THE COLUMBIAN AM) DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. I The Columbian. J3L00MSBURG, PA., tflMDAY, yiiLTHMI3Iilt 7, 1883. Correct Kallroiitl Time Table. Trains on tho l'titladolpbla & R, t. loavo Rupert as follows i H0KTI1. SOUTH. (I saa. m. 11 4.ia.m. 4 ik) p. m. o 13 p. in. Trains on tho 1). I., ft V, II. It. leave Bloomsburr; follows I NOUTII. BOOTH. 7 en a. in. 8 25 a. ru. o 47 A. in. It 43 a. in. o W p. m. 4 so p. ra. Tho 11 41 tmtnBOitth connect!) with tho Phlln. ilclplilo a Heading at import, and with tho Northern Central at Northumberland. HA 8:55 o. m. train oonnocts at Northumberland with train on Pennsylvania road reaching pnlladoiphlft nt 8:in p. m, Tbo llUHratn connects with PhlladJlphU and Itoadlng roat at Hnport nt 11:50 reaching Phila delphia at :00 p. m. Tho 11:43 train oonnocts with Pennsylvania raat at Northumberland at 1:19 reaching Philadel phia nU:M p. m. Tho 4:) P- m. train connects with Pennsylvania road at Northumberland nt 3:0.1 p. m. ana reaches Philadelphia nt 3:M a. in. Trains on tho N. V. 11. Railway pass! Bloom Perry as follows : NORTH. JOBTII. T.4lA.m ij.o p. m. 6,si p. m lot p. ra. I'ernoiiiM. V. B. Poiist Is visiting Winona, Mlnno sola, nnd other western cities. Miss A. Armstrong 1ms been appointed rt teacher In the Berwick scliools. Hev. Dr. Unckus of Now York city, nnd his brother-in-law, Jeremiah Taylor, ol Ashlnnd, were In town on Tuesday. Mrs. M. Rlshton Is lying In a very crit ical condition. She 1ms been 111 for sever nl weeks. Misses Motile Sterner and Emily Hllc man, returned to their homo In I'ottsvllle on Saturday. Miss Brown who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. 11. II. Grotst for several weeks, is quite 111. Misses Bessie and Edith Onke of Ta maquu, Louisa G. Hutchison of Kingston, Misses Salllo nnd Lizzie Hollowny of Dan vllle, wcro In town last week. Miss Mary 1'ulston of Tnmnqua, Miss Prick of Olilo, Miss Fortncy of Ilnrrlsburg, .Misses Bello. nnd Clair Vandcrsllco of Philadelphia, wcro In nttendanco nt the Winona sociable on last Friday night. The woolen mill Is crowded with orders. Tho Muncy Valley Fair will bo held at Hngliesvllle, September 20, 27 and 28th. Mr. T. Stiinsbury has bought S. A. Wil son's bakery. A politician One who serves God as far as lie can -without offending the devil. lVeniM! Phillips. The Agricultural Society of 'Northern Montour County will bcttln October lGtli and contlnuo four days. Street commissioner Housel lias repaired the crossings on comer of Centre and Third streets. The placo to ascertain "What to wear," for tho coming season, is at D. LOWENIIKHO'H. Lackawanna county will hold its third annual fair In Seranton on September 18th, lOtli, 20th nnd 2tst. There will be nn ice cream festival at the Espy Park on September 15th, for the ben ellt of the Evangelical Sunday school. The Normal School opened on Tuesday with nearly two hundred pupils. There arc about one hundred boarders, and the number will be still further increased. Persons who arc out driving after dark should bo very careful In going around cor ncrs. Accidents frequently occur by care less driving. F. C. Frederic! has secured the services of two cornet bands and will give an open air concert at Light Street Hotel on Saturday evening September, 8th. The merchant tailoring department of David Lowcnbcrg is now replete witli all tho novelties In gents' wear. Cull and see the fall styles. William II. Kupcrt left town on Tuesday morning, On Monday night a banquet was given him at tho Eichango Hotel, which was attended by about thirty-flve ot his friends. Wanted. An activo agent to canvass the south side of the river for the salo of tho History of Columbia County. Liberal terms will be given. Call personally at the Columbian office. The Prohibition County Convention will bo held In Wllkes-Barie on Tuesday, Sep tember 11th, with a public meeting in tlio evening, at which Professors II. D. Walk- er, II. I). Patton uud Mr. John H. Ford ham arc expected to deliver addresses. John W. Gordner of this town was ar rested last week at Plymouth and lodged In jail nt Wllkcsbarrc, on the clmrgo of stealing horses. It seems that lie went to Centro Hall, Centre county, and purchased a team, and paid for It with a forged check on a Lewlsburc bank. This Is !not Qord- ncr's first offense. Col A. J. Frlck of Danville has been ap pointed Deputy Collector of Internal Itev cnuo of this district. Tho Sunbury Dully states that "thero arc now in the 'district 1305 cigar mauufacturlcs, twcuty-llvo browcrlcs, twenty distilleries, twelve recti fiers, three wholesalo dealers nnd ono to bacco manufactory. Tho rumor that tlio prlco of tuition In tho Model School lias becu doubled Is without foundation. Tho prlco continues to bo twenty-five cants par wo ek, The building has been greatly improved by tlio addition of two coats of paint, window blinds and u steam heating apparatus b ncath. Tho nttendanco last term exceeded ono hundred, and the opening this fall has been very promising. A farmer observed n llock of quails run nlng along between tlio rows of corn which was just sprouting. Conceiving tlio idea that tiiev wcro miUtus un ids corn, one of tho birds was killed, and Its crop examined Instead of corn it was found to contain ono cut-worm, twenty-ono stripe-bugs and over one-hundred clilnch-uugs. luis snow conclusively that tho quail Is a valuable bird to tho farmer, and one that should bo nrotectcd Instead of belmr hunted down and shot for ineru amusement by sport-lav lug hunters. Wu are credibly Informed that tho now Jail must ho drained or abandoned, that It cannot bo used for thu purposes for which It was Intended without drainage, nnd tho nucsllons as to whether It cau, as now constructed, bo drained, and If so, whethe tho county had better go to that, expense. or repair tho old Jail for uso and occuptv Hon will bo submitted to the Grand Jury of tho county nt tho approaching session Should not at least some of tlio leading citizens and tax-payers of each towiuhlp attend to this matter nt next court and confer with thu Grand Jury on theso sub jeets ? 