The "Coming Cow." Tim position Hint the coming cow is to lio ono wull ndnptort for both boof nnil milk inoiluctlon wo hollvo to ho correct, if it ho not pushed too fnr. Thero (U ftti ncroasing number of tlni ry farmom who find it best to give al most oxcliisivo attention to the quanti ty ami quality o the milk given by their cowu, caring little about thoir cows lis boot makers. So there tiro beof-jiroduoing farmers who properly count it ia'disadvantago if a cow gives a largo flow of milk. This 13 truo on tho Western iilaina. It ia truo of such farmers as J. J). Gillette, who only asks for a cow that shall produco and feod a calf each year. Both theoo classes form but a miuority of cattlo raisers. TI10 most Hucoessfnl dairyinen and tho prodnccis of tho very finest beof nni maUjiinay bo found in theao classes 1 but llio great majority of cows and steers for beef are, ami long will con tinue to be, raised by men who cannot afford tj'iguoro either thu milk-giving or tho meat-producing quality. For such ineii tho popular breed must be ono with deserved claims to good quiil ity in both directions. It is quite pos sible that several breeds may in tho fu ture, bo claimants for the highest mer it for this doiiblo purpose, but the course of breeding now adopted by tho upccial friends of tho most leading breeds is calculated to develop ono of these qualities at the expense of the other. Tho Shorthorn has never been surpassed, if equaled, as a "goneral purpose cow." Ought she to loso all reputation as a dairy cow 7 Iheeders' Gazette. Beans. Tho Sanitarian is loud in its praises of beans as food. It says : Tho nu tritive valuo of beans is very great greater than almost any article of food in common use. Considering their rihoncss thoy aro probably tho olicapcst food we have, but somewhat dilHoult of digestion, probably owing to tho fact that wo rarely cook them enough and masticate them insufficiently, Iu preparing beaus for tho table they should bo first well soaked in cold Wa ter and then thrown into boiling water and cooked until of a medium consist ency between a fluid and a solid, neither too thick nor too thin. They requiio some good acid on them when eaten, and a sufiicicut amount of salt to render them palatable. They may bo eaten with potatoes and other vege tables, which contain more starch and less albumen, rather than with too much bread and meat. In Germany thero is a process patented, by which beans and all leguminous seeds aro re duced to a very lino llour, nnd rendered capable of being used as food by the most delicate persons. Wo have sam ples of this flour, which equal in fine ness the best wheat flour, and it is uted extensively in making soup for inval ids. These soups aro worth a hun dred tunes as much as beef-tea. Thero is a fottune awaiting auy ono who will prepare a flour fiom beans as iierfect as this flour from Germany, Jean-soup, rightly made is exceedingly delicious and wholesome, and ought to be used more extensively than it is. it t mm " Eggs from Europe. Two hundred thousand dozen eggs received at this port from Europo dur ing the past nine months. The impor tations havo ceased until tho "middle of September, when they will bo resumed. Tjiojiqmo supply is so. large during the summer months and the liskon impor ted eggs so great that for tho ensuing threo months none will be brought from tho other Bide to place on tho market here. Tho eggs that come to this country aro shipped from Germany and Denmark principally, and also from France. Italy and Turkey aro two great egg producing countries, but the shipments to tho United States aro not mado from them. Tho eggs corao packed in straw in long cases containing 120 doz en each. The only difference between imported eggs and those produced in this country is that tho former aro somewhat smaller and tho shells per haps a trifle harder. Tho eggs aro consigned on commission, and sold at from one to two cents less per dozen than domestic eggs. Tho lower price is on accouut of'tho size. A member of general produce house recently said to a newspaper reporter that in time egs would doubtless be sent from China to San Francisco. Poultry rais ing is an extensive industry in China, liggs would keep as long as six or eight months, although that was of courso too long, and thero wero no dif ficulties about transportation in the way. Tho cheapness with which eggs can bo produced in China made such a thing possible. Fowls aro kept on the boats on tho rivers, and, in fact, everywhere. Enough eggs could be sent from China to supply tho whole United States. New York Observer. i. Feeding Oows in Summer. The customary lois from poor and deficient feed in midsummer, when grazing is tho solo dependence for tho summer feed for tho heard, is about two-fifths of what would havo been tho yield if full feeding of