The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., VltlDAY, OCTOHUIt 20, 1883. Correct Riillroutl Time 'ruble,'! $ Trslnson tho ruliadolpUla It, U.icavo Hubert aSfOllOWSt KOKTll. ,ODTII. 30 a. in. 1 1 4ft n. in. i.usp. in. 6 13 p.m. Trtus on tho I), i.. ti W. II. It. luvo Bloomsburg lullOWSl NORTH. 60UII1. IMi.n, 8 25 a, m. 10 47 a. m. 11 45 a. m. ; 34 p. In. 4 80 p. in. TbolMS train south connects with tho I'lilla. delpbla A Heading at iiupcrt, ana with tho Northern Central ut Northuinucrlanu. IfTho 8:13 a. m trata oonnocts al Northumberland with : train on I'onQjrivanla road roucblng Philadelphia at :m p. m. Tho UU' train connects with Phlladlphla and Heading roal at Ituport at UsM reaching I'lilla dolphlaatssoup. in. Tho 11:45 train connects with Pennsylvania roal at Norm ltnocrland at 1:43 reaching l'hlladcl phlaat T:35 p. in The 4:30 p. in. train connects with Pennsylvania rood at Northumberland at s:oj p. in, anu reaencs ulladelphta at 1:55 a. in. Train onthi N, si W. II. lull way pasat lllnom Kerry as follows : NOKTII. BOOTH. 7.41 a. in li.oi p. m. 0.31 p. in 7.07 p.m. IMtllllC HltlCH. Wllllwri Krenmer, administrator of Anna Wclllvcr will sell real cstato In Madison township on Wednesday, October 01st. Sco advertisements. Henry F. Oman, executor of Gcorgo Oman, late of Scott township, will sell val uahlo real estato on the premises, on Sat urday, November 34th, 1883. A farm of 170 acres. See advertisement. 1'crHoiuil. A. D. Cathcart lias recovered from his sickness and Is again on duty at the post office. Hudson Owen, of Berwick, called at this oftlce on Wednesday. Clarence Fitzpatrlck of llazleton spent a fow days In town the past week. A. A. Zancr started for his home In Au dubon, Iowa, on Tuesday. J. J. McIIenry, of Benton, started for Philadelphia on Tuesday. Geo. II. Brown, of tuo Central hotel, who has been sick for several days, wc are glad to stato Is improving In health. Daniel Morris has almost recovered from tho Injury of his two ribs. Ho was In town on Tuesday. J. II. Maize has laid a new floor In the store-room occupied by F. 1'. Blllmeycr as a grocery. A game of base ball will bo played at Benton on Saturday, October 27th, between a nlno from Bcuton and one from Lnportc. Imported olive-wood pen holders and pencils, very pretty nnd very cheap, at the Columhian store. Tho employees of this ofllco return thanks to Mrs. M. F. Eycrly for a liberal supply of wedding cake. Tho Strohl Family will appear in tho Opera House on next Tuesday evening. Sco advertisement in another column. Mr. McClelian Kllngcr, while hunting for squirrels at tho North Mountain last week, shot and killed a bear that weighed 180 pounds dressed. II. A. Sweppenhciser is building on tho Isaac Hess farm in Centre township In stead of the Strauss farm in Milliln as wo announced last week. Ii. Bernliard keeps In stock the best pla ted ware in knives, forks, spoons, casters &c. Articles engraved free of charge, good plated tea spoons nt $1.25. The Columbia county Agricultural So ciety has made their final payment and have secured a deed for tho land. Tlicy now propose to buy additional ground, and make other improvements. A protracted meeting is in progress in the Evangelical Church. The pastor Is as slstcd by several cmmlnent ministers from abroad. Presiding Elder Raldabaugh will hold communion services next Sabbath. Wc havo mado arrangements for a regu lar correspondence from Centralia, and hope wc shall bo ablo hereafter to give our readers in that section some space each week, devoted to their local affairs. Last Saturday evening J. Ij. Girton gave a supper to n number of his friends, tho oc casion being his birthday. Those who were present speak very highly of tho good things set before them. Foil Sale. A property in Hoarlngcreek township, consisting of a dwelling house, barn, mill with four run of stone, nnd about 28 acres of Improved land. Inquire of John Mourcy, llloomsburg, Pa. tf M. C. Andreas, proposes moving his MiJJlimiUc Record to some neighboring county. He does not say what county, nor when hu will move. But when he does move he will enlarge his paper to seven columns. Saturday, November 18th Is the four hundredth anniversary of the hirtli of Mar tin Luther. Appropriate services on that day and the Su mlay following will bo held by Lutheran congregations all over the world. Charles Krug has a number of workmen at Mt. Carmel putting up new buildings. Mt. Carmel is growlug very rapidly. Tliey have Just Introduced the electric light. Water will soon bo brought to tlio town from tho largo reservoir abovo Centralia. flext Tuesday evening the Strohl family consisting of father, mother, and eight children, will give a concert In tho Opera House. Thoy aro gifted with rare music al talent. Wherever thoy havo held con certs tho press speaks very flatteringly of them. Tho Bloomsburg Agricultural and Iron Works havo been organized by tho election of John A. Funston as President, C. W. Funston, secretary, II. II. Grotz, treasurer, John Wolf, superintendent. The capital itock Is 25.000. Arrangements are now being mado for tho necessary machinery, and tho works will bo out In operation us soon as possible. iiinmtnlaneiiccs of Southern Army Lite" was tho subject of a lecturo given In Berwick Association Hall on Saturday evening last, by Major S. P. Hanly. There was a full attendance and tho lecturo wns listened to with treat interest and attention throughout. Major Hanly told his stc in a charming manner nnti rcccivcu universal congratulations from all that heard him. Mr. Oscar Slovens while preparing to go hunting on Saturday, lust, nnd standing ou the porch of Perry's hotel, Central, Colum bia county, leaning on his gun It slipped and the hammer striking tho outer edge of tho porch caused the gun to bo discharged, tho contents entering tho lower part of the stomach and coming out at tho left breast At present writing there is hopo of Ids ro covery. H. W, Patrick, tho oldest member of tho Harln Bradlord county, died nt his rest. (Iciicu hi Towatida, on tho Will Inst, lln studied law under Judgo Elwell nnd was admitted to practice In 1833. Ho was an ablo lawyer and an enterprising citizen. For moro than forty years ills extensive business required his annual