The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 12, 1883, Image 3

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The Columbian.
Correct Ilullroail Time Tattle,
Trains oa tbo Philadelphia & It, It, loavo llupcrt
M ioiiowh I
IM1.B. 1145 a. m.
4 uil p. ra. 13 p, in,
jITr.tlna on tho D. L. & W. It. K. loivo llloomsburg
rollowsi "
7 fto a. m. 8 S3 a, in,
10 47 a. ra. 11 41 a. in.
;0 sc p. m, 4 m p, in.
Tho 1145 train south connects with tho Phila
delphia e Heading at import, ana with the
Northern Central at Northuraocrland.
Tin 8;M a. m tralnoonncots at Northumberland
nun 0:15 train on Pennsylvania road reaching
rnliadsiphla at 8:i p. in,
Tho UUltrala connects with PhllsdJlphta and
Itoadlng roat at IMpert at 11:50 reaching; l'hlla
dolphla at e:oo p. in.
Tho 11:15 train connects wltli Pennsylvania at Norihtitnoorland at l:n reaching Pniladol
plila at 7:25 p. m
Tho 4:3a p. ra. train connects with Pennsylvania
road at Northumberland at 1M p. in. una reaches
pnliadelphla at 8:55 a. in.
iirMla on tha N. ft W. II. Hallway pass'' Bloom
Ferry as follows :
7.41 a. in 12.01 p.m. p. in 7.07 p. in.
I'uMIe HalcH.
Wlllli'.m lCrcamer, administrator of Anna
Welllvcr will sell real cslato In Madison
township on NYedncsday, October lilst.
M. Pi Kyerly will sell roal estate In Ksp y
on Saturday, October 37th.
A. U. Croop, administrator of Milton
Mosteller will sell real e3talo in HriarcieeU
on Saturday, October 27th.
Tho executors of Isano Snyder, deceas
ed, will sell personnl property and real
estate on the premises in Mllllln township
on Tuesday, October 10th.
Seo advertisements.
A. P. Ilendershott of Wushlngtan City 13
visiting Ids parents.
Clarenco Fitzpatrick of Hiulcton is in
town vlsltlug friends. '
Mrs. A. A. Marplo is visiting at Mrs.
WHIP. Staley of Pittston, spent this week
In town, visiting old acquaintances.
Mrs. M. S. Bates, of Williamsport, is
the guest of Mrs. Dr. J. 0. Rutter.
Kcv. D. M. Kintcr, of Stillwater, is
spending a few weeks nt Camp Hill.
Hon. Joseph Powell, democratic candi
date for Statu Treasurer, was In town on
Mrs. Henry McKelvy started lust Satur
day for Chicago where she will join her
husband and go to housekeeping.
The Misses John, of Shamokin, are vis
itlng their aunt, Mrs. Frcas Brown, at the
Exchange Hotel.
Mrs. Moore, formerly Miss Emma Bar
ton, now living in Indiana, has been spend
ing several weeks hero with her relatives.
U. P. Carter, general agent of I). M.
Osborne & Co., is in town attending the
fair and looking after the Interests of his
Peter Girlon, of Greenwood township,
who has been sick for several months, Is
able to be out again, and is visiting rela
tlvcs in Hemlock and Bloom this week.
Mrs. John Zauer returned from her west
ern trip on Wednesday. Her son Alfred
accompanied her. She reports having had
a pleasant visit.
There will be an adjourned court on
Thursday, November 8th.
"Banker's Daughter" at the Opera
House on Monday night, October 15th.
The Jackson church will bo rc-dedlcated
on the 28th iust.
O. W. Sterner has nine
chickens on exhibition at the
varieties of
county fair.
Paper sacks ,for buckwheat flour at the
Coujmiiun store.
Mr. Peter Brugler has improved his resl
deuce on Third street, by the erection of a
veranda at tho front.
Misses Nellie and Irene Monroe of Kupcrt
were neither absent from nor tardy at
school during tho month of September.
Bewaie of pickpockets on the fair
grounds. A number of light lingered gen
try are said to be in town.
Ent Post, accompanied by the Blooms
burg Baud, attended tho Urnml Army re
union nt Danville last Friday.
A large variety of (Jklmjloid Coli.aiis is
Cuffs at David Lowenbergs.
When you go to the fair see that your
doors and windows arc all securely fasten
ed. There are always a good many rough
clinractcis In town at such u time.
At tho last meeting of the Town Council
a resolution was passed instructing tho
collector to proceed immediately to collect
all back taxes.
Fou Sale. A property in Boarlngcreek
township, consisting of a dwelling house,
barn, mill with four run of stone, and
about 28 acres of improved land. Inquire
of JohnMourcy, Bloomsburg, Pa. tf
A subscriber at Lelghton, Iowa, sends us
a draft to pay for two years' subscription,
and says, "Your paper is like a letter from
homo ovcry week, and we cannot got
along without It."
L. Bernlmrd keeps lu stock tho best pla
ted ware in knives, forks, spoons, casters
&c. Articles engraved free of charge,
good plated tea spoons at 1.25,
An attempt was madu by burglars to
break open the store of Silas Young at
LIghtstrcet last wcok, Thursday night. Mr.
Young heard tho nolso and llred four shots
from a revolver, at the men. Tltcro were
thrco of them.
Mr. Oeorgo Webb, foimcrSupeiintendent
of tho Catawlssa branch of (he Philadel
phia & Beading railroad, died suddenly on
Tuesday, Through his droits tho Cata
wlssa road was extended from Milton to
If ovtry member of the bar who attended
court last week will examine his overcoat,
ono of them will discover that somo per
son has exchanged overcoats with him.
The ono lie has is a llttlo larger and longer
than the ono he hud, and tho lining of the
sleeves has a larger stripe. By calling nt
this nlllce nn exchange can bo mnde.
Under tho law passed by Congress at
Its last session reducing the postngo on
flrst-elass matter from three to two cents
per half ounce or fractional part, no pro.
vision was mndo for local postage, which
still remains two cents on tlrst-class mat.
tcr, In his forthcoming annual report It
Is understood that tho Postmaster General
will recommend tho reduction of this class
of postage to ono oont per half nunroi
also, that If Investigation shows It to bo
practical without eerloualy eilppllug the
revenues of tho department, ho will urge
an Increase of tho weight of first-class
mattor that can bo carried for two cents.
from half un ouuco to au ounce.
Miss MacArthur of tho Nor.nal School
la prepared to receive orders for painting
on silk, satin, plush, chlnn, glass, wood,
pottery, tiles, canvas, matting, sntlnes Ac.
Photographs and views colored. Ebonl..
