Truth as tlio Foundation, of Manhood. You want to know, Tom, wlmt la tho first quality of iiunliooil T Wull, listen. 1 am going to loll yon in ono lltllo word of llvo loUorH. Ami I am going to writo that word In very loud lottori as though you woro deaf, bo that you may novcr forgot it. That word Is "TRUTH." Now thou, ro mouther, truth U tho only foundation on which can bo erected "a manhood that is worthy of being bo called. Now mark what I say, truth must bo found ation on which tho wholo character is to bu erected, for otherwise, no matter how beautiful tho upper Btorics may be, ami no matter of how good mater ial they may bo built, tho edifice, the eharacterj tho manhood, will bo but a Hham which offers no sure refugo and protection to thoso who Book it, for it will tumblo down when trial comes. Alas, my boy, tho world is very full of such shams of manhood in overy pro- -fessiou and occupation. There nro lawyers in this town who know that they havo never had any training to fit them for their work, who yet imposo upoi tho peoplo aud tako their money for giving advice which they know they are unfitted to give. I heard of ono lately who advised his partner "novcr have anything to do with law books,for thoy would coufuso his mind.'' Thero aro ignorant physicians who know that thoy aro ignorant, and who can and do imposo upon peoplo nioro ignorant than themselves. There aro prcachors without number pretending to, know what thoy havo learned. Doh't yon Bee that their manhood is as at best but a beautiful deceit t Now I want you to bo a man, and that you may bo that, I want you first and fore most to be true, thoroughly true. I hope you would scorn to tell a lio, but that that is only tho beginningof truth fulness. I want you all to desp'we all sham, all pretense, all effort to seom to bo otherwise than ,you are. When wo havo laid that foundation then wo can go on5 to build up a manhood, glorious and godlike, after tlnT'iferfect imago of Him, tho perfect Man, who saiu that Ho was born that Ho might bear wit ness to the truth. lixshop Dudley. Good Old English Justice- ,KA.,brilliant illustration of the beauties of English justice is afforded by a Man- ' cheater paper. A boy had been sent by his master to drive rooks away from a .field of corn, and had been intrusted with an old musket and a limited sup ply of coarse gunpowder to assist him in this business. For a timo tho boy had blazed away with tho gunpowder harmlessly; but thinking (Nimrod fashion) that it would bo finer Bport, aud-more effectual also, to kill the pre dacious birds than to frighten them, ho had charged his weapon with small ' atones. At that moment, and just as ho was prepared to put his sanguinary i design into execution, a strange-looking bird with a long tail flew over his . hcatl Tho next moment up went tho gun to his shoulder, and down sank his fore finger to the trigger. Then thero was ' n bang, a scream and & ilutter; and within a few yards of tho unhappy . young sportsman lay a mortally-wounded pheasant; and whilo tho little fellow was scratching his head in amazement at the exploit, and wondering how such a small charge of powder could kill such a great bird, up camo a wrathful gamekeeper, and, after chastising tho boy for his unfortunate deed, carried oft' tho dead pheasant, and entered com plaint against his slayer. The wretched lad was arrested, and in spite of tho fact that ho was a widow's only Bon, and was really ignorant of tho nature of his heinous crime, was condemned to a fine of 5, or three mouths in jail and sent to jail, not ono of tho sitting Magistrates being man enough to pay tho lino. The Chief Magistrate, wh"o is a great game pre server himself, remarked to the miser able mother: "It is a very light sen tence, all things considered. Why, woman, I remember the time when such a thing would havo been a hang ing matter almost, and you ought to bo grateful." Nice humane gentlemen aro these to rule a great nation, and nico laws for them to rule it bv. The Stars- ' HNiiiTS aitohdkh by the skies duisino THE PltBSKNT MONTH. August is tho least brilliant month of tho year for stellar displays. Tho dog star, Sinus, with his magnifioont rctinuo of heavenly diamonJs, is al most in conjunction with tho sun, and thero aro very few stars of tho first magnitude to reward the search of tho gazer. Tho brightest ono now visible is Acturus, a fine red star, which may easily bo found by following tho curve made by tho liaiullo of tho big dipper, which is now up side down. Coiitinu ing in the same curve, low down near tho horizon, is Spicai tho only first mamiitudo star in tho constellation Virgo. Over in tho south tho Crab ! has things all his own way, with An tares flaming red from tho middle of one of his claws. Up higher just besido tho Milkv wav. tho middlo ono of three in straight row, is Altair, tho gem of ithoconstellntion Amiiln. Almost di rectly overhead, in tho earlv ovenincr. beams the standard first magnitude star 'Vega, in tho Lyre. The planets aro very coy this