green food had been supplied through the entire season. W hen a heard has been per mitted to shrink fiom draught, it not only gives less milk through all tho re maining part of tho season, but it dries up entirely very much sooner than when tho flow is kept light up to its maximum measure all tho time, nerds which are full fed, go dry on an aver age only about one month in a year, while thoso which suffer from a draught six to ten weeks 111 thu hot part of the season, with no extra feed, go dry on tho.avoraiio about threo months. Am mala pinched in the summer tret poor and wanting in vigor, bo that thoy do not stand thu winter well, and yet it costs more to winter such a heard than it does a fleshy one. To subject cows to laekof feed when they should bo doing 1 1... ..... J! !.. .. lllUir UCSl, UnilgS HIBUSILT 111 UVllJf quarter, and inflicts losses upon tho owner wnicn Keep 111m struggling wmi poverty from vear to year, and by dis tressing and discouraging, make him dissatisfied with his business, and live an up-hill journey. National Live mock Journal. 1 '- IGoon r ....1. roit a Couan. An excellent uiuthorityiiti medicine - recommends a little common Btigar as a remcuy lor u dry, hacking cough, aud gives scientific reasons for it, lt 'troubled at night or on first waking in tho ihdrning, have a littlo cup on a stand close by tho bed, nnd take a teaspoon of tho sugar j this will bo of benefit when cough syrups fail. To Hkjiovk Paint. Ono pound of soft soap, 0110 pound of soda, dissolved in 0110 pint of boiling water ; lay a thick coat (while hot) upon tho paint with a brush 1 leave it for one or two hours until it begins to Boflen tho paint, then scrap off what you cau and re peat. W hen all is removed wash thor oughly with clean water. Re-Investlgatcd, A IIUMAHKAIII.i: STATEMENT I L'l.t.Y COS l lltMKIt 11V TllllKi: IMPOHTANT INiT.IIVIKWS. An unusual nrticlo from tho Hoclifs- tor, N. 1 ., .Democrat and Chronicle was puuusiied 111 tins paper recently and has been tho subject of much con versation both in professional circles and on tho street. Apparently it caus ed more commotidti in Hochestot, as tho following from tho samo paper shows : Dr. J. B. llunion, who Uwell known not only in Rochester, but in nearly every part of Amerioa, sclit an extend ed nrticb to this paper, a few days since, which was duly publHhed, de tailing his remarkable experience and rescue from what seemed to bo certain death. Itwotild be impossible to enu merato the, porsonal enquiries which havo been made at our olllco rw to the validity of the article, but they have been so numerous that further investi gation of the subject was deemed an editorial necessity. With this end in View a Representa tive of th'n paper called oij Dr. Henion at his residence, when the following interview occurred : "That article of your's doctor, hai created quite a whirlwind. Aro tho statements nbout tho terrible condition yon wore in, and tho way you were res cued such as you can sustain "Every one of them and many addition nal ones. Few pcoplo ever get bo near the grave as I did and then return, and I am not surprised that tho public think it marvelous." It was marvelous "How in the world did you, a phy sician, come to be brought so low 1 "By neglecting the first and most simple symptoms. I did not think 1 was 6iek. It itruo I had frequent headaches ; felt tired most of thotimoj could eat nothing one day and was rav enous tho noxt ; felt dull, indefinite pains, and my stomach was out of or dor, but I did not think it meant any thing serious." "But havu these common ailments anything to do with the fearful Hright's disease which took so firm a hold 011 you V "Anything 1 Why, they are tho sure indications of tho first stages of that dreadful malady. The Tact is, few peoplo know or realize what ails them, and 1 am sorry to say that too fow physicians do cither." "That is a strange statement doc tor." "Hut it is a truo one. Tho medical profession have been treating symp toms instead of diseases for years, and it is high time it ceased. Wo doctors have been clipping off tho twigs when we should strike at the root. The symptoms I haVo justmentioued or any unusual action or irritation of tho water channels indicate tho ap proach of Bright's disease oven more than a cough announces the coining of consumption, we do not treat the cough, but try to help tho lungs. Wo should not waste our time trying to re leave the headache, stomach, pains nbout tho body or other symptoms, but go directly to the kidneys, the source of most of these ailments." This, then, is what von meant when you said more than one-half the deaths which occur arise from Hright's disease, is it doctor ?" "Precisely. Thousands of so-called diseases aro torturing peoplo to-day, when in reality it is Bright's disease in some one of its many