The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 20, 1883, Image 4

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The Autobiography of a, Wild Man.
MAPNl'.SS. Til!'. I'Klll.lNd.H OP A
t'olonol WecMcy In Atkan-im Traveller.
I was onco Itmno and I often miiso
over my oxporicnec. Tlicro nro, of
course, ninny khuls of insntiity. Some
muntnl disorders tako placo no gradual
ly that oven the closest companions of
tlio victim are at a loss to leiucinbcr
when the troublo began. It must
havo boon this way in my erne. One
evening, after an oppressivo warm day,
a day when 1 ux'jerii'iiecil moro fa
tigue from the heat than ever before
or since, I sat on my porch fanning
myself. "This arm that is now In
motion,'' I mused, "must one of these
days bo dust. I wonder how lonir will
the time bo." Then I mused upon tho
evidenco I had of immortality. I
wanted to bo rich, and I began to
study over an imaginary list of euter-
iiuhi's. ji iasi i mi niton rutmiic?.
People must have radishes. Tlioy
should be in every store. They could
bo drio 1 and sold in Winter. 1 would
plant fifty acres with radish seed, and
pcoplo all over tho country would refer
to mo as tlio "radish King. 1 would
form a radish syndicate, and buy in
all tho radishes, and travel around and
bo admired. 1 hastened to tho house
to tell niv wife that sho was soon to
bo a radish queen. At the breakfast
tablo I said :
"Julia, how would vou like to bo a
radish queen?''
"A what 1" she exclaimed.
I explained my plan of acquiring
groat wealth, and (lining the recital
she acted so curiously that I was alarm
ed. I feared that sho was losing her
mind. Finally sho seemed to under
stand. She agreed with me, but told
mo not to say anything moro about it.
After breakfast I saw her talking ear
nestly with her father, and I knew
that sho was explaining to the old gen
tleinon how sho intended to pay his
debts when I becamo known as the
radish king. Tlio old man approached
mo witli much concern ami told mo
that I needed rest, and that 1 must
not thiuk of business. lie was old
ami sadly worried, and I piomisud him
that I would not think of business.
Trotty soon J went out to inspect my
radish kingdom. Looking around I
saw tho old man follow me. From tha
field I went to tho village. I approach
ed a prominent citizen, who had
always been my friend, and told him
how I intended to beconio rich. lie
seemed grieved, and 1 siW at onco that
ho was contemplating tho same enter
prise. It seemed mean that ho should
take advautngo of me, and I told him
so. Ho tried to explain, but he made
rao so mad that I would have struck
hitn if ray father-in-law had not conio
up and separated us.
Men came after a long time, and
took me away, I thought, to the peni
tentiary. One day a cat came into my
coll, and I tried to bite it. She made
tho hair lly, but I killed her. I don't
know how" long I remained here, but
one morning tho sun rose and sliouo in
at mo through the window. It seemed
to bo tho first time that I had seen the
great luminary for months. A mist
cleared from bolero my eyes. My
brain began to work, and suddenly I
realized that I had been insane. I
called tho keeper, and when he saw
mo ho uxclaimed : "Thank God!" and
grasjed my hand. I was not long in
putting on another suit of clothes and
turning my faco toward home. A
physician said I was cured, ami every
body seemed bright and happy at my
recovery. I boarded a train, with a
gentleman, and went home. My wife
fainted when she saw mo and learned
that I had recovered my mind. I
asked for my liltlo children, and two
big boys and a young lady came for
ward and greeted me. I had been in
tho asylum twelve years.
Oook Carries His Point.
Tin: iiostim; ai'aciii: l'liisoxiuts -io nr.
ri.Acr.n on san caki.os m:si:i:
vation. In view of the dillionltics encounter
ed in making satisfactory disposition of
tlio Apacho Indians, recently captured
by ' General Crook, under existing
methods of administration it was do
tcrmined by the secretary of war and
tho secretary ot tho interior, after con
sideration, that tho Apacho Indians
recently captured by Gen. Crook, and
all such as may bo hereafter captured
or may surrender themselves to him,
shall bo kept under tho control of tho
war department at such points on tho
San Carlos reservation as may bo de
termined by tho war department (but
not nt tho agency without tho consent
of tho Indian agent), to bo fed and
cared for by tho war department until
further orders. For tho greater
security of tho peoplu of Ari.otia ami
to ensure peace, tho ww department
shall be entrusted with the entire
police control of all tho Indians on tho
San Carlos reservation, and charged
with tho duty of keeping tho peace on
tho reservation and preventing tho
Indians from leaving it except witli tho
consent of Gen. Crook or his officers
who may bo authorized to act uudor
him. Tho war department shall pro
tect tho Indian agent in tho discharge
of his duties as agent, which shall in
cludo tho ordinary duties of an Indian
agent, which shall remain as hereto
fore, except as to keeping the peace,
administering justice nnd punishing
rofractory Indians, all of which shall
bo dono by tho war department, as
ahovo stated.
Origin of the Word Tariff.
On tho coast of Spain just iusido tho
Straits of Gibraltar, there is an island
called Tarifa. When tho Moors had
possession of tho pon.nsula they estab
lished a very energetic custom-house
forco upon it. Tho scale of revonuo
wai discretionary with tho collector.