month. JHercury and Uranus aro evening stars, but thoy uon t count becauso they aro invisible, atii'rn does not riso until after raid night, anil Mars is later, Hotli nro now in tho "rainv Hyades;' with whoso principal star, tho ruby Aldo barau. Saturn will bo in conjunction at sunriso on tho 13th. Jupiter does not riso until three o'clock, and Venus is ho late as to bo eclipsed by tho coming king of day. Later in tho month, how over, Jupiter will bo seen at any timo , ; aftor two o'clock, and venus, although , still late, will bo visible as the sun gets , lower. Tho absenco of planetary at ., tractions, however, may bo moro than ,(. made up by auroral displays such as -..mado last Sunday ovoning ; and about . (thu 10th, and again on thon2 1th, tho usual meteoric showers may bo ex pected. In tho middlo of tho month the moon will rule tho night and will stay longer than usual, so that alto gether, lovers and other persons addiot- )(qd to ovoning strolls are provided with a very attractivo programmo for tho month. Sheep often go a long timo without drinking, especially if in a pretty good picture, and the dews nro ho heavy that thuv cauYill up with wet grass in tho (inorniiig ; but when thoy do want to think, water W us necessary to thoir u honlth and comfort us to that of any other animals. Therefore, keep a sup ply of pure water in the sheep pastures ns in any other, and if tho shoep do not drink Hgivo thorn a littlo salt oncd i a week. They should have salt W often ns onco a week under any cir-cuinstaiices. Budding Fruit Trees. It is not half ho easy to describe In n manner easily understood tho oporatlon of budding trees, as it is for ono who has had the training to go to work and do it, Tho work is simple, out. that helps littlo in tho way of telling how it is done. As tho budding season is now at hand Juno and July aro tho favor- .i.- .1 f i! no mounts mo ioiicwwg iuiixuuiih may servo to mako tho matter plain; Tho bud is removed bv Inscrtina sharp knifo about an inch nbovo tho bud and cutting down to about tho samo distance below it, making tho cut deep enough under tho bud to take with it a littlo of tho wood. Now mako a slit or incision in the stock whoro tho bud is to bo inserted. Tho slit should bo about three-fourths tho leniith of tho bud pieoe, having a cross slit near tho ton llalso up carefully tho bark each side of tho down slit, n littlo moro at tho middlo than at tho cuds; slip in the bud, and wrap about tho place basswood bark or other baudnsc. bcciiiuitnr -to wrnp at tho bottom aud tying abovo thn linil. Wviiur tlm bud nrotrudluo. Ill principle, budding is precisely tlio samo as griming, me oraucu giowmg from it bcarinir tho samo fruit as tho treo from whioh it was taken. Willi a great many, uow-a-days, budding is coiiBioercu prcierauiu 10 gi.uuiig, uu- cattso it ts moro easily accomplished, becauso no injury in caso of fatluro to crow is caused to tho stock, and be cause thero is ample timo in caso ot failuro to repeat tho trial tho Batno sea son. A fortnight or so will tell whether tho bud has "catch cd on'' or not. Wo havo said Juno aud July aro tho favor ito months for budding. This should bo somowhat qualified. Much depends on tho variety of fruit to bo worked with, and much, ot course, on latitude. In tho most nottbcrly States budding is profitably done as lato as tho raiddjo of September. Trees finishing their growth early in tho season should be udded earlier than thoso which grow lato. Budding and grafting aro taught ,at tho agriciutural schools, and any teacher of a publio school may easily instruct pupils in this interesting art in a very short time. Timo employed in this sort of work is better for tho children than playinc marbles or spinning tops. Jioston 'Transcript. Modern Dairy Panning. Modern dairv farming, says the Hon. Hiram Smith, of Wisconsin, starts out with keeping ono cow on four acres, and this should bo tho password to every dairy lodge "ono cow to four acres ;" this should bo rapidly reduced until tho undoubted possibility is reach ed of keeping ono to every aero. Oho of the principles of modern dairy farm ing is to havo our cows givo tho most milk when dairy goods aro at tho high est price, which is invariably in winter. it has been repeatedly demonstrated that a good herd of cows coming into milk in September, October and No vember, will, in the average, givo from 4500 to GOOO pounds of milk annually. This milk is worth to sell at a factory or manufacture into butter or cheese, Si 30 per 100 pounds, or $58 50 as the average for each cow. In other words dairy farming with one cow to eight acres on 100 acres produces $1160 ; modern dairy farming with ono cow to four acres produces $2600, an in crease of $1500 ; by an outlay for feed and help, a net profit of $640, a sum sufficient to raiso the price of land from $50 to $100 per acre. A funda mental condition of successful farming is largo crops of corn, not lesa than two acres of fodder and four acres of field corn for overy ton cows, or a total of