THE COLUMBIAN AJNfD DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., KltlDAY, JULY 27, 1883. Correct ltnllroiul Time Table. Trains on t,lo rnltndolphln ft It. K. luavo Kupvrt as follows i NOHTII. SOUTH, 0 DH.i. in. 1145a. m. 1 ml p. in. (1 in p. in, Ir.lnsou tho I), I. W. II, II, Imvo llloomshurg tolloiv.s I NOiirn, mum, 7 nn n. m. s v n, m. to 17 n. in. 11 49 a. in. il 31 p. in. 4 3) p. in, To 11 41 tritln south connects with tho Phlla. dolphin Heading nt Mupcrt, and with thu Northern Central at Northumberland. Tii)S:JM. m. tralnonnoctsal Northumberland wltii iii train on Pennsylvania road roAchliig I'lil'adiiplilant : p. in t'lu till train connocts with PnlUdilphla and itc i ling roa tat itnpjrt at nil) roachlug Phlla dolpulaiit 0:oo p, m. 'I'uo tlil train connects with Pennsylvania ro 1 1 at Northumberland at 1:15 reaching l'hltadiil phla at T:M p. m The 4:1M p. m. train connoois with Pennsylvania rotd at Northumberland ntsau p. in, nuu roaches riilladclphla at S:55 a. in, Trains on tho N. W. II. Hallway pass lllnom Kerry as follows i NOHTII. ROl'TII. 7.11 a. m 19.06 p. m, 6.31 p. m ;t.ot p. in. l'crHoiial. lion, James Lake was iii town on busl. luss on Monday. Jlr. mid Airs. 0. H, Hucknluw have gone to Saratoga. .Mr. ami Mrs. John It. Hunt lire at the Exchange Hotel. ,1. M. tl. Hatick Esq. wits In town on Tiles day on legal business. Frank P. Gosper and wife, of Plttston visited relatives here this week. .Mrs. Anna M. Jenkins, of Eaton, N. Y. Is visiting her father niul brothers, II. M. Pine of this olllce Is taking n vaca tion at his home In Light Street this week. Charles Unangst, Esq. of New York city Is at homo with his friends for his summer vacation. .Mrs. S. N. Walker Is visiting friends in Central New York. She will attend a fa mily rc-union during her absence. J. J. IJrowcr and Miss Ada returned from the west last week. Mrs. Urower stop ped nt liollefontc to visit her daughter, Mrs. Iilnglc. Miss Nellie Kramer, Silas Lulu Chance, Mr. Fred IC. Chance and -Mr. Louis Shaf fer, nil of Philadelphia, are the guests of Jlr. William Kramer. David Lowenberg, J. It. Townsend and James Cadinan spent a couple of days up thu creek last week fishing for trout. They met with good success. A camping party consisting of Frank mid Fred Ikeler, Charlie Lutz, ".Charlie Mc Kclvy, Mat. Mcltcynolds and Frank Sloan went up the creek on Wednesday. They will pitch their tents near Stillwater. Dr. A. M. Smith ami llev. G. M. Smith, Ids brother, of Adamsburg, Snyder county wore in town on AVcdiicsday. If Snyder county can send over such representatives oflener, and make then stay lenger Colum bia county will make It lively for them. 1 he usual services at the Episcopal church will be resumed on Sunday next. The new residence of M. Wynkoop on Third street Is now under roof and painted. It will soon be completed. The lady boarders of the Exchange Hotel with their families, spent last Saturday in the woods at ltupert, picnlcing. A new line of neckwear neat, and nice nt I). Lowenbcrg's. nobby Camp meeting stoves, beautiful ranges, preserving kettles, agate Iron and stamped ware, reaper knife sections, &c., nt Sharp, less' foundry. 2t Itev. J. E. Bradley, formerly editor of the Montour American at Danville, died at Phocnixvillo on the 25th Inst. His health had been poor for sonic time. Physicians say that ginger ale is n poor sub. stltute for water, because the capsicum It contains Irritates the lining of the stomach and produces dangerous liillammation. The Hoard of Trustees of the Danville Insane Asylum has invited tho governor to visit that Institution, and he has accepted. The date of his visit has not yet been fixed. Lockiml's new resilience on Fifth street next to 0. W. Neal is progressing finely, Thu house will be a large one and for beauty and convenience will livid any in town, The Columiiian olllce Is prepared to furnish nil kinds of paper bags, plain or printed, at city prices. Merchants pur chasing of us will save freight on their orders, The Winona Fire Company has accepted im invitation to go to Plttston on August 23ml, as the guests of tho Eaglu Hose Company of that place. There will be n parade In the afternoon, and on the 23rd they will attend it picnic at Jones' Lake. Judge Klwcll has granted n new trial in tho case of lliidy against tho D. L. & W. It. it. tried in Uanvlllo recently, In which the verdict was quite a largo sum for thu plaintiff. The action was brought by tho parents of a boy who was killed by the cars In D.invlllc. Col. J. 0. Frcczo has recently erected a handsome monument In Hoscnicnt Cemc. tcry. It Is of whlto bronze metal, and was furnished through J. E, Owens of Lewls- biirg. There are quite a number of monu ments of this material hero, and they are fast growing In favor everywhere. Michigan Is taking measures to put Into practical operation a law enacted by the Legislature nt Its recent session, requiring nil teachers In the public schools of that State to give Instruction to tho pupils upon thu nlivslolnirlo and hviricnlo effects of tobacco and alcohol upon the human sys. tern. Purlins ilosirliiir the llano Manifold Hooks can now sccuru them by calling at th'.sofUeo. With this system tho letter ami conv aro written together. It does nwav with tho ureas, brush, water &c. No ink or lien renuircd. Call early and exa mine. For anlo only nt tho Colombian of lice. a nogus circus ngont Is said lu bo on his travels through the central part of tho Stale. Ills mode of proceedings Is to visit n town, maid! nrrnngcnicnls for the enter tiiliiment of the company, borrow all the money he. can and then skip for new fluids. I'nss mm along. NoN-Suiisoiiinmifl. Anexchannoobscrvon that tho greediest man after a newspaper Is the one who Is too mean to subscribe. He Is always lu waiting for the latest na- per, mid It Is not two minutes on the own- is' premises till the non-sulwrlber noun- i'S upon It, and never lets mi till thu last line Is rend, and then perhaps casts It aside with the remark that he could make a bet. ter paper himself. We have that clas9 nroiind here. Slnco thu trade dollar panic beenn. crent nconventenco hns been experienced by bus. ness men by the scarcity