Ing neatly done. Orders solicited early to
Insure completion of all before Christmas.
Numerous articles on hand sultnblc for
Chilstmas presents, which can ho dupllca
ted, Prices reasonable. A limited num.
her of decorated ornaments will bo display
cd for n few days at Mr. 0. A. Clark's
storo In tho Exchange Hotel building,
Bloomsburg, Pa. Oct fith.3 w
Grand Army Day was celebrated at Dan
ville, on Friday last by the various Posts
of Luzeine, Carbon, Columbia, Northuin
bcrland, Lycoming, Montour, Snyder aud
Union counties. Fifteen hundred soldiers
were In line. They wero reviewed by De
partment Commander General Osborne and
members of his stall. In tho evening a
regimental rcuiiloii was held lu the Court
Douse. Addresses wero delivered by Col
onel Caldwell, Colonel Thomas, I. H.
Howe (of tho Scranton Republican), J. P.
Dcntworth. O. Seott. nf Mlplilmin i ( f).
M. Tilllnghast, United States navy ( Thorn-
as Challant, of the Danville Intelligencer,
nnd Adjutant General Vandcrsllce. Ent
Post was escorted by tho Bloomsburg
Since the reduction lu rates of postage,
tho contrast with the times of our fathers
has grown still more marked. The first
postal rates were llxed In 1702, and In those
days It cost 0 cents to send n letter UO
miles,8 cents to send It 00 mlles.and so on un
til the rato of 25 cents was reached for 150
miles, In 1811 a law was passed Increas
ing tho rates fifty per cent., but It was re
pealed after a few mouths. In 1815 tho
rates were sltnplllleil and reduced, tho lol-
lowlng scale being adopted : under 300
miles, 5 cents j over !i00 miles, 10 cents
drop lettets, 2 cents. Stamp wero first
Issued lu 1817 and stamped envelopes In
1852. In 1851 tho uniform rato of 3 cents
tor any distance within the Union was
adopted. Now that this rate has been cut
down one-third It Is not probable there will
be any further reduction in letter postage
for many years to come. We have grown
so accustomed to the cheap rates of pos
tage that even the present great reduction
Is likely to cxclto little comment ; but
when one reflects upon it, tho fact that for
two cents a letter can be sent from Florida
to Oregon is a most remarkable one, and
one that vividly Illustrates tho benefits
flowing from organization and co-operation
in any branch of labor.
Montour I'rolUDltloii Ticket.
The Muntour county Prohibition con
vention was held at Danville in the court
house. Isaac Sterner was elected chair
man nnd J. Ij. Richardson secretary and
treasurer. The following ticket was nom
inated: Associate judge, Isaac Sterner;
register and recorder, Frank Hendrickson ;
county treasuicr, Heury Cooper. W. L.
Antrim was elected chairman of the coun.
ty committee. A ylgorous campaign is to
be Instituted. Resolutions were adopted
pledging the nominees individual support
and individual vote at the polls.
Espy Items.
Dr. S. A. Jones, of Wilkesbane, has
opened an ollicc opposite John Groli's
Mr. Claik Fiddler has opened a boot and
shoe shop in the upper room of John
Qroh's store, and Is doing a good business.
Twelve or fifteen gentlemen from this
place started up the river by boat last
week, they fished from Ilunlock's creek to
this place, and spent several days on tho
Some of the young people have organ
ized a string band in this placo and are
doing well. Mr. Methcrcll, of Blooms
burg, is teaching them.
C. is G.
The Ilniiltcr'H I.ui;;litcr.
AVhcn Bronson Howard wrote "The
Banker's Daughter," ho produced tho best
society play that graces . the boards of tho
theatre to-day, a comedy that has been
played throughout the length and breadth
of the country and met with ono universal
verdict, viz : Splendid.. Tho story is fa
miliar to plhy-Koers and readers. Tho
sacrifice of a daughter to save her father j
her marriage with a man she does not
love, but who is tho soul of honor and
pure devotion ; his discovery of his wife's
indifference to him, after having lived with
her for a period of years, ottering daily his
devotion at a shrlno which with tho blind
ness of love he could not see was veiled to
him ; their separation, and lu tho end tho
hush Mil's recall by tho wife, who during
ids absence has learned to know how well
she loved him all this is related with a
wealth of incidents that engages anil re
tains the closest attention and a depth of
pathos that appeals to the innermost sensi
bilities of tho spectator. Tho Intrinsic
merit of this really excellent work is not
lessened by tho fact that it is entirely do
void of the tcndencyZto cater to a morbid
appetite that comprises a rock of ollense in
so many "society" plays. Tho Banker's
Daughter is certainly a very powerful nnd
absorbing play. The story Is full of inter-
est, there Is an abundance- of comedy
element to brighten it up, and, above all,
the characters nre made to talk and act
llko men and women.
This piny will be produced at the Opera
House on Monday night, October 10th.
Itolii'HtiurK I.ctter,
On batiirilay, tho 2'Jtli ult., there was
quite u large surprlso party at the
house ol Martin Albcrtson in Fislilngcreek
township, somo two miles aud a half north
of Itohrsliiirg. It being Mrs. A's. forty.
sixth birthday. There wero fifty somo in
number old nnd young, llttlo and big
and It was a real surprise, indeed, to Mrs
A. At about two o'cljck tho table was
loaded down with delicious, steaming eat
ables of which all ate heartily, after which
in duo time, they all returned merrily to
their several homes.
Mr. Jacob Hants'. Is proceeding with the
erection of his large store house, and other
Improvements in this town.
A few evenings ago there was a school
meeting appointed at tho Kroamer school
house, by Norman MuIIcnry, Director of
tho district, for the tux-payers of the ills.
trlct to meet aud choose a teacher for tho
winter term, there being seven applicants,
Several otftlio tnx.p lyers of tho district
were not present (likely know nothing of
It), but what were there proceeded to ills-
cuss us to the best or choice of tho soven
different applicants, When they were
about ready to vole, or chooso Miss O.
Coleman of Orangeviilc, would have been
tho choice of the regular applicants, when
ono of thu men of the district, J. Coleman,
arose and wroto the name of Win. J,
Kramer, who was present, for teacher for
tills winter's term, ho being the teacher
last winter. Whereupon they commenced
Hulking, the oldest man being Samuel
Coleman, who marked for Kramer, aud
uli the rest, except ono man, followed suit.
S'h Kramer got it. licit ihuo U home ilis-
satisfaction, ho being proont and not
, regular uppneaui umu eiuim
. Hint It was not a fair shako. Ho let It be,
1 b for me. I. 1 bum.
Tile I'alr.