twenty-four acres for forty cows. All tho manure of the farm should bo evenly placed on theso twenty-four acres during tho winter, ond tho land plowed previous to tho 10th of May, and thoroughly harrowed, tho corn planted immediately thereafter with a norso drill, tho rows three and one- half feet apart, and tho kernels from seven to nine inches apart, and cultiva ted well betoro tho corn comes up with a fine-tooth harrow. Frequontly there after, cultivate until tho 10th of July, at which timo if tho work has been honestly done, it will bo freo from weeds with never a hoe in tho held, and it is almost certain to produce fif ty bushels per acre of shelled corn and thirty tons of fodder. It takes less labor to raise twenty-four acres of corn, as described above, than to raiso half that amount planted in hills and tho cultivation deferred until you can see tho rows. N. II. Mirror. Oow Sentiment. Wo havo always maintained that thero was a good deal of sentiment about a cow; that like a fellow's girl, if you want any favors from her you must in somo way, and tho neater it is dono tho better, appeal to her heart, or per- haps better yet, apply your persuasive forces to her imagination. We never believed in carrying this rule so far as to put green specs on tho cow and feed her dry louder, but it she can be induc ed to put absolute confidence in the per son who handles her, sho is sure to ro turn tho favor at tho railk-pail. An ex chatiL'O holos us out in this idea bv ing that a cow will givo moro milk and mako moro butter on a light sunshiny day than during ono of a dull, dark character. Tho animal eats moro heart ily, digests bettor, whilo tho vital forces aro activo during tho pleasant day Theso lacls arc not in themselves very important, yet thoy suggest tho query whethor closo stabling ot cows in win- tor or summer is better than Hiving them tho run of a yard or pasture. Wo aro very much in favor of tlio pasturo rather than tho yard, tor tho reason that in a yard all aro idle and this leads to constant nuscluet, tho old ones run itinr sm- Iinnllniv tliA vMincf nmw urlllliv if possible, a cow's jaws should bo kept busy all tho timo. Tho moro sho cats of food containing tho nutriment of ureen crass, tho moro milk sho will givo. American Dairyman. A Neoi.kctei Durv. Farmers' wives, read this. IJunnc tho hrst six mouths of 1882 thero were noarly cu en million dosen eggs, hen eggs, not ostrich or other fanoy cl'cs, but hen ecKS imported into the United States, Now, as a matter of fact, the wives of our farmers, mechanics, and country ministers outrht to ko into the egg bus iness bo thoroughly and successfully that thoy cau havo all tho fresh circa thov want in thoir own families, havo enough to supply all tho bankers in, merchants and other iami lies in tho land, and export tho surplus product to tho "down trodden natives of Europe. Tho idea of e peoplo with all our open country going to Franco or Belcium for pegs to go with our mornliiL' toast and coffee. We shall buv a coop of lions nnd start tho re form at once. Tariff or no tariff, America must raise her own eggs. Tho most nllllcted part of tho houso is tho window. It is always full of panes, and who has pot seon moro than ono winnow oiinti i THE COLUMBIAN AND Solcntifio Agriottlture. Is thero any such thing ns scieuAfiu ngriculturo ! If thero is wo hrtvu flill oil tn discover it. Wo havo ' known scientific to loavo their regular calling and taking up that of fanning havo undertaken to teach the lifo lotig, prnotioal workers upon tho land how to produco moro nbitndaht crops nt a lbss cost, if they would adopt his jicculiar system, dubbed Bciontific. Failing in influencing others, ho would "becopio disgusted with the arbitrary ignorance of thoso who hnd other ways of en riching their land, seeding, and har vesting their crops, &c, by which they not only earned a llvjtifr, but becamo independent, when ho would nbutidtm his own operations and go back to the city and his labratory, just in timo do nvoid a visit from tho sheriff to close up n steadily approaching bankrupt' Wo havo novcr vet known ono per sou who ventured upon livuiir on the proceeds of his labors, by lushing iiito fnrmtuiz in middle lite from other ocdii- pations, and set out, on ti new systont and assumed to bo general adviser jin hiB neighborhood, who succeeded in making both ends meet. Fivo yearn aro usually tho limit of his experiments and lus tusto lor country life, wlin havinir spent what Rpnro capital ho bo gan with, he recommences, with inubii poorer prospects and a reduced balik w . ... i . account, his old business, which itu well understood, for another which lio knew nothing about. Oermantown Telegraph. The State Fair. i THE NEW llUII.UlNll 10IITHK F.XIIIIUTIONS OK THE AOniCUI.TtJUAI. SbCIETV. l'rotrress is being mado in the' prlp- aration of the new grounds of the Stile Agricultural society at Broad and Ilujit-. mgdon streets, rniiadoipiiia, lor the annual exhibition, which will be, hild during tho latter part of. September. Tho