The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 13, 1883, Image 3
The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., VMM DAY, JULY 13, 1883. Correct ititltroiul Time Tulilo. I'rAim on Ilia I'lillalolpUl It, It. Icavo Itupcrt KSfOllOWSI .. "OHT.I. KOITTII. . HI I. III. II 45 a. III. 4 oil l. Ill, 0 ,J p, , Trdns on tho I). I.. A W, II, It. lo ivu llloonntmr I0II0A8I noktii, souril. 7 o a. hi. 8 25 a in, l) 47 U. 111. II 43 ii til. ; 31 p.m. 4 3 1 p. Ill ' Tho II 4) train iouth connect? with thu I'ulla diiljtihl & Ite.Uliu nt import, and Willi Uin Northern Central al Niirtliamuorlahd. Tli 1 8:1) a. m. train cunjoU nl Sortii itnborlanj witu Mi tram un ronmylvauta road ruaciilnir I'ul ndeipbl at 8:i p. m Tlio ll:4i train counocta with I'ntlidilplita and HuadlnitroalaHtupjrt at ii:m rcaclilnir riiiia. d8lplilaat:oop,in. The I1UJ train counocbt with Pennsylvania rjal at Northuinoorlaud at til) reaching Philadel phia aU:M p. in The 4:30 p rn. train connoctH with l'onusjlvanln road at Northumberland at 8:os p, in. ana reaches Plilladulphla at a. in. Trains on the N, Vf. II. Hallway pasa uinom rerry as iohowb ; NOIITII SOl'TII, l.oc p. m. 7.U7 p. m. 7.41 a. m c.31 p. m I'crHoiial, Miss Brown is visiting her sister, Mrs. II. II. Grot?.. A. 11. Uncoil of Wllkenbarro was In town on Monday. Mrs. Charles Unnngst ot New York city la visiting her parents. Miss Mary Derrlekson of JuliU, Is the guest of Miss Miittlo Wells. Miss Laura Waller Is entertaining Miss Ditfflctd of Princeton. K. W. Drinker is homo from New York oil ii visit to his parents. Superintendent GrlmcSf mid Prof. Cur ran were at tho Wllllnmsport convention. Miss Poland of Hngcrstown, Maryland, U visiting her cousin, Mrs. F. P. Billmoy cr. It. W. Buckingham Is attending the State Tcachera' Convention nt Wllllnm sport. Hcv. Mr. Krebss, formerly pastor of the Itcformcd church, Is visiting friends In town. Miss llesslo Monroe, of Rupert, is visit ing her cousin, Miss Church, nt Asldaiid. Misses Annie and Sidney Qotschalk of Bcthlcham nre the guests of Miss Mary Unnngst. As Itev. L. Zahncr is visiting his parents In Ohio, there will he no service nt tho Kpiseopnl church for the next two Sun days, C. i. Sands of Mordnnsvillc nttended the Republican Stnte Convention nt Hnrris burg on Wednefsday, as one of the dele gates from this county. Meeting of the. County Cotniiilttee. There will be a meeting of the members of the Democratic Standing Committee of Columbia county at the Exchange Hotel in Uloomshurg, Saturday July 14th, nt 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing four delegates to the Stnte Convention, nnd to transact such other business as the interests of the party may require. Ii. PjI-GKINOIIAM, Chairman of Standing Committee. 9 Wastkk. A baker at J. V. Caldwell's. Illustrated Hook ot Cnao Illr.U mailed tor a 3 rapt stamp, lllrd Food Co., 837 South 8th St. 1'hlla. Tiic profits of the picnic at Rupert on the 4tli, were $154.99. John Palmer has gono to Nanticoke to open a Hour and feed store. A new line of neckwear neat, nobby ami nice at D. Lowenberg's. The State Teachers' Association is in session at Willianisport tills week. Tho survey for the Fisliingcreck rail, road has been completed. It remains to be seen what will come of it. On Saturday the thermometer ranged up in the nineties. On Sunday It rained nil day, and towards evening a llro was not uncomfortable. II. II. Putter has changed the name of thu Ilughcavillc Kntcrprke to the Ilughes ylllo Mail. Tho paper is improving under Ids management. Tho property of tho late William Webb, on Market street was sold on Saturday at public snle, C. W. Miller being the pur. chaser, at $3250. Jeremiah Winterstcen and Peter Mc Cann liavo been elected delegates to the Democratic State Convention from Mon tour county. Tho Klinlrn Oaztllt man remarks, just as if ho knew all about it, that "lovo making In the hammock is progressing after the most npproved style. Foit Balk. A Platform Spring wagon with top, Would exchange for hay or oats. Apply to W. C. McKinsbv, Hloomsburg. A cow belonging to M. C. Woodward was killed on the I). L. & W. railroad at Crcvcllng's crossing between litre and Espy, last Friday, An engine ran over her. Elegant Pongee Bilk coats and vests light and cool Just received nt I). I.owcn berg's. The attention of farmers is called to the advertisement of Messrs. Dnugh & Sons, In another column. Tho reputation of their Phosphate Is world-wide. Send for Circular. Tho works of the Hethlcheni (Pa.) Iron Company wero shut down on Friday night and all tho employees wero paid oil Satur. day morning. Three thousand two hun dred men nro thus thrown Into Idleness. Tuesday was tho last day for paying merenntilo licenses. Comity Treasurer Johnson was in his ofllco on Mouday and Tuesday to receive them. If any have failed to pay their licenses they had better nettle at once and savo costs. Cheapost l'aslilon llaifailno In tho world, ISO largo pages, 4 pages new uuslc, 100) engravings each Issue, W cents per year t slngio copies is cis. Htrawbrldgo & clothier, 8th s: .Market tits., l'hlin. A cow convention was held on Market square on Wednesday afternoon about two o'clock, over thirty animals being present. They ought to havu passed a voto of thanks to tho council for giving them tho freedom of thu town. Tho Columbian olllcc Is prepared to furnish all kinds of paper bags, plain or printed, ut city prices. Merchants pur chasing of us will savo freight on their orders. Do not fall to call at J. Saltzer's sowing machine rooms on Monday July ICtli, nud see thu finest work that was ever dono on any sewing machine dono on tho Cclcbra. ted White Sowing Machine, Look for tho handsome embroidery samples In my store windows. Will bo on exhibition for only a few days. A cow belonging lo James Mncmahon was found with n broken leg on tho morn, log of the 4th, on tho Shatter road, near the