The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 19, 1883, Image 3

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The Columbian.
FlllDAY, OOTOBEIt 10, 1883
Correct Itnllroml Time Taljlu.
Mis. lloxniinn Ager formcrlv Miss Thorn.
loit of tills placo died nt licr homo In Call,
fornlit last Saturday. Bho lias many friends
hero who will regret to learn of her death.
Tho lllnoinsburg Woolen Mills nro over
run with orders. They work now from
lialf.past six, a. m., to lUtcen minutes after
nine, p. m. Tliclr work Is exclusively
indies' cloths nt present, as tho demand
Noticr -To my old and now customers.
Having been out of tlio mercantile busi
ness over two years I Imvo decided to fill
up my store again and liavo Just returned
from tlio city with a full stock of myt
goods bought nt the lowest wholesale
prices, and I am prepared to sell tlicm as
cheap as they can bo sold anywhere In
this part of tho country. Call nnd exam-
Trains on tho PMlndolplila&lt. it.loavo liupcit fnr ' ' , ' ' , , , "Ulmml lno my stock nnd sco prices,
as renews t r lor their goods Is such Hint they enn not i.
o 3d a. m.
4 utt p. in.
II 43 a.m.
013 p. in,
Tntos on tho U, L. W. It, it. Ioutq llloomsburg
follows i
7 BO n. in. a 23 a.m.
10 47 a. in. 11 4S a. in.
;5 80 p. in, 4 3) p. m.
Tho 11 45 train south connects with tho Phila
dolphin s Heading at ttiporl, ana with tho
Northern Coul ral at Northumberland.
frnaSiMa. m tralnconnoctsal Northumberland
witli 9:ii train on Pennsylvania road reaching
I'uliiideiphla lit 8:i p. m,
Tho 11:11 train connects with riilUtUlphla and
Heading roal at ituport at 11:50 reaching I'lina
dolphla at 0:00p, m,
Tho 11:43 train connects with Pennsylvania
roal at NorlliumDorland at 1:19 reaching Pntladol
pbla nt 7:il p. m
Tho 4:3d p. ra. train connects with Pennsylvania
road At Northumberland at 8:03 p. in. anu reaches
1'lilladclplila nt fM a. m.
rencii their orders for cashmeres. They
soon nope to bo nblo to fill orders for cash,
Trains on til) N. K illivay pass! ltloom
Perry as tollows t
7.41 a. in 19.01 p.m.
ojlp. tn T.uip. m.
Miss MncArthur of tho Nor.unl Hchnnl
Is prepared to rccclvo orders for painting
on silk, snlln, plush, clilnn, glass, wood,
pottery, tiles, canvas, matting, salines &c
l'liotogrnphs nnd views colored. Kbonlz.
Ing neatly done. Outers solicited early to
insure completion of nil before Christmas.
Numerous nrtlcles on hand sultablo for
Christmas presents, which can bo dupllcn.
tea. Trices reasonable. A limited num.
bcr of decorated ornaments will bo display.
cd lor a few dnys nt Mr. O. A. Clark's
store In the Exchnngo Hotel building,
llloomsburg, la. Oct5th.3w
IMltillc HiiIch.
Wllllftin lvreaincr, administrator of Anna
Welllvcr will sell real estato In Madison
township on Wednesday, October 81st.
M. F. Kycrly will sell real estate In Ksp y
on Saturday, October 27th.
A. U. Croop, administrator of Milton
Mostcllcr will sell real estate In Hrlarcrcek
on Saturday, October 27th.
Biso advertisements.
Mrs. Drako lias been visiting friends
hero this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Morris Shipley of Clncln-
natl recently buried -in infant son.
U. V. Zarr. Esn.. nnd family, nro In
Philadelphia tills week.
Itcv. L. Zahner attended the general
convention of tlio P. E. Church in Phila
delphia Inst week.
Invitations nro out for the mnrriage of
Minnie A., daughter of Michael P. Eycrly,
to Mr. Charles D. Splgclracycr, on YYetl
nesday, October 24th.
H. Ammcrman, who moved, from
this county to Nebraska about six years
ago, Is visiting his brother, Dr. Ammcr
man, of Ornngcvlllc, nnd other relatives in
this section.
Tho Sunday evening street comer loaf.
ers are getting to bo nn abominable mil.
sance. An ordinance of the town prohibits
disorderly gatherings on tho corners, nnd
If n crowd of young men who stand around
spitting tobacco julco on the pavement,
using profane nnd Indecent latiguago and
making Insulting remarks to ladles, Is not
a disorderly crowd, It U nothing. It Is
tho duty of policemen to dtsperso such
gatherings, and If they are not nwaro of
these practices, nnd do not know where to
Hud tho offending parties, most anybody
In town enn tell them.
Komi. MoIIknht,
llenton, October 15th, 1883, 10.4w
l"n I r NotcH.
Hon. Joseph Powell, democratic candi
date for Stato Treasurer, was on the
grounds Thursday afternoon, nnd met n
largo number of prominent democrats from
different sections of tho county. Ho
made n very favorablo Impression here.
There would liavo been a public ttamon
stratlon In tho evening, If lie could liavo
remained over night.
In tho Thursday rnco one of tlio wheels
of Samuel Prentiss' sulky broko ns ho was
turning to mnko the stnrt, nnd his horso
rnn away, dragging him somo distance
with It, but not Injuring him. The horse
ran out of tho upper gate nnd went around
to tho cntrnnco whero It was caught.' An
other sulky was procured and Sam finish,
od tho race.
Tho llloomsburg Hand serenaded cx-
Sherlft H. P. Carter, on tho fair grounds
on Friday morning.
Imported olive-wood pen holders nnd
pencils, very pretty and very cheap, at the
Coi.f.MiiiAK store.
Among the many exhibits of merit wns
nn oil portrait of the two little sons of
Louis llcrnhard, painted by himself. The
likeness Is accurate and thu coloring well
Tho display of cloths from the woolen
mill of Caswell Uros. & Co., wns very fine,
nnd attracted much attention.
10 iccunicai meaning oi tuc i hmenli - lnu nml mallee nrp found tq myself alone. I, like thousands of others,
, .aw, 13 any net urn pro- . . . . . . . . j lrig( many rcme.lics I had seen largely ail
A number of people went from hero
the Wnshlngtonvillo fair this week.
Nino new subscribers were added to our
list In Mifflin township one day this week.
A largo vnrlety of Celluloid Collars &
Cuffs nt David Lowcnbcrgs.
Charles Funston purchased a Columbia
blcyclo on Monday.
Paper bags, nil sizes, srpiaro and satchel
bottom, nt the Columuian store.
