THE COLUMBIAN AKD DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. BLOOMSBURPA. Kill DAY, SKl'THMHKlt It, 18811. Correct Kiillronti Time Tnlilc. Mr. Charles Hartman of South Henri, Indiana, Is visiting Ms relatives In this county. Ho Is it brother ot A. II. liartmnn of Buckhorn, nnd the oldest of eleven cull men, all of whom nro living. He went went many years ago. Lost. Between Orancovlllo and Blooms burg a small case containing a slope level, Any person finding and returning It to tho Homo surprise was created last Baturriay by tho appearance of John W. Oorrincr In town, It was generally understood that ho hari been taken to Centra county on tho chargo of obtaining a team of horses under falsi) pretenses, (lordlier explains thu transaction In this way t be says ho had n team of horses which ho traded for tho black team, and that ho was not the I-jtHH Hint Along; About two weeks ngo, a man represent ing himself as advanco ngont for Cole's circus and giving his namo as Landon, visited lllooinsburg, After making largo contracts for oats, hay, Ice, meat, &c, ami viewing a location for tho circus, he becamo quite friendly with ono of our townsmen, and succeeded In getting him Go to 0. 0. Marr for quilts and blankets very cheap. Black and colored dress silks cheaper than over. Having purchased n largo lot of dress silks from a largo Importing houso going out of business, wo nro enabled to offer some good bargains In nbovo goods 11, J. Clark As Hon. MSB-""-H"rtF OS HOMTH. SOUTH. (I 84 . (n. It 4!t ft. m. 4 u) p. in. e is p. in. Trains on tho I). I. W, It. It. leHTo Bloomsburg follows) NORTH. SOUTH. j M a. m. s 25 a, m. 10 47 a. ra. 11 48 a. in. 6 M p. ui. 4 tu p. ra. The It 43 train south connects with the I'hlla. rtolnnla Heading at Ituport, ana with tho Northern Central at Northumberland. Ttu 8:M a. m. tralnoonnocts at Northrnborland nlth r trala on Pennsylvania road reaching puliodeiphla at Sim p. ra. Tho tl:4 train connects with Philadelphia and lloadlng roal at Ituport al 1I:W reaching Phila delphia at 1:00 p. m. The tl:4s train connects with Pennsylvania roa 1 at Northumberland at 1:49 reaching Philadel phia at V.n p. m. The 4:9) p. m. train connocM with Pennsylvania road at Northumberland at 8:05 p. m. and reaches Philadelphia at 9:55 a. m. Trains on tho N. & W. 11. Itnlliray pass!' Bloom Kerry as follows : NORTH. SOUTH. r.4l a. m iJ.cxsp. m. 41 p. m T.oi p. m. Icrrionnl, Miss Sado Dcrrlckson Is visiting friends In town. lira. 11. P. Hnrtman has been quite 111 for sorao time with dropsy. William II. Clark has returned to Phlla- riclphla for medical treatment. T)r. P. 0. Harrison of Lcwlsburg was In town on Tuesday. Dr. Jas. D. Heal and wlfo arrived hero last Saturday, to visit their friends before going to their work In China. J. Frank Smith left on Thursday for Hackcttstown, N. J., where ho will attend school this year. Thomas J. Ilcck of Philadelphia, spent a inw ilrtvs with George W. llcrtscb, this week. Ell Bobbins of Fishingcrcck, has re- turned from his western trip, after an absenco of sovcral months. suitably rewarded Harry Packer Is ntprcscnthavlnir a porch built to his rcsldcnco at Mauch Chunk which Is to cost $23,000. Tho contract for tho stono work was rtlvcn to n Wllknu. Harro man nt $15,000, and this ecntlcman already claims that ho Is going to loso mon cyhylt. Tho ornamental stono work Is salri to bo very elegant. It Is sari news to housekeepers that the toothsome mackerel will bo scarce and high priced this year, owing to the small ncss of tho catch. So far this year but 50,000 barrels have been cauaht. atralnst 133,000 same tlmo last year. Tho Jprlce for Iriontlfy him, nnd ho was discharged. Gordon claims that ho was entirely Inno cent in tho transaction, and did not know how tho man with whom ho traded came In possession bt tho horses. Not wishing to do him Injustice, wo glvo his statement, and In order that our readers may havo both sides of tho story we reprint tho ac. count of thq nfTalr as given by tho Ply mouth Record, as follows t "Ono of tho most exciting horso cases, that probably ever Interested Plymouth people occurred hero last week. On Fri day last, Mr. J. W. Gordncr, of Columbia county, accompanied by a Mr. Vanllom, of Hunlock's Creek, drove Into town with No. 1 extra salt mackerel has reached $25 I a span of black horses, and endeavored to 10 .?iu per barrel. Last year they sold at $15 to $20 per barrel. Miss Marlon Brown, tiled I nt tho rcsl- denco of her sister, Mrs. H. II. Grotz, last Friday night after an Illness of several weeks. 8ho was a most cstlmablo lady, and her many friends here and else where will deeply mourn her death. Tho funeral took place on Monday, and tho remains wcro taken to Angelica. N. Y.. for Interment. ho (Landon) might tlraw tho money from tho bank. Tho draft was presented for payment and returned protosted. It seems that Landon bail soiurcri the draft In Flcmlngton, N. J., whero It was mntlo by tho cashier of I'.io bank for nine dollars nnd seventy-five cents, nnd that Landon hnd added tho letters "ty" and mado tho amount read ninety dollars nnd seventy fivo cents. Ho was In Dloomsburg one day and left town stating that ho would bo back again In a few days. From hero ho went to Danville, nnd there played tho samo trick on ono of tho landlords. This U probably tho samo person of whom about n month ngo wo cautioned our rca tiers to bowarc. Fine groceries, notions, canned goods, at J. 11. Bkcer's. window cornices, lit Pictures, frames, CadmarVs. Thermometers, from So cents to $3.60 at tho Columiiian store. tf 8000. 0090 0090 0"l)0 0999 All tl spring chickens. old hens, geese nnd ducks, good live calves, lbs. raspberries. " iilttcd cherries. ho abovo wanted nt Light Struct, by Silas Young. August !)