forms. It is a Hydra-headed monster and the slight- est symptoms should strike terror to everyone who has them. lean lookback and recall hundreds of deaths which physicians declared at tho time wero caused by paralysis, apoplexy, heart disease, pneumonia, malarial fever and other common complaints which I seo now wero caused by JJright s disease. "And did all these cases have simplo symptoms at hut t "fcivery ono of them, and might havo been cured as I was by the timely use of tno same remedy Warner abate Cure. I am getting my eyes thoroughly open in this matter, and think I am helping others to see tho facts and their possible danger nlso. Why, thcro aro no end of truths bearing on this subject. If you want to know nioro about it go to Mr. Warner himself. Ho was sick tho same as I, and is the healthiest man in Rochester to-day. Ho has made a study of this subject and can give you more lacts Man, lean. Go, too, and seo Dr. Lattimore, tho chemist at the University. If you want facts there aro any quantity of them showing tho alarming increase of Bright's disease, its simple and deeeptivo symptoms, and there is but one way by which it cau bo escaped." luilly satisfied of tho truth and force of the Doctor's words, tho reporter bade him good day and cnllcd on Mr. War ner at ins establishment on Exchange street. At first Mr. Warner wns in clined to bo reticent, but learning that the information desired was abont the alarming increase of Bright's disease, his manner chnnged instantly nnd ho spoke very earnestly : "It is true that Bright's disease has increased wonderfully, and wo find, by reliable statistics, that in tho past ten years itc growth lias been 250 per cent. Look at the prominent men it has car ried off: Everett, Sumner, Chase, Wilson, Carpenter, Bishops Haven and Peck, and others. This is terrible, nnd shows a greater growth than that of any other known complaint. It should bo plain to every ono that something must uu uuuu iu Unix mis increase or mere is no knowing where it may end." "Do you think many pcoplo aro af flicted with it to-day who do not realize it, Mr. Warner " "Hundreds of thousands I havo a striking cxamplo of this truth which has just come to my notice. A promi nent professor in a New Orleans medi cal college was lecturing before his class on tho subjeot of Hright's disease, lie had various fluids under microsco pic analysis, and was showing tho stu dents what tho indications of this terri ble malady were. In order to show the contrast between healthy and un healthy thuds, hu had provided a vial, tho contents of which wero drawn from his own person. 'Ami now gentlo men,' ho said, 'as wo havo soon tho un healthy indications, I will show you 1iow it appears in a stato of perfect neaitn, nun no Biiuinuted ms own fluid to tho usual test. As he watched tho results his countcnancosuddenly cliang ed his color nnd command both left Iii m, mid 111 a trembling voicoho said : 'Gentlemen, I have made a painful dis covery j I havo Bright', diseaso of tho kidneys.' and in less than a year ho was "vou ueneve, men, mailt nns no symptom of its own nnd is frequently unknown even ny me person wno is afflicted with it t" "It has no ByinptoniH of its own nnd very often none nl all. Usually no two peoplo havo tho same symptoms, and ircouentlv death is tho first svinntom, Tho slightest indication of any kidney difficulty should bo enough to strike terror to any one. I know what 1 am talking about, for I have been througl all the stages ot Kidney uiscnse. THE COLUMBIAN AiW EMOCRAT, BLQQMSBXHlGtT COLUMBI A COUNTY, EA. " on know of Dr. llenlon's caso 1" "Yes, I havo both read and heaiyl of it." "It is vtry wondoiful, is it not !!' "A very prominent caspbnt 110 nioro so than a great many others that havo conlo to my notice as haying been cur cd by tho samo means." "You bolicvo then that ,Hriglits ill seaso can bo cured 1" "I know, it can. I know it from tho experience of hundreds of prominent persons who wero given up to, . die by t.-.l. .1 . t ! I. 1 ! limn -.ucir pnymuitins nun inouus. "You speak of your owil experience, what was it 1" "A foarful 0110. I had felt languid nnd unfitted for business forycars. Hut I did not know what ailed mo. When, howovcr, I found it was kidney diffi culty, I thought thcto was little dmpu nnd bo did the doctors. I havo wnce learned that one of tho physicians of this city pointed mo out to a gentleman on the street one day, saying, 'there goes a man who will be dead within a year.' I beliovo his words would Iihve proven true if I lind not fortunately so cured nnd iHed tho remedy now known as Warner's Safe Cure.'' "And this caused you to m.initfnu turo it 1" "No it caused mo to investigate. I went to tho principal cities, saw physi cians prescribing and using it and I therefore determined, as a duty I owed humanity and tho