Wednesday morning opened bright and
clear and gave evidence that so far as tho
weather was concerned! tho 28th Annual
Fair of tho Columbia County Agricultural
Society would bo n success. All day Wed.
ncsday exhibitors passed through town
with their different articles for exhibition,
and by night tho display was qulto equal
to any former year.
Among our imslncsss men who display
ed their goods on tho grounds were
who showed somo haiulsomo oveieoats
for gents and boy, elegant suits, lino But.
falo robes, among them n Hudson Bay
wolf, black jap, white and gray, a smoking
jacket, trunks, valises, and traveling bags,
His stand is In the first building cast side,
and nttrncts much attention.
m. u. SLOAN & nno.
have a number of pieces of their celebrated
make, embracing a Brewster top buggy, n
Canopy top phaeton, n two seated carriage,
a platform wagon, nn open buggy, n Jtul.
holland spring top buggy, a Timkin top
nml tt 8lclSh' Tll llnlsl1 mA wotk-
manshlp of these vehicles cannot bo sur
J. saltzbi:,
In a nent tent near tho dinner hall Mr.
Saltzcr has a ilno assortment of musical In
struments, including a Chlckering piano
and the celebrated Estcy organs. Holms
also a variety of sewing machines of the
Domestic, White, Davis and other makes.
In this department C, C. Gallgnan, E. B.
Browcr and L. E. Whary each hnvo very
creditable displays of ranges, heaters, cook
stoves, all of the latest pattern.
S. M. Hess shows several patterns of Iron
W. J. Corell has a fine display of furni
C. S. Furman exhibits an assortment of
harness and horse furnishing goods.
The exhibition in this department Is
larirer than ever before. D, M. Osborne
is Co. through their efficient agent II. S.
Carter, show a self-binder, several mowers,
a mower nnd reaper combined.
White is Conner of Orangeviilc show a
horse power, thresher and cleaner, and a
fodder cutter and crlndcr of their own
J. M. of Light Street has one
of his tread powers and separators on tho
Simon Shlve, John Wolf and Samuel
Turnbach each have a display of agricul
tural implements of different manufac
turers. There is quite an array of poultry, vege
tables. oraln, hie 'pumpkins, domestic
goods, fancy articles, &c., Sic.
In a side show arc two immense oxen,
weighing together 03,00 pounds. They nre
short horn Durham breed and were raised
in New York near Pouglikcepsle. They
aro worth seeing.
There Is the usual number of ball throw
ing cntch pennies, fakirs, whirligigs, and
snako shows.
Of the races we can say nothing this
week, as wo go to press on Thursday be
fore any of them take place. There aro
some good horses entered for tho free to all
on Saturday, nnd an exciting race may bo
expected. The fair has been well managed
in all its departments, nnd will no doubt
prove a financial success this year to tho
Tlie Game i.iiwn,
The Forest and Stream, the journal of
angling and shooting, published at New
loik, Issued a digest of the gamo laws of
the different States. From it wo take the
following for this State. The dates mark
the limits of the seasons in which it is law
ful to kill the game named :
Rulled and pinnated grouse, Oct. 1-Jan,
1 ; quail, Oct. 15 Jan. 1 j woodcock,
July 4 Jan. 1 j wildfowl, Sept. 1 May
15 ; wild turkey, Oct. 15 Jan. 1 ; deer
and elk, Oct. 1 Dec. 31 : plover, July 15
-Jan. 1 j rabbit (bare), Nov. 1 Jan. 1 ;
rail and rcedbird, Sept. 1 Dec. 1 ; sal
mon, speckled trout, April 1 Aug. 1 ;
lake trout, Jan, 1 Oct. 1 j black, green,
yellow, willow, Lake Erie, glass and rook
bass, pike, pickerel, wall-cycd pike, bus
quchanna salmon, Juno 1 Jan. 1.
Chasing deer with dogs unlawful. Use
of ferrets unlawful. Wildfowl shooting
unlawful with "other than such guns ns
habitually are raised at arm's length and
fired from the shoulder ; " netting unlaw
ful. Grouse shooting at night unlawful
Wild pigeons protected on nesting ground.
Sunday shooting and fishing unlawful
Season for "green bass, yellow bass, wil
low bass, rock bass, Lake Erlo or grass
bass, piko or pickerel, or wall-eyed pike
commonly called Susquehanna salmon
June 1 Jan. 1 ; does not apply to Lako
Erie waters, save ponds on Erie Harbor
peninsula. Speckled or California trout
may not be taken less than 0 In. in
length, nor black, yellow or green
bass less than G Inches in length
Pike county i deer, Oct. 1 to Dec, 1, can
not bo killed in tho water, squirrel Sept. 1
to Dec. 15, rabbit Oct. 15 to Dec. 15, wood
or summer duck Oct. 1 to Jan, 1, wood
cock July -l to Dec. 15, quail Oct. 15 to
Dec. 1, ruffed grouse Sept. 15 to Dec. 1
salmon, speckled trout May 1 to Aug. 1,
pike, pickerel Juno 1 to Feb. 15,
Notice to all I'arMeft Comluii to tlie
One of tho finest displays to look at dur
ing "Tin: Pahs" will bo the grand display of
goods from tho complete stock of David
LowF.Niinua, The People's Ci.orniEi!.
"ltuttle of (lie IlooUH."
Tho "Literary ltcvolutton' which caused such a
sensation a few years nt'o, and which was sup.
posed to havo been thoroughly overthrown aud
done tor, seems to bo "ablaze" again, moro tlerco
and UotuUhlni' than ever. Us "100-pago cata
logue, tine," and "books sent to any ono to bo
pall tor atter receipt and examination, evidence
ot good t.ilth being given," aro now being adver
ttinlln thousands ot papers, and It opens ono'a
eyes to seo tho books offered tilt tlino thorough
ly beautiful typography and tho bestot paper,
presswork and binding, Instead ot small typo and
cheap work, as formerly. And ono must ncknowl
edge that they aro Indeed "tho lowest prices ever
knowu." Wo tpioto a tow samples, tho books
being always unabridged, and In largo typo i
Tennyson's Knoch Anlen, a cents.
Thu colter's Saturday Nhrht. a cents.
Ciesar's Commentaries. Cicero's Orations, and
numerous other "Ancient I'las-dea for Hngllih
Ko.iders," leduced from 11 to as low us 15 cents
cat u.
lucon s Essays, is cents to n cents.
Horo's famous lilulo nailery, ii.
1 r Ilia's r-krti'h IhWk. as cunts to 1)0 cents.
Ii-Wmr's Works, lit 0 Unround beautiful vol.
nines, f I.