-0m Why pay 7 nnd 8 couts for calico when you can buy as good for 0 cents of II. J. Clark & Son. C. C. Marr wants butter, ecus, lard and chickens. negotiate their sale, with several parties here. They had been in town but a short time, until Gordncr was arrested on the charge of horso-stcaling, nnd placet! In the lockup. Subsequently ho hari n bearing bcforo justlco llobcrts, which for somo cause, was postponed until Saturday morn ing. In tho meantime the prisoner was placed in chargo of Chief of Police Lod- crick. He procured counsel In the person of C. W. McAlarney, Esq., who appeared beforo the Justlco and demanded his re- There were 120 failures reported to Brad-1 ,caso ns tucro was no evidence to sustain ttreel's last week against 170 tho week pre- tllc charge. He also required an order for vlous and 110 for tho corresponding week 1110 release oi uio norses. in me meon of 1882. This number is the smallest re- tlmci tlic plaintiff, a resident of Centre ported during any week since October 14, county, nppearcd to prove that Gordncr 1883. A financial critic says by tho way of lmu rcprcsenicii nimseit ns jnr. oamce, remark, that tho failures were unlmnortnnt. nnd had purchased a team of horses from Mimiu itcniH. J. O. Lclriy store room. &Co. havo enlarged their Tho recent frosts have Injured and buckwheat crops. "Only n Miner's Daughter" nt tho Opera House this (Friday), evening. Street Commissioner Houscl is putting in a number of new street crossings. and thci cforc It Is safe to assume that the country Is In no danger of anything like a panic Tho merchant tailoring department of David Lowcnbcrg Is now replete with all the novelties In gents' wear. Call nnd sec the fall styles. There Is an occasional complaint that there Is too much advertising in this pa per, and not enough reading. If any ono will take tho trouble to measure they will tho corn I hud that In the course of tho year the pure reading matter of tho Columiiian will fill a book of about 2500 pages, which is equal to five ordinary-sized books that sell for $2.00 npiccc. That Is, wo give for $1.50 what would cost $10.00 In book form. No complaint should bo made about this. Glrton has windows. a frog pond in ono of his Mrs. Lavina Miller, wlfo of Stephen U. Miller, died on Wednesday afternoon after a protracted Illness, arred 70 vcars. She A child of J. K. Lockard, aged about 0 wa3 a model wife and mother, and wns months, died on Sunday of cholcrn Infan- characterized through her long life by cml- turn. It was buried on Tuesday. A susnenslon of judgment is all wo ask don't buv anywhere until you havo seen the new goods at David Lowonbcrg's. Tho Friendship boys will attend the Flremcns' convention at Scranton on the 20th lust. Tho Convocation of Wllllamsport will meet atSt Paul's P. E. Church in this town beginning on Tuesday evening the 25th. Silas Johnson, the Jcrscytown stagedri. ver now runs a new two seated spring wag on over his route. . ... ... .l!.l I i'etcr Starr Ol BCIlUyiKUl county, cuou -o- n..TUTa rntnrnil tl,n atnrn nf T .T Mr.. cently from blood-poisoning, tho result of Uenry ftt Bcnt(m ou Wcdncgday nIght( ncnt christian qualities. She was one of nine children, seven daughters and two sons, only four of whom survlvo her, Mrs. N. P. Moore, Mrs. Mnjor Vance,Mrs. Frcas Conner and one brother, Peter Kline of Michigan. She was tho mother of C. W. and I. K. Miller, of this town. The funer al will take place nt the resilience on East street this Friday afternoon at half past one o'clock. FAitMKits Read This. Farmers wishing a first-class article of phosphate, can get It at Llghtstrcct at any time. Stop and get prices nnd examine goods before buying. IlAnvEt E. Heacook. cutting a corn, which produced gangrene. The place to ascertain "What to wear," for tho coming season, is at D. LOWEKBKKd'S. him, for which he paid $375, by giving him a check, on the Lcwlsburg bank, signed J. Snntcc. On presenting the check nt tho bank payment was refused, as J. Santco hari no business transactions with them nnd they knew no such person. Tho plaintiff's attorney, H. C. Magcc, Esq., then had him arrested in the name of J. Santcc on a warrant issued by a Centre county justice, for getting goods on false pretence. Gordner's attorney Insisted that his client's namo was not Santcc, as tho warrant implied, and produced witnesses to prove that his real namo was Gordncr. He therefore insisted upon his discharge. The Justlco however adjourned the hear ing until 5 o'clock. In the meantime tho plalntliTs counsel had secured tho atten dance of Deputy Sheriff, Mike McGauhan, who came armed with a writ of replevin to get possession of the horses. As there was nn apparent irregularity in the pro ceedings, n proposition was mado by which the matter was compromised, by the plaintiff surrendering the fraudulent check, nnd Gordncr agreeing to give up the horses, and pay tho costs incurred. It Is evident that Gordncr had forged a check in the namo of J. Santee, with which ho purchased the team, and pio deserved to bo punished, but the legal proceedings were not sufficiently straight to enable tho plaintiff to accomplish his purpose, and he was therefore only too glad to recover his property and glvo up tho evidence which he held against Gortlner. Both parties have, we trust, been taught a salu tary lesson. The plaintiff, not to trust to the deceptive representations of an entire stranger, nnd Gordncr, that obtaining horses under false pretense or forgery, is as bad as horse-stealing and as ilkcly to lead to as deplorable results." A much needed improvement has been raadont the Presbyterian church by tho erection of new steps. The commissioners have mado arrange ments to lay a stone pavement along the west side of the court house lot. G. W. Bertsch was in the city this week purchasing his new Fall stock of goods. Look for something nice when he receives them. For Sale. A registered full blood short horn durham cow. Took first premium at last fair. Price $00.00. Inquire at Rawllngs' Meat Market, Main St. blew open the safe and took out about $5,000 worth of papers. The thieves took the papers to tho lumber yard, and alter examining them left them there in the rain, being of no use to anybody but the owner. There was no money in tho safe. The same party it Is supposed entered Hess' Hotel nnd got about $0.00 out of the money drawer. There were suspicious- looking men seen about the town during the day. Tho samo night a horso and wagon was taken from Dr. Patterson's stable, nnd driven to Dloomsburg where It was turned Into Dr. Gardner's stable. A Reminder, David Lowcnberg having just returned from New York nnd having purchased his Fall Stock, is now prepared to offer the latest styles in gentlemen's wear, and in vites an early inspection of the new goods. Aimut fiftv of tho friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bluo gave them a pleasant sur- nrian nnrtv on Thursday night of last r i j - week. Tho open air concert given by Mr. Fred- riclat Llghtstrcct on tho evening ortlic 8th, was a success. Tho Afton band fur nlshcd the music. Clinton Sterling lost a valuable cow on tho railroad last Saturday night. She was fastened in the stahlo as usual, but got out In somo wav. nnd wandered to tho track. Two men namctl Crawford and McGulre were brought from Centralia ono day last I m t10 aTi (l specially devised motor, Artistic and Decorative Painting. In struction given in water color, oil, lustrn painting, &c. Decorating china n special ty. Barbotino waro finished in Liraogo glaze. Orders for Christmas solicited early. Ladles arc invited to call and ex amine samples. Lesson days, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays privately. Work made easy for ladies unaccustomed to drawing. For further particulars please address II. J. MaoAitTUUit, Normal School, Sep 14-4w Bloomsburg, Pa. The Japanese fircworics mat are to form a new featuro among tho attractions to the Fair of tho Lackawanna Agricultural Society on tho 18, 10, 20 and 21st lasts., have not been introduced into this country more than a very few months. They are enormous figures of grotesque objects, and arc projected five or six hundred feet The New PoHtal Mote. The new postal notes for sums less than five dollars were Issued last week. They may be obtained at any money order office, and cost three cents each. They arc good for three months from the last day of the month in which they are issued. They are made payable to bearer, nnd it docs not require a written application to obtain them. One simply pays the amount called for and three cents more nnd gets his note, the amount named in which is tuined at any money order post office. Catharlno Hostler, an aged lady of this township, died of consumption on the 80th Inst. Lewis Ecroth, of town, whllo digging potatoes on Saturday, was taken with the third nnd fatal stroke of paralysis. He lived until about midnight, when he ex pired. His remains wcro burled on Tues day forenoon. Several fannlng-mlll ngents, selling a Michigan mill, wcro through this vicinity tho past week, apparently doing n good business. Rev. Bodlnc of Fowlcrsvlllo, preached an excellent sermon In the Lutheran church of this place on Sunday evening. Gray squirrels seem unusually plenty this year. Sportsmen arc coming to this placo from Hazlcton, Berwick and differ ent places. Dan. nnd Harvey Nycr shot over fifty In nbout four days. Mrs. Simon Frcy is dangerously 111. John Miller, of Milton, is spending a few days on his farm below town. Our genial butcher, J. C, Muuslngcr, moved to Brnndonvlllc on Tuesday, whero he will take charge of one of the Brandon farms. John Yoho nnd Chris. Hnrpstcr are doing n good business with their separator threshing machines. Two gentlemen named Cook and Snyder, of Factor Me, Pa., nro prospecting for coal on the Ncscopcck mountnin opposite West Mifllin. They arc said to havo good prospects, having a small vein of coal at present. Our $7,000 school house is coming right up. Tho Mifllin Record gave your corrc. spondent a terrible blow a few weeks ngo, when ho said, "Tho kickers arc generally tho last and least tax.paycrs." Well, ho may very likely bo mistaken if ho thinks he knows who your correspondent Is just at present. My share of tho building-tax for cacli year is about $11.00, which I paid this year the first time the collector asked for It. Wonder how that will compare with his building-tax. lie said some time ago a house should be built that would be an ornament to the town. Well, if tho township decides to build houses for orna mcnts for gracious sake give them an ornament. They need It indeed. I feel like saying much more but I think wo nil join in sayiug : "Give us a rest on the school houso subject. Wo are all tirod reading school house opinions. MARRIAGES RIIODOMOYER KELLER. At the Baptist parsonage, Bloomsburg, July 22, 1883, by Rov. O. Wilson Smith, Mr. Daniel E. Rhodomoyer to Miss Anna M. Keller. SnELIIAMMER SEYBERT. A t t h o Evangelical parsonage, Bloomsburg, Sep. tember 8th, 1883, by Roy. S. P. Reiner, Mr. John A. Shclhammer, of Centre, nnd Miss Ilattlo II. Scybcrt, of Salem, Luzerne county, Pa. LOCAL NOTICES. A Iluit.siNO Mink I'lxTiNtiuisimi). Sov cral months ngo the Rending Railroad Company's Bear Valley Shaft near Shenan doah caught fire In Its Inner workings and tho mlno bad to bo Hooded with walcr. Tho lire being extinguished, thu work of pumping out tho water has been progress ing for two months. It wns finished Inst week and thu mine explored. It wns founri to have suffered severely from tho ravages of fire nnd water. Tho work of renovating will begin at once, nnd It Is ox pected tho mlno will resume full opera tions In a few weekB. It was ono of tho most productive collieries under tho Read ing's control, employing several hundred hands, and Its resumption will have an Im portant bearing on the company's output of coal, Rheumatic SYRUP. The Greatest Blood Purifier Knownl Rheumatism Curod. Olli, to. Hocili!9TKn,N. Y, Ilhmuuitta 8urvi Co. i & ... tKNTS I havo been a Brent tntrlroltn trial In in v own caw, and I chef rfully utiy that I havo Wanted, An nctlvo agent to canvass tho south sldo of tho river for tho salo of tho History of Columbia County. Liberal terms will be given. Call personally at tho Coi.umman office. nutlercr front lllinmrnthm for Blx years, nnd heulngof tho success of llheumnttc Hvrup I concludod mi in in boon trrcatly benefitted by Us use. Iran walk wltli entire freedom from pain, and my troncral health Is vtrr much Improved. It Is a siilondld remedy for tho blood and debilitated Hysteui. K. C11ESTEU 1'AltK, M. II. Scrofula Cured, KcU. SO, W. 1'OBI I1YHON, N. Y. Minimallo Byritv Co.1 1 had tioen doetcrlnir for three four years, with dUI( slctans, for scrofula, as somo ca call ed It, but found no relief until 1 comtnencrw uikiuk jum ryiui.. After taking It a shurt time, to my surprise, It betran to help me. Contlnulnir Its uso a few weeks, I found myself as well as ever. As a blood purifier, I think It has no equal. MItS. WIIXIAM STIIANO. Nouralgia Cured. I'AtRroHT, N.Y., March 12, fJ. lUteiatuitte Svrup Co. I (Iknth filnco November, 1RS2, 1 liaro boon a constant sufrenr from neuralgia nnd have not known what It was to bo free from pain until I commenced the u- of Ulieumntie Hyrup. I havo felt no pain Blnce uslni? tho fourth bottlo. 