THE COLUMBIAN AlND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU RG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., KUIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1883. Correct Knllruiul Time Table. Train on tho Philadelphia ft It. H. le&vo llupcrt RJ fllllOWH! NOHTll. SOUTH, C 311 il. in. II 41 a. In. 4 uUl. in. 0 in p. in, IT.Iiisoii tho 1). I.. t W. II. It. loive Hloomsburg follow t noktii. sourn. T 3(1 a.m. 8 !a. m. hi 47 a. m. U 45 a. in. a 31 p. m. 4 3.1 p.m. Tim It 4) train south connects wllti tho Plitla. detnlilA Heading at import, and with ihu Northern Central nt NortUumoerland. Ta)9:M a. m. tratneinoojtjal Northumberland wiui 9:11 trim on Pennsylvania road reaching lnhad"iptiU nt :wp. in The tli train connect! with t'hlUdjlphli and UoWlngr.m.it1tipirt at 11:3) reaching I'hlUv dolphlinl:iWp. in. Tho Hi train connects with Pennsylvania rj 1 1 at Northumberland at till reaching Philadel phia aU:w p.ra Tho 4:l p. m. train connects with Pennsylvania road at Northumberland at 8:03 p. in. ana roaches Philadelphia at :M r. m. Trains on tU8 N. A W. II. Ferry as follows i NORTH. T.41 a. tn d.31 p. m Hallway pass lllnom n.M p. m . .01 p. m. Democratic Cottitly Convention. Tho Democratic voters of the sovcrnl districts of Columbia county will meet at thu usunl places of holding tho general election on Saturday August 11th, 1883, between tho hours of three nnd seven o'clock In tho afternoon, and elect tlelc cntes by ballot to represent tliu districts In tho county convention, to bo held In the Opera House. Uloomshurg, on Tuesday, August 14th at 11 o'olock a. tn. to place In nomination ono candidate lor District At. torncy nnd one candidate for County Sur veyor, and to transact such other business as tho Interest of tho Democratic party may require. Also at the same tlmo and places, and In tho same manner, the Democratic electors In each district will elect one per. son to serve as a member of the county standlnc committee, which will meet ini- incdlatoiy after tho adjournment of the con. volition. Hy order of the Standing Committee. It. BccKisaitAM, Chairman Apportionment of Delegates according to the Democratic vote cast for Governor November 7, 1882. Ono Delecnto for every 07 votes nllow. mice made for tho largest fraction of n ratio. Beaver, 103 !1 Berwick, K total 212 3 " W 2 Benton, 220 3 Bloom K, 202 4 " W, 157 2 Brlarcrcck, 132 2 Catawissa, 224 3 Centralla, 130 2 Centre, . 173 3 Conynghain, N 75 2 S, 83 2 Fishlngcrcek, 202 4 Franklin, 50 2 Greenwood, 103 2 Hemlock, 145 2 Jsckson, 123 2 Locust. 248 4 Madison, 108 3 Maine, 130 2 Mllllln, 103 3 Montour, 74 2 Mt. Pleasant, 88 2 Orange, 115 2 Pine, 07 2 Hoaringcrcck, 70 2 Scott B, 103 2 " W, 00 2 Sugarloaf, 107 2 4139 70 l'orHonal. Delegates Total 70 J. C. llohlns Esq. of Cntawlssa was in town on Tuesday. Prof W. II. Schuyler and family arc vis ittng nt Dr. Schuyler's W. II. Rliawn, Esq., of Catawissa, was in town on Wednesday. Win. George and Christian L. Artley, of Pensyl called upon us on Tuesday after noon. Elmer E. Person of tills office is spending a week's vacation at his homo in .Montana, thin county. Miles Alhertson, of, Georgia, n former resident of this county la visiting friends in Hits section. Threo daughters and one son, of Hev. J. 11. Dimm, a former pastor of tho Lutheran church, mo visiting friends here. The Columbia county fair will bo held on October 10th, 11th, 12lh nnd 13th. Tho net profits of the Lutheran festival held in Evans' Hall recently, was $77 All the buildings formerly known ns tho tannery have been torn away. This will make a fine site for a building. A number of young ladies walked to Berwick on Monday. They made the ills tanco In between three and four hours. Camp meeting stoves, beautiful ranges, preserving kettles, ngato Iron and stamped ware, reaper knlfo sections, &c, at Sharp, less' foundry. 2t A corresnondent of the Pottsvlllc Chron- Wesuys there aro five full blast unlicensed grog Bhops nt Buck's Patch near Centralla. Tlio population of tho place Is fifteen faml lies. Tlio Fall term of court having been changed so as to begin on tho fourth Mon day of September, instead of tho Itrst iion. day.all writs aro returnable on tho first day of tho session, A game of baseball was played nt Wll- llomsport last Saturday between ino cm ployecs of tho Sun & Manner and tho Gazette it JlulUtin offices. The former won by score of 20 to 5. David Lowenberg, J. J. Mcllenry, J. f. Yocum and 3. P. Hanley, delegates to tho Democratic Statu convention, and Geo. I Elwell, member of tho state committee, went to Harrlsburg on Tuesday. Hides of tho Democratic party of Colum bla csunty in pamphlet form for sale at tho C01.UM111AN office. Will bo sent by mail on recelnt of ten cents. Postage stamps as good ns cash. August 3.2w Last Thursday and Friday there was a long rain slorm up West creek. The streams raised bo high as to tear out fivo mill ponds, dnmnglng many crops along tho streams nnd drowning a lino cow ror J J, Meeker. Tho Gospel Tempernnco Union will hold Its monthly meeting In tho Baptist Church Tuesday evening next August 7lli 1830 nt at half past seven, All aro cordially Invlt cd. Special exercises aro prepared. L. A. Hlley & Co., have built n very com. fortablo dwelling house for their lomnnn Mr. Ted Heese, near their stoio building, Centralla. Mr, Heeso and his llltlo duugh tors make it very pleasant for their friends when they call upon tlieni. AMamf taw tale. II..,.. .. . . . I minimi Jiosoiy, uged tiiiriy.ullil jenm, committed sulcldu by hanging In his cell at tlio Bunliury jail Sunday night, Ho was recently sentenced to twelve years' linttrls. onmcnt for the murder of David Powell at Mt. Camrel on Christmas night last. Mnse. loy's wife died during tho trial. Ho leaves two children. Mr. Jolin Corncllson nn old nml much rt'Spcctcil of I'lno township, tiled" nt lih homo In loin, on Saturday Inst, July 28th, 1883 Ho had been In bail licnlth for soma tlmo but this sevcro attack was yet rutlior sudden. Ito leave two sons and two daughters. He