suffering, to bring it within their roach and now it is known in every part of America, is sold in every drugBt ore and has become u house hold necessity." Tho renortor left Mr. Warner, much impressed with the earnestness and sincerity of his statements nnd next paid avisit to Dr. S. A Lattimoro at ills residence on Princo street. Dr. Lattimore, although busily engaged upon some matters connected with the State Board of Health, of which he is ono of the analysts, courteously answer ed tho questions that were propounded him : "Did you make a chemical analysis of tho caso of Mr. II. II. Warner some three years ago, Doctor ?" "Yes sir.; "What did this analysis show yon t" "Tho presence of albumen and tube casts in great abundance.'' "And what did the symptoms indi cate r "A serious disease of tho kidneys." "Did you think Mr. Warner would recover ?" "No sir. I did not think it possible. It was seldom, indeed, that so pronoun ced a oase had, up to that time, over been cured." "Do you know anything about the ictncdy which cured him V "Yes, I have chemically analyzed it and upon critical examination, find it entirely free from any poisonous or do leterious substances." Wo publish the forgoing statements in view of the commotion which tho publicity of Dr. Henion's nrticlo has caused and to meet the protestations which havo been made. Tho standing of Dr. Henion, Mr. Warner and Dr, Lattimore in tho community is beyond question and tho statements they make cannot for a moment bo doubted. They conclusively bIiow that Bright's disoaso of tho kidneys is one of tho most de ceptive and dangerous of all diseases, that it is exceedingly common, alarm ingly increasing and that it can be cured. Clippings tor the Curious. Quack medicines havo been taxed in England since 1783. Fulton's first steamboat began run ning between New York and Albany in 1807. Until 1835 tho punishment for sacri lege in England was death. At that, date it was changed to transportation for life. Tho first Thanksgiving Day was in 1021, and was appointed byGov. Brad ford, in gratitude for the season's har vest. Sir John Lubbock is of tho opinion that some of the very lowest animals 1 not only perceive colors but havo pref erences in regard to them. i It is repotted in Dr. Foote's Health Monthly, that freezing often merely suspends animation in frogs, snails, insects and even fish, and thoy limber up again and arc "alive nnd kicking" when thawed out. Tho form of yielding up a bride to her bridegroom in consequence of an attack, was preserved in Ireland up to tho early part of the last century, and in Wales it was customary for tlje friends of the bride and groom to meet on horseback, the bride mounted behind her nearest kinsman, who fled with her while a pretended quarrel went on between the two paities, to bo pursued and captured when tho race had been protracted until both sides had had enough of it. Pi: as in tub Fai.i.. Tho wav to raiso tho finest quality of peas is, after tho first sowing, to 2lant them deep and mulch them, so that tho soil thoy root in is always cool and moist. In tho careless manner in which peas aro frequently cultivated thoy havo very littlo flavor and delicacy. It is so with aising what is called the snap-short beans. They aro seldom planted deep enough, nnd as a consequence have no moro llavor than a piece of India rub ber nnd aro about as tough, but tho beans planted in September, and in due tuno are lor salo in our markets, aro really delicious 111 llavor and fairly melt 111 tno nioutn. Tins is tho result of cool soil. Hut these beans planted three and four inches deep, as wo havo more than once suggested, throughout the Benson, aud mulched in the hottest portion of it, we could have, as with tno peas, these vegetables at all tunes up to November in perfection. Ger- mantown Telegraph. To Makk Nick Bhotii kou a Sick PiutsoN. Tnko a few slices of lean dried beef, put to boil in a (mart of water or a littlo more j wasn two ta ... .1 blespoons of rice, put it in with the ueet ami simmer slowly till tho rico has boiled very tender j nut in moro wntcr it neoessary while boiling 1 wjien done take out tho belt nnd add ono or two spoons of rich sweet cream, boil two or threo minutcp, pour in a bowl, ana wiicn cool is ready tor use. A Giikap Tho most impure! water may no rendered pure lv niter ing through charcoal. Tnko n large iiowcr-pot, put a piece ot sponyo or clean moss over tho hole in the bottom fill threo rjunrteis full of ctiunl paits oi clean snml nnd chnrcoal tho size of n lieu j over this limit' a woolen clotl larL'o to haul' over tho sides o the pot. Pour tho water into tho cloth nml it will como out pure. SUBSOHIHE NOW FOK THE COLUMBIAN $1.50 A YEAH. llUVIsf.ll Hear this, all ye people, and give ear all ye invaltd.1 of tho world, Hop Hitters will make you well nnd rejoice. 