tract of land comprises about thirty acres, and runs westerly to Lamb Tavern road. It is the intention to lay out tho ground in lawns and plant I it with trees and shrubs nnd ornamental fountains. The main exhibition build ing will bo 800 feet by 150 feet, ohd on tho lino 61 Seventeenth street. ' Tjho machinery annex will oxtond west from tho main building, nnd thero will bo other extensions' from the centre 'when needed. Floral hall will cover 150 by GO feet, and tho1 building for, tho oxm- bition of fruits, vegetables and other products will be 200 by 75 feet. Tlio, department of publio comfort will bo 150 feet long by 7t in width. Thdro will bo stalls for 250 cattle and 1C0 horses, pens for sheep and swine, and a poultry house 200 feet by 50. Tho total cost of the building will be' about1 $50,000 and at tho exhibition premiums to tho amount of $10,000 will booffir- od. If sufficient funds are contributed for the purpose the society will cnlargo tho main building to the proper pro portions for a music hall, it is the, in tention of the state society to hold an nual exhibitions at Christmas time", similar to tho Smithfield display in Lon don, where fat cattle and poultry will be exhibited. For the year ending Juno 30, theie: were 599,114 emigrants lauded in tljis' country, being fowcr than during' 1881 -82, but moro than any other year in our history. Thero was a decrease irom nearly every country that ships its surplus population to America, the heaviest de creaso being in Germans and in Scan dinavians. The emigration from Scot- laud showed a slight increase, whilo froui Italy thero was scarcely any vari ation. Ireland is Bending less peoplo than at any other time and now barely contributes 10 per cent, of our foreign population. Tho decrcaso in emigra tion sliOA'S either a better condition or affairs abroad or a worse ono .in tho United States. Just now tho mining regions of Pennsylvania hold out no flattering promises of fortuues easily made, as our working people are alilo to fill all the places needing muscle or brains. Tho Poles and Hungarians who como here commence at tho very lowest round in tho ladder and work for far the smallest pay possible.- Tho Irish, Welsh, Scotch and Germans do all tho contract work of driving chutes and headings, gangways aud tunnels nnd besides fill all tho chambers in every colliery. A foreigner coming hero must do loading or pick slate. Suspicion. Tho safest and shortest wav to ruin a character is oy creating suspicion. "Suspicions," in Bacon's words, "aro like bats among birds, thoy ever fly by twilight." If your neigh bor in business or social lifo be the ob ject of your dislike, let ic bo carefully whispered that his aitairs are not quuo as safely managed as thoy might be, or his habits a littlo questionable. If a woman liato her fa,r rival, a well aim ed word will as surely as tho touch of an infested hand, blaekon hor boauty and leavo her helpless. Who does hot know tho power ot such insinuation 7 Who does not meet every day tho vio tims of theso unseen wrongs 1 But it not necesary for this stylo of slan der to uso' articnlato words at all ; nny, tho most inarticulate hngttago is best for ils ends. A whisper dropped care lessly in scmo corner among tho com bustible a look, a shrug of the shoul der, a sneer n laugh, may servo tho purpose. Thoro is not n sadder fea ture or human nature, than tho readi ness with which raon accont inslriua tions, nnd the rarity with which they havo tho manhood to repel them. Hu mor with most minds is presumptive) evidence, and thoy will say with a knowing air, "Ihero must bo somo tiro in so much smoke. . Mod-Btonea and Hydrophobia, i mail-stono or calculus, Is lound in tho paunch of a deer or cow. It is claimed by thoso who have faith in the mail-stono that it adheres to tho wound until it becomes charged with poison. when it drops off. It is thou soaked in milk, and tho application is renewed As a very small percentage of thoso who aro bitten would have tho diseaso anyway, it is very easy to deceive poo plu with n mad-stone, it is said that o tho animals bitten two dogsotit of three will havo it, tho majority of horses havo it, cattlo havo a better chance, and sheep a still better. It is estimated that ono person in twenty takes tho disease somo estimates nro greater, somo less Thoro is a record of a dog that was bit ten by thirty mad dogs and outlived 4linki nil A llftnitt nnlitttt!tt Peach leaves aro poisonous and of ten provo fatal when eaton by animals Tho leaves uro said to contain prussio neid, nnd a number ot instances aro ro corded of sheep being killed by eating them. lustances navo occurred y which cattlo and shcon havo been pois oned by eating the leaves of tho wild cherry. It has been said that tho leaves of tho oultlvatcd cherry nr freo from poison until they havo wilt od t but cases havo been known in whloh tho green leaves Jiavo provod poisonous nod mini to animals. , DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Ilosr.s litoM CVrriNos. European