mtumiiin'i' THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. 0. a. Elwill, IrH... J. K. Blttaabsndor.J E4ll9r5- BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, Slil'TEMHEU, 7, 1883. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET., kou Auiirrou okni'.iui., KOBRUT TAGGA11T, of Wai ren. '" ' j von STATK TltKASUiir.K, JOSEPH POWELL, of Uradford. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. FOIt IUSTIHCT ATroilNKV, It. BUCKINGHAM. OK lll.OOMSUUlltt. von coimrv suiivuyok. SAMUEL NEYIIATtD. 6r lU.ooMSiiuitd. A resolution has been tmssod in tho sonato rofusinc to tnkopay after Sept- nmnpr If. mna ltitrvlnnA1 lit. n .. .. Tho fiuht between Mitchell and Slade which was to havo taken plaoo in Kansas, lias been declared off. It is said that Mitchell is afraid of Slado. Tho population of Milton and sub urbs, according to a census just taken by Lieutenant L. V. Housel, Is 4.G12, the suburbs footing up a total of 1,997 inhabitants. A memorial meeting in commemora tion of tho lato ,L McDowell Sharpo was noiu in tno iiouso atiiarrisuurg on Monday evening. A number of speeches wero mado in which tho noble character of tho deceased was eulogized i i Tho Wilkesbarro Union-Leader doubts that when Coloucl Ingersoll reaches death's dark river ho will be ablo "to feel the same sweet consolation as did Jero Black, who died with a prayer on his lips and a hopeful faith iu u rcstiui iuiuro sustaining mm. I Jiidco Hoadly, tho Democratic can- didftto for Governor in Ohio, having been advised by his nearest friends to retire, on account of ill health, from the excitements of tho political canvass now racrinn thero. arrived in Philadelnhia last Monday for the purposo of placing himselt under medical care. I 'liAtmHAii .i K nn ' Vim llniiahn Charles S. WolFo and Levi Bird Duff aro among the prominent independent republicans who do not proposo to train under tho Cameron banner this year any more than thoy did-last, and in connection with this fact that tho "Xork Gazette observes that tho woods aro full of them in many parts of tho state, in his denunciation of bosses Senator Sherman did not name his connection by marriage, Scuator Cameron, but the implication was so strong that nobody can doubt to whom no referred when he said, "Whenever anybody, 1 don't care who he is, undertakes to bo a boss over any party, or to man inulate or con trol an election, that man ought to be' put down." Tho Northumberland countv demo cratio primaries resulted in tho nomlna- tion of P. A. Mahon, of Shamokin, for district attorney ; J. It. Ililbish for county surveyor and Messrs. Marr, Solonberger, Lyons, Met calf aud Berk heimer delcirates to tho next state con vention. Tbo instructions wore unani- mous for William L. Dewart, sr., as delegate to tho next national conven- tion Tbo Warren Ledger says Captain Taecart democratic candidato for audi tor general, is well satisfied with tbe political outlook. Having traveled through a large portion of tno state, he has observed a general feeling of pub lie weariness with the insincerity and trickery of the stalwart leaders in ap portionment and other matters, nnd there is "a feeling in tho air that a full democratic' vote will insuro a rous ing democratio victory. un tho zuui ot tins month a monu mcnt to tho memory of General Zach ary Taylor will be unveiled at LouiS' vine, Kcntuoky. The arrangements aro such as promise to mako tho oc casion ono of special interest. Although lacking the polish and culture of the statesman, he was a truo patriot, bravo soldiernnd possessed the good judgment which secured thosorvices ot ablo coun sellors when he assumed tho duties of rresldent, nnd had ho lived ho might , efficient. xus unumeiy ueatu. nowcyer just as he was entering fully upon his record as an executivo officer so brief as to prevont his namo being linked with any important measure. His fame, therefore, rests upon his military services. The End of the Rebel Yell Issue. During tho last Presidential cam vaign thero was no small amount of frothy eloouenco over the "Solid South" and the wicked rebels. Until tho tariff issuo was sprung lato in the canvass it was tho chief stock in trade of tho lie- publican orators and became a sort of national nuisauco. There is no probability that wo will bo alllioled with it in next year's cam paign. Tho republicans can no ion ger make any use of that issuo without hurting tho feelings of somo of their useful nines. If tho Mahono conferonco which met iu Washington did any good whatover it was in disarming tho Henublicans of this ancient and now blunt-edgo iustru- ment. Mahono was a rebel brigadier, Chal- mere was a rebel brigadier, Longstreet was a rebel brigadier. idler, Cash was .a. rebel colonel, and most f the other partici iiants were at some timo or other ad orned with rebel uniform. Tho prcsenco of tbeBO men in the Republican party is a-suflicieut guaron- teo that wo shall hear no more of tho windy tirades against rebels and tho danger of putting them in power. Tho Mahono alliance with tho Re publican party is, ttierefore, iu this senso at least, a gcnuhio publio service, Tho rebel yell, of which Gcorgo Wil liam Curtis and other Republican ora tors used to sneak with horror, is now no longer solely u Democratio yell. It will henceforth burst out from Repub lican throats alto, and tho cam tq which it was once &o harsh will henco listen to it with delight, as if it wore sweet tnu bio. Uhron fele-JJeraia. Nile? on Apportionment. Tho roimiilloan county conventions, which nro run cither by thu smnll nub uomoh under liiHtniotfons from JJosa Cooper or that class of politicians fitly described liy Jloraco urcoly na "narrow minded bloek-heada,'' nro rushing heed