1 think It Is the best rem edy I have ever heard of for purl fylnir tho blood and for tho euro of rheumatism and neuralgia. W. n. CHASE. Manufacture!! nimVUATlC STRUP CO., 1 llynwulh Ave., RvcheHer, X. Y. SHERIFF'S SALE. FERTILIZER I FERTILIZER 1 1 Farmers wishing a first-class nrtlclo of phosphate will do well by buying of HARVEY E. HEACOCK, nghtstrcet. They nro nil guaranteed to be equal to any. thing In tho market for the money. Will have it on hand nil tho time. For sale by tnc nuovo m liiguisircri, orisanc ucacocx, Rohrsburg. MIFFLIN SCHOOL DISTRICT. Notice Is hereby glvcu that tho under signed Board of Directors of Mltllin School District Intend to apply to tho Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, on the fourth Mond..y of September next, for n decrco authorizing them to borrow money by l.sulng bonus for the purposo of erecting a school houso In tho village of Milllmvillc, In said Mifllin School District. JACOI1 BlTTKNUKN'DBR, PrCSt. 8-21-4w A. C. MlLLAitn, Scc'y. This Is to certify that L. E. Wharv Is the solo authorized agent for Bloomsburg, for thu Heading Stove Works, of Orr, Painter co uo., ana is tnc only dealer that can give a guarantee on our work on stoves, heat ers or furnaces. 0-7-3w ORR, PAINTER & CO. Tlio ceremony of driving tho golden Bpiko, which completed tho .Northern Pacific Railroad mid permanently Uy virtue of a wilt of n. Ka., Issued out of the Court of common Pleas of colembla county and to mo directed, will bo exposed to Public Sale nt joined tho Northern I'acifio coast with tho court Houso la nioomsbunr, on tho Atlnutio coast, was concluded on tho 8th hiBt in thu uresutioo of a largo crowd, nnd nmldst the boominrr of can non. Speeches wcro mado by Prcsi- ht s o'clock, p. m., tho foUowlng described reales. .i..... irti.-.i ti iitii'.:.. .iltato. situate in Hemlock township, Columbia uohl v.uaru, uslu miu c01ltnnlng m Mros ana 46 perches of Saturday, Septsmk lStb, lH, Remember that Lutz& Sloan havo a large stock of dress silks cheap. ox-Sucretary William SI. Hvarts. OAltES OF LIFE. As we come to them they are received, borno with, nnd passed over willi no more than n thought, If wo are in the enjoyment of health, but if suffering with Piles or skin disease of any kind they magnify a hundred fold. C. A. Klclm, tho Druggist, has Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy which is nn absolute cure for any affection of the kind and is sold for COcents. July 13-cow OUr. ItEOAltDS. We are glad to say that our daughter, who lias been aflllctcd with Rheumatism for about clsht vcars. Is nearly cured from the use of two bottles of Phelp' Rheumatic Elixir. We regard iLjis an excellent rcme day, and anticipate a perfect euro by tho timo another bottlo is taken. Respectfully, Mi:, and Mns. Stave, 188 Frccmont street, Chicago, 111. land, whereon Is erected a dwcllinK house, barn and outbuildings; bounded anddcscriDca asioi lows, to-wlt : lleglnnlng nt a stone corner In tho public road, thenco north one degree, cast 1M per ches along land of John Miller to a pine corner, thenco by land of Uenjamln Bomboy, v. n. w.g ncr and I. Leldy north forty-two and one-halt de grees, west 105 porches to a chestnut oak corner, thenco by land of Ooorgo llarunan south 1 degree west 6S1 perches to a corner, thence south, by land of S. Ilclchnrd B8 degrocicnst 78 2-10 perches to a stono comer, thenco north 1 degroo oast 4 perches too stone.thcnce south by land of John Hartman ttt degrees, oast 4 perches to a stone, thenco by tho same north 1 degroo, cast 43 MO perches tD a stone corner In tho road, thenco along said road not th 8.1 degrees, cast 10 perches to tho place of beginning. seized, taken In execution nttno BUitot Jiary Kcster ngaln?t Wm. II. Kcstcr, and to bo sold as tho property of Win. a Keatw. Clirisnian, Att'y. JOHN MOtJHEY, aug 1" Sheriff, BUSINESS NOTICES. I For salo at Haulers liott's Pharmacy. OTICE When EVKitTnony knows it. ou have tnc Itch, salt ltlicum, Vi Gulls, or Skin Eruptions of any kind, and you know without being , Klclm. tho druggist, will tho Piles, that told of it. C. A. sell you Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy for 60 cents, which affords immediate relief, and is u sure euro for cither of the above diseas es. July 6-cow Rheumatic Syrup O) : Wolcott, Wayne Co., N. Y. Gentlemen For many years I have been n great sufferer with iheumntism. Much of the time I had but little use of my arms ; my hands were drawn out ot shape, and nearly lost the use of ono of my limbs. I have been treated by tho best physicians, and have taken many different remedies that were highly rcconmcndcd, but grew worse nil the time until I commenced using Rheumatic Syrup, and beforo I had used one bottle I began to improve, nnd after taking tho Syrup four weeks, I wns completely cured, and to-day I am as well as over, and can use my hands and limbs ns freely ns when a boy. Tho effect of tho Rheumatic Syrup has been truly wonderful in my case, and I find, ou inquiry, that It is doing equally as well In every other caso where It is being used. You nro at liberty to use my name as you choose, ns I am very glad to be able to say, as 1 can, tuut the uneu matic Syrup is one of the best medicines on thu market, and a single trial will convince any oue of its wonderful merits, Jacoii Williams. OPERA HOUSE, Friday, Even'g Sept... 14 Engagement of tho renowned star organi zation, the FIFTH AVENUE COMEDY CO., OP NKW YOKK. 5I& .Itmurt! Tuur 1 Original Star Catt I On this occasion will bo produced tho greatest dramatic work of tho age, is hereby Blvcn that tho following accounts havo been nied In tho court of common l'lcas of Columbia County, and will be presented to the Mrt I'nitrt. nn ttiofnnrth MondftV Of 8ejtCmDCr. 168-j, and connrmod alter mo ioun.n uny oi auiu term unlesscxceptions do mea wunin mat, umu. 1 Tim nwinnt. nf .Irwnh CirawfonL CommlttCO nf thn nerunn nnd eat.ntA of Pctr Mellck. a lunatic. 