was 72 yours nml 3 days old. Ills Imillier.ln.lnw, Jessa Cuspcr, living nenr Jorscytown, died on Friday of tho snme week. Dahuku fiiom Fr.nTtt.iitr.iM. Wnrnlng has been sent out that tho common fertili zers is n dangerous article to handle bv any one guttering from chapped or soro hands. Tho material being composed of blond nnd bones of dead animals and some of which may havo como by their death through disease, tho danger Is that if It comes In contact with a flesh wound It may result In blood polsonlug. Parties desiring the Hano Manifold Books can now secure them by calling nt th'.sofllcc. With this system tho letter nnd copy nre written together. It does away with tho press, brush, water &c. No Ink or pen required. Call early and cxa- mine. For sale only at tho Columbian of. flee. Tho London Lintel has n charming way of consoling Its renders and of promoting the comfort of humanity at large. It has just declared "there Is no more powerful apparatus for the conveyance of disease than a book." Hooks, wc arc assured, can transmit "measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, soro throat, whooping cough, branch itls, and perhaps phthisic." Will book.borrow ers please bear this In mind. Tho viewers appointed by tho court to assess damages in the suit of the Blooms, burg Iron Company against tho Blooms. burg Water Company, met last Saturday. Tho plaintiff was represented by Messrs. Buckalcw and Waller, and tho defendant by Messrs. Knorr nnd B.irklcy. Tho view ers were John Hartman, John S. Mcnsch, John Krcsslcr, John G. Quick nnd Luther Eycr. The amount of damages awarded against tho Water company for land taken for tho reservoir and pump house wai $1310. We nre sorry that we wero unable to ac cept the invitation of tlio Bloomsburg Camping Club to visit litem In camp near Forks. The club consists of Arthur Wll son, Bob Bunyon, Will and' Fred Holmes, Charley Elwell, James Purscl, Wesley Moyer, Harry and Will Kinports. They have been out two weeks nnd have passed tho time pleasantly in fishing, hunting, boating, and occasionally lending a help. Ing hand in the harvest field. Frequent visits from friends at home kept the larder well supplied. The Summer issue of Strawbridge & Cloth ier's Quarterly, just out, is a splendid num. her ; every page is of interest to the ladles, New fancy .work designs nnd stitches ; in structions in amateur art. and how to adorn the person nnd how to decorate the home ; a pretty piece of now vocal music ; and the summer fashions in every department ol dry itooils fully illustrated. Price, 15 cents; get a copy from your news-dealer or scud to Straw-bridge & Clothier, Philadelphia. July 20-4w Hates of excursion have been made by tho executive committee of Mountain Grnvo Ciinin Mcctlm: witti all railroads leading to or connecting with lines reach- ing the camp ground. Arrangements have men mane lor i c lamest iraiiieniii: m ItUtory. A number of tents have been add ed and nearly nil are now taken. Excur. sion tickets will bo good from Aug. Cth to August 10th. Trains will leave Catawissa for Mountain Grove at 7:32 a. m. and 7:20 m.. and return nt 11:25 a. m. nnd 10:20 m. We have an assortment of thermome ters in stock which we will sell at reduced prices to close out. Every house should invo one. Call and see them at tho uu- umiiian store. As William H. Miller of Montour county was driving homo from Danvlllo market nn tho 25th ult when opposite the promises of James Forsman, ho was requested to stop. Complying, Forsman began abusing lilm and tried to pull him out of the wagon. Failing to accomplish this ho jumped in himself and made a desperate attempt to kill him. A man working In a neighbor- ing field, hearing Miller's cries for help, hastened to tho wagon and succeeded in separating them, but not until after Miller was badly pounded and had received inju ries which will maim him for life. Ills as- gallant lias been nrrestcd. We attended the meeting of Eut Post G A. H., at Bloomsburg on the 20th Inst The Post numbers over ono hundred mem bers, has good officers and n good hall, beniillfiillv furnished. Our former towns. man, Qeorge lieldleman, makes a live olll pit of the duv. The post received seven new members on tlio night of our visit, np plications are sun coming in aim uio uuy . . .. ... i i feci very much cncourngeii. in mu nun wn had tho pleasure of meeting Comrade Ben Sharplcss, of tlio old Sixth Heservcs ; Comrade Potter, of tho Eleventh, niuiuoni- rades Behllemau and C. o. rurinan.- Shicfohinny Correspondence of Union-Leader. 'Law!" said a Philadelphia Judge the other day. "It's a good thing to keep out of ut tho rate at which young men are coming to tho bar. I infer that few who havo n desire to achieve distinction in It will be- lleve me. Though there aro a half a dozen members of the bar In this city who aro reputed to cam iJ.TO.OOO a year, there are six hundred, I am quite sure, who do not SO a week. One can hardly say at tlio outset who will and who will not suc ceed. Of two men of apparently equal abilities nnd opportunities ono will some. hnw much Hie front in a few years, while tlio other will always remain In tlio rear. Tho CoLtTMiiiAN olllce Is prepared to furnish all kinds of paper hags, plain or printed, at city prices. Merchants pur- chastug of us will suvo freight on their orders. H was our pleasure on Tuesday last to take our first ride on tho N, & W. B, Bull way since its completion. Tho party was composed of Messrs. D. Lowenberg, J. J. Mcllenry, 8. 