horticulturists sometimes adopt this niodo of plnntltic rose outlines ho ns' to root Willi moro certainty. Thoy blind tho shoot mid Ins, rt both ends Into II ground, loavihe n single bud uncovered at tho middlo and on thn stir face of tho ground. Tho cuttings nro about (hi inches long, in id nro bout over a stick laid fiat in thu ground, holes being dug on each stdo ot tho stick tor tho recep lion of the ends of tho shool, but tho other end being buried, prevents evap oration and drying up. A coriespoud' ent of tho Loudon Garden suvs that ho has tried this along with tho old mode, and that, whilo tho weaker cut iingM ot tno inner havo shown symp toms ot drying and failure, nil the lor iner have grown vigorously. A philosopher remarks that no man can afford to ninku a fool of himself. But ho forgets that somo iiiiiii nro ut tcrly reckless of expense. A-Great-Problem. TAKE ALL THE KIDNEY & LIVER Medicines, BLOO PURIFIERS, RHEUMATIC Remedies, DYSPEPSIA And Indigestion Ourcs, mm nm. And Billions Specifics. BRAIN & NERVE Force Revivors. GREAT HEALTH Restorers. IN SHORT, TAKE ALL THE BEST qualities of all these, and tho best qual ities ot all tho best Medicines of tho World ilfid you will find that HOP BITTERS havo the. best curative, qual ities and nowers of all concentrated in thein, and that thoy will euro when ,ahy or all of these, singly or combined, fail. A thorough trial will irivo nosi- tivo proof of this. July I3tu-iw Songs Never Sung. 'How does tint verso run? Somcthlngllko this, Isn't It j 'Tlioro nro who touch tho magic string, And noisy fnmo Is proud to win them ; Alas I lor those who never slinr. Hut dlo with nil their music In them.' " Yes, that's beautiful, pathetic nnd true." said bout representative. "Tho poet alludes to people who are somehow suppressed, nnd never get their tull allowanco ot Joy nnd air. Which reminds mo 61 n letter shown mo tho other day bylllscoxi: Co,, ot New York, sjgned by .Mr. E. c. Williams, ot Chapman, Snyder Co., l'a., ft prominent business man of that place. Ho writes! 1 havo suffered with asthma for over fnrtv years, nnd had n, terrllilo attack In December nnd January, lBdj, I hardly know what prompted mo 10 iaKu i akk us- tonic. i uiu so, and tno nrst day 1 look fourdoses. The effect astonished me. That night 1 slept as If nothing was tho matter with me. nnd have ever since Ihavolmd rnlrta slnm. but no asthma. My breathing Is now an perfect its If I had never known that disease. It you know of any ono who has asthma tell him In my name that 1'akkkk's tonic will euro It even after forty years,' There was a man who escaped tho fate of thoso whom the poet laments. This preparation, which has therefore been known ns I'ahicku's OiNriKU TnNif. will iiprenrrpr bo advert lscd and sold under the name of 1'akkek's ionic, inasinmcn ns ginger is really an unimpor tant Ingredient, and unprincipled dealers aro con stantly deceiving their customers by substituting Inferior prep.uatlons under tho name of ginger, wo drop the misleading word. There la no change, however, in tho preparation itself, nnd all bottles remaining In tho hands of dealers, wrapped under tho name of I'akkkk's oin oe Tonio contain tho gcnulno medicine if tho fac simile signature ot lllscox & Co., la at the bottom ui mu uuismu wrapper. .I111V27J1W rt FCR THE PERMANENT DURE Of lia other disease- id bo prevalent In thi coun. itry o Constipation, and no remodyhu over .equalled tho eclcbratod KhlneyAVort as a 'euro. Whatever tho cause, however obstinate Uia case, this rcmedywiuovercomolt. . I b-u U&iJo ttolnt Is very ant to be rnnl P? TIH3 distressing- com complicated wtthconstlpaUon. Kldncy.Wort K!curC3 all kinds of lles even when physicians . . ctron-uienfl mo weaKcnea rtaru ana auicitu n and meclomcs navo Deiore laueou 13. EtTXf you navo eiiner ox in we troubles VMHMHMMS HOI" 'RICE 01. I UOB pARSONS' purgative piLLS MAKE NEW BIC1I BLOOD, Anil will cnmnlettflv rhani?o tho blood In tho en tire system in t hree months. Any person who will tako ono pill each night from ono to twelvo weeks, may bo restored to sound health, It such a thing Is possioic. ror curing remuiu vuuipi.iiiua iiicau fills havo' no criuaL l'hyslclans uso them In their pracUce. Hold everywhere, or sent by mall for 85 cents in stamps, send tor pampniei. i. o. .iuh.