Tho secretary of the Agricultural society
will pay premiums nt the olllco of II. V
White, Esq., on Saturday, October 20th.
.Tnlm W. Hoffman at Llslit Street, 1ms
put in a shaker for tlio purpose of making
tho new process buckwheat Hour.
W. K. Smith Esn.. of licrwick was mar-
rlcd last week to Miss Mnrla Crispin,
daughter of 15. F. Crispin Sr. of Philadel
Tlio hotels wero overflowing last week
during the fair. A number of guests were
sent to private houses from the Exchange,
to lodge.
L. llcrnhard keeps In stock the best pin-
ted ware In knives, forks, spoons, casters
&c. Articles engraved free of charge,
good plated tea spoons nt $11.25.
Q. W. Mauger, proprietor of the Ler
wick Hotel, at Berwick, has rented n hotel
at Wnpwnllopen and will move there next
spring. Ho used to keep tho Forks Hotel
in tills town, and Is a first class landlord.
II. A. Scliwcppenhelscr is putting up
buildings on tho Strauss farm in Mifflin
township, which was recently divided.
The part wiilch fell to him In the division
had no buildings.
Foit Sale. A property in Hoarlngcreek
township, consisting of a dwelling house,
barn, mill with four run of stone, and
about 28 acres of Improved land. Inquire
of John Mourcy, llloomsburg, Pa. tf
Tho Heading Times of Tuesday contnlns a
two-column nrllclo on llloomsburg nnd the
fair, written by Cyrus J. Fox, a delegate
from tho llcrks county agricultural society.
lie was much pleased with his visit here,
Tho llloomsburg Hand was the only one
In attendance at the fair, mid they made
cood music. Tlicro are six or eight other
bands In the county, nnd somo of them
should have competed for thu prize.
Tho public salo of personal property and
real estato of the late Isaac Snyder, deceas.
od, In Mllllln township on Tuesday was
largely attended, and mo3t of tho articles
broustht fair prices. T. A. McMurtrio
bought the farm nt 19,00 nn ncre.
A very Instructive catalogue, embracing
Blxtecn thousand Items of goods in one
hundred and fifteen different Hues (with
explanatory reading matter) will bo sent
nrcnald. bv John Wanamakcr, Philadel
phia, nfter November 1st, on request by
postal. This Is a capital reference volume.
Another paper has been started nt Ash-
land. They now liavo four, Competition
is tho life of trade, but there mo extremes
in nil things. Two papers should be suf.
flclent for tlio people of Ashland to patron-
Izo with nnv decree of profit to the own
Lillian Spencer, who played the "Creole"
here recently, nctually became insane
while performing her part at Atlanta, On.,
last Saturday. At tho end of the third act,
In the mad scene, when Duhamel threat.
ens to put her in the madhouse, .Miss
Spencer was evidently worked up to the
full fervor of the scene. "George," she
said, while the audience was deeply in.
teiested, "you have disfigured my face,
you have blighted my life, you have ruined
mo 1" Here she grasped him frantically.
"1 on have mocked at my sufferings. By
right of suffering you belong to me, for
you have made me what I am."
Miss Spencer stood trembling with
emotion, while the audience sat spell
bound. Then she reeled and fell behind
the third entrance, and as she fell she was
caught hi the nrms of Frank Irving, tlio
stage manager, who tried to sootho her.
She threw him violently aside, exclaiming,
"lie lias ruined me 1 lie lias made mc
what I am t"
Between the play nnd the reality tlio
audience was at a loss to judge; but from
the manner in which she fought on tho
stage and defied strong men to touch her,
they soon saw that she was suffering from
mcntnl aberration. After a time tlio ac
tress was led away nnd taken to the hotel,
when a physician was summoned to treat
her. She is of a highly nervous organiza
tion. Later dispatches say that her attack
was only temporary, and she Is acting
For a Full Suit,
For a good Overcoat,
For Men, Youth's, Boy's and Children
go to David Lowenbcrg's.
"HubIiichh" Ilecru In Trotitilc.
It has been somo time since wo have
been called upon to record any net of law.
lcssness on the part of this notorious char
actcr, more likely because ho has not been
detected than that ho has committed no
offense. "Business" is not unacquainted
with the interior of the Eastern penlten
tiary, and it is quite probable that lie may
now have nn opportunity of renewing
some old acquaintances there in the nenr
future. He Is nn old offender nnd has
been bcfoie the court on numerous occa
slons. Ills latest exploit is tho theft of a
pocketbook on Friday afternoon last, at
the music store of J. Saltzer. A lady cus
tomer laid it down on a piano, Beers being
there nt tho time negotiating for a banjo,
and while Mrs. Saltzer stepped out for ft
moment Beers walked out with the banjo.
Mrs. Saltzer followed him and recovered
the instrument and then tho lady missed
her pocket book. She followed Beers aud
accused him of taking it, which he denied.
and with an nlr of Injured innocence
offered her the privilege of searching him
This offer she declined, but bad him nr.
rested and taken before J. St. Clark, Esq,,
to whom Beers also protested his inno
cence, nnd said they could search him,
The Justice at once directed the constnblo
to make the search, nnd tho very first
pocket examined contained tho lady's
purse. Beers was held In $800 ball. As
no ball was furnished "Buaiucss" now
languishes in a prison cell.
A full lino ot pocket boons and purses
for ladies or gentlemen just opened nt the
Columbian store.
Wo noticed tho "Model Brush" exhibited
by Mr. Paul E. Wirt of llloomsburg. This
Is n light brush about fifteen Inches long
nnd ono nnd a half inches wide filled with
bristles or other material attached to the
ends of steel wire spring rods, that are
about fifteen inches long, which rods nrc
secured to n wooden handle about four
feet long. This arrangement gives elasti
city to the handle and brush and affords,
easy, pleasant labor In sweeping carpets,
floors or walls. The principal merits claim
ed are that it's elasticity, nnd lightness ren
der it moro cnslly handled, while it docs
cleaner work than the ordinary broom j
also that it will not wear the nap from car
pets as rapidly, being of bristles or other
soft material upon clastic springs. Tho
brush can be readily detached from the
springs and used ns 11 haud-dustlng brush.
Mr. Wirt Is the patentee.
In the contest for the premium for the
prettiest baby there were seven entries.
Mrs. George Bogart of Buckhorn carried
oil tho first prize, aud Mrs. Laura Arm3 of
Bloomsburg, the second. Though the
others got no premiums, they all had very
pretty babies.
