The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 06, 1883, Image 1

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    doltLcqbikq. 1
tusMUN, Consolidated,
l I Wrclilj, rvrry Prlilny Morning, at
ATTWonnr.UM per year. To subscribers out of
the conhty tlio term", nro strictly In ndvnnce.
ir-jrti jiapcr discontinued ciccpt nt the option
of tliu publishers, until nil arrearages nro paid, but
loiilf nititlmiedi'iedllii will not uoiflvon.
All pipers svtitout of the state ift to distant pout
onices niust Iw pit (I tor In advance, unless n resuon
uihlii imniiiri In fliiltirnliliL itriutitv aiuninau tn ...,
f3 on
:io no
,18 I'O
5 CO
100 00
ono Inch.... .. I 00
Two lllClj i..l. 1. sifl
4 Ml
a mi
.8 Ml
II to1
18 00
60 0 I
1 nrre inriPTi.i.. ii
I'ourlncliCn...... Sort
quarter column., nro
llairrolumii 1000
oiK'Coluiiin,,,.. soort
Vrnriv nii.rtitfon.AntA nn, nttln miarirrly, Tlnll-
inni n.n-..rtl j-mfnla must 1 10 nalil for before lliwit
ed except, where parties havo account.
lha null
iiii k iilluitinHrtii tiiin nn .lfinn
Legal advertisements two aonars per lnni ior
thrno InerrtlniiA, and at that rtW for nddltlonal
insertions wiuioatjtslcrcnco to lontrtb.
Vinrulnr'a. Almlnltrntnr'fl. Mid Atldltom DOtlCl'B
Atuhsnc; longer oxactecl from subscriber's
ounty. , . '
nttio dou
threo dollars. Must bo paid for when nscrtcd.
Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, regu
lar advertisements bull rates.
ibbinu Department of tlio Columbian In i( ry
P. mill OUr .lOb Prlfttlnif Will rntnluirAf
. ...1. t. Ihnlnf . I.aU. r . . . "l . " Y.' ' vl '
0. E.ELWELL, lr..,..i.,,
short hJUce, neatly and at moderate prices. i '
cards in tho 'iiusiness Directory" column, ono
dollar a year for each line.
onica In IstNaMoh'd lUnk bulIdlni.Vcond floor
nrH(,rliflit. corner ot Main, and, Mar
ket Btrcels, llloomaburg, Pa, v ;
TU" fv. t'UNK,, '
oniceln Knt 's nulldln;.
omeobver 1st National Hank.
.- . , V ' 111
IIL00U8DCK0, l'A.
Ofllce over Moycr Ilros. Drug Store.
l. l wm, m. 1
Uoilca Sujoriataniant cf thi Sjt!ta:hm
' Invalid's Home.
Bloom Kburcr, Pa., ,
1 Devotes spctlnl attention to Epilepsy,
ferrous Msctlqas, nml Slstists of wencn.
1'iuioiits' received ul llie Hnhltiirriiinuin
rciisoun)lo tofas for nonril nml treiittiu'lit.
1'. S. No clmrge for first consultnfjoi:
npr 27, '83
1 1
Ofllce In llrojrerM bul'dlng.setond No. I
llloomsburg, Pa.'
Fit A, NIC ZAttH.,
Bloomsbuvg, Pa.
omco corner of Centre and Main Street CUrk 1
Cn bo consulted In German.
c ko. e. el well,
Niw cottJuoiAN DntLBmo, llloomsburg, Pa.
Member of tho United States Law Association.
i;ollecllons mado in any part of America or Eu
rope. . i x,
onico In Columbian BctLMWi, Hoom No. t, second'
"0r' HLnOMSnURG, PA.
The nndcrslgned hiayliig" put bHUiaftlug Mil
on iianroaa street, in nrsi-ciass conamon, is pre
pared to do all kind, of work In his line.
furnished at reasonable prices All lumber used
Is well seasoned and none but sklUod workmen
are employed.
turntshud on application. Plans and epeclflca I
uons prcp.trca oy an experienced araugn-Bman.
I1AHI.ES 11! tllG,
lllouniNbiirt;, Ph.
Notary Publlo
mm lii 1st. National Ilank building second I floor
first door to the lift- Corner of Miln and Market
itroets llloomsburg, l'a.
VSpPtiumm (turf Bountitt Collecttd.
Ilaa nnri-hilHi'il tho Stl'k und IlllSllieSS Of I. 11a-
genbuch, and Is now prepared to do all kinds of
woricin nis line, rmmuiuu aim ima i'uuuk
specialty. Tinware, stoves,
In a great variety. All work done by
Naln Street corner of East.
Ofllce In Malie's building, OTcrlllllmoyer's grocery.
May M, '81.
q n. intocicwAY,
Otllco In Ills building opposite Court House
2nd lloor, Uloomsburg, Va. npr 1J 8J
orilce in Niws Kin building, Main street.
Member of the American Attorneys' Assocla-
Collections made In any part of America.
Jao.D, IbS'i.
Jackson llulldlng, ltooms 4 and 0.
May, "81.
Catawlssa, Pa.
Offlco, corner of Third and Main streets.
Orangeville, Pa.
Ofllce in Low's lUiliamg, second floor, Bccond
door to the left.
Can bo consulted In (lerman. auB '8 84
"Attornoy-ntLaw, Berwick. I'd.
Can bo Consulted In German.
CTOtllco llrst door below tbe post otllce.
-i u nAHKLEY. Attorney-at-Law
j , ofllco In urower's buUdlng, 9ud story.Hooms
nunrIKOIIASI. Attorney-nt-Law
Omco, llrocicways uuiiaing . .
oonisourg, I'enn'a. may i, o-i
T n UV ET.VY. M. D.-Surireon and Phy
0 .alcian, north side Main stroot.below Market
A f.. FRITZ. Attnrnev-at.Law. Office
X . In Coluubian uunuing.
JunoM "81
sewing nacninsna raiuoijuiii ""'
puroi. uriuA uousr uuuiuun, uiwiu.i.ih
OBlao. North Market street,
BloomibuM, Fa,
i wtf v. nitilER. HurL'eon and
Physician, omce coruor oi nuv uu ,.w
T R. EVANS, M. D Surgeon and
if . l'hvslclan. (omco and Ttestdence on Third
Tonsorlal Artist,
agalu at his old Btand under EXCUANUK
nuTBL,and has as usual a piltsT-CLASS
ue resneciiuuj fluumo
patrobage jot wi old customers and of the pasua
generally. "i ' liyi "j"
J : . . r- ' Zl - 1
HIT and ffii Wl.