- BON & CO, Boston, Mass. apr 13 Ald-7 moa. MAKE HENS LAY An t&ngusn vewnuttry aurgcuu uuu iuuuiiBb, now travellns lii this country, says that most of tho Horse aud Cattle I'owders sold hero are worth less trash. Ho says that aiierldn's Condition Pnwiinrs are absolutelrnure and Immensely vain- aile. Nothmg on earth will mako h-na lay like Knnridan-s condition l'owaers. nose, i leaspoon ful to I pint food, sold everywhere, or sent by man tor s etter-siamns. i. o. joiinson s, uo 110STOK, Miss. aid JanSH3-Jy. REST not, life la sweeping by, go and daro before you1 dlo sometnlng mighty and su b lime leave behind to connuer timo." tos n week you own town, t-1 outfit tree. No risk. Bvervthlnir new. Cardial not reoulred. fortunes, Ladles mako as much as men, and boys and girls mako great pay. Header, It ou want we win furnisn you everytning. Many aro msmng till yuu uau iiiuku grt-ui. iiuy an niu -.afllMilnra ,rt tf Iflliri if fin. 1'ortland, Maino. Deo. 8, 'es-tv. Tha ilchett. crUltVI BEER ever qultif. f urines ine uioou. I CURES Dyspepsia, 1 LIverandKldnevdli- Junes. Sent bv Mall Son receipt ol zocts; in potiana uampi. Addrcst ! BEAN & RAPE. Wholesale Drugglill, Hot. 47 4 40 N. 24 St., Philadelphia. Juno My a.ts COMPIiETE WHEATCEGRASS FERTILIZER FOR $28 A Ton. This articlo has given universal satisfaction, and the sales havo grown enormously. Orders should bo sent in at puco lo secure prompt shipment. $25 per Ton of 2,000 Pounds in cars or Ilout la riill Help lila, SKND FOUCIUOlTLAltSlIOWINU G UAH ANT UK1) ANA LYSIS. BAUGH & SONS, SOI.K .MANUKAUTUltKllH, 20 86, Delaware Avomto, I DrUKRlsta Sell 11 msmawsmsasBi July I'lllUDIiU'lUA, I'A. SPEER'S, PORT GRAPE WINE. Usiid In tlio prlnclpAlcinirclios for communion purposes: Excollont for Ladioa and Weakly Por tions and tho Agod. Specr's Port Grape Winoj FOUR YKdliSOLD. mills OKLKUIt.VTKD NATlVl! WINK Is martn X from tho Julco ol tho Oporto Orane. raised In mis country. Its Invaluable Tonle and Strengthening rropartle3 nro unsurpassed by any other Kntlvo Wine, no VT" . r ,K j.vw vt ,uuiiiu', i;ivu Mr. oDGer's on nnrannnl Rim.rvlulnn luu.puro juice oiiuournpe, produced under and genuineness, nro guaranteed. Tti Its purity Thu youngest cuud may partake ot its generous qualities, and vw "cunusbiuvuuu uneii. io uuvaniage. 11 is par. tlculaily beneficial to the nircd and debilitated. and suited to tho various ailments that affect tho w-er box. It Is In overy respect A WINK TO SPEER'S P. J. Sherry. ThO P..T. SnErtllY la a Winn nf Snnnrlnr r'lir. actor, and partakes of the rich qualities ottho K.apu iiuw Yvuiuu ii. i-, untie, ror i uruy, iticu noss, Flavor and Medicinal Properties, It will bo found unexcelled. SPEER'S P. JT. ISranily. ThlsHUAKnV Atunds unrlvnllpil 1n ftilu r-nttntet. being far superior tor medicinal nurnoses. IT IS PIMK distillation from tho grapo.and don- bttiua vaiunuie luuuitiuui piuperiieH. It has a delicate llavor. similar to that of thn grapes, from which It H distilled, and Is In groat favor among nrst-class families. soo that the signature of ALl'KEI) SPEKIt, fas salo M.J, is over tho cork of each bottle. SOtl) BY O. A. KLiEIM. AND UY nitUClOISTS EVEUrVUKUE. sept, si, !!, i-y J. SALTZER'S General Sewiug Machine Depot, Fill Store Below Market St., BLOOMSBURG, PA. Celebrated White Sewing Machine, Now Davis Vertical Feed Sew ing Machine, New Home Sewing Machine, Household Sewing Machine, Estey Sewing Machine, Genuine Singer Sewing Machine, Singer Pattern Sewing Machine, Attachments, best Sowlne Machtno Oil, nnd Nee dles tor an sewing macnines. Sewing Machines sold on monthly payments- made for cash. Every machine purchased from me is warrantedtobe Kept In good runnlnc order for five years freo of chnrije, and thoroujh In structions given by the best lady operator in this part ot thu state free ot chargo, Examlno my stock of machines before purchasing. Liocrai oiscouni. SEEK health and avoid sickness. Instead of feeling tired and worn out, instead of aches and pains, wouldn't you rather feel fresh and strong? You can continue feeling miserable and good for no thing, and no one but your self can find fault, but if you are tired of that kind of life, you can change it if you choose. How? By getting one bottle of Biiown' Ikon Bit TEUS.and taking it regularly according to directions. Mansfield, Ohio, Nov, ii, i83i. Gentlemen : 1 have suffered with pain in my tide and back, and prcat soreness on my breast, with shoot Ing pains all through my body, at. tended with great wealness, depres sion of splms, and loss of appe tite, I have taken several different medicines, and was treated by prom Inent plnslclani for my liver, l.ld 1 thought 1 would try Iirown's Iron liittcrs j 1 have now taVen one bottle and a half and am about well pain In side and back all gone soreness all out of my breast, and 1 have a good appetite, and nm gaining In slrcncthand flesh. 1 1 can justly be Called ibo ( MtJirfnit, John K, Ahendub. icvs. HUspiccn,oui iRomorcuci, Bkown's Ikon Bitters is composed of Iron in soluble form; Cinchona the great tonic, together with other standard remedies, making a remarkable non-alcoholic tonic, which will cure Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Malaria, Weakness, and relieve all Lung and Kidney diseases, ON 30 DAY'S TRIAL. TIIK VOIIHIOIIGtrcO., Marshall. Mich., will Send UK. MYlt'M OKI.KIIItATKII KI.KUTIIO-VOt,-TAIU ItKIM and UI.IX'Tllll) AITI.IANt'KH on trial fir'd ijto men (vnnngoroid) who nro af flicted Willi Ncnnui Debility, Lost Vitality, and kindred trouble, guaranteeing speodyand com pletu restoration of Iinnlth and manly vigor. Ad dress ui abovo N. ll. No risk incurred, ns so Java' trial Is allowed' fob. Dth-lyr. r SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR rni.ri7 nnr mnjT a at 