Mhe Colttmbikn. OOLUMMA DKMOCMAT, STAR OP TUB NORTIT, ftDd CO. LVUBUN, consolidated, ' .-... ,, rx i rmny. Horning, nt llLOOMSDUItCl, COLUMBIA CO., Pa. ATTwoimt.una per year. To subscribers out of theroiintytliotcrmsnrostrtctlyln advance. if-.Sij impcr tllicontlnucrt except nt tlio option of Iho putlWicrs, until nil nrrcnrnws nropainut lotnf contlntird credits will not bo i?lvcn. 1 All papers sent out of tlio suto or to distant Dort oftlcea must bo paid forlnndvanco, unless n reiuon. Bible person In Columbia county assumes to isar the subwrlpllon duo on demand. "u"'" 10 Pa ntue3 count? nOl0nSCr"'U:tttl ,rom aub9crll)rs Tne Jolm PBINTING. complctoi nnS our Jobl'fl ntl'ng vrnl TOnfnare'fAToZ ibly with lhatof tliolnrKoclllcs. Allwork donlon short noucc, neatly and nt moderate prices PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T E. WALLKK, lJ' ATTORNIiY-AT-LAW, offlea In 1st National Dank bulldlnir, socond floor, first door to tlio rlfflit. corner of Main and Alar- Kii Bireeifl. nieivuisuurLr, 'a. vr u.PUNic, ' ATTOHNUY-AT-LAW. UtoovtsBOso, Pa, onico In Snt's UullJInf . p It. UUOKMiEW, J ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW. BiiouanuKii, Pa, Otllce over 1st National J OIIN M. CliAHIf, ATTORNUY-AT-LAW. AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. IIijomsbcuo, Pa, omcc over Moyer llros. Drug Storo. p W. MTtiliEK, ViTOItNKV-AT-l.AW (imco In Brower'a bul'.dlne.second No. 1 rtlnomsburir, Pa. T) PJtASK SCAUR. ATTO 1 IN E Y-AT-L AAV. Bloomsburg, Pa. onico corner of Centro and Main Streets. CUrk j llulkllntr. Cau bo consulted In Herman. ( EO. E. ETjWEIJj, It ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW. Nkw Colombian Unn.DiNO, Bloomsburg, Pa. Moirbar of tlio United States Law Association, t.'ollootlons made in nny part of America or Eu rope. pAUr, E. WIRT, Attorney-at-Law. onico In coi.cmv.iak boildino, Itoom No. 1, second Moor. RLOOMSBURO, PA. S KNnnK. L. S. WINTBH9TBKH. Notary Public KN'OKR A WWTEItSTEEN, A 1 1 ornoys-at-Ija v. nmce tn 1st National Hank bulldrna. second floor, flrstdoortotholeft. Corner of Milu and Market streets llloomsbure, Pa. jQrVnon imil Bounties Colkcltd. J If. MATSE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW omco In .Maine's bulldlnir, over Illllmoycr's crocery, May 20, '81. c 1 li. BROCKWAY, Attorney-at-Law, ALSO NOTAHY PUBLIC. Otllco In his building opposite Court House, 2nd lloor, Bloomsburg, Pa. upr 13 '83 JOHN C. YOCUM, Attornoy-at-Lawi CATAWI8SA, PA. Offlce In Nkws Itih bulldlnff, Main street. Member of tbo American Attorneys' Associa tion. , . Collections made In any part of America. Jan. 8, 1882. A K. OSWALD, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW. Jackson Building, Rooms 4 nnd 5. May, . 11EKW1CK, PA HIIAWN & ROBINS, ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW. Catuwlssa, ra. Offlcs.cornorot Tnlrd and MalnMreeta. jyjl. II. SNYDER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Orangovillc, Pa. Office In Low's lluliainir, second floor, second door to the left. Can bo consultod In German. nuc 18 '81 E. SMITH, 'Attorncy-tULfiw, Berwick. Pa. Can bo Consulted in German. ALSO FlltST-CLASS PIIIK AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES llErilESENTEl). 3"0fllcc first door below thu post olllce. MISCELLANEOUS. c a HARK1.EY. Atlorney-Jt-I.sw , oftlce la nrower's building, snd story.llooms I) BUCKINGHAM, Atlorneyal-Law XV.omco.llrockway'sDulldtnB'.lst floor, CloonisBure, Ponn'a. may t, '60-t f B. McKEEVY, M. D.,BurKeon snd I'liy .slclan, north side Main street.below Market A. h, FKITZ, Atforney-nt Esw. Office . in Coluhbun llulldlnc, Juno 4 "SJ. Q ,M. DRINKER, GUN & LOCKSMITH Bewmg Machines and Machinery of all kinds re paired. OriKi Uocbi Bulldlne, llloombbure, Pa. D R. J. C. RUTTER, PUYHICIANiHUHOXON, Office, North Market street, Bloomsburt, P. DR. WM, M. RUBER, SurKcon and Physician, omco corner of Uock and Market street. JR. EVANS, M. D., Surgeon and . Pbyslomn, (Ofllco and ltesldenej on Third street. JAMES REILLY, Tonsorial Artist, again at his old Btand under KXCUANOB nofKb,and has as usual a Flltsr-CLASS UAUUBlt shop, lie respectfully solicits the p&tronaiie of his oldcustomers and of the pupllo generally. )ilyH,'80-tt EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TDBBS, PROPRIETOR L00USBUBO, PA. OPPOSITE OOOUT HOUBB. Large and convenient sample rooms, llatb rooms hot and cold water.aad all modern conveniences AGENTS Wanted Jr-SXmbiiw Is" lapiiui lin. Iirv.k J...r,h.r: I Jkersl Mat. H'.jI.,. iWniH. U; u, f.. 1 uunii bi., ri.ii.j.uJiU, r. June .-ly aid alOIIIWHIIlAllllIliaili. 1utCouKh byrun. TMurcd. Hl.dbTdnmU'JL JAU -19. !P1 0. E.EIiWEI.1,, i , J S BITTENBEWDER, "oprlater. Li 1,1, C. Medical Superintendent of the Sanltatiura. Invalid's Homo. Bloomsburg, Pa., Devotes special iitteiitloii to Epilepsy, Nervous Affections, and Diseases ef Women, I'nllcnts received nt tlio Sanitarium 1 reasonable terms for hoard and treatment 1,1 S,"7??c.1"iru for nr3t consultation, npr 27, '8;l BLOOMSBURG PLANING HILL ni?liSii'J.S?Sr"tnellih5T,ur pul Lls 1''l"llDB Mil , niuu J ui WUIR IU 1113 IlUL' FRAMES, 'SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished nt reasonable prices. All lumber used IS Well Ri.ftJtnnpri nnrl nnnn .l.m.... . ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS Imin ed on, "PP1""""". Plans and s pccinca r.v,...,.... UJ uu vA,iunt;ut:t'u eiriiuLjuismau. CHAHLtiS HItV, niooiiiNbtii'K, I'si, GAS FITTING, STOVES AND TINWARE. :o: E. IB. BROWER Has Durchasnd the sto'k and liiisineiw nf t. iTn. cenbucli, nnd Is now prepared to do all kinds of work In his lino. Plumblnc nnd (las Kitnni- a In n great yarlely. All work done by EXPERIENCED HANDS. Main street corner of Kast. nLooMsuirnc, ia. Iff. S. TXttTGLBY, IT Is now fully prepared to fuiniih SUITS MADE TO ORDER, FltOMTlIK BEST MATERIAL, IN THE MAHKET AT REASONABLE RATES ALSO TO FURNISH Rcady-Madc SUITS MADE TO MEASU1IE, AM) As Good & Cheap AS CAN BE HAD AT ANY Ready-Made Establishment. Orders taken for shirts, imule from measurement. M. C. SLOAN & BRO., H1.00MSIJUHG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, PHAETONS, SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, &C. Plrst-class work always on hand. REPAIRING NEA TL Y DONE. Prices reduced lo suit the times. "y 11. house, DENTIST, J5i.ooiisiiL'iti;,Coi.u.MiiiA Countv, Pa. A 11 st les of work done In a superior manner, work wai ranted as reprosenlod. Tbktu Kxthact xu wirnocr 1'iin by the use of (las, and tree of charge nhen artificial teeth are Inserted. Offlce over llloomsbure llanklnc Comnani. 'Jo be open at all hours during the dai Nov, MJ B, F. SHARPLESS, FOUNDER AND MACHINIST. NEAR L.& 3. SEPCT, BL00MSBUBO.PA. Manufacturer ol Plows, Stoves and all kinds of Itoom htoes, Stoves for heating stores.schooi houses, churches, . Also, hirno stock of re pairs rcircii) biuvesoiaiiKinas.unou'saioaud retail .such as Flro Hrlck, Orates, Liav,centres,Ac.,stove Pine. Cock llnlli'i-s. Mulders. Cuku l'laies. I.nrL-R Iron Kettles, hied Soles, Wagon lloies, all kinds 01 now 1011M a, moNiu nojrcis, nous, riastcr, salt, u ilitl UT, fcb8t-f T?REAS BROWN'S lJSSURANCE X AOBNOV. Mover's new bulldlnr, Main sireei, iiiuoiusuurg, 1 a, Assets. .tuna Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn. IT.OT9.i24 ltojal of Lhorpool Lancashire iu,( 0,000 Klre Association, I'lilladelphla 4,105,11; PncDnlx.of London 6,ic,3T'i London A Lancashire, of England l,7ua,97 llartforl of Hartford 3,3T3,0O0 Springfield Flru and Marino s,0ii,6S5 As the aeencles are direct, policies are written for the Insured without any delay In tbo oftlce at woomsuurg, uci. g, oi-ir F IRE INSURANCE. CHIUSTIAN F. KNAPP, ULOOMSBUUO, PA, I10MK, 01' N. Y. MKUUIIANTS', OP N KWAIIK, N. J. CLINTON, N. V. PKOPLKS' N. Y. KttADINO, PA. These old coHroKiTioHs are well seasoned by age and rim tistio and have never yet bad a loss settled by any court of law, Their assets are alllnvested tn solid sicosirnsand are liable to the haiard of fiki only. Losses raoMrrLY and uonistlt adjusted asd paid as soon as aoiermineu uy i;uithn r. KNirr, sriCUL aqint iu Aujuarn uwoii nun. Pa. The people of Columbia oounty should patron ize the agency whore losses If any are settled ina pain or one 01 meir uwuciuiuu. PROMPTNESS, KO.UITY, rAIU DEALING, B. 1 F. HARTMAN KirSKSINTS Till 101.LOWIN0 AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES North American of PhlUdelphl.t. l.,lltlUIV!l1ll.l. " " York, of I'cunnjlvaiiliv, lluuoM'r, of N. Y. Naceas of lmdon. )orih i.tMi, of wndor offlce on Market sreet, No, f, Blosmsburg, lie mnmmii DAItBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A lfnmcliold Arllrln for Vntrersnl l'nmlly Use. l'ir Srnrlct nnd Typlmtil I'oviirs, lllplilliorln, Sill I vatloit, fjlrerntei! SnroTliroiil,Slnnll I'm. itniloa. mn.l Eradicates MALARIA. It," Sf P,1KlV1,'" I)1,ene. Person, waitlnffon ...v u.v .nuuiu uic u ircciy. ncariet i ever tiAt neer ljen known to ipread nhcre llie l luM wa mti. Yellow fever Ha, lcn cured llh ll uHer black vnnilt llild tiikcn pluce. The wont caie. of Diphtheria yield to It. rcerrdandMcklVr. SMALI.-PO.V sun, refreshed and , and lleilSorr, prcrrnt- riTTINtl i.f Small 4 nSi!i!ns wi,hi,7'iti:vj:NTi:i, Ilnpuro Air made I A member of my fam. harmless and purified. !) ,WM 'aJ1'" "h I'orSoreTlirimtillsa ?",?V'P0,- 1 used the sure cure, fluid i the patient was Contncliiil destroyed. n?t oelirloui, was not l'or 1'niAted feet, P'lted, and was about Chilblain, 1I 1 u k. 'he house araln In three ClmfltiB,, etc. weeks, and no others llliMimatliim cured. hld "TU; !, Pkk. OOIl ,VIUlUIJOIllplcX- '"'"". ""auciyiiia. auuw KkUl CU UJT U, USE. Rldp Fever prevented. To purify the llreulli, Cleanao tlluTecll. It can't be surpaseu Ciitnrrh relieved and cured. Kryslpclii cured. Iluril,relievedlnttAnty, Diphthoria Prevented. m" "nliV,-"cut od , u" ""bys' tTuid ve ; K!d. IZ "h.v.. tuccewfulfyln the treat- The phyttcLtni here Scnn v n.mi r ' mentor Oiplither a. AnA"..ldUrtCforAn!,nal A' """":.. or VesetaUe Poi.onJ, Greensboro, Ala, Stings, etc. Tetter dried tip. I used the fluid during Chiilera presented. our present affliction with Ulcers purified and Scarlet fever with de- healed, clJed advantage. Ills 1 caesif Death It Indispetutlile to the sick- should be used about room. Wm. f. Sanu. the orpse it will ford, f.yrie, Ala. prevent any unplcu- ant smell. 1'hi flnhimtt l1,v. Klelan,,I..MAltIOK M.ltS, SI. I)., New Yorlt, says! "I am convinced Prof. Darbya ropiij incite i juiu ts a alujtle disinfectant." VanilArlitlt TTt,t.-,.Hut... ... I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof. Darbys Prop hyUclIc f luid, As .-. disinfectant and determent it is bolh theoretically and practically superior to any preparation witli which I am -qua.nted.-N, T. Luiton, Prof Cliemistry? Diirbyn l'luld I, Iteeiinitneiiileil by Ion. ALitXANnnR II. Sti:mii.ns, of Oeorcia SiiSJeiW 1JCbU,' 1UJ" Church 5r ih. teLA3C?71,'Co,unJ,',jrrnr.,Unlver,lty,S.C. kI.' r J- i A,.Tl"' 1 r: f :M"C" Univeri tyj Kev. Oeo. t. Pitucii, llnhop M. l;, Church lNiHspijNSAiir.i: to i:vi:itv iiosic. Icrrectly harmless. Used Internally or ti n "'na"y .Man or lU'ait. The fluid ha, been thoroushly tested, and we " to1"!" "'''""' "' l has'done everylhi,,". here cla mcd. f ,r fi.Il. r Information set of you Druggut a pimphiet or send tj the proprietor, .i. it. ziai.i.v .t co.. ll.iinfactiirin Lhcmists, l'lIILAlir.Ll'IIIA. A'JEUSI, (.2 ly A NOTI1I) IUIT tlNTITWll) WOMAN. LlVom tho Uobton Globe. tn .lUiveliid rood likeness of Mrs. I.j-fM E. rinfc ' ii i l.yim, Mius., who above all other human ltoK l TtlifullycnlUdtho'ilcarFrlindorWotnan," tms.n 1 1' of Iut torrfGpoiulent, lovotocall her. Sho 1 . i ilj Ovotod to her work, which lJ the outooino i ; i. i . tn ly, nnd Is obliged to keep ! Udr ..l.tnr.t, to lulp her nnswertho large eorrifpomlenro vii.i.11 il !v pourh In upon her, each bearing Its ,ih-c!