Is now fully prepared to furnilli
Reatly-Matlc SUITS
As Good & Cheap
Ready-Made Establishment.
Orders taken for shirts, made
fiom measurement.
. Manufacturers of r1
First-class work always on band.
Prices reduced to suit the times.
Co ntl vu tmfis,
Slrk lluutluclit',
CHirotilo lUitr
rl loin, Jiiundlce,
ItnpurHy of tlio
llloodi rTor Altd
Akiip MnlArhii
ami all DUcitftc
rniiRciiiCiit ufLUur, lluui'ls and Kidney.
Had Ureathj l'a in In the bide. Kometimet the
tiain ii kit under the hhouUlcrtUde, mistaken for
Rheumatism! lo.i of appetite i Howell
Hn rally costive, ome times alternating with la K(
tne neaa troubled uiin pain, I Uuil anj ntyvy.
ith consMenibte IftM of memor't flCCompnled
with apainful icnsatif uof leaving undone fiomethire
incn miRiu io nave ii-enuonej n URiit, ury cutign
and (lushed face Is Kotnetlmei nn Attendant, often
mistaken for consumption; the patient complains
cf wearing and debility: nervous, easily startled)
feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation
oi ine ".Kin exists; t pints nrc low ana despondent,
ami, although satisneu tiiat excrete would be bene
ficlal,et one can hardly summon up fortitude to
try It In fact, distrusts every tcmedy, Several
of the above ftymptom attend the disease, but eate
have occurred when but few of them existed, yet
examination after death lias shown the Uur to
hate been extensively deranged.
It ftliniilil lo us oil by nil pornom, old nnd
young, luicncvcr any of tho tibovo
Bjmptonn nineur.
lVon Trnvplliiff or Uvlnir In Un
lcnltliy LociilUlc. bv taklnc a dose occasion
ally to keen the liver In healthy action, will avoid
sea, Drowsiness Depression or Sprits, etc It
will tnvicor.ite liken Rlass if ulne, but 1 no In
toxlcfttlng bOM'rairi'.
If You Iinvo ruton atiytlttiif hrml ot
ulRpstlon, or feci heavy after meals, or nlnep-
iusb at nignt, take a uose ana you will ue relieved.
Time Htiil Doctors 1H1H will bo naetl
by uUvnys keeping tlio Itcgulutor
lit till' lIllUNot
Tor, whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughly
safe niirgritlvp, ultfnillve and timlo can
never tic out of place. '1 he n medy Ii barntlofi
and doi'is not luturfcro ultli buftluons or
it is vimri.Y vkoi:taiilm,
And has all the power and c'lticacy of Calomel or
QuWnc, uithout any of the Injurious after effects,
A Governor Testimony
Simmons Uvcr Ktgulaicr has been In us In my
family for some time, and I am satisfied It Is a
valuable addition to the medical science.
J. Gill Shohteh, Governor of AU,
Hon. Alcxnnder II. SteplietiK, of Ga.,
sas; l!ae derived some benefit from the use of
Simmons User Regulator, and wish to give it a
further trial.
T!io only Thine that never fall to
Iteilove. I have used many remedies for Dys
pepsia, Uvcr Affection nnd Debility, but never
have found anything- to benefit me to,th extent
Simmons Mvcr Regulator has, I sent from Min
nesota to Georgia for It, and would send further for
such a medicine, and would advise all w ho are slm
ilatly affected to give It a trial as it seems the only
thing that noer fails to relieve.
V M jANNty, Minneapolis, Minn.
I)r. T. XV, Mason nayt From actual ex
penencc in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator In
my practice I hate been and am satisfied to use
and prescribe it as a purgative medicine.
BtSyTake only the Gonulne, which always
has on the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark
and Signature-of J. II, Z MI LIN & CO.
August, S'l ly
' ilri
T d l'.-ifclllv,. Cnro
Vor nil tlut'd- tcitiiiitlti niul U'
.uvitiimou tu uurl.. t fcutulu itutilutlon.
A J! illcliip for 'ii. Imi'iilfil liv n IVimian.
rrcpnrt.l l)' n IVo
Tho CrrMM Sl-.ll.l lll..tpr, Slhrff Ihp l)4yt Wtlarj.
tVll nTlvi tlw ilr' p;iirlla, InvtorntM nnJ
h.nionizoH the organic fn ictliii., trlotixtl(.lty ami
flrmiKva to thQ.tcp, nutui Uonaturlli.tri) to tit,
eyC ao lrLinttoithuiole cWk of worn ?t frijjh
ros. sot llfe' Fprln ait T enrl .uliuii(.,r i fmo.
Physicians Use It anJ Prescribe It Freely Tffl
It romut oa falntlK-'S, lutuu-ney, destroys MJ craving
for BtlmlalJtlan(rclI9VtWl'al;n:of tli6'T.toniach.
That feellnJ of ti.-arliitf tlown, cauliiBiln, wllit
nnd liackaohe, 13 alway. permanently cured by It. uhq.
For the cure of Kidney Complulat. ofvltlier .ex
this Conipouud I.
i.yiiia r.. imvkiiam'h m.nni) ruiiirii'it
will trndicato eeiy etle or HuiiK'is from the
tlloo.1, and irlve tono and .trenKlli (o llie .)Stcm, of
uan woiuaa or ciuiu. lu'inua iia, ui iu
lloth the Compound nnd Olood Turlflcr nrc prepared
at and 235 Wtetern Avenue, Irnn, iUsu l'rleoof
either, 1. SlibotlUafor J3. Sent l.y uiall lu tlio form
ofpllli, or otlozenjea, on rectlpt of pricu, Slrlox
forelther. Mrs. rinkuamfreily aniwcrsallUttcra'of
Inquiry. EnclosoietEtainp. Scndfortumiplilct.
Nn family houl.t 1 without I.TWA, E. l'ISKIIAM'fl
LIVPU ril.lA They euro coiultpatlon, LlUousooia,
and torpiuuy or mo nrer. evius ptr uox.