of small chance. IJelng obliged to use half and quarter dollars to take the placu of the dollar, has exhausted tho supply. Even tho banks mvo run short of small money and In somn Instances have been obliged to borrow of neighboring banks to meet the demand. The only hope for relief from this Btnto of affairs Is In congress which docs not meet until next December. The Summer Issue of StmwbriJae ,( Cloth- icr't Quarterly, just out, Is a splendid num. icr s every page Is of Interest to the ladles. New fancy-work designs and stitches ; In. structlons lu amateur art, and how to adorn the person nnd how to decorate the homo i n pretty piece of new vocal music ; nnd the summer fashions In every department of dry goods fully Illustrated. Price, 15 cents; get a copy from your news-dealcr or send to Strawbrldge & Clothier. Philadelphia. July 20-4w FuNr.UAt, DiiiEOioiiS. At Sunbury, this week, the undertakers of Montour, North, umbcrlauil, Columbia and Snyder counties effected an organization termed tho "North Branch Funeral Directors' Association." .Messrs. Dostcr and ltoat, of this place, were present and took part in tho proceed- ngs. The latter was elected secretary, and the former wns appointed a member of the executive committee. W. P. Hobcrts, of Sunbury, was made president of the orga nl.ation. They adjourned to meet In tills placo on January next. Dandlie Intellitjen-ccr. We have an assortment of thermome ters In stock which we will sell at reduced prices to close out. Every house should have one. Call and see them at the Coi. umiiias store. The Wilkes-liarre Paper Mill Company's new buildings are nil completed, nnd tho men are now at work putting in the steam pipes and "picking up around," prepara tory to setting the machinery in operation. The mills would have been started some timu ago but for an error in the shipment f some of tho machinery, which has not ns et been found, although "tracers" uro engaged in looking it up. The company expect to commence running about August st, and only print and common wrapping paper will be manufactured for tho first few months Union-Leader. A grand festival wlllbu held lu tho grove at Jonestown, Columbia to., on the 23th of July, afternoon and evening. Proceeds to be applied toward repairing tho M. E church, damaged by lightning In June. At which time nt 21 o'clock, Itev. I). S. Mon. roo, D. D. will deliver his Lecture, tho Sub jeet, tba Fast YoungMan. James McMnhon, of Mt. Pleasant town fldp, died mi Saturday last, and the funer nl win held on Monday, Hey. Dr. .Mitchell olllelatlng The burial took plnco at the Odd Fellows' Cemetery, Danville, Mr. MeMahon had resided in this county soy. eval jvnrs, on the nussicll Appleumu faun Ho was a good citizen, and one of the best fanners lu tho county, Ho leaves a wlfo mid several children to mourn bin loss. iV coriespondent of the Patriot wiltes the following concerning tho Fishing creek ail road : The civil engineers who were sent out to survey a route for a railroad from lllooms- liurg up the Fishing creek, across the North mountain to the Sullivan county coal fields, have returned nnd made a very llattcring report. The mountain can be crossed at a grade of about sixty feet to the mile. llail road men in tills locality have had their eyes upon this route tor years. A vast lumber district will be opened up and one of the finest water powers in this part of stale brought into play when once the road is built. As the right parties have the mat ter In hand there is no doubt but that the road will be constructed and the Sullivan county coal fields placed within easy access to me commercial worm. Foil Sale. A full set of tinner's Machines mud tools and patterns. Apply to W. It. Kitbiit, Ho 4:1 Illoomsburg, Pa. June 27-4v On Wednesday night between 12 and 1 o'clock, the ahu m oflliewas sounded on the streets, and the Uro department hasten ed to the spot where smoke and flames. were bursting forth, which proved to be A. Prentice's machine shop on Fourth troet near Last. The building was of wood, and dry, so that it was entirely en- loped in lire befoic a stream was got on to it. In a short time three streams of water were directed to the burning build- ng and adjoining buildings:, and further loss of property prevented. This is the first lire of any account since tho water works were erected, and if there arc still any who questioned their efficiency, they houlil be fully satislled now, Iho work of the fire department was quietly and sys tematically done. Hiiiiliury HineltlilK WorltH Htnrf. At Sunbury thu Susquehanna smelting and mining company tupped the first run of lead last Friday and It has exceeded the expectations of those Interested as to Its richness In quality and quantity. Much excitement prevailed about the amount of lead contained In the ore, and many citi zens visited the smelter In order to witness tho birth of that which promises to be the most successful business enterprise in thnt section, The l.uw Asrnltmt I'euce Iiik. AilverllH- Fences along the line of thu streets and public roads are generally garnished with ndvcillscmcnts. The people who do this are probably notjnwnro that there is a law against It. The act of 1881 says "He It enacted, eta., That If any person or per sons shall, without thu consent of the own ers thereof, willfully daub, paint advertise- ments, or place placards upon or deface walls of any building or buildings, house or houses, or the fences around the yard con nected therewith, or any fence surrounding or enclosing nny vacant lots, or farm, or shall, without tho consent of tho owner or owners thereof, daub, paint advertisements or place placards upon or otherwise defaco any tree or trees, or ahull causo the same to be dono by others, such offender or of fenders shall be guilty of n misdemeanor, and upon conviction bo sentenced to pay a line not exceeding liSj, and undergo an Inipilsonment not exceeding thirty days, both or either, nt the dlscietlon of the court. Three I'rlsoitcin lll out of Hie Moulour County I'rlson ami I'.sciiie. James W. Hurl, John Engel and Samuel Clink took French leave of the county pris on Saturday. The escnpo wns made with thu atd of a knife nnd a piece of broomstick. With these the prisoners loosened the stones lu the wall, striking the placo where two former prisoners, Ar ter and Trenss, escaped some years ago. After making a hole In tho wall they let themselves down Into the yard with th o aid of n poker and strips of blankets made into a rope. It is surmised that they were assisted over thu outer wall by friends on the outside. Hart was awaiting trial for embezzling tho Singer sewing machine company out of about $1,000. Tho other two were serving out their sentences, The building Is an old structure and has been considered unsafe for years. It is a dis grace to the county and a laughing stock to criminals. One of the men escaping wns minus a leg, and the fact that It re quires no agility to get out of the building nnd over walls, making it a laughing stock to the community. A reward has been offered for the capture of the escaped. Ileum from jnckHou ami Vicinity. The cake walk was well attended nt Wal ler on Saturday evening last, although it was rainy in the forepart of tho evening. We believe the receipts were pretty satis factory. The first rattle snako of the season that we have heard of, was killed by Mr. Charles Coleman while In his field mow lug. If the weather Is good the present week the farmers in Jackson will have in their barns the largest crop of hay and grain that this section has ever produced in one year. E. J. Jones has bought John McIIcnry's farm and will remove there next spring. We wish Ed. success as he is a hard work ing man. .Mr. Win. Parker lost a valuable work horse last week. Miss Fannie Artcr and her sister Emma, who have been visiting friends in this sec section for the past few weeks returned to their present home, Philadelphia last Mon day. F. E. Wcrtman of Tyrone P.i.,is spending a few weeks in this vicinity visiting rela tions. Occasional. .1 Woiulcrlul Dream, From the Hi nt on Miotic. A daughter of the Into Harvey Jewell (who was so well and favorably known In Boston In legal and business circles, nnd was a brother of the lute Marshall Jewell) had recently n veiy queer and unusual ox perlcnce, mid nuu calculated to make a deep Impression upon the strongest mind. Some weeks ago shu had n dream lu which she distinctly saw an undertaker drive up to her lesldcnco with n lunrse, Ho was u perulhir looking man, Ills queeily shaped nose, which looked as If it had been Im. ken nnd was twisted to one side, gave tils countenance an expression which would have nde Identification ensy and ceitalu, Ho came directly toward her, and ns he said "Arc you all ready?" shu suddenly awoke. Theiliciim seemed a peculiar one, but .it i .... . . mil not auraei very much intention in lliu household until a few days or a weuk later It was repeated with exactly the Same characteristics, down to tho "Are you nil ready f" nnd tho awakening. And now comes tho strangest part of the story. Somo little tlmo afterward the young lady was visiting In Cincinnati, and went to an npartmcnt hotel to call upon n friend. Sho stepped Into the elevator with others, nnd was startled to hear "Aro you all ready?" from tho man in charge, Shu was still more startled on lookltur around and beholding tho exact picture of the man of the dream, even to the mis shapen nose. It made such nn Impression upon her mind that she requested to be let out of tho elevator nt the llrst landing. She stepped out, and the other occupants went out at the next landing, and the mail lcmalned. Tho elevator machinery gave out j suddenly the car went up, nnd then down, and the man was Instantly killed, Hllver In llraiUoril county (Soil. Gold has been discovered In Now York state soil, lu the norlh central parts, nnd now a vein of silver has been found In Bradford county, Pa. This Is no Insignifi cant token of the probability that these two great States may some time be noted for their store of precious metals ns well ns of coal. Iron nnd salt, Sometime ngo two years, Ills staled Mr. H. H. Marcel. lus, who lu company with 0. L. Straight and n Mr. Wolf, leased 200 acres of hind In the township of lllilgelmry, Bradford county, Pa , discovered on the surface of the tract In qiii'slhm, oiitciopplngs of oro which seemed to ronlnln some of the vnl. liable metals, silver or lend. The vein or suifaee exhibition wns about ten feet In width. Mr, Marccllus's suspicions of the exlstejce of silver lu the deposit led Mm to correspond with Snpt A. Loudon Snow- tlen, of the U. . mint nt Philadelphia, to whom ho forwaidcd a collection of speci mens June 22d. He received under dnto Juno 20th, the following reply from thu official named i In reply to your letter of the 22d Inst. I have to say that tho three samples of ore combined contained nine ounces of silver I per ton j lead 24 per cent. This nssay Is very encouraging, ns tho vein Is believed to be extensive, and It is thought, will pan out much more richly ns It Is worked deeper In the earth. The parties named above, who lease the land, nro making endeavors to organize a com pauy of capitalists to work tho land. Ono of them, U. L. Straight, Is a former Elml- ralan, brother of William E. Straight. A sample or the ore lias been left in our sanctum, which nny ono Is welcome to In spect who chposes. Who knows but this Is the beginning of great mineral wealth in the Keystone State 1 Gazette it Free Pxes. CRYING FOR AID. I.nM of Appetite, ltonclarlie, Deprm vlon, Indication nnd Cnnollpntlnii, 1111 IniiKtiPM, n Knllnw Tncr, Dull Kye, And a Itlotclirri Shin, lire among tho tyinptoms which InJlcato that the l.trcr H cry lug for RlJ. Ayer's Pills Till (tlmnlnto tho Liter to proper action, and correct all then troubles. One or uiorc of tlicno rills ttiouM lo taken dally, until health lu fully established. ThousaLiU Us ttfy to their Rrent merit. No family can allord to bo without A vim's Tills. ruirAiini nv Dr. J.C.Ayor &Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by hII Druggists. Elegant Pongee silk coats nnd vests- light and cool just received at 1). I.owcn- bcrg's. OrniiKcvllle News. There are no less than four power print ing presses In Columbia county, yet the county officials send much of their printing to be done elsewhere. The printing offices are nil well supplied with good presses, excellent material and skilled workmen, yet much of tho work mentioned, is done nt offices outside the county. This is 'pro tection to homo industry," with a ven- geanee. Tlio theory 01 protection is an very well In tho eye of somopeoplu, and they will expatiato on it for hours. They will tell you It gives better wages to labor, and It helps to build up the country, but tho very moment they are asked to carry the principles Into their local, every day practice, they Immediately adopt tho prln- Iples of tho freo traders. 'Twas always thus. Plymouth Rtcord, Fun Sale. A Platform Spring wagon with ton. Would exchange for hay or oats. Apply to W. C. McKinnbv, Bloomsburg. The celebration at ltupert on Wednesday Julv 25lh In commemoration of tho 400th anniversary of Luther was a decided suc cess. There wero upwards of four thous. and people. Danville enmo with rcpresen tatlons of threo church, Catawlssatwonud Bloomsburg nnd Espy each one, A great many wero there with their own convey ances from nil the surrounding country. Among the number of Lutheran ministers lircsent wero the following i Hov J. O. Morris, D. D. L. L, D. of Baltimore, llev, D. M. Henkol. I). D, Rev. Prof. J. It, Dlnim, and Hevs. S. P. Hughes, W. H Huclert, E. H. Leisenrlng, E. A. Sharretts, J. H. Neiinan, J. It. Shaffer, J. It. QrolT, J. A. Early, E. E. Berry, E. B, Kllllngcr, W. A. Shaffer, W. Myers, J. A. Adams, F. P. Mnnliiirt, as well also from neighboring churches wero Hevs. O. II. Struuk, S. I Hcnmer, It. A. Wilson and D. II. Bhiclds, Tho afternoon was devoted to Blnglng nnd addresses. A very neat programmo was arranged for tho occasion, Tho address of thotUywas delivered by Bev, Dr. Morris,of B.iltluioie. Short addresses were made by otlurs IiiipiMliiiil Notice to lliu IMildlc. A gieai reduction lu nil style of Sum incr clothing has Just been made In wiil qiienco of the cold and wet season, Call und bo convinced at tho popular clothing store of David Lowenberg. A Mystery Hols cel. Anr.i: tiiiikr a missing woman is I'OfNI) UKAD I'SIUU! A TIIEK. PoiTfViu.i!, July 23. A three weeks' mystery was solved to-day by a party of Imuters finding a female corpse under a tree, to which it had been suspended, near the County Almshouse. Mrs. Charles Gensbcrg, of St. Clair, while on a visit to some friends ut Iuiska Williams, about the 1st of the month, took tho children out in- to tho woods to pick berries near by After they had spent an hour or so in that way, Mrs. Gensberg told the children to cmain where they wero until she returned. Tho little ones stnyed until nightfall and then made their way home, benrch was immediately made for tho missing woman, who, It was feared, had met witli an acci- dent or had been attacked by wild beasts Tho searcli has been kept up constantly since all sorts of clues have been followed without avail. Just prior to her disappearance Mrs. Gensburg seemed to be In perfect mental condition, but from her wanderings, ir. which her friends wero nble to trace her, It was concluded that her mind had become suddenly unbalanced. Scouting parties went out in all dlreo lions. When found, tho remains were lying under a tree, lu un advanced state of decomposition. Around tho neck was n cord msdo of strips of nn apron, by which she had, evidently, suspended her self from tho tree overhead. The remains were In such a state that lilenllflcatlou by tlm features was Impossible, but a diamond ring on her finger and her pecullarly-mado shoes satisfied her husband, who was im medhitiately summoned, of her Identity. What lie Haw. Hero lies tho man whoso crown was won Ily blowing In an empty Kim, smtx-neltle 7iriifd. No boonor In the Kim ho blew Than up tho tfolden stnlrs ho Hew. HUhiiioml Itaton, And met tho girl on heaven's t'reen Who lit tho nro with kcro-eno. KttraM Itatlirau Jom'nal, lie saw also, nstrldo a stool, The man who tampered with a mule. Koclietef Nxprett. And with dellKht behold tho Mxht, Tlif cvar In whlto i la dynamite. ((fen Tribune, And olio met tho reckless bloko Who bioiislit us an original Joke. .VoiceI ,l (", And nUo met tho fellow, yon know, Who wroto tlio poem on "Beautiful Snow. Krle (lftilile And looking on, light by his side, Wns tho outh who from green apples died. MempMi .Vcii'H, TMrntns around with sudden whim, llo saw tho boy who couldn't swim. rotttelUt Journal, Tho man who called the editor a liar, llo saw below him In tho lire. -lUrrUimry Jl'iji.ifd AhdtoiluicU u. low lathe usual wmj, Was tlii man who tall-M tho printer to pay -- JcdVna .IMe And anioiifc' the ch ip wlmm modem moat bo for, llo beheld the Infernal printing nllhxi loafer. IkUefuiUe ll'i((7tmi, And with their toy pUtols uoino boys ho saw, Wlm died with a uuddon al tack of lock-jaw. July 25th, 18SII. Our fanners about here arc wearing cheerful countenances, all owing to thu fine weather they have had for harvesting nnd gathering their grain and hay. Our merchants have not yet regained their usual activity, and it Is not probable that they will until tho farmers aro through with their harvest and haying. Tho building boom has not entirely died yet. Our enterprising .furniture dealer, J. B. Hurinan, Intends erecting a new stoic room, size 30x30, three stories I1I3I1. We wish you success, James. More than a bundled triends and rela tives from this place and vicinity gave Mrs, Samuel Hidlay of Centre, a birthday sur prise last Tuesday, They report a very pleasant time. Among thu numerous presents was 11 handsome table, bearing the following Inscription : "To a True and Faithful Mother. The young gentleman who paraded about town a few evenings ngo, proved to bo a girl in boots. For further particulars consult "Niblo," possibly he can work up the case. Landlord Geo. Heckman, has exchanged shed lots with Silas Conner, lie Intends to at once erect a new shed, CO.xOO, for the accommodation of his many patrons. Mrs. Fellows and daughter, Mazlc, of Wiikcsbarrc, aro visiting their relntivcs ond friends of this place. Mrs. Hnynes, of Philadelphia, is spend ing her usual Summer visit at her grand father's, Samuel Achcnb.ich. Prof. Ilcck spent all of last week visit ing his old friends. The Professor has re turned and looks all the better for his rest. His school went on with Prof. Grimes and Prof. Canfleld in charge. The Professor s.iys his next term promises a large atten dance. The spotting team failed to have their usual practice last Saturday. Consequent ly about fifty glass balls and a car load of ammunition was saved. Boys don't quit, as we went to see some other team try your mettle. Jlr. Geo. Ilerting has moved into his new house on Mill street last Thui(biy. George, we did not get an invitation to help, consequently wo feel slighted, not so much on account of the work, but on ac- count of missing a Mpiarc meal. Somebody else try it and give X. Y. Z. a chance to help, (eat) A. W. Evelaiid, our accommodating shoemaker, while trying to take down an old stable on lower .Alain street, ventured too far out on a rotten joist, which broke and dropped him suddenly down among some broken boards, and what might have been a serious fall terminated with only a few bruises from which he soon recovered. J, W. Llllcy, of the firm of Lilley & Sloppy, spent a part of last week visiting lis brother, llev. W. H. Lilley, nt New Columbia. He reports a fine lime, nnd by the pleasant expression he wore on his re turn, we nre led to say boldly, Jim, you made a mash. Our enterprising firm of S, A. Sharpless it Son. have made and disposed of 250 grain cradles this season. This cnterpriso lias grown from a few cradles a year, at llrst, up to Its present number. Tho bass crop in our creek is reported as a good one. But the catch so far is very small. A few of our expert nnglers have succeeded In catching two ns samples to encournge tlio amateurs to cast their lines and hold for a bite too. One of our merchants had n desperato encounter with a large snake 0110 day last week. After keeping up a running light for some distance the merchant retreated to Ids lumber yurd when he hit a tremen dous blow with n juVe of lumber that mtide It succumb, and nt sundown its enllru ex trcmu ceased to wng. Tho cxtrcmo heat on Sunday last kept our citizens confined to their houses, or in the shadu, Tho pleasant shower nllowed us to breathu more freely again. Mrs, Vcruy Yost nnd Mrs. Ernest Hem. ly from Shenandoah City, urovlsltois of Mr. David Herring's and Adam Keller's, of this village. If tho season is favorable wo can look for plenty of buckwheat cakes this fall, as Note from Iltickliorn, July 21th, 1893. The farmers who have threshed new wheat report good results. Henry Delghmlller has started out with a new steam thresher and separator. Give him a trial. lie cleans grain clean enouch for seed right from the machine. It was made by A. Herring, Ornngevllle. I. G. Pursel and wife attended the funer al of Benjamin Wilson, In Lycoming county, who lived in this township a mini of years. The home of Dennis Pursel was mad glad recently with the first daughter. The School Directors of Catawlssa have secured the service of Charles Moore, of this tow'n, for the coming winter. Charles Is a lino young man nnd Is qualified to teach a tlrst-class school. Our merchant, J. E. White, is spending a week up the creek, we don't know whether for trout or deer no difference Joe, bring them all home. Misses Hannah Pooly and Aggie Leldy arc visiting relatives in Nantlcokc. Jlr. Elmer Shoemaker and sister, of Shenandoah, are visiting friends in this town. Miss JInggie Delhi of Bloomsburg Is visiting Mrs. Mary A. Applcmun. What lins become of our sewing girls. Mrs. Esau Oil ton is seriously ill. Charles Shaffer has been to the moun tain for berries. He brought home a good supply. Itev. Smith, of Jerseytown, preached a very interesting sermon in the 51. E. church of this placo last Sabbath evening. Jlr. John Pooly, who moved to this town last Spring, is beautifying his home with a new veranda, new fence nnd paint. Who will be the next to follow ? Quite a number of our people expect to go to Mountain Grove. The M. E. Sunday school of this place propose holding a basket picnic next Sat urday. A good time Is anticipated. Hkmi.ock. LOCAL NOTICES. Elegant pallor suits, chamber sets, nil kinds of furniture nt Ciulman's and COMMt'NION WINE, Physicians have used Sneer's Port Oratic Wine, of New Jersey, and, luivlug applied to It the strictest lest, pronounce It a pure wine, and recommend it to tho aged and Infirm, nnd for ceneral use where wine Is desirable, as the most reliable ot wines to 110 nail. Jt received tho highest award at the Centennial Exhibition. Jlr. Speer nlso ireserves tho crane lulcu fresh and sweet just as It runs from the press, not by the uc 01 spirit-', inn liy extracting tlio ter. liicnting principle from the ripe grapes when mashed. For sale by O. A, Klelm. 100.000 acres of irooil land for sale client) in Shanandoah Valley giving the purcha ser inc iuu neneiii 01 me market ny n. r . Caldwell, Winchester, Virginia. Correspon- uenco solicited. Jiny 1:1 uw.- &ee a woman in nnother column, near Speer s Ineynrds, picking grapes from which Spcer's Port Grnpc Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical proiession, lor ine use ot invalids, weamy persons and tho aged. Doiu oy Druggists. sept sa-iy Corsets, hoop skirts, hosiery, linen ul sters, gossamers, gloves, tics, ribbons and laces, at uiark M hon. For good cheap mail's. furniture, go to Cad- Nobby suits made to order at Evans & Eycr's, by first-class workmen. Prices very reasonable. Clark & Son offer bargains in dress goods, also a lot of remnants cheap, to close. Fine groceries, notions, canned goods, at j. u. eiceers. A full lino of ready-made clothing, gents' furnishing goods, valises, xc., at Evans it Eycr's. Best prints 0 cents per yard, and all dry In proportion, at Clark & son's. Pictures, frames, Cadmnn's. window cornices, at Shirts, cuffs and collars, neckties, and all kinds of goods for cents' wear, at Evans it Eyer's. Ladies, if you want a nllk dress ot any kind go to Chirk it Son's large stock and low prices. Foil Sai.i:. An agricultural engine, thresher and combined clover machine, nil complete mid In good order, impure o: Barlly Albcrtson, Oningcvllle Pa. June 27-lm Canadian silver Coin. niFFRItnST DENOMINATIONS ANn T1IEII! VALUE. Wheat per bushel llyo " Corn, " oata " " lour per carrel 'lorersecd Mutter 3 Tallow l'otitoi s Dried Apples Hams sides A; Shoulders Chickens , Turkeys uiraperpouna Hay per ton Uceswax Huckwheat ilowcr per 100. Unltv of netlon. rnnrnril. svinnatbv nnil goodfellowshlp are admirable traits in hu man character: but they will not heal our puysicai iniirmuies. unarm, tor example, stubbornly resists their rlfi nts or iiillunnrn. In fact this maladv withstands all of its destroyers, except Ely's Cream liaiin. "solitary and alono" tins Halm stands ns tho only recognized and infallible specific for Catarrh. "For fifteen years," ssys J. B. Chase, St. Denis Hotel. B'wy.. and 11th St., N. Y "I have been greatly annoyed with a disgusting catarrh. Jly Bcnso 01 smell, not to mention other trouli ics, became much impaired. A thorough use of Ely's Cream Balm has cured mo of these troubles." It is not a liquid or snuff, nnu is ensuy applied, uniy ou cents package. WHY 1IIEY CALL HIM "OLD MAN." "Ycs.that's sadly so." said Jenkins, "mv iiair is turning gray aim is inning out nc tore its time, use something r 1 would but most hntr restorers arc dangerous." "True," answered his friend, "but Parker's Hair Balsam is as harmless as It Is effective, I've tried it. and know. Give tlio Balsam a show and the'boys will soon stop calling you "Old Jlnu Jenkins." It never fails to restore the original color to gray or faded hair. Blchly perfumed, un elegant dress nig. w nit Diamond Dyes for family use have no equals. All popular colors easily uyeii, nisi 111111 Deauiiiui. iu cents a pack age. MARKETJtEPORTS. BLOOMSBUltG MARKET. st.lo .TO .m .45 6.50 .to ,1H .OS ,W) .05 11 11 12 .11 .14 II U0 as S.P9 l'llILAPKI.t'llIA MAHKKTS. 1'I.OCk. Maikct wimslntrtrWi and weak ! Rales ofl.sim barrels, Including Minnesota extras nt K-.aJ.iO.oo: Pennsylvania family l.Hia5.oo j west ern do!! ! patents fO.uo.iT.u5. jivk 1'i.ol'ii. Moves slowly nt Wiikat. Market wns dull nnd weak : car lots fl.OTnl.10; fi.iit hid fo- July! fi.ia, tor August ; fi.iiH lo.'Kcpieniuer: ror octooer. Cokn. inactlvo ami easier i car lots sn.1020 ; Mo hid for duly: Mac for August : ro1; for(cpteinbcr: 01 H tor October. (MT3 .Mareet was dun ana woaKer: ear lots tin ITc ! I Ic bid for Julv : S-J'.u for Amnist. asc for September; ac for October. Orangcville, Pa. Fall Term "begins August 6. Hero aro offered at small exnense. tho ndran- taces of n superior m'hool. students prepared for collese, teaching or business, special Instruction Kiriuo uacKwaru. uuo location is moery re spect a most desirable one. Skillful and compe tent teachers, send for terms. Ornngevllle, I'a. I'ltlNCIPAk JXECUTOIt'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF JOHN OIUTOS, I)KCESEn. Letters testamentary In tho ctnto of .lohnOlr ton. Into ot Hemlock township, Columbia county, l'a deceased, have been granted by I he lteglster ot Mild county to Daniel Yociun. All persons liar Ins; claims against s..ld estate nro requested to present them for settlement, nnd tho- indebted tnthosairoiomake payment in the undersigned jnne is iiw" j;xectuor, Illoomsburg, l'a. If C. WANT 01' fAITH. A. Kleim, the Druggist, does not According to the Buffalo Cotricr a very huge percentage of thu minor silver coins from fifty cents to live cent pieces circulat ing in that city and other places on the border are of Canadian origin. These sil ver coins, It is needless to say, under our lawn are not legal tender to any amount and not receivable nt post ami other gov ernment olllces. Their intrinsic value is consideiably less than their nominal. Two Canadian fifty cent pieces or four Canadian twenty-live cent pieces or ten Canadian ten cent pieces are worth only about eighty cents in gold. It is true that the bullion value of our own subsidiary coins is not greater than the like value of tho Canadian small silver pieces, but tho former circu late under tho authority of the United States, are receivable at public olllces, have a limited Icgnl tender quality and arc re. deeniable in full legal tender money of the Uultcd states. Tho reasons that may be given for circulating these small silver pieces of our own coinage do not apply to the circulation of Canadian silver coin, particularly as there is nn abundance of small American change. Under these clr cumstances It Is tolly to permit the count ry to be Hooded with debased foreign coin. As regards American silver coin, our Canadian neighbors have adopted a more judicious policy. American half dollars, though In their Intrlnsto value they aro fully as good as the Canadian fifty cent pieces, are received only at forty cents ; American (punters nt twenty cents, and smaller pieces at the same rate. By rcfus ing to take the American minor coins ft their nominal value our neighbors keep these coins out of their country and Insure the exclusive circulation of Canadian sub. bidiary coins in Canada. Wo find no fault with their course, but wo think It Is proper ami just to ourselves to ussumo the sumo attitude toward the debased coins which they ore forcing Into our border cities and to some extent also Into the Interior of tills country. Wo think our business men ought to como to an understanding In tlio effect that on nnd after n certain date, say the first of August next, no Cana dian silver coin shall bo received or paid out by lliein except nt a discount of twenty per cent, of the nominal vnluo Our own silver Inllatlon Is so great that we ought After Harvest, AT t. W. HOTW1 Soil's. Running off lawns, running off Seersuckers, running off ginghams, running off calicoes at 0 cts., running off dress goods. Running in Fall dress goods, running in flannels, ecc, running in shirtings, muslins, &e., running in cashmeres, &c, running In shawls, &o. GREAT BARGAINS! We, the undersigned, will sell merchaii disc, for cnsli only, at thu following prices 10 lbs. of Granulated suaar. S1.00 : 101 lbs of standard A sugar, fcl.OO; 11 lbs. of white sugar, S1.00; 12 lbs of C sugar, iyl.00: 7 lbs. of the best green coffee, i1.00 ; 11 lbs. of rice, 1.00; 4 cans of peaches, 50 cents ; 4 cans of tomatoes, CO cents: 4 cans of com, 43 cents : 0 papers of Ar. buckle's coffee, $1.00, 7 cakes of Bab bitt's soap, I Ti'l cents. Our very best pilot 7 cts. per yaid. All kinds nt dress and domestic ginghams, very best, 11 els. per yard) cottonade, 8 to 110 cts. per yard: ladles' dress goods down fi to '20 cents per yard. I.adiis' shoes, down 10 to 20 per cent. Men's boots and shoes down 10 to 110 per. cent. Our best dress linens 15 to !)Jj cents per void. Grass goods, 8 to 11 cts per yard. We offer the above Induce ments for tho next !if) days. We nre bound to cut down our stock, as wo are going to lay in a lieavv Fall stock, conse quently we must reduce to make room. Wo will take your produce at a casii price, and will sell you goods at above prices. Tills is an offer you never had before in tlds county. Don't delay In taking ad vantage of tlio above. Hoping to see you all, Limey & Sleitv, 13-2w Ornngevllle, Pa. succeed it is not for tho want of faith. He has such faith in Or. Bosnnko's Couch and Lung syrup as a remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and Lung Affections, that he gives a bottle free to colli and every one who Is in need of a medicine of lids kind. July 13-eow S5 Address V. Julys A MONTH and UOAlil) for three live Young M"ii or ladles in each county. . .ikui.kk a (.(I., l'liiiaut'ipniii, ru. 4W (1 UDITOES NOTICE. ESTATE 01' ABRAHAM BHOUIT lUICBlSEb. The undersigned Auditor nnnolnted liv the Or- nhaiis' Com 1 ot Columbia eouut.v to make dh-trl- ui'ilon ot the fund r.sshown bv tlio account ot tho soiMMng executor to nnd among the parties rntlt- ica (Hereto, win su ui ins (iiuee in ine nvn oi wooinsimrg ou Tuesday July 31, Issl, ul icn o'clock A. M. to p "-form the duties of his appoint ment, when and where nil uartles ln.erested In said estate must attend and present t. clr claims or be foiwcr debarred from any share of said es tate. )I. ClIIUSHAN, Auditor. July Mh Not Hooks of Magic, but choice, classic literature, at prices so low as to make the old-time book buyers WONIIEIL About TPrfcTtJC or half a million volumes IXCf now ready : sent anm here for examination bo. toie payment, on cUdenco of good faith. NOT wild by dealers prices too low. US-page Catalogue live, .iuii.s ii. Ai,ii:;., I'uunsner, iseseyM N. Y. d JulyaT-lw PUKE INDIA TEAS. Absolutely mire. Tluw contain no snurious nrev. hausted leaves. No Chemicals or Coloring Matter used in their preparation. Very valuable for mix ing nuu weaher unina leas. Tiioy contain n very high percentage of i:iracl. Thej nre cultivated under the supervision nf foreigners, upon the mosi .ippraed mcili'xls. The loaf Is manipulated by in.ielilii, jl'.lug unifoimliv of aimcaranco IhrouBlioul emlie pliu ttlngs. 'I lie) retain their uu.ioie (U.uuiesinr nn unusual length or time. .i(Mi i . ,v en., i;'u waier si f ;scw i ork. .wins oi me cnicui la rea syndicate. July J,-lv d WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE. Mule and l-'einale Iiepirtmcnls. situation most healthful nnd delight fill, l'ull corps ot instruct ors, uoin in college ana preparatory .school. Well ordered Chil-tlnn t.uiilly government. Terms mod- cuite, Tldi'ty-tiilid .session licgtns Sept. 1th, ism, FOr Catalogue, c, address, lti:v. J. T. WAltli. iTcsineui, or aiiss I. A. uw.Nl.Mis, 1'ieceptivss, , eatiuiuisiei, Am. ,llliyy,-iw EXECUTOR'S SALE. OF VAI.CAllI.i: BUSINESS NOTICES. liyvlrtueut an order of the Oiphans' court of Columbia county dliectlng the real estate of tho decedent tu b? bold for payment ot debts, thoun uorslgncd executor of Dyer c. Movs will e.xposoto CAHKs' OF MFC. As we come to them they nru received. borne with, nnd passed over with no more ruMUj sale on the premises on than n thought, if we aro lu the enjoyment of health, but If suffering with Piles or skin disease of any kind they magnify a hundred told. u. a. Klelm, lliu uruggist, lias Dr. Bosnnko's Pile Bcmedy which is nn absolute cure for any affection of the kind and is sold for ouccnts, ouiy la-cow DMINISTKATRIX NOTICE. ESTATE OF M lltCCR K. CASWELL, HECKLED. Loners of administration In tho estate ot Mar cus H Caswell, late of Illoomsburg, Columbia county, l'a., decc.tsed, have lxon granted by tba iiegisieroi saio (.ouiuy to ai. r . casweii, Aumio tstratrlw All persons linvtutr claims mralnst said estate aio leutiebted to piesent them for net- dement, and those Indebted to tho same to make payment to the undersigned ndiiilnlstratrtx- with out delay. M. F. CASWIXL, .nine vyea ow Auministratriz. A UDlTult'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF JOSAS 1IA11TZEL, PECF-ASED. The imdersUrned auditor nnnolnted bvtho Or. ph. un' court of Columbia county to make dUirtbti Uun of the balance In the hands of the administra tor, to and iinioug the parties entitled thereto. .iiisiiai inn (liiu'e in iiioomsourg on (siiuruay, Augitsi 1th, ISS.), at 10 o'clock a. in., when and wiieio all parties having claims ngnlnst wild es tate aic reipiested to present them for bcltleincnt. o'ld those Indebted to the same to make payment to tho undersigned without delay. F. 1'. IilLI.Mr,Yi:il, June '.".i Auditor. SIOOO nm'Am) oiTeiedhy tho tindersUned for tlie apprehension, trial nnd eomk'tlon of the murderer or murderers of John Vuulluw, at l.liht street. Columbia county, 111., Illinil. t HAIILr, HLKIIAtU. J USUI' A FinTIMtMAN, 11. F. KDl.'AIL 5-35 coiniu'rs-ot Columbia County. Saturday, Aujjj. 25, '83. the For years Mrs. Lydln E. Pliikhiun has been contending with the terrible hydra known as DUcate, with what surprising success many who were In tho serpent's colls will testify. Often lias (lie powerless victim been snatched from tho open laws of the destroyer. In smiting tho heads of this monster Mrs. Pinkbam's Vegetable ( ompound is far more elllcaclous than the processes of potential und actual cautery. Nervousness, deblUty and exhausted vi- tality cuied by using Brown' Iron Bit ters. HUU'lKi: YKAIl'S DYbl'KI'slA. "I suffered with dvepepida for 1U years." writes John Albright INii., of Columbus, Ohio, "Sumarit m Xervine cured me." As It nlways cures such disorders. At drti gists. commencing at 10 o'clock a. in. of said dav following real estate, to-wlt : NO. l A messuage and tract of land, being thu Mansion House, sluute In the township of lientnn, la said county of Columbia, hounded on the north by lands of Daniel Lutr. and Leon ud lleddlng: on the wist by lands of Flora Moss and W. Z. Doty i on the south by l.mdsot Miles v. Mosj, and on the east by l oids ot sinilu and W. W. culver, containing two-story Baltimore, Md. says i "1 woul fir. Irwin A. r.ldcrldge recommend a trial of Brown's Iron Bitters In all cases of anaemic debility or when a tonic or appetizer is in. dlciited. our farmers are sowing lots of buckwheat seed, Ono of our near limners lias seeded 2fl acres. It Is rumored that E. B, Johnson intends starting a livery in our town very soon, "Shorty," I hope you may llnd plenty of customers, us It is almost Impossible to hire a horse and buggy at any price, nt present. It Is reported that Dr. Anuucriuiin's little bay will bo entered In the funnels' list to trot nt our noxt county fair. Sho Is ti daisy, und by what I havo seen of her I would think shu can make her mile Inside of threa minutes now. The Issue of the day is pi o or con Boss in, The tlreellbacKerii beie me very 'uilhitsl- nllc over t lie laet that (leneral Weaver is willing to be a niiirtyi in the next Iowa election. They aro also loud lu their ex pression that a greenback dollar heal n I. trade dollar by about lifteeii cents. -. Y. ., not to acipilesce lu an Increase of the nui sance by the circulation of debased foreign coin, DEATHS. Died In FUhingcrcek township on the 18lh Inst. William Ambrose Deitrick, age 0 years. 4 months ami 10 days, HiiKA-i In Madison township, Col. uwbln county, near Whlto Hull, on wed CAl'sIt N11 F.FFKOl". At times symptoms of Indigestion are uresent, uneasiness of the stomach, eve, a inoiBiuro imopeispiriuion, producing lieu. ing at night, or wneii one is warm, citusu tho Piles. The effect Is Immediate relief upon the application of Dr, Basanko's Pilo itenieuv, which cosih you oui ou ceuis nuu Is sold by O. A. Klelm. July lH-cow Oivenlon. Kv. Dr. 1. r. MUildv. says '1 have found Brown's lion Bitters one of tho best tonics and presenile it ireipient- more or loss, whet n an eicied a frame Bwciling House, barn, shed and other oui buildings; good water on the piemlses, alhiiu sKty-seven acres of which js in a good Mute in cult tvat lull .dsu goo I fruit on tho piemlses. No. 1 A tract oi pli" m 1 in I sun ii" in IL'ntna township, Columbia i miu afnevdl, bounded anddtucilbcd is follow s, lo-w It : on the n.iith bj l.ilulsiil lleuiy .in 1 IVanels I. sim'.l. ; ou the west bylilidsio Willi no (Ud lings: nuihw n uh by land of William '.. Doi v, un I in the east by lands of Flora II. Muss, emil lining tlH AD USE 8. ncsday, May 2d 1883, Mrs. Martha Lavlna lg c"r3",,''?,' teclK',,, ""lrt1!"J1t,.,r"f i,, . , i . t i oi .i i n omineiids Kldney.Wort to his sick nelgli Hheatelr, wife of John Bhcatler aged i,or brings a blessing rich and full both t II.OH' oi les, iiboul lwelil)-one li c'.eaii'd land lulanee wn nlland : no building on Die premises. TF.ltMS OF sm:. Ti n pel ieiii. of ili one fourllioftho punhuie money ui lepahl ntlhe ttrlking down nf ihu pmpjrty i theoue imuthloss tho U n per mil. at the conilriiutliu nl ' ; und the remaining three-fourth In one year thereniter, with Interest frouienntliiniilon Ms). 1'iiiTh.wT tnpay for dsed, Fosmission given April 1st, 1MI. Pun hainr to tret Landlonl'H sharu of inula In around utu. "llo mill prays Harm lor ms neignuor, on payment of ono fuurth ot tho pmvhiso mono y reo- Cnmbra. l'a. MILKS W. MOsS. July a? Utecutor. years, 0 mos. and 11 days. Tim tlmo Is short, and seasonjnear When (loath will us reaimo i Toleavoour friends, howoer deir, AU( all loi.ui love, MARRIAGES. Aii.un -Viiii'm:i:. At tho icsidence of thu billies lather on July IS tSe;l by llev, ,0,11. DechantMr. Edwurd M.Allen of Loyiilvlllo Luzerne county tu Miss II, 'I'll. lie Wliltuer of Columbia county i'a. i ngs a blessing rich and lull both to his neighbor and himself. Habitual cos tlvencss Is the bane of nearly every Amerl can woman Every woman owe I1 to heri-i'it n.'d to In r liiiiuh in i -i Ui.iii'ii bru'i'i! medicine, ixnli'i y-W mi Nid ;,.itttih ol (a ''be 1 ' i an) . lei lllhlcll'iU llbsl.,li. i'. .iiIm till' t .nil- positi'in of Ayn's Cutbariic Pills. On the (iintrary, tiny plow ut kcitlcrlu wlui nave used caioiiui unit outer mineral poltoiis iu medicines, mid feel llielr Inliitlous elVi'its. In Mich case Ayer'k Pill ine Invaluable. A UDITOBS KOT1UK. Kiel IKIIIi I Ki'glSKn I , Iie.l '"! "I I'.ll'." d In !,. I . .'.' i llU . l''l I ' I Ul lil IK. ,1, I I ! , ' t i . i e j' l ii I ,e. s 1 i- 1 l"i, tie I ' 1,11 i' Vi. 'I .1.1 i. tills! 1. 11(11 .. I i iiid .iiii'Hu pari I" entitled lll.'l. t k.lll U .'I hit olllce 'ill S Uurdn.1 Jul) H, lfc Ul 1J OilcU V. .M. .uiH'rhit'iuihcilaiit't.oi nl apiK'iul. I., I'M. Wlllll U .'! Hlieieilll p lilies lllleivslCHl IU n, M ".un imist attend and pnwn! tli"li ehduis or he foievei' delurust from uu.v umv oi uld un law. I 'IUU. I, JlAllklKY, Au lllor. .Illl) bill DMINlSTItATOltS' NOTICE. ESTATE OF EsTUEIt SSVHEI1, IIECEASEII. Uttcrhor administration In tho ostato of Esther Snyder, late of -Mlllllu tow nslitp, Columbia county, l'a., deceased, have been granted tu tho under iJgnedby tholteglster ot bald county. All per bons ha Ing claims ugalnit said estate are request ed to present them tor bctllcmont, and those In- ueuieu in me Mine 10 maue payineni to tuo uu dersigntd w ithout delay. .1. R,, I, 1. SNYDKlt, July su-iiw Administrators,. flotliii ! G. W. 8ERTSCH, TUB MERCHANT TAlLOIt, ash is Gents' Furnishing Goods OF KVUlY PlM'UUTIllN. CLOTHING!! Il.ivin'4 orv rcoenily opened a new Moroliant Titilnriu' uiul (iciiIh' Fur- msli'iiis" Hoods Stmv, in UNOKlt &, WINTKUS'l'KKS'S building, mi Main tired, whore 1 mil iivparol to iiinko to older, al shin t notice, lirst class Hiiits of olotliiiijf alwayn in tlm littust shltw niul prici'rt reasonable. Kits 'imrniitt'cil llnviny lenniwl how to cut niiriueiitr. to suit I'tlstnmei'H, find also wliitl kin 1 id iniitiriiil will tivo i-atisfiioiioM, T would nsk jou to please call niul (xuuiiuc tlm BEST SELECTED STOCK OK (lOOl)S Ever shown in Columbia county, Eefora Purchasing Elnowhcro. Storo a&Ht door loTiHlHaUe&alBaDk c ii. v M :u & M;rft Sis. llOtlllla April pi nr.