All formalities of entering ami clearing
were dispended with. livery vessel
passing through the straits in either di
rection was brought to and robbed to
tho prudent extent of not absolutely
preventing tho captain from undertak
nig another voyage. If ho delivered
up about 15 per cent, of his cargo or
. naid its equivalent in money he was al
lowed to io in peace. If he proved re
calcitrant, and was then captured, the
duties woro collected on a Miding scale,
ho was made to walk the plank and his
vessel and cargo were confiscated. inn
orally, however no lesistanco was olfer-
cd. When tho vessel arrived at the
port of discharge, her owners assessed
tho loss of tho purchasers of tho goods,
and tho result was pretty much as it is
in our day. A great many people Itad
to pay for what n smaller number got.
This ' port of duty collection ran all
... ,11." 1.1 .
through UIO IllHIUle ages, a bun ueieu
oration from the iiruetice of tho more
oulightoued Greeks ami JJotnumtof ami
oultv. Tho fuud-1 Huron on the Uhine
obtained their revenue in this sum
unity jiiunnoi, which lwnjn nurud
on tho people. Vlmler County JJvm
The Bangor of Over-Exertion.
A Sl AI.WAIir .MAN lU'.COMUS WKAKllltTltAN and Titi.N nr.covnus Ills
I'OltMntl STItl'.SflTll.
( Waterloo, A'. T., Observer.)
In theso days of rowing ulanls and
athletic heroes fine physical develop
incut is more observed than over bo
foro sinco tin time of tin) Athenian
games. A man who shows tho elo-
incuts of physical power is looked up
to far in ire than in tho days of our an
cestors possibly because there are fewer
specimens of well-developed manhood
tiian then. An emissary of this paper
met a magnificent specimen of physi
eial lower a few days since in tho per
son of Dr. A. W. McNames, of Water
loo. His muscles which showed un
usual development, woro us hard as
wood. At his request tho writer
sought to pinch him in the arms or legs,
but found it wholly impossible. A rea
li.atiou of what is meant by an iron
man was fully made manifest.
"Hnvo you always been so stilwait
. !.! ! 1.1 - -.1
iii una iiqnmcii mo news gainer
"Not by any means," was tho reply.
"When a young man I was always
strong ami active and felt that 1 could
accomplish anything. This feeling so
took possesion of moon one occasion
that I attempted to lift a box which
four men found it impossible to move.
I succeeded in placing it on tlio wagon,
but in about two minutes after that
titno I was unconscious and remained
so for hours and when I recovered con
sciousness I vomited a large quantity
of blood. From that day I began to
grow weak and sickly. I believed
that I had suffered some internal injury
and experienced a general debility,
which seemed similar to the effects
produced by malaria. My back was
very weak. I had no appetite, and at
times loathed food. My Hps wero
parched and cracked- .My head felt
as though itweio entirely open at
tho to) ami it pained me on the side
intensely. In six weeks' lime I had
fallen away from 20S pounds to less
than 170. I was in a most wietclied
condition. I was completely diseottrag.
"What did the doators s ly ab it
you V
"Almost everythintr. I consulted no
less than six different nhvsiciain. Thov
all treated mo and none did mo any
good. Attltal time I was suffering
intensely. I could not sit upright but
was obliged to rest in a cramped, uu
easy position. I was compelled touri
nate every five minutes and I nassed
over three quarts every day. I was not
living, I was existing."
une night (now well 1 remember itn
my wilo had put tho children all in bed
when the feeling came over mo that I
should live but a very short time. My
who ami l tamed matters over and I
gave tho minutest directions as to what
she .should doafterl was gone. I was not
m a flighty condition by any means
for tho doctor, on leaving town the
day following, bade mo good bye, say
ing ho never expected to see mo again,
ior l was sutterm" with line it s di
sease of tho kidnovs in its last stages.
lthin the next few davs more than
twenty friends eamo to'givo mo good
bye. Anions tho number was Dr. John
L. Clark. He asked mo what I had
used in the way of medicines. I told
him. He then recommended a leinedv
of whichl had heard much, but about
which l was very skeptiea . If faith
were an element of power it certain! v
was lacking in my case."
"And so you did not try it ?''
"On tho contrary, I did try it and to
my surprise it seemed to go to lust the
spot. Indeed, it was the most palatable
thing I had taken into my mouth for
months. 1 relished it.
"And did it euro you ?"
"Do I look as if it did ?"
"Yes, indeed. What was it "
"Warner's Safe Cure."
'A proprietary medicine !"
"Of course. What of that ? I sun-
pose I onco had as great a prejudice
against advertised medicines as any
ono could have. When I was studying
medicines at Ann Arbor. Michigan, 1
used to vow with the rest of tho class
that we would fight all such lemedies
it all limes. When a man come.
lown to fie last hour, however, ami
bids his wife and fiiends rood bve.
such bigoted prejudices as thes-u all
vanish, I can assure you and anv rem-
edv that can euro is gladly welcom
ed." "And how have you been since
then r
"As well or better, than before."
"Do you still exert your htiength ?"
'Ceitainlv. I hit I do not (Wivexcrt.
as formerly. My strength is increas
ing every day, and my health is num.
her one. I know that mvlifo was
saved by Warner's Safe Cure, and I
belivo it is the best inedicino tiiat was
ever compounded by any chemist or
physician. I am willing tho doctors
should wieer at mo for 'such a state
ment if they choose, but I havo proven
it truth, and am prepared to stand by
The above experience should hoof
great value to all who aro suli'erintr. It
bhows tho deceptive naturo of this ter-
iiuio inuiiitiy ; mat an symptoms nro
common to it and that there is but ono
way by which it can bo absolutely
1 nr. ho.nm:'s I.ix-i uui:. Fivo lion-
est irguua farmers woro onco conven
ed as an examining com I. Tho sub-
ject f their examination was a boy
who Una heeu arrested upon a gravo
cnarge, ami the question was, should
ho bo held for. trial at the circuit court.
liio honest fanners knew little of
law, but thoy were kind-hearted and
not without that mental quality which
is Known ns "norse Henso.
ihey listened to tho evidenco i it
was eoncliisivo against tho prisoner.
