Una THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., I'' III DAY, OOTOUKIt C, 1883. Correct ltnllroutl 'rime Tallin. Trains on Iho rhlladolpliln A It. 1. leavo Jlunert as follows i ' Hontii. south, 0 80 a.m. 11 45 a.m. 4 w p. in. 013 p.m. aimlns on llui I). 1,. k W, II. It. Icavo llloomeburr; MOUTH, SOUTH. I 8(1 ft. m, B !H n, m. lo 47 n. m. U 43 n. m. ; 84 p. in. 4 so p. m. TliolUS train soutli connects with tho Phila delphia Heading nt import, ana with tho Northern Control at, Northumberland, Tho BM a. m. train connocts at Northumberland with :M train on Pennsylvania road reaching 1'lUladoiphla at 3:an p. in, Tho 11:11 train connects with rntlvlJlphta and Heading roal at Huport at 11:50 reaching Phila delphia at 0:00 p.m. Tho 11:43 train connects with Pennsylvania roal at Northumberland at 1:13 reaching Phlladel. phla at 7:23 p. m Tho 4:30 p, in. train connccls with Pennsylvania road at Northumberland at s:ul p. m. and reaches Philadelphia at v:63 n. m. flrratns on ths N. .is W. II. Hallway pas.- umom Ferry as follows s NOBTII. BOCTII, 1.41 a. m U.oi p. m. o.3l p. m 7.U7 p. m, iMihllc Sales. William Krcamer, administrator of Anna Welllvcr will sell rent estate In Madison township on Wednesday, October 31st. M. F. Kycrly will sell real estato In Espy on Saturday, October 27lli. A. H. Croop, administrator of Milton Mostcllcr will sell real estato In llrlnrcreck on Saturday, October 27th. Tlie executors of Isaac Snyder, deccas cJ, will sell rersonnl property mid real estate on tho premises In Mllllln township on Tuesday, October 10th. Sco advertisements. Notice to Hul)HcrllcrH OutHlde tlie County. About two weeks ago statements were sent out to every subscriber outside of the county who owes anything on subscription. Up to to this tlmo but very few have re sponded. As wo havo to pay postage on all such papers wo must Insist on a complU nnco with our terms which aro strictly In advance. Wo cannot nfTord to pay tho pos tage on tho papers, send several bills and pay postago on them, and then run tho risk of losing tho subscription money besides. Our request is but fair, nnd ns very few have compiled with it, wo aro forced to glvo notice that all papers going outside of tho county that aro not paid for by October intli will bo stopped. We dislike to print duns in the paper, but when our private requests nro ignored there Is no other al ternative. I'ornoniil . A. U. Cathcart lias been housed tho past week with a sprained ankle. K. M. Tcwksbury was in town on Tues day. W. L. Manning and Calvin Derr left on Monday last fot Rochester, N. Y. They will be absent about four weeks. William Coleman of York county, Ne braska, is visiting friends in this county. Ho has been away from Columbia county for 14 years. Thrco Inches of snow fell In Franklin county, Maine, last Saturday night. Paper sacks for buckwheat Hour at the Coi.ii.mman store. There were 3500 two cent stamps sold at tho post olllco last Monday. Forepnugh's show will visit Williamsport on the lBlh. A largo variety of Uki.mti.oii Collars & Cuffs at David Lowcnbergs. In the renjustment of tho pay of post masters tho salary of the Hloomsburg olllco has been Increased from 1000 to 1700. All persons to whom notices of subscrip tion due have been sent, will greatly favor U3 by nn early response. Tho Hloomsburg Cornet Hand wll hold n social ball in Knorr ifc Wintcrsteen's Hall next Wednesday evening, October 10th. Sheriff Motirey took tlneu prisoners to the penitentiary on Thursday. Charles lteico and A. I). Croop went with him as assistants. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Heaver of Danville celebrated their golden wedding on Tues day. For fifty years there has not been n death in their family. Huckalew Hros. unit W. C. McKInney each hooked on to a new spring wngon this week. They aro very neat vehicles, and were made by Sloan & Bro. Tho Centre township Sunday School As- sociation will hold Its next convention on Saturday October Cth, morning and after noon, In tho M. E. clmich at Lime Klelgc. L. Rernhnrd keeps In stock tho best pin- ted wnro In knives, forks, spoons, casters &c. Articles engraved free of charge, good plated tea spoos at 1.25. Mr. Edward W. Drinker, was married on tho 27th ult. to Miss Estcllo Durrow at the bride's homo in New York. Mr. E. K. Drinker nnd family attended tho wedding. Wo wish I'M. and his bride a long life of happiness. J. M. I.lllcy, or tho firm of Lilloy & Slep py of Orangeviile, Is In tho city this week purchasing new goods. Ho will select a flno llnu of goods, many of which have never been offered In Orangeviile before. Look out for their grand opening. Steven D. Entjle, of Huzlctoti, known as the builder or tho apostolic clock has com plcted another mechanical clock that will run 400 days without stopping or being wound up. Tho Iluzleton Heacon says its just tho tlmo piece for n lazy man, On last Friday afternoon, while remov ing earth from Win. Gllmorc's cellar, u largo bulk fell upon A. V. Hower, covering him entirely. Ills cries for help Immediate. ly brought a crowd of people, who removed tho earth and carried him Into Mr. Oil moro's liouse. Ho was considerably bruised nnd his one side partly paralyzed, Sixpenny, teupenny, nnd such other terms, as applied to nails, have reference to weight nnd not to price. Nails nro made n certain number of pounds to tho thousand, A teupenny nail Is a thousand nails to ten pounds, a sixpenny null is a thousand nulls to six pounds, etc. Tho ' Enffllshmau abbreviates pounds into "pun" tenpun, mid hence teupenny. Tunnkuno Fisom onk Mink to Anotii k. Coxo Hros, Si Co. are about starting a great undertaking, tho driving of a live. milo tunnel under ground, Thoy have lately rc-opened tho old Reese slope at Heaver Meudow, mid propose tunneling from It to tho No, U mine, and then from there will tunnel from Mud Huu to Qua kake, a illstn.net. of live mIIos across tlie spring uud n ridge of tho lluek Mountains, Thoy expect by tho success of this under taking to gain command of two very ex tensive coal fields now reganlcii ns lost. Ij. 11, llrowcr has net a stcam-hcatlni: apparatus In I), A. Crcasy's store-room mid dwelling house, which is clvlnc nerfect satisfaction. Willi this bo or lie can also steam within five minutes. Von Sai.r. A property In ltoarlnacrccl: township, consisting of a dwelling house, bam, mill with four run of stone, and about 23 acres of Improved land. Inquire of JohnMourcy, Hloomsburg, I'n. tf Kev. Hishop K. 0. Andreas. I). I)., of Washington city, will preach In tho M. 12. church nt Oranaevlllo on Frldav. October ism, at 10 n. in. This will bo tho first visit from nny of our bishops to Orancc- vllle. lllsliop 12. G. Andreas is one of our most popular bishop?, mid our people nre wnltlug anxiously to hear him. 12. M. Ciih.coat, Pastor. Tho General Convention of tho Protestant episcopal Church begins its triennial ses sion In Philadelphia this week. This body Is composed of two branches, tho first In eluding all tho lllshops, and cnlled tho llouso of Hlshops, nnd the other composed of clerical nnd lay deputies from the forty eight dioceses In this country. Tho scs. slon will continue for several weeks, List of letters remaining In the post- olllco at Hentdn, for the quarter ending September SOtli, 1893 1 Fritz Kvnns, Jnmcs O. McSnnrrea. H. Miller, S. A. ft 3. C. Phllson, Lyman Green, Sytrctavskt Mlchatl. Utis Cole, William Uaylor, Alnoi Applcman, 0. S. Hess, Esq,, Frank Xowmnn, Rev. Geo. II. Wnrrcn, Mrs. Illrnni Kline, Sirs. J. II. Smith, Miss Rcrtha Ilnstes. John IIhaoock, P. M. One of the most careless things tlut a man can do, says an exchange, is to leave ids horse untied. It matters not how gen tle the horse may be, or what his record is for rcinnliiing'.wherc stopped, ho is liable to be scared almost at any time on a thor oughfare, and a runaway Is a frightful sight, even when It Is unaccompanied by Injury to man or beast. It docs not cost anything lo tie him. and It Is always safe and prudent to do so. While In Hloomsburg recently we put up at that justly popular hostelry, the Ex change Hotel, than which there is none better in tho Interior of the Statu. Mr. W. H. Titbhi, the genial and social proprietor, la a thorough. landlord, lit? employees nre courteous and obliging, while the cuisine is first-class In every respect. Wo arc pleas ed to chronicle the fact that all Mtltonlans put up at that excellent hotel when visit ing Hloomsburg, nnd all speak In the high est terms commendatory of the treatment received there. Argun. William McKolyy Hess, son of Mrs. .1. H. Harman, died on Wednesday morning nt o'clock aged 25 years, 8 months and 1 :iy. For several cars he has been sulTor- ng from consumption, but was confined to the house only :i few weeks before his death. He was a young man of excellent business habits, and line social qualities which made him friends wherever he went. Though Death Is no respecter of persons, it seems peculiarly sad when one is cut down in the flower of Ills youth, with every thing before him to make life desirable. Tlie funeral will take phec this (Friday) afternoon at the houso at half past four clock. Miss MacArthur of tho Nor mil School is prepared to receive orders for painting on silk, satin, plush, china, glass, wood, pottery, tiles, canvas, matting, satines &e. Photographs anil views colored. Eboniz ing neatly done. Oi den solicited early to nsuro completion of all before Christmas. Numerous articles on hand suitable for Christmas present, which can bo duplica ted. Prices reasonable. A limited num. her of decorated ornaments will be display. d for a few davs at Mr. G. A. Clark's store In the Exchnngc Hotel building, Hloomsburg, P.i. Oct Oth-3 w Tho will contest of Esther Evans, which was argued some time last winter, and an ssuo granted, was settled by nn agreement between the parties. The case was the first u tho trial list for tills term of court and would have consumed nearly n week had it been tried. The estate amounted to sev eral thousand dollars, and under tho will tho heirs received nothing. But according to the agreement they will receive about tho lino amount us if they had gone to trial uud icccived a verdict in their favor con ceding to thopaity trying to sustnin thejwill tho estimated costs nnd expenses of a jury trial. Some of the papers have adopted the rule of charging for notices of festivals or announcements of any kind to which nu idmlttunco fee is charged. This ought to be the universal rule, but it is one very dllliciiU to establish. People expect n newMiancr to publish all notices nnd an- nouncements of that character without charge, and yet wo doubt very much whether the newspaper which publishes such announcements without charge Is ever thanked or remembered for its gener osity. It is in such matters as It Is In poll tics, the newspaper is the burden bearer, but somo one gets away with tho material profits of the load it carries. Independent The nineteenth annual convention nf tlie State Sabbath School Association will bo held nt tho first Presbyterian church In the city of Scrauton, commencing 'lucsdny, October 10th, at 10 o'clock a. m., and con tinning, wltli three sessions dully, Wudues. day uud Thursday, October 17th and 18th, County associations throughout tho State nro earnestly requested to send delegate s to the Convention, and thus contribute to nnd sliaro in the benefits deilved from such assemblies of Sunday school workers Nearly nil the principal railroads have gen crously promised reduced rates of fare, and everything possible will be done for tho comfoit and entertainment of delegates while attending the sessions ot tlie couven tion. W. H. Point lias left Hloomsburg, and accented a position with the 1), L. it W. It. 11, Company ut Builalo, in. i . Mr. Poust leaves many filends hero. Duiln, his residence among us no was n puonc snlilted citizen, nnd a faithful officer. As a murk of tho esteem in which no is Held, farewell banquet was tendered hhn at the Hxehnnio Hotel last Monday evening, nt which ubout forty gentleman were present Including most of the members of tho Wl nona Flio Company of which ho was a prominent member, mid a number of others, Speeches were made by several, and somo good music furnished by tho Quintette Club, mid tho parly mijourncd in good order a llttlo after 11 o'clock. .Mr. Poust' many friends wish him abundant pros, perlty In his new homo. Till? V. II. C. CM' Willi lU'HINI'.HS Attrnetlvo Goods, dintrublo Assortment. Hamuli! for everybody. At David Lowcnberg'; "lg Variety. Ccuutlful Designs -bottom Prices Oompuiu our Stock, onsldcr tho Saving, omo light Along. To David Lowcubcrg's for Clothing. Notice to all I'nrlle Coming lo lli; l-iur, One of tho finest displays to look nt dur- ng "This Faiii" will bo tho grand display of goods from tho complete stock of Davw owKNKRwi, The Pkoi'I.r's Clothirii. I'rlHoncrH