The Fatlicr of Fisli-OiiHure. flCTII OIIKI'.n'h 1DUA3 AtlOtrr TIIK I1NNV Tntnn ani sojir. or ins vaiiii.I) KXl'KUIKNCKS, Turf, Weld ami Farm ) "How diil you over como to doviso Una scheme V "I havo boon wutktng a. it over einco I was largo enough to bend a pin." The abovo remark win addressed to Mr. Soth Orcon, tho veteran (Uh onl turist, who is known to tho enliro world, and his reply indicates tho ox tent of his labors. "When I was young," ho continued, "1 would lio on tho limbs of trees that roached over.tho water entiro after noons watching the movements of tho fish and Btudylng their habits. In this way I discovered many characteristics which wcro before unknown. I saw, as every observer must seo, tho do Btructivo elements that aro warring against fish, and I realized that unless something wcro done, tho life in tho streams of this country would become cxtiuct. To counteract this disastrous cud becamo my life work, and I am happy to say I havo seen its accom plishment." "Wore you successful on tho start V "No, indeed. Up to that timo all artificial attempts to hatch and raiso fish from tho spawn had failed, and I was compelled 'to experiment in an ontirely now manner. Tho work was a careful one, but I finally succeeded, and to-day I am able to hatch and raiso fully soventy-tivo per cent of all spawn." "Enormous 1 Why, that is a larger percentage, than either the vegetable or animal kingdoms produco in a natural condition." "I know it, but wo exercise tho greatest caro in tho start, and guard tho littlo fellows until thoy become able to caro for themselves.'' Tho foregoing conversation occurred at Caledonia whoro tho representative of this paper was paying a visit to tho state fish hatcheries. It has been his priyilego to report very many interest ing sights within tho past tweuty.fivo years, but the viow presented here ex ceeds in interest anything ovor boforo attompted. "How many fish are thero in those ponds, Mr. Greon ?" "As wo have nover attempted to count them it will bo impossible to say. Thoy extend way up into tho millions though. We shipped over three millions out of the ponds this year and there seemed to be as many afterward as be fore Wo havo nearly every variety of tho trout family and many hybirds." "You speak of hybird3. Mr. Green. What do you mean by that t" "I have experimented for years in crossing the breed of the various fish and am still working upon it. We cross tho female salmon trout with tho male brook trout, and thus produce a hybird. Then we cross the hybird with the brook trout, which gives us three quarter brook trout and one-quarters salmon trout. This makes one of tho finest fishes in the world. Ho has all tho habits of tho brook trout, lives in both streams and lakes, devel ops vcrmillion spots on his sides, rises readily to a lly, is far moro vigorous and fully one-third larger than ordi nary brook trout of tho same ago. Tho possibilities of development in tho fish world are great and we aro rapidly as certaining what they are." As tho man of nowh watched the countenance) of Mr. Green while ho was giving tho above account, ho could not but feel that he was in tho presence of ono of tho fow investigators who, from a rich acd life-long experience, bring great benefit to the world. Let the reader imagine a strong and stal wart frame, surmounted by a head strongly resembling that of Socrates, and covered with a white silky beard and luxuriant gray hair. Seth Green, tho father of fish culture, is a picture of health, and tho reporter could not help remarking so. "If you had seen mo the last winter and spring, young man, you might havo thought differently,'' said tho vet cran. "How is that ? One would think, to look at you, that sickness was some thing of which you knew nothing." "And so it was until last winter. 1 went down into Florida in the fall to seo what kind of fish they had in that Btato and study their habits and was attacked with malaria' in its severest form, and when I carao homo I realized for the first timo iu my life, that I was eick. My symptoms were terrible. I had dull, aching pains in ray head, limbs and around my back My appe tite was wholly gone, and I felt a lack of energy such as I had often heard described but had never experienced. Any ono who has ever had a sovere at tack of malaria can appreciate my con dition. I wont to bed and remained thero all tho spring, and if thero ever was a sick man I was one." 'It seems hardly possible. How did you como to recover so completely f "My brother who had been nfilictcd by a soyere kidney troublo and threat ened with Bright's diseaso was com pletely cured by a remedy in which I had great confidence. I thereforo tried tho same remedy for my malaria and am, happy to say'l am a well man to-day and through tho instrumentality of Warner's Safe Cure, which I believe to be ono of tho most valuable of me dicines. Indeed, I seo it is endorsed by tho United States medical college of New York, and that Dr. Gunn, dean of that institution, has written a long articlo concerning its value." "And aro you not as well as former ly r "Apparently so. I keep the remedy on hand all the while though and do not hesitate to recommend it toothers." "One question more. How many ponds of fish havo you hero and how aro thoy divided 1" "Wcli, wo havo 13 ponds which aro divided up as follows : 22 