1'. Hanley, J. O. Yocum Esq, and tho writer. Through the inoughiiui ness of Mr. Lowenberg, a delicious lunch hud been prepared, to which all hands did nmnle Justice. The ride down tho rlvor to Sunbury U ccitulnly one of the most beau llful In tho country. The track follows the river closely, nnd with tho tippling waters wltli their little whllo capped waves lu the foreground, uio eyo uinea in uiu inu.iu wa'i of lino farm ininli' bounded in Uio malum hoilon by high hill. At llurrl.burg our paity stopped at tlio Jonen House, kept by Fred Tinker, formerly of Wllliamsport, He Is a genial host, and keeps an excellent house. , , , , ' , triut ,u ""onisburg, Pa., will he ii 2 ,1 ! fouitecnlh year Tuesdny, Sept. 4, 18: I ho Inst term wan the largest In Its lilslory. I'hoso who expect to become teachers Ibid the courso prepared for them almost Invn'. liable. The school gives to every grmlimlc what no other In the district can give, a Kl t.t, PIIOFKSSIOVAI. BTANIMSO byllS (llploillil. md almost Aw tuition to those who graduate In two years, A largo corps of skll eel I eaehers enables the school toglvo cine fill training to students preparing for col- ego nnd to those In nnailemlc studies. Thoroughncsss of Instruction, commodious buildings, accessibility, and cheapness me among the advantages. Students having a card from tho principal, Hev. I). J. Waller, dr., get half faro on the I). h. & V. It. II. Send for catalogue.' August !!-4w Whllo Peter Colllian nnd two young men, named Mulligan and McDonald, cm ployed In the slope at the Continental Col liery, wero engaged last Saturday In re timbering the elope, tho top suddenly gave way, burying Colihan and McDonald un der the coal, and knocking Mulligan oit the wagon, but without lr.jurlng him. Men wero Immediately put to work to rescue tho men beneath tho debris, McDonald was extricated with much difficulty and was found to be Injured slightly. An Im mense amount ol coal was removed bs4- Collhan wa3 found. ' Ho received seveic cuts about the head and body, nnd died soon after being taken out. Ho was a son of Chief Burgess James Colllian, of Con tralla, and leaves a wife and four children. It Is learned from the Miltonian that on Wednesday night Inst week, between one nnd two o'clock, a burglar entered tho house of C. A. Godclmrles, In Milton, by placing a ladder against the second story window from Front street. His entrance was not made noiselessly, ns Mrs. God diaries heard him nnd saw him make ids way to tlio bureau. Before she could alarm her husband, who was soundly sleeping, the chief had rilled Mr, God diaries' clothes of his gold watch, a very valuable one, and sum of money reaching over 200. When Mr. Godclmrles awaken ed ho followed in the direction of the thief to the window and saw him descend tho ladder, while below on the pavement stood nn accomplice of the the thief who pointed a revolver nt him. nnd told him to with draw his head or lie would be shot. This request seemed reasonable enough nnd wns promptly' complied with. The thieves then made oft, up the alley In the rear of tho Front street lots. They were heard by a number of parties ns they made good tlmo on their retreat. This should serve as a caution to people who make national banks of their pants pockets. A Ncwtipiiitcr Train. Il is rumored that tlio Philadelphia mid Bending railroad will soon put on n news paper train, which will run from Philadel phia to Wllliamsport. This would give us tlio Philadelphia papers on the morning of the day they arc issued, and would lie a great couvcnicncn to the public. For Sale. A Platform bprlng wagon with top. Would exchange for hay or oals. Apply to W. C. McKinney, Bloomsburg. A l'rcnlt of Nature. A freak of nature was developed near White Haven last. week Wednesday mom- Ing, that is n veritable wonder, and ntttactB much attention. Mr. Wliltehrend'.s cow cave birth to a calf that morning that has the nppearenco of being turned inside out. Its heart, lungs, liver, stomach and intes tines arc nil exposed, In full view, and up- pear to be on the outside, instead of inside the animal. It has no hide or skin, save around the head and neck, which are regu- larly formed, and have the appeareueo of ordinary calves. Its lungs are enveloped in n membrane, the other org ans being wholly exposed. It lived about an hour after its birth, when it was choked to death, It lias been purchased by John O'Dea, who will perservc it and place it on exhibi tion. In Slcinorlun. Whereas. The heavy hand of the dread monster Death having called our brother Ellas J. Mcllenry utter an illness ot one year, therefore. Remlieil. That in ids death tho Lodge has lost a devoted member, the cominu nity nn excellent neighbor, tho county nn honorable citizens, the family a faithful nml nllcctlounto husband ami father, that in his departure the sons, daughters and wife are constantly reminded hy that still small voice within that far oil land from whoso bourne no traveler lias ever return cd. Resohvd. That this Lodge us a memo inl bo drnncd ill mourning for the space of ..... . , . ... . ninety days, and a copyol these resolutions ho placed lu tne mums oi tue uereaveu tamlty. Attest J. Brooks Foli.mkr, 1 Ai.exundei! S. Kramer, J Com. Georue W, t?OI.K, J UcHoliition or Condolence. Whereas, In tlio wisdom of an overrul Ing Providence brother William T. Con ncr has been called to cross the Jordan of Death after a lingering illness of near four months bearing his sutlcrlugs with an un- rnmnlntnlmr Riihmtaslnn anil reshrtmtlnn. i i a therefore, iw,. That the members of the Orlen tal Lodge No. 400 F and A. M. deplore tils loss as a member and brother to which '".- u.".u.j ...... tte&oucu, iimi imu tumiiv in ma ue.uii have lost a warm hearted brother and son. That in the suhmissiveness and will ingness to bear tils sulletliigs without mur. mer nnd tlio vacant cuuir m tue ininiiy cir cle, they will ever remember the will of him who doclli nil things wen. Resetted. That in token of respect to his memory the working tools and charier of this Lodge bo draped in mourning for tho spaeo of ninety nays ami mat a copy ot these resolutions bo placed In the hands of tho bereaved family and that tho editors of tho county papers be invited toglvo them a place in their columns Attest. James B. Harman, "I A. Williams, ) Norman S, Hayiiuimi', J Com. .V Coiitnullctlmi. Wo ure reliably Informed that there is no truth in the statement that tho widow of U. A. Backer lias instituted a suit In equi ty against thu Asa Backer estate. Hurry Backer, the only brother of tho late Robert A., but recently