2. It. shall euro nil the people ami put sicknes nnd suflVriug under foot, Jl. Bo thou not (f'rnid when your fam ily is sick, or you havu IJ right s diseaso or Liver Complaint, for Hop Hitters will euro you. 1 Hoth low and high, rich and poor know tho vnhiu of Hop Hitters for bil ious nervous and Jlhewnatio com. plaints. !. Cleanse me with Hop Hitters and I shall have lobtHl and blooming health. 0 Add diseaso upon disease and let the worst come, I 11111 safe if I use Hop Hitters. 7. For nit my llfo liao t ben il eruo.l with tick' licMiimt wires, nml lint until ujturuKii wnslmrcit, by lion Hitters. 8. llo that kcepotli liMnniM from ncliliijj from Itlicum.illnn and Ncur.iljjl.i, wllli Hop Hitlers, doctli ivlsely. ' 9. 'Iliouih thnn hast snrM, pimping freckles, Bait rheum, oryMpelns, Mood pnUmln, J et Hop hitters 111 ivmoiv them nil, 10. What U then', feclile ami stek trom female rnmptnmts, wlioiteilrethnot health imil jivth Hop Hitters iiiul Is (onrlt! irrlf. It. l;lliol lienKvl tou.1 Hop Hitters briny on berloii'i Kidney and Liver complaints. la. Keen, thy tongue f ran lielnjf furred, thy lilood liurc,itndiliy siomnun frtlm indlsc-rttnn by using Hop Hitlers. 1.x All my palm and ucliejaml disease go like thnrr bcloro tho wind when I uso Hop Hitters. 14. Mark thd tniui who trtis nvttrtu dead nnd Ktvcnupby the doctors nttermlns Hop Hitlers nnd beeometh welt 15. Cease from Horrylnir about neri outness, gen oral debility, nnd urinary trouble, for lion Hitters "will rmtow you. GREAT CURE I ron RHEUMATISM As It Ib for all the painful aimuea of U KIDNEYS, LIVER AND DOWELS. It oleanBM the tyitcm of Uio (Wrid polion that causes tho dreadful Buffering which only the victims of Rheumatism con roalise, THOUSAND! OF CASES of tho worst forms of this torrlbla diseaso havo been quickly rellovod, and la Bhort time PERFECTLY CURED rniiE, ti, uqiiDOR unr, sold nr imvccisT.v 11- ury con DO senior roan. OTtX8.niCUAnriSONsCo.,IJurllnfftonVt The only known speciDo for Epileptic Fits, ta Also for Epoams and Falling fclcltnoss. Kerrous Weakness It Instantly relieves and cures. Cleanses lilood and quickens sluggish circulation. Neutra lizes, germs of disease and' Bares sickness. Cures A SKEPTIC SAID ugly blotches and stubborn blood sores. Eliminate! Bolls, Carbuncles and Scalds. tErrcrmantntly and promptly cures paralysis. Vcs, It Is a charming and healthful Aperient. Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, ' twin brothers. Changes bad breath to good, remoT- log the cause. Routs bilious tendencies and makes clear complexion, Squalled by nono In tho delirium 1 of fever. A charming resolvent and a matchless buatlTC. It drives Sick, Headache like the wind. t7"Coctalns no drastic cathartic or opiates. IlcllcTCS (THE GREIT) 1 the braln,of morbid fancies. Promptly cures Ithcu. I matlsm by routing It. Restores life-giving proper ties to the blood. Is guaranteed to cure all nervous disorders, tyndlablo ulicn all opiates fall. Re. freshes tho mind and Invigorates the body. Cures dyspepsia or money refunded. NEVERfflHlsD Dlscfiscsof the blood own It a conqueror. Endorsed In writing by ovcrtirty thousand leading cltliens, clergymen and physicians In V. S. and Europe. tirFor salo by all leading druggists. ,1.50. The Dr. 8. A. ltlctimond Jledlcal Co. Props., St. Joseph, Mo. t3j Charles N. Crlttenton, Agent, New Tork City, SPKER'S port grape mm. Used In tin principal Churches for Communion purposes: Excellent for Ladies and Weakly Per- Speer's Port Grape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. HIS OKLEI1UATKD NATIVS WINE U made from the lulcoof tho onorto drape, ratted la nils country, lis lnvaiunoie Tonic and Strengthening Properties am unsurpassed bv anv other Native Wlno. 1lo iug iuu imru juiuu ui tuo itrupu, iruuuouu uuuor Mr. Hpeer's own personal supervision. Its purity and ireaulnenosi. aro cruaranteea. The youngest child may partake ot Its Kcncruus imalltles, and tho weakest Invalid uso It to advantage. It Is par tlculailybonollclat to the aged nna debilitated, and suited to tho various ailments that nliect the woaiwHox. it is in every rospecia, winktu SPEER'S JP. Sherry. The I. J.HIIEltUY Isa wlno of Kurnrlor Char acter, and .partakes of llij rich (lualllleH uitlia grape from wlilcli It Is mute, for l'urlty, lflcu- ncss, navor una juouicinai rropertius, iv win uo luunu uuuieeiieu, SPEER'S JT. ISraiidr. JP. Tlili IlllANDY KtuniU unrivalled In this Cauntrr uuiuk lursupunuriur luuuiuiuui iiurpuscs, IT is I'UHK distillation from tho urape.anil con tains valuiiDlo medicinal nronerttes. rrapeg, from which It Is distilled, and ts In great lb UU3 u uc iu.uu imvur. ttiniiiar iu iiiul ui iuu avur uiiiuuk urai-viasa luimuua. Sco that tho Miniature ot AI.VltKI) fll'KUU. l'as emu j jd uver mu-uui k ut cuuu tutiiu. SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM AND-llY UKVJUdlSTS KVKIU'VUKHK, sept, n, vj, i-y rtji CURES Dtspeptla, lAlPWri eases. Sent b Mall on receipted 25 CU, In postage stamp,. Addrttt I DEAN & RAPE, Wholesale- Orunglsts, l . NM. 47 & 43 N. 2d St., Philadelphia. June 1 y .uAs ADVERTISERS llynddniln:rrii:0. r. llDWKt.T. CO., 10 Sprucq bi., isew sun., cm team iuu exact cusi ih uimpru- poieuiinu or aih i.nuni.Mi in American ,e jutpcrH. ft?" lllO-lillKl'lllliphl-l, iiii'. ANTK11-I.AI11KS '111 TAKI5 Ol'll NKW r.mey work nt llielr homes, In city ur coun try, .mlearii10l(HI!!ii'rwet'k, umkliijfifuod fur our Hummer und Fall irudu. Heml 13c. fur tuinplo ami particulars, in hvm an, uo., iu. r,mu i flew lork. r yiinurn J.SALTZER'S General Sowing Machine Dopot, ruth Slow Below taU & , BLOOMSBUUG, L'A. Celebrated While Sewins Made, Now Davis Vortical Feed Sew ing Machine, New Homo Sewing Machine, Household Sewing Machine, Estoy Sewing Machine, GcnuitiO Singer Sewing Machine, Singer Pattern Sewing Machine, Attachments, best Sewlne Mnchlno O 1. and Nee dles tor all bcwtnf midlines. Sowing .Machines Bold on monthly payments' Ubernl discount made Iir case, uvury mucnine purcuoseu irom me Is warranlcdtnbe kept In good runnlnir order far (ltd vcars fna (if charge, nnd thorough In structions given by tho Oust lady operator In this part of the stato free ot cliarRo. Uxamtno my stock of machines before purchasing. LEGAL BLANKS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT THIS OFFICE. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS willcure dyspepsiaieartburn, mala ria, kidney disease, liver complaint, and other wasting diseases. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS enriches the blood and purifies the system; cures weakness, lack of energy, etc. Try a bottle. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is the only Iron preparation that dues not color the teeth, and will not cause headache or constipation, as other Iron preparations will. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS I-adies and all sufferers from neu. ralgia, hysteria, aud kindred com. llalnts, w ill find it w ithout an cc(ual. MAKE HENS LAY an t'no-iuh vtiriaarv Hurtreon and Chemist now truvellatr In this country, a iva tint moit ot ma uorso una uauie rowtiern hjiu uuru uro worm loss trash. He fiiya tliat SUerlittn'a Condition Vnwrlnra urn BhunlllLHlvnuro lintl 1mm MlSelV VlU aOlo. Notn'ngouoartliwill malco u-hs lay HVo Bnertdan's Condition I'owdorH, l)03e, I toaapoon- lul to 1 pint 0)0. bom overywnere, or bouv uy mall for s letter-stamps, i. h. ,ioiison s uo. ltoSTON, Miss. ftll JanWSl-ly,- pARSONS' purgative MAKK NKW HIGH 1SL001), Ami will rninnliurlv cliaiiL'o tho blood In llio en tire syMem In threo montln. Any person who will taXe ono pill each night, (rom ono to twelve, weeks, may do reureu to houiui ueuitu, it hucu u uhhk is poBslble. For eurtnir Kfinulo Comiilulnta these 11IU havo no eciual. J'hyslcUin usu them In thoir nractlcp. Hold evervwheiv. or wnt 1)1' mall tor 85 cents in mumps. N'nu lor pauipuieu i. ci juufi nun & iu, iiosiuu, .iiuss. upr Ald-7 m09. REST I not. irj li sweenlnir oy. eo aud iltiru beloru you ill o ometa nir mltrlitv and bu o llmu leavo behind to conouer tlmo." s a week you own town. 13 outfit ireo. No risk, hvery tliltiL' now. Catlial not reuulred. We will furnish you ever tUlnc. .Many are malilne fortunes. Ladles make as much as men, and boys and girls make froat pay. Header, It you want liufcliH'fcs at which you can make great pay all tho lime, wrii" lur purtiuuiurd io u, iiallbit & uu, Portland, Malno 1) c, B, '63-lr. 'iZ lUdv ojji.uoen ii;sui(o.nul ojojnii Sitiv3 ti; 5okI )uu, onuiuuApu .iiaii oi 11 plllt I.U iilllllUlljJ jo fliu piti( K.iiJt:iI u puu 'OKOl A3AHVH ' o) 08 ,-o)o 'stipiiuwY wiutiJj ,tt6piiM I1"0 J(I ,1J0AV IlOJ0S l),,u .J13JII Suijoojx 'fliijppioj 'Sujpjg 'ilsufj SHI 'i)J00(f aiMVyW OHM ON 30 DAY'S TRIAL. TIIBVol.TAIOIIBt.TCO. Jlnrsh.111. Midi., wlil nend UK. liVh'd UBLRHIIAl'Uli KI.Kci llO.Vob. TAIOIIKl.TS and KLDCTItir AI'I'MANCEH on trial f ir 3 , d ijs to men (voting or null who nm nt fllcu'il with Nitvoih lietpliity, lwt vitality, nml kindred irnublu, etiarnnlcclnif pcidyanil com. pletii ft-atontlon ut liealtli and inaii'y via. r. Art. iiiow n iiiuvii-N. n No incurred, s 80 Joys' is niinftcil' Keb. tli -Ij r r WANTEDS MMPtllATPLYt 70 hi ri- yntinK mrti in eiun llf.l.MlltM'll V. Antftri, Ad IrrM, with ilpn i ni nui!;miA,NTi;i,r.