THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BL06MSB&RG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ) The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, SEl'TlflMUER 28, 1883. Correct Itnllrontl Time Tnlilc Trains on Iho rLlladclphla fi It, H. leave llupcrt a follows i Homn. south, r 84 a.m. 1145 a.m. 4 ua p. m. 013 p. m. : Trlns on tho D. L. A; W, It. II, leavo Bloomsburg follows i NOIIIII. SOUTH. TiAn.ra. 8 S3 a. m. 10 47 n. m. 11 4S ii. m. ;o 84 p. in. 4 3) p. tn. Tho 11 43 train south connocls with tho Phlla. dolphla, Heading nt import, and with tho Northern Contral at Northumberland. Tho s:$b a, m. tralnconnocta at Northumberland with :ts train on Pennsylvania road reaching I'hllaileiphla at 8:i p. in. Thelitis tralnconnocta with rntlAdtlphla and Itoadlng roal at import at 11:60 reaching l'lilta dolphla at :Wp. m. Tho 11:1' train connocts with Pennsylvania roal at Northumberland at 1:19 reaching Philadel phia at VM p. m Tbo 4:90 p. in. train connocls with Pennsylvania road at Northumberland at 8:03 p. m. ana reaches Philadelphia at 9:es a. ra. t.Tralni on Mm N. A W. U. Hallway passl Bloom Perry as follows t NORTH. SOUTH. T.4t a. m 12.01 p. m. p. in 7.oi p. in. Public HlllCH. The executors of Isaac Snyder, tlcccns eil, will sell personal property ntul rent estate on tho premises In Jllfllln township on Tuesday, October 10th. W. U. l'oust will sell personal property at his residence on Saturday, 29th inst. Notice to HultHcrllicrH OutHlclc the County. About two weeks ngo statements were sent out to every subscriber outside of tho county who owes anything on subscription. Up to to this tlmo but very few have re sponded. As wo havo to pay postngo on all such papers wo must Insist on a conipll. ancc with our terms which are strictly In advance. Wo cannot afford to pay tho pos. tngo on tho papors, send several bills and pay postago on them, and then run tho risk of losing tho subscription money besides. Our request Is but fair, and as very few havo compiled with It, wo arc forced to give notlco that all papers going outside of tho county that nro not paid for by October 15th will bo stopped. Wo dislike to print duns In tho paper, but when our private requests arc ignored there Is no other nl tcrnotivc. I'crHoiml. ltcprcsentatlvo Bryson was In town on Monday. Mrs. Sheriff Mourey has been quite 111 for somo days. W. A. Marr, Esq., of Ashland, attended court on Tuesday. Miss Ilnttlo Clayton, of Ashland, was visiting relatives in town tho past week. Clinton Lloyd, Esq., of Wllllamsport, was registered at tho Exchange Hotel on Monday. Cadet J. W. Oman who has been spend ing his vacation at Light Street, returns to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, to-day. Kalu fell all day on Monday. James Harris of Hemlock Is foreman of the grand jury. Dr. W. II. llradlcy has purchased a farm near Burlington N. J. Two cent postage will go into elloct next Monday. Tho deer season opens October 1st nml continues until December 10th. . A suspension of judgment Is all we ask don't buy nnywhere until you have seen tho new goods at David Lowenbcrg's. dross of tho N. Y. Store has just return cd from Philadelphia and New York with a flno lino of fall and winter clothing, (live him a call. A temperance meeting was held at tho Lutheran church on Monday evening. Ad dresses wero made by D. C. Uabcoek, of Philadelphia, Clinton Lloyd Esq., of Wil liamsport, and others. Foil Sale. A property in Itoaringcreek township, consisting of a dwelling house, bam, mill with four run of stone, and about 23 acres of Improved land. Inquire of John Mourey, Bloonisburg, Pa. tf Faiimkiis lluAi) Tins. Farmers wishing a first-class article of phosphate, can get it at LIghtstrcct at nny time. Stop and get prices nnd examine goods beforo buying. Harvey E. IIkacook. Tho clergymen of this town, who so successfully conducted n lecture course last year, propose to organize another scr les this fall. They arc making arrange ments to secure some distinguished speak ers. The Gospel Temperanco Union will hold Its monthly meeting in tho Lutheran church Tuesday evening next, October 2nd 1883, at half past seven o'clock. The pub He is cordially invited. A choice programme is prepared. Mrs. Maize tho milliner, started for Phil adelphia Thursday morning of this week expecting to spend ono week in purchasing a full stock of tho very best quality and all tho latest styles of millinery goods, no tions, &c. Chas. of South bend Indiana, who has boon visiting his brother In this section was thrown from tho train last Wednesday evening at Sunbury, and met with an accident resulting In tho loss of four toes of ono foot. Ho Is at present with his brother in Sunbury. On Wcducsday of last week Dr. Gardner, assisted by Drs. Ammerman of Orangcvllle, Harler, of Ncscopeck, Kline, of Catawissa, Mcltoyiiolds, and Schuyler of llloomshurg, lnnnvnfl n hiinni1 frnm llin film flf Mrs. 0:1- blo of Snyder county at tho house of Hen- ry Heist in ilontour townsmp. i no opera tion was performed in 40 minutes. A first class entertainment was given at tho Opera House last Friday evening. Lil lan Bpenccr as tho "Creole" Is entitled to all tho praise she has received from the press throughout tho country. She Is young and pretty, nnd enters Into her part with great spirit and feeling, though It Is a very dllllcult character, bho was well sup ported by tho members of this excellent company. Tho Convocation of Wllllamsport which met in tho Episcopal church on Tuesday evening and Wednesday, was well attend cd at all tho sessions. About a dozen clcr. gyracn und several lay delegates were present. Hoy. Mr. Hufliioll of Lock Ha Yen, preached on Tuesday evening, Itev, John Hewitt on Wednesday morning, and addresses wero made in the evening by Roy, Dr, Hopkins of Wllllaincport, Hevs, Breed of Danville. Bound!, and Black of Wllllamsport. Correct styles, Choicest fabrics, Suro fits, Lowest prices, are tho mottoes of David Lowcnbcrg. A Luther Memorial sorvlen will lm l.r.1,1 atMuncy trout ponds, near Mnncy, on Tuesday, October 2nd, The trial of McDowell nml Trrillltnr.r charged with robbing Levi Michael, is In progiess as wo go to press. The placo to ascertain "What in wear." for tho coming season, Is at D. LOWRNIIBIMI'S. Wo wero In error last week In ntnttnn. Hint nil nrtlclcsfor exhibition nt the. Col'. umbla county fair should bo brought In noi inicr mail Tuesday. It should' read Wednesday. Notiuk. All persons dcslrlnc to exhibit at Col. Co. Fair will please send m llirlr Lists carefully classed and thus save them selves much nnnoyaiicc, as no entries will bo inado after Wednesday. Address, Fred B. Hnitmnn, Secy, Sw llloomshurg, Pa. What wo said last week in reference to tho Conynghnm schools wo copied from an exciiange. It Is