ponds of brook trout, 2 ponds of salmon trout, 1 of McCloud river or rainbow trout, 2 ponds of German trout, 3 of California mountain trout, 2 ponds of hybirds 1 of one-quarter salmon nnd three-quarters brook tiout, 2 ponds of gold fish, and 1 pond of Carp. Then wo havo what wo call tno centennial pond ot 'nappy tami ly,' consisting of crosses of different fish, including Kcnnebeo salmon, Land Locked sahnon,California salmon, brook trout, ealmon trout and hybirds. These fish range In size from minnows to 18 pounders, and iu ago from one-and ono half months to eleven years. I forgot to say, also, that wo have a 'hospital pond which is entirely ompty, which spvaks pretty well for a community of many millions. Indeed the whole secret of fish culture can bo summed up in four things. Impregnation, using no water. Plenty of food. Plenty of puro water nnd cleanliness." Tho numerous fish exhibitions which aro taking place In all parts of Htiropo and tho unusual interest which is being manifvBted m this siu-jeet throughout tho world all owe their origin to the ' process above described as originated and conducted by Seth Green. It is ceitalnly cause for congratulation to every American that this country pro duces so many men whoso genlusjbrings vaiuo to tno world, and It is proot posi tivo of the greatest merit that a remedy even with pitch high standing ns War ner's Safo Cure Is Ttnowu to have should bo so stroimly endorsed and recommend ed by one ho reputable nnd reliable as tsetn u recti. Common Weeds. Many yoats ngo we had not as many doctors as we have now. The roads wcro bad, nnd people lived ut great ut8iances. n was men mat nerus or "simples," ns they used to call them, wcro in ureal demand, and the trood housowlves and mothers lcatucd to ho very skillful, in cases ofsickms., in the art ot making lieiilum drinks and olnt incuts, which wore of ureal ellioaoy. And what do you think they w ro mado of T Why, only tho simple wild flowers or roots that grew all around their very doors. Hut except In re mote country places, where they sol dom drop old customs, tin ho simple medicines have gone quite out of fash ion, and now-a-days people when they aro ill send tor a physician, take just what bo gives them and pay him a tre mondous fee, when at tho saiuo timo thoy do not dream that they are often receiving lrom him ns simple a remedy as their groat grandmothers look, years aim years ago, lor the very same uts case only the nanio has been chatiKod in these later days. For instance, if you co into a Iru store and look among the long row ot labelled bottles you will find one marked Taraxacum. Now this Is a hard Latin name, and perhaps you havo no idea what it means. You will find it to bo a very old friend of yours, perhaps tho very commonest in tho lano where you walk every day. the dandelion An other fanciful label is Tussilago ferf'a ra, which is nothing more nor less than coltsfoot, so called from tho form and size of tho leaves, which aro round and ns large as tho palm of tho hand a marguerite of n brilliant yel low, tho rays as fine aud slender as hairs. From the timo of Hippocrates this flower has been supposed to have a salutary inlluenco on tho luugs, and has long been employed to soothe irri tation of tho air passages in cases of asthma. The cotton of the leaves, wrapped iu a rag in a solution of salt petro and dried in tho sun, mado an excellent tinder in past times, when we hnd no lucifer matches. Liquorice is another of tho plants which is Glycyrrhiza glabra, a very hard nanio that botanists havo given to this simplo plant but botanists aro fond of hard nam s 1 Tho Digitalis that exercises such a daugerous inrhtenco over man, imped ing the circulation of tho blood, and which no animal ever touches, is tho foxglovo with its stem of rose-colored flowers, tiger spotted, and whito with in, abundantly skirting the woods in whose bhado and coolness it dolights. Who would havo thought that Nab ulus Albus was only tho common whito lettuce, or that Iidrastis Can adensis was the littlo lilac-colored flow er of tho oolohieutu which enamels the meadows in tho autumn, cominc with out leaves or supports ? luany plants such as hoarhound, an gelica and others, do not seem to bo recognized as plants at all. Thoy aro sweet stuff 1 Hoarhound, with its many stalks a cubit high, covered over with a thin white down, is cultivated for tho sake of tho extract, and mado into candies aud other forms. While the peppermint, with its pretty purple flowers, is sold to tho druggists, and distilled for oil. We are all apt to look upon tho nettle, tho very disagree able, stinging plant, as good for noth wcr. Out to be rooted up whenover it is found ; but if this poor despised plant can cause pain by its sting, it can also reliovo pain, for if you were to mako a drink, by boiling its roots iu water, it would entirely removo tho irritation of the skin, caused by that painful com plaint, the "nettle rash," while the iresh juice will take away tho marks of i bruise : and if wo were to uo on and tell how many insects make their meal off the nettle, and livo on it as a home, or ot the beautiful lace that has been mado from its fibers, you would not re gard it as entirely useless but now wo are only speaking of tho medical properties of the plant. ou havo taken a severe cold, and as you go home along