1'Alt.MKus Kkaii Tins. Farmers wishing a first-class article of phosphate, can get It at liigiustrcet nt nny time. Stop nnd get prices aim examine goods beforo buying. Haiivky E. Hbapock. Tim Naii. Woiiks. Tlin 11 iron ilnnlitit Wast furnaces connected with tho nail workd In this place wcro put In operation on Wednesday, Tho nail department will not lie ready for two weeks yet. Every. thing Is working to.lho satisfaction of tho managers. Tho connection with tho well on tho Smelting Company's land has not "ecu mauo yet, so tlio supply of water Is limited, but Hint will bo completed Inn fow days. The starting of tho mill has created a good deal of excitement and crowds of peoplo havo been visiting thu wprks. Sunlury Democrat. Correct styles, Choicest fabrics, Sure fits, Lowest prices, arc tho mottoes of David Lowcnbcrg. A man named Harry Strlno died recent. ly In Northumberland county of bydropho- :J.U ".t,10ir r ? ",,0"t ,t0. b"ry 11 m .no iitiriiua Muegrupiicu to scnii mo remains Harrisburg. There a dtstrcssinir nccl- dont occurred. In taking the rough box from thu car and niacins it on a truck It ipped off the latter and went craslilntr to the Belgian pavement. The lid of the plno box flew oil and thu coflln with Us occupant was spilled out. To add to the scene tho top of the coffin burst and the remains were thrown faco downward Into the gutter. The body was greatly decom posed and swollen and a stench of an un bearable character followed. Matters were finally righted and the remains were taken to his home. Much excitement was :iuscd by the accident. A Reminder. David Lowcnbcrg having just returned om New York nnd having purchased his ill Stock, is now prepared to offer the latest styles In gentlemen's wear, and in- ites an early Inspection of tlio new goods. A Card uf Tliuukn. Ent Post, 250 G. A. It., at their meeting on Friday evening last, by a unanimous vote return their 'thanks to the. citizens of Af ton and vicinity for their liberal dona tions and patronage at tlio camp fire held at their place on the 25th tilt., nnd espe cially to tlio ladies for their kind assistance. Tho Post realized $103.33. '1 hey also extend their thanks to the Bloomsburg band for the music furnish ed. By Committee. Ilultlmnre'H Carnival. September 11th, IStlOind 13th have been set apart for the Summer Nlehl's cstivalnt Baltimore, and it Is promised by tlio committee in charge that the lllu- mlunttons, processions, and other features tlio Oriole celebration will surpass all previous eiTorts In tills line. On Septem ber 11th an association of gentlemen, rep resenting Lord Balthnoie, his courtier?, household, and officers, will be escorted from tlio vessel landing to the City Hall by gieat military procession. September 12th, grand illumination of Baltimore. September 13th, mystic procession of forty great tableaux, on wheels, in which Is stated that thirteen hundred men and over two hundred horses will be employed. rand ball at the Academy of -Music will conclude thu celebration. The Pennsylvania Bail road Company 111 sell excursion tickets from all tho principal ticket stations to Baltimore and return, particulars of which may be had at ticket offices. Fob Sale. A registered full blood short horn durham cow. Took first premium at, last fair. Price $00.00. Inquire at Bawlings' Meat Market, Main St. Coal oil Joint AKaln. THIS TIME UK AI'PEAIS WITH BIX INDIOI MESTS AOAISST HIM. It seems John W. McNulty, the gentle man who laid claim to being tuc original Coal Oil Johnnie In a Harrisburg restau rant several months ago, exhibiting at the time a number of specimens of copper to show tlio new cnterpilsc he was running near New Cumberland, is in trouble, The trouble takes six different forms, in the shape of six dlilercttt Indictments. The Cumberland county court, now in session at Carlisle, heard tlio finding of the grand ury in six truo bills, and will try McNulty on tlio six ililtercnt charges, lorgery, raise pretense, uttering a forgery, and so on. This is n perfect cyclone of mlsfortuno on McNulty likely to sweep him from public Ight and mind and nip In the bud his many schemes to gather In tho shekels from the copper ore mines, real estate and the Har. risburg and Western company. McNulty has been going for tho fanners, evidently In the New Cumbciland section of Cum berland county, and the farmers have been going for him. Htlllwatcr jottliiK". EuiTOIt!) COI.UMIUAN j You must allow us tho privilege of writing In pralso of our beautiful ami picturesque little village, Located on a flue site alone tho banks of the lovely Fishing Creek, Stillwater with its hnndsomoly painted buildings, presents an appcarancu unsurpassed auy where in this part of thu state. Lately a spirit of nterprlse and activity has Infused Itself into tho leading citizens of tho place, and improvements In way of new and splendid buildings have been tho result, and wo hope to see more of them. What wo most need to set us on an even footing with the rest of tho world, Is tho much talked of railroad which Is at prcsont agitating our neighborhood. Some of our citizens havo subscribed liberally, while others of our well-to-do men nro standing In the way of it. Strango that sonio men prefer the ox. cart and wheel birrow which our forefath tft followed. M. W. Mclluiiry has repaired his mill lam which was partly destroyed by the latu freshet. Painters and glaziers nro putting tho fin ishlng strokes on Mr. J. F. McIIenry's new house. It Is a splendid example of nrchi tecture. M. J, Williams of Bloomsburg was In town last week slating Stephen Drescher's new houso. Gum, is a splendid mcchnn. lc. Mr. Isaiah llalier has moved Into his new house. Ho has ono of thu most beautiful houses In town. Thojcrops of corn and buckwheat, while not so good as wo havo had somo tlmoB in the past, arts quite promising. Btcphen Drcschcr Is working a .largo force of men on ids now building, and will soon havu completed one of tho finest houses In tho Fishing Creek valley, With this humble contribution, wo wll 1 lay aside our pen till next week. A. The