The following persons were in attend
ance ns (lclegntes from other societies :
Cyrus T. Fox, secretnry of Berks county
society, and Mr. Orth of tho snmc society j
Messrs. Beyer nnd Shires of Wnshlngton
villo society ; Gearhnrt and Thompson of
Montour county nnd Bloom and Jacobs of
There was no bicycle race though there
were several wheels on the ground, two
from Danville and one from Pittston.
There were four entries for the foot race,
two of them being Indian boys. Not un
derstanding English, one of them forgot to
start, and the other dropped off the courso
when half way around. Charles B. Fox of
Hughcsvlllc took first money nnd John
Vanderslice second.
The entries on this race wero Vnnlty
Fair by S. K. Keller, of Berwick who took
first money, Billlo Clinker, by W. Hnrtzcl
second, nnd Annie by Sam Prentiss, third.
No timo was given.
T. II. Edgar's Bay took llrst money in tills
trot, G. W. Vanliow's Pet, came in second
and Bonny Doon, belonging to the heirs of
O. Rhawn, third. Tills race was for colls
under 4 years old.
At 1 o'clock on Friday tills trot took
place, there being three entries, Henry by
S. W. Adams of Berwick, Coaster, by C.
E.Adams of Berwick, and Bay Jim by
Henry Kindt of Mordansyillc. Tho horses
stood at the cud of the race In order named
For this raco there were 12 horses enter-
ed. J. Girnrd of Hoarlngcreek took first
money, nnd W. J. Hidlay of Espy second.
lluckliorii cwh.
"Tho Banker's Daughter" at the Opera
House on Monday night was quite good
Tho nlav Itself is an exciting one, but
some ot tho parts were performed with an
utter nbsonco of feeling, the chnractcr of
Lillian being tho most marked of these,
It is a difficult part, nnd no school girl
should nttcmpt It. Altogether, however,
the pcrformnnco wns good.
A 00-horse power steam engine nnd
boiler hns been contracted for to bo used
In tho Barton (louring mills, just below
town, now leased by Frank L. Fuust.
This mill has always been compelled to be
idle a great portion of tho year on account
of low water. With the addition of steam
It now mukes tills ono of tlio best mills In
this section,
Tlicro wero 300 tickets sold at Plymouth
on Friday for tho Bloomsburg fair. It is
said that tho 8:37, a. m., train had 10 cars,
seating about 125 In each car, In thu
cvcnlmr ft special train of eight cars went
north, whllo the regular train soon follow.
cd with ten cars 1 both trains wero well
loaded. This Is tho first that n special
train was run to accommodate visitors at
tho fair.
Paper sacks for buckwheat Hour at thu
Coluuiiian store.
The M. E. Church of this place cleared
$340.00 witli their tablo at the Fair.
Total receipts, $510.00.
N. M. Ilartman and wife, John Hart
man, Warren Ivlstler nnd -Martin rooley,
nil of Nnntlcoke, spent Sundny in this
Kosa Brady, of Washingtonvillc, who
was well known In this town, and lately
married to Win. Houscr, spent Sunday
with her sister, Mrs. John Pooly.
Dr. Montgomery is having visitors from
Tho chestnut crop is very light, nonu
being brought to the stores.
Mr. Jacob Stead, of Muncy, who lived in
this township a number of years, is visit
ing friends here.
A. B. nnd Wm. Ilartman spent Bun
day in Sunbury visiting their brother,
Charles, who started on Tuesday for South
Bend, Ind.
Mrs. G. W. Ilartman, who has been con.
fined to her house by sickness, Is much
Mr. Johu Ivlstler, who has been Buffer.
lug from quinsy, Is again ablu to attend to
Schools commenced heru on Monday.
Charles Glrton and Miss Knto Shoemaker
nro tho teachers.
Itcv, Dr. Monroo will deliver a temper.
mice !lcctura in the Lutheran church of
this place on tho evening of thu 27th.
A. B. Ilartman sold his famous blind
horso on Tuesday.
Attractlvu Goods,
dmlrablu Assortment.
BarL'uin for everybody.
At David Lowenborg's
'Tv 1l Vnrletv.
l-eaiitlful I)eslgns,
'ottom Prices.
Compare our Stock,
onsldcr thu Saving.
01110 right Along.
To David Lowenbcrg's for Clothing.
Saturday's hack.
For this race three horses were entered,
viz i Dora, by Geo. Stem of Lehigh coun
ty i Edward II., by Wm. Hughes of Ha
zlcton, and Felix by Mr. King of William,
sport. This was expected to bo n fine
trot nnd a grent crowd assembled to wit-
ncss it, but the result was not satisfactory,
owing to nn error of the judges in giving
tho first heat to Felix when Dora wns
cleaily entitled to It. Wo mnko this asser
tion for tho following reasons : Felix ran
more than ho trotted j ho ran down the
homo stretch nnd under tho wire 1 his
driver admitted nfter the rnco that lie
crowded Dora Into tho fenco and buildings
along the trnck, out of sight of the
judges, and is said to havo con.
sldered it a good joke that the heat was
given to him, The second heal was taken
by Edward II., and the third by Dora. On
the fourth King refused to trot, but let his
horso jog around the course. Edward 11.
took this heat, Dora having Injured her
self nnd broken down. The rnco wns for
best three In Ave bents, but ns it was grow-
ing late, and King having virtually with,
drawn and Dora given out, after ft consul.
tatlon between the judges and drivers the
raco was declared over nnd tho judges an.
nouncedthat Edward II. IDolc flrat money
and Dora second, Wo liavo no In.
tention of criticising the judges, and
there Is no suspicion of any lnten
tion on their part to bo unfair, but
lu view of nil the circumstances, nnd tlio
general public sentiment that Dora should
have hnd tho first heat, and consequently
the rnce, the judges evidently were wrong
In their judgment. It is unfortunate that
such tilings occur, us it will bo difficult to
get good horses hure in thu future If they
nro to be jockeyed oil tlio trnck by the
tricky drivers who cannot beat them any
other way. Onu reform thnt should be
strictly enforced by the Society is, thnt no
person should bu allowed Inside tho track
nt tho grand stnnd. There is scarcely room
there now for threo to start, nnd when one.
third the track Is occupied by thu crowd it
is imposslblo to make a fair start.
It. U rfltlmati'il that lG.Oflf) nnnnln wnrn
Ion tho grounds on Friday, Saturday's at
tcndaucirwas larger than usual,
Tile 1iik Law.
In tlio enso ot the Commonwealth vs. H.