Hut lie was very young, and might to
form if given another chance. Should
he bo s?nt up for Dial, ho would bo
sent to prison and bo ruined.
ho the kind-hearted justices agreed
that the eldest among, old Squire II.,
should give the youth a severe lecture
then discharge him.
The squire, impressed witli his seri
ous duty, arose, ordered the prisoner to
sinmi up, look-eil liereely at him, and
talking through his nose, said :
"l oung man ! it's awful awful, 1
say ! Clear out of my Bight, you orna
ry scamp !"
And ho did, amid tho roars of laiiL'h
tor from the spectator, while the squire
reddened with indignation that such a
solemn lecture should ho received witli
ill-timed mirth.
At tho municipal election Annapolis,
Md., Monday duly 9th, Dr. Claude,
Democratic stale candidate for mayor,
s tu elvcted by a majority of 50, and
the Democratic oitmliduto for city
counsellor by -17 majority, Three
Diniuuialio and iwu liupuuliu.ui c.oiin
eibnni woro elected, and there was one
tie. This is the fit st time for years
that the Democrats have carried tho
The Louisville Exposition.
There seems to be good reason for
tho anticipations in which tho promoters
of tho Southern Exposition at Louisville
aro indulging, that it will prove alio
greatest success of the kind achieve!
in this country eiiico the Centennial.
Although their nctive efforts woro be
gun somewhat lato in the season the
opening being advertised for August 1
they have boon able to crcato nn ex
traordinary degree of public interest in
tho matter and havo gained influential
friends in all parts of tho country, who
will spend timn and money in the a I
vauccment of tho enterprise. The ar
rangements fortho Imposition have
been made on 'he most liberal scale.
Beyond tlio ordinary cntrnnco fee of
$2.') intended not so much for tho ad
vantage of tho treasury as to exclude
exhibits so trilling o; destiluto of mer
it ns to render them undcrsirablo on
any terms no charge whatever is
made to exhibitors. With rare, hut no
doubt sagacious generosity, it is pro.
posed to furnish power, steam, water
and other necessaries free of cost. The
si.o of the buildings is also indicative
of bold nnd e inlprehensive views on
the part of tho managers. Tho struc
tures will cover (!77, IOO square feet, an
area which has been exceeded in only
three iiislancis on record by tlio Lon
ilou exhibitions of 1851 and 18002, and
the Centennial at Philadelphia in
The Ex position will comprise five
lending departments. The first will be
devoted to natural products, mineral,
vegetable and animal : the second to
machinery, tools and implements : tho
third to iiumifactured articles and
products ; the fourth to devices for
Iruuspottiou, by animal, wind steam
and electrical power ; and the fifth to
art, literature and music, hicli ot
these main departments has numerous
subdivision-), in which the immense
variety of exhibits drawn together on
such an oecision will be accurately
classified. It should also be remarked
that special prominence will bo given to
cotton and its products.
vlthoiigh designated ami known ns
tho Southern Exposition, and primar
ily intended to quicken tho develop
incut of Southern industries, it is to bo
presumed that this enterprise will be to a
largo extent representative of tho wliolo
country. Ono of the chief benefits
which is hoped will bo realized from it
is tho obliterating of sectional feeling,
and a strengthening of tho conviction
that tlio interests of all parts of the
Union aro substantially identical.
Tlio distingtiishiugfealtircs of tlio Ex
position will be the cotton industry ami
textile manufacture-is ; but other inter
ests will bo given an ample field, and it
is Bullicicnt to say in this regard that
there is no American industry the impe
tus of whose growth is not fcltby overy
American citizen.
Tlio location of this Exposition is a
strong point in its favor. The Atlanta
tnterprisn labored under an obvious
disadvantage in this respect, and its
record as to exhibits and atteudanco
was for that reason all the more credi
table to its managers. Hut Louisville
is nearly at the centre of population of
tho United States. It can bo readied
in about twenty-four hours from either
New Yoik or Now Oilcans, and espe
cially convenient of access from the
vast and popular region comprising the
Upper Mssissippi and tho Ohio valleys.
A u do not doubt that from tho 1st of
August to tlio It 1st of October, tho per
iod of continuance of tho Exposition,
tho Kentucky metropolis will present a
scene of brilliant activity, closing with
i triumphant realization ot deserved sue
cess. Mechanical A'cies.
Sure Remedy for Potato Bugs.
Permit mo to inform those of your
readers who may not havo mado tho
discovery that the common Dalmatian
insect powder will slaughter the Colo
rado bugs as effectually as Paris green.
It is not as cheap, but cultivators of
home gardens' will find tho cost but
trifling. It may be purchased in I0030
bulk for about fifty cents a pound, and
i single pound would Do sulheient ior a
small patch if carefully applied. It has
moreover the advantage ot not being
a poison, and may b kept- on hand
without anxiety.