2. Final account of Samuel C. Jayne, assignee ot A. W. UlCKSOn. X First and until account oi uunton tins, mlttce of Clark F. Harder, a lunatic. KIUCKIUUM, Bloomsbusg, Aug. 24, to. Froth')-. -ONLY N h Y ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Loiters ot administration In the estate otJame irtinl.nn inin nt XI t Dloiadnt fniVTlaliln I'nltim. M- V nmirrrtfAf 1 bla'county, Fa., deceased, havo been gramed fir iner S JL3.UPnLCr I the Register ot said county to John J. t WITH Miss Emma Hendricks, Miss Marti Crocker, Mr. James Harrison, Mr. JohnT. McKeevcr, Mr. spencer Frllchard, Mr. Chas. Barry, Joseph McKcovcr, AND A- Hclcct Company of Metropolitan i-.xcciience. THK ORIOINAL MUSIC I ELEOANT STAGE SETTINGS AND FUWEHFUL SENSATIONAL EFFECTS. Under the stage direction ot Mr. J. T. McKkkvkh, formerly stago manager of tho Madison Square Theatre attractions. SYNOPSIS OF SCENEItY AND EVENTS Act 1 In the Mlno 1 Act II Tho Serpent Appears Act III A Glided Ufa I Act IV Tho Wages of sin Act V ltetrlbution l Seats secured at Dcntler's Shoo Store. Trice 23, 33 and 5 ) cents. All persons having claims against said estaU ro requested to present them for settlement, nd those indebted to the samotomako payment to the undersigned aumintstraior wuuout ueiay. wm. ciibisman, tJOHN J. WOLF, Attorney. Administrator, anz 10 JgXECUTOR'B NOTICE. KSTATK Or JAMES 1. H'lllNKT, PICKASID. Letters testamentary In tho estate of James I). Mcllcnry, deceased, late of Flshlugcroek township, Columbia county, Fonn., have been granted by the lleglsuir of said county vo Moses Mcllcnry nnd stott Mcllcnry. All pc.uons having claims against tnc cstaio omnia uetvuwn.uiv .v ihwu. them for settlement, end thcro indebted to the es tate to make payment to tho undcrs'jncd with out STOTT McllKNKY, Stillwater, Fa., July 28. Executors. MARKET REPORTS. BLOOMSBURU MARKET. GOV. HOTI'S ENDOitSBMBST. Executive Chamber, llarrisburir. l'a.; June 7 leaiJ. i I . . . I Vr un..r tm-nmniir inrtes at ntoomsbunr. nt Mr. John II. Phelps, Scranton, Pa., My I wvh,,eal Per "-" o-r county Court of common lUcits, there to bo gUMMONS IN PARTITION. hum'K va. John Kline. William Kline. Daniel Kline, iicoecca uiue, uini.uu oiwi and .Mary Ann his He. in right ot said wife, Finnlclln Met und Christina, his wife, in rig it of said wife. COLUMBIA COUNTY, sh: TnB COMMONWEALTH OF l'KNNSTLVANIA TO TnK SnKUIKF OK SAIU COCNTV, GBKETINQ ! If Adam Kline make you sure of presenting his claim, then wc command you that you summon, by good and lawful summonere, John Kline, Wil liam Kline, Daniel Kline, Hebccca Blue. William swlster and Mary Ann, his wife, In right of said wife, and Franklin Metz and Chilstlna his wife, In ri.fhf. nr sntil wife, holders of tho fee of tho use. oc cupancy, rents Issues and pronts, of tho untf'vided six-i.eenui3, nil." ,uiumjuui,,du . ! CMMi ! G. W. BERTSCH, THE MKUCHANT TAILOlt, AND DEALER IK Gents' FurnisMng Goods OF EVEItY DESCRIPTION. CLOTHING ! ! Having very recently oponed a new Merchant Tailoring and Gents' Fur nishing Goods Store, in KNOUIt & WINTERSTEEN'S building, ou Main street, where I am prepared to mako to order, at sliort notice, first class suits of clothing always in tho latest styles and prices reasonable. Fits guaranteed. Having learned how to cut garments to suit customers, and also what kind ot material will give satisfaction, I would ask you to ploaso call and oxamino tho BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS Ever shown in Columbia county, Before Purchasing Elsewhere. Wool Marr's. nnd cotton carpet chain nt C. C. ob- week nnd lodged In jail on a charge of ns sault and battery. Friendship Firo Company wllllioltl a ball in Brewer's Hall on Thursday nnd Vrldav nvenlncs durlnc the county fair j - - - o " next Month. At this height they will unfold all their gay colors, and, parachute like, come settling down among the crowd. The railroads will all cWe greatly reduced faro on all four days. The Rev. D. C. Uabcock, Secretary of tho Pennsylvania Stato Temperance Union, will hold a conference of the friends of n constitutional prohibitory amendment In the Presbyterian church In Bloomsburg, on Monday, September 24th, at 2 o'clock i tn A11 ttm nf tlin pniian nrn In Tho Rev. Dr. Poor, Secretary of the Pres. ' , . lmr,U!8 QI1(1 Tcmr,Cr. bytcrlan Board of education Is to occupy anco .orgnnlzatIons throughout tho county tho pulpit of tho Prcsbytcrln Church next 8ncclallv rt.(IUCstcd to send rcprcsenta- Only a Mluer'H Daughter. Friday evening will be an unusual event in tho history of our announcements, the occasion being the appearance of that powerful organization tho 0th Avenue Comedy Company of Now York, consisting of an eminent nrray of well-known ar tistes, and tho play ono of artistic excel lence, entitled "Only a Miner's Daughter" a strong plot laughable comedy situa lions and sensational pictures interspersed throughout the play, combining all tho elements that please an audience, and sus tained by so excellent a company, It will surely be received iu our town by a large house. Tickets can be procured at Den- tier's shoe store. Wo havo now on hand a stock of twenty five pound flour sacks not printed. Also a largo stock of printed sacks for wheat and buckwheat. Sunday. Foit Balb. A nronertv in Roaringcreck township, consisting of a dwelling house, barn, mill with four run of stone, nnd nbout 28 acres of Improved land. Inquire of John Mouroy, Bloomsburg, Pa. tf It Is said that partridges wcro never more numerous than they will bo this season, owine altogether to tho last two winters, which wero comparatively mlhl. With no deen snows. Rabbits also will be Very numerous. A younK wan named William J. Garrison, of Luzerno county, was married ono day last week, nnd Immediately after tho cere mony becamo violently Insano, Ho was locked un in the Wllkesbarro iall nnd sub- scquently taken to tho Danvlllo Asylum. Wo are sorry that wo cannot give space loan extended account of the Hartman family picnic at Rupert. About 200 mem bers of the family and connections wcro present, besides innny friends. It was an enjoyable occcasion. tlvcs. Mr. Babcock will also preach on 8unday morning, September 23rd, in tho Presbyterian 'church, and will hold a children's meeting In tho M. E. Church, nt 3 o'clock p. ra. Thcro will bo further ser vices in thu evening, of which notice will be given. The Columiiian oillco Is prepared to furnish nil kinds of paper liae;s, plain or printed, nt city prices. Merchants pur chasing of us will savo freight on thai orders. Faui. Tho ladies of the M. E. Church of Orangovllle, will hold a grand fair on thu new parsouago lot near tho church, on the 20, 21, nnd 22nd of this month. Pro ceeds to go to paying the debt on the M. E. church. On Thursday at 2 o'clock, the first day of tho fair, Rev. D. S. Monroe, D. D., of Bloomsburg, will deliver His noted address, subject, "The Fast Young Man." Also on Friday, the second day of tho fair, Rev. I). II. Shields, of Danville, will deliver his famous lecture, subject, "All sorts of old men and row women." We expect nn address also on Baturday, nt 2 o'clock. Tho Orangevlllo Band will be on hand to clve us excellent music, and I Richard Kilo, ono of tho prominent cltl zens of Suzarloaf township, died nt his homo on Sunday morning, after an Illness tell you there are few bands that can com of onlv four davs. His