A. Smith, Indictment for killing prosecu
tor's, Daniel 8, Lnuhnch'D, foxhound nnd, valued nt if 50.00, tried nt Hep'
tcmbcr term, Judge Elwcll delivered the
following chnrgo to the jury t
Gkntlbmkn of the Juhy. The defend
ant tn tills ense Is indicted under nn net of
assembly pnsscd In 1800, which reads ns
follows 1
Every person who shall wilfully nnd ma
liciously kill, mntm or disfigure nny horses,
cattle, or other domestic animals of anoth
er person, or shall wilfully nnd maliciously
administer poison to nny such beasts, or
oxposo nny poisonous sttbstnncc, with In.
tent thnt tho sumo should be taken or swnl
lowed by them, shnll bo guilty of a misde
meanor, nnd being thereof convicted, shall
bo sentenced to pay n fine not exceeding
11 vo hundred dollars, and to undergo an
Imprisonment, by separate or solitary con
finement nt labor, not exceeding three
In order to couvlct under this section of
the law, where a domestic animal has been
killed, it must appear that the act was wll.
fully and maliciously done. The wilfully
doing a thing means doing It ot purpose,
with knowledge that the person Is doing it
nnd with intention to do It. To malicious,
ly do nn net is to bo prompted by nn un
lnwful nnd unrighteous motive. Mnllco Is
a technical term. In common parlance it
may mean a grudge or a disposition to do
another person harm by way of resent
ment or of punishment for somo real or
supposed wrong; but n malicious net, nc
cording to the
term malicious 1
cccds from a wicked and malevolent heart
bent on doing n wrong thing merely for
pcrsonnl gratification or out of wnnton dis
regard of the rights of others, nlthough ho
who does the net may havo no particular
enmity ngnlnst tho person injured by It
an net of mero wnnton mischief Implies
mnllcc. Thus, nt common lnw, wantonly
to shenr the tall of a horse is malicious
mischief so poisoning chickens, cutting
down sha'detrees, and mnny other nets of
thnt sort.
Tho legislature, by this statute, intended
to throw around domestic animals speclnl
protection. It may bo that tho practlco of
killing or wounding or maltreating such
animals prevailed so much as to require
special provisions beyond tho common law,
and severer pennltlcs, in order to prevent
the commission of this crime.
It is not enough to show that tho accused
has killed the animal ; it must further be
shown to tho satisfaction of the jury that
the spirit with which tho act was done
comes fairly within tho meaning of the
terms wilful aud malicious.
As the indictment charges tho killing of
a dog, It becomes important that tho law
relating to dogs aud applicable to this coun
ty be understood and made Known.
Counsel for the defendant has referred to
tho net of 12 June, 1878, known 3 tho
"Sheep Law." Pamphlet Laws, 103.
I nm of opinion that that act is not in
force in tills county. It has never been
adopted by a vote of the qualified electors
of tho county as provided for in tlio 10th
section. If it had been, it would not have
operated as a repeal of the special laws ap
plicable to this county.
On the 20th day of May, 1857, Pamphlet
L. C03, an net was passed in reference to
taxing dogs in Blair couuty also In re
spect to appraisement of damages done by
dogs in killing sheep. The seventh section
provides that any dog seen within nn en
closure where cattle or sheep are kept, ex.
cept when in company with his owner or
some of his family, may be lawfully kill
ed. On the 29th day of May, 1801, Pamphlet
Laws 233, the Blair county act was extend
ed to Lycoming nnd Columbia counties. It
is therein provided that dogs taxed shall be
deemed nnd held to be personal property,
and subjects of larceny; and that every dog
or bitch so taxed shall be deemed nnd con
sidered a domestic animal, and the provis
ions of tlio 151th section of the penal code
of 1800 are thereby declared to bo extend
ed to nnd embraco every such dog or bitch
as fully and to the same extent ns horses or
cattle therein mentioned are Included and
By tho Act of 18 May, 1878, Pamphlet L.
73, the Act of 0 April, 1851, relating to dogs
in Allegheny, Chester, Northampton,
Schuylkill and Lancaster counties, was ex
tended to all the counties in tho State.
That act provides for tho registry of dogs,
and that dogs duly registered shall bo per
sonal property and subjects of larceny. By
tlio special law of 1801, extending tho Blair
county law to this and Lycoming counties,
it is only necessary that a dog be taxed to
make him a subject of larceny and entitled
to bo considered as a domestic animal.
So much in regard to tlio statutes upon
this subject in forco hero. Tho detendnnt
alleges that this dog hnd become nnd was a
nuisance to him by trespassing at the time
he was killed and repeatedly before upon
his premises, that his behavior wa3 such as
necessarily to inform the prosecutor of
what the dog was doiug annoying the de
fendant and other persons.
Tho law does uot require that it shnll bo
proved by witnesses that the owner of n
vicious nnimnl was personnlly notified of
the fact that the animal was trespassing. If
it is shown that the owner knew of It, the,
scitnttr, ns It is called, is made out without
proof that Bomcbddy told' him of the mls-i
chlevous nets of his animal. It Is cuough
if the circumstances clearly bring homo to
him tho knowledge of the misbehavior.
There is no question about tills dog's
having been killed by the defendant, be
cause that Is admitted ; he says he shot
him, meant to do it that tlio dog was not
only trespassing upon ids grounds, doing
injury to his grain at that time, but that he'
had been In the daily habit ot doing so,
and thnt his baying mid barking nt night'
in chasing rabbits in tho field where he
was killed, disturbed tho quiet of tho dc
fendant himself, his family aud all others
within reach ot tho Bound of it.
It Is a principle of tho common law thnt
a public nuisance, such ns n slaughter
house or anything of that sort dangerous
to tho health of tho people, destroying their
comfort or endangering their lives, may be
abated, If tho owner having knowledge
of the facts declines to himself abate tho
nuisance, It may lawfully be done by
A- public nulsanco may bo abated by
any one. A private nuisance may bo
abated by nny one whoso property is In
jured, and for that purpose ho may justify
nn entry upon thu laud of another, (2 Iiarr,
114, King vs. Kline, 0 B.irr 318, 1 Bishop
Or. Law 1031 In note.)
It Is a principle applicable to all business
transactions that n man must so uso Ids
going upon the premises of nnother tliau
Ids owner, nnd tho owner of tho premises
trespassed on hasno wny of keeping tho dog
nut (h swlflriinniiig nhlmnl, lmpossliifoj to
fence ngnlnst or to cnlcli) but by tnkln(tls
hfoj nnd If tho trcspnss Is repented sty lis
to become nn Inconvenience to him, that
Ho may kill tho dog In tho overt net of
committing n trespass and not ha liable to
Indictment fnr n criminal offence. (King vs.
Klino 0 Uarr 318, 1 Bishop Cr. Law 1034 1
in note.)
