THE COLOMBIAN. 0. E. Elwall, lt-4i... J. K. Bittwliwior.j B4. BLOOxMSBUUG, PA. FHIDAY, OOTOBEH, fl, 1883. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. VOIt AUDITOR (1KNKIIAI., ROBERT TAGGA11T, of Writ rcn. TOK STATE TltBASUIUItt, JOSEPH POWELL, of Bradford. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. FOU DISTRICT ATTOIINBV. H. BUCKINGHAM. OF ilt.OOM911Un.fl. Fon countv suuvr.von. SAMUEL NEYIIAHD. oi" ni.ooMsnuna. Tho democrats of Massachusetts havo ronomiuatcil Bou Butler for govcr. nor. Judgo lloadloy has recovered his health and returned to Ohio to tako an activo part iu tho campaign. Lteutonaot governor Black will edit a volumo containing the biography, es says, speeches, and "stato papers of his father, Judgo Black. Tho coroner's jury in tho Itoso Am bler case in Connecticut have rendered a verdict that tho deceased camo to her death by being choked by somo person unknown, but that tho conduct of Wil liam Lowis her lover, was suspicious. Now that tho Grand Jury has recom mended that tho drainago of the now jail bo referred to a competent engi neer, and a drain bo made as soon as possible, there is nothing for tho com missioners to do, but to promptly com ply with this recommendation. This course was suggested months ago by tho Coi.u.miiian, and wo believe a sur vey was made in tho spring, aud then tho matter dropped. Tho county has about SGO.OOO invested in the now jail, and this is too largo a sum to bo thrown away by abandoning tho building, if thero is any way of avoiding it. Tho expenditure of $1000 or even $5000 should bo made, if so inuch is necessary to put it in a habitablo condition. If it cannot be drained at all tho sooner this is determined tho better. If it can bo drained it should bo done at once. According to a report in tho Wil Hamsport JireaJcfaat Table, J. O. Par ker, the recent absconding partner of B. S. Bently, Esq., of that place, has been seen in Paris. A gentleman well acquainted in Wil liamsport, who is conuected with a largo firm in ono of the eastern cities, and who makes frequent trips to tho old country, says that in his recent visit to Paris ho saw a couplo leisurely strolling through tho Faubourgh St. Germain. His attention was attracted to them from tho fact that they wero conversing in English, and, with the natural pleasure of hearing his native tonguo spoken in a foreign country, ho followed them, and passed by them, when to his great surprise ho discover ed that thoy were nouo other than J. O. Parker and Miss Tremaine, tho runaway couple from Wilffarasport. Observing that thoy seem to bo rccog nizoJ, Parker atonco called a carriago and tho two wero driven quickly away. Tho gentleman failed to learn anything further concerning them. Pay Your Taxes. Wo aro now in October, and Satur day next, tho Cth inst., is tho last day on which citizens can pay Stato or coun ty taxes to qualify them as voters for tho November election. All who havo not paid a Stato or county tax within two years must pay such a tax on or beforo Saturday next, or they will be disqualified as voters at tho noxt general electio.n Pay your taxes. An Honest Admission. From tho Philadelphia Telegrapli (lnd. rep.) Admitted at last ! A stalwart news paper defender of the republican ob structionists in tho stato senate says ; "It is not the fault of tho democrats that tho apportionmentbillshavefailed. No republican will lay that political crimo at their door." That is to say, tho failuro to pass apportionments is a po litical crimo and one for which tho de mocrats aro not responsible. Then who is rcsponsiblo t Manifestly tho re publican senate. Truth, like murder will out. PETITION TOE ALASKA. At a meeting of the Woman's Pres byterial Home Missionary Society,Prcs bytcry of Northumberland, held in Danville, Pa., last Spring, it was resolv ed to petition tho representatives from tho Congressional districts included within the limits of tho Frtsbytery, to tako somo action in behalf of long neg lected Alaska. Soveral bills havo beeu introduced into Congress, providing for a civil government in mis uisiuni region, but thus far all that Congress has seem ed to bo ablo to do, was to listen to a second reading of tho bills and order them printed, in tno meantime widow burning, torturo of witches, slavery of children, infanticide, and other horrible practices of barbarous lands, havo been going on in this United States possession, which has had no govern ment, and no administration of justice except that which tho pioneer mission aries havo been ablo to exercise Tho Iudians of Alaska aro quick aud eager to learn. Thoy beg for teachers, and it ia plainly tho duty of tho government to give them tno advantages ot indus trial schools liko thoso of which tho Carlislo Training School is a shining example. Committees havo beou appointed to ciroulato the petition in this town, and it is hoped that what over help can bo afforded a noblo causo by tho signature of our professional and uusl ness men will bo promptly given Tho following is tho text of tho po titiou : To the House of Ilepresentatioes of the Unxted States. Your petitioners, tho citizens of Bloomsburg and vicinity, in tho stato of Pennsylvania, respectfully request that your honorable body will pass n bill providing n