lessly Into endorsement of tho rovoln tionnry policy ot tlio sen.uo in blooktnp; legislation on thu subject of apportion mont. Perhaps if tho imiornnco of those who generally compose-those- con ventions wero not so iieiiBO inr.y woum hesjtnto before oonunitting themselves against tho position on nimorllotimcut taktm by tho ijentleman who heads their own state ticket. On April B 188!), Mr. Jerome H. Nilca, now tho ro. publican candidalo for nuditor gcncrnl, arose in Ins place in the honso ot repre sentatives and bouan a speech on con grcHslomtl apportionment in tho follow hik innRuago : "I iiffrou with tho tnombcrs on tho other mdo of tho honso that It is tho duty of this legislature to pais a hill districting tho Htato Into congressional districts.' IIo then went on to criticise tho de mocratic congressional ntmortionmunt hill, complaining chictty of tho Indiana district as not being actually republican and of tho Huntingdon districts ns not I l ..M! . . 1.1, iiuviii miuiuient icpuuiiunn iiuijuiuy, Hut, mark, ho distinctly and emphati cally declared it to bo "the duty of' this (viiisiaiuris 10 pass a out aisincuiiii tho state into congressional district." in concluding Ins speech no undertook tn rnnil th.n ilpmnnrntin ulrlnnf tlinlimiqn a 1 word3 . i 8ay it ia your duty to forgot It. . , .t - , ..J?.. j i your paixy anu go upon me uroau pnu Uomocrat. I pi riles nf nnirintium mill nrrrir. rprmrrllima of where the chips shall fall." These v . " . . ..e; o--. words aro like apples of cold in pio- turcs oJ silver, but Mr. Niles fails to apply tho precept thoy contain to his own conduct iu the house, and tho re publican county conventions, with an audacity surely born of icnorauce. en dorso tho (jerrymandered bills of tho sonato and tho revolutionary ultimatum based upon them. Mr Miles again in a spcccli in the house of representatives on tho legislative apportionment bill, April 10, took occasion to say : ".Now, 1 asreo with what was said by tno democratic party in their last Btate wure"uu"i which mut ui uu pmuo on tho 28th of Juno, 1882, representing uiu iissumuiuu wmuuin oi lUGueiuocrauu party of this state. 'The demo emtio party demands of the legislature an honest, just nnd truo congressional and legislative apportionment. Iagreo with tho democratio parly that it is tho duty ot tins legislature to pass an lion- u just unu into icgisiativo anu con- gressionai apportionment. Mr. Niles thus twice nut himself- on record in the plainest and most positive languago as believing it to be "tho duty of this legislature to pass losislativu and congressional apportionment bills." Hut !m rniinlilin cede from its revolutionary and obstruc- two ultimatum and thus nroventa the Inrrihil'lf tiro frini nnrfrtvniinir wlmt "Tv Niles insists is its duty. Mr. Niles de . --.. clared on April 3 that it was tho duty oi uio democrats to "forget party and go upon tho broad principles of patriots ism and right'' in making apportion ments. But tho republican scnato re fuses to forget party and in secret par ty caucus orders senators, according to their own confession, to support a par- iisan uiu conicsseuiy unci suamcicssiy unjust and to ndhcro to it at every ha zard. Mr. JNiles proclaimed that on April iu mat no agreed with tho demo cratio party that it is "the duty of, this legislature to pass an honest, a just and a true legislative and congressio nal apportionment bill."' Tho objec tions ho then presented to tho demo cratic bills havo sinco been removed and therefore he must admit them to bo "honest, just and true" bills. But. tho republican senato refuses even to con sider thoso bills, amended as they have been to meet tho views of Mr. Niles, and that gentleman himself sits in his seat nnd votes against them without a worn ot explanation. The conduct of the republican leaders, including Mr. Niles, is undoubtedly based on tho low i-aiuuiui- iiiuy put on tno intelligence oi their own party and in this regard thoy uuvu uenuiuiy none no injustice to uiu class who servo as delegates to republi can county conventions. J'atriot. Griefs of a Backslider. From the Pittsburg Post. Tho reverses of Colonel McClure these days should havo tho sympathy of all frionds of much-sat-down-on hu manity. IIo drow a very largo draft of propheiy on tho Berks county demo cracy", but they refused to honor it. and in various ways expressed their conn donco in tho stato administration, nnd with unusual emphasis and unanimity, 1 hereupon tuo colonel pronounces the democracy ot "Ault lierks a bad lot. and that Cassidy is their prophet, which is very bad for the Cass'tdv if ho has senatorial aspirations, biraultaneouslv with tno bad tnsto tor fscrks, comes tho explosion of the Times' doublo leaded sensation that at a conferenco of load force( t0 his marrow bones, begged for mercy etc. This had tho distinguished ilonor of bc denounced as a lio on the iloor of the senate on Wednesday by tno alleged participants in tho alleg ed conference. Really the gallant colo nol is scoring up a formidablo list of failures : I: Tho Philadelphia r;cordershii as sault in force on Patlison a regular booiiiornni', which drow out tho la nions confession "you wero right and I wus wrong.' 11. 