&1 Itip: a . ( ii -o la?, or Joy at rdenro from It. Her ViT"ti,Mjc riiiuuiid lia mcdlelno for pood anil not eil l.urp. ik'S. I have personally luvmtlcnt, dltanj ma t I'.cil ef the truth of this. (i.i .rc.,'int tf It . proven merits. It I. reeomniendod anil imi illm 1 by the Wiit phyalelau, In tho country. Ono siym "It works llko a t harm and naves much pln. llv 111 cure entirely thovorstfonil of falline of tlio uura., IueorrticM, irrticular and painful Mensliuatl. n, all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and necrathin, fliKidlni?., all Displacements and tho con ee.U(nthplnal weakness, and U csjiceialiy adaiUd to the Change of life." It i imraM every portion of tho rvstem. and rive. new life and Itfor. it li moves fulntnebd. Oatulenex, ueiruj sail craving ror stimulants, and relieves weak nehs of thoitomach. It cures llloatlnf?. Hcadaehes, KenoimrroBtriition, General Ileblllty, SleepleiwneES, Ueprenlju nnd Indication. Tliat feellnB of be'arlnir down, enuring pain, nelrht and backuiho, is alwa)9 l nnanelitly cured by its uso. It will at all tlmi , and und'-r all clreuinEtanccii, net In harmony with tho law that j;o e rns the female system. It entti i y 91, r bottlo or nil for S5.. nnd li sold 1, druptr. tn. Auy ailvleo rciulrcdos to special cases, and tho names of many who havo been restored to perfect health by tlietiso of tho Vieetal,loCottiround.canb obtained byiuldrca-lnirMrs. P., with stampfor reply, at her home in Lynn, Mas. I or Kidney Complaint of cither sei this compound la unurpased as abundant testimonials show. Jlrs. JlnLliam' rilis." snys ono wi Iter, "are tfielest In the icorhl for the euro of Constitution. lllllousncsu and Torpidity of the liver. Iter Mood l'urlflcr w oris wonders in Its fikcloI line and UJs fair to eiu.-.l tho Compound In ltd popularity. ah must respect her as an Ansel of Mercy hon,i ..! anibltluii Is to docood to othbrs. rmialelphla, 1'a. (J) lira. A. ii. U. DR. J. MARC HIS I, UTICA, N. Y. 7 DiscovEnun of 'mi. MArtcmai'3 CATHOLICON, A POSITIVE CURE FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS. This remedy will act In liarmnay with the fe male astern at all time, and aim iimncdiAtely upon the abdomlual and ulerlno muscles, and re store them to a healthy and strontr condition, Ur. Slarcblsl'is Uli rliio Cathcllcon will euro f all luff of the womb, J,eucurrlera,;Clirnnlc Inflamma tion and Ulceration of tbo Womb, Incidental Ilmorrli;e or f'loodlti!?, Painful, Rupiiretsed Ai.d Irregular Menstruation, Kidney Complaint, ll.rri Dness and Is especially adapted to the chatigo of Life. Send for pamphlet free. All fellers of Inquiry freely answered. Address as abate. Fur sale by all druggists. Ne.vl70 St per buttle, (IliUIn HI. ol). Ilo sure and aslc lor Dr. War chlsl'a Uterluo Cathollcou, Take uouther. Moyer llros., Wholesale Agents, llloomsburi; Pa Juni'J3-ly. nits FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSTIPATION. '"ItrviuConBtitiiUon. and uq remedvliu ever Ua oilier Al&caaa la ia crovalent In ihla nnnn. JicauAUoa tno ctiicoraiea tianey.wort m a oure. VbatoTer tho caiuo. however obatinat J tho o&atj, thu remedy win overcome It, X nil EC Tllia dUtrosaimr com- 5 1 i I mm m w plaint U very aDt to be H ooiDUcated'witUoonsUpaUon. Kidney-Wort ,j itroijthcna the weakened parUoud quioklj .9)curc3 all kinds of Filet even when phyiiclan i sUiu mcuituuvsi iutva vuiurv iiuivui I t ftf'lf you liavo either of these trouble. ;1m7CS0I. I USE Drucglnf Pell SOB AiNWmairr i: co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, PllIl.ADKI.l'HIA TKAB, HVIIUPS, UOPFEK, SUtlAIt, MOLASStB, R1CI, 81'ICrS, lllCiKU BOUA, AC, 4C, N. E. corner Etcond and Arch btreets, IwOrdcrs vtll rocclvo vromptftttenUoit Scarlet Fovor I Cured. S i0m DauElitGrs, Wives, loiDersi ifwiriT, -n TfTwrnrw. BL00MSBUI1G, PA., SELECT STORY MY ONE LOVE PASSAGE. JIV S. A. S. oiiaTthu I. I wish I could so dusoribe my moth Hint. Villi Miintllil ri.'iti',. it,, IT i lift - euu nHiei- ;ns of her niitiiro nnd tho )Icantittiusa Of Ii. , . - ...... iiieiiiiiui luight, of clcnr coiiiiluxion and soft i ui wavts. null wn, it lilt mwii iiilir, mill ll liico lliat lnIUI'l'(I out a broad and ratliur low, mi a smaii ami iK-aiitilullv shancd cli Inn. She was fair to look upon, dear iiiuuier, inn, uur iiu.uiiy was not htT greatest charm. Tliuro was about hut an intiescribablu bnjhtucss and fresh I1C.4S that lnrniliiliil nun ,!' .... sliino and sweet morning air, and that UAitlwul nti.1 i1ifiin.1 n...l ! . f "wvttve, uu enwiHi ..llll lllVlirOIilletl as only snuslnno and imru air can oho charmed mo from my mournful grieving after my lost sisters, and o ' hi-i uiu natuio descended tome 1 was always iu n n iiin rriMMiiti&a tin, U.UIII BP I IIP. IM'OfM n tli.ilnnnhnl.i - ..iviitiiuiiWIJ clnld I passed into a serious, self ison. f .111 Hid ...... w.. I units. i. irviuiiiim yiHIIOOUj Willi 1IH UM i lllltltl MPJ. (Klirnc fiin.,.l snips, erratic energy and pretty bash fulness llrt llfiJt lit HIV !lfi M,... . tunes I have grieved that it was H0 for I havo thought that this abseiiuu 0f unu jinaso ot existence niadi) ni0 an imjierfcct woman, and pruvpntcd mo jiuaMjssiiig some oi tne nigst en ilearing attributes of my own scx. lillt I trrinvn nn liiumn' nt, . . t t uiiK ot my mother, I wonder much Him ner origin iace to look upon ..... ue.1 wiHu anil cncciTiil words to ision to, i ever grieved at anything. there is a tune when a mother's love, is nut a secom .irv nn nn.l .t.;. .: camu to me in my 20th year. Until uivn, iiitnoiimi i was rich and hand soma and knniv nil ii... ..:..i.i....i.