returned from Europe, says that so far us Mrs. Backer Is concern ed everything shall bo tho samu as If her husband had lived, a sentiment worthy tlio man who gave It utterance. It is, perhaps, unnecessary lo add that tho relations existing between Mrs, l'uckir and the fam Uy of her deceased husband, are of tho most friendly character, and tliat legal pro cccdlngsaru furthest from ttictr minds. Tho statement appeared originally in nu Eastou paper, and from this was reproduc. ed In tho Munch Chunk Coil Gi.etU. Ah that paper is published at tho homo ot Mr Packer, wo considered it authority, and co,,e,i lom lt wjtnmit hesitancy. Hut whllo wo regret having repeated Iho state uicnt, wo are pleased to learn that it is without foundation In fact. WWerly .liio cute. Thermometers, from 23 rents to &U.60 at Iho Com'uiiian store. tf Tim Hint.. V.,l Ul,t ,,f II,, HiiwtiiKi't tu Sleep. I'ro'nngcd habits of weakfnlness otlen le.okeil solium Impi imciil of the noivniis sjMcni, What may bo ilouo hy tho pcrsiifi Himself, on nwnkcutug during the night in order In again Indueo sleep? Tho expedient nt our disposal, Il must be admitted, aro i'Ccedlngly variable III their efficacy, but nosi of them are worth trying. A sense of drowsiness Is sometimes easily Induced liy getting up nnd standing by tho bedside until one feels utmost chilled and the bed Is i old. Another expedient Is to wash tlio head, neck nnd upper part of tho body In co'il water a lower teinperutuni of the skin Inducing a prohtbly more nclivo circulation of ttie blond tn the surface and nwny from the nervous centres. I have; found, Hays ono writer, n bit of dry bread thoioiighly masticated and eaten nt tills tune to ncl almost like a charm In some cases, by drawing blond from tlio liratn to the stomach, nnd thus securing steep. Any thing which serves to detract nltciitlon from one's self nnd surroundings may avail such ns saying tho alphabet, counting one's respirations, repeating the multiplication table, unit n mullldilde rfsimlllnr exped ients. An ancient monkish receipt lor wenkefulness was to "count your beads." HelectltiK A IIorHC. 'Many of our people know but very little about the selecting of a good horse, and the following from the ltrf, Field and Farm will prove of Interest i In buying ahorse, first look at tho head nnd eyes for signs of intelligence, temper, courage and honesty. Unless n horse has brains you cannot teaeli him to do any tiling well. If bad qualities predominate In a horse, education only serves to en. large and Intensify them. The head Is nn indicator of disposition. A square muzzle, Willi large nostrils, evidences an ample breathing apparatus and lung power. Next see that ho is well under tho jowl, with jaw bones broad and wide apart tin. der the throttle. Breadth and fullness be tween the cars nre always desirable. The eyes should bo full and hazle In color : ears smalt and thin and thrown well for ward. The horse Hint turns his cars hack every now and then is not to bo trusted. Ho is either a biter or n kicker, and is sure to be vicious in oilier respects, and, being naturally vicious, ho can never bo trained to do anything well ; and so a horse witti n rounding nose, tapering forhcad, nnd a broad, full face below tho eyes is always treacherous and not to bo depended on. Avoid the long-legged, stilted animal al ways choose ono with n short, straight back and rump, withers high and shoulders sloping, well set back, and with good depth of chest, fore logs short, hind legs straight with low down hock, short pastern joints and a round: mulish shaped foot. A IMocc of Advice. Tliu following article, from the Chicago Tribune, tells a good deal of truth in a few words s What tells so readily the standard of a town or city as the appearence of its paper? And Its youth or its age can as well be determined us by a personal notice. The enterprise of its citizens is depleted hy Its advertisements, their liheiatity by the looks of the people. Some papers show a good, solid, healthy founiidatlon, plethoric purses, and a well-to-do appearence goner ally : others show a striving to contend with the grasping thousands around them, trvinc to wrench out an existenco from a close-llsled community around them. An occasslonol meteoric display in its col- umns of a telegraph or local, or of editor ials, shows what it can do if it had th meuns, but it cannot continue its expensive work, until support conies which ought to be readily granted. .V newspaper is like a church : it wants fostering ; then it can relict credit on its location. Take your home paper. It gives You more news of immediate interest than New York or other papers j it talks for you when other localities belie you ; it stands up for your rights; yon always have a champion in your home paper, and those who stnnd up for you should certain ly bo sustained. Your interests are kin- dred and equal, mid you must rise or fall together. Therefore, it is to your interest to support your home paper s not grudg ingly but in a liberal spirit, as a pleasure, not us a disagreeable duty ; but as an in vestment that will amply pay the expend! lure. OrmiKevllIu Xt'WH, Niblo, ye correspondent of ye Republican olfers tho sum of -;03.25 to any one who will furnish him with the name of X. Y. '.. Don't betray us friends for we stand in mortal fear of his mighty pen, for Barney though short of stature is great of mouth and pen and lie threatens us with both when he finds us out. Wouldn't Professor help you slaughter us Brownies. Your now clinracter of champion of tho girl in boots commands our udmir.ition. Drop the pen and come out as tho knight of petticoats I.. II, Johnson lias purchased a line team of sorrel horses for use in his livery. These with his bays and buggies will enable him to send out ns good turnouts ns any in tho county. The supervisor of loads lust week re moved tlio stone bridge at tho lower end of town and replaced it with a plank one. Wo aro not suro wo would be justified in calling it an improvement. But the re moval of tlio old stable