Ancient IX'ynt under the 1'haroahs. lduced from
rami's iuiTiy .ovei, reuumj irom to tt.Qi
uiws j.uqvs woi'ks, reuuecu ironi fin to h.ts.
And a wholo of tho great poets of thu world,
ranging rroin n and 5) cents upwards! nlsoplcn-
ty ot other books equally Interesting and astonish.
Ing lo tho old-tlmo book buyers. Tho books nro
sold only to buyers direct, and not through book.
sellers. Thoso who would bo Inclined to bcllovo
clalnw fabulous, aro confronted with tho "prlvl.
lego of examination before payment," and tho
witness of ono's own neighbors on ovcry hand who
have already rcoelvcd their books. It Is certainly
unrtlia postal cjrdto get tho "catalogue free,"
i'or that, nddnvM John li, Alden, lnibllsher, 18
visy fe't., Now Voik,
Fur a Full Suit,
For a good Overcoat,
For Men, Youth's, Boy's and Children
I go to David Lowcnbcrt;'.
Do not admit tho tramp Into your house.
Ho Is perhaps a member of a band of
thieves, and is only spying out tho way for
future vlslti.
The Album Wrlter'H jVrlcucl.
Wo have Just received from tho publish
crs a copy of The Album Writer' Friend,
containing nearly thrco hundred selections
suitable for writing In autograph albums.
Thoso of our readers who have been In
vited to Inscribe their sentiments in a
friend's nlbum, will find this llttlo voluino
a valuable help. It contains 01 pages, and
will bo sent by mall post paid on receipt of
15 cents, by J. S. OdttAiK is Co., Publish-
ers, No. 01 Hose Btrcct, Now i'ork.
TUB At II. C. Olf OUIl llUmiSKHH.
Attractive Goods,
dmlrablo Assortment.
Bargain for everybody.
Al JJaviu ijiiwciiucrg s
Tile Vartntv.
Icnutlful Designs.
'ottom Prices.
Compare our Stock,
onsidcr tho Saving,
omo right Alone.
To David Lovtctibcrg's for Clothing.
Court I'rocecillmcH.
Oscar Alexander, a native of Prussia,
was naturalized In open court.
Mary GofI vs. Benjamin Goll, subpoena
in divorce confirmed.
Eslato of Mary Clark, dee'd. Petition
for discharge ns Admr. Illcdand rule grant
ed. Sale ot realty ordered lu estate of Heury
W. Major.
The same In estate of Hebccca Linn.
Tho same In estate of Mary J. Denul.
Estate of John Grubcr, dee'd. Decree
filed on citation for specific performance
of contract.
Koad In Muln township, near W. S.
Fisher. Abraham Bice, Clias Michael and
Adam Federoll appointed viewers.
Estate of Geo. P. Miller, deceased. Pe
tition to satisfy mortgage to Jas. Miller, ct.
al. Decree filed.
Decree filed satisfying mortgago of D. S.
Pursel to A. Frcas and Jacob Creasy.
Heasons for a new trial filed in Common.
wealth vs. D. F. Seybert.
Judgment for S13.50 and Interest from
13 Jan. 1883 in case of Richard Ivy ys
Henry Ort.
Petition for road in Catawlssa township,
In town of Catawlssa. Daniel Morris,
Samuel Camp, and Henry Gablo nppolutcd
Estate of Levi Miller, deceased. Decree
of Court in special performance of contract
with estate of Philip Miller, deceased, 111-
On petition for road In Catawlssa, near
paper mill, Daniel .Horns, oamuei uamp
nnd Henry Gable appointed viewers.
On petition for road in Scott township
near llobert Stiff's farm, David S. Brown,
Georgo Breisch and Chas. Fisher appoint
cd viewers.
On petition for road in Fislilngcreek
near lili i'eaier, uyrus jiciicnry, x. iv
Dildine and Georgo Appleman appointed
On petition for a road in Orange town
ship, Joseph Dewitt, Alfred Frcas and Geo.
Patterson apppointed viewers.
A petition for road in Centre township
near A. Shellhammcr. Chas. Itccd, Gideon
Michael, and Geo. W. Miller appointed
On petition for road in Orange township,
II. II, Brown, Jacob Terwllliger and Chas.
Lee, Sr., appointed viewers.
On petition for road in Fislilngcreek
township near E. Shaffer's school house,
James Manning, Hugh Fairman, and Isaac
A. DeWltt appointed viewers.
On petition road in Centre near Wliit-
miro's old school house. G. W. Crcvcling,
Geo. Kelclmer and Wesley Buckle appoint
ed viewers.
On petition road in Madison township
near U. W. Jives, iram uerr, Baniuei
Young and Moses Savage apppointed
On petition for county bridge over Little
Fislilngcreek between Jackson and Pino
townships near Jacob Christian's, Daniel
Edgar, Ell Mcllcnry and J. E. Edson ap
pointed viewers,
Sale of real estate ordered In estate of
Milton Mosteller.
Upon proclamation, Treasurer's deeds
were acknowicugeu as ioiiows to jouii
Nolt'3 use for the undivided one-fourth of
four tracts of unseated lands in Fislilng
creek township for 10.89. To same for
the undivided one-fourth of live tracts of
nnseatcd lsnds In Briarcrcck township for
Bloomsbuig Banking Company assigned
to Ario Pardee, Geo. B. Marklo and W. A.
M. Grier &c. Judgment by proclamation
in open court.
Ellis Eves appointed guardianship for
Samuel Demott, a minor.
In re-cstnto of Esther Evans, deceased
Petition for discharge of executor and de
cree in same filed.
W. P. llhono vs. Sarah O. Hhono. Dc
crce of divorce filed.
Itoad in Benton Township near John
Bokcr's. John Ilantz, Abram Knousc, and
Emanuel Savage appointed viewers.
In re Hattlo and Collins Sutlllf, minors.
On petition guardian allowed to Invest
John K. Grotz's uso vs, Ellsha O. Ayer
Amended declaration filed by leave of
Petition for appointment of guardians
for Susanna Hawk's children.
Estate of Seth Hartman. Sale of realty
to pay debts ordered.
On petition, periodical alllowancc allow
ed for minor child of W. H. Orungo
Estato of Henry Lehr, Sheriff ordered
to make deed.
Jucob Swank vs. N. &. W. B. U'y. Co
Verdict for plaintiff 1887.
Petition of Elmer Huntington for change
of guardian filed, and change allowed,
Curtis a. Books vs. Borough of Danville,
On motion of C. It. Buekalew of counsel
for plalntill, Court orders tho statutory
writ authorized against borough for tho col
lection ot judgment to issue in this case
against defendant. Returnable to next term,
DtcLONU. In Oraugo township, Sep
tembcr 130th, Mrs. hllzabeth DoLong, ngei
73 years.
tth Inst., at thu Reformed parsonugo, i
Orangeviilc, by Rev. A. HotiU, Mr. Henry
Iteaglo to Miss Jvinma Juno Hlttenbcnder,
both of Mt. Pleasant township.