- for miles round, nobody had cotno to fV S'tiall OSr,nt( n.lfWd in nun . ciiaugeit naiuis, ami its new possessor was introduced to us. 1 i i ------ w.w.. V" win WlliWU lie was of miililln mn ii.;.. and diRinlied, and was often by my side Ho had traveled much, and for mo his conversfilimi Wi ,.... . . ) , ...... iv..t .mutual. And there w.n in his eyes a clanco of fitimv... o f!..., t.. , ...... "-b.M ' unit, Lecuiet. to ki idle in me a corresponding energy. In his i count sing Doner than when with others: convnt-Rinrr tt-iM, i,;,., t seemed to acquire an eloquence that at times startlcil mvaoif . i,: ... ,n . ...j.,v..., ui.uelll- siilerod opinions found an echo in mv untvained mind ; his lofty thom'hts were my thoughts. I did not stand in awo ot nun, such as somo women do for lovers superior to themselves. I was simnlv lifioiJ nl,n., ,tr . . ..esi.u ll.VOU.t illlU Dlaced iiDon thn R.inin ,i., ,:.t. , T 1 . I'M.I.U Will, llllll where I gazed upon him as equal g- equal, and felt a ivnem n,.,1 l,,n, . .. ' ' jinu I.I.IIIU- elation of his talents and good quali- I know not. wlin.1 T i:,i t love him, but I know that one evening, as ho bade mo goodnight, my heart Muttered, and when I sought for a rea son for this unusual symptom, I blush ed and was ashamed. Nor was I loner troubled with fears of being an old maid, for tho next morning he "avo me tho right to lovo him. Wo sat in thn bright spring shone cheerfully in, lighting up the dark wainscoting, and placing in brilliant relief tho high carved mantelpiece, where grinning tjuuim iaccs stared and leered and iieeped from ers, leaves and corn. htCDlien Stood liv lin l.n.l l.nn., , "J I lli,sj lVUIl patiating on the beauty of tho work manship. I looked at him, and I saw also the grinning heads, and their gro- teSdlieilCSS to the calm, manly beauty of his face. As I looked, an earnest and kindling light beamed in his eyes ; instinctively I rose from my seat, attracted by that glance. Ho took my hand and said : 'barah, bo my wife; I cannot live without you." I1IS lllCU Elowed llkn a nlnml nt ESCt. I lnnL-,l ,m ir , i t. ,,w iiiuit, J1U .III, II JM arm around me, and whispered soft- "barah. VOI1 Ifll'n 111 A vMiv tuini't . says so ! it was beating under his hand. "It says you lovo me, my own, and I worship you 1 Darling, speak j ouu little word will bo enough !" My head was on his shoulder, and I murmured "Yes." Ilo clasoed fn. I - - vs-SJV. Illej Ml MIS, I lJieil I t lOIKi'llt. r nm fnnliuli- l.n 'm "0- iiuiioh- uiiti la IlOt ii fltttllfr aiNWWi" nrwl T fi.nsl self from Ins embrace, and stood calm and dignified, and said, with all my heart in my voico: 'vnepnen i lovo you ! ' "Heaven bless von mv wif.. I" One kiss, nnd wo stood silent, ealm. mg our excitement. l'resenlly we sat down and talked of the future, of our unchanging love, and of tlio great happiness tho coining years promised. When ho left mo I hastened to my mother. Sho was delighted, and her eyes sparkled witli pleasure. When I went to rest that night joy at being so beloved prevented mo from sleeping. Wo wero to Do marred in the an tuinn. The days passed very swiftly ; there was no hindrance to our happi ness i wo were both rich ; tho future lay smiling boforo us, whilo the present was full ot delight. I loved Stephen with all mv heart. Ilo said ho loved mo devotedly, and thero was nn admiration a sort of worship with his lovo that is so dear to woman. Ho said I was tpieenly, and that I was a glorious creature i and I held my head higher, and was more stately than ever ; and when I looked in tho glass I saw a beauty in my faco that 1 had never neon thero before, nnd I exulted in my good for tune, nnd thought in my foolishness that no woman had over beforo been so happy, Thero wero festivities hi our houso tliiJh, and tho grinning goblin faces looked upon gayeties they had not scon since tho firt years of my moth er's married life. Wo welcomed nil our friends nnd neighbors, and mndo llierrv. Mv mother ilntiirniiiiml Hint tho last mouth of mv stay at homo l 1.1 1... . l. " . i V .tt. . nnyuiii uu us nappy una ueauiuui nntl bl'lL'tit. nR inunh I'.iiimninv nml n linn taste conld make- it, but, alas I her in tentlon was frustrated. A Hchoolfellow nnd deaf Jrieml of FRIDAY, JULY 13, my mother's had been for fomo years a widow, and at that tiino w received a letter to say that sho was dead, and had bequeathed her only child, n girl oi ii, to my mothers lovo and care A few tlavs later Anitln Fnrsvtli nr. rived, and her grief and her black ciouies inrovy a gloom over us that llOtwithstaildlllD' our nitv nml hviii pathy for tho poor child, wo felt was unwelcome and oppressive, Poor Annie cried almost incM'.nnllv at nisi, ma niter a low days she would look uji into our fnecs with sadly mournful eves, mill sav sho was anrrv sho was ho unhappy, but sho would bo ociter soon. Dear mother charmed and consoled her as she had charmed nnd consoled 1110 ill fhll 1,wl u'l.n.i my fnllw.r nn,1 sisters died. and now nntl then thorn was a smilo in tho beautiful bluo eyes, and mo paio, pinciied laco grow pretty and youiiuui, anil I Degan to hope tlut when her sorrow had worn llsolf out. sho would prove to bo a merry little sprite, and I reioieed that sho was there to tako iny plaeo in the old homo wnen i ion it lor tho now ono. My mother loved her already, and would easily take her to heart as a second daughter CHAPTER II Annie's coinnlexion was verv fair. her features small aud roiriilar. and her eyes laix'e and beautifully blue, with a i:...:.t ,! . .. nm in, rivalling expression m incm. iter nair was ot pale gold, tailing in nmsei of curls about her neck. She was small, slight and singuhily graco- iiu, itiiu mere win an intangible some thing about her that claimed from every one a special tenderness. 1 liarticillar v recominuntlnd IW In Stephen's kindness, and ho good-naturedly told her stories and did his Dost to divert her mind from its sad memories, and he succeeded well. Sometimes, when ho talked to her, she wouiti look up into his faco with a wondering, reverential expression in her mournful eyes, and then I was more proud than ever of his talents, and more than ever thankful that ho was my promised husband. At lirst, when I sent Stephen from me to talk to Annie, he went with re- gret ; a little while, and there was no regret : and then, oh 1 woeful thought, I fancied he went with pleasure. Once, as he sat by her. chattinrr and amusing her, I thought he looked liko her father, and I moturod him in thn future adapting his conversion to tho intelligence of a littlo child who should call mo mother, and bringing blight smiles into her face and overshadowing her with loving kindness and protec tion : and my heart grew warmer, and I loved him more fervently than over uotore. And, as watching him, I withod that my lovo miuht crow as great as his goodness he caught my eyes and his faco colored. A chill ran through mo ; a fear, in definite but terrible, oppressed tne. I went into the garden and walked anion.'' the ilowers and trims, .and lot the fresh evening bree.o blow upon my head. I tried hard to collect my thoughts, but I could not. A strange doubt, dread and horror dossimsi-iI nm. T could not think I seemed to have no mind I could only feel. I walked down the lir treo avenue. Its darkness claimed kindred with mo. It led to an open irlade. whore a fnnti. tain sparkled in the setting sun ; its waters fell in jowels of many colors. I saw them not, but throwing myself on the grins rested my head on the cold margin of its marble lmin. Presently my hand played with tho cool water ; then I bathed my fore head with it, and scon 1 found mvsnlf counting tho golden fish that sported in its cool depths and watching their gambols. I vaguely wondered 1 low many nean broken women had bathed their foreheads in that fountain. Thou I remembered an niifiostreas of mine whoso betrothed had died on tho eve of her wedding day. I saw her thy by day at tho foun- tain, and each dav more shallow v nml etheral, until nt last her soul passed r..n... t. .!.. f ' ..uiii inu niusio oi us waters to tlio musio of tho beautiful snirit land nml her friends found tho frail body on tho turf, tho hoad on tho fountain's mar gin, its eyes seemingly gazing at tho fish, and its long curls iloating in the water I remembered this clearly nnd was thankful. My mind had como back the strange, hatoful madness had pass ed away : but I bathed my head again ind again and kopt very quiet. 1 was nfraid of myself. I know that I hail been jealous and I scorned mvself : yet I was such a poor, weak thing tnai. i must, ireat, myseit caretuliy, tenderly, lest I fall again into my past foolishness. I sat by the pool looking into its waters. I pressed tho green leaves of tho water lily against my forehead and its gracious coolness made mo more myself, and I looked still into tho water, bluo with tho evening sky and rosy with sunlit cloud, mid I felt that hopo and happiness endured forever: grief might come and dim their bright ness, but could do no more. I felt the demon of jealousy had en tered into me ; I was humbled and ashamed, and I longed that evil thoughts might pass from me, and I grew calm and rational oneo more. Tho peace of night settled all around me. An odorous perfume filled tho air, nnd darkness camo down ,sku a protecting genius, plirouduig tho earth softly. I was nt rest. Tlio fear that hail so strangely disturbed mo was dead, Mid nnco again I believed that the lovo of my promised husband was all my own. For somu days Stephen kept nlways by my side, and I enjoyed "gain tho long conversations that wero so de- lightful to me, mid tho evil thought returned no morn mj uisiui ii my peace. Our wedding day was very near; nil suitablo preparations had been mado fair, now garments of overy description were being inspected by my friends. I was to begin tho now life with everything now new clothes, new house, new happiuo-is. Annie relapsed into hor old sadness, nnd grew day by day nnro beautiful, for her fuoo'was flushed a little, and there was iiiounifiilness in her largo oyes that touched tho gazer's heart. Ono owning I observed Stephen looking nt her, and there was that in his glance that roused nil my dread oiiro more. . lightened and trembling 1883. nt what I might loam. I vet couratro ously set myself to seek for Informa tion, htophen was nlways kind and affectionate, but I felt, with sinking heart, that hu was not the sam , that the warmth of his lovo was less than tho warmth of its expression. And onoo ag.iin I saw that torriblo look of sorrow, regret, as ho g.tred nt Annie, and my resolution was taken. I supposo tho first terriblo Bhock had brokon the forco of my discovery, for tho calamity nffocted mo less se verely than the doubt. I was rational now, and could understand my posi tion. I saw its difficulties and its dangers, nnd wanted to work my way clearly through them to tho cud I must not marry Stephen, that was cer tain, and 1 must tell him so myself. My own affection was my greatest danger. 1 felt I must show no relent ing no liniering tenderness. I must build up a barrier between us j at least around my own heart I must put a strong wall of separation through which no sound of grief could pass. His, alas 1 would open so readily to the new lovo as to need no defense from tho old. 1 would bo brave I would 1 3 Jut my sorrow lay heavy upon mo s tho air ol tho houso suffoca ted mo, the dear voices seemed mock ing voices, tormenting me. I went out amid the trees . for rest and strength. I went up the fir-tree avenue to the fountain. The sun slums, the birds sang, tho water spark ledall aiouud me was joy nnd beauty, and in my heart was a desolation as of death. I had dreamed a beautiful dream. Oh, that I could dream a littlo longer my awakening was all too soon. I lay still, wooing back tho beautiful dream ; but its thread had boon broken. I was sad unto bitterness, but my will was strong to do right and to bear my griei silently. It wanted four days to my wedding day. I must act promptly. I nerved myself to my great trial. I loved Stephen more than ever, and I felt that to make him happy I could lay down my life, or, what then seemed to bo the harder fate, live without his lovo. As I left tho breakfast room mother said: "Como back soon, dear ; this day .....i. ..... i.ii i. ..... . ' .vuuiv nu Buiiu uu wiinouL you, so we want as much of your comnanv as nos. Bible." ' ' ' I went into tho dining room ; tho mellow autumn sun streamed upon tho grinning goblin faces on the high mantel piece, and I turned from them they seemed to mock mo. Stephen carao soon. I said, as he entered, "Stephen, I have something of importance to say to you.'1 His faco grew pale; ho was about to speak, when I said quiokly : "liisten to mo tor ono moment. To mv own ear mv voiea sounded dismally hollow, but b'y a great effort i spoKo calmly. "Stephen, I lovo vou dearlv. I lovo you far too well to cause you one re gret, or to cloud your life with ono shade of sorrow. I have fell proud ind happy in tlio thought of becoming your wife. Hut I am not so now. I must have the wholo heart of my hus band I could not bo content with his esteem and affection. You havo changed, Stephen I I do not blamo you that it is so, hut I must not shut ray eyes to the consequences of such change. I must not bring sorrow upon you and remorse upon myself, so I say from my heart, let us bury the past and bo friends, only good friends, ior tno luiure. 'Sarah, have pity I" ho said. "I have pity." I resumed "nitv for myself, and pity for vou. I am savint? us botli from misery in tho future." "I lovo you earnestly, soberly !" ho replied, sadly. "I havo always loved you I If onco or twico my fancy has changed, pardon mo, Sarah I It will not do so again. I havo resisted tho temptation. Forget nnd forgive! Our wedding day is very near. I will lovo you faithfully, and uunrd vnn with a husband's fondest carol" "Stephen, ' I continued, "your heart ccld to me still. You would wreck your own happiness to try and insure mine, and to keep plighted troth. Take back that troth bo free I Go; livo where you will, and ba happy 1 It would break my heart to bo your brido now I I could not live to be coldly loved I 1 must bo tho joy of my hus band, not the cloud that shadows his life !" "Sarah" ho began. "Hush!" I said. "I will tell vo.i all. I have looked into your oves and read there what you had not the cou rage to read in your.own hoirt. I havo read there that you lovo another. 'our heart was nover wholly mine, and now it is not your own ; It lias gone from you to Annie." ins iace was uianoiied i his strong hand, that rested on the back of a chair, trembled. "Hear me. for Heaven's sake!" ho cried. "I havo nover spoken a word of lovo to Anniol Her sorrow, her beauty, her childishness touched mo : but that is past. We will soj her no more, and you shall bo us happy as you over dreamed!" "Never!" I said, fiercely : for I felt that ho was not thoroughly frank witli mo j that his love for me was weak ; and that he was only maintaining an engagement for tho sake of his honor "never! Our engagement is nt an end! Wo will go our separate ways! Hoavcn grant that yours may be n happy one I" Aud I turned to lenvo the room. "Pause consider !" ho cried, "I have considered. My decision cannot bo changed. I will tell my mother. Uless you, Stephen, you shall nlways be my best friend I" I olTered him my hand. "Uless you, ho replied, and kissed my hand. That kiss made mo shiver, it was so uold. As I went up to my room I met An nie. "I nm not going to bo married, An nie," I said. "I have changed my mind." ' ' fl nm so sorry I I thought you wouiti navo boon so happy r sho repll ed, and began to cry. 'iShu does not love him yet," I thought, ami was pleasod. I sought my mother and told hor what I had donoj nnd then her bright, cheering eyes were dull with tears, and soon sho wept as sho had not sinco my IUMI II Ut'UUI, "Mother, mother, do not be so ills tressed 1" "Vou sillier so, my darling. TUB COLUMBIAN, VOL. XVII.NOSR C0LUM11IA 0BMOCHAT, VOL, XLVII. NO IU "Yes," I said, Blernly "it is hard to bury my love to bury it dcop, that nono may seo its grave, and to hold no thought of it in my heart to put it from mo forever to bo as if it had not been I Oh, mother, I cannot 1" "Pntience, dnrling. Soon you will gain the power. My heart grieves for you, my dearest. Wo willtry to for got him," she said, gently, "wo will learn tho task together. I, too, havo Hindi! a lini. T llinmrlii T l.a.l ,,!,! . - -""..' v - ..i.e. uieiiieiii a son nnd had bright visions of the f it- mre. vo win put mm irom our minds, nnd go bauk to the old, quiet life. Wo will each ha nil to thn nil. ,.r no it. llin old time.'' "It shall lu so.'' I s.ihl 'Mu buried. It may rest in poaco : our tears i, lis jjr.svu. 1 will pill K from my thoughts. Hut thoro is a lovo that lives, and is fresh and strong, and vigorous a lovo that canuot die, and that knows no change our love, my mother." Shu held mo in h.r nrm, aim lu.alm.l and soothed inn .14 itinnnl. T n clnld onco more, nnd I wept a,vay the mvinf 1. !ll., ..,., f ' r J uie.e.ui.iua3 ui iny yriui. We sorrowed long my mother, my self aud tho gentlo Annie, who grow very dear to me, with her earnest sym pathy and pleading, child-'.ike love. Stephen had not touched her heart, and I was glad of this, although I set