(iii.u in . oir loud nit l itluliH irililf lln, O, Every JMcy Organ Sold is made Throughout with .. . . ... -. . . al jyquai jiacmy, ana v Yields unrivaled tones, 1 Bend for Itluttratal Catalogue, & Foidl, cHiiinol Kfew Eimg And other first class Pianos, and a large lot of in ai fi'ST MUSIC VIOLINS, ACCOUDEONS, MUSICAL BGilUIIEf TE, VIOLIN STRINGS, Aui everySlaiai hw J". SALTZEE, MUSIC? ROOM, FIFTH STOKE BELOW MARKET STREET, BLOOMS Mill WI Meadj m Ma TM Might TWIMQ WMMY&Wt SUPBRIOEITY OF Excellence of Material. PERFECTION OF L III I FT .1. Unrivalled Stock of Spring Clothing Mniiiifuctiireil llx prcfisly for mo. m. cuarnntoo i in Stvlo. :gS mill wnikinniisliiji, r---7' to lio tlio incsr. Also a Very Superior Lino of Gents' FURNISHING GOODS for Spring and Summer. THE LATEST AND NEWEST SHUNU STILES OF HATS, Just Received, at the Popular Clothing Store of D. LO WEN BERG. WEBER-HARDMAW PIANOS, FINE INLAID FKENOII WALNUT ElIN- TCI'IUN, SallNlllcllOll GlllU'lllltCCil. ij-A-aonsT's FiAosro ware booms, MUSI0 HALL BLOCK, 1VILKBSD AR51D, TA. fh tr A wrek inadi V ol", "est I III I Cl Pihllo. Cani " V man you, Ji inado at homo ry mo industrl. iiiiMness now ueioro ino pllal not needed. Wo will VOU. Men. wnmmi. hnvii nml iri. wanted avorywhero to work torus. Nowlsihe time. Xotic.inwo'klnsparotlmo, or givo your whole tlmo to the busings. No other business will pay you nearly. as well. No one can fall to make enormous piy, by engaging at once, cosily outfit and terms fn e. Money mado fast, easily, and honorably. Address Tuun Co , Augusta Malno. Hec, 8, '2-ly. WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS run tua LIVER And all Bilious Complaints, Hiifo to take, being purely cgftatlo; nocriulng. J'rlcoMuuta. AUDrugtuU Juuli-tw Tlioro is no Baking Its qualities, Medicinal and Culinaiy, guarantee Health and Luxury. Every buyer should Select an Organ That guarantees good Every day work and Years of service. IMIrll I J, ESTEY & CO., Brnttlolioro.Yt I -mBV i BOOKS, the Rtiasie liaic. BURG Pa. M. JL Oiinlltv. OASE 0IIGAN, i) STOPS, $1,0 UASII. ,Junci WISE pcoplo are always on the lookout for chances to la create lhtr carnlnpa.and In llmu twemnn wpaif hr , tlmaa who do not Improve their opoortunltlus remain In poverty. Wo orrer a great citanco to muko money, Wo want niiiiy men, women, biya ami girls to work for us rUht In th.. own localities, Auy one can do llio work nronnrirfrnm thn flrkt. atrr. ti,. buitness will pay moro y au ton' titnos ordinary, wages. Expensive out tliurnlshed free. No one who engages falls to fit fe mouoy rapidly. Yoa can devote your who'o luak to the work or only your spare mojients. Ftlmell information and al ihat lsricciiodHentfroe, a ltrm tin nson & Co Portland, .Maine, Deo. s, 'SJ-ly "THE UEQT IB CMBAPEBT.n BSCIXES. TURtTQUCDC SAWBIllS. nHMrOWtri ' ' I I ll IU CI.,,, H,ll. lsa"lloaII,inni.i lVrlierornii!i;!iu,parorlile nail I'ilwi lu JU AiUmu & U)U Cy.. 4alu,OLu! mar 23 o ' Powder oqiinl to 1ho RAILROAD TIME TABLE nUNNSYLVANIA r.A I f.KOA D. l'llll,. I AllKl.l'lUAA f.llllk 11. 11. iiivihii NUltTIIHKN UBNTJIAli HAILWAY, TIME TAHIjK. in fcffoct Uav Htli. 18S3. Trains leave Sun- uury. KASTVVAItU, 9.85 a. m'Hca hhoro Kxprcss for llarrlstiiiri: and lntermt'dlato Htntlons, Ijincnster, I'lilladcH phla, New Voik, Ilaltlmoro and Washington, ar riving at Philadelphia 8.10 p. in.; New York, p. in. i Ilaltlmoro, 0.03 p. in. i Washington o.4u p. m., malting close connections nt Philadelphia tor all sea alioru points. 1.63 p. m. llay express for HarrlAbtirg and In termediate stations, Lancaster, l'hllniiclphia, New York, ilaltlmoro ana Washington, nirlvlng nt Philadelphia 7.M p. in. ; New York, p. m, Baltimore, 7.15 p. m.i Washington, 8.40 p. m. Pull man l'arlor car through to l ullaticiphia und pas senger coaches through to I'hlladclphla and Haiti more. z.m a m. Wllllnmsport Accommodation for Harrlsburg and ail intciincillalo stations, Ijin caster, 1'hiladelpuia and uw York, arriving nt Philadelphia i.M a. in.; Now Yolk e.vo n. m. Sleeping car accommodations can bo secured at Harrlsburg for Philadelphia and Now York, Phila delphia passengers can lumaln In sleeper undis turbed until i n. m. t.i a. m. Krlo Mali for Harrlsburg and inter mediate stations, Lancaster, Philadelphia, Now York, Ilaltlmoru nnd Washington, arriving nt Philadelphia J.60 a. m. ; Now York, a. m. ; ilaltlmoro 7.10 a. in. ; Washington, o.lo a. m, Through Pullman sleeping curs nru run on this train to Philadelphia, Ilaltlmoro nnd H ashlngton, and through passenger coache3 to Philadelphia and Ilaltlmoro. WESTWAltD, 6.S5 a. m. Eric Mali for Erie and all lntcrmcdlato stations with through Pullmun 1'nlaco car nml through passenger coaches to lirlo, aud through Pullman I'alaco cars to HuHslu vU Jimpoi luin. For Canandalgua nnd llitermudlata stations, Rochester, lluaalo and Nlaguru l'.ills, wltn through Pullman I'alaca car to Canandalgua una through passenger coachos to ltochcstcr. 1.05 p. m. Niagara Express for Knno and lntcr mcdlato stations with through pahseiiger coaches to Kane. For Canandalgua aud principal Inter mediate stations, liocliosuu-, llunalonnd Niagara Falls with through parlor carlo Watklns and through passenger coaches to ltochcstcr. r.25 p. ih Fast lino tor Lock Haven and Interme diate stations, and Klmlra, Watklns and Interme diate stations, with through passenger coaches to Lock Haven and Watklns. THUOUUH TRAINS FOIt SUNlltlHY FilOM TnK BAST AND SOUTH. Nlajar.i Ecp.-uM lelvoj Philadelphia, 7.40 a, rn.; a. m., ar riving ntHunbury, l.oo p. m., with through Pull man Parlor car from I'hlladclphla nnd through passenger coaches from Philadelphia and Ilaltl moro. Fast Lino leates New York a. m. ; rhtl i-lel-phla, 11.03 a. m.; Washington, 9..W a.m.; Haiti more, 10.41 11. m., arriving at Sunbury, .V-'o p. m., with through pasienger coaches rrom Philadel phia und Ualtlmorc. Krlo Wall leaves New York s.00 p. in.; t'hlladel pnlo, 11,20 p.m.; Wmhlngion, ) p. m.; Ilaltl moro, 11.15 p. m., arriving at Suabury, 0.2 ) a, in., with through Pullman I'alaco sleeping curs from Philadelphia, Washington nnd llalltinoro and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. MIUIIVJ IMLKXON, 1 WlLKia-llAUKK lUll.llOiD NDNOKTH SC WKST IIKANCII ltAII.WAV. Mall Kast leavos Sunbury cm n. m., arrlnng at Bloom Ferry 7.41 a. in., Wlllics-barro 1) lio n. in. Kxpress East leaves Sunbury 0.03 p.m., arriving 'atllloom Ferry 0.31 p. m., Wllkes-barre 8 lu p. m. Mall West leaves Wllkes-barre a. in., arriv ing at Bloom Ferry U.oo.p. m..Sunbury ls.os p. rn. Express West leaves Wllkcs-barro s ao p. m. ar riving t Bloom Ferry 7.07 p.. m , Sunbury 8.05 p Oil AH. B. I'UO II, J. It. WOOD. ocn. Manager. Uon. Passenger Agent. . JpHILADELPIIA and READING EOA i' ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. May 87, ltJ TBIIMS LKATZ ROPEKT IS F0LI.OW8(BUNDAT mCBl'TMD. For Now York,Phlladelphla,Ileadlng,PottBvlUo Taaiaqua, &c, ll,to a. mi For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. 4 to and 7,20 p, m. For WlUlamsport, 6,15 6,60 a. m, and 4,o p. m. nuiNsroR BorKRT Lxiva is ronowa, (sdndav xscirrieo.) Loavo New York, via. Tamanend 9,00 a. ra. and via. Bound Brook itouto 7,45 a. ra. Leave Philadelphia, 9,w a. m. Loavo Heading, u,63 a. m., Pottsvllle, 18,89 p. m and Tamaqua, 1,30 p. m. Leave Uitawlasa, c,io 8,40 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leavo Wllllamsport,,40 a.m,2,oo p. m. and 4,so p. m Passengers to and from Now York, via. Tama nend and to and from Philadelphia go through without change ot cars. J. K. WOOTTKN, Oenoral Manager! C. 0. HANCOCK, General Passenger and Ticket Agont., lsst-tf. D EIjAWAItE, LACKAWANNA ANJ) WE5TK11N ItAILUOAl). BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NOHTII, STATIONS. ......Scran ton... Uellcvuo. Taylorvllle. ...Lackawanna, I'lttKtnn . SOUTH p.m. p.m. a.m. 9 10 9 09 a.m. p.m. p.m t 40 45 9 80 x 1U 6 17 v 03 8 ot 8 43 8 42 8 87 9 37 9 30 9 21 9 19 22 6 87 0 34 8 41 C 40 0 01 S 05 COS 7 02 7 10 1 17 7 S2 T SO 7 37 5 00 8 VD 8 40 8 00 9 00 6 00 8 05 6 10 8 18 8 15 8 30 8 5b 8 02 9 09 9 04 0 id 9 45 9 (2 9 09 10 03 10 18 .. WcstPlttoton 9 14 Wyoming.,,, Maltby Hennett Kingston,... Kiniratnn 9 25 8 2,1 0,1 1 SO 1 41 1 E5 1 20 1 IS 1 03 9 01 9 01 8 CO 10 18 10 18 M 2 04 .Plymouth Juno 8 10 8 07 8 00 ..i lymoutu... Avondalo ... TJantlntrn 10 20 3 02 8 47 8 39 8 34 8 17 8 13 8 00 7 M 7 02 7 41 T 89 7.1(3 7.29 I 11 3 Oil 3 10 3 18 3 33 3 45 3 01 3 07 10 84 10 42 10 OS Hunlock's creek 7 4(1 19 42 7 S3 12 25 buicKBMnny.. Illflr'fi Vnv 7 3d 1! 10 1 20 12 00 I 13 11 47 t 09 11 -1(1 7 00 11 33 S 07 11 10 B CI 10 09 I! 45 10 00 0 97 10 44 819 10 22 A 10 10 08 0 04 10 45 9 1 p.m. a.m. ....Beach Haven'. 11 07 11 13 II SO Berwick.. ...Briar Creek., , Willow Grove. ...LlmQltldgo., ITorv 4 07 4 12 i 20 4 !7 4 83 4 88 4 00 0 C9 0 20 11 EU 11 45 11 M 11 Ofi 12 19 ...Bloomsburg.. Ituport Catawl'a Bridge uuuvuia.,,, Chulaaky... Cameron.., Northumberl'd 0 45 I 11.. ra 12 40 p.m. p.m. a.ia .,... W. F. HALSTKAP, Supt. Superintendent's omco, Soranton, Feb. 1st, lbs3. UIRAMSIBLEV&CO, Turnip NEW CROP PnW, Send for fl1 CATALOGUE a. PRICE LIST. HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER N,Y, CHICAGO ILL. I79-I3JMAIN STREET. 200-206 RandolphSt. A Jt H Ifeb 0-ly PAYNE'S I O Horso Spork-Arrostlng Purloblt Hiitliiuliaaiiit Kl.lvo ft. ut Michigan I'll t Iloarda In 10 hour, biiriillur tliiha from lUu auw clglit foul Icngtln. Our 10 Ilorre vt Oimmntu to fumlih powpr to taw 8,000 fj-1 nr HemlOotc llonnlt In 10 hours. Our li Uoru uUI tut iHMlftt In Mine lime. furiil'U a Ivirae-puMir vn )i le" r.n ii pater f'n IW PfhfF 1.5 tliili tint ililb I lth ill khhhm Cut Oil, If you want u Ktalltiiiurv or l'orlltlilu Engine, lloller, C'lipif- inr ruiwMlli, Miainnii or -uhbj, i-lthcr cat r .Miuhnitt' I'atwit 'WroiinliMron Pulley, nml for our llluMialiil (utalogiie, No.).', fur liifuriiulHin mid pilcv, B. W. I'AVNK & SONS, Cuming, N.Y. UoJllJT. Jan.?, 83-iy, ii'MUlllliiir thet'ompitf t1ami),MiLUliUI. UUfTINU 44 lifl IkfiiVM liar .ii'ttf I f A lilt aL UTTA- U U Ul iriwkitua M aezanviria Seed; fa M n laBK . fr.fTlsw - taB V. I