THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUlttt, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. 0. E, Elwall, 1 -.11... J. K.DIttinbindr.,f E4,to"' BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1883. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. HOIl AVDITOH (IKNKltAI, H01JKIIT TAQQAUT, ' of Warren. ' .t t HOIl STATU Tltl.AHL'HI'.K, JOSEl'II POWELL, of Bradford. .Proctor Knott has been elected Gov ernor of Kentucky, by tho Domourat?, by a majority of nbout -10,000. Is it called independence for ono annntAi tn nn ultimatum nn1 tlitia obstruct all legislation at an oxpenso of 3,000 a day T W. Hayes Grier, editor of tho Col- itmbia Herald has been appointed superintendent of public printing by Governor Pnttison. The situation at Ilarrisburg remains unchanged. There is no prospect of passing apportionment bill", nor of ad journment. John Stewart and his ultimatum nt an oxpenso of 3,000 a day to tho stato will bo a lino record for tho luturo of a boasted independen I. Tho bosses aro well pleased with such independence. Tho suicido epidemic has struck the country again, and tho papers arc filled with reports of tho successful attempts of pconlo who are tired of life, to put nn end to themselves. Unsound mind, Tnntrmav vnm finnnninl trnti.ilnc fini-l other causes aro assigned n3 tho reasons for the acts of these self murdorcrs. Sullivan and Slado had a set-to with hard cloves at Madison Snuaro crarden. Now York, on Monday night. About 12,000 people were present. Sullivan knocked Slado out of timo in three rounds. Each man pocketed several thousand dollars as the profits of their 1 .-1 ,'!.! uriuai cxiuuiiion. Governor Pnttison vetoed an item in tho general apportionment bill, giving 1500 for repairing the board walk on tho capitol grounds. Out of other monoys appropriated tho walk is to bo relaid soveral feet wider than at pros- ent, nnd after making all other neces sary repairs about tlio grounds thero will still bo $3000 of tho fund left. This Bhows how public money has been misappropriated for years past under lvepnblicnu administrations. Everybody, says tho Pittsburg Post, wishes well to Miss Nellie Ar thur, tho twelve year old daughter of tho President, but it is crowding the mourners that a United States steamer has been detailed to carry her and two Inends, also young misses, on a pleasure trip from New York along tho Now England coast to Mt. Desert. Such appears to bo tho fact. Tho gallant captains of the President's uaveo must be charmed with their duties. Tho Legislature should a3k tho Gov ernor for permission to adjourn as n means of saving tho people threo thous and dollars n day. I'hila. Times. Tho better way to savo tho peoplo's monoy would havo been for tho Kepub lican senate to agree to a fair apportion ment. This is all that has been asked by a 'democratio House from tho bo- ginning, but under tho load of Cooper I an apportionment was made an impos sibility because the senato adopted an ultimatum which they knew mo ueino crats could not accept. Who is re sponsible? The practice of promising political preferment promiscuously through tho county in order to secure tho services of good workers in tlio interest of any particular faction is an old joke, but it still seems to work well. Of course, it is an insult to the intelligence of the party for any man or men to assume that ho or they can control tho offices in advanco of a convention, and thero aro always a lot of defeated can didates hanging around alter a conven tint, nilinrr oflt I ofnpl inn fm satisfaction f or - a--. a ... Will. IH.MII.II1IIHU UI V.u.u v.w. .w- iitifiilfillnil .,-n,iiiunai nur itlflt. tlinl .imnimrnn,-nnUl.nVa.ilni.tVnfmPiiwhn aro willing to sell themselves on inese promises without stooping to inquire -hntimr tim nrnmisnr nin ilplivpr tl-.n goods. - DON'T BELIEVE IT- xiiu uuuiiiiiuii: iui uisviiut iittuinuj, Messrs. White and Buckingham, are young lawyers of promise, either of MM. 1!.1. .1'. whom will fill tho olhco with credit to himself nnd with satisfaction to tho people. If left to themselves to fight out the campaign, tho result, whatever it may be, would bo received with no ill feeling nnd witli no danger to the barmonv of tho pnrty. But the meth ods of modern politics aro deplorable, and whilo these methods are being used to their fullest extent wo cannot as fair journalists, and ns tho recogniz cd organ of tho democracy of this county, remain silent without alluding to them. So far ns the candidates aro concerned wo havo no choice, and if tho samo calumnies were being circulat ed about Mr. White that aro boing circulated about Mr. Buckingham, wo should tnko tho same pleasure in do nouncing them. Without tho knowl edge or consent of Mr. White, as wo beliovo, a number of men havo been traveling this week accusing Bucking- bam of embezzling tho funds contribut ed for campaign purposes last fall, as chairman of tlio county committee. In answer to this it is only necessary to say that nt tho lato meeting of tho com mittee, it was settled by a decisive voto not to require tho chairman to publish (i statement of his expenditures, and !....!. !....!. ..,.,..1 .!.( 1 1" ....l.ti.t. 1.:,. ... ... iur. j-muKiiiuiiuiu nuiie-i iiiiuiiuiY unit, no was rcatiy iu uiuimt, inn atiuuuta iu any ono who would call at his oflico and exnmtuo them, it has never bcou tho practice of any chairman to publish ms accouut. When tlio COinilllttCO was SOVCral hundred dollars In debt 111 1880 the men who are nor -making uus ennrgo 01 ' t 1 embezzlement against tho chairman wero among thoso who either refused to contribute n cent toward campaign oxponseH, or who subscribed nun inueu to pay. Their solicitude for tho proper expenditure of funds was not so great then ns it appears to bo now. Wo have ftpon letters from d (Torent sections ot .tlicoouuty, stating that certain parties wero making this chargo against Buck ingham, nndns wo beliovo ft to bo false, wo deotn it our duty to tho chairman, ns well ns to tho pnrty, to say so, THE DELEGATE ELE0TI0N. As aiiuounued I'lsowliuro by tlio eliiuV man of tlio county committee, tlio Dcm ocrats of Ibis county will vote on Satur day afternoon between tho houra of 3 nnd 7 o'clock for delegates to tlio con ventlon which meets hero noxt Tuesday. As thero nro only tlio ofllces of District Attorney nnd County Surveyor to bo filled this year, thero Is likely to be a feeling of npathy that will prevent tho polling of a full vote. This ought not to bo tho case. Every Democrat should mako it his duty to go to tho polls and signify his ohoice, and that without bo iug iniluonccd by any individual, or faction. Tho ollloe of District Attorney is one of impoi tnnce, as tho duty of seeiug that criminals nro properly pun ished dovolves upon him, ami heneo tho safety and good order of society do ponds upon tho proper administration of tho position. When but compara tively fow attend tho delegato election tho friends of defeated candidates nro liablo to complain that tho successful ones nro not tho nominees of tho party, but only of a small portion of it, and this leads to dissatisfaction and differ, cuccs that cannot help but injure the Ucucrnl ticket at tho stato election' A ' voio seuies uio matter uoyonu ti.s- i nui-, nun Hitmen uiu unit uiitiiiiniaaut into we party, j.ei us navo u uig unit out. PATTIS0N AND HENSEL. Republican papers aro dovot.n! n great deal of spaco to the charge that thero is a quarrel between tho governor and the chairman ot tho Democratic state committee, and some havo even gone so far as to assert that tho admin istration intended, bcloro tho conven tion, to havo Hcnsel removed from the chairmanship, thus exposing their igno rance of the fact that tho standing com mittee elected us chairman last January, for ono year, and nothing but his own resignation could depose him. Tho al legation that thero is a disputo is now finally settled. Governor Pnttison spent a fow days at Atlantic City recently, nnd in answer to a reporter ho said: "As regards tho personal ill-feeling ' ...m.. between myself and Chairman Hensc , 1 know nothing ot any sncn siato oi at- fairs, except what I see in thoso news- papers. I beliovo tho Democratio ticket nominated by tho recent convention represents Uio deliberate judgment, oi tho people, and that that judgment will assert itself at tho polls in tho fall. I am personally acquainted with both Mr. Tnggart and Mr. Powell, and it happi that thev aro both from tho Nor :icns orth- western quarter of tho state. I do not beliovo that any question of locality in fluenced their selection. I was not awaro of tho fact that there is agather- mc of rennsylvania politicians hero at, present until my attention was called to a mention of something of the hort in a newspaper-'' The Buchanan Reaction. From the Sunday Mercury- For about twenty years it was tlio fashion in this country to look upon James Buchanan as a monumental specimen of tho imbecility of states manship in a great crisis. JNomans memory has ever been more studiously n,i i.inti H.nVonwl (nr nnrtv purposes. toward, dotard, aastaro, ml or. havo been a few of tho epithets -i -n. v- u associated wun ins iiamu in uiu mess nnd on the stump. a.. ...i. ..... .. the temerity to was pretty sure rided as a symp; He was the author tnmnvoltla ..nnaniri ... - government over to its enemies. The va.,u i,na i,n i,ot t!i r.nnrnt whichhas arrived at manhood since 1800 has become thoroughly imbued mitt, n.o i.inn i,ni Tnmoa Hnnhnnnn was a lecble, heartless, nerveless, uo- testable old man who was anxious to see, his government go to rum. ho hundreds of "histories which havo been written on the late war, and hardly a half dozen of which havo not been conceived in the bitterest spirit of partisanship, are all calculated to spread tins iuea. n lias omy ueen wiiiuu uiu past two or threo years that attempts .. -1 T. 1 ,1 .- .1. havo been mado by dispassionate inves tigators to rcscuo Buchanans namo from this load of obloquy. The letters which Judgo Black has at various times published havo contributed not a little to this end. There seems now to bo a disposition n tho publio mind to revise tho hasty judgments which were lormeo in uio 1 . P J midst o partisan passion and to arrive at a truthful and accurato estiraato of a malitrned l'ennsvlvanian. Ono of tlioso - i s ... .. . ., p .- reacuons which prevail m tno lorraauon . . . .... a I , iintnm na ... nil ovAntO Hfl. VI lliokuiv, 1U3 ill un uu;i uivuwj -i- pears to have set iu, and a man wtio -"'" 'v " . , . , " clianan is received with at least respect nnd attention. Curtis story ot his lito ifi i nnivn Ait i m mnnon itiiinnnnn ill 1110. missiiif? nroiudices that wero entirely groundless, and it is certain that during tho next twenty years James Buchanan win do looKed upon by mo ivracricau , ,- - r i , i I . T . T ..t,... man uunng uio past. iwemy years. The Lviuence Accumnlates- 'iM..,..,i.....i i. ., ,:,.:ii,n r Hint thn l.rnaeli in tho iP.miblican nnrtv X li ICUULilli&lllLI tUU lUUb wfifl nnt hv iinv mnnnft hpfi on tn Imwcil . 1 Otinv's nilvinn and nut. nn nllor-ed i.uln. Doni nut on Uio stato tinkut this year in v i l- - . nrdpr to fivp thn kir.lfpi-s nn nxensn fnr refusing to harmonize Representative Nilpa. nf Tinrtn rnnntv. wir is simnnspil to have been tho inventor of United wn hpIppIp,! as tho most enticing bait for tlio hook with which it is proposed to catch tho independents. But some how or other many of the independent leaders began to suspect Nilcs and looked around for evidence to support their suspicions, and thoy did not havo great trouble in huditig it. In tho first place they discovered Unit a bargain had been mado with senator Stewart to the effect that if lie would ncnt by tho nid iu defeating apportionment legislature Nilcs should bo placed on tho ticket. Quay mado tlio bargain and took NUcs tor his sharo ot tho spoils. Magco agreed to take Livsoy and tho result was that a bosses' ticket n bosses ticket was nominated whilo apparently a bono was I thrown to tho independents. I ,. , . ..... . 1 ijonc usivo oviuenco l nat tneso bar- 1 . ... . 1 galI18 wer0 ,nauo pas becu constantly I acnimtilating until now no more is I needed. Candidato Niks at tho last I session of tlio legislature most emphat- . I iclv declared hiuiscu in tavor ot tho I L'oneral assembly carrvinc out its "con. 1 8titutloual obligations ' bv tho naasaao r b . w . ."i 1 of apportionment bills. At that timo I ,is Bvmpathics wero with tho indcpend I ets. This year tho bosses took him in I ,and and agreed to mako him tho can- 1 duiato tor auditor general. What s tlio I result ? Nothing has been heaid from 1 Mr. Nilcs about tho "constitution ob I ligations" of tho legislature, although thev aro even more luiidlng now than thov were at tno last session, iso lur- ther proof is needed that Mr. Nilcs now completely in tho control of tho bosses and that ho is tho bosses' candi date for auditor genoral. Patriot. ouei -u ueicusc lor nun - -o - - - i r ----- , notilipil nnil bo has hoon i .1.1. ns Pminsvlvania "ouiieu nun no lias ueen io ui. ussuuLu .mu ul- .,,i", again. His malady is su athizer wun treason. - "V'"r i,v 1,,. m.,.in, i i... 01 an our woes, uiu - ----- o, - .. . n !, W ;,. Tl iquo Mnrtw nik-o.-..,! wouiu pay nor better not to nave tno - " ,u,j The New Oougrcas. IIKI.AT1VK Sl'lllINUTII 01' Till: DBMOUltATS AND lllU'llUUOANS W HOTI1 HOIISUS. Tho nfcxt congress will contain n Ito publifean majority1 of two' in tho sohalo and n Democratic majority of 50 in tho house. In tho next houso of represen tatives there will be 101 Democrats mid 110 Republicans, six Mahoncitcs, fivo Independents and two Grccubaokers. Iu tho last congress tho Republicans had 12 majority over tlio Democrats, and a majority in tlio delegations of 20 states. In tho next one, tho Democrats will have n majority iu 22 stales and 72 majority over tho Republican. Tlio states of Alabama, Arkansns,California, Delaware, Georgia nnd Missouri aro solidly Democratic, and thoso of Colo rndo, Kansas, Maine, Minnesota, Ne braska, Now Hampshire, Oregon, Rhodo Island aud Vermont arc solidly Republican. At the last election tho Democrats gained oO members, as fol lows: Ono in Arkansas, four in Cali fornia, two in Connecticut, one iu Georgia, two in Illinois, four in Indiana, two in Iowa, two iu Massachusetts, six in Michigan, seven in Missduri, eight iu Now lork, eight in Ohio, four in Pennsylvania, ono iu South Carolina, ono in Tennessee, fivo in Texas, four iu Wisconsin, in all 02. They havo lost ono iu Florida, one in Maryland, ono in Mississippi, two in North Carolina and ono in Virginia. The Grcenbackers havo lost two members in Maine, four in Missouri and ono iu Pennsylvania. Tho Republicans havo gained 10 mem bers and havo lost -14, leaving n net loss of 28. A Live Issue. Tho release of whisky and tobacco from United States taxation, ns recom mended by the Democratic convention, is quite certain to be a popular idea in Pennsylvania which contributes so large a portion to that tax. Certainly if tho United States does not need tlio revenue it gets from these articles, as it seems to bo agreed it does not, Penn sylvania can very well demand that they bo left for her ,to tax. At present the United States gets nil out ot them that they can bo made to pay. They nro first class objects of taxation and can justly be mado ,to bear a heavy im post. They arc articles of luxury whoso consumption is not,, beneficial to tho people, and thoso who insist upon .using thctn may fairly bo mado to pay round:, ly for tho privilege. If tlio United States tax is taken oft the, stato and its counties and cities should bo given these rich rovenvo cows to milk. To bacco and whiskey would bo good things to substitute for tlio real estate, Which now bears tho chief burdcu of taxation. When tho farmers get it into their heads that tho release of tho revenue from whisky and tobacco by tho United States will enable their farms to be freed from taxation, it is likely that they will bo warmly in favor of tho proposition. The whisky and tobacco manufacturers will liko it becauso they will hope to faro better with the stato than with tho United States. And to tho temperance people it is a matter of indittercnce who gets the tax when luey cannot stop the manutacture. ,AI- convention had taken tho wind out of tho Hcnnh ran R.n a nn this finest on. ---- -.,'"- .7" , ,,,... .., , 1 no idea nr "sum is msmn niinii iooic- . ; .,,:i lo rni,. T?I.i:..., ,onr,n.-a . "" '"i "w. ..v,,l.ul,v..D seem io navo coiiciuaeo mat, mo con- ventlon nut its foot into it iu endorsing "10 JPs woa, anu wouio i ko io gei nway from a defense of it. But as tho Democratic convention squarely antag onized tho idea it cannot bo got away from as one of tho issues of tho cam paign. Tho Democrncy will claim the votes of cyeryono who would liko to put tho land tax on whisky and tobac co. Lancaster Intelligencer. Both Asleep, an knoini: hashing ai.ono an ewii.isii UAii.nOAO without oo.ntko'.. From a Liverpool Paper. The oceurrenco on the Holyhead line of an engine-driver and stoker falling asleep while on duty, and tho narrow l-.t T. l .1- I escape oi me insn man, was even more seriou than reported: It would appear from inquiries mado last night at Llandudno Junction that tho signal .. . . man uiere, oy extraordinary presence I... -. a v.. I i-t (11,,,. I c n imH flin I.mliI. mn.l .nofa.i u., ntiv-ii i.u 11 ion iin.ii ii-uaoi-ti' gers on 'luesday night trom what b j-f. signal man nt tho junction received n uicssago irom the signal niau nt Con i uinir i nn nAvr otniinn rniimin i itimnii that a litrht enciuo was comino-. Tho signal man, knowing that tho Irish mail was due, decided to run tho en- gmo into a siding, in order io permit, hi , 1T l 1 .,.vrv, i.v ' p j put up an uio s guais against, u o pgut, nnrrtnn nut fn hia nvtrnnin net Atnotinwitit the engiue enmo straight into tho liino- nun uu inn eueeu, bwuiii uiuuiiu iiiu I .1.11. . n11 .11 vul"v 1"" lu u'liigui .; l imlrt. rind iltHnnnnnrpfl rrnm virw . ; " 1 J S. t" luu '"" lowi,,u 1 .)