The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 31, 1883, Image 2

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rum? nci mrnt i vr
llllli VALiUMDIU'N.
a. E, Elwall, 1
J. S. 81ttwtmlr.J Bilt0"'
FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1883.
, ,FOIt AUDirOK (1KNEUAI., '
. ' ' of Wat rcn.
(W' , , t-OIl STATE TIlEAijUIll'.ltj J, "
josepii POWErxj '
of Bradford. '
Lord Chief Justioo Coleridge of Eng
; land is travoliug in this country.
Tho .bandit Frank James, brother Jpf
tho notorious Jcsso James, is now on
trial for robbery and, murder, at Galla
tin, Missouri.
' ' J. McDowell Sharpo died at his
'homo in Chamborsburg I astj Friday,
Ho was well known as an ablo lawyer
throughout tho State, aud was an hon
orable and upright citizen. His loss
will bo keenly felt by tho legislature,
of which ho was a membtr, and ono of
' tho acknowledged Democratic loaders.
Candidate Powell and Chairman
Hensel were among tho orators dt' tho
' animal county meeting of tho Lehigh
Democrats on Saturday. Resolutions
were adopted reaffirming the platform
of the Stato' Convention, praising the
' efforts of the Governor and House to
sccuro a fair apportionment and eulo
gizing HeiiBel's management, of tho
last campaign. The committee declar
ed in favor of tho one-term - principle
for tho Court Houso officers.
Chairman Cooper has Bent out cir
culars asking for contributions towards
tho campaign fund. As political as
sessments are now forbidden by law he
does not demand money, but begs for
it pretty hard," and of course he must
have-it, for what would a Republican
campaign amount to without a cor
ruption fund T Cooper knows the ef
ficacy of "soap," for Garfield was
elected President by tho expenditure of
half a million of dollars in Indiana.
A stenographic report of tho pro
ceedings of the late Democratic Stato
.Convention is being printed and will
'soon bo published under tho direction
of tho State Committee. Copies of
the pamphlet will bo sent to all the
delegates of .tho convention aud sub.
stitutes, (so far as their addresses liavo
been furnished), to tho members of tho
State Committee and to the chairman
of tho county committees. Other
copies will bo furnished upon applica
tion to tho chairman of tho State Corn-,
mitteo upon enclosing a three-cent
Chairmau Hensel, of tho Democrat
ic stato committee, takes a hopeful
view of Democratic prospects in the
state. Ho says that within four weeks
after tho stato convention there has
been moro work done than in tho eight
weeks succeeding tho convention last
year ; that tho work has been untiring,
energetic and thorough, and that there
is a Democratic organization in every
election precinct. Mr. Hensel believes
thero will bo a larger voto polled this
year than is ordinarily expected in an
off year, and ho is confident of tho suc
cess of the democratic ticket.
After September 1st, the headquar
ters ;of the Democratic Stato Commit
tee for tho present campaign will be
permanently located in rooms No. 7
and 0, at the Girard house, Philadel
phia, tho same as were occupied last
year and by Col. McCIuro in the Cur
tin Lincoln campaign of 1860. Tho
clerical work, of tho committee has
been vigorously prosecuted sinco tho
oponing of the year and is much fur
ther on than at the corresponding
stage of last year's campaign. Tho
work of tho orginization will bo some
what siraplifiqd this year by- reason of
tho fact that there is no election for
nor complications over members of tho
Legislaturo and congressmen, The ef
forts of tho Stato Comraitteo will be
concentrated upon getting out the full
Democratic "voto.
A singular evidence of a rich man's
dread exists in Syracuse. This is found
in the form of .a tent erected beside the
gravo of tho late Mr. E. B. Alvord, of
that city. Inside too tent is a watch
man, who guards tho tomb from sunset
to sunrise. Mr. Alvord had a droad of
crave robbers. Possibly this feeling
was stimulated by his remembrance
of tho peculiar outrage perpetrated
voars atio in Now York. Mr. Alvord's
dread so grow by what it fed on that
bo inauo iirraugenionw tor tno guard
to which wo have referred to bo kept
up for some months. In addition to
this tho coffin Is walled In with mason
ry and covered with a slab cemontod to
tho stono wall. By most people pro-
cautions like this will bo deemed super
fluous. Tho gravo robberies which
take placo in tho courso of a year arc
. :i.. r.. r'n,..,i ,iii. nii,n..
offences, thoy hardly enter into the sta
tistics of crime. Ex.
Tho last day for tho registry of
... . .1.: . ,.,m l, .-u, In,. s:,,t
VUbolD turn jruii! win ' .i.uipi.j, wujiv.
G, and out of abundant caution every
YOter should satisfy himself that his
nnmn la nn thn book with n tail assess
ed against hint. Otherwise ho may bo
disfranchised. Democratic committee
men and politicians should bo activo
aim onergetio in tooKing auor inis now
tn f.lm nYnlnsirm of evorv other iioliti-
nnl nniiniilnrntinii. It will not do to
naanmn 1 1 1 fit. hncjiiise tho bulk of tho
voters paid their taxes last year that
tho registry this year is an unimportant
manor, opuciai uwuiuuh nuuum uu
riven to tho rogistry of all persons who
111 nn. nnv trivia Lint, to ncrdons
recently naturalized or about to lief nat
uralized, to thoso who votcu "on ago
last year who will oomo 22 years of
ago before February, and to nil whoao
residence has been changed since No
vember, 1882. "Attention to tho 10
is tho immediate duty of all
interested in Domocratio organiza
Attend to the Registration,
It is tho dulv of tho assessors to
post up tho list of votors at the placo
of holding elections In tho several
election dlstiicts. Every Democrat
should exnmino and sco that his tmmo
lias Doen duly registered, it it lias
been omitted ho should loso no tlmo in
having tho error oorrccted. Soo that
your tax has been assessed as wellas
your namo entered. Persons who
voted on auo last year, thoso wtio have
not paid a Stato or County tax within
two years, and those who hnvo been
out of tlia Stato nud returned in time
to voto should bo especially careful to
..... . . i .
soo thnt they havc.ucon properly rogts.
tcrcd and their tax assessed. .1,110
colnmtteo men In each district will
plenso remember that looking alter tho
retristratlon of Domocratio votors is tho
most ihiportaut duty dovolving, upon
thorn. September Oth is tho last ay
iur registering.! , . ;
A New Proposition to Sccnre Apportionment,
a nr.soi.UTioN offkhkd which rno
poses to itm nii thi mattkr
Iii tho houso Frldnvihornlnir thd De
mocratic members of tho conference
conimitlco of six, appointed to tako.