My own method of applying it is to
use a can with perforations hko a pep
per caster, but larger and fewer. A
less extravagant method would bo to
use the powder bellows, but tho appli
cation would then need to ho more fre
quent What remains on tho leavos is
not wasted, lor the bug that crawls
through it is doomed. I expect equal
succeess with the old fashioned squash
bug when ho makes his appearance, but
shall not wait to report, because I wish
others to ba experimenting now, while
potato bugs aro doing their best work.
I would suggest to such that a decoc
tion of tho powder in hot water might
be effective and economical.
I trust that thu remedy will bo
faithfully fried by amateur fanners,
and I am not without hopo that it will
eventually compete ivith poisons even
in the hands ot largo producers. Paris
green loses its poisonous properties
very slowly by exposure to the air,
and its constant use cannot but havo
injurious results, A horse eating two
tons of hay from laud formerly croji
ped with potatoes must swallow a quan
tity of arsenic, in tlio dint adhering to
it, possibly enough to havo a cumula
tive poisonous effect.
Tho United States Agricultural De
partment (seo United States Agricultu
ral Heport, 1881-2) is making efforts
to oncourago tlio cultivation of Pyro
thrum Kosciim in our warmer Stalos,
and the cost of tho powder will soon
bo much reduced.
I would say, in conclusion, that this
powder will oxtormiuato water bugs if
jiroperly used, Tho powder bellows
destroys thoso which it readies, but if
tlio powder bo placed whero they nro
compelled to travel through it when
crawling from their hiding places in
search of food initio will escape. If
applied on the same principle under
thu slats and in the cast iron sockets of
bedsteads, no coirosivo sublimate or
kerosene will bo needed. I have used
it with good success for small red nuts
Possibly it may be of iuo to your cor
respondent who desires to cheek black
ants if ho will discover their hiding
places and compel them to crawl through
tho powder, iho ravages ot carpet
moths may bu checked by a layer of
powder on tho floor an inch or two
from the edge of tho carpet, but the
lonicdy loses some of its cllicaoy before
ihocuipetis taken up again. Von:
of Ihxton Jour mil.
A Fowl Ball.
Scene at the base-ball ground, A balll
was knocked sidewise and caught on a
lly. "Foul and out I" was tho cry of
tho umpire. A charming high school
! girl looking at thj game i-jaculates :
' "Ah, really ! How can it boa fowl I
I iloii't bit-any fcalliiis !'" And sho
luniul to i. rntk-iiduiit with nu itiquir
, ing look Well oh ! Yes, you sec,"
J he stammered, "the rca-oii you don't
ste the feathers is because it belongs to
tlio picked nine." -Peoria Trunicr ipt.
A Snako Laying Eggs,
now a noA-coNsrniOTon astonish kii OWNKIt A SNAKI'.-r.lKI O.MHI.KTrii,
Crowds of people visited Hailroai
Grove, Savin Hock, Conn, to witness
the unusual spectacle of n boa-constrict
or twenty threo feet long and nbout
two feet hi cirriinifereilce laying eggs
under n tent there.
The big snake is owned by Frank J.
Pilling, who is well known among
-I ...... I... I.!. .! !.l. .1
siiuwiiieii ii ins comicciiou wuu me
Coup show and a limitless imriag-'r of
the nctrcss Annie Pixloy. It was
brought from Calcutta, and is worth
about 8l,000.
Mr. Pilling always supposed ho own
ed a male snako and it was always
billed ns tho Jumbo python. Last
night liu placed it in its linx for the
night ns usual, covered with blankets,
When hu came to look into the box
this morning great was his astonish
ment to sou that during tho night the
snake had laid half a bushel sixty or
seventy eggs annul as lug ns goose
eggs, ami that it was still laying, the
ojgs wero white and soft, having no
sin II. Some wero round and some ob
long. They could- bu Nt retched like
India rubber, lliev wero bud in n
neatly formed pyinmid mound which
tho snake lay circled. She was qulto
cross in the morning and resented
being handled by Mr. Pilling or his
Mr. Pilling was greatly uxcited. To
think, ho said, "That all the while I've
had that snake I always took it for a
male until to-day. I bought it in Now
York at the Central Gardens,
atnl there, too, it was called a male. I
have sold it to the management ol tlio
zoological gardens in Philadelphia, to
bo delivered in Sept. I am going to
try and hatch out soino of those eggs
and shall place some in sand near where
tho ccoking furnace at Halo's restaurant
is and shall bury some in t'le sand
down by the nick where tho sun can
help along thu hatching process. Somo
of tho eggs I shall make into an oino-
letto just to see how snake's eggs will
taste. .Most of tho eggs 1 shall Icavo
with the biiako and pcthaps she will
hatch them out in some way. As a
nutter of fact I don't expect to succeed
in hatching any of tlio rggs, but the
thing could be done under moie favor
able circumstances.
And Indigestion Oures.
And Billions Specifics.
Force Revivers.
qualities of all these, and the best qual
ities oi an ,iuo nest Medicines ot tho
World and vou will find that HOP
BITTERS havo the best curative qual
ities and powers of all concentrated in
them, and that they will cure when
a.iy or all of these, singly or combined,
f;iil. A thorough trial will give posi
tive proof of this.
July mii-nv
for nil diseases of the Kldnoys and
It lias apeciflo action on UU4 most Important
orcan, enabling It to throw off torpidity and
Inaction, Btlmulatine tho healthy eccretlonof
tho JJllc, and by keeping tho bowels in free
condition, offoctintflta regular dlflchtvrce,
KB oloutln It you aro BuXfcrlng from
EYldlCiriCl malaria, have the chilia,
aro bilious, dyspeptic, or constipated, Kidnoy
Wort will euroly rellovo and quickly cure.
