ft. of Michigan P,"'
Boardi iu hunrs, burning elabs from the emv I"
Our 10 none vs Ouarantti to farnUh power to
aw 8,000 fei't of Hemlock Bord In 10 hour. Our
U lloi u wilt cut J0.OM fttt In Mine timo.
wur engines aro iiuiiArii6w .
furniih a lioro-powi'r 011 )i m
furl nnd water than any other Ln
pino not fitted with an Automatic
Cut OH. If you want a Stationary
or roriaiiio Engine, jjuiiit, uh-
lar Buw-iiui, binitmg or rum.jt,
flilier cait or Moddort Pilent
IWroughMron Pulley, nnd forour
llluttrated catalogue, No, 12, lor
Information and price,
Corning, N.V. Box 14J7.
Jan, 6, 6S-ly.
unit, riuuwiiim, liu mw, mvt
Ufo(tuitl truMxl,i u toothil
t UK A W V I Bit K L LLOOU -1 1 fi e M
fi'ftJurt u d J tu KUn U lUlul A j"
kU iXBtj.ttJiauf t-Ulukl IftfV
ttrrtM tlia tjttifv)'l' kB-'l' . .
jM nytlli rSAHLhM Ik t lota tl
lU Wlk4 Ol ftl) NUUW llh lU ti, 1 A
tbll.UJ,I X
energotlo, reliable men t
sell TfVulL Troiw. lirjl'
Hoses, &n. Miliary and
SO I leKperhincod inen can hoou learn tho business
AddrebS J. If, LKOLAltrl DHiailTON. N, Y.tOHO
mile east ot iiochuster, N, Y.) "
Otobcrl2-iw r
Pkiii,iimh 11. lift 1,'nll Iiilii ..iiai i,,,,m (rlviltl
0 85 ft. m.-Scn sliord Express ror linrn.i,,,.
mil, w ffiuffr.BaSffi11
Philadelphia T.S5 p. m. Now York in ii ,.B. nt
Baltimore, 7.16 p. m. VVashl nBton, b'ji d m1 V,?,','
mnn lnrlnr nni tliwtni. .,?.i.J .V.J.P I till-