road leading to tho poor house. It Is not known how tho accident occ irrcd, Judge Mayer has granted a rulu to show cntiso why nn attachment for contempt should not Issue ngalnst the council of Wllllnmsport for not repairing the streets of that city In accordance with nn order issued months ago, 0. A. Klelm saved the life of a buy uain. eil Mal7.e, last Saturday. The liny In swimming In thu creek nnd got beyond his depth, Mr, Klelm wai attracted by iiHcilcs for help, and sprang Into the stream and rescued him. Edward Foy, of Conynghnin township, was committed to Jail on Sunday by Thorn, as Murphy, Esq., UM oat, 0f Barney Doogan, cliaigcd with an assault and bat tery with Intent to kill Jnmes Doognn on Saturday, by Blubbing him with a knife. ilic members of tho Union Sabbath school will hold a festival at Afton Pnrk on Saturday evening, July 21st. Pro ceeds to go to the purchase of nn organ for the Sunday school nnd church. The Afton Hand will furnish the music. All arc Invited. S, C. Creasy offers for sale 151 acres of woodland situated In Greenwood township. Thu tract will he divided into lots of 8, 10, 12, 14, 10 or 20 acres to suit purchasers, and will be sold on reasonable time at five dollars an acre. Address, S. O. Ciikahy, Hloomsburg, Pa. The Directors of the Blooinsburg School Distilct will meet at the Fifth street school building on July 14, 1883, nt 7 o'clock p. in., to appoint teachers and Janitors for the ensuing year. O. T. Wit-inx, W.m. KmcKn.ur.M, President. Secretary, pro Urn. Just a moment before the boiler of the steamboat that piles between Wilkes-Ham: and Nanticoke exploded some days ago, lion. John H. Storm, our Congressman elect, was going to step aboard, Had he done so we would probably now havu a va cancy to fill. Jauit Chunk Oaicltc. Thu Sunbury Daily says that E. Mast of Shainokln, has the contract for the erec tion of four new depots along the new rail road, at Paxlnos, Sunbury, Wlnlleld and Lewlsburg. Those nt Paxlnos and Win Held will bu frame, and those at Sunbury and Lewlsburg of brick, on the style of the new Heading depot at Shamokin. A tare opportunity is ollercd an enter prising young man having i?2,U0O in cash, all that Is necessary to purchase 100 head of cattlu to go into the stock business In Florida. Free pasturage on extensive orange groves and one half thu orange crop for three years. It will pay 100 per cent, on investment. Inquire nt once of Dr. Shaltuck nt the Hloomsburg Sanitari um. Prof. Judson P. Welsh, whose manlage is noticed in another column, has chosen for his briilo one of the most gifted and accomplished ladies in Bucks Co., Miss Alma Sager, who is greatly admired and esteemed in her section of the state. The marriage took place in Hartsville, on tho 10th Inst, in the presence of a large compa ny of friends and acquaintances. It was in every feature an elegant affnir. The brl dal presents were numerous and both beau tiful and costly. The best wishes of many go with the newly wedded couple. Trade dollars continue to circulate here at 85 cents, though everyone who can do so, Is holding them back. In Philadel phia most of the leading merchants arc taking them at par for goods. Wo notice by our exchanges that the business men of many other places arc doing thu same thing. It is likely that they will again pass for a full dollar, but the tight ngalnst them all over the country will show Con gress the necessity of taking some action ht its next session to retire them, or pass a law making them legal tender. They are worth more than the Eland dollar intrin sically, and thero is no reason why they should not be made lawful money. W. H. Poust, agent at tho 1). L. & W. depot here, was unceremoniously discharged on Tuesday morning. Tho only cause ho can assign is that he refused to stand tho discount on twenty-nine trade dollars that he took in before receiving orders not to take them. They wero returned to him by the company, and he expressed them back, at the same time writing a letter fully ex plaining the circumstances, llo heard nothing more of thu matter until Tuesday morning when he was notified to quit, Mr. Poust has been an obliging and ellleeut ngent, and thu business men of the town will bu sorry to have him leave. Ho lias been In the service of the I). I.. ii W, Co. n number of years, and their action in dis. charging him for so trivial a matter is se verely criticised by the public. Superintendent McCalister of Phlladel phia made an address at thu opening of thu Teacher's Convention at Willlamsport on Tuesday evening in which lie uttered some solid truths which should be heeded by all educators as well as parents. He strongly inveighed against the cramming processes practiced In our primary schools, declaring that we teacli too much, and teach It too poorly. In his view, simplification is tho great need of tho public schools. He be lieved that tho time had come for teachers, in view of tho responsibility resting upon them, to demand of the managers of our public schools that a change bo madu In existing conditions. Thu Gazette it Jlullelin says i Thu Ideas advanced by Mr. MacCallstcr wero eminently sensible, and they wero presented in a very clear and Impressive manner. If their adoption shall follow as n result of tho present meeting of thu assocl atlon, It will alone lie a sufficient iichlov- nient to satisfy all true friends of educa tlon. That hu struck tho right key was attested by tho promptness and warmth with which ho was endorsed by the other able educators In attendance. A llefructory Hector. an episcopal ulkiioymax announuks a IIKCjUIKM MASS. Tho Enlscoiml church controversy which has grown out of tho High church tendencies of Arthur Ritchie, pastor of tho Church of Ascension, Chicago, and which has already served to draw out a letter of protest from tho bishop of that dloceac, had another sensational feature added to it Sunday. Hector