not correct that nil of the Centralia class passed nt the second exami nation us only twcnty.fivc per cent, of it wai successful. Only three passed at tho second examination who passed at the first In all of the branches except Theory of Teaching but came so nenrly passing In that that nt tho second examination tho required percentage was made. The Cen tralla schools are not yet supplied with teachers iVrtlstic and Decorative Polntlnc. In- structlon given In water color, oil, lustra painting, itc. Decorating china a special- Baibotino ware finished In Llmoiio glaze. Orders for Christmas solicited early. Ladles nro invited to call and ex amine samples. Lesson days. Tuesdnvs. Thursdays and Saturdays privately. Work made easy for ladles unaccustomed to drawing. For further particulars please address II. J. MAoAiiTntm. Normal School, Sepll-lw Bloonisburg, Pa. Only the best make of American watches are kept In stock at L. Bombard's jewelry store, also a fine lino of gold linger rings The constable of Franklin township on Monday morning, reported n road in that township as being in bad condition. After learning the facts Judge Elwcll made the following remarks : Where a road has been for n long tlmo in bad condition, the law presumes that the public officers have notice of that fact. Their olllce Imposes upon them tho duty of making such examination occasionally as will put them in possession of knowledge as to the.condltlon of tho road. It an ac cident happens to the road by a severe rain or by any unforseen cause, the super visor would not be resnonsihlo without notice, unless lie left tho road too long in that state; if he did, then the law would presume that he had notice. If this road (opened some four years ago, and neurly i mile long) Is so narrow that It is impossi ble for two teams to pass (having hut two, and perhaps insufficient, turnouts), then tho needs of the public are not met. The supervisor will cousldcr this return a sufficient notice, nnd the constable who makes it (Mr. Manhart) may inform him that It is the opinion of the court that thero should he moro convenient turnouts upon that road. As to the supervisor turning water upon the land of a private individu al (Mr. Mensch or Mr. Lorcman), wo have nothing to do with that j we consider only the public interests. A Ruiulmlcr. David 'Lowenberg having just returned from New York and having purchased his Fall Stock, Is now prepared to offer tho atest styles in gentlemen's wear, and In vites an early Inspection of the new goods. HltcrllPH Hale. The following propcitles were sold by tho Sheriff at the court house on Monday. Land of N. Welliver In Madison to W. Gingles for 25.00 j land of Edward Unan gst In Fishingcreek to M. II. Unangst for 705.00 j lands of J. A. Losec In Beaver, J. B. Bobison, attorney, for 4.00.00 s land of tame to same for $5,0) ; land of samo to same for 110.00 ; lnnd of John Mitchlcr in Siigarlonf to J. Hcrrington for $07,00 ; land of A, B. Pearson in Briarercck and Fish ingcreek to Bloonisburg Banking Co., for S225.00 ; land of W. T. Shuman in Main to J. A. Shuman for 2100. CIiaiiKC or Mall L,uc1ch. Un October 1st tho I'ostolllce Department will substitute a now general lock for thoso now In use. The new lock, which Is made of corrugated steel, Is lighter, strong, er, and safer than that now in use, and Is manufactured by tho Smith & Egge Lock Company, of Connecticut. For several mouths a number of clerks in tho mail equipment division of the Postofllce De- partment have been testing the new locks and keys, nnd distributing them through, out tho country. Fifty thousand keys wero scut out to postmasters nnd other persons authorized to hold them, In sepa rate registered letters, and tho efficiency of tho registry system Is shown by tho fact that they wero all properly delivered. When the receipts for the keys had been returned, 200,000 wero distributed among tho heads of star routes, tho termini of railway routes, nnd depositories. Tho work has just been completed and tho new lock will go into uso October 1st. Tho change in mail locks is made but onco in ten years. L. Bernhard keeps In stock tho best pin. ted ware In knives, forks, spoons, casters &o. Articles eugraved free of charge, good plated tea spoo s at $1.25, Ilcrwlclc vh. IlIonniMlitirtf. An exciting gamo of liaso ball was played on tho Fair grounds last Saturday afternoon between a nine from Berwick and the home nine. Tho following is tho seoro i IlEltWICK. o n l i 0 c 4 1 :j 2 1 o 15 0 2 I 4 0 4 0 27 10 o n 2 a 2 2 2 1 4 0 il 2 3 3 3 1 I) 1 4 0 31 13 Kceoc, c, LIuvllle, E.s., Thomas, illi., T. W. Sherwood, r f., West, 2b., Low. 1 f., B. Sherwood, lb., Heist, p., Buckingham, c f., Total- HlOOMSUUhfl. B. Hagcnhuch, a, F. Boy cc, p., W. Boyce, s s., It. House!, lb., D. Gross, 2b., B. Hut, 3b., Hanson, 1 f., lthodomoycr, of., Hosteller, r f., Total - tfl'OliB 11V IS.f INfls . 1 2 U 4 5 0 7 8 I) Herivlrh. Illooiiishuig. 2 0 1 0 U 0 3 1 110 30000005 0-12 The mt'iehunt tailoring dep.mmout of David Lowenberg Is now repleto with all tho novelties in gout's wear. Cull and sco tho full styles. Centre Nolcn, The next township Convention will be held nt Llmo Uldgo In the M. E, church, October 0th, 1833. If all tho townships In tho county follow tho plan spoken of nt tho last County Convention held at Orango vllle, Columbia county will bo a "banner county In Sabbath school affairs. A. W. Spear 1ms employed nnothcr la- dlan boy, Edward Scunncrsoel, of the Omaha tribe. Arthur takes n delight In training tho "red man of tho forest." Mrs. J. S. Uagcnbuch has n guinea that hns been very dutiful this summer, laying 01 eggs. If there Is n reader of tho Cot- VMMAN who has a guinea that can beat this ono let us hear from you. According to nil reports Centre will ho well represented with trotting stock at tho Columbia county Fair, Hoys, when the trotting tlmo comes don't "tako tho wntcr.' Win. ShafTer lias dug and stored nway eight hundred bushels of potatoes this fall. "Billy" Is our boss potato-ralser. Philip Creasy lost u valuable horso re ccnlly. Prof. Lcrch, of Easton, now teacher nt tho Orangcvlllo academy, delivered an ex. cellcnt nddrcss at tho Hldlay church on Sunday last. Subject! "Llfo of Christ." Entrk Noes. Court I'roceciIIiiKH. Tho regular September term of court opened last Mouday, President Judge El wcll nnd Associates Shuman nnd Lake, on the Bench. The constables of the several townships were called and made their returns. Zehulon Shultz was appointed ttpstavc to wait on the grand Jury. Elijah Slum nnd M. E. Cox appointed tipstaves for 1st week ; MIchal Walter and Isaac McBrldo for 2nd week. Estnto of Joseph Pohc, report of nudltor on exceptions confirmed nisi. Geo. Hughes vs. I. K. Sweppenhclser, rulo to subrognto made absolute, nnd