1 ho terrible contlict in tho exo cuiivo chamber, between Gorernor Pat tison and benator Uoxo an awkward invention. III. Tho Walhico-Handall combi nation to suppress Patlison maintain cd by fabricated interviews. IV. MnkiiiL' n sneech for ex-Sena tor Chalfant to tho Montour county do mooraoy, denouncing tho statu admin istrntiou. Bounced us a lie by dial tnnt, 1 V. Putting the Berks county demo craoy iu tho held against tho stato ad ministration. Answered by an over whelming and cniphatio Indorsement of Uio governor and ins pouoy. VI, '1 ho bogus conferenco last week of tho govornor and leading democrats, I at which 1'attisOn weakened and heg- ged t6 bo saved from his own folly, Invented by tho J tines special Hums bhrg liar employed to "writo down thq administration.'' Deuouuoed ns a fabrication ou tho floor of tho scnato by loading democratio senators, Qf courso thnt list loses sight of the minor daily inventions, of which ther has been n great crop but suggests ns a McCluro coat of arms, Munchausen rampant with tho legend, "You wero right, dear govornor, and I was wrong." An official report shows that ther havo boon 27,3 18 deaths from cholera in Kgj pl iucu the outbreak of thu tin. dcniuj. Thero havo been 140 deaths among tho British troops stationed in Egypt. Deciding to Stand., -run nH8ouiruw that rim niolooiiATto V CONl'KKKNUB AD01TK1). ' Tho dnnffiioucoof tho democTatlo sen ators atyl representatives TiicsdaV nt ternoon was hold In tlf'o state library and, was lnrgely attended. Mr. Craw ford, in tho rlbsonco of Undo Jako Zciglcr, presided. Tho conference adopted a resolution to tho effect "that it is tho senso of this meeting, that tboro shall bo no adjournment until tho ap portionments nro made.'' This was agreed-to, thero being but sixteen votes against it. An amend ment to tho resolution that a recess. bo taken Until the 20th of November with out pay was' 8iippoi led by tho sixteen who voted ngalnst tho first proposition. Tho discussion was long nud partici pated iu by nearly every ono present. Senator Gordon mado tho loading; ad dress, a Btirring .appeal for tho demo crats to stand well together and nppor tionmcnt must result. A proposition was ' mado to tho effect thnt appropriation bills bo passed aud compensation bo given to Septem ber 10th, and that after that dale no pay until tho bills aro passed. This was postponed for tho present. The cocfcrcuco considered soma mi nor matters aud then adjourned with out day. Jridga Black's Will. Youk, September a. Tho will of Jeremiah S. Black was admitted to probata at I'ork on Monday. It con sists of twolvo closely written panes. The excautcrft arrt Vincent K. Keesov. Lieutenant Governor Chaunooy 1, Black and Isham II. Hornsby, and tho witnesses aro Uencral a. W. Urawlorrl, MclimlaC Willelmaud lloraco Keescy. Tho will is consido red very verbojio by ...t. I.- , ! ."a uuuriiuyB wiiu nave txaiuinuu ik uuu quite curious for so p-rcat a man to make. 'It was writtch at his dictation nnd each pago bears tho Judge's plain left-haud signature. Tho family re quest that its provisions shall not bo madb .public After making' specihl bequests to nil tin children thu undis tributed portion, including Brockie, is loft to the .widow, ami at her death Lieutenant Governor Black, is to havo the aoccptanco or refusal .of it at a fixed Valuation. Tho will is dated February 21, 1883. Tho estate is estimated at about 8200,000. ITEMS. Two Hazleton girls, one twelve and tho other fourteen years of age, upon waking in the morning about 4 o'clock, found a man apparently asleep under their bed. Thoy, screamed and he went through a window liko a shot nnd es caped, although followed by tho con tents of Frank Hoffman's gun. A man supposed to have been con nected with tho Northampton bank robbery in 186G, when over $200,000 wero stolen, was arrested om Wall street, Now York, Monday and locked up. IIo is supposed to bo James Byrus, as all others concerned in tho crime havo been apprehended. It. is tlinnrrlit. at. t.hi int.nrnnl rnvpniin bureau that tho claims for rebate of taxes on tobacco, snnff and cigars, - . ' . P ' growing out ot tho rccent internal aot, havo nearly all been presented, and it is now estimated that they will aggre gate about $3,500,000. Tho total an- ual reduction in revenuo on tobocco, snuff' and 'cigars, it is now computed will bo about $35,000 OOO. mi ni'i V' i n I The rhllauclphia branch of tllO BlOth; rliooti oi Telegraphers held, a meeting a m m a a a I Monday afternoon" Master Workman Lavcrtv urcsided. It was unanimously i.i . . . . . i-. freed, that tbe brotherhood bo uVP.'fT" dissolved, and thaf'the raaster.'work- man bo directed to return to tho Kilights of Labor tho charter and all secret work. A meeting of the mem bers will be held in a week or ten davs for the purpose of organizing a local, social and beneficial association of tele graphers. A now set of officere will bo selected. The inhabitants of Belief onto specu- lato on their' chances of having a popiu lation of fortv thousaud within the next five years. In commenting on this, tho .Toumal has thn fnllnwinif tn I :. !... . ..w i u P. BUY Ul LW UlbV i ITU I1UMU Ull1 Will tUlll I out favorably.. Jjock, Haven sits in all her majesty, allowing her' good manu facturing sites to lie idle, her people move elsewhere, and monoy sharks run the ranche. It s true, and you can t get over it' ijock iiaven seems to bo in very bad condition if tho Journal man's specs aro not discolored: A salt water turtle, weighing 500 pounds, was captured Sunday, at the mouin oi tno apurwink Kiver. juame, by two brothers named Jordan. It seems tho monster got tangled in the nets these men had set, and they fas tened to the turtle and tdWod him ashore. Monday'thoybroughthim into tho oity, and. sold him to uaptam How ard ivnowiton, iur bis garden at l'eaks' Island. The price paid for the turtle was $50. So broad is tho slip!) of this monster that four boys found room to I ... .i .i ... .i .... .... ' . i Hinuu tnereuii, iinu uiu iiiruu was (tiroug enougnio crawi aiong witn intsioao. It has been learned that Edward II. Chase, Esq., of Wilkesbarre, collector of tho Twelfth district, United States revenue, has appointed Henry E. War ner, lisq , deputy revenuo oolleotor for the counties of Lycoming, Clinton and Centre, now tho Seventh division of tho Twelfth district. Mr. Warner has also been appointed agent for tho salo of has 'been appointed agent for tho sale ot revenuo stamps for Contro and Clin ton counties. Tho postofllco department has select cd as tho color for tho uotv four-cent or louble-rate stamp a shade of green somewhat darker than that in which tho present thrco ceut stamp is punted, An I lid llii-nn-font Rtiimn will 1m t-nliro.! jab llio inico-cuni stamp will o roiped irom ciruiiiuuuu no urrors aro llKeiy to occur from similarity of color. The now stamp Dears tuo promo uiccnusa oi Androw Jackson and is auko hand some in design, 1 ho distribution to postmasters ot tho now, two oont stamps will begin on September 1, aud it is. believed that everything will bo in roadiness for tho change of ' letter postage on October 1. The high pricq of peaolios . U 'embar rassing thu canning nnd drying tstab lUhments, odd .thq season's phort pack is likely lo malcd preserved fruit of var ions' kinds very high next wititor. It is related that onu dryer went to a town In tho lower part of Delaware, sot up a drying establishment, putting consider ablo capital in machinery nnd buildings, a ml nought up tno product ot scvorai neighboring orchards at nn average of titty cents per basket. When tuo Bea min nnnnriil lin fniiml fruit MUut lilrrli In tlio Now York market, anil ho lias "-0-- allowed liia tlryinc establishment to re main unoijonoil, Hiiiiping his fruit to Now York and Belling it at n handuoinu advanco oyer tlio purchasing prico. Tho story is a sigmuumii. ouu. mlArnnl mvuiinn otom.ia fs... ,... r 1 tmvt in.. .v,v.i.iw nviiiiia iwi tuu uii,jr ui i nu inspector, uuaKo t Williamsport and Lycoming county. "uffelufS nip. .1. M. 1. Klnalnn m I .nlr llntiun mMt nr. thu Dunn's tucrcaulilo ngcuoy luports buslncsS for tho week flowing with pretty, full tide through tho usual chan nels, 'flio trndo of tho wenk has pre sented no now feoturcs. Gra'ii, pro vision, cotton nnd , petroleum hnvo all decliued! but tho reduction In vnlues has not been largo. Busincts failures number 180, ns compared with 105 last week. Tho increaso was In tho Now EngHind, tho west nnd Paclfio stales. Bill POWDER Absolutely Pure. This nowJor niver tarlos. A m&rvt,! of nnrltv sireniiu i and wlioirisominesi. M re economical tli in the ordinary km is, and cannot be Bold In competition nun tbo mulUtuda or low test, abort noivui,. uiuui ur pawpante pjwaorn. enia onij Is cutis, ltorii, Oakinu 1'owdh Co , loo Wall-St., N. Y. auB 1 li v. IT LEADS ALL. No other blood-nnrif rlni lotxllclno is mads. or hu OTf r been prepuod, wiiloh to com pletoljr meetii tho wauu of pbyslelans aud lbs goooral publlo oi Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It ItxiU ths list ns tmly Mlcntlfla prtparo tlon for all blow! dlaeuet. 11 thoro Is a lark ing taint of Scrofula about you. AVER'S SAKSAPAUILLl will lodcoTt and eiMl It from vour imtem. For coiisLltutlniiAl nr 0rnfnlniii C!alArrh. PrTXDDU AYEU'S SAR4APAR1I.LJL Is tbe UAIArlKn true remedy. It has cured numberless cases. It will stop the nauseous catarrhal discharges, and reinore the sicken ing odor of the breath, which are Indication of scrofulous origin. lllPCDDIIO "Untto, Tex., Sept 28, 1182. ULvCnUUO "At thu am of Mn nr nn. r.f CflDCQ mr chlldron was terribly afflicted UUnCO with ulcerous running sores on Its face and neck. At the same time Its eyes were swollen, much inflamed, and Tsry sore, QflDC CVCO Physicians told us that a pow OUnu UlCO erfalalteratlre medicine must AVnn's SARSAPAltlLLA. do empioyoa. iuey uniioa in recoinmencuna It1 Sll.ll1.lblM . A f ,(,. nK. duced a perceptible iinpnivement, which, by hu Huiieruiice w yuur uircciious, was contin ued to a complete and permanent cure. No ovliloncoh-s since appoare! of tho exlstcnco of any scrofulous tendencies; and no treat ment of any dlsordor was ercr attended by uhuru niuiiib ur vueciui rusuiis, sours iruiy, u. t . juukson." PRErABXD BT Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggtsts; SI, six bottles for IJ. Q.ENERAL ELECTION ITtUUL, A SI AT1UJS . I. JOHN MOllucr. mim Klmrirr of Co lumbla countv. OommonwdaTtli of Hcnnavlvnla. do hereby males known and proclaim to tho quaU fled electors of Columbia county that n general election will be held on Tuesday, NOVeiHTDer 6, 1883. , belnir the Tuesday next fnllnwlntr (he flrr. Mnn. belngf the Tuesday next foUowln? the Drat Mon day ot said month) for tho purposo of electing tho ssveral persons hereinafter named, to-wlt: One person for Treasurer ot Pennsylvania. One person for Auditor General ot Ponnsvl- ranla, ' Ono person for Dlstilct Attorney of Columbia county, i one person tor county surveyor. 1 180 nereoy mxo Known ana eive nonce mat tho places of .holding lha afnrcsalif election In the several wards, boroughs, districts and townships RnTAPlll TS7D r1 Q nnpAnrrho liar ln(o nnd fAmnah no viiniu me county oi uoiumcia ore as louows, viz Iloaver townsliln. at thn nubile hnunn nf minrins Ahloman, lienton township, at the public oouso ot niram lless, In the town ot'llenton. East Bloom, at the Court House, In Bloomsburg. WestBloom, at tho CourtHouso, In Bloomsburg. norouch of Uerwlck. nt thonnien of W..I. Knnrr. In tho borough of llerwlc!:. iiuiuiuii Ul U.UII 1111.1, Ub 1410 UUU11U UUUMJU1 YK II llam I'elier. Ilrlarcreek townsliln. ut tho nubile schaol house near Kvnnsvllle. Catawissa township, at the publlo houso of O. U KostcnbauJer & Co., In tho town ot Catawlssa. Centre towushln. atthoschool houso near Lafav- ctto crcasya. norm uoayngnam uistnct, at Uie school house near the colliery ot John Anderson U Co. South Couynguam District, at Uie houso ot Mrs. Thomas Monroe. Iflshlngcreot; township, at the school houso near C. U. Wultu's. Franklin township, at the Lawrcnco school house, ..Orocnwood township, at tho houso of L. D, TattOIl. Uemlock tawnshtD; at the nubile house ot Chas. u. iiiettcrich, in the town ot nucic uorn. JoekHin tAmshtn. at tbo house of Kzeklel Colo. Locust townshlD.ut the DubUo houso of Uanlol buurr, ui n luucuia. MlOlln townshln. at tho nubllo houso of Aaron Uess. In thu town ot MinilnvlUo. Madison townshln. at Uie nubile school houso la Jerseylown. jh nuasoni wwnsuip, ni uio jimurvuwu suuoui house.' Montour township,- at tho pubUc house of B. Layeoclc, atltupert. Main townshln. at the DUbllO house of Jerotnlah R. Lfino-Hnhert-ftr. KoaringcrucK townsnip, at me nousu oi oniuuei Aiuior. . .. Orango township, at tho public house ot K Unangstln Orangevllte. Pine townshln. at the Centra School House, Uugarloaf township, at Uie houso ot Norman West Scott at the publlo house ot V. C. Kred- erlcl. bast Scott township, at tho public houso ot Jacob Miller. In Kspy. al ail eiecuuus uereatter ueiu uuuur uio iun a u. inm uommonweaitn. the election pons suau ue opened at seven o'clock in tho forenoon, and Hhsll cnnMniin nnnn without lnterruntlon or ad journment uutU soven o'cloclc In tho evening when I tie pons wui bo closod. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN. That every neraon iircenllntr JusUCes of the reacu ana Aiacrmcn, notaries ruuuc and Per sons In the inllltla service ot tno Htau;, wno Miifiii hniri nr nhnii within two months havo held any oniee or appointment ot pront or trust under tbeUnted suittat, orot this Btato, and city or corooratud tllsuict, whother a commissioned orricer or otherwise, a subordinate ortlcer or agent who Is or shall be, employed under tho Legljja- lure, Exocutlvo or Judiciary Department Htati. nnifnnv ruv nr nf unv incoroorai (:mrv lieiuirLiueiiL ui iius ot any incorporated dls- met, and also, that every member ot Congress and of the state Legislature, and ot the select or common council ot any city, or commissioners ot any Incorporated district, are by law Incapable of holding or exercising at tbo same time tho ofUco or appointment ot Judge, inspector or Clerk of auy election of this Commonwealth, and tnat ir OlUcr Ullllil Ul auwi viw tn tu. then voted for. .liirtcR of tho elections shall riQrwwtivA nliiren annolnted for holding the election In tho district to which they respectively belong, befoio soven o'cloclc In the morning, and each ot said Inspectors shaU ap point one clerk, whOBhallboa iiuallilod voter of such district, , Tho tmaiinwi voters or tno several uuiriem n; thin nnmitv nt. ntt imiicrul. tnwnslllD bOrOUgll Olid siKclal elections, are nereby hereafter author- ieuanu reuuuea to vow uy uiiot written, or tmrtlv nrlnU-d and partly written, severally classified as follows i Ono ticket shall embrace the names ot all Judges of Courts voted fur. lnfwn,v1 nil, HiIn. 1'JUdlClarV l" 006 ucket shall embrace the names ot all the Stato I oraccrs voted for and to be labelled ''btate;" one I Uoket Buan embracotho names of all county I umeers vouxi ior, iuciuiuhb i" uiiiwvi mttm senator. , u nn label led "County ;" one ticket shall embraco tho names ur ail townsliln oniPHm voted for. and bo labeued ot all borough oniccrs voted for, and be labelled "Borough." anaeacn class snail oe aepoaiu-u inriimai Danot boxes. juua jiuuuui, . bept 7-tf onena. CatarrH HAY FEVER. For years I have been artllcted with Hay Fever from early la August until frost. I gae Ely's Cream uoimatnu. -rue re lief was Immediate. 1 res-ard rnvself cured. G. hCUHEIBKK, HupU of Cordage CO, ElUabcth, It. d Annly by irer Into the nootrtls. liy absorpt ion It effect ually cleanscu tho na sal passages of co- a'W ti-rr m t an Hal virus, musing flI -"iiEt.T & healthy secretions. It allays lnilammatlon, pnitecta. tho roembranal i iininitu of thu head from additional colds, com pletely IIC.IIS 11 lastu anil wimll. heals 111" sores nud 'i'iretlm st'iiseof lienunclul itibUltH aie rea tznd by a lew i npllcatlons. A thoioiigh tu-atmi'iil will i uie, ( neipi iloil for colds In head, Agieeable to usu. Heod lor circular, hold by druggists. By mall uu, a package stamps. liLV BiroTUElW, Druggists, Owego, N. Y. Sept. 7-4 w, d aflffn5i5"!aV SHERIFFS SALE. liy vlrtuo of sundry wrlW Issued out of tho Court of Common Hoas nnd to Uio directed, will no exposed to publlo salo at tho Court House, In llloomsburg, oji Monday Sept. 24, 1883. at 8 o'clock, p. m., Alt thnt certain lot or plccoof land sltuato In Mnlnvlllo, Columbia county, To., nnd bounded and described ns follows, to-wlt i on tho north liy lot of Anna (lelger, on tho cast by a public road, on the north by an alloy and on tho west by Cnta wlwa creek, containing ono acre, moro or less, on which nro erected a threc-atory framo dwelling houw, a two-slory framo store houso and out buildings. Hclzod, taken Into execution at the suit of lvter nillmoycr vs. W. T. Stiumnn, and to bo sold as the property of W. T. Shumnn. Vend. Kx. Dlllmeycr, Att'y. ALSO All thoso certain town Iota situate In tho Tow n ot Olen City, In Hearer township, Columbia coun ty; Hounded as follows, to-wlt i Beginning nta point llfty feet oast- ot I ho catharlno Longcnber gcr tract ot land, thenco north thirteen degrees west twelve hnndrrU and seventy feet to tho Pan vltle, Hazleton & Wilkesbarro ltnllro.ld, thenco along said road south eighty-four and ono half de grees west three hundred and blxty-llvo feet to the north-west corner ot Vino street,- thenco along said street south thirteen degrceicast eleven hundred nud thirty-eight feet to n corner on north stdoof Front street, thenco along said st reel south mrcn-ty-scven degrees west threo huodrcd nnd llfty feet tothoplacoot beginning, CONTAINING tho fol lowing lota and parta of lots marked and num bered In plot or plan ot tlten City, to-wlt! Blocks 1, 3, 18, 17, 19, W ( Lots Nos. 1, 1!, 8, 4, 8, 0, 4S, 19, SO, M, 52, M, 51, ss, Sd, 67, Ui and 59 ; also all land north ot said lota, nnd south of tho above named railroad oxccptlcg two, llfty feet wldo streets marked os Second nnd Third streets In said town plot. ALSO All that certain motiunge and town lotot land situate In tho village ot (leorgetown, In Beaver township, Columbia county, In tho stato ot I'enn uyhanla, bounded and described ns follows, to-wlt: Lot number seventy-two In pljt No. 4 In said vil lage, bounded on tho north by an alley; on tho oast by Market street, on tho south by front street nnd on tho west by lot number seventy-one, and containing nfty feet In front nnd ono hundred and fifty toet In depth. ALSO Tho ono undivided third of all tlio following mentioned and described tract, pteco or parcel ot land situate, lying nnd being In the township of Weaver, In tho county ot Columbia nnd stato of Pennsylvania, correctly described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wlt: llKGlNNINd at u post corner of lands of Thomas Lemon, Mary fecott and Daniel Neycr nnd running thenco by lands of Daniel Neycr south ono degree west three hun dred and thirty-seven and llvo-tcnths perches to a stono In lino of lands ot Jesso Evans; thence by the same north eighty degree! cast eighty-two and nve-tenth perches to a stono In lino of lands ot Jcsso Brooks, tlionco north twelve degrees west eighteen perches to stones, thence north eighty and one-half degrees cast ono hundred and clghty onoand Boventy-Uvo ono hundredth perches to stones and line ot Catharine Lorjg6nlergcr, thence by tho same north thirteen nnd one-half degrees west two hundred and clghty-two perches tba post and corner of Oeorgo Longenberger, thenco by tho same north eighteen nnd one-half degrees west Hfty-twonnd seven-tenth perches to stones and corner ot Thomas Lembn nforcsald, And thence by tho samo south beventy-two andono-half de grees west ono hundred and sixty perches ton post, tho placo ot beginning, tho whole or three thirds of sold tract, being the tract known ns tho Andrew Clark tract, CONTAINING three hundred and nlncty-slx acres, moro or less. Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit ot Tar dec, Markle & Grler vs. J. A. Losee, and to be sold as tho property ot J. A. Losce. Iloblson, Att'y. Vend Kx. ALSO All that certain tract ot land situate In Sugar loaf township, Columbia county and stato of Pennsylvania, bounded on tho north 1y land of John Harrington, on tho cast by land ot Frederick Laubach, on tho south by laud of William lllrllng- er and on the west by land ot Jesse Ilnrtman, CONTAINING seventy acres, more or less, on which aro erected a plonk dwelling houso, and outbuildings. There Is aLsoagood applo orchard on tho premises. Seized, taken Into execution at tho sultot Jcsao Ilnrtman vs. John Mltchlcr, and to bc sold as tho property of John Mltchler. Freeze, Att'y. Vend Ex. ALSO All that certain messuago, tenement or tract of land situate In Flshlngcrcck township bounded and described as follows, to-wlt! BEGINNING at stako corner of Philip Unangst and ;wldow George Laubach's land, thence souths. seventy eight and one-half degrees west nlongsald Lau- bach's land ntty-scven perches to a post, thence along land ot Daniel Ilogart south nlno degrees east ono hundred & seventy-ono perches to n'jiost thence along land of Gcorgo Lazarus north seventy-one and a half degrees cast twonty-four and four-tenth perches to a clicstnut tree, thnnoe along land of William Unangst north two degiees west eighty perches to a chestnu ttree, thence along tho same north seveuty-ono and a half de grees east twenty perches ton chestnut tree, tnence along the same north seventeen and n half degrees west fourteen perches to a stono, In the orchard, thenco along the saino north sixty-four degrees east nineteen perches to a stone In public roid, thenco by land of riillip Unangst north eighteen and a halt degrees west sixty-eight por ches to the placo ot beginning, CONTAINING forty-seven acres and sixty-seven perches of land. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of Sam uel Shlvcs, executor ot l'hlllp Unangst, deceased, vs. Edward Unangst, aud to be sold as the proper ty of Edward Unangst, Lev. Fa. Miller. Att'y. ALSO Allot tho defendant's Interest In tho following real estate : Being tho undivided a of a certain lot or piece ot land situate in Jerseytown, Madison township, west of A. K. Smith's hotel stablo, nnd upon the same bide of the public road bounded on the. north by tho publlo road leading from Jerseylown to washlnglonvllie, on the west by lot ot land oe- longing to tho heirs of David Itoss,' decease 1, on the South by land ofJ.C. Fruit and on tbo east by lot of land belonging to Mary Stout, CONTAIN ING ono fourth ot an acre ot land, moro or less whereon are erected a two story frame dwelling house and other outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution nt tho bult ot Wil liam GlnglC3 vs. Nelson Weill ver, .and to be sold as tho property ot Nelson Welllvcr. Ikeler, Att'y. Fl. Fa. ALSO Tho undivided one-fourth of all that certain tract ot land situate In Brlarcroek and Fishing creek townships, Columbia county, Ta., bounded nnd described as followm to-wlt : beginning at tho. southeast comer of the Alexander Cochran tract, thenco north eight degrees west iss perches to a stone corner In line of land of Nathan Beach, thenco along same south 81 degrees west tas-10 perches to a stone, .thenco bouth Bf degrees west 81 perches, thenco south sj degrees west 48 per. chos,thenco north H degrees west M pcrche3,tnenco Bouth S3 decrees west 17 perches, thenco south and east 53 perches to stono corner, thence couth S3 de- degreos west to perches, thenco north SI degrees west 110 perches to a stono corner, thenco south S3,' degrees, north lws jierchosto a btpno corner on line of land ot William Clark, thenco along same HOuYhSiO degrees east 253 perches to the Henry Adam's corner, thonco north 8Jt degrees cast ta perches to a btono cornor of Henry Adams' tract, thenco south 'il'i degrees east 163 perches to tho placo of beginning, containing coo acres, more or less. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit ot tho Bloomsburg Banking Company vv. A. B. Pearson, nnd to bo sold as tho property ot A. B. Pearson. V end. Ex. Wirt, Att'y. JOHN MOUltEy, Sheriff. UMTOK'H NOTICE. EST AT K Or ABHAM rOUCIS 1.ATC OPUKAKUKTOWNSUir, DKCEASKD The undersigned auditor appointed by tlio Or phans Court ot Columbia county to make dlstrlbu Hon ot the balanco In the hands of tho nduilnlAtra. tor. to and among the parties entitled thereto, will sit at his oniee In Bloomsburg on Monday Sent. I7lh l'Sl, at 10 o'clock a. in., when and where all par ties having claims against said estate must appear and ptovo the somo or bo debarred twin any share ot said fund. II. BUCKINGHAM, Auditor. Aug 21-ta jgBTKAY NOTICE. Came to the nremlses of tho undersigned about three miles northeast ofMlllvlIle, on August villi three stray heifers. Two uro auout S yeurt old, have large red and white siiotted sides, head, legs and tall nearly all white, and liui p sum horns : the third Is about uo months old, ot a rare uppearuncd with khort dark boras. Theao all ouue about the vicinity ot Mlllvlllo tn the early snrlug. The own er will please call, prove property, pay charges and take them uway or they will be disposed oi ac cording to law, 111 A BllITTON EBNKI1, Mlllvlllo, Aug, 3lbt-3 w Columbia county, l'a "WA."5rr,S SWIFT SORE OINTMENT Cuu-s Piles, Itching, blind and bleeding t Barber's itch, Tetter, Salt ithcum, Itlugworms, UU'uni, ihll. blalns, itinplos, ull the Skin Diseases. The b-st ointment lu thu world. Tho people tu bo tho ludge. All DnitfgUU. Wholesale by JOIINhon, IIOIiI.OH'AV A; HU.,UU Arch htricl, I'lillu dlpbt, l'a. Aug. imw r UMTult'S NOTIOE. sswtr or nAvm nxxoTT, i.atk or okienwood -f TOWNSIlir. I1ECKASKI). Tlintinilerslgnpit auditor npnolnled bVtho'tir- ihans' court or Culumliln county lo make dlslrlbu Ion of the bnlani'o In tho hands of tbo ndinlulstra. nr; to and among tho parties entliled thereto, vlll Mt at his onk-oln lllonrnburtr. nn Hntimlav will Wtnt his .ortlco In Bloomsburg, on Saturday Scploinlirr loth, ISA, nt 10 o'clock o. m.,'whcn nnd wiieiran jinnies inieresicfi tn sain estate aro rc (lupsteillo present their claims or be rorover de barred from nny share of said fund. v It. BUCKINGHAM. Auditor. UOlTOIt'3 NOTICE. r.STAT Or rBTKI.llCIIAKI. dbchaskd. Tlio nnderslirned auditor appointed by thn Or phan's court of Columbia county, to miko distri bution of balance In the hands of tho administra tor to and among parlies entitled thereto, will alt tit hi? oniee In llloomsburg, on S.iturd iy September 16th lien, at 10 o'clock a. nil when and where nil parties Interested In salftcHtatninust appear nnd present their claims or ha forever debarred from uny share of said estnto , ' i a W. MMXK1I, -Auditor. Aug. 31, JEUISTKK'S .NOT10K3. . ' Notice Is hereby given toalllegatetst creditors and other persons Interested In the estates of tho respective dfwdenls and minora, that tho follow tWfaiftnlnlstr.itlon andguanlian nrcountii havo been (lied tu thn onico of the ItegMer ot Columbia county, ami will bo presented tor continuation nnd nllownncrt In tho orphans' Court to bo held In llloomsburg, on .Monda)', Sopteinlior4th, isl, at s o'clock p. m., on said day: 1 Tpe account of Hester Klsllerj and Daniel 1'. KWlef, ndminldtralors of J, It., Keller, laf o of cat awls.sft township, deccawd. ; 3 Tlio lint nnd final vconnt of Grorgn Itussel, onoiif the e tecutorsof Itobert UiikjcI, lato of Hem lock township, deceased. . a jhp Rocond nnd final nccountof liana Ilea cockTexceutorof John stndou, Into of Greenwood townbhlp. dccenwvl. 4 The second and llnil account of l'eter.T. Wea ver, executor of Augustus w. weaver, late oi rislitnifcrtek unvnihtp, deceased. 8"Tlio flrat nnd llnal account of John K. Shultz, oxecutor ot Elizabeth Adams, lato ot Madison township, deceased. A m,A Hf .,,..1 linn, .MAltnl e.t ll .KlAt tin..,.,- u I lie iiini, iviivi iiiiii. uiiAiuiib wi iinuiui inij mi. survlvlug udmlnlstnitor ot Theiesa Baylor, late of .-uuniour luwnsiii)), ucceasca. 7 Thoflnal nccountof Dovld Whltmlre, guar dian of Uio person and estate of It. I). Marteeny, minor child of Henry Marteeny, deceased. 8 Thonrst andnnal account of H.J.Johnson and F. l'. Johnson, administrators of Samuel John son, lato of Greenwood township, deceased. 0 Tho first nnd final account of Gcorgo sthie, executor ui p.iruu a. oiine, iuui oi ujcusii iuwn ship, deceabcd. 111 IPhl nn,l ltn.1 noAnon, A. , nlul.llnn oniottho executors of Henry Belshllnc, latool Fisiungcreek townsnip, deceased. li The nnal accent of Nathan neckenstlno, enardlanof tho person nnd estate ot William E, llagcnbuch, minor child of Michael Hogcnbuch, oeceaweii. 13 The tlrst account nf Anna Kres.iler and Win. E. Werkhelsor, administrators ot Amanda Work, belter, late ot tho Town of llloomsburg, deceased. ' 13 Tlio llrst and Unit account of John Mourcy, ti u-1.-u ul iii.ttwiii iiuii-iiui:i, lubu in iuillllll l,umi ship, doeejised. w,' Tlio fifth account of John Arplman, sur. vlvlng executor ot l'cter Appleman, lato, of Hem lock township, deceased. 15 Tlio llrst and tlual account ot Jacob Snhuy. Icr, executor ot Nancy H, IKkluirt, lato ot Green wood township, deceased. UK Ths llnal account ot Ellas Weaver, guardian oi naraiLiaiio iciwt, a minorciuui oi uaiuei let ter, Lite of Main township, deceased. 17 Tho final account of Henry HoUingshcnd' nnd Isaaoll. Seosholtz, executors of Philip scesholtz, imi; ui vvaiun i-s.i luiisuiii, utuuiwu. 18 Tho llrst and final account ot Moses Suvago administrator ot Hannah l'latt, latoot Jackson .townsnip, ucccas,eu. llegl-stcr'sonlce, Geo. W. STEllNKIl, Bloomsburg, Aug. 27, '83. Keglstcr. COURI' PROCLAMATION- WHEREAS, the Hon. William Ei.weli. President Judge ot tho Court of Oyer and Terminer nnd General Jail Delivery, Court of Quar ter Sessions of tho Peace and tho Court otCommon Pleas and Orphans' Court In tho 2Sth Judicial Dis trict, composed ot tho counties of Columbia and Montour, and tho lions. James Lako and F. L. Shuman, Associate Judges of Columbia county, havo Issued their precept.boarlng date the Dtli day of May In the jearof ourLordono thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, and lo medlrcctcdfor holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Quarter sessions ot tho Peace, Court ot Common l'lea3 and Orphans' Court, In Bloomsburg, In the county of Columbia, on tbo fourth Monday, being tho 81th day of Sept. noxt, to continue for two weeks. Notice Is hereby given to thu tho Jus llces of the Fcaco, and tho Constables of tho said County ot Columbia, Hint they bo then and there In their proper person at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said 24'.h day of Sipl. with their records Inqui sitions and other do thoso things which to their offices uncertain to bo done. And those lhat are bound by recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners thnt aro or may bo In tbojall or the said county of bo then and thci e to prosecute them as shall bo Jurors are re quested to bo punctual In their attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated at Bloomsburg tho 14th day ot Aug. tn tho year ot our Lord, one thousand eight hundred nnd elghty-tlirue and In tlio ono hundred and sjventh vear. of the Independence of the United States ot America. sneriii'Honice. JonN mouiiey, Blooni3burg, Aug Gtc Sheriff. USE OT IS BKOTH KR8 MKR-FMLING CORN CORE! cures quickW and easily Hard and Soft Conw, oil lous''s, Warts, .Moles c. no knife ! eo cutting i uo curs, no pay! Price Only 15 Gts I'liKPAKED ONLV BV OTIS BROTHERS' Chemists, Bingham- ton, N. Y. Aug. 31-Sm. M LIVE AGENTS WANTED. n'o sell Dr. Chase's ltecclnes ! or Information for Iervbodv mc erv county In tho United States ana ennaoas icniargeu uy 1110 puunsner to h pages. ltcoutalnaoverS.OiX) household receipt's and Is suited to all classes and conditions of so ciety. A wonderful book and. a household neces sity. It sells at sight. Greatest inducement ever offered to nook agents. Samnlo conies tent by mull, Postpaid, rorr-!,u. uxciusivo territory given. Agents more man double tueir money. Address Dr. chaso'H Steam Printing House, Ann Harbor Michigan, nugust 31, a n, iVniM's and Threshers wl-shlngto purclso nrst-class articles of THRESHERS AND SEPARATORS, ALSO, . Ono antlTu'o-IIorncTi'cail ltw ern. wjth Thieshers and shakers, will do well to call on or, address J. M. IIUWIIIZKII, Ught Street, Columbia county, jm, tv AH work warranted. Send for pi Ice list and give mo a trial. No bitter machines nro mjiiufacturcd for this wet Ion ot the country, July 2u-3m $6,000 IN PREMIUMS. the THIltn ANNUAL KA1H OK THE Scranton, Sept. 18, to 21st ENTIUKS CU)SK SUIT, 1st. your generous Breeders' Purses. Aflrarid "freei to-all" race, Thu llnoot dlsiilay of BLOODKU Mock ever held lu Northern peunsy Kanla. Ah un equalled array of loterostlng special features. MAKK YOUll AltllANnKMKNTSTO BK ON HAND Uxcurwlou tickets, with a couiion of admission auached, U1 bo sold at ull the btutlons at greatly reduced rales. ' A. B. STT.VKNS, President. t J. K. CAHMAI.T, Treasurer. Ug. SMw Umm V- MC0,,S' HtCnUty' 1 m Mmtik Institute, WNGIIAMTON, N. Y. Tho houso U specially ilttiHl up for tho roinfoit nf luvall U wlmlediva pleasant nnd ihilsllan home, btunils on high ground Willi plenty of hUaile, 1' ,i'.umlou Klvon to every patlnt l.lmiililt jiul ( lu tliiir dlrTvient modi no ilh l i aspt'tliilitj. Piof Mill, uusglieu many yu.uj ot study and praciUo to thU brunch, una hundrmW will Imtlfy to Ills kklll. ruu mr circular, suiting wnat paper you saw this lu, ilinr. iin,.iiii jniuA Mrs, AUVK KllKNCH .MIUA Blnghamton, N, Y. A tM Box VI. ScpUT'Wly 13 1 I fl I w ri3 purpose making nnd tilcasant. and way as satisfactory to shop as in person nt our counters, f T TV. takeinll possible carij to avoid V V crrors, and when nnyloccur they arc corrected nt once. WE are always willing to exchange goods which do not please after being received, provided, they are returned to us in perfect condition and within reasonable time. Samples of DjX.fofyk of a11 kinds even the nio-t trpensive, sent fiec of charge on application. EVERY lady who ohoin by mail should send for a specimen copy of our Fashion Quarterly. .Strawbrichre & Clothier, Eighth Market Sts., Philadelphia. $ QOQD BODY BRUSSELS, $m TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, uHlowa8 70 &7Sc. EXTRA SUPER INGRAIN, 80&05o. ALL WOOL SUPER INQRAIN, 75&80e. WOOL FILLING INQRAINS, i i i O". 0". BROWER, BLOOMSBUMG, PA. LEOAL HLANKS, A fjWAYS ON HAND AT THIS OFFICE it rw rafc in every by mail 0 0 WATtm PR iAasaat3iW. II. FAY & ZQ.r' Sept. MW B 9 9 1 (loodlmy lor Aiiruta. UIO luJJOO per i"i. uadeaellluK our nud lluakx nud Itlblca, Will" a J. 11. afrd!llllltv At . 1.1. 1.- ... IV J. I). AlrOUUUV c CO. I'hIU., I