tled that ho should do so in tlio future. Wo sorrowed. I s.iv; vnt. it. wn. Iinnl. ly so, for we each triod to cheer the other and foruet the n.1.1 ,,1mi. n depression was upon us, and wo decid- euio enneavor to dispel it Dy ohangoot BUUIIU. We Wdlt to the HPHIlll. nmlllin rn-,.ot ocean gave us strength, and my mother was fresh and bright as tho morning sunshine onco more, and sho cheered nnd cherished tno until I was happy in a subdued fashion and could almost for get tno past. Annie grew strong and merry, but her figure was still slight and fragile, and her eyes kept their sadness, and her manner was still simple nnd plead ing liko that of a timid child. She would never grow womanly, my moth er said regretfully. It was best she should not, I thought j tho clinging plant nlways finds tlio strong support. Aud i went to my music; I could not bo idle or havo reveries yet; my euro was not quite complete. I had to keep my mind well occupied, to fill it with plans, hopes, and ideas ; to bar entrance to thoughts that should not have ad mittance. And well mv good mother helped mo 1 Lovo has "its instincts, and told her always when my mind was straying, and when it was partly empty, and forbidding remedies were stealing in, and she would rouso me with cheerful words of ordinary con versation and a look that spoke her heartfelt sympathy. Oh 1 blessings on thee, my mother; thy lovo was the joy thet knew no change: it was strong, it was steadfast, it was invigorating, it cheered 1110, it kept 1110 firm to do right, it mado my happiness. Wo had been from our old homo a year, when it was decided that my mother and Annie should return there, while I still remained with some friends. Threo months later I received a sweet letter from Annie, saying that sho had accepted Mr. Hawthorn. Ste phen and I had met as frieuds rather distant and unceremonious friends, I nm afraid, for we could not quito for get the past its shadow seemed to lingor over us. And thus Annio went from us, and I remained always in the old homo, and my dead love ceased altogether to trouble me, and if my dear mother grieved that the bright hopes she cher ished nt the first were not realized, sho never let mo guess her secret sorrow. Wo wore very happy; we did all tho good in our power with our wealth, nnd u iiiiLnuiMiuii llie! lives 01 manv nt nnr mor neicrhbors ami snoiliml tin. hint. lOUrS of manv a t.onr wnmnn liv- nrnm. is'mg to tako an interest in her children. And as I grow older I thought 1 know wny Annie Dad won Stephens lovo from mo. The shy, winning, girlish ways that had never bean mi no wero p chief charm. Thei'owerofLove. Whilo on their way homo from a mite society tho other night, old neigh bor Wicklo and wife becamo somewhat displeased. "lam not going with vou any more. Samuel," said Mrs. Wicklo. You are too old a man to cut up tho way you did to-night. The idea of any old man who has the rhoumatism so bad that ho can't put his socks 011 mornings, going to a mite meeting and cavorting and romping as you havo dono to-night. I say it's n shame. "I may havo rheumatism." Baid tho old man, "but I haven't got dyspepsia. 1 don t growl and snap at overyliody. You havo been growing woiso for the last ten years. If you didn't have tno to pick nt I believe you would die. "1 won't walk with n man that nets like a rhinoceros. "How does n rhinoceros net V asked tho old man, thinking he would catch her on natural history. "Acts liko a fool, that's how lionets," and Mrs Wioklo walked rapidly nwny, leaving tho old man several paces bo- ninu. lie dually caught up just ns young man camo walking along. "You are walking pretty fast," Baid tho old gontleinau. His wife didn't say anything. "It's clouding up," ho remarked, "it must bo going to rain." Tho old lady mado no reply, but the yuiui in. in u.uit in mu Minimum. "You aro a villain !" ho exclaimed nddressing Mr. Wicklo. What do you mean by attempting to thrust your company upon a lady who docs not want you ! It is becoming too frequent for ladies to bo insulted on tho btreets by loafers. (Jot back." Tho man Btruck at Wic'tlo. Tho old lady oluhbed hor umbrella, and oxclaiin. ing, that's my husband, gave tho young man 11 very uniiigmuea mow. Tho old man, encouraged by his wife's striku for tlio union, lumped on tho young man und held him while the rattling nbs of tho old umbrella fell on the youth's head with a sound like the railing hailstones. "Samuel, no one can break up our domestic felioity," said his wife after tho battle. 'No sir,' said tho old man, "When a man tries to destroy tho domestlu happiness of my household ho catches my onsoiidato l power of wiath. 17es op DEtTISIMq. 1u Qu Aw u 1v Ono Inrh J100 t B tWi f.lfo 50o 8 01 Two Inches.... .. SCO 4no m 800 1300 Three ini'lic.,,.. 4 00 f.on ton noo is to Four inclipfi. Boo T no oi ism tooo ounrtcr column.. Of o noo inoo is mi .ioo llalfrolumn loon 11 op 11 oo ss cm Mj onrroliimn vnoo moo noon coo) loo no Venrlr mlieHlwinentu nmnbteniinrterlr. Tran. slentnifvertlsemenuintitit be nnldforliCforclnwtt. cd except where parties linvo uccounla, Lcifnl ndrcrttnementfl two rtollnre per Inch for Ihreo Innertlonq, nnd nt that rale for nddlllonul Insertions w lthout referenco to length. Kxeeutnr'AL Administrator'. and Auditor s nol Ices threo dollars. Must to paid for when nscrtcd. Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, refill lar advertisements halt rates. Cards In tho "Business Directory" column, one dollar a year for each line. Tho Tendency to Slander. Surely nmong tho weaknesses of tho human honrt there is nono so utterly dcspicablo ns tho disposition to doprc cinto the chnrncter of our ncqunintan ccs. Thero nro many persons who go through life tinder tho (false) impres sion that tho surest wny to build up your own reputation is to pull down the reputation of others. Somo per sons nover, under nny circumstance, have n good word to say for another. If it is praise, it comas with such hesi tation ns to be half-blnmo ; but if it Is blame, it comes right from the heart, and leaves no doubt of it is sincerity- I mot a Mason at my railroad station the other day, who wore n Masonic emblem. I spoke to him ns a Mason, and ho responded in an appropriate manner. This is ono advantage of pre senting a breastpin, ring, or other badge having our mystical characters upon it, that tho wearer claims to bo a Mason, and challenges your approach. When opportunity offers, I always greet such nu one ns a Brother, nnd often mako pleasant and valuablo ac quaintances thereby. In the case men tioned, I told tho stranger who I was, and in reply, he told mo that my namo and Masonic labors were familiar to him. This was a good enough opening between us, and I soon began to recall tne names ol JUnsous resident m tlic placo from which ho hailed. lie knew them nil : knew who were living, who had removed to other parts, who had taken the rcturnless path which all of us soon must tread. Ho know who wero tho present officers of tho Lodgo, aud could oven tell mo who were the subscribers among bis feilow-mcmbors to tho Masonic Reviow indeed ho left no doubt upon my mind of his inden tity. JJ'it when I asked him relative to a larticnlar friend of mino among those Masons, "Brother II is a swindlor. Ho owes mo a bill, and I havo had to sue him. Ho won't pay an honest debt. Ho ought to bo expelled.'' Gen tly I eluded him, "that it was wrong to speak in that way of a Urother ; that tho good name of a Mason is a precious possession, and that our obli gations bind us closely to cherish each other's fair fame " Hut the more bit terly ho fulminated his charges, and I was constrained to change the sub ject. Sj much was I exerciied over this matter that I felt constrained to write a confidential letter to another Uroth er living in the same place a minister in tho church to which I belong, nnd n prudent, careful mnn. I wrote him confidentially what I had heard so pub licly asserted (for half a dozen strang ers were within hearing), and asked him for a truo statement. He replied that there was not a word of truth in tho charges ; that the Brother's charac ter was spotless ; that ho was famed for promptness and honesty in bis deal ings, etc. Tho only ground for the malicious and acrimonious statements I have heard was that as a guardian of somo orphans lie had refused to pay an exorbitant bill until the Courts should pass upon its validity. After reading this letter, I fell into a fit of musing. It is possible, thought I. that my character is at the hazard of such men Shall a member of my Lodge, going from home and falling into casual conversation with a stran ger at a railroad station, havo in his power thus to blacken me and spread nbroad such false, cruel and calum nious statements ? It is so. The pow er for evil rests in the hands of the weak and wicked, nnd who Bhall stay the fire of scandal once put out into the meadows ol human society t Oh, ac cursed, thrico accursed tongue of sland er ! Well does the Gospel writer ani madvert upon it in language almost ns bitter ns thnt which he deprecates : "The tongue," ho says, "can no man tame. It is fire, a word of iniquity ; it delilelli tDe wholo body, and betteth on fire tho course of nature, nnd it is set on fire of hell." "And tho worst of this infection of slander is that it makes its "marks indel ibly upon the hearers mind. I can never again think of that good man, who was vilely slandered in my hearing, without some discount from my for mer exalted opinion of him. He has become tho prev of tho pretty re tailer of scandal, and much as I desired to believe him innocent, he hns been to some oxtent lessened in my estimation. In fipito of my nffection for him, in spite of my better judgement, in spite 01 my very hell, 1 accept a portion ol tho scandal to the lasting detriment of ins lame. What language can I use too tevero for such uvil-iniuded men 1 Let tno turn again to tho sacred pages, and, ns 1 copy, mo reader shall say it tuu de scription does not fit them : "These aro Boots in your feasts of charity 1 clouds they nro without water ; trees whoo lruit withereth, twice dead, plucked up by the roots ; wanderiug still's, to whom is reserved the black ness of darkness forever." Miniature Mortal, llLSI'ltli'l'ION OK K SINOUI.AH IIK1NI1 IK ii.v.Mi'siiiin; cou.vrv, viikiinu. Thero is in hainpshiro county, in West Virginia, n human monstrosity which excels anything Barnuin ever exhibited. It is 11 young woman, or child, born in Pennsylvania in 1 Sti.l, and, therefore, eighteen years old, who is in everything but agi an infant. Shu is tho daughter of " Mr. John E. Miller, of Shanesvillo. A gentleman who reciintly suw her, mid learned her age from reliable authority, found lierN lying in n cradle. She is twenty-eight" inches in height, weighs but twenty five pounds, e.iunot walk or talk, nnd eats nothing but milk, which is fed from a boltle. She lias, however, a quick perception and remarkable mem ory, nntl a brief poem or sentence re pented to her once, and weeks after ngalu repoitt'd, with but one word varying, aro iscs hor anger, nnd sho frowns at the changed woid. An article laid down in the room nnd in her sight may be allowed to remain a few days ; yet nu Inquiry for it will bo answered by the child b) pointing in its direction, She is quite nu nttrno tivu baby, an 1 no reason for her smut' od growth has ever been assigned. The facts narrated uhovo seem to bu well attested, mid many physicians have visited thu child without being able to oven conjecture the causo of her cond! tiou.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers