The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., Kltli)AY, AUGUST 3 7883. Correct Hallronil Time Tnlilc. Trains on tho Philadelphia & R, It, loavo llupcrt as follows t MOKTII. BOCTII. 0 Mil. III. 11 41a. in, 4 US p. tu.. 6 13 p. Ill, Trains on tlio I), U. ft W, II. II. lcavo Illoomsburg fullowsi NOnTII. SOUTH, T tn ft. m. 8 as a. m, !0 47 a. m. 11 45 a, tn, 84 p. 111. 4 ) p, m, Tlio II 4J train south connoe.ts wllh tlio 1'ltllaJ dclphla Heading at llupcrt, ana with tlio Northern Central nt Northumberland. Th.i 8:1.1 a. m, train connocls al Northumberland! with 9:!J train on Pennsylvania road reaching IMiliadeiphla nt 8:W p. m, Tho UsU train connocls with rmiadslphla and lloadlng roa 1 at import at 11:60 reaching Phila delphia at :oo p. m. , The H:' train connocta with Pennsylvania at Northumberland nt 1:13 reaching rmiadel phla at IrtJ p, m, Tbo 4:30 p, m. train connects with Pennsylvania road nt Northumberland nt 8:03 p. m. and reaches Philadelphia nt 2:53 a. tn. Trains on thb N. W. 11. Hallway paw Bloom ferry as follows : north. soniu. T.41 a. m two p. m. .3l p. in I.0J p. nu IcrHoniU. ' C. W. Funston started on Tuesday for Cincinnati on business. . llov. O. II. Strunk and family have gone to Lancaster. Mrs. Dodson of New York city Is visiting, at Husscll Iluckalow's. ' Miss Maine lliuglcr of this town lias been elected nn assistant teacher In tho Danville High Hchool. , W. A. Campbell of Bhlckshliuiy, was tho guest of his brother C. II. Campbell, this week. James McCloskcy of tho Exchange, Hotel, spent, several days In Philadelphia this week , Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Monroe of llupcrt' havo been taking a trip through tho Eastern states. J. S. Woods of tho Republican, Frank. Vnndersllco of tho Sentinel and Q. E. Myers' of tho Item accompanied tho Winonas on their excursion last week. , The public schools will open on Monday morning September 3rd. The fall term of the Normal School will j begin next Tuesday. tit 1. ft If - I -1 41. In ..1 JP rilllK U. 1VUUI1H, lUllllUHJ Ul 1113 ,imiU hns assumed tho management of the Wy oming Valley Hotel nt WHkosbarre. The employees of the Kingston Car shops had a picnic nt Hess' Grove, Rupert, Inst Saturday. There wcro three car loads. A largo stone water tank Is in course of erection by tho D. L. A W. company near East street crossing. Rev. Dr. Hlnkle of Cntawlssa, will preach In the Lutheran church on Sunday morning. Verus II. Mctzgar has been nominated for District Attorney by the Democrats of. Lycoming county. It Is reported that there is an Insauo man running looso near Forks. All efforts to capture him thus far have been unsuccess ful. Dr. Bradley has purchased an interest in the Germantoicn Telegraph and will assume the business management about September 1st. A few gentlemen boarders can be accom modatcd wllli board by applying to 2w. Miis. Patten, Corner of Third and Centre St's. A hard looking set of Turkish gypsies were encamped near Ncals' f urnaeo the Arst of the week. They exhibited boars on the street. The Nantlcokc Chronicle has changed Us namo to the Sun, and been enlarged. N. M. Hartman is publisher and 1. H. Mauser, editor. Wc havo now on hand a stock of twenty five pound flour sticks not printed. Also a large stock of printed sacks for wheal and buckwheat. Tho Sullivan county agricultural society will hold Its exhibition at Forksvllle, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Octo ber 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Fob Bali:. A registered full blood short horn durham cow. Took first premium at last fair. Prico $60.00. Inquire at Rawllngs' Meat Market, Main St. Tho committee appointed to view tho location for county bridge across tho Susque hanna at Bloom Ferry, met last Friday. Tho report was against the bridge. Forsyth A Rockefeller of Espy are pre pared to furnish the celebrated Nantlcokc coal in any quantity. Call on them and get prices before filling your coal houso for tho winter. Tho fourth annual camp 3m of Hoagland Post G. A. R. of Catawlssa began on Thursday and will close Saturday night. An oxtenslvo programme has been nrrang. cd, and a good time Is expected. Tho CouJiiuiAN olllco Is prepared to furnish all kinds of paper bans, plain or printed, at city prices. Merchants pur chasing of us will save freight on their orders. The appnratus for oiling the leather hose, recently purchased by tho town council, has been" received. It will rrovo a great saving, as the hoso will last much longer If kept well oiled. A colt belonging to Silas W. Mcllcnry of Jackson township ran away one day la3t week and broke tho harness and buggy. It beenmo frlorhtcncd. and as tho bridle broko ho was unablo to stop It. A Harvest Home will bo held at Hess' Grove. Hunert. on Saturday tho 8th of September, under tho auspices of Blooms burg Grange, No. 332. Speeches will bo tnido In tlio forenoon and afternoon, The public aro cordially invited to bo present Wo would call attention this week to tho advertisement of Dr. Chase's New Rcclpo llnnlr. nnil lin'nV nf ironernl Information. It Is a book for everybody, and is sold within tho reach of all. Agents are wanted In every section. ' The barn of Mr, Krotzer in Sugafloaf township was struck by lightning last week Thursday afternoon and was entirely do Btroyed. Ho lost nllhls crops and a wagon nnil harness. Ills horses Were out In tlio field. It Is a severe loss for hlin. lluno Manifold Books can now secure them by cnlllng ut in'isolllcc. With this system ino icucr nud copy arc written together. It docs awav with tho nrcss. brush, water Ac. No ink or lion rouutrcd. Call early ami exa niiue. For salo only at tho Coiumuian of flea There wai a largo crowd nt Afton on Saturday night attending the festival of toil Post, G, A. It. A cannl boat left hero at sit o'clock well loaded, and a great many droyo In prlvato conveyances. Tho Hlooinsburg Hand furnished the music, JUsr HuoKiVHD.