the' lane, does it ever occur to you that several remedies aro growing closo beside yout Take the white hoar-hound, which, from its usefulness, has in many small places, found its way from the lane to the herb bed ; or, if you like another remedy, there is tho littlo cup moss, growing so freely all about you j or slill another, tho mallow. All country children havo played with tho seeds of tho mallow, aud called them "cheeses." There aro several kinds, but the marsh mallow is tho ono mostly used. Then there is the pretty plant so valuable for inflammation of the skin, called "Poor Robin," or "Herb-robert," which is nothing moro than the wild geranium. Wo all know it, for it crows every where, under a bush, high up on a wall, in tho lane, or hidden awi.y in tho woods 1 Mho small Mowers are pink, and, tho leaves, which havo a very strong smell, turn red in the autumn, and are of creat benefit in cases of in flammation. In this short aiticle wo havo seen how useful some of out commonest plants are, and that everything has its appointed place in tho 'world. Who can doubt tho existouco of a superin tending aud all designing Creator, who has disposed every part m relation to tho ijreat whole, making oven the littlo leaf of tho most insignificant herb of the held mi essential member of the grand scheme of tho universe I speak ing to all who have ears to hear, tho lessons of love and wisdom 1 These "characters of Nature" which every wliero meet the oye, aro not a common, but a sacred wiiting,,for they aro the very hieroglyphics ot Uod. Cookino PoTATOiis. A favoiito way to cook potatoes now is to boil them iu their jackets until they are tender, and then dry them off in a hot oven. Sweet potatoes are excellent also oooked in this way. Ut course oarc must bo taken to removo the pota toes from tho boiling water as soon as they and tender. Th ro is no vegetable that gains moro by being prepared with due attention than tho potato, and tho uiltereiico betweon a soggy, water-soak od potato nnd ono that is properly cooked is greater than many women seem to know. Four miners were killed at Wilkes Maim on last Saturday hv fallinrr soveuty feet down a shaft. Three wcro mnrried men who lcavo fami lies. Win. M. gingerly editor of thoPhila di lphia eeurtl purposes building one thousand dwelling houses iu Philadel phia within the noxt fow yeuM, Ho has already completed ono hundred and twouty six. THE COLUMBIAN AND I'vrHouiil to Mr, 'Wiiiianialccr ami l'c-rHoiutl to you, If you nro ono of the thousands pawing through riillndclplilit, homeward from sea or woods, mountain or snrlnes, stop over n train, or break your Journey tor n day mid see lliu store. Come In ami leave your luggage nt tho checking places near almost every principal cntranco i look about, lest, and when ready take up your tourney with a full knowledge of where the storu Is, what Is In It, how It docs things. This will gratify us and you, an limy serve us both, l'crlinps you saw th store dining the Centennial yc-ir. To have Been It then was ono thing j Indeed, tohavu seen It any year since, Is iitilto a different thing, but to see It uow Is cpilto a different thing still. In the Centennial year It was simply an overgrown clothing store, full of men's nnd boys' garments, and the work men who cut and umde tho goods. Now tho clothing Is delegated to Its old nunr tcrs hi tho big clothing houses of Oak Hall, at Sixth and Market, and the establish mcnt adjoining the Hotel on Chestnut Street, and now only a small section remains of wlmt was seen at the Ccnteunlal time, Then thero was a single floor, now It Is skirted with galleries on nil sides and since they have gone up to the third story. elevators havo hnd to bo put In to carry tlio pcoplo up. Then tkerc wns no open. Ing through to Chestnut Street, and now ten stores have been tuken In the Chestnut Street end so that the block from Chestnut Street to Market, and from Thirteenth to Juniper, or East Broad, Is practically one property. The basement Is worth men tioning, too. Wlillc tho business wns going along on tho main lloor we kvpt up the lloors by stout columns, aud for near ly a year dug away tho earth that hun dreds of carts were removing, to make, from curb-lino under the street pavement all around three sides of our house, tho most perfect nnd commodious lower floor that we ever saw. It Is light us day by electric lights which do not hent the nlr. It Is dry, and cooled by ventilating machl- ncry. it lias eight broad staircases, so that within a few steps of any portion thero is quick exit. This is ono of the pleas, antcst parts of the store. Tho Gentleman's Wash Hooms and Heading Rooms are here. The new and spacious Toilet Rooms for Ladles are here, and the new section tor refreshments Is Just being completed here. All this makes up a Department of Public Comfort quito acceptable to those who want the conveniences to rest awhile. It would be natural for us to speak of the growth of the store, but to do so lays us open to apparent boasting ; this is not our purpose ; wo grow as Topsy growed '"Cnuse she couldn't help it." Pcoplo want the service we render, wo try to make service bettor and butter, and make them want us more nnd moro. This Is a place where many of the things are gathered that are wanted in every family in the city and country round about. They aro got