Richie, at thu morning service, announced that at thu conclusion of the service a requiem mass would bo said for tho soul of Daniel Fountain, who was drowned in Lake Michigan in tho hit tcr Dart of -May. Tho announcement of n requiem muss was apparently such n pro nounced step towards llomiintsm as to cause even tho parlshoners of tho Church of tho Ascension to rebel who had hitherto stood hv thu pastor, and one-half of tho congregation left church. In tho mean time, ut tho request of tho widow of Daniel Fountain, tho celebration of thu mass has been postponed for a fow days. It Is be lieved now that thu bishop will bu com pulled to order thu trial of tho pastor for the Infringement oi mo witircii rules. THE COLUMBIAN AND Wonderful I.lKlitiilnir, IT HTIIIKK9 A LADY'S WATC'll TllltOtdlt A PASS INtl OAlt WINDOW. Tho Elmlra Adctrl'uct notices a strange freak of lightning. Thursday evening, .Miss Addle Whtltaker, of Elkland, Pa., and Miss Hillings, daughter of David HII. lings, of Ehnirn, wero riding on tho train which was going from Wellsboro, Pa., to Uenevn. When near Stokesdale, a furious storm swept down the Cownnesipie valley. Miss Whlllaker, becoming somewhat alarmed nt the flnlence of tho elements, closed her own window, and requested n man who sat In tho next scat to close, his also. Ho declined to do so, saying the car was too closu ami lacked ventilation. Very shortly afterwards thero wns a sharp stroko of lightning. It shot through this man's open window, did not allcct Mm, prostrated .Miss Whlttaker, shivered Into atoms a lltllu nickel watcli sho had hang, lug from n chain, and for a time complete ly paralyzed her arm. Nobody else In tho car was Injured. Miss Whlttaker wns taken homo by tho next train. After her arm had been rubbed and treated all night long, It wns freed from its numbness. Miss Whlttaker will doubtless recover. Centre NoIvh. The Hoard ot Directors havo decided to erect n largo two-story school building nt Li no Ridge. This Is nn Improvement much needed and will bo appreciated by thu enterprising citizens of the river dis. trlct. Mr. J. II, Hess spent last week with his parents, and on Monday assumed tho dullc9 of his new position In Heller's store, at Wupwallopon, Luzerne county. liar vcy's many friends alt wish him success. Miss Lizzie lllue, of Camden, N. J., Is spending her summer vacation with Iicr aunt, Mrs. Alkiuan, One day last week iia nine-year old son of John DeLong's and a neighbor boy of about the Biune age, were playing about the barn they both ran to drive a cow out of mischief, and as the neighbor threw a stick, little Henry ran In the range and re celvcd a blow above the eye, inflicting a wound of a somewhat serious nature. Dr. Ammcrman was called, and when last heard from the boy was doing well. Mr. George Conner lost a valuable horse last week. Ills man was using him in the corn plow when he showed symptoms of cramp nnd was taken to the stable where lie died In a very short time. The horse which Mr. Conner lost about two weeks ago was from the same stable, and died in very much the same manner. Mr. Jacob Rink lost a valuable cow on the 4th of July. Shu didn't want to veil, lure on another year of Independence. Rkpoiitkii. Ui.syssks, Hutler do., Neb. June 30th '83. Messrs. Editors : Since I last wrote to you I have witness ed a great mauy changes iu tills country. Until thu last fow days it lias been very wet and cold caused by the manv hull storms that have been in this and adjoining counties. On last Sabbath morning we had at this place one of the heaviest rain storms I ever witnessed in this or any other conn try. The shower came up from the north west, it began to thunder and lighten about 24)0 A. M., at 3 o'clock it poured down in torrents, and peal after peal came until it shook the earth. I was at Mr. J. C. Cole man's. Wu thought tho house would blow over sure. It continued raining until 7-30 at which timo I looked out of Coleman's stairs window south and as far as eye could see tho earth was completely sub merged with water. The oldest inhabitants told me they never saw such a rain storm since they lived hero. I was rcallv sur- prised on Monday morning as I was going to the town of Ulysses, a distance of six miles, all along the road to see the farmers plowing corn, tho ground completely dry with the exception of some low places where the water was yet standing. The ground in tills country is very porous and takes In the water very soon. Worklnc in this ground does not injure it. The chunks of earth will in a few days appear to slack and run together llko ashes. Tho wheat, barley and oats aro now about out in head. Such crops I never saw before, the corn looks Hue, and more than an nvorago crop is now anticipated. I was just ruad ing an abstract of assessment in Hutler county tor 1833, It contains among other things tho following : In the county theru aru 0,020 horses, 15,509 hogs, 15,478 cattle, 3,008 sheep, improved lands 134,728 acres, unimproved lands 205,001 acres, total number of acres 339, 789, number of acres in wheat 21,708, com 50,417, oats 8.324, barley 1,073, (lax 2,82(1, rye 1,245, meadow 521, number of fruit trees 22,891, acres of forest trees 1,873. Yours Truly, Em Koumiss. Iiinllle AHylum. A I'.VIIMOT IIKIT.KSKNI'ATIVE INVESI'IOATKS l'IIAl:lr..S MADE AIIAIKSr IT, Danvii.i.k, July 11. A series of articles has recently been published in thu William sport Jlrenlfutt Tutite exposing alleged abuses in thu asylum for thu insane at this place. A representative of tho Patriot visi ted the institution a day or so ago and was shown through the different wards and af ter making tho closest scrutiny failed to discover anything that would thow either a laxity or unduu severity in tho manage ment of the poor inmates confined therein, Tho author of boiiiu ot thu articles in ques tion was a former employe of tho institu tion, und was dismissed