and straightening of the road ccitatnly Is. Wo hear that (leorgo P. Stiner, Lllley fc Sleppy's genial clerk, intends building himself a homo on tliu corner opposite I). W. Hicks, dimensions 22x39. That will he another improvement. There is a rumor going tho rounds of town to the cited that some enterprising parties aro about to erect u paper mill ust ibovo Herring's grist mill. We under stand the enterprise is a settled tiling if t lie railroad goes through. Our farmers all reaped largo harvests of wheat, rye and hay and they report com and oats promlau well and they arc wear. ng smiling faces over II. Jim made a llyiug trip to Milton and New Columbia last Wednesday leturnlng on Thursday. He says ho went over to attend a lawn party. So, so Jimmy wo know nil about it, 10 yards of lawn nml 145 pounds of lady. John lias iouud a new divinity and Is quite nttenllvu to thu same. Look out Johnny, she is taken and you ate lu dan- ger. Prof, ttled tried that 20 ft rod Saturday result 2 sunnles, Ho says ho Is going again uud llsli willi devils (no rel ilion to the Prince of darkness,) .Mrs. J, V. Connor is very ill ol a com plication of fevers. Dr. Ammerman is in uttendaneo upon her. Mr. AnosSavago and Miss Sullle Ale .James Williams and .Mm uroveiiug nio spending n fow days at llanog.i lake with mine hot ltieketls, Wo expect they will have n lino tlmo. Our glass ball smashers hud two days practice last week. Wc havc'ul the Satur, lay's score- but heard that Low led with t) halls out of 10. On last Monday they made a very ciedllnblo wore with Lilly and Low a tie at 0 out of 10 and tho bal mice n tie at 8. out of 10, Mllllln IteniH. 'Next station, Mountain Grove." Annie Slcolcy spent Sunday at her home nt West Mllllln. Plilncns Smith Is building in town, Some of the Hetlervlllo boys spent a whole rainy tVuy fishing nt tho river. They met with the usunl luck, Kll.u llarlwl Is on tho sick list. T. 1). f'trauss drove to Hetlervlllo on Sunday, Forfuilher Information Inquire of A. H. Dental Fox of Beaver Valley Is doing li good business In these parts. O. I). Tlierkhelslo of Plltslon Is slaying a short time with his fattier In our town. Wo havu no "darkles" but there Is a good deal of "bliicktierrylng" done nnw.ii.dnys. The school directors have decided to build n school house with two rooms more than the previous specifications called fori we havo not yet learned what tho two ad ditional rooms arc for. JcnnloGrovcr is severely nttacked with diphtheria and whooping-cough. A. V. Smith of Mountain Grovo drove through town on Monday en routo to Light Street. While crossing tho Green Mountain near llar.leton on Saturday we saw a snake which had been killed that measured nine feet six inches in length and fourteen Inches nround tho body. My companion who had visited Florida says this Is tho largest snake he had ever seen except In tlic Zoological Gardens at Philadelphia. Foil Sai.u. A full sctof tinner's Machines hand tools and patterns. Apply to W. H. Km'EitT, Box 43 Hloomsburg, Pu. Juno 27-4w I'ClOUlOUM AHHIMllt. The following account of u dastardly at tempt was written by tlio correspondent of tho Kews-Dcaler and ns it contains full par ticulars, wo copy it. On Wednesday afternoon, of last week, toward evening, a little daughter of Ed- ward Jacobs, of this town, was coming Iiome alono from the celebration and pic nic held at Hupcrt, over tho four hun dredth nnnlversnry of Martin Luther, when n brute, by tlio name of Charles Cook, fol lowed her and ran after her until ho cnught her. Then lie tied her to a fence by tho roadside, until ho took oft her little shoes and stockings ; after that being done, he stripped his own feet of his shoes and stockings, then loosened her, picked her up, started to wndo big Fishing Creek, tell ing iter ho wns going across, mid if she did not keep quiet lie would put her in the water and drown her. But, fortunately for the little girl, he was noticed by some hoys who were hi the creek, swim ming. They stnrted for him when attract cd by her shrieks, unit ho dropped her and ran, taking to the fields, until he reached town. He is a married man, aged about twenty-three years, with a wife and child in this place. The little girl got houie nnd told her mother. Her father, being at his work, wns sent for, nnd he proceeded at once to n justice's office, swore out a war rant against Cook and placed it in the hands of Constable Woodward, who soon after made the arrest. Cook was taken before John M, Clark, esq., and bound over to the September term of Court. Not be ing able to get any ball ho went to jail. The above arc substantially the facts as re lated by the littlo girl, and in part corrob orated by the boys who wcrs in the crock. She is between eight and nine years old, of humble but rsspectablc parents. Her fath er is a linker in this town. iXHeaHcH of AnlmalH. Messrs Editors. As I rend an article in your paper on diseases of sheep uud cattle, I am satisfied that the author is wrong in some of his ideas as to sheep snots or stag gers the. parasites that ho thinks Is caused through hcrbago is from a long fly that stings or lays their nits in the noso of the sheep. If the sheep is kept long In one place by watching them you can see tho fly strike them, fly away very quickly and the sheep will run and rub their uoscj the sound of the fly will make them run. s sulphur is dentil to insects, feed tlio sheep a teuspoonfull of the hard brimstone, to cacli sheep once a week. 2 or 3 doses will euro them. I have used it for a num ber of years and it lias not failed. As well ns in diphtheria it Is n suro cure. For cat tlo it is the best medicine I have used. For yellow water and other diseases nrlswatscl or rowl root, dose a largo table spoonful of roots cut fine repeat tho dose 2 or 3 days once a day. In more than 20 cases I have not lost. Hut there is one disenso the name I can't give but tho cow will swell at tho navel and the milk will stop to flow in u very short time. A handful of polk root will cure it very soon. Now the idea of those parasites