i . ,( .VauilerbiU'a Widow. . ' ' AM At.I.F.UKII UKA90N.WHV 8111! MAS NKVKtf" MAltUIK.lt A CASK IN ' WHICH TIll'.IlK IS TOO MITCH MOrilK!t-IN-l.W. ''I hoard a plooo of oiitortniiitiig so duty gbssip tho oilier day about tho VnndurblUs," says n oorrcspondoiil of llm Boston Traveler, "and Its truthful, ness is' vouched for by a gentleman who la acquainted with tho parties. As w't 11 bo', romemboretl Commodoro Van derbilt was married twice. Ills second wlfo was a Mrs. Elliott, a divoroed wo man, whoso husband is still living. Hor matfjen riamo was Fmnoca Crawfordj and alio1 was. atonotimo tha hollo of Mobile, Ala., whero sho was born and forbears Hvod with her raothor. Sli'o was wooed and won by James 1? .Elliott, who,isjior( lithinkrtftircsldent of DaW las, Toxas." - --"Aftor marriago Mrs. Elliott wanim willing to lcavo hor mother, and at "first tho marriod pair lived at tho wifo's homo. It was not long boforo Mr. EU liott found out that ho had n vory bad attaok of molhcr-in-law. IIo was bill Hed'aud oyo'ry effort was made to mako liftn feel that ho was au inferior in tho household. Uelng a gentleman of spirit and wealth, ,it was ,more than lt$ could' onudrc, to Hrially ho mado his issuo fairly but firmly. IIo prepared a homo for his wife, and told hor to come and live with him. "It was a sharp, . bitter struggle, but contraryto tho usual course of such ovonts tho wlfo proferrod tho mothor to tho husbabd. A divorce followcdt Old Commodoro Vanderbilt afterward mot Mrs, Elliott and was connucrod Now obmcfSlhe stfahgVmid interesting part of- tho ' liarrUivol After ' Vandor lit a death tho widow's heart wanned .toward hor first lovo.Sho hadraillidns ho ,vas comparatively a poor man. No .Rotations' vcro outered into, and Mr; Elliott viaitod. Now York. Ho saw" Mrs. Vanderbilt and had a pleasanj lintorviowji but ho observed that thd mother-in-law, who had separated tho young couplo years' before,, waa stilj alivo and in: vigorous health. ' "IIo camo to Washington and ooni suited with an old And trustod friend; laying the foots of tho oaso beforo him and saying that enough had transpired in his visit totbo metropolis to satisfy ,bim that ho .cquld. marry jMrs. Vanden bill'if ho chdse. This was tho :rosult of his pleasant interviow. His friend told him frankly that from a worldly; standpoint it would bo a great advau tago for him to marry tho old coramo doro's widow, but that was ono of thosa cases where overy man ought to bo his. own- judgo without outside iutorfer cnce. "Mr. Elliott thought tho matter over carefully for- some time; and finally Jmadofiip his i mind thathd would not again risk an attaok of "too much mother-in-law," so that now tho for mer husband is in Texas, while tho widow is in Now York with her mil lions. This explains why Mrs. Van derbilt, young, handsome, accomplished and wealthy as she is, has not married again." Wabash, the Racing Oalt. ' Vhlladelphla Times. Wabash, the two year old calico calf that is credited with a mile racing re-i cord of 2 :20, was brought to Philadol- Shia recently by his owner, Col. Charles, . Burns, of Evansvillc, Indiana. Wa. bash has won several racoa off tho reel this.summer and was only beaten oiiccj On that' occasion ho fell down. At Bradford park, ho easily beat .1. C. Mason's blk. g., "The Major," a mile in 2:20. After tho raco Col. Bums do-i his fleet-footod b6vhioJ Tho calf is nearly thirteen and a half hands high? ms legs arc liko those of a giraffe and his horns aro tipped with nickel plated1 knobs. Colonel Burns bought tho calf; when a yearling from an Indian farmer,; who was driving tho split-hoof trotter to a sulky and beating all ordinary, roadsters with oaso. Tho calf is ofj pleboian blood and was bred, raised and trained by tho farmer. Colonel Burns intends exhibiting tho speedy beast pn all the trotting tracks in tho country Hitched to a light wagon1 tWabish' tfotfed in Belmont park and was sent around the track several times-at a three minute trait. The calf's wind and lungs are perfectly sound and1 ins owner says no nas driven mm lorty miles a day without making him-turn a hair. Although Wabash trots fast and steadily in harness, ho is much' 'apoedicr than running under saddle.1 To show the calfs speed ho was sadJ, tiiou ana mounted by a 115 pound jockoy, and Mr. Horton's b. ni. Clorin-! la with a record of 2 :24, was Btarted, against bira. Clonnda went away in mo ieaa vnon mo wora "go was Kiven, but Reillv. tho iookov on tho calf quickly, clappedspurs into its, sides' iinu nii.ii . iL'iiuw bunt wua uearu i milo. off Wabash hoisted his tail liko a .lackstau aqd set' Bail after tho trotter. U Up crowd of horsemen present at onco saw .that Wabash bad a mixed but last gaitlhat is peculiar to himself. When . on tho back stretch his Iocs seemed to sprauglo out on all side' at 'once, and, ho bowed, his back like a buoking broncho aud blew a cloud of Bteatn out of his nostrils. Colonel Burns proudly waved his hand towards him, and said to tho crowd on tho quarter stretch : "Now, you all -watch that critter hump himself." If " hump ing" raoant bellowing until tho aston ished Clorinda bolted acro.ss.tho track aud stood trbmbling' against tho out- ldo rails, Wabash certainly did what tho Colonel expected. Wabash camo along like a loooraotivo, passed tho bo wllderod maro and was loping into tho nomo stretch uetoro timorous cionu da'n driver could induco her to trot, Wabash won by an eighth of a milo and was cheered by overy spectator except Mr. Horton, who rythmically said to ins, driver ; "Well, don't it beat SuiiSTITLTK KOII MahOO ANY. All ad mirablo imitation of and substituto for mahogany, useful in fino manufactures, is duo to French ingouuity. Tho first operation is to piano tno surtaoo of any species ot oioso graineu wood until it is porfeotly smooth, and it is then rubbed with diluted nitrous aeid, whioh pro- serves it for tho materials subsequently applied. These consist of ono and ono Jialf ounco of dragon's blood, dissolved in a pint of spiiita' of wine, and one third of that quantity of carbonato of soda, mixed together and filtered, tho liquid,, in. ( this, tato.beijig rubbed, orj Tamer iaui, upon tup woou wnu a sou, umsli. 'X Ins process Is repeated with very little alteration, and in a short in terval afterword tho wood possesses all 'the, external appoaranco of mahogany. When this application has been prop erly made, tho surface will rescmblo an artificial minor j but if tho polish, from any cause or causes, becomes ot all dull, by rubbing it with a littlo oold-drawii linseed oil, tho wood will bo restored to its former briliancy. A Western astronomer predicts that a big comet will shortly como along and knock tho spots off tho sun. A Cleanly Dairyman, As on example of what nbsolulu eleanllnofls means, The Dairy hai tho lollowing, contributed by nn Iowa cor respondent I "It is said that it in as hard to bo clean as it is to bo good. Well, I think it is not hard to bo good, oven for a dairyman, if ho only docs as ho would bd doiio by, nnd just as easy to bo clean. This is my way. At ti o'oloek I am in tho cow stables. Tho food proparod thq night boforo is put into tho food boxes, which aro first cleared of all remnants of formor feed, and if sour, thoy aro scoured out with water and a, broom. Whilo tho cows nro baling, thoy aro thoroughly carded and brushed, as well as any well-kept horso fa and all over from head to switch. Thd uddor is spongod If necessary, and wipo'd'With a oloan towel, and not a dirty rag. Tho gutters nro then clean. cdbuT; and Iho stalls ) a oommon road' liroont boing used, to finish after n broad scrapor which draws thd hianuro, down to tho trap-doors in tho collar. Tho floor and gutter aro then littered woll with sawdust, when wo havo no straw. For (if Icon cows this takes an hour. Then I go to breakfast. At half past six the cows aro milked, and each milker has overalls and On apron made ot striped ticking, witn which ho can milk in his Sunday clothes and slippers, if he likes ; and any lady may go m with a silk dross on and not hurt it. As tho milk is drawn it is strained at onco into tho deop pails which stand on tho platform and nrd kopt oovorod) tho milk pails havo strain era and a doublo strainer is kopt in tho deep cans, so tho milk goes through three strainers. But this is not really nocessary, as I would cheerfully drink a glass of milk dircot from tho cow oif I milk it. But out of consideration for my customers, who buy'ray- butter and - -M1 T . 11. .1 I, - iniiK, i put me mux mrougn uireu strainers. As soon as tho deep pails aro fuil , they aro closed and carried to Tho milk-houso and handod to tho per son who sets tho milk in the pool or the creamery, or, if it is put into shall low pans, strains it onco more. Now thero is nothing' hard to do about this. It is so easy after having" begun it and got into the way ot it, tuat it wonia do hard to stop it. 'Aud i don't, sec) .how easy . it-Is to bo cleaner than wo; aro in our dairy." . l How to Raise Big Crops. . It has often boen asserted bv .advanJ ced agriculturalists that if wheat, cither spring or winter, is sown in drills, far enough apart to admit of us ing a horse hoo between tiio rows, bolli-to keep down weeds and loosen and aerate the soil, tho yield might bo increased to a marvellous extent mora than it now is in this country. In proof of this, a recent observing1 and intelligent traveller in Belgium gives tho modo of culture there and tlio yield, which sometimes, with very f avorablo weather for harvest, reaches as high as ICO bushels per acre. This is ono of tho most populous countries in tho world, supporting481.71 persons to the square mile, against 13.02 in tho United States and 216.62 in Gnrraany. Winter wheat is a stanlo crop thcro on their higbpriced small' farms of only' an acre or two. Tho land is highly' manured in autumn, well harrowed several times, and got into tho best possiblo condition, Tho grain is sown in tho fall in seed beds, vory thickly on, tho highest and best' locations, whoro: it is not likely to bo winter-killed, or injured by any casualty, suoh as over flowing or drowning out, os smothering under tho snow. In tho spring tho main fields are again dressed up and marked out in drills tho proper distance. When the wheat has grown sufficiently to bo moved, it is thinned out by being taken up, separated from tho thick stools, and planted in the drills with a tool called a dibble, which makes a hole the proper detph, into which the wheat roots aro inserted, pressing tho earth tight against thorn with tho foot. This work is usually intrusted to half-grown boys