nee was nearly 00 neta with their music. Just come nnd Years. Tho Interment took nlaco on Tfics. htidiro for yourself. All persons aro in day at Falrmount Springs. Oscar Alexander, of tho firm of Aloxau. der&Bro., went to New York this week, whero he will purchase a larce stock of confectionery, tobaccos, nnd goods for the Holiday trade. This tlrm keeps two wagons on tho road now, and nro doing a big business. vlted to participate lu tho rich things of this fair. E. M. Ciiiuxut, Pastor, Correct styles, Choicest fabrics, Sure fits, Lowest prices, aro tho mottoes of David Lowcnbcrg. Centre Noted. Frank Eadc, thu Indian boy whom A. W. Spear had helping him, has returned to Carlisle. He Intends going to school. Hunting tlmo has arrived. Somo of our hunters forget that Sunday hunting is not lawful. Can't this bo stopped 7 Our enterprising merchants H. Q. Martz and A. Bcldlemau are doing a flourishing business atFowlcrsvllle. Lizzie Watts of Centre died Friday last after an illness of several months. The burial took place at Berwick on Sunday. Somo of our young sports, instead of coming homo Saturday night waited until Sunday. Were they storm stayed ? W. C. Crevtllng Is looking as pleasant as a "wooden fox." "General" we belluvc the vacation agreed with you. Bomo of the trotting sportsmen of Ccn tre, accompanied with sorao of Scott went to tho Bloomsburg Fair ground Saturday last for a trot. Tho boys say the colts did well. The proceeds of the festival held at Hid lay Union church were about $04. Mrs. L. T. Conner of Hazlctou is visiting her parents of this place. W. E. Creasy drovo to Berwick on Bun day, Wilson says tho colts drivo splendid ly. Frank Bahmo lias removed his quarters from Centre to Bcott. Frank, wo are sor ry to loso you, as another to fill your place Is hard to find. Our former neighbor J, Solomon Scott docs not call on his "chums." Do the love clrls of Fowlcrsvlllo attract too much attention ? Clark Hess is improving, but Is unable to walk except with a crutch. Miss Clem. Conner has taken a class of music students. Clem, gives good satisfac tion. Peddlers are more plentiful than apples through here. Entiik Noub. I. W. Hartman & Son Oiler 113 boxes ladies', gents', misses' and children's underclothing. Blue, brown, black, cardinal and scarlet Jerseys. An extra nice lino of ladies', misses', boys' and children's shoes. The best red twilled flannel in the coun ty for 25 cents. New lot of floor oil cloths. Goods delivered free to Espy on Tucs days nnd Saturdays. To Rupert on Mon- uiiYts unci rnuaysoi eacn wecK. uoous delivered in the town all days and every hour. School books, paper, pens, slates, &c, tor town nnu county. Shirts, cuffs nnd collars, neckties, and nil kinds of goods for gents' wear, at Evans & Eyer's. Do not pay 8 cents for Appleton "A" muslin when you can get it of Lutsub Sloan for 7J cents by tho bolt. A full line of ready-made clothing, gents' furnishing goods, valises, &c, t Evans & Eyei's. Dear Sir : Promptly upoa receipt of your Elixir, ten days since, I entered upon its use. according to directions, stopping my Iodid Potass., Ammou. and Wine of Col- chicum. At that time I was completely disabled with gout in both feet and rheu matism in both knees, add helpless. Now I comfortably hobble about tho house, and expect to bo out in a week. It may be a coincidence, my amendment nnd the uso of your medicine. I bono for no occasion to try it again, but if need be I will try it again in a fresh attack with great couii dence. Very truly yours, Henuv M. IIoyt, Go crnor of Pennsylvania. I For sale at Hendcrshott's Pharmacy, uioomsourg, ra. Soltmarsh, Ala. Dr. Jus. B. Mills, says : "Several of my patients havo used Brown's Iron Bitters for chronic indigestion with benefits." held the tojuh Monday oi sjptcmoer next to show, wherefore, Wukkras, they, the said Adam Elite, and tlio nforsesald John Kline, William Kllre, Daulr-l KUne, Hebccca Illue, William swish. Corn, " 65 Oats " 15 Flour per barrel Cloversoea Butter 25 Jgfjn !S! I ot said wife, ot tho ree and the use, occupancy, Tallow 08 I rnte Lssue4 ana pronts together and undivided do ruutwcB . u Dr'ed Apples 40 Hams . Sides Shoulders Chickens Turkeys Lard por pound nay per ton lleeswax Uuckwhent flower per 1W)., 14 11 l!i .It .14 8 10 55 3.00 Corner Main & Market Sts. Bloomsburg, l a. April 13-1) '. CONVINCING. The pioof of tho pudding is not in chew ing the string, but in having nil opportuni ty to test the article direct. C. A. Kleim, the Druggist, has a frco trial bottlo of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup for each and every ono who Is mulcted with Uougns, Colds, Asthma, Consumption or any Lung Aiiection. juiyo-cow Dardanellc, Ark, Dr. M. M. Croom, says : "Brown's Iron Bitters Is the best medicine in the world and is effecting mi raculous cures." I'HILADKI.I'HIA MARKETS. FLUUK Flour U In lteht ieauest at unchanged pilces; sales ot 1,201 burrcls, including Sllnnenotu i extras at I3.S0 a asoifeunsyivanla family f5 5SS Wfhtern (lo 5 tosh w ; patents f ai a(7 so. ltvi: r mint la dull at 3 TS tier barrel. WHEAT Market Is In fair reuut"3t and ilrmcricar lota f I I0;l I7ii IX bid for Septembers His tor uciouer ; i im tor ovemuerj i iu tor uvcvui ubllN Market was firmer, but aulet: car lots 61( 6h: 60M bid for September; Mta for October; MXc ror November; ror December, uait) Are in lair ufiumiu uno. una ; car iuia.9 Sfici 83c bid lor September; 3.v,"c for October; Mc for Novemuer; 87XC for December. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK OKOKOB CKAKJ, I.ATE OF KOAUINGCKEKK I TOWNSHIP DECEASED. Letters of administration In the cstato of Oeorge y to (leorire V. ( All persons having claims er nnu May Aim, xi'i wiiu. miwuiiui twm w.iv, and Franklin Metz nnd Chilstlna his wife, In right nOie nil inUu LLTUIIU mcaouu ui ..wvvu. uuu situated In tho township of Main In the county of coli mb'a and stai.3 of Pennsylvania, bounded and I'ofillied ns follows, to-wlt: adjoining lands of haii on tto west, lands of Charles 11. Oearhut on thu south, and on tho east by lands or , co-italilug flfty-two acres, whereon Is erected a lo houso and frame barn, with tho up purtenan- llio samo John KUne, William Kllno, Daniel Kline, ltcbroca lilue, William swsher and Mary Ann Ids wlfo, In rlKht ot said wife, and Frankl n Mete nnd Christina his wife. In right ot tho said wife, holders ot tho fee ol tho occupancy, rents, issues and proil s of tho undivided six-sevenths patt partition uiltuui wj uu