for ill-treatment of n patient, and now excuses ids conduct by asserting that Instances of tho most shock- cruelty and Inhuman treatment nru of com. niou occurrence. As Is usual in such cases great injustice has been done. Dr. Shultz, the superintendent, Is a thorough humani tarian, and has thu entire confidence of tht community in which ho mldcs. No onu has been in thu least disturbed by the sen sational articles appearing in print, and copied by several papers throughout thu state. Thoso having friends and relatives within the building undergoing treatment need give themselves no uneasiness by reading accounts of alleged Inhuman treat ment. That slight abuses exist, or havo existed may 'ha quite true, but how aro they to bo entirely prevented ? The disci puno is very strict, and attendants nre dismissed as soon us it Is known that they are unnecessarily harsh In their treatment. Hut when one of thesu poor crazed cren turcs rushes upon nn attendant with the superhuman strength which frenzy gives, thero Is but one way to meet thu attack force must conquer. Tho Institution cm ploys the best help that can bo procured, consistent with thu amount appropriated by tho statu for this purpose. Thu duties are arduous and often unpleasant, ami uiiiy persons ot strong nerves and wills aro able to fill tho position. It is not to bo wondered at Hint these some times fall in gentleness. As for "Iron clad cells" there Is not one In tho building. And as for "patients being poisoned" an exnini nation but proves that tho Informer wns perverting tacts, and your representative questions whether such nn expose (?) us that published In tho llrealutl 'lUle docs anything better than place dllllculticJ In tho way of those who nro honestly trying to benefit thoso most unfortunate of human .creatures -the Insane. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ; CltrlotiH TlitnitH, New YoikMun. In some parts of Siberia n wife costs eight dogs. In a shoo manufactory 6f Lynn Mass., there nro thirty women-nil divorced wives. A watch made entirely of Iron nnd In perfect running order was exhibited In a Worcestershire fair recently. Mrs. Mary Austin, of Washington, (la., died recently. Shu has been the mother of fonrly-four children, Including ati sets of triplets. A farmer near Stockton, Cal., has had his farm devastated by millions of little birds no bigger than a m ill's thumb. They pull up the young grain. Whenever a member of thu English roy. al family is burled, a fee for breaking the ground of 250 pounds Is demanded by the Dean und Chaplain of Windsor, although not an Inch ot ground Is disturbed. A stone is removed from St. George's Chapel. The stone closes tho passngo of thu royal vault, which Is really a spacious room. A species of spider has been dt scovcrcd on the African const, the long firm web of which very closely resembles yellow silk. It Is said to lie nearly as good as the pro duct of silkworms. The filaments have been examined by Lyons silk merchants with favorable results. There seems to bo nothing to prevent acclimatizing ot (lie In sect in France. A curious advertisement appeared In a lato Issue of the Liverpool Mercury. It rend; "1 lost my purse containing two guineas nnd a sixpence. Tho finder can keep the gold If ho will return the sixpence, ns It was the amount of damages I received from the Midland Railway for breaking my lug. The bit of sliver costs mu 210. George Amcsbury. Mrs. Agustn Smith, of St. Louis, Mo., Is one of lightest sleepers In the state. She Is awake twenty-two hours out of every day on the average, nud when she docs slumber it Is scarcely more than a doze, during which she Is partially conscious of all that is going on around her. She is strong and healthy, with n good appetite, and not particularly nervous. IleetlH Recorded. The following deeds have been recorded since those lust published : Harbara Glger to Elmer W. Runyun, Montour. Cyrus McIIenry and wife, ct. al., to Jarcd Hide, et. id., Fisliingcreck. U. II. Knt, sheriff, to A. P. Heller, trustee, Pine, C. M. Vaudersllce, et. al executor, to Ueniamin Hitler. Pine. C. M. Vaudersllce, ct. id., executor, 10 Joseph T. Eves, Pine. Catharine Gilbert to Joshua Hartzell, Mt. Pleasant. Eliza H. Herat to Julius Haft, Hcrwlck. G. M. Haker and wife to F. W. Rcdekcr, Scott. Israel Whary add wife to Sarah Shcller, Cutawissa. F. F. Murceron and wlfo to Sarah Hohr bach, Catawlssa. Joshua Colo and wife, ut. al., to Charity A. Roberts, Sugarloaf. Abraham Mensch and wife to Joseph Craig, Ronringcreek. David Walsh and wife to Susan E. James Centralla. S. L. Howman and wife to Lloyd T. Conner, Hcrwlck. II. W. Mclteynolds, treasurer, to C. B. Hrookway, Conynglnim. John W. Hoffman, sheriff, to Henry Hhouds, Locust. John W. Hoffman, sheriff, to C. H. Hrockway, Conyngliain. John P. Levan and wifu to Jacob Under muth, Locust. James Pullln und wife to Jane Johnson, bcott. Richard Johnson and wlfo to Ellas Drei belbls, Scott. Richard Thompson, et. al., to Riifus A. Hartman, Hcrwlck. Andrew Miller and wife to Georgu F. Craig, Ronringcreek. Daniel Harriman und wlfu to William N. Parker, Greenwood. Important Notice to tltc Public. A great reduction in all styles of Sum mer clothing has just been made in consc- quencu of the cold and wet season. Call and be convinced at the popular clothing storu of David Lowcnbcrg. Hunday Hctiool Convention. OitANUBViLLX, Juno 30, 1883, Pursuant to a call of District Vice Pros idunt, O. H. White, representatives from all the Sunday schools of Orange District met nt Academy Hall and opened with de. votlonal exercises. A committee consist ng of Revs. Iloutz, Chllcoat, Hodlne and Cantlcld were appointed to make nomina tions for permanent officers, and to report during tho afternoon session, After sing- ng, the convention took up tho fourth topic of the progrnmme : "What good ure Stindny schools und why do we need them 'r Tho