Coi.uutiiAN office Is piepaivd to furnish nil kinds of paper bags, plain or printed, at city prices. Merchants pur, chasing of us will bavu freight on tliei orders. Ah Old I.iuly'H lllrtlulny. Tho frequent booming of n cannon on the banks of Calnwlssn Creek, at tho nn. dent town of Cntnwlsflft on Saturday last, was not to eclchrato tho clghty-sccond birthday of Mrs. Bnrnh War it nlthouch tl m,Su have been taken ns such ) but to do honor to tho day thero assembled nt Sirs, Clark's residence, over forty relatives, who nl onco demanded tho old lady's keys, and ""'"mcd complete control of her household affairs for tlio dny. Tho many different branches of her fnm- lly wcro represented from toddling Infancy to old ngo all bent upon n pleasant day. Tlio nsscmblngo of so many was somewhat of n surprise to "Aunt Clark" and tho oc casion one of no llttlo oxcttcmcnt, but tho old lady received tlio friends, nnd moved pleasantly ar.d conveniently about nmong them, with tho most refreshing old time courtesy nnd sprightllncss. In her old house one of the oldest and quaintest In Catawlssa thero lingers yet tho air of days long gone by, when n birthday might have been celebrated there, by an nsscm blago In wigs, knee breeches, tall combs aJ hl )lcc,bC(j I" spreading the two spreading the two large tables,old cup boards and closets were ransacked by those guests who prepared the sumptuous din ner, nnd tlio oldest china nnd sllvcrwnro again saw the light. Notably among them was a teapot one hundred and fifty-five years old and a large round silver salver or plato that looked as though It might have groaned under a big browned turkey two hundred years ago. The table was graced hero and there with china old enough to raise tho envy of the least envious of trie a brat gatherers. Then too, thero wero sil houette pictures of old members of the family, for which tho artist charged threo dollars npicco some sixty or seventy years ngo ; and then some quaint old furniture stood about bespeaking Aunt Clark's age, and possibly the age of thoso beforo her. Mrs. Clark, whoso husband was James Clark, has been a widow for thlrty-ono years, and has resided In the house she now occupies for nearly sixty years. It was tho wish of those present upon her birthday that she might contlnuo to occu py her home many years longer. Of tho guests who participated In tho pleasant affair, besides those of Mrs. Clark's immediate household, there was i Mr. An drew Clark and daughter residing near Catawlssa ; Mrs. James Funston a slstcr-in-law, Mr. nnd Mrs. Nicholas Funston and family, Dr. nnd Mrs. Fesslcr nnd dnughtcr, all of Newbury, Pa., Mrs. and Mr. II. J. Clark, a son, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Funston, Mrs. Htnry Wilson nnd daughter, Mrs. Jacob Dieffcnbach, tho Misses Dieffcnbach and brother, Mrs. W. C. Illchcy, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Paid E. Wirt, all of Bloomsburg : Mrs. L. J. Funston of Willlamsport, Mrs. Gearhart of Danville, Mrs. C. 11. Funston of Muncy, and little ones too numerous to mention. From Itcrwlclc. Berwick, September, 4lh,, 1883. COI.UMIUAN ! Last Saturday was a Ens. lively day In town. Turks with their dancing bears, and their horses that look ed like the ghosts of former horses, upon whose backs were strapped on cither side siualid babes that reminded one of the squaw and her papoose. Wliat a looking set ragged, filthy, garrulous with pieces of old carpet wrapped around them, dis shevcllcd hair the last run of shad left blooming alone. God and nature never Intended human beings to go wandering through the earth In that way. Then came the great balloon at night that didn't go up. It was hardly known whether It was Intended to go up or down. It did neither, however, but simply top pled over, and that was the end. At night there was a rope stretched across' from St Charles Hotel to tho store of Bowman & Crispin. John Yanderslice mounted upon it in show clothes to tread It. Ho did not tread, but fell, because the rope gave way precipitating John to the pavement below. He found himself with a lame leg, but brave, undaunted John had the ropo re adjusted, sprang again upou it and walked it with success, performing also upon the trapeze to nn admiring and applauding crowd. He proposes to travel. A week ago last Saturday, under a large pavlllion on Craig's lot above town, wc had quite an entertainment at afternoon and night. Acrobatics, singing, dancing ;tnd the great feature of occasions, spar ring, In which there was, exhibited cousld. erablo skill by the following parties : Van- dersllcc, Williams, and especially the two Thomoscs, Tctcr and David, from Danville Peter is regarded as a professional. James Wright won thu silver cup. All of it un der tho management of our townsman, A. W. Fritz. There was a fine nudiencc nt night. Wu nrc having fine rains for the later crops. Home ol the early corn is beyonu redemption. Our public schools opened up on Man. day last, with full attendance. The wen- ther Is beautiful since the rain. Considerable malaria. Daniel McIIcnry from Fishlngcrcck, en. tcrprising lumberman, is often seen in town. Ho is engaged cutting lumber across tho river. Geo. Vanattu hn.3 grown fat sincu his pleasant visit to Centre county and Snow. shoe. A friend recently from Milton re ports that William Jacoby is in line spirits and is doing well. flic numerous friends ot toll-keepcr Savldgc, lu Flshlngcreek, will bo pleased to learn that he Is on his feet again and at, tending to his duties. Hu Is giving good satisfaction. Wc learn the distillery below Berwick commenced operations on Saturday last. Col. John G. Freczc's History of Col um bla county la doubtless a thorough work but tho Colonel gives credit to KurU't Pam phkt for his history of the earliest Inliabi tants of Uerwlck. Kurtz got his Informa. tion from tho centennial address of E. J. Bowman delivered In Berwick by that gentleman In 1870, on July 4th. Jlr. Bow. man got his Information principally from his mother, Anna Bowman, thu wife of Jcsso Bowman, one of thu oldest inlmhl. tants and businessmen along