uumu mAuiuiuti . the laws nnd customs of this Commonwealth In such caso mado and provided do gainsay, and tho same to bo dona do not permit, very unjustly and contrary to fao tiame laws nnd customs, te. And have you tfen and thero tho names of those summoned, ami this writ. WltuesH tho Honorable William dwell, Esq., I'reMdent ot our said court at nioomsburg, this sixteenth day of May, A. D. 1683. WM. KH1CKUAUM, 1'rothonotary. a. M. QUICK, Deputy. Craig, latoot ltoarlngcreek township, estato are requested to present them for settle- county Fa., decei Heglster ot said count; isirator. Columbia have been granted by tho to Oeorge v. Craig, Admin. against saia ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds. Tho following shows the Picket Oothle, ono of the several beautiful bty'es ot Fence manufactured by tho undersigned. Black and colored silk velvets, plushes, also black and colored velveteens, nt low est prices, at Clark & Son's. C. O. Marr buys all kinds of dried fruits. Elegant pallor suits, chamber sets, and all kinds of furniture at Cadman's If you want black dress silks, bring your samples to Luts & Sloan's to com pare with theirs as they will not bo undersold. OltAI-K CULTUltE AND TOUT WINK. Mr. A Sneer of New Jersey, ono of tho largest grapo producers lu tho East, com menced, but a lew year3 ago, in a small way. to mako wines from currants, and blackberries, and other fruits, lie now controls largo vineyards of tho Oporto grape, from which his famous Port Grape Wine is made, and which chemists and physicians say rivals for its beneficial ef fects on weakly and aged persons, nnd tho consumptive. For sale by C. A. Kleim. For aged men. women, weak nnd slcklv children, without a rival. Will not cause headache. Brown's Iron Bitters. mont, and lliuso Indebted to the samo to make payment to tlio underwgucd administrator with out delay. OEOUQE F. CItAlO, Mlllgrovc, Columbia co., l'a. Administrator. Kept. Utli-Cw ruawn & rodsins, Atty's. CACHE OF FAILUltB. A nobby and stylish line of cloths nnd cnsslmeres for fall and winter, just receiv ed at O. W. Bertsch's merchant tailoring establishment, on Main street. Oiyo him n call and be convinced for yourselves. For good cheap man's. furniture, go to Cud- C. O. Mnrr is cettiiitr In tho larirest und finest stock of dress goods ho has ever had ami very cheap. If you want black nr colored cashmeres, ladles' cloths, Drap DcAlma, serges, (Jer- ster cloth, Jersey cloth or any other kind of dress goods, go to Clark Si Son. Nobby suits mado to order nt Evans & Eyer's, by first-class workmen. I'riccs very reasonable. Want of confidence accounts for half of the business failures of to-duv. C. A. Kleim, thu Druggist, is not liable to fall for tho want of conlldenco i Dr. Bosanko's Cougli anil Lung Syrup, for ho gives away a bottlo free tu all who are sulterlnc with liougu, vjoius, Asuima, (jonsumpiion uuu all atlectlons of the Throat and Lungs, July 0-eow Try Aver's Pills, and bo cured. Misery is u mild word to describe thu mischief to body and mlud caused by habitual consti pation. The regular use of Ayer's Cathar tic Pills, in mild doses, will restore the torpid viscera to healthy action. WANT OF FAU'll. If C. A. Klclm, tho Druggist, does not succeed It Is not for tho want of faith, lie has such faith lu Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung sjrup ns it remedy foi' Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and Lung Ailcctlons, that hu gives a bottlo free to cutli und every one who is in need of it medicine of this kind. July 13-eow Farmers and Threshers wishing to purchaso llret-class articles of THRESHERS AND SEPARATORS, ALSO, Ono a n l Two-Horse Tread l'oiv- en, with Threshers nnd Khakera, will do well to call on or address J. M. llULSllIZKlt, IJght Street, Columbia county, ra. nr All work warranted, send for price list nnd glvo mea tilal. Ho better machines are maiufactured for thlshccllon of tho country. July SO-8m SANITARIUM. Wm I ::r.:ii:i Institute, WNGHAMTON, N. Y. rrUtAVKRSE JURORS FOR4TII WEEK J. SF.1TFM1IEK. Lerwick. S. V. llanley, J. II. IIoyt, J. B. Lock- Bcr.on. Andrew Stlne, J. D. Cole, Henry Brow. c. Leaver. Thomas Hoffman. U'oom. James Commons, Joseph Decker, J. K. Hyer, J.J. Ilagenbuch, Thomas Hartman, II. 0. njii.1i. .Tnhn Vcisr, Fred llcacle. oatawltsa. Clulstlan Clewell, Jacob Kllngcr- mnn. ceutre. Z. T. FowNr, Silas Hone, Geo. Hageu bjcl' Samuel Bower. centralia. Kdward James, Manns Mcllrerty. Flshlngcreck. A. O. Drum, Kllas M. Laubach, Mows Mcllenry, Geo. l'ennlngton. Greenwood. 1. 1). Ikeler, A. stauder. Ilcu'ec.. IteuU'ii Bombay, O, W. Hartman, Jermlah Fooley. Jackto'i, Fra.ik Derr. l.c;iisi. Washington ucorge. Mai'lson. It. M. Butler. Main. N. II. W. Brown, John W. Shumnn. Ml llln. Lewis Cuasy, John Michael. MLl'leasaut. Stephen Crawford, IsalahW. How. ell, Cllitoi Mellck. Orange. CamCcn Mears, P. V. Classen, Marlon iiugnes. scott, Calvin KresMer, A. B. White, sugarloat. IX C. Shultz. THAVKUSEJUllOUS FOlt FlUST WKKK IN DC TOUEIl. Beaver. Charles Michael, Frank Uhoads. Be-iton It, M, Davis, 'i'hoa. Davis, Thos. Hart- mon, stoat 1- Callcy. Berwick. S. 1'. Bowman, H. (1. Crispin. Bloom. John Klcckner, WciJey Kuorr, Isaac jk.ii 'lien, .). j. uiwuu. Bi'aicni'k, H.M. Kvans. ca.awlssa. M. Cl. Hughes, John Huber, M. V. B. Kino. centre. Hiram Heller, John Miller. I'e'ilri'lla. JohiiT. Jones. FlshlngcLek. Amos White, J. F. Hutchison, J, M. Buckalew. Grce'iwood. Theodore Barker. r..uklli. Henry (luttJiall, Jonathan Loreman. Madison. Krastus ilenduihhotu Minim. John J. liarticl, Abraham scheweppen- heUfr. a Mist, John nablc. iwjo 1. K. Dildlue, Geo. Applt'inati, J. 11. Ilar inan. I '1 lie. Win, l'lirwMI. liwitngi'id'k. 1). It. Bower. Montour. Henry Aldrtch. Ml. 1'leasant. II. W. Mellok. Va- n.,iitu nn.l ll,.A.ut,v tl.ov n rn , insll mass. cd. Setupbyexpenenoou nanus ana warrauic-u to give satistaci'.on. Prices aud specimens signs sent to any ndtiress. Address of other de- BLOOMSBURG'. PA- May 4-tt For black or Lutz & Sloun's. colored cashmeres go to Qo to Sharplcss' foundry for tho best ranges, cook stoves &o. in tlio market, also plow points, harder than steel for Mont rose, White, Danville, Advance, Gale, South Beud, Walrd &o, Ac. lit O. W. Bertsch, tho artist tailor, has Just received n tluo lino of tho latest full und winter styles of huts and cans, which will bo so'd very cheap. Don't fall to see them beforo purchasing elsewhere. A full Uno of ladles' und dcrwear nt Clark A Son's. Oo to