For trcspnsscs previously committed, one
cannot justify killing a dog ; but docs n
mnn who finds nn nnimnl of Hits linlttro in
juring his property, render himself
open to thq charge of mnllco nnd .wan
tonness If ho tnkes tho life of (lie animal
There Is n mntcrlnl difference between
exercising n malicious disposition nnd sim
ply cndcnvorlng to defend ngnlnst a wrqngi
If this dog was doing nothing that made
him n nulsanco (although ho wns in the
defendant's field, nnd was shot out of
wantonness or lll.fecllng toward tho own
cr, tho defendant would bo guilty of the
misdemeanor with which ho stands charg.
cd. If, on the other hand, tho dog was
killed because ha was trespassing nnd
doing damage and there were no sufficient
means of protecting against him, the dc
fcndanl can scarcely bo said to havo acted
It Is truo the owner of tlio grain fields
would have a right of action ngnlnst tho
owner of tho dog, If ho had knowledge of
the Injury ho was committing. So, on tho
other baud, nn action would Ho by the!
owner of tho dog; but a criminal prosecu
ttoii cannot bo sustained unless theso two
Those who wero not In nttendnnco nt
tlio Opern House nt tho performance of
the Edwnrds' Folly Company on Thursday
livening of nst week, missed n very enjoy
nblo entertainment, There was fun from
beginning (0 end, nnd tho singing wns ex.
cclicnt. Although tho nudl6nce wns
stnnll tin) singers word encored rcpentedly
nnd gracefully responded. There is noth.
Ing In tho piny to shock the most fastidious.
The Greatest Blood Purifier Known!
Wool mid cottnn.chaln nt O. O. Mnrr's.
New coats and dolmans for indies very
cheap nt IMt. & Sloan's.
Plpttirpfl. frrttiu'H.
window cornices, at
Go to O. O. Mnfr's for comforts hnd blnnk-
ets cheap.
Thcrmbmcters. from 25 cents to 3.C0 nt
tuc uoi.UMMAN store. 11
All t
Rheumatism Cured.
ltocur.TKii, ?. V., Apr. Clli, fa.
lllirwmitlq Hvruii (U ;
(UtMTS I havo been n great
simerer f rotn Hhetiniatlm for six
)enrs,nnd hearing of tho success
of Hheiimntlo Sirup I eoncluJeil
to giro 11 n t tint In my own caw,
nnill cheerfully fujrthnt! have
liecn (rreatly iHWflttert by Its use.
I can walk with enllro ftwUom
from pain, nml mr general health
Is my much Improved. It Is n
splendid remedy for tho blood
mid dtbllltnted svstrm.
K. UlliaTUH l'AHK, St. 1).
Scrofula Cured,
I'oht llTnonrN. Y,, Feb. SO, W.
Ithtumatle ftynip CU
1 had been iloetertnif for three
or four years, with dlrtcif nt phy
sicians, for scrofula, ns somo cull
ed It, but found no relict until I
commenced taking your Hymn.
After taking It n short time, to
my snrprlso, It licgan to help me.
Continuing Its usnufew weeks,
1 lound inyelf ns wellns ever.
As a blood purltlcr, I think It has
no eipuii.
Neuralgia Cured,
I'airpobt, N. V., March 18, "M.
HhewnattO Svnip Co. I
(ImtTS Slnco November, lHftl, I
havo been n constant fciifferer
from neuralgia nnd hnvo not
known wlint It was to bo free
from pain until I commenced tho
aw of ltheumatlo Syrup. I havo
felt no pain since using tho fourth
bottle Ithlnkitlslhobestrcm.
pdy I h.lvo cut heard of for puri
fying tho blood nnd for tho euro
ot rheumatism and neuralgia.
W. IL ciusr.
ManitfUtturM ty MIHUMATIC S17(l' CO., 1 Plymouth Aw., Jlucltesler, X. y.
spring chickens,
old hens, geeso nnd ducks,
good llvo cnlvcs.
lbs. raspberries.
" pitted cherries. '
lie above wanted nt Light Street, by
anas loung.
August ;j-utn
Guarantee Acker's English Itcmedy will,
Prlco 10c, COc. & $1. For salo by J. II.
Kinports, druggist.
Wolcolt.N. Y.. Aug. 20. 1882.
Gentlemen I have been a great sufferer
with rheumatism aud constipation ; have
been almost helpless and unable to dress
plained ot.
TowiiHlilp Huiwlay Scliool'
The second meeting of this association;
was held in tho "M. 35. church nt Lime,
llldgo on Saturday, October Oth. Thci
meeting wns cniieu 10 oruer ny 1110 prcsi-,
dent, J. II. Atkmnn. Mnny were kept!
from attending by the rain. Those whose
duty it was to open the dlscusslonjtipon
tho topics wero present with ono exception
The following topics wero discussed 1
1st. "How can we carry on Teachers'
Meetings." This topic was opened by
Hev. J. V. Bodlnc, nnd tho discussion con.
tluucd by Hov. Pines, Itcv. Horning, A,
W. Spear, A., Frederick, iltcv. Iloutz, Mrs.
Barton, II. C. Barton nnd E. W. M
2nd. "The necessity of, close Bible
study by the Teachers." Opened by A
W. Spear.
3rd. "Tho Review and its best Aids."
Opened by llcv. J. Horning nnd continued
by llov. Pines. Tlio method of prcpara.
tion for a review of a lesson, or of the les
sons for a quarter, or a year, as given by
Rev. Homing is as follows 1
I. HisToma. Under this bend state tho
historic "facts in conucctlon with the les
son or lessons to 'bo reviewed. It may be,
necessary to gather some of these facts
from the context.
II. Peksoms. Characterize in few words
tlio principal persons named in the lessons.
III. GEoanAntY. Oraw n 'mnp of tho
country embraced in the lesson or lessons,
noting distances, -direction, &c, from any
prominent point.
IV. Difficulties. Stato what dlfilcul
tics are met with in connection with the.
Divine character and administration.
V. Sinfulness. State what evidences'
of human sinfulness nro found.
VI. Qualities. State what
worthy of Imitation arc found.
v II. Necessity of Cmtisrs aIissios to
the Would. State tho facts recorded
which show this.
VIII. Comfouts Gathered. State what1
comforts God's true servants may gather.
4th. "How can we keep our. Sunday
Schools open nil winter?" Opened by J.
II. Aikmnn, nnd continued by Dr. Low,
Rev. Horning, Rev. Pine's, A. Frederick
Rev. Bodlue aud A. W. Spear.
Gth. "Tho importanco of homo vlsita
tions by the Teachers." Opened by Rev.
I. 31. Pines.
0th, "Tho real object of all Sunday
school teaching." Opened by Rev. A.
The place 01 holding tho next conven
tion is Ebcnezer church, and the time the
last Tuesday in January, 1884.
A. W. Sl'KAlt,
vcrtlscd. .In tho hone that 1 might
find some relief, but never until I used tho
Rhetimatic Syrup did I find anything that
seemed to hit my case in the least, and I
confess that when I did finally consent to
try vour remedy I had no faltli nt nil in its
merits, but I was very happily disappoint
ed. To-day I am entirely frco from pain,
and can dress myself nlbne, nnd can get
urotint better than 1 linyc lor n long time,
nnd I have used the medicine less than
four weeks, nnd can truthfully say that It
will do nil and more than you claim for It.
1 am, yours truly,
James Wiiioht.
Tho moot of the miilcHim Is not In chew
ing the string, but in having nn opportuni
ty to test the nrtlclo direct. C. A. Klcim,
thd Druggist, hns a frco trial bottlo of Dr.
Hosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup for each
and every ono who is afflicted with Coughs,
Colds, Asthma, Consumption or nny Lung
Affection'. July Ccow
a Tiioitocoii comtsE ot Acker's liloou
Elixir will remove all taint from the blood.
It cures Scrofuln, Ulcers, Bolls and Pim
ples. Sold by J. II. Kinports, druggist.
Baltimore, Md. Rev. W. II. Chapman
says i "I (iccm Urown's iron Hitters a most
valuable tonic for gcnernl ill-health."
Wheat per bushel l.m
Rye " 70
Corn, " M
(ntn " " 33
Flour per barrel S.60
nutter ss
tuSow".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.!! !.'.'! !'.!!!!!!!"! !oh
Potatoes 40
Dried Applet! on
Hams 14
Bides A Shoulders 11
Chickens , 11
Turkeys . is
Lard per pound .13
Hay per ton 1 12 00
Buckwhoatflowerpcrioo!!!!!!!!.."'.!!.... 4 tra
Real JQstsitc!
"on and nfter October 1st, 1883, n semi-annual
dividend of 5 per cent, on the capital stock ot tho
t'atnwlsaa llrldfro Company will bo paid to tho
stockholders at the onico ot tlio treasurer.
J. D. ltOBINS,
oct Mw Treasurer.
qualities I
Go to C. C. Marr's for splendid boots and
shoes very cheap.
If you want shawls of nny kind you
not do better thnn go to Clark &Son.
80 different styles of pen or pencil tablets
at uie iOLUMiiiAX store. Sloan havo a large, stock of
cloths and plush for ladies' and children's
A large now line of ladles' nnd chlldrons'
cents, dolmans, circulars nnd fur lined gar
ments nt verv low nrlces. Also a full Tlno1
of cloths and plushes to make up at Clark
t: SOU'S.
C. O. Marr wants butter, eggs, lard,
onions, cmcKcns, tinea lruits nml oats.
Cheap underwear nt J. B. Skecr's.
75,000 envelopes, all sizes and colors.
wholesale and retail, at tho Columuian
Tocoa City. Oa. Dr. J. P. Newman
says : "Brown's Iron Hitters are very pop
ular and their use always results satisfac
No Longer a Question of opinion, we
guarantee every box of Acker's Dyspepsia
Tablets. Price 25c. and 50c. For sale by
.1, 11. Kinports, druggist.
See a woman in another column, near
Speer's Vineyards, picking grapes from
wbtcu npeer's l'ort urape wtuo is miute.
that is so highly esteemed by tho medical
profession, for tho use of Invalids, weakly
persons nnd the Hired.
Sold by u. A. lvleim, llloomsburg.
scpi 2-J-ly
Should you be n sufferer from dyspepsia,
indigestion, malaria, or weakness, you can
be cured by urown's iron Hitters.
Want of confidence accounts for half of
tho business failures of to-day. C. A.
Klclm; the Druggist, Is not liable to fail for
1110 wnnt 01 commence in ur. jiosaniio s
Cough and Lung Syrup, for ho gives nway
a bottlo frco to all who nro Buffering with
Cough, Colds, Asthma, Consumption nnd
nil affections of the Throat and Lungs.
July 0-cow
Why co about with that ucliing head ?
TryAycr's Pills. They will relieve the
stomach, restore the digestive organs to
healthy action, remove 1110 obstructions
that depress nerves and brain, and thus
cure your headache permanently.
(Telegram from Gov. Hoyt.)
llAnmsnuua, Pa., May 20, 18S2.
To Druggist Phelps, Scranton, Pa.:
Please semi me bv exnress two bottles of
your Rheumatic Elixir.
llKNKV Jl. 110YT,
Governor of Pennsylvania.
For sale at Hcndershott's Pharmacy,
llloomsburg, Pa.
NO flltEAHE foi: IIIM.
"When Greece her knees Giecco her
knees Greece her knees," stammered an
cmbarnsscd school-boy, forgetting the next
lino of Ids recitation. "There is 110 occa
sion to greaso anybody s knees," shouted
tlio teacher. "Go and study your piece.''
Neither is there occasion to grease your
hair. ' Parker's Hair Balsam is all the
dressing you want. Restores the
original gloss nnd color to gray or fnd.
eu nair. nous not son uie nncn ; not n
dye ; good for the scalp ; prevents falling
out. '
When vou have the Itch, Salt Rheum,
Galls, or Skin Eruptions of any kind, and
the Piles, that you know without being
told of it. C. A. Kleini, the druggist, will
sell you Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy for 50
cents, which affords immediato relief, and
is a sure cure for cither ot tlio above diseas
es. July 0-cow
We are in receipt of a letter from J. T.
Hamby, Esq., of Floral, Ark., in which tho
writer snys 1 Samaritan Nervine cures female
decline, and during 1110 cuauge 01 1110 11 is
a specific." Suggestive facts, truly, $1.50
In pursuanco of nn order of tho Orphans' Court
of Columbia county, Pennsylvania, tho under
signed administrator of Anna Welltvcr, lato of
Madison township tn said county, deceased, will
sell nt public salo on tho premises on
At ono o'clock, p. in., tho following tracts of
valuable real estate, viz :
Tho first thereof situate In Madison township,
Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and do
scribed as follows : HlXllN'NINa at apostontho
bank of Fishing creek and running thenco south
thirty and a halt degrees west ono hundred and
fifty and etght-tcnth perches to the bank ot De
mott's creek, thence down tho samo by Its several
courses ono hundred and blxty-four and eight
tenth perches to a post ono and nine-tenth per
ches from a beech treo on tho bank of Fbhlng
creek aforesaid, thenco up the same by Its sceral
courses two hundred and eighty and flvo-tcnth
perches to tho post, theplaco of beginning, containing
For dress goods of nny kind go to
& Sou's.
nnd shawls very cheap at O. O,
Moro black dress silks just received
Lutz & Blonn's.