opln Ion filed. G. A. Bevnn vs. L. A. Klley, rulo for new trial made absolute, nnd opinion filed 10. Jl. Hill, ct. al., vs. E. Lauuach, caso stated filed. The following auditors' reports wero confirmed nisi : estate of Henry Lcur, es tate of John Sand, estate of Martin Lun gcr, estate of Henry Kitchen, estate of John Baylor, estate of J. L. Preston, cs tato of Daniel Krclgh, estate of Peter Michael. Order of sale lu estate of William Webb confirmed nisi. Mary Hcppcrt vs. W. Hcppert, on proof of publication A. IC. Oswald appointed commissioner to tako testimony. Centru township Poor District vs. Bea ver township Poor District. Appeal tiled. F. P. Taylor vs. Maggie B. Taylor. Pe tition of respondent for an allowance of funds to defend In the caso": rulo to show cause grunted. Petition to Incorporate the village of Espy Into a borough, presented and filed. Transfer of license allowed from G. L. Kostenbauder & Co., to W. A. Yctter Bond filed. Transfer of license allowed from A. S. Truckeniniller to James Bihby. Bond filed. Estate of Ley! Miller. Depositions In specific performance filed. Estate of John B. Stokes. Depositions on corrected and amended return of sale filed. Andrew Freas and Jacob Creasy vs. D. S. Purscl. Depositions filed. Estate of John Bitter, return of sale con firmed nisi. Estato of Elijah Yocum, return of sale confirmed nisi. Report of viewers against n road in Cat awissa near papsr mill, confirmed nisi. Petition for review of n road in Locust nnd Conyngham townships. Reviewers not to uc appointed unltl exceptions arc lispofed of. Petition for review of a road in Franklin near A. Lohrman's. Reviewers not to be appointed until exceptions arc disposed of. On motion of E. R. Ikeler nnd filing of certificate, C. C. Evans was admitted to practice as an attorney In the several courts of this county. Petition of Alfred Breech for the benefit of Insolvent laws filed. Estate of Joseph Pohc. Depositions filed. Petition for review of a road in Scott township, near James Lake's. E. M. Tcwksbury appointed guardian of the minor children of Samuel Smith of Centralia. Estate of G. A. Bowman. Report of sale confirmed nisi. Order of sale made in estate of William Ivcy. Petition of Lewis Wcuner for tho adop Hon of W. S. Beck filed. Petition of Mifllin School District for permission to borrow money to build a school house, refused. Petition ot W. G. Creveling for benefit of Insolvent laws filed. Petition of Madison Poor District to sell land of Milton and Phlneas Welliver, pau pcrs, filed, ' Sarah A. Zlgler vs. W. 8. Zlgler. Alias subpoma In divorce awarded. The following auditors' reports wero filed and confirmed ulsl : estate of Aura ham Force, estato of Mary C. Conner, cs tato of Jonas Hartzel, estate of Parvln Eves. l'etltlon to change election place In Briarercck township filed and decree made. Executors', administrators, guardians and trustees accounts nnd widows' appraise mcnts presented nnd confirmed nisi. Mary Osman vs. John Osinan, libel in dl vorco, subpoena awarded. Order of sale mado in estate ot George Old. Report of viewers in favor of n county bridge in Fishingcreek near E. Paden's, continued nisi. Report of viewers against two county bridges In Greenwood at Muddy Run, con. firmed nisi. The following reports of sale were con finned nisi. Estato of Joseph Helwlg, estato of Catha rlno Gall, estate of Jas. Buckalcw, estato of Jacob Drichclhls, estato of D, C, Moss Report of viewers against a county brldgi over tho river at llloomshurg confirmed nl si. Report of viewers In favor of a road in Montour near Lewis Thomas', confirmed nl el. Report of viewers against a road In Green. wood, confirmed nisi. Report of viewers In favor of n road In Sugarloaf, near E. k Fritz's confirmed ill si. Rtport of viewers of n road In Benton township near J, P. Bellas' vacating road, confirmed nisi. Inquest awarded in tho estuto of Lydl W. Dodson. Asiaio oi ii, uciciimiiicr, return oi op pralsement confirmed nisi. Estato of W. Rhodes, return of Inquest confirmed nisi. Robins, assignee, vs. T, Gerily, alias writ of Aaifreici'm jnwimiWwi awarded, Older to viewer of a road in Beuv township continued. Conyngham & Centralia Poor District vs, Wlconlsco Poor District Dauphin county. appeal entered, Commonwealth vs. Charles Cook, At tempt to commit rape. A truo bill. This case was tried on Tuesday. Tho charge was that he made nn assault on n llttlo girl 10 years of ago last July, near tho bridge below Bloomsburg. The Jury found him guilty. Commonwealth vs. Charles Hamilton, larceny. Caso tried on Tuesday, -verdict, guilty. Commonwealth vs. 8. A, Smith. A true bill. Commonwealth vs. Nicholas Bcaglo. Not n truo bill. Commonwealth vs. William Burgman. true bill. Fornication nnd bastardy. Verdict, guilty. LOCAL NOTICES. Do not fail to sco Lutz & Sloan's cash meres nnd dress cloths beforo you buy elsewhere. Print's 0, 0, nnd 8 cents nt C. O. Marr's. Flno groceries, notions, canned goods, nt B. Bkcer's. Call and see C. C. Mnrr's stock of new goods. I. W. Hartman & Son ask all those who comu to court next week nnd others, to call and see Their new dress goods, " new cloths. " new llannels, " new sheetings, " now calicoes, " new carpet chain, " new underwear. " new hosiery, " new oil cloths, " new shoes, " new gloves, &c, ix. " new double and single shawls. Three widths of Courtalds and Cio black crapo veils, black cashmeres, black shawls, DlacK do alma cloths, ulacK tnmlsc with a full line of mourning goods, nt Clark & Son's, Hats and cans, trunks, oca. the best and Cheapest at uross' JN. i, more. Wool and cotton chain at C. C. Man's, Shirts, cuffs and collars, neckties, and all kinds of goods for gents' wear, at Evans & oyer's. Men's hcavv boots, bust in town for tho price. At yv. J. nenuig's. Clark & Son now have the lare'cst stock they ever had at lower prices. Beautiful boys and chlldrcns clothing cheap at Gross' N. Y. Store. Skirts and shawls very cheap at C. C, Marr's. If vou want silks, dress trootls. tahlo linens or dry coods of any Kind vou can- not do better than to, go to Lutz ii Sloan, as mcy win nni uc unucrsoiu. We oiler best calicoes at 5. 51 and 0c vd. best heavy cheviot shirting at 7J and 8c yd,a goouyu wiuo unoieacueu musitnunnd 70 yd n good yd wide bleached muslin nt 8c a vd, good canton flannel 8c. They shy our Han. ncls are boss. See them. A cood corset nt 00c nnd up. That 25c twilled red flannel they all like as well as the better ones, .1 .r,.., ' viarn a oon s. Goto C. O. Mnrr's for comforts nnd blankets cheap. Children's nnd misses' shoes at Kendicr's. Evnns' Block. Low prices and good guous. A good overcoat at Gross' N. Y. Store. Sec our ladles OOomerlno-vest with n full line of merino underwear for ladles anil children at Clark & Son's. G. W. Bcrtsch. the merchant tailor Is the place to get your nobby and most stylish hats and caps as he has just bought a fresh stock of tho best, from the city for tho fall nnd winter trade. Please give film a call and oTamlnc his full lire of them before pur- cuasing ciscwncre, prices reasonable. Go to C. C. Marr's for splendid boots and snocs very enenp. 30 shades of dress silks now displayed bv uiaru a aons nt lower prices man ever. If you want bnrealns in fine ladies' shoes call at W. J. Kendlg's, Evans' block. If you want the most stvlish and nob blest things in neck tics or furnishing goods in general don't fall to sec G. W. Bertsch's fresh stock cf them just received from the city. Call and sco them and be convinced for yourself. If vou want a nico colored cashmere dress, no to Clark & Son's : for oualltv col ors and price they can not be heat ; with a iuu line ot other dress goods. A crand winter suit for S7.50 nt Gross' N. Y. Store. New goods at C. C. Murr. W. J. Kendie can give vou a cood fit in Gents' shoes or boots very cheap. Our lino of ladies' and children's coats. dolmans, circulars, haverlock, jersey jack ets, ready made. Also a full lino of cloths, Slushes and velvets to make up at Clark & on's, No garments carried over from last year, all new. A full lino of ready-made clothing, gents' furnishing goods, valises, &c at Evans & Eyei's. Eleornnt nnilor suits, chamber sets. und nil kinds of furniture, at Cadman's C. C, Marr wants butter, eccs, lard. onions, chickens, dried fruits nnd outs. Call at W. J. Kendkt'H. Evans'BIock bo- fore buying boots and shoes. 1 J. 8. Reltzlms for sale the enternriso meat chopping machine. Just the thing for even' farmer. Cuts 3 lbs n minute. For the small sum of SO. At I1I3 meat parlors h few doors below Market St. Don't fall to see tho finest and nobbvie'st lino of cloth, casslmcres and overcoating for fall and winter just received fresh from the city, at G. W. Bertsch's bazar of1 fash- Ions, now ready for Inspection. Don't for- get toglvo him a call before purchasing elsewhere, A lit always guaranteed. J. S. Kelt, keens n full stock of Sausage. Bologna, Screpple and all kinds meat, at low prices for cash. Just below Market St. People attending court can irct meats nl all hours at B. Stohner's. Oysters served In every stylo, also by tho ipiart or bun- (ireu. 4 w For cood cheap furniture, go to Cad- man's. Nobby suits mndo to order at Evans & Prices Eyer's, by first-class workmen, very reasonable. Lutz & Moan will havo their full Hnn of underwear for ladies, children nnd gents uiu iasv 01 tins wcck nt lower prices than last year. This Is to certify that L. E. Wharv is tho solo authorized agent for ' Bloomsburg, for mo ucauing Diovo wonts, ot urr, rainier ft Co., and Is tho only dealer that can glvo 11 guarantee on our work on stoves, heat ers oriumaces. Sep 2S-tf ORR, PAINTER & CO, Pictures, frames. window cornices, nt Cadman's, Thermometers, from 23 cents to $3.00 nt 1110 uolummax store. tf 8930 0009 UU99 0999 0999. spring chickens. old hen hens, ceesu and ducks. cood II vo culcs, lbs, raspberries. " pitted chu-rlcs. All tl ho above wanted at Lleht Street, bv an. v 0 August 3-0ui MIFFLIN SCHOOL DISTRICT, Notlco Is hereby clvci that the umlnr. signed Board of Directors of Mllllln School District Intend tu apply to tho Court of uoiiimon rieiw or Columbia county, on tbo fourth Monday of September uext, fur u decree authorizing them to borrow money by Issuing bonds for tho nurnosu of i.riipflm. n aMwwil lm,., I., .1... ..til ;:r.r.""..." ""t. "'". "' oi Uiuimviiie, in said Mllllln Bchool District, Jaooii BiTTKNimNDKir, Prest. iHl-w A. U. Miu.aiii, Scc'y. BUSINESS NOTICES. l'AtlAI.YSI, N1NR YRAIM. 'After hnvlnir suffered for 0 years with narnlvslfl." savs Mr, Joseph Yates, of Pat- erson. N, Jersey, "I was cured by 6'imurf. tan Ncmne." Mr Yntc9 this statement. Your druggist keeps It. $1.50.. Sco n woman in another column, near Hpecr's Vineyards, picking grapes from that Is so highly esteemed by the medical profession, for tliu uso of Invalids, weakly I persons nnii ino aged. HA il lit' I lritrf mala Onll VJ.Itr I . .,,m..t,.,, "I' ; If your hnlr Is turning grny, don't use (lie poisonous dyes which bum out Its life and produce) many diseases oi me sciup. AVer's Hair View Is iiosltlvelv harmless. und will 'restore tho natural Color of tho hair, Btlmulato Its growth, nnd bring back Its youthful gloss nnd beauty. our liEOAims. Wo nra alad to say that our daiiBhteri who has been afllicted with Rheumatism for about eight years, is nearly cured from the mo of two bottles of Phelps' Rheumatic Elixir. Wo regard it ns nn excellent rcme day, ami nntlclpnto n perfect cure by tho tune another home is tnl'.cn. Respectfully, Mil. and Mns. Stavb, 188 Froemont street. Chlcaeo. lib For sale at Hcndcrshott's Pharmacy. AMr.IUlJAN INSTITUTE OS dllAl'ES AND WINK. A Committee froni tho Farmer's club of tho American Institute appointed to visit Vineyards and wine Collars, and cxamlno Into American Wlno culture report that tho Wines of Alfred Sneer, nt Passaic, NeV Jersey, are tho most rellnble to bo obtained. nnd that ins uporto urapo maKcs a l'ori wine equal to any in tnc worm, r or saio by druggists. An effective medicine for kidney disease es, low levers and nervous prostration, and wen worthy oi n trial, is lirowirs iron int. tcrs. GOV, ItOrr'S K.S'DOltSBMKST. Executive Chamber, ) Harrlslmrir. Pa.. June 7 1832. f Mr. .Tnhn IT. Plmlna. Hernnlnn. Vn.. Mv Dear Sir i Promptly upon receipt of your! Elixir, ten days slrcc, I entered upon Its, uso according to directions, stopping my) Iodld Patass.. Amnion, and Wine of Col. chlcum. At that tlmo I was completely disabled with, gout in both feet nnd rheu matism m until kuccs, nmt neipiess. bow I comfortably bobhlo about the house, and expect to be out In n week. It mny be n co'ncldcnco, my amendment nnd the use of your medicine. I hope for no occasion to try it ngnin, but If need bo I will try it again In a lresli nttacK Willi great conti nence. Very truly jouis, Henp.yM. Hoyt, -! t 1 I. viuvuinui ui l uiiiisjiviium. Fur sale at Hcndcrshott's Pharmacy, Bloonisburg, Pa. Clutsvlllc, Ala. Dr. W. Carter, says : "I have used Brown's Iron Bitters in my own lamiiy tor inuigestion wuu great ueneilt. W0U1II KNOWISO. iN. J. llcndcrsliott desires all who arc afllicted with. Rheumatism In any form to call at his drug store and receive valuable miormaiion. uomc one, corneal), ot what ever nation, sex or color. UhcMmalic Syrup Cb .' Butler, N. Y., Feb. 25, '82 Gents I wish to express mv apprecia tion of your wonderful remedy for the cure of rheumatism, dyspepsia and general de- uuiiy. i nave uecn n great sullerer irom that tcrrlblo dlscaso rheumatism for moro than a year, and could get no rest or reuci day or nigui lor me whole tune. Liko almost everybody else similarly allllct. cd, I tried many different remedies, nnd consulted a uumbcr of physicians. But cctilne: only temporary relief from nny of these sources, I almost despaired of ever again being restored to my normal condi tion, and once more free from pain. At this time, hearing so many recommend your Khcumalte eyrup ns an Infallible cure for rheumatism, and knowlmr that thev had been troubled the samo as myself and were now permanently cured by the use of your remedy, I was inspired by their un bounded faith in Its healing powers, and resolved to test Its elllcacv in mv own case: and the result of it nil is, that after taking lour uotllcs, my rheumatism Had all disap peared, and now. thanks to vour Rheumat ic Syrup. I feel like a new man, and cheer. fully recommend tho Rheumatic Syrup to all who aro suffering witli rheumatism. , John Rktnoliis. List of Premiums TO UE AWAKDUD BY Till! Wil Co. Agricultural Society TTHEtU TWENTV-EIOHTU ANNUAL FAII to be held at BLOOMSBURG, PA., ON WeflQesday, ..Tlmrsflay, Friday and Saturday 1 October 10, 11, 12, & 13. clash 1-iioitsr.s. PIVI3ION 1 STALLIONS. Judirfs Ellis ItimrrcHe. Sunt.: Benlvnl Rhodes. .iianiui biiue. Host blooded stallion, 110 00 Nfcnna oest, Debt stallion for all work, Heeond Ix'st, 5 00 8 0l S CO 4 00 2 l iiesi Mamou con. not over 4 years, Second best, DIV1BI0N 2-WALKl.NO UOBSES AND MABBS. Thursday, 1 o'clock. Judces oeonre Whltenlsrht. Sunt. : li c. Clea. ver, Arthur creasy. llest walk horiiC or mare. it 00 Second best, " 8 00 DIVISION 3 CAltltlACE HOUSES AND UARKS. JudiHH Hr. A. 1'. Heller. Bunt. : (leornc Oeddr. in. ti. liiuinnuii. Hest pair carrtaco horses. 110 00 second liest, B oo nnt slnslis 5 oo second i-lnsle, it to DIVISION 4-COlTS, BROOD MAKES AND MULES. Judees .Joseph Lainon. Sum. : llenton Miumlntr, Hartley Aiii-nsou. llest brood mare, colt by her bide, 118 00 4 00 Third lK-St, 00 nci norso or inure ueiween mive ana iour jeara, Second best, 5 00 2 50 lient mnro or gelding Bcrwnea two and throe yearn. 5 00 Second beat, 2 60 S 00 Mist iiorwj or inaro eon ociwcen one ana two Sivimd best, ' ' liest colt under 10 months, second best, Heist pair match oolts under tour e.n bro ken to harness,' J Second best, I llest pair of mules, second bffct, i 1 5(1 3 00 1 50 5 00 I 2 50 1 5 10 I 2 50 I Tho committee, ot this class will carefully notlco all morltortoiis spans of tonin's not mentioned aoore, ami report me samo to tho iteusnii; com mittee for piemlums, vhs : teams ot ponies, go.ita, dot's. Ate. ;hluitors under this elate will havo I heir hiiroes on the irmutul by ten o'clock Thuixuy uuru ns, wiicu tney win no examined. CUSS H-CATTI.i:. .lUJires Sylvester Kttitfipn. Ktmt. . Imi! H. Yost. UlI,lt I,. SIIOUV 110K.N3. lVtllffreei must b. fiirnMip.l tlm Mtvrnlnrv the thnootmakliiirtlm entry, with a rcfereiicoto me register la mo now IkjoK, Best bull ono year anil upwanls, lest cow throe years and upwards, liest cow or heifer under tlnvo year. 115 0(1 12 00 6 IU 3 00 vuv vim uiuivr incitu monius, WJKIOl'T l'KDIUHKE. Best bull three vows and upwards second best Mull tluw years nnd upiv.U'ds, Hest cow Urns) years aud upwards, Second best cow tb reo yo.u-s and upwards, Host hdfor between six and twelvo months, Second b.'bt (ivlfci bvtwecu tl aud twelve months, DKVONS. 1 VWlgrees must aocompaay the outiles. H 00 1 01 7 UI 3 60 3 00 1 60 Host bun ono j oar and upwards, " cow thnio yours und upwards, ' cow or hi tler uudur three years, 15 00 12 00 6 OU 3 00 . M.11 uuuv iivti.u luuilliu WITHOUT, rKDlOUKV. Best bull threo yearn ao&pwards,. second beBt bull threo yWk and upwards, Host cow threo jeara aiMlupwunlsT Second best cow threo years nnd upwards, Hest heifer between six aud twelve months. Second Iwstlulter between six and twelve mouths, JERSEYS. 7 00 3 50 3 00 1 50 I'edlgi-ces inukt accompany tho entries. Hiw bull one year ond upwurUs, " con three H'oni and upnuids, " (o 01 Ulifl'l 111,1, r thvet ii'iUX " ealf under twelve inuiillu, US Oil 12 HI 5 Oil Host oull HiKm yo in ami upwards, Sdcund bwt bull thnsj eai aud upwards, IS 00 1 (H 7 10 u, a, T.r, . :r,rr. fewnu ww' & I !iJ;,!liiter,lirti'''0"vtJ't lWl'vu inout'hH, 3 60 3 HO I mSutiS; - twelve) A IliiHy Lawyer. In Iho U. S. Circuit Court nt William. sport on Monday, the case of EHsha A. Packer vs. Ira T. Clement, relating to conl lnnd, n which Hon. 8. P. Wolvcrton Is Interested for ono of tho parties, was called for trial. Mr. Wolvcrton nsked that It be continued, nnd assigned, among other reasons, that "unfortunately he wns n member of tho Leglslnttiro and could not command his time." Mr. Wolvcrton also sntd that court commenced at Sunbury this week I thoro wero fdrtv-fivc enscs on cm, nnilnr nml i mmnn nppcarcd ns counsel for thirty-four. Judgo Linn, who appeared ns counsel for tho plaintiff, nsked Hint 'tliu trial might come on but tho court finally granted n continuance. Sunbury New; of last week. Knslimoro. O. Dr. A. Pntrc. snvs i "I havd prescribed Brown's Iron Bitters In several lnstnnccs,and In each case obtained good rcsuiis." ALDKKNKTS Pedigrees' muit Accompany the entries. Host hull one year and Upwards, tIS 00 12 UC S 00 ' CO vttvf mire years ana upwaras, cow or helrer under thrco years, calf under twelve months, WITnOCT riDIOBCK. Hest bull three years and upwards, Kwoiiil best hull three years and upwards, Host cow threo years and upward, Si'cond best, cow ihreo years and unwanl. aro 4 OI 7 on 3 CO 8 M 1 to Host heifer between stx and twelve months, .second liest Iiclfcr between six and twclvo mom ns. OUII1N9KV8. l'wllifiws accompany tho entries. Best bull ono year nnd upwards, $15 00 12 01 5 OJ uu uin."u yciirs nna upwnrus, cow or hi'lier under three years, calf under twelvo months, WITHOUT rKDWRKK. S 10 Host bu'l three years and upwards, Second lwsi bull three yeara nnd upwards, 18 00 4 00 mnuiun Liiitu jiunimiii upwnruH, Hfcond best cow three, years nnd upwards, llest heifer between six and twelvo months, Second best hclter between six and twclvo 7 00 3 60 8 00 muains, llHinnn firnrr. 1 CO II0.t bull. 15 00 Second best, 3 00 s oi 4 00 a oo 14 00 nest ouu iinacr ten months. Host cow two years nnd upwards, llust heifer under two years, NATIVB STOCK. ItAu, Second besi, llest cow, Second best. S 00 2 50 Kxhlbttors will have their stock ready for the Judges to examine by 10 o'clock a. m., on Thurs- CLASS 1II-SWINE. Judires .Ineob Shnemfiker. Runt. Wllllum nhl. ltudolnh Zimmerman. VKiiKsiiiBS. iiest aa uest noar, is oo 5 oo 8 oo 4 00 13 00 w. 8 00 2 10 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 Litter of pigs, not less than 5, Pen shoals, not less than 2, CnESTEK WIIIT8 AND CnESlllKIS. Hoar. S 00 S 00 3 00 4 00 now, Utter of pigs, not less than 5. i"cu shoats, not less than 2, UUflflf AN. Iloar. r m Sow, s OO Utter ot pigs, not less than 5, 3 oo Pen shoats, not less than 2, 4 in RL'ft-ni.r. Hoar. 5 00 sow, s oo Utter of pigs, notions than 5, son 3 00 2 00 i cii siiuavn, nub rcra umu v, t uu 3 00 I-OLANn CHINA. Hoar, 5 00 sow, js oo Utter of plg, not less t hnn 5, 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 Pen shoals, not lcs3 than 2, eu.s. uoi. tcs3 man v, 4 w If other breeds are offered, will receive samo premiums. i-iwno 1 aubi.1'. Judges it. M. Watklns. Sunt. : Benlamln Kat un, lteub.n Hens. nuck, 16 OJ f 4 00 IlWC, 5 00 SH Lot of lambs not less than eight, 8 00 4 00 CLASS V 1DULT11Y Judcea ,1. 1), liodlne. Sunt.; Peter Swank. M. i i.uu. au exmuitioas in tliu must 00 in ruirs. Display of fowls, 3 00 Dai k Urnhmns. 1 00 t! oo 50 60 M 50 fO 60 Chicks, 1 00 Light Iiranmas, i oj Chicks, 1 00 WlUte Cochins, l oj Chicks, 1 00 Hurt Cochins, 1 00 Chicks, 1 03 JO 10 60 60 50 rartridce cociun-s l oo Chicks, 1 (0 white Leghorns, l oo Chicks, i oo jiouuans, l oi Chicks, 1 O.I Hlack Siianhih. 1 00 Chicks, l oo Cray liorlilns, 1 00 Chicks, 1 00 oolden Spangled Ilamburgs, l on liUlLKS. 1 UU Domlnlques, 1 00 chicks, l oo llrcvecceurs, l oo ChlckB, l 00 Hlack and red game, l oo chicks, l oo Jiuscovy uucks, I oo Chicks. i ou Wood ducks, 1 00 Chicks, 1 CO l'olantl ducks, 1 00 chicks, l oo Toulotuo gecoe, l 00 Chicks, i oo 50 iiremcn geese, l oo Chicks, l 00 Ho"g Kong gecne, I 00 Chicks, t 00 Native geese, l oo Chicks, i u) Hronzo turkeys, l oo c hicks, i 00 Whlto turkeys, 1 00 Chicks, l oo Hurt turkeys, i oo chicks, i oo nine turkeys, l on Chicks, l oo All other varieties ot puro bloods, above. CLASS VI-OIUIN, SEEDS AND FLOUH. Judircs Hobt. Mannhar. Sunt. Nelson Freas, J. H. deary. Best 2d Best Fifty lbs. wheat dour, Kitty His. buckwheat Hour, Half bushvl clover seed, Halt buhel timothy beed. Bushel Martin wheat, 12 oo tl oo l 00 1 00 1 00 2 0) 2 00 1 Oil 1 M 50 1 00 1 00 60 50 50 1 00 1 00 ruu wueat, rye, oats, com, dirferent vurlctles, buckwheat. 50 60 Twelvo stalks and corn, CLASS VII VEOETAULES. Judges M. K. Dnleman. Sunt. ! Harmon Fnh. ringer, W. W.hutlllt. nvhiuiiii largest display oi potatoes, hall bushel of each variety. fj no Second best, j oo ijcsl y, imiuci sn uci iiuuuousruuuu uy cxuiu- ur, J UU Hcht bushel Held turnips. mm uumuci rumuagas, " '.' sugar beets, " " mangla wuruel, " " beets, " " eariots, 'J " part,nlpa, " " onions, '. ; bushel early potatoes orehherot tho fol- . low leg named varletlea, viz ! Early ltos, Larlv Vermont, lu-nut v nr llphmn i 00 50 Second best, iki uusuei iato potatoes or either of tho lot- luivuig uiuneii vaneues, vui ciuii, Hrownell beautj-, SnowHake, IMncoAl liert, Shamroek, lied lachbloiv, Whlto lvachblow. 1 00 60 1 00 Second best, juisi u'lsm i iioiaioes, any ono vaneiy, Second liest. liest. collection of potatoes, not less than sU varieties, one-lialf bushel of each variety. 3 00 Second liest. 1 50 jiesi iiecK nops, uoeii inangws, lieCk tomalucs, half doien vegetable oysters, mill Ul4C14 MIUIISIICS, half dozen heads cabbage, I1CIU UUUIUMU3, " citrons, " three bunches celery, " four egg plants, " two doien peppers, " tw 0 quarts lima bi-ans, " two marts butter beam, " two dozen radishes, " threo water melons, " quarter peck peas, " peck onion sets, " cactus, " lemon or orango tree, " thtt-o heaiUcitiiltftnwor. fO 50 50 1 ( 2 0(1 Persons competing for premiums on tho largrfet and best display ot potatoes will not bo allowed a premium uu uie samo separately. nl. I CUSS VIII-FItUIT. DIVISION 1, Judged-Matthlas Moore, Mil, Suiuuel Kclubold. Supt. j Cyrus ltelch AI'l'LES, Best dl-play of winter, not less than five va rleiles. six of each. 12 Ul Second best. Hest looking peck ot fall or winter npplcs, Siind best, 1 nest keeping winter apples, halt bushel, " fall apples, not lens than half bushel, " lUvored fall or winter npplcs, " quart yellow Siberian crulM, " quart itjd Mlx'rtan trabs, PEAKS. Best dlspUy ot dwarf or standard, live varie ties, sit of each, Sisjond best, Dost looting, any kind, half dozen, " llavorwi, most Juicy, half dozen, i istrgebt h ilt dozen, ilwarfor mandard, fall or winter, r incut s. llest display et any kind, nvo varletlea, six of eacli, Best llavored and most juicy half dozen, " and llncst looking half dozou, " and largist varlily, halt dozen, Stl'INCES. Best dozou, sot-OLd best, UltAI'US. Bostdlsphy. wild or culllvatcd, (hot liouso exiluded) live vurlellei seivind DHkt. a 00 1 uoat lx clustem conennl, 1 tiaw. lie, cUiitou, " " ls.ibelu. It ' Huitiord prolific, " " lona, ' " " Adlrondac, " " lteboeca, " " York Muderla. 1601 " " of any other variety. Rheumatic SYRUP. The Greatest Blood Purifier Known! Rheumatism Curod. Scrofula Curodiui Port Dtbon, N. T Feb.Su,v&J. fthnanaltc Syrup Co.! I had been rtoetcrtmr for three or four years, with different phy Blclans, for Hcrofula, as somo call- HocnESTitn. N. Y.. Anr. 6lh. m. RhfHmnlic Mniji Co. t Oents I havo born a (treat anrrercr from llheumatlsm tor six yonrs, anil hcarlnir of the success oi jtnemnauo nrrop I conciunou tortvolta trliulnmy ownense, anal cheerfully wiythatl hare edit, but found commencou inning been greatly bononttoil by Its use. After taking It a short time, to my surrrtso, It licgan to help me. continuing Its uso a few weeks, I found myself as well us ever. As a blood purifier, I think 11 hns no equal. Mltfl. VILL1AM STItANU. lean walk with entire freedom from pain, and my general health Is very milch Improved. It Is a splendid remedy for tho blood auu aeuiiHnieu Kywem. li VI1KNTKK 1'AHK, M. I). Mamtfaciumlty IUIRUHATIC smVP PLUMS. Ilcst dliplay, not less than two varieties, ona aozen cacn, w BASrSBRRlKS. Best display, nny kind, not less than two va- neui-n, w DIVISION 2-nntID MCIT. Judircs A. W. Snyder. Sunt. ! Miss Delia ratter- son, Mrs. S. J. Conner. Best quart dried apples, r.o 60 . 60 fo 60 60 60 0 50 60 60 60 50 50 UUlnces, peaches, cherries, pitted, cherries, unpltteil, raspberries, blackberries, dewberries, whortleberries, plums, twetchers, nrunea. chestnuts, The fruit not to bo removed until the close of of tho exhibition, and particular care to bo observed by all persons that tho samo Is not tn. urcd. CLASS IS-WINES AND LIQUOIIS. .ludies-Col. A. D. seelr. 8uDt.: Wm. II. Iteln- bold, ltobcrt Buckingham. Best quart currant wine, 60 DiacKoerry wwe, sw " " grapowlnc, 61 11 " cherrrwlne. 50 " " rye whiskey, 50 " " elder vinegar, 60 " " any other kind, 50 CLASS X-HOMESTIO MANUFACTU11K& DIVISION 1. .ludtes A. II. Ncthart. Sunt.! Mrs. J. C Ppon- enuerger, Airs, .nauiuu owaui. Bestloat of bread, Second best, tS 00 1 50 nest rou or nutter, a ids. or more. I 5.) Second best, 1 CO 60 50 50 60 60 50 50 item appio pie, pcucu pie, pumpkin or squash pie. mlneo pie, lemon plo, grape pie, ( pie of any other kind, rolls, biscuit, , SO 50 60 1 00 50 1 00 cocoanut coke, pound cake, irui rutt oake. trlmrer cake. 60 " cake of any kind, 50 DIVISION 2 CANNED FRCIT, 4C. Judires -lames P. Rrtnds. Runt. ! Mrs. E. D. i-eiuy, Mrs. Jacob vcager. Best canned fruit, different kinds, not less man one quarr cacu, new, 60 Best cucumber pickles, new. no UIll-lJ lli'IVlUa, IKVt, I UU " cured ham, l oo " samples yeast, 50 " hard soap, to " soltsoap, 50 " gallon maplo molasses, 1 oo DIVISION 3 JELLIES. UmEBS AND FRBSERTIS. Judges Josenh Oarrlson. Sunt. ; Mrs. Thomas canon, .urs. Airreu irwin. Best sample fruit Jelly, new. n preserves, new, mj muter, new, so CLASS XI-HOUSEIIOLD MANUFACTUIIES. Judircs J. E. tVelllver. SudL : Mrs. T. J. Swisher. Best ten yards llannel, 12 00 2 (XI wooien ciotn, " " carpet, " " plain linen, " knit wool stockings, ' " cotton btocklngs, " " wool mittens, " home-made chcmLse, 1 pound or moro sample stocking yarn, 1 pound or moro fancy colors yarn, Hest pair woolen blankets, 2 oo l oo 50 60 50 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 (10 1 00 1 00 2 00 pair linen sheets. uan and-made nlirht dress. patch quilt by girl under 13 years, CLASS XII NEEDLE WOllK AND KMBItOID KHY. DIVISION 1. Judges Edward V. nartman, Bupt ; Miss Anna iA'iay, jnss .Maine fienung. n.t 2i'neKt. Silk embroidery. $1 00 to 50 Worsted embroidery, 1 oo 60 Silk bed quilt, 1 00 50 Hand-made chemise. l oo 60 Machine-made chemise, l oo 50 suit lady's under-clothing, l oo 60 Lamp mat, 60 26 ottoman, 50 25 ottoman cover. 50 25 llllow shams, 50 25 Sheet shams, 50 25 Bible stand, , 50' 25 Application embroidery, 1 00 50 Table mats. f 0 25 Lamp mat, 50 25 Beaded toilet cushion, 1 00 60 Toilet cushion. 1 00 60 ToUet;set, 1 00 50 caranno emDroiuery, l uu ou Wortted wreath. 60 25 Talch-work. 1 oo 50 Japanese patch-work, l oo 50 unto nankins. au Set toilet mats. 50 25 Scrap bag. 50 25 Gentleman's scarf. 60 25 jiuiluu-uoiu wurK. au Knitted shawl. 1 00 50 Toilet work basket. 50 25 Infant's shirt, 60 25 i uicuuig, ou Darnlnir. . 50 Card rei-elver. 50 25 Embroidered slippers, 1 00 50 Hair switch, 50 25 Embroidered cap and collar, 1 1 00 50 Embroidered handkerchief, 50 25 ijice emurotderv. 1 uu hi Hand-made, laco, 1 00 50 Head pln-cushlon, 50 25 Head canvas nln-cushlon. 60 Afghan, 1 00 Child's dress, 60 Embroidered sofa Pillow. w Netted chair tidy, . 50 .seueu suawi, 1 w Knit dross, 1 00 Canvas tidy, 60 worsieu tray, Cotton crochet tidy, 50 Worsted crochet tidy, 50 Luce tidy. 50 Tatting tidy. 60 aiunu sprcaii, ui Embroidered night dress, 50 Braiding, 50 Child's crochet wrap, 60 60 50 50' 60 51 DIVISION 2 ORNAMENTAL WORK. uuur! I lUli IJ. Ja. 1.IIUU1. HUJ.t. , nioiuuiw Tl . r. 1. Il'lll.... Ul.n f.tll. jianier, -miss Kate awariswouu 60 Best specimen bead work, $100 1 01 huun worK, " burr work, " leather work, " hair work, " wax work, " moss work, set artificial teeth. Second best specimen of above, each, CLASS XIII-FINE AHTS, PENMANSHIP AND DESIGNS. 60, DIVISION I. Judces Wm. H. Snyder. Sunt. ! Mrs. Jerry Walp.Mrs. J, W, Bowman. Hest oil painting, 50 50 60 60' second uest, llest drawing, Second best. 60 Hest specimen penmansnip. 50 50 50 book binding. tvnml irrnlTifni.. nlnu lettering on murblo, sign naluttng. 50 75 llest display prlnllng, llest transparent painting, ffl 60 511 10 Tho Indues will rojommend premiums for other meritorious articles In this class. DIV160N 2 FLOWFHS. .luil.'es lullus Holt, sunt,: .Miss Evu Itupert, Miss Mary C.Monroe. 50 Best display ot llovvers, siicoiul lKt, TUirti nesi, Hest collection of dahlias, llest Kmvliivi'n of hou4i nlantu In bloom. Best hanging basket wllh growing plants, CUSS XIV VEHICLES. JudiresIohu Mensch. Supt.: Phllln APPlcman. - Jr., D. A. Hess. Hestplaeton, lamuy uurniigis open buggy, top buggy, farm wagon, spring wagon for farm uso, spring wagon for pleasure, whet'lbaiTow, ' slelgu, sulky, skeleton wagon, 1 Ul 1 00 l I Ul 1 10 1 Ul 60 511 CLASS XV AUltlCULTUllAL IMPIJ'.MENTS, JudzfH J. M. Kck. sunt,: T. F. Young. Jeremiah 2 Ul imeieuiMUuer. Best right Hand plow, 1 Ul 60 60 Diploma. leu nana piuw, right and left band plow, corn plow, subsoil plow, ' 1 square drag, one-horse cultivator, two-horse cvlllvulor, onc-horbo corn planter, two-horee corn planter, thinsher and separator combined, mower and reaper, hay foik, jortablo elder press, clover huller, h.iusag grinder, w ashing machine, elot lies wringer, 60 a oi 50 50 50 1 l Ml 2(0 Ul gruiiuing iiw. 60 60 1 0 50 diploma "I stt miner's pi 'ks, pulr of tore and hind shoes, uxe haudte, grain cradle, roller, funning mill, corn shelter, straw and (odder cutter, harvester, hay tender, so 50 611 50 511 511 60 50 Neuralgia Curod, KaIrport, N. V., March 12, W llhtwnatle svrtij) Co. t Uhnts filnco November, imi, I havo been n constant sufferer from neuralgia and have not known what It was Uibo free from pain until I commenced the uso of ltheumatlo Syrup. I havo felt no pain rdnco using the fourth bottle. I think It Is the best rem edy I have ever hoard of for puri fying the blood and for tho euro ot rheumatism and neuralgia. W. B, CHASE. no relief until I your ryru CO., 1 l'tymovth Ave., Uochetter, A', r. Anv new or meritorious Implements exhibited and not provided for In the foregoing class, tho I udgis may report tho merits of the same for prem. Mima tn t ho llnvlalnc fnmmlrt,v CLASS XVI 8TOVKS, TTNWAItE, EAItTIlEN WAItE, ke, Judges Stephen Ilhawn, supt-j Henry C. Freas, A.M. ftupert. Host cooking stove with nxtures, fa OO panor stovo wiin nxtures; ij variety tinware, a oo variety earthenware, a 00 display marblo work, 2 00 CLASS XVII-C'ABINKTWAltK, SHOKMAKEltR .ludires V. p. Eves. Sunt. : Isaac Mowcrr. Adam Johnson, Best set doublo draught liarness, 3 00 500 300 1 00 1(0 50 100 1 00 500 1 00 100 100 100 50 1 00 100 100 it set doumo carnage namess, " slnglo carriage harness, " pair calf boots, " pair kip boots, " pair miner's shoes, " bureau, " dressing stand, " display cablnetwaro, " set Windsor chairs, " set spring seat chairs, " settee, " rocking chair, " halMozen brooms, " two sides solo leather, " two sides kip leather, " two calf skins, " samplo brick, CLASS XVIII-BEES AND BEE HIVES. Judtrcs Phllln Rtmnb. Sunt.; TaftAC Kline. Jacob Terwliliger. net 2d nest Swarm Italian bees, js 00 3 ot " black bees, 3ee 200 Display whlto clover honey, lo ,50 " buckwheat honey, 1 o 5 Jar extracted honey, 50 25 Box of honey, 5 pounds or more, 10 60 Tho bees and lmner tn h.avn been tho nroduco of tho exhibitors. CLASS XIX-MLSIOAL INSTlitTMENTS AND 8EWINU MACHINES. A suitable placn In tho building will be set apart for the exhibition of articles entered In this class. No premiums. CLASS XX-BABIES. Judges Mrs. John Mensch, Hupt,: Mrs: Philip Creasy, Mrs. J. W. Weill vcr, Mrs. Emery Welliver, Mrs. Susan Dresher. Prettiest baby under ono year, $10 00 Second, 5 oe CLASS XXI MUSIC Best band In tho county, JS M second best, i oo Band engaged by tho Society not to compete-:-eontest to be on Friday. Competent Judges will lie selected. Not less than three to enter. En trance (co f l.oe CLASS XXII-EQUnSTTUANlSM. Judges Jo. Knclly, SupU: Miss Mary Welsh, Mha Nettle Mcllenry. Saturday, at 10 o'clock. Best female equestrian, f 10 00 Second best, 5 00 Not less than three to start, CLASS XXIII FOOT RACE. Judges O. W. Itclfsnydcr, Supt, ; Dr. W. C. Hanson, Win. Trobrldge. Thursday, at 2 o'clock. Best, tlOOO Second best, 5 00 Onco around track. Not less than three to stan. Entrance ice n.00 CLASS XXIV-TEIALS OF SPEED. , 1 Judges Dr. o. L, Itcagan, Supt. ; Da John Mowery, Conrad Krcamer, Daniel Daniel Morris, curry. CODNTV SPORTING LIST TnDHSDAT, AT 1 O'CLOCK. Dest horso or mare In tho county that can trot a mile la harness In three minutes, 25 00 Second best, 15 00 Third best, 10 oo FRIDAY, AT TEN O'CLOCK, A. M. Best colt under four years In the county that can trot a mile In harness In four mlnuteM 10 ou Second best, 5 00 Third best, 3 0 FARMERS' LIST, FRIDAY AT 1 O'CLOCK, P. M . Best trotting horse or marc In the county, that ne er was on any track before, $29 to second best, 10 oo iiiira uest, ouu SATURDAY, AT ONE O'CLOCK. OPEN TO ALL. Best trotting horse or mare, fisano Second best, 70 oe Third best, 80 00 All entrance fees must bo paid before tho entrv will bo made. Entrance fee ten per cent, of purao. Not less than four entries to make a race. All trials to lx decided by tho best threo out of five heats. Horses trotting In tho Farmcrs'Trot, will bocllglblototho"freo toalL" Horses eligible to jounty snoning List can enter in tuo "free to The entries to the Farmers' Trot, will close at 12 o'clock, Friday noon. Entries to Saturday's race will closa Saturday at 12 o'clock, noon. In tho "free to all" 2:40 must bo mado or no premium will be awarded. CLASS XXV-DICYCLE HACK. SATURDAY, 12 SI. Judges-rtev. L. Knmler, Supt, ; J. M. smith, IJncolu Boody. Best, second best, Third bent, $20 00 10 00 5 Oil Twtco around trpek, or mllo heat. Not less than four to enter and three to start. Entrance fee ten percent, otpuiv. CLASS XXVI-MISCELLANEOUa Judges II. V. Brofee. While, Supt, j Howard Eves, John Articles not hereinbefore named will bo entered In this class, and the Judges will examine all such as havo Interest or value, and award such pre mium as they deem proper, subject to revision by the Board of Managers. 25 I A premium of $5.00 will be paid to tho couple or 25 canities that get married on the grounds during 25 the Fair, and tho Society will furnish the minister. 25 Tho secretary must bo notllled by Wednesday evening, the loth. 25 ss: 2.V 25 25 25 TICKETS; Single Admission, 25 eta Exhibitor's ticket, with A checks, $1.00 Horse or horses and carriage, 25 els Membership ticket, $1.00 t&Excursion tickets will be is sued on all railroads leadinrj to or 100 100 1 00 Hear Jiloomsburq. 100 ' 100 sou to HULKS AND HEOULATION8. 1 All persons having articles on exhibition or competition mutt secure Exhibitor's checks of tho Association beforo entering them. 2 Minors can become exhibitors when their pa rents have Exhibitor's checks. 3. The Held of competition Is open to nlL Per. sons from other counties and States can become exhibitors 011 tho same tenns as citizens ot this county. 4. All articles offorod for competition must be owned by tho competitor for so days. Fruits, veg etables, Hovvers, 4c, must be grown by the com petitor, and all manufactured articles must bo made by the competitor, 5. No horse or uiaro will bo eligible to enter Farmers' list or County Sporting List, under trials of speed, unless owned by the competitor thirty days previous to the Fair. B. All stock entered must bo what It Is repre sentee' to be, or premiums will be forfeited. 7. All articles for exhibition or competition must lo entered by nve o'clock, p. m., on Wednes day the loth, mid no annuals or articles entered 13 00 t 50 3 01 1 6 1 Oil 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 I 01) 1 00 any iwr r.iiiuiiiuiiciiii uu lukeu away ueroro lue close of the Fair, except by iwnnlssion of Committee, and no premiums will be paid on violation ot the rule, ext ent exhibitors ot horses, mares, or geld ings, shall not bo required to keep their animals im the ground nt night, during the Fair, but must have them on the ground by 8 o'clock each day. 8, No gambling or game ot chanco of any kind whatever will be ullowtsl unnn nrinthn vlz-ini, M Ul i (u 1 uu M 1 Ul 511 , ot the Fair grouiffls. And for tho purpose of pre- Ivcm Ing the admission of any person to the grounds with games or chance, and to provide for the ex. pulsion ot any who shall by any means gain ad mission, thero will be a license granted to all per sons entering with exhibitions or for the purnoso 13 Ul a 1 u 2 U) 3UI 3 U) 2 U) 2 oil 1 Ul 201 2 (U 2 Ul 01 seiung uuy articles, ny the librarian of the as- soclatlon,at his discretion, if tho object ot admlslon Is lawful and proper, upon tho payment of such sum ns he may determine, which llcenso shall bo forfeited and the holder tho eof driven from the grounds immediately upou the detection by tho Librarian, or upon Information uivpn nim h nnv u, w. ,1,, mucin ,,,1, Kiuiiu i cnance or gambling by tho person holding such license. And without license us aforesaid, no person will be per. mltted 10 give an exhibition of any kind for per soual pront, or expose any article for bale upon tho giounds. (I. No license will be granted to stands that sell spirituous or malt liquors. 10. Cavtion 1 All articles exhibited, whether eatables or not, must bo resixwtut as private property t and any person detected ta purloining prlnjurliig them, will bo dealt with according to ll'. Judges appointed to examine the dttrerent classes, will confer a favor on tho Association by calling at the secretary's onice early on Thursday morning to obtain instructions. 1 12. ;ihoreioruotiho suveral Judges must be passed upon and approved by the ltuvlslng com. inlllee before, orders will bo drawn for premiums. 18. Piemlums awanlcdto iiersons residing out of tho town ot Bloomsburg. will tw paid on tho MA- ,i,i,v.ji, i mn itiniiuy ui inn ruir, uy ino'iTuas uivr, on presentation 01 their pnin'r oulers. 011 Wednesday tho groundswlll boowu to tho public und conlluuo ojien four (1.1) a. NoiH'1-sou will bo admitted tu voteut the next anuuat elocllon of the .ssnclallou without pro ducing his uieiiibeinlitp ticket. Exhibitors will confer a favor on the society by sending a classed IM of the articles tliey wlsli to exhibit, to the Secretary, as early as tKiaslble.'tbat ihey may lie entered previous to the nrst day ot the Fulr. Or, lenvo them at tho onicfl ot T. JtD. Vaudersllce, where they will be called for.