WATTS UNQKR. At the M. K. par.
sonago in Orutigovlllc, by Rev. K. M,
Chileout, .Mr, John 0. Watts to Ml
Sarah C. Unger, both of Ureenwood, Col
umbla couuty, Pa.
PUHSKL -ICHLLHR. -At tho public
house of .Mr. Hcckmau, Orangovlllo, Onto
bcr 0, 1883, by Rev. K. M. Chileout, Mr,
Harry II. Pursel, o( Herwlek, to Miss
Alice H. Keller, of Mllllln, both of Coin in
bin county, Pa.
DeetlM Kccorctctl.
Thu following deeds have been recorded
slncp those Inst published I
Seth B. Bowman to Kllznbelh J. Smith,
John Haywood to AInry Jane Morris,
A. B. Stewart and wife to C. B, Myers,
Mary Langdon to Uoso Langdon, Con.
Lewis Thomas nnd wife to Jncob Gelst,
Joseph B. Knlttle and wife to Andrew
Booncy, Ccntrnlla.
John W. Evnns and wife to It. H. Bondy
8. Ji. Bowman and wife to Sarah A.
Shannon, Berwick.
Catharlno Hosier to Oeorgo W. Hosier,
SamuclS. Sltlcr to John H. Suit, Hilar-
W. J. Conkllng nnd wife to Nanoy J.
Kcstcr, Bloomsburg.
Hcrmon Fnhringer, trustee, to John
ltarlg, lloarlngcrcek.
iVbraham M. Mosteller and wife to Jo
seph McCourt, ct. al., Mllllln.
Georgo W. McEwcn, administrator, to
Margaret McEwcn, Greenwood,
C. M. Vandcrsllce, ct. al,, executor, to
William Mosteller, Hemlock.
Samuel Hoilgland and wife to Isaac N.
Teltsworth, Locust.
"The Hopkln's pump" exhibited by W.
J. .Myers' ot lletlervlllo.
This Is a double-acting Antl-frcczlng
force pump. It is simple in construction
durable and cheap and is n delightful
working nuinn. It Is porcelain lined, and
has great force power. It can be set Inside
of buildings audputnptho water from wells
and springs that aro out side. Tho pumps
aro warranted to give lull satisfaction.
Don't fall to see them.
30 dlllcrent styles of pen or pencil tablets
at me uoLUMHiAn store.
Cheap underwear at J. B. Skccr's.
For $3.50 jou can buy good boys'
at Gross' N. Y. store.
75,000 envelopes, all sizes and colors,
wholesalo nml retail, at thu C'olumuian
We have two splendid heating stoves for
saie at, a great uargain. nicy arc mil
nlcklo plated and have been used but n
short time. Apply to Hendershott's Phar
macy. Cheap queens ware at J. B. Skcei's.
$5.00 buys a good, decent new suit of
Sunday clothes at Gross' N. . store,
20 different styles of wedding invitations
at tne uoMJMUiAN' store.
i new lot oi nno ooxeu papers iust re
ceived at tho Columiiian store. That heavy
cream damask, and wedding platc3 Is tho
iincst writing paper wo liavo ever shown.
Only 40 cents a box, with envelopes.
Elegant pallor suits, chamber sets,
all kinds of furniture at Cadman's
More black silk lust In at 91 00 and up
nnd wo do say they are "the best wo have
ever sold for the money." H. J. Claik &
$2.3"i buys children's suits from 'i to 10
years, at Gross' N. V.
Library lamps in new and elegant de
signs. Cost but one-twelfth as much as
gas, and the steadiest and best light known.
nail soon at iienilersiiott's rnarmacy.
$2.2o buys a solid
N. Y. store, Bloom.
overcoat at Gross
For good cheap
furniture, go to Cad-
Look at the new shades of writing paper
in our show windows. Sold by the sheet
or quire, at the lolumhias store.
That 20 Inch all wool twilled flannels for
25 c per yd at Clark & Son's will keep you
warm anil that strong ncavy cncviot sinrt-
ing at o c. tne lauics say it is tne ucst
nnd cheapest they ever had, at Clark &
It is tlie universal opinion and it can't bo
tlisputctl that urobs the JM. X. clothier un
dersoil's nil competitors : if you wish to save
money ilou't forget to give him a call.
This is to certify that L. K. Whary is tlie
sole authorized agent for Bloomsburg, for
thu Heading Stovu Works, of Orr, Painter
is Co., anil is the only dealer that can give
Guarantee on our work oilstones, lieat-
s or furnaces.
Sep 23-tf ORR, PAINTER is CO.
Pictures, frames.
window cornices, at
Don't forcet Clark & Son havo now tho
largest stock of dress goods and fancy
goods tliey ever nail, come aud sec.
Gross, the .N. l. clothier, lias just re.
turned from New York and Philadelphia.
Thermometers, from 25 cents to
3.00 at
io CcLUMHiAN store.
spring chickens.
d hens, irccso and ducks.
good live c.'vc3.
Ih-. raspbenies.
: " pivted cherries.
All t
io abovu wanted at Light Street, by
bllus young.
August U-um
Ladles' coats, dolmans nnd children's
coats and a largo line of cloth and plushes
to mauo up, suawis in largo variety anil
prices, ladles' felt und cloth skirts and
blankets. Yes, we have them at $1.02 and
up, ladies, misses' and chlldrcns' under
wear all sizes, canton and other flannels.
Well our stock Is largo, and if prices will
reduce the stock hero Is tho place to buy,
( oc bon.
Hats und cups, trunks nnd valises in
geatr variety, at Gross' N, Y. Store,
llock Hill, S. C.-ltcv. J. 8. White, says:
I have used IJrown's Iron Hitters for Ken.
oral debility. It restored mo to strength
anu vigor."
The pioof of the puddlini Is not in chew.
ing tlie string, but In liavlui; an opportunl.
ty to test thu nrtlclfi direct. O. A. Kleliu.
tho Druggist, has n free trial botllo of Dr.
uosaiiKo's uoukii mid i,uni avriin for each
and every ono who is ullllctcd with Coughs,
uonis, Astiima, uonsumpiiou or any mug
Aiiecuon. Jiuyu.eow
buo n woman in another column, near
Spcer's Vineyards, picking grapes from
which Speer's Port Grapo Wine is made,
that Is so highly esteemed by tho medical
profession, for tho uso of Invalids, weakly
persons and the aged.
soia uy uruggists. sept yj-iy
UAUHK 01' FAU.lllll;.