shoes. children's un- O, O, Marr for cheap boots und WUIITII KNOWINU. N. J. Ilcndcrshott desires nil who nro nilllctctl with Rheumatism lu any form to call nt ids drug store nnd receive valuable information, uomo one, comeuii, or what ever nation, sex or color. Ml.MdTilltd bOUNI) ITS I'liAISK, Rev. Mr. Greenfield. Knoxvillo. Tcnn.. writes ns follows "Samaritan Xcrvine per. manently cured my son of epileptic tits." Here's loou tor thought. Bold by drug, gists, 1.60. OA I'SK AND UVFBCT. At limes symptoms of indigestion are present, uneasiness of the stumach. Ac., a moisture llko perspiration, producing itch, lug ut night, or when one is warm, cause tho Piles. Tho effect Is immediato relief upon the application of Dr. Busanko's Pilu Remedy, which costs you but 60 cents and is sold by C. A. Kleim. July lU-eow Tho houso Is specially fitted up for the comfort ot invalids whodctdrua pleasant and Christian I homo. Stands on high ground with plenty of shade. IVnonal attention given to every patient. i-aociiicitv uuu uuivauiMti in iia-ir umi'rvni iniui. Ucatlons a speciality, l'rof. Mills has given inany yc aro of study and practlco to this branch, and hundreds will tvstlfy to Ills hUlU. Scud for circular, stating what paper you saw this 10. I'llUF. 1IKMHV mii.ijs Mrs. ALICE f itted! MILL.S, liock Box U7. Blughamton, N. V. Bi'pt, 7 "SMT. OIL raTERGREM, PEPPERMINT, ETC., Bought for Net cosh, ou receipt and approva without chargo tor Commission, Broker, age, etc., by D O D G E & O 86 k 83 wI-LUH ST. ScpL Hth Iw LCOTT, , NEW YOBK- TNCimABI.HS Ml I.O.NMItlt in llrlght'a ill. Kt:inc uiuuviu uiuimj kiuhi, otuue. uiacuii:(. 1 j tipennatorrlioea, atrtcturt'B, varicocele. cUscuwm incline kiuuui juiinju u.. &uru lurum. iuiumit I digctillou, Ueaaacue,co:iUveiiehH, neuralgia, rbeu- Ilea n , uuiuutrr uuu muucj msciiacn. a mruicui book mailed five, gl Ing directions for their pro-ventlonandcui-o without poWms nauseous inwll dines, palu or ronlliiemeut, by the Lumpcan and American Medical Bureau tpwlulty pliytlclans' In- ter.iui aim iocui pvricciuu treatment prcbcrimioiM, or thu Abahcl MluerulSpilug Water, at l.ivi Broad way, New York. sept. Hth-lw r Tlio cheapest floor nml table oil at O. O. Marr's. For your nobby and most stylish neck, wear and furnishing goods in general, go JMU. cloth Is I Seo a woman in another column, near npceis vineyards, inciting grapes, iroiu which opcers roil urupo yiiuu is made to U. W. Bertsch, next door to tlomtl Bank, Malu street. First that Is so highly esteemed by the medical profession, for tho uso of Invalids, weakly persons mid thu ugetl. Sold by Druggists. sept 22-ly The RirvEBif Guide, No, 34, l ull and Winter, 18S3, I given wholesale prices mr to toTumcrii on everything you w, cat. drink, wear, or havo fun ith, Tells how toordw with exact ct, "JIU paytn larco ones a, UOO Htimlmtuuin a wuoio plcturo caller?. Contains Information cleauod from tho markets of the world. No other price-book in cxhlcnro contains as much information. Sent l'roctoany ad drchsupon receipt of postage 17 UI. I-ct us hear from you, or visit in when In our city, Near Imposition Bulldlnw. Respectfully MONTGOMERY WARD & Cd gVT Si UVU Wabash Avrnur, t'tilcujo, IU K('1, a&s (Continued from tail week.) How Watch Cases are Made. In 1875, thirteen men comprised tlio cntiro working force used in the manu facturo of the jama Eotf Gold Watch Case. Now over five hundred are employed, and tho number is constantly increasing. The rea son of this Increase is this: In the James lloti Gold Watch Oue all tho metal in sight and subject to wear is sofiti joW,wliilo tho re mainder, which only lends strength to tho :' ... ..! .1.7... ..l.l giving gold where gold is needed, and strong, clastic metal where strength and elasticity aro needed, a combination pro ducing a watch case belter than solid gold and at one-half tho cost. uorl2jjt Over 200,000 of these cases have been sold, and every jeweler in tlio country can testify to their quality and merit, LcbIKOTO!i.Micn..Dee. S. 1& E. W. Manh, of Uie i'tmomii, Itouioit iJu. Bok& Ooid Watch cam 18 yru-H uco, and curried It until a fchorttlnieajfOtVtneuI vurchiiHxl It, and sold It toa cufctoruiT. Tlio cam, uhowoi no tl,ruij of uc&r,t:xceit that natural to any cao, and I am eaUbnul can o safely Kaarantoed (orattAaMtU-nytiarauioro. I hate sold the Jaonw Bosh1 lloldW atrb Cam, 1 or rualiy yt-JUtt, and tho parUu ho ImuKht tho ttrst ouctt aro curry Ins them foliar, aa til aatlatled an Ihouirh they had bought a solid void case. ooHtiiurt1oeUiOlnuuuy. 1 regard thsm aa the onlycaaoaot thin kind a Jt'el-'r should sod ho desire to give Ida customer tho worth of their money or value his reputation. Wm. J, Cvsuwav, Jtuiltr. ! l,Ur la Kfjtbaa n.l.k Cm rUrl,H rklla. lkli, r-, tu ksatw-a lllitrU4 I'a-pklit .kU L 4imn Bats' aaa K;,Ua UUa Cbm art usds, ftlc Qmtinued) t BIKSMNSADAY nvKit vm.if.Mi'S iikadv. Tim cholccbt llternturo ot tho world, often tho best cdl- tlois published. iti-i'.t.i: t:.TAi.(itiUK fltl'.i;. Lowest prices ever known, not id lo ilrnlfra. Sent t or examination HKl'OIllC iuyiueni,oretldi.'ncuOt good faltlu JOHN 11. AI.DliN, I'ubll.hor, 18 Vcrary Ntrcttl, N Y. r, II. Ilim I Aug.l! 4 w OOZiIiEOXl,SI-3VirA-t.K, IV. J. i minutes of New York. Mori tiosltloiu for grad uatin than all other hchnols combined. Life Schol arship, no. Write for circulars. Sept. HtlHw r ' rapriisfa paid. enorgt lle, relliblo men to sell 1'iuli Trees. Uruw ItOhOH, Ac. NHliiry and Full Instructions given. bo Inexperienced men can soon learn the bunlm-a Address H. V. LKCL-MtK, BKHIU'IDN, N. Y. (one mile cast ot Itochoster, n. Y.) Sept. Hlh-4w.; r PRESENT POWER. To-.Horroiv a I.on Wny oil' When Help la Wanted To.Duy, Comfort Is never In a hurry. I'alu and dlsti ts aro in hot haste. It la to the "friend In need" the frtcud who docs something now that the old adajo nays tho compliment of being "a friend In. (cod." Thatthey do uot keep the sun twr In Minpenf Is tho silent exct'llcnco of BENSON'S CAl'CINK roitOl'S BlSTKHS. 'lliavUkteM nf other da)B whe.licr tHirous or otherwise nald " Walt until to-mo'ruwi Wu can linimloo not hlug on the spur or ttB moment. " But pain unrtilovtxl, llkohopo ilelerred, makelh the heartsick licnsou's plust- w arm and heal, containing, aa they do, ( hi'inlcal jiinr worn nn.t lnilliul nurtitx of Ihn lilL'hcsl Clllclt'IlCy. motuiia now, una ttio giuumo uuiu mo OAlflNE eul In tho middle ol lath plaster. lTlcu 85 ofutK. Seabury ; Johniou, Chemists,. St pl. 7-1W Nev, I 1 1