passing through a body thence lu tho herbs, thence through tho stomach of the beast is all fudge ; us nil flesh and the water wc drink Is made part ly of living material therefore whenever the system gets diseased or the flesh dead then they work but not before. What I havo written I can sustnntlate and if you think it woitli room in your columns it may save some man's stock, If lie will try tlio medicines as above. Deceit) Recorded. Tho following deeds have been recorded since those last published : Jacob Krelgh and wife to Jeremiah 8, Ivrcigh, Catawissa. James Bullin and wife to June Johnson Scott. Seth B. Bowman to John II, Brcdlieimcr, Berwick. C. S. Foriiwald, Sheriff, to Christopher Klluctob, Brlarcrcck, Hosemout cemetury Co., to Patrick Dil- Ion, ct. al. Hloomsburg. , William C. Walls and wife to Philip Bill- meyer, Conynglmm. Philip Billmeyer to Johnson Bensley Coal Co,, Conynghain. William C. Walls and wife to the same, tleorgu W, (loodman to tho same. Thomas E. Brlttaln and wife to Olden Stokes, Brhircreek. O. E. Davenport mid wife ct id lo Alono Lockard, Brhircreek. (ieorgo W. Hoffman and wife to Angus- tus Slimier, Greenwood. Johnson II, Ikelor, Admr. to tho same. Joseph O. Keller and wife to the same. W. M. DoWItt and wlfo to tho same. Hester A. Mooro to the same, lllchiird Thompson tn Daniel Oliver, Berwick, Peter It, Baldy and wlfo to Susan Aim Block, Locust. Isaac Ernwlno and wife et al to Samuel Ivelchner, Centre. Aaron W. Hess and wlfo to John Jam). son, Mltllli). Solomon Deancr and wife to John Jami son, Main. Franklin L. Shuman and Jwlfo to Mary M. Bnrnlmrl, Cntawlssa. John O. Quick Admr to Henry 11. Aid. rich, Bloomsburg. Henry II. Aldrleh uud wife to ltcubcu Hess, Bliiomshuig, E. It. lkeler nnd wife to Lucluda John, son, Fishlngcrcek. First National Bankjof Berwick tn Ueorge Buckle, Scott. Hi Nlngnrn l'nllH. OIIANI) I'LEASUIUS EXCUr.SION TO THE OrAUAOT AND WAT KINS OT.KN, THE ORE AT NATCltAl. WONI1EUH OK THE AMERICAN CO.NTl. NENT. A special excursion train will lie run via Northern Central J railway Tuesday August 21st. Schedule and rates of fare to Niagara Falls and return arc as fol lows. Special Tiain Leave. 8.35 a. m. 8.55 " 0,03 " 9.22 " 8.45 " 0.33 " 0.02 " lO.O.'l ' 10.15 " 8.25 " 0.25 " 0.45 " 10.35 " 10.45 ' 5.50 " 0.18 " 8.00 " 10.00 " 11.00 " 11.03 " 11.18 " 11.23 " 11.32 " 11.50 " 10.05 " 10.00 " 11.15 " 11.45 " Hate. Harrlsburg 48 25 Dauphin 8 00 Clarks Ferry 7 85 Halifax 7 70 Lykcns 7 05 Mlllcrsburg 7 55 Georgetown 7 35 Trevorton Junction. 7 20 Scllnsgrovo Junction 7 05 Sliamokln 7 40 Catawissa 7 45 Hlversldo 7 25 Bunuury 0 05 Northumberland 0 00 Spring Mills 7 75 Coburn 00 Mlfillnburg 7 00 Lowlsburg 0 80 Montandon 0 75 Milton 0 05 Watsontown 0 55 Dewurt 0 50 Montgomery 0 40 Muncy 0 30 Hcnovo 7 25 Bcllefontc 7 20 Lock Haven 0 00 Jersey Shore 0 30 Newberry 0 10 Wllliamsport 0 00 12.10 12.40 p. in Arrive at Watklus at 4 :15 p. m. Tickets good only on special train to Walking, hut from Watkins they will be good any tlmo within ten days from date of Issue, and good to stop oft at any intermediate point, Excursionists will have the privilege of going from Watkins by steamboat over Seneca lake to Geneva, thence to Niagara Falls via New York Central railroad, pass Ing the celebrated Clifton Springs en route, or direct by mall viaCanandiiigua. Hcturn ing via same route except via (Jaiiandalgua instead of via Geneva and lake to Watkins The scenery over the entire route cannot he excelled for beauty and grandur. The accommodations for this ecursion will he first class in every particular. Tlio fare to Niagara Falls and return from all points has been made extremely low an within the means of all. "HTSec railroad fare from Catawissa only 7.45 and other points In propor tion to the distance, Arrangements will be made for' reduced rates at tlio hotels at Watkins Glen and Nia gara Falls, and for carriage hire and ad mission to the plnccs of interest, so that persons will know just what it will cost before making the trip, the details of which wilt bo announced In a few days. MARRIAGES. At the Reformed parsonago in Orange ville on the 28th of July, hyllcv. A. Houtz, Mr. Freas Thomas of Fishlngcrcek town ship to Miss Emma Fowler ot Salem, Lu zerne county. TIRED OUT. Tliedlitrew- Ing feeling of wcarinesp, of exhaustion without ctlort, which makes llfo a burden to so many people, Is duo to tho fact that tlio blood U poor, and the vitality eomequciitly feeble. If jou aro eulferlug from such fetllng', Ayer's Sarsaparilla U Juit what ' oil need, and rlll do you Incal culable good. No other preparation to concentrates and combines Mood-purlfylng, vitalizing, enrich ing, and invigorating qualitl9 as AVER'S SARSAI'AlllLLA. I'RCfAnitB IIV Dr. J.C. Ayor&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold byall f)ruRgit ; 81, tlx bottles for 5. LOCAL NOTICES. Elegant pallor suits, chamber sets, all kinds of furniture nt Cudmuu's and For good cheap furniture, go to Cad man's. Nobby suits made to order ut Evnns ifc Eycr's, by llrst-class workmen. Prices very reasonable. Fine groceries, notions, canned goods, at J. ii. Kccrs. A full line of rcady-mado clothing gents' furnishing goods, valises, itc, ut Evnns & Eycr's, Pictures, frames, window cornices, at Cadmari's. Shirts, cufTs and collars, neckties, and all kinds of goods for gents' wear, at Evans & Jiyer's. Go To . W. Hvvrw So's and ski: .leibeyx at $2, 7ft. Black cashmeres, Cotton tlauuels, New stylo dark calicoes, Remnants cmbioldelies ami ribbons ut j to prices, ltemuaut.s dress goods very cheap, Ladles and chhdreus shoes. Prices on all summer goods very low HUH IIIOUIU, No trouble to show goods, BUSINESS NOTICES. KVKKYHOIIV KNOW IT. Whim vnn lini'ti tUn W.ilt 1)1. Calls, or Skin Eruption of any kind, and tlio files, that you iuiuw without belli told of It. O. A. Klt'lrn. the druggist, wl! sell you Dr. Bosanko's Pile Bemedy for 00 cents, which affords immcdlato relief, and Is a suro euro fur either ol tho above illseae cs. iuly 0-eow Tamplco, Tenn.