and girls, a man sorting out tho wheat plants in order that those of tbo same size may bo placed together, that tho field may grow even and regu lar. When tho plants havo commenced growing, the soil is thoroughly and constantly stirred, either by means of hand or horse power. Every weed and all foreign plants aro destroyed, and nothing but what is wanted, the article itself, is allowed to grow. There are very seldom any extensive failures of crops thus carefully and scientifical ly grown. The yield is a quantity never imagined or heard of in this country, nnd tbo crop always and sure ly pays tho oultivator. It is asserted thateuoh pains would not pay to apply to crops in this count try. But do wo not go to tho opposite extreme T Has it ever been tried here! It certainly would pay satisfactorily if applied to choice varieties in small quantities, about to bo used for seed. It is certainly better to till one acre and get a crop now raised on four acres, than to try tho four and only raise half a crop, which is now so often tho case hero. Milling World. Looking out the Back Door- A friend of ours wished to hiro a farmer for a wealthy neighbor, and wo mentioned ono who was wanting an engagement. Knowing that our friend had been to seo tills farmer, wo asked tho result. His roply was. in sub slanco : "Yes, I went thero , I went around to tlio back door and camo away, knowing that ho would not suit." Tho front doors of farm houses aro rarely opened. Tho back door ia in constant use. One need not go far in any locality, to find tho outlet of . tho kitchen sink ending iii a sort of ditch, which is supposed to carry off tho wasto water, but whioh only allows it to soak away and saturato the ground near tho back of tho house. Tho sel dom used front door is opened when a small coffin is taken out. Tho minis ter speaks of tho mysterious dispensa tions of Providence." They aro not nil mysterious. Bad sink drains at the back of tho houso aro sure to bring ty phoid fever and other sickness. Lot tho back door Biirrouudings bo looked to. If nothing hotter can bo done, carry tho kitchen wastes to a cesspool a distanoo away from the houso, whero they can soak away far below the sur face Prohibit all throwing out of slops at tho back door. Tho ground soon becomes charged with matters that ferment and breed dlsoaso. Whero pigs aro kept, and that includes overy farm, thero Bhould bo a pall, to receive nil animal and vegetable matters und daily emptied. Nothing of the kind should bo thrown out at tho back of tho house, AVhoro there is suoh a dU oase brcedlng sink tpout as wo havo mentioned, let provisions bo at onue mado to carry off tho wator to a cess pool, mid cover up the saturated ground with dry earth. Let tho back yard of tho houso always bo kept scrupulously neat. THE COLUMBIAN AND , ' Couldn't Slap Hltn. Arkaiviaw Traveller. , On a railway train, just behind a plainly dressed, tnothcrlv-looklntr wo man, ncoompanlod by a noisy boy, sat iwo lasnionauiy uresscd ladies. Tlio boy was given to asking all kinds of foolish questions, nnd occasionally he would whine liko a oub and twist him self around and fret. "If I had hold of Mm for a inlnuto I'd blister him till hooouldu't stand up'' said ono of the ladles. "Hero then," repll6d tho motherly oiu may, -you may tano hold ot hlmi If you want to slap him, slap him, I havon't, tho heart to do' it." "Excuse mci" falterdd tho niinovod "I did not think that you could hear my remark." "Oh, no harm done, for I know that no is enough to nnnoy anyone, and it may ecoiu strango to you that I do not slap him, but I can't. Onco I had nj nttio noy thai i slapped. Kvcry tuna ho would nsk foolish questions or whine, I'd slap him. I was determined to bring him up rightly, so that ho would please ovcrybody. IIo was tho idol of my lifo and I did so muoh want to seo htm respected. Evorybody said that I was a model mother nnd that my son would bo a great man, and I was so flattered by thews remarks that I was even moro strict than over with him. Ono night just aftor I had put him to bed company came, and while wo wcro talking tho littlo follow awoko and be gan to cry. I told him to hnah, and When I found ho did not intend to oboy me, I went to tho bed and spank od him. 'That's what I call discipline,4 ono ot tno oorapany remarked ; 'and 1 assure you that, in after years you will notregrotthe strict measures which you havo adopted. "Tho uext morning my. littlo boy! was too siok to get up, and nil day he" lay in bed. At night I eont for a phy sician, but beforo morning ho was dead. 1 don't think that tboro was a moro misornule Woman" In tho world. I took his littlo boots boots, wlnohafuw days boforo, J, had whipped him for (getting mnddy-r-I put thorn son my' bureau. I could not bear to live in tho samoj houso whero both my husband and my1 littlo .boy had died, and l moved awayi One ovonlng, wliilo walking along' a lonely street, I saw a littlo bby a very! small hoy standing, among somo -tali weeds. I asked him whero ho lived,' and he plucked a blossom and held it out to mo. I asked him whore were; Lis mother nnd father, and with curi ous intelligence ho ropliod that soma big mon took them away in boxes. I know then that ho was a waif, and l took him homo with mo. In tho night' ho cried and I got up and sat by