Want of confidence accounts for half of
the business failures of to-day, O. A.
Klclm, tho Druggist, is not liable to fall for
the wunt of commence lu Dr. liosanko's
Cough and Lung Hyrup, for ho gives away
a uottie ireo to an wno nre guttering Willi
Cough, Colds, Asthma, Consumption and
all affections of tho Throat and Lungs,
July 0-cow
.. . , -
(Telegram from Gov. Hoyt.)
llAiutisiiuita, Pa., May 20, 1883.
To Druggist Phelps, Scranton, Piui
Please sondino by express two bottles of
your Hheumatlo hllxlr.
Heniiv M. Hovr,
Governor ot Pennsylvania,
lVr salo at Hi'iulershott's Pharmacy,
liloomsburg, Pa.
- - . . .
When you havo the Itch, Salt Jthcuni,
rt.ills,.or Skin Eruptions of any kind, and
thu Piles, that you know without being
told of It. O. A. ICltlni, tho druggist, will
sell you Dr. Hosauko's Pile Remedy for 60
cents, which nffo'ds immediate relief, ami
Is a euro cure for cither nf thu above dlscas
c. July ll-eow
llurilL'lte'H AiHlcc In VmuiK Men,
Don't be nfrnld of killing yourself with
over-work, son. Men seldom die so hard
ns that on tho sunny side of thirty. They
die sometimes i but It Is because they
quit work tit l) p. m,, nnd don't get homo
until 2 a. in. It Is the Intervals that kill,
my son. The work gives you an nppetlte
for your meals It lends solidity to your
slumber i It gives you a perfect nnd grate
ful appreciation of a holiday. There nre
young men who do not work, my son
young men who mnko a living by sucking
tho end of n cane, nnd who can tie a neck
tlu In eleven different knots nnd never
lay a wrinkle In It who can spend moro
money In a day than you can earn lit n
month, son nnd who will go to the
sheriff's to buy a postal cord and apply to
tho office of the street commissioner for n
marrlago license. So find out what you
wnnt to be and do, son j take oil your
coat and make a success In the world.
The busier you nro tho less evil you will
bo apt to get into, the sweeter will be your
sleep, the brighter nnd happier your hol
iday, and tho better satisfied will the world
be with you."
Manv forget that the hair aud scalp need
cleansing as well as the hands nnd feet.
Extensive uso of Ayor's Hair Vigor lias
proven that It is tho best cleansing agent
for the hail that It prevents as well as re
moves dandruff, cools and soothes the
scalu, and simulates the hair to renewed
growth aud beauty.
Keniarkiiblo for overcoming diseases
caused by Impure water, decaying vegeta
bles, etc., Is Brown's Iron Bitters.
Dkak Slit I lav on my sldo for four long
months without any relief until I commen
ced taking Phelp's Hheumatle Elixir. It
Is tho best medicine I ever used. To-day
Is the best d.iy I have seen in twelve
months. 1 thank you and God Almighty
and to no ono else for my relief. I have
lived and dnno public business lu Geneva,
N. Y., for the last twenty years, therefore
have manv ncmialntatices that call uround
and seo mo dully and to ask about Phelp's
Jilixlr for themselves or lor somo oi tneir
friends. I pralso it highly. You do the
talking nnd sign my namo ns my tongue
could not do It justice.
anduew UESMosi), urocer.
Geneva, April 10, 1883.
For sale nt Hendershott's Pharmacy,
Bloomsburg, Pa
Tho Phelp's Hheumatle Elixir for me has
always noted liku a charm. I think this
tall it cut euoil n severe auacit oi itiicumn
tism. I can endorse thu remedy cither as
a preventive or cu.e. i ours Truly,
Gicnbum. Pa.
(Note. .Mrs. G. W. Palmer is the moth-
of Hon. Henry W. Palmer, of Wilkcs-
Barrc, Pa., cx-Stato
Attorney uenerai oi
For salo at Hendershott's
Bloomsburg, Pa.
tkusons. This product ot the grapo is pre
scribed and used by the leadinc physicians,
and aed persons and consumptives : and
by churches for Communion. Hundreds
ot New York Physicians have visited
Spcer's Vineyards and wiuu Cellars and
pronounced his wluo pure aud unexcelled
In healthful properties. It is sold by drug
JSew Heru, N. C Rev. G. W. Ollley
says : "1 nave iukcii lirown s iron jjitters
and consider it one oi mo uest iueiuciues
'Most of the eminent doctors in the
East, as well as several of tho medical fac
ulty In flew l one city, writes ivuv. j.-. i
Shirley, of Chicago, "failed to help out
daughter's epilepsy, which began to show
signs of turning into insanity. Hy tho
good providerce of God wo tried Samaritan
Aertme, ami u cureu uer. uniaxial.
keep3 it. $1 GO.
Many men dally polish their boots who
never give a thought to tno conuiiion oi
their hair, except to harrow it casually wltli
biush and comb, or submit it to tho para
lyzing a.te ltlons of tho average barber.
n nut Happens i u ny, uus : r roiu not
ice:, mental anxiety, or any of a score of
causes.lhe nair turns prematurely gray uuu
begins to fall out. rumors nair jiuisam
will at once ston the latter process and re
store tho original color. Au elegant dressing,
tree irom grease.
Public Ssilc!
Real Estate.
The uudersltruetl will oiler at puhlla balo on
premises on
Couinienelnif at ouo o'clock p. in., ot bald day, the
following described property to wit : all that lot
ot ground bltuatelu the village otKspy, la Scott
township, Ciiliuiiula county, Vx, trontlng on the
puhllc ro.iil leading from i&py to Herwlek, adjoin
ing an alley on the east, an alley ou tho north and
lot ot Jacob Hehs on tho west, said lot being about
V loot In width and 177 feet in depth. Whereon nro
erected a largo t o-slory
under tin root, and veranda on tho cast side nnd
trout, with two-story frame kitchen attached with
porch i a cbtem on said porch, a good well ot
water with pump, a good bunimer-kltchcu, and
coal house on alley, A good largo framo stable
with carriage house.
l'ossesslon will ho given on tho 1st day ot April
18SI, or tho purchaser may take construct ivo pos
sesion and collect tho rents from November 1, 'Si.
Terms mailo known on day ot sale,
Hy his Attorney in tact, M. F. Eyerly.
oet 5-ls liloomshurg, Oct. 3, lewa.