from the best mnkcrs, presented for sale fairly, sold without haggling, sold to bo returned if the price of the goods arc wrong, Why shouldn't such a place grow ? Men work from sunilsc to sunset, aye, spend their lives in getting money so that their families can get things' hu't it wise to find out the best place to get the things ? "It is the best place," that wc have been building nt, and we are building nt it every day still, and we hope never to be done while there is anything to improve. lou must surely come to sec us on this invitation, nud then you will know what to sny to your friends. AclvertlHlut; CliealH 1 ! ! "It has become so common to write the beginning of nn article, in an elegant, in tercstlng manner, "Then run it into some advertisement that wo avoid all such. "And simply call attention to the merits of Hop Bitters in as .plain, honest terms as possible, "to induce pcoplo "To rWo them ono trial, which sonroves their value that they will never use any. thing else." The Remedy so favorably noticed in all the papers, "iteliglous and secular, is "Ravine a larcc sale, and is sunnlnntln!' nil other medicines. "TJiere is no dunylng the virtues of the Hop plant and tho proprietors of Hop Bit ters have shown great shrewdness "And ability "la compounding a medicine whoso vir- tues are so palpable to every one's ohserva Hon." U1 Hlie Die I 'No ! 'She lingered and suffered alomr. ninlnir awnv all the time for years," "The doctors doing her no good ;" "And nt last was cured bv this Hon Bit. ters tho papers say so much about." imieeu I indeed l" "How thankful we should be for Hint medicine." A DnuKter's Misery. "Eleven vears our dauehtcr suffered on a bed of misery,' "From a complication of kidney, liver, rheumatic trouble and Nervous debility, unuer ine care oi ine uesi pnyslcians, "Who gave her disease various names, "But no relief, "And now she is restored to us in eooil health by as simple a remedy as Hop Bit ters, thnt wo had shunned for years before using it." Tub Pauknth. I'atlter 1h Octtliiir well. "Mydanshtcrssay s "HOW much lwltpr f.lther U tJnirn hn liyiil linn Hitters." ' 'lio is getting well ntter his long suffering lrom a dliease declared Incurable," wiu nu are so giau mni ue useu your Miners." AUuv of UtlCi, K.Y. Put a Brand on Ilira. "Women are a necessary evil," ho said, bringing own hlj list hard on the counter to emphasize tho heartless remark. It was In the village store nt West Jlllton, -Saratoga county, and the speakor was the central llgureot a group ot bunchollc philosophers. Ho was homely, slovenly anal ly." "There's where I differ from you altogether," t-ald.Mr. Oeorgo T, Graham, of tho samo place. "Women aro iiioitly what men mako 'em. When husbands are brutes wives will fall Into subinls blon or make homo hot for tho men s and they're unnatural In either character. Lovu them, and especially uo gooa ro tnein wnen iney'ro tick, ana you'll have no trouble. There's mv wile. nnw. She's Buffered a good deal with dyspepsia, nervous proitrutlon and other ailments that took the bloom un ner cneuKs uuu ine bpnng oui 01 ner steps. Well, she Raw an advert LvmenL nf pahi Ru'dTrtMir. and thought It would bo juit tho thing for her ruau. itvuuvmcu, i belli, uvu limes Ulier u uouie. She took It. 1 sent airaln alter more. Ko times. Trouble i why, If you could see how much good It has done her you would say that women nro Die greatest of (iod'a blessings, and I'akkek's TON'io Is the next." This preparation, which has been known ns 1UK. iiKiiBiiiMitK tonic, win nereaiier uncalled bim nly I'AKk'EK's Tonic, nils chamrti lnu ln-mi ren. dered necessary by hubstitules lmposod upon their customers by unprincipled dealers under tho name of glnirer : and as irlneor Is really tin mum. portant ilavorltig Ingredient, wo drop tho inls leadlmr word. Thero Is no change, however, In the preparation Itself, and all bottles remaining In the bands of ucaicrs, w rapiKM unuer me namo or riHKKH'a (Iiniiih Tonic contain tho genulno medicine if tho lausiinuu higu.uurt- 01 uiscux s go., is at (lie ixu torn under outside wrapper. l. l mm, m, i Hoiical Superintendent of the Sanitarium. Invalid's Home. ISlooiiisbnrg, Pa., Devotes special attention to Epilepsy, Nerves! Affsnlons, ami Diseases of Wcmon, PattenU received ut the Sanitarium on reus aiMa teuui fur boar 1 und treatment P. 8. No charge for flrst consultation, apr 27, '83 DEMOCRAT, BL00M8BURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ou comi-ouni) KXTiiAirr or ASPAEAGUS, llu Ihtii iiritiininirril by Irnillnu pliyilrltiiin l Miirr rure lur llnn-e ul l n Blatter, Kidneys, Urinary Orpns, Pain in the Back AND Gravel, or Renal Calculi, violent colic pain In region ot the kidueys, pain very necn-, nnd returning from time to time unui t ho calculi Is discharged, which Is generally has tened and n radical euro performed by tho use of A S P A E G O. FOtt SILK BY ALL DllUGUISTS. I'rlco Hi per bottlo, or tl bottles for IS. Sent to any iiuurcss in tuu uiiiuii maicts iree ui expense, cm receipt of cash or 1'. o. order. Dr. Pounder Family Medicine Go. il . SI'.COM) treel, I'nllmlriplila I'll. BLOOflBBUitf PLANING MILL Trie underslzned havlntr out his nanlne Mil on Hallroad Street, In nrst-ciass condition, Is pre pared to do all kinds ot work In his line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber usod Is seasoned nnd none but skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOE BUILDINGS tarnished on application, l'lnnp nnd nnecinca ttons prepared by an experienced draughtsman. CIIAIll.ES HRVG, Bloomsbur?, Pa. BL C. SLOAN & BRO., 15I.00MSHUHG, PA. .M tnufneturers ot CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, PHAETONS, SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, &C. I'lrst-class work always on hand. IlEPAIRhVQ XEA TL YDONE. Prices reduced to suit the times. E F. SB&RPLESS, FOUNDER AND MACHINIST, NEAR L.