., 11 1 ! t 1 .1... " luoim.-ui-o icmuuuii uuiivuieuw uiu signal man that both driver and stoker n1"8!-bo asleep, and that unless they awokO ail nwtlll calamity might OCCUf. ?Ie accordingly wired to tU Colwyn Bay Station Signal mail! "litlKino'COIIl- .. driver asleep, i'ut tog signals on tho lino. " Tho man nt Colwvn Bay was equally prompt, for running out of His box ho had baiely tunc to lay n mimlinr nt uwrnnld vl'Iipii tlio nniFimi "v: "'. ? ""' 6, v. camo iiiiiiuieriiig nion-j, and tuooxj.ios- ion which louoweii eitecti.any awoKO uiouiuvy men. 1.11c uugmu was siup ped and run back into a siding, when it was discovered that tho life had gouo ""VV? wator, h,aa lfoil'Penred from "i,0 h01'01-. a(1 tl't the men had been 1ts11-t.11 I,u"lu time, iiu inquiry huh re sulted iii their immediate discharge, Thoy had been fifteen hours on duty. Sorrow in the damp of the Prophets. I'roia tho wiikesbarro Union leader. .... 1 . - . . 1." ' A na e mt. uni-mur in nnmn num. these hopelul prophets ot tho republt can press. Tho convention mot, nttond ed to business promptly and peacefully, and then adjourned. Thero wasn't a mmlu of discord nuvw here. Wa aco I uWt tlim-n IIpiirpI inmln n linnnv. honoful BDeeoh. and GorJon followed su t. Tho govoruor eat sm inglv bv . 1 - and overvbodv was iu tlio bestof humor, and when tho' tioket was finally made overvbodv was chuck full of howling enthusiasm. It was a roiiiilor field dav with a love feast thrown in. Tho plat - form of principles tossed n bombshell into tho ranks of tho enemy. It wasn't what thev had prod oted t won h ho at a . it was a lou-mhor d torent. and Is coneequenoo thero is weeiiing und' wail ing and gnashing of teeth among tho - 1 republican prophets to-ttyy, Top bad, I isn't itT V . . n,l .nnll .,,.!, ...1,. mn ,,! UUCO Him lO BUCflK. r n .1.. i sun wnu ui rroi n.irK nn n rpnisrriniiLum i v. A Murderer Attempts Suloiile. Eahton, August 0. Sabato Aloxan der, tho Italian murderer, was sen t&noed this morning to bo hanged. Tho Honlenco was translated and road to tho prisoner by Miss Gamier, of Eastou, who speaks and writes several languages. Whllu on tho way to jail, in cfiargo of tho sheriff, tho prisoner attempted suicido bv cutting his throat ...!.!. ..! t i.r -i ...i.t-i. i i 1 wan u iitu ui uiiisui, which nu unit sharpened on Saturday and fastened iu to mi empty spool, and had carried in his pocket. Ho wns caught in the not by a son of tho judge who had pro nounced sentence. Tho wounds nro two inches long but not dangerous. After reaching tho jail Alexander mado a despcrato attempt to escape from tho sheriff, but after a short tus sle was secured and lodged in n cell. Railroad Activity. A l0.t.N NKW ItOADS IV I'l'.NNSYI.VANIA. Tlio railway world promises unusual nctirity in construction during tho com ing fall in Pennsylvania, whero more than a dozen roads will bo put under contract. The different coal carrying companies havo ordered in tho aggre gate 10,000 new coal cars and .addition al locomotive power iu proportion. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company is add ing six engines per week to its present supply, nnd have phced a largo order with tho Jiaidwin Locomotive Works. Tho Reading Co., has given nn order to tho Baldwin Works for thirty en gines to bo built within tho next six months, and has its own shops engaged upon new locomotives. The Baldwin Works now employ 2,890 hands, and will turn out 210 engines during tho next six months. This activity in rail- oad building is accompanied with re newed inquiries about rails. The Beth lehem Iron Company last week icceiv ed an order for 1,000 tons, nnd the Cambra Iron Company expect several largo orders. The Edgar Thompson Works, tho Pittsburg Bessemer Steel Company and tho Pennsylvania Steel Company are in receipt "of numerous inquiries, aggregating about 50,000 tons, which, when turned into orders, will keep them comfortably busy and add stability to the iron mnrket. Ex. The Champion Sleeper. A llrldgeport, Conn., Dispatch. Two davs before Christinas List. fihernian W. Piatt, residing with his father, Wcnzar Piatt, a well-to-do far mer of Morgan's Four Corners, town of Nowton, twenty-three miles distant from this city, went to bed and to sleep ns usual with him. From that time until March ho scarcely moved in bed, and took no nourishment savo what was forced into his mouth. With lengthening days he exhibited signs of returning animation, but not till the arrival of May did he movo fi om his recumbent position, utter an intelligent syllable, or open his eyes. no uegan to get hungry in Juno and first spoke on July 10, when he heard a passing teamster address his cattle, and, as it m mimicry, sang out, "Whoa!" tho first exclamation he made during 213 days. un lUonday night ho Ielt his room stealthily, without money and clad in " Sa"nef ' Vl'l'0 a,1i I'lo?y lul ' u! wuim;u 10 uus cuy wncro 110 U. n,mi,,i i,t ,,,i,i. .1.1 :., " "mi"K uumu ur duco mm to sneak . . . . i ins tamer was taken homo pposed to cr exertion ITEMS. Tho house received a message on Wednesday morning from tlio gover nor stating that tho judicial apportion ment bill was approved. Tho Altoona Tribune says that car No. 00, formerly used by tho superin tendents of the Pennsylvania railroad as a spccia car, is being remodeled and fixed up in elegant stylo at tho lower shops iu that city, and will bo placed at tno disposal ol I'resident Arthur for his proposed western trip next fall. Mrs. Webb, widow of the drowned captain, denies the story that sho is left i5lG,U00. bho has tho income of only jLiouu, which ncr Husband saved ot the -CMOO he mado by swimming tho Chan nel. Their life was harmonious and happy. T, :.lina..t:al a..d inapiieudont Phil- ndelphia Ledger declares that "the '. , i. .,,... ,i uv,..a h.i..' .- .. " , ..' , .. .i leuuuio, ii iiiuKiui; up u uau reconi, uuu thU tho and festive senators will find out," Tho Ledger is usually an accurate indicator ot public sentiment. Governor Pnttison has signed the death Warrant of John Magiuuis for tho murder of his mother-in-law, Mary Rood, September 30, 1881, and Octo- her 4 next has been fixed ns the day 10r 1110 execution nr -v.i, ,ii...t n t .i. I aVlllUal ituviai un un tuu liuui ui lliu i houso iu 1881 that ho would not go , ,-, illmortiOIlml!Mt bills com- I . . . . 1 . . mauded by the constitution were passed Now ho wantB to go homo without pnssing any apportionment bill and wants tho wholo legislature to do like Wise. Professor Richardson, a Canadian, says ho wilt soon attempt to accomplish the teat ot crossing .Niagara Falls, lie will uso an elliptical-shaped silken bag of his own invention, seven feet long aud four feet through, inllated with gas like a balloon. Tho day has not ueen decided when ho will mako his foolhardy attempt A .blooming young widow of Leon I i nr . , . nvu, ayno county, wns to nnvo ueen married a few days ago. Tho feast was B,imui au,i the guests wero on hand bm tho bridegroom failed to conic to .time. 1 hreo days atterward tlio young jectU(l t0 lll0 m,,tt)ll wedding cloths, even man explained that his lather, who 01 , IKtll IlllltlUll 1113 i,.i 1, : . 1 .1 . . 1.;., to his undercloth lug. Iho mnrriage will comu oil 111 October. Despatches from Kansas City stato that tho heavy soaking rain which has tnileu all over tho boutheru and central parts of that state will insure tho largest yield ot corn ever known in tho state. Uats also promise to bo very abundant many fields yielding over 100 bushels per acre. Tho wheat yield is nlso ex ceeding expectations, some fields thresh nig out lorty-two bushels, nnd a great many others over thirty bushels pe acre, 1 v . . iNegottations havo been going on which will likely culminate in tlio leas ng of tho Wilson Female College Cbuinbersburg, to the United State goveinment tor tho use ol a Iciualo in lh sohool. Captain Pratt, of Carlisle, "' "evernl pioininent goverun.i'nt of h'cials aro iu favor of it ami aro work ug mo matter up. i no seoietary 01 n uio interior nas ueon auvistd oi ti - projiositioii nnd terms, and it is expect cd that ns soon as ho can bo henrd from a leaso for n term of years will bo fectod, ; Stewart the Author of tlio Republican UH1 IlLkVUIIIi I..H1. 1. .1 . . . on uu'siinytti u discussion oi tnu apportionment question in tho senate, Sonntor bltnvart slated that ho was tho author of tho republican ultimatum. Tho following is the text ot his speech! "If wo nro not now equal to tho inngiil- iiKio oi uic tuny Dcfoto us, when will we bcV" lie nsUed, glaring wildly about lihn. "Clin tho duty ho discharged ?" ho ques tloned. "It can he If tho rules that govern business llto lio observed," was Stewart's answer to his own question. "Concession Is not duly, Thero Is the siuno arbiter In public ns In prlvnto life, ami there are be tween these two bodies Irreconcilable dif ferences. Do you ask for proof look nt tho events of tho past four months, events written down to posterl ty In thesu vtiy bulls. This U simply n question of the dlstilbiillon of po lltlcnl power, and ns fur ns apportionment Is concerned you lmvo thnillffurcnccs now existing hi that fact. You censure this sldo for having an ultimatum. Let mo say that tho ultimatum wns n suggestion from myself and I mndo It a standard so that tho republican position might not ha misunder stood. II tho democratic party desired to prevent tho anarchy and revolution that wns feared by that parly, it could accept the senate measures, which were honest and talr. Wah, of Chicago, nn intelligent Chinaman, who is also n bit of a theo logian, says that the Chincso arc not idolaters, although it is true that they uso images in their temples. Tho Budd hists hold many things 111 common with Christians, but their religion is older. nnd tho priests havo added a good many superstitions to it. Wah savs that the stone and metal images in Chinese temples mean no more than tho pictures and statues in many of tho American churches. When Wah first saw telegraph poles in this country lie thought they wero crosses erected for levotional purposes, and as there were so many of them, he thought tho Ameri cans a very pious people. CANDIDATES I'Olt niSTUUT ATTOKNKY, ROBERT BUCKINGHAM, 01' UI.OO.MSUUKO. Subject to the decision of the Democrat ic County Convention. II. V. WHITE, or ni.oo.Msnuitd. Subject to the decision of tho Democrat ic County Convention. s TKA.Y STKEIt AND HKIFEU. enmo within tlio enclo-iuiv of the unileiIirmYl In township, on or nlxmt the 1st of Aus,ii-t, 18H.I, two cattle, nimnttwo years old, with Mlts under tho rltflit ear; the one n ml neircr, the othern bundle steer with .1 whlto fare. The own er will call nnd prove property, pay ehaiifi-H and take them away, or tliey will bo disposed ot ac cording to law. Autr. 10 .losm-n o. iikss. A UDlTOltS NOTICE. KSTATE OF II VNN4II I.AMON, DEOKASRD. Tho undoiMitnod auditor appointed by tho Or. phan-i' Court ot Columbia county by nKivcinent ot