opening wus usslgned to Prof. Heck and Rev. Bodine, followed by others, and was discussed at some length, On motion, resolved thut un hour of the afternoon session be devoted to a child ren's meeting, and thut this convention udjourn finally ut 4 o'clock, p. ni., and that the next meeting of tho convention be held at Mcllenry's church, nnd thut the time be fixed by Rev. Chllcout: und that tho regular meetings of this convention be semi-yearly und the plnce be fixed at each convention. On motion adjourned to meet nt 11 o'clock, p. in, Akieiinoos Session, 1 p, in. Convcn tlon culled to order und opened with dc. votlonul exercises. Children's meeting came first In order, nud wns addressed by Rev. Chllcoat and others. After singing, lite sixtn topic ot tlio programme wns taken up ; opening assigned to Jamee B, Harman, followed by others. After sing lug, tho seventh topic wus taken up opening nssigned to Rev. Houtz, followed by others, subject i "How enn we, retain the older scholars." Thu eighth topic was taken up and thu opening assigned to Rev, Chllcoat, followed by others, subject Wliut obligations have Christians and parents to attend tlio Sunday school. The tenth topic, "Tho future of the Nation restB upon tlio Sunday school," wns taken up, opening assigned to Hcv. Cantlcld Upon tho eleventh topic, "Aro any more schools needed In thu district, or is any school in need ot help," report wus made that tho Closen school-houso Sunday school did need help in persons to carry on the same. When on motion, resolved that the persons who curried on the same last year should bu Invited to ugalu take charge ot the same. Tho committee on nomination made tho following report i president, O, B, White secretary, James B. Hnriimn; assistant secretary, Maggie Eves treasurer, E Snydur; vice presidents, Thomas Mcllen ry and Alpheus DcWltt. On motion thu nbovu elected und directed by tho chair to j reparo a programmu for tho next mee 1B. The convention then adjourned, ' ' James II. IIauuah, Secretary, Council lroccettliiM. llLooMsimnri, July 4th 1813. This being the time for the regular month, meeting of council, but no (itiorum be ing In attendance the lircildeot called n intetlng to be held Thursday evcnlmr July 5lh nt 8 o'clock, Pursuant to cull of President Council met on July 5th nt 8 o'clock P. M. The President nud Messrs, llartmaii, Hassert, Moyer ami Hlerllni, of the members were present. A petition win read, idgiicit liy more than Olio hundred of the lend I in' lux imvi,ra In the town of Hloomsburg, asklhit that. In order to ein ourugu the Investment of cnpl. tal and lo foster our home manufactories nud Industries. The HlortinshiirL' Woolen Factory be exonerated from payment ot thu town tax now duo upon the nronertv ot ild Factory. Mr. Hartman moved, nud Mr. Moyer sec ended, thut the following resolution bo adopted i lUmhttl, Thut the Hloomsburir Woolen Factory be exonerated from tho payment of Town tax now due upon the property of Thu resolution was agreed to and It was so ordered. On motion tho committees on Sewerage nnd Fire plugs were continued. On motion of Mr. Hnrtmnnnnd seconded by Mr. Sterling tho street commissioner wns directed to notify Charles Krug to re move n nulsnncc on Seventh street. If not removed, after three days notice, ho Is au thorized to Institute such action nt law us 111 cause nn abatement thereof. George E. Elwell, Chief Eiiclnecr of fire department In ids report to Council recom mends the following Improvements and re pairs i "1st The purchase of a hose oiler. The leather hose is very stiff, nnd unless lied soon, will be liable to crack when subjected to much pressure. nd. The hand engine of Friendship No. 1 should be painted nud varnished. 8rd. All the npparntus of Rescue No. 3. should bo painted and a new pole provided for the hand hook, and tlio chain on said hook be repaired. 4th. The Winona carriage should be varnished and new side lnntcrns purchased. The reducers to couple the dlfTereut sizes of hose have not yet been provided. The nnt of these might bo very disastrous in case of fire. On motion of M. Hartmau nnd seconded by Mr. Sterling the report wns referred to committee on tiro apparatus for considera tion. Mr. Moyer moved and Mr. Hartman sec onded, that the Secretary be instructed to purchaso a "Noycs patent Hose Oiler" and ten gnllous of Hose oil dressing. The mo tion wns lacrced to und It wus so ordered. Mr. Hnrtmnn moved that a committee be appointed to confer with D. J. Wullcr in egard to the sale of the town Park. After being seconded by Mr. Moyer the motion was agreed to. The President appointed Messrs. Hnrtmnn nnd Moyer us such com- mittce. On motion a building permit wus grant I 1. W. McKclvy, to erect a stable on the back part of his lot on corner of Market nnd Third streets. Also, to Daniel Miller to erect a stable on the back part of his lot situated on Seventh street between Cather ine Street und Eust Street, On motion the following bills were rend und upproved, nnd the Secretnry instructed to draw orders for their several amounts, to-wlt: MTItKKT COMMISSIONS!!' III!.!., Henry Yost for horse and wngou on highway In June $ 2 00 Jnmes Commons for two horses und wagon on highway in June 3 00 John Caldwell for horse nnd wagon on highway in June 8 00 Samuel Shaffer for same 5 00 Samuel Trump, ' 7 00 John Herring " 19 40 Fred Schwln " S3 20 Eli Jones " 7 20 Charles R. Ilousel, Street Commis sioner, for June 45 50 Wesley Gross for labor on high- way in June 4 50 uenry nasscri lor same, y io Andrew Campbell " 19 25 II. G. Housol " 4 09 Oliver Fornwuld " 7 CO Joseph Townsond " 17 10 Elijah Shutt " 18 87 Ramsey Ent " 02 Clark Veats " 15 13 John Penman " 10 37 Michael Walter " 12 18 John Glllaspy " 18 87 Wm. Barrett " 8 25 Nathan Homboy " 4 50 Total $209 87 MISCELLANEOUS BILLS, G. 31, Hughes for hauling cinder on river bank 423 44 31. C. Woodward constable and police