Cheap queenswarc nt J, B. Skcer's,
Another new lino of black dress silks
cheaper than over nt Clark iz don's.
20 different styles of wedding invitations
111 me uoi.uMiiiAN store,
The Phelp's Rheumatic Elixir for mo has
Clark I always acted like a charm. I think this
fall it cut Bhort a severe attack of Rheuma
tism. I can endorse the remedy either ns
a preventive or cure. Yours Truly,
Mus. G. W. Palmei:,
Gienburn, Pa.
at I (riOTH. Airs. u. w, runner is 1110 mom-
cr 01 11011. nenrv w. rainier. 01 n 1 kcs-
Barre, Pa., cx-Stato Attorney General of
For sulo at Heiidershott'u Pharmacy,
.llloomsburg, 1'a.
strict measure.
Tho second thereof situate In Madison township,
Columbia county Pennsylvania, bounded ami de
scribed ns follows: urJGUN'NINO nt a chestnut
oak adjoining lands of Jacob Peinott and John
Hendcrshott, and running thence south by lands
of Hendershott and others sixty and one-halt de
grees east two hundred and nlno perches to a
hemlock nnd lnnds of Krastus llcudciyiot and
Philip Miller, thenco north twenty-nlno nnd one
half degrees cast fourteen and seven-tenth per
ches to a post, thenco south sixty and ono half de
grees east scventy-llvo perches to a hemlock,
thenco north twenty-eight and ono halt degrees
east ten perches (crossing tho creek) to a post,
thence up the creek by various courses and distan
ces, being north, three hundred nnd forty-one
and four-tenths perches to a post on the bank of
creek, thence south by land of Jacob Demott
twelve degrees west sixty perches and two-tenths
to tho chestnut oak the place ot beginning, con
and tlfty-four perches strict measure.
The llrst above mentioned tract of land la the
homestead farm of the said decedent sltuato near
Kyer drove, about olghty-ilve acres ot which la
cleared aud In a good stato ot cultivation, Is con
venlent to churches, schools, mills and market. It
has a two story frame dwelling house, with
kitchen nnd out buildings, nnd well of good water
at tho door, n good frnuio bain and stable, with
wagon shed, corn erlb and other convenient build.
lngs, with good well o( water In the barn ; It has
a story and a half teniut
therewith ; with fruit trees, 4c, nnd all In good
condition. Tho part In wood lias u great dealot
good and valuable timber.
The second abovo mentioned tract of land Is nil
wood land, containing a largo quantity ot good
and vnluablo timber of different kinds pine, hem
lock, oak, poplar, Ax. ; It adjoins tho first piece
nnd Is alike near to maiket and other advantages;
It Is nearly all level bottom land.
TEHMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of the ono
fourth ot tho purctuso money to bo paid at tho
striking down ot tho property; tho ono-iourth less
tho ten per cent, at the connrmatloa of salo; and
tho remaining three-fourths In one year there
after, with Interest from confirmation ulsl.
l"urchaser to pay for tho deed.
Possession will be given on tho llrst day of April
lfcSI, upon tho purchase money being properly se
Octs-ts llloomsburg, rn.
(Omfinwdrom lait week.)
How Watch Cases arc Made.
ThU process of manufacture wis Invented
by James Bobs, who ftarte.l in l,iitinet.s in
1851, nnd the methods nnd tools ilsud in
making these watch cases are eovorud l y
patents. This is the only watch ewe vuule
under this process. For many years tlio in
troduction of these goods was slow, owinj
to popular prejudice against "plated'' pm!,
but gradually the public learned that tl.e
James Jloss' Gold Watch Vase was not a
cheap gold-uashcd or clectro-platal arti.Je,
but was made of ocnin'ii joUl pLttrs m
standard quality and thickness. Coiiscienli jiu
adherence to tho determination to maUo
the best watch caso ever put on tlio rcarUit,
and the adoption of every improvemont
suggested, has made the Janus JJoss' (z'cii
Watch Case tho ,p,r' wn
In this watch caso tho parts & O
most subject to wear tho tote, crown, hinges,
thumbatches, etc., aromade of boLID oolii.
Stint 3 rrnt ttawp to Krjitone Watrh (W Tartar!... ritlla.
drtphla, fa , fur haMtlaeuallliutratM rampal.Uhjnlnirhow
Jainta Uom' and kj tlvaa W atrh Ca-ta ara mail.
(7b be continual.) t
Fairview l:::z Institute,
The house Is specially fitted un for tho comfort
of invalids who dclro a pleasant and Christian
home, stands on high ground with plentyjgb
shade. Personal attention given to every patlentr
Klectrlclty and (lalvanlsni lu their different modl
ncattons a speciality. Prof. Mills has given many
t ears or siuuyaiiu practice 10 inu urancn, anu
ttinurcus w m icaiuy 10 1113 SKltu
renu lor circular, stating wuai paper you saw
J. I'ltUP. Ub.lll .11L.1,
Loek Hose !ir. Mnghamton, N. V.
Sept. 7 'SJly.
lUtCough Syrup. Tafttmcond. I
Jan -C8, ospia
Aim -t . EJ V I'oHllIve cure
(iA I AWKrl
A gentleman from
Orwell, Pa., called my
ntteut Ion to El y's
cream li.tlin as a remo
dy for catarrh, Hay
Fever, A'c. He was so
earnest In asserting Ls
to bo a po-sltlva euro
that I purchased a
stock. P. 1", Hyatt, M.
V. liordentown, N. J.
Apply byllttlo fin
ger huo tho nostrils,
lly absorption It effect
ually cleanses the na
sal passages ot ca-
m m kaMrak tail!"" un, vttuaiUK
HAT "EEVER healthy becreilons. It
allays lnilammatlon, protects the mcmbranal
linings 01 lite neaa irom atiuiiionui cuius, uum-
meieiy ueais xne sores nnu restores mo sensoot
aste and sinelL beneficial results are realized by
a tew applications. A thorough treatment will
cure. Uuetiualed for colds In head. Agreeable to
use. send for circular, hold by druggists, lly
inallMe. a package stamps.
ELY llttOTHEItS, Druggies, OWCgO, Ji. V.
October fth-lw d
Tlio following property will bo sold at Iubllc
Salo on
Saturday October 20tt, '83.
That well known Hotel Property, tho
U N I 0 N II A L L,
Mttialcd on Mill Street. Itninllle, Pciiimi.