parties, to hear and dispose ot except lniw, and also lodlstilbute the tund to nnilninonn tneparllcKen. tilled to tho same, will hit nt the ofilco ot CO. Ilrrklpy Psi. In llioomsbun; on Saturday, .Septem ber ltt, lssi at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, when anil when! nil persons liavlus; claims against said es tnle mint appear nnd present them or lie deb.u red irom any Miuro oi sani liuui. oi:o. r. i:lwi:i.i, au' in Auditor. A MIINISTRATOU'S NOTICK. EST AT K or JAMKS M'MAHAN, PKCKASEI). I'ltersof administration In the estate ot James e.Mnhan. lato of Mt. Pleasant townshln. Colum bia county, l"a., deceased, havo been urantedby mo netfisier oi sam couiuy io jonu .1. won. All persons ba Ins! claims against said estate aie requested to present them for settlement, nnd thoso Indebted to tho same to make pa.uuentto tlio undersigned administrator without delay. wsi. ciiuissiAN, r JOHN J. WOW, Attorney. Administrator, aug 10 Catarr UAY.l-'KVl.U. I o n n reeommend Ely's Cream llalni to an nay l ever huner cin. It lKlnir, In my oiilulon. rounded "lion experience nnd a sure cure. I was nnilcted with Hay t-'eter for 25 ears, and never lie foro found permanent reuci. kutku 11. Haskins, Marshlield, Vt. -imly liyllttlo fin cer Into the notrlK llv nlisonitlon 11 et- leetuiillv eleanseH the IU A Vm CCllirn niibal passaeeti of ca- 11" - w re tarrhal lrus, causing healthy secretions, it nllays lullaminatlon, pro tects the meinhranal llnlnifsot the head from ad ditional colds, coinnletplv heals tho hnres nnd re- btores the benso of tusto and smell, llenellelal ro hults nro realized by a few applications. A thor- uuu ireaimeni win cure, unequam-u ior cuium In the head. ARreeahlo to use. send for circular, bold by druggists, llv mall sou, a package stamps. MAT IIUOTHEIIS, Owego, N. V. aug lu-iy u 'ANT1.H-I.A1)II'..S TO TAKI; ouit ni:w " r il "anevwork nt their homes. In rlty or conn- try, nnd earn Id to US per week, in iklug goods tor our Summer nnd l'all trade, send I Sc. for sample and particulars. Hudson mhi, lo., sin mxui Ave., New York. r aug. iu lw DIS'OIICES.Mo publicity! reside Male, Desertion, non-supiiort. ivsldents of any Adtke and applications forbtamp. W. If. L1.U, E, Att'y, S!W iiroauway, 1. nugiu-iH- OIL WIBTER&RKEH, PEPPERMINT, ETC, nought for net cash, on recelnt and nnnrovnl. without chargo for eommKsiou, urokcrage, DODGE & OLCOTT, WKtSSWII.UASIBT., NKW Y0I1K. aug. 10-lw r A PV ltTISKHS l send for our Select List of 1,0. tieo. 1'. ltowell A Co., 10 r uug. 10-lw iVeal Newspapers. hpruco M., N, Y . rws T?-icThe World Watch Stationery Pack -cV--iai:i)lstho fastest belling article in the market, contains 1H sheets nolo paper, ih en velopes, pencil, pen-holder, pen, and a hnudsome niece of lewelrv. ltetall iiilco a cents. Tour do. en for 1H.00. . watch guaianteed Willi eieiy four doen you order, ror s.i cents, in one or two ceni postage biamps, wo win seuu it eompieio Hnmpiu packnge, w ltli elegant gold plated sleeto buttons, trolil mated studs, uold nlalixl eollar button, hand some watch chain, gold plated ring and elegant scan pin. uegisier large amounts, n page illus trated catalogue of guns, self-cocking revolvers, telescopes, snr masses, watches, nccorileons. ilollns, oigaueltcs, Ae., irco.-r'Bf iT Wiltout unco to World -Mnn.-tF M. M.Al ltfacturlng Co., ISO Nasi.iu St. N. Y". d aug 10-lw TIRED ALL OVER. WI111I Itetdfd nnil Kel're-hed 11 Wenry .Hnu III .lll'llllll. No. II never umountedtoan neitto nam. but conl Inued to bo n dull weary nehelntho small of in) uicK," Minis .Mr. James i nomas, oi no. 5'i .Madison stri'Ct. Meiiinlils. Tenn. "1 his was nn old expeileuce, and life bce.ihio dull inilile. 1 was tli-ed allot er, with pain In Iho lower limbs, und 11 habit of Ivlmr awake of nlL'htK. Itecenlly I tiled one of III.NSON'S CAI'LINK I'OHOUW I'LASTIIIts nnd was decidedly ivlleted within tweuiy-tour 11011m. 11 may navo ueen proviuencu mat did mo work, but I give tho ciedlt to llensnu's porous Plaster." Mr. Thomas' leterentlal Idea does him credit, but I'roUdcncu works by ngeuls, and among inem iieusous piasicr rauits int us an ex ternal remedy, 11 nets quickly In lellef and heal Ing, nnd renders life bet ter w orth lit Ing. l'i Ice as cents. 1-nok Intheinlddlo nf the plaster for tho word uaitink. ask lour Physician unoui it, Seabury X Johnson, C'heinlstA, Netv Yoik. uug, 10 ttv d Catarrh HAY FEVER. I havo been nfillclod for M ) ears, during Au gust nnd September, with Hay l-'eter, and tried vailous remedies without relief. 1 used Ely's Cream llalni w Ith faiorublo results, and can recommend lt!to till mulcted. It. w. TotvNinv, (cx-Jla)or) Kllzabetli;.N, J. Apply by little Un. gcr Into Iho nostrils, Ily uImi ptloiillelleel. u.dly elee uses the na. sd luss.igt-s ot ca- mm allays Inll.unmatlnii, pi-oleet, tho meiubranal lliibit's ot the h-id irom addlllonal colds, com pleti'ly heals Iheboivs and ielores tho sense ot tanto and smell. Ileneili lal results are realised by a few nnnlleatlons. A thorouu'h treatment will euro, tlneiiualed for coliU in head. Agieeablo to use. Keud for circular, bold by Urugglsln. Ily mall Wo. n packagesl amps. July W-lw d i:i,Y UltOTIIUti., Oh ego, N. Y. H !l!lItSli5i POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tldi pwdor novcr varies. A murvol of purity strenptUnnd wholcaomonesa. Moro economical than tho ordinary kinds, nnd cannot be Bold In comnotlttoti vtltn tho multitude of low test, short weight, nlum or phosphato powders. Sold only in caus. Uovai. IIakinu rowimn Co , 10 Wall-St., N. Y. nugtl-ly. AYER'S Ih n lilghly conceiitrati-d nti-uet tir SnrK-iparlll.t nnd other blood-purifying a'oolH, coiubliietl with Iodide ot l'otii-t-fttutii mid Iron, aud l tho safest, moot reli able, and most economical Mood-purlflcr that can bo used. It Invariably expels nil blood poisons from tho sj stem, enriches nnd renews tho blood, and restores Its vitalizing ivor. It is tho best known remedy for fcinilul.'i nnd nil Scrofulous Complain!, I.iy-dp-elan, Kezemn, liltigwnrin, lilotclieo, Sorcn, 1 to 1 1 h Tiiinorn, nnil laruptliinii of tlio Skin, as also for nil dlsordcm ciusod by n thin nnd Impoverished, or corrupted, condition of the Mood, such nsttlieniofttlsin, Neiirnlgln, ltlii'iiinallc (lout, General Debility, mid Scrofulous Catarrh. Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured. "Avrn's lias cured mo cf tho Iiilhtitinutfory Itlieiiiualli'in, tvilh irhlch I havo suffered for many )car. W. II.Mooni.." Durham, la., .March 1!, 1M2. l'ltui-Ancn uv Dr. J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Macs. Sold by all Druggists i H, six bottles tor ir,. OKVAI,UAUI.K Real Estate. Tho undersigned agent to sell tho real ostato of Itlchard Pemott, lato of Jladlson township, Colum bia count)', deceased, will expose to public salo on the pi-emlses In said Jladlson township, on Saturday, Aug. 25, '83. Ma o'clock, p. m., tho following real estate. bounded and described ns follows, to.wlt : on tho north uy lands of Jacob Pemott, on tho east by land of Cyrus Pemott, on tho south by land of Mlas Welllver nnd on tho west by land ot William Mmlt. containing mere or les-s, ulicrwm nro orectcU two frame Dwelling Houses, Bam, and other outbuildings. All of said land Is In a good stato of cultivation, excepting about M acres of which Is JIKAVILY TIM li Kit til) w Ith oak, pine and hemlock. A young orchard In bcai lug condition. TI.ItMS Ol' SAI.H Tin percent, of one-fourth ot tho purchaso money to bo paid at tho striking down of tho propei ty, one-half of the purchase less tho ten percent, on tlio thst day o April, A. D. lbSI, when possession will be glten, tho balanco 0! the purchaso money to bo paid April l, 1885, with Interest from April l.lbSI. Tho one-half ot purchase money to be secured by bond and mort gage on tho premises. The purchaser to pay for making mortgngo and deed. WESLUY iioi,pi:n, uug 10 Agent for thn heirs of itlchard Pemott. SHERIFF'S SALE. Ily vlrtuo of n writ of l'l. I'a. Issued out of tho Court of Common iTeasot Columbia county, nnd to mo directed, will bo exposed to public salo at tho Court House, In Uloomsburg, oi SATURDAY, August 11th, nt a o'clock, p. m., tho following described real estate, situate In (iroonwood township, Columbia county, '.., to.wlt: Hounded on tho north by lands ot Thomas l'olk ami Isaac Tltman, on the west by lands ot John .Shaffer nnd Wil liam Uawllngs, on tho south by lands of Hamuel unburn and Jacob Derr, nnd on the cast by land belonging to tlio estate of .Mary 0. Jlusgrave, de ceased, on which Is erected a dwolllug HOUSE, BARN, Wagon-shed nnd other outbuildings, containing im ACRES, ot land, more or less. Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as tho property ot Samuel Jlusgrave. July) JOHN .MOUlil.Y, .lllller & Iktler, Att)'s. Sheiirf. 1 UD1TOKS NOTIOK. ::sTati; or joiin iiayloh, seceasep, Tho undersigned auditor appointed by Iho Or. phans' Court nt Columbia county to mako dlstrlbu ilonof the balanco In tho hands of tho ndmlnlstra. tor. to and 111110111- the narttesentttled thereto, will i-lt nt tlio onleo of II. 1". y.arr Ksn,. In Uloomsburg on Wednesday SeptemborsthlKsa, at 10 o'clock a m., when und where all parties hating claims against said estato must appear and prove tho same or bo neb irred from any sham of said fund. JOHN c. Y'OUUM, Auditor. aug 3 p.xiwuroifd notici:. KdTATJ- OK JAMKHD, M'llESHV, HKCEAS 1 1). Lettera leamentary In tluiestato ot .tames). Mcllenrv, deceuied, latent FlililUijcrivk township, ('oliimtilaeounty, IVnu., havo lieen Kninted Uy tliu ' ltf'KliHT ot H.ilil rounty to Mo-ma -Mcllenry and won Mcllenry. All in-i-sonsliavlnif claims iiyalust the- estate of kjM decedent aro reiiuested tu lireacnt lliem for settlement, and thoso indebted to tlio es lato to make p.i incut to tho undersigned without delay. jiosks jicimsitv, BTOITJlCIUSXltV, btlllwater, ra., July ss. Kxecutora. Kiii'MTS and Threshers wMilngto imrcliaso llrsUcUsi articles ot THRESHERS AND SEPARATORS, ALSO, One .uiiITmo-Moi ko Ti cikI I'ow- CI'N, with Threshers and Miakcrs, w 111 do well to call on or address J. m. IIUWIIIZEII, Light btreet, Columbia county, l'a. I" All work warranted, ttend tor jirlco llat nndglvo mo a tilaL No better machines ore man Jtaetuied tor this section ot tlio country. July liMm SWlfT SURIi OINTMENT Cuivs riles, in Mnif, blind and bleeding llaiber's Heli, 'ivtwr, Halt lllieiim, lllngworins, I IceiK chil blains l'lniliH-H, all Ihohklu lllseuMH, The best Ointment In Iho woild. Tho lx-oplo to bo tho Judge. AllUiuggUU. by .IIIIINMIN, IIIII.I.OWAV.V CO., Illli Anil Mrere, I'hllu' llclplllll, I'll. Aug, iu 4w r WH jiurposc making it m f-afo nnd pleasant, nnd in every way as tatisf-ictory to shop by m.til as in person at our counters. T 1 TE take all possible crror) and when any occur they arc corrected at once. WE are always willing to exchange goods which do not please nftcr being received, provided, they are returned to in in perfect condition and within reasonable time. Samples of Dry Goods of all kinds even the most expensive, sent free of charge on application. EVERY lady who shops by mail bliould send for a specimen copy of our Fashion Quarterly Strawbridpfc Eifjhth & Market Sts., a jiiiauciiuu. Jt-!t- DEALER IN Foreign audi Bommim WINES AND LIQUORS, AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. HOT FURNA AT &PBBA An experience of oyer ten years in placing Hot Air Furnaces is sufficient guarantee that the public can secure of him the best Furnaces for the lea3t money. Those who are using Furnaces set by him are well pleased with their results. Give him a call. A SCHOOL FOR ALL. The University at Lefistam, Pa COLLEGE, ACADEMY, INSTITUTE. A full Faculty ot 18. Lartfo Libraries I'.lt'Tcii Fa-re NrlinliirHlilim nt disposal. Send for catalogue to 1'ltESIUK.NT DAVin .1. HIM, I.L. 1)., July 13-lm r Lcwlaburi;, 1'onu.sylvanla. GRAND JUUOU8 FOR SKI'TE.MHER TEUM, lHtt llloom. K. F. Cavanec, Thomas V- (icddais, U. F. Hicks, Jotin lVnman, Martin ltaudall, Frauk Taylor, II. F. Kinney, navld Wllaou. llentOD. Jaintu Wclrmaii. Heaver. Samui-l lllnclcrllltr. t'atawlasa. Hamilton Ftslicr. On-enwood. Jonathan Lemon. FlslilngorwH, J. W. ltotblns. Hemlock. Itlchard Henry, Wm. llartman, Jamcii A H.irrlH. Miniln. oeo. Bowman. Mt. l'leasant. A. V, Kresnler, Win. Oman. l'mo. Wm. Oreenley. Orange. A. 11. Klsncr. scotu tieo. Kclclmer, n. F, nice, 11. F. Itelgliard. rnUAVEHSE JUHOHS F01UTII WKKK X IN SUl'TEMllint. llerwlck. a I'. Hanley, J. H.lloyt, J. 11. Lock, ard. ncnton. Andrew Ktlne, J. V. Cole, Heiiry Iirow er, lk-aver. Thomas Iloftman. llloom. James Commons, JosepU Docker, J. K. Kyer, J. J. Ilagenbueli. Thomas llartman, II. C. Nagle, Jolin Yost, Fred lleagle. Oatawlsso. christian ulewell, Jacob Klluger- man. centre. '.. T. Fowlur, Silas Hone, Goo. Hageu. buch, Hamuel llower. Centralla. Hdwnrd James, Manus .Mcllrerty. Flshlngcreek. A. C. lirum, Kllas M, Laubach, 1 Sloses Mcllenry. Oeo. l'ennlngton. (Ireenwood. 1. 13. Ikeler, A. btauder. I Hemlock, lteubcu Uomboy, O. W. llartman, I Jermlah I"ooley. Jackson. Frank llcrr. U ;uit. Washington Oeorgo. , Jladlson. it. .M. llutler. , Main. N. II. W. llrown, John W. Huuinan. I Miniln. Lewis Creasy, John Michael. Jlt.lTeasaut. istenhen Crawford, IsalaliW. How. ell, Clluton .Mellck. Orange. Cumden .Mears, 1'. V. Classen, Mailon Hughes. Soon. Calvin Kressler, A. II. White, b'ugarloaf, Ji o. Bliultz. TIIAVlUtSEJUUOItS F()itl'lItST WUBK IN 00. TOUKU. Heaver, Cliailes Jllchael, Frank llhoaiK lie Hon It. M. IKnti, Tlio.-i. luvls, 'llios. Halt. mo 1, htoat K Calley, lierwlck. M. 1'. liowman, It. (I. Crispin. llloom. Jolm Kleckner, Wesley Kuorr, Isaac Klichen, J.J. Lawall. llrlarcreek. II. M. Kvans, catawtssa. M. 0. Hughes, John Huber, M. V, II. Kline. centre. Hiram Heller, John Miller, Centralla. John T. Joues. llshlngcivek, Amos White. J, F. Hutchison, J. M. lluekalew. (ireenwood. Theodore l'arkcr. Frankllib Henry tlutshall, Jonathan Lorcmuii. Madison. Krastus lleudenJiott. Miniln. John J, llurucl, Abraham Hchowenncn. helser. Locust. John (lable. orange, l. K. Dlldlne, (leo. Applcman. J, ll. liar, man. l'lne. Wm. Iurscll. Itoarlngcreek. 1). IL llower, Montour. Henry Aldrlclu Mt. l'leasant. II. W, .Mellclc SWITIIIIV. U, gUOUTLIUOIVS AI.' V tor Young Men und Hoys, Medio, IVniL, lim. from FhlladelpUla. Hchoolyear opens Kept. r.. Flied prlcu covers every extiense, even books, tc No extra charges. No incidental ex. lx-nsea. No examination for admission. Thirteen experienced teachers, all men and all graduates. Hpeelal opportunities for apt students to advanco rapidly. Special drllUor dull and backward bojs. l'atrons or students may belcct nny studies or eliooso tho regular Lngllsh, Helcntlilc, liuslness, Classical, or C'l II Knglueerlug course. Hluilema lilted at siedla Academy are now In Harvard, Vale, und leu other Colleges und I'olytcehlido bchools! A physical nnd u Uioilcul l-uboruloryi a lino (lymuaslum and Mall ground, t.uxi volt added to Ubrury lu IH-a. Apparatus doubled Iu lta 'leu students sent to College In lhha. A graduating class lu commercial Hep't lu 1SH3. Media aud a loaiei-ancu charter which prohibits Uio salo of all Intoxicating drinks. For new Illustrated dr. cular addixus tho I'rlnclpal and 1'roprletor, HVyiTlllNti. MIIOItTl.llldlf, A. II, (Harvard University tlraduato), Jlledln, I'l-im, uug a 4w Lt T win ma,l care to avoid 0 & Clothier, y--i -r AIR i. ... : llliillff M&W8M WYOMING SEMINARY $6 A School jor both Sexes. Twen ty Instructors. Convenien ces of buildinys eminently supe rior. Classical. Scienllilc. cmllpcm Prenaratorr. Nor mal, .Musical, AitanilCommerclalcuursesof study. $200 reiiulieu to ci WILL nnv uxncnsL'S tor Acmleui- lo llranches for ono year. JHOtoll-.'O rouulrcd to comnleto JIusIiicrs Course, llo.iruliitf department without n Buperlor. Fall Term Wns Am. 29, 1! Send for Catalogue. Commercial students ad dress l'rof. W. L. Hkan j all others, addiess i:cv. i. L. si'itAoui:, A. i July.SOGw Vrtiielixil, KiNiisloX, l'a. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES Suitable for ' Yards, I Cemetery Lots and ! Public Grounds. ! :o: I Tho following shows tho l'lcket Oolhlc, ono of tho several beautiful ttylcsot Fence manufactured by tho undersigned. For lleauty nnd Durability they nro unsurpa ed. set up by experienced hands and warrauiiu iu givu saiuiaciiuu. Prices and Bpcciinuns of ollitir signs sent to nny ndilrcss. Address BLOOMSBURG. PA- May 4-tt ALL FOR NOTHING. Whjr Hie Dorlor n I)lmited, mid l" Jlllghl have been llnno ulllioul lllm. "Well, v. Ife," said Dr. 1' .as hoentcrc'd 1-H housn, which wns situated In a cosy vlltago in cen tral New York, "J havo got back from n long and dreary ridonway down among the mounuiins und all to no purposo whatever. Tlio messenirt r said thuman wouldn't live till morning, when tifj lact Is liu had only nn ordinary nllack ot wile. J' tho simpletons hail only had sense enough lul '(J ft III.NSON'S CAl'CINK roliOl'H I'LAHl'l.ll nil I W Homiich ho would havo iK-ennll right In an in "t or two. Hut some ttilksuro slow to h-aru, aiW;a tlia old phyi-lelan, swullow Ing the cup of stcanm lea iviucii ins wuu nun jusv iuunni iui- iinu. 1 f their needless loll. In all diseases capi)iae;i XTiaill in IHJ siiii-M it-'-- u-ing uiiecteu by a plaster nensou'S ueiseiiiii- -, ly and at oneo. The genulnoliavo tho word CINF. cut In tho centre. 1'rlco lis cents. bcabin7 & Johnson, chcmUts, N. Y, July lH-lw d is. a ms&