the ilver, now deceased. Mrs. Bowman's memory was remarkably clear up to her last sick- 11C9S. Berwick Is going on building notwltli. standing tlio temporary depression in busi ness. Isaiah Bower's store room Is nearly com pleted. J, F. Opdyke's now residence is nearly finished. Doctor Win. Freos has succeeded In re. moving ids house from Front to Tenth street, on rollers. G. W. Maugher, formerly of Bloom, is running n good hotel nt tho depot. Ills house has been renovated and has nn ad ditional set of rooms. The hotels of Hoyt and Adams nro doing good business. Tho car works are on their 200 car Job. The rolling mill is running on full time. Wu uuderatand from J. W. Knouso, who has been visiting Greenwood and other townships lately, that coal is found ii: Qreenwood township. This Is rather slm ultancous with tho Flshlngcreek railroad. Ouwu. Tlie HlMirtHiiian'H Hantl-liooU I'rec, Beforo starting on his autumn hunting or fishing expedition tho wise sportsman will do well to consult the pages of ''A Paradise for Gunners nnd Anglers," n neat and handy publication, recently Issued by tho Passenger Department of tho I'hlin- elphln, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad. Tills llttlo pamphlet finds tlio sportsman's paradise lu tho Maryland nnd Dclawaro Peninsula, and that section Is exhaustive ly treated with regard to Its hunting nnd fishing resources. Not only nro all' Its birds and fishes discussed nnd described, but their habits nrc descanted upon nnd their haunts disclosed. Valuable .hints are also given ns to the tlma nnd manner when nnglcr or gunner may work with the best success j nntf explicit directions ns to routes nnd stopping places, accompnnlud by an excellent map of tho section, renders tho work a complete gutdo book. The book is handsomely Illustrated with plates the principal species of game, and Is Ar ranged so ns to bo carried In the pocket with convenience. Such a guldo book to district so rich in birds, water fowl, nnd fish must prove nn Invaluable prize to thu sportsman. Copies may be procured, free of charge, by nddrcssing James It. Wood, General Prisscnger Agent, Philadelphia, Wilming ton and Baltimore Bailrond, Philadelphia, Pa. A suspension of judgment is all wo nsk don't buy nnywhero until you have seen the new goods at David Lowcnbcrg's. Centre NotCH. !What will wc fatten tho hogs with this fall ? Tho corn crop will bo n light one. The thieves who entered tho bnrn of Samuel Hagcnbuch nnd stolu Ids smoked meat and buggy harness , arc unheard of yet. Last week n strange looking man passed. thorough here with two fine-looking horses. It proved to be n thief. Hu stole tlio team In Centre Co., we believe. Ho was captur. cd. Samuel Crcvcllng lost n valuable horso recently. W. G. Crcvcling has returned homo again and commenced work. "General" reports a pleasant vacation. Our school directors arc having a two, story school-house erected nt Llino Hldgc. This shows a step towards education. Saturday the gunners began shooting squirrels, some of them before. Wo havo not heard of their succccss. Tho festival held nt tho Hidlay Union church Saturday evening was n grand suc cess. II. V. White of Bloomsburg was' In attendance. Our young'.sports looked so pleasant on Sunday that wc have comu to tho conclu fcion tlicy made a "mash" Saturday even ing. Wilson Creasy was the fortunato person at the festival. Ho guessed tho1 cake. It weighed four pounds and thirteen ounces. He and the group which ale it said 'It was splendid. As wo were not amongst them wc take their woul for It. Anon, Parties desiring tho llano Manifold Books can now secure them by calling nt tills office. With Hits system tlio letter and copy arc written together. It does away with the press, brush, water &c. No ink or pen required. Call early and ex.t mine. For sale only at the Columbian of. flee. DEATHS. CRAWFORD. In Jcrseytown, on the 31st ult., Eva, infant daughter of James II., and Sarah E. Crawford. MARRIAGES. QUICK-FAUX. By M. A. Aramerman Esq., at Ills office in Fishlngcrcck, Colum. bla county, Pa., on the 11th of August, 1883, Charles Quick of Fishlugcreck, and JIlss Auna Faux, of Luzerne county, Pa, FOWLER LONG. At Mr. Samuel Hagcnbuch's, in Orangoville, September 1st., 1883, by Rev. E. 31. Chilcoat, Mr, Erastus F. Fowler, to Miss Laura J. Long, both of Bloomsburg, Pa. LOCAL NOTICES. Shirts, cuffs and collars, neckties, and all kinds of goods for gents' wear, at Evans & i-ycrs. O. C. Marr wants dried fruit. 1 AT I. W. Hartman & Son's. JUST OPENED THIS WEEK i Full lino of German knitting yarn. All colors Germantown wool. All colors nnd shades of Zephyrs, nnd four fold. All colors Crewels. All colors Saxony yarn. All colors Alliance yarn. All colors Hungarian yarn. All shades wool and cotton canvass. (two A full line of ready-made clothing, fents' lurnlsnlng goods, valises, iSc, Ivans & Eycr's. nt Go to flannels. C. O. Marr for cotton and wool Elcennt rmilor suits, chamber suts. and nil kinds of f urnlturo at Cadmnu's A nobby and stylUli lino of cloths and casslmercs for fall and winter, lust recclv cd at G. W. Bertsch'g merchant tailoring establishment, on Main street, Give him a call and be convinced for yourselves. C. C. Marr wants butter, lard, eggs, ions, oats and chickens. New silk velvets and ifc Sloan's. velveteens at Lutz For good cheap man's. furniture, go to Cad. Go to C. cloths. C. Marr for lloor and tablo oil Nobby suits made to order at Evans Eycr's, by first-class workmen. Prices very reasonable. New goods at O. C. Man's. Clo to Sharpies!.' foundry for the best ranges, cook stoves iVc. in tho market, also plow points, harder than sled for Mont rose, White, Danville, Advance, Gale, South Bcud, Walrd &o, &c at U. W. Bertsch. the artist tailor, has lust received n fino line of thu latest fall and winter styles of hats and caps, which will bo sold very cheap. Don't fail to see them ueiorc purchasing cisowiicrc. More cashmeres nnd other dress goods at i.uiz ts oioairs, tins wcck, . Flue groceries, notions, canned goods, at , u. oKccrs. Pictures, frames. window cornices, at Cdmart'st Thermometers, from 2-1 cents to !1.60 at me uof.uMniAN store. tf Qo to O. O. Marr for wool and carpet chain. 