Tlio property can bo bought at rrlvato Salo pre
vious to that day. Terms easy, Enqulro of
or Executors.
It. H. WOOLLKV, J M"-Ulura-
October, 5th-3w
Ney goods at G. G, JIarr's.
New cashmeres and other dress goods nt
Lutz & moan's this week.
Wo nru ottering some big bargains iu
colored dress silks less than tho lowest pri
ces ever before named. Come and sec
them, Clark & Son.
A now lot of tine boxed papers just re
ceived nt the Columuian store. That heavy
cream damask, and wedding plates is the
finest writing paper wo have ever shown.
Only 40 cents a bo.v, with envelopes.
Cull and see C.
O. JIarr's stock of new
Wo offer n good jersey Jacket at
also cloth to muke up, Clark it Bon.
For good cheap
furniture, go to Cad-
Ids own, so exercise control over his prop
erty, as not to Injtiro others. The peace
and good order of society require that tho
personal rights ot citizens should be exer
cised within tliclr reasonable limits.
It is not to bo understood that tho party
Injured, may, In general, tako tho law into
his own hands and redress a wrong,
Tho defendant hero is charged with
inallco in killing the dog of tho prosecutor.
Tlio question of malice is submitted tq
you under tho evidence Was this iinlmai
continually trespassing upon tlio defend.
ant, nnd wns lie doing hurt and damage to
tho extent of making hltn a nulsanco to
,hliii? I hold that It u dog Is iu tho habit of
A large stock ot single and double
shawls at Lutz it Sloan's.
Prints 6, 0, and 8 cents at C. C. Marr's.
Ladles you will find that the CO, 75 and
1.00 merino vests wo offer aro very good
values, also a 11111 11110 01 ciuuiron's imucr
wear at Clark & Son's.
a noted man.
Among tho men who havo made their
names household words, within tlio last
half century, stands Sir. Speer of Passaic,
N. J. He is tlio pioneer Gritpo grower of
tills country, and ho has demonstrated be-
yond a doubt that the foreign grapes can
be raised hero and that ns tine a wluo can
bo produced in this country ns in Kurone.
ami for medicinal uses Mr. Sneer's wine
surpasses that of the oltl country. Laities
In delicate health, and aged peoplu find It
to be the best wine nicy can procure..
Winsted Araus. For sale by O. A. Klclm.
llloomsburg, 1'a.
1)i:aii Snt I lav on my side for fourlomi
months without any relief until I commen
ced taking Phelp's lthcuiuatic Kllxir. It
is tho best mediclno 1 ever used, To-day
is tlio best day I liavo seen in twelve
months. 1 thank you and God Almighty
and to no ono else for my relief. I liavo
lived and done public business in Geneva,
N, Y., for the last twenty yenrs, therefore
havo many acquaintances that call around
mid sou me dullv and to ask about Flicln's
Kllxir for themslvcs or for somo of their 1JIJOT RfTlsH QTf,rKr
friends. I praise It highly. You do tho DL, 1 OlAA I L,U OlULK
talking ami sign my namo as my tongue
cotiiti not 110 11 iiistice.
Anduew DtssMoNi), Grocer.
Geneva. April 10. 188a.
For sale at Hondcrshott's Pliaiiiincy,
iiioomsuurg, ru.
Look at thu new shades ot writing paper
in our show windows. Bold by the sheet
or quire, nt tlio Columuian store.
Cloltoi! Cliii! ambit!
Gents' Furnishing Goods
iivi,,g ,i ,! STOVES & TINWARE. xiiiiui iiig uiiti ueuiH p tir
iiishinu Goods Store, in KNOUH &
WINTKUSTEHS'S builtliiiL', on
Main street, whom I am iiruimivil to
make to order, tilslioit notice, first
class suits of clotliiiit' always in tlio
latest styles and nricui reasonably
Fits Kiiaiantocil. Having lenniud how
to cut garments to suit customers, anil
also what kind ol material will give
satisfaction, I would ask you to please
can anu examine mo
This la to certify that L. K. Whury Is tho
KSlAlb ur OUOARaAl! llAttft, J.AIK Ut MAIN
Letters otiulmlnUtratlonlntho cntatoof Sus
annah 1- Hawk lulu ot Main township, Columbia
sole nuth'irlzed nucnt for Hlooinsburir. for county Pu deceased, havo been Kruntoil by . the
Hiiltm. Hlnvn W'nrbo nf flrr l'nlnlnr
said comity to J. A. sliuinuu. Ailmlnw.
All liitniildtf liivl,,iv rklmi tx.lnt u.l.l
fs Co., and ls the only dealer that can glvo. estate are miueled to nrtwMil them lor heuio-
a guaruuteo on our work on Stoves, heat- ment and tliolndebte.1 lotlio same to make
t5 nr fiirnnnna jiayuicntto thu undcrbtgnod adinlnMrator with
ers or iurnacts, Umiv. j. a. hhuman. OUH, rAINTEIl & CO, 4 tvf t. SUt " Aduaubtra'tor.
Ever shown in Columbia county,
B3foro Purchasing Elsowherc.
Corner Main it Market Sis.
April lsiyr.
All kinds of work iu Sheet Iron, Hoof
ing and Spouting promptly
atlenileil to.
:whtrlcl attention given to hoatlns by swam.
Corner of Main & East Sts ,
121ooinsburj, Pa.
After Twenty Vears on Hie Wrong
KHIe ol I. lit: a VlrKtnliiii Turin
tile TnlilvH.
"How loiik'tlld you sayt"
ttonil I huil Kiinvrf it Iruin diseased liver for twen.
l )'''l'llr. K T. Hancock, ot Itlclunond.
11., hall sadly, us lliuutfh thinking of that Ullupl!
Haled hwllou ot his llto. "At times 1 almost wlin
etl II had pIbiwmI Pryvldenco tumult tho liver from
tliHliuiuun anatomy."
'Had enoiurli-Uventy years ot that tort ot
thliur , ' it Mionded .1 lUleuer. "What was Hit) un
bliot ot It r' '
"Hieupkhot won thnt wiiue tlmo tiro I went
doiiioKvu,HilrUhloriMi tho city, and bout-lit
one ot HKNMlVri CAPl'lNK POUOl'S 1'l.ASTfcUS,
appllMl It and was rt'llewd in a few hours, tiiui
am now iu wnind 114 thmiifU my titer were luuUo 1 1
Iteuwii-ei-umike t lie old f ihlilonwl kind of Man.
which lii cut In the genuine. Prlco tacculu, Boo,
bury Si Jounnun, ciictubtB, Urn York,
October Mil-iw a