S-old ly nil Ilruiiglits.'G 0)
It was n siiimliiny Mny tlrtv, with nn
iininnnso lieu booming niiitinj; tlio lilnea
niul pconlea in tliu suliool garden, nn
intense glow of golden light on tlio
gra, iitiil n. ill entity languor in tin; nil
tlml made Alice Ilopkinn hIcujiv in
spito of liersijlf, iw Hlie, sat with tlio
littlu cliil(Iru.i,H OOpy-lwoks in .1 pile
befoiu her, inscri t)iiirr tho inonthV
marks upon their envcin, nccordiiiR to
their respective merits.
Alice was scarcely moro limn a child
herself. liarely nineteen, with n
slight, young figure, a color that came
mill went at the slightest vnnaUou ol
her tiulse, and lileailint' ha.el eyes it
was tho hnrdust woik in tlio world to
assiimo the dignity that was necessary
for her position ns assistant tonulior,
"J. never saw such bauyishtioss in
inylifol" said iliss Neiiley, tho iiriu
cipnl ; "and 1 shall not put up with it,
iMiss Hopkins don't you think it I
Dignity, in tho educational line, is
everything. And I do not call it
luting to tho position ot assistant linn-
cipltl to bo racing around with the
children in their noonday games, and
dicssinir a corn cob doll on tho sly for
littlu I'riscilln Jones, to say nothing
about bursting out crying like a great
I) aliy, when liilly bniith killed tho
robiii'redbreast with n stone. Dignity,
Miss Hopkins dignity should ever lie
the watchword of our profession."
IMiss Nogly was tall and tjriin, with
heavy black liair, it sallow complexion,
several niissini: trout teeth, and somo
thing very like it moustache.
Alice Hopkins cowered betore her
severe glance
"I'm very sorry 1'' faltered she. "I'll
try io be good 1"
"Jloro like a child than ever ! said
Miss Negly, despairingly.
"1 I mean, Alice hastened to cor
reet herself "I will endeavor to seta
uuard upon my rash impulses.''
"i hat sounds moro like it! said
.Hiss iNegly. "And now, Alice, see
hero 1 I expect soinu of tho school
trustees here to-mcrrpw."
"Oh, dear," said Alice, remembering
the signal lauure ol lier class upon a
similar occasion, not so very long ago,
'It isii t another examination, I hope (
"Worse than that," said Miss Negley
"tar worse 1'
Alice lined her hazel eyes in amaze
ment. W hat could possibly be worse
than l'anny Dow spelling cat with n k
and Lucy Malley assorting that Haiti
more was situated on tho left bank of
the river Nile.
"There is a proposition on foot to ro
duco our salaries," said Miss Negley.
"Anhmllv. tn roilllrn nur srvlrtrinfl
: :.v . . . .. ..
"Uh, said Alice, iiut mine is verv
small already. Only ono hundred dol
lars a year. I don't think thoy can rC'
duco it much."
"They can reduce it to fifty, can't
thev'i" said Miss Negley, shortly.
"In that case, ventured Alice, "1
could go and bo a shop girl in my
uucle s store in tho city. Ono must
"You've no proper pride," said Miss
"Good afternoon, Miss Negley 1"
said the Jttustee, depositing his lint on
the nearest desk nnd venturing on an
apologetic bow.
"Good nfternoon, Mr. Unrthornol"
Miss Negley nnswercd, with just nbout
ns much warmth as nn icicle in her nd
dress. "I hope I do not intrude," said tho
tttistee civilly.
"Oh, not at nil" said Miss Negley.
"A hem 1" said the trustee, evident
ly ill nt ease. "It ain't easy to broach
tno business 1'vo dome on, Miss Neg
ley." "I sho.ihl think not,'' said tho Indy.
"Hut I called just at this hour, when
I expected to find you alone"
"Oh, yes, I haven't liny doubt that
you did 1" Miss Negley interrupted
him, in accents of fine sarcasm. "Even
you, Squire Harthorne, would bo
ashamed to hint at such u thing before
tho poor, dear children."
"Klif said Mr. Haithorne, instinct
ively retreating n pace or two, for
thcro was somotluni' pvthoncss-liko in
Miss Negley's attitude, its she rose and
darted her head forward at linn to cm
phasi.e her words.
I know what you re going to say,
said Miss Negley : "and I won't listen
to a word of it not ono word 1 No
ono but n set of narrow-minded misers
could have thought of it. I'll leave
W vndalc school hrst 1
Well, well, no harm done," said
Mr. Haithorne, clutching at his hat.
"If I'd havo known that vou'd taken
things as hard as this "
"How did you suppose I was going
to take cm I said Mi-s Neglov, with
a scornful laugh. "Did von mistake
me for tho dust under your feet V
"I assure you, ma am, that nothing
of the sort was in my mind," humbly
uttered Air. lJnrthorne. "I wish you
good afternoon I
Ho hurried out, remounted hm gray
steed, which, poor beast, was just com
posing itseli lor a comfortable doze in
the sunshine, and rodo off, making, to
Alice Hopkins' intense dismay, straight
for the shady cedar-woods, where she
still sat arranging ferns
ribbon oi her hat.
"There's no use trying to run away,"
thought she. "I may as well stay
where 1 am. And after nil, why
should I bo afraid of Mr. Harthorno 1"'
Mr. Harthorno checked his rein as ho
saw tho pretty young school teacher
there under the cedar. Ho nodded
"1 tne day, .Miss Alice 1' said he,
wiping his brow with the identical
yellow silk pocket handkerchief which
bad but now served as a duster for his
yes," said Aiice, standing like
somo tair wood nymph beside tho
spring. "Please, Mr. Harthorno, what
did she say 1"
"What did who say t" said the mid
dle-aged gentleman, turning scarlet.
"Miss Negley. Don t think me m
trusive,'' sho added : "but 1 know all
nbout it."
"Tlio deuce you do !" said Mr. Bar
thorne. "Why, sho wouldn't let mo
get in a word edgewise that's what
sho said. Perhaps, however, I've had
a lucky escape !
Tho Smith Family.
A Curious Tale-
How Etch and Yet How Voot.
Ono thousand Smiths were nresoiit Lin- unvnniiiw'a ntti i i-. ah u-nv m-. TiWvlmilv tnllrn of Wm. II. Vnndcr-
at a re-union held rccoutiy near urook- wi-.aus it. hilt ns n vm-v rich man. but low can
lyn, NY. A Cleveland, Ohio, reporter spent form any idea how' wealthy ho is. Un-
limy caino irom nil parts ot tho fny an hcur in conversing with a doiibtedly ho is the richest man in tho
score or moro of tlio Chinese citizens world to day. His income is estimated
nt ten millions of dollars a year, winch
world, Several undiscovered countries
wero for thu first t tno mado known by wjti, n vovv 0f obtaining information
t ho arival oi hiiuths lroin thenl. regarding tho cmeucs worn by Chinese.
boven Chinese .Smiths presented them- Thero are iu Cleveland a number of tho io vuu uuiuiiiiueu on urcuoiiwuiB coleslials who are intelligent and in
and wero tlu.y approved of. dustrious. One of these, who keeps a
1 ho only thing which occurred to laundry, is far moro intelligent thnn
mar tho harmony Ot tho lcstival was ti.n nveratm Chinaman. Hu s neat
momentaiy quarrel, between tho
Leeward Island bmiths aud the Wind
ward Island Smiths on the other. Tho
affair looked serious for' a moment,
when tho Sandwich Islnnd Smiths in
terfered and pacified both parties.
Among tho moro distinguished mem
bers of tho family who took part in tho
picmo was Adam 'smith, preoccupied
with economic thoughts nnd unable to
make change with tho car-driver.
gives him nt tho rjitd of twenty dollars
t minuto. His actual wealth is vnougui.
to bo not less than 200,000,000. Mon
ey comes to him so easy that ifho
should givn you a ten minutes hearing
ho ie richer at tho close of the inter
view bv S200 than when it begun. In
nnd clean in his dress, which H pat
terned niter ours, and ta moro orderly taking n minuto to direct a letter
in liis habits and abode than most of his money has earned for him .820. In
his race. Frpm this intelligent China- tho eiijoymcntof n thirty miuutetuuncii
man, nnd from other sQiirces, , somo in- ho is better of by S000. II ho lingers
tcresting information regarding tho at tho diuing table nn hour ho has
"pigtnir was obtained, pocketed Sl.'JOO. Should ho spend
l'or many hundred years piior to tho three hours nt tho opera ho departs just
yenr 1841, the native emperors of tho $3,600 richer. A nap of twenty min.
ir ''l5e8C dynasty .compelled the Chineso utcs increases his wealth $-100. If ho
"2 subjects under them to wear long hair gives forty minutes to bis barber ho
had just comoup from Coney Island ovur t10 wh0lo head, and wear it in a knows that he has been getting erediu
nnd spent tho day in trying to stnko a tuft or coi( something after tho man- ed with 800. Kvery timo ho breathes
ratio ueiweun uio amount oi wnicr in Pr in uli t in rul es went fa so he mnkus a dot ar. A Wlllk is worth
the ocean nnd tlio amount in tho Man- switches at thu present day. Tho to hiuv somewhere in tho neighborhood
hnltan Klcvnted Hailwny stock, nnd in flr8l x.mj,0ror or tho present dynasty, of fiftv cents. A day's incomo ropro-
calculating how long the clams on who ascended tho throno in 1C41, do- sents'tho nverago pay of ninety-six
Manhattan Beach would last if people tciuiincd to make the tonsuro of Mailt miners for a year's employment. Just
continued to go down to Coney Island chuiin, which was his uativu country, thing of it.
iu such numbers ns now. Sidney ti10 0f t10 submission of tho Chi- An oxchango speaks art abovo((of tho
Smith, who edits a comic almanac' nc80 0 CIlt:re COUntry to his author- groat wealth of Mr. Vanderbilt. It is,
printed in the interest of jicople suffer- ;ly no doubt tnlCt but, with all his wealth,;
ing with bronchial alllictions, was on jti )Vll!) ot ion after 10 iga,, t0 tuc Now York nabob is actually a poor
hand from Sheboygan, Michigan. Mr. rcig that 1,0 issued a general order man. Ho is only rich iu dollars and
Goldwtn Smith, author of a history of that carried tho greatest consternation cents ; and what money can buy, much
Tottenville, N. J. ; Mr. Addison Smith, witll jt throughout tho kingdom. Ho of which is but tho gratification of a
tho nccomplishcd editor of tljo TTnst or(icred all tho people to shave all tho vulgar taste. In many respects ho is
uwwy jinjns; ut. iiuoiu oiuiiii, uiu . r from i.-,r iea(ia evcei)t the crown, no richer than tho man who digs out
ii..ri. i ii tit., i . -i . . .
leaner oi uio jeunesse uorco oi uio aa and to allow the hair on that particular
part to grow long and dress it accord
ing to tho custom of Manchuria. It
required considerable lime for tho Chi
namen to becomo fully accustomed to
this change, but tho custom finally pre
vailed throughout the length and
breadth of the great empire. It is snid
coal from the mine ; or drives a cart
through tho Htreet. With all his wealth,
ho cannot purchase a singlo ray oi sun
shine that does not belong to tho poor
est man. The beggar breathCB tho same
air as tho millionarie. Vanderbilt, with
his money, can buy stocks, and houses
and lands, and pictures, niul mako
Horn Camp, Nevada ; Mr. Gabriel
Smith, the wull-knoWu revivalist -, Eb
enczcr Smith, Peter Smith and many
others almost as distinguished, wcru
The names of many of the bmiths at
the reunion wore .spelled in different
ways, borne of tho various spellings at fi,.at ul030 wll0 eonformed with thu great parties, where tho vulgar rich cx
wero Smul, Smidt. Smitt, oillllhers, ,W(W ,.,,lpa ..,,. .1Pnanntp,l ..-ith n fm.l hiliit. thnlr ili.niinndx and their "imrnlo
Smithliiig and Smitliereoiis. The 'line 0f Bivcr, Afler a wnii0 all the new and linen," but ho cannot purchase
was drawn at bnntkawitzki, and peo- donverts in ihn . mwtnm were iiveu health, nor liantnness. nor keen awav
half a tacl of silver. Then tho present pain a singlo moment. The great pos
was reduced to only a tenth of a tael sessious of Mr. Vanderbilt .do not raiso.
and then only an egg was given. Fi- him above tho humblest man in most
nally the egg was dispensed with and of tho essentials happiness, and his
no present was given. surplusage of wealth is rather a burden
Tho law that required the people to than otherwise. We do not tinder es
shave their heads and braid tho queue timato the importance of ,wcalth, nor
was not often rigidly enforced by tho tho good that money may, and very
penalty of immediate death, but it was often does do ; but it is not, by any
booh an established fact all over the moann, all that is worth living for
empire that those who did not do ns iu this world. Jt. brings its responsibi
tho emperor desired, would never be- lilies and its troubles, and very fro
come successful in a lawsuit against quently, is a positive evil to its pos.cs-
nround tlio p'e f ul0 name of Smithson, Smitzer,
bmittberg nnd bmythe were peremptor
ily discharged.
lhc conduct ol tho hunt lis was such
as to be gratifying to the whole family
of that name. A Smith won the walk
ing match for a purso of $50. A
Smith threw the hammer farthest. A
Smith came in at tho hend in the run
ning race. Was there a contest in
leaping, tho victor was a Smith. Was
thero a game ot quoits, or battle-dore,
or poker, a Smith won. In tho target
competition it was a Smith who hit the lUose wi10 confonl, I10r would they sor. If those who strive so hard to,bo-
bulls eye. succeed in tlieir business, or other en-1 come, rich would but consider that hap-
. iMr. Hiram, hmith, of Brooklyn, .tie- terprises and undertaking. piness, a useful life, and tho respect of
Negley;. "A shop girl indeed 1 Hut I l5ut y0U mUHt own that it is hard,"
uon i ltiienn mat, inev snail carry out said Alice, earnest v
their nefarious plans. If My good "Hard ?" echoed Mr. Hai thorne
gracious mo! there comes Air. bar- should havo supposed it would hav
thorne now jogging along on his old suitod her exactly ! Hut," a new idea
gray horse just as composed as if ho bursting athwart his brain, "there's as
wasn i uum. o i an einiiiu oi uvn. Lr0od H i iu the sea as ever wero
They do say that old Hai thorne is tho caught out of it ! Miss Alice, what
livered thu annual spi'ech. lie denied
that most, ot tlio bmtths were plumbers.
He spoke of their high standing in
English letters, referring to Mr. Fran
cis S. Smith, of tho Afao York Week
ly. He said the family filled a largo
place in literature. Ihey occupied
fourteen pages of Trow's directory.
Glancing at fourteen one-legged
Smiths who stood in a row near the
speaker's stand and had lost their
limbs in various railway accidents,, ho
touched upon the gallantry of the fam
ily in the war. A bmithcrccn, who
About a year ago when tho empress
and co regent died, tho whole nation
went into mourning, and in memory of
the deceased tho law forbade the Chi
nese' shaving for a month. Iu tho city
ot l'oochow, tho mayor of the town
mado the discovery that the higher
powers were being disregarded ami ho
accordingly made a raid upon the bar
ber shops, and sixty Ulnnese were
caught in tho act of being shaved
They were arrested, brought before tho
mayor, wero heavily fined, and then se
verely bastinadoed. Moro than this,
had been debarred from the privileges their heads were painted a bright blue g00au formed for an Uhlan
I of tho picnic, on account of his name, which is Ul0 col0rfor mourning in Chi' i',Uinft1; , T1,e following Irom tho
ve shouted that tho gallantry of the fam- a, and a coat of varnish was put over don 'lelegraph gives m detail tl
their fellows do noLdepend upon it, it
would moderate their desire to "lay up
treasu res" in ,this world. Doylestotcn
Death of A Celebrated Goose.
Some time ago wo published an ac
count of tho death of the war eaglo
"Old Abe." This was truly a1 remark
able bird, and while America was aston
ished with what delight the eagle
sought tho battle fieid, England was
still more confoiiiided at the attachment
ie ac-
Bi.ooMsiiimi),Coi.u.MiiiA Coi ntv, Pa.
All st j les of w ork dono In a superior manner, worn
warranter! as rcproauuiou, iiu j.A,nw-
iu without Pi in by tne uso ot uas, ana
free ot charge nen arttnclal tcetli
are Inserted.
Offlco over HloomsUuri; Hanking Company,
Jo be open at all hotirt during llie ffaj
Nov. 4S-1X
head and front of the whole business,
I'll show him 1 A reduction of salaries,
indeed 1 I dare sav ho means to
wheedle a consent out of us before
hand, to that everything shall seem
smooth to morrow when the committee
meets. Hut he'll find that ho has mis
taken his customer this time !
Little Alice began to tiemble all
over, and grow pink and white by
turns, alter her usual
was disturbed.
"I I am so frightened !'" hesitated
she. "Please may I go home t "
' es, you little coward, impatient
ly lcsponded Miss Negly : "that is, if
von haven t tlio courage to stand til,
lor yoursell and your rights.
"Iiut Mr. Harthorno has alwavs been
so kind to me, faltered Alice Hop
kins, "and if he should tell mg that it
would you say it 1 were to ak you to
be my wiio (
Alice Hopkins looked at him in
"I, Mr. Barthorne !" sho exclaimed
"You arc young enough to bo my
daughter, sure enough," said tho
worthy man, not without some bitter
ness. "But I'm not so vory old, either,
and Lvo a t?ood home to otter nnv
r. i i .1.. i . "... . ;
i.isiuoii wnen snu woman who will tako tntv on mv one
"Loneliness t"
Alice looked at My. liarthornc in
surprise, it hail never occurred to her
little innocent lieu t that Mr. Hai
thorne, iu tho big wh'.to house, with
tho pair of horses and thu close car
riage, could ever hu lonely. And per
haps thero was something in the dewy
brightness of her eyes, as sho raised
ily was mostly shown iu timo of peace.
The speaker dwelt upon tho success ot
tHt r business as book agents and intro
ducers of lightning rods. Ho said
that their common ancestor, Captain
John Smith, was ono of tho greatest
romancers in tho world, rivaling tho
author whoever he might be, whether
Salmi Morse, George Alfred Town
send, or Eli Perkins of tho Aiabian
Nights: and that no member of, tho
i.a ..oi.,, ...f,;i i, count. :
vim lit. int. i.t li y nwa n iitiu uiu .
mourning lasted the culprits were com- " m Sstuitgart the death is report-
pelled to present themselves weekly to . of a goose well known to naturalists
receive af resh supply of paint and var- aU ,ovcf tho W,?,1,L 1, eccentric am-
Mjsh mai, wnen sun a gosiing, aounuoucu
In this country the Chinese who bo- jts !Iofck dismissed all recollections of
come American citizens, and wio ac Us infancy, repudiated tbe conyentio-
ccpt the Christian faith as.their belief, al views and habits of geese, and bold-
lamiiy ougiii over io uo anyuiing I t-licir native religion, and who intend
that would disgrace roca nomas. j,, gomo retlml t0 china
1 hero was dancing until a late hrur p11(,roi ..: ,,, . ;,.
of tho night. Fiddlers and iloor-mas- ,..!! 'a ilo !,, nnii ii nm
ters were hmiths ; and swearing Smiths If a Chinaman wero to return to his
on tho tops of hacks finally drove nativolai)(1 without his queuo he would
valiant Captain John and good Deacoti loH0 tll0 resl)ec, of h-X!i coun-trvmen and
Kichard bmith home. ,lft nm,lflii,i , H.. ,i10 :,.....
, . ...w .....j.
do not hesitatu to cut oil their queues My '"arching into the barracks ot an
and dress their hair in tho Amotican Uhlau regiment, stationed itself one
fnol.Sr.., llo...,.... ,.,,r. Moi.. UUO UBV IICM 10 1110 SOUlfy UOX. J.OUCII
iti.-'iiiuiii unnuitu tuuju it liw iLbiuu I t . A . i
An Idyl.
Manufacturer of Plows, Stoves and all kinds ot
eastings. Large stocy of Tluware, cook stoves,
lloom stoves. Moves for licatlng stores.scliool
houses. cuurcneB, sc. nisu, lursu niu. ui Hi
mill for city btoves of all klnds.w holesalu and retail
.,.. d u wir., iirii'L- iiriiii.s I.ldi. Centres. Ac.Stove
i'lne.Cook Hollers, Spiders, Cake Plaies, Large
iron Kettles, Sled Soles, Wagon lloxes, ull kinds
01 PlOW I OiniH, muuiu uuuiua, nuiio, t tua.v,, nt.iv,M
mttUiili MA4IWf4, X0.
DaiiEliteiPS, fisMottters'.
was best, I almost know that 1 should them to Mr. Barthorne's face, that em-
consent to having my salary , reduced, boldetied him to plead his cause with
ion Know, near juss iegiey, uiao u u moro cuergy.
hadn t been lor him, 1 nuver should i 9lQuld love you vory dearly,
have received tho appointment at all. Alice, ' ho said, with a tremble iu his
"1 don't wonder," said -Miss JNegicy voice. "I would bo very good to you.
apostrophizing tho ceiling, "that they Won't vou answer hip. Alum 1"
men t Willing tO nllOW WOllieil tilO H0r bond dronncl - thnrn was an ill.
privilege of sultrago in this benighted stant of silence, and then sho said in a
. 1 . ,.T I.
cuuniry. jviki you, ueo uopKius, mqw tono
you may go home !
bo of no use at all
V Alll
ilroot, I
aiihnci . Movers new uuuuiui,-, juuiui
h ru-irnaiiiir. l'a.
Dins !n . nf llnrtlniil. Conn. ST.078,424
ltoyal of Liverpool !'?,K!
Lancashire leiOni.eoe
Vlre Association, PlilladolpUla i'WMU
PIiUMilx.of London........ J'C1:!:
London Lancashire, of England I'JK'XJS
llarttor.l of Hartford.. I'VXl
Springlleld Hre and Marino J,0,6S6
As tUe'Bdes are direct, policies are written
for tne inBureu wuimui any
omce at Uloomsburg.
delay In the
oct. W, 'ol-tf.
Largs and convenient sample rooma. Hath rooms
hot anq cold wiyter, tod all, modern convenlenoea
AGENTS Wanted ISnortcmtblos
nxtiofcktruKci i..t ,.,i,i.iU0rjK8 Oi. HIUIU3
l"w U wlc.l Hlll.r I.MI aeril. "n''iUiii;.
June so-iy aid
' PS tDltlWH
M IlMtCUl(t
aaouu. h
tDHt WMtlt All III! I
limtLxiuga nyruii. . i mv.
In Ham. HtMijyori
ltUAlll.MI, PA.
Tneso old CQiirotuTiona aro well seasonod by
age and rim tistsd and have never yet had a
loss settled by any court of law Tnelr assets
are all Invested In solid aiccatTlKsand are liable
to the haiard of rial only. .... ,
Losses ritoxr-n.T and uosisar adjusted and
paid as soon as aerermineu uy uiikistun r,
Kxtrr. sriciiL Aaisr amo ADjvsria Ulooks-
suaa, rA.
Thnnaonlsof Oolumbla county should natroii-
Ite t,he agency where lOBses If any aro settled
anil tiitm uf uug vi luvii wnu vi.i.uu.i
M American, Pj Pl.frih.
Yark.ol Peilusylvnniv
Hanover, ofN, V.
Uueens, ot lAnaon.
North llrltbli, ot London,
omco on Market btroet, Mo, 5, llloomsburg.
oct. m.n-iy
MTir w. V.
U'lils remedy will act in liarmohy with thu Kn-
...uIa svAtfin nt fill Km?., ullll aliHI ilUUlL'llltltelr
uiwntheabdoiuliiui ami ulerlno inuck.. audru-
liore inem iu a iii'aiiny ami piiiiiij; vuit.iii.ui..
Ir lri-l,lt'n Ilti'rinoC'ntl.lilk'ou Hill euro fall
ing of the womb, Lcucrrlni;a,;CJi runic lnllamnio- T
lion aim uicoruinin in iuu ,umo, ihuikbui
Hinorrliago or Flondlnj;, Painful, Suppre.Bod;
iLd IrrtgularMenmruallon, Kiuncy ioiniiiui,
it.rF.ini.H ii ml 1. 1'miiiritillv ndatiti'd totlio chaniro
of Life. Bend fur pamplilet frco. All Idlers ol
Inquiry freely answered. Address ns abuM'. For
talo by alldruiru' New alio SI tier bottle,
Oldoln ! I .."ill. lie suro nml a.U lur nr. JUW
chlal's UleiliioCalhollcon, Takenoothcr,
Moyerllros., Wholesale At'entu, llloomsburg Pa
for all diseases of tho Kldneyo nnd
Jt hu .poring ikUou on this mott lmpgrUnt
cruiiu. c.'.abllaj it to throw off torpWUy and
tnr.r., i, nlmulnthiir tholioallhy wcrotionof
the L'Uc, and by keeping tn. bowel, in rreo
condition, cCoctlucr Iu rceulir dlaehtrge.
(mnlnvln Ityouaro.uiTtrliiir from
IVlUIUrici. maUrii.havo tho chill.,
nro bilious, uy.pepuo, or oonuraica, bianey.
Wort will nurcly rollovo and aulokly ouro.
Xa tho Spring to clcruuo Uio System, every
ono should lauo a uioroucn course oi ii,
II- SOLD BY DUU00IST8. Price tl.
You certainly will
to mo in lighting
this battle."
And Alice, heartily thankliil for
this giudginglyiaecorded repiieve, put
tho copy-books into the desk-drawer,
niled un the dictionary and defiuer.
caught her little pink lawn sun bonnet listen to me,
Horn its nail, and vanished like a Hying
shadow into thu nearest pi.teh ot cedar
Miss Neglev sat very upright, with
folded arms nnd prominent elbows,
her noso slightly tinctured with tho
rosy hue of coming battle, her lips
slightly compressed ; whilo Mr. Bar-
Yes, Mr. Harthorne, I'll marry
Let's See What's Your Name ?
O 1 can you help mo T 1 in suffer
ing, Hultering terribly, all night long. in nine cases out ol ten when a man
"les, yes, responded tho delighted has to ask that question ho would raih-
editor to tho pale, beautiful damsel er seo his last cent roll down a crack
who had dashed so uucercpioniously I than do it, but it is asked every day in
into ins omce, inai is jiihu.uiii line iu ii.iukh ami inner uusiness iinces ami
relievo the alllictcd, ,to bind up tho printing dllices. A man who runs an
wounded." account comes into a bank or other
0 1 thank you ; you aro too kind, business place, and the cashier smiles,
For three days I have not tasted food, and says : "Well, old fellow, how are
for three nights 1 havo paced my you 1" and holds out his hand for a
room." shake. The man has dono business
"That's it," smiled the editor, "I had there often, and tho cashier knows him
it, too, but nover so bad, lor 1 was ul- like a book. Hut pretty soon tho man
wavs able to drink a little rum. Hut nsks to havo something dono which ro
I grew so thin and pale, and finally quires a knowledge of his unnio on tho
od by this prediction lor tho corps,
tho Uhlnns erected a shod for the goose,
nnd for tiventy-threo years ueither
threats nor persuasions havo been able
to separate the martial bird from its
adopted regiment any great length of
time. It has at different times chang
ed (matters with the corps from Esshn
gen to Ulm, thence Ludwigsburg, aud
back again to LTlm.
When tho Uhlans went to light for
their country tho forsaken aud desoluto
gooso took up for the timo with a bat
talion of infantry : but no sooner did
tho first Uhlans ie-eiitcr the town than
tho gooso marched up to meet them,
and returned with thciuto her old quar
ters. Sho has now boon stuffed, and is
to bo seen Tu a gla3s caso on the gates
of tho barracks at Stuttgart."
Relics of the Stone Age.
thoy sent mo Souht. It cured mo.
"llow strange, sho murmured
llo bent and kissed her forehead
"" ou'll nut regret it, my lass," said
iu "And you re tlio very girl I would never know change of climate to
have picked out ol a thousand. I'm feet ,"
glad, iiqw, that Miss Negloy wouldn't "Just tho thing. A nice trip South i
toil to me. roses and roustabouts and oilier cull-
Alico started. dren of nature divert tho mind. Or a
"Oh, Mr. Barthorne," said she, "was trip to San Francisco, or a sea voyage,
that your errand 1" that is now tho j-ickel. Is this case
hopeless T Can wo not save
"Of eourso it was," said Barthornu,
"jjr, smiley said sho was tho verv
T " . . . . .
woman i needed to roguiato my house
hold. Iiut tho moment 1 hinted at
thu Mibiect, she as good as ordered mo
Is t that 1 in sorry
thorne, a nleasant-faoed gentleman of off vho premise
tivo-and-lorty or thei'eabouts, trotted ipr it. bh? lias a facg like, a man, nnd hearted oditqr, (us gyo glistening w
up to tho school house door, leisurely a figure like a Prussian grenadier l1' I thu tear of sviiuiathv. "So voung,
"No, no," she moaned, growing pal
er each instant. "Thero is but one
cure, I fear," and sho sank into a
"Qf. say not so," pleaded tho teuder-i
rKAs. hviiups, coipuk, huuau, molvshlh,
kick, fricus, me. ph nmu, Ac, Ao.
N. V.. Corner cVcond and Aich etrci la,
iw-ordcrs will rccclvo yiroraptattenUou
dismounted, tied his horse to thu hitch.
nig post, and, totally unconscious that
ho was observed, nliku by Miss Negley
from her post ol authority on tlio
school room dais, and little Alico Hop
kins from tlio spring in tho wopds,
paused to dust his boots with his yel
low silk pocket handkerchief, nnd to
adjust his thick, dark locks befprd he
rapped on tho door.
"1 m'glnd 1 in not there, said Alice
Hopkins, with a long Bigh of relief.
And thou, having cdoled her fuco
nml hands iu tho transparent spring,
sho sat down to think.
'lolior, a reduction oilier scanty.
salary meant nothing less than stnrva
lion. As, things wero sho could scarce
ly pay her board nnd other expen
And sitting thero iu thu shifting
shadows ol tho wind-blown branches,
she.gried a little, to think how solitary
mm uemm'ss sue was iu uiu worm,
Miss Negloy, however, was in n very
different mood,
"Lomu nil' sho had nuswered,
brusquely, to tho kjiook. at tho door,
wuiioul inning tno trouble to niovu
from her seat.
And when Mr. Barthorne entered,
ho cspiod )iur filling stiff, silent,
Alico broke out laughing. She
could fancy !uxactly how iMiss Negley
had looked. There was comfort iu tho
rellectiou that Miss Negley would
never leoturo her more.
Miss Negley battled with thu com
nntteo next day, but m vain. 1 ho
ruthless trustees reduced her salary
one-half, and when it transpired, in
somu unaccountable way, Mint shu had
actually refused .Mr. liarthorno (with
out being asked) sho felt that life was
indeed a failure. And tho arrival of
Alico Hopkins1 wedding-cards did not
better matters.
"Oil, dear, oh, dear 1" sho said, "I
spoko too soon. Why didn't 1 wait to
hear what Mr. liartliorno had to say
before 1 answered in such a hurry t
My Jtongito nlwayH was my boaetting
inuit i
tliu bem ui nj if iibi, . uu jvuiii nu
fair, to speak thus hopelessly of )i(o
"I do not quite despair of life mid,
yet it is not worth living if this pain,
must continue,"
"Might I try my hand at curing you t
When it comes to a
matter, of this kind, I
part ol tho cashier, and tho latter sud
denly finds that he's stuck, Tho cold
chills begin to run down his back and
ho feels as though ho would liko to bo
alone a minuto so he could kick him
self. Ho would know tho name if hu
were, to seo it, and ho begins to go
through tho books iu hope of coming
ncioss but it eludes him every time,
and finally in desperation, ho turns
around with a sheepish look in his face,
and says : "Let's see what's your
name?" Ever afterward thero is a cer
tain degree of cOldnc'-'S between those
two men. But somo busihess men are'
sharp. When they get stuck on n nnmu
they will nsk tho customer o "please
spell it," at tho samo timo remarking
that thoy bciiovo it is not correct on
tho books, If tho man happens
spell "S-m i-t-b," the questioner feel
bad, but that don't often happen. Oth
er business inon will say boldly : "Your
delicate little I naino has slipped my memory." Brown
natter myseit comes tho reply. "Uh l know. 1
mean your llrst name,' and by this
"0," sho intumuroJ, "pa has every subterfuge a great deal of pain nnd
confidence in you. Money is no ob- worry and bad feeling is avoided,
jeot with him, and ho says you nro so Printers have their own timo wilh
skiiuui that you, can replace tho .old names. Thoy carry several thousand
"Uless tuiii, bloss hnn, blurted tho' on their books, nnd most subscribers1
delighted editor, a vision of liaradiso expect to ho recognized, They know
floating before him. "Whore aid you tho editor, and it doesn't strike thorn,
learn so much of mo ? True, I'm onlyi that its hardly possible for him to know
a poor toiler, but rich in tho wealth of all of them. He does know their fa-
affection ces well enough, perhaps, and ho lues
"Affection, affection," snapped the to think of their names, hut, tho effort
young lady starting up, "who is talk- is usually fruitless. Thosuscriber, as a
nig oi utieoiioii i ruie, says, "i wish to pay my subscrip.
"Why, why I thought you tjaid, tion." If ho adds "James Graham,
that is you ' Sunniicrhill," tho editor feols )iko givi
Thu sandstone quarry at Carson,
Nevada, is proving a rich field for
arclnuologists. In addition to tho gi
ant human footprints 181 inches in
length and of corresponding width,
there have been found thu teeth of tho
saber toothed tiger, tho horse, the tusk
aud jaw of the mastodon nnd a horse's
jaw. Hut tho most interesting find
lately made was a tomb near the Need
les, on tho lino of tho Atlantic and Pa
cific road, at tho depth of 17!) feet from
tho surface. In it wore found a hugo
skeleton iu a sitting position, with its
knees drawn up to its hend and clasp
ed iu a bony embraco with its tleshless
arms. At its feet wero several largo
bowls, originally :mado of reddish clay,
but hardened hy tho lapse of nges intb
a substance, resembling Hint. A tub
let was inserted in tho wall at its head,
hearing a long inscription in hiero-
to glyj'hics and eoveivd wilh rude imita
tions ot somo extinct species ot crea
tures, half animal, half reptile. A num
ber of implements of warfare wero also
found. Among them n stono axe, the
handle nnd head being of stone, whilo
tho oilgo was formed of iron of grent
hardness, mortised into Hint. Tho re
mains of a petrified foiest wero passed
through before tho tomb was reached.
rui:$si:i iako three poiiiku
of veal chopped fino, two pounds of
f t. i '- .., in I ... . . T . r-
ircsii, lean, raw porn aiso ciiomien line,; "Asked you to extract a tpotli Hiat lug hiu tlio paper frco for a year,
thrco oggs, a pieoo of butter tho sizo .of! I lias ached for a week. Pa directed mq .. .
an egg, pepper nun salt well ; bake to Dr. Uniider as a careful dontist,"
two iiuuis. n ii.ui com silo r. uiiii. it-1 "i ueg your pardon I ' isut on
is liko pressed meat, and is very nice, )y blank walls answered the pleading
of the desolate young editor, whilo a
Tho vnutli who imu kIuvoiI Kv very mad voting ladv flounced down
barber for tho first timo doesn't know 1 8tmr8 lre0 8tuIa " time. Brooklyn
wneiucr to icei tickieti or asiianuti. j
Kind-hearted pditors now allow con
tributors to the, wasto-pnper basket
to writu on both sides of tho paper.
"Tho Black Hand" in Paris means a
secret order of agitators and nssassins.
in tins country it means a spado
Wo cannot conquer fate and neces
sity, but we can yield to them in such
a way ns tp bo greater than if wo
To BitHiuiTtN tub CAiipin. After
thotliiBthaslieen thoroughly beaten out
of carpets and thoy nro lacked down
again they oan bo biightened vory
muoli by scattering coi n-meal nii.xed
U'lth p.nni'Hn haII. nvi.i tltoiu. nml llwm
Creek, on tho spot saturated with thu sweeping it all oil. Mix the Bait and
blood of General 'iilglnnan. ,,ieal iu equal proportion.
A peach treo wilh blood red leaves;
has been presented to tho Corinth
Teun , Salt toiler and JJemocrat, It
is stnted that thu first treo of this
variety grew on tho battlefield of Baker