00091 spring chickens. 0900 old liens, gceso nnd ducks. 0909 good live calves, 9099 Us. raspberries. 9099 " pitted chenlcs. cotton All the above wanted at Light Street, bv Silas Young, August it-Cm For your nobby aud most stylish neck, wear and furnishing goods in general, go to U. W. Bertsch, next door to First tin. tlcmol Bank, Main street. FERTILIZER I FERTILIZER 1 1 Farmers wishing n first-class nrtlcto of phORphato will do well by buying of HARVEY E. HEACOCK. LWhtstrcct They nro nil guaranteed to bo equal to ntiy- tiiitig in inn mnritei lor tuo money, win have It on hand all the time. For salo by tlio nbovo nt Llglitstrcct, or Isnno Ilcncock, Itohrsburg. A large assortment of cloths for indies' nnd children's dress at Lutz & Sloan's. MIFFLIN SCHOOL DISTRICT. Notlco Is hcrohv clven that thu under. signed Hoard of Directors of Mlffiln Schooi District Intend to npply to tho Court of Common Plena of Columbia county, on thu fourth Monday nf September next, for ft decrco, rulhorlzlng them to borrow money by Issuing bonds for tho purpodo of erecting a school houso In the village of Miimnvme, in said Allium School District. jACOn BlTTKNUENDSI!. PrCSt. 31-lw A. O. MtM.Aitn, Sec'y. This Is to certify that L. E. Wharv Is thu Bfllll fllltllfirlviwl nrrfitit fsvf IHnAinahuit tnm uulv iuhi 'ii.vii i'(jvui twi Aiiiiuuinuiui iui I inu waning otovo works, or urr, fainter, I A Co., nnd is the only dealer tllat'ean rilye frf.m'rWOrk 0nklov',htfHt- 0-7-3W ORB, PAINTER is CO. Remember that Lutz A; Sloan hnvo h largo stock of dress silks cheap. BUSINESS NOTICES. OOV. ilOIT'S ENDOIMKUBNT. Executive Chamber, ) Harrisburg, Pa., June 7 1882. ) Mr. John II. I'lielns. Seranton. Pn.. Mv Dear Sir : Promptly upon receipt of vour Elixir, ten days since, I entered upon its uso nccordlnff to directions, stfiniilnir mv Iodld Patass., Amnion, and wlno of Col- chlcum. At that time I was completely disabled with gout in both feet nnd rheu matism in both knees, nnd helpless., .Now I comfortably hobhlo about the 'house, nnd expect to. bo out In a week. It may bo n coincidence, my amendment nnd tho uso of your medicine. I hopo for no occasion to try it ngaln. but if need be I will trv it gain in a fresh attack with great confi dence. Very truly yours, Henbv M. Hofr'r, Governor of Pennsylvania. For salo at Hcndcrsliott's Pharmacy, uioomsburg, ra. Oit.U'K CULTUllE AND POltT WINE. Mr. A Sneer nf Now .lornv. nnn nf Hip largest grape producers in tlio East, com- monccd,1mt n fow years ngo, in n small wny, to malto wines from currants, nnd blackberries, and other fruits. He now controls largo vineyards of tho Oporto grapo, from which Ids famous Port Grape Wlnoismado. and which chemists and physicians say rivals for Us beneficial ef fects on weakly and aged nersons. nnd the consumptive. For salo by C. A. Klcim. UAllKti OF LIFE. As we come to them they nro received. borne with, and passed over with no more than a thought, if wo arc in tho enjoyment of health, but if suffering with Piles or skin discaso of any kind they magnify n hundred fold. C. A. Klelm, the Druggist, has Dr. Bosnnko's Pilu Remedy which is nn absolute euro for any nlfcctlou of the kind and Is sold for COcents. July 18-eow WORTH KNOWING. JN. J. Jlcndcrshott desires all who arc alilictcd with Rheumatism in any form to call at his ding store and receive valuable Information. Come one, come all, of wliat- ovqr nation, sex or color. Aycr's Ague Cure, when used according to 'directions, is warranted to eradicate ii om tuo system all torms ot maianai uis eat,e, such as Fever and Ague, Ulilll t ever, intermittent. Uemlttent ami 1J1110U3 f evers, nnd disorders of tlio liver. Try it. The experiment .h a safe one, nutl.wlll c6st you nothing if a cure 13 nqt effected. 1DO.OO0 acres of good 'land' for sale cheap' I i. rr, in siiananuoftii vauey giving mo purcna- ser the full bcieflt of the market by L. F. Caldwell, Winchester, Virginia. Correspon- dunce solicited. may 19 uw- A true assistant to nature in restoring the system to perfect health, thus enabling it to resist disease is Brown's Iron Bitters. CAUSE AND EFFECT. At times , symptoms of Indlgcstlon arc present, .uneasiness of the stomal, &c 'a moisture like perspiration, producing Itch- lug nt night, or when ono Is warm, cause ii.S iii,.o Tim ,n...t la Immrollotn rHi tlio I lies. I he effect is immediate, reiier upon the application of Dr. Basanko's , File ic o..i,i f,l, n a in..!..,- T.,t'in nnu I uemeuv. w nen eoRta von nut 00 cents nnu 1 !? lOW l, tJJ J, Ak, ILJVIIUl UlllJ AWUf 11 iiutiuuiu, o. ."-l;ul. 1, JJ. UUl v.. 11. a n nl a t says s "A member of my family used Brown's Iron Bitters with good results " AbWli:N,Sl!E WAS YOl'NO, I have used Barker's Hair Balsam uud llko it better than any other similar prepa ration I know of," writes Sirs. Ellen Perry,. wile 01 uev. i'. I'erry, 01 uoiuurooK springs, Mass, "ily hair was almost entirely gray, but n dollat bottle of the Balsam has re stored the softness, and the brown color it had when I was young not a single gray hair left. Since I began applying tho Bal sam my hair has stopped falling out, and I find that it Is a perfectly harmless and ngreonble dressing. aug 17-4 w Owentown,.Ky. J. W. Waldrop, says s "Brown's Iroii Bitters greatly relieved me of, general debility and indigestion." See ft'woman Jn another column, near Spoor's Vineyards, picking grapes from which Speer's Port Grape Wine is made, that Is so highly esteemed by the medical profession, for the use of invalids, weakly persons" and tho aged. Cl.l 1.'.. n. :.-. .... no 1.. uum jiutaio. ai;iv ww-ljr FITS OUIIED SIX YKAIM AGO. "It has been C years since I was cured of nts," says Mr. w. t orn, 01 wirt, jeirerson Co., Ind. "Samaritan NtrvlM did It."- And It always will, reader. S-1.50, at druggists. want of rami, 'if C. A. Klcim, tho Druggist,-(Iocs not succeed It is rot for tho want of faith.