tho fire with him and rocked him. IIo wasl very delicate, but ho was a light thatj snono ou my withering soul. This is tho child, and he's wearing tho littlo boots that I put on tho bureau. You may slap him but I oan't. Ashes vs Vegetable Matter. American Cultivator. A BUL'tfCStivo lesson ni.iv bn ilnrivnil frnm thr fnllnurtnrv almoin .tvnnt-ittiA.if Upon ono aero of land a farmer plow- vu in a quantity ot corn staiKs, wlnlo upon another aoro ho spread the ashes resulting from tho bnrniiit of nr. nnftl quantity of stalks. That upon which tho stalks wero burned gave tho best start, but tho aero upon which tho' Stalks wore nlowcd in fsnnn rantrht. nn aud surpassed tho former, and finally, matured tho better crop. This experi ment illustrates tho diUcrcnco betwoon mineral fertilizers and decayed vege table matter or humus. The minorals being in a soluble condition, soon made themselves manifest.1 In tho innranaml growth produced. At, first iho buriq'd corngtolks had, no effect upon vegeta tion oxoept by increasing tho porosity of the soil and by admitting larger supplies of atmospheric air to act upon the constituents of tho soil. When tho stalks coramcuoed to decay, and the minerals wero not only liberated irora tho stalks but also from tho soil in con taot. when the corn which wna lilnntnl upon tho stalks began to pull ahead of -.1 ...... .I , r i mitt, uuiuiuu uuuu inu mot lerunzna witli ashes. The valuo and" efiicienoy of tlio ashes would bnHnnnnr nYhnnatiwl than tho vegetable matter of the stalks. .again, wnere mo stalks wero used the fertility of the soil would bo inoroased, because in all Probability the nllrnrrnn containod in the stalks would remain intact until liberated by their decay. This substance, would bo in tho form of ammonia and its compounds, that would again bo decomposed bofore beoomipg plaht food. In burning stalks, although all tbo minerals would bo preserved in tho shes, yet' it is quito certain that tho nitrogen would be thereby expelled, thus robbing the plants of tbo fertiliz ing properties of that valuable agent. Wo should have mado suoh experiments boforo establishing a theory, yet these suggestions might easily bo followed out on other farms and by other farm ers. ODD ITEMS. a noiu oi lou acres ot poppermlnt is bcinguccessfully cultivated at Wavor-i ly, i.owndes county, Miss. Tho number of gymnastic societies in Germany reaches tho respectable ngure oi 2ai, with wiu mem bers. Tho 8jall boy is a deadly enemy of the stoam fire engine, IJo claims that it extinguishes tho tiro too soon, Politicians aro taking a long breath for tho coining contest. Tho whiskby crop will bo larger than usual this year. Mills Smith, of Green countv. Va.. dropped dead just as ho was raising his hand to swear that his tax list was cor rect. Black eyed blondes aro rare, but not bo rare, perhaps, as blue eyed negroes, ono of whioh was just discovered at Tii9kogee, Ga. A Chatauooga cow cominittod sui oido tho other day by holding her head under water and standing until she fell over drowned. A boy makes Provldenco Spiritual. ists beliovo that with hia bare linger ho draws aim colors pictures ot uowers oil unprepared paper. Tlio city of Dallas, Toxas, is said to uo uuiit over a gravoyard of mosto dons, and for five or six vcars past ox aavations for buildings havo seldom failed to bring up their bonos. A largo numuer oi incso mastouon remains wero unearthed recently, and somo of tho boneti woro of enormous size. Sawing is too wasteful a processs to bo used hi tho manufacture of veneer. Tho logs aro first steamed until thov aro soft, and a knife shaves oi! strips m tnc iniuuost tissue paper. Valentino Geske, an Insano oonvlct in tho Ohio Penitentiary, devised a novel method of committing suicide. Obtaining a lurgo Iron spoon, ho at tempted to swallow it, but falling In this ho forced it down his throat with uch effect that the handlo broke. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMftfjRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA Vital JJHeMlloiiHt I Ask Hits tnofct t'lntnuut iiIivkIcIaii Otniiy school, what Is tlio best thing In the world for quieting and allnyltiff all Irri tation of lliu nerves and curlncr nil forms of iiprvoui complaints, plvlnrj natural, imiuimu rcircsiunir Sleep always T And thoy will toll you unhesitatingly 'Homo form of Hops ?" CIIAlTKIt i, Ask any or nil ot tho most eminent phy sicians i "What Is tho best and only remedy that can ho relied on to euro nil diseases of the kiUf.eya nnd urinary orgnns such ns Ilrlglit's disease, diabetes, retention or In ability to retain urine, nnd all thfc diseases una nuincuis peculiar to women" "And thoy will tell you explicitly nml uiiimuuciiuy "imcnu." Ask tlio samo nhvslclnns "What Is the most reliable nnd surerst cure ror nil liver diseases or dyspepsia; con stlpntlon, Indigestion, biliousness, malarial luvur, nguo, ccc., ana inoy win tell you i Mandrnka I or dnndnllnn 1" Hence, when these remedies are combln cd Willi others eniifillv vnltmliln And bOmiioumlGil Intri linn lllllr.ru diii li n wonderful and mysterious curative power is uurmupcu wuiou is so varied m lis opera Hons that no dlseaso or 111 health can pos sibly exist or resist Its power, nnd yet H 13 Harmless for tho most f roll womnn, weak, est Invalid or smallest child to use. 01U11KK II. 