Hcnteitcecl. Tho following sentences wcro Imposed Wcdncsdny morning, October f): Charles Hamilton was first cnlled before io court, when Judgo Elwcll said I You era convicted by tho verdict of n jury of tcallng poultry from Mrs. Webb, and you nro convicted by your own confession of arcciiy In stealing tho chickens of Mr. nwllngs two separate Indictments, going to show tliat you were engaged In tho poul try business to nn unreasonable) extent, for getful of your duty to society, marauding about the hen-roosts of other people : u cry mean business ns well ns contrary to law. Tho sentenco wo will Imposo upon you 111 bo not sosevcro as wo might Impose, for you have run tho risk by these lnrccn les of going to the penitentiary for n-'perlod of three years; Hereafter you hud better pursue an honest course, and endeavor to get your living without stealing. Tho sen teuco of the court Is that you, Charles Ham llton, pay n lino of ten dollars to the com monwealth and tho costs of prosecution in tho enso of larceny of Mrs. Webb's pro perty, and undergo imprisonment in tho Jail of Columbia county for the period of xty dnys, and stand committed until this sentence is compiled with ; and in tho case of the larceny ot tho property of Wil liam Rawllngs tho sentence of the court that you pay n flno of tort dollars to tho commonwealth, nnd tho costs of pro3ecu tlon, nnd undergo Imprisonment in the all of Columbia county for n period of sixty days commencing Immediately after the termination of tho sentenco just pro- nounccd, und that you s tnnd committed until this Sentence Is compiled wltli. Charles Cook was then called up. Junou Do you desire to say anything to the court in reference to the matter of your conviction before wo proceed lo sentence ou ? Cook ? No, sir. Judge You have the privilege if you link proper. Cook I don't wish to say anything. Tho verdict of tho jury convicted you of an offense of n heinous character. Your conduct was such that it is almost Impos sible to think that you wcro in your right mind. The idea of taking that little girl In tho open daylight In tho highway, tying her hands nnd tying her to tlie fence while her stockings wcro removed, nnd then un dertaking to wado across tho creek with her, without any other interference with her person, is utiuccouiitnule It was cer tainly n very strange proceeding upon your irt. The jury wcro compelled to come to ic conclusion that your intention was to avo nn intercourse with Hint little girl something more than ten years of age. You did nothing elso to show that was your motive j but you committed n gross assault and battery upon her by tying her hands ind but for the f let that there were boys about there, it is uncertain what would ave been the result. We understand that ou arc a man of family having a wife nnd one child for whom we feci great sympathy. bur conduct was of a character that might send you to the penitentiary for a period of five years. It was shown upon ic trial that you had hitherto maintained good character, that your behavior had been unexceptionable. We hopo that the punishment that we will Indict upon you will induce you hereafter to conduct your self In every respect ns a good citizen. We ive concluded to pronounce u on you a sentence, which is really, under tho cir cumstances a merciful one. The sentence of the court is that you, Charles Cook, pay fine of ten dollars to tho commonwealth and tlie costs of prosecution, that you un dcrgo imprisonment by separate or solitary conllnemeui at labor in the eastern pemten tiary for tho term of one year and nine mouths, and that ymi stand committed ntll this sentence is complied with. James D. Terwilligcr nnd Charles Mc Dowell, come before the court. Do you desire to say anything to the court reference to this case. TEitwn.uaui: No, sir. MoI)ow:i.l No, sir. The jury were compelled to come to tho conclusion that you young men laid tin plan of robbing Levi .Michael of his money. The circumstances pointed so clearly to your guilt that, although they would glad havo acquitted you of that charge, they were forced to the conclusion that you baw this man intoxicated atLlghtsticet, thought his money could easily be got from him and being somewhat drunk already and rendlly to bo made more so, provided yoursclve s wilh tho means of doing that, and followed ilm to Espy nnd across the river. It is not probable that you had any Idea of being com polled to use force in order to get Ids mon- but, finding some resistance on his tart one of you did Inflict upon him lolenee which might havo terminated fa tally and you might havo been placed upon trial for a much more heinous offense even than highway robbery. He was left sense less upon his wagon ; if his horse had gono on with his luinbre, Mr. Michael might have been thrown oil and been killed. You eft him insensible upon his wagon, mid took from him that which was of value to him, some ono hundred nnd forty dob hirs. You have sustained, both of you, nccord- ng to the ovidence, good characters here tofore t but in an evil moment you allowed ourselves to bo tempted by what you be lieved to bo nn opportunity to get money wrongfully i instigated by nn evil splrl t ou ullowed yourselves to be led nway to commit this wicked deed. You are still young men, It is n painful task for tho court to impose the sentence of the law. It Is not our sentenco i it is what the law re quires, what the wisdom of those who leg . Islato for us has provided, iou may yet retrieve your character ; it Is not necessary that you should consider that your man hood Is entirely lost because you arc com milted to prison but If hereafter you shall as heretofore, behave yourselves as good citizens, I havo no doubt that upon nil hands you would be welcomed back into society mid all bo glad of your reformation, Your own thoughts suggest to you nil that it wduld be proper for us to say in reference to this matter. We doubt not you feel penitent, regret tho act more perhaps beacuso of its wickedness than because of tho punish ment that It brings down upon you. Tlie sentence ot tho court is that you James D. Terwilligcr and Charles McDow. ell each pay lino of five hundred dollars to thu commonwealth, mid tho costs of prosecution, that you undergo imprison. ment by separate orsolltary confinement at labor In the eastern penitentiary for tho term of two yeurs and six months, nnd that you stand committed till this sentence Is complied with. And now October U, 1880, ordered tlmt tho 8herlir conduct James D. Terwilligcr, Charles McDowell and Charles Cook to the penitentiary within ten days and be allowed uvi assittmits The prisoners wero lu upparently good spirits, mid as the sheriff hmulculTcd them together In pairs und took them back to the I Jail, they wcro joking among themselves, Court 1'rocccilliiKH. Charles Miller, Benjamin Wagner nnd George Getty appointed viewers of a pri vate road in Honrlngcrcck near J, Nnvlng qr's. Commonwealth vs. Alexander Green nnd Gideon Michael, larceny, n truo bill. Uoininonwcnlth vs. Edward Foy, as. saiilt and battery with Intent to kill. Not n truo bill. Commonwealth vs. S. A. Smith. Killing a dog. Verdict, not guilty, prosecutor nnd defcudnnt each lo pay half tho costs. Commonwealth vs. J, I), Terwilligcr nnd Chnrlcs McDowell, Hobbcry. A true bill. Auditors' reports In tho estato of Abra ham Forco nnd estate of David Detnott confirmed nisi. Commonwealth vs. J. F. Keller. A true bill. Tho following deeds wero acknowledged in open court by tho Sheriff i Trnct In Sugnrloaf to John Hcrrlngton for $07, sold as tho land of J. Mltctilcr tract In Mt. Pleasant to Hlrnm Crouse for $1000, sold us land of John Osniau j tract In Greenwood to Mary O. Musgravo estate, for 5000, sold as land of Samuel Mus- grave tract in Hemlock to Mnry Kcstcr for 100, sold ns land of W. ! Kcslcr. The following persons wero sworn as citizens of tlie United Stales t Henry Sncll, Albert Hall, W. H. Simmons, Jnmcs Wll llnras nnd Geo. Wills. Alvlnn Simpson vs. A. M. Simpson. Subpreua In divorce awarded. Inquest, nwnrded In estate ot Ucorgo Craig. estate ot nenry uciciimiucr, acceptance of 11. Dclclimlller of real estato at appraise ment, filed. James m, rcnnington appointed guar- dlnn of Viola K. Moss. Petition of Isabella Sttne to become fane sole trader, tiled and decreo made, Uom. vs. rollsu jnuc, selling liquor with out n license. Thu case camo from Ccntralla "Polish Jaitc" Is the man who n short tlmo since opened n saloon, nnd did business on the credit system. Uolng unable to read or write bo permitted his customers to do their own charging on bis books. When he tried to collect somo of his outstanding ac counts nn examination of Ills books showed that there were largo amounts entered ngnlust Henry ward Hecchcr, Geo. Wash- Ington, Queen Victoria, and many of the leading citizens of Ccutrnlla. These charges of course, wcro false, and this sys tem of doing business nearly broke Jake up. The jury found him guilty of selling liquor without license, and tho court sen tenced hhn to pay a fine of $200 and costs of prosecution. uom. vs. dames u. lerwiingcr nnu Chnrlcs McDowell, highway robbery, a true bill. Auditor's reports in estate of Abraham Force, and estate of David Dcmott, confirm ed nisi. Com. vs. D. F- Stybert, forgery, n true bill. Com. vs. William Crawford, and James Maguire, not n true .bill, prosecutor to pay costs. Com. vs. John P. Keller, selling liquor without license, a true bill, verdict gull- til .. . neiurns oi siicriu in tue saics oi lanus of Mary C. Musgrovo and W. B. Kcstcr rend in open court, and deeds acknowledg ed. Petition for permission to make correction of widows appraisement is estate of m. Hughes. lloau in l.ocust near l ocum s saw nun road in Madison near William Hartllno's road in Greenwood near II. J. Robbin's road in Centre near D. Whltemlro's : road in Fishing creek near J. M. Dewitts ; con firmed finally. Petition for incorporation ot lspy as a borough refused by tho grand jury, Com. vs. Murphy and Polish Jake, con- piracy. Tho defendants wcro charged with having conspired to obtain money from somo Hungarians by fraud. Tho Hungarians work in tlie coal mines at Mon tana. They wcro a hard looking set, and ns they were unablo to speak English, an interpreter was brought from Schuylkill county. The iury acquitted the defen dants but put the costs on them. Grand jury made their final report ns fol lows : State of Pennsylvania, ) County of Columma, ) ' Among tho Itccords of tho court of miurter Sessions of tho Pence, In nnd for said county it is inter alia, thus con tained. The Grand Inquest of Pennsylvania in quiring for the body of Columbia county respectfully report that wu havo discharged our duties in tho matter of the prescntmet of bills of indictment that have been laid before us. That we have examined thu public buildings nnd make tho following recommendations : That a competent en- glneer be employed at onco to examine In to tho matter of drainage for said jail, and report thereon, and that tho proper drain bo made as soon ns possible, at tho county's expenso. We believe that without proper drainage tho jail cannot be properly rcno- vatcd. That a competent person bo em- ployed to repair tho roof of said jail, as we find It in bad condition. That the 1'own of Hloomsburg bo requested to grade und lay the sidewalk and crossings on Iron street between Cth and 7lh streets leading to snld jail. That a new stovo bo placed In the Recorder's office. That doors bo placed on tho cases In the vaults for tho better protection of tho records. Other than the nhovo we find the public build- ings in good condition. Respectfully Submitted, Sept. S3, '8!). Jambs A. Hahisis, Foreman. Report of auditor In estate of Jacob Homboy confirmed nisi, Commonwealth vs. S. A. Smith. Itecog ulzanco forfeited. Copimonwealth vs. Mellenry und Kline, Recognizance forfeited to bo respited nt twivt trirtvi nnmmnnwealth vs. Charles Krutr. 'Ree. . U...1 1 ,..t4-..l ,.i " - - oguiiuueu luiieuuu m uu il-bj.uuu i term. Inquest awarded 'In estate of William Ivcy. Sale ordered in estntu of Samuel II Hutchison. Commonwealth vs. Terwilligcr and Mo Dowcll. The trial of this case begun on Wednesday nnd closed on Friday, tho jury finding the defendants guilty. K. II. As R. R. Llttlo nppcared for tho Common wealth, nnd Col. Knorr nnd K. It, Ikelcr for tho defendants. A strong chain of circumstantial evidence surrounded tlie accused. Michael, the man who was rob- bed, Identified them as the men be met 011 the hill opposite Espy. They otlered him whiskey from Mottle. Tho defendants wero proven to havo bought a bottle of whiskey at Llghtstrcct that night though tho testimony differed as to the kind and size of the bottlo. They wero In Espy that evening, and borrowed a boat for tho pur. pose, us they said, of robbing mi outline. There was some conlllctlng evidence a3 to whether Michael or tho defendants crossed tho river first, but the testimony taken ul together, pointed wltli sufficient certainty to tlin accused, to lead iho jury to a ver- diet of of guilty. For a Fall Suit, For a good Overcoat, . For Men, Youth's, Hoy's ami Children Clothing go lo Davhl Lowenlicrg's. Tliclnlr. The minimi exhibition of tho Columbia county Agricultural Society begins next Wcdncsdny and continues four days, It is expected to bo ono of tho most successful ever held. Persons who have articles of any kind possessing merit should put them on exhibition. It costs nothing lo mako en- i tries as tho exhibitor pays a dollar for en tering mid receives a dollar's worth of tickets. Let everybody help to mako the fair a grand success. Faumkus Hkad Tins. Farmers wlshliiir n first-class article of phosphate, can get it at Llghtstrcct nt any time. Stop nnd get prices nnd examine goods before buying. lunvKr E. He acock-. i'iiiiioiih rorHiccpliig I'oiiraroiitiiH. John Gyuinbcr, tho Hungarian who sev eral years ago achieved almost n nntlonnl reputation us n long-llmo sleeper, was mar rlcd, recently, nt Allcntown. Tho brldo is n woman about twenty-flvo years of age, mid for several months she wns cook in tho Hungnrlan boarding house. Tho wed- ding created unite n stir mnomr tho frtonil of the couple, and nftcr the words were spoken which made them husband nnd wife, the entire party repaired to the Hun garlan quarter, where nmld feasting and a uritiKingiho event was celebrated. Six barrels of beer wcro furnished for tho wed ding. Gyumber will set up a boarding house with his bride ns chief cook, Centre XotcM. The festival nt Lime llldge was well nt- tended. Tho Hcrwlck nnd Milllin bands furnished tho music. John Vaudcrsllco was In nttendnnce. turnlnir somersaults. iVlso others turning accidentally. Tho huntlng.inatch between thu Fow. Icrsvlllo mid Summcrhlll parties will take place on Saturdaj-, October Cth. Tho Fowlersvllle sldo being confident of win nlng this time, ns they think a change would be agreeable. Hoys, don't bo too sure. "Summcrhlll ncnlnst tho world.'1 Win. llcss lost nn excellent horse last week. Mrs. Jesse Hllliard of Northampton county, is visiting friends here, Miss Alice DcLong and Miss Alice Hen- mcr, aro visiting friends in flnnllcoke this week. Miss In orn Applcman, of Hloomsburg, wits tho guest of Miss Delia Hidlay Satur- day and Sunday. Hie two-story school houso at Lime Hldge Is completed nnd looks well. F.NTlili Nous. Mimin item. The Intcst wo can report is a ladles' corn cutting party for the nflornoon nnd n dance at night. Sam. Lehmon of Espy called at west Mlf- tlin on Sunday. Geo. and Sadie Welsh of Watsontown made n short visit at this place and Ncsco- peck n few days since. M. C. Andicns nnd S. M. Hotter while driving on the streets on Saturday evening came in collision nnd one of the hitter's ponies was badly hurt. Some of our young people nre nttcndlne tne school m the Haptist church basement at Hcrwlck. i. imisieui suciuuic at ji. ii. uctlcr's on baturday evening is among tlie liveliest events. .Mrs. Holman of Hazlcton und Miss Hurler of Berwick were among those present. Mrs. Ed, Giccn of Pittsburg is stnvinc a snort iimo with relations nt this place. Lloyd and Jennie Creasy of Wllliuinsburc irgmla are making n visit nt this place nnd Berwick. They will accompany their mother home. And now that the Record has (as he thinks) guessed who tho Milllin corrcspon- dent to tho Columbian is, now "peg" it to mm. wonder who wrote that piece for him. Not so bad. He foreot to tell what Ills tax for building is. Wonder whether ho has'nt another fellow to call un Idiot. Good morning ! - Tho new depot is finished and adds very much to the appearance of the place. LOCAL NOTICES. Cheap underwear at J. B. Sheer's. MacIULLIP, the photographer, II. J. Clark's building, Hloomsburg, Pa. 13,000 envelopes, all S zes and colors. wholesale and retail, at thu Colu.miiian store. We have two snlendhl hentl nf atnvnu fnr sale at a crcat hamuli). Thev are full nlckle plated and have been used lint n short time. Apply to lleudcrshott's Phnr. inacy. I. W. Hartman & Son .vre Keiuni; ready ior the Fa r. como one. como all, will have this week (as they go to-day to the city) a flno line of new dress goods, and a lino lino of coatings with mush mid velvets to trim. Will have a large lot of new shawls and ready-made coats. Don't forget, the rush is nlwnys ...Ul. .1...... ,1... - .m mum inning my ruir. Cheap ipieenswure at J. H. Skecr's. It Is the universal onlnlon nnd it can't hn disputed that Gross the N. Y. clothier un. dersell's all competitors : if you wish to save uiuuey lion 1 lorget to give him a call. 20 different styles of weddlnir Invtt nltnnn in. uiu 1A11.U.M111AN store, Elccant nnilor suits. idmmliiT snia nnd all kinds of furniture nt Cadmnn's Ladles' und children's merino nnd pru'nnr 111 full assortment nt Clark .t Son'a with n 11111 line ui Hosiery, I'on t lilll to sen 1 in nnhli iat juwl mnoi Stylish lino of neckties lust rnnnlvml frnah train tho city ut O. W. Hertsch's merchant tailoring nnd cents turn shlntr store. Main , ""i " JPS HI new mill elegant lie- I MlfrllU I Via? Illll mill tU'niril. no I mr"" ' w-'v ".mwniWHIl III) II1I1UU ll Bas, nnd the steadiest and best light known, Cull soon ut Ilendershntt's Pharmacy. t'COPIO Uttcnd ni? court rvin net mnnla nt all hours nt H. Stohncr's. Oysters served 111 every siyic, mso ny 1110 ijuarl or Hun. UICU. j w The best black and colored dress r1II ior the money, assortment, nt Clark it Son's, Largo MauKILLIP, tho photographer, II. J. Clark's building, Hloomsburg, Pa, Fnr good cheap furniture, go to Cad. man's. Hats and cans, trunks uud valises in great variety, at Gross' N. Y. Store, Look at tho now shades of wrltlnir imner In our show windows. Sold by tho sheet or quire, at the Coi.umiuax store. Ladles, when you want a nlco coat. ilol. man, jacket, circular, &c., for yourself, or a nice little coat, havo lock, ceo., for your llttlo Hoy or girl from -1 to 11 years, go to wiire Duin, ho oki garments irom last year. nn . - ., - , n ne u vim come io i o i- air vnu nrn es. pcchlly invited to como and see our stock, If you caniiot coiiiu then, como before. come nfler, como all the time, and wo will try and glvo you decided bargains-Clark cchon. Dry goods, notion uud fancy wviw. imifeu i!Miiiiiieui. Lilt. & Sloan's Stock of underwear fnr I ladies, children and gentlemen Is now com. pil'IC. A jump Into liluriilty. Charles Price, a helper In the null works nt Sunbury nnd another young man named Shrunk, visited the Snyder county side of tho river, using a small liont for the pur pose. It Is stated they both imbibed pretty freely, nnd started for homo about half. past six o'clock. The half of tho return trip was made in safety, when at the place whero the water Is known to bo very deep, It being a point opposite the second pier of tho new Heading railroad bridge near this side of tho i Ivor, Price got up from Ids seat In the boat. Shrunk says he advised him to sit down, when ho remarked, ns he straightened himself, "Good-bye, Hill." Then getting into n stooping position, ho sprang from the boat into tho river nnd sunk beneath the waves. Shrunk called loudly for help and wns towed Into shore. Instant nsslstunco wns given him, but tho drowning man could not bo seen, his body fulling to como up. Price, tho drowned man Is said to be from Pending, mid his rclatlvo s nlso rcsldo there. His body was recovered next day. This Is to certify that L. 12. Whurv is tlie sole authorized agent for IJloomsburg, for the Kcndlng otovo v orks, of Urr, fainter ifc Co,, mid Is the only dealer that can clvc guarantee on our work on stoves, heat- n'Ja,', ' OUU, PAINTKIt & CO. Gross tho N. Y. clothier has lust return. en irom a, x. and I'hlia. Great euro has been taken by G. W. Hcrtsch tho artist tailor lo select u full line of fall and winter stock of tine nnd fancy suitings to please the tastes of all desiring nn outfit. Cull nt once nnd examine his stock. Hamulus in black and colored cash. meres, ladles' dres3 cloths and other dress goods at uiarK Ci son's. S2.23 buvs a solid overcoat at Gross' N. Y. Store, llloom. Pictures, frames. window cornices, nt Cadmnn's. Thermometers, from 25 cents to S3.50 at tf the Cci.umiiian store. Lutz & Sloan will not exhibit their stock of goods nt tho Fair, but If you call nt their store you will find n largo assortment of ladles' coats, cloaks, shawls, skirts, Jerseys and anything you may wunt in the lino ot dry goods very cheap. Our stock of shawls Is now complete, nt prices lower than ever, with a full line of blankets away down nt Clark & Son's. So.OO buys a cood decent new suit of Sunday clothes nt Gross' N. Y. Store, liioom. MauKILLIP, the photographer, II. J. Clark's building, Hloomsburg, Pa. The summer of 18S3 Is no more and straw hat? must go. Fortunately G. W. Hcrtsch the tailor lias just received u full stock of nobby and most stylish hats and caps for tall and winter ot every variety ior men and boys, prices very low. Give him n trial and be convinced. Ladles' dress trimmings, nil the styles of gimps, ornaments, loops, uuttons, uuckics, brauK Sec, nt Clark it Son's. For S3.G0 you can buy good boys suits, at Gross' N. Y. Store. Mote new cashmeres and other dress goods at Lutz oc Sloan's. I.ucc curtains, towels, table Uncus, nap- kins, doyles, sheetings, prints, muslins, &c, in large assortment, at Clark oc Son's. D9991 spring chickens. 11909 old hens, geese nnd ducks. 0999 good live calves. 9999 lbs. raspberries. 0999 " pitted cherries. All tho nbove wanted at Light btrcct, liy Silas Young, August ;i-um 82.3.1) buys children's suits from 3 yrs. to 10, nt Gross' N. Y. Store. BUSINESS NOTICES. WANT OF FAITH. If C. A. Kleim, tho Druccist, docs not succeed it is not for tho want of faith. He has such faith in Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung syrup us u remedy for Coughs, uolds, Consumption, nnd Luiic Affections, that he gives a bottle free to each and every one who is in need of a medicine of this kind. July 13-eo w "I.ADIKS." Ladies in a delicate condition find that they derive great benefit from Speer's port wine, it nas uecome mo most popular wine made for the uso of aged and debili tated persons. It is nlso used as a commu nion wine, t or sale Dy diugglsts. UAl'SK AND EFFECT. At limes svniptoms of indigestion nre present, uneasiness of the stomach, &c, n moisture llko perspiration, producing itch- ing nt night, or when one is warm, causo tho Piles. The effect is immediate relief upon the application of Dr. Basauko's Pile iienicdy, winch cosis you nut ou cents mm jssoiu uyu, a. Kicim. diuy iu-eow ANOTllBlt CASK OF KIDNEY DlsKAlE CUIlKU 1IY 11HEU.MATIO SYIHT1'. Furnace Village, Wayne Co., N. Y., .March . 1882. Gents Fifteen years ntro I had a very severe attack of rheumatism, which settled in my back uud hips, und much of tho lime lor the lust live years 1 have heen un able to attend to my business ; tor weeks and weeks at n time I hnvo been unable to turn In my bed or to feed myself. I have tried many remedies, and two years ago I consulted one of tho most celebrated phy sicians in thu Statu, who pronounced it k'duey disease, but I grew worso nil tho time during his treatment. I heard your Rheumatic. Svrun hlidilv recommended. and I tried it, nml before I had used two bottles nil pain had left me, and to-day I can get about nnd 11m able to attend to my Diisincss, and am improving rapidly every day. I am confident that the Itheumatlc Syrup, if taken us directed, will euro nny case of rhcunintism or kidney disease. I am most respectfully yours, UAItllKTT AMMF.ltMAN, Overseer of the Poor. Fnlrlleld, Iowu. Dr. J. L, Myers says : 'Brown's iron Hitters Is thu best Iron prep. .nation I havo ever known In mv thirty yeurs of practice. " See a woman in another column, near Speer's Vincynrds, picking grapes from which Speer's Port Grape Wine Is made, that Is so highly esteemed by tho medical profession, for the use nf invalids, weakly persons and the nged, bold by Urugglsls. sept S'J-ly KI'll.ursY KNTIIIKI.Y Cl'llElt. Ir,if Irvlnn 1 ,ltl, nf lllr. V V makes tho following statement, ' "Simarr tan AVm'ne lias entirely cured me of epllep- l Hi ins, our imuAims. Wu nre glad to say that our dauiihlcr. who has been atlllcted with Rheumatism for about eight years, Is nearly cured from me uso 01 two iiotiies ot riiclp' Kheimintlo Elixir. We regard it us mi excellent remo. day, uud anticipate u perfect euro by tho time another bottle Is Liken. Respectfully, Mil ash Mus. Stave, 188 Fiveivont street, Chicago, III. Forsalo ut Ileudei'shott's Pharmacy. Rheumatism, iltanrtlct-nil ldnnil. trmr1 ilehlllty, and many chronic diseases nro notiuccii incurable, nro alien cured by Hrown's Iron Hitters. wonrii KNOWING, N. J, HemlorshoU desires all who aro itllllcted with Rheumatism in nny form to call at his drug store nnd receive vuluuble Information. Como one, como all, of what ever nation, sex- or color. Sufferers trom the ell'ects of uuintni!. used ns u remedy tur chills and fever, will appreciate Ayer's Ague Cure, a powerful tonic bitter, composed wholly of venetablo substances, without a jiurtlclo of any nox'. tons drug. Its in lion U peculiar, prompt, nml powerful, break Ing up the chill, curing tho fever, und oxpellug the poison fiom tho system, yet leaving no harmful or uiipleas unt effect upon tlie patient Rheumatic Tho Greatest Blood Purifier Known! Rhotimatism Cured. Scrofula Cured. "ORT IIVKOX, N. Y., Feb. 80, tM. Ilheumntlc flunip CV. I I had been doelerlngfor three or four yearn, with different phy sicians, for ncrotula, ns some rail ed It, but found no relict until I commenced taking your Hyrup. Alter taking It a short tlmo, to my surprise, It begun to help me. Continuing Its usoafew weeks, I found myself ns ell ns ever. As n blood purlller, 1 think It has no equal. JlltS, Wlt.UAM 8THANU. lihpuHinttc sitrim cv. (Iknts I hnvo been a crent sufferer from llheumntlsm tor six years, nml hcurlnir of Iho success of lthemnntle (rrup I concluded to gin eltft m.Hlnmy own case, nna I cheerful ir sav cheerfully say that I have been itrcnily loneiltf ed by Its use, 1 ran walk with entire freedom from pain, and my (rcneral health Is cry much Improved. It Is a Hplendld remedy for tho blood aim iii'iiuunieu Msiem. K I'llCHTUU I'AKK, M. 1). Manufactured by IIIIHUMATIC HYRUV C B. IMMBBMS DEALER IN Foreign and MamestiG WINES AND LIQUORS, AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OX OT.AI'ES AND WINE. A Committee from tho Farmer's club of the American In3tlttito nppolnted to visit Vineyards and wlno Cellars, and examine Into American Wino culture report that the Jersey, nre the most reliable to be obtained, nnd Hint his uporto urapo manes n rort Wine equal to any In the world. For snlo by druggists. OOV. HOYT'S ENPOI1SUMEXT. Executive Chamber, 1 Harrisburg, Pa., June 7 1832. j Mr. John II. Phe'ps, Scrnnton, Pa., My Dear Sir s Promptly upon receipt of your Elixir, ten days since, I entered upon its use nccordlng to directions, stopping my lodld Pntass., Amnion, and Wine of Col chicuni. At that tlmo I wns completely disabled with gout in both feet and rheu matism in both knees, uud helpless. Now I comfortably hobblo about tho liouse, and expect to be out In a week. It may be a co'ncldcncw, my amendment and the use of your medicine. I hopo for no occasion to try it again, but il need be I will try it again In a fresh attack with great confi dencc. Very truly yours, Heniiy M. Hovt, Governor of Pennsylvania. For sale at lleudcrshott's Pharmacy, liloomsuurg, t'a. Joplln, Mo. Dr. J. H. Morgan says ; "I find that Brown's Iron Hitters gives entire satisfaction to nil who use It" MARKETREP0RTS. HLOOMSBURG MARKET. Wheal per bushel Hyo " Corn, " oats " " Flour per barrel Uloverseea nutter , .07 .70 .to .84 5.50 TatlOW Potatoes Dried Apples Hams Sides & Shoulders Chickens Turkeys .... Lard per pound .lo .08 .40 .CO 14 11 12 .12 .14 810 S3 3.00 uuy pur ion Beeswax , Buckwheat llower per loo., PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Oct. Slid, m, Flour dull. Wheat aiU corn easier. o.Usllrm. KI.OL'11 .Market was quiet hut very weak; l'eunsylv.uita family 13.0) ; western do f5.50afi!.O : patents S.S3a7.S3. Hyo Flour Is sttons at $1.75 per barrel for pure. HEAT Market Is quiet and a Utile easier; Sales or Vim bushels. In lots, at fl.e4al.1s. U'S bid for September; fl.ouir for October; J1.11M for Not ember, rnd $1.11 for December; fl.16 for Jan uary. coax Dull andweaker; car lots W.18J ; 5sc bid for September; rSo for October ; 5W lor No vember and 57e for Pec'mber. oats Firm; car lots ataiass:; 30o was bid for SeptemlHr ; Me for October ; who for Not ember : 88c for December. At the open boaul, second call, 1 p.m., theie was bid for wheat ji.w, for October. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Kcsift Estate r In pursuance ot an order of tho Oiphans' Court or Columbia county, Pennsylvania, tho under. signed administrator of Anna Wclllvcr, lato of Madison township In said county, deceased, will sell at public sale on tho premises on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31st, 1833. At ono o'clock, p. m., the following tracts cf valuable 1 eat estate, vli : Thoilrst thereof situate In Madison township. Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows: IIKWNNINO at a post on the bank ot Fishing creek and running thence south thlny and a half degrees west ono hundred and Illly and clsht-tenth perches to tho bank of De mott's creek, thenco down tho samo by Its several courses ono hundred and sixty-tour and eight, tenth perches to a post ono and nine-tenth per. dies from a beech treo on tho bank ot Fishing creek aiorca.it 1, thenco up tho same by Us several courses two hundred and eighty and live-tenth lurches to tho post, the place of beginning, con- talnlug IOO ACHES, bti let measure. The second thereof Htuate In Madison township, Columbia county Pennsylvania, liounded nnd do boiiuedas follows: HEOINMNO at a chestnut oak adjoining lands ot Jacob Deinott and John llcndershott, and running thenco south by lands of llcndershott and others sixty nnd one-half de grees cast two hundred und nine perches to a hemlock and lands nf Eiastus llendcrshot nnd Philip Miller, thenco noith twenty-nluo undoue. half degrees east fomteen and seven-tenth per ches to a post, theneo south slty and 0110 lull de grces east scventy-tlvo peiehes to a hemlock, theneo north twenty-eight nnd one half degrees east ten perches (crosslug thu creek) to a post, thence up tho creek by vatlous courses and dlstan ces, being north, three hundred nml fortj-one and four-tenths pei dies to a post ou tho bank of creek, thenco south by land of Jacob Deinott twelve degrees west sixty perches and tw o-tenths tothocucbtiiulo.de the place cf beginning, con laming 1 ACMES and tltly-four perches strict measure. The tlrst above mentioned tract oi land Is the homehtead faun of the said decedent situate near Ejerdroic, about elghty-llvo acres ot which Is cleared and In a good htale ot cultivation, Is con. vcnlvut to ehurchos school, mills and market. Il has a two story (r.uuo dwelling housi', with Kitchen ana out buildings and well of good water at tho door, a good frame bun and stable, with wagon shed, corn crib and other convenient build ings, with good well of water In the barn ; It has n story and a half ten mt HOUSE, AND BARN - lliercn 1111 ' "itiimntiiees.te,, andallln good condition, The part In wood has a great deal of good and valuablo timber. Tho second abovo mentioned tract of land la all wuou land, containing n largo quantity of good and valuable timber ot different Mhds-ptne, hem. lock, oak, poplar, Ae, i it adjoins tho llrst pleco and Is nllke near to market and other advantages j It Is nearly nil level bottom land. TEUMSOI' Hxt.K Ten p r cent, of the ono tuurlh ol I he purchase moaey to bu paid at the striking dowu of hj properly) th9 ono-iourtu less the ten percent at Un eotmrinat.o i of sale; uud th leunlulug thiee.fourtlH In one enr th're- ufter, with tntpri.it irom eo&nru nitoi, nisi. Purcuiurr to pay lor thu dued. ikaikim will tv imi'ii nn in,. n.t ,iiv ... ISM.iipouthepuicluso money being properly to. i ,,,, n,o ,.,i, ,,. .,.,, cured. WILLIAM KKAMl'.K. Administrator. Oct b l Hloomsburg, Pu. Nouralgia Curod, 1'AinrOBT, N. V., Jlarch It, US. lUieuuuitte syrup Co. I Oknts Slnco November, 1RH4, 1 havo been a constant sufferer from neuralgia and havo not known what It was to bo froo from pnln until I commenced tho uso of Itheumatlc Syrup. I havo felt no pain since using the fourth bottle. I think It Is tho best rem edy I havo ever heard ot for purl flng tho bloodandfor thecure of rheumatism nnd neuralgia. w. n. CHASE. CO., 1 tlvmanlh Are., Rochester, X. r. Public Sale ! OP VALUABLE Personal Property, AXD TCcal Estate ! The undersigned executors of tho estato of Isaac Snyder, late of Mlfllln township, Columbia county, Pa., deceased, will expose to public salo on the premises ln;Mlfllln township, on Tuesday, October 16, '83. At ten o'clock, a. m., tho following personal prop erty : two horses, two milch cows, two heifers, ono bull, six hogs, six pigs, ono lover-power threshing machine, ono cast pipe wagon, ono lum ber wagon, ono two-horso spring wngon, ono top buggy, ono lluckeye reaper and mower, ono sled, ono Danville double corn plow, ono hay fork, ropo and pulleys, four sets team harness, ono set buggy harness, nve sets ny nets, bridles, collars, bells, Ac, two grain cradles, ono corn shcller, ono fan ning mill, one Scotch harrow, ono sleigh, plows, harrows, feed cutters, wheelbarrow and other farming Implements. Lot of wheat, rye, oats, hay buckwheat, potatoes, corn In field, grain in t he ground, lot of boards poultry, four hives of bees, lot of household goods consisting in part ot car pets, beds and bedding, stoves, chairs, tables, canned fruit, e. Terms made known on day of sale. ALSO at tho samo tlmo and placo will bo sold tho following real estato situated In Mlfllln town ship, bounded as follows: north by land of Joseph Nyer and Peter Creasy, cast by a public road, south by lands of Horace Creasy and Charles Gear hart and west by land of Joseph Nyer, whereon aro erected a largo FRAME HOUSE, & BANK BARN and outbuildings. Containing about 125 ACRES. good spring, and well of water at tho house. Flno fruit. About 8 acres of timber land, balance well cultivated. ALSO at the samo time and placo all that cer tain trnct ot land situated In Mlfllln township, Columbia county, Pa., bounded nnd described as follows : north by lands ot Peter Creasy and Jacob Nuss, east by Mahlon r.ndy, south by public road, west by public road ; about 8 acres being well timbered with white nnd rock oak, chestnut, maple, hickory, Ac., the remainder under state of cultivation with several good springs of water, containing :m acmes, moro or less. These two tracts aro separated by tho public road, and will be sold together or as two tracts. TKHMS FOK SALE OP MEAL KSTATE. Ten per cent, of one-fourth on the day of sale, one tourtn less ten percent, on April 1st, 1684, when possession will bo given ; balanco of purchaso money to bo paid lullvo equal annual payments on tho 1st day ot April of each year until paid, with Interest from April 1st 1S8I. Purchase mon eylobo secured by bonds and mortgage. Pur chaser to pay for deed and mortgage. I. L. BNYDBlt, J. E. SNYDElt, Executors. At the same tlmo and place will be sold one horse nnd one cow, belonging to Dora Snyder. oct 5-ts ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. STATS OK UEOUaK CIUK1, LATE OK HOAKINOCKEEK TOWNSHIP DECEASED. Letters ot administration In the estato of fieonro Craig, late of Hoarlngcreek township, Columbia county Pa., deceased, haebeen granted by tho IVglster of said county to ueorgo l: Craig, Admin. Istrator. All peiNons having claims against said estate aro requested to present them for settle ment, and those Indebted to tho same to muku payment to tho undersigned administrator with out delay. ur.OHUE P. CItAlO, .Miugrove. Columbia co., pa. Administrator. Sept. lltll-GW KHAWN & KOUB1NS, Atty's. FOR SAIG. (tot) Tho following property will bo sold at Public sale on Saturday October 20i, '83. That well known Hotel Property, the U N' I 0 N II A L L, Situated on .11111 Street. Ilainllle, l'ennn. The property can bo bought at Private Sale pre Woustothat day. Terms easy, Enquire ot J. C. U1IODES, 1 It. II. WOOLLEV, J isxecuiors. Octolier, 5th.:iw E. B. BROWER, GPLUMBING,) OVSriTTIXGA ST I j AM HEATING. DEALKlt IN STOVES & TINWARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof iny nml Sjiouting promptly attended to. jwstilet attention given to heating by stoam. Comer of Main & East Sts , ISloomshurg, Pn. RATHER TOO LONG. After Twenty Venrn on tlie VroiiK Hlile ol 1. 1 fen Virginian TuriiH Uiu TuliIeM. "How long did you say " "Twenty years, i hum. up to the tlmo I men. Honed 1 had sintered from diseased liver for twen ly )oars,' naid Mr. w. T, Hancock, ot lllchmond, viu, half'sadly, as though thinking of that dllspl. dated section ot Ills hie. ".u ilium l ahnust wish, ed II had pleustil Proildence to emit the Uier from the huiuuu anatomy," Had enough -twenty years of that sort of thine" responded u listener. "What waslhouii shot of it t1' "The upshot was that somo time ago I went don tn fsemi'Hilrug store Hi theclty.and iKiught one uf M'.Nso.N'K v AIVINK PUHOl'S PI-xSTEltS. applied it und was lelleved lu a lew hours, ami I , luiila-ruliber." .uu ium iui wjuiui it iiiuiurii my liter wvro name oi Ileuson's-uiillkc the old finhloned kind of plus. lein uct promptly. Look Ior the wind CAI'CINK, w htch Is cut In the genuine. Price i!5 ceuls. bury it jonnson, I'liemisiH, New yoix. October rtli-iw d