- Ib-v. 1). F. Manly, says "Brown's Iron lliltcis lellevcd mo of hull gfkilon and iieivousuess after physicians iniieu. 8900 lllhifl. 'JOU!) mill!) Ul)!l!l fining chickens. old ihl liens, ceesu and ducks. irooq live calves, lbs, ruhpherries. " pitted cherries. All I lie above wanted at Light Slu-el. I emus lining. August il il m The most deadly foe to all malarial ills- eases Is Ayer's Ague Cure, n combination of vegetable Ingredients only, ot wiucn mo most valuable is used In no other known preparation. This remedy is an nhsolutu anil certain specmc. nnu succeeds wnen nu other medicines fall. A cure Is warrant ed. For years .Mrs. Lyilin E. Pinkham has been ronti'iiillnif with tho terrible hvdra known ns Disease, with what surprising success many who wcru In tho serpent's colls will testlfv. Often has tlio powerless v cum iw en snnir hen irom iiic open laws of the destroyer. In smiting tlio heads of tills monster Mrs. Plnkliam's Vegetable Compound Is far more efficacious than tlio processes oi potential anu aciuni cnuiery, Manv n stcklv woman, whoso sad ex perlcnco had demonstrated nllkc tho failure of conceited doctors anu poisonous urugs, hns obtained a new lease of life for a few dollars worth of tlio Vegetable Compound and has gone on nor way rejoicing anu praising .Mrs. l.ydla ft. PniKliam, ot L,ynu Mass. Nervousness, debility and exhausted vi tality cured by using Brown's Iron Bit ters. THIRTEEN YEAR'S PTSrElSlA. "I suffered with dyepepnia for 13 years." writes John Albright Jvi.. or i-oiumuus. Ohio. "6(iiuan'iin A'em'ne cured inc." As it always cures such disorders. At drug gists. Baltimore. Mil. Dr. Irwin A. Elderidgc savs : "I would recommend a trial of Brown's Iron Bitters In nil cases of anaemic debility or when a tonic or appetizer is in (Heated. OAUSE OF FAILURE, Want of confidence accounts for half of tho business failures of to-dnv. C. A, IClelm, the Druggist, is not liable to fall for the want ol commence in Dr. uosnnKO'i Cough and Lung Syrup, for lie gives nwoy a bottle free to all who arc suffering with Couch. Colds. Asthma. Uonsumplton anu all atlcctlons of tlio Throat and Lungs. July 6-cow Owenton. Kv. Dr. I. F. Mundy, says "1 haye found Brown's Iron Bitters ono of the best tonics and prescribe it frequent. CONVINCING. The in oof of the pudding is not in chew ing the string, but in having an opportuni tv to test tho article direct. C. A. Klcim, the Druggist, has a free trial bottle of Dr, Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup for cacli and eveiy one who is alllicted with Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Consumption or any Lung Affection. July 0-cow "Ho that prays harm for his neighbor, begs a curse upon himself." He that rec ommends Kidney-Woit to his sick neigh bor brings a blessing rich and full botii to ids neighbor mid himself. Habitual cos tlveness is tho buna of nearly every Ameri can woman. Every woman owes it to herself and to her family to use that cele brated medicine, Kidney-Wort. Vigor, strength and health, all found in one bottle of Brown's Iron Bitters. Not a particle of calomel or any other deleterious substance enters into the com position of Avcr's Cntiiarlic Fills. On the contrary, thoy prove of special service to those who have used calomel and other mineral poisons ns medicines, nnd feel their lnpirlous clfects. In such cases Ayer's Pills are invaluable. Huntsville, Ala, Dr. J. C. Spotswood, says : "I highly recommend Brown's lion Bitters for dyspepsia, rheumatism and general debility." COMMUNION WINE. Physicians have used Speer's Port Grape Wine, of New Jersey, and, having applied to it the strictest test, pronounce lt n pure wine, and recommend it to the aged and iiillrin, and for general use where wino Is desirable, us the most reliable ot wines to be had. It received tho highest award at the Centennial Exhibition. Mr. Spccr also preserves tliu grapo juice fresh and Bwcet just as it runs from the press, not hy the use oi spirits, nut oy extracting ino ier. inenllng principle troin the ripe grapes wnen masiieil. r or sale uy u. A. Klelni. PHYSICIANS PRKM-'RIIIB IN Kl'll.ElHY. "I prescribe it in mv practice." is the ex predion used by Dr. .1. A. Patmorc, of Ulley, lnd. lie retcrred to 6uinai'i(an Aer me, and nn llier along says : "It cures ep ileptic tits." 100.000 acres of good land for sale cheap In Slianandoali Valley giving the purclin. r tue mil benehl ot thu market liv I., r . Caldwell, Winchester, Virginia. Correspou- deuce bollclled. .May 1U UW- Sec a woman In another column, near Speer's Vineyards, picking grapes from which bpeei s Port urapo Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by tlio medical profession, for the use of invalids, weakly persons and the aged. sold uy uruggtsts. sept ss-iy kti llm Diamond lives for faml v usn have no ciiuals. All popular colors'casllv lyeii, nisi ami ucautiiui. iu cents a pacK age. WHY THKY UAI.l. IIIM "ol.IJ MAN." l es.i ill s sau v so." said Jenkins, "mv nun- is turning gray nun is lulling oiii ue font its time. Use something? I would hut most hair restorers aro dangerous." "Trui," unswercd his friend, "hut Parker's Hair Balsam Is us harmless as it is effective. I've tried it, and know. Ulvo thu Balsam i show and the'boys will soon stop calling you "Old .Man Jenkins." It never fulls lo restore tue original color to gray or faded l ulr. Hlehly perfumed, uu elegant tiros: in''. WKSTKIIN MARYLAND COLLEGE. Main and IViaJUi Iviiaitiiii ntH. Sim ill, mi imi healthful and dillghlful. Full eoipsoi Instruct. iji, Isith In College uud Preparatory school, Well unified I'hii.llan t.unllj gou'iument. 'ivi-msnm,!. crate. 'Ihlrty-thlrd session b"glns Sept. (th, Ihsa, I'm catalogue, ,Ve., udihiMs, HEV. ,1. T. WAItl). I'losiiieni, ur MKs I- A, owwmis, Preeeplrcsiv Westii'llitHer, Md. MARK liT REPORTS. ULOOMSIJUUU MAUKET. Wheat net bu.shol Rye " Corn. " oats ' " Flour twr Darrei cioeifcco'J , , , butler ,, Hgg1 ruiio Potlt.h'l. , Dried ppli t, ilunn bides x Htou'dcrv cblokeua ..., Turkeys i.rn perpoumi , , n&yperton IICPSWUX II'ickb heat lloiver per lua PIIII,Alli:i.Plll..M.ltKCTS. l'l.m it -Market us sliMdvnnd utile!; hales el l,mi hands, Including MbmoHita extruniit ja (tin out; I eimsjlvKiila family )5i), wiiiriiilu 15 to (. mo: null nn,iiiii,ij.!,v ll i. l l.oi h -nnu m a.wka:ti. Wihi.i1 Muiket w,m (pili t mul eaklen cur loly fl. 17; l.!4i, bid for .luly; ll.llk, tur August; H.tulurheiiwiiibei,', lor October. I HUN -Muiket mm dull udd weak; eai lots M.U. wirt': Mo bid fur July; (motor Augin, ti'o (or Kl leinbi'i; tiliyc lor October. tiA'IH Thoiiuikel was dull; ear lot Hwi.',; 4o lilil rm -luH, :t?i fur Aiinul, .'lai.i, r,,, kj. i. ,.,).. - lor October- liiii mil PURE INDIA TEAS. Absolutely pure. They contain no spurious or ex hausted leaves. No Chemicals or Coiorliitr Matter ut In their preparation. Very valuablo for mix InK with weaker China teas. Thoy contain a very niltii percentage or Hxiracr. i ney nro cuiuvauu under tho supervision or foreigners, upon the most approved methods. Tlio leat Is manipulated uy machinery, loving unnorinuy oi appearance hrouithout cnth uroupnoui cniiro piucKings. 'inry reiuin ini-ir Hiu.tiiio i uniiiies ror an unusual lcngin oi nine. ,ih o nu JOHN O. PIIILI.IIH CO., 1S1 Water St., New York. Auen o; ttic Calcutta Tea syndicate. July ii-iw a nAC A MONTH and 110AUD for throo live DO7 Young men or ladles In each county. Address r. W. ZlKiu.En & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. juiyiiMw a WONDER BOOKS. Not books of Magic, but choice, classic literature, at prices so low as to mako the old-time book Buyers WONPKR, About w nPVrVS or halt a million volume "isjg now ready s sent anywhere for examination be fore payment, on c idencn ot good faith. NOT sold by dealers prices too low. ou pago Cataloguo irec duua u. -11.U1..N, ruunsncr, m vesey hi., N. Y. d Julyw-iw EXECUTOR'S SALE. OF VALUABLE Real Estate ! Hy virtue ot nn order otthc Orphans' Court of Columbia county directing tho real cstato ot tha decedent to bv sold for payment ot debts, tho un dersigned executor ot Dyer C. Mos will cxpohO to public sale on the premises, on Saturday, Aug.'ses, '83. Commencing at 10 o'clock n. m. ot said day, th following real estate, to.wlt : NO. l A messuage and tract ot land, being tlio Mansion House, situate In the township of Benton, tn said county ot Columbia, bounded on the north by lands of Daniel Lutz nnd Leonard Ileddlng ; on the west by lands ot Flora Moss and W. Z. Doty ; on tho south by lands ot Miles W. Moss, and 0 D tho east by lands of Bllas Sliultz and W. W. Culver, containing 78 Acres, more or less, whereon aro erected a two-story frame Dwelling House, barn, shed and other outbuildings; good water on tho premises, nbout slxty-seven acres of which , is in a good state of cultivation also good fruit on tliu promises. NO. 3 A tract or piece of land sltuite In Ilenton township, Columbia county aforesaid, bounded nnd described as follows, to-wlt : on the north by lands ot Henry and Francis 1. Sliult. i on the west by lands ot William (llddlngs; on tho south by land ot William Z. Doty, and on the cast by lands ot Flora 11. Moss, containing 38 ACRES, lnoieorU'MS, about twenty-one acres uf hlch la cleaied land-balance woodland; no buildings on the premUes. TF.ltMS OF HALE. Ten per cent, ot tho one- fjurthottho purihaso money to be paid at the btrlklng down of tho property ; the one-fourth lem the ton per cent, at tho continuation ot sale ; and the remaining three-fourths in ono year thereafter, with Interest from connrmatlon nisi. Purchaser to pay for deed. Possession given April 1st, lasi. Purchaser to get Landlord's share ot grain In ground up-, on payment ot ono-fourth of tho purchaso money Cambra, Pa. MILES W. MOSS, July ST Uxecutor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK JOHN I1IRT0K, IIECEASEI1. Letters testamentary Intlieestatoot John Olr ton, late of Hemlock township, Columbia county, Pa., deceased, havo been granted by t ho Hegtater of haul comity to Daniel Yocum. All persons hav ing claims against hald otate are requested to prehont tliein for settlement, and thosu indebted lo tha same to make p.iyine'it to the undersigned without delny. DANIEL YOCUM, Junoi5-i)W Executor, liloomsbutg, Pa. UDIToB'S NOTICE. L. ESTATE OF JONAS lUKTZtl., DECEASED. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by the Or phans' court of Columb'a county to make dlstrtbu. lion ot the balance In the hands ot the administra tor, to and among tho parties entitled thereto, will nt at hlsoniceln liloomsburg on Saturday, August 4th, 1HH3, nt 10 o'clock a. in., when and where all parties having claims ngalnstsald es tate nre re(iues,ted to present them lor bcltlemcnt, and those indebted to the same to make payment to tho underblgued Ithoiil delay. K. P. UlLLMEYElt, Junc.-J Auditor. DMINISTHATOBS' NOTICE. EST1TE OK ESTHER UNYHEII, DECEASED. Lettere ot administration In the e,stnto ot Esther Snyder, late ot Mtniln township, Columbia county, Pu., deceased, haul been granted to tho under hlgned by the Iteglster ot hald county. All ior- hons n i mg Claims against saiu esiuie uro request ed to present them (or settlement, and those In debted to the sumo to muke payment to tho un dersigned without delay. .1, 1- SN'YDKlt, I. 1. SNYDEIt, July 1M-6W AdrnliiUtralorh. ! (Mill! Mil! G. W. BERTSCH, THE MEBOIIANT TAILOR, AND DBALEH IS GenteV Furnishing Goods OK EVI'JIV DESC1II1TION. CLOTHING ! ! - Having very recently oponcd a new Merchant Tailoring ami (tents' Kur uisliinn Goods Store, in KNOItlt it W1K i isuai'iittN'o ninuiing, on Main street, wliero I am prepared, to mako to order, nt short notice, first class suits of clothing always in tliu latest Btyles and nrices reasonable. Fits guaranteed. Having learned how to cut garments to suit customers, aud also what kind ot material will givo satisfaction, I would ask you to please call aud examine tliu BEST SELECTED STOCK OK GOODS Ever shown In Columbia county, Before Purchacing Elsewhere. 1 Oi .ro .45 S.60 ,94 IK ,IH ,M .10 14 II U !! 111 saw C'oiiur Main it Market Sis. IIS Ill I AAlllO III UlUUIIIAIJlll April m u r.