nlteiidnnro upon tho sitting of tho Supremo iCourt. Wcwcro shown a very beautiful cold watch by Mr. Win. It. Cox of Greenwood on Thursday last. Ho had just received It by express from his son W. W. Cox of Sioux Fulls. I). T. Tho watcli Is ntniii winding and settlmr and Is nrobnblv as amnll a wntch as Is mado of Its kind. It was for n present to his sister Ida. Mr. h. P. Osmnil. of Catawissa wlm linn been sick with typhoid pneumonia for tho past month died nt his residence on Mon- nomine. Ho was about llilrtv.twn years of nge and wns born near Honrlng- ere ick. Almost llirco venrs noo ho licimn tho drui: business InOntawUau. T.!itnrini ho sold n half Interest In his establishment to l)r C. C. Wllllts. At tho tlmo of Mr. Oil man's death tho business was conducted In tho firm namo of Osinan & Wllllts. Tho number of years required by a mcdl- cal stuilcnt to nltend lectures nt some med ical Institution in order to obtain tho do grce of M. 1). Is less In tho United States than any other country. Tho following Is lio number of years required In each country : Iu Sweden, ten ; Norway, eight j Denmark, seven ; Belgium. Holland, aiy and bwltzcrland. six i Iluss a. Portu. gal, Austria and Hungary, live France, iiiginnu anu Canada, four ; United States, i'o ortlirco ; Spain, two, Tho Danvlllo nail works which Is now In full operation employ one hundred nnd twcnty-llvc men and boys, and work until half past nine eycry day to All their orders. The product of this mill per year Is about 00,000 kegs of, cut nails and spikes. The orks are owned by a stock comimnv. or- ganlzed In December, 1882. There Is nil excellent opportunity In Bloomsburg for a similar organization. Milton but recently organized a company, and wo now read of one starting In Lock llaveu. A visit to Centralia this week showed us that that thriving village has greatly im- iroved since our last trip thcro two years ago. Many new buildings havo been erect cd, nnd business of nil kinds appears to bo active. AinotiK a few of tho tlilmra that Ccntralin needs are sidewalks and cross ings. An occasional street lamp would liclp to dispel the kIooiii that settles down upon it after the lamns in the stores nro ex. tlnguishcd. With its rapidly growing pop. illation, these things will probably bo nro- vldcd iu a short time. In Clearlleld the public and private buildings are heated from ono set of holl ers, operated by a steam heating company. Uno of the papers speaking of the success of tho heating says i We have been warm ed up for two Weeks, and are obliged to keep our doors and windows open as wo did on the 4th of July. Slmllnr licatli"j apparatus Is being put in at Bcllcfonte. The system is that introduced by Dr. Bishop- of Lockport, N. V. who recently interviewed the city councils of Philadel phia in regard to heating that city by steam. Hunting hair pins is tho newest diversion of the boys In Pittsburg. The Commercial Gazette says : "Last winter it got to be quite the thing for a fellow to coax his young lady friends to give him hair pins, but now the craze is to get them without the girl's knowing what you are about. If you can steal the pin out of her hair, that's the way to do it. If you can pick up ono that has fallen fromjher head that's a deal better. Some fellows have followed a girl for squares, just because a hair pin looked as though It meant to drop soon. What do they do with them',? Put them into an nl- bum. They get scrap books, and push the pins through like needles. Then the girl's name, stylo of beauty, and estimated ago aro written below. iVu attempt was mado on Sunday night to rob the sale in the Treasurer's olllce at Sunbury. The robbers effected an entrance by cutting through the brick wall. They then forced open tho iron shutters leading 10 ine oacu yam, lo aitoul lliem mi easy way of escape if observed. Tho iron door of the safe was drilled, but It is supposed tho thieves were frightened away as they did not succeed in getting the door open. A man by tho namo of Cook was arrested on Monday for stealing potatoes. Ho also stole somo tools from tho New Hotel In course of erection. Whether ho is one who attempted the safe robbery is not yet fully inown. Sunbury has been disturbed with burglaries of stores and dwellings for sey. oral weeks past. On Wednesday evening Henry C. Ever ctt, of Oraugcviltc, left Bloomsburg about eight o'clock with a team of colts. When ho reached tho white school houso between Bloomsburg and Light Street, tho colts be. came frightened and ran away. Mr. Ever ett tried to stop them but In vain. He wa thrown from tho wagon and either run ovcr or dragged along as ho was found at tho cross road near tho Light Street road, with his law broken, his one arm terribly man gled and many severe bruises about tho head and body. Several teams passed over his body while lying In the road but he wns unable to attract their attention. Ho was taken to tho houso of James Stevens, where his wounds wcro dressed by Dr. Megargell of Orangevlllc. At this wrltbig he is In critical condition. Centre Notc'H, Some thieves entered the cellar of Sam uel Hagcnlmch taking meat, cream, butter, a meat barrel, etc. This is the second call of this kind Mr, Hagcnbuch 1ms had. On Saturday night whllo Mr. A. C. Crea- sy wns driving to the grange his horse b. enmo frightened and upset tho buggy, throwing the occupants. (A. 0., his wifo and child) out. Dark as It was thcro was nobody hurt. Quito a number of Centre peoplo attend ed tho Washlngtonvlllo Fair, and report a good time. The schools will commence Monday Oct 29th, with n full score of teachers, and t good winter's work Is expected. Tho School Board met Saturday last, among the business transacted wns taking tho now houso ut Llmo Illdgo off the con tractor's hands. Bev. Bodlno preached nn excellent scr mon Muuday Inst ut tho Hldlny church. Quito a number of our sportmcn are kill lug rabbits. Are they not ahead of time ? Key, Houtz will havo meeting for a few evenings commencing Nov. Ut, at Hldlny church, Tho Lord's Supper will be admin Istercd on tho following Sunday, A. Bldlcman of Fowlcrsvlllo has sold his entire stock of goods to Sylvester ICclchncr and will quit tho mercantile business nt that place, Kntiik Now. For a Fall Suit, For a good Overcoat, For Men, Youth's, Boy's and Children Clothing go to David Lowcnbcrg'ti. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. NltCMItllll I.lvHOynt Mitucli Chunk, A republican muss meeting was nntiouiio oil to bo held nt Mauch Chunk nt Wednes day evening of last week. Nilcs nnd Bey the republican candidates were to mako addresses. Wednesday evening came, the speakers arrived nnd no audience cotild bo gathered to hear them. Tho court house wns brilliantly lighted, and "Jonoy" tho Janitor, (who Is n democrat) says ho wait ed a long whtlo for tho grand mass meet ing lo come, but It failed to mako Its ap pearance. Ono of Shakespeare's" playa llio "Merchant of Venice" was represented In the Opera House tho same evening, but It docs seem possible that all the republicans In Mauch Chunk should so neglect their candidates as to attend tho theatre. Mauch Chunk Is largely republican, nnd ls tho home of General Ltllcy, who should have marshalled his forces In a better manner. Can It bo that tho people have forgotten the republican candidates ? (irecnwooil ItctiiH. EniTons ov tub Coldmiiiak. Permit space In your paper for tho Insertion of a brief article In relation to somo rocont oc currences In tho vicinity of tho Krcamor school district. A fow evenings since thcro was a school meeting held at tho Kramer school houso to elect a teacher for tho next term of school. Tho'dircctor In charge presented the names of six applicants three of whom were fo males. It was proposed by one of tho ci tizens present that Miss Coleman of Orange bo selected to teach the school as alio had taught tho summer term successfully nnd satisfactorily. But it was thought by somo present that n maleltcachcr would bo better In somo respects, consequently one was se lected nnd because tho selection did not suit a certain citizen of the district ho is disappointed, dissatisfied nnd wonderfully worried about It. But as the rest of tho citizens of this locality nro quiet and ng grccable to associate and deal with, such persons enn not very much disturb tho peace nor stop the progress of tho commu nity. I would say to him nnd all of llko inclinations and disposition reform your ways as citizens that you may bo looked upon witli deserved respect and favor. Tho new roadleading up tho hollow from Philip ApplemSn's to Thomas Coleman's that was opened last fall Is not a passible road, time Is, it can not be traveled both ways at tho same ti no because there aro no passing places and tho supervisor should see that It shall bo entirely completed beforo It bo taken off of the contractor's hands. All the taxpaylng citizens of tho township arc interested in this matter and should feel concerned iu tho completion of the road before tho money they havo paid In way of tuxes Is unjustly appropriated. A Citizejj. HplKClmcycr ICycrly. The marriage of Mr. Charles D. Spigcl- meycr, of Jlllllinburg, Union county, anu Miss Minnie A. only daughter of Michael F. Eycrly, Esq., took place at the residence of the bride's parents on Market street, on Wednesday, October 21th, nt ono o'clock, Bev. F. P. Manhart ofllciating, assisted by Prof. Waller. About one hundred guests were present. At tho appointed hour the bridal procession entered the sitting room in the following order : Miss Albright of Lan caster, and Mr. George Pooler of Berwick, Miss Hattic Bldlcman of Bloomsburg and Mr. E. K. Adams of Berwick, after whom came tho bride and groom, and took their place under a festoon of evergreen whllo Prof. Niles played tho wedding march. iVfter the ceremony tho guests wcro pre- sented to Mr. nnd Mrs. Splgclmcycr by II. V. White Esq. D. Bowers and G. P. Bingler ushers, and then refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Eyerly's well known ho3pitulity renders it unnecessary to say anything of the quality and abundance of good things that wero provided. The table fairly groaned. i lie tiruio was attired m wuito satin trimmed with Duchess point lace, an elabo- rate sash with sprays of oraugc blossoms, and wore a wreath of orange blossoms nn her head. Miss Albright wore a tarlcton trimmed with Irish point lace, nnd Miss Bldlcman wore India Mull with Spanish lace. Tho bridesmaids carried baskets of natural flowers. Tho bride was the recipient of many handsome and elegant presents, embracing silver ware, glass ware, china, table linen, pictures, lace, placqucs, &o" Tho groom's gift was ndlamond ring. Among the persops present from out of town wero tho father, mother and sister of the groom, of Milllin- burg, Hudson Owen and wife, Mrs. lie Murtrio of Berwick. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Pat terson, Mrs. P. F. Eycrly of Danville, Bev. and Mrs. E. Sharretts of Espy, Mrs. Smcck Mrs. Ilayhurst, Miss Pfahlcr, Mf. J. Hclf snvder. of Catawissa. air. anil Jlrs. aplgeimeyer iook wc even ing train on tho N. & W. B. road to Phlla delpbla and Now lork. They will return to Mitllinburgand go to housekeeping. May Joy always attend them I Mifflin IteiiiH. Gathering apples Iu this small job tills year. township is a J. E. Snyder Is spending this week In Phlla. purchasing goods, A. W. returned from a similar trip on Saturday eve as did Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hess. E. Schweppeuhelscr claims to have a Bob't Pattlson. Its a boy anyhow, N. B. Creasy lias been seriously ill for nearly two weeks. M. A. Lutz It is said hud a runaway going homo from singing school. Ho cs. caped serious Injuries. I ho festival In tho new church was a success. The house was crowded. Professor Kuhn of Kingston spent Sun. day with Milton Hess at this place. Mr. C. Waltz of Catawissa and Miss ICato Kikendall of this placo wero married at tho bride's homo on Thursday last. May they llvo long nnd bo happy. llev. Fosselmnu Is holding ono of tho most Interesting protracted meetings eve r held In tiiu Evangelical church at West Milllin. W. II. Hartzel and sisters took n jaunt to Bloomsburg on Monday The public schools will open on Monday next, Did tho correspondent to tho Coi.umiiiak ever say ho paid ids taxes without being nsked for it ? Better look again. 8. E. Snyder, moved to Nescopcck on Thursday. Prof. A. 8. Truckonmlllcr of Cat nwlssa is holding a decidedly Intoreatlug singing school at the Harter school house. Such men as A, S, are a benefit to society. It nppears to bo a lamentable fact that tho Record left Milllin somo time this weeu. Poor Record I "Thy days havo been few and full of sorrow." The history of tho Milllin. villo Jlecord might suggest to us young men when we start out In life that our welfare depends partially upon tho people nnd not tho welfare of tho peoplo upon us. And that nftur all, old people know u thing or two, However wlso "we" are. When wo fay "wo run this." "Wo have plcanty backing." "We" found ourselves getting lit u position to "bust" as he said u fow weeks ago. The farm of U, A. Bowman's heirs was bid lo (53.41 on Tuesday, We nro In , formed that It was not sold. Tin; A. ll. C. OI' OUlt IIUHINUHH. t i ,, ,i., 5 , dinlrnblo Assortment. XBiirgnln for everybody. At David I.' Big Variety, eaiitlful Designs, ottoni Prices. iwen berg's Compare our Stock, onsuler tho Saving, omu right Along. To David Lowcnbcrg's for Clothing. IfccttM Recorded, Tho following deeds have been recorded since those last published i Clinton Mcndcnhnll and wife, ct Isaac N. Tcltsworth, Locust. nl., to William Orange nnd wifo to A. T. Lewis, Catawissa. Nicholas Baker nnd wifo (o Lloyd Baker, Couyngham. O. II. Woodln and wifo to S. L. Mc Bride, Berwick. M. A, Ammcrman, administrator, to Elliott L. Lemon, Fishlngcrcck. Jncob Schuyler nnd wifo to D. J. Wnl- Icr, Bloomsburg. Joseph V. Chr'.stman to Mary E. Christ- man, Bloomsburg. William Bryson to Hcrvcy C. Michael, Centralia. John Poolcy nnd wifo to William F. Purscl, Hemlock. C. F. Mann and wifo to Hcglna Wor- man, Bloomsburg. F. L. Shuman and wife to Martha A. Cool, Catawissa. -Martha A. Cool to Easlc D. Kern, Cata wissa, William Torrey and wife to Patrick Mc Carterty, Centralia. Locust Mountatn C. & I. Co. to John Killccn, Centralia. John Mourcy, sheriff, to John A. Shu- man, Main. A. B. Pennington nnd wife, ct. al., to Zcphaulah Kile, Sugarloaf. John Mourcy, trustee, to Henry Pfahlcr, Catawissa. Jacob S. Evans and wife to B. F. Gard- ner & C. W. Miller, Bloomsburg. B. F. Gardner and wife to Julia Ann Evans, Bloomsburg. Greenwood Cemetery Company to Henry J. Strouse, Catawissa. D. D. S. Kostcnbaudcr to Henry J, Strouse, Cntawlssn. Samuel E. Smith and wife to R. W. Cope, Brlarcrcek. D. Thompson and wife to J. B. Fenstcr- macher, Berwick. Daniel H. Karns and wife to C. B. My ers, Ucnton. Shadrach Eves and wife to Ellsha Hay. man, Tine. J. W. Evans, assignee to J. S. MeMurtrle, Berwick. J. W. Evans ct al to Lucy A. Hampton, Berwick. J. W. Evans, ct al to William Dennis, Berwick, J. W. Dewalt and wifo to Thomas Swartz, Pine. A. J. Evans, executor, to A. L. Fritz, Bloomsburg. Emily Kline to Hiram C. Eves. Orange. Hiram C. Eves and wifo to Selicia Bidlc man, Orange. Samuel Ncyhard, admr. to Walter Cain- Centre. Michael M. Hartzel and wifo to Daniel W. Holly, Berwick. Mnliza Hunyan to Thomas E. Harder, Catawissa. W. C. Barns and wife to W. F. Bough, Catawissa. Patrick Murphy to Ellen Cain, Centralia. Samuel Knorr and wife, ct al to Demiiia It. Stlner Bloomsburg. A larce variety of Celluloid Collaiis &. Cuffs at David Lowcnbergs. Pioneer Life. "Bomanco and Tragedy of Pioneer Life" is the latest and. uniiuestionably, the best contribution yet made to this depart ment of history. Tho reader finds it won derfully absorbing from tho first chnpicr'to tho last, nnd then there Is a powerful im pulse to go back and read it again. The trials and successes of tlio curly settlers ; their wars and treaties with tho Indians j captures, escapes, und almost miraculous recoveries of women and children j great conspiracies, which only lacked success to chango the history of the world nnd turn backward for a whole century the courso of civilization upon these shores; romance, sentiment, toil, tribulation, and glgunlic achievement of a class of brave and hardy men and women, of whom their descen dants can not learn enough, will probably never And a moro complete nnd attractive record than is supplied In the work under discussion. It is nervously, yet conscientiously writ ten. The narrative Is In tho dramatic style, with ft thoroughly appreciable pre dominance of that peculiar metaphor which always declares the writer a patient student of the classics. Had not Homer tuned his lofty lyre, observed Cicero, the valor of Achilles had remained unsung. Tho vnlor of our pioneers was never sur passed, aud, with another Homer to cclc brato their achievements, the grandest epic in all literature would enrnpturo our nge. Tho sub-setting of thrilling iucident in this book, liair-breadth escapes, mm a thousand eventualities, even more remark able than those of fiction, garnish every chapter, and ndd such restful variety as relieves aud inspirits tlio mind, whllo they pour Into it tho very cream of historic lore. It must interest every reader, but for the young nnd mlddlc-nged American, of cither sex, tlio fascination of Its pages Is irresistible, and their story should bo known to every ono who cares to know upon what strnnco and soul-thrilling events tho fabric ot our Western Emplro is erected. It tells this story, and baptizes its subject in tho everlasting fame which belongs to civilized liberty In every portion of tho heritage of God, Iu this commendation It would be unfair to author uud publishers to overlook tlio stylo In which tho book is produced Its beautiful typo and heavy, toned papor creat variety and artistic excellence of II- lustration ; neat and substantial binding nnd tho score of minor details which con spire to make n volume worthy of n place upon every center table nnd In every 11. brary. The publishers, Messrs. Jones Brothers nnd Co,, of Cincinnati, nro well known ns publishers of many of tho best books sold In tho past fifteen years. Tho Bomanco and Tragedy of Pioneer Life, A popular account ot the heroes und udventurcrs who, by their vulor and war-craft, beat back tho savages from the borders of civilization, und gavo tho Amcr. lean forests to the plow and the sickle, &c, Itoyol Octavo, 1000 pp., 100 illustrations, by A. L. Mason, A. M., with an Introduc. Hon by John Clark Illdpatli, LL. D. Jones Brothers & Co., Publishers, Cincinnati Chicago, St. Louis and Dallas, Texas. Sold by subscription only. A full Uno ot pocket books and purses for ladles or gentlemen just opened ut tho Coi.uuniAK store. Mary, only daughter of J. W. Chamber. lln of Plymouth, formerly of this town (lied on Thursday ot last week and wus buried on Saturday, Her ugo was nbout 10 years, Quito a number of relatives and friends from hero attended tho funeral. Paper bag, nil sizes, sipinto and Michel bottom, nt tho Coi.minlAN store. LOCAL NOTICES, Wc still havo Columbia Cheviot 8hlrthig nl 8 rents nnd tho best standard nnd slvles of prints at 0 cents and just us good ut ft lint patterns not unite so late. A irooil full ynril bleached muslin Scents. AppIeton"A" brown 7 by tho piece nnd lino unbleached musnn nt o nmi 7 anil up. sun moro or that 35 cent twilled led llanncl. The nbovo goods nro not baits, you can get ns much or ns little ns you want, nnd other goods wo havo ns low In proportion. Prices guar anteed tho lowest. The largest nssoitinent of dress silks In black nnd colors and nt lower prices. Black nnd colored cashmeres, a largo lino not to bo undersold. You will find the largest nnd greatest variety of no tions, ladles' coats, shawls, blankets, en tlrely too mnny things to enumerate. Call and sco for yourselves. CI.AI1K Ns SON. I. W. Hartman & Son's offer This week nnd part of next will be i Cheap blankets, Cheap shawls, Cheap cloth, Cheap wool hose, Cheap underwear, Calico, 4, 0, 8, 1) and 10 cents. Boys' goods, for shirts. Ladles' misses' nnd children's shoes. Hats for men nnd boys, nt cost. Bargains In goods always. Notick To my old and new customers. Having been out of the mercantile bust, ncss ovcr two ycnr9 I have decided to fill up my store again and have just returned from tho city with a full stock of new goods bought at the lowest wholesale prices, and 1 am prepared to sell them as cheap us thoy can bo sold anywhere In this part of tho country. Call and exam ine my stock and sec prices. Ilomt. McHesuv. Benton, October lGth, 1883. 19.4w Everybody admires tho beautiful ranges manufactured In all styles, ut Sliuipless' foundry. They havu all the modern Ira. provemouts, aro llrst-class nnd ns good in all respects ns they cau possibly be made. oct l!0.4w 30 different styles of pen or pencil tablets at the Columbian store. Cheap underwear at J. B. Skccr's. 75.000 envelopes, nil sizes nnd colors, whotesalo and retail, at the Columhian store. Lutz & Sloan have underwear for ladies, gents or children, very cheap. Clicup queensware at J. B. Skcer's. 20 different styles of wedding invitations at the Columhian store. Lutz & Sloan received moro black silks, cashmeres and other dress goods this week. A new lot of tine boxed papers just re ceived nt the Coldmiiiak store. That heavy cream damask, aud wedding plates is the finest writing paper wo havo ever shown. Only 40 cents a box, with envelopes. Butterick Fashion Sheets for November at Clark & Son'. For good cheap man's. furniture, go to Cud- Bcmcmber that Lutz & Sloan have ' a largo stock of ladies' coats and Dolmans that must be sold soon. Look at the now shades of writing paper in our show windows. Sold by tho sheet or ipilre, at tho Columwas store. This is to certify that L. E. Whury is the sole authorized agent for Bloomsburg, for the Heading Stove Works, of Orr, Painter & Co., uud is tho only dealer that can give a guarantee on our work on stoves, heat ers or furnaces. Sep23 tf OBB, 1'AINTEB & CO. You can get tho Waterloo aud other good makes of single and double shawls, at Lutz & Sloan's. Wool und cotton chain ut C. C. Murr's. Pictures, frames, window cornices, nt Cadman's. Thermometers, from 25 cents to s3.G0 at the Cclumuian store. tf You can ect best quality Saxony for 121 cents per ounce, best Germantown wool for 10 cents, and a full line of stockinir urns, cheap, nt Lutz & Sloan's, 0999 0999 0999: 0999, 0999 spring chickens, old liens, geese and ducks, good live calves, lbs. raspberries. " pitted cherries, All! le above wanted at Lltrht Street, hv Silas Young, August il um Tuesday Evening, Octobsr IL Opera House. STROHL FAMILY. THE MUSICAL WONDERS OF THE TIMES. CONSISTING OF 1 ATIIEk, mother and eight CHILDREN. Fivo Daughtero and throo Sans. Challenging the World Monnu so many memuers ot 1 10 same lainlly wliero moro musical talent Is con ccntrntcd. Tho performances consists of Solos. Duetts, Quartettes. Pull Cornet Baud. 1111. rivalled urcuesira, llumoroin Soncs Glees, &c. An especial feature Is tho play lug of two cornets nt the samo time, by 11 in. 14. miuiii, itiso piaymg u -i-stop organ with the mouth by the family. pipe Popular prices CO, 31, & 25 cents. Beserved seats. CO cents, sold at DmiiWa aiore. Admission for children, 'i' cents. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OP VALUABLE Kcail Estutc ! Jijrvlrtuo of an ordoroULo Orphans' Court of Columbia county, the Unaerstsrned executor ot (ieoivo Oman, lato ot tlio towaslilp ot Scott, In tho county or coiumuM, deceased, will expo to pub im saie upon iuo preauses on SATURDAY, HOVEMBKIt 21th, 1883. At 10 O'ciock in tuo forenoon, tho follow tnir valu&. Wo real estate fcltuate In Mt. Pleasant township In said county, bounded and described as follows, to. witi beaiunlnst at a white oak a corner of Oeorgo Vance's land, tuenco by land ot John Kllno bouth 33 uvgrees west go pcrche.itoapost, tliciico bouth do uegreej cast 07 perches to a white oak down. thenco south 35 degrees west 81 perches to btones, tuenco uy lands now or laloot Michael llowcr souiu 43 degrees eat Ul and 4d0 perches to stones, thence wuth 51 degrees east 131 perches to stones, thooce north llvu degrees west flfty.four perchep, tnonco nnruiso aegieeseastlio perches, thenoo north S' degreed wtet 60 perches, thenco north 15 degrees west 188 and 810 perches to the coiner ot fleorgo Vance's tana, theuco by the samo west I'M ri-rvm'a 10 me place or ueginning, containing 170 AJKES, more or Iosjv on which aro orected A. House, Barn anil necessary out buildings. TKltMS 01 HALE. Ten per cent, 61 ono-fotuth 01 mo purcnaso money shall bo paid at tho strlk. ing aown ot mo property, one-fourth If . tho te per com, at the continuation absolute and tho ro. inatntng three-fourths In ono year from contlrma. vion mat with intorcst from that date. HKNUV V, OMAN, eeiM L'Kocutor. tt Ct C A month anJ uoiiuior 3 llvo young rf.Jf . "n,n orladle-i, in each county. AdJrwu I . miLKlt X CO., l'hlladflihlu, I'u. October iimw ' 'a II T TI CC-'hetles, il designs), Some. 3r . , -"t'lug ki1 uullcHl ou receipt W eeiiu Iu btuinpi. lIKUt-NI! CO. 1', O. Ilox I W7, N. . October 19-tw d It IckM-Croop. On Wi'diieml.iy, of last week Mr. .1, I. M. 1 licks of Bloomsburg was wedded lo Miss Suo V. ( roop, eldest daughter of A, 1). Croop, of Brlarcrcek. Tho ceremony was performed by Bey. .1. O. Woodruff, of Wllkcs-Burrc, There were upwards of onu hundred and fifty Invited guests, who wero well ncconunodnted and much pleased with tho nhiindnnt repast furnished by tho bride's parents. Tho presents wcro numer ous nnd consisted of general articles of use fulness. "BUSINESS NOflCliST IVienmatic Syrup Q Butler, N. Y., April 11, 1882. Gentlemen I wish to acknowledge tho great benefit I received from tho use of your Bhciimattc Syrup. I wns sick for somo time, nnd under the doctor's care, with what ho called tho liver complaint and rheumatism In my back nnd Shoulders. Could find nothing to relieve mo until I commenced taking Bhciimatlc Syrun. Af ter taking one bottlo I could feel a decided improvement. I continued its uso ft short time and It cured inc. 1 most cheerfully recommend It to any allllctcd In llko man ner. Mrs. V. II. Hoe. WANT OP FAITH. If C. A. Klclni, tho Druggist, docs not succeed It is not for tho want of faith. Ho has such faith Iu Dr. Bosauko's Cough and Luna svrun as a remedy forCouirhs. Colds. Consumntioii. aud Luiil' Affections, that ho gives u bottlo free to cat h and every ono who is 111 need 01 n medicine ot tins Kind. July 13.cow CELKnitATKt) WlitB lMtODL'OT OF NEW JKIMBY Tho best wine In the country, that receiv ed the highest premium nt the Centennial, Is Spoor's Port Grape Wine which has be come a celebrated product of Now Jersey. This vine nnd his P. J. Brandy aro used by physicians everywhere, who rely upon them ns the purest to bo had. It Is unsurpassed for weakly females, and old peoplo. For sale by C. A. Klclm, Bloomsburg, Pa. boo a woman In another column, near bpecr's Vineyard, picking grapes from M.hl.l, 3nn..ra D.trt fir.,.,.. Wl.w. la mln 1...... u l lm b uiitjib .iiiiu ta t.iativ; that Is so highly esteemed by tho. medical profession, for the uso of invalids, weakly persons anil 111c ugcd. Sold by C. A. Ivlelm, Bloomsburg. sept 2'My (Telegram from Gov. Hoyt.) HAiiitisnmto Pa., May 29, 1882. To Druggist Phelps, Scranton, Pu.i Please send me by express two bottles of your Bhciimatlc Elixir. Hknuv M. Hott, Governor of Pennsylvania. For sale at Hcndcrsliott's Pharmacy, Bloomsburg, Pa. Furmlncton, 111. Dr. M. T. Gamblcsays; 1 prescribe nrown's iron Hitters in my practice and it gives satisfaction." convincino. The pioof of the pudding is not in chew Ine the strine, but in havinc nn onuortunl- ty to test 1110 urticie direct, u. A. lilelin. 10 Drueclst. has a free trial bottle of Dr. Bosauko's Couch and Luntr Svrun for each ami every one who is mulcted wun uougus, i oius, Astiima, consumption or any i.ung collection. jiuyu.eow "A UKLKllllATF.I) UA8C." It seems probable thatMr. Michael O'Con nor, of Galesburg, III., Is not related to the celebrated Charles O'Connor. Ho savs Samaritan iVmine cured mo of dyspepsia anu generaiy ueuiuty." OAUSK AND EFFECT. At times symptoms of indigestion arc present, uneasiness ot the stomach, ivc, a moisture llko perspiration, producing itch ing ut nignt, or when one is warm, cause tho Piles. Tho effect is immediate relief upon the application of Dr. Basanko's Pile itemeiiy, wliicli costs you but 0U cents and Is sold by O. A. Klclm. July 13-cow Ladies nnd nil sufferers from neuralgia, hysteria, and all kindred comiiltilnts. will iiuu without n rival lirowit's iron Hitters. NO OltKASK 101! HIM. hen Greece her knees Gtecee her knees Grecco her knees." stammered an LMiibarassed school.bov. fonrettimr the next uno 01 111s rcctiauon. "i nereis no occa sion to greaso anybody's knees," shouted 1110 teacher, "uo and study your piece.' tenner is mere occusion 10 greaso your iiuir. rarKers iiair isaisam is all 1 10 dressing you want. Bcstores tho original gloss and color to gray or fad- .'ii nair. i-iocs not sou tuc linen ; not a lye : good for the scalp ; prevents fulling: UIH. uuuur, wnuuiMiNU uuuuii una even Asthma iminfdiateu relieved hv's hnglislt llcniedy. bold under guarantee uyj. 11. ivinporis, druggist. UVKIIVIIODY KNOWS It. When you have the Itch. Salt Bheum. Gulls, or buln Krupttons of any kind, uud the Piles, that you know without beiiur told of it. C. A. Ivlelm. the ilniirulst. wl sell you Dr. Bosauko's l'ilo llemcdy for 00 cents, which aiiorus immediate relict, and is a sure cure for either of tho above diseas es. July 0-eow Thoiich numerous cuuses mav onorute to turn iiiu nair gray, nil mat is needed to ro- storo tho natural color is Hull's Vegetable Sillciunllalr Bcnewcr. For moro than twenty years Us snlen have been enormous. hut welhavo yet to learn of Its llrst liailure. Tho Phclii's Rheumatic Kllxlr for melius always uctcd liku u charm. I think this fall it cut short a severe attack of Bheuma usm. i can enuorse mo remedy either us 11 preventive or cure. ours Truly, AlltS. U. W. l'ALMKlt, Glenburii. I'a (Notb. Mrs. G. W. Palmer is the moth. crof Hon. Iloiiry V. Palmer, of Wilkes liarrc, l'a., ex-btate Attorne' 1'enna. ) For sale at llendershott's Pharmacy. iiiwuutsuurg, i il, m 1 11 . " 1 UU-V T TOK , WEIiTj " Tho stomach Is out of order ; neglected, this means chronic uyspepsia. iou should take Acker's Dys pepsia Tablets nnd avoid H1I3 terrible ills- eusc. soul uy J. 11, lvlunorls. druirulst. OAUKS OF MFE. As wo como to them thev aro received. borne with, nnd passed over with no more tliuu u thought, If wu uro in tho ciilovment ui iieaiiu, urn 11 8111100111: wun riles or sklu dlsenso of uny kind they niairnifv a l......lHn.l fl.l r , I-,-!.-. ," . iiuiuiiuu luiu, u. iv, iviciiu, iiiu uruggisi, has Dr. Bosauko's Pile Bemcdy which Is an nbsoluto cure for any nll'ectlon of tho kind aim is sum ior oucenis. juiy lu-eow OAUSK OF I'AIHIIIK. Want of confidence uccouuts for half of tho business failures of to-day. C. A. Klclm, the Druggist, Is not liable to fall for mo want 01 commence in ur. JSojar.ko's Cough and I.ung Byrtip, for he gives away 11 bottlo free to nil who are siilteriug with Cough, Colds, Asthma, Consumption nud all directions ot tlio t hroat and liungs. July 0-eow LADIK3 SHOULD llllMBMBKIt, a beautl. nun complexion results ironi using Acker's Blood Kllxlr. Sold by J. II. Klnpoits, lllllgm?!, UV ANDliKW Ill'SMONIl'ri 1'lUISKS. Deau Silt I lay on mv side for four lone months without any relief unt'l I commen ced taking Phelp's Bheumatio Kllxlr, It is tuo uest medlcliiu I ever used. To-day is tho best day I havo seen Iu twelve months. 1 tiianu you anil God Alml nun to no onu oiso ior my relict. 1 havo lived und ilonu publiu bushiest in Geneva. for the lust twenty years, therefore nave many uciiuuintances that call around and see mo daily and to ask about Phelp's Kllxlr tor thcmsvlvus or for somo of their friends. I prulso it highly. You do the talking and sign my naiiio as my tongue uuuiu uui iiu 11 justice. Aniiubw Dksmunii, Grocer. Geneva, April 10, 1883. For sale at llendershott's Pliurmacy, JIIJUIUBWIII, III. Fort btevenson, Dakota Tor, Bov, James McCnrty says : "Brown's Iron Bit ters cured me ut severe dyspepsia." j A DMINIVTRATOB'S NOTICK, ESTATE OF Sl'SANNAlI K. HAWK, LATli OF MAIN j TOWNbllll' IIECKAHUI), Letter of administration Iu tlio estate ot Kus- annau l. llawk lulo ot Main township, Columbia j eouiuy i'a., dx'oasw, Mate been grauted by tho I luniMu ui nam euuiiiyiuu, a. Miuuum, Ail'UlMls trulor. All permns having claims uirulnsl said estate an) reUOled to pument thuin for seltlo incut uud tliiho indebted to tho s.11110 to make liayuiciittoiliounderslguol administrator with- UUb uuiay. J. A. hllDM AN. Kept, iilst Adudnlstrator. Rheumatic SYRUP, The Greatest Blood Purifier Known! Rheumatism Cured. Scrofula Cured, TOUT 11YRON, V. V., Kid). SO, '84. Ilhmnwtto Hvnljt cu.t 1 had Mt n doclerlnir for threo Itocim.nmt. N. V.. Anr. oth. '8.1. flRNTH 1 haTO lxrn a rrro.1t surferer from ItlioiuniUlnin lor six 1'Parn, and lieurliiKot tho stu'cos !nrfour)Mrs,Nltli oi iiiiriiinauc Nvnip I ennciuiim lo giro It a trltl In lav own cu.hp, arm I cliwrfnlly rniyllintl luvu Im-cii (frefttly bonentttrl liy Its Use. Biuinn, lur w nu iiin, im khmu ujui cd It, hut found nn lellof Until I roinmcmxn mKinir After tklntr It ft i uiui warn wuu rniiru irniiutn from nnln. and mvircncrrti health my Kiirpn-w, 11. iH'fftin ui ut-ip iuu ConltnulDff Its tlio ft few wecfcH, 1 found myself oh well ns ever. As a Mnod purlllcr, 1 think It has no ciiinL JlltS. WILLIAM 8T11ANO. U very much Improved. It li a splendid remedy for the blood ami dcbllltnUHl awti-m, E. Ul I'AUK, .M. J). UanttfUrtnrraint MEU.r.TIC 8V1WI' (0. B. MBim, DEALER IN FFigm audi Moment ia WINES AND AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. MARKETREP0RTS. BLOO.MSBUUO MA1UCET. Wheat per bushel M.07 Uvo " TO Corn, " k, .ra Oats " " 35 v our ner barrel .n.... s.50 Cloversocd , lutlor j- 25 KZIH 21 Tallow , ,, .oh rotatoes 40 nnea Apples .c Hams .1 11 sides Shoulders 11 Chickens 11 Turkeys :,i H i.uru per pouuu ,i Hay per ton . ,1310 iieeiwaie .... 25 Buckwheat dower per ino , 151 ORPHANS' COURT SALE OP VALUAllLK Ileal 13silc! In pursuance ot nn order of tho Orphans' Cturt ot Columbia county, Pennsylvania, tho under signed administrator ot Anna WolUver, late of Madison township In said county, deceased, will sell at public salo oa the prcmlte.3 on WEDNKSDAY, OCTOBEK 31st, 18S3. At ono o'clock, p. m., tho following tracts pt valuable real estate, viz : Thoilrst thereof sltuato In Madison township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows : linaiN'N'INO at a post on the bank ot Fishing creek and running thenco south thirty and a half degrees west ono hundred nnd ittty and eight-tenth perches to tho bank of )e. inott's creek, thenco down tho somo by Its several courses ono hundred and sixty-four and eliht. tenth perches to a post ono nnd nlno-tcnth per ches from a beech tree on tho bank of Fishing creek aforesaid, thenco up tho samo by Its several courses two hundred and eighty and five-tenth perches to tho post, the placo 1 ot beginning, con taining strict measure. The hecond thereof bltuate In Madison township. Columbia county Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows: 11EOINNIXO at a' chestnut oak adjoining lands ot Jacob llemott and John Hcndershott, and running thenco south by lands of Hcndcrshott and others sixty and one-halt de grees east two hundred and nlno perches to a hemlock and lands of Krastus Hendershot and l'htllp Miller, thenco north twenty-nlno and one half degrees east fourteen and boven-tenth per ches to a post, thenco south sixty and ono halt de grees east sevcnty-tlvo perches to a hemlock, thenco .north twenty-eight nnd one half degrees east ten perches (crossing tho creek) to a po-t, thenco up the creek by various courses and distan ces, being nortli, threo hundred and foitr-ono and four-tenths perclicK to a post on the bank of' creek, thenco south by land ot Jacob Demott twelvo degrees west sixty perches and two-tenths to the chestnut 0.1k tho placo of beginning, con tulnlug S1 AISES and 111 ty-four porches strict measure. Tho llrst abovo mentioned tract of land Is the homestead farm of tho said decedent situate near LycrUrovc, about olghty-avo acre or which U cleared and In a good stato ot cultivation, Is con venient to churches, schools, mills and market. It has a two Htory rrame dwelling house, with kitchen and out buildings, nnd well ot good wator nt the door, a good fraino barn and stable, with wagon sued, corn enn and other convenient build lngs, with good well of water In tho barn ; It has a story and a half tenant HOUSE, AND BARN therewith! with fruit trees, Ac, and all in good condition. Tho part In wood has a great deal of good and valuable timber. Tho second above mentioned tract of land Is all wood land, containing a largo iprantlty ot gcod nnd valuablo timber ot diUcrcut kinds plno, honv lock, oak, poplar, Ac. ; It adjoins the llrst pleco nnd U alike near to market aud other advantages! It Is nearly all level bottom land. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of the one fourth or tho purchase money to bo paid at tho striking down ot tho property; tho ono-lourth less the ten per cent, at ths counrmatloa ot sale; and tha remaining thres-fourthi In ono year there after, with interest from connrmatlon iilsl. Purchaser to pay for tho dctd. Possession wilt bo given on the first day of April ISM, upon thu purchase money being properly be. cured. WILLIAM KUAMl'It. Administrator. Octs ts Uloomsburg, I'a. TIIK MUU0UVNT TAILOIt, AND llliM.KIt IN' Gents' Furnishing Goods OF l'VUltY DIX'ItllTIOS, 5 II Ilnvitii! uiry recently oiiuni'il n new Merchant Tiiilonn;' :inil lieiitH Pur. iiiHliinir Cioods Store, in KNOIMI it WINTEUSTKES'S im.U.Miir. on Main street, whuro I um pivpatvil to mako to oiilcr, nt slioit u-itiec, llrst cl iss sultK of ololhiui nlwivH In tho latest stvles nnd prices reusoiuilile Fits guaranteed, Having It'iu-ueti how to cut garments tq suit customers, mid also wlint kind ol inntcvinl will give) satisfaction, I would nsk you to plense call and oxuiniuu tlio BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS Kver shown, in Cjluinb'm county, Boforo Purchasing Elsowhoro. Cornt'i' M iiu & Mnrktt Sis. Aprlt 13-lyr. Neuralgia Cured, KillirORT, N. V MArcll it, 'St. HhfUtntiUc Sttnifl Co. t (isNTS-KlncoNovrmWr, IfW, I luno birn n constant suflrrer from neuralgia nnd lmo not known what It wiw to ho free from pain until I commenced tiin uwof Kheumattc Hyrup. 1 havo felt no pain Mnoo uslnK tlio fourth bottle. I think It Is tho Ixnt rem edy I nae ever hoard of for purl fylnif thn Wood and for I ho euro of rheumatism nnd ncurnlirla. W. II. C1IA9B. different pliy- tin. short time, to your nym CO., 1 rivmimlh Ave.,- lloLlirKer, y, r. LIQUORS, (Cmtfnttff rom Jaf utile.) ' " How Watch Cases aro Made. A plato of solid oold 14 Z-i0 karats fine is soldered on each sldo of a plato of ban! nickel composition melal, and tho threo aro tlten passed between polished steel rollers. From this plato tho various part3 of tho cases backs, centers, bezcls(etc aro cut and shaped by dies and formers. Tho gold is thick, enough to admit of all kinds of 'chasing, engraving, nnd engine turning. Tho composition metal gives it needed itrcngth, ttijncsa and solidity, whllo the written guarantee of the manufacturers uarranti'113 each case to wear ttrenfy years proves that it contains all tlio gold that can possibly bo needed. This guarantee is given from actual results, as many of tlicso cases have been worn perfectly smooth by years of uso without wearing through tho gold. Dr-ntjqtn:. I-, Dec is. I havo used one ot your Jamoa Bom' Gold Watch Cason ror seventeen years. I bought it second-hand tad Vnow or Its havinir been used bcroro 1 sot it, but do not know Uav lonif. It loois pood rot ten years longer. Wd not suspect It was a fillod case until so inrormed by a Jeweler a short time since. I mot chcerrully recommend S'our casts to be all they are represented to be, and more O. McCiumy, Dtp. bl. 1't. I"- Sai S rl lira to Xtjitoi lTtth Cu FtrtoriM, rkllt SilpUl, I'm fupklet baU ba Iuh Dom' anil kfj.loB Wilt h Caavv art Made H le Continued.) SANITARIUM. Pairview Elsclropalliic Institute, mnghamton; n. y. Tho house Is specially fitted up for tho comfort of invalids u J desire a pleasant and Chrbttlan home, stands on high ground with plenty of shade Personal attention given to every patient. Hcctrlclty and tl.dvaulsm In their different modl tlcatlons n speciality. Prof. Xlllls has gtvon many years of study nnd practlco to tills branch, nnd hundreds will testify to his skill. send for circular, mating what paper you saw this in. 1'ItOF. IIKNUY ' jllLLM. Mrs. ALICE FltKNCII MILLS. Lock llox 87. lllnghamton, N. V. sept. T'cSiy, CURES WHERE Alt ELSE lAllS. TtratCnusn Hvrun. THHUseoul. Use In time. Ha.d by druggists. JaD -eatePia - M a I'uHltlvi: Cure tLM I AKMrl A gentleman rrom Orwell. I'a., called my atteutlon to Ely's cream Halm as a reine dj tor catarrh, Hay fever, &c. llo was so earnest In asscrtlug Is to to a positive cure that I purchased a stock:, r. F, HViTr, M. D. Uordeutown, N. J. Apply byllttlo tln- ger Into tho nlo tho nostrils. ny alisorntlon tt effect ually cleanses the na sal passages of ca- ItJAkY'-'FJEaVEf healthy secretion, it nllays Inflammation, protects tho meinbmnal linings or tho head from additional colds, com- ucieiy ncuis mu sores anu resiorus iuo scuwi ui asto nnd smell, llcnttlclal results nro realized by a few uppUoallons. A thorough treatment wilt cure. Uiiwiualisl for eolds'ln hi'.uL Agreeablo to use. Send for circular, sold by druggists, lly mall 1 SOc. a nackago stamps. ELY HltOTIII.'ItS, Druggists, Owego.N. Y. October tth-lw d E. B. BROWER, HAS FITTING tt STEAM HEATING. DEALKU STOVES & TIN WARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Hoof ing nnd Spouting promptly attended to. restrict attention given to heating by stoain. Corner of Main & East Sts , Bloomsburg;, Pa. After Twenty Years u tlie Wronif HI tic Lift: u "Vlrjilnlan Turns tlie 'rnlilcH. "How long did you say:" Twiinty learti, I satdj 1'pto tho tlmo I men- Honed 1 hail Millered Irom dls in Minereu irom uise .iseu liver for twen. ty years," svld Mr. H. T. Hancock, of ittclimoiiil, 0 a., null oaiuj , us ,uuui,u umiiimuk i Uliupi- dated section of his life. "At times I almost wish, ed tt hud pleased l'roWdcncu to omit the liver from tho human auatoiny," "Had enough twenty years ot tint sort ot thlug," rtwpoudod a listener. "What was tho up. shot of it?'1 "Tlio upshot was that somo tlmo ngo I went down to hciitl's drugstore ill thoclty,and bought ono ot IIHNso.VS CAl'l'lNU I'OHOl's l'lasTHltS, applied it and was relieved In a leu' hours, ami am now as sound as though my liver wero mado or tndl iiubber." ll.'iwm's-unllko tho old f ishloned kind of plus, ters-nct promptly. Look for tho word I'Al'CINE, which Is cut lu tho geuulue. 1'rlco i cents, hea bury A' Johnson, ciiemtstH, New York October d M. C SLOAN & BB0 nhOOMSJJUJiG, PA. Manufacturers ot CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, PHAETONS, SLEIOHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, &C. FtrSt-class work always on hand, REPAIRING NF.A TI, YDONEi Price reduced to suit (Af timet. HAKTMAN HU'K9tVaT8 TlU Kgi.UtWIKU AJIWUOAN INSUHANCK COMPANIES North American of Philadelphia, Franklin, '' ivniisjlvanla, " " Yo-k, ol lvniuyluuda. Hanover, ot N. V. out'uns, of IiOiidon. Norlh llrtllsh, ot Loudon, omeo ou Miritst dlrout, No. 8, llloomsburg, oct. Sl.ld-ly