- He1 has such faith in Dr. Bosanka's Cough and i.ung syrup as u remedy toruouglis, uoids, Consumption, ami Luug Att'ections, that ho glv cs n bottlo free to caeli and everyone who Is in need of a medicine of tills kind. 1 July 13-coW A 1IAII CASE OF KIDNEY TUDUhCE'eUllkl). Auburn, Cayuga Co., N. Y.. Sept. 20 1882. itaeuMurie oyrup 00.: I should havo written you before in re gard to the Ithciimatic Syrup you sent me, but havo been waiting to see If tlio result was permanent. I can confidently say that It has had a very gratifying effect on my wife, relieving her of nil pain within three days after she commenced taking It. I ulso gave nwny ono bottle of tho Syrup, to u filoud, which had the samo effect ns on' my wife. Sly wife lias suffered great pain from rheumatism and kidney dllllcuty.foryears, mid at times could hardly move, She has tried a great many medicines recommend ed to no purpose. It is tho only remedy uiui gavo uer permanent rcuei. yours, uoiiEisT.s., OCR liEOAKDS. We uro glad to say that our daughter. w)io has been alllleted witli Hhcumatlsm for about clglit years, is nearly cured from tho use of two botth'S of Phelps' ltheuniatlc r.iixir. we regard 11 as an excellent, reme- day, nnd anticipate a perfect euro by the tlmu another bottlo is taken. HeapectfuUy, Mu and Mns. Srava, 188 Freemont street, Chicago, 111. For salo at Hendcrshott's Pharmacy. WYOMING SEMINARY AND I ..020) A School ror both Sexes. Twcn 'Ix. ly Instructors. Cohvenien ccs of buildings eminently supe rior. Classical. Selenlltto. L'olli-ie Prpnm-ntnrv va.. mal, Musical, Ait nnd commercial co ot study, HiOnnW"'1' lm' oxpenxes f or Acudeiu JT),4V VIP Branches forone year, ISO to 11a riyiuiivdlu complete Bus'ness Course, Hoardlm ufP'ii iuiciii wuiivuv a sill; ior, Fall Term Wns Aim. ffl, 1883. hend for Catalogue. ComineiilaUludents, ud. dri'is ITol. W, I. 1mn i ull others, addri-w ItDV. L, I. HPHAOUl', A. M., July.!i0-w ittMtpiU, KlMUTOH, IM. A Woman In iiImkuInc. A Lehigh county physician has made n discovery near rho lino of Berks nnd Le high counties which has created some ox cltemcnt among the Inhabitants along tho Bhio Mountains. For some time a strango man known by tho namo of Marks Smith has been doing odd jobs fqr the farmers. Ho was about Iwcnty.flvo years, good look ing nnd tolerably well-dressed, lie shun ned company as n general thing, preferring to bo alone A fow days ago Smith was taken sick nnd wns compelled lo keep his bed, which wns In tho loft of an old unoc cupied ham. Tlio Lehigh county doctor Wns summoned and made nn examination ot thu sick man, but refused to say what his ailment was. On Tuesday tho fact was made known that the person was not n Irtan but a woman, and that an lufant had been born In the loft. Tho doctor provided nh old nurse and neighbors provided clothing J --1 . T .-' ror uotu,moni'Ar,nnu1cuiiu. it is not Known vJho'gi wwmin Is. Slio sayMio left home, UVhcryirort nnd disguised herself to provent detection. Shu wns sent to tho Lcldgh county almshouse. I Wdlravt! now on hand a stock of twenty -five pound flour SKcksn-uot printed. Also n largo stocK ot printed sacks ror wnen t ajd buckwheat. MARKETJIEPORTS. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. Wheat t.or bushel 1.0S Rye ". rit. 70 cum, , " , ,.. .w Flour per barrel r.. 5.(0 cioTomeed ... ., ,. Mutter i.' ..; 85 EfgS .) Tallow OS Potatoes i 40 Dried Apples ..i 40 Hams...;: 14 Hides Hhrmldcra i 11 Chickens.... - - 13 TurkeysH........MM...M - s Miraperpouno. 14 Uaypcrton Six) 1 lees wax : 25 Buckwheat (lower per 100 3.04 PIIILADKLPIIIA MARKETS. Plilllt Market was stead? ami aulet: sales ot 1,000 li."rrcK Including Mlunosota extras at 15 00 a u w. reu isyivaiu.i m'niiy fa w, wusufrn uo fa ou i$ 0 uo; pAieniK hj uii.. im: I.T.OT11 Firm at 1.50a.l70. Weoatr-MarKot was nulet and easier; ear lots M2t.l.l7j ti.14?; blu for Julys ji.ilif tor August; ror scpicmDer; fi.r. ior ucwoer. .10 for Septembers 11.17',' lor October. COUN-Markot was dulf add weak; car lots 58tf Wr, 680 bid 'or July: 580 for AugiM;01c for Sep- i'or juiysowj 0 for.Octohc lemoer: ihmc ror.wiuner. OATS The market was dull; ear lots His 13; tic bid for July: arc for Auzust: 36tfo for September; 00 for October. , V10TICE 13 lu'rcoy clven that the following accounts have been nled In tho Court of common Pleas ot Columbia County, uml will bo presented to tho wiiicourton in ou,xn .-uonaay 01 iNepieinucr, 1W1, and confirmed after thn fourth day ot said ie.m unless exceptions no 1110a wunin inai umc. 1. Thanucount of Josenh Crawford. Committee 01 thn nemon nnd cstnto of I'etcr Mellck. a lunatic 2. Final account 01 Samuel C. Jayne, assignee of A. W. 1I1CKSQU. .1. First and final account of Clinton Kills, Com in It too of Clark V. Haider, a lunatic. Wu. KltlCKBAUM, si lToth'y. Bioomsbmg, Ausr. SI, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. EST1TR OP JAMBS H'MAIIAN, PEGKASEU. Letters of administration In the estate of James McMnhan, lato of Mt. Pleasant township, Colum bia county, IM., deceased, Have been granted by tho Register ot said county to John J. Wolf, All persons hnv lug claims against said estate nro requested to present them for settlement, and thoso Indebted to tho fcametomako payment to tho undersigned administrator without delay. WM. C1IBI3MAN, 'JOHN J. WOLF, Attorney. Administrator, aug 10 s UMMONS IN PARTITION. ADAM KLINE vs. John Kline, William Kline, Daniel Kllre, ltcbeeca Blue, William Swisher nnd Mary Ann his wife, In right of said wife, Fr..nklln Mctz and Christina, his wlte, In right of said wife. COLUMBIA COUNTY, S3 : The commonwealth or Pennsylvania to tub SHEKIKF OK SAIU COUNTY, G MEETING S If Adam Kllno vnako you sure ot presenting his claim, then we command you that you summon. Swisher and Mary Ann, his wife. In right of Bald wife, and PranWlIn Mett and Christina ills wlto, in rl tht of sa'd wife, holders of tho fee of the use. oc- cVncy renU. issues arui pronts, of the undivided slx-bevenths, lato ot your county, ho that they be aim uppuar m-iure our mug ut uiuumsuurK, ui, our county Court ot Common Pleas, thero u our county Court ot Common Pleas, thero to bo held the fourth Monday ot September next to show, wherefore, Wiikkeas, they, tho