-All tho latest shades In writing paper and envelopes for Indies' cor. respondence, including English Blue, Tor. ra Colla, Turquoise, Olive, Azure, Crushed Raspberry, and Cream, at the Columbian store. Geo. A. Clark, chairman of tho Demo cratic county committee, has gone to work In earnest to prepare for tho campaign, With tho hearty cooperation of the mem. hers of tho committee n full vole will be polled this fall. A baso hall contest between two Junior clubs of llils town has been' commenced. Tho prlzo Is a ball. Best two out.of three wins. Tho first game was played' nn Tues day afternoon, the score being 11 to 13. Tho next one will be played on Saturday afternoon nt tho fair grounds. Thcro Is lots of fun In It. Tlio Gospel Toinpcraucc Union will hold Its monthly meeting In the Reformed church Tuesday evening next, Sept. 4th at half past seven. Thcro will bo music, brief ad. di esses, nnd other interesting exercises. All arc cordially Invited. There will bo a festival In the Evangcll cal Church, In Greenwood, 2 miles west of Rohrshurg, on Saturday afternoon and evening (8cptcnibcr.8th.) Thcro will bo a supper In connection with It. All are cor dlally Invited to attend. A dispatch from Lincoln, Neb,, dated August 7, toys Mrs. Ada Blttenbender, Lincoln's lady lawyer, has begun suit In the District Court of Johnson county against tho. three saloon-keepers of Tecum sell, claiming that they killed Frederick Truto by ovcr-doscs of whiskey. Damages are laid at .'.10,000. There will be a picnic of the Lutheran nnd Reformed Sunday school in Scott's grove near Slablown on Saturday, Septem ber 1st, day nnd evening. Tho Malnvlllo Band will be present, and in the evening a concert will be given by Prof. Truckcn-, miller assisted by others. It will no doubt be a pleasant 'affair. We must ask our correspondents to omit everything of a personal nature and when any names are mentioned they must bp given In full." We want tho news of n "general character, and not simply allusions of a personal character, that only two or three persons understand. Tills has al ways been oifrTiilc'nnd we must adhere to it. All parties wanting a llrst class article In thq lino ofi celling lath Ac., should examine the stock of Beishline Bros. Stillwater, Pa., befoie purchasing elsewhere. Their lath arc manulactured on the sclf-tecding West Branch Gang Mills which Insure heavy lath of even nnd regular thickness. They have four machines with a cutting capaci ty of forty thousand lath per day. Tkade!?. The superintendent of the United States Mint has recently receiv ed letters from merchants nnd tradesmen n the rural district? inquiring as to tho val ue of the trade dollar, and whether it could be convened into smaller coin. It seems that they have purchased the trade dollars expecting that thoy could bo rccoined into smaller denomination, and had paid as high as niuety-tlircc cent1". They were in formed that tho coins would not be con veiled Into half dollars and quarters, hut that they would bo purchased at the bill -lion value 80J cents. A big band of gipsies was encamped at the double bridge below town last week. It was a queer mixture of nationalities, thcro being four families of Hibernian de scent who said they were part from New Jersey and part from Pittsburg. They have been on tho road since -May 1st. The balance of the party appeared to be the genuine gypsy article. From outward ap- pcarances thcro must ho money in this roving life, for they were possessed of a large number of pretty good horses, nnd their wagons were well built and in good repair. Tho men deal in horses, and the women sell lace and tell fortunes. There appeared to be about nlno children in each family. They left on Monday morning. Wc endeavored to interview the man who appeared to be the chief, but could get no satisfactory Information. Xlic AllcelicnlcH In September. 0I1E8S0N MOUSTA1K HOUSE OPEN TILL OCTO BEIt 1st. The growing disposition to visit the mountains in September is evidenced by the many inquiries as to the date of closing of tlio Mountain House at Crcsson on tho Pennsylvania Railroad. This palatial ho tel Is located away up on the summit, 2300 feet above tho ocean level, and in the- vi cinity of scenery famous for its grandeur tnd beauty. To accommodate thoso de siring to spend a portion of September (the choicest month In the year) In tho Alleghc- nlcs, the Mountain Houso will remain open until October 1st, and after September 10th tho hotel will make a reduction In rates. A Woman and Two Clilltlron mIh- Hlnjr. A .special dispatch to the Philadelphia i'reji dated Mt. Carmel August, 25th says : A few evenings ago Mrs. Thomas Davis and her two children suddenly disappeared and nothing has since been heard of them. Sore-fooled and almost crazed, Sir. Davs arrived hero lust night from Shenandoah, whither he had gone In search of his wife, whoso parents live there. TIo parents wero astonished when told of tho singular affair. They had not seen their daughter for several weeks. .Presuming that the mother and children started, for Shenan doah, afoot, lost their way and fallen into one of the many breaches that checkor tho roadside, a largo party was organized, vlsl. ed several cave.Ins and mado a thorough search, but to no purpose, What prompt. ed tho woman to so suddenly lcavo her homo no ono can divine. The husband and wifo havo been living happily together. Tho senrch for the missing ones Is still going on. Bwnltowcrt A Hunlic. Wo wercshown a suako nt least seven Inches long', on Saturday which had grown to that length In tho stomach of Charles Leslies Clark, a thirteen year old son or Mr. Lemuel Clark of Beech Creek. It Is suonoscd he swallowed It last summer while drinking at lilght from tlio spring at tho rosldenco of Frank Kcsslngcr, between Beech Creek and EnglcvIHty as since that time until four w.ccks'agoUio boy has-been . Li ! .i.l . nlllnir, throwing up nearly evcryming ho nlo nnd troubled all the time with n tickling sensation tn hla throat. White coming from Kaglcvlllo about four weeks aco ho felt a choking sensation and put ting his hand to his throat managed to work tho snako Into his mouth, when ho took hold of It und pulled It out alive. At t'-r killing It ho took It home to his father. who now has it pitserved In alcohol. Uasc nf. Hits kind K'eni to be of frequent occur- rencu and persons cannot bo too careful In drinking water In tho daik. Tlio safest way is to nlwnys look Into tho vessel from which you drluk.umt 7?ouWiroi. THE COLUMBIAN AND Hnllroml Meeting. A meeting In tho Interest of tho Fishing. creek railroad was hold ot Benton lat week Wednesday, There wa9 n fair at tendance, and nddresscs wcro mado by Hon. C R. Bucknlow nnd Col. Jamison. Irnm Dcrr was President, John Zaner, Jacob II. Fritz. John McHcnrv. Jacob Wclllvcr, Vice Presidents, and II. J. Con. ncr, Sccrctnry. All that Is naked Is the release of right of way, nnd tho silts, and li theso can bo secured tho road will ho built. Whether this nrcscnt onnortunltv Is, Is n question that, must soon he determined, m other lines through Sullivan nro being surveyed, nnd If nny other rond is put through It will kill tho Fishing creek project. Wo copy two nittcles to Show What is being dono elsewhere. The first is n dispatch from Danville, ns fol'. lows I A corps of engtneors tlrb past week hnvc been making a survey for a railroad to run between tills place and Laportc; Th6 movement Is backed up by capitalists and manufacturers who feel ccrtnln that the road will do a very largo business In coal, iron nnd lumber. Tho present survey will glvo the shortest und best route .between tho Philadelphia and Reading ntiu Pcnn sylvanla Railroad systems In tlil s State, nnd tho New Vork. Lako Erlo nmi Won- tern nnd Hudson River nnd New York Central Railroad systems In New York. The proposed routo has been advocated many years, nnd It Is believed a strong flyndlcoto is formed with a viow to its con Btructlon immediately. Valuable fields of coal exist at Bernlco in Sullivan county, tho ,iiorthem terminal of tho line, while it passes through the best timber land in this State. Tho road will be fortvllve miles long nnd can bo built for $1, 200,000. Tho Towanda Journal says s Wo havo Information which wo consider entirely nu thcntlc to tho effect that the early build. Ing of tho Willlnmsporl nnd North branch Railroad has been determined upon by tho parties who have had It In contemplation for some time past. Tlio prcllninary sur veys have been completed ami engineers nrc now at work laying out tho ruuto and determining tho grades. The routo will bo as follows : Beginning nt Hughcsvlllo (to which point tho road is already built) it will follow tho Muncy Creek via. Sones. town to Laportc, down Mill Creek to thq Loyal Sock nnd up that stream connecting with tho Stato Lino & Sullivan Railroad It Is tho Intention of the builders to have the road graded as far as Soncs'town this fall nnd tho rest will bo built next year., i ins win do good news to, the people of, ouinvan ior tins new outlet cannot but re-i suit In great benefits to all her interests, YYASTM). immediately one female to teach Fall term of school nt Chestnut Grovo School House in Jnckaon township. Apply to . Wm. L. Manning Or FilANK TllIVBLI'IECB. WlnonaH atlMUHtoit. On Wednesday morning of last week tho Winona Fire Company mustering 21 men, accompnnled 'jy tho Bloomshurg Cornet Band with 20 members, went up to Pitts, ton ns the guests of tho Eagle Hose Com pany of that place, to attend a picnic at Jones' Lake. On reaching Pittston Junc tion the party was met by'n committee of Eagle Hoso and escorted to the Hose' House, where they were divided up Into' four squads and assigned to their hotels. Tho afternoon was spent by the visitors in viewing the town and making acqualn. tnnccs, and at six o'clock the parade of the lire department took place. Tho proces sion was led by the Bloomshurg Band and the Winouns, tho Niagara Engine company and Leek Band following, and Eagle Hoso with tho Thistle Band last. It was a very creditable parade and was witnessed by crowds along the line of march. The uni form of the Eagles Is red shirts, white leather hats, and black nants. and that of the Niagara Is similar to tho Winonas but of blue. Of our company the Pittston Ga. eltc says : "Tho'Winona Hoso company paraded 24 men. 'llicy were dressed in neat gray suits of coat and pants nnd white vests, and white duck caps. They are a fine body of manly men, and appeared to exceedingly good advantage. They were tho subject of flattering remarks along the entire routo of tlio procession." After the parade the visi tors were given a reception in tho elegant ly furnished rooms of the Eagles, where n welcoming speech wns mado by Col. K. Campbell, which was responded to by Geo. E. EI well. Refreshments wcro then served and a couple of hours very pleasantly spent. Late in tho evening tho Bloom band sere naded Burgess Welsh, and a number of other prominent citizcns,und then retired to a hall vfhero they discoursed some of their operatic selections. Their playing was very highly complimented. They never fall to do credit to our town when they go from homo. Tho Thistle and Leek Bands of Pittston aro also excellent organizations ma enjoy very nigh reputations, which nro well deserved. On Thursdny morning at 7 o'clock the excursion started for Jones' Lnko. This is a beautiful spot of wntcr In Wayne county about CO miles from Pittston nnd is reached by a gravity road, no locomotives or power of any kind being used the whole dlstanco except to make the ascent of 12 planes. The cars run at a rapid rate, and tho sce nery is grand beyond description. At tho Lako there Is a picnic ground wjth dunce platform, and tho day was pleasantly spent in dancing, boating, and other amusements, Quito n largo number of Plttston's fuir damsels graced tho oc casion with their prcsenco nnd thereby added greatly to tho pleasure of the day. The return trip was made lato In tho after noon, reaching Pittston ut about 7 o'clock. Tho boys spent another pleasant evening and returned homo Friday morning. They aro all loud in their praise of tho kind treatment they received, and vote the Eagle Hoso boys a set or perfect gentlemen whom they hopo to meet ngain, nnd endeavor to repay them for their hospitality, Tho citi zens of Pittston generally did all in their power to mnko tho visit pleasant and thep succeeded admirably. notes. Among thoso who were attentive to tho boys wcro Theodore, Charles and Will Staly formerly or this town. They aro engaged in business in Pittston, and pros, pcrlng nicely. All tho party unito In declaring L. K Strong, clerk of tho courts of Luzcrno county, ono of the jolllcst fellows they met. ThoNlagnra members exerted themselves to entertain tho visitors. They havo hand. Bomo rooms, and area fine set of men. Tho Eagle Hose Company is composed of tho first young men of the town, Several of tho Winonas did not return homo until Saturday. They visited Bcran ton and Wllkcsbarre, and report n picas. nut time. Winona Pittston, money was all counterfeit In Wanted. Au active agent to canvass tho south sldo of the river for tho sale of tho History of Columbia Couuty, Libera) terms will bo given. Call personally at the Coloviuian ofllce. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. llecilH Keeurtlvil. Tlio following dccds.havo been recorded slnco those last published i J John B, Corncllson to Susannah Apple. gale, Pine. M. W. Jackson nnd wife to Nnncy Nu. gent, Berwick. J. W. Evnne, executor, to James W. Evntis, Brlnrcrcck, Charles II. Cnrrnthcrs to Alfred M. Stevens, Jackson. Thomas Gcrlty nnd wife to Mary Fln ncll, Ccntralla, Columbia county M. S. F. ft L. Associ ation to Rebecca Hunelngcr, Beaver. Joseph Williams, ut, ul., to Anna Mnria Butler, Madison. O. W. Groveling, ct. ul., guardian, to Thomns Groveling, Jr., Bcott. Alfred Crcvcllng nnd wife, ct. nl.,- to Thoma9 Crcvcllng Jr., Scott. 4 Mary Jnno l'nttcrsnn to l'clcr J, bull) Beaver. John Lanclscus nnd wlfo to Jamts Blrd Locust. Isaac John and wlfo to James Bird, Lo cust. Henry Bird nnd wife, ct. nl., to James Bird, Locust, Simon Deltcrlch nnd wife, ct, nl,, Id Josinh Kramer, Centre. Locust Coal & Iron Company to Martin A. Cain, Cenlrnlla. David Walsh and wlfo to C. G. Murphyj Ccntralla. O. G. Murphy nnd wlfo to Catharine Grant, Ccntralla. David Davis to Charles Wetdman, Coiv yughnm. F. P. Johnson nnd wife to D. A. Shultz, Madison. Frank Wolf and wlfo to Stephen Drcshorj Fishlngcrcck, ( i C. E. Davenport and wife, ct al., to Abraham Smith, Berwick. Stephen Hons and wife, ct. nl., to George A. Hons, Mlfllin. Samuel Pugh and wife, ct. nl., to Marj Faux, Scott, William J. George and wlfo to Gcorgd Boycr, Conyngham. Conrad Ervin to John L. Bond, Beaven Mary A Fausey to Rebecca J. Kline, Orange. Hiram Rccso to John Poolcy, Hemlock, Dcnnlson Brink to J. Sanderson Lnzu rus, Bloomshurg. :r : James Bovan and wifo to Thonma LlddU coat, Ccntralla. Letter front Kane, In. The pleasure of Imparting instruction ot1 information is always greater than the" pleasure of receiving It, because In tho rc-i clpicnt It Is a confession of ignorance. while to the communicator it is an Implied admission of sonic superiority. And It is well thnt It Is so, for were It otherwise, many persons would leave to chance tho acquisition of knowledge, or remain in1 Ignorance, because unwilling to admit their lack of knowledge. It therefore hap. pens well nnd wisely that writing gives to the one less direct importance in commu nicating, and offers to the other more free dom In acquiring, and both nre happy. This place is said to be 2008 feet above tide-water, and Is therefore moro than 1500 feet higher than Bloomshurg, und Is the highest point on the Phlla. & Eric rail road. It is a sort nf knoll on tho moun tain, comprising about a hundred acres, and beyond which tho ground falls off, but subsequently rises again though not to tho samo altitude. Tho town, when built, will therefore he a conspicuous one, em phatically "a city set upon a hill, whose light, if tlio flow of natural gas continues, cannot be hid. It contains, say one hun dred housos, ten or a dozen of them being shops for the sale of dry goods .and grocer. les, fivo or six of them hotels, nnd on the north-western declivity quite extensive stone railroad repair-shops. Wo aro told here of new roads which will bo completed this fall and which will make this quite a railroad centre: which, considering we are on tlio top of the Allegheny mountains, seems rather queer. But wc aro just be ginning to sec the day of queer things. Wc arc about 100 miles from Northum berland, and about 05 from Eric. On the lino of tho road aro the important towns of Milton, Muncy, Willlnmsport, Jersey Shore, Lock Haven, Rcnova, Driftwood, Emporl urn, St. Mary's, &c, besides n long list of smaller ones. To reach here you leavo Bloomshurg nt 11:45 a. m., by tho Lackawanna & Blooms- burg, to Nortlfumbcrland, and thenco nt :15bytho Phlla. & Erie, without change of cars, reaching here by 0:15 p.m. Be twecn Northumberland and here there is a rise of 1C83 feet, and long beforo wc get tho last glimpse of the West Brunch It has dwindled to n very small stream indeed. I was not surprised to observe that all the employees on tho train behaved in the usual manner of employees ; calling out the names of stations while tho train was in motion and making so much noiso that the name could not bo heard, or if the train was quiet, mumbling tho word In such a manner that It could not bo under stood. This was tho observation of moro persons than myself. , I wish it could be, ns it ought to be, rcformcd'altogcther.- I observed also that tho fruit fiend wns In full forco on tho train, and thnt ho sue. ceeded In emptying his .basket of sour apples and sickly peaches into the stom. achs o( tho unhappy passengers, several tithes during tho trip. Hq even succeed! in inveigling my own particular msiriou tive share ot the daughters of Eve into buying some worthless apples, nnd I wns fool enough to take ono sour ono.from her bewitching hand nnd cat It. It wns tho old, old story tho woman whom thou guv- est to bo with me, she gave me nnd I did eat and I was mighty sorry for It the eating, I mean. Tho "Thomson House" Includes within Us grounds about three acres, mostly cov ercd with native forest trees, and lighted with halt n dozen jets of natural gas, shoot. ing fifteen feet Into tho nir. Tho grounds could bo grently Improved, and should be. Tho cooking and baking, Ac, for tho hotel Is dono with this supply of gas from the oil wells free ot expense, and tho houso is heated In the samo manner. Water Is not plentiful hero, and it must be confessed that tho want of a creek, riv er or lako Is a great drawback to tho sltua. tlon ; othcrwiso everything you could wish, It Is true thcro is a beautiful Bprlng a few rods from tlio house, tho water of which Is as clear and soft ns if IL flowed from tho eyo of Pity but if, Instead of losing Itself amongst tho rocks and mosses, It expanded into a lako or a roaring mouutnlu torrent It would add a hundred per cent, to tli attractiveness of tills pleasant resort. From tho last remark it may bo Inferred that I am fond of water, and so I am. I know of nothing which has dono so inl'cl ior navigation as water ami in mat rcgaru Eaglesmcro has great advantages over this place, In Its most beautiful lake, If thcro wcro a hotel there equal or nearly so to this, in its appointments and accessories, tho lako on which tho eye over rests with pleasure would carry tho tourist, the louu ger and tho health-seeker to Lewis' Lako at Eaglcsmcic. But until some modem hotel, with largo looms, high celling v nub stautlul partitions, wide ami vxtonslv poichcs, nnd above all clean, roomy ac. ccsslblo and yet private ofllces for guests ot different sexes U erected, the natural attractions cannot and will not overcome tho necessities, requirements nud proprle- tics ot social nnd civilized lifo. I nm only giving voice to public Kcnllmcnt In this matter, nnd I wish this letter might fall Into1 tlio hnntls of every man who Is propov ng to provide for tho comfort nnd ncconr. odntlons of the comfort necking public. iVn tho purpose of this letter Is to clvc In formation nnd Instruction 1 may ns well add here, Hint the woods aro hemlock, beech, maple, birch, cherry, and poplar. nlso, ns it Is n micsllon frcuuciitlv sked, I glvo from tho railroad map tho as- rtalncd height above tide water of the moro prominent places on this lino of road, wit I Sunbury nbove tldo 423 ft. Northumberland Milton " 451 " 500 " 552 " 1011 " 1028 " 2000 " 1189 " 1410 " Willlnmsport " Lock Haven ", Emporium " St. Mary's 'I Kono " Warren ' Corry " Erlo 078 Eric water surface Lnko 005 " Of course you observe thnt tho grades from this point, both wnys nro very heavy, to thu foot of tho mountain, and all trains come with two and many of them with three engines I mean tho freight trains mosti of tho transportations aro oil and coal, and bark and lumber, nnd of course the usual miscellaneous business of n long line of railroad. Conveniences of trnvel nnd trade bciret trade and travel and tho railroad now project ed up the Fishlngcrcck will most nston tshlngly stimulate ovcry kind of cnlcrprtso and enhnnco tho value af property' and la. bor, to say nothing of the permanent In crenso In value of real estate. If tho road is constructed and strikes tho North Mountain as proposed, from twenty to twenty-four hundred feet abovo tldo walcr("nt twp hours rido from Bloomshurg,; iv i ensy to see that me no nt thus reached i .the road, among the snrlnes of tho i'lslilngcrcek will make our own mount. nins the centre for recreation and health seekers. The coal of Bcrnlcc, tlio lumber of Sullivan, tho iron nnd other minerals of Northern Columbia would find a market and constnnt demand at and through Bloomshurg, and bo largely returned to their places of deposit in money and sup. piles. The bug-bear of damage, danger and Inconvcnlcnco from proximity to a railroad which used to frighten pcoplo into ppositlon to tho construction, is no lonircr formidahlo. A common public road brings more annoyances. In settling and amine- ing with a railroad company the right of way, have tho survoy accurately made, thoground staked off, the contract for crossings and the places where they nro to bo located ascertained and agreed to, and especially a provision that tho railroad company must make, keep and maintain tlio fences nlong its line of road on both sides ; nnd you aro quito securp from all special annoynn ccs and dangers. The tops of tho mountains are no longer 'deep solitudes." tho scream of the loco motive "is over them all," und everything becomes subservient to this advancing civilization. No doubt the mining of coal, and iron, the sinking otnumcrous oil wells, tho tunneling for railroads, docs greatly ef fect nnd reduce the water supply which has theretofore come to the surfaco j and tho cutting away of the forests has no doubt interfered with the rainfall, and tho ability of the denuded earth to retain mois ture i but much of tho talk about destroy. ing tho forests is mere buncombe. Thcro comes u timo when a tree has arrived at tho perfection of its growth and development, where tlio bark Is at its best, tbo wood or fiber tha.llrmest ; and then it begins to de cay. At that point of perfection it should be used, not left to waste and decay. The smaller and Immature timber will soon fill the open spaces. No doubt there Is of- ten nn indiscriminate destruction which Is reprehensible, bufl am of opinion that mostly the owners will not kill tho goose that lays tho goldan egg, but select and se lect, and thus havo n continual growing crop of valuable forest product. J. G. F. 51. C. Woodward hns been appointed by tlio Bloomshurg Water Company, Water inspector for tho coming year with author ity to require In nil cases compliance with tho rules governing the supply nnd uso of water. Consumers aro therefore kindly requested to observo tho rules of tho com. pany and whilst using liberally for tlio pur. poses under contract, not to waste the water "but' to avoid all excessive and unrea sonable use. , FftANK P. BlLLMKYBli Sec'y. LOCAL NOTICES. READY NOW-FALL GOODS, at I. W. Hartman & Son's : Tho cliep.pcst flannels in tho county. Tho cheapest dress coods to bo found anywhere. Tho cheapest Plaid In town 0 and 8 cts, per yard. i ne cheapest muslins in town. The cheapest ribbons in tho market. Tho cheapest books, paper. Ink. book carriers, envelopes, slates, fcc, ifcc, for schools. Several thousand vards of tho best stand ard prints just received, to bo sold at 0c per yard, at Clark & Son's: Shirts, cuffs and collars, neckties, und all kinds of goods for gents' wear, at Evans & -dyers. For vour nobhv nnd most stvllsli ticrlr, wear and furnishing goods in general, go to u. w, uerisen, next uoor to r lrst Wa tionnl Hank, Mnln street. A full lino of cotton, wool flannels nnd now ope.n, nt Clark & Son's. A full line of- ready-made clothlnc. feniH- nirmsning goons, vnuscs, xc, Ivans fc Eyer's. at Elccant pallor suits, chamber sets. nnd nil kinds of furniture at Cadman's A tread-power separator and thresher combined, for salo cheap. Apply to Clark Rlchart, Bloomshurg, Pa. 8.10-41 Tho best place to buy velvets, plushes ixc,, is nt uian; a soirs. For good cheap furniture, go to Cad man's. Nobby suits mado to order at Evans & Prices Eyer's, by first-class workmen. very reasonable. G. W. Bertscb. tho artist tailor, has lust received n fine lino ot tho latest fall and winter styles of hats and caps, which will bo sold very cheap. Don't fall to seo them Dcioro purchasing elsewhere, A full lino of lndlrB' drcsH cloths In all the now colors for dress, at Clark & Bon's do to Bliarpless' foundry for tho best ranges, cook stoves Ac. In tho market, also plow points, harder than steel for Mont rose, Whlto, Danvlllo, Advance, Gale, South Rend, Wnlrd &o, Ac. 8t Pine groceries, notions, canned goods, nt J. R. Bkeer's. Pictures, frames, Cadinari's. window cornices, at A nobby nnd stylish line of cloths and e.ibslineies for fal mid winter, lust rccelv ed nt G. W. Rertseli's merchant tailoring establishment, on .nnin street, uivo turn n call and bu convinced for yourselves. LadlcB' you can now find a full line of black and colored dress silks, cashmeres. Ac, nt Clark A Bon's, ns low as the lowest. Thermometers, from 25 cents to 53.50 at ic Columman storo. , If B990 Bprlng chickens, old hens, geeso and ducks, eood live cnlvcs. lbs. raspberries. " pitted cherries. 0900 0999. 0909. 0999 All t io abovo wanted nt Llnht Street. M Silas Young. August u-utn FERTILIZER I ' 'FERTILIZER 1 1 Farmers wlshlwr n first-class article of phosphato will do well by buying of HARVEY E. HEACOCK, Llghtstrcct. They aro all gunrnntced to bo equal to any thing in mo market ror the money, will have It on hand all the tlmo. For salo by tho 'abovo at Llghtstrect, or Isaac Hcacock, iionrsuurg. MIFFLIN SCHOOL DISTRICT. Notice la hcrchv clvcn that tlio under. signed Board of Directors ot Mlfllin School District intend to npply to the Court of Common Plena of Columbia county, on tho fourth Slondny of September next, for a decrco authorizing them to borrow money by Issuing bonds for the purpose of erecting a school house in the vilWo ot luiuiinviiic, in saiu jiimin scuooi .District. JaOOD RlTTENnKN'DKIt. PfC9L 8-24-4w A. C. Millabd, Bcc'y. BUSINESS NOTICES. 1ITSTKIII A AND NBKVOVS ntOSTllATION. We alvo our readers an extract from cheerful letter, written by Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, ot Rlchond, Ind., who says : "Sa maritan Nervine cured mo of hysteria and norvous prostration." Comment is use. less. 100,000 acres of tfood land for salo cheap in onananuoan vanev civinc the purenn scr the full benefit of tho market by L. F, Caldwell, Winchester, Virginia. Correspon dence solicited. Mny ill w- OUArK WINK FOB COMMUNION The superb quality and entire purity of Spccr'8 Port Grape Wine, of Now Jersey, ami the success that physicians havo had by Its use. hns Induced them to write about It, and caused hundreds or others to pre sence it in their practice as mo best and most reliable wlno to be had. It Is held In rent favor for Communion purposes, and is of great benefit to consumptives. For sale by C. A. Klclm. UAfSB OK VA1LU11C. Want of confidence accounts for half of tho business failures of to-dav. ' C. A. Klclm. the Drunirlst. Is not liable to full for mo want ot contiuence in Ur. IJosasKo's Cough and Lung Syrup, for he gives away bottle Ireo lu all who arc sullcnnc witli Cough, Colds, Asthma, Consumption nnd all affections ot the Throat and Lungs. juiy u-eow Iredell County. N. C. The Ex-Sherlff Mr. W. F. Wasson, says : Biown's Iron Bitters has Improved my digestion and general health." AS WHEN SHE WAS YOUNO, 'I havo uScd Parker's Hair Balsam and like it better tlinn any other sun lar nrena- ration I know of," writes Mrs. Ellen i'crry, wife of Rev. P. Perry, of Coldbrook Snrlnes. Mass. "My hair was almost entirely gray, but a dollar bottle ol the lialsam has re stored the softness, and the brown color it nnu when l was young not a single gra hair left. Since I began applying the Bn! sain my hair has stopped falling out, nnd I find that it is a per.'ectly harmless and ngrecablo dressing. nug 17-4 w Keyser, W. Va. Dr. W. D. Edwin. says: "Jlnuy esteem Brown's Iron Bitters as nn excellent tonic." CONVINCING. The tuoof of the nuddlnc is not in clicw. inn tlio strln?, but In liavinc an opportunl ty to test the artlclo direct. C. A. Klclm, tho Druggist, has a free trial bottle of Dr. Bosanko'a Cough and Lung Syrup for each ami every ono who is auncieu wiiu uouens, Colds, Asthma, Consumption or any Lung Aiicction. juiyu-eow Malarial poison can be entirely removed from tho system by tlio uso of Aver's Acue Cure, which contains a sure specific In the form of a vegetable product, used In no other remedy. Warranted. See a woman In another column, near Specr'a Vlncynrda, picking grapes from which Bpecr's Port Grape Wlno Is made. inai is so iiigniy esteemed uy me medical profession, for the uso of invalids, weakly persons nnd the nged. bom uy uruggists. sept ss-iy An enrlrher of tlio blood, purlller of tlio system ; cures lassltudo nnd lack of energy; such is Brown's Iron Hitters. KVJtltVllODV KNOWS IT. When vou have, the Itch. Salt.Ithcuin. Galis, or bldn Eruptions of any kind, nnd the Plies, that you know, without being told of it. C. A. Kle m. the dnuralat. wl sell you Dr. Bosanko'a Pile Uemedy for 60 cents, wnicu aiiorus immediate relict, and la a sure cure ror cither of tho nbove uiseas cs? July 0-cow. "V OTIC& in hereby clven that tho (ollowlni? accounts havo been tiled In the Court ot common 1' of uoiumma count)', and win bo presented tn tho said Court on tho fourth Monday of Hoptcmber, 1BH3, and contlrmed after thn fourth day or said icnn unless exceptions uu mcu wiuiin mm time, l. Tho accouut of Joseph crawfonl. Committee of tho nerson and estate of Peter Mellck. a lunatic. u. finui iiixoum oi utuuuei u. jayne, nssigneu ui a. iv. uicitnuu. -8. First and tlnnl account ot Clinton Kills. Com. juuiev ui imrit r, uurucr, u lunuuu. U'u viniv Wm. KHICKBAUM, Bioomsbusg, Aug. ai, m ProtnV. s UMMONK IN PARTITION. ADAM KLINE VS. John Kline. William KUno. Daniel KUnu, ltebeccn Bluo, William Swisher and Mary Ann his wire, In rlstht of bald wire. KranUIln .Mcu and Christina, liH wlte, In ugui, ui bum nm. COLUMBIA COUNTY, s-si THE C01iMONWgAl,TII OF I'KNNSYI.VANU TO TUB KIlKKlrr OK BAil) COVNTV, UKKIiTISO ! If Adam Kllno make you sum of presenting his claim, men we cominanu you mat you summon, by ifood and lawlul uummoners. John Kline. Wll mm nillir, niuti-. nruiwi lilut, 1WIIUIU1 Hwlsher and Mary Ann, hW wife. In light of said nn.l VFii.L-lIn Vint, nn.l fliHL,lnn I.l., ...I... . .. right of bald wife, holders of the leo of tho use, oc cupancy, rents 1-uue.a and prollts ot tho undivided blx-bofenths moot your county, so that thoy be and appear before our ludgtu at Bloouibbunr. nt our county Court of Common Pleas, there to bo l cia tne munn aiouuay ot nepieinocr nuxi to bhow, wherefore, Wiikukas, they, tho said Adam mine, ami me muruivuiiu .juiiu mine, William nuur, uauii-t iiiui. t-vi mui, n iiiimii nmsil- er una Miirj Aim iiisniie, in nam oi saiuwue and franklin Muu and cnrUttna Fils wife, In rlgh oiFUiwie, oi iiiuiev uuu ine iihf, iK'cupanc, rcuw, isHui-a auu pruuis lueiner uuu mian uieti i hold, all that certain messuage or tract of land utuatfd In tho townshln ot Ma! nu iln tho county, of Columbia and btata of minsylvnnla, bounded and esscrlbed as fol'ows, lo-wlti adjo'nlng lands of natnaj Miner on ma norm, lanasor jonnuear hart oi tho west, lands of Charles B. oearhart on ir-o houiii, uuu uu uiu cai uy minis ui - . oontalMni! Iltty.two asiis. wl'ereonU erected log houso anu irarao uiru.wimmo ap puncnan ees. Tho H-iine jonn mum, wiiuam Kline, Daniel Kllue. liebecca Bluo. William Uwlshor and Murv Aim his wlte, in right ot said wire, and Franklin MetzandChilstlna his wire, In right uf the said wire, holders of tho feo of the octutiancv. rentH. Usues and pron a ot tho undivided blx-bovenths pari lmauiuu vueruui iu uu uitiuu ueeoruing io tho lav. s and customs of this Commonwealth In such caw) mado and provided do gainsay, and tho uaive to bo done i1u not permit, very unjustly and Lontru-y to tho samo lu ws and customs. Ac. And havo you then and thcro tho namcj of thosu summoned, and this writ. WltncM tho Honorable William Klwell, liji , President of our tuld Court at lllooiusburg, this Blltmith day of May, A. D. m. WM, KU1CKBAUM, PlOtUOUOUiy. il. 11. QUICK, Deputy. MARKETREP0RTS. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. Wheat por bushel l.or live TO Corn, " on oats " " ! Flour por D&rrel 5.60 uovorBcoa nutter Hires .26 a.) .OB .40 .40 14 11 13 .19 .14 BIO 25 3.0C Tallow Potatoes ,, , Dried Apples i llama...'. 8tdos Shouldors Chickens ...., Turkeys ,...... j.ara per pound ,. .,. unypcrioa Ueeswax ..i..,., ,i liackwiicat lower per loo PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. FLOtin Market was Ktoadv and nulct: sales ot l.noo barrels, including Minnesota extras at s 00 a 8 ooj l'epnsyivanla farnllr.f 1 00; western ao 15 60 (3 in n run-it rirm nt fLwwuiro. WflA.Lt. Mnrkftt wan nn'ftt nnrl nnslpr? car lota $1.12 1.17; II. ill,' hid for July; ll,14Vf Ior August) 11.18 Ior September, 11.17',' Ior October. COIIN Market was dull add weak; car lots 5SJtf wwk; doc uiu loro uljjotc ior itugut; oic ior w:p lembep, 6IMO tor October. OATS Tho market was dull; car lota 815; 42c bid for Julrssro tor August; 30 lor Scptambor, oo ior uvwuur. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of nwrltot FL Pa., Issued out oftht Court ot Common ncaaof Columbia county and to medlrccted, will bo exposed to rubUc Salo nt tho Court Houso In Dloomsburg, on Saturday, September loth, 1333, at S o'clock, p. m., tho following described real es tate, situate In Hemlock township, Colombia county. 