chargo of tho Jamison bill on legisla
tive apportionment, made report
through Mr. Amerman, of Lackawan
na, tho report being as annexed :
We, tho undersigned members of
tho committee to whom was referred
tho house bill No. 12, 'apportioning
the stato into senatorial and Iegislativo
districts,- respectfully roport that
wo met for tho purposo of our
appointment, and found our col-
leagos' npon .the committeo o.pposed to
the adoption of any amendments to
said bill which would niter it in any
degreo from the bill as .agroed npon By
tho senate ; that this unwillingness of
our collcages was not based upon
unfairheiS of -injustice of our proposi
tions, but becau'so thoy did not desiro
to place themselves iw antagonism1 to
tho decision of their political brothorn
of tho. senate by differing in any par
ticular from tho bill mgroed upon -by'
that body. As thoy informed us, th'oy
deemodi it itnriracticablo to present to
tho .Senate this bill cither in its original
or in any' amended form, or any other
bill, than tho bill Known as tno sontato
Signed J. Jami$on,
'LknuKr. Amkkm an,
' ' G. M. D. Eckels,
At tho conclusion Captain Ilasson
moved tho report be printed and a copy
laid on the desks of tho members. Such
action Graham, of Allegheny, thought
was an alempt to lnatuuaclurc political
capital and Colborii, tho bald caglo of
?-.- -.- I 1-1 I. SI.. I- llT il
oomeisei, uacKuu mm up uy uuuiug u
a fraud, a trick and an imposition. Lee
Thompson,- for the Republican mem
bers, said that thoy did not consider
themselves committed to tho report.
Mr. Eckels said tho Republicans on tho
committee wore disposed to bo fair, but
that tho senate ultimatum prevented
and interfered with a frco discussion
of tliO subject of senatorial and repre
sentative apportionment. Mr. Ilasson
withdrow his motion. air. A. it. Mor
gan, of Philadelphia, ono of the Re
publican members of the committee,
differed somewhat from his collegca
gues, howover, sayine; that whilst thd
report was only signed by tho three
Ueniocralio members tho three were
justified in making the representation
maue. m mis puna iur. .iimuriuuii ui-
r .i f
lercu me ionowing :
Whbheas, Differences exist between tlio",
two houses of tho legislature of this com
monwealth upon tho subject of apportion
ing the stnte representative, senatorial aud
congressional districts, ana all parliomcn-i
tary methods for reconciling these differ-'
ences have heretofore failed ; and
Wiieueas, It is the duty of the legisla-
ture, wider command ot the constitution
of tho commonwealth and laws ot the
United StateB, to apportion the stuto into.
senatorial, representative aud congression
al districts, and in order that this duty
shall he performed it is incumbent upon
the legislature to use every effort to adjust
tho existing differences and as a rcsourso
promising n dispassionate discussion of
tho disputed question, It is right to resort
to arbitration by submission of tho whole
subject to an equal number of eminent
citizens of known integrity, fairness and
capacity from both political parties'; there
fore, be it
Resolved., (if the senate concur): That
the matter of the apportionment ot the
state into congressional, senatorial1 aml're.
prcsentativo districts bo referred to Philip
U. Uarrctt, Daniel Agncw, James A. Hea
ver, tlaluashu A. Grow, Henry II.- lloyt,
iv. uuuituiuw, uuurgu ;i. juuk.i,
Qeorire P. Uacr. Hon. A. II. Dill and Levi
Malsh, 'and that they bo requested to draft
and suumlt to tins legislature, lor us enact
ment, fair, just uud equitable apportion
ment bills under tho constitution of this
commonwealth and laws of the United
The Soheme of Perjury by whioh the Ha-
Itional Treasury has been Bobbed.
A dispatch from Washington to'tho
Philadelphia Times says:
Tho systematic robbery of e.t-soldiers
and pensioners by claiin agent harpies.
resident here is oycu moro oxtensivo
and far-reaching than has generally
been supposed. Every day sinco tho
fimt exposure of tho Fitzgerald gaug
additional facts have como to light il
lustrative of the swindling methods.
Tho feo-aud-expenso-in-advanco system
of extortion appears to havo been tho
favorlto scheme' and it "was worked for
all it was worth, To carry this out
most iiigoniously worded circulars aro
sent broadcast among the ex-soldiers
and every, inducement is offered to
mako-somo sort of a claim against tho
government. Nine out of ton of theso
cases could not stand a niinuto's exami
nation in tho Pension Office. It is
not an exaggeration to Bay with tho
former Commissioner of Pensions that
ono of every five claims which went
through wero fraudulent. This is bo
ginning to bo found out. A Pension
Office official says thero Is no reason
able doubt but that moro monov has
been fraudulently abstracted from tho.
Treasurv in ono vearon falso pension
claims than was obtained by tho Star
Routo ring in the samo tlmo and about
which tho country has heard so much.
A hundred millions of dollars In a sin
ulo vear formed, a temptlnt'prizo to tho
pousidn-agonta' ring, And out of it tho!
nntr must havo cot upwards of ten mil
lions', 'their particular portion being in
ices and oxpenscs.
Claims by tho hundred and by the
thousands aro mado up here In Wash'
Intrton ,nnd sent ready-niado to tho ox
soldiers for signature aud oath. Many
men are found too honost to ptrjuro
themselves thus, imt mo temptation
I'fleied by tho :arrcnn act, which otter
ed several thousand dollars in n lump
if the- casi went through, is too c;reat
in most cases to bo resisted. Tho more
I squaniUh aro urged by letters and
circulars to sign and swear and for
ward. Ono of theso circulars frfiiii
NAW'itzgttald Coldated April
ifl8ftd(jyscd rlemt nnlVCliotit,
snyn iv is some umo sinoo ino cinim was
mn(Ta(rtri,ntid urges that, ft 1 signed,
rfwotri'tdnim'Murrieil iiri'mcdlatoly
"Milllbbs-ofindnoy' ifeays, "liaVo
been appropriated; and wo can filo your
claim nud secure to you tho benefits of
tho recent cnaotinont."
Another. circular, says, tho oasos of
those who pay their fees in advance
will bo mado special by thtfdopnrtfncnt.
Every effort Is mado to cet hold of that
feo. - This system of wholcsalo perjury
Is believed to havo been carried on to a
greater extent than has over yet beon
stattd. , . '
' k mm t ' ' !
Judge Black on Davis. '
ntfCENT INTEllVlttW.
Thd Now York Jferahl . rocenlly
pi uutu a iiiriuer account oi mo nnni
tntorviow had by its' correspondent
with Judgo Rlack a fortnight before
tho latter i death, on tho subject of Joff
Davis' lotter. Jndgo Black is thus
quoted .from memory :
"What folly in' Davis to try to mako
it appear that South Carolina would
not havo been provoked into Jiostili
tics had Mr. liuchauan not supported
Major Anderson in transferring his
frtw'n from Mnnll.iin tn Snintor 1 Mr.