civil government for tho territory of Alaska, with suitable provisions and regulations for tho pro motion of tho educational aud industri al Interest of that torritory. The Ilutncs Bill, Till'. I'KOl'l.K V8. TllU TltKASUUY IllNtl TUP, l'UM.tO MONHYS FOB 11)111.10 USF.S AND NOT 1011 FOMrl OA1. RPF.OUI.ATOItS AND itr.ptmi.iOAN IttNOS. The platform of tho Pennsylvania jjoinocrntio stato uonventton lor lasa, declares thatPUBLlCMONEYS AUK R)R PUBLIC USES. And further that i "Tho lone eon tinned nbuscs and spoliation of tho btnto treasury and delianco of law b its management mako essential a radl cal reform so that large funds shall not bo accumulated by thu taxation of tho pcoplo and distributed nmonu favored depositories of tho Stato officials, hut that all surplus In excess of tho immo diato necessities of tho Stato Govern- ment shall bo Invested in interest-bearing Stato or Federal securities until it may bo applied to tho extinguishment ot tlio Stato debt." Tim special significance and applica tion of this declaration will bo more fully understood upon a short rovlow of tho Humes law enacted by tho Le gislature at tho regular session of 1883, and signed by Gov Pattison. Prior to tho passago of that law the speculation in stato funds had been for many years tho subject of noisome scatidal'in this commonwealth and tho management of tho treasury had been tho objectivo point of tho politicians who wanted to uso its moneys for them selves and their friends by having them deposited in banks whero thoy would do them most good. Tho cntiro fi nancial system of the Stato was so manipulated as to accumulate enor mous balances of from two to fivo mil lion dollars in the Stato Treasury, which thoso who wero in control would in turn loan out, without security, to tho banks designated by tho politicians, who would in turn obtain its uso or in terest for it from tho institutions which thoy thus assisted to the pcoplo's mon ey. Tho Humes bill was as follows, and it was intended, as its provisions clear ly bIiow, to havo all moneys that were lying idlo in the favored banks invest ed in interest bearing securities, so that tho Stale and not the banks and politi cians would have the benefit of this enormous fund : TUB HUMBS MM.. ' "An Act to amend tho provisions of tho third section of an act approved February twelfth, xmo thousand eight hundred and soventy-six, entitled "An act supplementary to tho act entitled 'An act supplementary to tho soveral acts relating to tho State Treasurer and commissioners of tho sinking fund' ap proved May ninth, ono thrusand eight hundred and seventy four.' " "Suction 1. Be it enacted by tho Senate and House of Representatives of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met and it is here by enacted by tho authority of tho same that section three of an act entitled 'An act supplementary to tho several acts relating to the State Treasurer and commissioners of tho sinking fund,' ap proved May ninth, ono thousand eight hundred and seventy-four," which reads as follows : "It shall bo tho duty of tho Stato Treasurer to render a statement to tho commissioners of tho Sinking fund on tho first business day of January, April, July and October in each and every year giving the balance remaining in tho sinking fund in excess of the amount required to pay the interest of tho pub lic debt, whereupon tho commissioners of tho sinking fund shall authorize tho purchase by tho fiscal agent of the State of tho loans of the commonwealth noxt maturing at tho then market rates, provided such purchase can be made lor tho best interests ot tho common wealth; provided further, that all such investments shall immediately bo can celled by said agent and certificate of tho same forwarded to tho commissio ners of the sinking fund in liko manner as if the said loan had been redeemed by tho commonwealth," shall be amend ed to read as follows : "That it shall bo the duty of tho Stato Treasurer to render a statement to tho commissioners of the sinking tund on tho first business lav of Janu ary, April, July and October in each and every year, giving tho balance re maining in tho sinking fund in excess of tho amount required to pay tho in terest on tho public debt, whereupon tho commissioners of tho sinking fund shall authorize tho purchase by tho fis cal agent of tho Stato of tho loans of tho commonwealth at tho then maiket rates, provided that all such investments shall immediately bo cancelled by said agent and a certificate of tho samo for warded to tho commissioners of the sinking fund in like manner as if the said loan had been redeemed by tho commonwealth.'' "Sue. 2. If in tho opinion of the commissioners of tho sinking fund the purchase of loans of tho commonwealth cannot bo raado for tho best interests of tho commonwealth it shall be tho duty of tho said commissioners to au thorize tho purchase by tho fiscal agent of tho Stato of tho bonds of tho United States at tho then market rates, tho fis cal agent of tho State shall mako im mediate return to said commissioners of tho number and amount of each bond of tho United States so purchased, and tho premium paid therefor. And it shall bo tho duty of tho Stato Treasurer to enter on tho 'sinking fund ledger' tho number, amount nnd premium paid for each United States bond so returned as purchased by tho fiscal agent of tho State, provided that tho sinking fund commissioners shall havo tho right to disposo of bonds purchased under this act whenover the money shall bo re quired for tho extinguishment of tho publio debt, provided further, that tho sinking fund commissioners shall havo authority to sell the bonds of tho Uult ed States so purchased whenever tho loans of tho commonwealth can bo bought at such prices as thoy may deem for tho best interests of the common wealth and Stato loans thus purchased shall bo immediately cancelled, as pro vided by section ono of this act. The Same Old Song. TO A Tt'.NT. THAT IS OUT OF IIAUMONY WITH FACTS ANI F10U11ES. Whenover tho republican politicians in tho stato aro driven into a cornor thoy hold up their hands and cry mercy, with tho plea that their party has made a wonderful reduction of tho state debt mid repealed tho tax on real estate. Now tliat thoy aro in an ugly holo with tho record of their candidates, Nilos aud Liveoy, as opponents of tho Humes act which directs tlio investment of tho Sinking Fund in Stato or United States bonds, thoy sing again tho samo old song of tho roductiou of tho stato debt and tho repeal of certain taxes. But this ancient republican lullaby will hardly soothe oven babes and sucklings in tho preteut campaign of facts mid figures. Let us examine this claim of a reduc tion of tho stato debt. Duiing tho THE COLUMBIAN AND twenty-two years of republican rulo in this stato tho debt reduction has amounted to 818,1 1-1,001.22. In nddl lion a war debt of $3,000,000 has been paid and tho soldiers' orphans havo been educated nt nn expense ot sy.aria,- 09"i. l7. Tho sum of those payments is !jna,iiuii,7r)'j.uiJ. tho totnl amount of interest paid on tho Btato debt from 1801 (when the republicans camo Into power) until 1 882, both years inclusive, was 1537,1 flO.-l l)-l 07. Add tills stun to tho total of tho payments on tho principal of tho debt tho war debt and tho soldiers' orphan schools, ns an ng gregato of $05,817,2') I. I t and shown. AH other payments at tho treasury ilur iug that period of twenty-two years wero for the ordinary current expenses ol tlio stato government. But tho receipts at tho treasury, ex clusive of loans, during that period we io J13l,iWS,0li.M Deduct abovo nggregnto w,8liy.i.4l Leaving tor ordinary expenses, ,..G8,507,76).10 When tho republicans took tho gov orument of tho stato out of the hands ol tho democrats in 18G1 tho totat pay mcnts at tho treasury for ordinary ex penses amounted to but $1,030,828.01 per year. Uenco if tho republicans had not expended a greater sum per annum than tho democrats in conducting the government of tho slate, in twenty-two years their total expenditures would havo been just 22 times $1,030,828.01, or $22,810,230.08. But tho official re ports of tho Auditor General show that tho extraordinary sum of $08,507,- 00.10 was paid out at tho treasury for ominary expenditures, or $15,097,530. 02 more than tho government would have cost at tho democratio rato of ex penditure in 1800. Tlio Btato dcbtisiiow$10,85547S3.28. If tho republican party had adminis tered the stato government as econom ically as tho democrats did in 1800, tho wholo of tho stato debt would havo been paid out of tho taxes collected from tho pcoplo in tho last twenty years and $25,811,752.77 would havo re mained ns a surplus. Thcso figures aro taken from the official records aud cannot be disputed They show precisely how tho repub licans have been reducing tho stato debt. Patriot. Is John MoGinnis Playing Off? From tho Philadelphia ltecord. 1 ho law making murder a capital crime in Pennsylvania should either be repealed or carried into cltect with such duo celerity and certainty as not to bo 1.1. -.1 ..f !. 1!. ' .!.. -f muuuu oi us qnuuiy us a preventive oi crime. Alter a murder is proven be yond doubt and scnlenco imposed tho way to tho gallows has so many bends and turns nnd dubious resting places that it seems almost as difficult to hang a convicted man as to convict a sus pected one. John McGinnis, who lias just received from the governor a nine ty day reprieve m order to determine whether or not ho is a crazy man, committed an unprovoked and brutal murder, September 30, 1881. Ho kill ed ono woman and tried to kill anoth er. Oil his trial his guilt was brought home to him beyond a shadow of doubt. In tho past two years every devic3 in tended for the protection of innocence, but used to balk the courso of justice,has been exhausted to keep the breath of lifo in this guilty wretch. His lastdodge, now that all the sinuosities of the law havo failed to open for him a loophole of escape, is to feign insanity. That his insanity is feigned wo aro well advised; but sympathetic doctors and lawyers havo so, prevailed upon tho executive authority that tho criminal has secured a reprieve pending a medical examina tion. In tho interest of justice there should be no more fooling in this affair or any other of tho kind. As tho board of pardons and tho governor should be thoroughly informed in every such case, why should not tho board of lunacy bo called iu to give an authori tative opinion before delay is secured ? A murderer now takes his chances be foro a jury to determine his guilt ; be fo o the supremo court to determine tho regularity of tho trial ; before tho board of pardons and the governor to consi der how tho quality of mercy may be strained to his advantage, and MoGin nis has caried his caso ono step far ther. Let tho board of lunacy look after him. A Guilty Lover's Crime, A WKON(IBI) IIUSIIAND KNOCK HI) FItOM A .MOVING TRAIN WITH A COUF-I.INO-l'IN. A dispatch from Catawissa dated September 29th, gives the following ac count of a crimo : William Brobst was brought to this place to-day to havo an ugly wound in his head dressed. Tho wound was caused by Brobst being knocked off a train by -Daniel Mensinger last night. Brobst is a young farmer and has an attractivo wife aud one child and lives six miles from llingtown. A nico farm was left thu couplo by tho wife s father aud she, thinking this fact left her frco to do as she pleased, fell in lovo with a young farmer named Daniel Mensin ger and no efforts wero made to con ceal their intrigue from the husband or the neighbors. The husband was fin ally induced to havo Mensinger arrested, but tho caso was settled by Mensinger taking an oath and giving bonds not to further disturb tho happiness of the Brobst family. lint oaths or bonds could not cool tho lovo of either Mensinger or tho taitiiicss wite, and last night .Mensinger induced the forgiving husband to ac company him to llraudonvillo on a freight train. Brobst says tiiat when the train had got fairly into a deep, narrow and dangerous cut a few miles north of Ringtown, Mensinger, with out tho least warning, struck Brobit on tho head with a coupling-pin nud kuock cd him off tho cars. Brobst is ti very activo man and saved himself from get ting under the train by clutching tho weeds growing on tho sido of tlio cut and got off with tho cut on his head and a few bruises. A wairant has been issued for Mensinger, but ho has not yet been lound. LECTION NOTICE. 111 Notice li hereby given that tho regular annual meeting o! the stockholders ot tho llloomsbun,' Water company will bo held In llloomsburj,', Oc tober liluisniat thu onico of F. 1'. Illilineyer, Trcaa, between tho hours ot two nnd (our o'clock In the afternoon, tor the nurooso elecilmr a Hoard of Director to serve lor tho ensuing year and tor uiu uuiisaciiuu ui uny inner miMiu-ss oi um coin pany. l'UANK V. naLMKYWt, feept. ts-3w becrttary, D.MINISTllATOlfS NOTICE. K8TATK OF JACOB HONS I.ATK Of MIVKMN TOWNSUlf DKCKaBISD. letters ot administration In tlio estate of Jacob lloiniuiii of Minim township. Columbia county l'a. daceascd, havo been grunted by tlio Iteglater ot said county todeo. A, lions, administrator. Alt iwrsons having claims against said estate nre re-iiucsu-d to present the in fur settlement, and thoso limcuicil Ul lliw sums iu m.iitu i.ijmt.-ui w uiu uu uerslirnoj administrator without delay. (1EO. A. 110NS. bept. 31-Ovr Administrator, niUDQB DIVIDEND. Oniiml after Oetober 1st. IBM. ft heml-nnnuil dividend or per cent, on tho oapltal Mock ot the I'uuwlfeM Uildgu Oo-npany will bo put! to tho I j. a ltoniNs, (xt-vsw Treasurer. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 111 Win'5 POWDER Absolutely Pure. This niwder nivor turlni. A mirv,i nfnnMt strength and wholesomonea. Moro economical th m tho ordinary k nds. nnd cannot 08 sold In competition with tho multitude of low toit, sUort weight, mum or phosphate powders. SMdonly In 0V1S. HOVAI, IIakimo I'owdik Co , too Wall-st,, N'' nurl-lv. A HOME DRUGGIST TESTIFIES. Popularity at homo not nltrnvn tho best test of merit, but wo point proudly' to tho fact that no other medlclnu hna won for Itcclt such uiiUlu.iI itiipruli.itluu In Iu own city, Btato, and country, und uuioug all pcoplo, as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Thu following letter from one of onr host. known Massachusetts Druggists should bo of Intorcst to every suirerer i RHEUMATISM. y.vf IMlLUmitllUIIII ii,Pmtlm,soso Tcro lint I could not move from the bed, or dress, without help. 1 tried several rcmo illes without much If any relief, until I took AV'll'M Saiisai-aiiilla, by tho use of two bottles o uhlch 1 uas completely cured. Have sold largo quantities of your SAniA-i-AUit.i.A, nud It still retains lis wonderful iomi)nrlty, Tho many notable cures It litis rlueled In tlih vicinity convince mo that it Is tin. blood modlclnoctcroircrcd to tho public. K. V. liAUltls." ltivcr St., Iluckland, Mass., May 13, 1882. Oil T niirilll ClEonar. AKnnEwn, iSfll I nnrl fVl. overseer In tho Lowell uriUI IIIIL.UIII1 Carnet Cornornllnii. Mas for over twenty years beforo his removal io ixjwcii uiincicu wuii ftnu Jineum in ui worst form. Its ulcerations nrtually covered mora than half the surfaco of his body and limbs. Ho as entirely cured by AvKU'a Bhisai-auilla. Sco certllloto In Ayer's Ahnanaa for lcS3. rilEPARr.t) BY Dr.J.G.AycrctCo.,Lowoll,Mass. Sold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles for 51 Q.ENKIUL ELECTION I'HUULiAJlATION. 1. JOHN MOUllfci. iiiiru Sheriff of Co. lurnbla county, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby mako known and proclaim to tho quali fied electors of Columbia countv that, a renernl election will bo held on Tuesday, November 6, 1883. being tho Tuesday noxt following tho nrst, Mon day of said month) for tho purpose of electing tho several persons hereinafter named, to-wlt: Ono person for Treasurer of Pennsylvania. Ono person for Auditor Clcneral of Pennsvl- vanla. ono person for District Attorney ot Columbia county. One person for County Surveyor. T nls.ft hprnhv inikn known finri trivn notion Hint. tho places of holding I ho aforesalif election In tho several wards, boroughs, districts nnd townships within tho county ot Columbia aro as follows, viz: Heaver townshln. at tho nubile houso of Pottar Smith. Denton townshln. nt tho Dublle nouso of Hiram Hess, In tho town of llcntou. East Bloom, nt tho Court House, In llloomsburg. West Uloom, at tho Court House, In Dloomsburg. Borounh ot Berwick. West District, at the orllce of W. .1. Knorr, East district at tho little onico of Jackson Woodln .Mfg. Co. Borough ot Centralis, at tho nubile houso of Wil liam I'elfcr. Brlarcreek township, nt Martz's school house. Catawissa townshln. nt tho nubile houso off. A. Yetter. Centre township, at tho school houso near Lafay ette Creasys. North Conyngham District, at tho school houso near tho colliery of John Anderson & Co. South conyngham District, nt tho houso of Mrs. Thomas Monroe. Klsulngcreok township, at tho school houso near C. B. Whites. Franklin township, at tho Lawrence school house. ureenwood township, at mo house of L. D. rattan. Hemlock township, at tho public houso of Chas. II. UlcUcrlch, In tho town or Buck Horn. .Jackson townsuip, nc mo nouso 01 i;zckici cole. Locust townshln. at tho Dublle houso of Daniel Knorr, In Numcdla. Miimn townsnip, at mo puuuc nouso ot Aaron Hoss, in tho town of Mlllltnvllle. Madison township, at tho public school houso In Jerseytown. Mt. Pleasant township, at tho Millertown school llOUSH, Montour township, at tho public houso of 11. Laycock, atllupert. .Main township, at the public houso of Jeremiah E. Longenbcrger. l'oarlngcreek township, at tho houso of Samuel Miller. Orange township, nttho public bchool houso In Orangevlile. l'lno township, at tho Centra School House, Susrarloaf township, at the houso ot Norman Colo. West Scott at the nubllo houso ot l C. Fred- crlcl. luist Scott township, at tho public house of Jacob Miller, In Espy. At nil elections hereafter held under tho laws of this Commonwealth, tho election polls shall bo oponed at seven o'clock In tho forenoon, and shall continue open without Interruption or ad journment until seven o'clock In tho evening when tho polls wUl bo closed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That every person excepting Justlcos of the I'eaca and Alderman. Notaries Publio nnd Per- sons In the mllltu bervlco of tho State, who shall hold or shall within two months have held any onico or appointment ot protlt or trust undur Ununited States, orot this Bute, aud city or corporated district, whctlwr a commissioned onicer or otherwise, a subordinate ortlcer or agent wno is or snail oo cmpiuyeu uuuer mo legisla ture, Executlvo or Judiciary Department ot this state, or of any city or of any Incorporated dls trlct, and also, that every member of Congress and ot the stato Legislature, and of tho select or common council of any city, or commissioners ot any incorporated district, are by law Incapable of holding or exercising at tho samo time tho onico or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and tnat no Inspector, Judge or other omcer of such elec tion snail oo cugiuio iu uo vucu vuiuu iur. Tho Inspectors and Judgo of tho elections shall meet at tho respective places appointed for holding tho election In tho district to which they respectively bolong, beforo seven o'clock In tho morning, and each of said Inspectors shall ap point ono clerk, who shall bo a qualified voter of such district. Tho qualllled voters of tho soveral districts In this county at all general, township borough nnd special dictions, are hereby hereafter author- i,eu ana requireu ui vuw uj iiciti-ia jhhia;u ur written, or partly printed and partly written, severally classllled as follows: Ono ticket shall embrace tho names of ull Judges or Courts voted for, and labelled, outside, "Judiciary!" ono ticket shall embracotho names of all tho Stato oniccrs voted for and to bo labelled "State;" uno ticket shall embrace tho names of all county omccrs voted for, Including tho onico of Senator, and Members of Assembly, It voted for, and members of Congress, It voted for, and bo label led "County i" ono ticket shall embraco tho names of all township onicera voted for, nnd bo labelled "1'ownshlp ;" one ticket shall emDraco tho names of all borough onicers voted for, and bo labelled "uorougu." And each class Bhallbo deposited In separate ballot boxes. JOHN MOUUKY, Sept 7-tf unerin. Public Sale: OF VALUAULE Real Estate. Tho undersigned will offer at public sale on tho premises on SATURDAY, OOTOIlIilt 27tli, '83. Commencing at ono o'clock p. ra., of said day, tho following described property to wit : all that lot ot ground bltuato in tlio village of Espy, In Scott township, Columbia county, l'a., fronting on tho publio road leading from Espy to Berwick, adjoin. Ing an alloy on tho oast, an alloy on'tho north and lot ot Jacob lies on tho west, said lot being about TO feet In width and ITT feet In depth. Whereon are erected a largo two-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, under tlu roof, nnd veranda on tho east side and front, with two-story framo kitchen attached with porch; a cistern on said porch, n good well of water with pump, ngood bummer-kiicnon, and coal houso on alloy. A good largo frame btnblo with carriage houso. l'ossosslon will bo given on the 1st day ot April lswi, or tho purchaser may take constructive pos bcsslon nnd collect the rents from November 1, '), Terms mado known on day of sale. E. II, 1IAI.DV, JiyliU Attorney In fact, M. F. Ejerly. bet t U Bloomsburg, Oct. 1, 9UH3CU1J)BV0H TUB COMJMHIAN, l.e0 A VKAK. OH1MIANS' COURT SAliK OF VALUABLE By virtue of nh order Issued out of tho Orphans Court of Columbia county tho undersigned admin istrator of Milton Moslellcr, deceased, will expose to sate on tho premises on Saturday, October 27th, '83. At 10 o'clock, n. m., tho following tract of land : situate In Brlarcreek township, Columbia county, bounded and described ns follown, to-wlt i On tho cast by land of J. W. Bowman, on tho south by tho road leading from Berwick to lilttcnhouso's mill, on tho north by road leading to Berwick, contain Ing on which aro erected n FHAMK l)Wi:t.LlNO, STABLE and outbuildings. TElt.MS OF SALE. Ten percent, ofono-fourth of tho purchato money to bo paid nt tho striking down of tho propel ty t tho one-fourth less tho ten per cent, nt tho confirmation ofsaio: and tho re maining three-fourths In ono year thereafter, with Interest from confirmation dim. a. it. citoor, oct B Administrator. FALL OPENING OF Alexander &. Bro, Htj GOODS, LOW PRlCSt A full Uno of Confectionery, Fruits, Nuts, fig nin. Tobaccos Pipes, Christmas tree trimmings, and n largo stock of Sugar Toys for the Holidays; at rWhuttjiittc ami rtnU. Meerschaum Fines. Clear Holders. Clirar Chips. Tobacco Pouches and other goods suitable for tho Christmas trado. County dealers should consult our prices beforo purchasing elsewhere. f"ff"Noxt to court Houso. Sept, 28-3m, ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Kcal Estate ! ! In pursuance of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia County I'enn'a the undersigned ad ministrator of William ivcy, deceased will sell nt public sale on tho premises on Saturday, October 27th, 1883 at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said day tho follow- ing described valuablo real estate, to-wlt : A tract or messuage tenement and lot of land situate In Hemlock township, Columbia County, Fa., bounded nnd described as follows, to-wlt : Be ginning nt a stono corner, theneo by lands ot John ilruber, South two degrees West, eighty-two nnd I....1.. tl,lu "-ia iu u Hiony ; iiii-noo uy lanu oi William Ernest, South soventy-elght and ono fourth degrees West,: nineteen and four-tenth perches to a stone : thence bv llin Hume. Xorth for. ty-slx degrees West, thlrty-nlno and two-tenth iKi iu u tiiunu ; iiit-iico, .-Non u loriy nnd onc fourth deirrees East. Miventv.sovpn nmi HvA.irntn perches to tho placo of beginning, containing 14 ACMES and 51 perches strict measure. Also another messuage or tract of land adjoin- ing tho above described land, in said township, bounded nnd described ns follows, to-wlt Begin ning at a post In lino of lleuben Bomboy, thence by land of Philip A. stroup. South eighteen degrees West, forty-seven perches to a hickory tree; thenco by lands of si. (J. Shoemaker, South forty-threo de grees East, ninety-eight perches : thenco by land ot John limber, North forty-ono nnd one half de grees East, ilfty-slx perches lo n stono ; thence, North two degrees West sixteen perches to a stone thence, North two degrees West, sixteen perches to a stono by land of lieorge Winner; thenco by tho same, North twenty degrees East, forty-six perches to n chestnut ; thenco, North lltty-ono nnd a half degrees West, ono perch to n stake; thenco by land of John S. llartman, South twenty-four degrees West, six perches to a stako ; thenco by tho same, North elghty-fourdegrees West, ninety two perches to n stono ; thence, North ten nnd n half degrees East, six perches ton stono; thenco by land of Heuben Boinboy, North elghty-tour do. grees West, thirteen nnd two-tenth perches to tho placo ot beginning, containing 49 ACRES and S8 perches of land strict measure. Also another mcsauago or tract ot land sltunto In Hemlock township ljlngnlongsidoandndjoln Ing the above described tract of land bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : Beginning at n btono and running thenco by lands of Philip A. stroup, North two degrees East, slxty-two perches to a stone; thence by tho same, North forty-threo de grees West, blxty-nvo perches and one-tenth to a Hone ; thenco by tho same, North forty degrees isi, iniriy-ono percii's nnti six-iemns 10 n poM ; thenco by lands of M. (I. sinemaker, south torty threo degiees East, nlnety-elght perches nndtwo tenths to n stako : nnd thence, south forty do. grees West, seventy-six perches nnd elghutenths to tho placo of beginning, containing 24 ncres nnd 3 perches btrlct measure bo tho samo moro or less. Altogether HI acres and tu perches, on which nro erected a good two-st 'ry Frame Dwelling House, out-kltchcn, bank barn and other outbuildings. Also a good well of water nt tho houso and ono nt tho barn, as also two never-falling springs of water near tho buildings. Thero is nho nn npplo orchard on tho premises composed of young thrifty trees, good bearing, and of cholco grafted fruit, TEU.M8 OF SALE. Ten per cent, of tho one fourth of tho pur;haso money lo bo paid nttho striking down of tho property ; tho one-fourth less tho ten percent, nttho confirmation of sale; and tho remaining three-fourths In ono year thereafter, with interest from confirmation nisi. Purchaser to pay for deed. ANN 1VEV. EDWAltl) V. IVEV, Sept. SS-ts Admre. DMINISTltATOU'S NOTICE. KSTATK OF SUSANNAH E. HAWK, I.ATK OP MAIN TOWNSHIP DECEASKn. Letters ot administration In tho estate of Sus- annah E. Hawk latu ot Main township, Columbia county Fa., deceased, havo been granted by tho Register of said county to J, A. Miuiuan, Adminis trator. All persons having claims against said estate aro requested to present them for settle ment, and thoso Indebted to tho samo to mako payment to the undersigned administrator with out delay. J. A. SHU.MAN, Kept, aist Auminisiraior. (Hi! CHii! Cliiw! G. W. BERTSCH,. TIIK M KllCl ANT TAILOR, AND DEAI.Elt IN Gents' Furnishing Goods OF EVEUV DESCltlPTION. CLOTHING ! ! Haviiiir vory recently oponcil n. now Xlcrolmnt TailorliiK and Gents' Fur nishing Goods Store, in KNOKR ifc WINTISUSTICISN'S building, on Main street, whero I am prepared to mako to order, ntshoit notice, first class suits of clothing alw iys in tho latest styles and prices reasonable. ; .i ti. ,:.... I ...l v tin JjUiii iiiuvi;ii iittiu luumuu uw.v to cut irarinents to suit customers, and also what kind ol material will givo satisfaction, 1 would ask you to please oall and oxamino tho BEST SELECTED STOCK OV GOODS Ever shown iu Columbia county, Before Purchasing Elsewhere, Store noKt door io First National Bank Corner Main & Market Sis. Bloomsburg, h April 13-iyr. OFPJOE OP STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, EIGHTH AND MARKET STS. TO TUM PUBLIC: i EspociaMy of tho statos of Pennsylvania J Now Jorsoy, Maryland and Dolawaro. g We liayo tho pleasure to ntinouuco thnt our arrangements for long considered and most carefully mado, aro now complete, and from far and near to call on us. find Insnnnl. nnr nnlnrimrl f.ipiHfioj Stock wc arc prepared to exhibit Tho increase in our business, which hits been largo and constant for years, has been greater than over during the past twelve months, and we have, therefore, felt justified in making extraordinary and unnrecedented nronarntimia for tlin nnminrr Honann nnt nnln 5n' dm imnrmfiwln ri. it. 1...1 :. ll f "Vl. V ! ! ' tin- lacilides tor its distribution, our patrons iti every way, During the Summer wc have added another building on Eighth Street to our store-rooms and this a tenition, just completed, while it adds considerably, though not largely to our space, enables us to make certain changes in the disposition of stocks, which economizes room and in other ways adds largely to the comfort and convenience of our patrons. All auovo alterations completed atid Q imnmiir w , i .1 .11 i.vw jii.1 I .11. IT y-v r-r--nA. - , owun. il iiuo uvui uuuii our privilege io gainer, we invito tne puoiic to call anil inspect the buildings and examine the stock, which in the aggregate and detail will, we believe, compare favora bly With ailV that has ever been nltmnrl nn snln nnilm. nnn rnnfi'ii Amnnni Tln'a l.ncrn atnnU most carefully selected by a large corps of skilful buyers in the best markets of the world, and it is needless to add has been purchased EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH. Every advantage that ex perience, skill stul abundant eanitnl son, and coupled with these advantages is a determination to serve their constant and abiding patronage. It is our aim. as it is the aim of CM aS tO (IO nilSlllPSH 111 tllO )? tnn,l y -- - - - -""d cient service to the largest number do the Jartrest find t.lm IhvjI nml tlm i , fjwn,iuuoij wnuuuiuu luiuii uij fuiJiia uuaniuss 111 inu uilllUU btates ; to lay the fouudatiou of that busiucss broad and deep and sure. Here, in Philadelphia, the city of homes, with its million of population, surrounded by a countrv unsurpassed, if equalled any where for fertility and cultivation, and populated by other millions of thrifty and intelligent people. w w.i,v, .uiymiw iu uiuiu up suwi a uusiness a tmsincss tnat truly serves tlio people and with every increase in its size and facilities onlv morn widolv nnd nflinirmtKr mud greater number. e believe no largo and permanent success can bo achieved on anv other basis than that wc have indicated, of rendering better service than can bo bad elsewhere ; 6( deserving success by reason oft rendering this service faithfully; of making it a cardinal principle to give at 'least as much jw is re ceived ; to ensure and to be satisfied with nothing less than a mutuality of benefit between the house and its great constituency the country over. This is our aim and litirnnsr. Wo nk- tlm nonnln tn join with us in establishing such Respectfully submitting our claims to a discerning public, wc hereby extend a general invitation call on us from this date, to view the buildings and inspect the business methods of 1883. Signed : to USE . 0 T I S B B 0 T II E B S' NEVER-FAILING CORN CURE! Cures qulckl and caMly Hniil nml Soft Conn, cal-lou-jo", Warts, .Moles, Ac. no knife! nocuttiiiKiuu cure . no pay ! Price Only 15 Cts. rni;i'Aiti;n only hv. OTIS BROTHERS' Chemists, Bingham tsn, N. Y. Aug. 31-am. ji LIVE AGENTS WANTED. To soli Dr. Clinso'H Ucci'lpos; or Information for Kvtryboily lnricry comity lutlio United states Knl,in?cl by tlio ptiblhlicr to (lis paws. It contains urcra.OOd lioiiichold recclnes and Is Milted to all classes and conditions of so. clety. A wonderful book and a liotiicliold neces sity. Il hrtls at bllit. (Sreatest Inducement ever ofTercd to book nsjents. N. unpin copies sent by mull, Poupaid, forii.ui. Exclusive territory ulven. Agents moro than double tlielr money. Address Dr. uliaso's steam I'rlutlns House, Ann Harbor -Michigan. august .'11, am. SANITARIUM. Fairview Ekclropatiiic Instituls, BINGIIAMTON, X. Y. Tlio liottso Is specially lit ted up for tlio comfort of Invalids who tlcslm a pleas mt and Clut.stlan home, stands on lilj;li uround wltli plenty of hliad'o. l'ersoual attention given to eiery pallent. Klectrlclty and llalvanlsin In tlielr different modi, tlcatlons a speciality, l'rof. .Mills lias (riven many years of study and practice to this branch, aud lundrcds will testify to hlsbklll. send for circular, stating what paper you saw this In. l'ltoi'. HUNUVjIiM.S lira. AUCi: l'ltKNCII .MILLS, Lock Ilox nr. lllnghamton, N. V. sx-pt. 7 'ti-ly. Til II GEO. WOODS AND Are the llnest In TO.Ni; Are tho tlnest In I)i:siOV, Aro the llnest In WOltKMANSIIU. SEND FOR CATALOGUE WITH MUSIC FREE. George Woods' -Ooiiipauy, rm Washington Street, Iloston, Masi it Ladles and (leiillemen wanted to Introduce iiousuwi w? wwtir LT I i OV I ment ot esnentlal Homo A I) IvV I 1 1 Itonlcs, o o in n r l s 1 n b (Many Volumesln one.) Doiucstlo Cookery (over I.OJ0 recipes), Houso l'uinlsltlng aud .Management, Intorlorand interior Decorations, I'ollto Deport ment, (lames, Amusi'incnts, ICmcrgcncles, Caro of Children, Aecldenlsnnd general hints on many subJectHof vital Interest to homo and Us happl netA iteautltully Illustrated. A royal good and useful book. Very cheap. Will bell Immensely. Wilte for full particulars. IIUIillAHDIillos., l'ubllshers, l'hlladolplila, l'a. Sept. SMw il (Ocmtinuttljrom fosf iri.) How Watch Cases aro Mado. In buying a silver watch case great caro should be taken tu eecuro ono that Is soliil fcllver throughout. Tlio cap of most cheap silver cases is mado of a composition know j as nlbatu, which is n very poor substitute for kllvvr, ns it tiiriu black iu n short time. Tliu backs of such cases nro mado much thinner than thoso of an nil silver caso, Ik ing robbed In onlcr to mako tho cap thicker nnd get in as much ns posslblo of tlio cheap metal. Another important point in neilvcr caso is tho joints or hinges, whicji should bo mado of gold. Thoso of most cheap cases nro mado of 6ilver, which is not n suitablo metal for that purjioso. In a brief period it unrps, bends and spread apart, allowing tho backs to becomo looso upon tho caso and admitting tlio dust nnd till t that accunimiilnto in tho pocket, Tho Keystone Silver Watch Cases nro only raado with silver caps and gold joints. Bt. Loch, Ma, Fi li. IT, 18KI Incmr Ion ftud virlari t'iiorii.iuui hau.liin4 wan-hoi, KoiApnul but aclii'mlxifuaiidKjvotiirl,tiuKniltiAt iha Ku)fctoiio Kj)i.t hilvvr AValcli Usm nnt ILutiufct made Iu our i nuwlltfe. HtTlog nn tulderiiitf Uwt re. iihiu In iiiwoiuioui, Ar dtr aail ttljftr llian tliy uuuU Lo wpiw Ib'-T lunU.I for ri1!tirintf, uul tuitu luoiu ltiUtitliu lunii-r ual.ut rMi4iii ItiAii uuy t ll.r lfa 'u IU) luuUI, lUuuup & Jatt iuiv Uo. Sf ad I rrat tUmp U krf.loB ITalck Cm FaiUrlca, I'aita. a-flaLla, l'a.,(ur auduai lUiulkll riMfalat ikaalat i faaualWwiKrtUuHtUkCawaMiiMU. U in every department. II """J iiij,iiiMllll Ul BlUUIt, Ulll 111 as well as arrangements for the most prompt and careful service of our arrangements consummated, w,..vw J "Vliu VIVIl lllw . . urii r.Ac T-irr all hlisinnss mnn fn mnlfo nmnnir in lin.o,,rnn.-nP,.l It.,. l,:l.,..t , - '- ouv,i,M3iui 111 liiu manual, ; to adhere rigidly to and to lead mnof nn,ir.nBi,r nnnri.,nir.,i i.,:i a business, and wo ask for patronage on no other grounds. Iteawte tig m fe3 O o PQ GO PS o Ml Stock $r( l lalM ?ver b'raStn?o,i1,,ll,artC,r,l,la' l3now blgns and at lower prices than has iwr been rk"'1'1 10 "'Uonof tho Ktatoj tho latest do- llSTolS? WfiWj!?W!KtBr? ilrSSfill J A lull Iloily and Tapestry Jlruiacls, Hull and Btalr Carpots! ftt 1 lW ttWfty Uow"' A nlc(i 11110 ut GOOD BODY BRUSSELS, 1.25. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, na low us 70 & 75c. EXTRA SUPER INQRAIN, 80it05c. ALL WOOL SUPER INQRAIN, 75 & 80c. WOOL FILLING INQRAINS, C5c. BJUOOMSnSURG, PA. 1, the business of the present season, wo respectfully invito tho people fin. 1mn, liMul, incta nnrl in an mult IIIVs Mtllllllll tuiu lIUKt tv 1 I'll L(1U including the receipt of the most 1 . I nnnn.i 1 An 1 them in such a way as to receive n,wl vnt 110 on 4iis7i 4n mnhn .,. ... l 1 il. 1 buusu , u icnuur liiu modi lilll- in our own special business ; to .1 1,. 1 : it. tt. .i.i of (Caurpete, Vl.W .VU. A.. ... . 1 I.I k 1 I J MltIl.1V. 1 1 I I I I I I I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers