TUB COLOMBIAN. o. E, Elwoll, 1 r.ii. bloomsbuug, pa. FRIDAY, JUNK 22, 1883. Dr. Mu(Jonh lias tendered IiH reKijr imtion ns -rceiileiit of Princeton Col ofio. Tho report that Queen Victoria con templates abdicating tho thronu i de i led in Kuglnnd. Charles Kniory Smith, of tho l'liila dulphii .Press, ami ox-Governor Uoyt nre talked of for chairman of tho He publican Stnto Committee. Tho last chance of l'hi ppf, tho ex fliipcrinteudent of the I'hilade1)hia Alms house, is gone, Judge Allison having overruled his motion for a new trial, llo will bo Bcntcnced on thu ilOth inst. Georgo W. Atherlon, will be inau gurated as President of the Pennsylva nia State CoUoro at ISollcfontc, on Thursday Juno SJStli. At tho same tiuio will be exercise of U13 graduating class ot jHS3 It would Hcem no more fhau right to permit tho sheriff and Ids family to abandon tho county jail. They aro nbout tho only people who have to stay there. The prisoners walk out when- over tney leel liko it. Ono of tho Star Uouto defendants bought a whole saloon in Washington immediately after his acquittal and opened a free bar. He did this to show the world how grateful ho was to the jury that pronounced him an in nocent lamb. Thero is a fino opportunity now for tno JJemocratio Uoupo to make a record for itself bv refusing to accept pay for tho vacation. Tho adjournment was made because members wanted an op portunity to attend to their private af fairs which had been neglected, and tho stato ought not to pay for time thus spent. One of tho Star Uouto jurois had an nttack of delirium tremens when tho ,-Jury was locked up after tho Judge's charge, and tho liquor was stopped. It took nearly a quart of whiskey to put him in proper condition to assist in rendering the infamous verdict. Wo aro not informed how much the otlu eleven got. A terrible calamity has befallen tl town of Sunderland, England. At an entertainment given in a largo hall which was attnmlrd liv Knvnr.il lliima. and children, onolittleone fell at thobot Join of tho steps as tho crowd was com ing out, others fell over it, and a panic uuuurrvu. uno nunureu anu seven ty-eight children were trampled to death. The sceno was heart rending when tho parents of the dead identified their offspring. Tho most terrific storm for years, vis itod Ilarrisburg, on Friday evening. Water flowed on Market street from curb to curb. Tho sewers were choked up, and in consequenco many cellars wero nooued. .1 lie ilamago 111 tho city alono will reach about 20,000, besides great damago to many private residen ces. At tho sarao timo the storm visit ed Munoy, along tho West Uranch Susquehanna, and played havoc with trees, fences and buildings. Dorsey is very bitter in his denun ciation of republican politicians who ho clnims were benefitted by the mail con tracts in which his brother and his friends wero interested. lie is espe cially severe on Senator John A Logan. Dorsey's intimate relations with the re publican leaders have enabled him to becomo tho possessor of secrets which ho could use with terrible effect if ho chose. Ho is not at all disinclined to ex plode his magazino if ho concludes that it will blow up certain ambitious men in his party The channel tunnel project lias been treated to new figures. It can bo built in 10 years, 30 miles from England to France, for $-10,000,000, with an ar rangement, costing $50,000, by which the danger of a French army's oozing up on English soil and slaying the Brit ish lion can bo averted. It would ac commodate two railroad tracks, and tho patronago would need to be 2,000 pas sengers a day at Sl.oO each, and 518 tons of merchandise to insuro S2.190,-' 000 a year, which would pay r, per cent., after allowing 10 per cent, of gross earnings for running expenses. "On tho sido of tho Democrats," the Philadelphia Jlecord observes : "Tho evidences of harmony and good feeling aro gratifying. Governor Pattisons administration has not only tho hearty approbation of tho Detnocrnts hut it has earned in a trreat docreotho ostonm and good will of tho Republicans. The Huusianuai reiorms which Uovernoi PattlSOIl has accomplished in minimi. tion of his pledges aro an indication of wnai migni no uono witu a legislature fully m accord with tho purposes of his administration. In tho presence of this aclif e and vieilant stato iwvni-n mcntthocry of Cassidyism has died juuiuii'saiv uu mu mr. Ono of tho reform measures that passed tho Legislature at tho lato ses'- Bion was tho following act relating to political assessments : ' "He it enacted, etc : that it s!iall bo unlawful for any committeo or member thereof, directly or indirectly, to de mand of any public officer, subordinate or employe, holding any position of honor, trust or profit in this Common wealth, or otherwise engaged or employ ed in tho service of tho State, or from any officer, subordinate or cmnloyo in any way engaged or employed in the service of any city of this State, nuy as CKsmetit, contribution, or prcoentago of any money, property, or other equiva lent in nuythlng of valuo with tho un derstanding, either oxpressed or impli ed, that tho samo may or shall be used for any political purpose whatever. Any person or persons violating any of tho foregoing provisions shall be deem ed guilty of a misdemcanorand on con viction sentenced to pay a fino not to oxeced $100," The Credentials of a Legislator. J-'roin tlio Wllkc-stiarro Leader. It is no child's play to be a faithful legislator, and thero is not ono in n hundred oven of our men of more than nvm ago intelligence, who possesses tho necessary qualifications. Every eata ble and faithful legislator earns his ten dollars to the penny, and the people havo 110 right to'coiuplaiu, so long is it is themselves who Bcud tho others. THU )UKK8 TRAGEDY. Tho burden of public opinion seems 0 be In favor of the ac(ii!tlal of Jamc Null. 1 1 in trial will tako placo at Unlontown in September, mid nblo ounsel havo been employed to defend him. What tho result will be is hard o conjecture. Tho killing of Dukes has nil the elements of murder in thu first degree. There was premeditation, and no immediate provocation, ami the verdict tiuiM. bo either in tho first lecroe, or aeciuittal. In remaining in tho community whom ho had"'brought' (evolution upon the JNnlttaniily, Dukes openly invited violence at the hands of young is ult, and it is said that lus con- met, wiicn lie met tno son ot 1110 man he murdered Was of a very irritating character. Dukes had no light to, tako the l(fi of Capt. Null t James Nutt had no riuht to tako the life of Dukes. Eacli In tho eyo of tho law is guilty of murder, and yet a f fiyollu eouiiiy jury acquitted Dukes. Tho law may hang young Nutt, but under the peculiar cir cumstalices of tho case public opinion will acquit hint. TIIE STAR ROUTERS ACQUITTED. After a trial lasting about six months the Star Kotite thieves havo been sic- milted. Such a lesult is n disgrace to the nation. The guilt of tho accused puftics was clearly established, but an analysis ot tno jury gavo iiuio nope tor a conviction, as tho genernl opinion seemed to bo that tho trial would re sult in a disagreement. Although Dorsey has threatened to institute legal proceedings against newspapers that nave denounced him, tho leading dai lies stand in no fear of him .The Phil adelphia Times says : It would bo idle to attempt to treat the verdict of acquittal in tho case ns entitled to any incisure of respect, and tho gravy reproach it puts upon the government demands that the public press shall call things by their right names, lirady, Dorsey and other lel low conspirators in the Star Houto rob beries aro public thieves. The public know them to. lu hucIi : thoy ivill bo pointed out by"tno hissing scorn of the nation ns selt-eonvicted thieves wher ever thoy may go, and the world will be too small to enable them to find a resting-place where they can meet with forgeliulnesH of their crimes. They corrupt tho very fountain of thu power ot the government. Their inlamy dates from ihe Senate, tho first legis lative tribunal of tho laud, anil from tho Cabinet, the constitutional council of the President. They made perjury and theft twin vcrvnuts to give thorn fortuno by tho incut infamous prostitu tion of political power, and they fitly rounded out such a career ot crime by the pollution of the very sanctuary of justice. Tho country coased to bono' for i'ih tico in the lato trial, when the character of tho jury was analyz-.'d ; but it was not expected that oven Star Uouto do- hanco ot law and public sentiment would extort an acuuittal, The admo nition of the first jury in tho case, with its members who defeated a conviction, trembling in tho criminal dock at the possible consequences of their disregard of sworn duty, was believed to be protection against such a llaerant inis- carriago of justice. But llu-rj lim not merely been a tniscariiago of justice there has been a total, a revolutionary overthrow of justice, in tho only place where it is presumed that law is su premo and justice inviolate. With one juror exhibiting as a drunken maniac 111 court, just when thogravest duty was to be performed, and with ignorance and necessity fitting the jurors, as a body, for easy prey to the desperate tempter, it is not surprising, after all, that a verdict of acquittal has been de manded by tho contracting parties, in stead of the equally effectivo shield from punishment of a disagreeing jury. The public thieves who havo shamed tho nation by the most gigantic robbery and studied perjury, havo been asbravo and desperate in corrupting the chan nels of justice as they were brayo and desperate in public thctt; and they will go forth with an acquittal, that fifty millions of their countrymen will de clare a lio and a consuming reproach to tho Republic. Democratic State Convention. The Democratic Stato Convention will meet in tho opera house, Harris burg, on Wednesday, .Aug. 1, at 10 a. m., to nominate a candidate for Audi tor-General and a candidate for Slato Treasurer, and to transact such other business as the convention may deter mine. Thero will also bo presented to tho convention a resolution which has been adopted by tho State Committee, chang ing the rules of tho party so as to fix tho timo of tho annual meeting of tho Stato Committeo at 4 p. m., on tho Wednesday after the third Monday of January, instead of tho third Monday as now provided. Under tho now rules of tho party tho tho representation in tho State Conven tion will be by representative delegates from existing representative districts, ono for each 1,000 Democratic votes cast at tho gubernatorial election, or for a fraction of 1,000 such votes amounting to fi00 or nioro j Provided that each representative district shall have at least ono delegate. There will boa meelingof tho Demo cratio Stato Committee 111 Ilarrisburg 011 Tuesday July 31, at 8 p. m. The American Navy for Sale. "If proof wore needed of tho awful wanton waste of money in the Navy Department during tho past eighteen years, it would be supplied by the fig. urcs which indicate the ago and costcf tho vessels offered for sale at auction beoauso they havo rotted down and be como worso than worthless Thirty vessols aro to bo sold. Of these eleven have been built since tho lost year of tho war, at a cost for con struction and repair of $9,957,i.'55. ex clusively of tho cost of equipment. Viry few of these vessels have seen servico nl any valuo aud-nono of them nre so young as to belong to tho Robesonlan jiciiod, so fatal tobhips and honesty, f hey wero built at a timo when tho war was behind us and when thero was not tho slightest prospect that wo bhould havo any ugo for n navy. Tho eon tractors wero tho only persons benefited by this reckless oxpenditurc. 0 havo trained no sailors on thefco vossels. Our naval ollicors havo been compelled to remain in quiet and ig norance, without even tho slightest knowledge of their profession, Fail ures ns they nre, these old hulks havo brought disgraco upon naval manage ment and demoralization to public vi tue. Surely it is lilting that with suoh a record of sin behind them they should go to tho junk,,shops." , 1 As tin Democratic Stato Convention meets before our county convention. the county standing cnmmiltco wjli have thu appointment of delegate.! to thu statu convention. Under the new rules we aro entitled to four, THE COLUMBIAN AND Dan Rico DJsoharged. vnn Iticts who has been traveling with Nathan' ifcCo's circus, was dls ililirccd last Saturday. Tho Jlatavin f&wstpf Saturday" pays t "Tho plain truth fo the 'Colonel haa.hllowod liquor tt get'tho luasterv' overlilm ngain, and ho has been indulging in the bowl so freely for the past few weeks that 110 conlldenuo could bo placed in him, and the manageis of tho show wero at no line sure he would be able to Hvo up to hts contract to appear at' each per- tormancc.' Aitiiotieinirlril'iriir heavily. to has been able to iro throuuh his part of the performance tolerably well, but appeals and threats were luellectual 111 inducing him to sober up and keep sober. Afteryesterday afternoon's per? forinntico it 19 said Mr. Nathan told Dan that ho should not want his ser vices any longer. Tho veteran clown and his daughter, a young woman about twenty live jears of age, who joined linn a few days ago at Uiiffalo left on the 0:05 train for tho West, bound for Guard, Pa., the Loionel s home, where he has a handsomu residence Tho unfortunate habit to which Colonel nice is addicted is responsible for many of the vicissi tudes that have beset his path dining Ids long and eventful career as a show man, lie has reformed several time?, and last winter delivered temperance lectures at the "Uig Indian Wigwam in iSew York, in cnmuuctiou witl Thomas N. Doutuey, a temperance out tor who Is not unknown in llatuvia.' The Extra Session. Pursuant to adjournment both branches of tho Legislature met on Tuesday evening. Ijandis, ot Lancaster, 111 the .house presented n senatorial apportionment bill, giving 27 republicans, 17 demo orals and 0 doubtful. Mr. Ecclos, of Cumbeiland, introduced two bills the congressional forming a delegation of l-i republicans, 10 democrats and 4 doubtful ; the senatorial, 28 republi cans, 20 democrats and 2 doubtful. Mr. Devinney, of York, presented a con cressionai apportionment, giving a de legation of 15 republicans to 13 demo crats. In tho Senate, Vandegriftintroduced a 1 evolution that Ihu clerks nt the sen ate in computing tho time for pay for the extra session make no account ot the days between Juno 8th and 9th. In an instant 1' leld .uarshal .Looper considerably nettled because the demo crats had so superbly headed him off, amended by ollermg a substitute that any and all per diem pay be omitted for members of tho senate ami house between June 8th and 19th. The Sena tor from Rucks accepted tho amendment. hoovered what he was after and the senate unanimously adopted tho resell! lion as amended. Senator Ross thought it an early day to begin buncombe resolutions and wanted tho whole matter postponed to tho end ol the session when it would como 111 with some propriety. Cooper saiiLnoono would accuse him of offering buncombe resolutions as it was something ho had always avoided As the recess was for the private con veniencc ot thu members he though that they should not ask for pav. Fol lowing up this deliverance he defined his stylo Of reform as different from the other sido in that it had a lower oise'r nifd tho other was a capital Senator Laird referred to the consti tutional clauso which says coinncnsa tion shall only bo allowed forattendanco at a session. Senator Gordon was pleased to note that tho senator from Delaware had for the first time in the year spoken profitably if not eloquently for the good 01 the commonwealth. Ihe republican senators did not vote. too much rois Tin: eo.uMi runs. Senator Reyburn introduced a reso lution that tho president pro teni should be put on nil the appropriation committees. 'I his senator Uonlon on posed. lie denominated the thing as "a distribution of honors nnd utility." Ho thought it well to consider tho arithmetic of the subject as it was an extraordinary exhibition of the grace of 1110 senate. Ihe senate adopted tho resolution and then fixed thu daily sessions from 1 1 a. 111. to 1 p. in. Gaiteau's Last Curse- A writer in tho Washington I'oU finds in the fact that Mr. Sheahan, ono of tho Guiteau jurors, has been sent to the insane asylum a proof that the baleful prophecy of Guiteau that every ono who had anything to do with his trial or conviction would bo followed bv a curse. Tho writer points to tho follow tug incidents iu confirmation of his theory : "The death of Distiict Attor- ney uorkhiira wito wasthehrst event which coiildbecalledafulfihnentof Gui teau s prophecy. Juror Hobbswifo died; Surgeon General Rarnes, an important witness, (lieu ; juugo l'orter s health is said to be wrecked ; Marshal Henry, Bailiff Stahl, Dotectivo MoElfresh, Jail-wagon Guard Perry Carson, and the driver, James Leonard wero dis missed from service! Dr. Noblo Young, an important oxpert witness, died , Rov. Dr. Hicks has been libelled 1 Dr. Gray, another export, was shot at in a Utica asylum ; Doctor McDonald has been or is tho object of investigation in connection with his administration of Ward's Island Now York, ; Ollioer Pnt Kearney's removal from tho Baltimore and Potomao depot was only a tempo, rary inisfoitune, though at one time included among the fulfillments of Guileau's curse Poor Miko Sheehan was well known ami well liked by every 0110 who knew him." Brady in Court, iik is itKguiuiui to mvr. two nkw 110NIIS. hill, Washington, Juno 19. General Brady came into the criminal court this morning for tho purpose of furnishing nun lor 111s appearauco 10 answer the ohargos contained iu the two indict ments charging him with receiving money whilo becond assistant postmas ter general ns n consideration for in creasing certain Star roiituniall service. Judge Wylle said that the verdict in tho trial just ended would probably bo a sufficient reason for vacating tho bond given by General Brady iu that case. The 01'iginal indictment remained, but as ho understood that it was nearly identical with that recently disposud of liu thought that it should bo abandoned. Mr. Ker said that tho government did not purpose trying thatindictment, and if the court thought that it should ho dismissed ho would not object. As ,Mr. Merriok was not pu'sent, however ho nskeJ that any action in that mattilr bo postponed until Saturday next. Tho nubjeet was then dropped, nnd after spine discussion thu com t fixed tho hall in tu p additional indictments at $1,000 ju each case, General Brady will give the required bail on Saturday. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMfiBTJltG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. . . ' The Indian Problem- SecrolnrV Teller lii-oiinsnn In iliml Willi the Indian problem in a sensible, business soil of u wav that promises much benefit to thu fultiio of (lie abo riginals of America, If only thoDeparU tneht will continue to carry on the sumo policy. The Secretary visited the Carlisle school ushort timu ago and oxpressed n waim nnnrovnl of tho way iu which Indian children aro theru be ing educated,, both iu letters and me chanical arts, and declared that in his opinion the ohly way to save tho In dian, was to inako him sclf-sttppoitlng nnd eiinsequunlly independent. He follows up this excellent Idea by an nouncing that ho will usu his influence and nil the money ho can command lu mnku the Indians stock raisers, con. verting their leservations into urnzini' lauds and allowing them their own lloeks and herds by which they can make an honest living, and as they grow into thu habit of saving up for a lainy day they may become in indepen dent and wealthy as any of tho white people engaged iu a similar calling. 'I hero is much to commend in this policy. It will give the Iudians some thing to do which is, ns nearly as may bu iu accordanco with their wild notions and modes of living. It will giro them plenty ot exercise, with no work that an Indian will specially legard as do grading to him. It will tend to keep them quiet by keeping the mind and body employed, leaving little lime to brood over their past glories or tancied wrongs done to their race bv the domi nant white man. It will educate them in that underlying principle upon which tho whole structure of civilized society is built; tho principle of maim cttuitm, without which anarchy must soon pro vail. It will leach them to rely 011 their own resouices, and not to depend upon the charity of tho State doled out to them through thieving agents or las- eally contractor whoso example as a rule nre not calculated to itispuc 111 the mind of an Indian anv very elevated idea of whitemon's honestv and truth- fulness and will in timo lelievo Con gress fromthe annual wrangle over thu Indian nppropiiatiou bill. Onu serious dilliculty, however, to thu pertectsuceess of this plan will bo to prevent the cow boys and frontiersmen from stealing the Indian's slock, or defrauding them out of their property by pretended purchasci. Oiherwiso wo see no reason why this plan should not foiover put an end to the now almost continuous putty war fate 'in tl'o Indian country. Wilkes bar re Record, Crazed by Pear. what Tin: sui'I'Osko vimi-okax ait tut tion has u.vusiut. SNviir.UTowx, Pa, June 1!). Tho most curious cases of insanity ever heard of in this region aus leported from lirusfi Valley, some distance from here. About livo years ago a man named Moore was killed in tho mines near here. He left a widow and son of eleven years of age. They moved into a farming region and by dint of hard work managed to exist. Both mother and son wero practical sensible people, quiet but sociable. Last night, about twelve o'clock, Mrs. Mooro was awakened bv hearing a terrible outcry in the room adjoinin hers, occupied by tho son, now a boy ot sixteen years, in haste she r.m to the room and found the boy almost paralyzed with fear, standing by the open window with beads of prespira tion 011 Ins brow. With dilliculty she caimed nun, and questioned him as to the cause of his trepidation. Still quakiug terribly, he told that ho had been awakened by someonej-ipeniiig the ti iuiium , mm, lui fliug, liu) limin e of a man peering in. Hoirified ho gazed at it, unable to move, and after a lew moments discovered in the intiuder tho face of his dead father. Then he gavo utterance to a shriek which had so staatled his mother. TUB MOTIlF.r.'s IT.Itltllll.l' I'ltlOIIT. After he had finished his t ale the mother turned toward tho window and saw something which caused her to loso her mind, and, with a wild yell, sue sprang through the window and tell to tho ground below, injuring her self fatally. The shrieks of the boy brought a few neighbors to tho scene, and they car ried me injured woman into tho house, From tho son theso facts were learned. hen tho woman recovered conscious ness she gazed about her for an instant, ami then, as uer eyes lell upon her son. slio went into a violent fit of laughter, and laid one hand upon his shoulder. Instantly Ihe young man becamo seized with the laughing fit, and in a few minutes sank' exhausted to the floor. In a short time tho laughing fit passed away, and it was followed by violent symptoms of insanity. Ho balked liko a dog and frothed at the mouth, and tlio neighbors wero iu de spair ai to what course to pursue. It was 8omo miles to the neatest vil lage where a physician could bo found. Ono of tho number hastily saddled a horso and set off in search of a doctor. three men and two women remainded iu thu house. The lad in tho meanwhilo had been laid upon a bed, and Henrv Herrick, a young farmer, mounted guard over htm. .About 2 o clock Moore was again seized with violent spasms, and Herrick, in trving to quiet him. took hold of his hand. Xo sooner had ho done so than he was attacked with spasms and fell to ihe floor, and show ed all the symptoms that Mooro had manifested. Horrified and appalled the four other watchers tied from tho room and left the three maniacs alone. no iioi-i: or iiKcovmtv One of thu women went linmn nml soon returned with her father, .Tosiali Iiellheinier, a stout, grav-haired, old man. who had been an attendant in .-Hi old hospital during tlio war. Mr Bell heimer entored tho room, and l-ioizintr ouiiL' Moore, bound him to 1 ho lied. Uu then seemed Mrs. Moore noil tho young farmer, Ueroiok, An hour later a physician arrived and conveyed Her rick to his home. Another physician arrived soon after and attended to Mrs Mooro and her son.' He said this niorniiif that lint little hope could bo entertained of Mrs. Mooro s recovery. He also states that the woman and her son havo broken down their systems bv bard work. It seems insanity is hereditary in ihe eao f p, ....! ...if. ! 1 . ..it wi living, inlying iiimiiu'Meo iiseii 111 niany of tho family in tho past, This IlIOMliiH' vounu Monro wax miiiKtmilv violent, and nrrangomeiits nro being mane 10 convoy mm to nn asylum, Thu entire farming region is agog uver tho matter, ns nil tho narties nrn u-i.ll kiiwn. Tlio Chinese who nro iu this eounti v dare not eul their quern s off unless ihey do not intend to leturn to their unlive lliud, and but veiy few of thini that do not, It has not been manv ears hiiitu tho death penalty was inllioUd for tho deliberate removal of a pigtail. ITEMS. Seven lives wero loit in a storm tit Scncea, Kaunas, on Sunday. A terrific cyclono struck Sleubeiiville, Ohio, on Monday evening doing great damage Thu Mississippi river is ngain on the rampage and great damage is feared from the high water. An attempt to raise prairie ehiukens lu largo numbers will be mado in lied ford county this summer. " Chillies E. IIIII, a tramp printer, of Contieaut, Crawford county, has fallen heir to an cstato in England. Thero nre in Pennsylvania three hun dred and twenty-eight posts of the Grand Army of tho Republic. The receipts of the armory fair, which elo.H',1 last week lu Serautoii, amounted touiorolhin $H,t)()0. The oldest building in Somerset county was torn down a fuw days ago. It had been used as a dwelling Biiico 170S. Richard Proctor was instantly killed nt Merriam colliery Ashland on the 17th by a fall of limber. Deceased was well known throughout this section of tho State as a skillful bono setter. Tho grave of Charles Le, first Attor ney of the United States, is located two miles from Warienton, Va., and, a matter of course, has been fur nearly a century uiicarod for and neglected. Chicago friends of Liouteuant-Geu-oral Sherdlan have purchased a baud some residence in thai city for him at a cost of $13,000. In like manner friends of Sherman and Grant present ed them with residences when they be came successful General of the Army. Mississippi is exceeded iu tho value of In r agricultural products only by thu great stales of Illinois New York, Ohio. Pennsylvania, Indiana, Iowa. Missouri, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Texas and Kentucky, and the population of eacli of these states exceeds that of Missippi from Homo 200,000 in Wiscon sin, to nearly 1,000,000 iu New Yqrk. Catarrh ?W Croam Balm Effectually demises (lie 11as.il p.iss.i);e ot iiiuimi.u wrus, cans liiirlitMlthy secretions, nll.iys lml.immalton, nrotccts Hie mem- lirane Horn ail lltloii.it colHcoiniletely heals tlio fores nnd lestmes thuM'iM'ol (asm aim smell. lii'iietlelil re sults nin riMllMil by a few HiuilIc.Hlons. A tlinrouirli treatment will euro c.Unrili, li.iy rover, sc. uncnuaiieu ror emus in 1110 ue.m. Ainvoalilf tu use. Ap HAY-FEVER ply by Utile linger til to tlio nostrils. 011 11' colpt. ot nrty cents will mall by nil imtir,t"ts. III.YS' c .1 n ickasre. For s llo IlKAM IIU.M CO. Juno -JJ-tw-oow Oiwej,'o, S. V. SIOOO HBWAKI) Offcrfclby tlio unitersl'-'ned for the annreliens.lon trial nml conviction ot the lnunlereror iiinlerers or.ionn anuow,iu i.ient street, comtjimicoitnty, 111., 111 is,,. eu.Mti.i-. ui.h;ii.ki. .HISIIl'A FHITiat.MA.V, 11. 1". KIHIAlf, 5-53 eomm'rs. of Columbia County. UDITOK'S NOTICE. ESTATK OK 11ANIKI, KHKMII, DKCIlASkH. The underslKiieit auditor appointed by the Or-nil-Mi's Court ofColumbl.i cnuntv to mnk-e dUtrt. but Ion of balance 111 tlio hanilsot tlio executor miomr tlifiso entitled to t 10 same, u 111 sttatt he oniceof John 0. Vocuin, r.si., C'at.tv, Kti, l'a.. on Saturday, June 3i)tli, 'M, nt 10 o'clock a. 111., when and v, Hero nil persons liavlns claims aK-dn-t said pstnlu must appear and present tho same or be forever Ocbarrcd fioin rcu'lWn',' any share of said ni nil. C. W. MILtEII, .Inn 1 Auditor. OUl'lIANS' COURT SALK OF VAIXH11I.E ltyidrtueof anonlcr lsiiied out of tho Orphan's Court ot Columbia county, the undcrsliiiiod ap pointed trustee to makosaloot tho real estate or William Webb, lato ot tho Town of llloomsbui-i-, deceased, will exposo to public salo upon tho premises, on SATURDAY, June 23, 1883. At 8 o'clock p. lu., tho follow In;; iloseilbed rcat es tate, the propel ty of said decedent, situated In tlio TOWN OF JiLOOJISIlUKU, PA. LOT XO. l Ileglnnlnsr nt the northeast corner of Market and Fourth streets In said town, thence northwardly iilonj: said Mar ketst. and fronting thereon tlfty feet ton point thenco by a line parallel with Fourth street nbout two hundred feet to Whitman's alley, thence by Whitman's alley southwaidly lltty feet to said Fourth street, thence by said Fourtli nbout two hundred feet to the place of bos'lnnliis'. LOT NO. s. llegtnnlng at a point on Market street tlfty feet north of tho northeast corner of .Market and Fouith streets In said town of lllooins burg, thenco northwardly along said Market street and fronting thereon nbout forty-six feet to tho lot owned by John Fry, now occupied by O.Mat tliow Quick, thenco by lot ot John Fry on tlio north to Whitman's alley, thenco by Whitman's alley southwardly nbout forty-six feet to a point on hluiiaii's ultey tlfty feet north of northwest comer of Whitman's alley and Fourth street, w e-t-wardly about two hundred feet to tho placo ot bo. ginning. Whereon are erected a DwELLINq t-0 JSE, stablo nnd outbuildings nnd fronting on said Mar ket street in feet, more or less. TEK.MS AND CONDITIONS OF SAI.K.