"i""' ""'I?" THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU R(i, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. iMUOII INFORMATION. I'Oll Till TAIII.i;, fic. HancM ninl crimps nre worn further from the eyebrow. Summer ntii.Wllring' pUk's will bo in vogue this year. ' Lace mid embroidery are usually fashionable for trimming. Gloves and mitts contrast with, in stead of matching costumes. Facetted pearls are much used upon upright collars of silk evening toilets. I Ieavy Spufisll ' 'guipure in all tho new colors conic as trimmings for thu ottoman silks. Flounces and ribbons with ranged jagged edges called cock's-ooinbr nro coming in vogue. New fancy grenadines are heavily brocaded, and closely -resemble Ihq ended silks and satins. Jersey basipies willbo nitifih with plaid skirts of wool, and worn, WOol and silk mixtures. lllack silk stockings arc more worii at present than they have been for thitty years or more. In straw hats aud bonnets the color of crushed raspberry is produced in delicate shades oloteiy resembling peri winkle pink. Sultan is tho nameof anew dark rod penso roguo an odd shade of purple ; and vert clair is another peculiar lint added to the loilg 1UI of greens. Tho prettiest way of using velvet ribbon is to arrange loop of it that lap in tho shape of a pointed vest, and edge the basque, neck and -sleeves with three rows of loops, or two rows loops with an end of notched velvet ribbons. Fimi Sti-mso. Smiling for a baked lish should be made of line bread crumbs, highly seasoned, with pepper, salt aud sage. One or two raw eggs beaten in with it also gives flavor to it. A little butter is needed if tho fish is not too oily. MostjnTous. To keep mosquitoes away dip a piece of flannel or sponge in camphorated spirits, and "make" iC fast to tho top of the bedstead. A de coction of pennyroyal, or some of thu bruised leaves, nib'.cii on tlte exposed parts, will effectively keep off these troublesome insects. Si-icKD Bekk. Spiced beef, which is delicious cold and sliced thin,' is easily prepared. Choose a piece with less fat than you would wish to have in a roast; boil this until tender in water in which you have put salt, pep per, celery seed and clover: ihe amount to depend on your taste hick Wakii.ks. One quart of Hour; half a teasiioonful of salt, one tea- spoonful of sugar ; two teaspoonfuls of baking powder ; one large tablespoon. mi 01 uuuer ; two eggs j one and a half pints of milk ; one cupful of hot boiled rice. Sift the Hour, salt, sugar and baking powder well together, rub tho butter into the flour, ' beat the eggs well, separately, and add the stiff whites last of all. I'inkappi.k PciiiUNU. Butter a pud- unig aisu, ana line the bottom and sides with slices ot stale cake (sponge cake is tho best), pare and slice thin a large pineapple ; place in tho dish first a layer of pineapple, then strew with sugar, then more pineapple, and so on until all is used. Pour' over a small teaciipful of water, and cover with slices of cake which have been dipped in cold water; cover the whole with a buttered plate, and bake slowly for two hours. Huns. Two quarts of warm water, two pounds of sugar, one and a half pounds of butter, two ounces of all spice, six eggs beaten by themselves, one pint of yeast. Put the Hour, yeast and water together about as thick as pudding, set ly the lire, let it nee i.o a sponge, a:ui mix the sugar and butter together. Then beat the whole together after rising and knead in Hour enough, but not very stiff ; make the buns small, aud brush them over with egg just as you put them in to the oven. Tin: Siunx ox Silk. A cot respon dent aks what will remove tho "shine" from black silk. Tins cannot always be done ; it depends on how much worn it is ; but sometimes it can be I t i iiusneneii surprisingly uy sponging wuu com coitec and ammonia a tea- spoonful of ammonia to nearly a can ful of coffee. Use a very soft sponge or a flannel cloth : rub very ientlv : and if possible to get along without so uoing, uo not iron the Mlk at all. Spread it out tmoothly while damp, and pin tho edges to an ironing-table or ooarci. ana let it dry in this way. If it is too much wrinkled or folded lay a cloth over the wrontr side of the silk alter sponging, and iron it htssus. "Whites of six eggs, one (iuuuu oi piuvenzcu sugar, one drop of rose oil. Put tho sugar in the dish r l - i first, and drop tho whites of esss fun beaten) upon it. Beat them together thoroughly for two hours. Drop on tins with a teaspoon, turning spoon round and round until the cakes are very high and end in a point ; this win kivc UlCIll a llllteil aniKi.n-.inrn. When baked and still hot, stick two of theiu to gether, using a little white of egg it necessary. Lav thorn very aura- fully upon an inverted sieve to cool. They may also be squeewd , through a uiviuil;iiu uay line inuy-iiugars, or may may bo dropped in smooth round cakes. Toil.F.rSOAl'. DrinniiiL'S which aeon mutate iu almost every household, can i. i ? .... . . . ue useu lor uie grease. I hoy should first bo boiled in water, and tlio.i left to cool; aftcrwardttlioyjdiould .bo ro moved from tht-wafer and b'oiled'aloni until tho water is exnelled. The whit er tho grease can bo made tho better thti soan will l)i. The mmedieiits of the soap (aj-o sis ' pounds of sa soda, soven p"outvl of grease, threo pounds oi uiisiacKened unie, lour gallons o soft water, aud ouo half pound of bor .1... .! .1 l! .1 . . - . UUH UIU BUIli UIUU III till) W a- tor until they nrpUssolved ;' let th mixture stand over night tosettlo pour off the clear lye, to which add lh grease and pulverjV.cd borax, and boil to tho consistency of lionoy. Tako the mixture from tho stove, stir in one ounce-of sassafras or lavender, ami pourit"lnM'a'tab', or what is still bet ..... ,:..v. . ,i.n t - i and when cold cut into bars nud put boards to Urvaro ' Ail-Illinois farmer has omnlovml nntx for very useful work, as he reports. lie says ho is too lazy to pick potato beet les from the vines, and ho does not like to use pans green, in tins diienini; ho bethoiiL'ht liims'i lf of tho tnieim cious character of anta, so ho carried into Ins potato fluid old nieces of woo in which. ;uits had establishel their homes, and left them to do (he woi hast year: tlia' aiits domiciled In tw old feucoiiiestf.llie tt, cleaned all tl beetled from a riuarfc .of au acre, nl though their iliimbcr was legion. A Sentence Imposed Upon Murderers at woum, uennany, in iuoi from IM Saturday l!eviw. George Wilde and Hans and H.ub.v a llahn, were accused of several inur- icre )crperatcd near Wolun, .in 105!). After a few weeks' contttlcucnt' they confessed and unfoulded n tale of hor rois, of men robbed and' iniirdered op. the roadside or iti their homes, of viola lions of women. Oeorgo Wildofhtimeratcil thirty nine murders ho ht.tl committed? and I Inns Itahn owned unto foitv murders. Both slated, however, Mint the) could not re member all tile persons tlify had iliitr- ilered. llahn s witueoiiu-'fcil to be air iccoiupliiofo'a liihiibcrof her ltihbhntt'V murders. The sentence of the was court as, follow's i i i Mi Bo it ordained, That Hans llahn and Oeorgo wilde, as mi awful example to other similar evildoers, be placed upon a wagon and taken trrtlic public market place, where the first' joiiifi of nil Mieir fingers, liit each scparafl'ly, I.-,, i .. .t .. I.-. . r .. .1 Mum itu turn on wiiu hoi pincers , men thev shall bo dragged by hoiscs over the ground to the place of eecution,i but so that. they, do not, Ipse too; much strength ;thero tllcy? shall jitlvoj i.Kjir arms and legs crushed by blows with an iron wheel ; lastly, they are to be tied to a stake and roasted at a slow tire. "Uaibara llahn is to be taken naked to the place of execution, , whyret him iiesh is to be torn ' tiy rod hot pjrfcers, aud then she is to be beheaded with a sword i her norpsoi is to be laid on the wheel as a flight ful example to others. "All this for justice Mike This horrible butchery took nlace on the 2d oi July, lCtil,at Volun..nnd was ntne-sed by Weorge Wildes father, who looked on with the utmost indiffer ence. J to has also witnessed the exe cution of his daughter without tho slightest visible emotion. A petrified Forest. The Albuiiiienitm (X, M.) Journal thus descr'ibostho appearance of a pet rified forest near Corri.o, 'on the Little Colorado river: ."The road at a dianco .of ten miles JromCorrizo "enters' an ilii ' inense basin, the slope Leirjir nearly a1 semicircle, and this enclosed by high banks of shale aud white line, clav. Half an hour's good driving from this point takes One to the heart of the for est. The petrified stumps, limbs, and, iii fact, whole trees lie about on all ides, the action of the waters for hun dreds of years ha gradually washed away the high hills round about, arid the trees that once covered tho high table lauds now lie in thu valley be neath. Im incuse trunks, some .of which measure over five feet in dta meter, are broken and scattered over a spaco of three hundred acres. Limbs and twigs cover tho sand in every direc tiou and the visitor is puzzled.., asjlo. wuero no shall begin to gather the beau tiful specimens that lie within easy reach. There are numerous blocks of trunks of this petrified wood which have the appearance of having been just cut down by the 'woodman's axe. and tiie chips are thrown around on the ground so that one instinctively picks them up as he would in the log camps of Michigan and Pennsylvania. .Many of tho small particles and even the whole heart of some trees haye novy become thoroughly crystalized and ) ho. beautiful colored cubes sparkle in' the sunshine like so many diamonds'.' Every colorof the rainbow is duplicated, in these crysta's. The graju fil the wood is plainly shown in nearly, every specimen. Recent Liws-1 The Bellefonte Watchman has. taken, tho trouble to arrange the important taws signed by Governor Pattison which are as follows : Abolishing the sealers of weights and measurers ; increasing the gratuity and annuity of the veterans and widows of ycrerans of the war of 1812 ; repealing the recorder act of 1878; abolishingtbe Philadelphia delinquent tax otlicc:: pre venting lapse of timo from giving a right tr keep electric wires perpetually attached to buildings ; making ineligi ble tj the ofiice of district ottorneyniiy person who shall dot have been adjnitt cd to tho bar two years prior tb "his election , providing for valuntary tri bunals to adjust labor disputes in the iron, Meel, .glass, textile fabrics and coal trades : providing for the supervis ion and control ofj institutions for the iusano , prohibiting the levying of li cense tax upon persons taking orders for goods by sample for individuals or companies who pay tho tax at, their chief place of business ; fixing the standard weight of a bushel of potatoes at sixty pounds ; enabling the Philadel phia councils to secure testimony con cerning tho management of the ciiyde jiartments ; repealing the, act authoriz ing market clerks to confijcate'shori-, weight butter, lard, sausage,1tc. ; regit.' lating the hunting and killing of web footed wild fowl : preventing the exemption of property on, jiidgetridnf obtained for hftv dollars or less for wages for manual labor; providing. for.' to attend the public day scbtjSlsJuxg empting building iissbciaiipnsi' fron? state tax ; to protect dairvmon and nre vent deception in tho sale of butter and cheese, and regulating the busiuess of intelligence or employment ollices in Philadelphia. Goad Help Eoon'omical- 1. j 5, rerry, writing in the Ohio Fanner, says it pays to keep help to do every thing in the best possible manner, and just when it ought to bo done; it pays to run the farm to its full capacity. If you had hired moro help, couldn t Vou have prepared your wheat-ground a little better last fall Couldn't you have cut your wheat be fore it got so ripe as to shell, or bo ioro tho straw beeamo worthless .for 'food 1 During the hurry of haying and harvest, couldn't you have saved your potatoes iroin going to tho bugs, ami got some ,oi inq wepds out ot that liorn t Couldn't you have got out that stone in the spring, and saved that cost ly break to your reaper? Couldn't you havo got out those stumps that hinder so muoh when you are plowing and cultivating, and under drained those wet spots where your wheat was Killed outT Uouldut you havo cut that clover before it got; so ripe as to be almost worthless for feed, npd jiad at horses last winter, instead of bare ribs? A farmer told mo only last week that ho lost $100 by letting a piece of grass, stand too long last summer i that it was no better than straw for feed $10 moro would havo saved it. An oilier said his hay was like medicine to his cows. With moro help ho could have cut it early, cured it nicely, doub led its value, and sued most of his feud bill. Two or three dollars' worth more labor .-pi-nt n your wlie.it ground, i might hau' paid you, n t .nly on tin capital stock, but a profit that tho mer ' chant and manufacturer never obtain 1 - - -vr y Andrew Johnsons Econpjii) c sjirv1 t'leu'lmdliiitor. ta 1 L i "lie was verv ccbnomicajl Hi cumstances made him so when ho was young, and his habits thus acquired icn h i ac Stuck to hijn. Illiylied w 000, ninl thUwaHmfciy the Ktlj $U)U,. , rfceuiriuln.' tion of his salary mid interest, lie made little Mr WnioifAyJ.oirhiidd hf Miis salary. While ho was in Congress'ho poor to buy books, and io spent JiU kusuro time about thd courthouse, 'in ' (tKcnVillej reading tl.oso U'loiigiug there Ho devi't p f a hurfo.oieariiage, and dur ing his Congressional campaigns he ono of tho reasons why ho did not give his children college eduoaliojL" Ills tlu.ee sous went taj.be commonfroumy schooKOt the soutji, nnd the only m)a He sent this bo" to school for a few monthi nonths. Ins dmighters were Utile faetcd, an(I'tireTVit at peorgetbw'n vhilo he was 'in' thev White House.- traetci w Perhaps he did not belleve'tu college education. He had gotten along with so little, liuiisell. Many half-breed Cherokee women in the Indian territory, writes, a cprre's-' pondent, are cultH'.lti'J ' iti ihiud, beau tiful in person, iudiilri'iusiiiiha))')!) anil, will compare well with the more favor ed womti) in the Xorfli and. East, They have magi)ificaut hcaMs of hair, long and black, all ihoif own, ! and with jet black eyes aitdipcaijy, t;vtb, dressed in that fashionable atti'ie in which they all loo t appear, they would not be recognized in Eastern drawing-rooms as that part of tfie original inhabitants of our country Jknowii. as, squjiws, a name long sincc'Vepudiatcd, Lel(it be known, then, thai white meii of 'worth and chara'cler' 'apj pdpiilar hmoilg the beatitifs of tiie territory, and four out of live who cojriie j,o make p. home among thein(niirry thes ; dusky maidens, get a ci'ttzcnship,.surround' themselves with ample acres'and1 the comfotts of life, participate in the affairs of govern ment and,becpuia tiie iiinost activo and wealthy cltjzoiisjof tho territory. A chief trait in the character of " many whit men botbiin t!iis"cbmitry and out of it isdo get, possession ot its pro ductive lands. By Mininitting matrix mony, they can kill two birds with one stone, get a wifo and farm too. Thinning Garden Vegetables. Oermautown Telegraph. It is gdnerally a fear with sowers that their seeds .will not all grow, and luany-woro.uro.HOwn than, .necessary. This is all very well, oulyfit, requires, so much after cultivation m thinning put, which very few proper))' do, 'or if Miey do it.is not done in time to'1 lie' much uenolit to the groWm crop. 'Any one who sees a field of tur nip?, in the autumn will understand what wu nwan it the harrow wcie wo drawn through when young over one': half the. turnip f fields I'the'iinaYyiold would bo one third more. Beets, car roU4sa1sify, pariiijps atd similar (gar den crpps, should be looked to In sea son, aud reducqd go that tho plalits statid to or three- inches apart. This will be foilnd profitable if carefully done. If it U found that the crop is smaller than was, anticipated almost any of these 'willido transplanted. We have .seen, crops of parsnips anil beets so set-out 'that made better, roots than from seed Set out iii the reglnlar way,. The "oibbage Pest. Foftwq or threo years past the cab-. bage crop has greatly suffered from the worm', wind! has become a destructive enemy of this valuable vegetable. Many attempts have beeii made to get rid of it by resorting to Half a score of djfjfc& cat appliance's ; but so dense are the leaves and bulky the hcad,that it is next to impossible to dislodge all the wprms, concealed as many of theni are, in the' irqmwact layers. The best remedy one indeed that seems to be as effectiis arftiWderthTtdroumstanoes, it can be is to take a half a pound eacli of hard soap and kerosene1 oil, ili-uolve in three gallons' ( of Jwater, with which to thoroughly srjrikle the liepds. A single application 9 1""1)' be sutlicieiit, but as It may riot always bo, a second, and perhaps even athird, may bo nec esary. Tint pVcparation has been test ed over and ever in' the most careful manner, -and 'itis regarded, though very -simple, as a pdsitive remedy. We PJintitnqw.iu onet, in order tliat.thu cultivators of tho cabbage may have aiuploi tiuio,to be readyorth8"memy. I. a The Iiiiulsay Land andLumber.Ooia pany, composed of Iowa and Indiana men, have been buying timber land in Arkansas fqijrfcifio time, aiuljivow owni ItW.OOb aurdsonclialf of 'which is in the Arkansas Valley. They proposo to encct at, JUtle, ltock, shortly, one of ipittliwsf, whicli will giveemployment rto.ilWmenit'lfuy estimatu that they can cut from their land l.'.'OO.OOO.OOO feet of lumber. Said thu editor to tho bore : "It isn't that ho doesn't know enough to come in when it rains he doesn't know enough to stay out when it's not rain inc;." If you lire gronlug (Iniy or il.i'.; If your Hair UTIiIii, Urasli. , Ji;-, Han.li, or Meal; 5 If you urn troubled" it Ilii Ddnilmfl', Ili'lilii;:, or any Hd.iiur or Dl.s eiwi of lliu .Scalji, I. 3V Ayer'mSirYigoi It heal nearly uery .1 urnro l.ir tn tho .cjlpjeheeks Ihftf.illliu (ill ,.f 1 id" if. r J 'I ftiVll'r.'r.litslJfiliiii iibnlKii' inlni 1 jurcjuilli'l driving and tn.IT iti . . ' I'lltM'.UlUl 11V Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co,,Uv3j!.rih?s. Sold hyain' Vj V V i-. iudv uomun 0J0l.V38O 7illl'L'ln.llul D.IOJOI fllljUtO ' ll VJOil (ItlU oSulUUApu JIOIl 0) 11 imij Siiiia-daa .10 fliij -l)lliq MJIJUtl 1(11 1)111! 'OMOl A3AHVH f 01 08 ''ovi 'tniptiujw 'HOUIIJJJ MOl)U4Y I'll" JOO( "titpjn 'idl"'H "'iv, '"I'liiui Vioo( fiLKVAV 01IAV accumulated SjU.UUJJnnd out ot his salnryPieJiileJir.Oaa. The Pres idents salnrvNvaalWaSi'.i.OOO. When He studied Jaw ho Wi1- too demWu-'dueStion givey.any one gf them was to the'youngest lilo he wns-Prrs ident, who was then twelvo years ol 1. llBVt i-:i Ijcar this, all yo pople, nnd give ear fi an vo invalids of the world, Hop Bitters will make ou well and rejoice. ,'Jl If 3liIJ;c)irp all the people and put sickness and suffering tcr foot. . Bo thou not rtVfiVwhen your fam ily is sick, or you have Hrights disease or Liver Complaint, for Hop Bitters will cure you. I. Both low and h'gh, rich and poor know the value of Hrm Bitters for'bil ions nervous and Rheumatic eimi pinion. T,": o. Cleanse mo with Hop Hitters and I shall have lobust aud blooming health. (i. Add disease upon disease and let the worst come, I am safe it 1 me Hop Bitters. 7JlVr all my life lia e I liwti pl.iBiieil w Ilii 'lei tifii ai'nj !oiys ninl not until n J cur ns;o w at I cun'd, f 'irop Imters. ). He tfot kceix'Hi hlstxHUM Iroin achln? from icmnalMn nml Xcuraljfln, Willi Hop lilltcrs, Uoi'tli wlsclj. llioutrli tnon lia.st Kiivs, ptmplcs frrvKW, salt rheum, cr) MptliM, blood polsonlnt!, Jft lltltors will rmioi them nil. 10. What woman Is there, feeble and slek from femab' complaints, whoil'slretlmot ne.il'h nnd unth Hop l.Iltens ninl Is ii(- irrtl. It. lt not tieclect tu usi lion Hitters brlnii on serious Klilney nnJ Uver complaint 14. Kcvp ttiy tbniftie from belnjf lumtl, thy bltwl pure, nnd thy stomach trom Indigestion by uslnK IIOPUUICTB. 13. Ml my pains and iichesnnd irtase o Uke chaff Ix fore the wind wheal uo Hop Illttera. 14. Mark tho man who tens f.mr'i, ile.ul and BtvrJiupby thbdwturj after nln? Hop Hitters nnd Ifcometli vell. 16. Cftiv!nvou?lM,' i. i... ..'! yen . . Tirtl",i llitterx eral di ullltv. and ui ij tl.iUli nllr lori u. HAS BEEN PFJOVED Tho SUREST CURE for K1DMEY DISEASES. Tirtt it Um beta er disordered win indi catothatyotl Are ftictlml THEN DO hut HESITATE; uso KidteyWort nt once, (dru ffl3arcwcimeiidltaadit vrtUopcodily over (vimrt thn duaruio and restore he-iltliy (icUon, Em CI U I wZJm toyour bci, such aa pain itdwoiikaM.nidneyAVortljiinjrarpaabed, u it will act rrempUy and aofely. i nihprknilnrjritlccnco.rctenUoacf urine, brtcXdutrsrcpj'dpcsitfi,andiltt:i draeela tuii.'fui ipiuy yjc.a 10 u curiUTo power. O- BOLD UT ALT? DnUUaiSTfil. jvteo SI. The only known fcpfdf.c for Kpllcrtlc Fits, "3 Also f(?r Spvwi and Falling blckcct. Kctrom Vcatntutt'lHitantly rfllete and cures. Cleanses blooU and quickens ilotrfrith circulation, Keutra llzei permi ot dlicase nnd paves tlcltnesj, Cures' A SKEFTIC SAID 'cely tlotclics anl tubbrn b'oi d lores. Eliminates Bolls, Carbuncles and SckltlA. ril'.nuaiientlr and rroraptly cures p.imlysi". Vet, It Is a charmlnR and iealtliulrrlent. Kllfc FrrotuU and Klnps Evil, iwln brdtHcrs. CbaSgcs'baJbrcntbto good, rcmor- SftBWBlTifj lnffthc cauxc. Routs b&lous tendencies and makes clear complexion. Equalled by none In the delirium lOf .fcrtr.A. c?iarmng t'esoUcnt and a matchlees UxatlTC. It drives Sick Headache like Ihe lnd. tzrcontitni no drastic cathartic or oflatcs. Kcllcrcs (THE GREflfj f,ClHlElRltflECl0r1lQlUlElRl0lRD the brain pftnurbld tur.oles. rromf tlr curca r.hi u. matUmbV routing It. Restores Hlc-elTlng proper Uca tu tbo .lilovd. Is gulu-antctd to cure a'.l ner ous dlwrters. ' tT.cllaUcJuhen all opiates fall, lie. tresb.es tbo mind ana Itrrloratcs the body. Cures djspepsla orronejrre(ti4ded. Plseaf ca of Ui ljood rn It a coniueror. Endorsed In writing br ovir 0U'Siioumih1 Uallng citizens, clergymen and pli Jsfciaii In V. S. and Europe. tjrFor sale, by all jjallng druggists. tlJO. The Dr: 's. A. lilchnjtnd Medical Co. Props., FuJ.mi h, Mo. (!) Cbarli-a Jf. CrlttentonJlAcent, Xtw York City. SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE. UbW In tUoprlaClpllCluircUes for Commiralon purposes: Excellent for Ladies and Weakly Per sons ana the Agea., Speer'SjPort Grope Wine I FOUR 'YEARS OLD. THIS OELKUK VTED NATIVK WINE U made Irom the juice ot ilii) oporta orape, raised In mis country, lis invaiuauie Tonic ani Strsnrthsslns Propsrtles are unsurnassed bvanv other Native Wine, lie lngthe puro juleo ot tho ura2. produced imder Mr. Speer's 6wh personal supervision, Its purity and genuineness, are guaranteed. The youngest child may pirtake ot its generous qualities, and the weakest invalid uso It to advantage. It Is par. tlculaily benetlclal to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that artecl the weaker sex. It 13 In every respect A. WINE TO US HELIE1) ON. SPEER'S P. J. Sherry. Thn p. .1. SMKliiiY l a wine o( suDrlor Char acter, and partJkes of till rich (pialltles otthe grape trom which it Is male. For Purity, Itlch. ness. Flavor and Medicinal Properties, It will be touiia unexcelled. SPEER'S This iihandy stands unrivalled In this country belntr tar aunerlor tor medicinal Durnoses. IT is I'L'ltu distillation from the grape.aud con. tains vnltinnlA medicinal nronerttes. It uaa a ueucaio u-ivur, biuiiusr iu iu i ui iuu 'trranes. from tvht.h It ti dfetltledi and 1 aim i43Dva'a yfavor auioneillrst-cliiv'ifandlles. 1 j, f rce th tt the slgnatuif of AU'ltRtlfHt'EEII; rasi sale N.J. is over the cork of each Celtic. SOJLD BY O. A. KLEIM. " - ANll'liy.DnU(lUlST.S EVKUVVIIEHE. -rrrSTKU X IML ricneit, cr.m ir'' " i .71 BBS on receipt ol25cti, in poiiagt iismpi. ! Addretri BEAN & RARE. Wholesale Drugalilt, Not. 47 ft 49 N. 2d St., Philadelphia. Juno My uis ADVERTISERS Jly addrvulnir OKI), p. ltdWI'l I. Co., 10 Spruce H., N' W ork, 1 .in 1 .tin tlx .v.i r i-t otuiitpro. UUwOlil.- " 'I A 1 I It 1 11 Mi 111 Minn 1. N .13- pai iv 1 ir lt)l iiki'l'iniiilili ti 'Or. ' 111) I AMI 1 1 .1, i. 1. 11 lr. 1, 1 ii 11 hi t 11 , our I'liim r 1, d 1 'i' ' ' ' ami p ru u. u- III UMIN rn If 11 lorl ItK m:v ,tHlll' (u , iil.-iMvlli Air., .nil' H I WlEyElTOIilU8D J. S ALTZER'S Qonoral Sowing Machine Depot. Fifth Store Below MM St , IBLOOMSBURG, PA. Celeliratecl White Km'm Machine, New Davis Verlk'nl tVcd Sow ing Mnohtiir, Now ITonic Sewing "iiiicliinu, 1 ITouH'-Iiold Sowing Miu-liitip. Estt-y Sewing MiK-'iinc, Genuii.o Singer Sowing AltK-liino, Singer Pattern Sewing Miu'hine, Attacbtnt'DM. twal Selo? .Machine Oil, and Nee dles for ull bewiui,' mac lines, sovlne JUcliltios sold on monthly jnym'nts" tlhcral discount made r ir cmi. every mnc'imo nurenjica trotn me Ik wnrmntedtoria kept In rooiI rannlnt; rrirr for lira venra tr, L- o( Uiarin. BhJ tliiir.ilMh.ln- 8trucUoD3 given by the bet 1 idy operator la tuts part oi ini iiatijirve ui uinrtfu cx imiut- my stock of machines before purchasing. NAVALaBAni.E&. Hewaa.1 fTSI.nic rictoriai luiioi) Dime Rieai ri nunnci , , Notia. , tirMeairsi wnecior -iiiiprKw. u. J. r. AiirfM J.C M.CUKDt &CO.,6jjCltStSt.. I Wt. If'p i. r. .tune 'Vty it'd LEGAL BLANKS, ALWAYS ON 11AX1) AT THIS OFFICE. no longer fronYDyspop slji, Indigestion, want of Appotiiw,103sof Strength luck of Energyi Malaria, Intermittent Fevers, Ac BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS nevcrfailstocure all these diseases. ntcti, November s6, iC8i, n.trv v Chemical C O' nt.Tncn t Fer e.n I hive ttcl.sfce3lu.Trc.on, Dysj'tpia. btiJ could gut no relief (laving tried cverythtt g uhich v.i$ rccomnitn i cj until, at-itne on th idvl-c cf .1 fneni, who hjJ been Lece fitted by Ikon Hum si tried a L nle, wlih mcst t.urpniii 5 rcsulti, 1'ierlou to taVtrjj IIkown's Ikon llirTEfts everytliinu 1 ate distressed me, and I mtTered gr&uly from a turning cn.ition tn tle ttomach, vhiihvtns tinbearAMe. Since tak ing IIkown's Iko:i IJittep, all my tituUci.ire at on end. Can cat any time ulthcut any d'sarecaUe tc iult. I am practically another person. Mr. W J. Flvnn, 30 MavtricV. Sl, II. Hasten. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS nets like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tast ing tho food, Belching, Heat in the Stomnch, Heartburn, etc. Tho chly Iron Preparation that will not blacken th teeth or giva hendncho Sold Uy oil DrugylnU Brown Chcmie&l Co. EnltlrvKwo, Md Ste that all Iron Diners are made by llrown Chemical Co,, UahEmore, and have crossed red lines and trade 1 marl, on wrapper. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, EV1AKE HENS LAY An Enltsti Vdt!rlnarv Surireon and Chemist. now travelln? In this country, sava tint mst of tn uorae and c I'.tie t-owaers awi nero are worm less trash. II) Kiyi that .SUerldtn'i l indllloii Powdnni aretnsolullvDnre andltninonslv vlu- aole. Ntn ng on eirtti will nuki h-nlla? like Sheridan's Cjalltlon Powders. Due. 1 teasown- ful to 1 pint 10 a. samevorrwuere, orsjni oy man tor s tetter-sumps, i. . .diivsos t 10.. 11USTJN, .IAS UW dU IU 3J-1), piLRSOMfS' JDurgative MAKE NKW HIOII BLOOD, Ami illl pniiinleielv plianze the blood In the en. xiruKyhieui in inn' iuqiuils. au trfnuii hu m lake ono pin eacn nignt irom unu 10 iwi-iiu ms, way Iw restored to wiund health, 11 such a thing Is po.-i.iini. nir cunnv fi'mai" Liimpi.iiius iulivj VilUhavflnocnuai. 1'hVhlclans use them In IlK'lr practice, hold everyn Iu re, or wnt by mall Inr'JG l,eiii.s 111 Mtuuira. twiin lur n uni'iie i. .iwii.-.- ht)N it) lioston, Mass. ipr n AJd-T mo. Ufa H sweenlng py, go dare IMore von die inlm mlL'htv and fu L I iinin ir.iv,i iM'iiinii ill cnniiuiT I time." IM a week ou own town. 3 outtlt free. No risk. Kvt ryuiing now. 1 x nui 1101 rsiuirer. Wo will furnUh vou even thin?. Many are making fortune. Lankx unkoat. much M men, and bo) s and gnu ms to great .pay. tteuatr. ir-you irsnt rum d.iv an me lliLLKIT CO.. ronianu, saixu in-t.s, sj it, b LTicet rjnct. Jttritttrmi, Juno 3. My u& O0LDIERSH0IL00 Si I! bnlfor cqrr.cw clreultrs enntslmtt; ntiur ot ntmoit Importance lull n.n.Ulir" nr ll.eir belts' rcuiiuniiuuiiiiv.,1 niiiiiifumui llurM. S'lul uil. fltid all oth, ri Airal ,t Him i rotot pnimplly iM laiaiuilv upli ltn, Addrcti wlthsliroii -W.II.1VII.MA tO.,r" lUicU Ho -lis Vntlilimliiu. J. U. tow, Ucu.r- lit. llJUlK lfl l1 li. ui. , UI.UV. Kill. I ilw,Lilr . 1.4 ul. inJ , irdtl.iti.rcb uus are cou 4 aim fttuLu World ttlliwbfraw 'rite no I ! n t. til tUentwii -1 1 in 1 th ioori Loff L- tn,',i .t troIUtt ty rauti.iii f-. i,,r , u , i SltU, - . Ki aa uif n. ti. I l , reiulii it fur 1 tnaoVwl.4 Itdeliihli. Pa. nr ' , a'd 1 y, Mb lui Suffer ON 30 DAY'S TRIAL. TIIE VOl.TMP llRl.Tl'O . MnMlilll. JIlMi.. l send 1)11. HVCS Ugl.nilllATKII I'.LKm'ltOAot. . TAU' IIM.TH Hint Rt.KrTHIf AlTl.lAM Ks ot I lilal fir 3 ils)s to innn (oung rr ohIi who p f- niceti wmi prvous ui'Diniy. Loai mibih.v. r i, kind nil 1 rou Mo, j.-wtMiitcpHis; fc iiw iU in iict ivuiHf ,111 ol 'ii'tUtliaud maim ig r. Ad divisi at l'vp.-N, 11 Su rtnk Itii'iincd, -tbi)is' trill isnlloncil' Fnb. Sfu-ljr trvw.trc 4 11. t m r , .A.".'V , .'li 1 ullll (I lint ni',1. l l v.f'i); i SMI ll'.t n 1 Ever 11 Jistey Organ Sutd Is tnud Tlirougliout with Equal fidelity, and 1 (elds unrivaled tones. Semi for Illuitratttl Catalogue. sHPI OrfelirnliMi 0 li io keying, lh e:rs & Po:ncl. anil NewlEng 'hvnol Pianos.. Am! utlun' first ciiisf Pinno-, and n lai!;r lot of IJll mmi Stmt Mml MUSIC ISOOKS, VIOLINS. ACCORDEONS, BARTJOS5, lliOSIC! AL m 6! UIIIT TIE , VIOLIN STRINGS, ,ii , .... . Ami v.ve.vytlumg in thv jfffBRic line. J. SALTZBB, FIFTH STOKK BELOW MARKET STREET, ' BLOOMS BURG. Pa. Meady To, Mo rMiiM BfgM TMMCf WI'TM WW I SUPERIORITY 07 Excellence of PERFECTION OF FIT. Unrivalled Stock of Fpring Clothing .Maniifiictiiivil iirrHly for 1 ih. ' Wo gilftijiitilcp, ,., Styks Oiialitv. . W finil Woikintitbliii)' Also a Very Superior Lino of Gouts' FURNISHING GOODS for Spring and Summer, TIIK , LATCST AX I) NKWKST SPUING STYLUS OF HATS, Just Received, at the Popular Clothing Store of I). LOWENBERG. PIA1TOS, PINli IXLM1) FIJUXOII WALNUT CASH OlUiAN, V STOPS, S'JO (JAS1I. V.nny Tornix. StiilHinclloii (Jiiarnntcctl. ii-A.aoir'S 3PIA.2STO Wl.K.E nnnMR Ml.'cir HALL IIL0CK, mi iwmia $72; Aw ik niJe at home tr iiiotndustri. ous.. Hast bUslai!U ttiw, hetorn the public, capital not neeihul. u' will Start VOU. &lun.wnmAii. Imva nrl t.lrlj wanted cvoryivhere to ork for us. 'now is iho im. ou can wo'k la spire time, or ulvo vour th010 IttnO tO the hUSllirK. N'nnlliv tilisfnaca Uvlh pay )Oii nearly as well, No one can Ull to nun- vuvrinuuis pay, uy encagtne at once. Costly It and terra irve. Honey niai(e last, easily, honorably. AddrM Tkvk , id. Au,-.inn '6. ))e..i, ?1y, nr.a 1 .Mali. ITOJHPB INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS roit ti V foil TUB Anc) Oil UllloilS Cnmnlnlntn B.ifo 10 , be p .ri.y viiinal. , 1 In .-ru in.,. .. . ..c 1 1 .ri.i vil'i I'tlcu ttwuu, AllDi nan . 1 in Tui'i-ia Thoro is no Baking Its qualities, Medicinal and Culinary, guarantoo Health and Luxury. Jtivcrii buyer should Select an Organ That (guarantees good JUrci'u dug work md Years of service. J. LSTPy & CO.. Ilrottlohoro.Vt. mm wmmmm to Ik- tltu , UKST. iyirjiEs-EA.a.B. pa Jur.i 1 WISEi iieople arc always on tho oolout for chances to In crino th' lrcarulnif8,and Iq limn hr-nrnA tvnftllhv. Ilirj Q do not Improve their opportunities remain In iK verty. Wo oiler a (treat chaueo to tnuko money. Wo want laony men, wotnon. b-s uul girls to work forus iliiht In th own localities. Anyone can do the work Propelrlrom the nrst start. The buiineis win pay more y an ten times ordinary, wajt Eipeptlvo out,,l)(urnlshe4 ftee, No one who encuges falls to " i V ta roonoy rapLtly," vZu. can dototo your who'e inak'to thu work or only your spare momenta, fumou inforinatlon and al Ilii U tifeiled ient Irot' 11 n sn wsok ; Co I'urlland, Maine. Dee, s, '.-ly "THE tlCBT 13 OHEAPS8T." ENGINES, TU D CCIJ C n O SAWMllLS. Uorsd'ovrri ,1 llllkUIILIIOMl.ll,H.ri ltOftt)R.n liuid. ) IMTH.-rurS'sis l. inui.pAiiirtdet VlatuTlMiAulUiuui&Tiulur Cu., atwiAUtlJ, QhJg. Powder equal to iho RAILROAD TIME TABLE nUNNSYI.VANIA I ADF.MMIIA ft En jJoUl'HKKN CENTllAr. lUNNSYI.VANIA IlAIMlOAl). 1'IMI,. tnin k. it. division ami , HAII.WAY. T1MB TAIJLK. MAy 14th, !M, 'lTnlns IoApSnr. IlXsTWAIlI), Id effect bury. 9.85 n. m. Hon Shorn KxpreSH for Ilnnlsburir ana imcrmraiaio nraiions, uincuipr, I'lillmicl. phlo, Siiw Yotlr. lhiltlmoro ana Washington, nr. riving t rhlUdrlphla 8.10 p. in. i Now York, fi.s.i p.m.i Uiltlraoro, .()3p. m.i Wnhlntftnn r..4j p m making closo eonncctlous nt I'hlladcliilila lor nil pea Blioru pulnts. 1.53p.m. liaycjprc for Ilaril'BiirB nml In. tcrmodlnto etntlons, Ijincaatpr, l'hllndclpliln, New York, lialtlmoro ana Washington, arrlMne at Philadelphia T.ss p. m. t New TTotk, tn.v'j p. in. lialtlmoro, T.15 p. tn.; Washington, 8.40 p, m, Pun! man l'arlorrar tin uurU to i-hllndclnlihi nnd pa. penger coaches throURh to Philadelphia nml Hunt, more. b.jo n. m,- Wllllamsport Acfominndallun for llarrlsluri; nul nil luictmudtato it.Uli.ni Ian caur, l'lillntlt'lpuia und New York, arriving nt 1'hlladi Ipl.ht if..53 . in.; New Y01U o.wi a. in. Sleeping car on-ommodattons e.in be FPcuicd nt ltarrlsburjf tor l'lilladeli'hla nnd Now York, l'hlla delphla passengers can remain In Kleej r imdL. turbid until 7 n. m. s.05 a. in. Erie Malt for Ilnrrlsbuvg and Inter, mediate, stations, Lancaster, Philadelphia, New York, lialtlmoro and Washington, firrlvlnc at Philadelphia l.w a. in,; New York, u.vo a.m. . lialtlmoro 7.40 n. in. 1 Washington, 9,10 a. tn. Through, rultinan sleeping cars aro run on this train to Philadelphia, liaitlinorunnd Washington, and through passenger conches to Philadelphia and Baltimore. WESTWAUU, n.s3 a. ra. Krlc Mall for Erlo and all Intcrmedlaip stations with through Pullman l'al&cu car ami through passenger coaches to trie, and through Pullman l'alacQ,car3 to lluffata via limporluin. For Canandalgua and lutermodlato stations, ltoehester, lluiralo and 'Niagara rails, with through Pullman Palace ear to Canandalgua nnd through passenger coaches to ltoehester, 1.0S p. in. Niagara Kxpress for Kane and Inter mediate stations with through passenger coaches to Kane, l'or Canandalgua nnd 'principal inter mediate stations, lloohesier, Uunulo and Niagara Fulls with through parlor car to Watktns and through passenger coaches to ltoehester. 6.V5 p. m Fast line fer Lock liavcn nnd Interme dins stations, and Klmlra, Watklnsandlnlerme dlaU) stations, with through passenger coaches to .Lock ltaTen nnd Watklns. THUOUQII TltAlNS FOIt'Sl'NIll'HY FKOM TIIE EAST AND MOTH. Nlaira Express le tvei I'lilladclDh:a, T.4iia. m.; lUltimote T,8 n. m ar riving at aunbury, l.usn. m., with through l'uii. man Parlor car from PhludelphU and through pusoputj-er coaches from l'hlladolphn nnd Haiti more. Fast Lino leae3 New York S.eo a. m. s I'lilladol phla, .l.iij a.m.; WaF,ilngton, 9.30 a. m.; llaltl- more, iu.43 a. 111., nrrr lug atunuury, o.a) p. m wnu turougu piss 'ngei' eoacnes from 1'hll illadel- rum uuu iiauiuiurt. Erie Mall loave3 Now York S.OO n. m.; Phtimipt. pnla, ll.so p.m.: Washington, 'Jf,j p. m.; llaitr 10 p. 111., urnving at Kuouurr, c.'jj a. turouk'h rill mm riunui uloenlnir cars from hlladelohla. Washington nnd IJaltlinorn ami through passenger coaches Irom Philadelphia. KDUKV. IIA7LETON & WlLkm-BARUli IUII.UOAI) ND NOKTII A WKST UKANCIt ItAILWAY. Mall East loaves Snnbury fl.tJ a. m., arriving at Dloom Ferry J.41 a. tn Wilki s-barro u 20 a. m. Express East leaves Sunbury 8.85 p. m., arriving nt Hloom Ferry c.ai p. m., Wtlkos-barro 6 10 p. m. Mall West leaves wllkes-barro 10.80 a. m nirlv Ingat Hloom Ferry Roo.p. ni.,sunbury 12.69 p. in. 1 Exprebs West leaves wilkes-barre So n. in. nr. rlvin; in. ut tlloom retry " 07 p. m, sunbury Mp L'HAH. r.. rutin, (icn. Mansger. J. II. WOOD, lien. Passenger Agent. piIILADELPJIAANi READING ROA 1 ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Maysr, is THUMB I.EAVI RCrilRT AS F0tX0wa(8CNDAY IICKfTlD. For New Yorlr.rhlladclphla.lteadlng.l'ottsvlllp Tainaqua, Ac., 11,43 a. m, For Catav.lssa, 11,45 a. m. 4 to and l,so p. m. For WUllamsport,6,l5 e,w a. in. and 4,o p. m. TRAIK3 FOK BUFBRT LBAVK AS KOllOWS, (BOMPAT ISCIPTID.) Loavo New Yorli, via. Tamanend 0,00 a. m. and via. llouud Brook Itouto T,15 a. m, Leave Philadelphia, 9,W a. in. Leavo Heading, n,s a. m., Pottsvlllo, ia,5 p. m andTamaqua, 1,35 p. tn, Leavo Catawlssa, G.1Q ,0 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leavo Wllllamsport,9,45a.ra,!i,nop.m. and4,so p. m Passengers to and from New Y'ork, via. Tama nend and to and from Philadelphia go through without change of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, . Genoral Manager! C. O. UANCOUK, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. yattiiu, laoi 11, DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WEiTEUN liAILUOAU. CLOOMSBURQ DIVISION. NOHTII, STATIONS. Scranton..,, ..liellevue. . T-.iylorvllle., ., (Lackawanna. ...... Pittston.... hOLTH a.m. p.m. p.m. 9 30 s le c 17 p.m. p.m. a.m. 9 13 9 45 9 119 9 03 S 56 S 43 3 43 S 37 r. M li 37 6 31 C 41 411 C 51 O 55 cr.t 7 us 7 10 7 II 7 tl 7 SO 7 37 5 IM) 8 !3 6 40 8 50 9 00 S 00 S 05 9 37 9 30 0 45 9 fi 0 53 to 03 10 t8 9 91 9 19 .. West Ptttston 9 14 Wyoming.... Slaltby .Bennett Kingston,,. Klnirston.... S S5 9 W 0.1 9 04 1 50' 9 01 10 16 M 3 54 3 02 3 CtS 8 10 3 IS 3 33 3 43 3 61 3 67 4 07 4 IS 4 ao 4 S7 4 33 10 IP 10 SO I 49 .Ply month Juno s m I 35 S !3 ....jiymouin... Avcndalo ... Nniitlcoko.. 1 95 6 07 1 IS 5 00 I 03 7 40 It 43 7 33 VI 25 I Sil II IS 7 'in li 00 7 13 11 17 7 09 11 40 7 05 11 33 6 (7 11 11) 6 tl ll) C3 0 45 10 30 II 37 It) 41 6 IS 10 tl 0 10 10 08 0 04 10 it 6 47 S S9 8 It 5 17 8 li 6 0(1 7 M 7 m 10 54 10 43 10 to 11 07 llunlock's creek ,..-uicK8ninny.j ...Hick's Ferry. ...Iieach Haven. -Berwick.. .....lirlar Creek.. ...Willow Orovo. Llrno ItldfO.. 11 13 11 20 ti 0 8 1u 8 ti K .10 in 1 33 T 99 ..Epy 11 S 11 4G 11 U 11 65 13 13 Bloomlburc.. Kunert Catawra Bridge 4 33 8 3,1 4 66 6 63 9 till 5 CO 9 04 5 83 0 ?U 7 11 ..jjauviue.,.. ..Chulasky,. ..Cameron.. e ii Northumberl'd 13 43 p.m. a.rn, u.,m. p.m. p.ta, a.m W. F. HALSTEAP, Supt, superintendent's onico.jscranton, Feb. 1st, If S3, HIRAM SIBLEV&CO. Ti en Aim CROP IN JULY I pend (or t'CATALOCUEA PRICEtlSTi HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER N,Y. CHICAGO ILL. 179-183 MAIN STREET. 200-20G RandolchSt A&S Feb 9-1 y PAYNE'S I O Horso Spark-Arrostlng Portable Kn.ilno Im cut 10,100 ft. of Jllchleau I'ltm Jioards In 10 hours, burning slabs from the saw In I'lShWout lengths. Our to Horu v Uuarunla to furnish power to caw 8,0)0 ft'tt of Hemlock Hoards la 10 hours- Our li Uoiu u-Ul cut 10.000 f.l In uma tlmu. "l r.uimf lire UU4HANTHSI) IQ furnUh a horte-powcr on ), U fuel aud water .than uay other Kn-t-tiM not titled with au Automatic Cut Off. If you want a Stationary or l'ortabla Kuglra, IlollKr, Circu lar Saw-Mill. Miaftini! or Pullers. I'llhcr rait or JJoddsn's l'alcnt HVroufht lroti Pulley, ad furiwr HhlstraUtl cataliiiuu. Ko. 1. for 1. iiifurnittion uud vilaa. D, W. l'AYNE & SONS, . Corulug, N.V. Box 1 1ST jun, p, my- n. Vv 'Italsk.aU U,u Ufi,tt t f ts nit , 4, ,. tT-1 JJ WUAMI W' Vv- i aw SEED! ' 'ITnew