Davis earnestly labors to impress upon
tho public mind tho bolicf that south
Carolina, was endeavoring to. pursue a
pacifio policy during three months pre
ceding tho, i4th of 'March, ,1801; but
tho cold facts of official history bear
testimony that ho is not only in error
but that tho hot-hcadod secessionists of
South Carolina word determined to bo-1
gin tho fray. They had'madd up their
satisfy them but blood. Hefor6 Now
Year's of 18B1 tho authorities of Souih
Carolina 'had tak6ri pdsscsslon of tWo
forts1 in ChnrlesUin harbor belonging' t;0
the United States t thoy had raised
their palmetto Hag over tho Custom
Houso and Post Ofiico in Charleston-;
had taken hossession of tho1 Charleston
Arsenal,1 with all. Its munitions of war
belonging to tho Federal , GdVernment,
and, through' tho. Executive of tho,
State; hrfd ' insolently demanded tho,
surrender toira of tho only remaining
fort held by tho United States in tho
harbor, aocothpauing tho demand with
a. threat that ho-r(Goyc'rrior' Pickens)
would not bo responsible for what oq
curred if Sumter 'was not surrender
ed." The, correspondent remarked : "Tho,
impression is general among' Republi
cans and the belief has served to makb
and keep a large percentage of Ameri-cau-born
citizens faithful to tho princl
piss of tho Republican party that Mr.
Uuchannn erred iupcrmitting tho seces
sionists of South Caroliua to tako pos
sessions of tho, forts in Charleston Har
bor and the other property of tho
Trn! the Custom ITntisn nnil
Arsenal, with its equipments for
To this Judge Rlack made, tho fol
lowing deliberate and significant reply !
"air. isuckanan made tho same grievous
mistako in dealing with tho secession.
ists of South Carolina that Andrew
Johnson did in dealing, with tho abolij
tionists of tho North. Thoy both com
mitted tho tatal blunder of temporizing
with bad men." And this was all hq
said . respecting what Mr. Uuchauari
should havo done when ho beheld tho
states of the South ''tumbling out as
fast as they could' formulato their ordi-
nances oi secession.
Possibly Judgo Blaok, had ho lived;
to reply over his signature !to Davis,
would not havo made tliat statement
respecting Mr. Buchanan. Thoso who
knew him well can testify to his frank
ness in conversation I believe ho,
wanted that, expression ' to bo deeply!
impressed upon my mind, 'for it' was
tho only sentence ho repeated, and
then, as if. to excuse Mr. iBuchanan for
publicly declaring that ho was utterly
opposed to coercion of a state, the
Judge said that when Abraham Lin
coln was in Congress, away' back' in'
ib-iu, ho behoved, he mado a speech in
which ho .took tho ground ithat. if a ma
jority of thq people, of a Btate resolved
to sever their relations in a Federal
Union thoy clearly had ;a right under
tho, Constitution to :do so ; that) there
was ntf oower lodged anywhere by tho
Constitution, either in tho hands of the
President, Congress, or the Judiciary,
to prevent; 'a. state retiring from tho
Union at win,
The Tichborno claimant has sent
from his . prison to Mr. Quarterraaine
East another letter, half hine and half
blasphemy; in' which he, says : J"If our
Saviour came f rotri Heaven1 and appear
ed before Gladstone and his colleagues
:.. .1... ri. .i i.i !,:. t,
iu wiu wauiitci. tiuu iuiu nun mo tituiu
ho would not be believed, but in all
probability insulted if he mentioned my
name. There aro: nono' bo blind as
thosd who, will not see. And ono of
two things are certain, cither the truth
is distasteful ilo the -Government, or
they' are under a threat of displeasure
from tho Throno. Fair play and jus
tice havo-not been' dealt out? to me,' I
do not hesitate y say that such a stato
ot things could not have taken place in
auy other country dul this, and would
neycr been-nllowed to' tako, placo in
this in King Georgo's time."
, Volcanlp ErupUoD,
Tho first eruptipns wcro on Saturday
nigiii. un niinuay morning ino uiaiur-
bauces had extended1 Uoneatu tho wa
ters of tho strait, and thov wero soon
boiling and hissing violently, while
great waves dashed upon tho Javaneso
shores arid the temperature 'of tho sea
went up nearly twenty degrees, liven
as far away 'from tho origiual point 'of
disturbances as Madura the furious
waves wore lashed into mountains of
foam as thoy camo rolling in. Tho
threatening rumblings gradually be-
camo moro and moro distinct, and by
noon tho Malm Meru, tho largest of t,ho
volcanoes of Java, was belching forth
Uamcs at a very alarming rate. This
eruntion soon snrcad to tho Gunumr
iTengger, tho crater of which is tho
largest in Uio-world,, being , nearly four
miles in d'mmo'tpr ; the Quuiing winter
and many other minor mountains, until
more than a third of tho forty-tivc era
tors of JaVa wero either In, aotivo
'eruption or seriously threatening it.,
Just betoro dusk a great luminous cloud
fbrrued oyer tho Glinting Guntor and
tho orator of. that volcano began to
vomit up enormous' streams of white,
acid, sulphurous -ntud, besides smaller,
Quantities of lava. Tlioro word ranldlv
'succo'sslvd 6xpl6sione, followed WlnK
;meuuous snowers oi cinaers auu enpv
tnous' fragments, which wero jiurlod
high in tho air and scattered in all di
rcctions, to fall, alter the jorco was.
lipent, upon tho vtilloyd below, darry-
ling death and destruction. With theso
'terrible eruptions camo1 sympathetic
di'moustratlonti from the sea. Tho
overhanging clouds wero so' surcharged
with electricity that at ono tlmo over
fifteen hliao waterspouts" wero seen
Theso have continued at somewhat long
Intervals oyer sinco. Hundreds of liyos
uavo been iosi.
Count De Ohanibord,,
tltK Un )ll!l(t UF TIIK ANqlKNTKtKOS.TO
H JrjB JipiOKl: Ol'l ItANCH llBAl)
'A d snallih from
Frblmdorf, 'stales
Ua. Cou'rlt- !,d6 Chninbqii
o'dldck Friday morning
d died at 7
Tho denth of Count do Chambord
has been expected for months. Early
in tha summer ho was taken seriously
ill, and although occasionally enjoy
lug irdproved conditions, his demise
was looked for before this. Count do
Chambord was tho last of tho ancient
lino of thp kings of Franco, and would,
had ho nsstlmcd tho throne, reigned
ilntler tho title of Henri V. Ills sick
ness lias nil along canned much specu
lation nud not a littlo disturbance 1 In
thd government matters of France. In
MhyMt was thought that ho would mako
tho 'soil Don 'Onrlod .heir to his claims
to thd Frorioh" throno to tho exclusion
6f thd, Orleans princes, and thts.created
a bitter feeling between tho various
claimants to tho throno. But a move
ment Inter on was bogttn to invest
tho Ciiund do Paris, who now has tho
strongest claim to tho throne, with
tho titlo to it, aiid this action wns
agreed to by tho brlllialit Paul do Cas-
8agnnc. Tho death of Count no Cham
bord nlds inttoh in'strchgtheningtho ro
public, as Prinoo . Plon Plon and tho
numerous other claimants df tho throno
aro both weak and disrupted in their
party following. Tho Count do Cham
bord wns about 60 years of ago.
A Kansas murderer, who is spending
twdnty-fivo yoars in the " penitentiary,
has siiddeny found himself surrounded
by friends, solicitous for his comfort
and anxious to beautify his cell. Tho
reason for this marvelous display of
kindness is, of oourse, a vory largo nxo
.t.J1. 1 it.' - ! 1 T.'
which uniy uiu convict can grinu. n
has been, learned that he knows where
a dead Indian trader buried $50,000 in
gold. Tho conviot very sensibly ac
cepts all luxuries showered upon him
and keeps tho secret.
. ,
Five Chinese laundrymon, imprison
ed at Trenton, propose to sua tho stato
for damages for cutting off their queues.
Their action will bo grounded on tho
provisions of tho national and stato
constitutions, declaring thnt no person
shall be deprived 'df the' privilege of
worshipping God according td the' dic
tates of his own conscience.
Absolutely Pure.
This Dawder naver varlaa. A marvel ofnurltr
strength and whoiesomeness. Moro economical
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in
competition with tho multitude of low teat, short
wcignt, aium or pnospnaie powaers. soia only,
in cans. Kotal Bakimo Powbeb Co., 109 Woll-St.,
N. y. auelt-ly,
Are generally Induced
by Indlgotlon, Foul
filomach, Costlvenoii,
Deficient Circulation,
or soma Derangement
of tho Liver and Dlgeitive Syltem.
Sufferers vlll and relief by tho aw of
Ayer's Pills
to sttraulato tho stomach and produce a regu
lar dally .movement ot tho bowels. 15y theb,
action on thete organs, Aver'b Tills dlrert
the blood from tho brain, and relieve and
cure 'al1,1 forms ot Conseatlve aud Kerrous
Headache, illllous Beadaehe, and Sick
Ueadache I and by keeping tho bowels free,
i and preserving the system in a healthful
condition they Insure Immunity from future
attacks. Try - . 1
Ayer's Pills.
t BoldbyaUDngfUf.
Came to tho nrcralws of tho undersigned about
three miles northeast of Mlllvllle. on August 84th
throe Btrav heiterx. Two ara about il yean old.
have large red and while spotted bldcu, head, legs
and tall nearly all white, and have Bllm horns ; the
luiru is nuout i monina oiu, or a rare appearance
with short dark horns. Theso all came about tho
viclnltr ot Mlllvllle in the oarlr sDrlntr. The own
er will please call, prove property, pay charges
aim iuku uii'iii uwuy ur lut-y wm uu uisjhjsi-u ui uu
cording to law.
J HA minium .111111,
Aug. 31bt-3 w Columbia county, I'a
Notice U hereby clvcn to all leiratcea. creditors
andotucriwrsona Interrstotl In the eetatesof the
reapecuvo-uuctxieniH una iniuurH, i-uul 1110 icmow.
Ine administration andcruardlan accounts havo
been tiled In the office ot the Register of Columbia
county, and will bo. presented for continuation
and nllowanco In tho orphans Court to bo held
in uiooinsourg, ouMonuay, Bepicmoer-'un, inw,
av u ciuuk j'. in., uu bum uiif i
1 The! account of Hester Klst lor and Daniel P.
Ktstler. admlnlstratora of J. 11. Klstlcr. lato of Cat-
awissa lowusuip, aocuaitpa,!
2 Tho first anil final account of (leorce Russel.
ono oi ino exix-iuors oi jiuucri. i(us&ci,-iuie ui iivm-
1UCK lUWUMlip, uuceoMKi.
s The second nnd tinal account ot Isiao Ilea
cock, executor ot John Madon, lato of Greenwood
luwnsmp, ucceosou.
4 The second and final accountfbf refer J. Won
ver, executor oi Augustus W. Weaver, lato of
riaaiugl'nx'K umiisuip, uuuwaauu.
5 -The, llrst nnd final account of John K. Shultz.
executor of Elizabeth Adams, lato of Madison
luwnsiup, ut-cciuwu.
M rro.A,lM.- An.t flnnl, nt Tl.inlr.l 11A.f,A.
surviving administrator of Tlu-roba llaylor, late of
Montour township, deceased.
.7 Tho final account ot David Whltmlra, gitar.
uiau oi iuu iH-'ruou aim t-siaiu ui it. u. .-uarieeny,
minor child ot Jlenry Marteeny, deceased.,
s The first and final account of It. J. Johnson
ana r. 1 . .lonnson, aumimsiraiors oi samuei joun
bon, late ot Orrcnwood towashlp, deceased.
U' Tho first nnd final account of George Stlne.
executor ot Sarah A. btlne, lato of Locust town'
ship, deceased. '
. f. m,a Mm anrl rin.l nMWlilnt nMn.l ll.lriilbi.
ont ot the executors of Henry Ilelalillno, ' late ot
rtshlngcreck township, deceased.
11 'The final nocont of Nathan I'leck'cnstlue,
f uardlanottbe iiersonand cstatoof Wlllluia K.
lugvnbuch, minor child of Michael Jlagcnbuch,
il The first account of Anna Kreasler and Wm.
K. Werkhelser, -administrators of .Amanda Work.
hetry lute ot (tie Town of llloomsburg, deceased.
18 Tlisnrtandnnai account oi jonn Mourey,
imsui oi Liuauviu rvciuuuur, taw vi piiuuu wnu
ship, deceased.
1 Tho nttli account ot John Appleman, sur.
vlvlng executor ot 1'cu-r Appleman, lato ot Hem
lock township, deceased. '
1S The lint and final account of Jacob Sc-huv,
ler, executor of Nuucy P. Lckhart, lato ot Green
wood, Ioa nlil, dcco:U90d,
of Satah Jane Vi tler, u minor child ot Daniel i ut
ter. Into ot Main towuhlp, deceaicd.
17 Tho fiual account of Henry Holllngshead and
Iwioll, bccsholtz, executors of riitilj) BiwholU,
late of C MiiwLM township, deco.ised,
18 Tlio first and final account of Muses Savngo
administrator ot Itaunob I'latt, late of Jackson,
township, deceased.
Jleglster'Bonioe, Oeo. Yf, BTKHNKH,
Ploomsbunf, Aug. V7, tu. ltegutfr,
Sl(BHin?'S SALE,
liy lrttii of sundry writs Issued out ot
tho Ujurtof.Common Pleas, nnd to mo illrected,
will lie c.xiKsed to public sale nt tho Court ltoue,
In Mnomstmftr, on
Montiay Sept. 24, 1883.
at s o'clock, p. m.,
All that certain lot or piece ot landsltuato In
Malnvllle, Columbia county, Pa., and bounded nnd
described tis follows, to-wlti on the north by lot
ot Anna Oclffcr, on tho eosthyn publlo road,
on tho north by nn alley nnd on tho west by Cta-
wlssacreek, containing ono ncm, more or less, on
which are erected a thrco-story framo dwelling
house, n two-story framo store house and out
buildings. Peloil, taken Into execution ill tho suit of Peter
lllllmoycr vs. W. T. Shuman, and to bo sold as tho
property ot W. T. Bhiiman, Vend. Kx.
lllllmeycr, Att'y,
All thoso certain town lots slltiato In tho Town
of Olen City, tn Itoaver township, Columbia coun
ty IloundM ns follows, to-wlti lleglnnlng atn
point ntty feotcast of tho Catharine lonccnticr-
trer tract ot land, 'thenco north Ihirtccn degrees
west twelve hnndrcd and Mventy feet to tho Dan.
vllle, Harleum t: Vllkcabarro ltallrond, thence
along said road south eighty-four and ono halt de
grees west threo hundred nnd slxty-nvo feet to tho
north.Veat corner of Vine sttect, thenco along said
street south thirteen degrees east clown hundred
nnd thirty-eight feet to n corner on north stdaot
Front street, thenco along said street south seven-
ty-scven degrees west thrco hundred nnd ntty feet
to tho placo of beginning, CONTAINING tho fol
lowing1 lots and parts of lots as marked and num.
bored In plot or plan ot Olen City, to-wlt: lltocks
1, S.ilS, 17, 19, SO; IMS NOH. 1, S, 3, 4, B, C, 48, 49, 50,
51, &J, 53, 51, 53, M, 57, M and 59 i nlso nil land north
of said lots, and south of tho nbovo named railroad
excepting two, ntty feet wldo streets marked ob
Second and Third streets In siild town plot.
Alt that certain meHsuago and town lotot land
situate In tho village ot Georgetown, In Beaver
township. Columbia county, lnthostnto of Penn.
sylva'nla, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt:
I)t number soventy-two In plot No. 4 In said vil
lage, bounded on tho north by nn alley, on tho
Ca3t by Market street, on tho south by Krout street
and on tho west by lot number wvonty-onc, nhd
containing ntty foct In front, and ono hundred and
ntty feet in depth.
Tho ono undivided third of all tho following
mentioned and described tract, pleco or parcel of
land situate, lying and being In tho township pt
Ilcaver, In tho county ot Columbia nnd staUi pf
Pennsylvania, correctly described by metes nnd
bounds as follows, to-wlt ! HKOINNINC1 at
comer of lands of Thomas Lemon, Mary Scott and
Daniel Never and running thenco by lands of
Daniel Neyt-r south ono degree west three hun
dred and thirty-seven and five-tenths, perches to, a
stone tn line of lands of Jcsso Kvans, thenco by tlio
samo north eighty degrees cast etghty-two arid
five-tenth perches to a stono In tine Of lands 91
Jesse Brooks Uienco north tWelve degrees' west
eighteen perches to stones, thenco north eighty
nno. one-nan degrees east ono nunarca ana cigmy-
one nnd soventy-flvo ono hundredth perches to
stones and lino of Catharine Longenberger, thenco
by tho samo north thirteen and one-half degrcq3
west two hundred and eighty-two perches ton
post and corner of Gcorgo Longenberger, thenco by
tho samo north eighteen and one-half degrees
west' Utty-two nnd seven-tenth lurches to stones
and corner of Thoinas Lemon aforesaid, nnd thenco
by tho samo south seventy-two and one-half de
grees west ono hundred and sixty perches ton
post, tho placo ot beginning, tho wholo or threo-
thlrds of said tract, being tlio tract knovn as tho
Andrew Clark tract, CONTAINING thrco hundred
npd nlucty-stx acres, more or less.
Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit df Par-
dec, Marklo Orier vs. J. A. Losec, and to be bold
as the property of J. A. Losec.
Itoblson, Att'y. Vend Ex.
All that certain tract of land situate In Sugar-
loaf township, Columbia county and stntO of
Pennsylvania, bounded on tho north by land of
John Harrington, on tho cast by land of Frcdorick
Laubach, on tho south by land of William Ulrllng-
crnndon tlio west by land ot Jcsso Haitman',
CONTAINING1 seventy acres, moro or less, 'on
which aro erected a plank dwelling houso, nnd
outbuUdlngs. Thero h also a good apple orchai d
on tho premises.
Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit of
Hartman vs. John MItchicr, and ro bo sold as the)
property of John Mltchler.
Freeze, Att'y. Vend Kx.
All that certain messuage,' tenement or tract ot
land situate In Fishlngcreek township bounded
and described ns foUows, to-wlt: BEGINNING nt
n stako corner of Philip unangst and widow
George Laubach's land, thenco Bouth seventy
eight and ono-halt degrees west nlongsald Lou.
uaens iana uny-seven-percnos to apos,tiucnco
along, land ot Daniel Bogart houthnlne ilegreca
cast ono hundred &, soventy-one perches. to a post
thenco along land 01 Gcorgo Lazarus north soven-ty-onoand
a half degrees cst twenty-four anil
four-tenth perches to a chestnut tree, thenco
along land ot WlUlam Unangst north two degrees
west eighty perches to a chcsuiuttrcc, ihonco
along tho samo north &eventy-ono and a half de
grees cost twenty perches to a ches.tnut tree,
thenco along the same north seventeen nnd a half
degrees west fourteen perches to a stone, in tho
orchard, thenco along tho samo north sixty-four,
degrees east nineteen perch03 to a stono In public.
roAd, thence by land of Philip Unangst north
eighteen nnd a halt degrees west blxty-clght per-i
ches to tho place of beginning, CONTAINING
forty-BOven acres and sUty-sevcn perchos of land.,
Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit ot Ham-
ucl Shlves, executor of Thlllp Unangst, deceased,
vs. Edward Unangst, and to bo sold as the proper
ty of Edward Unangst, Lev. i'a.
Miller, Att'y.
All of the defendant's interest In tho following
real estate :
Being tho undivided X of a certain lot or pleco
of land sltuato In Jerscytown, Maauon lownsnip.
west of A. K. Smith's hotel stable, and upon tho,
same side ot tho public road bounded on tho north!
by tho public road leading from jersoytown to
Washlngtonvlllo, on tho west by lot ot land tie.
longing to tho heirs ot David Itoss, deceased, on;
tho. South by land otJ.C. Fruit and on tho cast
by lot of land belonging to Mary Stout, CONTAIN
INO one fourth ot an aero of land, moro or teas;
whereon aro orected a two Story frame dwelling
houso and other outbuildings.
bclzed, taken into execution at tho suit 0; Wil
liam Glnglea vs. Nelson Welllvcr, nnd to bo sold;
ns the property of Nelson wolllver.
Jkelor, Att'y. w. Fa.
The undlvldod ono-fourth ot nil that certain
tract of land bltuato In Brlarcreek and Fishing.
creek townships, Columbia county, Pa., bounded
and described as follows, to-wlt : beginning at ino
southeast comer ot tho Alexander coenran tract,
thenco north eight degrees west 18 porches' ton
btone comer In lino of land of Nathan iioacli.
thence along samo south 83 degrees west 79 5-10
perches to a stono, thenco south 8 V( .degrees west
51 perches, thenco south w degrees west 4 per.
ches, thenco north 8 degrees west lttt perchcs,thence
south ft! degrees west 17 perches, thenco south and
east 62 perches to stono corner, thence couth tu do-
degreos west 79 perches, thenco north tl degrees
west 110 perches to a stono comer, thenco south
(BJi degrees, north 106 perchesto n stono corner on
line of land of William Clark, thenco along samo
soutliSO degrees cast 253 perches to tho Henry
Adam's corner, thenco north SIX degree' cist 3W
perches to a stono corner ot Henry Adams' tract.
thenco bouUi soj; degrees east 103 perches to the
place of beginning, containing coo acres, moro or
Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit ot tho
Uloomsbuig Banking Company vs, A. B. Pearson,
and to bo sold as tho property ot A. I). l'ear.wn,
Vend. Kx,
Wirt, Att'y, JOHN MOUltKV,
Tho undersigned auditor nppotnted by tho or.
plums' court ot Columbia county to mako dtstrlbu.
(ton of tho balance lu tho hands of the ndmlnlstra,
tor, to nnd among thopartleseutltlod thereto, will
bit at tho otrlco of II. F. Z.irr listj. in liloomsburg on
m.-uut-iuy DvpicuiucrDiu irwi, ubivuuiuuKtt ill.,
wheu and where all parties having olalms against
said ustat 0 must appear nnd prove tho same or bo
debarred from any share ot said fund.
JOHN c. voctni,
augs Auditor.
Tlie' underslgnivl auditor appointed by tho Or
phans' Court of Columbia county to make dlbtrlbu
tlon ot the balance In tho hands of tho administra
tor, to and among the parties entitled thereto, will
sit at his nmoe in Bloomsburg on Monday Kent, nth
lNfl, at 10 o'clock tin., when and where nil par.
ties having claims ngalnst said estate must uppear
nnd prove tho samo or bo debarred from any slum
ot said fund.
Aug 21 ta Auditor.
Airs of tho CiitawUHaBiIdgo Company will bo
held at tho publlu bouse ot Hester KHUer tu tho
lonnof Catuvtlssu, between tho hoursot lundo
p. in., ou the utli day of r-iiteiil.-i'. isisi, fur the
inirpobO of obulnlug their uuseut to umondtho
by-inua of said company, as follouut lhatthc
tlinoot holding llieminuul clectlmbe rliHiigrd
tioui the Ural .Monday of May tothi-ilrst Monday
ot March, and thallho legulariuectlDg of tho
Board now held on tho third Monday ot May bo
changed to tho last becular day ot Marcu,
Aug, 17.3W J. B. ltOBINH, SfCy.
Jesso Shannon vs. Allen Ilencock, ct nl. "
H. p, lcaso & X P. Wolvcrtoh vs. 1). It. ,$ W. 1L
tu IV,
Jovnli A. Ilenrle, ft tlx., v-t .lohu Ilorfnian,
sheriff I t, nl.
Andre J, Kvntis fhailefi Krug. , .
J. V, siinkey, ngeiit1Tit. Henry summers.
W, F. lllbncy m I, if, Heesliolt?; et.-nl,
i.'nthnrlno Hchmlck's uio vs. W. F. lllbby,
7.. 11. ltobblns vs. u. M. U J. K. Lncknrd?
J. M. Hmlth, nsslgneo, vs. calvln ciatk, ct iix.
W. Y. Yettcr, oxeculor, vs. William Yenger.
Uio blnircr Manufnrtiirinif fn. va. MnrTi.ti Hid.
John Shoaller vs. Philip Springer.
Jacob swank vs. N. n w. 11. ltallwny co.
.Michael Hceso vs. N. K W. II. Itnllwny Co.
Archibald lwls as. N. ; W. II. lMllwny Co.
ensper ithnwn's ailmlnlstralor vs. N. a W. It. It.
Isano Weckcrlv's executors vs. Daniel II. l'ml.
rred smith, ct al., vs. N. W. II. It'y. Co.
Erhralm Kramer vs.JJ. W. It. It'y. Co.
U..ll;lirockway'sas3li.'nce va N. Halt.
wnj'Cj.. , .i 1 i . .
u.-Ai nrss vz, w. w. 11. llauwny iu !
Illram Ilces vs. Charles Knig, ct nl. ' I
Danli-l Walter vs. J. P. Uwis. ;
o. 11. Meliick vs. John W. Ilorrmnn.
John C. Knrns vs. Town of lllooiniburg.
Charlei K. ltelchart Chailei Kllngaman. 1
' Aarnn llnnrti'u. tvtnrttr(rnii. .
ltlclmrd Ivy vs. Henry Ort. "1
Lloyd Shuman va N. c W. II. It'y. Co.
Lloyd Yeager vs. N. W. II. It'y. Co.
Henry Hamer'et tit. vs. N. V. II. It'y. Co. Mourev'ft fiilrnln!lnililv va. V. U 11
icy. 1x1. 1
Andrew I'roveiiui! vs. 11 nin 1 iioimiH. rt. nl.
Levi Kurtz v. Joseph Beam, ft ux.
Gideon Stl-eker'a nilmlntvtriitnra va. Thnmna
Hlekcy. 1
Htopncn Wbif vs. John M. Miller.
Allimcolovs. Hjrah Hess.
Jacob trainee VS. N. tt W, 11. It'y. Co.
W. (I. Metier A U. M W. 11. U'v. f'n.
Jane Mover vs. JamiVi H. I-vaii'A nilmlnUtr.ilnr.
.' l,Vl,l ITAlirt,.-nAA.M..d lh.,.ltnl...l.. f
Letters of administration In tho esijiiiff.Tnmea
MoMnhan, lato of MU J'leasmt township, coliun
bla county. Pa., deceased, havo been granted by
tho ItegWer of said county to John J. Wolf.
All persons having claims ngalnst bald i-stato aro
requested tn present them for settlement, nnd
tho-io ludebted to the samo to mako payment to
tho undersigned administrator without delay.
wm. cnntsifAN, 'JOHN J. WOLr,
Attorney. Administrator.
Tlie undersigned nudltor appointed by tho (ir.
phans' court of Columbia county to mako dlstrihu
tlon of tho b.ilanco in flu- hnhds of tho administra
tor, lo and among, tho- parties ontltled) thereto,
will sit at his oftlco In liloomsburg, on Haturday
tkiptomber 15th, ino, nt 10 o'clock n. m., whortatd
where nil parties Interested in said estaro nro re.
quested to present their clalmVor bo foreVer do-
unnvu iium any biiaru 01 saui lunn.
It. Ill'CKlNlllIAM,
ESTATE OP PKTRti MirttiKf. niir-riai-n.
t.Thelutulemltmp,! tu'lriltn? rtnnrAn'td- hir.lhfT nr.
Tihan'S court ot Columbia county, to mnko distri
bution ot balance hi tho hands ot tho ndmlnlstro.
lor 10 nnu amonir panics entiuea uiercuj, 'WW sir,
nt his oftlco in Uloomsburg, on Saturday Hepteraber
15th 1SS3, at 10 o'clock a. m. when nnd where all
parties Interested in said estate must appenn and
present their claims or'boitoroverUebarredfrom
any share ot said estate
1 ' lA'Y.'.MlJ.l,b.lC, ,
Aug, 31. - j
Tho underslmed auditor. iumsltill .liv I lie nr.
phtms'jCQurt ot Lolijmbla county by ugrcoincint ot
10 anu OHpoao 01 excepuonj, mui niso
to diatt Ibuto tho fund to and among tno parlies en
titled to tho same, will bit at tlio ofilc" ot c. (I.
Ilnkley csn. In Dloomtburir on saturdav. senicm-
lier 1st, lf3nt 10 o'clock in the forenoon, when and
wln.rn nil ii(ivnn linvtn M.lmo bnt.l a,l
tato must appc.ur and pu-bcnt them or be debarred
iroin any tuuc 01 saw umi). t
nug 10
WHEREAS, tlicHon. William Ei.WEi.r,
1'iesldcnt Judgo of tho Court ot Oyor and
Terminer and GcnernlJall DeUvery, Court of Quar-
tor.csslons ot tho I'eaco and tho Court ot Common
pleas and orphans' Court In tho 25th Judicial Dis
trict, composed of tho counties of Columbia nnd
Montour, and the Hons. James Lako and P. L,
shuman, Associate, Judges .ot' Columbia county,
havo Issued their precept.beartng da to the 9tU day
of, May tn the year o our Lord ono thqusand eight
hundred and elghty-threo, and to mo directed for
holding n Court of Oyer nnd Terminer and General
Quarter Sessions of tho J'eace, Court ot Common'
Pleas and Orphans' Court, tn Bloomsburg, In tho
County of Columbia, on tho fourth Monday, being
tho 3lth day of Sept. next, to continue for two
Notice is hereby given lo the'thoiJus
ttces 0 the Peace, nnd tho Constables oftho'sald
uouiiLy- ui yuniuiuia,uiiiL my uc men aim mere in
thClr'piopOr person at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of.
said Wsh day of Sept, with their records Inqul-i
sltlons and other rcmcmbrari'c'cs,to do thoso things
which to their ofllces appertain to bo done. And
thoso thnt aro bound by recognizance to proseouto
against tho prisoners that nro or may bo In tho Jail
ot tha said county ot Columbla.tobotlien nnd thero
to prosecute them as shall be luot. Jurors aro re
quested to bo punctual in their attendance,
agreeably to their notices. Dated at liloomsburg
(, ,1 tho llth day of Aug. In tho year of our
I L. ti. i-Lord ono thousand eight hundred and
1 elL'litv-t hree nnd In tho ono hundred nnd
Btjvcnth year of tho Independence ot the United
DbllLLS ui Aiuericu.
snenn's omce, jqun MOURKY,
Bloomsburg, Aug 6 to Sheriff.
0 T I S B It 0 T II H It S'
Cures quleklv and easily Hard and Soft Corns, cal
louses, Warts, Moles, Ac.
no knife ! no Gutting;! no cure . no pay !
Price Only 15 Cts.
OTIS BROTHERS' Chemists, Bingham
ton, N. Y.
Aug. 31-3m. M
To sell Ur. Chase'u lteeelnes ! or Information for
Everybody in every county Intho. united htntesi
andcnuiidns Knlargedby tho publisher to 6H1
pages- It contains over household recelpes!
anil Is gutted to all classes' and conditions of so
ciety.' wonderful book and a household ncces-i
slty. It sells at sight, (ireatcst Inducement over
offered to book au'ents. baniole conies sent bv'
mall, Postpaid, forf2,00. Kxcluslvo territory given.
Airents moro than doublo their money. Address
Dr. chase's Steam Printing Houao, Ann Ilurborj
august 31, 3m.
Farmers and Thre'sliers
wMilngto purchaso lirst-class
artlcKs of
One nwJTmi-HorsoTs'ontl Vow
era. with Tlireshers nnd Sluikers, will do well to call on.
or address J. M. Hl'LSHI.Llt,
Light Htrect, Columbia county, Pa,
tv All work warranted, send for price list
and glvu mo a trial. No better nfitchlnes are
maiufaclured lor thlsbocllon of Uio country,
July 'J0-3rn
Scraiiton, Sopt. 18, to 21st 1
Four genorous Urotxlcra' Pui-bos, A (irand "frco.
to-all" race. Thu llnobt display ot IILOODICU
stock over held In Northern lVunsylvanla. An uu.
equalled array ot liuerebttng special features.
Kxeurslon tickets, with 11 coupon of admission
attached, . ill U- bold at nil the bt.itlons ul greatly
icducou ratuu.
A. B M'K li.SS, Prcfcldenl.
J. Ji CA1IMAI.T, 'lieaeuier.
JlKNIti P, JACOBS, tkn'rctary.
aui. (1 ir
GtEZ A AIOXTil aud luiAltl) Iur thrrellvu
WOO Youniriaiu or ladled lu oacJi county,
AdilrOHsl'. W. aikuttntco., J'hlladUiihU I'u,
July!f7-4w d'
W1J jiurposc niakitig it ns nalc
and plcnsant, nnd in every
way ns satisfactory to shop by mail
ns in pcrsoti at our counters.
WE take nil possible care to avoid
nrrnK. nr1 when ftllV OCCUr tllCV
nro corrected at once.
WE arc always willing to exchange goods
which do not please after being received,
provided, they are returned to us in perfect
condition and within reasonable time.
Samples of Dry Goods of nil kinds
even the most expensive, cent free of
charge on application.
EVERY lady who shoi by mail bhould send
for a specimen copy of our
Fashion Quarterly.
Strawbridgc & Clothier,
RifTiith & Market Sts'..
An experience of over ten years in placing Hot Air Furnaces
is sufficient guarantee . that the public can secure of him tho best
Furnaces for the least money. Those who are using Furnaces set
by him are well pleased with their results. Give him a call.
Ml $todk
Tlio subscriber has Just returned from New
comnrLsinffin part. UmelL Hartford, Unnncr Uim, and other makes of iiorty UmsscK a full
BoVidT'urp ftWa aowir'X&o
TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, as low ns 70 & 7Ce.
Ingrains part cotton, M, 30,, nnd !0 cents. Floor oil cloths at S5. 30 35 40 11 and Wo hnuaro yard.
SSAraiS3S1,mpraffipt atrentlOhat'Vte'aoA
Berwick. B. r. Ilanley, J. II. Hoyt, J. B. Lock
ard. Benton. Andrew Stlno, J. 1). Colo, Henry llrow
er, Ik'aver. Thomas Hoffman.
Bloom. James Commons, Joseph Decker, J. K.
Kycr, J.J. llneenbuch, Thomas Hartman, 11, c.
NuKle, John Yost, Fial Beagle.
catuwlssa. christian cicwull, Jacob KUngcr-
centre. Z. T. l'owlsr, Bllas Hone, (loo. Hagen.
buch, Hauiuel Bower.
Centralla. Wwnrd James, Jlnnus Mcltrerty.
Fi-ihlnt'creck. A. C. linun, Ellas M. Laubach,
Mo.-ies Mcllenry, Oeo. lvnnlneton.
(lrt-6nwood. I. II. Ikelcr, A. btauder.
Hemlock, lteubcn Bomboy, u. w, Hartmun,
Jenulah J'oolny.
Jackson. Frank Dorr.
IwiM. Washington (iconre.
Mndbon. IL -M. Butler.
Main. N. H. W. Brown. John W. Bhuman.
Minim. Lewis (.'1 easy, John Michael.
MU'leasant. Htenhen Crawford, IsalahW, How.
ell, Clinton Mellck.
Craiise, cnmdeu Jlears, 1". V. C'lasben, Marlon
Bcott. calvln Krcssler, A. B. White,
tjugarloat, J- c. shullz.
Ilcaver. Charles Michael, Frank lthoads.
Benton IL M. Davis, Thos. Davis, Thoa. Hart.
mon, btoat F. Calley,
Berwick, s. i Bowman, U. o. Crispin.
Bloom. John Klcckner, WeUey Knorr, Isaao
Kitchen, J, J. hawalL
Brlarcreek, II. M. Evans ,
catawlssa. M. U. Hughes, John Hiibcr, M, V, B.
Centre. Hiram Heller, John Miller,
lemraua. uouu 1. joues.
ililnsKreek. Amos White. J. Y. Hutchison. J.
. ItlinlrnlpnT. s '
. (iroenwood. Theodore Parker.
'Franklin. Heiiry (Jjitshall, , Jonathan
Madison. F.raxtus llenderhott.'
Miruiu. John J, (iartzel, Abraham Bchoweppcn.
helser. .
Iwust. Johnaable.
Orange, I. K. DUdtno, oeo. Appleman, J. a Har.
man. '
lluo. Wm. I'urselL
ltoailngcreek. 1). IL I lower,
Montour. Henry AUlileh.
Ml. I'leasunt. 11, w, Mellck.
LKUAIj blanks,
.Philadelphia. Y
off Cmpete,
York and a'hlladelnhla, and la now reccivine the
thlsbc-chonotthobtatoi tht ilat&deC
TEltM, IbKl.
Blopm. li F. Cavaneo, Thomas II ncilddK B. F.
I, 'cks. John penman, Mnitln Itamlull, Flank
I nylor, B. F, Kinney, David Wilson.
licnton. James Welnnim.
leaver. Samuel lllnderlltcr.
catawtssiu Hamilton Fisher.
(lioenwood. Jonatlian Lemon.
Hshlngoreek, J. v. Bobbins.
Hemlock. Diehard Henry, Wm, Hartman, James
A Harris.
Mlniin. (leo. Bowman.
Mt. I'leasunt. A. V, Kressler, Wm. Oman.
IM10. Win. (ircenloy.
Orange. A. II. Klsner.
hcott. (leo. Kelchuer, B. F. nice, B. F. ltelghard.
A School jor doth Sexes. Tioen
Iv Instructors. Convcnicn-
ccs ofbnildinrs eminently supC'
1 iur.
Classical, Scientific, C'ollego Preparatory, Nor
mal, Musical, Art nnd Commercial courses of bludy,
sttOnnWH'1' piiyoniionscarorAcailein.
tjplj Uio Brunches forono year. M to t-UO
required to comploto Buslnest, Courw. Boarding
ilithrirtn-iMit wlllimit n eilnnrl.v
Fall Term lieps Ai, 29, 1
Bond for catalotfuo. Commercial students, ad.
dress ITof. W. I. linn j all olhcre, address
Itev, 1. L. HPltAOUB, A. M.,
iluly.waw prttwIiHil,
Ktt-'OSToV, Pa,
CurcB Plies, Itchlntr, blind nud bleedlni? Barlior's
Itch, Tetter, Bait Itheum, ltlngworins, Ulcers, Chil
blains, Pimples, all tho Skin I)sea.sos. Tlio bsl
OUitmeul tn tho world. Tho people Ui be tho
judge. All Druggists. Whoteaaloby JlIINSNi
IKII.I.OWAy A; t o., (Wi Aril, hired, I'hllii
delidiln, I'a. '
Aug. I0-4W r