Letters of administration In tho estate of Sus
annah IC Hawk hue! of Main townshln. Columbia
couuty l'a.. iloceascsl, havo been granted by tho
newsier or h.mi couuiy to j, a. niiuman, Aaminis
trator. All persons having claims against said
estr.onni reipiesled to present them for settle
ment, nnd thoso Indebted to the samo to mako
payment to the um.e.-sltnea administrator with
out delay. J. A. HIIUMAN, "
N?pi. sihi Auauninrator.
ClolliE1 Clotliii! Clotliion!
Gents' Furnishing
Having very recently oponcil a now
Meroliant Tailoring ami Gunts' Fur
nishing Goods Storo, in KNOUU &
WINTEUSTEISN'S building, on
Mam street, whoro I am prepared- to
mako to order, at Bitot I notice, first
class suits of clothing always in tho
latest styles and prices reasonable
1'its guaranteed. Having learned how
to out garments lo suit customers, and
also what kind ol material will give
uat'mf action, I would nsk you to please
OhliUUlUU OlUbl
liver hIiowii in CuluiuWa county,
Boforo Purchasing Elsowhere,
Storo nest door to First NaUon&l Bank
' Coi ner Main & Market Sk
April lS-iyr.
The Greatest Blood Purifier Known!
Rheumatism Cured.
ItocilKSTEB, N, V., Apr. mil, '83.
lUwumntle fittrup rv. i
iiKNTfl I havo Iwi-n n (treat
sufferer from llliiMiinatUni fur six
yours, and heating ot tho sucrces
ot Ithriimotlo Syrup 1 concluded
to glvo It n trlaf In my own cam",
nndl cheerfully nay that I have
been great lv Ix'iiotltt oil bv its use.
Scrofula Cured.
Pokt Union, Is, Y., Feb. SO, !.
Wmiuuitlc Atyrvji Co. ;
I had been doctoring for thrco
or four yonra, with different phy
sicians, for scrofula, ns some call.
oil II, but found no telle! until I
commenced taking Jour Hyrup.
Aflor taking It a short tlmo, to
my niirprlsc, It bogon to help me.
Continuing Its Uso a few weeks,
1 found invHOir fid well as over.
lean walk with entire freedom
from pain, nnd my general health
Is my much Improved. It Is n
splendid remedy for tho blood
and debilitated sysli in.
As n blond purifier,
no equal.
MitH VlM.tAM
ji. unusunt i'ahk, ,ii, ji.
itamWictureilVv ltllKCM.lTlC umL'P
jFazeigm audi M&mmtm
South Butler, N. Y. March 20, 1S82.
Rheumatic Syrup Co :
Oentlemon Tills Is to certify that I have
used your 8yrup for Hhcumatlsm, Have
been troubled with that terrible disease for
twenty years; some of tho tlmo could not
got out of doors. My limbs began to got
out of shape. I havo doctored wltli differ
ent physicians, but could get no relief.
One of my limbs began to wither, and I
made up my mind I would lio a cripple for
ilfe, nnd for several weeks could not turn
over In bed without help. I was finally
persuaded to try Rheumatic Syrup, and
had taken It but a short time when it began
to help me, and in less than two months 1
was out of doors, and nm so now I can
walk as well as ever. In short, I am well.
Hloomsburg, Monday Evcng. Oct. loth.
The Fashionable Event of
the Season!
Tho only company having tho solo
right to the Groat Union Square Thea
tre Success by Bronson Howard,
The Scenery carried by this Company is
a Special Feature. Painted from the origi
nal models. Tlie original music, magnifi
cent costumes, and a cast especially select
ed to Interpret in au artistic manner, this
the most beautiful of modern plays.
liEsmivED Skats on Sai.k at Dentler's Shoe Stoio.
litis. Mauager.
Advanco Agent.
II. 15. IIArGOOl),
Wheat per bushel U.07
liye " TO
Cum, " us
Flour per barrel 5.S0
nutter &
Tallow 08
Potatoes os
Dried Apples OS
Hams it
Hides Shoulders 11
Chickens n
Turkeys 12
Lard per pound ,13
nay per ton 13 10
neeswax as
uuckwheat uower per 100 3.0a
In pursuance ot an order of tho orphans' Court
ot Columbia county, Pennsylvania, tho under
signed admlnUtrotor ot Anna Welllver, lato of
Jladlson township in said county, deceased, will
bell nt public sale on the premises on
At ono o'clock, p. m., tho following tracts of
valuable real estate, viz :
Tho first thereof situate In Madison township,
Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribed as follows : IIIMIN.NINO nt a post on tho
bank ot Fishing creek nnd running thence south
thirty and a halt degrees west one hundred nnd
titty and eight-tenth perches to ths bankot lie-
inott'a creek, thenco down the samo by Its several
courses ono bundled and sixty-tour and tight.
tenth perches to a post ono and nine-tenth per
ches from a beech tree on the bank ot Fishing
creek aforesaid, thence up tho samo by its several
courses two hundred and eighty and live-tenth
perches to tho post, tho place ot beginning, con
btilcl measure.
The second thereof bltualc In MadUm township,
Columbia county Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribed as follows: UEUixxixa at a chestnut
oak adjoining lands ot Jacob Demott and John
Ilendershott, and i mining thenco south by lands
ot lleudcrhhott and others sixty nnd one-halt de
grees east two hundred and nine perches to
hemlock nnd lands ot Urastus Ilendershot nud
Philip sillier, thence north twenty-nine and one-
halt degrees east f out teen and seven-truth pep
cues to a post, thenco south sixty nnd ono halt de
grees east seventy-nvo perches to a hemlock,
thenco north twenty-eight nud one halt degrees
cost ten perches (croislng the creek) to a poit,
thence up tho creek by various courses and
ieb, being north, three Uumlrvd and foity-ono
nnd four-tenths perches to n post on tho bank of
creek, thence bouth hy land of Jacob Demott
twelve degrees west sixty perches and twu-ti nths
to tho chestnut oak tho place of beginning, con
taining 1
and tlf ty.four perches strict measure.
Thu nrst above mentioned tract ot luud Is tho
homestead farm of tho said (Iticedcul bllualu near
Kyer drove, about eighty-live acres of which Is
cleared and In a good state ot cultivation, is con-
venlent to churches, schools mills and market, it
has a two Btory framo dwolllug house, with
kitchen aud out buildings, and well of good water
at tho door, a good frame barn aud stable, with
wagon blied, com crib nnd other comeulcnt build-
lugs, with gixi well of water hi tho barn ; It has
a story and a half tenint
ielHll,,i "'rult tiw,se., and slim gK)d
couiMic-n. The part hi vood has a great deal of
good nnd valuable timber.