service for June 0 33 8. W. Shutt, ct. al., police service for June 10 50 15 00 Geo. E, Elwell rent of council room from April 1st to July 1st, '83 Moyer Bros, rent of lockup from from June 1st, 1882 to June 1st, '83 90 00 30 00 Columbia county, rent of old jail stable from April 1st 1882, to April 1st, 1883 D. It. ColTman serving notices of appeal on tax payers 10 00 I John F. Pursel smith work for highway 7 25 C. M. Vnndersllco for printing tax notices, advertising notices, &c., 8 00 3 70 Elwell & Bittenbendcr for book, posters, &c, Wm Krickbuum fee In No. 1 Feu'y. Term, 1883-in Equity 0 30 Blooinsburg Water Company for June 0U CO Hloomsburg Gas Company for 84 00 ! May 12 posts Blooinsburg Gas Company for June 42 posts 84 00 15 60 Secretary's salary for June !0027O Total amount of orders Issued i05(V!8 On motion adjourned, A. L. Fiiitz, Scc'y. Oruiiifcvlllu Newt, X. Y. Z. has raised quite a breeze among the boys and speculation Is rife as to his Identity. So far all guesses aro wild. Try again boys. Tho glorious fourth passed otl quietly in our town. The only observers of the day being the small boy and his "Ore-crackers. A purty of our young folks spent tlio fourth ut Stillwater plculclng. They re port u pleasant time, all credit to the gen tlemcn of the party for their courage. They wero heavily handlcaped. Wo counted four gentlemen and sixteen ladles and "S' being married and his wlfu of the party lie didn't count. By the way Prof, you must have learned tbejart of fishing of Ileckman as the result shows twenty feet of polo and two little chubs. We heard rumors ot a novel amusement some of tlio ladles en gaged, but girls we wont tell on you. Tho all absorbing toplo of conversation in our town Is tho proposed new railroad up Flshlogcreek and various nro tho opln Ions expressed regarding its effect upon thu business Interest, some claiming it will bu disastrous wlillo others say it will bo iJtiiflU'lai. wu timiK it our business men have energy and enterprise enough to take advantage of tho opportunities It will pre sent, the town will be the gainer by it. Mr. John Stoddard and Mrs. Went, of Phlla'delntlla. fnthor nnd mint nf nnrtnwna- mnn Dr. Stoddard nro visiting the Dr. Wc hope they will enjoy their visit. Col. Hruco Rlckctts nnd family of. Wilkes llarre wero In town last week visiting his mother, ns wns niso Mr. E. C. Butler nnd wife. Wo itro plcnsed to sec they still re member tho old home nnd friends. The new Foundry and Threshing Jhi- chlne factory of Herring & llrumstetler wns quite a surrprlso to us on the occasion of our visit because of Its completeness. It Is a credit to our town and Its enterprising proprietors. Wo learn our town Is lo h.tvo a much needed want In thu shape of a good hotel building. Hoiilfavo Ileckman intends tear ing out thu front ot his stand nud rebuild ing it, also remodelling thu Inside and put ting up an additional story with mansard roof. Hu also intends building n lnrgc Btuble for the stabling of teams. Good for George. Ho deserves success and lie will have it. It Is the great need of our town and ho will seu our people know how to reward enterprise by liberal patronage. There was considerable excitement in town Saturday over reports that Miss Jes sie Fisher had been severely injured by a horse sho was driving running away and throwing herself nnd brother out of the conveyance. The fuels ns near as wc could learn arc ns follows: A Mr. Hartzell from up creek bad a horse die from bent going up the Light Street hill nnd Instend of removing It, was allowed to llo In the road from before noon until night. Her horiio lu passing became frightened and and sprang into the ditch upsetting them throwing them out and smashing the pha eton nnd bruising Miss Fisher about the head and face. We bear several others came near meeting with a like accident. Sucli carelessness is criminal and hu should be made to pay damages. Our glass ball smashers aru not crowing much over the result of Saturday's shooting, It was an oft day with the boys. II. II. Low led the match with 9 out of 10, Will Flcckciutine next with 8, J. W. Lilley 5, J. Yocum 5, W. Allabach 5, J. Trivelpiece A. Yocum 4. Steady your nerves boys or shut tip. X. Y. Z. DEATHS. WiirrMiiiB. On the 2nd Inst., In Centre township, Mrs. Catharine Whltinlre, aged 55 years, 4 months and 27 days. MARRIAGES Hess Stackiiouse. At thu home of the bride, near Waller, Columbia county, Pa., July 3rd, 1883, by thu Rev. B. F. Keller, Mr. Johiiathan F. Hess, and Miss Eva M. Stackiiouse, both of Jackson township, Columbia county, Pa. Bo.MiiAY SrKCK. At the residence of M. W, .McIIenry, Eyers Grove, Pa., July 4th, 1883, by C. W. Cooper, Mr. Henry R. Bombay, of Muncy, Pa,, to Miss Lizzie M. Steck, of Hughesyille, Pa. Welsh Saoki!. At Hartsville, Pa., July 10th, by the Rev. G. A. Nlnimo, Prof. Judson P. Welsh, of the Statu Nor. mal school, West Chester, Pa., and Miss Alma Sauer, daughter of Mahlon Sager Esq., of llartbVille. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Benewer. The licit la the Clumpctt. Biftty! Economy It Certainty of Good Itesultsttt Ttees qnilltlct are ot prime Importing In the election ot a preparation for the hlr. Do not experiment with now rcmedlci nlilch my do turn rather thin cooj ; tint profit by the ex perience of others. Jluy and ne with perteet confidence an article which everybody knows to be good. Hall's IIaib Hesewie will not illMppoint yon. C mEPARlD DT B.P. Hall & Co., Nashua, N.H. Sold by all Dritfrliiti. LOCAL NOTICES. M'KILLIP ii C1IOATE, Tho Photographers. Best work, nt correct nrlcts. Frames of all kinds, cliromos, panels nnd eatcls on liuml. instantaneous process used. A full Hue of reudy-inndo clothing, gents' furnishing Evans fc Eyer's. goods, vulises, ivc, ut TOWN LOTH FCI! SALE. 25 lots ranging from SUM to .400 per lot, 4 lots ranging from r00 to 4-000 per lot. All am.iii ,,f ti.o Vm Sehnril. No monev required provided tho purchaser will erect buildings at once. may O. W. NEAL. Pictures, frames. window cornices, at Cadmaii's, Dwarf nnd large celery plants at J, Car- r, son's, I'll tli street. - Shirts, cuffs and collars, necktie ami all kinds of goods for gents' wear, nt Evans ii r.ycr's. CHEAT UUIGAINS! Wc. thu undersigned, will sell nierchan- dlse, tor cash only, at tho following prices i iu us. or criminated sugar. i,uu; iui ins. of standard A sugar. iM.OOi 11 lbs, of white sugar, 4-1.00 : 12 lbs of C sugar, tl.00: 7 lbs. of thu best green coffee, irl.00; 11 His. of rice, l,0Oi 4 cans ot peaches. 