1M., containing 1B3 acres and 40 perches of land, whereon is erected a dwelling house, barn nnd outbuildings ; bounded and described astol. lows, to-wlt : Beginning at a stone corner In the public road, thenoo north one degree, cast 163 per ches along land of John Miller to a plno corner, thenco by land of Benjamin Bomboy, I). B. Wag ner nnd L Leldy north forty-two nnd ono-halt de grecs, west 103 perches to a chestnut oak corner, thenco bylandof Gcorgo Hartman south 1 degree west"!81 pcrchos to a corner, thenco south by land ot a Jtelchard ssx degrees,east 78 8-10 perches to a stono corner, thenco north 1 degreo oast 4 perches to a Btono, thence south by land of John Hartman 83 degrees, east 4 perches to a stone, thenco by tho gamo north 1 degroe, cast it 1-10 perches to a stone corner In tho road, thenco along said road north 83 degrees, cakt 10 perches to tho place ot beginning Seized, taken In execution nttho suitor Mary Kcster against Wm. n. Kcstcr, nnd to be sold as tho property ol Win, 1). Kcstcr. Chrlsman, Att'y. JOHN MOUItEY, nug 17 Shcrifl. AH Till-: r Is opening, wc would invite the attention of the public to stock of our r i 1 staple stationery, Which Kmbraees boxed papifis fiom 15 cents to 75 cents, a box containing a quire ol paper and pack ot envelopes. Writing paper from 8 cents a .quire up. Ink ol nil colors. Mucilage, l'cns, lTnclls, Holders, ltublx'ra, Manic Books, Pass Books, Accouut Books, Cards, Note Books, Hc celpt, Books, ltubber b.inds, Tablets, Birthday cards, Ac. A FULL LINE OF PAPER BAGS, Square and satchel bottom. IV-LIIIEKAIi DISCOUNT TO MKIICIIANTB BUYING IN QUANTITIES MANILLA WRAPPING PAPER, MEDICATED PAPER. &c Ac, In our PRINTING DKPART.MKNT wc have . M- TBill Hemls, Letter Heads, Note Headp, Envelopes, Tags, Legal BlankF, CiroulaiH, WEDDING & PARTY INVITATIONS, Printed or plain, Any kind ol pinning Mock not nn hand ran ho obtained on shot t notice. Woik pinmptly done ul icasomiblc rutin. Columbian Office, ISloomsburg, Pn. 31-tf E XKCUTOR'S NOTICE. KSTATK OK JAMKS U. U'llUNHV, PttCKASKP, Letters testamentary In thuitam nf James n Mellenry, deceased, luteot KUhlngereek township, Coluinwa couuty, Poiiil, hae beeu granted by the ltexltttr ol said county lo .Mo. Alclienrr ami hell & mm, 1 Muu Mcllfiny. All peinouj having claims ugalnsl tlio unluto ul nold decedent ure lequesUsa to prfbeut them forttcltleineut, uud those link Mod to tho es tate to make to tho undesigned without delay. MOSSH McllKNItY, IflWl'McllKNHV, miUwau-r, l'.i , July uh. Executom ! CloltioE ! Clolbloi ! G. W. BERTSCH, TUB MKUOIUNT TAIL0B, AND DBALBII IX Gents' Furmsning Goods OF KVBltY DUSCimflON. CLOTHING!! Having very rooently oponed a now Merchant Tailoring and Gents' Fur nishing Goods Store, in KNOIIR fc WINTEIISTEEN'S building, on Main etroct, whero I am prepared to make to order, at short notice, first class suits of clothing always in tho latest styles and prices reasonable. Fits guaranteed. Having learned how to cnt garments to suit customers, and also what kind ot material will give satisfaction, I would ask you to please call and examine tho BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS Ever shown in Columbia county, Moro Purchasing Elsowhorov Store net door io Firsl H&iional Bank Cjrupr Main & Market S1b. " rg, Fa, April 13-lyr. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds. :o: The followlntr shows the Picket Oothle. ono of tho bcvcral beautiful sty'cj ot Fence manufactured uy mo unacrsigncu. Vor Ttejiul.v nnd Durnhllltv thev ftifl linsumass. ca. nei up Dy cxpenencvu nanus nno warranto. ui givu sausiacuou. Prices and specimens of other de signs sent to any address. Address BLOOMSBURG, PA- May4-tt 'ALNWItlGnT A CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, PUILADILPUIA rKA8, SYRUPS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLABHL8, R1CI, SPICKS. BICARB SODA, CC JtO. N. B. Corner Second and Arch strents. tfOrdors will receive promptattontlon Continued from Itut .) How Watch Cases are Made. A plate of solid oold 14 2-10 karaU fine is soldered on each side of ft plate of hard nickel composition metal, and the thrco are then passed between polished Etcel rollers. From this plate tho various parts of the coses hacks, centers, bercls.ctc. are cut and shaped by dies and formers. The gold is thick enough to admit of all kinds of chasing, engraving, and engine turning. Tho composition metal gives it needed ttrength, ttiffiieu and tolidUy, while the urtHrn guarantee of the manufacturers trarranh'nj each case to wear fircniy years proves that it contains all the gold that can possibly be needed. Thb guarantee is given from actual retulti, as many of these cases havo been worn perfectly smooth by years of use without wearing through the gold. DuOQCi,lA.,Doe.ll,ie80. I hive uied cnt of your June llow' Oold Witch Cum tor HTcnlceu ytar. I bought It Mccmd-huid and know of Its buhur been uied tofore I got It, but do not know how low. It looki good for tan yc&r longer. Did not upect It wii a filled nro unUl bo luformod by a jewelor a fthort Unla elnco. I mct cheerfully reccmuitnil your cuci to b ill they are reireenUl to bo, and more. O. McCnAMKT, J'tp. Col. Int. Iln. SJ Dli. loua. Sm4 I Mil .Ump ta K.Ttt.M Vf Mck Cut F.tlorlM, I'kll. felykU, I" b.oa. UU.lrit.4 I'.afbl.t ktU k. Iim LW w4 Kt7tUa W.Mk Cm, tr (To U Centinwd.) HOLMAN'S PIOTOKIAL l'AMII.V lIllll.Kl Bloomsbu containing both versions of tho Now 'Testament, with tho Parables ol our lard and Saviour, hand Homely Illustrated with 10 full-pugo Engravl gs. our Bibles rnntntniMMi page, s,u 11 Ublratlons. rl.KPHOTOOllAPil ALBUMS, elegant dotdgiw, ha.'dso-iioly bound. EXTHA INDUCEMENTS, of. 'crcil to energetic Agents. Illustrated catalogue heut ou application. A J. IIOI.VAN & Co., piilia. UVJ1JI1IU. rtug, H-1W U lirioif B .J . nu. murli in tU MuAUll. iM.lMlmAiu.rlei. Al.luUl.rllaiT. KIUV bJ. NuMUUlM. VMHClIOfMMhSlH.Ylk. Aug. il l in Aid B'TOTONSADAY OVRK .100,000 VOI.IMIIM HHIDV. Tho cliolcebt literature ot tho world, often the beRt cdl. t.i?!1?,.,':,U.WISJlt''L MAHK CATAI.OUUi; I'HUl!. Lowest pilcvaetcr kuowu. not n.i.l io tlrulrra. Sent f or examination llHKoilli liuymeiit, or evldeueo o( good faith. JOHN U. iV oV :i ?.. x' i"Ja V.U r ' w v,'""'y M,rm'1' v 'Aug. 4 w' d SUHSOHUJH KOlt TIIK COl.UAIWAN, $1.50 A YEAH