Tho second abovo mentioned tract of iniulls all
woodland, containing a large quantity 0t g00d
and valuable timber ot different kinds pine, hem
lock, oak, poplar, Jtc, s It adjoins the nrst piece
and is alike near to market nml other advantages;
it is nearly all level bottom land
TKltMS or stn, Ton p r, of the one
fourth ol the purehsso money to be paid at tho
striking down ot ti propertSi tho ono-iourth ltss
Hit) ten per cent atthscoiinrmatloaothale; und
iMromalulin threa-fourth lu ono yoar thsrv
atter, vim Intiirost from confirmation tilst.
I'urehawr to pay tor the deed.
msiwoii v. ill tx g en ou tho first duj ol April
18S1, upon tho purchase money being properly bo-
eurwi. WILLIAM KIlAMKlt,
Oct 5-ts Uloomsbunf, l'a.
Neuralgia Cured,
FAlnroHT, N. Y Starch 13, 'M.
Iliieumaltc Svn'P Co. t
Dents Since November, 1H84, 1
havo been n constant sufferer
from neuralgia nnd havo not
known what It was to bo froo
from pain until I commenced tho
uso of Hheumatlo Hyrup. 1 have
felt no pain Blneo using tho fourth
Initio. I think It Is the bout rem
edy I havo evp r heard of for puri
fying tho blood nnd for tho euro
of rheumatism nnd neuralgia.
W. 11. CIIASK.
1 think it has
CO., I IMnnoulh .1 re., Ilixhrntrr, X. 1.
Public Sstlc 2
Personal Property,
Kcail Estsiic !
Tho undersigned executors of tho estato ot Isoao
Snyder, late of Mlfllln township, Columbia county,
Fa., deceased, will expose to public salo on tho
premises ln;Mllllin township, on
Tuesday, October 16, '83.
At ten o'clock, a. m., tho following personal prop,
erty: two horses, two milch cows, two belters,
one bull, six hogs, six pigs, ono lover-power
threshing machine, ono cast plpo wagon, ono lum
ber wngon, ono two-horso spring wagon, one top
buggy, ono liuckeyo reaper nnd mower, ono sled,
one Dam Ule doublo corn plow, ono hay fork, rope
nnd pulleys, four sets team harness, ono set buggy
harness, live sets lly nets, bridles, collars, bells,
&c, two grain cradles, ono corn shelter, ono fan
ning mill, one Scotch harrow, one sleigh, plows,
harrows, feed cutters, wheelbarrow and other
fanning Implements. Lot ot wheat, rye, oats, hay
buckwheat, potatoes, corn in Held, grain In the
ground, lot ot boards, poultry, four hives ot bees,
lot of housPhold goods, consisting In part of car
pets, beds and bedding, stoves, chairs, tables,
canned fruit, ,te.
Terms mado known on day ot sale.
ALSO at tho same tlmo and place will be sold
the following real estato situated in Minitn town
ship, bounded as follows : north by land of Joseph
Nj er and l'eter Creasj', east by a public road,
south by lands ot Horace Creasy and Charles
hart and west by land of Joseph Nyer, whereon
are erected a large
and outbuildings. Containing about
125 ACRES.
A good spring, and well of water at tho house.
Fine fruit. About, 8 acres ot timber land, balance
well cultivated.
ALSO at the ama time and placo all that cer
tain tract of land situated in Mllllln township,
Columbia county, l'o., bounded and descilbed as
follows : north by lands of l'eter Creasy and Jacob
Niiss, east by Jlahlon Eudy, south by publlo road,
est by public road ; about 8 acres being well
timbered with whlto and rock oak, chestnut,
maple, hickory, Sc., tho remainder under stato ot
cultivation with several good springs of water,
moro or less. These two tracts nre separated by
tlie public road, and will bo sold together or as
two tracts.
per cent, ot one-fourth on the day of sale, one-
fourth less ten percent. on April 1st, 1884, when
possession will bo given j balance of purchase
money to bo paid in nvo equal annual payments
on the 1st day ot April ot each year until paid,
1th interest from April 1st lbsl. llirehaso mon.
eytobo secured by bonds and mortgage. Iur
chaser to pay for deed and mortgage.
Is. L. SNYDEll,
J. 11 SNYDElt,
At tho same time and placo will bo sold one
horso and ono cow, belonging to Dora Snyder.
oct 5-ts
Letters of administration in tho citato of rionrcrn
Craig, late of ltoarlngcieek township, Columbia
county l'a., deceased, havo been grunted by tho
lleglster ot said county to Oeorgo F. Craig, Admin
istrator. All persons having claims against said
estate are requested to present them for settle
ment, and thuso Indebted to tho samo to make
payment to me unacrblgneu administrator with
out delay. (lEOltOE F. CltAIU.
.Miugrove. Columbia Co., l'a. Administrator,
bept. l ith-Gw Kit tWN & bobbins, Atty's.
FOR sale:.
The following property will bo bold at Public
Sale on
ISuturilay October 20th, '83.
That well known Hotel Proiicrty, the
U N I 0 N H A L I
Wtuatcd ou .Hill Hrrri. DunWlIc,
The property can bo bought nt Private sale pre-
tons to that day. Terms easy, Enquire of
or v Executors.
It. 11, 'WOOLLKY, J
tMober, Mh-'lw
All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Hoof,
ing nml Spouting promptly
attended to.
SfStilct attention given to heating by btcam.
Corner of Main & East Sts ,
Rloomsburg, Pa.
Alter Twenty Years on tlie VroiiK
Hlilc ol I.lfts it VlrKlullui TuritH
Ihe TulileH.
"How long did you say t"
'' Uplo thu tlmo 1 men.
tloned 1 hud suffered Irom diseased liver for twen.
lJ'.ye,a!Tj"i"1,l,aMr'.S- 'lllaeH-k, ot Itlchmond,
Va., halt sadly, as though ihluklng otthat dliapl!
d,;ld Htvtlnii ot his lire "At times I almost wish
il It hud pU'iihud I'mudi-nco loouilt the liver from
i lie human anatomy."
Had enough -twenty year of that bort of
t dug, responded a lwener. "What was tho up
bhui of It t"
Tim upshot was that Home time ago I went
down to fcem i di ug store in tlieelty, and bought
one nf IlKNMIN'S I'Al'flNi: iniiul h I'LAKTIUtS,
applied it and was ivlteciit In a few hours, und
am now as hound as though luy liver were inudu of
lii'iisoii's-iiullke tho old tihlitoned kind nf Idas,
terh uil promptly. Iwk for the word I'Al'tiNK,
whlclilscutlnthpgcnutno. Piicii cents, Heii.
bury i Johuhon, t'lu-mUs, Mew Voik.
October 5th tw d