Inthe Spring to clouuo tho System, every
ono should tako a thorough courso of it "
a 80LD BY DnUOClSTS. Price l.
3- epilepsy, spasms,
convulsions, falling sickness,
st. vitus dahde, alohoholism,
' opium eatihq, s.phiili!,
scrofula, kings evil,
duly d100d diseases, dyspepsia,
I!E!wous;:ess, sick headache,
Lr-$l.50 per bottle at drugglsts.-Q
Ti3 lr. S. A. Mwi Med. Co., Proprietors.
Ct. 7ccoKt -Ic. (J)
:w. -I; OEdciir f'Klyi-r.jwmil by J'hytlcluui.
N f'HIUJ'ION, fil( New york,
Ami will completely chaiiKOthubluO'lIn tlio en
Urn system lu Unco mom In. Any person who will
t kii ono pill I'ueli nlif lit from cum tutwrltuwrvka,
may 1m n-nioml to hound hvaltli, It kuoIi h IIUiik U
lius-ilble. For curliitf Fi'inalu Complaints thou
rlllslmvo nominal. J'liyalelniia us.i thi'in In thtlr
liructlou. HolU cu'rywhero, or bunt by mall ior as
Limit ... man. iii. nvim lur imiiiiiuiiL i. n. uuiir.'
WON IX), UdMlon, .Mas upr 13
Ald-7 1X103.
vu I ' i"ir I4tj rtkl i 'U Hilt. . liHUUM.
uow truvelluirin iliUcou iiry, llii' Mm ot
. .. 1 .......I ... .... u... . .. ... a. .
i no lorua itii'i i- lino rov. dir-s M i nerj aro u
!)- tra-li. H i )).- tii. i 'i"rlliu' Uondltlqn
KtwiliTi) aro nuaoiuti'lvi) irj ami liniiipnsulv V4lu
n ia N itii n,' on Piith will link) imh lay Ilk)
KlierlJmbi'jii'liiioii (ma,1 a. I) mi, i itasiuon
fill to l pint ijm. KoUUViTyMhnri) or sunt by
limn iui MHivr'Pbauiua. i. a. cu tu.
liojTON.Mis. all Jun ww-ly,
Uajd In ilia iirlnelpilc'lmrcliei for Communion
Excollont for Ladies and Weakly Per
cone and tho Arjcd.
Spoor's Port Grnpo rino
from thijliilco oi tli'iopjrta tinpc, tnivwi in
this country, lis inv uuawo
Ton!: and Stronjthcnlnj Propsrtlos
aro by any oilier Natlvo Wlno. Us
ing tho purojulco ot tho (irnp nroaueol under
jhi. njivvr a uwn perhoiru auprTvisinii, us pjruy
and LTOnulnonPHi. urn u uaraiiinnri. Tim ounirtr.
child may pjrtako of us ccuprous nunl'ltl"!., and
tho weakost Invalid us.) it to advantairi'. It is par.
tlcillnllv lienellcUl to thi nend nml ililllintn.l.
and suited t ) tho various ntlm-nts tint aili et tho
wnaKcrspx. a is lu overy respect. WINE to
P. .1. Slicri'y.
Tho I'..I.HimnilY Is a wlno of Suovlor Char
acter, and partakes of tin rich ii'iatitle3 ottho
Krapo from which It U male. Tor Purity, Well
ness, Flavor and Modlclnil rropertlos. It will bo
found unexcolled.
J, lite:
Tills HHAS'in KtaniU unrH.iVml In flit.: I'nnnlrv
bnlnp; far supfiiorfor me-ilcln il purpmM.
IT IS eUKUdifitlllillon iron. Hi" i iic,.tnil con
tains van.ioli, inedlClt.a propeit."t.
lthas a (lollcato II ivor. slmllir in tn-v, or Mm
crapvi, from which It N distilled, ant crout
fuvor ninontr Hrst-cUss families.
uoe that tho signature uf Al.l'ltEU M'KCH, i us
salo N. .1. Is over tho cork of each toltle.
Sept. 52, 'it. 1-y
General Sowing Machine Depot,
Fifth Stor,) Below Barbt St,
MGlraM Wliite Sewii He,
New Duvis Vertical Ih?o1 Sew
ing Machine,
Now Homo Sewing iSiaohlno,
Household Sewing Machine,
Estey Sewing Machine,
Genuii.o Singer Sewing Machine,
Singer Pattern Sewing Machine,
Attachments, best Sewing Machine 0!1, and Neo
dlesforall sowlni; imciines. Sewing .Machines
sold on monthly piyments- Liberal discount
made for cash. Every machine purchased from
mo Is warrantedtoba lcopt In good running order
for live years troo of chaw, nnd thorough In.
structlons given by tho best lady operator In this
part of thu stato freo of clnrrfe. Jtxainlno my
stock ot machines before purchasing.
A great many people arc nskinp
wliat jiarticular troubles IIkdwn's
Ikon 111 ri Kits U yooil for.
It nill cure Heart Disease, Taral
yl, Dioy( Kidney Disease, Con
iumption, Iiyspep.U, Klicuiiiitlstii,
Neuralgia, anil all similar iliscasct.
Its wonderful curative power in
mi ii ply because it puiilies ami en
riches tlic bliKiil, thus beginning at
llic foundation, ami by buildiii); up
(lie yicfl, dlil't' ?nt aJJ dUcase.
A Lady Cured of Rheumatism,
lli'lir.iorc, Md., May 7, M),
My health a much (iMllmil by
Kl.cuiniihni vhui I commcnCMt
UMl.K llr.jivii'i. li.'n llitlori.. litid 1
fccarcly 1. .U urcnth m ,,U i..
tend to my ci.ely r.o'uth'-l I .lutleh.
I eli-ami I
nut iiA'timtiR fctie-itKlh ,!.,i!y, and 1
tl.ccifjlly i.cftt,.inc : Il to till.
1 caw"! .iy ti ia .r.tit
till tJr.MlyK.lliies-. '
17J I'nMiMiiM-
Kidney Disease Cured.
Clirl.ttaiibburg, Ya,, 18S1.
f'ulfiiiiiii; from MJnty di.cj.te.
Coin uliii.Ii I ititM 'Ml no I (lief, I
Iticd hruwu's ltd) liUUrs, which
r.iruil tiiu ti.milviily. A child of
it.Ii.c. iu-oui!ti frutii tcarlct fiver,
li d 110 tipiuiii md did net sicmlQ
I ! jM I'l'ii! I'H. Igavcliinilton
h'M;" ' hn 1) I' Ii4,iiieii n.iflu.
Hcait P!:e.ue.
uic bt., Il iwi.burg, fa,
I'rc. .', Iit,
Aff t f'' 1 .T'n.ii ih)ticliiiii
kiu i.M.iy uu.-. u .,r '.ih''utii.n
tif tlis lictirt u .il.i. tt leirivfiiif tiny
WtHlit. 1 .iviadiiultgiry Jiiuun't
Iwli Ililtir. 1 hato utid Uq bot.
Ilu iMtt iUlitil aiiylliiuj that
...: 1..4- uuett U'lh'f.
Mlfe. JIJ.MU 11 MS.
Tor the peculiar tiouUeb to which
ladici. are mbjecl, IIrown's Iuon
l.i'l 11.1.3 U Intal'iablc. Try il
Be euro and got the Genuine
TIII!Vol,TU(!IIKI,Tl'0,Mxrihall. Mich., vl 1
send 1)11. llVU'S I'KI.KIlHATItl) UI.KCTIIo.Vob
TAIC IIKI.TS and Kl.ncrillt' At'l'MANt'KS on
trial fjrs Utjs to men (.mingorimb who arc nf
flicitl Willi Ni-rviiai IMlllty. Iflst vitality,
hiimri 11 iiunmu, giiaruniLM'tn ppfovanti cotn
pieU) restoration of hoaliu ami in.m t r. Ait
tires ns above -N. 11 -No risk Incurred, nsw
I'ljV ItUI Is allowed'
reii.vtu-.tjr r
0 I,--I Mttt ttin (a
n U II V.
I. n 1 1 Iliir
nntiv'.l .
Every JCstcy Organ
Sold Is made
Throughout with
Equal fidelity, and
Yields unrivaled tones.
Send for Illustrated Catalogue. J, ESTKV & CO., llrnttloJioro, Yt.
PonrJI, md Iw Enig
I eviiii (jI Fiaiiws
And otlu-r first class Pianos, and a large lot of
Wij ill :!&t Sniiliji
wwsm ROOM,
mm mmw wm m
Meacly m Bo, TM Might
Excellence of
f !
Unrivalled Stock
of Srp'rlng'Clothing
Miiniifiiciuivtl ICv
lircsily for
gum i.nloo
Hivlt- ( liinlltv,.
-&iiP n,,l NVorkiiiaiiliij),
Alsq a Very Superior Line of Gepts' FURNISHING GOODS
for Spring and Summer.
Just Received, at
the Popular Clothing Store of
b'ay Tci-iuH, Satlsmcitlon fiuainntei .l.
ysjf) hai.l block, wwaaa-BARttH.
V I Otli. IK'hL liuttli."Su nmv li,.rnp hn
A M'f L'k !llrt.rt At lintnn . v inn .r.rf..o...
P'lWle. itatutal not i.iiwpjd. We will
- "'' 'iuii, 1. iiuiuij, ujyH ItulJ I.1II3
anttxl oviijttlwro to worn foriu. Nowlsiho
wm.... . , u 1, in npiru iimi, or lnvo I'our
w iplo lime to tho business. No other huslnosa
will pay you nearly us well. No ono can fall to
,'!,a.Mt,' l'n0'.ni'U11 1;'. by pnguglng ut oocp. costly
ouliltuiidleiiimfr Money made fait, iiaslly.
aid hoaoiably AiMiom Tuva a ivi, AtiHiikta
Maine. Si .(J!,1yi 1
. i. Till'
Antl tiii tilHciis Complaints,
N J ' Ilk; , l ina p.iifiy Mg, hi i. iiuirulij"
July u lw
Thoro Is no Baking
Its qualities, Medicinal and Culinary, guarantee Health
and Luxury.
J'Jvcry buyer should
Select an Or van
That auarantei good
Every dag wcrh and
Years of service.
I freato their fmrnlnij nrw! in
who do not tmvl&niSi'SSitn
limn ItnntnA ii'nnlit,.. . . 1.
'or s Unlit in thei own l6wllJio. Auy
Cftn do iho wnrle nrnnn rrrnm .1,.. ..L. .'.?'!'
.'An .Inn,. ...kZ :V;-".."".'Yi"".,.,u UU
can dovote your who'o mnk to the i work or ouy
TJiVZVTA 'n'ormatlonamlti'l
,r 1).. ., vMy
T'L '-,CSr l! CHEAPEST."
cti.tti'.toali''tioii8.t VVrluriri iiijKittu. I'.m.i.i.
mar J3-6m
Powder oqual to tho
In tlTect May lull, lstn. Trnliis Iwosun.
0.35 n. m Hi'rt Micro Kxprcui for ilarrlsbti re
ntid lnti.rih('ll.ile ntallons, Uiticnstcr, I'liiiaiini.
lililn, Now Viitl-. Ilaltiliiuru 11ml Wnslilnulon
rivintf a I'liimtlifplilii .1.16 p. 1,1. j N wTori
). 111. j llalllmori', Ma p. m. i WiwMwrtaii c 416
m, inaklnif cionu uoniiccltoiis til rUlluUclrlilaior
tiliEcaelioiupoliiti. 1
1.5a p. in. liny express) for lliinmjiiri nnd In.
tcrmciUatn Mntiono, l.ancusior, riillatlclpliin New
wk, Daltlinorii mm Mimliiiitfion, nrrlvlne at
l'lilltlol.lilu;!i).m.i Nnv Yoik, it's" .ta i
ll.illlinuip, J.tft p. 111.! Wiislilugton, s.4t) p. m. l'tn'il
man Tarlor car tlii-uugli 10 i-Tillntlclplna nnd ims.
soiiBcrcoJitilicHtlirougli id riutndolphlannd Haiti,
s:m n. nt. i iinin'i)oit Accommodallon tor
lUirlsb'iiB iinl nil Inl.'iintdlato Mations. Inn.
cast vr, l'lillarti'lpum and Now Vork, tirrlUni t
lillartelplila n. in.: New VorlJ "J i.m
Mlccplntr car Dccnintnoilaflotis ran lio M'cttrt'd nt
Ilntiisluirtrror l'ltlladclplila and Now York, i-iiii?:
delpliiapassoDfcrBcaii icmaln In sleentT undiS.
ttirbed until 7 u. m.
s.twn. m.- KrlcMaliror llnrrlrttirff nnd lntrr.
mediate Miitluns, tancaMcr, t'lillndclpliin, New
Vork, l'.aitlmori' and WnNiilngton, nrrlvina lit
I'lilladelpliia I.S.J a. 111. : N.HfYork, 11"" n.m '
llalllinore 7.4) c. m. ; Wimlilnctrin, lt.11 n
TliroiiKli l'tillman Kleeiilrig- enra nio run on this'
train to 1'lill.idclp'il.i, liamiiioro ttnd astitnutoii
SSd JUimnoro?11'' '""Sl ""U'"a 10 I'"lla(lt''r1
fi.M n. m.-Krle Mult for Kilo nnd nil Intermcdtatn
smtlons wltli through l'lillinnn l'nlueo car ini
llirougli natseniforcMelipaii) Hrle. nnd thiouuli
l'tillman l'alaoo 0 ir.i to lliiir.tlo via limporliun.
for Cnnandalcua aud lntermediato stntlonn
Itocliester, llttii.ili) nnd Niagara I'.UIh, wnh
tlirriigh l'ttllinnti 1'nlaoocnrlo Catiandalcua ni d
through pasbengcr coasucs to llochesler.
1.03 p. m.-Nlngara Uxpiesa for Knnomid lnkr
medlatoblallona with Uirough passenger coacliea
to Kimo. Tor t'aiiaiidiiuuit ami principal inter
mediate statluus, liocheiier, lliirtuloaiid .Nlat:nra
Kill? with through parlor carlo Waiklns and
through pasu-ngcr coacliea to Itochesttr.
M3 p. a Tun line for Lock Haven nnd Interim;.
""w ....'n.v, uu.. nun ... uiMiin tiuu uiieriiie.
dlato Hlailotis. with ihrjugli iiascnger coaches to
I XiCV lln 1 n n lift WnlL-ltia
Tiiitonni TitAist rt'ii Bi'sni-jiY ntojt tub
. N'ltira Etproa-t loavtn
rnilaUcipu'a, T.11 n. in.; Ilaltlinoro 7.:w a. m.. nr.
riving nt rtanbury, l.U3 p. m., w uh tlirougii J'uil.
miui i-.irlor car from I'lilladelplila und throuirii
passenger coachoa from I'iilladolphla nnd Ualll-
Fast Lino leaves New York 9.09 n. m.i Philadel
phia, ll.3 a.m.; Washington, 0.30 a.m.: nalti
more, 10 r. a. m., arriving at Sunbury, p m
with through pas-ienger coaches from l'liliadel'
.-int. aim iiiiiumuiu,
tlirough passenger coaches from I'hUadclphla.
N.i'.tTitv Ilitiv.'nu f ii't.M.. :....:..
...,w.. . . u.w..,..w.i u. i nro'iiAnilH 11AIL110AD
.Mali Kast leaves auntniry 0.13 n. in., arriving at
Uloom ferry 7.H u. in., Wllkes-tarro 1) an a. m.
Kxprcss Kast !eaes Sunhury 8.35 p. m., nrrUlne
aV.ll?.0.". FlirP F:m- wiiKcs-tmrio an,,,.
.Mall West leaves Wllkes-barro a. in., arrlvl
lugatlllooiii l'eiry 1'i.cti p. m..Sunt)ury i?.i5p. u.
Kxpren est lout ( j Wukes-Uarra 6.511 p; in. ar--rlvlnj
ut lllooiu ferry 7 u7 p. m , sunhury s.os p'
CI1AS. n. I'L'dH,
(icn. JIansgcr.
.1. 11. WOtll),
(Jen. rassengcrAgcnt.
MllJ 37, 1B3.J
For New York,I'lilladelpUla,Headlng,I'ottsvIllo
Tamaiua, &c, 11,45 a. m,
Tor Gntawlssa, 11,45 u. m. 4 to and 7,20 p. m.
For VlUIatnsport,,13 S,tu a. m. and 4,oj p. m,
Lenvo Nc yoik, via. Tamaucnd t),ou a. m. and
via. llouad UrooU ltoulo 7,13 a, in.
Leave Philadelphia, 9.E.U a. in,
Lcnvo Heading, 11,55 a. m., 1'ottsvllle, U,3e p. m
aLdTamaqua, l.ssp. m.
Leavo C'awwlssa, c,10 b,40 a. rn. aud 4,00 p. m.
Lcavo '.Vllllam!'porI,,-l5a.m,2,Mp. m. and 4,30 p. m
1'asscngcrs lo arid from Now York, via. Tama
nend and to and from Philadelphia go through
without ch mgu of cars.
j. k. woon'KN.
,, . Oeccrnl Manager;
(lennral l',uu-.engur and Ticket Agent,
Jan. 10, lshl tt.
nr)OMHUur.a divihion.
Ucranton . .,
V 4".
& is
o CO
9 03
s to
8 4S
8 f!
8 81
8 45
a.m. p.m. p.m
C Si
6 41
C 40
C 61
f. 65
0 68
7 IU
' 'il
1 l
a 87
0 M)
0 HI
I1 11)
J 6S
IVttot 1HM Linn
10 0.1
0 14
10 OS
. ...Kingston...
.Plymouth .Tunc
Avondalu ...
5 S3
6 1j)
6 07
f 00
l (ii
1 li
1 jr.
l -a
1 Is
0 01
J 04
8 01.
10 18
10 IS
1 bt
10 M 3 02
7 SI
3 00 7 30
3 10 7 37
3 18 8 00
8 47
8 SO
8 SS
a n
8 in
8 UU
7 CO
7 M
1 113
........ au,iuAv . ,
Uunlock'H creek
tt) III
7 40 l'i il
7 33 Yi Ii5
10 42
, nmcKBiunny..
. Ulek'n I-Vrrv.
10 w
U 07
n 13
3 33 B VS
a 45
7 nr. l'i in
7 n its oo
T 1J 11 il
7 03 11 40
7 15 V. 31
A li 7 11 10
C tl 10 ts
r. 45 io r.i)
C 37 10 1J
O 19 10 Si
n io io tu
0 04 10
43 9
Peach Haven
.ltitr.r tr..rtb
3 61
8 CO
e u
8 to
S 80
8 Sb
8 62
9 HO
9 04
0 ill
111 SKI 3 6J
...Willow drove
.i.iiiio niujc.
'ill E3
4 12
4 iM
4 ST
4 83
4 98
4 tC
5 (9
0 S5
11 4.1
ill M
11 tB
7 83
7 119
Cntnwl'a ltrldco
7 11
. . .uaimiiu,. . .
. . .f 'Amnrnn
l!i 19
t, 45
IS 43
p.m. a.m. u..m
p.m. p.m, ((.(!(
.Superintendent's onicc. tici-uuton, Kei). Ibt, 16.
Diitrh Ilultm, .7arn
llallw, 1'nndi lii.1V,
Aturrimn IIuIIh. Ali.
f Al-Cft- ,! window (lunUirf
FRKE I Uo.huiUi', jf,V.S. uWo.111.
A&H Feb U.iy
PAYKE'GiO IJorro Spark-Arrostlnc'
I'crluhli! r..'-,ii.. I..u . ii' lo.oinj ft. of .MlghlgMi Pit'"
liotird In lu hi.ur-, I. .rnli' tlJi I rum tho miw lu
i'i;!lit fool Ii-ljiiiii.
Oat 10 Tlr- '
raw H 0'Jd f t ii
lilluw ull. . I.
Ouiirth',.- Io furnish power to
".n. h liii.nli. In 10 bou r. Our
'i"o.. in 'inoilmii
I li 'in. . nr.' i.ptrtANTrM1, lu
1 li it - ' ,owir tm 'i li4
I ii l v i u ti. ut nty otlu-r Pf
ii . i . i Dnn I twUi en Auluiiiutlo
I I If yo t want a KUtlwury
r I' .r ..'il V.ii r in.. Ilnllcr. I'llCIl'
lir y i .I'll, Miotiiur nr Pulleyi',
iui' r r.i-t i r .Moiluuri i
l.'rn'" li1 Iron I'ullov. mid for our
ill'i-i nt 'I lutnlngui', No. K, fur
11'fiiriii'it i.ti and pilnm. 1
I'-riilug, N.V. lloxlWf,
Jan, 6, w.iy,
tKKl.U,tta1iblVi AND
i fil..rillfu.iUJ.
I r j. 1 tlloiA. Hiilj IJl twtt A
...ut I ., . .. I "kl J
i.rie iati icavea now York s.oo p. m.; Phlladt'l,
pnln, 11.8O p.m.; Waihlngton, 9.o p. in.; Ha t(,
more, ll.n p. m., arriving ut. Siitiuiiry, ti.2) a, in.
With Lhrou r 1 I... Imaii l'.,him u,.,.m,;,. ...'.''
l'lllladellilili. Washlniflon and ItniTiinnn. v!;
Oct tU-y