8U0 A YEAR Every Hstcy Organ Sold is mado Throughout with Equal fldclitl) "id Yields unrivaled tones. sssssssV - Bend for Illuttrated Catalogue, sisss k FoEdj md Nw Eung And other first class Pianos, nnd a large lot of FIto m flet Host MUSIC BOOKS, VIOLINS, ACCOTIDEONS, 13.i!LIVr JOS MUSICAL mCrUIIET f E, VIOLIN STRINGS, And c very thi bb&i isa the Music line. T- SALTZBR, MUSIC ROOM, FIFTH STORE BEL'OW MARKET STREET, BLOOMSBURG PA. mm m&im wi ami Mmdly Wa B TWIN SUPERIOEITY OP STYLE. Excellence of Material. PERFECTION OF FIT. Unrivalled LStock of Spring Clothing Manufactured Ex pressly for me. Wo gimnuiteo 1 13l Style, 1? and WorkiiiaiiNliij), lo be tlio BEST. Also a Very Superior Lino of Gents' FURNISHING GOODS for Spring and Summer. THE LATH ST AND NUWEST SPUING STYLES OF HATS, Just Received, at the Popular Clothing Store of I). LO WEN BERG. WEBER. PIAlsTOS, FINE INLAID FRENCH WALNUT CASE OltGAN. 1) STOPS, $110 CASH. I'iinj Terms. SutlKruciloii ftimrniileed. BACOW'S 3PI-A.3STO "W-A-IEtE ROOMS, MUSIC HALL BLOCK, S-BAKRH, A $72; A week mado at homo by tuo industri ous. Best business now betoro thn public. Capital not needed. Wo will start you. Moo. women. bovH and ur wanted everywhere to work for us. Now Is the timo. You can work In spare time, or givo your whole time to tho business. No other business will pay you nearly as well. No ono can fall to make- enormous pay, by engaging at pneo. Costly oulilt and terms Ii-'-o. Mouey mado fast, easily, and honorably. Address Thuk & Co, Augusta, Maluo, Dec. 8, V2-ly, MIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS you this LIVER And all Bilious Complalnto. fiafoto take, being purely veMtnbloi no grilling. J'rJwjUiwl AlllWUU. Aug, 10-lw Thoro is no Baking mm Its qualitiog, Medicinal and Culinary, guarantoo Health and Luxury. Every buyer should Select an Organ That guarantees good Every day work and Years of service. ssssaTL. .A..fcf llt.rlsVuftA&uAulsd riM-w,iii i- iiriiTiimii J. ESTEY & CO.. llrattlcboro.Yt. The MigM Quality, HARDMAN Junel WISE1 iopIo aro always on tho ookout for chances to in creano their earnings, and In timo hecoma wealthy t thnHA who do not Improve their opportunities renialn In poverty. Wo oiler a great chunco to make money. Wo want uiiny men. women, biys and girls to work for us ruin la thcl own locmilie. Any one can do i hu work propo rf rem tho nrst start. The buslnt-es win pay moro y an ten times ordinary, wages. KxpeiiUvooutJliurnlJhedfroo, No oua who engages falls tont fo money rapidly. Yon oxn dctutu your whole mak lo thn work or only your kpiiio moments, cumuli information and nl tnat Is needed scut tree. Minn Hit nson & Co Portland, .Maine. Dec. S 'D2-ly "THE BCOT IB CHEAPE8T." excixes, TURFHFRQ sawmills. (S11II..I to All illuns. ) Write tor vsiuk lUuil'sroiileS uid Pilot WTtAulUaui& Taj ur Co., tUwJlUd, Ohio, mar 23-cm Powdor equal lo Iho pvr WF6 RAILROAD TIME TABLE niSNNSYIA'ANIA KAIMtOAl). All I'l.l'II I A. AT lllVIMInv iu. 1 It 1 J 1 1J 111 11UIU AWlli, rt 1 TIME TAIlLi:, Id effect Mny 14th. 198.1. Trnlna leavo Nun. bury. KASTWAItl), 9.86 ft. m. Sea Shore- i:xprr-sn for Ilarrisburir UIIU 1UIVI mi-ilium niuiiuji?, l.llullUHUr, 1 lllinut'l phlii, Now Yolk, ll.Htlnioio nnd Wnshlnston, nr. rlvlns nt I'hliadt'frhla p. tn.j Now York, 0.20 p. tn.; Halllmore, 6,0.1 p. m. ; Wtiihlncton 0.4 1 p. in., tnnklnirclimo connections ut Phirndcliihl.t for all ecu alioru points. 1.03 v. m. nay uxprcrct lor iinirmiurg nnd In. termcdlalo btntlons, Lancaster, I'lilladolphin. New icrk, lultltnoro and Washington, arriving at Philadelphia T.M p. m.i New York, lu.ii-j 11. m.: Baltimore, T.15 p. in.; Washington, tuo p, m, Pull, man l'ttrlorcar throush to I hllndelphl.i and pus. eeugcr coachca through to I'hlladolphiu and lhiltl. more. 8.110 p. m. Wllllamsport Accommodation for lUrrlsburff and all Intcitnedlnto bhitloiiB, tun caster, l'hlladelpiila aud New York, arriving at Philadelphia 11.55 a, m.s Now Y'ork e.m a. m. Sleeping car accommodations con bo seemed at Harrlsburg for Philadelphia nnd New York. 1'lilia dolpblapassuugcrscaniemaln In sleeper undis turbed until! a. in. 2.05 a. m. Erie Mall for narrlshiirg and Inter mediate stations, Lancaster, Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore and Washington, arriving at Philadelphia 1.50 a. m. ; New York, a, in. ! Baltimore 7.40 a. ui.i Washington, ii.lo u. m. Through Pullman sleeping cars are run on II1I1 train to Philadelphia, Baltimore and W nshlmrtoii, nnd through passenger conches to Philadelphia and Baltimore WKSTWAltl), 6.28 n. m. Erlo Mall for Erie nnd all Intermediate stations with through Pullman Palucu car and through passenger coaches to Uric, and through Pullman l'alaco oau to Buffalo via -Emporium. For Canandaltrua and Intermediate stations, ltochcstcr, llullalo and Niagara Falls, with through Pullman l'alaco car to Unnandalguu ami through passenger coachos to Itochestor. 1.05 p. m. Niagara Itxpress for Kane and Inter mediate sUillonB with through passenger coaches to Kano. Kor Cananrtnlgua and principal inter mediate stations, Hoc-heater, liuflulound Niagara Falls with through parlor car to Wathius and through pnssenger coaches to ltochcstcr. 6.25 p. w Fast lino for Lock Haven nnd Interme diate stations, and Ulmlrn, Wutklns and interme dials stations, with through passenger coaches to Lock llavcn and Wutklns. TllltOUail TItAIN'3 FOIt SUNBUHY FltOM TUB EAST AND SOUTH. Niagara Etpnvu lo tvei Philadelphia, 7.40a. in.; Ilaltimoro n. m nr riving at suntmry, 1.03 p. m.. with through l'uii. man Parlor cur from Philadelphia nnd through passenger coaches from Philadelphia nnd Bnitl moro. Fast Lino leaves Now York s.oo a. in. ; Philadel phia, 11.03 a.m.; Washington, n.3u a.m.; li.uu more, 10 43 a. in., arriving ut biintiurr, p. in., with through pMicnger ooichea from Philadel phia Hnd Baltimore. Krlo Mall leaves New Y'ork 8.00 p. m.; Phlladcl pnla, 11.20 p. m.; Washington, u-r) p. m.; Haul moro, 11.15 p. m., urrltlDg at Minburv, fl.20 n. 111., with through Pullnun l'alaco sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and li.nihnoro and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. NIIOIIV. iiA.l.KTON WlLKBS-llAKUK lOll.unin nd Nouiii .t West Hiuncu Hailwav. Mall East leaves Sunbury 0.43 a. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry 7.41 n. m., WUkes-h.irre u su a. 111. Express East leaves sunbury 6.S5 p. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry c.3l p. m., Wllkos-barro B.iu p. iu. Mall West leaves llkes-Uarre iu.uo a. in., urrlv Ing at Bloom Ferry 12.w,p. m.,stmbury 12.03 p. 111, Express West leaves Wilkco-barro fi.aj p. ni. at- niu,s ut jjiuulu rcirj- ,.ui p. in, ounoury 0.03 p m, UliAH. 15. 1'UUII, J. It. WOOD, oen. Manager, Passenger Agent. piIILADELl'HA and ItKADING KOA 1) AHKANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Julys 18S3 TKilNfl LEAVE nCTKItr AS r0Lt,OWS(8ONOAV KXCKIThD, For Now York,Phlladolphla,licadlng,Pottsvllle, ic., 11,43 a. mi For Catawl3sa, 11,46 a. m. 0,13 nnd p. m. For Wllllamsport, 6,30 11,15 a. m. and 4,o p. m. For Lowlaburg aud Sunbury, 4.00 p. m. TKAINS FOK HOrBHT LKAVS AS FOLLOWS, (SUNDAY BXCKfTIID.) , Leave Now York, via. Tamanend 0,00 a. ta. and via. Bound Brook liouto 7,43 a. in. Loavo Philadelphia, a. m. Le&vo Heading, 11,65 a. m., Pottsvlllo, 12,39 p. m andTomaqua,l,3Sp. m. Loavo Catawlssa, il.uo;a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave Vllllam8port,,45 a.m, 1.05 p. m. nnd (i.uo p. in Leave sunbury U'lp. m. " Lewlsburg Hi p. in. Passengers to and from Now Y'ork, via. Tama nend and to and from Philadelphia go through vithout change of cars. J. E. WOOTTKN, uencral Manage C. U. IJANCOOK, Goneral Passenger and Ticket Agent. Jan. 10, lssi tf. D ELAWAHK, LACKAWANNA AND WEsTEKN HAILUOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NOHTH, STATIONS. Scran ton..,. Bollevuo.., Taylorvllle., ...Lackawanna. Plus ton.... SOUTH p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m 9 15 2 45 9 45 so 0 09 t iu 6 17 6 82 6 27 6 34 9 03 8 6 8 43 8 42 8 87 9 37 9 30 9 45 0 Ii 9 63 10 o:t 10 118 9 21 9 19 (I 41 C 40 13 61 6 5b 06h 7 02 7 10 7 17 1 22 7 30 7 37 8 00 8 26 8 10 8 50 9 00 6 00 S 03 S 10 8 18 S 25 8 80 H 8.1 8 62 9 00 9 114 U 21) .. West I'lttBton 9 14 Wyoming,... Maltby Bennett Kingston,... Kingston.... 8 25 8 2S 00 1 60 1 43 1 35 1 25 1 18 1 03 9 04 9 04 8 63 8 47 8 39 8 23 8 17 8 V2 8 00 7 IMS 7 62 7 41 7 39 7 33 7 29 7 11 10 18 10 18 10 td 64 2 61 3 02 3 01) 3 10 3 18 3 S3 3 45 3 61 3 67 4 07 4 12 4 20 4 57 4 83 4 88 4 60 5 (9 5 25 .Plymouth Juno 8 16 8 07 8 00 1'iymouin... .Avondale ... Nantlcoko.. 10 31 Uunlock's lireek, 10 42 10 66 11 07 11 13 11 20 7 4012 42 7 93 12 25 7 SI! 12 IB 7 20 12 00 7 18 11 47 7 09 11 40 7 05 11 32 S 57 11 10 5 CI 10 69 6 45 10 50 5 37 10 44 6 18 10 22 0 10 10 08 0 04 10 45 9 ,.bhickshinny .Hick's Ferry. ....Beach Haven. Berwick .. Briar Creek.. ...Willow Grove. ,.umo ltiago.. Espy .Bloomsburg.. ItUDert 11 39 11 45 11 69 11 66 12 IS Cntawl'n Brldgo uunvuie... Chulasky,, Camoron . . 45 I Northuinbcrl'd 12 45 p.m. a.m, um. p.m. p.m. n.m V. F. HAI.STEAD, Supt. Superintendent's omce, scranton, Feb. itt. lfsi. MBLLIOMO OF THEM For FLORISTS aa3 AMATEUfiS, Dutch BuH, JirH Bulla, French Hull"', 1.... llilllu.. At. it l'laiitufortlrifiilmn'-u' FREE I ,ltwlllxhctt.r,.N,Y.'iiCUui,lll. A & a Feb 9-ly PAYNE'S I O Horso Spfirk-Arrostlng Portablo Ktv'luo lm tut 10,000 ft. uf Michigan I'l';"-' Boards In 10 hour, burning tlabs from tu ww 1 Our 10 Horn OuainnUt to furnish power W w 8,000 ii-. t of Hemlock Boards la 10 hours. 0T ll Horn ViUlcut 10,000 nt in same time. iiur I'.ngines urw uyi,n. -farnlsh a hnins-povur on )i fuel nd water tlwn any other fc" clno not filtodvilth an Automatic Cut Oil, If jouwaiitaBtatlonsty or Portablo Knglne, woucr, y - i Hi lar Baw-lllll, blioftmp or rnllj)j leliher con or juoauuri ' Wroughl Iron Pulley, nd Ut our IlluitrsUd putslnRue, Ho. 12, I"' tiiforuiatlou uud prlcet, Jan, 6, 83-iy. ,U I Ml II V HI nt Dili M ASH tif.fii,nn ta i iai rttltlt 11 T L'flLflf I I fisssiui'isikiiiwiu lie";"" r7i'.Tiifc";mPJ m OCtMMjr