'Tatlenti "Almout dead or neaMv dvlntr" For, years, nnd given up by physicians of Urlght'snnd other kidney diseases, liver compiuinis. severe cougiis called consump tion, havo been cured. yomen gono nenrly crnzy I From neonv of ncurnltrln. ncrvniinnnns. wakefulness and various diseases peculiar People drawn out of sliapo from excrucl ntlng paugs of Hlicumntlsm. Iullnmutory and chronic, or sufTcrlna ffOm scrofula 1 KrVfilpeiM salt rheum. Wood polsonlnff, dyspepsia and Indl: gOHtlon, and la fact almost all diseases (rail Have been cured by Hop lilttors, proot otwlilcli Can tJ lound In every, neighborhood In tho known world. Oranges and Morida. Ueilvr tlitii Ilrrczos nml Ilianam Under New I'm. Even tho balmy air and oraiiKO srrovo o Florida fall to keep Its peoplo full of happiness ond com Aikuium aeiii uaiuro every wnere in mo tropica as amowr the Dines ot tho North. "Ami' chief nmonj the blcsslnjs which aro adapted to all zones," writes Ur. J. D. Wallace, of Fort Dado, Fla. "ts u's tonic. It seems to have the world lor a field, and most of tho current diseases yield to Its' action: 1 have usod it in the.caso ot a delicate and dyspeptic. young-lady, with, the most gratifying results, it seemed to accompllsli.wlth ease what tho usual prescriptions and treatment for that miserable malady failed wholly to bring about, i am also glad to state that tho Tonic has greatly rc4 Uevod -mo personally of a troublesomo atonlo con dltlon ot tho stomach ot long standing. It Li tho,' Ideal purlllcr andlnvlgorant," Messrs. Iliscox & Co. call especlcl attention ttf the fact that after April 18, 1B83, tho name and style ot this preparation will hereafter bo simply, rui-Ker'4 Tonic, The word "Ginger" Is droopped, for tho reason that unprlnclplod dealers aro con stantly deceiving their patrons by substituting: Inferior, preparations under tho namo ot (linger ;, ana ns ginger Is an unimportant llavorlng Ingredi ent to ourTonlc,w-e are sure that our friends will iikiiu iui us nsiomoproprieiy.oriuocnange.. There tew tie no clatnge. houxnr,' in tho prepara-, lion Itself, j and all bottles remaining In the hands of dealers, wrapped under the name of iukkk's' uikosk TONtc'contaln tho gonulno medicine if tho 1 signature ot iliscox Co. Is at the bottom ot out-' sldo mapper. Catarrh HAY-l'EVlill. , 1 can recommend Ely's Cream Balm to nil Hay Fever suffer ers. It being, lu ray1 opinion, rounded upon experience nnd nsurc cure. I was anllcUHl with Tlay Fever for 83 years, and never be foro found permanent relief. Webstkk H. IUskins, Marshlleld, Vt. Aiilr by little nn ger Into tho nostrils, ify absorption It ef- rnntiinllv rlftrvnsn! tho U AV FPVBB nnsal passages ot ca ll" r fCtarrhal virus, causing healthy bCcretlons. It allajfi Innammatlon, pro tects tho membrnnnl llnlncwnf thnhejifl from nrt. dltlonal colds, completely heals tho sores and re stores the senso ot taste and smell, llencilclal re sults are realized by a fow applications. A thor ough treatment wUl cure, unoaualled for colds In tno head. Agreeable to use. fiend for circular. sold by druggists, lly mall We. a package stamps. ELY BU0TUE1W, Owego, N. V. aug lo-iy PERSONS' puvgati tive piLLS MAKE NEW mOII BLOOD, And will completely change the blood In tho en tire system In thrco months. Any person who will take ono pill each night from ono to twelve weeks, maybe restored to sound health, If such a thing Is possible. For curing Fcmalo Complaints these. Fills havo no oquaL physicians use them In their pracUce. sold everywhere, or sent by mall for 85 cenu In stamps. Send for pamphlet. L B. JOHN SON & CO, Boston, Mass. apr 15 Ald-7 mos. WANTED- LADIES TO TAKE OUIt NEW Fancy work at their homes, In city orcoun try, and earn $8 to lis per week, making goods for oursummer and Fall trade. Bend 15c, for samplo aud particulars. HUDSON Mro. CO., 885 Sixth Ave.,-New York. r aup.KMw DIVORCER No publicity; residents of any Htatn. llflsprtlnn- nnn.snnnnrf- Arivlnfl nnd applications for stamp. W- MVy, 889 Broadway, N. Y. r aug 10-tw OIL 'I INTERGREEN, PEPPERMINT, ETC, nought ftr set ca$h, on receipt and approval, without charge for wmmssjon, Drolcrago, etc.by ' DODGE & OLCOTTj S6 488 WILLIAM ST., NEW YOIIK. aug. 10-4W r ADVEHTISE11S I send for our Select List of Lo cal Newspapers. Geo. 1. Howell Co., 10 Spruce SU, N. Y. r aug. J0-4W AKT?Tlie World Watch Stationery Pack. f---'agel3the fastest selling article In the market. Contains 18 sheets note paper, is en velopes, pencil, pen-holder, pen, ana a handsome piece of Jewelry, ltetall price 84 cents. Four doi en for tt.00. A watch guaranteed with every tour dozen you order. For a cents, In ono or two cent postage stamps, wo will send a complete sample package, with elegant gold plated sleevo buttons, sold plated studs, gold plated collar button, hand borne watch chain, gold plated ring and elegant soarfnln. lleglster largo amounts. 48 page illus trated catalogue of guns, self-cocking revolvers, telescopes, bpy glassos, watches, accordeons, violins, organettes. 4c., free."MtfViT--K Write at once to World Slau-' JVKsMli ufacturlng Co., ISO Nassau St. N. Y. d aug 10-tw TIRED ALL OVER. What Heated nnd ltefrelied a Weary .Hull In OlcmphU. "No, It never amounted to an acuto pain, but continued to bo a dull weary ncho In tho small of my back," writes Mr. James Thomas, of Ho. 89 .Madtmn street, Memphis, Teiiu. "This was au old experience, and lite becamo dull music. 1 was tired all over, with pain In tho lower limbs, aud a habit of 1) lng nwako of nights, ltecently I tried onoot BENSON'S CAPCINK FOltOUU PLASTKllS and was decidedly reUeved within twenty-four hours. It may have been providence that did tho work, but I give the credit to Benson's porous plaster." Mr. Thomas' reverential Idea does him credit, but Provldenco works by agents, and among them Benson's plaster ranks nnt as an ex. tornalrcinedy. It acts quickly in relief and heal lng, and renders Ufo better worth living. Price S3 wnts. Look tnthomlddlo of the plaster for the .woixl OAPt'lNE. Ask your physician about 1U beabury & Johnbon, chemists, New York, aug, lo-lw d AWITIIIIV. V, gIIORTLIDCrE'8 peuses. No examination for adnllsslon; ' Thirteen experienced teachers, all men and all L-ruliMtp Special opportunities for apt students to advance rapidly. Special drill tor dull and backward boys. Patrons or students may select any ntudlcs or choose the regular English, Sclentlile, Business, Classical, or Civil Engineering course, students ntted at Media Academy are now In Harvard, Yale, und ten other Colleges and lUlylechtnlc Kchools. A physical and a Chemical Laboratory; a nno Oymnasluin and Ball ground. 1.600 vols, added to library In ISO. Apparatus doubled In loss. Ten students sent to College In 1BS.I A graduating class la commercial Dep't lu 1HS1. Media has 7 churches and a touaporauco charier which prohibits the salo of all Intoxicating drinks. For new Illustrated cir cular address the Principal aud Proprietor, HWITHIN u. HlKlltTl.llluK, A. M. (Harvard University Graduate), nirdlu, Peuu, uug 3-4 w PURE INDIA TEAS. Absolutely pure. Thoycontalnno spurious or ex-' htuilod leaves. No cneinloaU or Coloring Matter' Hied In their preparation. Very valuable for mix. lug with weaker china teas. They contain a very high percentage of Extract. They ura cultivated under tho supervision of foreigners, upon the most approved luethodi. The leaf Is Manipulated by machinery, giving uniformity of appearance throughout entire plucklugs. They retain lUeir valuable Qualities ror an unusual length ot yaiu, JOHN U P1IILL1PU & CO., 1W Water Ht., iievr York. Agents of the Calcutta Tea Syndicate. Aug an w d I . SPKKIt'S PORT GRAPE WINE. Usi'd In thn prlnelp vloiinreliot for Communion parouseM Excollont far Ladios and Woakly Por- tnna and tho Aged. Spcor's Port Grnpe Wine! FOUR YEARS OLD, THIS OKLEBHVTEO NATlVtt WINE" Is mado from the Juice oi tho oporto drape, raised In uiiscuuairy. juj mraiuauiu Tonic and Strengthening Properties are unsurpassed by any other Natlvo Wine. Be, lng the pure juice of tho drape, produced under Mr. Hpoer's own personal supervision. Its purity nnd gonulnoncss, are guaranteed. Tho youngest child may partake ot its generous qualities, and tho weakest invalid use It to advantage. It IS pari tlculaily bonencial to the aged anf debilitated, and suited to tho various ailments that afreet the weaker sex. It, Is In every respeotA WINK TO BEHKLIKDON. SPEER'S i JP. J. Sherry. ! The P. J. 8IIEERHY Is a wino of Humrlor Char acter, and partakes of tin rich qualities ot thd grape from which it Is made. For Purity, inch, ness, Flavor and Medicinal Properties, It will be iuuuu uuexceuca. SPEER'S P. J HraiMly. This B HANDY standi unrivalled In thin CmmtrJ being far superior for modlclnal purposes. I IT IS PUlttc distillation from the grapc.und con4 tains valuaolo medlctna properties. i It has a delicate llavor. almllnr tn thut nt thrf grapes, from wlilch It is distilled, and IS In great favor among first-class families. Seo that the signature ot ALFKBD SPBBlt, Pai salo N.J. is over the cork of each bottle. SOLD BY a. A. KLEIM.: AND BY "DHU0013TS EVEUVVIIKUEJ Sept. n, 'S2, i-y 1 J.SALTZER'S , I General Sewiug Machine Depot; Fifth Store Below market St, 1 i BLOOMS BURG, PA. ! Celebrated White Me Macbine, New Davfe Vrtjjcal Fcpd Sew ing Machine, New Home Sewing Machine, i Household ScwingMaehine, Estey Sewing Machine, Qenuine Singer S.ewing Machine, Singer Pattern Sewing Machine, t . . . .... AUAcnmcuui, uesv oewiug jntujuino uu, auu neu dles for all sewlnor macnlnes. Sewlnir Machines Bold on monthly payments- Liberal discount maae ror casn. Every macnino purcnasca irom me Is warrantedtobe kept lu good running order for flva vears free of charge, and tboroucrh In Structlona given by the best lady operator In this pare oi we siaw iree ot cuarge. jxamino my stock of machines before purchasing. BAUCH'S $25:00 PHOSPHATE Has given such UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION to the farmer on ALL CROPS that it has supplanted, to a great extent, tho 1 TT 1 T " IT 1 ocuer nigner x-riccti uranus, Per Ton of 2,000 itouiid?.. On Cars or llo.it In Philadelphia. (1UAKANTEKD ANALYSIS PJ1INTEU ON EAOIJ UAH. Semi (or circular, Address BAUGH & SONS, SOLE MANUI'AUTITIIIIRS, 20 So. Delaware Avenue, Aug 1MW PHILADELPHIA, PA., REST not, life U sweeping by, go and dare beforo you die eoinetulng mighty nnd su b llmo leavt, behind to ennniier time." a week you own town. V outut tree. No risk. Everything new. Oaplial not required. We will furnish you every thlnir. Manvurom&kintr fortunes. Ladles make as much ns men, and boys OJ1J 1,'ICab eat pay. Header, II you want you caU make great pyTalf the llculardto U. lUiiltr fc3., ousiaess av wmcn : time, wrlto for pari I'orimnu, itiauie, MAKE HENS LAY An English Veterinary Surgeon and ChomUt, uuw iravtmiiv in luiioouniry, says lull most Of the uorso and uattio Powders sold here are worth less trash, lie sjys that Htierldin's Condition Powders aro absolutely nura andlinmnnniir vin. alio. Notn ng ou earth will make li un lay like Sheridan's Oondltlon Powders. Uose, l teaspoon. mi w i iiiui iuuu. duiu v.crrwueru. or sem by mall for 8 letter-stamps. I. s. Joiikson co lioaTOH, Miss. aid Jan so "wi-ly. T , 1. cum 7 ' I'L u ei u 'luud, CUIIESRjH.i:i, CPVU e2. Bet oyVati In fintliin ttimnc ASarcni iiLAri a hape, wholesale uruoguu. No. 47 4 49 N, 2d $1., PbUiCelfhlt June !) ajs ON 30 DAY'S TRIAL. TIIKVOi.'rOdlfKM'UJ. Marshall. Mich., wll send till. MVK'S URI.KIIIIATKI) KI,E THO.VOU I'AIOIIKI.T.S and KI.ICOTUlf AI'PI.IANOKS on trial f,ir .1 d vys tn men tvnitng or mil) who nre nf. fllcied Willi Nervuui nubility, Lost virgin v, und klndrrd irouelo ijuamntoelng speedyuiul coin plote restoration ot health and manly vlgnr. Ad. dress as above.-N. n. No risk Incurred, as so days' trial is allowed' Feb. sth-lyr. r SUBStJRIHK NOW KOU THE COLUMBIAN Sl.fiO A YEAH JEvcrg lMcg Organ Sottl tn made 'Throughout with .I'Jtital fidelity, and Yields unrivaled tones. Send, for IlluilraUd Catalogui. & PoE(i9 aind lew JEiDig And other first class Pianos, and a large lot of Five coni Sli eot Music, MUSIC BOOKS, VIOLINS, ACCORDEONS, BANJOS, MUSICAL VIOLIN STRINGS, And cvci'yihing in the Music line. CT. SALTZER, music ROOM, FIFTH STOKE BELOW MARKET STREET, BLOOMSBURG Pa. Ready and Waiting for You. The Finest, The Latest, The Most Artistic Styles of ELEGANT AND Hig in.it,co.entH GENTS' FURNISHINGS. OUR RECEIPTS OF FALL ANJJ WINTER GOODS. Call and bo Convinced that We "Lead inn quality, fit aEdpric. Largest Ml & lowest prices can always be foancl at the Ob' 1 1 9ii?l4 lefewffifeii WEBER-HARDMAW PIAUOS, FINK INLAID PUENOII WALNUT EtNy TorniN. SatlHfactlon fliuimntfctl. :BA.qo:isr's fiaosto rooms. MUdlO HALL HtyJOK, . " W XLXbV.BAMS. A $72: A wfcW mado at homo ry tno industru qui. lktbuMiiefaa now before tha nilbUC. f! Aril till nnt nnnrttut Ufa uui time, oucan wo-klnspaiotlme, or glvo your whole time to tha business. No other business wll pay you nearly as well. No one can fall to "'Ofraous pay. by engaging at once. Costly oulllt and terms fr.'e. Money made fast, easily, and honorably. Address Tuci & Co , Augusta! Maine. Dec, 8, 'Bi-ly. WRIGHTS mm VEGETABLE FILLS ron tub LIVER And nil Bilious Complaints. tJafe la tike, being purtly vttetablol uo grilling. J'llMHwuU. All JJjugijUU. lAUg.J0.4W Thoro Is no Baking SIMM Its qualities, Medicinal anil Culinary, guarantoo Health and Luxury. JUvcry buyer thould Select an Organ Thai guarantee l""' J'Jvcrg dag wtrk and 5fcr of svt vicv. J. ESTF.Y & C0. llraltloboro.Yt. CLOTHING 0A8E OUOAN, J STOPS, $90 DASH. Junol WISE pooplo are always on thd lookout tor chancel to In creams Ihelrearnlngt.and Iq whn ,m nn. 1 SSJSJ" r.S?S' Li.1"0?? poverty. We oner a great chanco to mako money, v 1 v U1U f !4v4vUf T wliiUMi U IVH UI1Q If 1 rill Lll work lor us rulit in tL, own localities. Any ono pun do iho work proporfrom tho drat start, Tha business will pay moro yan ten times ordinary, wages. Expensive out Ihurnlthedfreo. No one who engages falls toflt te money rapidly. You can devutu your wholo Dak to tha work, or onlr your spaio moments. Fllinell information and al that u needed sunt freo. airi sn nson & Co I'ottland. Maine, Deo. e, b.iy "THE BEST in CHEAPEST." MHRESHEBSgHE. (Saltnltaallinxlutu.) )VrllfurVHt:illUu.UI,tl1et marts cm Powdor equal to the PVR RAILROAD TIME TABLE ENNSYIiVANIA RAILltOAl). 1-J11L. HTIIi:llN C'RNTltAli HA1LWAV. 1 TIME TABLE. In filtrwt. tnv Ufh. 1M1 TrAla bury. ' ' ""'uo """"""I- EA8TWA1ID, D.osa. m. Sea Shoro KxprcM for narrlaburc and inwrracdlato Btfttlons, Lanoutor, J'liilaiiiT. phla, New York, llaltlmoro ami Wasblngton. nr. riving at rhllaaclpuia a.is p. m. i Now York c so in., making closo conooctlons at I'lninrtcinhu Z: all Boa shoro points. i.Gip. m. mycxprosaror norrlsbiirc and in. tcrmcdlale Btatlons, Lancaster, l'Alladcl!lila, Now ivifti uuHimuiu uuu i U.1UHIKLUII. nrrivluir at l hlladclpUla7.2Sp. ra.j New York, io.m n. iii . llaltlmoro, 7.18 p. m.; Washington, 8.40 p. m. I'uiii man l'arlor car turoucli to Miiladelnhia nnri nai. Bsneor coaches tnrougn to I'hiladolphla nnu Haiti. moro. 8.so p. m. Wllllamsport Accommodation for llarrtsburtr and all lntcimpdintn nuiinna i... caster, rhlladclphla and New York, arnvlnc at l'hUadolphla n.65 n. m.j New York e.w n. m. diul'ij.uk wtv.uiiiniuuitnuJia 1U uo Bt'curoti at Harrlsburg for I'hiladolphla and Now York, l'btla. delpbla passengers can lomaln In sleeper umus turbed untin a. m. .05 a. m. Krlo JHall for Hnrrlsburg and Inter modlato Btatlons, Lancaster, I'hllauclphla, New York, llaltlmoro and Washington, arrlvlne at I'hiladolphla J.w a. m. j Now York, ll.so afin. : llaltlmoro 7.40 a. m.; Waahlngton, D.lo a. m. Tlirough Pullman sleeping cars nro run on this tram to rniladelphla, Buitlraoro aud Wnshlnuton. and through passenger coaches to Philadelphia and Ualtlrnoro. WESTWABD, C3 a. m. Krlo Mall for Erie and all Intermediate stations with through l'ullman 1'alncu car and through passenger coaches to Erlo, and through Pullman I'alaco cars to Ilunalo via Jimporlum. For Canandalgiia and lutcrmcdlato stations. Hochostcr, lluffalo and Niagara Fulls, with through l'ullman Palaco car 10 Canandalgun nnd through passenger coaches to Kochestor. 1.03 p. m. Niagara Express for Kanoand Inter mediate stations with through passenger coaches to Kano. For Canandalgua and principal inter mediate Btatlons, Hochesicr, buriulo ana Niagara Falls with through parlor car to " Watklns and through passenger coaches to Hochester. ms p. ., Fast lino for Lock Uavcn and Interme diate stations, and Elmtra, Watklns and Interrao dlato stations, with through passenger coaches to Lock Haven and Watklns; TUHOUQII TRAINS FOR BDNDtlHY FROM TUK EAST AND SOUTH. ..,. , ., Niagara Btprosi Ioatos Philadelphia, 7.W a.m.; Ualtlrnoro 7.80 a. m., ar riving at auubury, 1.03 n. m.. with through Pun man Parlor car from Philadelphia and Ihrouirn passenger coaches from Philadelphia and Haiti more. Fast Lino leaies New York 8.00 n. in. : Philadel phia, 11.05 a.m.; Washington, o.30 n. in.: Ualll m.0Xc'A0 5a'm"arrl,,lnl.'atsunbury, B.ai p. m., with through passenger coaches from Philadel phia and Ualtlrnoro. Brio Mall leaves Now York 8.00 p. m.: I'hliadel pnla, U.so p. m.; Washington, noo p. m.: Haiti more, 11.15 p.m., arriving at Suabury, a.lio a, m though Pullman lllaco slcoplng earn from Philadelphia, Washington and llaltlmoro and through passenger coachCB from I'hUadelphla. : n IUf V iii,irnu ' lUfi... . . . . ', NDNOllTUi- WKST BlUNCn IUIMVAT, Mail East leaves Sunburr 0.45 n. m arrlvinc at Uloom Ferry 7.41 a. m Wllkes-barro a so a. m. Express East leaves sunbury s.35 p. m., arrlvlnn at Uloom Ferry 0.31 p. m., Wllkes-barro 8 lu p. m. . Mail West leaves VVllkes-barre lO.to n. m.. arrlv Intf at llloorn Ferry ls.eo p. m. .Sunbury 12.65 p. m. Express West leaves W'llkes-barro 6.S0 p. m. ar. riving nt Uloom Ferry 7 07 p. m , Sunbury 8.05 p fcllAS.E. rucm, J. R. WOOD, Gen. Manngor. Ucn. 1'asnongor Agent. piIILADELPHAAND READING EOAU ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Julys 1883 TBUNB LSATB RPPEHT AS rOLLOWS(SDNDAV RXCIPTkD. For Now York,Phlladolphla,Roadlng,Pott8vill8 Tamaqua, Ac, 11,45 a. m; For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. c.13 und 10.30 p. m. For Wllllamsport, 0,3 11.43 a. m. and 4,o p, m. For Lowlbur!,' and Sunbury, 4.o p. in. TRAINS FOR BDMBI LBAVX AS rOIXOWg, (SUNDAY StCSPIKD.J LoavoNow York, via. Tomancnd 9,oo n. m. and rta. Ilound Brook Routo 7,45 a. in. Loavo Philadelphia, 0,W a. in. Loavo Reading, 11,55 a. m., Pottsvlllo, 13,39 p. m and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Loavo Catawlssa, 6,ao jl.oo;a. m. and 4,'oo p. m. Leave wraiamsport,.46a.m,4.05p.m. nnd 0.00 p. m Leave sunbury l.mp. m. wy.u " Lowlsburg 4.ia p. m. Passengers to and from Now York, via. Tama- nend and to and from Philadelphia go 'through without change ot cars. J. E. WOOTTCU, CO. Hancock, 1aerai Manage Oenoral I'ansonger ana Ticket Agent. JAQ10 1381 tf. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ANJ) WESTERN RAILROAD, BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NORTH STATIONS, BOUTII p.m. p.m. a.m a.m. p.m. p.m, t 15 B 09 45 9 45 Scran ton.... nolle vuo... Taylorvllle.. ..Lackawanna. P1tttm 80 9 10 17 U 22 8 27 8 84 6 41 0 45 6 61 6 65 G68 7 02 7 10 7 17 7 92 7 30 7 87 8 00 8 95 8 40 8 60 oq 6 DO 8 09 8 10 6 18 8 95 8 80 03 8 tS 6' 43 8 42 6 37 9 37 S SO 9 4 8 19 V 14 9 to 9 t2 0 68 10 03 io ca . WestPlttston ..Wyoming. Mil Llnlthv 8 25 8 25 0,1 1 50 1 49 1 85 1 95 1 18 1 03 ...... Huenneu Kingston.... Kingston.... .Plymouth Juno ....Plymouth... Avondale ... NftntlflnVA . S 04 9 04 8 55 8 47 8 39 8 98 8 17 8 12 10 18 10 18 64 i 51 6 18 10 94 8 09 8 07 8 OS 8 10 8 18 10 84 10 42 10 to 11 07 11 18 11 W 8 00 Uunlock'sUreck 7 4 19 49 7 83 12 25 T SS 19 IK .shickshlnny .uicjt-a L'vny .Beach naven Ilerwlnk.. 3 45 3 61 7 4 Ot i 12 4 90 4 97 4 83 7 SO 19 00 8 00 7 18 11 47 T C3 II 1G v.nt1r qreefe,. 7 58 7 69 7 44 7 33 7 Si 7 99 I M II II I 67 11 in ..Lime Hiage., Kftnv. . . 11 to f tl 10 53 .Uloomsburg., Kunnrr, 11 45 45 10 50 II M 11 65 ii 17 ID 44 8 10 M Catawl'a lirldgo 4 US iBnyiiie., PB)llBy in? m I uiunBroc.;, e 45 Northumbori'd leron 5 (9 9 04 II 45 6 25 U 2(i p.m. a.m. a.,ni. p.m. p.m. a.rq superintendent's omcef bSi nwFeb.Ut.'iesa. MILMC": I'litili l)ill, ,T nn ii jiii pfciitii .ii r. free i iu.j;.:;;. ,.A AH Feb 9-1 y PAYNE'S 1 0 Horso Spnrk.Arrostlng rorlublo Knxino has cut 10.CW ft. of Michigan lino Hoards In 10 hnuu, burning Mia ftow ttiu nuwiii flsut-foot IciigtUi. Jff 8,040 fwt pf Hemlock lurd In 10 boors. Our !f Horn uill tvt W.Wfttt ln Mine llmo. mr r.nginr uro iiUAHNiKin iq ftiniKh a linrsu-iMiwiT on last fui iu4 vitcr Hun any ptber En glue not rated with an Automatic Cat-Offf If you want a HUtlnnMjr or PurtaMo Englno, Holler. Circu lar Saw-Mill, bhaftlnr or Pnllova. .either cut or Miiduart'a lalcut IWrouglit-Iron Pulloy, find fur our lllnttraM catalogue, No. 12, for Information and prices, I). W, I'AYNE & 80N8, Corning, N. V. Box 1427. Jan, b, 6!-ly. It MM !A'(t?littik!VIi kKHIO&INU AND - Kt-P IttT.!-"."4. 1l-...- tt 1 .iAn''t) I1 u.imi,.i Kirii'iHu. i(ii . 4 n vI?ifltt4lK 7 ' t. lyioa . e .1 Vii3!L 2rPT -fivTWi 11 1 Hl,''4w'uiwiiiitt.6Wi