-O110 third of the purchaso money to bo payable upon tno death of tho widow ot William Webb, deccas ed, to thu parties entitled thereto, tUe luteiest thereof to bo paid annually to said widow. Tho payment to bo property secured upon the premises: Ten per cont. ot ono fourth of the balance ot pur chaso money to bo paid at thu striking down of the property, tho ono foiutli of said two-thlrds less tho ten per cent, at the continuation ots.de, and tho remaining part of the purchaso money In one year thereafter, with interest from confirmation nl m. J. K. kveu, Auellnner. WILLIAM IIAlfT, llloomsburg, IM., .May S L Ti ustee. 15" A T T 'G VEGETABLE Hillill ) SICILIAN Hair Eenewer. Btldom a popular remedy win lucli a lUong hold upon tlio public confidence iu lias Hall'i lUuIis.NEWtn, TuocuMlnuhleli It hu accomplished a complete restoration of olor to fuo hair, and vigorous health to the. icalp, are Innumerable. Old peoplo like It for Hi ondcrf ul rovror to leitore to tuolr whitening locki thclurlglual color and beauty, MIddlc-agcd peoplo liko It becauso It prevents tbeiu from getting bald, keeps dandruff nirny, and makes tlio hair (rov tbtck mid strong. Young Indies liko It a a dressing becauso It gives tho hair a beau. Uful glossy lustre, and enables thorn to diets it lu whatever form they wish. Thus it I tlio favorite of nil, and It lias become so slinplj becauso it disappoints no one. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE I'Olt Till: YVHISKKItS Has become one of tho meet Important l)pu Ur toilet articles for gentlemen's use, When the beard Is gray or naturally of an uu.l eirablo shade, llt'CKlsuiuu's Uyit is the remedy, i'llEI'alUU UV It. I. Hull & Co., Nuslnm.K.II, Bold by all Druggists, JOTIOK. 'As-James A. Farvera minor 11 veiira ni,i u h, Was lioiind nut to uiu by the im rsoeiu of the ioor oflihlnh' eieekloiviishlp lu iss, husrmi nw.ty from me and ictuses to leturn, I hereby enullnn iiny person mfiilnu haiboitui; 1dm, or lurnUtdiuc hliuuuythlnson my account, an 1 will pay nu bills of hts loiilinctlon. ' IIENItY D. K EI. I. Kit, Mayistit' hl,.!; c,Wk township. fc&ARRH C0L0f'f.,,n 1 'IS Absolutely Pure. This Dlwdor n'Ver vur ns. A m irrl nt miritv atrenirlhand whoIesomnogs. Morn icnnnmie.al thin tha ordinary k nils, iinrl ninnnt i .,M in competition with tho multitude of tow test, short weignr, mum or pnospnato powdera. Hold only In cinB. ltovAi. iukinm FownsK Co , KM Wa!l-St., i nutf li-i v. A L'DlTOIt'SN'OTIfrJ. KSTATH 01' M IIITIM f.L'SIIKK VKCKASEP. The liiidersiirned auditor nnnolnted bvth'ior. Iihau's Courl, ot (.'olumhhi rimiilv In ninl.nill.lil. butlon ot balance In the hands of tho administra tor iiuioii-j iiiosocniuied to tno same, will attend Ut his olllee In llloninliiim mi H.itnrri.iv. .limn not li l8.l, nt to o'clock a. m.,w lien and where nil persons having claims against said estate must appear and i,ij--"-nL uu-muiv ,ir wiviLT iicu.irieu iro:n re celvln? any share of said fund. JOI1NO. FHKHZi:, Auditor. Juno 8th-3t jXECl'TOK'S NOTICK. UTAH! OT JOHN tltllTON, DKCKASKn. letters trstatnontnrv In thoestntoof John dir. ton. lato of Hemlock tmvnslilii. Onliinihli eoiintv. l'a., deceased, li ivo been irranted bv the Itcrlstor ot said county to Uatilel Yueum. All nersnns liav. lng claims aKaliist Mid estate are rcipiested to pii-si.-iiniii.-ui iur si-iiu-iiieiii, aii'iinoso lnncoteii to tlin samo to m il:n payment to the undersigned without d-lay. DANIEL YOCf.M, jituo i.-i mv- j;ecuior, llloomsburg, l'a. EATZEGBASS HATI $25 1 er Ton UJPSUJuraDGI TliU is ti real aitunoiiiiitut Hone s ipor-pliospliiitti which wo alono produce by menus o special tttlvtintiigeri in nianuf'acl Per Ton of 1,000 Pounds, on cars or Uoat In l'hll.ulelphla. (ll'AltANI EED ANALYSIS l'KINTE!) ON EACH IIAll. Send for rtreuliir. Address Q i" , SOLE MANTF.U'lTltEItS, 20 r'o. Delaware Avenue, J"1' 15 II" PHILADELPHIA, l'A, GOOD NEWS OR Till- UPPER END Tlio Largest Stock of Goods opened In IScntKti, in many years, bus just been iteulveil by tlio uudersiiincil. It I'uiliiiices DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, NOTIONS, QUKliXSWAUK, And everything found In a general mercantile bu. lness, nt tlm very low est prices. 4 Several hundred thousand feet of drossed Lumber, Shingles, &c constantly on hand. liirchasers will tlml It to their advantage to call on me before buylm,' elsen lieie. J. J. MdlciiiT, Benton, Pa. May t-snl DROWNED IN BEER. Concei hlnir tins popular beverage two men express their minds. "Tho fact Is sir, and you may stick a pin tliore, th tho people of -this country um likely Ki bo drowned In a llood ot lacer beer," shouted iin en thuslaslla teetotaler tho other day Into tlio car of .u...i,v,....,1.a,jiiin-iH. niu iiL-rmau urine has struck us hard. It U the second deluire." , 1 "V"1.'.1.10 yrst'if this beerdrlnklnrf bust, lness Is tint It (?ets uii kidney troubles, as a heavy wind raises tho waves," added uclty physician w ho had a knowled! of the times nnd a tendency to metaphor. 'Tim midnight '.schooner' leaves behind It a wake of furred tongues, headaches! torpid livers, nausea, nnd all thai, and Lus tho foundation of Ilrkfht'H Disease." This ineliuchoiy r.ict accounts In part for tho Inereasiinf sales ot llENSON'.s CAl'CI.N'E l'OUOU.S I'LASTEIt, which at once mltlwte.s thoo syinp- It. sealiuryi; Johnson, uhenilsts. Nuw Ynrir. JunolS-lw d Tho Wonderful Efficacy of BRa SCHICK'S MANDRAKE FELLS ns boen M f rqucutly nnd sjtlsfaetorlly proa UiM It tocais uluokt niltraupiH to say auytlilmr ttoro i n their f svnr. Tha louueuto and ronsUnUy Incrciilnif dnuand for thorn, both In this and foreign countrios, Is tho Ut ertds-eo rf their value. Their rsto toslay la tlio Uuited Elites U far s-rcatcr than toy ct'a.r cUimUo lj du-uw. This demand Is not nittim-xll,-. It la ru-ular mid lUady, It U not tf to-day or ycsUtday, It is anincrJii that has ham HeaiUlyg-roM-li! fortholat thirty-aioycars. What tro tin rea3us f or thU croat and L'ro-iu iirmami t Dr.SrhcnrU'u-tlnlidrnliePlll.cnntalnnomir. lV "' 1 et hh wouiUrf ul eifpct upon Hi? H 'i.r . dauuo tho stomach and lUs of Ul irr tatlnf ln-U. r. vhl, h If ,,i.. ,. i , rioisoua taa Uoo I, and L.-.cs-s on Malaria, Chills an t 1 ci cr, and many other diseases. They k-ta health tad .troc-tu ti Uu dlrcstHo crmna. They ensta onlitoaa,U1vot,-irta t:.ohuoeynkm. Tney r-ro lnfai-tlhit.. dlono cf a! ethers which should wtalical3U.iciL, i!iiprc cnt, vrl.co mdarlalaad ether cpld "m aro ra,-uiir, it they re pare tho sys. Uaa to rulst attacks of ujca-a cf cury thamur, Jr.richriick Miuidruho 1'IIU are sold by all cnwirliits at '.' 5c. j bux, t: ut by uiaJ. itotiuid, oa rocclpt c4 prlui. ' Dr. NchenrhN llordi nn Conkunipllon, Mv. r Complaint tU4 I)jfcpt-,ii.la, la Ewrluih or w!?Jli?:.,.'!.5t": ,ri'" t3 l Addnw ir. J, It. tiUIIILNUIt. A3 M:', l'hlladclplila, l'i. Junoi-iw a I , - r HARD FACTS and PLENTY. (j,ik I hill is simply a great retail i Clothino Housethe rrreatcst of its kind in the country. Our Clothing is made upon honor. We would- be worse than fools to expect to build and hold a business upon.othcr than honest goods at the le-tst urices We neither hold nor buy the remains of whole-s-ile stocks to run off at rot.il, but make every garment to sell direct to tho wvaror, under our cast-iron guarantee , a bond of good faith original with us and perfectly well known to everybody in the vicinity. NO PRICES REDUCED. We are not advertising reduced prices, but we are in position to offer the best bargains in Spring Clothing of every sort and upon many items very great bargains. In a very ti true sense an our PRICES ARE Nll.eleeii lull line of Men's Hulls Duo lull llnoi.r Men's Mull One lull line, nl Men's Hulls Two full Hues of Men ""''I'-'" " Nine full lilies or Youths' Millls WK full lines or Youths' Miitj one full lino nr Ynilths Kults . Twol-'ull lliusor nii'lsMilt. One lull lliienl IJirite l'.iVsISillt .. Two mil llueinl Uirvo oys S Two full line r Liirito Hoys' Su Is l'lve lull lines of Lnrife toys Suit- Two Pill linos of sin ill Hoys' Miillis Two mil lilies of Hiniid , loy Mull" Ono lull lliieorHiiuill Hovs' Hulls.... This small list represents nearly five thousand suits ol Clothing. If we told the whole story we would need the whole newspaper. . Twenty-two years Oak Hall has been serving the public, and in all that time has never offered a stronger inducement for trade than this. WANAMAKER &, BROWN, Oak Ham., S. E. Con. Sixth and Market Sts., Piiila. 'llirtOIUIl UIHHOI nuiuii hj. L "X TE purpose making it as safe " and pleasant, and in every way a3 satisfactory to shop by mail as in person at our " " TE take all possible care to avoid tixt errors, and when any occur they are corrected at once. are always willing to exchange goods " which do not please after being received, provided, they are returned to us in perfect condition and within reasonable time. Samples of Dry Goods of all kinds even the most expensive, sent free of charge on application. TVERY lady who shops by mail should send for a specimen copy of our Fashion Quarterly. Strawbridge Eighth & Market Sts., Philadelphia. DEALER IN Foreign audi ManmsMc WINES AND LIQUO'RS. ANO JOBBER IN CIGARS, - BL00MSBURG, PA. ,fI: i & was PRACTICAL TIN ROOFER, &PEBA M&tfSB, Bimmmwm, finfa. V1 UDITOK'S NOTICE. " WiTg OK JOIIN-BANDB PECKSiarP. f f I'ho unaoilsnoil ninlltor npiiolnlcil by tuo! Or. ih ill's court ot Columbia eou, ty to inoke TuTs ,u Imtion ot tho funil, In tlio lumu ol t io 2p"ui,tant iukI to nata unounml tlwiuq tl g oimrtto ?to HI uciount lt HI for tin- imriV-i of liu uiu l;oln inent at JiIho'IIci. In Uloi ini mrv oii &lur uytliotwcutv.iutrjilay it JunT-.X'u left at lu o'dock ii. nu, wlir-rcnll xt!tn lntMiwcil' lu "UUIi-i'il to nnn'iit lliilri-Mluis or bo ilebjriiS tiom cuuiliiB m ior u timru ot naU aiotts. Jayai.lbNS. SA1IUUI, KNOltlt, Jlw Auditor. REDUCED. ...at ...ut ...at ...nt ..at ...nt ...at ....at ...nt ...at ...nt ,..!nt ...nt ,...at at ,,..at J 10.00 0.00 8.00 7.00 10.00 11.00 7.00 0.00 4.01) 5.00 am 7.00 3.50 i 00 4M 5.00 . (MAIL counters. 7' 0 & Clothier, nriAimoA1: ,,.mji JfcVPFWtl NOTICE. Mill OK I'illVIN vm. nriBin 'i'lid uiiileiU'n(il auditor aupolntcil by llioor i inn's court o( I'olumbl.i county to i.uko iutrl- uin T;',,1'8 Vjullv fullilidi tlimto. Si'iL.uV- WatMUOftluo of K. ILlieler,' Km in oi'lorkniu., when ana ivburo all lierbona bavins Inlirw Ofc'alnstsaia i-stato must apui.Jr ana pre rent tlio iwmo or lw forever lUb.irroaffow reel v bliifanylinroofiiaiafund. '' 0. v. c rK.uocKltor