& B. D3PCT, BLOOMSBTJSO.PA. Manufacturer of Plows. Stoves and nil kinds ot Castings. Largo stock of Tinware, Cook stores, lloom stoves, stoves for heating stores,school houses, churches, tea. Also, large stock of re pairs for city st,ovr8 of all kluds.wholesale aud retail sucn as t iro urick, urates. ua,uenires,c ,uiove 1'1D3. Cook Unllers. Solders. Cake Plates. Lanre Iron Kettles. Sli'd Boles. Wscron lloxes. all kinds of Plow Points, Mould Hoards, Holts, Plaster, Salt, VUiSK MAJHlUUi, d-C. fobst-f B. F. HAKT3IAN KKPRKSKNTS TnK FOLLOWING AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES i North American of Philadelphia, l'ranklln, " " Pennsylvania, " " ork. of Pennsylvania. Hanover, ot N. V. (Jueens, of London. North British, of Imdon, OOlce on street, No. 5, Dloimiburg. UCL. 24, iv-iy itarrH A I'oHlUve Cure A gentleman from Orwell, Ia called my attention to Ely's Cream Halm as a reme dy for catarrh, Hay Fever, c lie was so earnest In asserting Is to be a positive cure that I purchased a StOCk. P. F, HVATT, M. L. llordentown, N. J. riiinW HIVFTVFBiy tT Eg ifiSfa'km Into the nostrils. $$&t8 lly absorption It effect- Atinlv bv little Hn. VVslV t uany cleanses mu ua. CVvUsaJ sal passages ot ca- HAY "EtVER healthy becretlons. it allays Inflammation, protects tho membranal linings oi me neau irom nuuiiiuuai cuius, uuui- ileiely ueais the sores and restores me senso or :aste arid smell, lienerlclal results are realized by n few applications. A thorough treatment will cure, unequaled for colds In head. Agreeable to use. nenu lor circular, soiu uy urufctfist3. mall 50c. a package stamps. ELY IIUOTUL'IW, UrUgglstS, OWCgO, N. V, October Hli-lw d jpurgativts MARK NEW RIOn BLOOD, And will completely chango tho blood In the en tire system In lliree months. Auy person who will tako ono pill each night from one to twelve weeks, may bo restored to sound heall h, It such n thing is posble. For curing Female Complaints theso Pills have no equal. Physicians use them la their practice. Bold everywhere, or sent by mall for cents In stamps, send for pamphlet, I. S. JOHN SON & CO, Uoslon, Mass. apr 18 Ald-7 mos. PUKE INDIA TEAS. Absolutely nure. Thev contain no snurlous orex- hnuled leaves No Chemicals or Coloring Hatter used In their preparation. Very valuable for mix lng with weaker China teas. They contain a very high percentage of tixtrucu They are cultivated under the supervision of foreigners, upon tho inosv uppiuveii ineiuuus. jiio icai is uiuiiiiuiiiu:u by Machinery, giving uniformity of appearance throughout entire plucking. They retain ilitlr vnlu.ibln qualities for an unusual length of me. M'll. ly. 11111.1.11., & HI., liiu i.uici nu, York. Agenw of the Calcutta Tea Byndlcate, sepu sww u CATARRH llAV-PEVKIt. Klj"s Cream llalm to all Hay Fever buffer ers. It being, In my opinion, founded upon experience and a sure cure. I was aflllcted wit) llnv Vt'vpr fnr&l years, und never be fore ioumi permanent relief. Wkhbtkb II. HibMsa, Marshtleld, vu tnulv liv mtlft fin. ger Into the nostrils, lly absorption It tt- UAV.RCUenuwl passages of ca- leCIUHliy flGUllBrS IllC r 1 w w tnrriiin line;. enoMntr healthy becretlons. It allays IntlammaUon, j)io- iucui ine ineinoranai linings ot vimueuu irauiw dltlonal colds, completely heals tlio bores andre- i.t,,n.o ,1.1. tun... rf (no.u n wl .tnall H.tMM rf !l 1 Tvl. suits nro realized by a fow applications. A thor ough treatment will cure, uneuualled for colds In tu bead. Agiioablo to uso. send for circular, hold by druggists, lly mall Wc a package uuj, 10-1 a CUUS UHlst AUUSi IAIIJ. ii.i cuci pyrop. -iwiiw sf , i iu iu ,n iiivjuiui.n )KB -C8, MPI Kl SPEER'S PORTUGAL GEAPE WINE Also i'NrKu.Mi:NTi:i) chiapk ji'ich Used In tho principal Churches for Communion, Kicellciit tor 1 cmale., Weakly Persons nnd tho ngeii. Spoor's Port Grape Wine! FOUR YEARS OLD. Tilts C'F.t.KnilATKI) WINK Is tho puro Juice of tliodcadilpoOpoilo (.rape, ralu'd In Spccr's vineyards. Its tnialuable, Tonlo and Stronsthenlcj; Properties nro unsurpassed by any other Wine. Hclng pro duced under Mr. speers own iiersonal supervision, Its purity nnd genuineness, nro guaranteed by tho principal Hospitals nnd Hoards nf Health who havo oxamlnedlt. Tho youngest child may partake of It, nnd the weakest Invalid use it to advantage. It Is nartlculnrlv benenclal to thn nrnvi nnrt debilitated, nnd suited to the various ailments that uiii'CL uiu weaKer h.'x. Itls In every respect A WINHTO UKHEUKDON. Speor's Dnformented Qrap3 Juice- lalhAlitlMflflh. r . .1 1 ... us natural, iresu, sweet sinto as it runs from tho presn by fumigation, thereby destroying the exci ter of fermentation. It Is perfectly pure, freo fmm DnlHa n rw-l tm-IM In ...... ..W... jamyutitunui- i.FUIlf IMHmiS l'rVSUrCU in "' ojmiwi ii tit in uuj Allium1- Speers Burgundy. to i. v..iiiv lieu iiii-umwi