00 cents j 4 cans of tomatoes, fid cents j 4 cans of com, 48 cents ; 0 papers of Ar. buckle's cotTee, fcl.OOj 7 cakes of Bali bill's soap, SO cents. Our very best print 7 cts. per yard. All kinds of dress nnd iloinestlo mug uams. verv nest, ll cts. per yard cottonado, 8 to lib cts. per yard; laiues- uress goons uowu in so cuius yarn, i.aiuts suues, ituwii u w u cent. .Men's boots und shoes down iu io 20 per. cent. Our best dress linens 15 to i ce us per vuru, uruss goons, oion cts per yard. Wu olTcr thu abovo Inducu- menis tor tlio hum ou nays. wo bound to cut down our stock, as we going to lay iu n heavy Fall stock, rouse quenllv wo must reduce to inaku room. Wo will take your produce at u casli price, and will sell von goods ut above prices. This Is an oiler you never hud beforn this county. Don't delay In taking ud vantage ot thu above. Hoping to see llll, l.ll.l.KV v5 tJI.KI'I'V, W-Sw Orangcvlllc, Pa New dry goods nt J. B. Skecr's, Elccnnt nmlor suits, cbnmbcr sets. nud all kinds of furniture nt Cndmnn's For Rood cheap furniture, go to Cad- man's. Nobby suits made lo order nt Kvnns &, Eyer's, by first-class workmen, Prices very reasonable. Most nomilar and best family flour In the market ut Hllhncycr's. Fine groceries, notions, canned goods, nt . B. Skecr's. BUSINESNOTICES. WANT OP FAITH. If O. A. Klelm, the DruuLdst. does not succeed It is not for tho want of fnlth. He has such faith In Dr. Hotnuko's Cough and Lime svrun ns n remedy for Couch. Colds. Consumption, and Lung Affections, that he ;ivcs a ijoiiiu ireoio eatn anil every one who s in need of a medicine of this kind. NTIiENIITII FOU MINI) AND !() V. There Is more strenclh restorlmr power In u bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic than in a bushel of ma't or a callon of milk. This explains why Invalids find It such a womlerliu luvigorant lor mind ntul liody. j u n S3-1W HTDInniond Dvcs will color nnvthinirnnv color, and never fail. The easiest und best wny to economize. 10 certs, nt all druggists. MT.Kll'S WINK FOU CONSUMITIVKS. Consumptive ncrsonsnrc said to be Great ly benefited by the use of Speer's Port Grapo wine. It secins to give nourishment when everything else fails, nnd physicians nro prescribing It ns a rich, nutritious wine. rromincnl miystcians and members con nected with the New York Board of Health have inspected Spcers' Vineyards and wine cellars and speak of his products in tho highest terms, For sale by C, A. Klelm, Hloomsburg, Pa. CAI1ES OF LIFE. As we come to them thev nro received. bornu with, and passed over with no more than a thought, if we aro in the cnlovment ot iieailli, nut It sintering with rues or skin disease of any kind they magnify a hundred fold. C. A. Klelm, tho Druggist, nas ur. iiosanKO's me itemedy winch is an absolute euro for any affection of tho kind ami is sold tor ou cents. UAFSi: AND EFFECT. t times symptoms of indlaestlon nre present, uneasiness of the stomach, itc, a moisture like perspiration, producing Itch ing at uiciit, or wueu one is warm, cause tho Piles. The effect is immediate relief upon the application ot Dr. Basanko's Pile Hemedv, which costs you but (50 cents nnd Is sold by C. A. Klelm. Cleanliness nnd liuritv make Parker's llnlr Balsam the favorite for restoring the youthful color to gray hair. jun 2) 4v IT SEEMS TO SAT1SFV A family want, nnd I wonder how wu ever got along without Parker's Ginger tonic, ll cured mu ot nervous nrostra- Hon, and I havu u:u.l it si, ce for all sorts of complaints in our family. Mrs. Jincs, Albany. jun 22-4w Mariiinnii, Flu. Dr. Theo. West. savs. "I consider Brown's Iron Bitters thu best tonic that is sold." 100,000 acres of good land for sale cheap in ananaudoau alley giving the purcha ser the full be loflt ot thu market by L. F. Caldwell, Winchester, Virginia. Correspon dence solicited. .May Hi 0w- Charlottevlllc. Vu. Mr. C. II. Hurmnn, President of thu Peoples' Bank, testifies to the value ot urown iron timers lor re llcvlug Indigestion Far mniu valuable than thoso golden apples of Hespcridos aro the life, health and beauty of Womanhood. Mrs. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound restores nnd preserves all these. See a woman In another column, near Speer's Vineyards, picking grapes from which Speer's Port Grape Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by thu medical profession, for thu use ot invalids, weakly persons and the aged. soui ny urugglsls. sept 22-ly Enrich and revitalize the blood bv uslnc Brown's Iron Bitters. - - To most children the bare suiriiestlon of a dosu of castor oil is uai seating. Why not, then, when physic is necessary for thu little ones, use Ayers, Cathartic Pills? They combine every essential and valuable principle of a cathartic medicine, undbelnc sugar-coated arc easily taken. '.Men often mistake notoriety for fame," but they never mistake Kidney- Wort for any ipiack medicine, Ivldney Wort is universally recognized as a stand ard for all diseases of the liver, bowels and Kidneys. HAP CASK OK ST. VITI'S DANl'K. .Minister, Is the singular name of a town situated In Auglnise Co., Ohio. It is the residence of Jlr. J. lirunduwle, who writes ; "oamarwm .Verme permnneutlv cured my son ot a Pad case of fat. Vitus Dance." s1.60. Tho children of Israel wero once fed bv milium sent from heaven, This wus nn un doubted case of "Ood.send," The amelior ation ot human Ills und ailments has been often undertaken und ns often failed. Ely's ureani iiaini,, however, "nns uccii weighed iu the balance and not found wanting." It h a sovereign, speedy, eel tain and pleasant euro for Cnturrh nnd cold In the head. """'" poisons uavu m csicu una fact. "Ely's Cream Balm is a llod-send. writes Mrs. M. A. Jackson, of Portsmouth, N. H on May 22d, 1882. "I had Catarrh for three years, hud tried nearly all renie dies but to no purpose, Twooi three times a week my nosu would bleed qultu freely, and 1 thought the sores In It would never heal. Your Balm has cured me," This irepuration Is not a liquid or a mm IV, and s easily applied. Can you, reader, ullord to experiment with liifiirlons Iriilimtu niwl injections when a pleasant euro is at hand i MARKET JtEPORTS. BLOOMSBUHQ MAHKEP. Wheat per bushel.... Hvo " M.lll Corn, " .... Oats " . flour per uarrei Cloverseed minor Km TuilOW , Potatoes . Dried Apples Hides & Shoulders ii!ub ........ jrkeysS per i per pound i nay per ion Heeswax . UuckwhoBt (lower per 100., I'l 1 1 1. A 1 IKI.l'1 1 1 A M A 1 1 K KTH. aro nro llJll'it. Market wiihMul-l'Mi; uile in iMircis, iiiciuiiiiiL' Minnesota extras ia.Miiu.iu: rciuiioivniiia tamo) f i sj viam I west eriidiH.VN)4n.lJsi i puleutsttl.iil.iT.K.V mr: ruiLti. iocs siow iy ai fi.rriL In you Mikt. Mai kit w an dull and weak! earlots; fl.w bid turJuly s tl.lS . Mr August i tl.lt1 forhcptcinlRir: Jl.15 turuciulier, I'oiis'.-In.u ilve and easier our loUMaiUct Mi bid lor .luly i we ror Ansusi s iu, for sept emlier: lill, for iKtolier. luis. Market was dull and weaken earlots lluirei lie bid for Julyj :ri,c lor August i :iv lor HcpleiilUT; use lor October. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots find Public Grounds. :o: Tho follow lwr shows tho Ticket Gothic, ono of the soeralbeiiiil Itul blylcjot Fence manufactured by tho unilerbtgnul. 1'or Ileauty ami Durability they nro unsurpass ed. N't up by experienced hardi and warranted lo give satisfaction. 1 'rices and specimens of other dc- signs Hont to any address. Address BL00MSBDRG. PA- May 1-tt Orangcville, Pa. Fall Term "begins August 6. Here nro offered at small exoense. tho adran. taces ot a superior school. Students tirenaml tor coucKe, teaching or business. Special Instruction io. me lucKwnm. rue location h in every re spect a most desirable one. Mcllirul and compe ted teachers, isend for terms. FffiCtS rjECK, . J!,, Orangcvtlle, 1'a. fi-S! l'ltlNCIl'AL JXECUTOK'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF JOHN 01HT0N, DECEASED, Letters testamentary lu the estate of JohnOlr ton, Lito of Hemlock township, Columbia county, l'.i., deceased, havo been granted by the ltcjrlstvr of h.Ud county to Daniel Victim. All persons haT linrc'nl'iis atf.ilnst said etut3are revested to present them for settlement, and thoso Indebted iu mu Kainu ui uiaKC payment, io me unucrBigueu without delay. DANIEL YOCUM, junoi3Uv Kxecuior, Uloomsburg, l a. UDITOKS NOTICE. ESTATE OFIIENUV I.EIIIt DECEASED. The undersigned Auditor appointed by tho Or- Ghaiw Court ot Columbia Couutyto makedLstrl atlon of the estate ot said dec3.uHl as shown by theaccoint of C. V. Stiller administrator d. ft. n. c t. a. to and among parties entitled thereto will sit at his onico o.i Saturday July isttl at 10 o"clock A. M. to perform the duties of his appoint ment, when and where, nil parties Interested In SMldestato must attend and present their claims or be fouwer debarred from any share of said es tate. Cms. (l. lUiui.iv, Auditor, July eth UDITORS NOTICE. ESTATE OF ABKAHAM HHOillT DECEASED. The undersigned Auditor apiwlnted by tho Or plums' Court of Columbia county to make dlstrl be.lou of fiu fund fs shown by the account of the sarvlvtnff executor to and among the parties entit led thereto, will sit at hlsonice In the Town of Ulou.nsbun; on Tuesday July 31, IKS. at ten o'clock A. M. to perform the duties of his upiiolnu inent, Mlien and wneie all parties Interested In said estate must attend and present telr claims or be forever debaned from any share of said in line. Wm. CIUU8XAK, Auditor. July till A DMINISTKAT1UX NOTICE. ESTATE OF MAHCCS K. CASWELL, DECEASED. Letters of administration In I lie pst.iti' nf Mar. ens V. Caswell, late r lilonnisbur', Culumbla county, l'.i., deceased, haw, l en k'riuititl bylh ncKisu-r oi said eouniy to .M. F. Caswell, Admlu. Istrat'l.x, All iiersiins Ii.ivIhl- claims iiLMlnst said estate are requested to present them for soU llement, and those Indebted to the naiuotomax p.ijineut lo thu undersigned administratrix with out delay. .M, P. CASWKI.I, .lupo -Jl'M flw Administratrix. UIUTuir.S NOTICE. estate of jos is iuiitki., deceased. Tlio tuulersluneil a lltor appointed by the Or phaus' Cuurt nt Columbia county to inako dlslrlbu lion nf i he Ij.d.uieo Iu the h inds ot the administra tor, to and umoiitf tho p.irt'es entitled thereto, wlllsli-al hlsoillwi In lllooiiislmrtfon Saturday, AiUUsUlh, ISM, ut 10 u'clocka in., when and where all parlies havlnir claims against Haul eg. lain are reintested to present them for settlement, nud those Ii debted lo the s line to make pamenl to the undersigned v, tthout delay, K. 1. HILLMIIYKIt. Jiine'.n Auditor. SIOOO HKWAKI) Offered by tho umlerslifiied for Ihe annrehcnslon. trial and cnnWctlou ot tlio murderer or murderers ot John Viiullow, al Llirht Street, Coluinblacouuty, IM-, In 1877. CHAltl.KS ltKlCIIAUT, JOMIl A l'K'lTKItMAN, II. 1'. KIK1AK, 5-ia couiin'rs. or Columbia Couny. ffiT liPEffl A NEW MERCHANT TAILORING uuturs STORE, IN Kiiorr it Winturstcoii's 13uilling Main Street, BLOOMSBURG, next door to the First National Bank, whore I am prepured to IMA KM TO ORDER FI'M CLASS SUITS OF mwmsm from $18.00 and upwards. Vita Guaranteed. i: w. Imuran. Apillliiir. .70 .45 5.WJ .IS ifi .Ml ii it 1 .11 .14 1810 Si 8.0tl at MM