said Adam Kline, and tho aforsesald John Kline, William Kline, Daniel Kline, Kebeccn Blue, William Hwlsh- IT' UU .Tiury Aim inn miu. in i ikii. vii Bum nut:. and Franktln Metz ami Christina his wife, In right pf sail wlte, of tho fee and tho use, occupancy, rent I'iiuos and proms together and undivided do hold, all that certain messua're or tract of land situated In tho township of Main In tho county of Columbia and state of Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described as tolloWH, to-wlt: adjoining lands of Nathan Miller on the north, lands ot John (tear hart on tho west, lands of Charles U. Gearhart on tho south, nnd on tho east by lands of - . containing ntty-two ujres, whereon Is erected a log houso and frame b.irn,wlth tho ap purtenan res. i Tho sure John Kline, WllUfm Kllno, Daniel Kiinp. i(.?rvea nine. William Sw'sher and Marv Am Ids wlte. In right of Midwife, nnd Franklin Metz and Christina his wife, in right of tho said wile, nomersoi me ree 01 tne occupancy, renis, IhiiMiiml nrntlH of the, undivided .ulx-HOventhH part partition thereof to bo made according to the laws and customs' of this Commonwealth In Krcli case made and provided do gainsay, and tho same to bo done 00 not permit, very uujustly and n ft tn wi on ma Intru nnd rmutstrrw Jtro And havo you then nnd there tho. names ot those ki mmoncn. nna miHwrii. Wltnotw tho Honorable William KlwolL Km Pit sidont of our said Court at Bloomsburg, this sixteenth day of.May, A. 1). 1HB. WM. KHIOKBAUM, Prothonotary. G. M. QUICK, Deputy. HOLMAN'S PICTORIAL FAMILY 1UIILF. ! Containing both verMons of the New Testament, wtiii iiiA lVflfniiips nf nnr Iinl and Saviour, hand somely Illustrated with 10 full.pago Engraving our Bibles contain S,HU0 najos, Illustrations- KINBPHOTOUllAril Ai.uu.viM, eiegant. uesigns, hiuiilsomely boj id. EXT11A INDUCEMENTS, of leied to energetic Agents. Illustrated catalogue si nt on application. A. J. HOLM AN CO., Phila delphia. Aug. 11-lw d PRESENT POWER. To.JIorrtnv a I.on Way nOTWlicn Ilrlp la j Wanted To.Hay. Comfort Is novcr In a hurry. Pain and dWress aitt In hot haste. It Is to tho "friend In need" the friend wlio does sometiung now 1n.1t 1110 old ndago payH tho compliment of being "a friend lu deed." Thntt hey do not keep the sufferer In suspense isine hiieni, exeenem- ui Jic.ifsu.'i n uai ui.a I'ouniis'I'khs. Tho nlahters of other d.ivs whether porous or otherwise said "Wait until UMiiorru'v ; i e cau unjuiiau uuiuiuk uu uiu spur ot tho moment-''' But pain unrelieved, like hopo ilefel red, inakcth tho heart tJek lleiisonn plast. ere act on application. They preincate, boothc. and medical agents of tlio highest enicleiicy. Their motto Is now, and the genulno have U10 word CAPC'INE cut In the middle ot each plaster. Prtcu Jai cems. seabury Johns-on, chemists. New warm ana neau cuiiuuhihk, i- iurj uu, uia-niicai 1 York. sept, 7-sw a rrUtAVEUSE JUHOBS FOU4TII WEEK IN SEITEMBUIL Berwick. aril. H. P. Hauley, J. II. Hoyt, j. 11. Lock- Benton. Andrew Stlne, J, D. Cole, Henry Brow. er, Beaver. Thomas Hoffman. Bloom. Jamos Commons, Joseph Decker, J. K. J'.UI, O. O. 11.IKV11UUV11, 1IIU11IUS JllllUIllIU, 11. V, NuL'le. John Yost. Krul Beacle. Hatawlssa. Christian Clewell, Jacob Kllnger man. centre, .. T. Fowlr, fellas Hone, (leo. Hageu IJUiai, minium iwtvcr. centialla. Edward James, ManusMcllrerty. l'Uhlugcreek, A. C Drum, Ellas M. Laubach, mioses aiciu'ury. ueu. rcuuuigion. (invnwood. 1. 11 Ikeler, A. btauder. Hemlock, lteubcn Boaiboy, 11, w. Hartman, jeruiian t-ooiey. Jackson. Prank Dorr. Locust. Washington lleorge, Madison. 11. M. Butler. Main. N. 1L W. Brown. John W. Shumau, .Mini In. Iewls Creasy. John MlchaeL MUi'ieasant. stenueu Crawford, IsalahW, How. -lL Clinton Me lie orange, uauiueu Clears, Hughes. K'ott. Calvin Kressler, A, bugarloat. E. C. BhutU P. V. Classen, , H. White, Marlon 'J'llAVEHSEJUUOItS POIIPlltST WEKK I.N OO. lUllblU 'Beaver. Charlea Michael. Vranlr nhnaii,. .Benton It. M. "Davis, Thos, Davis, Thus. Hart inon. stout K C!al1v! w ' " ' 11 jhtwick. b. r. iKiwinan, it. u. Crispin. Bloom. John Kleckner, Wesley Knorr, Isaac 'mieucu, j.u. iwiui Brlarcreek. II. M. Evans . Catawlssa. M. O. Hughes, John Ilubcr, M. V, B, Centre. Illraia Heller, John Miller, Centralli. John T. Jones. Flshlngcreek. Amos White, J, i', Hutchison, Al. lliu'kaluw. (iieeiiwooil. Theodore Parker. Fiaukiin. Henry (luuhuli, Jouathau Loieiaan, .'i ur..-ii i.uimus uruui'rtiuuil. .'iiiiiui, iiunud. ii uuei, Aumnajii Hehewenpeu llt-!EA'l 1icust John (.able. oraugo. I. K, Dlldlne, Oeo. Appleuinn, J, u. liar Plno. Wm. I"urHell. ltoarlugcrmk. 1. It. Hower. Montour. Ilcnry'Aldrleh. MU Pleasant. U. W. Mellck. Rheumatic SYRUP. The Greatest Blood Purifier Known! Rhoumatism Cured, Scrofula Cured. 10RT IItkom, N. Y., Ken. ao, ta llhntmatlo Svrvti Ou.t Ihadlwn dDctcrtmr for three or four years, with different phy sicians, f or srrof ul.i, aa aoino call ed It, but futuid no relief until I commenced taking your Hyrun. Afle r taking It a short time, (0 my surprise, It began to help me. continuing Its uso a few weeka, I found myself ns well ns over. As a blood purlller, I think It lias no equal. MItS. WILLIAM RTHANO. HocnrsrsiuN. Y.. Apr. fth, W. lltmmatla siinii) Co. 1 (iknth I navo been n great sufferer from ltheumatlvn for six enrs,aiid hearlnif of Hie mkxx-sb of Itlioumatlo syrup I concluded toglvoltn Irlaflnmy owncaw, and I cheerfully say that I havo been greatly lienenttod by Its use. I can walk with cntlro freedom fmm naln. and mr general health Is very much Imi roved. It Is a (ipleiidld remedy for tho blood anu iicununiiii Hrniwn. E. CllKKlfcll l'AUK, M. II. tfami'aelurtabv KllKUKATIC sritUI' (0. R MMII1 DEALER IN Foreign amdi Mommim WINES AND LIQUORS; AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. SHERIFFS SALE. lly vlrtuo ot a writ of Fl. ra., Issued out 01 the couitof common Plea3ot Columbia county and to me directed, will bo exposed to public sale at the court House In Uioomsburg, on Saturday, pk i3, at 2 o'clock, p. m., the following described real es tate, situate In Hemlock township, Columbia county. Pa., containing 188 acres and 46 perches ot land, whereon U erected a dwelling house, barn and outbuildings; bounded and described as fol lows, to-wlt ! Beginning at a btono corner In the public road, thenco north ono degree, cast 1M per ches along land cf John Miller ton plno comer, thenco by land of Benjamin Bombay, 1). B. Wag. ner and L Leldy north forty-two and ono-halt de grees, west 105 perches to a chestnut oak corner, thenco by land ot George llnrunan south 1 degree west S8l perches to n corner, thenco south by land ot S. ltcichard dcgree3,cast T8 8-10 porches to a Btono comer, thenco north I degree cast 4 perches to a stone,thcnco south by land of John Hartman 68 degrees, east 4 perches to a stone, thence by the same north 1 degrcj, east 41 1-10 perches to a Etone corner In the road, thenco along said road north K) degrees, cast 10 perches to 1110 piaco 01 Beginning. Seized, taken In execution attne suit 01 juary Kcstcr against Wm. 11. Kcster, and to be bout ns tlio property of Wm. B. Kester. Chrlsman, Att'y. Joum .mouiuu, aug 17 Sl'crirt. AH THI! Fail Trade Is oneninir. we would invite the -X O' attention of the public to stock of our "4 Which Embraces boxed papers from 15 cents to TO cents, containing a quire of paper nnd pack of envelopes. Writing paper from 8 cents a quire up. Ink ot all colors, Mucilage, Pens, Pencils, Holders, ltubbera, Blank Books, Pass Books, Account Books, Cards, Note Books, He- celpt Books, Itubber bands, Tablets, Birthday cards c. A PULL LINE OP PAPER BAGS, j)) Ho.unrc and satchel bottom. IK-LIBEIIAI. DISCOUNT TO MliltCHANTS BUVINO IN QUANTITIES- MANILLA WRAPPING PAPER, MEDICATED PAPER, &c, && In our PIUNTINU DEPARTMENT we havu Bill Heatls, Letter Heads, Note ITondp '"rS8 Envelopes, Local Blanks Ciroulttrfl, WEDDING & PARTY INVITATIONS, Printed or plain. Any kind of priming stock not on hand can be obtulnedon short notice. Work promptly done at reawonablo rates. c; Columbian Office, Bloomsburg, Pa, JgXEOUTOIt'd NOTICE. . (STATB OK JAMBS D. U'llBNKV, DKUSKIl. Utters testamentary Inlhecbtate ut James I), 1l..ll..n.. ... 1.. lArtf Lll,l .U.L.,n.nLl,ln ni ll'mii, uiiva.- u, itii'Jui . i-,,ii!i iu. ivnuaiiiji, L'jluinbht eouuty, lvnn., have been gi-anuxlby tho ut'gibu.T or baui tuuuiy iu aiiwi, jiujieury anil Motl McIIenrv. All m i 'U; Uu l:.lma aL'tmn the estate ot wald deeedeul uru nsiuestid to pivseut them torhettlement. and thoso Indebted In 11m es. tide Ui make pu mi nt to tho uuderulgnod v, Ith ueiay. I MOHK8 MCI1KSUV, bwrr MCIIK-Slty; I muwaier, rt., July sfl. Executors. Neuralgia Curod, IMHroRT, N.V., March IS, W. Wteumattc Hirur Co. t OF.NM since Novcmlier, 1W2, 1 havo Imen a constant, sufferer fmm neuratgla and have not known what It was to bo freo frompilnuntlll rommcueedtho nsn of lthcumatlo syrup. I havo felt no nam slnco using I ho fourth liottlo. I think It la tho best rem edy I havo ever heard of for puri fying the blood and for tho euro ot rheumatism nnd neuralgia. W. 1J. CHASE. CO., 1 7'fytnotilft .r., Rochelrr, X, r. Clothing! ClotMni ! Clolliii! G. W. BERTSCH, TOE MERCHANT TAILOB, ., ANU DBAI.BR IK 1 Gents' Furnishing Goods : OP EVKIIY DKSi'UIPTlON. CLOTHING!! Having very recently opened a new Merchant Tailoring unit Gents' Fur nishing Goods Store, in KNORR & WlWTEKSTElfiN'S building, on Main street, where I am prepared to make to order, at short notice, first class suits of clothing always in the latest styles and prices reasonable. Fits guaranteed. Having learned how to cut garments to suit customors, and also what kind ot material will givo satisfaction, I would ask you to please call and examine tlio BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS Ever shown in Columbia county, Bsforo Purchasing Slsewhers. Corner Main & Market Sis. Bloomslit Pa. April 13-lyr. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery. Lots and Public Grounds. so: The following shows tlio Picket Gothic, ono of tho several beautiful styles of Fence manufactured by the undersigned. For Beauty nnd Durability they aro unsurpass ed. Bet up by experienced hands and warranted to give satisfaction. Prices anil Boeoiinens of other tie- signs eciit to any address. Address BL00MSBDRG. PA- May 4-tf ( Cbnf tnuedflom lait wtt.) How Watch Cases arc Made. It is a fact not generally known that the Jane llosi Gold Watch Camu really con tain raoro pure gold than many "solid" gold cases Tho demand for these watch case lias lexl to tlio manufacture of n very poor grade of tolid gold watch cases low in quality, and deficient In quantity. These cases aro mado from 4 to 10 karats, and a 0 or 0 c.iio Is often sold for 12 or 14 karats. It is not economy to buy a watch caso bo poor in quality that it will boon lose its color, or one soboft that It will lose its bhapo and fail to shut tight, thus letting in dust and damaging the works, or ono bo thin that a slight blow will break tho cr)'6tal, nnd perhaps tho movement. It IS economy a Jama iW Gold Watch Cute, iu which xonk of thebu things ever occur. This watch case is not nu experi ment it has becu made nearly thirty ymrt. IUiliton, fx., Oct. St, 1SKI I Bold two Junta Bom' Gold Witch Cuoa thirty ycin ho, Ueu they fint cuuo out, and they are tn Kood condlUou yet. Oua of them U carried by a carpenter, Mr. L. W, Drake, of Uazleton, and only riiowatuoMvartii ono or two plaocai the other by Mr. Bowman, of Cunningham, pa. i and I can pro duce one or both of taoae caw at any time. UlLYUTtB Knout, Jtixlir, If mi I Mil ttaa I. r.U. Tl.l.k Tut Ftiluln, fmUt. 4laU. Th, ( lllulrt,l4 laaaUt ibU at Imn Sm' aa4 bfll.l. VI lUk Cum art aia4. (H it CtfitfnlMd.) t c iiT ii Ktklft'tWuU! UTW, TOQ'Ujnl liL k nniBrH iai ntiflhi Mia in On Mouth ttuui Lay AUff. C-i-Jm A1U Bn0KS-2 TONS A DAY 0 lilt 1,1 l,00(. VOr 1 'US llr ulV. 'Ihe eh .nisi Bti'i.itun ut the win id, iiiten thu ii nil. lions published. lOO-PAtiU CATV I.OIillll Klti:r.. Luuest pi lent ever known, .mit to duuler. Hent t or examination IIHKllllK liajuirui, or evidence of good faith. JOHN 11. AI.DKN, Pul.lUlitr, Iri Vi-r.i-y Htrt'fl, N. V, 1. O. II(I2T. , Aug. IIM w rt out !