jirj wine, useu uy iuo wealthy classes as n Table or Dinner Wine, nnd by nlivOpltina Inpnui, v n .In, . ..... ......... . MV u nmu uiii,t'm ui a sweet port Is desired. Spaot'a (Socialite) Olarot. IslieldlnhlghestlTiattonfnr Its richness as n Dry Table Wine especially suited for dinner use, Speer's P. J. Skorry. a i, iuc ui uii-ii'ii v.ii;iriieier aim paruiKOS oi the tlchqualltlesot the giapo from which It Is made. Speer's P- J. Brandy. IS A V1UIK ilUtlllitlnn r.v.r,, , l, n., ., stands unrivalled in this Country for incifldual purposes. It has n peculiar flavor, similar to that of the graiies froinwhtch it Is distilled. seo mat mo signature ot ALFRED SPKEH, Pas saic N. J., Is over the cork of each bottle. SOI 13 BY O. A. KLEIM. AND UY DMJHaiSTS EVEIU 'V1IBKB. Sep. 2S.'8-'llyr. Tv "171 (N m not, life Is sweeping Dy, go Kf H V I ' nnd diro before j ou dfc III 'A I I "onietulng mighty nnd su b A llmo lcavo behind rnponnncr time." His a week you own town. 5 outllt free. No risk. Kveryllilng now. Cii'Ual not required. Wo will f urnlsli you everything. Many aro m iking fortunes. Ladles make as much as men, and boys and girls miko great pay. Header, If you want basluess nt which you can mako great p ly All the timo, nt for particulars to II. iUiett & Co., Portland, Maine D e. 8. '2-lv. MAKE HENS LAY An English Veterinary Surgeon and Chemist, now traveling in this country, says tint most of ttia Horse and Cattle Powders sold hero aro worth less trash. He siys that Slicrldin's Condition Powders aro absolutely puro nnd Immensely v ilu nole. Now ngou earth will mako n in lay like Sheridan's Coudltlon I'owdoi s. Dose, 1 teaspoon. ful to 1 pint food, sold every whero, or sent by mall for s letter-stamps. I. s. Johnson &. Co.. Boston, Mass. aid Jan Sd'sJ-ly. BUTTER For COLOR and SWEETNESS Ujo BEAN'S CONCENTRATED Extract of Annatto. Nture' own Color. Brightest nl RHnn.. K va.i. V... ek.ot, or irnd 25 ett. In aivop. for . iBrapIo, coloring 6001b., to 1EAS. IURE 4 CO,, No. H35 Market St., I'll I LAI) 'A." Juno l-ly ass lndustrl- before tho wo win ftml olrl a wanted everywhere to work for us. Nnwisiiin timo. You can wcklnsparo time, or give your whole timo to tho business. No other business will pay you nearly as well. No ono can fall to make enormous pay, by engaging at once, costly outfit and terms free. Money mado fast, easily, and honorably, Address Thdk a Co , Augusta, Malno. Dec. 9, 4-ly. WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS rem tub LIVER And all Bilious Complaints. Safe to take, being pnrcly vegetable; no griping. I'rlco i waits. AU Druggist. October 5tli-4w d MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS. Now illustrated crttnloguc, (40 jip. 4to) for sensoa of 18S.'l -4, including many new- styles ; the best assortment of the best and most attractive organs wo have ever offer ed, and at lowest prices, $22 to $G0O, for cash, easy payments or rented. Sent free. Mason & Hamlin Orp & Piano Co. Boston, 151 Tremont St. ; Now York, 18 East Uth su ; inicagu, li'j auasn .wu. Sept, 31-4W d BOOKS-500.000 VOLUMES, tho choicest literature of the world, loo-page Cataloguo tree. Lowest prices ever known. NOT bold by dealers, sent for examination before payment on evidence ot good faith. JOHN B, ALDEN, Publisher, V. O. Box I4.T. 18 Vesey St., N. Y, sept, i'l-iw a GktTfel Tl fAUKXTO Wanted i The immediate and tinmenso Juuu,uiuiaiiij ui iiin.iouui wr 13 "owlnir to Its belnir verllv a crand ury of tho bcst-lovcd gems of Song. WJ pages .'in) pieces, such us "Swanco Itlver", "O Best In the ijoiil, "liusu mee, My nauy," eie., etc., which ill bheet uni-le would cot nearly f 100 i In this elegant volume only IJ.W. Eminent critics, such as Pattt, NlKsoii. Whitney, Thomas, Thursby. and others sayltls: "A perfect marvel of excellence1" "is lull ot genuine (lems, nnd should be lu even' home." Airents are coining money. For terms and nartl. no uook like it : .o com neiiuon. uemanu is oriK cuiars auuress liuuu.vitu iiitus., ruoiisiiers, rmuucipnia, i'a riepLSHw d WORTH SENDING f OR! Dr. J. IL B0I1KNCK hu Jut publithcd a look on DISEASES OF THE LUNGS N0 HOW TO CURE THEM Inch li offer.! I'll I'll, U n 11 rants. tcoutaUiap.'ubl. ti'ormllon foraUnhoi.uil,OM) Iii&uiBelvoii aiuttiil uiui.nir U.bltj to anydlB(iiuof UiaUirmtcrluum. Mention ttL)iir. Addma Cr. J.ll. ht' A KIIN. ri.ll.Jrlphla.fs. (MW('yM.wwAlMA(.(.rviaiiAKiJb) Sept. S'-iw U WISE peopla nro always on lookout dir. c.haness ti the to la create lh Ic Lrnlngs.and In timo iH'wIilrVrftalihy i those who do not imnrovo tliclr onnorluultles remain in povert)'. Wo oner a great clunco to make money, we want nisny mon. womou, b ys and girls to wort lor ua rl.-iu m tuviorra louaiuio. Any ono nxn da ha work nrono rfrom the first strt. The business will pay mora y an ten limes ordinary, wages. Expensive outiitburnlshed free. No one who engages falls to i fa money rapidly. You .can devoto your whole mak to the work or only your spare moments, I'tljqell Information nnd al lltaL 19 UOclieu PVV.V 11 VV. 41111.1 oil naun a. V.U rortiano, waine. fve, , 'M.iy COLEMAN 0lI.i:O3fJ. NHWAB.!'.. tl, .1. 20 mlniues of New Yom. Moi um forgrad. uatesthauallotherbChoolscoiuUui;d. Llebchot arbhlp, ia Writefor circulars. (Sept. Hth-lw r eayi Tho JKk: mm ON 30 DAY'S TRIAL. TUB VOLT UO BELT CO, Marshall, Mich., wli' send till. DYIS'M CBLmilUTHII El.ilOTIIo'VOL TAIO 1IELT.1 and KLKCl'KIC APPLIANCES on trial for 3 ulays to mon (voungor Old) who nro af flicted with NervotH Dobllliy, l,OBt Vlf nitty, nnd Kindred troiiDlo, guanuiteelng snccdyand com pletn restoration ot health nnd manly vlg. r. Ail drops ns above N. II. No risk Incurred, as nn Jays' trial Is allowed' Kcb.Dth-lyr, r stmsomi.E NOW von THE COLUMBIAN Sl.fiO A YHAH GMAIN STREET,) (GHKAIB AVIKOUMMIIf Ready and Waiting for You. The Fmest, T3sc latest, T3ic Most Artistic Styles of ELEGANT AND Higi,i,,cc,ct,grjg' FUBNISHiNGS.f Hi Uia- OUR RECEIPTS OF FALL Mm WINTER GOODS. Cull and lio Convinced that Wo Lmi jiniv icpuiality Lamest stock & lowest prices MMMIABIsiM BTWME OF IF I .A. 2sT O S, F1NU INLAID FRENCH WALNUT CASK 0IIGAN, STOPS, $90 CASH. Easj- Terms. SatlNCactluii Ciiinraiitcrd. i3 EGOIST'S W-A.K.B ROOMS, MUSIC HALL BLOCK, ifiinivi's aud Tliresliers wishing to purchase rlrswi.iss articles ot THRESHERS AND SEPARATORS, ALSO, Ode umOTwo-ISiu'sc Tri'iul Iny. ors. with Threshers and Hhakers, will ilo well to call on or address J. M. HUI.silIZKIi, light Street, Columbia county, Pa. tv All work warranted. Send for price list and give ine a trial. No butter machines aro maiutacturcu for this section ot .the country. July m 3m INUUItAIII.liS NO I.dNCDlt in Ilrlght's ill. lsease, diabetes dropsy, gravel, stone, discharges. Hi'rmatnrrhoea, htiletun'S, varicocele, dlsoaseil prostate gland, ImiKiteiice. sore, catarrh, consumiuion, dlzluess, btllouiiu-ss, nulaiiu. In. digestion, hoaiLiclii', costlveness, nei(r.ilga, rheij. mallsin, skin eruptions, bloQij iHdauii, nloers, liver, heart, blaader and klJuey Jlsoases. A medical book mailed free, giving directions for their pre vention and emo w Ithoiit polQiis, nauseom medl. dines, pain or confinement, by tho Kuropenn and American Medical Bureau spec! ilty lihyBkians' In. ieninl and local lR'rlecied tronnient preserlitons, or the AsahU Ml(e'.i biu(iig Water, ut l.UM llrojil. way, Sew York. hept. lth-w r OIL WINTER&US EN, PEPPERMINT, ETC., Bought lor Net Cash, on receipt and approval, without charge for commission, Broker. a;;e, etc., by DODGE & Qi-COTT, 86 U 83 WILLIAM ST., HEW YQUK. Kept, Htli lw TTT TTI?n noriteile, inlaw men to i A IN lliU. wll Vruu iieid, oninr ' ' i.aiiciii.. paid, l i'U nn litmUiii. kIumi, so Incxperloueed men .'.ui l.-.n n the bu-dm-. Addrtw J. F. LUCiaiti; BIllull'JXJN, N. Y. (one inilo cast ol Uochesicr, N. V.) ejU 14tu-4w. r Thoro is no Baking mm lis qualities, Medicinal and Culinary, guarauteo Hoalth and Luxury. i Km- tho (lelelunlcd ChleUt'ilng, Ivors & 1'oiul, nnd V(iso& Son PianoH. Worldire liowni'd Esley Ors ns. Violins. AVcordrmis nnd Sheet Musto. CVlebralcd White, New High Arm Davis, New Home, lloyal Bt. John, nnd Light Hunninir Domestic bowing .Machines. Needle?, nil niul attachments for all maUes of Hewintr Jlnchincs. CLOTHING "lit mcl pric. can always lie tail at tie WILKES-BAKUD, TJL .luncl ORNAMENTAL IRON Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds. The following shows the Picket Gothic, ono of tho beieral beautiful styles ot Fence manufactured by the undersigned. For Beauty and Durability they aro unsurpass ed. Bet up by experienced hands and warranted tQKlve satisfaction. Prices ftml specimens of otlior de signs sent to nny (uliiress. Adilress !. m, HESS, BLOOMSBURG, PA- Tho IIuywu1 Ouipe, Na 31, 1'Bll ami Winter, 1683, Kivi wlinleMitlo prices dirttt lo emuumeri en uverytblng you use, cat, il rink, wear, or have I ii w 'i I iills Low loonier wltli ciai ttii '. o jiac'ia largo ones iJ.IHlO ill lrtl"iis-a wliolo picture galler '. ( nuius information gleaned Iruni tnu imiri.eiii 1 1 tlio world. Ko otlier iriie-lii-,iU n f.xlHiencp)ritaIns Mliimliinlur-iuti ill. r!ent'fr6'ij)iittliyail; ilrtauiiipi .1)101 i,t('lin&tacQ'7(), ItUl lie.irl'r.i.m iii . vilt i.siilicnln ourclty, Knu 1' i nil i .' i;n'rs. llesptttfully, fil & aUD Wubm-U Avenue, Chlcnnu, IU Bept, n nw ass Powder oqtinl to ho nm RAILROAD TIMS TAB nUNNSYLVANIA 1UILUOAD. I'lML. I ADISM'HU KIIIK It. It, DIVISION NIi NOIlTHKItN CENl'ItAI, KA1LWAY. AH" TIME TABLE. bu' elect fcept. sub, 1383. Trains lcavo Sun- EASTWARD, 0 85 a. m. Soa blioro Express tor Hnrrlsbiirff and ntcrmcdiato stntlona. I.nnrntr !.h f-.Vh phla, New, York, luitlmoro nna WnsblnVton Bt. riving nt 'hUaaefplila 3.18 p.m.i Now rk'c so p.m.i 1 altlmore, 8.U5 p.m.; WalUnKton oiu in m., maklnKCloso connections at rinTarlelpnlaior all sea snore points, .iim ior 1.6a p. m. l)ay express tor Hnrrlsburir nnd In. termedlato stntlons, LnncasWr, I'lillndeliihin Yonc. ualtlmoro anu Wasliu glon, nrrlviAff 'huadeiphia r.ssp.m.! New Ark imj p,!m" Ualtlmoi e, p. in.; Washington, 8.40 p. a. i-uiil manl-nrlor cartlirougli to r-ullaclclpliia aim ni". songer coaches through to I'lUlailclptia anil Haiti. 8.!o'p. m.-Vllllamsport Accommoaatlon tor Uarrlsburg and nil luleimcdlato stations, ill. W&l' f laflc'Pma "HQ now York, nrrivlmr nt l'Wladelplila 11.65 a. m.; New Yorl e.ia a.8 r,. Sleeping car nccomrnodailons can bo scoured at llarrlsDurg lor Philadelphia und Now York-, rwin. tu10eaPntinTm.Can'um,,,n ln s,eepcr s.osa.m.-Eri'eMallfor Hnrrlstmrg and inter, medlato b allous, Lancaster, I'hllaJoipnla, New York, llaltimoro and Wnsmngion, nrrlvinB at h adelphla a. in. ; New York, a. m . I altlmore 7.40 a. rn.; Washington, 9.10 la m Through I'ullman slenplng cars are run on thin train to 1'hlladelphla, liaiumore Tand WashfnEton End Baltimore. BC' v"uut"ua 10 ''"'""PlUa WESTWAltD, RMn m lMnM.I1,n.i,.i. , ... ... throuirh n.asspntror nriariio n u-t V tuH I'ullman f alaco olfs to LTlf alo via Emporium.' ,.FcLr Canandalgua and Intermediate stations I ocnestcr, Uutralo and Niagara Kalis, wiiiJ 'T? 5 ''ullraai1 "'Mo car touanaida gua and through passongor coaches to Itochestor. fc ttuuu 1.05 p. m. Niagara Bxpross tor Konennd Inirr. mediate stations with lln ough passenger coacnoa V S?0'.1"?' eanandalsua and pr nclpSintor medlato stations, itoclicsier, uuniloand NlttJam ??nXlh UiroaBb Parlor car to VVatklnSBand through passengor coaches to Rochester. TUKOUOII TRAINS TOR SUNBUIIY PROM TIIK EAST AND SOUTH. I'htladelphta, T.40 a. m., FlSlroJ'0 till rlvlngat8unbury,l.U5 p. m., with tlirouVh Pun manfarlorear from 1'lilia, 0 phla and t hrouch passenger couches rrom 1'hllailclphla and mi- J3?,1;!?0 Ica,os . Now YoTk 8.00 a. m. : r-hlladcl. Pn'?'1 ,?,a-m': Washington, 9.30 a m.; linltl- ?m,u'.1,?,t?.a; w" n,Tlr '"If at sunbury, 60 p rVh0u?ibtirree.DSC'' C0aCm'3 rrAm V1&A , l0,1aii leave3 New York 8.00 p. m.: fhlladel Ha' P- m- Washington, !so p m a it. SSh0'.115 P-um- arr'v'n? at sunburr, o.ia a m ""ffli i'ullman i-alaco sleeping 6ars from ft Washington and llaltimoro and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. NlllTMV. II i7f.Ti.11if St U.'tTir... ' . NnN0KfiVwKlV.mrcniua Mall Kast leaves a unbury 0.45 a. m., arrivinu at lUi??nJ,e,rK l&h '"'i Wflkos-barro iio a! m. a"n0 '.1.1Sr,rjr"-!il ?" Wiltos-bnrro 8 10 i5 fii. i.,il.'i,VC3t ll;avtu WlUuM-barre huo n. in., nrrlv '"U'iSTJ,0 12'C,IJ?; '"Lunbury 12.66 p. m mingatllloomKcrry7.07p. ra, Hunbury 6.05 p ClIAS. E. PUOII, J. n. WOOD, uen. Manager. Gen. Passenger Agent. JpiIILADELPHA and KEADING ROAU ABRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. July 3 18S3 TH1INS I.KAVB KOFSBT 13 rOLLOWB(8DNDAV KXCKPTun. For New York.Phllartnlnliln Tloollnr. r.cin Tamaqua, So., 11,48 a. raj ' For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. ra. 6.13 and 10.30 p. ra. For 11.45 a. ra. and 4,0a p. m. For Lowlsburg and Sunbury, 4.O6 p. m. ihaiks roa norBRT liavh as roLLOwe, (sondat sxckitid.) Lcavo Now York, via. Tnmancnd 9,oo a. ra. and via. Bound Brook Route 7,45 a. m. Lcavo Philadelphia, 9,50 a. m. Loavo Reading, n,w a. m., Pottsvlllo, 18,88 p. ra and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Loavo Catawlssa, 6,30 11.03;a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Iavo Willlara8porr,,45 n.m.4.05 n. m. and 6.00 p. m Leave p. in. " Lewlsburg4.!ip. m. Passengers lo and from Now York, via. Tama nend and to and from Philadelphia go through without change of cars. J. E. WOOTTKN, C.G. HANCOCK, Goncral Manager. Jan'lorissiSn';cr nna 'llcl0t A80it. EL.VWA1IE, LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NORTH, STATIONS. Hcranlon.... Uellevuo. . p.m. p.m. a.m. SOUTH 9 15 9 09 9 03 8 66 8 43 8 42 8 37 i 45 9 45 a.m p.m. p.m. s lo c 17 6 22 V 30 U 37 'faylorvUle., 9 46 9 30 9 24 20 27 34 t 21 0 34 H 41 fi 46 6 51 C 55 6C8 7 1)2 7 10 7 17 7 22 7 to 1 37 8 CO 8 25 8 40 8 CO 0 00 1 CO 8 06 8 10 8 18 8 sr. 8 F0 8 lb 6 62 00 9 04 8 St) ...i.uLKawauna.l 9 12 9 10 ""! ..lOlUIl . ... I V OS .. WestPlttstonllo os 9 14 "JWUIIllg,,,, .........Maltby.... uIlnnnntt. 10 (8 44 e 23 Oil 1 so 1 43 1 35 9 04 8 25 8 16 9 04 Kingston... 10 16 64 .......Kingston.... ilO 18 2 64 8 65 . .j uiuutu u llliu I ....Plymouth., in ss ni 1 25 1 18 1 119 S 07 8 47 8 39 8 28 8 17 8 12 ".uiiuuiv,,, a uo 1 XJn,, ........ I.n n. . .n 8 00 7 Jftla At HuuiucK-BL'reek 10 42 3 is ..-Shlckshlnny. 10 ee 3 83 ....Uick's Ferry. 11 07 3 45 ....Beach Haven, li is 3 61 ""....VH,UHU..1U 3 1U 7 S3 V 01 7 20 12 15 7 911 10 lul 7 13 11 47 7 09 11 All S U0 7 56 7 62 7 44 7 38 7 33 1 29 I 11 i..... t.ui vvii;k.., m JO a 07 ..iiuur i.recK. Willow Grove ..Llmoltldge. T 05 11 89 4 07 4 12 4 20 4 S7 4 83 4 36 4 tt 5 19 6 26 O 07 11 10 ft fl in kq .6'ibomsbufg.', .... 11 t9 11 ar. 0 45 10 60 Ill to 37 10 44 18 10 22 10 10 Of) 04 10 45 9 CatawPa llriuc'e Tlnnntllr. 11 66 1! 19 I... .uuu,o(i Chalasky,, . i uameron... 5.Northumberl'd ili 45 p.m. a.m. a..m, p.m. p.m. a.m o...- ., W. P. HAUiTEAD, Supt. superintendent's omen. Hcranton. Feb. 1st. issv MILLIONS OFTKEEV. For FLORISTS and AMATEURS. Dutch T)nll3. Jri) IlalbB, Vrncli lnau, j-ff Plant- fprGroi,M I "''" und Window Uudcui, BEAUTIFUl Catalogue FREE I '-m in V I!odiu,Ur, N, V. & CUluuto. HI A its PAYNE'S I O Horoo Spark-Arrostlng PorWblo Knlno has cut 10,000 ft. of Jllchlgsii lino Boardii ln 10 hours, burping elabs frura tho aaw iu tight-foot length. Our 10 norit vt Guaranltt to fumhh powr to H 8,000 fei t of Hemlock Hoard In 10 tioura. Our U Uoru will cut 10,000 fitt In iim time. II,. I ' ., .. . . . ... uuniuv, .1. llilAn.I.Tft.M fcu furnl.h a horie-nowir (in K leas file) and w ater tlmn any other J!i eliio not fitted Kith an Automatic Cut Ofl. If yon want a Stationary or Purtablo Enirlne. Holler. Clreil. lar gaw-MIII, sBaftlnjr pr fplleya, rimer ci or weaaaria raiem Wrouehl-Iron IulleT. neni for out lllnatrated catalogue, No. 13, for Information uud nrlcea. D. W. I'AVNK i BONS, . . Coming, N. V. USx 17. Jan, o, ss-ly. )IioulltylB'tkt(WipUiluii OCt6SMy Bi rain ii m in j.i 'iniii LI Ol 1 1 TV 1 lli A If rn- -Ml '1 1"WU IWuan- n.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers